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英语六级阅读 提高面试智商的十个方法

英语六级阅读 提高面试智商的十个方法
英语六级阅读 提高面试智商的十个方法


Ten Tips to Boost Your Interview IQ


Even the smartest and most qualified job seekers need to prepare for job interviews. Why, you ask? Interviewing is a learned skill, and there are no second chances to make a great first impression. So study these 10 strategies and caveats to enhance your interview IQ.


Practice Good Nonverbal Communication


It's about demonstrating confidence: standing straight, making eye contact and connecting with a good, firm handshake. That first impression can be a great beginning -- or quick ending -- to your interview.


Dress for the Job or Company


Today’s casual dress codes do not give you permission to dress as "they" do when you interview. It is important to look professional and well-groomed. Whether you wear a suit or something less formal depends on the company culture and the position you are seeking. If possible, call to find out about the company dress code before the interview.




From the very beginning of the interview, your interviewer is giving you information, either directly or indirectly. If you are not hearing it, you are missing a major opportunity. Good communication skills include listening and letting the person know you heard what he said. Observe your interviewer and match that style and pace.


Don't Talk Too Much


Telling the interviewer more than he needs to know could be a fatal mistake. When you have not prepared ahead of time, you may tend to ramble, sometimes talking yourself right out of the job. Prepare for the interview by reading through the job posting, matching your skills with the position's requirements and relating only that information.


Don't Be Too Familiar


The interview is a professional meeting to talk business. This is not about making a new friend. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer's demeanor. It is important to bring energy and enthusiasm to the interview and to ask questions, but do not overstep your place as a candidate looking for a job.


Use Appropriate Language


It's a given that you should use professional language during the interview. Be aware of any inappropriate slang words or references to age, race, religion, politics or sexual orientation -- these topics could send you out the door very quickly.


Don't Be Cocky


Attitude plays a key role in your interview success. There is a fine balance between confidence, professionalism and modesty. Even if you're putting on a performance to demonstrate your ability, overconfidence is as bad, if not worse, as

being too reserved.


Take Care to Answer the Questions


When an interviewer asks for an example of a time when you did something, he is seeking a sample of your past behavior. If you fail to relate a specific example, you not only don't answer the question, but you also miss an opportunity to prove your ability and talk about your skills.


Ask Questions


When asked if they have any questions, most candidates answer, "No." Wrong answer. It is extremely important to ask questions to demonstrate an interest in what goes on in the company. Asking questions also gives you the opportunity to find out if this is the right place for you. The best questions come from listening to what is asked during the interview and asking for additional information.


Don't Appear Desperate


When you interview with the "please, please hire me" approach, you appear desperate and less confident. Maintain the three C's during the interview: cool, calm and confident. You know you can do the job; make sure the interviewer believes you can, too. Talk to peers and get expert advice on the 27 Feng Shui Ways to Improve Your Career Board.






大学英语六级考试阅读理解(NO.1) 六级英语阅读理解提分技巧: 很多同学在做英语六级考试阅读题的时候感到无从下手,一看阅读文章中有一大片不认识的单词,心中往往会出现恐慌和不知所措。这个时候,我们不能就此大退堂鼓,该怎么做呢?想要提高阅读的分数,在复习阶段就必须扩充词汇量,这是基础中的基础。此外,还要学会总结,这样才能得出经验。下面,让文都四六级小编来给大家具体说一下! 一、扩充词汇量 虽然六级词可以在文章中能够利用技巧猜出,但强烈建议考生仍不能忽视平时词汇量的积累。因为非要把平时可以搞定的单词当成生词去考场浪费时间精力来猜测处理是非常得不偿失的办法。当然,单纯背单词书效果比较差,尤其对那些恒心、毅力不强的考生。 所以这里推荐一个适合提高阅读部分单词识记数量的小方法: 考生可以每天定量反复扫读六级大纲内的词汇,同时进行六级阅读真题的训练或者找一些与六级阅读文章难度相当的文章进行单词回顾演练, 这样经过两至三个月的时间,至少可以保证考生对大部分的高频单词进行了多次的“会面”,混了眼熟,也就达到了考纲要求的对于含义理解的层次要求了,当然,这需要一个不断循环往复的扫读-阅读过程。 二、学会对六级不同考试题目的理解 不同的题目的指向是不同的,同时对考生的思维方向的要求是不同的。

比如,考文章大意的题目实际上是考大家的归纳推理能力, 而考细节的题目更多的是考察同学的英语阅读能力。 有的题目只需在原文中找到相关定位即可,有的题目则要求我们对全文或者某一段落的内容全面掌握。我建议大家平时复习时可以自己去归纳总结或体会不同题目的不同做法。当然,现在的培训机构会给同学们分类,大家也可以不妨试试,提高自己的复习效率。 总之,分析出自己的问题出在哪再对症下药,这样复习起来既有效率又有效果,但是英语的提高不是一个短时间可以突飞猛进的事儿, 所以还得需要各位考生平时多勤奋,因为六级对于大家而言只是人生面临的诸多关卡之一,我相信同学们一定能将六级考试踩在自己的脚下。 三、重新审视大纲要求 要求考生阅读若干篇短文。每篇短文后有若干个问题。 考生应根据文章内容得出最佳答案。 选材: 1、题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化等方面,但是所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解; 2、体裁多样,可以包括说明文、议论文等; 评析:在备考中,应该练习多题材的文章,包括生活话题、经济类话题、环境话题,以及还有热点话题等,熟悉各种题材的文章结构和作者的表述,特别要关注议论文的结构模式,把握议论文的逻辑顺序。 阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力:


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题及答案解析(第三套完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend college at home or abroad, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. 【参考范文】 Whether to Attend College at Home or Abroad? Currently, with studying abroad gains mounting popularity among people, there is a heated debate about whether to attend college at home or abroad. Opinions on this topic vary from person to person. Some see more benefits in studying at home while others claim that studying abroad is a more ideal choice as it?s more challenging. Personally, I am a strong favorer of the latter view. Listed below are the reasons for my advice. First of all, attending college abroad provides an opportunity to broaden one?s experience and mind. You can acquire cross-cultural experiences and gain new perspectives on your chosen field of study. In addition, studying abroad helps you to polish your social skills; you can make friends with different people with different background. Thirdly, overseas studying is conducive to the formation of an independent, autonomous and tenacious personality, which will ultimately benefit the achievement of our life goals. Just as an old saying goes: “It is better to travel thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” Then studying abroad can not only enable us to reap in our books, but also in our trips. And this is why attending college abroad is a preferable selection for me. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) 说明:2017年6月大学英语六级真题全国共考了两套听力。本套(即第三套)的听力材料与第一套完全一样,只是选项的顺序不同而已,故本套不再重复给出。 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


关于智力如何通过后天努力提高 《科学美国人》的网站上有一篇是关于如何提高智商的文章。是作者基于自己对 自闭症儿童的治疗总结的。下面小编为你整理智商通过后天努力提高,希望能帮到你。 其中对智商的定义是“晶体智商”,即接受新知识,掌握它,并用其解决问题,或 获取后续新知识的能力。当然那必须指出的是,作者所观察到的提高也只是智力测试 分数的提高。 文中给出的5个提高智商的方法则是:Seek Novelty寻找新奇领域,Challenge urself自我挑战,think creatively创造性思考,do things the hard way不走寻常路,network社交。 简而言之就是,提高IQ的秘密 = 找事+自讨苦吃+骚扰别人。 人们所熟悉的IQ事实上只是智力的一个测量方法,并无法全面反映一个人的智力。即便如此,数据表明多数人在一生中IQ是呈整体增长趋势的。这是因为人天生是learning being,必须通过不断学习来熟悉环境、适应变化,而这种学习甚至可以是无 意识的。 晶体智力本身基于知识的,而在我们日常的语境下的智商,显然不是指“知识“的 掌握能力,而是脱离知识的一种能力,也就是所谓的流体智力。流体智力虽然在先天 性条件下变得比较稳定,但是在某些程度上是属于可训练范畴(流体智力指人们能够“独立于已有知识进行推理,解决问题的能力”。通俗的说,我们通常说人“聪明”就是 指流体智力了。再由于智商是测量流体智力的重要指标,我们也可以理解为,这项训 练任务提高了我们的“智商”。) 不过抛开这些不管,我还是主要回答一下这篇问题吧。我的答案分成两部分。 一,关于智商。 首先说到智商,就不得不提智商测试。首先,无论三大测试标准的哪一种,智商 测试都具有以下几个特点: 1,标准化考试。 2,尽量脱离纯知识性的东西。 3,逻辑得分偏重较大。 4,题目具有“一次性“原则。


本文由62好哦贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 在 CET6 阅读理解阅读理解的问题型文章中,作者一般在文章的开头先提出一个传统的观点或做法、开头先提出一个传统的观点或做法、开头先提出一个传统的观点或做法或某一个现象、或某一个概念来加以介绍。然后在第一段的结尾或第二段的开头第一段的结尾或第二段的开头(这句话是重点信息,往往有考题)用 yet、however、第一段的结尾或第二段的开头、、 but 等词加以转折来表明自己的立场,先简单提出一下传统做法所带来的问题提出自己的等词加以转折来表明自己的立场,先简单提出一下传统做法所带来的问题,提出自己的质疑。提出自己的总的观点之后作者会运用一些权威人士的话来证明自己的观点(提出自己的总的观点之后,权威人士的话来证明自己的观点质疑。在提出自己的总的观点之后,作者会运用一些权威人士的话来证明自己的观点(在考试中这些废话可以简单的看一下,因为这些专家的观点与作者的观点是完全一致的。是完全一致的)考试中这些废话可以简单的看一下,因为这些专家的观点与作者的观点是完全一致的)在第三段和第四段第三段和第四段,作者会用一个问句的形式来寻求解决的方法,这一段很重要简来寻求解决的方法,第三段和第四段来寻求解决的方法这一段很重要,简单一点的文章,作者直接就用 first、second 等表述解决的办法等表述解决的办法(但这样表述的是少数),大单一点的文章、多数文章会先提出一个方案,然后对这个方案分析之后再加以转折表明这样的解决办法对这个方案分析之后再加以转折多数文章会先提出一个方案对这个方案分析之后再加以转折,表明这样的解决办法会带来一个新的问题,意味着作者对传统的做法是持的态度的,会带来一个新的问题,意味着作者对传统的做法是持critical 的态度的,即认为这种做法并这种做法并不能从根本上改变现状,只是权宜之计而已,最后作者会回到第一段的问题,来呼吁一下,最后作者会回到第一段的问题,不能从根本上改变现状最后作者会回到第一段的问题要求各国进行合作啊,或者要求改变这样的做法啊等等! 后记:在问题型阅读文章中,一般作者出题的思路较为明显,后记:在问题型阅读文章中,一般作者出题的思路较为明显, 模式一般为:提出问题分析问题解决问题,或者为提出问题--分析问题解决问题模式一般为:提出问题分析问题解决问题,或者为提出问题 在浏览题干时先要在头脑中反应一下解决问题等等,浏览题干时先要在头脑中反应一下,该题是考察作者哪部分的问题,解决问题等等,浏览题干时先要在头脑中反应一下,该题是考察作者哪部分的问题,在了解的大的方向之后,可以有针对性的做题;在阅读作者分析问题这部分时,可以抓了解的大的方向之后,可以有针对性的做题了解的大的方向之后 专家观点”、作者观点作者观点”、传统观点或大众观点)传统观点”(住“专家观点、“作者观点、“传统观点(或大众观点)等不同专家观点类型的观点,类型的观点,对相互一致以及相互矛盾的观点加以分类,这样就可 以有效避免读完文章而不知道作者在讲什么的现象了。(PS:六级阅读的文章可谓千变万化,这里只提供一个大致的方法和思路,并不能面面俱到,希望大家能将自己的体会都写出来,共同交流,共同进步) 的快读阅读,的简答题和六级阅读由 10%的快读阅读,5%的简答题和 20%的的快读阅读的深度阅读构成,深度阅读是六级考试重心之一,包括两篇文章,深度阅读构成,而深度阅读是六级考试重心之一,包括两篇文章,做题


距离大学英语六级考试还有不足一个月的时间,笔者给临战的考生朋友们一些建议。希望能通过本文帮大家梳理一个头绪,在最后的备战中尽量做到有的放矢,弹无虚发。 一、快速阅读。 大学六级中的第一道阅读题目是快速阅读,很多考生朋友都向笔者反映:快速阅读怎么做啊?拿到题目是先看文章还是先看题目啊?怎么我总是做不完题啊?有什么方法可以提高阅读速度啊?等等等等……这几个问题相信也是大家最关心的,那接下来,笔者将从六级快速阅读的命题特征,做题步骤,解题方法几个角度来谈谈如何攻克快速阅读。 1.六级快速阅读的命题特征。 六级快速阅读的文章篇幅约为1200单词,通常是略多一些的,整个题目的给定时间为15分钟。文章之后是十道题目,这十题可以会出现两种组合:一种为4道是非判断题(也就是大家所熟悉的Y/N/NG题)加上6道句子填空题(也可称补全句子);另一种为7道选择题加上3道句子填空题。 至于考试最终会以哪种形式出题,在考纲中是没有明确说明的,从改革之后的几次实考情况来看,06年12月六级开始使用新题型,到09年6月的六级考试中,第一种题目组合形式考了两次,分别是06年12月和07年6月;第二种题目组合形式考了之后的四次。大家可以从以上的信息中来分配自己对于每种题型的复习时间。 2.六级快速阅读的做题步骤。 由于整个快速阅读部分总体时间为15分钟,如果不进行合理的规划,这样的时间是绝对不够用的。很多考生朋友会问到底应该以一种什么样的顺序来做题?我们先来了解一下在考试大纲中的说法: “要求考生运用略读和查读的技能从篇章中获取信息。略读考核学生通过快速阅读获取文章主旨大意或中心思想的能力,阅读速度约为每分钟120词。查读考核学生利用各种提示,如数字、大字单词、段首或句首词等,快速查找特定信息的能力。” 从考纲中我们发现,这里有三个重点信息:略读、查读、速度为120词/分钟。从这三点上我们基本上可以确实整体的步骤了,那就是选定信息+回到文章查找信息+对比解题。而且我们应该是看一题,做一题。这就是所谓的略读、查读。其实这正是我们平时所使用的从题干中找关键词,回文章定位的办法。快速阅读其实就是考定位。 而另外一个信息,阅读速度问题,表面上看到这个120词/分钟,很考生都望而却步,这绝对是一个无法企及的速度,但笔者提醒大家看它前面的文字,这样读的目的是为了获取文章主旨大意,而不是精细分析,于是结合大家以往所掌握的英语阅读知识应该知道,在英语中主旨的位置往往是相对固定的,想要把握1200个单词的文章的主旨根本不需要全文阅读,只需要看几个位置就可以了,如标题、首段、小标题。所以说这里的阅读速度应该更确切的讲是平均速度。


大学英语六级CET6真题及答案 part i listening comprehension (20 minutes) section a 1.a) the dean should have consulted her on the appointment. b) dr. holden should have taken over the position earlier. c) she doesn’t think dr. holden has made a wise choice. d) dr. holden is the best person for the chairmanship. 2 .a) they’ll keep in touch during the summer vacation b) they’ll hold a party before the summer vacation c) they’ll do odd jobs together at the school library d) they’ll get back to their school once in a while 3. a)peaches are in season now. b)peaches are not at their best now. c)the woman didn’t know how to bargain. d)the woman helped the man choose the fruit. 4.a)they join the physics club. b)they ask for an extension of the deadline. c)they work on the assignment together. d)they choose an easier assignment. 5.a)she admires jean’s straightforwardness b)she thinks dr. brown deserves the praise c)she will talk to jean about what happened d)she believes jean was rude to dr. brown 6.a)he liked writing when he was a child b)he enjoyed reading stories in reader’s digest c)he used to be an editor of reader’s digest d)he became well known at the age of six 7.a)he shows great enthusiasm for his studies b)he is a very versatile person c)he has no talent for tennis d)he does not study hard enough 8 a) john has lost something at the railway station b) there are several railway stations in the city c) it will be very difficult for them to find john d) the train that john is taking will arrive soon 9. a)its rapid growth is beneficial to the world


英语六级阅读方法 英语六级阅读方法做阅读题目之前,一定要认真审题,弄明白这些题目的题型,说明白一些就是知道出这些题的根本目的是考察我们哪方面的能力,六级阅读在本质上是对文章细节考察。大家对于阅读题的普遍认识是有五种题型,细节题、主旨题、推断题、态度题和语义题。 认真找出命题点,它们常常和语言特征相结合。因为在每个阅读中基本上包含450词的信息量,但不是每一句都是出题人热衷的出题热点。因此我们在阅读文章的过程中也要做到详略得当。出题人尤其喜欢针对一些特定的语言特征来设置题目,像特殊的标点符号,转折关系,比较关系,因果关系,引用,举例等。找到这些关键词,思路就清晰了很多吧。 还需要注意的一点是,正确选项与原文定位句转换,正确选项会具体表现出四种特征:一,是原文的完全再现,二,是原文的结构,个别名词或动词进行同义替换;三,是原文的主宾颠倒;四,是原文的句正话反说。在近几次考试中,原文原词重现成为正确选项的现象呈上升趋势,一定要总结一下规律。 看一题,定位一题。首先大致阅读一边文章,看看文章是注意讲什么内容,现有一个概念,具体做题目的时候,一题一题的做,不要一会儿看到这题容易就先做这个,阅读过程中又把注意力集中到别的题目上去。这样很容易打乱思路

大学英语四六级阅读3大题型高分攻略段落信息匹配题这个题型在考试时一定要注意时间的控制,不要影响了后面的答题时间。 段落信息匹配题答题时要从两方面入手: 1、先看题再看文章,能够将更多简单的题先做出来,简单题全部处理完毕之后,剩下的难题可以再重新回到文章当中再去找那些已经被挑剩下的段落。 2、关键词定位:特别注意题干中的数字、特殊的人名地名等,在原文中很可能换到直接对应的。 仔细阅读题 1. 认真阅读五道题,确定题型,找出关键词; 2. 粗略浏览文章,确定每道题目的位置(找不到定位,通过依次而下确定范围); 3. 理解定位明确区域,对比选项,切忌过度推导; 4. 定位不明确,注意区域中举例、标点、转折等语言现象; 5. 每篇文章做题时间10-12分钟 选词填空题 1.选词填空题答题时首先要给选项分词性(n. v. a. ad.) 2.根据每空前后信息判断空格处所需词汇的词性 3.把对应词性选项逐一带回原文,含义通顺,时态主谓搭配一致者为正确答案。 考试中把选词填空放到最后做,充裕时间留给精读。 四六级阅读抢分技巧解题思路: 第一步,快速略读全文,浏览大标题,同时分析小标题。


英语快速阅读:英语六级考试中的如何提高阅读效率在继“出国考托福需要的三种快速阅读(按住ctrl键,鼠标点击可做具体了解)技巧”和“出国考雅思需要快速阅读”等英语快速阅读文章外,精英特速读记忆训练网再推出“英语六级考试中的如何提高阅读效率”以供大家作英语快速阅读技巧及训练的参考。 大学英语六级考试大纲(2006年修订版)明确指出:快速阅读部分采用1~2篇较长篇幅的文章或多篇短文,总长度约为1200词。要求考生运用略读(skimming)和查读(scanning)的技能从篇章中获取信息。略读考核考生通过快速阅读获取文章主旨大意或中心思想的能力,阅读速度约为每分钟120词;查读考核学生利用各种提示,如数字、大写单词、段首或句首词等,快速查找特定信息的能力。 其中“每分钟120词”的“高速度”通常会让大多数考生感到无从下手。其实不必如此,下面介绍三招来实现快速阅读真正的又快又好! 第一招:明确试题特点,做到有的放矢 从近几年的真题来看,快速阅读理解部分采用的题型有是非判断题、句子填空题和选择题等。 1. 是非判断题 是非判断题要求我们根据原文信息判断题目中各个句子的描述是“对(Yes)”、“错(No)”还是“未提及(Not Given)”。判断的原则是确定题干与原文语句之间的关系,基本标准是:如果题干与原文意思一致,就是“对(Y)”; 如果题干与原文意思不一致,就是“错(N)”; 如果题干与原文既不一致也不矛盾,则说明原文对题干表述的事物不曾提及,或未作判断,即为“未提及(NG)”。 2. 句子填空题 句子填空题主要通过改变原文句子结构,或者变换其中的连接词,或缺省其中的某个句子成分,让考生补充所需内容。这类题目要先分析所缺的部分,是一个词、短语、还是从句等,是名词性、动词性还是形容词性等,填的时候要“对症下药”;最后分析原文相关语句,尽量用原文词语填空,但要做到简练,以保证所填内容的准确性。 3. 选择题 选择题是快速阅读的一个备选题型,四个选项就意味着关键词出现的高频率,也相对降低了解题难度。快速阅读的选择题一般很少有需要推理或综合判断的题目,只需根据题干的关键词定位到文中相关语句,答案即一目了然。 第二招:掌握阅读方法,以求成竹在胸 快速阅读题目考查的阅读方法是略读(skimming)和查读(scanning),强调的是考生在实践语言环境中查询有效信息的能力,其中略读(skimming)的重点在于快速了解文章的中心思想,查读(scanning)的重点在于有目标地找出文中某些特定的信息。


2017年6月大学英语六级考试真题(第二套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: Suppose you are asked to give advice on whether to attend a vocational college or a university, write an essay to state your opinion. You are required to write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 1. A) He would feel insulted. B) He would feel very sad. C) He would be embarrassed. D) He would be disappointed. 2. A) They are worthy of a prize. B) They are of little value. C) They make good reading. D) They need improvement. 3. A) He seldom writes a book straight through. B) He writes several books simultaneously. C) He draws on his real-life experiences. D) He often turns to his wife for help. 4. A) Writing a book is just like watching a football match. B) Writers actually work every bit as hard as footballers. C) He likes watching a football match after finishing a book. D) Unlike a football match, there is no end to writing a book. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 5. A) Achievements of black male athletes in college. B) Financial assistance to black athletes in college. C) High college dropout rates among black athletes. D) Undergraduate enrollments of black athletes.


提高智力的另外三种方法 chengmine发表于2011-04-08 18:00:22 智力是天生的,一成不变的吗?教你五种方法提高智力:1体验新鲜事物2挑战自己3有创造力的思考4生活中,多玩“hard”模式5多与他人进行交流。今天来说后三种。 有创造力地思考 当我们在此谈论“创造力”,不是去搞艺术。所谓“有创造力的思考”的核心和之前讲过的“体验新鲜事物”一样,如果你碰到的不是新鲜事物,就换个思考角度,寻找新的想法。人们普遍认为,“创造力”只和人的右脑有关,实际上这是错误的。创造力需要发散思维,在看似无关的事物之间寻找关联,从常规角度和非常规的角度思考问题。要完成这些,需要左脑和右脑的共同协调作用。 塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)的前院长罗伯特?斯滕伯格(Robert Sternberg)博士数年前在波士顿成立了PACE(Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise)中心,斯滕伯格博士想发现影响智商的主要因素,同时寻找能适用于学校教学的提高学生智商的方法。他进行了一项叫做“彩虹计划(The Rainbow Project)”的研究,在“彩虹计划”中,他发明了一套用于提高学生创新能力的课堂教学方法,以及针对相应的创新能力、应用能力、分析能力、等方面的测试。例如,一道创新能力测试题是:给学生看一幅漫画,然后让学生给漫画加上字幕。而应用能力测试题可能是:给学生看一部电影,讲一个学生去参加一个全是陌生人的派对,问这个学生该怎么办? 斯滕伯格博士想知道通过对创造力的教学,能否使学生在该科目学的更好,提高学习的乐趣,更重要的是,能否通过学习的内容举一反三,在其他的科目也取得进步。他通过不断变换教学和考试内容,来避免应试化的教学,取得了惊人的成果。不管是在创新能力还是传统的应用能力上,那些进行了创造力教学的学生在分数上都高于那些进行普通教学的学生。他们的能力得到了全面提高,即使是在完全不同的一项测试中,他们都取得了更好的成绩。 生活中,多玩“hard”模式


英语六级的阅读技巧 英语六级的阅读技巧 大学英语六级仔细阅读技巧 1.读问题,划出标志词或关键词 快速浏览题目,对5个题目有大概印象以便阅读时有侧重点。一般来说,对于本身已经明确其考查内容的题目,标志词和关键词是比较容易找到的,只看一下题干即可,而对于那些并没有出现标志词和关键词的题目,如:Theauthorsuggeststhat,可以在解答试题时浏览选项作出解答。 2.略读文章 在略读中,首先阅读第一段,因为第一段通常会告诉我们作者将要讨论的话题。然后阅读下面各段的第一句话,以对每个段落的内容有大概的了解,然后再阅读最后一段,以帮助我们对文章内容进行概括,或了解作者的评价、态度等。 3.解答试题 根据试题中的标志词和关键词,找到试题在文章中对应的句子,并对其进行仔细阅读,然后对比四个选项,选出正确答案。 正确选项的特点: 1.用同近义词或者上下义词对文中的单词进行同义替换。 2.用概括或总结的说法代替文中的表述。 3.针对转折或否定进行正反的替换。 错误选项的特点: 1.主干错误:选项偷换了原文句子部分的主谓宾。

2.比较的错误:比较对象、比较内容、比较结果的错误。 3.否定的错误:否定对象被扩大或者偷换。 4.无中生有:原文中没有提到的内容。 英语六级仔细阅读解题步骤 一、细节题 1.仔细阅读题目,弄清题目的具体要求,以及所给4个选项。 2.在题目或选项中确定关键词,再利用关键词回文章中定位,找出文章中相对应的细节性句子,与4个选项进行对照,以确定正确答案。 二、主旨题 1.确定文章有无主题句,以及主题句在文章中的位置。 2.如有主题句,就能很容易确定文章或段落的主题。 3.如没有明显的'主题句,就带着问题细读文章的首段和尾段找出其中心,抓住每个段落的主题句,明确文章的中心思想。 三、推理题 1.对某个细节进行推断---先在文中找到该细节所在的句子,在正确理解该句的基础上推断出未知的事实。 2.根据文章推测作者的观点、目的、态度和思路---先确定文章的中心思想,再根据中心和作者所陈述的事实及细节进行推断。 3.推断文章中没出现的前一段或下一段的内容---仔细阅读并理解了文章内容的基础上,重点分析文章的首、尾两段尤其是文章的开始句和结束句。 四、语义题 1.找到该词或短语所在的句子。


1.Why Integrity Matters What Is Integrity? The key to integrity is consistency- not only setting high personal standards for oneself (honesty, responsibility, respect for others, fairness) but also living up to those standards each and every day. One who has integrity is bound by and follows moral and ethical (道德上的) standards even when making life's hard choices, choices which may be clouded by stress, pressure to succeed, or temptation. What happens if we lie, cheat, steal, or violate other ethical standards? We feel disappointed in ourselves and ashamed. But a lapse (缺失) of integrity also affects our relationships with others. Trust is essential in any important relationship, whether personal or professional. Who can trust someone who is dishonest or unfair? Thus integrity must be one of our most important goals. Risky Business We are each responsible for our own decisions, even if the decision, making process has been undermined by stress or peer pressure. The real test of character is whether we can learn from our mistake, by understanding why we acted as we did and then exploring ways to avoid similar problems in the future. Making ethical decisions is a critical part of avoiding future problems. We must learn to recognize risks, because if we can't see the risks we're taking, we can't make responsible choices. To identify risks, we need to know the rules and be aware of the facts. For example, one who doesn't know the rules a about plagiarism (剽窃) may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required. But the fact that such a violation is "unintentional" does not excuse the misconduct, Ignorance is not a defense. "But Everybody Does It" Most people who get in trouble do know the rules and facts but manage to fool themselves about the risks they're taking by using excuses: "Everyone else does it." "I'm not hurting anyone", or "I really need this grade." Excuses can get very elaborate: "I know I'm look at another's exam, even though I'm supposed to keep my eyes on my own paper, but that's not cheating because I’m just checking my answers, not copying." We must be honest about our actions and avoid excuses, if we fool ourselves into believing we're not doing anything wrong, we can't see the real choice we're making - and that leads to bad decisions. To avoid fooling yourself, watch out for excuses and try this test: Ask how you would feel if your actions were public and anyone could be watching over yore shoulder. If you'd rather hide your actions, that's an indication that you're taking a risk and rationalizing it to yourself. Evaluating Risks To decide whether a risk is worth taking, you must examine the consequences, in the future as well as right now, negative as well as positive, and to others as well as to yourself. Those who take risks they later regret usually focus on immolate benefits and simply haven't considered what might go wrong. The consequences of getting caught are serious and may include a "O" on a test or assignment, an "F" in the class, suspension (暂令停学) or dismissal from school and a ruined reputation. In fact, when you break a role or law, you lose control over your life and give others the power to impose punishment that you have no control over. This is an extremely vulnerable (脆弱的) position. There may be some matters of life and death or highest principle, which might justify such a risk, but there aren't many things that fall in this category. Getting Away with it - Or Not Those who don't get caught pay an even higher price. A cheater doesn't learn from the test, which deprives (剥夺) him her of an education. Cheating undermines confidence and independence: the cheater is a fraud, and knows that without dishonesty, he/she would have failed. Cheating destroys self-respect and integrity, leaving the cheater ashamed, guilty and afraid of getting caught. Worst of all, a cheater who doesn't get caught the first time usually cheats again, not only because he/she is farther behind, but also because it seems "easier." This slippery slope of eroding ethics and bigger risks leads only to disaster. Eventually, the cheater gets caught, and the later he/she gets caught, the worse the consequences. Cheating Hurts Other, Too Cheaters often feel invisible, as if their actions "don't count" and don't really hurt anyone. But individual choices have an intense cumulative (累积的) effect. Cheating can spread like a disease. Recent statistics suggest 30%or more of college students cheat. If a class is graded on a curve, cheating hurts others' grades. Even if there is no curve, cheating "poisons" the classroom, and others may feel pressured to join in. ("If I don't cheat I can't compete with those who do") Cheating also has a destructive impact on teachers. The real reward of goof teaching is seeing students learn. But a cheater says. "I'm not interested in what you're trying to teach, all I care about is stealing a grade, regardless of the effect on others." The end result is a destructive attack on the quality of your education. Finally, cheating can hurt the reputation of the university and harm those who worked hard for their degree.

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