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24-1 并列句由两个(或两个以上)等列而又各自独立的分句构成。


[例] Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.“他得寸进尺。”

[例] There are many kinds of sports, ____ my favorite is swimming.

A. as

B. then

C. so

D. but

[例]Hurry up, it’s getting late. “快点,时间不早了。”



24 -2 按照分句之间的联系来分类,并列句可分为四类:联合并列句、转折并列句、选择并列句和因果并列句。


24 -3 联合并列句常由并列连词and“和”、not only. . . but also. .“不但…而且…”等连接。

[例] Use your head,and you’ll find a way.“动动脑筋,你就会想出办法来。”

[例]Not only did the students dance, but (also) their\teacher sang.“不但学生们跳了舞,而且他们的老师还唱了歌。”


not only 位于句首时,其后的分词要部分倒装,但but also后的分词仍用正常语序。有时also可以省略。


1?~24 -4 转折并列句常由并列连词but“但是”、white“而”、yet“可是”、whereas“而”、nevertheless“然而,不过”等连接。

[例] Paul had to write a history paper, ____ he couldn’t find time to do it.

A. but

B. so

C. because

D. if

例] Feathers fall to the ground slowly while stones fall much faster.“羽毛落地很慢,而石头落地则快得多。”

[例] He worked hard,yet he failed.“他工作努力,可是他失败了。”

[例] He is ill,whereas l am a little tired.“他生病了,而我只不过稍觉疲倦罢了。”

[例] The news may be unexpected; nevertheless, it is true.“这消息可能是出乎意料的,然而却是真实的。”


24 -5 选择并列句常由并列连词or。“否则,或者”、otherwise“要不然”、either…or…“不是…就是…”等连接。

[例] Were going to the bookstore in Johns car. You can come with us you can meet us there later.

A. but

B. and

C. or

D. then

[例] Either you leave this house or I’ll call the police.“要么你离开这座房子,要么我就叫警察。”


24 -6 因果并列句由并列连词SO“因此,所以”、for“因为”等连接。

[例] It was late,so we went home.“天晚了,所以我们就回家去了。”

[例]It’s going to rain,for the sky is dark.“要下雨了,因为天上乌云密布。”

[例] He found it increasingly difficult to read, ____ his eyesight was beginning to fail.

A. and

B. for

C. but

D. or




24 -7 在“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构中。当前后两部分为承接关系时,用and;前后意思为相反关系时,用or。可将前面的祈使句转换咸由if引导的条件状语从句,但须将and或or去掉。

[例] Stand over there ____ you’ll be able to see it better. A. or B. while C. but D. and [例] Start out right away, ___ you’ll miss the first train. A. and B. but C. or D. while




[例]Hurry up, and we’ll be there in time.“快点,这样我们就能及时赶到那里。”相等于If we hurry up, we’ll be there in time.

[例] Hurry up, or we’ll be late.“快点,否则我们就要迟到了。”相等于If we don’t hurry up, weII be late.或If we hurry up, we’ll not be late.

24 -8 because和so, (al) though和but不能连用,只能用其中的一个。

[例] Because he was ill,he didn’t come to school.“因为他病了,所以没来上学。”

[例J He was ill, so he didn’t come to school.“他病了所以没来上学。”



24-9 并列句有两种:简单连词连接的并列句和由关联连词连接的并列句。


[例] They wanted to charge $5, 000 for the car, ____ we managed to bring the price down.

A. but

B. so

C. when

D. since



[例]Either come in or go out.“或进或出请自便。”

这是由关联连词either… or连接的两个祈使句。



词and,其余分句之间用逗号(即:“A,B,C and D”结构);如果各分句之间的关系各异,则需用不同的并列连词。

[例] Tom is reading a novel, Mary is writing a letter, Jack is doing his homework and john is looking out of the window.“汤姆在看小说,玛丽在写信,杰克在做作业,而约翰在朝窗外看。”

[例] The suit didn’t fit, but it new and I was anxious us it, so I shyly… “那套衣服并不合身,但它是新的,我很想把它买下来,于是我不好意思地说…。”

24-10 不要把含有并列成分的简单句误认作并列句。

[例] Wei Fang and Li Ying stood up and went out.“魏芳和李英站起来,走了出去。”句中Wei Fang和Li Ying是并列主语,并列连词and连接两个并列动词stood up和went out。这句子只有主语和谓语两部分构成,仍为简单句。但若加上个主语she,成为“. ..and she went out”就变成并列句了。


英语并列句解析及例句 并列句(compound sentence)指的是由两个或两个以上的简单句并 列在一起构成的句子。并列句的通常结构是:简单句+并列连词+简单句。其中的简单句通常被叫做分句。并列连词之前可用逗号,也可不用逗号。 如: He drank beer, and it made him fat. 他喝啤酒,因此发胖了。(并列连词是and) He was ill for a week, and during that week he ate nothing. 他病了一星期,在那一星期里他什么也没吃。(并列连词是and) Stephen realized his mistake and he apologized at once. 斯蒂芬认识了他的错误,于是马上道歉。(并列连词是and) Stop the child or he will be falling over. 制止那孩子,要不他会 掉下去。(并列连词是or) He speaks French, or perhaps he understands it. 他会讲法语。或者他懂法语。(并列连词是or) Would you advise phoning, or shall I wait a bit longer? 你看我打电话好,还是我再等一会儿好? (并列连词是or) I waited but he never turned up. 我等着,可他根本没有来。(并列连词是but) Tom is fairly clever, but Peter is rather stupid. 汤姆相当聪明,而彼得就颇笨。(并列连词是but) Tourists come here but few stay overnight. 有游客到这里来, 但很少有人过夜。(并列连词是but) 他收到的信He gets a lot of letters but she doesn’t get many. 很多,可她的信不多。(并列连词是but) We rarely stay in hotels, for we can’t af ford it. 我们很少住旅馆,因为我们住不起。(并列连词是for) He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night. 他那时正忙着打点行李,因为那天晚上他就要走了。(并列连词是for) 表示转折关系的连词 作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2019-03-02 表示转折关系的连词:主要有but, only, while, when, whereas等。


并列句及连词的用法 【巩固练习】 I.单项选择。 1.Help others whenever you can you'll make the world a nicer place to live. A. and B. or C. unless D. but 2.These story books for children are awfully written. They are interesting exciting. A. either, or B? neither, nor C. both, and D. not only, but also 3.一Would you like to go to the concert with me? ——I'd love to, I'm afraid I have no time. A. so Be or C. and D. but 4.一Where was your brother at this time last night? 一He was writing an e-mail I was watching TV at home. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while 5.you your brother can join us. We want one of you. A. Both, and B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D. Not only, but also 6.the story is short and there are no new words in it, it is difficult to understand. A. But B. Though C. And D. For 7.一Mom, shall we have supper now? 一Oh, we won't have supper your dad comes back. A. until B. since C. while D. after 8.He won't pass the exam he works hard. A. whenever B. because C. if D. unless 9.Tony is a quiet student, he is active in class. A. so B. and C. but D. or 10.They will lose the game hey try their best, A. unless B. once C. since D. after 11.You won't feel happy at school you get on well with your classmates. A. though B. when C. unless D. because 12.This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are D. can 13.The restaurant is nice and the food is not bad.I still prefer eating at home. A. And B. But C. So D. Or 14.Be quick, we'll be late for school. A. and B. or C. so D. but 15.The rain is very heavy we have to stay at home. A. but B. because C. so D. and 16.一I don't think your uncle really likes drama series. 一No,he still watches the programme.


并列句 一、并列连词大观园 连接具有并列关系的词、短语或句子的连词叫做并列连词。根据其意义,并列连 and 表示顺承 while表示对比 but/yet表示转折 for/so表示因果 or/either ...or 表示选择 when和and/then表示时间 and/so/neither/nor表示并列 not only...but also/neither... nor表示递进 二、并列句的构成: 并列句是由并列连词and,but,or,for,so等把两个或两个以上互不依从,但意思紧密联系的简单句连在一起而构成的句子。其结构为:简单句+并列连词+简单句。 三、并列句的分类: 1. 表示同等关系的并列句 这类并列句常用并列连词and连接前后简单句,and常译为"和"、"并且",也可不译出来。例如: He likes playing football and he plays well. 他喜欢踢足球,并且踢得很好。 Last year l met Kate and we became friends. 去年我和凯特相遇,我们成了朋友。 2. 表示转折关系的并列句 这类并列句常用并列连词but(但是),yet(可是),while(而,另一方面),however(可是)等连接前后简单句,but常译为"但是","可是",切不可与从属连词though或although一起使用。例如: It has no mouth, but it can talk. 它没有嘴巴,但是它会说话。 School is over, yet all the teachers are still working. 学校放学了,可是老师们仍然在工作。


精品文档 精品文档并列句用法归纳 You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder, ____you won’t pass the course. A. and B. so C. but D. or 根据题意,“你已经两次没有通过考试了,你最好开始更加努力学习,否则你还会通过不了考试。”空格前后两句是转折关系,可以排除A和B两项;but表示“但是”,不符合题意;or表示“否则”,所以,答案选D。有些考生错选了答案,其主要原因是没有掌握并列连句的用法。并列句是由并列连词连接含有两个或更多主谓结构的句子。现就常用的并列句的用法作以归纳,以期对同学们有所帮助。 1. 由and连接的并列句。 and表示“和”、“并且”,连接并列句时,使前后两个分句具有并列关系或对比关系。例如: I came here in 1998, and I have lived here ever since. 我1998年来到这里,并且一直住在这里。 The earth is one of the sun’s planets, and the moon is our satellite. 地球是太阳系中的一颗行星,而月亮则是地球的卫星。 2. 由so连接的并列句。 so表示“因此”、“所以”,连接并列句时,使前后两个分句具有因果关系。例如: It was late, so we went home. 天晚了,所以我们就回家了。 I’m busy, so I cannot go with you. 因为我很忙。所以我不能与你一起去。 3. 由but连接的并列句。 but表示“可是”、“然而”、“但是”,连接并列句时,使前后两个分句具有转折关系。例如:All this he did, but it had no effect. 这些他都做了,但是却没有效果。 I’m sorry, but I disagree with you all. 对不起,我不同意你们大家的意见。 4. 由or连接的并列句。 or表示“或者”、“或是”、“要不然”,连接并列句时,使前后两个分句具有选择关系或因果并存的关系。例如: Now you can have a rest or you can go to the cinema.现在你可以休息,或者去看电影。 Hurry up, or you’ll be late foe school. 赶快,要不然你上学就要迟到了。 5. 由for连接的并列句。 for表示“因为”、“由于”,连接并列句时,只表示一种推测或解释,后面的分句通常表示间接的推测原因,前句表示结果,后句表示原因。例如: The electric current must have been turned off, for the light went out. 想必是停电了,因为灯灭了。 He must have passed this way, for here are footprints. 他想必是从这条路过去的,因为这里有脚印。 6. 由when连接的并列句。 when表示“这时”、“突然那时”,连接并列句时,其前的分句谓语用had done,was (were)doing,was (were)about to do或was (were)on the point of doing;其后的分句表示一个突然发生的情况,谓语用一般过去时。 I had just finished dinner when someone knocked at the door.我刚吃完饭,突然那时有人敲门。 I was talking with a friend when he burst into the room.我正在和一位朋友谈话,这时他闯进了房间。 They were about to go to work when it began to rain heavily.他们正准备去上班,突然这时天下起了大雨。


英语中并列句的四种类型 一、联合关系 常用的连词有and( 同,和), when(=and just at this time 就在这时,然后), not only…but (also)…( 不仅……而且…… ), neither…nor… (既不……也不……)等。如: He helps me and I help him. 他帮我,我帮他。 He not only gave us a lot of advice, but also helped us to study English. 他不仅给我们出很多建议并且还帮助我学英语。 I was just leaving when the telephone rang. 我正要离开,电话铃响了。 注:when 作这种用法时,主要用于 was/were doing sth. when sth./sb. did; was/were about to do sth. when sth./sb. did; was/were on the point of doing sth. when sth./sb. did 等句型中,表示“当某人或某物正在或正要做某事,就在这时突然又发生了另一事”。

二、选择关系 常用的连词有or( 或者,否则), otherwise( 否则), or else( 否则), either...or( 不是……就是) 。如: Hurry up, or (else) you’ll be late. 快点,否则就会迟到了。 Will he still be there or will he have gone away? 你那时还在那里还是可能已经走了? You must go early, otherwise you will miss the bus. 你好得早点走,否则就赶不上公共汽车了。 Either Tom is coming or his sisters are. 不是汤姆就是她的姐妹们要来。 三、转折关系 常用的连词有but( 但是,可是,只是因为), while( 而、却), yet( 可是) 等。如: It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行。 I like tea while she likes coffee. 我喜欢喝茶而她喜欢喝咖啡。 She said she would be late, yet she arrived on time. 她说她会迟到,但她却准时到达了。


考研英语(三)——并列句 并列句 一、什么是并列句 用连词连接两个句子 二、英语中常见的连词 ①平行(同样的,同时) and、not only…but also、likewise、equally、similarly、at the same time,in the meanwhile ②转折(但是,然而) but、yet、whereas、while、However、nevertheless、conversely、unfortunately、unexpectly、on the contrary、in contrast ③递进(此外,而且) besides、furthermore、moreover、addtionally、In addition、subsquently ④因果(因此,所以) for、so、thus、therefore、consequently、as a consequence、as a result ⑤选择(或者) or、alternatively

三、并列句考点分析 ①完型:只需看逻辑关系前后两句话的意思 ②写作:只要上下文之中有逻辑关系就一定要用逻辑关系词 例句分析: There seem a train of companies coming from distence,and consequently,i feel exceedly delighted . 连词和其他逻辑关系词的区别是:连词前面有无逗号均可,但是其他的逻辑关系词前面要么加连词and(无意),要么加一句话。 考点分析: 长难句分析: 在长难句分析时只要有连词出现都会有省略,翻译时先把省略补充了后在翻译。 那如何查找省略的内容呢? 一句话只要有省略一定回省略在连词后——所以连词后有的成分连词前面一定可以找到1个。 例句分析: Under modern conditons ,this requires varying measure of centralized control and hence the help of specialized scientists such as economists and operational research experts. 1.分析一句话先找主句的谓语动词,所以我们很容易发现这句话的谓语动词是requires,所以这主句是主谓宾结构。 2.找连词,我们会发现连词是and hence,然后我们先看连词后面的句子“the


: 七年级上册: Unit 1—Unit 9:侧重于陈述句和疑问句。 七年级下册: Unit 4:祈使句 Don't eat in the classroom. Unit 8:倒装句 There is a zoo in my neighborhood. Unit 2,Unit 3,Unit 5,Unit 9,Unit 11,Unit 12:特殊疑问句。 | 八年级上册: Unit 7:There will be more people. There will be more pollution. Unit 8:First,peel the bananas. Next, put the bananas in the blender. Then, pour the milk into the blender. Finally, turn on the blender. 八年级下册: Unit 3:For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 九年级: Unit 2 :What fun the Water Festival is! How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! " 一、陈述句和疑问句 1.陈述句 用来陈述一个事实或表达说话者看法的句子叫“陈述句”,句末用句号表示句子的陈述结束。陈述句分为肯定句和否定句。 (1)肯定句的基本结构:“主语+谓语+宾语”。例如:I play basketball after school. (2)否定句又分为完全否定和部分否定。


句子练习 1.将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为主语从句。 1) They need more help in English. That is quite obvious. 2) She is still alive. That is good news. 3) She will come here. It doesn’t seem likely. 4) The children came to the zoo. They like the pandas best. 5) We are badly in need of something. It is raw material. 2.将下面每组中的词连成句子,使其中包含主语从句。 1) did not, a pity, he, come earlier, it’s, that 2) smoking, it is, cause, a well-known fact, lung cancer, can, that 3) encouraged him, it is, but, help him, true, actually, I, that, didn’t 4) they, keep their promise, didn’t, seem, it, likely, that, would ever 5) why, for criticism, hard to understand, had singled out, Mary, it was, Prof. Hardy 3.将下面每组中的两个句子合并,将其中一个改为宾语从句。


并列句及连词的用法 【真题再现】 1. Study hard, you will pass the exam.(2014 安顺) A. so B. or C. but D. and 2. Think of a number, don't tell me what it is.(2014 沈阳) A. nor B. so C. or D. but 3. Don’t run in the clas sroom, you may hurt yourself.(2014 陕西) A. and B. or C. but D. so 4. Practice more, ________ you'll do better in playing chess.(2014 重庆) A. but B. and C. when D. after 5. Be quick, w e’ll be late for school.(2015 呼和浩特) A.and B.but C.or D.so 6. At school, we are taught knowledge how to behave well. (2015 青岛) A. neither; nor B. either; or C. not only; but also D. not; but 7.I have only two tickets for TF Boys’ concert.you he can go on with me.(2015 广东) A.Either… or B.Neither… nor C.Both… and D.Not only… also 8. Going to the movies is good, I really only like listening to music.(2015 安徽) A. and B. but C. so D. or 【答案与解析】 1. D。句意:好好学习,你就会通过考试,由设空后可知,本句是表示并列关系,所以 用D。A. so那么,所以;B. or否则;C. but但是。所以本题答案为D。 2. D。句意:想一个数字,但不要告诉它是什么。not也不;so所以;or否则;but但是。 根据题意可知前半句与后半句之间是转折关系,故选D。 3. B。句意:不要在教室里跑,否则你可能会伤到你自己。or意为“否则,要不然”, 符合语境,故答案为B项。 4. B。句意:多练习,你下象棋的水平会更高些。由句意可知前后分句之间是顺承关系, 故答案为B项。 5. C。句意为:快点,否则我们上学就迟到了。or意为“否则”,表连接,符合题意, 故选C。 6. C。句意:在学校,我们不仅被传授知识,而且被传授如何做到行为得体。neither…… nor……既不……也不……;either……or……要么……要么……;not only……but also…… 不但……而且……;not……but……不是……而是……;故选A。 7. A。句意为:我有两张TF Boys音乐会的票。你和他其中一个人可以跟我去。A项意 为“或者……或者……”,表示两者中的一个;根据语境可知,只有两张票,说话人只能和其中一人一起去,故选A。 8. B。句意:看电影是不错,但是我却只喜欢听音乐。and和,而且;but但是;so因此; or或者,否则。根据句意可知选B项。 【用法讲解】 考试要求: 近年来,全国各地的中考英语试题对连词的考查主要集中在以下几方面: 1. 对并列连词的考查,要求必须确切地理解句子的意义,在此基础上确定词与词之间及 两个分句之间的关系,从而确定正确的并列连词。



初中阶段“并列句”的用法 (由and, then, or, but, so连接的句子) 连词“and, but, or, so”和“then”都用来连接两个句子,此句叫做并列句。A:时态: I. “and” 连接的并列句时态: a. 简单句 + and + 简单句(时态前后一致) Mr. Wang teaches maths and Miss Li teaches English. His father is a teacher and his mother is a doctor. b. 祈使句 + and / then + 简单句(一般将来时) Use your head, and / then you will have a good way. Think hard, and / then you will have an idea. 注:以上两句可以改为条件状语从句。 If you use your head, you will have a good way. If you think hard, you will have an idea. II. “or” 连接的并列句时态: 祈使句 + or + 简单句(一般将来时) Hurry up, or you will be late for school. Work hard, or you won’t be able to pass this exam. 注:以上两句可以改为条件状语从句。 If you hurry up, you won’t be late for school. If you work hard, you will be able to pass this exam. III. “but” 连接的并列句时态: 简单句 + but +简单句(时态前后一致) He is very old, but he still looks strong. It was very dark, but he still went on working. 注:以上两句可以改为让步状语从句。 Though he is very old, he still looks strong. Though it was very dark, he still went on working.


英语并列句解析及例句 作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2019-03-18 并列句(compound sentence)指的是由两个或两个以上的简单句并列在一起构成的句子。并列句的通常结构是:简单句+并列连词+简单句。其中的简单句通常被叫做分句。并列连词之前可用逗号,也可不用逗号。如: He drank beer, and it made him fat. 他喝啤酒,因此发胖了。(并列连词是and) He was ill for a week, and during that week he ate nothing. 他病了一星期,在那一星期里他什么也没吃。(并列连词是and) Stephen realized his mistake and he apologized at once. 斯蒂芬认识了他的错误,于是马上道歉。(并列连词是and) Stop the child or he will be falling over. 制止那孩子,要不他会掉下去。(并列连词是or) He speaks French, or perhaps he understands it. 他会讲法语。或者他懂法语。(并列连词是or) Would you advise phoning, or shall I wait a bit longer? 你看我打电话好,还是我再等一会儿好? (并列连词是or) I waited but he never turned up. 我等着,可他根本没有来。(并列连词是but) Tom is fairly clever, but Peter is rather stupid. 汤姆相当聪明,而彼得就颇笨。(并列连词是but) Tourists come here but few stay overnight. 有游客到这里来,但很少有人过夜。(并列连词是but) He gets a lot of letters but she doesn’t get many. 他收到的信很多,可她的信不多。(并列连词是but) We rarel y stay in hotels, for we can’t afford it. 我们很少住旅馆,因为我们住不起。(并列连词是for) He was busy packing, for he was leaving that night. 他那时正忙着打点行李,因为那天晚上他就要走了。(并列连词是for) 表示转折关系的连词 作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2019-03-02 表示转折关系的连词:主要有but, only, while, when, whereas等。


连词的用法 责编:王晓丽 【巩固练习】 I. 用and, but, or或so填空。 1. Hurry up, _________ you’ll be late for school. 2. Who’s the youngest, Rose, Helen ________ Betty? 3. Work hard, ______ you will succeed. 4. I’ll see you either on Monday _______ on Tuesday. 5. Put your coat on, ______ you’ll be cold. 6. His bike is broken,_____ he has to walk there. 7. The old man has no money, ______he can’t buy food to eat. 8. The sky is blue ________ everything is beautiful. 9. We were very tired _______ we were very happy. 10. He never smokes ________ drinks. 11. There is no air ______ water on the moon. 12. Your classroom is clean _______ tidy. 13. My house is small _______ lovely. 14. It is hot today, ______ some boys are still playing basketball outside. 15. People can’t live without air _____ water. 16. The Summer Palace is large _______ beautiful. 17. He looks tall and strong ______ he is afraid to go out at night. 18. We had no water ______ food at that time. 19. Come on! _______ you will win the match. 20. Wang Tao's pen was broken, ______ he needed a new one. II.单项选择。 1.The boy is only ten,_______ he can do some washing himself. A.though B.but C.or D.so 2. Work hard, _____ you'll pass the English exam this time. A. or B. but C. because D. and 3. There are no buses, ____ you’ll have to walk. A. so B. or C. but D. for 4. Mr. Smith is an English teacher ______ he teaches us English. A. or B. and C. but D. so 5. — Would you like to go to the concert with me tonight? —I’d love to, ______ I can’t. I have a lot of homework to do. A. or B. and C. but D. so 6. When you are learning English, use it as often as possible, ______ you might drop it. A. or B. and C. but D. so 7. —You watched the fashion show last night, didn’t you? — Yes, ______ I missed the beginning. A. or B. and C. but D. so


并列连词的用法 一.概念 连词是用来连接词,短语,句或句子的词.连词不作成分. 二.相关知识点精讲 1.表示并列关系的连词有:and和;both…and…两者都;not only… but also…不仅…而且;neither…nor…即不…也不;not…but…(不是…而是…) ;not…not…不…也不…(语气比neither…nor…弱)等。如 1)and:和,并且 A:基本用法: “and”表示“和”、“并且”“而且”,“但”,表示动作的先后、因果、转折、强化语义等。例如: I enjoy basketball , football and table tennis. 我喜欢打篮球、踢足球、打乒乓球。 Mary and Lucy like music very much. 玛丽和露茜喜欢音乐。 It’s getting colder and colder in winter.冬天气候变得越来越冷。 I like reading and my brother likes watching TV.我喜欢读书,而我弟弟喜欢看电视。 The weather becomes colder and colder. 天气越变越冷。 B:特别用法: 祁使句后连接and,有条件句作用,此时and=if you…,you’ll… Go straight on, and you’ll see the library.==If you go straight on, you will see the library. 一直走就能看到图书馆。 Be careful ,and you’ll make fewer mistakes. 小心点,你就会少犯错误。 2)bot h…and…既…也…,(两者)都… A、both…and…构成的词组作主语时,谓语动词用复数。 Both Jim and Kate are from England. 吉姆和凯特都是英国人。 B、both…and…否定句表示部分否定。 You can’t speak both German and English.你的德语和法语讲的不太好。 Both my father and my mother aren’t doctors.我父亲和我母亲不都是医生。 3)neither…nor…:既不…也不… neit her…nor…连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词靠近哪个主语就与哪个主语保持“人称”和“数”的一致,即采取就近原则。 Neither I nor he has seen the play before. 我和他以前都没有看过这个话剧。 4)not…not…不…也不…(语气比neither…nor…弱) He warned me not to be late, not allowed to work, he got very angry. 5)not only…but also…:不但…而且… not only…but also…连接两个主语后的谓语动词也遵循就近原则。 Not only the mother but also the children are ill. 不仅妈妈而且孩子们也生病了。 6)not …but 不是…而是 He is not short of money but greedy. 他不是缺钱而是贪心。


并列句详解与复习含中考真题解析 由并列连词连接、含有两个或更多主谓结构的句子叫并列句。 一、表示转折对比关系的并列连词 1. but但是,可是,而,却 连接两个简单句,有时句中某些词可以省略;连接两个并列成分,可以放在 一个句子的句首,后面不接逗号。 例:I hope you don't mind me asking ,but where did you buy those shoes ? 2. yet但是;尽管如此 可连接两个句子,用逗号分开,也可在yet 前加and ,还可以放在一个句子 的句首。 例:The car is old,yet it is in good condition. 这辆车旧了,但车 况很好。 3. while而,但是,可是,却 while 作连词用时,可表示对比或转折关系。 例:I do every single bit of housework while my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. 二、表示因果关系的并列连词 1. for因为 由并列连词for 引导的分句常置于句子后部,而且常用逗号与前面的分句隔 开。for 分句主要是对前一分句补充说明理由或推断原因。for 分句不能用来回 答why 问句。 例:I did my best not to show pleasure,but what I was feeling was pure happiness,for my words had the power to make people laugh. 2. so 因此 可以连接两个句子,中间有时用逗号隔开;也可在so前加and ;还可以放在 一个句子的句首。 例:The shop doesn't open until 11 a.m. ,so it loses a lot of business. 三、表示选择关系的连词or or连接并列成分时,意为“或者,还是”;用于否定句中,意为“也不”, 这时不宜用and ;还有“否则,要不然”之意,相当于otherwise. 例:Would you like a cup of coffee or shall we get down to business right away? 四、表示并列关系的并列连词1. and和,同,与,又,并且 例:Stand over there and you'll be able to see it better. 2. not only …… but also ……不仅……而且 例:Not only I but also Jane and Mary are tired of having one examination after another. 3. neither…… nor……既不……也不 例:They worked neither for fame nor for personal gains.他们工作一 不为名,二不为利。 4. both …… and……既……又 例:A man should have both courage and wisdom.人既要有勇气又要有智 慧。 五、其他并列连词 1. not…… but……不是……而是 It was not the bones of an animal but of a human being. 这 不是一只 动物的骨头,而是人的骨头。 2. rather than而不是;与其……宁愿 Rather than ride on a crowded bus ,he always prefers to ride a bicycle. 3. when 正当那时,相当于and at that time Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park when she was bitten on the leg by a lion. 【2011北京】23. Hurry up, ____ you will miss the plane. A. and B. but C. so D. or 答案:D 【解析】考查点:本题考查连词的用法。and“那么”,but“但是”,so“因此”,or“否则”,根据句意:赶快,否则你就赶不上飞机了。所以选择答案D。 【2011清远】32. Jack still came to school _____ he was ill. A though B hot C. if D. so 答案A 【解析】考查连词的使用。让步状语从句。句意:虽然Jack病了,但仍然坚持上学。 (2011桂林)39. I want to know ________ he will be the volunteer in the 2011 Universiade (世界大学生运动会) in Shenzhen. A. where B. who C. if D. which 39. 答案:C 【解析】连词的用法。where意为“哪里”,who意为“谁”,if意为“如果,是否”,which意为“哪一个”。根据句意“我想知道他是否将成为在深圳举行的世界大学生运动会的志愿者”,可知应为if引导的宾语从句。因此选C。 【河北省2011】33. Tony is a quiet student, he is active in class.


1. Ingredient Compound A. Subject Compound The priest and the clerk were waiting for us. Mr Mason and he have often done business together. Even Mrs Fairfax and the servants don’t know the whole truth about her. B. Predicate Compound Suddenly he noticed how pale I was, and stopped for a moment to let me get my breath back. The priest looked up from his book, and stood silent. Mr Rochester dropped his arm, and turned away in disgust. We all went up to the top floor, and entered the room where Mason had been attacked. Mr Rochester lifted the curtain,opened the secret door and showed us the little room. She’ll try and bite you if she sees you, sir. He was becoming angry, and was staring fiercely at me. I’ll talk or listen to you as long as you like. I walked back, bent over him, and kissed his cheek. I will love you and live with you through life until death! They gave me bread and mile, and asked my name. St John approved of my keenness to work, and promised to find me some paid employment.

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