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全新版综合教程 B3U2
全新版综合教程 B3U2

Unit 2 Civil-Rights Heroes

Text A The Freedom Givers

In 2004 a center in honor of the “underground railroad” opens in Cincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thousands of passengers to the destination of their dreams.

Ⅰ.Teaching Objectives

Students will be able to:

1.grasp the main idea (early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the Underground

Railroad );

2.learn to use library resources and other resources for information.

3.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text:

4.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the

theme of the unit.

Ⅱ. Before Reading

1.English Song-Abraham, Martin &John.

Think While Listening

Listen to the song Abraham, Martin & John, sung by Dion, and think about the following questions

1) A few names are mentioned in this song. Can you make out whom these people


Clues: They are all Americans. All died young. They freed a lot of people.

They are Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robber Kennedy.

2) Do you know why they all died young?

3) Whom did they free?

Read the Script of Song

Abram, Martin & John

Has anybody here,

Seen my old friend Abraham,

Can you tell me, where he’s gone,

He freed a lotta people

But it seems the good die young,

I just looked around,

And he’s gone,

Has anybody here,

Seen my old friend John

Can you tell me, where he’s gone,

He freed a lotta people

But it seems the good die young,

I just looked around,

And he’s gone,

Has anybody here,

Seen my old friend Martin

Can you tell me, where he’s gone,

He freed a lotta people

But it seems the good die young,

I just looked around,

And he’s gone,

Didn’t you love the things they stood for,

Didn’t they try to find some good for you and me,

And we’ll be free,

Someday soon it’s gonna be one day.

Has anybody here,

Seen my old friend Bobby,

Can you tell me, where he’s gone.

I thought I saw him walk in’up over the hill,

With Abraham, Martin and John

People in the Song

1)Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the US. As President, hi issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy. During the Civil War Lincoln stated most movingly in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg: ―that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain-- that his nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.‖ On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated At Ford’s Theatre in Washington by Jon Wilkes Booth, an actor, who somehow thought he was helping the South.

The opposite was the result, for with Lincoln’s death, the possibility of peace


2)John F. Kennedy

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the thirty-fifth president of the US. In his

inaugural Address he said : ― Ask not what our country can do for you—ask

what you can do for your country,‖ As President, he took vigorous action in

the cause of equal rights calling for new civil rights legislation. On

November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in

office, John F. Kennedy was killed by an assassin’s bullets as his motorcade

wound through Dallas, Texas, Kennedy was the youngest man elected

President; he was the youngest to die.

3)Martin Luther King

Dr. King was a pivotal figure in the Civil Rights Movement. His lectures and

dialogues stirred the concern and sparked the conscience of a generation. In

one of his speeches, he said, ― I have a dream that my four children will one

day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin,

but by the content of their character, I have a dream today. I have a dream

that… one day right there in Alabama, little black boys and black girls will

be able to join hands with the little white boys and white girls as sisters and

brother., I have a dream today,‖

Dr, King was shot while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in

Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968. Dr, King was in Memphis to help

lead sanitation workers in a protest against low wages and intolerable

working conditions.

4)Bobby Kennedy, or Robert F. Kennedy

He was the brother of President John F. Kennedy. He was appointed

attorney general of the United States in the early 1960s. In September 1962,

Attorney General Kennedy enforced a Federal court order admitting the first

African American student--James Meredith—to the University of

Mississippi. The riot that had followed Meredith’s Registration had left two

dead and hundreds injured. Robber Kennedy saw voting as the key to racial

justice and collaborated with President Kennedy when he proposed the most

far –reaching civil rights statute since Reconstruction, the Civil Rights Act

of 1964, passed after President Kennedy was slain on November 22, 1963.

Robert Francis Kennedy was slain on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel

in Los Angeles, California. He was 42 years old, although his life was cut

short. Robert Kennedy’s vision and ideals live on today.

2.Text Prediction

Read the introductory part of the text and think about the following questions.

In 2004 a center in honor of the ―underground railroad‖ opens in Cincinnati.

The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried

thousands of passengers to the destination of their dreams.

1)What is an underground railroad in the normal senses?

2)What is this underground railroad special for?

3)Can you imagine what this railroad was built for?

4)What probably are the dreams of the passengers?

5)What probably is the destination of their dreams?

6)What is the text probably about?

3.Background information

Map reading:

Read the following three maps and answer the following questions.


1)Find the following states:

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia.

Which part do these states belong to, the Northern States or the Southern States?

2)Which states are most densely populated with slaves?

3)Where did most slaves want to go?

Timeline of Slavery

1619—Slaves in Virginia

Africans brought to Jamestown are the first slaves imported into Britain’s North American colonies.

1705—Slaves as Property

Describing slaves as real estate, Virginia lawmakers allow owners to bequeath their slaves. The same law allowed masters to ―kill and dest roy‖ runaways. 1775—American Revolution Begins

Battles at the Massachusetts towns of Lexington and Concord on April 19 spark the war for American independence from Britain.

1776—Declaration of Independence

The Continental Congress asserts ―that these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States‖.

1783—American Revolution Ends

Britain and the infant United States sign the Peace of Paris treat.

1808—United Sates Bans Slave Trade

Importing African slaves is outlawed, but smuggling continues.

1860—Abraham Lincoln Elected

Abraham Lincoln of Illinois becomes the first Republican to win the Unites States Presidency.

1861—1865 United States Civil War

Four years of brutal conflict claim 623,000 lives.

1863—Emancipation Proclamation

President Abraham Lincoln decrees that all slaves in Rebel territory are free on January 1, 1863.

1865—Slavery Abolished

The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery.

The Underground Railroad

1)General Information

The Underground Railroad was not underground. Because escaping slaves and the people who helped them are technically breaking the law, they had to stay out of sight. They went underground‖in terms of concealing their actions.

Sometimes they even hid in unusual places.

Many clever and creative ideas helped slaves during their escape. When abolitionist Jon Fairfield needed to sneak 28 slaves over the road s near Cincinnati, he hired a hearse and disguised the group as a funeral procession.

Henry ―Box‖Brown, a slave, had himself shipped form Richmond to Philadelphia in a wooden box.

2)Routes to Freedom

The routes the slaves traveled appear in this map. The trip is 560 miles (900kilometers) long.

A strong, lucky runaway might have made it to freedom in two months. For

others, especially in bad weather, the trek might have lasted a year.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Uncle Tom’s Cabin, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, is one of the most famous and popular pieces of Civil War literature. Drawn form selected pieces of real life anecdotes; Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a book that drew many people into the fight over the institution of slavery. Northerners hailed the book, while southern slaveholders abhorred it.

Ⅲ. Global Reading

1.True or False

1)Just like Uncle Tom in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Josiah Henson was a

long-suffering slave who was unwilling to stand up for himself. (F)

According to Barbara Carter, Josiah Henson was a man of principle

and totally different form, Uncle Tom.

2)All the men and women who forged the Underground Railroad were

blacks. (F)

Some whites were driven by religious convictions and took part in

this movement.

3)These railroad conductors were frequently faced with death threats and

warnings from the local government. (T)

4)Many fugitives chose Canada as their primary destination because

slavery had been abolished there. (T)

3.Further Understanding

For Part I Questions and answers

1)Both Josiah Henson and Uncle Tom were slaves. But in the eyes of Barbara

Carter, they were different. In what way was Josiah Henson different form

Uncle Tom?

Uncle Tom was an enduring slave and unwilling to struggle for himself, while Josiah Henson did what he believed was right and took an active part in the anti-slavery movement.

2)Why was Henson called an African-American Moses?

In the Bible, Moses was the leader who brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. Just like Moses, Henson helped hundreds of slaves to escape to Canada and liberty, so he was called an African –American Moses.

3)What was the Underground Railroad? Who forged it?

The Underground Railroad was a secret way of escape route and safe housed. Many men and woman, including both the blacks and whites, together forged it.

4)Why does the author want to tell the readers the stories of the heroes of the

Underground Railroad?

Because most of them remain too little remembered and their exploits are still largely unsung.

For Part Two Text Analysis

In this part, the author tells the stories of three civil-rights heroes. Who are they? Give the main idea of each story.

Ⅳ. Detailed Reading

Important words and phrases:

Part One (para.1-5)

1.(L.1)breeze : n.a gentle wind. 微风

---A gentle breeze blew over the garden.


---a cool, refreshing breeze

N.B. All of the following words are related to wind. Can you match them


1) (of people) slim; not very wide but comparatively long or high

---slender fingers

---a slender waist


a woman with a slender figure

2) (of things)slight; inadequate

---a slender income


---slender hopes

CF : slender, thin & slim


slender主要表示苗条之瘦,往往含有瘦得好看或匀称的意思。例如:---Film actress Zhang Ziyi is a slender woman.


---When the wind blows, the slender tree bends but never breaks.


thin 表示人或物的直径与长度的比例较小。例如

---People usually get thinner after an illness.


---This metal may be thin but is of great strength.


slim用于指人与动物时,其含义与slender 相同,但在引申意义上却侧重于贫乏和不足状态。

---As a slim boy, he has now filled out.


---To tell you the truth, your chances to pass the exam are too slim.


3. (L.12) racial : adj. relating to a person’s race, or to different races of people.


---There is a serious racial conflict in that African country.


He was a victim of racial discrimination.

4. (L.13) stand up for : speak, work etc. in favor of sb./sth.; support sb./sth.

--- Don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights.支持


---All my friends will stand up for me.

Stand up to:勇敢地面对;经得起

---A soldier must stand up to the danger.


---Your argument just won’t stand up to close scrutiny.

5. (L.14) Josiah Henson was a man of principle :

Josiah Henson observed/followed moral principles.

6. (L.14) principle : a rule or standard, especially of good behavior 原则

---She was a woman of principle.

---I usually follow the principle that it is better not to get involved in other people’s quarrels.


We adhere to the principle that everyone should be treated fairly.


against one’s principle 违反原则

as a matter of principle 作为原则得问题

by principle 按照原则,根据原则

of principle 有原则的

adhere to one’s principles 坚持原则

abandon one’s principles 抛弃原则

7(L.15~17)I had traveled here to Henson’s last home—now a historic site that Carter formerly directed—to learn more about a man who was, in many ways, an African-American Moses.

1) Who was Moses?

In the Old Testament, Moses was the Hebrew prophet and lawgiver

who led the Israelites out of Egypt.

2) Why was Henson called an African-American Moses?

Henson, a black who lived in America, helped other blacks escape

from the US.

8(L.15) historic: adj. famous or important in history


--- a historic spot

--- 两位领导人具有历史意义的会见。

---A historic meeting between the two leaders.

CF: historic& historical



---This change in government is a historic event of our times.


---The signing of the Declaration of Independence was a historic occasion.



---He gave all his historical papers to the library.


---There is a historical society in our university.


9.(L.15)site: n. place where a building, town, etc. ws, is or will be situated

---The site for the new factory has not been decided. 地方,位置;遗址


---A new school occupies the site of the old factory.


a historic site 历史古迹

construction sites 建筑工地

a battlefield site 战场的遗迹

10. (L.20 )mission:n. particular task or duty undertaken by an individual or a


---Mission accomplished.


---The delegation completed its mission successfully.


The mission to blow up the bridge failed.


Carry out/perform a mission 执行使命

Fulfill a mission 完成使命

Cancel a mission 取消一项任务

11(L.20~22) Josiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad.

What is the part of speech of but in this sentence?

And what does but mean?

Here but is an adverb, which means ―only‖.

12(L.22) forge: v..(靠艰苦工作)建立

1) create by means of much hard work.

---Their friendship was forged by shared adversity.

---They forged links with the French Communist Party.

2) make a forgery or counterfeit

---He got the money dishonestly, by forging his brother’s signature on a



Forge a signature.

13(L.22) web: n. network of fine threads spun by a spider or some other spinning creature; complex series or network.网状物

---The spider is spinning a web.


a we

b railroads


a we

b of telephone wires

14 (L.23)liberate: vt. Set free解放

Pattern: liberate sb. from sth.

--- liberate people from poverty

--- liberate sb. from economic worry


liberate the mind from prejudice


liberate a country from a military control.

15 (L.26 )authorize: vt. Give approval or permission for (sth.); give authority to批


---The government authorized the publication of this book.

---I have authorized him to act for me during my absence.


---The director authorized us to work in the laboratory.

16(L.30) exploit:

1) n. brace or adventurous deed or action 功绩

---Their heroic exploits will go down in history.


sing sb’s exploits


His military exploits amazed me.

2) vt. Employ to the greatest possible advantage 剥削;开发;利用

exploit one’s talents. 充分发挥某人的才能

exploit one’s friends 利用自己朋友


The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay.

17(L.30) be intent on doing sth.: be eager and determined to do sth.


---He was intent on the job he was doing.


He is intent on going to France to continue his studies.

Part Two (para.6-23)

18 (L.32)peer: vi. look closely or carefully, esp. as if unable to see well (followed

by at/ though/into, etc.)

---She peered at him closely, as if not believing it could really be him.

---She peered through the mist, trying to find the right path.

CF: peer, gaze & stare



---The old man peered at her over his spectacles.


---Short-sighted people often peer at others when they are wearing no glasses.


---The sleepy father got up and peered through a crack in the door to see who knocked at the door.



---All of us gazed at the beautiful view in the distance.


---For two hours Tom sat gazing out of the window.




---The woman stared at the stranger in astonishment.


---It is very impolite to stare at other people.


19(L.40~41) Eventually he saved enough money working at this trade on the side to buy his freedom.

Translate the sentence into Chinese.


20 (L.41) on the side: as an additional job or source of income; secretly 作为兼职;


--- He is a teacher, but he makes a little money on the side by repairing cars in his free time.

---He’s married but he has girlfriend on the side.


21 (L.44~45) In Kentucky, where he was now headed, there was a $1000 reward

for his capture dead or alive.

Paraphrase the sentence:

In Kentucky, anyone who captured him, no matter he was dead or alive, would be rewarded $1000 and now he was going to Kentucky.

22 (L.45 ) capture:抓捕

1)n. the act of taking by force or of being taken by force.

---He was released yesterday, six months after his capture by the terrorists.

2)v. take (a person or animal) prisoner

---She was captured trying to escape from the country.

23 (L.51 )There was room for all but two.

What does but mean? What is the part of speech of but in the sentence?

Here but is a preposition, which means ― except‖.

24 (L.52 )close in ( on/around): come near to, esp. in order to attack form several

directions; surround 接近;包围

---The people were trapped when the enemy army began to close in to them.

---Night is closing in.

25 (L.54~56)The others made it to the Ohio shore, where Parker hurriedly

arranged for a wagon to take them to the next ―station‖on the Underground Railroad—the first leg of their journey to safely in Canada.

1)What does make it mean?

Make it means ― succeed in doing something‖. here made it means

― arrived (at the Ohio shore)‖

*--- Blake failed to make it as a commercial airline pilot.




---After failing the exams three times, I realized I’d never make it in


2)What does leg mean?

Leg means ― a stage of journey or course‖. For example, the last leg

of the flight (飞行中的最后一段路程)

26(L.59). religious: adj. of religion

---a religious service 宗教仪式


a religious question

27(L.59) convictions: n. firm opinion or belief

--- She expressed her firm conviction that television was harmful to children.


She had a firm conviction that she was right.


a lifelong conviction 终身的信仰

political conviction 政治信念

---Strengthen/deepen one’s conviction that…


28 (L.60 )Levi Coffin, a Quaker raised in North Carolina.

What is a Quaker?

A Quaker is any member of the Society of Friends, a religious group

established in England in the 1650s by George Fox. They were originally called Quakers because members were thought to ―quake ― of shake with religious excitement. Quakers worship Christ without any formal ceremony or fixed beliefs, and their meetings often involve silent thought or prayer.

They are strongly opposed to violence and war, and are active in education and charity work.

*29(L.64) shelter:


---Can those being sheltered be adequately fed?


2. 庇佑,窝藏

---Some villagers are prepared to help to shelter wanted men.


30(L.71) impose: 把…强加于

1)place ( a penalty, tax, etc. ) officially on sb./sth.

---New duties were imposed on wines and spirits.


impose a tax on imports

2)try to make sb. accept (an opinion or a belief)

---She imposed her ideas on the group.

---I must perform the task that has been imposed on me.

31(L.85 ) transport: vt take sth./sb. from one place to another in a vehicle ---It took all day to transport the furniture to the new apartment.

---The goods were transported by train.


A bus transported us from the airport to the city.

32 (L.85 )disguise: vt. give sb./sth. a false appearance假扮,乔装

Pattern: disguise sb./sth. as

---He disguised himself as a woman.

---The soldiers disguised themselves by wearing white garments in the snow.


It is impossible to disguise the fact.

33(L.88 )abolish: vt. end the existence of ( a law, custom, system, ect.) ---The death penalty is to be abolished before the end of this year.

---废除奴隶制abolish slavery


Bad customs should be abolished.

34 (L.92~93 )Making the best of his lot, Henson worked diligently and rose

far in his owner’s regard.

1)What dose lot mean in this sentence?

Lot means ― one’s fortune in life, fate‖

*She was quite content with her lot.

2)Paraphrase ―rose far in his owner’s regard‖.

He was regarded highly by his owner.

35 (L.94 ) compel: vt. make (sb.) do sth.; force强迫

---Duty compelled the soldiers to volunteer for the mission.


---The heavy rain compelled us to stay indoors.


compel sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事

Be compelled to do 不得不做

36 (L.102 )at risk: threatened by the possibility of loss, failure, etc.; in danger

---The disease is spreading, and all children under five are at risk.


at all risks (=at any risk) 无论冒什么危险;无论如何

at the risk of 冒…之险;不顾…之风险

37 (L.103 )starve: v. ( cause a person or an animal to) suffer severely or die from

hunger (使)挨饿

---starve to death

---What’s for dinner? I’m starving!


---starve for news 渴望消息

---She’s lonely, and starving for companionship.


38 (L.112 )pass fo r: appear like; be accepted or looked upon as (same as pass as)


---He can pass for a Frenchman.

---I can’t imagine how this place passes for a five-star hotel.


He passes for a doctor.


He passes for a learned man.

Ⅴ.After Reading

1. Useful expressions:

1)微风 a gentle breeze

2)支持stand up for

3)有原则的人 a man of principle

4)历史遗迹 a historic site

5)解放奴隶liberate slaves

6)决定要做某事be intent on doing sth.

7)轻轻的敲门声 a soft knock

8)铸铁iron molding

9)报告消息spread the news

10)宗教信仰religious convictions

11)得到庇佑find refuge

12)下一段行程next leg of the journey

13)主要路线principal routes

14)面临危险face risks

15)课以罚金impose a fine

16)记录keep a log of

17)路标road signs

18)出殡队伍 a funeral procession

19)未开垦的土地 a virgin land

20)在(某人)看来in the eyes of (sb.)

2. Listen and answer

Listen to the personal account of runaway slave Linda Brent and answer the following questions.

Peter took me in his boat and raised me on board. About four o’clock, we rowed three miles to the swamp. My great fear of snakes had been increased by the bite I had received. But I was in no situation to choose, and I gratefully accepted the best that my poor friends could do for me. A very small garret was between the boards and the roof. the garret was only nine feet long and seven feet wide. The air was stifling; the darkness total. The rates and mice ran over my bed. It seemed horrible to sit or lie in a cramped position day after day, without one gleam of light. Yet I would have chosen this, rather than my lot as a slave…After seven years in my tiny and dark hiding place, I finally secured a passage to New York in a boat with the help of my friends and family. However, I was rather disappointed when I got to New York: It made me sad to find the north followed the customs of slavery. We were carried away in a large, tough car. It was crowded with people. Screaming and kicking babies were on the beds. The fumes of the whiskey and the dense tobacco smoke were sickening to my senses.

1)What were Linda’s biggest fears?

She feared that the snakes might bite her.

2)What conditions did she have to endure?

She had to endure the cramped garret, the rats, the stifling air and the


3)Why was she disappointed with what she found in New York?

It made her sad to find the north followed the customs of slavery.

3. Problem-solving

If you had been free individuals living at the time, do you think you would have assisted in helping the slaves to freedom? Consider the pros and cons of your decisions, including the dangers for yourselves if you decided to help.

4.Writing Practice

How do you usually find the information you need in a paper? By using the library resources? It’s a sound idea. But you may have a better choice just by letting your fingers do the job. Guess what it is? Right! The Internet!

You have learned quite a lot about the Underground Railroad now, but you may want to know more about what it was like to travel along the Underground Railroad. Here’s how: go through the journey on https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f8989806.html,’s Underground Railroad site (www. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0f8989806.html,/heatures/railroad).

And your homework is to write a composition about the conditions in which slaves lived and some of the dangers that an escaping slave faced.

5.Proverbs and quotations.

1)Give me liberty, or give me death..


2) A new breeze is blowing—and a nation refreshed by freedom stands ready to

push on: there is new ground to be broken, and new action to be taken.

--George Bush, American President 一阵新风正在吹来―为自由激励的民族随时准备前进:开拓新的道路,


—美国总统, 乔治布什

3) A man is either free or he is not. There cannot be any apprenticeship for


--I.A. Baraka, French writer.



4)Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains

and slavery?.

--Patrick Henry, American revolutionary 难道生命如此宝贵,和平如此甜美,以致于不惜以枷锁和奴役代价来


--美国革命家P. 亨利

5) Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.

--George Washington, Father of the United States 自由一旦生根,便是棵迅猛生长的植物。

--美国国父G.. 华盛顿

6. Text analysis

When we learn a foreign language, we must also learn the culture of the speakers of that language. Text A in this unit is a good case in point. Readers need some basic knowledge of Christianity. Some terms in this text are markedly Christian, like ― Bible‖. Others refer to characters or places form Biblical stories, such as Moses who led the Jewish people out of slavery in Egypt, or Bethlehem, a holy city for Christians.

The author tells three stories about the Underground Railroad and the early Black civil rights movement. The three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement: John Parker is a freed slave who later turned into a courageous ―conductor‖; Levi Coffin is a brave white ―conductor‖; Josiah Henson is a slave who struggled his way to freedom with the help of the Underground Railroad.

We learn about the name of Josiah Henson at the beginning of the text, yet his full story is not told until the last part. In this way the author achieves coherence of text. Direct speech is more convincing than indirect speech, esp. when it comes to expressing personal beliefs. For example, the text quotes Levi Coffin saying ―the Bible, in biding us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, said nothing about color.‖On other occasions, direct speech makes a story more vivid. For example, in the John Parker story, characters spoke short sentences to stress the urgency of the situation. For another example, Josiah Henson threw himself to the ground and shouted to astonished onlookers: ―Oh, no! Don’t you know? I’m free!‖his joy affects us all.


【一】全新版大学英语综合教程1课后题 Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ.1. …down back and on in 2. been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time. the command the soldiers opened fire. bikes we’ll keep turning them out. 3. , rigid, to inspire tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas , career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. violating Ⅲ. , in upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ. Cloze 1. back

and on out/in 2. Ⅱ. Translation 1. 1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to. 2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production. 4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. 5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. 2. Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again. One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life. Unit 2 Friendship I. Vocabulary 1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box. 1) absolutely 2) available


Key to Exercises of Book 3 of New College English Unit 1 Vocabulary I. 1. On balance 2. resist 3. haul 4. wicked 5. illustrated 6. budget 7. lowering 8. boundary 9. involved 10. economic 11. blasting 12. just about II. 1. cut back / down 2. pick up 3. get by 4. get through 5. face up to 6. turn in 7. making up for 8. think up III. 1.pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astronomy. 2.often generated misleading thoughts. 3.attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work. 4.be suspected of doing everything for money. 5.before he gets through life. IV. 1.…their indoor… a profit… to invest in 2.…device… the improvement… on a global scale 3.…stacked… temptation… never dined out Confusable words I. 1. house 2. Home 3. home…family 4. household II. 1. doubt 2. suspected 3. doubted 4. suspected 5. suspect Word Formation 1. rise 2. final 3. regular 4. cash 5. hows …whys 6. upped 7. yellowed 8. bottled 9. lower 10. search Comprehensive Exercise I. 1. gets by 2. temptation 3. get through 4. improvement 5. aside from 6. suspect 7. supplement 8. profit 9. stacking II. 1. replaced 2. consider 3. quit 4. world 5. tough 6. fuels 7. provide 8. luxuries 9. balance 10. ideal Translation I. 1.We have a problem with the computer system, but I think it’s fairly minor. 2.My father died when I was too young to live on my own. The people of my hometown took


目录 Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 1 Unit1 Text B American Family Life: The Changing Picture 4 Unit2 Text A The Freedom Givers 10 Unit3 Text A The Land of the Lock 14 Unit3 Text B Why I Bought A Gun16 Unit4 Text A Was Einstein a Space Alien? 21 Unit5 Text A Writing Three Thank-You Letters 25 Unit6 Text A The Last Leaf 28 Unit7 Text A Life of a Salesman33 Unit7 Text B Bricklayer's Boy41 Unit8 Text A Human Cloning: A Scientist’s Story47 Unit8 Text B Second Thoughts on Cloning 50 Unit1 Text A Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life 多尔蒂先生创建自己的理想生活吉姆·多尔蒂Jim Doherty 1 There are two things I have always wanted to do -- write and live on a farm. Today I'm doing both. I am not in E. B. White's class as a writer or in my neighbors' league as a farmer, but I'm getting by. And after years of frustration with city and suburban living, my wife Sandy and I have finally found contentment here in the country. 有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 2 It's a self-reliant sort of life. We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegetables. Our hens keep us in eggs, with several dozen left over to sell each week. Our bees provide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through the heating season. 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。


译文 第一单元 友谊的真谛 米歇尔·E·多伊尔马克·K·史密斯 我们探讨友谊这个概念时,遇到的第一个问题是,没有社会公认的择友标准。在某一情境下,我们会把某个人称为朋友;然而,情境一旦变迁,朋友这个称呼就显得没那么贴切了。因此,人们对友谊的真谛的理解往往是非常肤浅的。为了帮助我们理解友谊的真正含义,我们需要回顾有关友谊的几种传统的看法。 一种传统的友谊观在古希腊著名的哲学家亚里士多德的著作里得以阐述。他将自己心目中真正的友谊同另外两种友谊截然分开。这两种友谊分别是:基于互利的友谊;基于愉悦的友谊。因此,根据亚里士多德的观点,我们可以将友谊分为三类: 建立在功利之上的友谊。|功利并非永恒,它依照环境而变化。友谊的根基一旦消失,友谊也随之破灭。这类友谊似乎在老人之间最为常见,因为上了年纪的人需要的不是愉悦而是实用。基于功利的友谊也同样存在于追逐个人利益的中年人和青年人中。这些人不会在一起消磨时光,因为他们有时甚至不喜欢对方,因而觉得除非可以互相利用,否则没有交往的必要。只有当他们认为彼此有希望相互利用的时 候,才会乐于呆在一起。 建立在愉悦之上的友谊。|年轻人之间的友谊常被看作是建立在愉悦基础之上的,因为年轻人的生活受感情支配,他们感兴趣的主要是自己的快乐和眼前的重要机会。然而,他们的情趣随着自己日渐成长也会变化,他们交友容易,分手也干脆。年轻人的态度变化无常,甚至一日数变,难怪他们的友谊总是迅速地开始,又匆匆地结束。 建立在美德之上的友谊。|完美无瑕的友谊立足于美德。只有那些品德高尚而且拥有相似美德的人之间建立的友谊才是最完美的。品行高尚的人,其行为是相同的,或者是类似的。爱和友谊多半在品行高尚的人之间发生,而且以最高雅的形式出现。这种友谊是罕见的,需要时间,需要交 往。常言道,真正的朋友必须同甘共苦,历经风雨。只有当两个人互相证明自己值得爱并获得对方的信任之后,彼此方能接受对方为朋友。交友的意愿可能倏忽而至,但真正的友谊却要慢慢培养。 另一种传统的友谊观可以在古罗马政治家、演说家西塞罗的著作里找到。西塞罗认为,真正的友谊只能在好人之间发生。他进而将“好人”定义为“那些行为和生活无损于自己的荣誉、纯洁、公平和开明的人;那些摆脱了贪婪、欲念和暴力的人;那些敢于依照自己的信念说话和做事的人。”好人之间建立的这种友谊立足于美德,它确实可以带来物质利益,但决不以追求物质利益为目标。人类生活在以共同的理想为基础的社会。因此,在处理朋友关系和其他人际关系时,优越于他人的人必须平等地对待那些没那么幸运的人。美德创造友谊,美德使友谊之树常青。 我们由此可以看出,传统的友谊观由三个要素构成:朋友以相伴为乐;朋友必须彼此受益;彼此都有志于崇高的事业。这些传统的友谊观告诉我们,两个品德高尚的朋友是永不分离的,因为彼此认同对方的高尚品德。因此,认识朋友就是认识自我,了解朋友就是了解自我。可


??程3 第二 ?案 UNIT 1 Vocab?ulary? 1) on balan?ce 5) illus?trate? d 9) invol?ved 2) resis?t 6) budge?t 10) econo?mic 3) haul 7) lower?ing 11) blast?ing 4) wicke? d 8) bound?ary 12) just about? 2.1)cut back/ down 2) pick up 3) getby? 4) get throu?gh 5)face up to 6) turn in 7) makin?g up for 8) think?up 3. 1) pursu?ed his mathe?matic?al studi?es and taugh?t himse?lf astro?nomy 2) often?gener?ate misle?ading?thoug?hts 3) attac?h great?impor?tance?to combi?ning theor?y with pract?ice inour?work 4) be suspe?cted of doing?every?thing?for money? 5) befor? e he gets throu?gh life 4. 1) their?indoo?r, a profi?t, to inves?t in 2) devic?e, the impro?vemen?t, on a globa?l scale? 3) stack?ed, tempt?ation?, never?dined?out II Confu?sable?Words? 1. 1) house?2) Home 3) home,famil?y 4) house?hold 2. 1) doubt?2) suspe?ct 3)doubt?ed 4)suspe?cted 5) suspe?ct


新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程1答案 The Answers to Unit 1 Enhance Your Language Awareness (I) Working with Words and Expressions 2. (1) obtain (2) confident (3) communicate (4) advantage (5) relevant (6) helpful (7) extreme (8) enjoyable (9) means (10) process (11) particularly (12) characters (13) astonished (14) apparently 3. (1) fond of (2) is…related to (3) according to (4) To a certain degree (5) vice versa (6) no doubt (7) rid… of (8) cleared up (9) or else (10) at all costs (11) sure enough (12) let alone (13) similar to (14) It’s no use (15) in my opinion (16) was worth (II) Increasing Your Word Power 1. (1) c (2) d (3) b (4) b (5) b (6) d 2. (1) highly/very (2) quite/very (3) quite/very/increasingly (4) quite/simply/very 3.


unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien? 1 Albert Einstein was exhausted. For the third night in a row, his baby son Hans, crying, kept the household awake until dawn. When Albert finally dozed off ... it was time to get up and go to wor k. He couldn't skip a day. He needed the job to support his young family. 1. 阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦精疲力竭。他幼小的儿子汉斯连续三个晚上哭闹不停,弄得全家人直到天亮都无法入睡。阿尔伯特总算可以打个瞌睡时,已是他起床上班的时候了。他不能一天不上班,他需要这份工作来养活组建不久的家庭。 2 Walking briskly to the Patent Office, where he was a "Technical Expert, Third Class," Albert w orried about his mother. She was getting older and frail, and she didn't approve of his marriage to Mileva. Relations were strained. Albert glanced at a passing shop window. His hair was a mess; he had forgotten to comb it again. 2. 阿尔伯特是专利局三等技术专家。在快步去专利局上班的路上,他为母亲忧心忡忡。母亲年纪越来越大,身体虚弱。她不同意儿子与迈尔娃的婚事,婆媳关系紧张。阿尔伯特瞥了一下路过的商店的橱窗,看见自己头发凌乱,他又忘了梳头了。 3 Work. Family. Making ends meet. Albert felt all the pressure and responsibility of any young h usband and father. 3. 工作,家庭,维持生计——阿尔伯特感受到了一位年轻丈夫和年轻父亲所要承担的全部压力和责任。 To relax, he revolutionized physics. 他想放松下,却使物理学发生了突破性进展 4 In 1905, at the age of 26 and four years before he was able to get a job as a professor of physic s, Einstein published five of the most important papers in the history of science--all written in his " spare time." He proved that atoms and molecules existed. Before 1905, scientists weren't sure abo ut that. He argued that light came in little bits (later called "photons") and thus laid the foundation for quantum mechanics. He described his theory of special relativity: space and time were threads in a common fabric, he proposed, which could be bent, stretched and twisted. 4. 1905年,在他被聘为物理学教授的前四年,26岁的爱因斯坦发表了科学史上最重要论文中的五篇——这些论文都是他在“业余时间”完成的。他证明了原子和分子的存在。1905年之前,科学家们对此没有把握。爱因斯坦论证说光以微粒形态出现(后来被称为“光子”),这为量子力学奠定了基础。他把狭义相对论描写为:时空如同普通织物中的线,他提出,这些线可以弯曲、拉长和交织在一起。 5 Oh, and by the way, E=mc2. 5. 对了,顺便提一下,E = mc2。 6 Before Einstein, the last scientist who had such a creative outburst was Sir Isaac Newton. It ha ppened in 1666 when Newton secluded himself at his mother's farm to avoid an outbreak of plagu e at Cambridge. With nothing better to do, he developed his Theory o f Universal Gravitation. 6. 在爱因斯坦之前,最近一位迸发出如此创造性思想的科学家当数艾萨克牛顿


Teaching Planning College English Integrated Course Book Three Unit Two The Freedom Givers Zhong wen 1.Background Information Teacher: zhong wen Students: 56 sophomores Content of the textbook: unit-2 text A the Freedom Givers Textbook: foreign language teaching and research press Time duration:10 minutes 2.Textbook Analysis The author tells three stories about the Underground Railroad and early Black civil rights movement. The three stories are chosen because they are representative of all participants in this movement: John Parke r is a freed slave who later turned into a courageous “conductor”; Levi Coffin is a brave white “conductor”; Josiah Henson is a slave who struggled his way to freedom with the help of the Underground Railroad. We learn about the name of Josiah Henson at the beginning of the text, yet his full story is not told until the last part. In this way the author achieves coherence of text. 3.Students Analysis The class is made up of 56 students, with 30 girls and 26 boys ,who have a good knowledge of Basic English, but know very little about the American culture behind the language. So in this introduction part, It is necessary to introduce some background information to the students before reading 4.Teaching Objectives Students will be able to: 1.understand the main idea(early civil-rights struggles in the US, esp. the underground Railroad) 2.grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text, 3.conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit 4.Appreciate the various techniques employed by the writer (comparison and contrast, topic sentence followed by detail sentences, use of transitional devices,etc.); 5.Teaching Procedures: Greetings Step 1 Lead-in T: Today we are going to talk about the ethic heroes in American history, before the class, I’d like to introduce the slavery to all of you. T: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States, during his term of office; he led the civil war and abolished the slavery. T: In the battle against slavery, not only did the president try his best to abolish this system, but also the people, especially the black people living in the South America try hard to fight for their own feat. Today, we will introduce some freedom givers in the American history. Before


大学英语综合教程一 Unit 1 Growi ng Up Part II Lan guage Focus Vocabulary I. 1. respectable 2. agony 3. put …down 4. sequenee 5. hold back 6. distribute 7. off and on 8. vivid 9. associate 10. fin ally 11. turn in 12. tackle 2. 1. has been assigned to the newspaper 'Paris office. 2. was so extraordinary that I didn 'know whether to believe him or not. 3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years ________

time. 4. gave the comma nd the soldiers ope ned fire. _____ 5. buying bikes we 'keep turning them out. 3. 1. reputati on, rigid, to in spire 2. and tedious, What 'more, out of date ideas 3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back □. 1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. comma nd 7. was violating 8. anticipate m. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as


UNIT3 Vocabulary I. 1. 1)generously 2) physically 3) structure 4) partition 5) blurted out 6) chuckling 7) pried 8) prospective 9) jet 10) sparkled 11) took a crack at 12) partner 13) made a (big) difference 14) beyond his wildest dream. 15) employment 2. 1) go after 2) look back on/at 3) be put up 4) count on 5) was handed down 6) follow up 7) bring about 8) broke into

3. 1) Mary's parents grilled her about where she had been all night. 2) In order to meet the deadline, we worked 48 hours without sleep and finally made it. 3) The translation of the popular novel has just finished and a Chinese version will be in readers' hands soon. 4) As with anything else, it is important to do your homework before going on an interview. 5) Jim's car broke down last week and the repair cost was in the neighborhood of 150 dollars. 4. 1) The director of the Urban Development Office will interview the two local applicants, as well as the two other candidates recommended by the staff committee this afternoon, to pick out the prospective designer for the construction of the city square. 2) In the endeavor to clean up the river before the deadline set for this important municipal project, the project manager has tried every possible means to go after the best engineers for the work. 3) Time is money, as the sa in oes. People in my age bracket often want to have a crack at everything new, but they just cannot afford the time and energy. II. Words with Multiple Meanings


Unit 1 Cloze ▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given. ▆ Answers: 1)reliable 2)syndrome 3)adopted 4)got done with 5)gloomy 6)| 7)or something 8)chance 9)come through 10)barely 11)in good shape 12)booth 13)mess 14)scrawled 15)peeking 16)in ' Translation 1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets. ▆Answers for reference: 1)What I didn’t count on was that over time I would sincerely take pride in being a social worker. 2)Shooting a quick look at the clock on the wall, Grandma let out a cry, “Oh, My dear /My goodness/My gracious, we’re going to miss the train!” 3)At the kindergarten entrance, I always see some kids/children holding firmly on to their parents. Should young parents be sterner towards their kids/children and leave immediately under these circumstances 4)In the dim street light stood a weeping little girl/ a girl weeping. 5)When making donations, rich people should be as considerate as possible in order not to put the recipient in an embarrassing situation. 6)Since last month, my work has been revolving around the routine office duties, so now I am counting the days until the National Day comes, when my friends and I are going hiking in the countryside. — 课文参考译文


全新版大学英语综合教程 第二版课后练习答案 This manuscript was revised on November 28, 2020

Unit1 Ways of Learning Vocabulary I 1. 1)insert 2)on occasion 3)investig ate 4)In retrospect 5)initial 6)phenomen a 7)attached 8)make up for 9)is awaiting 10)not; in the least 11)promote 12)emerged 2. 1)a striking contrast between the standards of living in the north of the country and the south. 2)is said to be superior to synthetic fiber. 3)as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4)is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 5)by a little-known sixteen-century Italian poet have found their way into some English magazines. 3. 1)be picked up; can’t accomplish; am exaggerating 2)somewhat; the performance; have neglected; they apply to 3)assist; On the other hand; are valid; a superior II 1)continual 2)continuous 3)continual 4)continuous 5)principal 6)principal 7)principle 8)principles 9)principal III herself by herself/on her own by yourself/on your own Comprehensive Exercises


大学综英教程1课后答案 Unit 6 in an only a lonely child Vocabulary Ⅰ 1, needing a lot of attention or effort 2, In connection with 3, Sign of shame 4, Willingness of each person to satisfy other’s wishes 5, decreased 6, The feeling of wanting to get what somebody else has among brothers and sisters Ⅰ 1,arise from 2,unique 3,self-eateem 4,stigma 5,overwhelming 6,interacted 7,favoritism 8,prime

9,involved 10,derpite Ⅰ BCDACDBABC Ⅰ 1,burden burden loads load 2,choose elected choose elected 3,issue problem problem issue 4,trend trend fashion fashion Ⅰ 1,only sole 2,uncommon unusual 3,honor admire 4,decrease admonish 5,worry anxiety 6,insignificant weak 7,first chief 8,fortunately luckily Ⅰ 1,advocacy 2,respectfully 3,potential



大学英语综合教程5课后答案 【篇一:全新版大学英语综合教程5(第二版)unit1-8课 后答案】 bulary i. 1. allot 2. go through fire and water 3. reside 4. sobbed 5. made no mention of 6. sacrifice 7. came upon 8. rhythm 9. volume10. something of a ii. 1. i stayed on as an assistant professor. 2. i hold it to my ear because i want to hear time tick away. 3. the salary is not wonderful, but the duties are light. 4. the moral of the lesson is not to talk to strangers. 5. yes, but it cannot hold a candle to huangshan. iii. 1. the nasty smell from the kitchen made her stomach churn. 2. when she sank into drunkenness, she was able to forget her sorrow. 3. in the 1500 meters, martin and parker came first and third respectively. 4. the two hills shunner fell from the north and lovely seat from the south flank the famous butter tubs pass. 5. levi, in gratitude to joshua, gave a party for him.

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