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英语 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom. 2. How does the man feel now? A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Tired. 3. What will Lucy do tomorrow afternoon? A. Surf online. B. Give a talk. C. Write a report. 4. Where are the speakers going after work? A. To a restaurant. B. To a street. C. To their work. 5. Why did Susan quit her job? A. To go back to school. B. To start her own firm. C. To find a better job. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the man want to do? A. Go to the grocery. B. Watch TV at home. C. Clean the freezer. 7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Employer and employee. C. Shop assistant and customer. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Where are the speakers?


不同点 考试设立机构人事部教育部上海市委组织部、人事局、教育局 考试名称(中文)全国翻译专业资格(水平) 考试 全国外语翻译证书考试上海外语口译证书考试 考试名称(英文)China Aptitude Test for Translators and Interpreters -CATTI National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters -NAETI 无 考试设立 时间 2003年12月2001年11月1995年6月 考试主办机构国家人事部和中国外文局 联合举办 教育部考试中心与北京外 国语大学联合举办 上海市委组织部人事部、 教育部联合举办 出题部门中国外文局北外和其它院校的著名学 者,国际口译协会成员 上海市委人事局 评卷部门中国外文局北外和其它院校的著名学 者,国际口译协会成员 上海市委人事局 发证机构国家人事部教育部考试中心和北京外 国语大学联合颁发 由中共上海市委组织部、 上海市人事局、上海市教 育委员会和上海市成人教 育委员会统一颁发 考核语种英、日、俄、德、法、西 班牙、阿拉伯语 (现已开设英、日、法语) 英语英语、日语 考试费用(北京地区04年11月)三级笔译考试费460元 三级口译考试费630元 二级笔译考试费550元 二级口译考试费720元 初级笔译考试费400元 初级口译考试费500元 中级笔译考试费600元 中级口译考试费700元 高级笔译考试费1200元 高级口译考试费1200元 英高210元 英中180元 日语200元

考点设置2004年11月考点设置: 英语口译“交替传译"考试 试点城市为北京、天津、 上海、重庆、武汉、广州、 沈阳、哈尔滨、济南、南 京、杭州、成都、昆明、 长沙、兰州; 英语笔译考试试点城市为 北京、天津、上海、重庆、 武汉、广州、沈阳、长春、 哈尔滨、石家庄、西安、 太原、呼和浩特、济南、 南京、杭州、合肥、福州、 郑州、成都、南宁、昆明、 长沙、南昌、兰州。 法语口译和笔译考试试点 在北京、上海进行; 日语口译和笔译考试试点 在北京、上海、大连进行。 2004年考点设置: 大连外国语学院、北京语 言大学、北京外国语大学、 西安外国语学院考试管理 中心、上海外国语大学、 武汉大学师资培训中心、 四川大学出国人员培训 部、四川外语学院、广东 外语外贸大学考试中心、 黑龙江大学、吉林大学、 内蒙古工业大学、山西大 学、天津外国语学院、新 疆大学外国语学院、兰州 大学、郑州大学、解放军 外国语学院、湖南大学教 务处、山东师范大学山东 省外语培训中心、中国海 洋大学、南京大学、江西 师范大学、中国科技大学、 浙江省自考办、云南师范 大学外语学院、广西大学 外国语学院、河北师范大 学、宁夏大学、厦门大学、 辽宁教育国际交流服务中 心、青海省小岛文化教育 发展基地、天津商学院、 中山大学外国语学院、深 圳市赣冠职业培训中心、 福建省自考办、海南考试 局 上海 难易程度三级笔译部分:英译汉要 求600个单词;交替传译 要求300个单词全; 二级笔译部分:英译汉要 初级笔译考试英译汉掌握 250个单词;口译考试要 求400个单词左右;交替 传译要求掌握250个词左 -


高级英语期末考试题型: Lexical work: Unit 1 1.ego: self, especially as contrast with another self or the world 2.disparity: a noticeable difference 3.prestigious: having prestige,i.e. general respect or admiration felt for someone or something, because they have high quality, social influence, success, etc. 4.allot: give as a share or set apart for a purpose 5.typify: be a typical example of, show all the most usual characteristics of something Unit 2 1.minute: very small 2.chartered: hired for use by a particular group or person 3.a standing order: a permanent request(for something by a customer) 4.extract: obtain by much effort 5.trinket: a small ornament(as a jewel or ring)of little value 6.flapping: swaying loosely, and making a noise, especially when moved by wind Unit 3 1.disorientation: confusion, loss of one's bearings 2.vistas: sweeping views 3.eerie: frightening because of strangeness or gloominess 4.tactile: relating to the sense of touch 5.redemption: forgiveness from the consequences of sin and evil which Christians believe was made possible by Jesus Christ's death on the cross赎罪. This is a religious term. 6.congealed: stiffened 7.wino: one who is chronically addicted to drinking wine Unit 4 1.constraints: restrictions, limitations 2.scale: a graded series/scheme/system of rank of order; something graded especially when used as a measure or rule尺度 3.norm: a standard, e.g. of behaviour or ability, that is regarded as average or generally accepted 4.formalities: a way of writing letters in accordance with accepted rules for official occasion 5.tautologous:unnecessarily repetitive, obvious 6.veribage:too many unnecessary words in speech or writing Unit 5 1.sulk: be silently bad-tempered 2.surreal: having a strange dreamlike unreal quality 3.malevolent: having a wish to harm others, showing intense ill will; here, strong, adverse, harmful 4.torrential:(rain)pouring down rapidly and in great quantities 5.radically: drastically: severely 6.accentuate: make(something)more noticeable Unit 6


初中英语考试题型分析 Prepared on 24 November 2020

初中英语考试题型分析 一、句型转换 常见题型: 就five 提问_______________________________________________ 就 five pieces of 提问 _____________________________________________ 就 some 提问 ___________________________________________________ 就 some beef 提问 _______________________________________________ milk. 就 two 提问 _____________________________________________________ 就 two bags of 提问 _________________________________________________ have got two boxes of apples. 就 two 提问 _______________________________________________________ 就 two boxes of 提问 ____________________________________________________ hasn’t got an orange. (改为复数句子) _____________________________________________ haven’t got any apples. 肯定句 _________________________________________________________ 单数句子_______________________________________________________ 7. I have got some apples. ( 一般疑问句) _____________________________________________ 8..He has got four oranges. (就划线部分提问) 1)_____________________________________________ 2)_____________________________________________ sister has got six pieces of bread. (就划线部分提问) 1)____________________________________________ 2)____________________________________________ 10.He has got two glasses of water. (就划线部分提问) 1)___________________________________________________________ 2)___________________________________________________________ 11.He hasn’t got an orange. (改为复数句子) _____________________________________________ 12.They haven’t got any apples. 肯定句 _________________________________________________________ 单数句子_______________________________________________________


英语方面的证书考试 英语方面的证书考试: 职场英语考证项目总汇: 1 全国公共英语等级考试 2 剑桥英语五级证书考试3.剑桥商务英语水平考试 4 上海外语口译证书考试 5 托福考试 6 雅思考试 ■凭职称的话就去考职称英语.■ 全国公共英语等级考试 考试简介:全国公共英语等级考试(PublicEnglish Test System,简称PETS),由国家教育部考试中心设计并负责,是一个向社会全方位开放的英语水平考试体系。PETS考试共分四个级别,每年3月、9月考试。考试题型包括多项选择题、选择配伍题、改错题、填空题、短文写作题、翻译题、口试题等。 考试特点:PETS重点考查考生的交际语言能力,涉及听力、语言知识、阅读、写作、口语等诸多方面。 证书效用:PETS由于全面考查考生听说读写的能力,在业界的影响力直逼四六级考试,PETS证书更是就业市场中有效的英语水平证明。 查询网址:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0e452872.html,。

推荐指数:★★★★★ 推荐人群:任何职业、年龄和学历背景的考生均可报考。考生可根据自己的英语水平选择参加相应级别的考试。近期 悄然兴起的公共英语等级考试,受到很多人的关注,有人曾预言,它将取代传统的四六级考试,成为今后用人单位的首先考虑对象。那么,究竟在英语水平上,公共英语考试的等级与人们传统观念中的英语等级有什么联系呢?据权威机 构的有关资料,1. 通过一级者,其英语水平达到中考要求。基本符合诸如奥运志愿者、出租车司机、宾馆接待员、门卫、交警等工作。2. 通过二级者,其英语达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业专科水平,也基本符合诸 如宾馆前台服务员、一般银行职员、涉外企业普通员工。3. 通过三级者,其英语已达到高等教育自学考试非英语专业本科毕业水平或符合普通高校非英语专业本科毕业的要求,4. 通过四级者,其英语水平基本满足攻读高等院校硕士研究生非英语专业的需要,基本符合一般专业技术人员或研究人员、现代企业经理等工作对英语的基本要求。基本符合企事业单位行政秘书、经理助理、初级科技人员、外企职员的工作。 5. 通过五级者,其英语水平基本满足在国外攻读硕士研究生非英语专业或从事学术研究 工作的需要。该级水平的英语也能满足他们在国内外从事专


自学考试高级英语试题1 课程代码:00600 全部题目用英文作答(英译汉题目除外),请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上Ⅰ. The following paragraphs are taken from the textbooks, followed by a list of words or expressions marked A to Y. Choose the one that best completes each of the sentences and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. One word or expression for each blank only. (25 points,1 point for each) One of the best current examples of what Horowitz is talking 1 is John Denver. His most 2 songs—“Sunshine on My Shoulders”, “Rocky Mountain High”, and “Country Road”— 3 the musical drive and power of 4 rock, while the lyrics celebrate the simple 5 of“the good old days”. It is all symbolized in my mind by the hugely successful art 6 that television has made 7 to the culture, the 30-second commercial: the tiny drama of the 8 housewife who finds happiness 9 choosing the right toothpaste. When before in human history has so much humanity 10 surrendered so much of its leisure to one toy, one mass diversion? They had no 11 of comparison and assumed that this was a 12 of his class, just as a traveler stepping off the liner at a foreign 13 for luncheon sums up a nation’s character forever in the 14 businessman who happens to 15 the table with him. Each week, for example, a record of the sales results of the 16 week for each sales office and for Sales Department as a 17 for each division of the company is kept and 18 to the sales results for the 19 week of the year 20 . But by and large the news reports and commentaries on CBS and NBC and ABC make every 21 to present viewers with more than one 22 of an issue,either by letting 23 spokesmen have their 24 or by outlining the positions held by both major parties on the subject 25 . II. Each of the following sentences is given four choices of words or expressions. Choose the right one to complete the sentence and write the corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. (15 points, 1 point for each)


全国英语一年级考试试 题 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

2017年3月全国英语一级考试试题 第一节单项填空 O. John and ! made ____ agreement last Friday. A.a B.an C.the 答案[B] 31. There ____ no books ! want. A.is B.are C.have 32. My mother ardved ____ beijing two days ago. A.ia B.at C.on 33. Give me the answer ____ the question. A.of B.in C.to 34.--How. ____ do you visit your parents --About three times a year. A. much B. long C. often 35. The teacher asked me to ____ some books here. A. bring B. take C. catch 36. The doctor suggested ____ mote exercise. A.to do B. doing C.do 37.1 know the boy ____ parents are dead. A. which B. who C. whose 38. My mother is sleeping. Would you please, ____ the radio A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over 39. ____ Tom comes tomorrow, I shall ask him where he has been. A. When B. While C. As 40. Three of us will go, and the rest ____ staying, at home. A. will B. is C. are 41. She knows little English, ____ she A. don't B. does C . doesn't 42. ____ he comes, we won't be able to go. A. Without B. Unless C. Except 43. Most of us don't agree ____ the new manager. A. with B.on C.to

口译证书考试 试题库答案

商务英语口语参考答案 I.From Chinese into English 1、我坚信您的来访将促进我们双方的了解和友谊。 I’m sure your visit will help promote the friendship and understanding between us. 2、这样大的订单,我们通常是在收到有关信用证后两个月内交货。 For such a large order, we usually make delivery within two months after receipt of the relative L/C. 3、你们的报盘比你们在其它国家的竞争对手所报的一些价格要高 Y our offers are higher than some of the quotations from your competitors in other countries. 4、不过,按照惯例,除非你方要求,否则我们是不投保这些险种的。 But as a rule, we don’t cover them unless you want to. 5、由于你方的价格偏高,目前我们很难推销你方的数码摄相机。 As your price is on the high side, it’s difficult for us to push the sale of your digital cameras nowadays. 6、如有劣质货物交达,本公司就永远不会再下定单了。 If the goods of inferior/bad/poor quality are delivered, we will not place our order with you again. 7、如一方未能履约,另一方有权终止合同。 If one side fails to honour the contract, the other side are entitled to cancel it. 8、由于你方不同意降低价格,我们只好到他处订货。 As you don’t agree to reduce your price, we will have to purchase the goods elsewhere. 9、要是那样的话,您能否接受远期信用证,允许我们延迟付款,比如,见票后60天付款?If that’s the case, could you accept a time L/C and allow us to delay payment, say, 60 days after sight? 10、如果是我们的错,我们会乐意地赔偿贵方的损失的。 If we were at fault, we should be very glad to compensate for your losses. 11、我是不是有足够的时间办理入境和通关手续呢? Will I have enough time to go through the immigration and the customs? 12、假如你方给3% 的佣金,我们将向你试订一批货。 We shall book a trial order with you, provided you will give us a 3% commission. 13、请告诉我您需要的数量,这样我们才好安排生产和装运。 Please let us know the quantity you required so that we can arrange the production and shipment date. 14、顺便问一下,如果我想要货物在圣诞节前交的话,我什么时候必须开立信用证? By the way, when must I open the L/C if I want the goods to be delivered before Christmas season? 15、鉴于我们过去几年的友好合作关系,我们各让一步吧,我把价格降低3%。 In view of our good cooperation over the past years, let’s meet each other half way; I’ll make a reduction by 3%. 16、交货的延误是由于你们信用证的延误。你们的信用证昨天才到达。 The delay in shipment is due to your delay in opening the letter of credit. Y our L/C arrived only yesterday. 17、若你方愿意降低价格,比方说3%,我们愿向你方试订此货。 Should you be prepared to reduce the price by, say, 3%, we would place a trial order with you. 18、我确定所有的货物在装运前都包装得很好。它们一定是在运输过程中遭到损坏。


Reading 1: This is Water 1. What’s the point of the fish story? The immediate point of the fish story is that the most obvious, ubiquitous, important realities are often the ones that are the hard est to see and talk about. 2. What is our natural default-setting, according to Wallace? Do you agree with him? If yes, give examples; if no, exampl es too, please. I am the absolute center of the universe, the real est, most vivid and important person in existence. Yes, I do. The worl d as you experience it is right there in front of you, or behind you, to the l eft or right of you, on your TV, or your monitor, or whatever. Other peopl e’s thoughts and feelings how to be communicated to you somehow, but your own are so immediate, urgent, real. 3. Is it possibl e for us to adjust our natural default-setting? If yes, how? And by the way, why should we adjust it? A: Yes, it is. We shoul d pay attention to what’s going on insid e me and stay alert and attentive instead of getting hypnotized by the constant monologue insid e your own head. what’s more, we shoul d l earn how to Think and how to d ecid e.The reason why shoul d we adjust it is that thinking in the way of d efault-setting that we experience the boring, frustrating, crowed parts of adult life. B: Yes, it is. Learning how to think------Learning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. If we d on’t adjust it, we will be total ly nosed. 4. What does it mean by ‘learn ing how to think’? And what is the justifiable way to think? Learning how to think really means l earning how to exercise some control over how and what you think. It means being conscious and aware enough to choose what you pay attention to and to choose how you construct meaning from experience. 5. What is the meaning of college education? Do you agree? If yes, further explains please, if no, define your meaning of college education and further illustrate it. Coll ege education is that it enabl es my tend ency to over-intell ectualize stuff, to get l ost in abstract argument insid e our head instead of simply paying attention to what’s going on right in front of us.


[2018英语翻译资格高级口译指导名篇名译]2018上海高级 口译取消 译事三难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣!故信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也,则达上焉。...易曰:“修辞立诚。”子曰:“辞达而已!”又曰:“言而无文,行之不远。”三者乃文章正轨,亦即为译事楷模。故信、达而外,求其尔雅...——严复《天演论.译立言》 1. 原文:Thus the initiative to partition Poland pletely,to deny the Polish people any independent existence of their own whatsoever,came from the Russians.But the Germans did not need much urging to agree. 译文:由此可见,首先提出完全瓜分波澜,不许波兰人成为一个独立民族存在的,是俄国人。德国人当然求之不得。 赏析:"Thus"译为“由此可见”,表现了译者在译词时的灵活性;"partition"在英文中本为中性词,译者根据句子内容的语义,译为“瓜分”,表达出了作者的倾向性;"did not need much urging to agree"字面意思是“不需要催促就同意了”,译者引申为“当然求之

不得”,符合作者写作时的感情倾向,即对强国欺辱弱小国家的愤怒。好的译文总是能译出原文背后的“情”。 2. 原文:Chilly gusts of wind with a taste of rain in them had well nigh dispeopled the streets. 译文:阵阵寒风,带着雨意,街上冷冷清清,几乎没有什么人了。 赏析:英文是形合的文字,英语句子讲究结构严谨;汉语重意合,遣词造句推崇形散而神不散。请看这里的英文句子,主、谓、宾一目了然,原因和结果清清楚楚,如果按这样的顺序、结构直译成汉语,势必凝滞不化。为了使译句能够体现汉语句式的特点,译者大胆地进行了结构调整,将原文一句切分成四个短语(小句),充分利用句子内部语义上的联系,不用任何关联词,由风到雨,到街再到人,用白描的手法将一幅寒夜凄雨图呈现在读者面前。 本期练习:翻译下列句子


英语 二、汉译英短语(练习册内容) Unit1 1、称他为与死亡进行交易的人( call him a person who trades in death ) 2、使他成为一个富有的人(make him a very rich man) 3、犯错误( make a mistake ) 4、话费一生的时间为世界和平而工作( spend oneˊs life working for peace in the world) 5、爱好和平的人( a man of peace) 6、与他同时代的人们( people of his day) 7、计划去北极旅游(make plans for a journey to the North Pole) 8、授予奖金( award prizes) 9、增加一项经济学奖项( add an award for economics) 10、作出决定(make a decision) Unit2 1、人们在谈论女人时有时会用到特殊 词汇(special words that people sometimes use when theyˊre talking about women) 2、某个关心自己的头发胜过关心喜剧 的愚蠢的漂亮女人(some silly, beautiful woman whoˊs more worried about her hair than she is about the play) 3、一个表明近年来语言如何变化的绝 好的列子(a very good example of how the language has changed in recent years ) 4、部分是妇女运动的结果(partly as a result of the womenˊs movement) 5、许多描述工作的词(dozens of words describing jobs) 6、想一想所曾近以-man结尾的词(think of all the words that used to end in -man) 7、一个民族文化的一部分(a part of a peopleˊs culture) 8、发现各种各样令人惊讶的事情(find all sorts of amazing things) 9、使用不同的词尾(use different word endings) 10、在某些情况下像女人一样讲话(talk like a woman in certain situations) Unit3 1、只不过是又一次和新亲戚们的相见(nothing more than another time of meeting new relatives) 2、适应他们的家庭生活(fit into their family life) 3、把这些地方当成家(think of these places as home) 4、独自一人区参加一年一度的农场主大会(go alone to the annul farmerˊs meeting) 5、庆祝他们十五周年结婚纪念日 (celebrate their fifteenth wedding anniversary) 6、擦掉眼泪(wipe away tears) 7、惊讶的意识到(realize with a shock) 8、发现他躺在床上盯着天花板(find him lying in bed, looking at the ceiling ) 9、飞机开始降落(the plane began to lose height) 10、在澳大利亚短期休假并留了下来 (visit Australia for a short holiday and stay) Unit4 1、被迫吸入烟雾(be forced to breathe smoke) 2、用数字支持某人的主张(support one ˊs opinion with numbers) 3、防止他们吸烟影响到别人(prevent their smoking from affecting other people) 4、反对在公共场所控制吸烟(be against controlling smoking in public places) 5、以不同方式看问题(see the problem in a different way) 6、持有某种观点(take the view) 7、形成两个阶层的公民(set up to classes of citizens) 8、花去太多的时间(lose too much time) 9、以个人经验为自己的观点辩护 (defend oneˊs own opinions with personal experience) 10、保护人们的健康不受香烟的危害 (protect peopleˊs health from the dangers of smoke) 11、关心公众的安全(care about public safety) 12、他们的看法毫无相似之处(no similarities in their idesas) Unit5 1、四十多种早餐食品(more than forty varieties of breakfast food) 2、生活中大部分时间(a large part of oneˊs life) 3、决定买什么(make decisions about what to buy) 4、花费一整天的时间(take all day) 5、同样多的时间(the same amount of time) 6、还有有害物质(contain harmful materials) 7、有助于改善身体状况(help improve oneˊs health) 8、处理问题(deal with the problem) 9、改善消费习惯(change oneˊs spending habits) 10、问题的根源(the root of the problem) Unit6 1、列在清单的首位(be at the top of the list) 2、回报你的恩惠(return the favor to you) 3、充满喜悦(full of joy) 4、与某人聊天(have a chat with somebody) 5、帮助某人做作业(help someone with his /her homework) 6、为某人感到自豪(have pride in oneself) 7、与某人分享午餐(share lunch with someone) 8、为某事道歉(apologize for something) 三、选词填空 Unit1 1、Before his death(死亡)Alfred Nobel decided to set up a prize with his money to honor the people who did great things in science, writing, and world peace. 2、The old man died but his shop continued(继续)to trade under its old name. 3、This was the chance Iˊd been waiting for-a chance to learn a trade(贸易) and make something of myself. 4、Earnest Hemingway believed that he should kill himself when he was not able to create(创作)any more. 5、We wrote down the direction of travel and sent the information(信息)back to the base. 6、Many people with AIDS have to spend (花费)months in hospital up to a time when they have someone at home to help and look after them. 7、If you destroy(毁灭)his idea, you would surely be killing him. 8、People wonder(感到好奇)if Carnegie would spend most of his money on poor people if he were still living. Unit2 1、The teacher suggests(暗示)that we do all the exercises by ourselves. 2、You should understand that they are only suggesting it and not giving the actual(实际的)advice. 3、When would you prefer(更喜欢)this metting to take place? 4、When a special(特殊的)tool has been developed, it is usually because noting else will do the job as well. 5、Let them take care of their children instead(代替)of the children taking care of them.

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