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④在给定三角形中,各边与它的对角的正弦的比为定值;⑤在△ABC中,sin A B C=a b c.



C.3 D.4


答案 B


A.4 3 B.2 3

C. 3


3 2


sin B=


sin A,即AC=

BC·sin B

sin A=


sin60°=2 3.

答案 B

4.在△ABC中,已知3b=23a sin B,cos B=cos C,则△ABC的形状是() A.直角三角形B.等腰三角形


解析利用正弦定理及第一个等式,可得sin A=







答案 B

5.在△ABC中,若3a=2b sin A,则B等于()


C.30°或150°D.60°或120°解析∵3a=2b sin A,

∴3sin A=2sin B sin A.

∵sin A≠0,∴sin B=

3 2,



2sin A-sin B

sin C=________.


2sin A-sin B

sin C=



答案 1

8.在△ABC中,若tan A=








9.在△ABC中,若A:B:C=1:2:3,则a b c=________.














11.△ABC三边各不相等,角A,B,C的对边分别为a,b,c且a cos A=b cos B,求


c的取值范围.解∵a cos A=b cos B,∴sin A cos A=sin B cos B,











sin A+sin B

sin C=sin A+sin B=sin A+cos A










∵a ≠b ,C =π2,∴A ∈? ????0,π2,且A ≠π4, ∴a +b

c ∈(1,2).

12.在△ABC 中,sin(C -A )=1,sin B =1

3. (1)求sin A ;

(2)设AC =6,求△ABC 的面积. 解 (1)∵sin(C -A )=1,-π


∵A +B +C =π,∴A +B +A +π

2=π, ∴B =π2-2A ,∴sin B =sin ? ????

π2-2A =cos2A =13.

∴1-2sin 2

A =1


∴sin 2A =13,∴sin A =3


(2)由(1)知,A 为锐角,∴cos A =6

3, sin C =sin ? ??


π2+A =cos A =63,

由正弦定理得AB =AC ·sin C

sin B =6·6



S △ABC =12AB ·AC ·sin A =12×6×6×3

3=3 2.


1.在△ABC 中,a 2+b 2

D .等边三角形

解析 由a 2

+b 2

,知cos C =a 2+b 2-c 2




2.在△ABC 中,已知a 2+b 2-c 2=ab ,则C =( ) A .60° B .120° C .30°

D .45°或135°

解析 由cos C =a 2+b 2-c 22ab =ab 2ab =12, 又0°

3.在△ABC 中,a :b :c =3:5:7,则△ABC 的最大角是( ) A .30° B .60° C .90°

D .120° 解析 由a :b :c =3:5:7,知最大边为c ,

∴最大角为C ,设a =3k ,b =5k ,c =7k (k >0),则cos C =a 2+b 2-c 22ab =-1


4.在△ABC 中,B =60°,b 2=ac ,则这个三角形是( ) A .不等边三角形 B .等边三角形 C .等腰三角形

D .直角三角形

解析 由b 2=ac 及余弦定理,得 b 2=a 2+c 2-2ac cos60°, 即ac =a 2+c 2-ac ,

∴(a -c )2=0,∴a =c ,又B =60°, ∴△ABC 为等边三角形. 答案 B

5.△ABC 的三边长分别为AB =7,BC =5,CA =6,则AB →·BC →

的值为( ) A .19 B .14 C .-18

D .-19

解析 由余弦定理,得cos B =AB 2+BC 2-CA 2

2·AB ·BC




∴AB →·BC →=|AB →||BC →|cos 〈AB →,BC →

〉=7×5×? ????


答案 D

6.在△ABC 中,已知a ,b 是方程x 2-5x +2=0的两根,C =120°,则边c =____________. 解析 由韦达定理,得a +b =5,ab =2. 由(a +b )2=a 2+b 2+2ab , 得a 2+b 2=52-2×2=21. ∴c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab cos120°=23. ∴c =23. 答案


7.在△ABC 中,若a =7,b =8,cos C =13

14,则最大角的余弦值为____________. 解析 c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab cos C =72+82-2×7×8×13

14=9. ∴c =3,因此最大角为B ,由余弦定理,得 cos B =a 2+c 2-b 22ac =-17. 答案 -17

8.在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,若a =1,b

解析 由余弦定理,得

cos B =a 2+c 2-b 22ac =1+3-72×1×3=-32,∴B =5π6.

答案 5π6

10.在△ABC 中,已知a =7,b =10,c =6,判断△ABC 的形状. 解 由余弦定理,知cos B =a 2+c 2-b 22ac =72+62-1022×7×6=-5


在△ABC 中,0°

11.在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,且2b ·cos A =c ·cos A +a ·cos C . (1)求角A 的大小;

(2)若a =7,b +c =4,求bc 的值.

解 (1)根据正弦定理及2b ·cos A =c ·cos A +a ·cos C , 得2sin B cos A =sin C cos A +sin A cos C =sin(A +C )=sin B . ∵sin B ≠0,∴cos A =1

2. ∵0

3. (2)根据余弦定理得

7=a 2=b 2+c 2-2bc cos π

3=(b +c )2-3bc , ∵b +

12???sin C 2, n =? ?的夹角为π3.

(1)求(2)已知c =72,三角形面积S =33

2,求a +b . 解 (1)∵m =(cos C 2,sin C

2), n =(cos C 2,-sin C

2), ∴m ·n =cos 2C 2-sin 2C

2=cos C . 又m ·n =|m |·|n |cos π3=12, ∴cos C =1



(2)∵c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab cos C ,c =7

2, ∴49

4=a 2+b 2-ab =(a +b )2-3ab . ∵S =12ab sin C =12ab sin π3=3

4ab , 而S =33

2,∴ab =6.












6 B.π3



6 D.




解析由余弦定理,得cos B=a2+c2-b2








答案 A

4.已知三角形的三边之比为a:b:c=2:3:4,则此三角形的形状为() A.锐角三角形B.钝角三角形



则cos C=(2a)2+(3a)2-(4a)2






答案 B

6.△ABC中,已知2A=B+C,且a2=bc,则△ABC的形状是() A.两直角边不等的直角三角形





又cos A=b2+c2-a2






∴b2+c2-2bc=0.即(b-c)2=0,∴b=c. 故△ABC为等边三角形.


答案 C


解析由余弦定理,得b2=a2+c2-2ac cos B=2+9-2×2×3×


2=5,∴b= 5.

答案 5

9.在△ABC中,a=23,cos C=



解析∵cos C=


,∴sin C=




2ab sin C,

∴43b=3 2.


10cos C




2,x2=2,而cos C为方程2x

2-3x-2=0的一个根,∴cos C=-c2=a2+b2-2ab cos C,得c2=a2+b2+ab.∴c2=(a+b)2-ab=100-ab=100-a(10-a)=a2-10a+100=(a-5)2+75≥75,∴当a=b=5时,c min=5 3.从而三角形周长的最小值为10+5 3.

11.在△ABC中,如果lg a-lg c=lgsin B=-lg2,且B为锐角,试判断此三角形的形状.

解∵lgsin B=-lg2,∴sin B=


2.又∵B为锐角,∴B=45°.∵lg a-lg c=-lg2,∴






sin A

sin C=



即2sin(135°-C)=2sin C.

∴2(sin135°cos C-cos135°sin C)=2sin C.

∴cos C=0,∴C=90°,∴A=B=45°.


12.a,b,c分别是△ABC中角A,B,C的对边,且(sin B+sin C+sin A)(sin B+sin C-sin A)=


5sin B sin C,边b和c是关于x的方程x2-9x+25cos A=0的两根(b>c).




解 (1)∵(sin B +sin C +sin A )(sin B +sin C -sin A )=18

5sin B sin C , 由正弦定理,得(b +c +a )(b +c -a )=18

5bc , 整理,得b 2+c 2-a 2=8

5bc .

由余弦定理,得cos A =b 2+c 2-a 22bc =45,∴sin A =3

5. (2)由(1)知方程x 2-9x +25cos A =0可化为x 2-9x +20=0, 解之得x =5或x =4,∵b >c ,∴b =5,c =4. 由余弦定理a 2=b 2+c 2-2bc cos A ,∴a =3. (3)∵a 2+c 2=b 2,∴△ABC 为直角三角形.


1.在△ABC 中,若sin B :sin C =3:4,则边c b 等于( ) A .4:3,或16:9 B .3:4 C .16:9

D .4:3

解析 由正弦定理c sin C =b sin B ,得c b =sin C sin B =4

3. 答案 D

3.在△ABC 中,若a cos A =b cos B =c

cos C ,则△ABC 是( ) A .直角三角形 B .等边三角形 C .钝角三角形

D .等腰直角三角形

解析 由正弦定理及题设条件,知sin A cos A =sin B cos B =sin C cos C .由sin A cos A =sin B

cos B ,得sin(A -B )=0.∵0

答案 B

4.在△ABC 中,如果BC =6,AB =4,cos B =1

3,那么AC 等于( ) A .6 B .2 6 C .3 6

D .4 6

解析 由余弦定理,得 AC 2=BC 2+AB 2-2·AB ·BC ·cos B


3 =36,∴AC =6. 答案 A


6.某人向正东方向走x km 后,向右转150°,然后朝旋转后的方向走3 km 后他离最开始的出发点恰好为 3 km ,那么x 的值为________.

解析 AB =x ,BC =3,AC =3,∠ABC =30°. 2×3×x cos30°,

即x 2-=3,x 2=23,经检验都适合题意. 答案 3或2 3



1.在△ABC 中,已知BC =6,A =30°,B =120°,则△ABC 的面积等于( ) A .9 B .18 C .9 3

D .18 3

解析 由正弦定理得

AC sin B =BC

sin A

, ∴AC =BC ·sin B sin A =6×sin120°

sin30°=6 3. 又∠ACB =180°-120°-30°=30°, ∴S △ABC =12×63×6×1

2=9 3. 答案 C

2.在△ABC 中,若a 2+b 2+ab

B .锐角三角形

C .直角三角形

D .形状无法判定

解析 由a 2+b 2+ab



2,∴C >120°,故△ABC 为钝角三角形. 答案 A

3.在△ABC 中,BC =2,B =π3,若△ABC 的面积为3

2,则tan C 为( ) A. 3 B .1 C.33


解析 由S △ABC =12BC ·BA sin B =3

2,得BA =1, 由余弦定理,得

AC 2

=AB 2

+BC 2

-2AB ·BC cos B . ∴AC =3,∴AC 2

+BA 2

=BC 2


∴△ABC 为直角三角形,其中A 为直角. ∴tan C =AB AC =33. 答案 C

4.三角形的两边长为3和5,其夹角的余弦值是方程5x 2

-7x -6=A .6 B.152 C .8

D .10

解析 由5x 2-7x -6=0,得x =-35,或x =2(舍去).∴cos α=-35,答案 A

5.△ABC 中,A =60°,b =16,此三角形的面积S =2203,则a 的值为( ) A .7 B .25 C .55

D .49

解析 由S =220 3,得1

2bc sin A =220 3. 即12×16×c ×3

2=220 3,∴c =55.

∴a 2=b 2+c 2-2bc cos60°


2=2401. ∴a =49. 答案 D

6.在△ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别是角A ,B ,C 所对的边,已知a =3,b =3,C =30°,则A =________. 解析 c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab cos C =3+9-2×3×3×3

2=3, =3·123=12,

所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,若(3b -c )cos A =a cos C ,则cos A =______. , (3sin B -sin C )cos A =sin A cos C .

∴3sin B cos A =sin(A +C )=sin B .∴cos A =33.

答案 3


8.在△ABC 中,a 2-b 2+bc ·cos A -ac ·cos B =________.

解析 由余弦定理cos A =b 2+c 2-a 22bc ,得bc ·cos A =12(b 2+c 2-a 2),同理ac ·cos B =12(a 2+c 2-b 2). ∴a 2-b 2+bc ·cos A -ac ·cos B

=a 2-b 2+12(b 2+c 2-a 2)-1

2(a 2+c 2-b 2) =a 2-b 2+b 2-a 2=0. 答案 0

9.在△ABC 中,A =60°,b =1,c =4,则a +b +c

sin A +sin B +sin C 的值为________.

解析 在△ABC 中,由正弦定理得

a sin A =

b sin B =

c sin C

=2R ,得a +b +c =2R (sin A +sin B +sin C ).

又a 2

=b 2

+c 2

-2bc cos A =1+16-2×1×4×1


∴a =13,

∴a +b +c sin A +sin B +sin C =2R =a sin A =13sin60°=2393. 答案


10.在锐角△ABC 中,a ,b ,c 分别为角A ,B ,C 所对的边,又c =21,b =4,且BC 边上的高h =2 3.

(1)求角C ; (2)求边a 的长.

解 (1)由于△ABC 为锐角三角形,过A 作

AD ⊥BC 于D 点,

sin C =234=3

2,则C =60°. (2)由余弦定理,可知 c 2=a 2+b 2-2ab cos C ,

则(21)2=42+a 2-2×4×a ×1

2,即a 2-4a -5=0. 所以a =5,或a =-1(舍). 因此所求角C =60°,边a 长为5.

11.在△ABC 中,内角A ,B ,C 对边的边长分别是a ,b ,c ,已知

(1)若△ABC 的面积等于3,求a ,b ;

(2)若sin C +sin(B -A )=2sin2A ,求△ABC 的面积. 解 (1)由余弦定理及已知条件,得 a 2+b 2-ab =4.

又因为△ABC 的面积等于3, 所以1

2ab sin C =3得ab =4,


a 2+

b 2

-ab =4,

ab =4,

解得a =2,b =2.

(2)由题意,得sin(B +A )+sin(B -A )=4sin A cos A , 即sin B cos A =2sin A cos A . 当cos A =0时,A =π2,B =π

6, ∴a =433,b =233.


b =2

3 3. 当cos 解得???


a =233,

b =433.

∴△ABC 的面积S =12ab sin C =23


12.△ABC 的面积是30,内角A ,B ,C 所对边长分别为a ,b ,c ,cos A =12

13. (1)求AB →·AC →;

(2)若c -b =1,求a 的值.

解 (1)在△ABC 中,∵cos A =1213,∴sin A =513. 又S △ABC =1

2bc sin A =30,∴bc =12×13. ∴AB →·AC →=|AB →||AC →|cos A =bc cos A =144. (2)由(1)知bc =12×13,又c -b =1, ∴b =12,c =13.

在△ABC 中,由余弦定理,得 a 2=b 2+c 2-2bc cos A


13=25, ∴a =5.

人教新课标版语文高一人教版必修三双基限时练 12动物游戏之谜

双基限时练(十二)动物游戏之谜 一、基础测试 1.下列词语中,加点字的注音完全正确的一项是() A.缅.甸(miàn)聒.噪(ɡuō) 潜.游(qián) 嬉.闹(xī) B.脊.背(jǐ) 挨.挤(ái) 倒.立(dào) 消耗.(hào) C.汲.取(jí) 安抚.(fǔ) 尾鳍.(qí) 格.斗(ɡé) D.反馈.(kuì) 模.式(mó) 捉.摸(zuó) 嚼.烂(jiáo) 解析A.缅miǎn;B.挨āi;D.捉zhuō。 答案 C 2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是() A.伙伴兴高彩烈平衡史无前例 B.默契得意扬扬厮打销声匿迹 C.跳越猩猩相惜消融铁打金刚 D.元气自娱自乐调剂杂草老藤 解析A.兴高彩.烈—采;B.得意扬扬 ..—洋洋;C.跳越.—跃,猩猩 ..相惜—惺惺。 答案 D 3.下列加点的成语使用不正确的一项是() A.在动物身上,无论从形态结构、生理过程,还是行为方面去分析,尽可能节省能量 的例子几乎俯拾皆是 ....。 B.单独游戏时,动物常常兴高采烈 ....地独自奔跑、跳跃,在原地打圈子。 C.每当刮起大风时,成群的露脊鲸把尾鳍高高举出水面,正对着大风,以便像船帆似 的,让大风推着它们,得意洋洋 ....地“驶”向海岸。 D.研究者们各执己见,众说纷纭 ....。 解析A项中应是“比比皆是”。“比比皆是”和“俯拾皆是”都表示相同的事物很多,到处都是。前者侧重表示多得很,到处都是;后者侧重表示容易得到。 答案 A 4.下列各句没有语病的一句是() A.动物的游戏行为,是动物行为研究中被认为最复杂、最难以捉摸、引起争论最多的

行为。 B.在动物身上,无论从形态结构、生理过程和行为方面去分析,尽可能节省能量的例子比比皆是。 C.地震发生后,当地政府及解放军部队全力救助,目前灾区群众已住进了临时帐篷,防止余震再次发生。 D.有人认为科学家终日埋头科研,不问家事,有点不近人情,然而事实却是对这种偏见的最好说明。 解析B项中应将“和”改为“还是”;C项不合逻辑,应为“预防余震发生”;D项中“事实是说明”正好说反了,依句意应是“事实正是对上述说法的反驳”。 答案 A 5.下列句子中标点符号的使用,不正确的一项是() A.马驹常常欢快地连续扬起前蹄,轻盈地蹦跳;猴类喜欢在地上翻滚,拉着树枝荡秋千……单独游戏时动物显得自由自在。 B.这些科学家认为,动物游戏是为了“自我娱乐”,而自我娱乐是动物天性的表现,正像捕食、逃避敌害,繁殖行为等是动物的天性一样。 C.这几种假说,哪一种更有道理?动物的游戏,究竟是为了“演习”,为了“自娱”,为了“学习”,还是为了“锻炼”?研究者们各执己见,众说纷纭。 D.电视剧《水浒传》标明作者为施耐庵、罗贯中,引起许多观众的疑惑:《水浒传》的作者不是施耐庵吗?怎么又多出个罗贯中? 解析B项中,第二个“自我娱乐”也应加引号,“逃避敌害”后的逗号应改为顿号,因为三者处在同一等级的并列上。 答案 B 6.下列语句排列正确的一项是() ①否则,我就只能相信,这些曲调是真正的音乐。 ②那些歌也许是有关航行,或有关浮游节肢动物的来源,或有关领地界限的简单而实打实的叙述和声明。 ③当然还有其他方法来解释鲸鱼之歌。 ④除非有一天有人证明,这些长长的、缭绕的、执著的曲调,被不同的歌唱者重复着,又加上了它们各自的修饰,这不过是为了向海面下数百英里之外传递像“鲸鱼在这儿”之类寻常的信息。 ⑤但迄今证据还没有得到。 A.③①②⑤④B.②③①④⑤ C.⑤②③①④D.③②⑤④① 解析注意“否则”“除非”“但”等词。


双基限时练(二十六) 1.已知下列四个等式: ①sin(α+β)=sin αcos β+cos αsin β; ②cos(α+β)=cos αcos β-sin αsin β; ③cos ? ?? ??π2+α=-sin α; ④tan(α-β)=tan α-tan β1+tan αtan β . 其中恒成立的等式有( ) A .2个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 解析 ①,②,③对任意角α,β恒成立,④中的α,β还要使正 切函数有意义. 答案 B 2.1-tan15°1+tan15° 的值为( ) A. 3 B.33 C .1 D .- 3 解析 原式=tan45°-tan15°1+tan45°tan15° =tan(45°-15°)=tan30°=33. 答案 B 3.设tan(α+β)=25,tan ? ????β-π4=14,则tan ? ?? ??α+π4等于( ) A.1328 B.1322 C.322 D.16 3.已知α,β为锐角,cos α=45,tan(α-β)=-13,则tan β的值为 ( )

A.13 B.139 C.1315 D.59 答案 B 4.已知tan α+tan β=2,tan(α+β)=4,则tan αtan β等于( ) A .2 B .1 C.12 D .4 解析 因为tan(α+β)=tan α+tan β 1-tan αtan β=21-tan αtan β =4,所以tan αtan β=12. 答案 C 5.若0<α<π2,0<β<π2,且tan α=17,tan β=34,则α+β等于( ) A.π6 B.π4 C.π3 D.3π4 解析 由已知可求得tan(α+β)=1. 又0<α+β<π,∴α+β=π4. 答案 B 6.已知tan α和tan ? ????π4-α是方程ax 2+bx +c =0的两个根,则a ,b ,c 的关系是( ) A .b =a +c B .2b =a +c C .c =b +a D .c =ab 解析 由韦达定理可知tan α+tan ? ????π4-α=-b a 且tan αtan ? ?? ??π4-a =

高二数学 双基限时练3

双基限时练(三) 1.设f ′(x 0)=0,则曲线y =f (x )在点(x 0,f (x 0))处的切线( ) A .不存在 B .与x 轴垂直 C .与x 轴平行 D .与x 轴平行或重合 答案 D 2.一木块沿某一斜面自由下滑,测得下滑的水平距离s 与时间t 之间的函数关系为s =18t 2,则当t =2时,此木块在水平方向的瞬时速 度为( ) A. 2 B. 1 C.12 D .14 解析 s ′=lim Δt →0 Δs Δt =lim Δt →0 18(t +Δt )2-18t 2Δt =lim Δt →0 14tΔt +18(Δt )2Δt =lim Δt →0 (14t +18Δt )=14t . ∴当t =2时,s ′=12. 答案 C 3.若曲线y =h (x )在点P (a ,h (a ))处切线方程为2x +y +1=0,则 ( ) A .h ′(a )<0 B .h ′(a )>0 C .h ′(a )=0 D .h ′(a )的符号不定 解析 由2x +y +1=0,得h ′(a )=-2<0. ∴h ′(a )<0. 答案 A

4.曲线y =9x 在点(3,3)处的切线方程的倾斜角α等于( ) A .45° B .60° C .135° D .120° 解析 k =y ′=lim Δx →0 Δy Δx =lim Δx →0 9x +Δx -9x Δx =lim Δx →0 -9x (x +Δx )=-9x 2. ∴当x =3时,tan α=-1.∴α=135°. 答案 C 5.在曲线y =x 2 上切线倾斜角为π4的点是( ) A .(0,0) B .(2,4) C .(14,116) D .(12,14) 解析 y ′=lim Δx →0 Δy Δx =lim Δx →0 (x +Δx )2-x 2Δx =lim Δx →0 2xΔx +(Δx )2Δx =lim Δx →0 (2x +Δx )=2x . 令2x =tan π4=1,∴x =12,y =14. 故所求的点是(12,14). 答案 D 6.已知曲线y =2x 2上一点A (2,8),则过点A 的切线的斜率为________. 解析 k =f ′(2)=lim Δx →0 2(2+Δx )2-2×22Δx

2019-2020年高中数学 双基限时练12 新人教A版必修3

2019-2020年高中数学双基限时练12 新人教A版必修3 1.问题:①有1000个乒乓球分别装在3个箱子内,其中红色箱子内有500个,蓝色箱子内有200个,黄色箱子内有300个,现从中抽取一个容量为100的样本;②从20名学生中选出3名参加座谈会. 方法:Ⅰ.简单随机抽样法Ⅱ.系统抽样法Ⅲ.分层抽样法.其中问题与方法能配对的是( ) A.①Ⅰ,②ⅡB.①Ⅲ,②Ⅰ C.①Ⅱ,②ⅢD.①Ⅲ,②Ⅱ 解析读题知①用分层抽样法,②用简单随机抽样法. 答案 B 2.一个单位有职工160人,其中有业务员104人,管理人员32人,后勤服务人员24人,要从中抽取一个容量为20的样本,用分层抽样方法抽出样本,则在20人的样本中管理人员人数为( ) A.3 B.4 C.12 D.7 解析由题意可得20 160 ×32=4. 答案 B 3.某地区为了解居民家庭生活状况,先把居民按所在行业分为几类,然后每个行业抽1 100的居民家庭进行调查,这种抽样是( ) A.简单随机抽样B.系统抽样 C.分层抽样D.分类抽样 答案 C 4.一个总体分为A,B两层,其个体数之比为,用分层抽样方法从总体中抽取一个容量为10的样本,则A层中抽取的样本个数为( ) A.8 B.6 C.4 D.2 答案 A 5.某大学数学系共有本科生5000人,其中一、二、三、四年级的学生数之比为4:3:2:1.要用分层抽样的方法从所有本科生中抽取一个容量为200的样本,则应抽三年级的学生( ) A.80人B.40人 C.60人D.20人

解析 分层抽样应按比例抽取,所以应抽取三年级的学生人数为200×2 10=40. 答案 B 6.一个单位共有职工200人,其中不超过45岁的有120人,超过45岁的有80人.为了调查职工的健康状况,用分层抽样的方法从全体职工中抽取一个容量为25的样本,应抽取超过45岁的职工________人. 解析 依题意得,抽取超过45岁的职工人数为25 200×80=10. 答案 10 7.某工厂生产A ,B ,C 三种不同型号的产品,产品数量之比依次为 现用分层 抽样方法抽出一个容量为n 的样本,样本中A 种型号产品有16件,那么此样本的容量n =________. 解析 由题意得n =16×10 2=80. 答案 80 8.课题组进行城市空气质量调查,按地域把24个城市分成甲、乙、丙三组,对应城市数分别为4,12,8.若用分层抽样抽取6个城市,则丙组中应抽取的城市数为________. 答案 2 9.某企业有三个车间,第一车间有x 人,第二车间有300人,第三车间有y 人,采用分层抽样的方法抽取一个容量为45人的样本,第一车间被抽取20人,第三车间被抽取10人,问:这个企业第一车间、第三车间各有多少人? 解 x =20×30045-20-10=400(人),y =10×300 45-20-10 =200(人). 10.某单位有工程师6 人,技术员12 人,技工18 人,要从这些人中抽取一个容量为 n 的样本.如果采用系统抽样和分层抽样方法抽取,都不用剔除个体;如果样本容量增加1 个,则在采用系统抽样时,需要在总体中先剔除1个个体,求样本容量n . 解 解法1:总体容量为6+12+18=36(人).当样本容量是n 时,由题意知,系统抽样的间隔为36n ,分层抽样的比例是n 36,抽取工程师人数为n 36×6=n 6人,技术人员人数为n 36×12 =n 3人,技工人数为n 36×18=n 2 人,所以n 应是6的倍数,36的约数,即n =6,12,18. 当样本容量为(n +1)时,总体容量是35 人,系统抽样的间隔为35n +1,因为35 n +1 必须是整数,所以n 只能取6,即样本容量n =6. 解法2:总体容量为6+12+18=36(人). 当抽取n 个个体时,不论是系统抽样还是分层抽样,都不用剔除个体,所以n 应为


双基限时练(十二) 用样本的频率分布估计总体的分布 基础强化 1、下列关于频率分布直方图的说法,正确的就是() A、直方图的高表示取某数的频率 B、直方图的高表示该组上的个体在样本中出现频数与组距的比值 C、直方图的高表示该组上的个体在样本中出现的频率 D、直方图的高表示该组上的个体在样本中出现频率与组距的比值 解析频率分布直方图的纵坐标表示错误!,故选D、 答案D 2、从一群学生中抽取一个一定容量的样本对她们的学习成绩进 行分析,前三组就是不超过80分的人,其频数之与为20人,其频率之与(又称累积频率)为0、4,则所抽取的样本的容量就是() A、100 B、80 C、40 D、50 解析样本容量为亠 = 50、故选D、 0、4 答案D 3、下列说法不正确的就是() A、频率分布直方图中每个小矩形的高就就是该组的频率 B、频率分布直方图中各个小矩形的面积之与等于1

C、频率分布直方图中各个小矩形的宽一样大 D、频率分布折线图就是依次连接频率分布直方图的每个小矩形 上端中点得到的 解析在频率分布直方图中各个小矩形的高就就是该组的错误!、 答案A 4、某市教育行政部门为了对2012届高中毕业生的学生水平进行评价,从该市高中毕业生中抽取1000名学生的数学成绩作为样木进行统计,其频率分布直方图如图所示、则这1000名学生的数学平均成绩的最大可能值为() 频率 O 40 50 60 70 80 90 100分数(分) A、67、50 B、72、05 C、76、50 D、77、50 解析由题意得平均成绩的最大可能值为0、05X50 + 0、1X60 + 0、25X70 + 0、35X80 + 0、15X90 + 0、1X100 = 77、50、 答案D 5、一个社会调查机构就某地居民的月收入调查了10000人,并根据所得数据画了样本的频率分布直方图(如下图)、为了分析居民的收入与年龄、学历、职业等方而的关系,要从这10000人中再用分?层抽样方法抽出100人作进一步调查,则在[2500, 3000)(元)月收入段应


人教版英语精品资料 双基限时练(一)Unit 1Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1.Any ________ (组织) that received money from the US government had to treat blacks equally. 答案organization 2.How long will the ________ (接通;连接) of the telephone take? 答案connection 3.Their ________ (举止) towards me shows that they don't like me. 答案behaviour 4.I was ________ (鼓舞) to work harder than ever before by what my teacher had said. 答案inspired 5.I doubt if it is ________ (值得) for you to read that book. 答案worthwhile 6.She ________ (支持) her husband on the money she earns from teaching. 答案supports 7.An eye ________ (专家) checked her eyes carefully and advised her not to use her eyes too much. 答案specialist 8.Jane spent many years ________ (观察) and recording their daily activities. 答案observing


双基限时练(二十一) 1.已知a =(-3,4),b =(5,2),则a ·b =( ) A .23 B .7 C .-23 D .-7 解析 a ·b =-3×5+4×2=-7,故选D. 答案 D 2.已知向量a =(1,-1),b =(2,x ).若a·b =1,则x =( ) A .-1 B .-12 C.12 D .1 解析 由a =(1,-1),b =(2,x )可得a·b =2-x =1,故x =1. 答案 D 3.若非零向量a ,b ,满足|a |=|b |,(2a +b )·b =0,则a 与b 的夹角为( ) A .30° B .60° C .120° D .150° 答案 C 4.已知A ,B ,C 是坐标平面上的三点,其坐标分别为A (1,2),B (4,1),C (0,-1),则△ABC 的形状为( ) A .直角三角形 B .等腰三角形 C .等腰直角三角形 D .以上均不正确 解析 AB →=(3,-1),AC →=(-1,-3),BC → =(-4,-2), ∴|AB →|=10,|AC →|=10,|BC → |=20.

∴|AB →|=|AC →|,且|AB →|2+|AC →|2 =|BC → |2=20. ∴△ABC 为等腰直角三角形,应选C. 答案 C 5.已知a =(0,1),b =(33,x ),向量a 与b 的夹角为π 3,则x 的值为( ) A .±3 B .±3 C .±9 D .3 解析 cos π3=a ·b |a |·|b |=x 27+x 2, ∴2x =27+x 2,且x >0,∴3x 2=27,∴x =3. 答案 D 6.已知向量a =(1,2),b =(2,-3),若向量c 满足(c +a )∥b ,c ⊥(a +b ),则c =( ) A.? ????79,73 B.? ????-7 3,-79 C.? ?? ??73,79 D.? ?? ??-7 9,-73 解析 不妨设c =(m ,n ),则a +c =(1+m,2+n ),a +b =(3,-1), 对于(c +a )∥b ,则有-3(1+m )=2(2+n ). 又c ⊥(a +b ),则有3m -n =0, ∴m =-79,n =-7 3. 答案 D 7.已知向量a =(3,1),b =(1,3),c =(k,2),若(a -c )⊥b ,则k =________.

高二数学 双基限时练12

双基限时练(十二) 1.下列各式中,正确的是( ) A .??a b F ′(x )d x =F ′(b )-F ′(a ) B.??a b F ′(x)d x =F ′(a)-F ′(b) C .??a b F ′(x )d x =F (b )-F (a ) D.??a b F ′(x)d x =F(a)-F(b) 答案 C 2.∫π 20( sin x -cos x)d x =( ) A .0 B .1 C .2 D .π 2 解析 ∫π 20(sin x -cos x)d x =∫π20sin x d x -∫π 20cos x d x =(-cos x) ??? π20-(sin x) ??? π20 =1-1=0. 答案 A 3.若∫a 1(2x +1 x )d x =3+ln 2(a>1),则a 的值为( ) A .6 B .4 C .3 D .2 解析 ∵??1 a (2x +1 x )d x

=(x 2 +ln x) ? ?? a 1=a 2+ln a -1, 又?? 1 a (2x + 1 x )d x =3+ln 2, ∴a =2. 答案 D 4.? ?π-πcos x d x 等于( ) A .2π B .π C .0 D .1 解析 ? ?π-πcos x d x =sin x ? ?? π-π=sinπ-sin (-π)=0. 答案 C 5.设f(x)=????? x 2 (0≤x<1), 2-x (1


双基限时练(十)Module 4Section ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1. The country ____________ (景色) was so attractive that they were reluctant to leave. 答案scene 2. Her style of painting has been ____________ (模仿) by other artists. 答案imitated 3. She refuses to face ____________ (现实). 答案reality 4. We have no ____________ (当代的) account of the battle. 答案contemporary 5. We had a ____________ (令人愉快的) time by the seashore last Sunday. 答案delightful 6. This book aims to cover all ____________(方面) of city life. 答案aspects 7.There are many ________ (稀有) animals in the zoo. 答案unusual 8.The school has ________ (采用) a new teaching method. 答案adopted 9.It's ________ (传统的) to eat turkey (火鸡) at the Thanksgiving Day. 答案traditional 10.We are living a ________ (多彩的) life. 答案colourful


人教版精品英语资料(精校版) 双基限时练(十二)Unit 4Part ⅢⅠ.单词拼写 1.Some English adverbs can perform a ________ (作用) as adjectives. 答案function 2.The cheat gave a ________ (假的) name and address. 答案false 3.I was filled with ________ (愤怒) when I saw him kicking the dog. 答案anger 4.In my opinion, his article is far too ________ (主观). 答案subjective 5.Faced with danger, the mother ________ (拥抱) her son tightly. 答案hugged Ⅱ.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1.Mother handed her a cup of coffee to put her at ________(easy). 答案ease 2.All of us are ________(will) to help you to get out of the trouble. 答案willing 3.I find it ________(amaze) that you can't swim. 答案amazing 4.Just out of ________(curious), how old are you? 答案curiosity

5.In English study we should know the importance of practicing ________(speak) English. 答案spoken 6.The minister gave ________(express) to his anger in an attack on the government last night. 答案expression 7.What happens if the two warring parties fail to reach an ________(agree)? 答案agreement 8.In the world people show respect for people by using different ________ (gesture). 答案gestures 9.He stood ________(closely) to you and had something to tell you. 答案close 10.He was ________(punishment) for his killing innocent people. 答案punished Ⅲ.根据课文内容,完成语法填空 Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful __1__ spoken language. People around the world show all kinds of feelings, wishes and attitudes __2__ they might never speak out. The most universal facial expression is the smile, __3__ function is to show happiness and put people __4__ ease. Smiles do not always mean happiness. There are __5__(happy) smiles, for example, when someone loses face he may smile to hide the embarrassment. However, the general purpose of smiling is __6__(show) good feelings.


双基限时练(一)Unit 1Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1.He traveled around the country ________ (搜集) facts about folk songs. 答案gathering 2.Do you know when India gained ________ (独立) from Britain? 答案independence 3.I really ________ (钦佩) the way she brings up those kids on her own. 答案admire 4.It's difficult to get used to another country's ________ (风俗).答案customs 5.It is my ________ (信仰) that we will find a cure for cancer sooner or later. 答案belief 6.Many English words have Latin ________ (起源). 答案origins 7.These two countries had three ________ (宗教上的) wars in twenty years. 答案religious 8.People in this town ________ (挨饿); several buildings were bombed and crime soared (剧增) because you have to steal to eat. 答案starved 9.Medals were ________ (授予) to the best speakers on the debating team.


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 双基限时练(十二)Unit 11Lesson 3 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I'll just ________ (缝) the button on, and the coat will be as good as new. 答案sew 2.This kind of books are not ________ (合适的) for children. 答案suitable 3.He presented a new ________ (概念) of the beginning of the universe. 答案concept 4.This building is one of the ________ (传统的) designs of last century. 答案classic 5.A ________ (公司) is a large business or company. 答案corporation 6.More and more factories and companies want to ________ (广告) their products on CCTV. 答案advertise 7.If you have a tight ________ (预算), I advise you not to travel abroad for the moment. 答案budget 8.I will show you a photo of my ________ (侄儿) if you want to take a look at him first.

高中英语 双基限时练3 新人教版必修1

双基限时练(三) Unit 1 Part Ⅲ Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.________(少年) in some schools are driven to work hard at their lessons. 答案Teenagers 2.That's ________ (确切地) what I wanted. 答案exactly 3.We are ________ (感激的) to your help. 答案grateful 4.In the past, we used to ________ (交换) letters. 答案swap 5.I heard a(n) ________ (条) of news over the radio. 答案item Ⅱ.选词填空 get along/on well with, join sb. in, get/be tired of, fall in love with 答案getting along/on well with 2.I'll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and ________ it. 答案fell in love with 3.Would you like to ________ playing football? 答案join us in 4.The st udents ________ being asked so many questions at a time. 答案get/are tired of Ⅲ.完成句子 1.I soon ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the problem. 不久,我就发现难以解决这个问题。 答案found it difficult to settle 2.I am glad to hear that you ________ ________ ________ an operation. 很高兴,听说你手术已康复。 答案have recovered from 3.We ________ ________ ________ her when we were doi ng shopping in the mall. 我们在商场购物时碰巧遇见了她。 答案happened to meet 4.You must understand that it is no pleasure ________ ________ ________ ________. 你必须理解,遭受这样的痛苦是件不愉快的事情。 答案sufferi ng from such pain 5.It was in New Zealand ________ ________ ________ ________ for the first time. 我是在新西兰第一次遇见他的。


双基限时练(四)Unit 2Part ⅠⅠ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The boy shows great ________ (curious) about animals. 答案curiosity 2.The shopping mall is full of ________ (customer) every day. 答案customers 3.They love ________ (roast) meat in the open air. 答案roasting 4.A ________ (balance) diet is necessary for good health. 答案balanced 5.You must know your own strengths and ________ (weak). 答案weaknesses 6.After the tiring trip, his ________ (strong) gave out. 答案strength 7.He is a liar. That is, he is always telling ________ (lie). 答案lies 8.The ________ (host) made her guests comfortable. 答案hostess 9.I don't know how he managed to get away with ________ (steal) the bike. 答案stealing 10.— What do you think of the boy's painting? — I've never seen a person with a ________ (good) sense of art. 答案better 11.You should understand the traffic rule by now. Y ou've had it ________ (explain) often enough. 答案explained Ⅱ.用适当的介词、副词填空 1.Y ou should eat a healthy diet and exercise more to get yourself

(新课标)高中英语 双基限时练12 人教版必修1(精修版)

人教版英语精品资料(精修版) 双基限时练(十二) Unit 4 Part ⅢⅠ.单词拼写 1.His views have been ________ (表达) in numerous speeches. 答案expressed 2.I can't ________ (判断) whether he is right or wrong. 答案judge 3.Give Marie my ________ (祝贺) and tell her I'll come soon. 答案congratulations 4.I ________ (真诚地) hope I'll see her again. 答案sincerely 5.You should draw up a plan or ________ (大纲) for the essay. 答案outline Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.People were ________ (shock) by the eruption of the volcano, for it was even greater than they had expected. 答案shocked 2.He was dead and ________ (bury) at the top of the hill. 答案buried 3.The child was ________ (frighten) by the ghost story. 答案frightened 4.An old Roman vase was ________ (dig) up here last month. 答案dug 5.It made the headlines in the ________ (nation) newspapers. 答案national 6.________ (judge) by what eve ryone says about him, he has a good chance of winning. 答案Judging 7.Luckily, the traffic accident didn't do much damage ________ either of the cars. 答案to 8.— Can you introduce yourself to others in English? — Sorry. I can't express ________ (me) in English. Chinese, OK? 答案myself 9.He is ________ of his daughter, which makes his daughter become too ________ of herself and finally this ________ ruined her. (proud) 答案proud; proud; pride 10.He ________ his thanks to us, with a thankful ________ on his face. (express)

【名师一号】高中英语 Learning to learn双基限时练

【名师一号】2014-2015学年高中英语 Learning to learn双 基限时练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.After three years of studying English in America, Mary can speak the language ________ (流利地). 答案fluently 2.The Roman Empire ________ (存在) for several centuries. 答案existed 3.There are 1.3 ________ (十亿) people in China. 答案billion 4.My job lacks ________ (多样性); I'm doing the same thing all the time. 答案variety 5.We all ________ (鞠躬) to the Queen as she came out. 答案bowed 6.Her parents gave her so much money that she's got no ________ (动力) to get a job. 答案motivation 7.Although he had failed many times, he refused to admit ________ (击败).答案defeat 8.A high ________ (百分比) of the female staff are part-time workers. 答案percentage 9.When we are on holiday in Greece, we live like the ________ (本地人).答案natives 10.Even a small success gives you a sense of ________ (成就). 答案achievement Ⅱ.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1.Success lies in hard work. The ________ (hard) you work, the ________ (great) progress you will make. 答案与解析harder; greater 考查了the+比较级...the+比较级结构,意为“越……越……”。 2.A group of ________ (policeman) on horseback attracted a lot of ________ (passer-by). 答案与解析policemen;passers-by 考查了policewoman和passer-by的复数。


高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) 双基限时练(十二)Unit 5Lesson 3 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I'd like to ________ (辞职) my job because it's too hard for me. 答案quit 2.A famous ________ (音乐家) will perform in my city theatre tomorrow evening. 答案musician 3.His sister is such a ________ (美人) that many young men want to marry her. 答案beauty 4.He still hasn't found his own ________ (才能) in painting. 答案talent 5.Your ________ (发型) is not allowed in our school. 答案hairstyle 6.She enjoys playing the piano and hopes to be a ________ (钢琴家) when she grows up. 答案pianist 7.Mr. Smith has ________ (剃) all of his moustache and looks more handsome. 答案shaved 8.Plants get their supplies of food from the ground through their ________ (根).

答案roots 9.The business card is your ________ (身份), you must have one at all times. 答案identity 10.We can't judge a person only by his or her ________ (外貌).答案appearance Ⅱ.同义句转换 1.The little girl surprised the audience by performing a short play in English. →The little girl ________ the audience ________ by performing a short play in English. 答案made; surprised 2.He got too nervous to express himself clearly. →He got ________ nervous ________ he could not express himself clearly. 答案so; that 3.The bus arrived very late because the weather was bad. →The bus arrived very late ________ ________ the bad weather. 答案because of 4.Because of the terrible flood, farmers had a poor harvest that year. →________ ________ ________ ________ the terrible flood, farmers had a poor harvest that year. 答案As a result of 5.When he was only ten years old, the boy began to earn his living by selling newspapers.

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