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kramer vs. kramer

kramer vs. kramer
kramer vs. kramer

Plot summary

Questions for discussion

1.Why does Joanna look so sad while she is kissing her son good night? What has she decided

to do?

2.is Ted prepared for this? Why is he so insensitive?

3.What does Margraret tell Ted about Joanna? Has Ted become aware of the problem? Why or

why not?

4.How does Ted cook breakfast for Billy and himself for the first time? Why does Ted talk so

much while cooking?

5.Who is Mr. O’conner? What is his attitude when he hears about Ted’s problem?

6.When and how does Joanna explain her leaving to Billy?

7.When Ted reads Joanna’s letter to Billy, how does Ted feel and how does Billy understand it?

8.How is it for Ted to be a father and a mother at the same time? What does he do to make Billy


9.How does Ted explain to Billy one evening that Joanna’s leaving is his fault, not Billy’s?

10.Does the family problem affect Ted’s work in the company? How does Mr. O’Conner treat

Ted at his difficult time?

11.Why does Joanna come back to New York? Where has she been? What has she been doing?

12.How does Ted react when Joanna brings up the problem of the custody of Billy? Why does

Ted disagree to give the custody to Joanna?

13.According to the family attorney, what are the things that Ted should get prepared for if he

decides to retain the custody? What kind of a pros-and-cons list does Ted work out?

14.How does Joanna explain to the court why she wants to leave her husband and son in the first


15.In what way does Joanna believe that her experience in California helps to regain her


16.At the court, how does Ted argue for his right in his son’s life?

17.Has Ted really changed as Margaret says?

18.In what way does the legal battle make things rather tough and bitter for both Joanna and Ted?

19.What is the final verdict? Why doesn’t Ted appeal?

20.How does Ted explain the court’s decision to Billy? How does the boy take it?

21.Why does Joanna change her idea of taking Billy away from Ted?

Background information: divorce

Theme analysis: very important


一、前言 电影名称是电影的灵魂,是电影的宣传广告。它在第一时间告诉观众影片的性质、类型、主题等特质。电影名称的好坏,直接影响着电影的票房收入。因此,电影名称的翻译也是整部电影翻译中的重中之重。虽然电影名称的翻译是一项非常谨慎的工作,但从表面看,电影名称的翻译较其他文本的翻译显得更加灵活。在翻译电影名称时,我们可以根据具体情况采用直译或意译,甚至为使目的语观众更好地理解原影片或原影片名所携载的文化信息,还可以抛开原影片名另起一个全新的、让目的语观众更能接受和理解的新名字。这种另译的做法看起来好像不忠实于原影片名,似乎是“误译”,但在电影名称的翻译中,有些所谓“误译”其实是建立在理解基础上的灵活翻译。只有那些歪曲原影片主题、在文化价值上误导观众的翻译才是真正的误译。 译界的朋友都会有同样的感触:翻译难,难于上青天。绝对忠实或者完美的翻译几乎是永远做不到的,因为任何语言中的一个简单的文字都富含着该民族特有的文化内涵,给人以特定的文化联想和心理感受。当我们选择用一种语言来转述另一种语言时,大量的文化信息已经在翻译中流失掉了,因为“相同的话语在不同的文化背景下,可能产生不同的会话含义。”所以,再忠实的翻译也都只是对原语言的一种解释。学者们对于这种用一种语言“解释”另一种语言的标准,可以说自有了翻译实践活动之后就开始辩论不休。争论的目的不外乎一是为了在形式上对原文的忠实,二是为了在内容或语境上对原文的忠实,或两者兼而有之。尽管 翻译工作者都在尽心竭力地信守着各自的 翻译标准,力求完美地再现原语言的风采,但仍因两种语言及文化上的不通而不时出 现要么在形式上要么在内容上不忠实于原 文的误译。误译即是“错译”,是对跨文化语 境下信息交流的“阻碍与误导”。可见误译是 翻译的大忌,是翻译工作者应该尽量避免的 事情。 二、电影名称翻译的基本原则 美国语言学家萨丕尔(Sapir)曾说“语言 不能脱离文化而存在。”语言是有民族性的,每一种语言反映的都是相应民族特有的文 化体系。接触一个语言符号系统就意味着接 触其特有的文化内涵,因此翻译从本质上说 就是一种文化交流。 虽然每个国家都拥有其特有的文化,但人类的习惯与情感有许多共通之处,这就使不同国家或文化体系之间有了交流与理解的可能。有许多电影名称所携载的文化信息直译过来是能被目的语国家的观众理解和接受的。这样的名字最好采取直译,如Sound of Music译为《音乐之声》,Pearl Harbour译为《珍珠港》,The Princess Diaries译为《公主日记》,Schindler’s List 译为《辛德勒的名单》,Hamlet译为《哈姆雷特》,King Kong译为《金刚》,Casablanca译为《卡萨布兰卡》,Napoleon译为《拿破仑》等等。这样的翻译能最大限度地忠实于原文,最大量地传达了异域文化和原影片名想传达的信息。但是电影名称的翻译仅仅做到形式或内容上的忠实还不够。“英语电影名称的翻译不单纯是语言转换的过程,同时也是两[摘要] 电影名称的翻译有其自身的基本原则, 即无论直译,意译,或是另译,都必须使目的语观众易接受、能理解,而且更重要的是这个译名能够恰当地传达 原影片名或原影片所携载的文化信息。如果译名给目的语观众的文化联想与原影片名或原影片的文化联想出入较大,甚至给目的语观众以文化价值上的误导,那么这个电影名称翻译得无论多么好听都是失败的,属于误译。现在有些很流行的电影的译名其实是很错误的翻译。 [关键词] 基本原则 电影名称 误译 文化 种文化交流的社会现象,属于跨文化交际的活动。”既然不同民族之间是有文化差异的, 差异就会带来误解与冲突,差异就使得翻译者必须实现在文化间进行沟通。对那些影片名里有不为异域文化语境里的观众熟知的语言表达法、事件、地点和人名,不可采取直译,否则会让目的语观众感到不知所云,如One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,如果直译为《飞越布谷窝》则很令人费解,所以可以意译为《飞越疯人院》,因为布谷鸟在英语里常用来指疯子和傻子。如果不把cuckoo的隐含意思译出来, 就不能更好地传达原影片名的信息,继而有可能影响影片的票房收入。另外如Hobson's Choice,如果直译为《霍布逊的选择》,从表面看似乎合情合理,因为电影的男主角就叫Hobson。但这个翻译却不能很好的传达影片主题。因为男主角Hobson是一位鞋店老板,他不愿意把大女儿嫁给店里的伙计,结果遭到三个女儿联合反对,于是最后他别无选择,只好屈从。等我们查了英文字典才知道Hobson's choice还有一个意思正好就是“无法选择”。所以把影片名译为《别无选择》就更加贴切。再如Patton可译为《巴顿将军》,Gandhi译为《甘地传》,The Ghost译为《人鬼情未了》,SpiderMan译为《蜘蛛侠》,Shrek译为《怪物史莱克》,The Bridges of Madison County 译为《廊桥遗梦》,Kramer vs Kramer译为《克莱默夫妇》,Orient Express译为《东方快车谋杀案》,Father of the Bride译为《岳父大 人》,Suddenly Last Summer 《夏日痴魂》,JFK 《刺杀肯尼迪》等等。电影名称有其特有的性质,既要通俗又要考虑商业利益,因此 电影名称翻译的基本原则及其误译

kramer vs kramer

TOPIC Ted Kramer is a career man for whom his work comes before his family. His wife Joanna cannot take this anymore, so she decides to leave him. Ted is now faced with the tasks of housekeeping and taking care of himself and their young son Billy. When he has learned to adjust his life to these new responsibilities, Joanna resurfaces and wants Billy back. Ted however refuses to give him up, so they go to court to fight for the custody of their son. PLOT Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 film adapted by Robert Benton from the novel by Avery Corman, and directed by Benton. The film tells the story of a divorce and its impact on everyone involved, including the couple's young son. It received the Academy Award for Best Picture in 1980. In Kramer vs. Kramer, Joanna Kramer (Meryl Streep), a Smith College graduate, is a stay-at-home mother for her son Billy (Justin Henry). Feeling confined in this role, and neglected by her husband Ted (Dustin Hoffman), Joanna leaves the marriage in order "to find herself." Ted (who has been focusing on rising in his advertising company in order to provide well for his family) is shocked by Joanna's decision and is left to raise Billy by himself. With the help of his neighbor and Joanna's friend, Margaret (Jane Alexander), Ted comes to understand why Joanna left. In the process, he becomes more invested in raising Billy than in his job (which he eventually loses). About a year and a half after leaving, Joanna returns to New York in order to claim Billy and a custody battle ensues. Kramer vs. Kramer reflected a cultural shift which occurred during the 1970s and the period of second wave feminism, when ideas about "motherhood" and "fatherhood" were changing. The film was widely praised for the way in which it gave equal weight and importance to both Joanna and Ted's points of view . BACKGROUND Women’s liberation movement is an important background of this movie. After The Second Sex was published in 1949, the concept of women’s liberation was born and women began to struggle for general freedom. In America, a period of female rebellion began in the 1960s. This rebellion was the largest and most widely publicized social movement of women in history. It affected women of all races and classes around the world. In this movie, Joanna, who was not satisfied with her isolated life style, chose leaving to find her own identity and become a whole person. Actually, women’s liberation is one important theme of this movie. THEME There are many themes covered in this movie, such as women’s liberation and children’s situation in divorced families. But what the most important is father’s love. In the latter part of this movie, when Ted and Joanna were fighting for Billy’s custody on the court, their neighbor, Margaret, was called in to give her testimony, and some of her lines are quite impressive. She said: “Joanna, things are not the same now. Ted is not the same man.


“ 有命运之矛的人将掌握世界的命运” 命运之矛自从二之后就下落不明 (墨西哥) 曼 Manuel. 曼! Manuel! 曼 Manuel. 片名:《地神探》 (洛杉) 我想?? I think. . . . 我你找着了一个I think I found you one. 次我可是你打了Look, I called you, right? 我一自己搞不定就上你打了,翰Soon as I couldn't pull it out myself,I called you, John. 担心,没事的我必得把她上,你明白? It's okay, it's okay.We had to tie her down, okay? 没事的 It's okay. 我是康斯坦丁 This is Constantine. 翰·康斯坦丁你混蛋 John Constantine, asshole. 当然 Sure. 怎么了? What the hell? 我需要一面子I need a mirror. 快去拿!至少要英尺高Now. At least feet high. 着干嘛,快去拿啊!Move! Go, now! 我是克雷默 This is Kramer. 斯·克雷默你混蛋 Chas Kramer, asshole. 混蛋 Asshole. 什么?哦,我是克雷默斯·克雷默,混蛋 What? Oh, this is Kramer.Chas Kramer, asshole. - 斯! - 什么事? -Chas! -What? - 把挪开- 什么? -Move the car. -Why? 叫你挪你就挪! Move the damn car! “ 斯,把挪开” ''Chas, move the car. '' 好吧,挪了 There, car's moved. 把子起来,着床Lift it up over the bed. 把那系牢亨内斯,从上面拉去Tie that end off.Hennessy, over the top. 把你的眼睛上不管生什么都开Close your eyes.And whatever happens, don't look. 不! No! 身吧 Show yourself. 来笑一个,你白痴Smile pretty, you vain prick. 操你! For your boss. 拉! Pull it! ? Ma? Ma? 我得没吧,翰,你找着一个是不是? Like I said, I found you something,didn't I, John?


恩格勒系统整理 恩格勒系统整理 2纲63目344科 一、原始花被亚纲Archichlamydeae 1■木麻黄目Casuarinales 木麻黄科Casuarinaceae 2.胡桃目Juglandales 杨梅科Myricaceae 胡桃科Juglandaceae 3假橡树目Balanopales(Balanopsidales) 假橡树科Balanopaceae(Balanopsidaceae) 4银毛木目Leitneriales 银毛木科Leitneriaceae 滴滴美木科Didymelaceae 5杨柳目Salicales 杨柳科 Salicaceae 6壳斗目Fagales 桦木科Betulaceae

壳斗科 Fagaceae 7荨麻目Urticales 马尾树科Rhoipteleaceae 榆科Ulmaceae 杜 仲科Eucommiaceae 桑科Moraceae 荨麻科 Urticaceae 8山龙眼目Proteales 山龙眼科Proteaceae 9檀香目Santalales 檀香亚目Santalineae 十萼花科Dipentodontaceae 山柚子科Opiliaceae 假石南科Grubbiaceae 檀香科Santalaceae 羽毛果科Misodendraceae 桑寄生亚目Loranthineae 桑寄生科Loranthaceae 10蛇菰目Balanophorales 蛇菰科Balanophoraceae 11毛丝花目Medusandrales 毛丝花科Medusandraceae 12蓼目Polygonales 蓼科Polygonaceae 13中子目Centrospermae 商陆亚目Phytolaccineae 商陆科Phytolaccaceae 环蕊科Gyrostemonaceae 透镜籽科Achatocarpaceae 紫茉莉科Nyctaginaceae 粟米草科Molluginaceae 番杏科Aizoaceae 马齿苋亚目Portulacineae 马齿苋科Portulacaceae 落葵科Basellaceae

Kramer vs Kramer

Kramer vs Kramer After seeing this movie, I like following scene very much: the first morning after Joanna left home, Kramer did the breakfast for himself and her son Billy. He even didn’t know where is the pan and also drop some shell into the egg. Some French toast is burned, and then he was scaled by it. This scene really made me laugh. He is a little stupid, while his son Billy is so lovely. From here, I can guess that Kramer is a man concentrated on his career and shows indifference on his kids and wi fe’s life, not to mention do the housework. Kramer vs Kramer is a film about a divorced couple dealing with their family, career and child. It is a little like the film The Revolutionary Road. The hero of Kramer vs Kramer is Kramer. The heroine isJoanna. They have a lovely child named Billy. Kramer has a job as a clerk in a company to support his family. He is very busy in his work and has little communication with his wife and son. Joannais a housewife. She doesn’t have a job and what she does everyday i s to do the housework and take his son care. WhileJoannaonce had a job and it was after she got married that she quit her job. Without Kramer’s little care about his inner thought. So Joanna feels very upset about her present life. Billy is a very clever and sensible child. When he realized the truth that his mother had gone, he tried his best to be a good boy. At last, Joanna can’t stand her lifestyle. What makes her disappointed is that when she turns Kramer for help, Kramer refuses to listen to her. She feels that there is something with her. Though she loves Billy very much, she leaves away alone. So Kramer has to take his responsibility of taking care of his son. At the very beginning of living with his son, they don’t get on well with each other. K ramer

5.Kramer vs. Kramer-克莱默夫妇

5.Kramer vs. Kramer-克莱默夫妇 泰德·克雷默是一位生活在纽约的广告职员,他整天忙碌而忽视了妻子乔安娜,平日里对妻子的种种要求也让妻子对这样失去自我的生活深感疲惫和厌倦,终于有一天,她再也无法忍受这样的日子,在泰德拿下一个大客户怀着喜悦的心情回家打算庆祝的一个晚上,突然收拾了所有行囊,抛下丈夫和儿子离家出走。泰德的生活骤然间陷入了混乱之中。他无法兼顾繁忙的工作和照顾孩子两件事,经常遭至上司和儿子两方面的不满。幸而有妻子平时的好友玛格丽特·菲尔普斯太太(也是楼里的邻居)的帮忙,总算还能对付过去。泰德父子俩相依为命地生活着。渐渐地父子俩已是亲密无间,难以分离了。在一次游玩中比利不慎弄伤了眼睛,泰德抱着儿子疯狂地跑到医院。手术时,泰德紧紧地守在儿子身边寸步不离。转眼间一年多过去了,泰德忽然接到乔安娜的电话,两人在一家餐馆见了面。此时,重新找回自我、容光焕发的乔安娜已是收入丰厚的设计师,她前来纽约是想获得比利的抚养权,两人不欢而散。一场官司不可避免。然而祸不单行,在这个准备官司的关键时期,长期因为家庭生活拖累而在工作上屡出错误的泰德却不幸被老板开除。为了打赢官司,泰德不断努力去应聘,几经努力,终于在二十四小时内又找到了一份工作。在法庭上,双方的律师全都咄咄逼人。虽然有玛格丽特出庭作证说泰德是位好父亲,法官还是把监护权判给了乔安娜。为了避免给比利带来影响,泰德放弃了上诉,但泰德在法庭上的陈词也已经打动了乔安娜。父子俩分离在即,俩人在一起做最后一顿早餐。就在等待中,乔安娜打来了电话,她见到了泰德,告诉他自己改变了主意,不再要求获得比利的监护权了。泰德父子终于不必分离了。 内容The situation of the hero Kramer had been so serious that his wife decided to leave him as well as her beloved son because of his husband’s infinite working mission outside..However, through trial and error, he finally could build a life together with his son Billy.I think it can be a touch job to a man ascribe to that being a good parent,it has to do with constancy,patience,listening,confidence as well as love.What's more,the stereotypes of our society have forced us to think that man is naturally not a better parent than woman.But we can see that,Ted had proved that was wrong,and he eventually found that the loving relationship between Billy and him would be unshakable and eternal..... 当时社会女性:Joanna,moreover,was the symbol to all of the housewives.Her behaviour had best demonstrated a woman's protest fot being neglected as a person with no right to live an independent life.And nowadays,many wives no longer spend all their time in housekeeping as well as babysitting.Not only would they struggle to find their own identity in the society,but also build


Kramer vs. Kramer This is no doubt that a successful film. It released in 1979. And received the 1980 Academy Award for best film, best director and best actor and best supporting actress. This is a movie about family and marriage. Lonely wife decided to leave her busy husband. Husband began to learn how to take care of the child. 18 months later, the wife returned. She wants to regain Billy. In the climax of the story, the couple on the court in order to compete the custody of the child. I think the good role is the vey important reason that this film cans successes. Three very simple, but make up a touching story. Joanna Kramer is an ordinary housewife, but she did not want to do ordinary things. She decided to leave home, because she felt she could not stay in that family. She is a very unhappy woman. In her mind, she only has one way. I don’t know it is right or wrong, but I think Joanna must have been a long-term consideration that such a difficult decision. Joanna is a tragic figure, as she is still a brave person. After years of married life, she felt stifled and lonely. She did not want to just focus on the family life; she wants freedom and hard work. So she chose to leave, to find a new different life. The end of the movie, she finally succeeded. Y es, she was successful at work, but in the family, she failed. For the failed marriage and escape is not the solution. In my opinion, she left her husband is right, but she should not left her child. Billy was still in elementary school, he needs his mother. Even how much you are not happy, this is between you and


德国Krautkramer公司关于DGS曲线图的解说 (夏纪真2005/09选译自德国Krautkramer公司超声探头产品数据手册中的解说部分第17节)17.DGS曲线图 DGS曲线图是DGS方法的基础,各个字母的意义是: D=距离,mm;G=增益差,dB;S=当量反射体尺寸(圆 片,直径D f,mm)。 在DGS曲线图中,距离与来自“大反射体”和“小反 射体”回波幅度的从属关系是按无衰减介质 (α=0dB/m)情况下画出的。因此,DGS曲线图精确 地描述了“距离规律”仅与声束和反射体的形状相 关。 17.1 当量反射体尺寸(D f) 利用无损检测方法确定不连续性的“真实尺寸”是 非常困难的,因此,一种方法就是采用“当量反射体 尺寸D f”来描述不连续性。“当量反射体尺寸”表达 了关于小的材料缺陷的形状、位置和反射特性的概 图20 念。如果在测量时给定了当量反射体尺寸,而不考虑 与“真实尺寸”的偏差,其优点是可以得到可重现的 结果。 可重现性(例如经由一个检验者重复验证的结果)是 每种无损检测的一个基本的要求,以保证置信度与可 靠性。 按照DGS方法,当量反射体是一种圆片形状的反射体,声束的声轴线垂直入射到它的中心,并且100%反射(图21)。 根据DGS方法确定的“缺陷尺寸”是指在不连续性所在位置 上确定的圆片反射体的尺寸,其回波振幅与实际不连续性的回 波振幅相等。 圆片反射体尺寸的量值用反射圆片的直径D f表示。 17.2 回波振幅比较 利用超声波确定当量反射体尺寸是基于两个回波振幅的比较。 把来自未知反射体的回波与已知反射体或参考反射体的回波 作比较。未知的不连续性用经确定的当量反射体尺寸表示。在 试验实践中,可以利用不同类型的反射体作为参考反射体。 于是,当利用直波束和TR探头进行试验时,通常利用一个声 波垂直入射的平底面。它既可以是被检测工件本身的底面,也 可以是参考试块的底面。作为一个规则,在使用角波束探头 图21 时,是不能得到与声束垂直的底面的。因此,常常使用标准参

JBE 企业社会责任和盈余管理

The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management:An Exploratory Study Yongtao Hong ?Margaret L.Andersen Received:23April 2010/Accepted:26May 2011/Published online:16June 2011óSpringer Science+Business Media B.V.2011 Abstract In this article,we explore the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR)and earnings management (EM).Our CSR index,using KLD data,incorporates information from the following issue areas:the community,corporate governance,diversity,the product,employee relations,the environment,and human rights.Results show that more socially responsible ?rms have higher quality accruals and less activity-based EM,both of which impact ?nancial reporting quality. Keywords Accruals quality áCorporate social responsibility áEarnings management áEthics áKLD database Introduction Companies provide ?nancial information to raise debt and equity capital,as well as to comply with governmental regulations and contractual requirements.External stake-holders assess the amount,timing,and uncertainty of future cash ?ows,using information such as the earnings reported in the ?nancial statements.They make investment and credit decisions based on their assessment.Therefore,the quality of the reported earnings plays an important role in the communication process between companies and external stakeholders.Decades of empirical research have focused on the factors in?uencing the quality of earnings,speci?cally the accruals.However,there is also increasing attention being paid to the managerial activities which can lead to the manipulation of earnings.In this article,we examine the communication process by investigating the potential relationship between corporate social responsi-bility (CSR)and the quality of their ?nancial reporting.The results of accounting are an important part of the communication process companies engage into provide information to their stakeholders.Any communication process has at least three parts:a sender of the message (the company),the message (?nancial reports),and the receiv-ers of the message (the company’s stakeholders).While their objectives are not necessarily at odds with each other,the company has an incentive to in?uence the communi-cation process to encourage particular actions from its various stakeholders.Examples of this include encouraging creditors and stockholders to supply additional capital under favorable terms and the government to decrease regulatory pressures on the ?rm. Ethics plays an important role in this communication process.In a recent academic paper,Reynolds and Yuthas (2008)discuss whether companies engage in ‘‘ethical communications’’with their stakeholders.From the same time period,a newspaper editorial cites the need for an ‘‘ethical bailout,’’not just a ?nancial one (Friedman 2008).The concern about ethics in corporate communications,and actions,is widespread.Financial reporting is the commu-nication process of interest in this article. The rest of the article is organized as follows.In the ‘‘Literature Review and Hypothesis Development ’’section,we discuss the motivation for companies to engage in socially responsible actions,interpret earnings manage-ment (EM)as a means of in?uencing the accounting message to external stakeholders,and discuss the possi-bility that these two in?uences (CSR and EM)are related.Next,we identify all models and describe the variable Y.Hong áM.L.Andersen (&) North Dakota State University,Fargo,ND,USA e-mail:Margaret.Andersen@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/089119015.html, Y.Hong e-mail:Yongtao.Hong@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/089119015.html, J Bus Ethics (2011)104:461–471DOI 10.1007/s10551-011-0921-y

克莱默夫妇影评 (1)

《克莱默夫妇》影评 《Kramer vs. Kramer》,看上去是一场克莱默夫妇之间的战役,但这场战役远不止在克莱默夫妇之间进行,也远不是父母争夺小孩抚养权那么简单。这是父爱与母爱的较量,是现代家庭对传统家庭的挑战,是爱与爱之间的冲突。可以说,冲突不仅贯穿影片始末,也激荡在观众的心中。没有大的场面,没有煽情的对白,但观众的心却被牢牢抓去。当被观众同情的冲突双方对簿公堂的时候,真正的矛盾展开了,真正的冲突爆发了,观众也就在此时发现自己的内心在跟随故事的主人公一样挣扎。Vs.,这是整部影片的核心词,克莱默夫妇在争夺,泰德内心在挣扎,乔安娜内心在挣扎,比利内心在挣扎,每个观众内心也在挣扎。能够把人物的内心斗争刻画得如此到位,把戏剧冲突表现得这般淋漓尽致,实乃本片最大的成功之处 影片以母亲乔安娜的离开为开头,当乔安娜声泪俱下地向儿子比利倾诉自己的爱时,每一个观众都将自己的同情毫不犹豫地给了乔安娜,同时也不免心存疑惑,既然乔安娜那么爱自己的儿子比利,为什么还要离开他呢?是丈夫泰德的背叛,是自己另有所爱,抑或其它?无论怎么样,乔安娜离开了,带着痛苦的眼泪,带着内心的斗争,带着观众的同情和疑问,她最终选择了离开。当离开时电梯门缓缓关闭的那一刻,影片的另一个主角登场了 ,乔安娜的离开标志着丈夫泰德以一个父亲的形象登场。由于乔安

娜的含泪离去,观众此时很自然地站在乔安娜一方,内心对于泰德多少有所抵触。事实上,泰德给观众的第一印象也并不好,他手忙脚乱之中才为比利做好早点,甚至做早点时会把手烫伤。很明显乔安娜的离开对他的打击也相当之大,他自然的生活方式被打破,他无法再一心扑在工作上,现在需要他来照顾比利,照顾这个并不完整的家了,他能胜任吗? ,导演其实是想要塑造泰德一个温情的父亲形象的,但导演并没有一开始就这样做,反倒是给出一系列场景反映乔安娜离开后泰德对儿子比利的种种不好。从对儿子说话的臵之不理,到接儿子放学时的迟到,泰德对比利照顾的不周,对于比利的要求的不耐烦被表现得淋漓尽致。从泰德对比利的态度中,观众依稀看到了乔安娜离开泰德的原因,也开始为小比利的命运担心。父子之战是泰德与比利冲突的最高点。导演巧妙地运用了父子之战来表现儿子对父亲的抗拒,父亲对这种压抑的生活的宣泄。冲突之后是和解,冲突给了父子俩谈心的机会,给了泰德反思的机会。当泰德向小比利讲妈妈离开的原因的时候,观众听到的分明是泰德的内心独白,是泰德对于婚姻生活的反思。我们从比利的道歉中看到了儿子对父亲的依恋,从泰德的独白中看到了父亲那深沉的父爱。观众对于泰德的形象从抵触到同情,泰德也从此开始了好父亲的形象。此后的生活中,儿子比利与父亲泰德生活得越来越默契。泰德开始关心儿子周围发生的小事,会在挤在一堆母亲当中观看儿子的演出,在儿子受伤时会不顾一切。然而,导演有意不把泰德塑造成完人,他在成为了一个更好的父亲的同时越来越疏忽自

stacey kramerTED演讲:我得过的最好的礼物

stacey kramerTED演讲:我得过的最好的礼物 stacey kramer在ted的演讲稿:我得过的最好的礼物.stacey kramer总结出自己在这件事中的收获是:当你下次遇到一些出乎意料、非预期和不确定的事,思考一下,或许它只是一份礼物。 如果有一件礼物将改变你的人生,ta会是什么? --stacey kramer在ted的演讲稿 如果你愿意,试着想象一份礼物,我希望你在心中描绘它的形象。它不是很大,大约一个高尔夫球大小,想象它包装起来的模样。但在我向你显示它的内在之前,我要告诉你,它将带给你不可思议的体验。它将使你所有家人团聚在一起;你将感受到前所未有爱和赞赏,并重新和朋友及认识的人联络上,包括那些已好经几年没有消息的人。崇敬和钦佩将充溢你耳中,它将重新调整你生活中最重要的事。 它将重新定义你对灵性和信仰的感受;你将拥有一个新的认知及信赖,存在于你的身体中;你将拥有无与伦比的活力和能量;你将扩大谈话对象,结识新朋友;你将拥有一个健康的生活方式。 得到这个礼物,你将拥有8周的假期,什么都不用做。你将吃下无数美食,花束一车车的送来。人们将会对你说,「你看起来棒极了,该做的都完成了吗?」你将有一辈子不虞匮乏的良药。 你将面对挑战、受到鼓舞、充满动力和变得谦虚,你的生活将有新的意义。和平、健康、安宁、快乐、超脱。要价多少?55,000美元。这是一个令人难以置信的交易。 现在,我知道你渴望知道,这礼物是什么,在哪里可以得到。亚马逊网站有卖吗?它有苹果品牌商标吗?得在等待名单排队吗?不一定。 这件礼物大约在5个月前来到我眼前,它包装起来时看起来更像这样,不是很漂亮。还有这样,然后是这样。 这是一种相当罕见的脑瘤,血管母细胞瘤。 虽然我现在没事了,但我不希望你得到这份礼物,我不认为你会想要它。但我的经历不会改变。它以我意想不到的方式,在我刚刚向你们所述的所有方面,深刻地改变了我的生活。 所以,当你下次遇到一些出乎意料、非预期的和不确定的事,思考一下,它或许只是一份礼物。
