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Nelson Mandela

A giant passes

The greatness of Nelson Mandela challenges us all

AMONG Nelson Mandela’s many achievements, two stand out. First, he was the world’s most inspiring example of fortitude, magnanimity and dignity in the face of oppression, serving more than 27 years in prison for his belief that all men and women are created equal. During the brutal years of his imprisonment on Robben Island, thanks to his own patience, humour and capacity for forgiveness, he seemed freer behind bars than the men who kept him there, locked up as they were in their own self-demeaning prejudices. Indeed, his warders were among those who came to admire him most. Second, and little short of miraculous, was the way in which he engineered and oversaw South Africa’s tran sformation from a byword for nastiness and narrowness into, at least in intent, a rainbow nation in which people, no matter what their colour, were entitled to be treated with respect. That the country has not always lived up to his standards goes to show how high they were. Exorcising the curse of colour

As a politician, and as a man, Mr Mandela had his contradictions (see article). He was neither a genius nor, as he often said himself, a saint. Some of his early writings were banal Marxist ramblings, even if the sense of anger with which they were infused was justifiable. But his charisma was evident from his

youth. He was a born leader who feared nobody, debased himself before no one and never lost his sense of humour. He was handsome and comfortable in his own skin. In a country in which the myth of racial superiority was enshrined in law, he never for a moment doubted his right, and that of all his compatriots, to equal treatment. Perhaps no less remarkably, once the majority of citizens were able to have their say he never for a moment denied the right of his white compatriots to equality. For all the humiliation he suffered at the hands of white racists before he was released in 1990, he was never animated by feelings of revenge. He was himself utterly without prejudice, which is why he became a symbol of tolerance and justice across the globe.

Perhaps even more important for the future of his country was his ability to think deeply, and to change his mind. When he was set free, many of his fellow members of the African National Congress (ANC) remained dedicated disciples of the dogma promoted by their party’s supporter, the Soviet Union, whose own sudden implosion helped shift the global balance of power that in turn contributed to apartheid’s demise. Many of his comrades were simultaneously members of the ANC and the South African Communist Party who hoped to dismember the capitalist economy and bring its treasure trove of mines and factories into public ownership. Nor was the ANC convinced that a Westminster-style parliamentary democracy—with all the checks and balances of bourgeois institutions, such as an independent judiciary—was worth preserving, perverted as it had been under apartheid.

Mr Mandela had himself harboured such doubts. But immediately before and after his release from prison, he sought out a variety of opinions among those who, unlike himself, had been fortunate enough to roam the world and compare competing systems. He listened and pondered—and decided that it would be better for all his people, especially the poor black majority, if South Africa’s existing economic model were drastically altered but not destroyed, and if a liberal democracy, under a universal franchise, were kept too.

That South Africa did, in the end, move with relatively little bloodshed to become a multiracial free-market democracy was indeed a near-miracle for which the whole world must thank him. The country he leaves behind is a far better custodian of human dignity than the one whose first democratically elected president he became in 1994. A self-confident black middle class is emerging. Democracy is well-entrenched, with regular elections, a vibrant press, generally decent courts and strong institutions. And South Africa still has easily sub-Saharan Africa’s biggest and most sophisticated economy.

But since Mr Mandela left the presidency in 1999 his beloved country has disappointed under two sorely flawed leaders, Thabo Mbeki and now Jacob Zuma. While the rest of Africa’s economy has perked up, South Africa’s has stumbled. Nigeria’s swelling GDP is closing in on South Africa’s. Corruption and patronage within the ANC have become increasingly flagrant. An authoritarian and populist tendency in ruling circles has become more strident.

The racial animosity that Mr Mandela so abhorred is infecting public discourse. The gap between rich and poor has remained stubbornly wide. Barely

two-fifths of working-age people have jobs. Only 60% of school-leavers get the most basic high-school graduation certificate. Shockingly for a country so rich in resources, nearly a third of its people still live on less than $2 a day. Without the protection of Mr Mandela’s saintly aura, the ANC will be more harshly judged. Thanks to its corruption and inefficiency, it already faces competition in some parts of the country from the white-led Democratic Alliance. South Africa would gain if the ANC split, so there were two big

black-led parties, one composed of communists and union leaders, the other more liberal and market-friendly.

Man of Africa, hero of the world

The ANC’s failings are not Mr Mandela’s fault. Perhaps he could have been more vociferous in speaking out against Mr Mbeki’s lethal misguidedness on the subject of HIV/AIDS, which cost thousands of lives. Perhaps he should have spoken up more robustly against the corruption around Mr Zuma. In foreign affairs he was too loyal to past friends, such as Fidel Castro. He should have been franker in condemning Robert Mugabe for his ruination of Zimbabwe.

But such shortcomings—and South Africa’s failings since his retirement from active politics—pale into insignificance when set against the magnitude of his

overall achievement. It is hard to think of anyone else in the world in recent times with whom every single person, in every corner of the Earth, can somehow identify. He was, quite simply, a wonderful man.


五彩石、成才三年级语文暑假测试卷 学校:姓名:得分: 一、第一部分阅读:书读百遍,其义自现。 (一) 啄木鸟和树 大树叫起来:“别动我!别动我!我疼死了!” “树先生,你身上有病,我在为你捉虫呢!”啄木鸟说。 “简直是侮辱!我这样年轻力壮,身上哪里的虫?我知道了,这不过是打击我、伤害我的借口罢了。警告你,别在我面前耍花招,滚开!”树发怒了。 啄木鸟不好意思地飞走了。从此以后,再没有一只啄木鸟愿意去帮助这棵树啄虫了。 几年后,树里的虫多了,这棵“年轻力壮”的树终于变成了肚里空空的废物。 1.短文一共有个自然段 2.这个故事告诉我们什么道理?在正确的答案后面的括号里打“√”。 a.我们不能没错给人家找错,借以打击、伤害别人。() b.有了错就要虚心接受别人的帮助,不然就变得不可救药。() c.自己有错不改不行,自己没有错误别人不应该没完没了。() 3.在这个寓言故事中,你喜欢那个人物呀?为什么?请说出你的理由。 (二) 乡间绿阴 乡间,是树的天地。公路两旁,是高大的梧桐树。梧桐树枝连着枝,叶盖着叶,像绿色的长廊。小河两岸是成行(háng xíng)的垂柳。柳条儿细细的,柳

叶儿绿绿的。山坡上松树和柏树高大挺拔,枝繁叶茂。农家小院的前后种植着果树,有桃树,有梨树,有杏树……春(未末)夏初,各种果树舒枝展叶,郁郁葱葱,一(座座坐坐)农家小院就掩映在浓浓的树阴之中。 1、把文中括号里错误的音节或汉字画去。 2、这篇短文是围绕“_______________ ”这句话来写的。文中的省略号(……)表示__________多。 3、根据短文连线。 山坡上果树 公路两旁垂柳 小河两岸梧桐树 农家小院松树和柏树 4、用“~~~~~~~”画出文中的比喻句。 (三) 阳春三月,沉睡了一冬的银梨树被蒙蒙细雨淋醒。它脱下破旧的外衣,又开始新的生活;它贪婪地吮吸着春天那清新、甜润的露珠儿,慢慢地长出逗人喜爱的嫩枝绿叶。 五月,正是它摆开绿叶白花衣裳的季节,婆娑(suō)的绿叶衬托着朵朵洁白的梨花,在明媚的阳光照耀下,像一片银色的海洋! 中秋时节,银梨树上挂满了大大小小的果实。它的外形扁圆扁圆的,与苹果的形状相似。它总爱“三只一群”、“五只一伙”地生长着。开始,果子的颜色呈淡绿色,后来颜色变深变黄了。来到这里的人们一看就会想到山区人民的生活一定比蜜甜。 走进果园,微风阵阵,你还可以闻到一股股清香,当好客的主人把又大又甜的银梨送给你品尝时,你就会知道银梨皮薄、肉脆、水多、味甜,可口极了,银梨确实可与北京鸭梨媲(pì)美。 银梨,你不但把美的花和美的果实奉献给人们,还为家乡人民开辟了一条致富之路。 我爱家乡的银梨。


一、选择正确的选项。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分) ( )1.Her mother is _______ . A. a cleaner B. a teach C. an actor ( )2.My pen pal likes_______ . A. drawing pictures B. riding a bike C. collect stamps ( )3.The park is_______ the cinema. A. in the front of B. next to C. near to ( )4.I usually go to school _______ . A. by foot B. by the bus C. by bike ( )5.If you like science, you can_______ a scientist. A. is B. be C. are ( )6.Does he _______ hard at school? A. works B. work C. to work ( )7.Betty_______ singing songs, but I _______ dancing. A. like; like B. likes; likes C. likes; like ( )8.I _______ an English book in the store this afternoon. A. go to buy B. buy C. am going to buy ( )9.Remember the traffic rules. _______ at a yellow light. A. Wait B. Stop C. Go ( )10.Miss Li is a _______.She works in an _______. A. teacher; factory B. writer; office C. nurse; school 二、用单词的适当形式填空。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分) 1.Jane and her sister _______(like) swimming. 2.He sometimes _______(go) hiking on the weekend. 3.Listen! She _______(sing) in the room. 4.They_______(visit)their grandparents tomorrow. 5.She likes _______(dance). 三、选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分) ( )1.What are you going to do this afternoon? ( )2.What does she do? ( )3.Does he like diving? ( )4.What’s your hobby? ( )5.Where does your mother work? A. I’m going to buy an English book. B. I like collecting stamps. C. Yes, he does. D. My mother works in a factory. E. She is a driver. 四、连词成句。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分) 1. should , a , deep , you , take , breath 2. a , take , trip, am , to , tomorrow ,I, going


Nelson Mandela A giant passes The greatness of Nelson Mandela challenges us all AMONG Nelson Mandela’s many achievements, two stand out. First, he was the world’s most inspiring example of fortitude, magnanimity and dignity in the face of oppression, serving more than 27 years in prison for his belief that all men and women are created equal. During the brutal years of his imprisonment on Robben Island, thanks to his own patience, humour and capacity for forgiveness, he seemed freer behind bars than the men who kept him there, locked up as they were in their own self-demeaning prejudices. Indeed, his warders were among those who came to admire him most. Second, and little short of miraculous, was the way in which he engineered and oversaw South Africa’s tran sformation from a byword for nastiness and narrowness into, at least in intent, a rainbow nation in which people, no matter what their colour, were entitled to be treated with respect. That the country has not always lived up to his standards goes to show how high they were. Exorcising the curse of colour As a politician, and as a man, Mr Mandela had his contradictions (see article). He was neither a genius nor, as he often said himself, a saint. Some of his early writings were banal Marxist ramblings, even if the sense of anger with which they were infused was justifiable. But his charisma was evident from his


一年级基础知识、阅读理解暑假测试题带答案 基础测试题1 一、我会填。(看图tú,给音节补上声母mǔ) 二、我能读懂dǒnɡ。 下雪了 下雪了,下雪了!屋顶dǐnɡ戴dài白帽mào,树木穿白袄ǎo。只有小狗不怕冷,啪pā嗒dā啪嗒往外wài跑,走一步,印yìn朵花,雪地变biàn成花年糕ɡāo。 1.这段话一共有()句话。 2.文中哪句话写的是下面这幅fú画上的景色?用“——”画出来。 3.“走一步,印朵花”的意思是()。(写序号) ①雪地上印上了小狗的脚印②小狗拿笔在地上画画 答案: 一、 xiǎomǎgōngjīshānyángbáitù 二、 1.3

2.屋顶戴白帽,树木穿白袄。 3.① 基础测试题2 一、连词成句加标点。 1. 瑞金沙洲坝有个村子城 外叫 2. 吃水要到很远的去挑地方 二、读一读下面的短文并回答问题。 好斗的小螃蟹 蓝色的海湾里,有一只小螃蟹,它仗着有一双夹子,总好欺负别人。 小鱼被它夹得直喊妈妈。小乌龟被他夹得不敢把头伸出来。小虾一见它就跑得老远老远。 小螃蟹见大家都怕它,非常得意,扬起头来吐泡泡。突然,它发现了一根小铁棒,心想: “谁敢惹我?看我怎么夹住你!” “哈哈!”一个小男孩叫道,“我钓到了一只小螃蟹。” 1.被小螃蟹欺负的动物有、、。 2.小螃蟹最后被(谁) (怎么样)。 3.本文共有个自然段,第三自然段有句话。 答案: 一、 1.瑞金城外有个村子叫沙洲坝。 2.吃水要到很远的地方去挑。 二、

1. 小鱼、小乌龟、小虾 2. 小男孩钓走了 3. 4 2 基础测试题3 一、我会看图tú写词cí语。 二、我会选。(在正确què的答案àn下面打“√”) 1.秋(qiūqiǖ)天尾巴(bábɑ)森(sēnshēn)林 2.朋(友有)笔(尘尖)美(立丽) 3.青蛙去哪儿了(吗呢吧)? 4.“尺”一共(四五)笔。“问”第一笔是(丨丶)。 三、照zhào样yànɡ子,我能把字词排成句子。(填序号)


一·根据句意或首字母提示填入所缺的单词 1.An earthquake hit Wenchuan on May the ___________. 2.Because he overslept , he went to school without b_______. 3.Please t_________ it away , the smell is awful . 4.I left my homework in my home .Can I______ it here tomorrow? 5.Y our fathe r’s father is your __________ . 6.This question is so simple that even a child can a_______it quickly. 7.In the daytime we can’t see ________and the moon in the sky. 8.We should eat lots of ________to keep our health ,like carrots and tomatoes. 9.My brother has _________ many stamps since two years ago . 10.Y ao Ming is a professional ________ player. 11.An alarm can tell us the time and it can wake us up in the m______. 12.Y ou can skate on the _____ in winte. 13.If you can’t speak English well,yo u can ________the English club. 14.This book is so i___________that all the people like reading it. 15.Eating lots of vegetables and fruits are good for our ________. 16.They are too poor and they can’t _________the ir children’s education. 17.A lion is a _________animal,all the people are afraid of it . 18.Take the camera with you ,I’d like to take some ______ in the park. 19.The students should l_______to the teacher in class carefully. 20.Y ou are new here.Please show me your ID_________. 21.We are very excited when we heared the good n________. 22.There are some __________festivals in China,such as Zhongqiujie. 23.________make most children scary so they are afraid of seeing this kind of movie. 24.I have many great sports c________like tennis rackets, basketballs. 25.I don’t know the word , I have to look it up in a ________. 26.A key can lock and _______ the door. 27.If you hurt someone’s feeling, you should say”s_________” to him. 28.My best friend is Jim Allen Green.Green is her _____name. 29.On sunny days, a person who wears sunglasses on his nose ____ cool. 30.Tom’s speaking skills is very good so he decides to take part in _______contest. 31.There are 28 or 29days in _______. 32.There are twelve _______in a year. 33.The _______of the house is too high for the poor man to buy. 34.The 29th Olympic Games was held on August_______,2008. 35.After a long walk, I felt t _____. 36.I will write a ______ to my mother if I miss her. 37.There are many s______on the second floor ,we can buy clothes and food. 38.________movies always make us excited. 39.Lei Feng set a good _______ to us. We should learn from him. 40.September 10th is __________Day. 41.Eight and seven is _______. 42.________is opposite of black. 43.“I have many things to do” means “I am_________. 44.I like watching TV and I like watching “Talk ___________. 45.After I leave college, I want to find a good _____. 46.He can’t g et to school on time________ of his illness. 47.He gets up 、________his teeth and washes his face, then goes to school every day .

新六年级暑假入门测试卷 姓名

新六年级暑假入门测试卷姓名: 一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1、两个质数的乘积一定不是()。 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ( 10 A、21 B、22 C、28 D、36 二、填空题(每题3分,共30分) 11、10×11÷10×11=_______。

12、12和49的最大公因数是______,最小公倍数是_______。 13、等腰三角形两条邻边分别长5厘米、10厘米,这个等腰三角形的周长是_______厘米。 14、如果255÷15=a, 17×a=b,那么a=______,b=_______。 15、一个数由5个千万,4个十万,8个千,3个百和7个十组成,这个数写作_________,改写成用“万”作单位的数是_______万,四舍五入到万位约为_______万。 16、将一根木棒锯成4段要6分钟,则将这根木棒锯成7段需要_______分钟。 17、泸州天立学校初一二班在2016年春期第一学月数学测试中,男生有25人,平均分为96分,女生有20人,平均分为91.5分,那么全班的平均分为_______分。 18、从0,2,4,8这4个数中任意抽取三个不重复的数字,可以组成_______个能被3整除的三位数。 19、小泉做一道除数是一位数的除法时,误把除数9看成6,结果算出的商是7,余数是3,你知道正确的结果是_______。 20、观察:1+3=4,4+5=9,9+7=16,16+9=25,25+11=36,……,照此规律,则第10个等式为__________。 三、计算题(每小题3分,共18分) 21、12.53-1.35×2-9.3 22、75 .0- 13 7 3 4 1 4 - 13 7 13? ? ? ? ?+ 23、53.5?35.3+53.5?43.2+78.5?46.5 25、(ⅹ-25)×5=95 四、计算下面图形的表面积,(单位:分米)。(共10分。) 五、解决问题。 1.一块长方形铁皮,长32厘米,在它四个顶角分别剪去边长4厘米的正方形,然后折起来焊成一个无盖的长方体铁皮盒。已知这个铁皮盒的容积是768立方厘米。原来这块铁皮的面积是多少?(6分) 2.从学校到少年宫的这段路上,一共有37根电线杆,原来每两根电线杆之间相距50米,现在要改成每两根之间相距60米,除两端电线杆不需移动外,中途还有多少根不必移动?(6分)


课标实验教材六年级下册 数学园地 六、⑴数与代数 一、填空。 1、0.4=( )( ) =10( ) =( )35 =( )% 2、13628中的“6”表示( );70.6中的“6”表示( );611 中的“6”表示( ) 。 3、280004320读作( ),四舍五入改写成用“万”作单位的数是( ),省略亿位后的尾数得到的近似数是( )。 4、某班5名同学的体重分别是:小军23kg ,小强21kg ,小兵25kg ,小丽24kg ,小红22kg 。如果把他们的平均体重记为0,那么这5名同学的体重分别记为:小军 ,小强 ,小兵 ,小丽 ,小红 。 5、一个数由3个一,5个百分之一和7个千分之一组成,这个数写作( ),读作( ),把这个数精确到十分位是( )。 6、18和36的最大公因数是( );12和42的最小公倍数是( )。 7、能被2、3、5整除的最大两位数是( );比最大的三位数多1的数是( )。 8、a 的5倍与b 的差是( ),比x 少 15 的数是( )。 9、1.8公顷=( )平方米 5米60厘米=( )米 2.4时=( )时( )分 7200立方米=( )立方分米

10、在()里填上合适的单位名称。 一颗梨重150()一张床长2() 冰箱的容积是216()明明早上7()起床 11、甲数是乙数的3倍,乙数和甲数的比是()。甲数占乙数的 () () 。 12、找规律填空。 ⑴1 2, 3 4, 5 8, 7 16,(),(), ⑵ 1 ,4 ,9 ,16 ,25 ,(),(),64 ,81 二、判断对错。 ()1、所有的偶数都是合数。 ()2、长方形的面积一定,长和宽成反比例。 ()3、2008年的上半年有181天。 ()4、3 10里面有3个0.1。 ()5、把60缩小到它的 1 100是0.06。 ()6、把一根3米长的绳子平均分成5份,每份是全长的1 5。 ()7、6人见面,每两人握一次手,一共要握12次。()8、右图中涂色部分占整个图形的25%。 三、选择题。 1、下列说法正确的是()。

English Speech Contest

English Speech Contest Hello everyone.I’m glad to be here. Thanks giving the chance.My name is luxijing.I’m 13 years old, and my birthday is in December. I live in tai an shan dong.And my favorite subject is English. Because I want to be an english teacher.My favorite englishi book is(oliver twite)It's sad ,but interesting.My favorite Eglish movie is (long hair girl).It;s a Disney catoon.I want oneday,I can be that beatiful girl.My school is very colorful.I like all subject . Expect PE. But,I blive myseif.I AND I know a lot about rainforests.I know rainforests cover the earth surface.About 75% of all the types of animals that we know come from rainforests.Thousands of thousands of animals lives in rainforests.The rainforests are very imfortant for us. We need them. They can help us to control the weather. And give us many other things. Unfortunatel,in many places, the rainforests are in danger. For expamle, mang years ago.there are many rainforests in Jave.But now there is nothing. Because people chopped down the trees.And planted the rubber trees and rice. Many animals lived in rainforsts. Some of them went to the other parts in Jave. But many of them disappeared forver. The same thing is happening now in many other parts of world .we need to save the rainforests.

2021年高一物理 暑假自测试卷八

2021年高一物理暑假自测试卷八 一、选择题(本题共6道小题) 1.物体沿光滑固定斜面向下加速滑动,在运动过程中,下述说法正确的是()A.重力势能逐渐减少,动能也逐渐减少 B.重力势能逐渐增加,动能逐渐减少 C.由于斜面是光滑的,所以机械能一定守恒 D.重力和支持力对物体都做正功 2.一根长L=2m,重力G=200N的均匀木杆放在水平地面上,现将它的一端从地面抬高1m,另一端仍搁在地面上,则物体重力势能的变化量为() A.50 J B.100 J C.200 J D. 400 J 3.关于力对物体做功,下列说法正确的是() A.静摩擦力对物体一定不做功,滑动摩擦力对物体一定做功 B.静摩擦力对物体可能做正功 C.滑动摩擦力总是做负功 D.作用力的功与反作用力的功其代数和一定为零 4如图所示,劲度系数为k的轻质弹簧,一端系在竖直放置、半径为R的光滑圆环顶点P,另一端连接一套在圆环上且质量为m的小球.开始时小球位于A点,此时弹簧处于原长且与竖直方向的夹角为45°,之后小球由静止沿圆环下滑,小球运动的最低点B时的速率为v,此时小球与圆环之间的压力恰好为零,已知重力加速度为g.下列分析正确的是()

A.轻质弹簧的原长为R B.小球过B点时,所受的合力为 C.小球从A到B的过程中,重力势能转化为弹簧的弹性势能 D.小球运动到B点时,弹簧的弹性势能为mgR-mv2 5.汽车越来越多的进人家庭,成为人们主要的代步交通工具,驾驶汽车需要考取驾驶证,考试中的一项内容是半坡起步,设坡路的倾角为θ,一位考员从半坡由静止以恒定功率P启动,沿坡路向上行驶,车和人的总质量为m,车所受阻力为支持力的k倍,坡路足够长.重力加速度为g.下列说法正确的是() A.汽车先做匀加速运动后做匀速运动 B.汽车能达到的最大速度为 C.汽车匀速运动时的牵引力大小等于kmgcosθ+mgsinθ D.汽车牵引力做的功等于汽车机械能的增加量 6.如图所示,质量为的物体以速度v1滑上水平传送带,传送带由电动机带动,始终保持以速度V2匀速运动,v1大于v2,物体与传送带间的动摩擦因数为,物体过一会儿能保持与传送带相对静止,对于物体从开始滑上到相对传送带静止这一过程,下列说法正确的(BCD) A.电动机少做的功为m(v12-v22) B.运动时间为(v1-v2)/μg C.摩擦力对传送带做功为mv2(v1-v2) D.摩擦产生的热量为m(v1- v2)2/2


初一下册语文暑假作业测试题 一、语文基础。下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个符合题意。(共16分。每小题2分) 1. 下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一项是 A. 羸弱(li) 悲怆(chung) 妄下断语(wǎng) B. 吞噬(sh) 疮痍(chuāng) 面面相觑(q) C. 遒劲(jng) 剽悍(biāo) 浑身解数(xi) D. 脑髓(suǐ) 枉然(wǎng) 锲而不舍(qi) 2. 下列句子中,完全没有错别字的一项是 A. 他们的性格和为人却截然不同甚至可以说他们走向了两个相反的极端。 B. 假如我是一个诗人,我就要写出一首长诗,来描绘她们的变换多姿的旋舞。 C. 她总是对人们微笑着,总是迫不急待地想对人民有所贡献。 D. 它的头部比例整齐,给它一种轻捷的神情,这种神情恰好与颈部的美相得益章。 3. 下列每组句子中,加点字意义相同的一项是 A. 他不喜欢我整理房间,就算整理好了,两分钟内就会弄得零乱不堪。 他们已经疲惫不堪,往往一连几天畏缩不前。

B. 昼夜不断地筹划计算时,要有数学见地。 老斑羚的跳跃能力显然要比半大斑羚略胜一筹。 C. 对这一转变作出了巨大贡献的,有一位长期以来鲜为人知的科学家:邓稼先。 李杜诗篇万口传,至今已觉不新鲜。江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。 D. 仰之弥高,越高,攀得越起劲;钻之弥坚,越坚,钻得越锲而不舍。 我又自失起来,觉得要和他弥散在含着豆麦蕴藻之香的夜气里。 4. 下面句中加点词用另一个词替代而不改变原义,恰当的一项是 报社编辑对这篇文章比较满意,只修改了其中两个地方。 A. 改造 B. 改善 C. 改进 D. 改动 5. 一辆车、一棵树的辆、棵是我们常见的量词。一杯水、一碗饭中的杯、碗,原为名词,借用为量词。下列加点词属于名词借用为量词的一项是 A. 一张白纸 B. 一床棉被 C. 一块抹布 D. 一把椅子 6. 反复常与排比结合起来使用,以增强语势,突出作者所要表达的意思。下列句子属于综合运用反复和排比的一项是 A. 他总是微笑起来,而且将头仰起,摇着,向后拗过去,拗过去。 B. 今天听讲,我全都懂。他讲的似乎挺容易,挺容易。


暑假八年级物理测试卷 姓名:________班级:________成绩:_____________ 一、单项选择题(本大题共12题,每题3分,共36分) 1.下列各种过程经历的时间最接近1秒的是() A.人心脏跳动一次 B.人正常呼吸一次 C.人打一个哈欠 D.眼睛迅速眨一次 2.下列长度单位中,最长的长度单位是( ) A.光年 B.千米 C.纳米 D.微米 3.深秋时节,自贡的气温不是很低,但我国北方却是滴水成冰的寒冷.对于滴水成冰这一过程,有关物态变化和热,下列说法正确的是() A. 物态变化是凝固,放出热量 B. 物态变化是汽化,吸收热量 C. 物态变化是熔化,吸收热量 D. 物态变化是液化,放出热量 4.某同学对下列声现象进行分析,其中错误的是( ) A.用超声波能粉碎人体内的小石头,说明声波能传递能量 B.拨动琴弦,优美的琴声来自于琴弦的振动 C.利用声音的音调可以测量海底的深度 D.两名宇航员在太空中不能直接对话 5. 下列现象中,不可能发生的是:( ) A.水的沸点低于或者高于100℃ B.将—10℃的冰块放入0℃的水中,冰会熔化 C.物体放热,温度不变 D.水沸腾后,再用猛火继续加热,水温不会升高 6.在风驰电掣的列车上,妈妈对孩子说坐着别动,其所选的参照物是( ) A.铁轨 B.路边的树林 C.小孩的座位 D.车厢里的流动服务车 7.寒冷的冬天,居民楼的玻璃窗上会起“雾”或结“冰花”.下列说法错误的是() A.玻璃窗上的“雾”是水蒸气液化生成的 B.玻璃窗上的“冰花”是水蒸气升华生成的 C.“冰花”结在玻璃窗的内表面 D.“雾”出现在玻璃窗的内表面


六年级语文测试卷 一、积累运用(45分) 1.看拼音写汉字。(3分) sǒu sè chī 抖羞迷 2.选人物填空,补全成语。(5分) 夸父渔翁东施江郎项庄 沛公愚公毛遂塞翁孙山 ()才尽名落()()逐日()效颦()移山 3.请找出下列词语中的错别字并改正。(4分) 费寝忘食雪中送碳一声不吭安然无恙 同心协力伸头缩劲手急眼快敛声屏气 4.请用“调”的不同读音组成两个词,并各写一句话(4分) ① ② 5.根据情境在括号内填上表示“看”的词语。(5分) ①在任山河烈士陵园里,少先队员怀着崇敬的心情()着烈士纪念碑。 ②老师走进教室,()了一下四周,向同学们问好。 ③大家()着公交车开来的方向,都有些焦急。

④水上公园的风景真美,我们尽情地()着。 ⑤只有学会()和积累,才能写好作文。 6.下面句子中的双引号各有什么作用,选一选,将正确答案的序号填在相应的括号内(5分) A.表示引用原话B.表示着重指出C.表示特定称谓 D.表示引用文章中的句子E.表示反语 ①他和蔼地问道:“你叫什么名字?”() ②1993年,美国政府提出建设“信息高速公路”的计划。() ③在茫茫的大海中,漂流的瓶子也扮演过“信使”的角色。() ④手机的使用,使“天涯若比邻”不再是梦想。() ⑤你真是“聪明”,总能给不交作业找出许多理由。()7.按要求写句子。(4分) ①一脸疲倦的妈妈看着我得了一百分的卷子欣慰地笑了。(缩句) ②老师对我说:“你去把班长叫来,我有事要问。”(改为转述句) ③我们要灵活运用并准确掌握学过的词语。(修改病句) ④在事实面前,他承认了自己的错误。(改为双重否定句)

8.按原文填空。(8分) ①草铺横野,三四声。这句诗选自《》。 ②不管遇到,不管遇到,它总是那么直,那么坚强,不软弱,也不动摇。 ③不积跬步,;不积小流,。 ④书犹药也,。 9.判断正误(在正确的表述后打“√”,错误的表述后打“×”)。(5分) ①两只猫头鹰在墙头吵架。这是个比喻句。() ②《冬阳·童年·骆驼队》是老舍写的一篇文章。() ③《三国演义》、《西游记》、《红楼梦》、《封神榜》合称中国古典四大名著。() ④“他们是当代最可爱的人吗?不是。”这是设问句。() ⑤《草船借箭》主要写了周瑜与诸葛亮合作向曹操借箭的故事。()10.下面说法最得体的一句是()。(2分) ①校长和我们一起拔河,我们真是三生有幸。 ②校长和我们一起拔河,我们真是受宠若惊。 ③校长和我们一起拔河,我们感到很高兴。


英语社团学期工作总结例文 英语社团学期工作总结范文英语协会是一个以英语为中心开展各种相关活动的学习型社团。今天给大家为您整理了英语社团学期工作总结,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语社团学期工作总结范文一本着服务于全院学生的主旨,在教研室老师的悉心指导下,在全体成员齐心协力的配合下,英语协会本学期获得了较大的发展,并且有一群庞大的团队成员。在这学期的工作中有艰辛,有挑战,但更多的是喜悦与欣慰,全体成员在发展英语协会的同时也都获得了成长。我协会各项工作都取得了一定的成绩,现将本协会的学期工作总结如下: 一、严格招新、充实队伍 1、开学初,为使我协会的会员招新工作取得突出成功,协会干部成员竭尽所能、全心全意的向同学们宣传英语协会,通过向同学们展示英语协会的发展史和英语协会历史获得的各大奖项,以及英语协会的基本资料,详尽交流的让同学们了解英语协会,激发同学们学习英语的兴趣和热度,最终招新工作结束之时,我协会加入会员人数有648人。

2、经过激烈多轮面试和演讲之后,我们从参加干部面试的成员中确立了一批工作能力强、有责任心、上进心的优秀协会干事,从而使协会的管理工作更加有序,效率更高,确保我们以后工作的顺利进展。 二、强化培训、适应工作 1、招纳结束后,我们通过召开全体会员大会,让协会成员对英语协会的规章制度进行大致的学习与了解,增强协会的凝聚力、组织性、纪律性。 2、为了更好的为广大会员服务,提高其英语水平,我们规定每周二在崇文东楼101教室召开干事会议,以了解协会的最新问题,积极接受会员对协会的建议及意见,而且,我们将建立的qq群、干事成员的电话号码公布,了解协会出现的问题,并及时给予解决。 3、对协会干事进行更严格的要求,提高干事思想觉悟,让其明白干事的职能是全心全意为协会工作,为会员服务,绝不搞特殊,反而要更加严格的要求自己,维护好协会的形象。 三、面向全院、常规活动 1、我协会的常规活动有:晨读、晚读、原声电影、英语角。 ① 晨读:地点在崇文北楼,东一阶梯教室,具体有:每周一、二、四、由外教john教大家学习音标、单词、短语、


2018年暑假作业语文测试卷 1.在下面括号内填写出相应的句子。(10分) (1)(),千里共婵娟。 (2)了却君王天下事,()。 (3)(),却道海棠依旧。 (4)笙歌散尽游人去,()。 (5)烽火连三月,()。 (6)(),归思欲沾巾。 (7)(),不求闻达于诸侯。 (8)受任于败军之际,()。 (9)一堆堆乌云,像青色的火焰,()。 (10)妈妈,如果您不在意,我长大的时候,()。 2.下列词语书写有误的一项是()(3分) A.宁静淡泊严厉茁壮挥洒 B.抑扬顿挫摇曳懈怠振憾 C.深恶痛绝绮丽了结挟制 D.惶恐不安蜿蜒小憩逊色 3.将下列选项依次填入文段的空缺处,正确的一项是()(3分) 你的话语应该是一缕饱含早春气息的柔风,();你的表白应该田野爆裂的豆荚,();你的辩答应该是凭借原则的盾牌,();你的呐喊应该是仰仗正义的力量,()。 (1)迎承谈判桌上的唇枪舌剑(2)构思并阐述金色的成熟(3)弥合朋友之间人为的小隙(4)澎湃青春的热忱和血液 A.(3)(4)(1)(2) B.(2)(1)(3)(4) C.(3)(2)(1)(4) D.(4)(1)(3)(2) 4.下列句子中加横线词语使用正确的一项是()(3分) A.在花园中心那环形路灯的映照下,他的影子似乎有三头六臂了。 B.英语课代表怒气冲冲地冲学生喊道:“现在就把英语作业交上来,刻不容缓。” C.见是洋人到了,原本傲慢的制台立即变得大惊失色。 D.王老师杀鸡骇猴,让那个捣蛋的学生当众承认了错误。 5.下列句子中没有语病的一项是()(3分) A.她的自尊心很强,请同学们说话要多留心,以免不要伤害她。 B.班长征求和采纳了同学们关于如何进一步办好学习园地的意见。 C.通过这次活动,使我开阔了眼界,提高了能力。 D.同学们把教室打扫得干干净净,整整齐齐。 6.解释下列词语。(5分) 凛冽: 耕耘: 蠢笨: 诬蔑: 丰功伟绩: 7.按要求回答问题。 班上开展“师恩难忘”的感恩活动。请把这次活动的内容、收获制作成手抄报,作为毕业时


2016暑假7进8英语测试卷 用心学员: I、单项选择(15分) 1、—Can Tom play ___piano ? —No ,but he can play ___basketball . A.the ;the B./;the C.the ;/ D./;/ 2、I ___at ten o’clock in the evening . A.have breakfast B.get up C.go to bed D.watch morning TV 3、It takes ___about 20 minutes ___the windows . A.he ;to clean B.him ;cleaning C.he ;cleaning D.him ;to clean 4、All of the following are school rules except (除了)”___”. A.No photos B.D on’t fight C.No smoking D.D on’t talk loudly 5、—____? —Because it is clever . A.How do you like the dog ? B.When do you see the dog ?

C.Where can you see the dog ? D.Why do you like the dog ? 6、—Let’s go to the zoo on Sunday morning . —____. A.That sounds good B.Thank you very much C.Yes ,we do D.Not at all 7、My mother is ___soup .She often ___soup for us . A.make ;making B.making ;makes C.do ;doing D.do ,does 8、There are 30___in our school . A.men teacher B.women teacher C.woman teachers D.men teachers 9、There are a lot of people and cars on new street .I t’s a ___street . A.busy B.small C.big D.dirty 10、Today peter is wearing a ___jacket . A.thick long blue. B. blue thick long C. long thick blue D. long blue thick


五、六年级语文阅读能力测试题及答案(1) (一)不识字的老师 ①那个年代的留美学生,暑假打工是惟一能延续求学的方法。 ②仗着身强体壮,这年我找了份高薪的伐木工作,在科罗拉多,工头替我安排了一个伙伴——一个硕壮的老黑人,大概有60多岁,大伙儿叫他“路瑟”。他从不叫我名字,整个夏天在他那厚嘴唇间,我的名字成了“我的孩子”。 ③一开始我有些怕他,在无奈下接近了他,却发现在那黝黑的皮肤下,有着一颗温柔而包容的心。我开始欣赏他,继而在那个夏日的结束时,他成为我一生中难忘的长者,带领着年轻无知的灵魂,看清了真正的世界。 ④有一天,一早我的额头被卡车顶杆撞个大包,中午时,大拇指又被工具砸伤了,然而在午后的烈日下,仍要挥汗砍伐树枝。他走近我身边,我摇头抱怨:“真是倒霉又痛苦的一天。”他温柔地指了指太阳:“别怕,孩子。再痛苦的一天,那玩意儿总有下山的一刻。在回忆里,是不会有倒霉与痛苦的。”我俩在珍惜中,又开始挥汗工作,不久大阳依约下山了。 ⑤一次,两个工人不知为什么争吵,眼看卷起袖子就要挥拳了,他走过去,在每人耳边喃喃地轻声说了句话,两人便握了手。我问他施了什么“咒语”,他说:“我只是告诉他俩:你们正好站在地狱边,快退后一步。” ⑥午餐时,他总爱夹条长长的面包走过来,叫我掰一段。有一次我不好意思地向他道谢,他耸耸肩笑道:“他们把面包做成长长的一条,我想应该是方便与人公享,才好吃吧。”从 此我常常在午餐中,掰一段他长长的面包,填饱了肚子,也温暖了心坎。 ⑦伐木工人没事时总爱满嘴粗话,刻薄地叫骂着同事以取乐,然而他说话总是柔顺而甜美。我问他为什么,他说:“如果人们能学会把白天说的话,夜深人静时再咀嚼一遍,那么他们一定会选些柔软而甜蜜的话说。”这习惯到今天我仍承袭着。 ⑧有一天,他拿了一份文件,叫我替他读一读,他咧着嘴对我笑了笑:“我不识字。”我仔细替他读完文件,顺口问他,不识字的他怎么能懂那么深奥的道理。那黝黑粗壮的老人仰望着天空说道:“孩子,上帝知道不是每个人都能识字,除了《圣经》,他也把真理写在天地之间,你能呼吸,就能读它。” ⑨现在,路瑟也许不在了,然而,我记不得世上曾经有多少伟人,却永远忘不了路瑟。 一、选择题。 1、本文的主人公是() A、作者; B、路瑟; C、工头; D、两个伐木工人。 2、下列注音的词语中,正确的一组是() A、长(cháng )者 B、边缘(yán ) C、延(yán)续 D、(yóu)黝黑 3、“温柔”的近义词最正确的是() A、温和; B、和蔼; C、温顺; D、柔顺。 4、第②段中“他从不叫我名字……我的名字成了“我的孩子”。路瑟不叫我名字的原因是() A、他不知我叫什么名字; B、他不会说我的名字; C、他把我当作小孩子; D、这是一种亲切的叫法。

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