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1.Our monitor suggested _____a discussion of this subject.

A.to have B.should have C.have D.having

2.---What do you think of the book?

---Oh,excellent.It's worth ___a second time.

A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read

3.Tony was very unhappy for ____ to the party.

A.having not been invited B.not having invited

C.having not invited D.not having been invited

4.The library needs __, but it will have to wait until Sunday.

A.cleaning B.to clean C.clean D.being cleaned

5.I can hardly imagine Peter _____across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A.sail B.to sail C.sailing D.to have sailed

6.—What do you think of the novel﹖ —Oh, it’s really ___.

A.well worth reading B.very good to read

C.worthy reading D.worth to be read

7.It’s no use ___forward to __from her soon.

A.to look; to hear B.looking; hearing C.looking; hear D.look; hear 8.Missing the bus means _home.A.to walk B.Walking C.walked D.walk

9.Besides __________, she is kind and tender.


B.being beautiful

C.she beautiful

D.is beautiful

10.I remembered ________ this person somewhere before.


B.having been seen


D.to see

11. It is no use ________ without thorough _____________.

A.to read; understood

B.reading; understanding

C.to read; understand

D.read; to understand

12.The classroom wants ___. A. clean B. Cleaned C. to clean D. cleaning

13.It’s necessary to be prepared for a job interview. ________ the answers ready

will be of great help. A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having

14.---We didn’t find the Blacks ________ the lecture.

--- No one had told him about _______ a lecture the following day.

A. To attend ; there to be

B.attending;there being

C.attended; there being

D.attend; there was

15.Upon ______home,he made a telephone call to me.

A. he arrived



D.to arrive

16._______made the student _____ interest in his studies.

A. Being punished;to lose


C. Being punished;lose

D.Having been punished;lose

17._______ the homework made his father lose his temper.

A. The boy’s not havingdone

B.the boy not having done

C.The boy’s having not done

D.The boy having not done

18.I can't stand ______ with Jane in the same office. She just refuses ______ talking

while she works. A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping

C. working; to stop

D. to work; to stop



v-ing 形式作状语 v-ing 形式作状语时,用于修饰某动词或整个句子,所表示的动作与句子主语构成逻辑上的主谓关 系。v-ing形式作状语时,可以单独使用,也可以在其前加上when, while , after, if, unless, although , though 等连词,表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、伴随、方式等。 1.作时间状语 Hearing this news, she got frightened. 听到这个消息,她感到害怕。 Looking out of the window, I saw some children playing football. Turning around , he saw a tiger running up. 2.作结果状语 The boy ran even faster, reaching the school out of breath. 那个男孩跑得更快了,到达学校时累得上气不接下气了。 The child slipped and fell, hitting his head against the door. Her husband died, leaving her four children. They fired, killing many people in the street. 3.作伴随状语 He stood by the window, watching people passing by his window. He came running. She stood waiting for a bus. He sat there reading a book. The students ran out of the classroom, talking and laughing. 4.作原因状语 Being a student, I must study hard. 作为一名学生,我必须努力学习。 Seeing nobody at home, he left them a note. Not knowing his telephone number, I couldn 't get in touch with him. 5.作让步状语 Having lived here for four years, I am not familiar with my neighbors. 虽然我在这儿住了四年,我对邻居们都还不熟悉。 Working or reading, she always did her best. 不管是工作还是阅读,她总是竭尽全力。 Not being a rich man himself, he helped the poor generously. 尽管他自己不算富裕, 他却是慷慨的帮助穷人。 6.作条件状语 Heating water, we can change it into vapour. 把水加热,我们可以将其变为水蒸汽。 Working in his small room, he made three pairs of shoes every day. 在他的小房间里工作,每天做三双 鞋。 Using your head, you 'll find a good way. Working hard, you 'll surely succeed. 7. 作目的状语 He stayed up late into the night, attempting to pass the entrance exam. 他晚上睡得很晚,想通过考试。注意: 、V-ing 的时态和语态。


v-ing 的用法 1. -ing分词的构成 -ing分词是由动词原形加词尾-ing构成。-ing分词同样有时态和语态的变化,通常有下表几种形式(以do为例): 一般式完成式 主动形式doing having done 被动形式being done having been done -ing分词的否定形式是由not 加-ing分词构成。如: Not knowing his address, I could do nothing but stay at home and wait. 不知道他的地址,我只好在家里等着。 His not coming made all of us angry. 他没来使我们大家都很生气。 2. -ing分词的一般式和完成式: -ing分词的一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作同时进行的动作;完成式表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生的动作。如: Being a student, he was interested in books. 作为一个学生,他对书本很感兴趣。 Not having studied his lessons very hard, he failed the examinations. 因为没有努力学习功课,他考试不及格。 3. -ing分词的被动式: -ing分词的被动式表示它的逻辑主语是-ing分词动作的承受者。根据-ing分词动作发生的时间,-ing分词的被动式有一般被动式(being done)和完成被动式(having been done)。如: The question being discussed is very important. 正在被讨论的问题很重要。 He never talked about his having been interviewed by the reporter. 他从来没谈起过他被记者采访的事情。 Having been criticized by the teacher, he gave up smoking.被老师批评以后,他把烟戒了。 注意:在need, want, require, be worth等动词(短语)后,作宾语的-ing分词常用主动形式来表示被动含义。如:Your shoes need cleaning. = Your shoes need to be cleaned. 你的鞋需要清洗一下了。 This book is well worth reading. 这本书很值得一看。 4. -ing分词的语法作用 -ing分词一方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个名词或形容词、副词,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语和补语等。 1)–ing分词(短语)作主语: Laying eggs is the ant queen's full-time job. 产卵是蚁后的专职工作。 Saying is easier than doing. 说比做容易。 在下面两种结构中,-ing分词也作主语。 ①为了保持句子平衡,通常用it作形式主语,而把真实主语放在句末。如: It is no use crying over spilt milk. 作无益的后悔是没有用的。 It's a waste of time arguing about it. 辩论这事是浪费时间。 ②在There is no结构中,通常用-ing分词。如: There is no joking about such matters. 这种事开不得玩笑。 There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。


3-18岁纯英式素质教育领航者:纯英式资深外教,纯英式国际领先教材,纯英式学习环境!优尼全能英语:英语动词后加Ving形式的用法 (1)be动词(is.am.are).介词后面加ing形式。还有固定的词组搭配要记住某些动词后出现非限定性动词时只能用动名词作宾语,不能用不定式。常见的此类动词有:advise, allow, permit, avoid, consider, enjoy, finish, give up, cannot help, imagine, include, keep, keep on, mind, miss, put off, delay, practise, resist, suggest, depend on, think about, set about, succeed in, worry about, burst out, insist on, can’t stand, be used to, get used to, devote…to…, look forward to, pay attention to, get down to等。如: They went on walking and never stopped talking. 他们继续走,说个不停。 I found it pleasant walking along the seashore. 在海滩上走真是乐事。 (2)作介词的宾语 We are thinking of making a new plan for the next term. 我们正考虑为下学期制定新的计划。 Shall we have a rest or get down to doing our work? 我们休息呢还是开始干活? (3)作形容词的宾语 The music is well worth listening to more than once. 这种曲子很值得多听几遍。 We are busy preparing for the coming sports meet. 我们正为马上到来的运动会忙着做准备。 (4)、作表语 动名词作表语时句子主语常是表示无生命的事物的名词或what引导的名词性从句。表语动名词与主语通常是对等的关系,表示主语的内容,主语、表语可互换位置。 Your task is cleaning the windows. 你的任务就是擦窗户。(Cleaning the windows is your task.) What I hate most is being laughed at. 我最痛恨的就是被别人嘲笑。(Being laughed at is what I hate most.) (5)、作定语 动名词作定语往往表示被修饰词的某种用途。如: a walking stick =a stick for walking=a stick which is used for walking a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing a reading room=a room for reading=a room which is used for reading a measuring tape=a tape for measuring=a tape which is used for measuring sleeping pills=pills for sleeping=pills which is used for sleeping


什么情况下句首的动词要用ing形式什么情况下用原型 动词的-ing形式 作主语 动词的-ing形式是动词的一种非谓语形式,由动词原形加-ing构成,可以在句子中用作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补语、状语和定语。 n Seeing is believing.眼见为实。 n Coming to Hangzhou by train takes about 16 hours.乘火车到杭州要16个小时。 n It…s nice talking with you.和你谈话很高兴。 n It…s no use arguing with him. 跟他争论没用。 n There is no harm in doing so. 这样做没有害处。 作表语 动词-ing可用来作表语。如:

n This food smells inviting. n My favorite sport is swimming. n Their job is cleaning the window. 作宾语 1.动词-ing形式可以用作动词、短语动词和介词的宾语。 n I warned her against driving fast. n Jim dislikes eating chocolate. 2.有些动词和动词短语后接作宾语的非限定性动词时只能是-ing分词,常见的这类动词有:admit,acknowledge,advise,appreciate,avoid,delay,deny,dislike,enjoy,excuse,escape, fancy,finish,forgive,face,endure,involve,give up,imagine,mention,mind,miss,pardon,


Ving形式作定语 分词短语作定语时,放在被修饰的名词之后;单个分词作定语时,放在被修饰的名词之前。例如: The man standing by the window is our teacher. Many frightened people rushed out of the burning building. Ving作定语主要表示动作和用途。 1. 表示动作(主动的、进行的动作)。 a waiting car = the car that is waiting a sleeping child 熟睡的孩子 The girl standing there is my sister. 站在那儿的女孩是我的姐妹。 [注意]现在分词作定语时,它表示的动作是正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作几乎同时发生,如果两个动作有先有后,一般不能用现在分词作定语,而要用定语从句。例如:The teacher criticized the student who had broken the window. 老师批评了打破窗户的学生。 2. 表示用途: the waiting room = the room for waiting 候车室 a working method 工作方法 He has a reading room. 他有一个书房。 【比较】 过去分词作定语: 及物动词的过去分词表示被动,不及物动词的过去分词表示动作完成。 例如: That is the book written by Lu Xun. 那是鲁迅写的书。 He is a returned student. 他是一个归国的留学生。


动词ing形式的用法 一)Ving形式作定语 分词短语作定语时,放在被修饰的名词之后;单个分词作定语时,放在被修饰的名词之前。例如: The man standing by the window is our teacher. Many frightened people rushed out of the burning building. Ving作定语主要表示动作和用途。 1. 表示动作(主动的、进行的动作)。 a waiting car = the car that is waiting a sleeping child 熟睡的孩子 The girl standing there is my sister. 站在那儿的女孩是我的姐妹。 [注意]现在分词作定语时,它表示的动作是正在进行或与谓语动词所表示的动作几乎同时发生,如果两个动作有先有后,一般不能用现在分词作定语,而要用定语从句。例如: The teacher criticized the student who had broken the window. 老师批评了打破窗户的学生。 2. 表示用途: the waiting room = the room for waiting 候车室 a working method 工作方法 He has a reading room. 他有一个书房。 【比较】 过去分词作定语: 及物动词的过去分词表示被动,不及物动词的过去分词表示动作完成。例如: That is the book written by Lu Xun. 那是鲁迅写的书。 He is a returned student. 他是一个归国的留学生。 不定式作定语: 用不定式作定语,其经常所修饰的名词、代词有:


动词-ing形式作表语定语,宾补及状语的用法 一、动词-ing形式作表语 1.表示主语的内容,可以转换到句首作主语 Her job is keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible. (= keeping the lecture hall as clean as possible is her job) 她的工作是尽量使报告厅保持干净。 2.表示主语具有的特征、性质和状态(动词ing相当一个形容词) The problem is quite puzzling. 这个问题很令困惑。 3.常用来作表语的现在分词有astonishing, amusing, confusing, disappointing, boring, encouraging, inspiring, moving, tiring, interesting, surprising等。 全析提示:动词-ing形式作表语时,其逻辑主语往往是句子中的主语,但用作表语的-ing形式也可带有自己的逻辑主语。 What worries me most is her staying too late every night. (staying too late every night的逻辑主语是her) 二、动词-ing形式作定语 1单个的动词-ing形式可以作前置定语,一般具有两种含义。 ①说明被修饰名词的用途和性能。 a reading room = a room which is used for reading 阅览室 running shoes =shoes for running 跑鞋 a working method =a method for working 工作方法 ②表示所修饰的人或物的动作或状态,在意思上接近一个定语从句,可以表示正在进行的动作,也可表示经常性动作或当时的状态。 developing countries = countries that are developing 发展中国家 an ordinary-looking house = a house that looks ordinary 看起来很普通的房子 a puzzling problem = a problem that puzzles somebody 困扰人的问题 2作定语的动词-ing形式如是一个短语,则应放在被修饰词的后面,做后置定语,相当于一个定语从句。 They lived in a house facing south.(=which is facing south) 他们住在一所朝南的房子里。 Do you know the boy playing basket?(=Who is playing basket) 你认识在打篮球的那个小男孩吗? The man visiting Japan (=the man who is visiting Japan ) is my uncle 正在访问日本的那个男人是我的叔叔。 三、动词-ing形式作宾补 1、动词-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后 面,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。 When we returned, we found a stranger standing in front of the house. 2、当主句转换为被动结构时,原来作宾语补足语 的动词-ing形式便转换为主语补足语。

ving 形式做状语学案

动词ing形式做状语 学习目标:掌握动词ing形式做状语的用法 学会在口语和写作中使用动词ing形式做状语 I.讨论动词ing形式做什么状语并改写句子 Example: understanding no Greek, Nick was able to communicate with them. =Though he didn’t understand Greek,Nick was able to communicate with them. 1.Seeing the old pictures, she remembered her childhood. __________________________________________ 2.Being ill yesterday, she didn’t do to school. __________________________________________ 3.Her husband died, leaving her three children to look after. __________________________________________ 4.Turning left at the corner of the street, you will find the bank.

__________________________________________ 5.Working hard, he failed the exam again. __________________________________________ 6.He lay on the grass, staring at the stars in the sky. __________________________________________ 总结: ___________________________________________ Exercises: Join the two sentences into one sentence Example: She knew he was poor. She refused to marry him. = Knowing he was poor, she refused to marry him. 1.She felt very tired. She went to bed early. _______________________________________ 2.He turned away from me. He looked out of the window. _______________________________________ 3.I watched the bear. I walked slowly towards it. _______________________________________ 4.The knife lay on the road. It shone in the bright


V-ing作定语和状语 Ⅰ. V-ing 作定语 单个的V-ing作定语,常放在被修饰的名词前面作前置定语;V-ing短语作定语,则放在被修饰名词的后面,作后置定语。 1.V-ing作定语,说明被修饰词的性质、特征或用途。 He may be in the reading room . (read) 他可能在阅览室里。 They set up an _______________ table. (operate) 他们搭起一个手术台。 2.V-ing 作定语,表示其与被修饰词之间为主动关系,并且表示动作正在进行。 There are about 200 students studying in this school. 大约有200个学生在这个学校学习。 Who is the woman_________________our English teacher?( talk) 正在和我们英语老师谈话的那个女人是谁? 3.有些V-ing已经转化成了形容词,常用作定语修饰物,表示“令人……”:exciting, shocking, puzzling, confusing, disappointing, discouraging, boring, tiring, moving, touching, interesting, satisfying, frightening, amazing等。 ①That must be a ______________experience. (terrify) 那肯定是一次可怕的经历。 ②The experiment was____________________________. (amaze) 那实验是一个惊人的成功。 Ⅱ. V-ing作状语 V-ing (短语)可以在句子中作状语来修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示动作发生的时间、原因、条件、结果、方式、让步或伴随状况。现在分词一般不用作表目的的状语(通常用不定式表目的状语)。V-ing作状语,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语________,且分词必须和句中的主语是逻辑上的__________关系。 1. 作时间状语 _________________________, he jumped with joy.(hear) 当听到这个好消息时,他高兴地跳了起来。 2. 作结果状语 The boy ran even faster,reaching the school out of breath. 那个男孩跑得更快了,到达学校时累得上气不接下气了。 The song is sung all over the country, ________________________ song.( make) 全国到处在传唱这首歌曲,使它成了一首最受欢迎的歌曲。 3. 作伴随状语与谓语所表示的动作同时发生。 He stood by the window, watching people passing by his window.他站在窗前,望着来来往往的人们。_____________________, they went into the room .( talk) 他们有说有笑地走进房间。 4. 作原因状语 Being a student, I must study hard. 作为一名学生,我必须努力学习。___________________, he didn?t go to school.(be) 由于生病,他没有上学。 注意:表示原因的V-ing 形式一般位于句首,相当于一个原因状语从句。其否定式直接在句首加not . ______________________her address, , we couldn?t get in touch with her. ( know) 由于不知道她地址,我们无法和她联系。 5. 作让步状语 Being young,the little boy knows a lot about computer.尽管这个小男孩很小,但是他懂得很多电脑知识。 _________________ here for four years, I am not familiar with my neighbors. (live) 虽然我在这儿住了四年,我对邻居们都还不熟悉。 6. 作条件状语 Heating water, we can change it into vapor. 把水加热,我们可以将其变为水蒸汽。 _____________ahead, you will see a white house.( walk) 一直往前走,你就会看到一座白色的房子。 7. 作方式状语 ____________________, we visited many places. (travel) 我们乘车游览了许多地方。 注意: 1.当v-ing所表示的动作发生在谓语动词之前时,应使用__________式:_________________ ①After he finished his homework, he rushed out to play basketball. =___________________his homework, he rushed out to play basketball.他完成作业后冲出去打篮球。 ②After he closed the windows, he went out of the classroom. =____________________the windows, he went out of the classroom. 关上窗户后,他走出教室。 2.当v-ing与句子的主语之间存在着逻辑上的动宾关系时,应该使用________式:_________. The tall building ___________________ now is our new school.( build) 正在被修建的那栋大楼是我们的新学校。 3. V-ing作状语时,它的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语_______________。 ①Rushing into the dining-room, I found super was waiting for. () ②Rushing into the dining-room, supper was waiting for me. () Ⅲ. 连词+ V-ing V-ing作状语时,相当于省略的状语从句。由when / while / after / before / if /though / unless/as if等引导的状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,如果从句的谓语动词是主动语态,则可以省略从句的主语,而保留原连词,形成"连词+现在分词"的结构形式。 1.Though they lacked(缺少)money, his parents managed to send him to university. =______________________ money, his parents managed to send him to university. 2.When I was walking in the street, I came across an old friend of mine. =_____________________________, I came across an old friend of mine. 3.Unless I was invited, I wouldn?t go to the party. =_____________________, I wouldn?t go to the party. 4.As I am a student, I must study hard. = _________________a student, I must study hard.


v-ing形式作状语 v-ing形式作状语时,用于修饰某动词或整个句子,所表示的动作与句子主语构成逻辑上的主谓关 系。v-ing形式作状语时,可以单独使用,也可以在其前加上when,while,after,if,unless,although,though等连词,表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、伴随、方式等。 1. 作时间状语 Hearing this news, she got frightened. 听到这个消息,她感到害怕。 Looking out of the window, I saw some children playing football. Turning around , he saw a tiger running up. 2. 作结果状语 The boy ran even faster,reaching the school out of breath. 那个男孩跑得更快了,到达学校时累得上 气不接下气了。 The child slipped and fell, hitting his head against the door. Her husband died, leaving her four children. They fired, killing many people in the street. 3. 作伴随状语 He stood by the window, watching people passing by his window. He came running. She stood waiting for a bus. He sat there reading a book. The students ran out of the classroom, talking and laughing. 4. 作原因状语 Being a student, I must study hard. 作为一名学生,我必须努力学习。 Seeing nobody at home, he left them a note. Not knowing his telephone number, I couldn’t get in touch with him. 5. 作让步状语 Having lived here for four years, I am not familiar with my neighbors. 虽然我在这儿住了四年,我对邻 居们都还不熟悉。 Working or reading, she always did her best. 不管是工作还是阅读,她总是竭尽全力。 Not being a rich man himself, he helped the poor generously. 尽管他自己不算富裕,他却是慷慨的帮助 穷人。 6. 作条件状语 Heating water, we can change it into vapour. 把水加热,我们可以将其变为水蒸汽。 Working in his small room, he made three pairs of shoes every day. 在他的小房间里工作,每天做三双鞋。 Using your head, you’ll find a good way. Working hard, you’ll surely succeed. 7. 作目的状语 He stayed up late into the night, attempting to pass the entrance exam. 他晚上睡得很晚,想通过考试。 注意: 一、V-ing 的时态和语态。


动词的-ing形式作状语 【观察】观察下列句子中动词的-ing形式作状语的用法,然后加以总结。 1. Arriving at the classroom, the children began to do cleaning. 2. She doesn’t feel like eating anything, being ill for a few days. 3. Working hard, you will succeed sooner or later. 4. Weighing almost one hundred kilos, the stone was moved by him alone. 5. The song is sung all over the country, making it very popular. 6. Travelling by car, we visited many exciting and beautiful places. 7. While/When reading the book, he nodded from time to time. 8. Make sure to read all choices before deciding on the best answer. 9. After finishing reading the letter, he went on to write a reply. 10. On/Upon hearing their teacher’s voice, the pupils stopped talking at once. 11. The car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay. 12. Though/Although raining heavily, it cleared up very soon. 13. I have accepted this, not wanting to disappoint them. 14. Generally speaking, people like to hear compliments from others. 【总结】 Ⅰ. 动词的-ing形式作状语的用法 动词的-ing形式作状语,通常表示主语正在进行的另一动作,用来对谓语动词表示的动作加以修饰或作为陪衬。它可表示时间、条件、原因、让步、结果、方式或伴随动作,相当于相应的状语从句。 ◆作时间状语,多置于句首,也可置于句末。(如例句1) ◆作原因状语,多置于句首或句末,也可置于句中。(如例句2) ◆作条件状语,多置于句首。(如例句3) ◆作让步状语,多置于句首。(如例句4) ◆作结果状语,多置于句末。(如例句5) ◆作方式或伴随状语,多置于句末,也可置于句首。(如例句6) 【区别】动词的-ing形式和动词不定式作结果状语: 动词的-ing形式表示“正常出现的、自然而然的或意料之中的”结果。通常位于句末,其前有逗号隔开。有时为了强调,可在现在分词前加副词thus, therefore 等。 动词不定式表示意料之外的结果。尤其是和only连用。如: She ran to the station, only to find that the train had left. 【特别提醒】为强调-ing形式所表达的意义,在-ing形式短语前可用连词、介词或副词。 ◆“when/while+-ing形式”强调-ing形式与谓语动词的动作同时发生。(如例句7)◆“befor e + -ing形式”强调-ing形式在谓语动词所表示的动作之后发生。(如例句8) ◆“after+动词的-ing形式”强调-ing形式在谓语动词所表示的动作之前发生。(如例句9) ◆“on/upon + -ing形式”表示“一(刚)……就……”。(如例句10) ◆“thus + -ing形式”表示结果。(如例句11) ◆“though /although+ -ing形式”表示让步。(如例句12) Ⅱ. 动词的-ing形式的否定形式动词的-ing形式的否定形式为“not+-ing形


装载门锁信息从电脑到Pocket PC 确认Pocket PC 平稳放置在底座,且底座与电脑连接好 按Server进入Server Mode. 在VC3000 软件主菜单中按LockLink开始LockLink 模块操作. 按Program Locks. 进入Program Locks 屏幕, 选择要输入程序的门锁房号然后按Send. 门锁信息下载到LockLink中. 注意:在点击Send按钮前, LockLink 必须通过底座连接到VC3000 电脑, 并且COM 端口必须在电脑中正确配置 (在System Setup 模块中的System Parameters 中配置).

开始使用LockLink 注意:任何操作都需要使用一个有效的密码. LockLink 功能

注意:当三分钟没有使用时,Pocket PC将自动退出并关机 连接LockLink Pocket PC LockLink Pocket PC 连接要通过底座与VC3000 电脑连接. 1. 放置Pocket PC在底座上. 2. 开机,并按Server按钮进入Server Mode. LockLink 现在已准备好与VC3000电脑 通讯.. 将程序输入门锁中 何时需要输入门锁程序 你输入程序到新的门锁, 你想要升级门锁程序, 你更换了门锁电池并且门锁没有连接电源超过3分钟, 或 门锁电池电力完全没有了, 输入程序和信息到门锁中 1. 检查LockLink 设置正确的日期和时间, 它将自动的被设置到门锁中. 2. 检查连接卡与Pocket PC 的连接,然后按Upload从LockLink主菜单.


v-ing形式的基本用法 (1)作主语:Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。 Talking is easier than doing. –ing作主语时,如果其结构较长,可用it作形式主语,而将作主语的-ing后置。如:It isn’t much good writing to them again. It’s no use waiting here. (2)作表语:Her job is washing and cooking. My hobby is collecting stamps. (3)作宾语: ①作及物动词的宾语。She likes drawing very much.; ②作某些短语动词的宾语。Mary is thinking of going back to New Y ork.; ③do 限定词(my, some, any, the等)-ing,表示“做…事”之意,如: We often do our cleaning on Saturday afternoon. Will you do any shopping on Saturday this afternoon? ④作介词的宾语:Her sister is good at learning physics.; ⑤作形容词worth, busy等的宾语:This book is well worth reading. –ing作宾语带有宾语补足语时,要用it作为形式宾语,而将作宾语的-ing后置,如:We found it no good talking like that. Do you think it necessary trying again? (4)作定语:The sleeping child is only five years old. Do you know the man standing at the gate? 注:-ing形式作定语用时,如果-ing只是一个单词,就位于其修饰的名词之前,如果是-ing 短语,就位于其修饰的名词之后,-ing作定语时,被-ing所修饰的名词就是该-ing的逻辑主语。另外,-ing作定语用时,其动作和句子谓语动词所表示的动作是同时进行的,如果不是同时进行的,就不能用-ing作定语,要使用定语从句,如: The girl who wrote a letter there yesterday can speak English very well. (5)作宾语补足语:We can see steam rising from the wet clothes. 注:当-ing在复合宾语中作宾语补足语用时,句中宾语就是这个-ing的逻辑主语,可以带有这种复合宾语的动词有see, watch, hear, observe, feel, find, have, keep等。 (6)作状语: ①时间状语:Seeing Tom, I couldn’t help thinking of his brother. 分词在句中作时间状语时,其前一般可加when或while,如: When crossing street, you must be careful. ②原因状语:Being ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday. ③方式或伴随状语:Mary stood at the school gate waiting for Betty. 3、主动语态-ing完成式的基本用法。主动语态-ing完成式所表示的动作发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之前,一般在句中作时间或原因状语用。句中的主语是它的逻辑主语,并且是它所表示的动作的执行者,如:
