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Torts II Outline

I.Strict Liability—No Regard to the Actor?s State of Mind: “One who carries on an abnormally

dangerous activity is subject to liability for harm to the person, land, or chattels of another

resulting from the activity, although he has exercised the utmost care to prevent the harm.


1.Abnormally Dangerous Activity

a.risk of harm

1)uncertain or uncontrollable risk

b.likeliness that the harm that results will be great

1)what property owner does with adjacent land

c.reasonable care does not eliminate the risk

d.not a matter of common usage

1)common usage

a)customarily “carried on” by the great mass of mankind OR many people in

the community


1.“Carried on” means the person or the entity who undertakes in the activity.

Courts prefer easy rules because they promote predictability and

consistency for future cases. Adopting this rule will further this value

because it is easier to establish who carries on the activity rather than

who is affected by the activity. Here, ? ____________ and therefore was

the person undertaking in the activity.

2.Counter—“Carried on” means those persons affected by the activity. Easy

Rules ignore relevant factors. Adopting this rule will further this value

because the court can look to the surrounding circumstances and

determine who is affected by the activity. Here, ____________ and

therefore is affected by the activity.

3.Alternative--—“Carried on” means those persons affected by the activity.

Crop dusting is a business the court should encourage. Adopting this rule

will further this goal because crop dusting is widely used and beneficial to

the citizens of the state. If the court penalizes this business for a mistake,

it will deter this business. Here, ?____________and therefore is affected

by the activity.

e.Inappropriate place

1)Where is the activity?

2)Where is it taking place?

f.Balancing the risk of the activity versus the benefit to the community


a)RISK: The court should encourage crop dusting. Adopting this rule will

further this value because crop dusters can still benefit economically from

spraying other farms. Because they benefit economically, they can also pay

for the damages they cause. Since they can spread the cost of damage to

other consumers, they can pay for damages. Here, ?

_________________and therefore the risk outweighed the benefit.

b)BENEFIT: The court should encourage crop dusting. Adopting this rule will

further this value because relaxing liability for mistakes will encourage this

business and will not impose unnecessary costs. Here, ? _______________

and therefore the benefit outweighed the risk.

B.Causation—Limitation of Liability

1.Risk that makes the activity abnormally dangerous must be the risk that causes the


a.Risk directly effected the outcome RISK = OUTCOME

b.Likelihood of harm will be great

2. ? is not responsible for ∏?s non-natural use of the land


1)Risk that makes the activity abnormally dangerous must be the risk that causes

the injury. People have a duty to protect others. Adopting this rule will further

this value because people with knowledge of the risk are in a better position to

protect others who have no knowledge of the risk, and the above interpretation

reflects this. Here, the risk was __________ and caused the injury.


1)? is not responsible for ∏?s non-natural use of the land. People should only be

responsible for anticipated risks. Adopting this rule will further this value

because it will relax liability on those who cannot anticipate the risk and prevent

frivolous claims. Here, ∏________________ and there for ? is not responsible

for the non-natural use of ∏?s land.

C. Defenses

1.Acts of God

a.Plainly beyond the capacity of anyone to anticipate

1)act of God not necessarily weather related

2)MAJORITY: because it hasn?t happened before

2.Contributory negligence--∏?s own conduct 4-PART TEST


b.Probable Consequences

c.Knowledge of the Consequences

1)Actual Knowledge or Should have known


1.Majority view prefers knowledge as what the ∏ should have known.

Courts like easy rules. Adopting this rule will further this value

because it is a consistent and predictable standard for future cases.

Here, ∏ was an *adult, child of ___yrs old, and therefore should have


2.Alternative: The court should deter careless actions. adopting this

rule will further this value because it will place liability on the person in

the best position to anticipate danger and change their behavior.

People will want to change their behavior because they are motivated

by money, and this is a behavior they can change. Here, ∏ was

careless and therefore should have known the danger.


1)Acting under one?s own power


1.People are responsible for their own actions and should take care of

themselves. Adopting this rule will further this value because liability

will be placed on the careless individual and it will deter careless

actions. here, ∏ was__________and therefore acted under his own


Strict Liability Analysis

I.What activity is ? engaged in?

II.Is it abnormally dangerous

A.6-part balancing test

III.Are there any limitations?


1.Risk directly effected the injury OR

2.Is ∏ engaged in non-natural use of land?


A.Acts of God

B.∏’s own conduct

1.Voluntarily and unnecessarily putting one’s self in harms way knowing the

probable consequences of his act.


I.Negligence (Cardozo)

A.Duty of Care


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/039284746.html,mon Law

a.Foreseeable ∏

1.Are they in ??s zone of danger

a)Sufficient Connection

1)Physical closeness

2)Time connection between act and injury

3)Relationship between ∏ and ?



4)If unclear, make a short argument why there is a sufficient connection.

2.Special Relationship will determine the duty of care

a)Trespasser—low standard

1)No permission to use ??s land

2)Duty arises at the moment of discovery

b)Licensees—higher standard

1)Social guest

2)On the ??s property for his own purpose

c)Invitee—highest standard

1)Person invited on the owner?s property

2)To further the owner?s purpose/business

b. Foreseeable Risk

1. General Rule—Reasonably Prudent Person under the circumstances


1)Emergency Standard


1.∏--Not held to an emergency standard. One who breaks the

law should be liable for all results. Adopting this rule will further

this value because liability will be placed on the one who caused

the injury rather than a burden on the innocent, injured party.

Here, __________ and therefore held to a reasonably prudent

person under like circumstances.

2.?--Emergency Situation Standard. It is reasonable to expect

that a person will not act rationally in an emergency situation.

Adopting this standard will further this value because it will relax

liability during circumstances where a reasonable person is unable

to act rationally. Here, _________ and therefore held to a

standard in an emergency. The Emergency standard is:


1.Situation not of ??s own making

2.Patent danger

a)Threatens your or other?s saf ety

1)Outside force

2)3rd party conduct creates situation

3.Only a moment left to extricate self—TIMING

2) Traits




a)Same standard of care as adults if it is an inherently

dangerous activity. The courts should discourage dangerous

activities regardless of age. Adopting this rule will further this

goal because children will be liable if they undertake inherently

dangerous activities while preserving the encouragement of

undertaking in other child activities. Children will want to

change their behavior because they do not want to be in trouble,

and this is a behavior that every child can change. Here, ??s

conduct was____________ and therefore held to the same

standard as a reasonably prudent adult under like circumstances.

1)Inherently dangerous activity

a) Operating a motorized vehicle



1) SITS ________ is similar to a motorized

vehicle because ___________. Those who

operate _________ can be liable. If we treat

_______ and ________ similarly, and those

who operate _________ can be liable, then

necessarily those who operate __________ can

be liable, and the above rule reflects this.

Here, ? was operating a _______ and is

therefore inherently dangerous.

b)Standard of care of a child with similar age, intelligence,

experience, training, and maturity. We want to encourage

children to pursue childhood activities without the same burden

and responsibilities with which adults must contend. Adopting

this interpretation of reasonable care will encourage children to

pursue such activities without the burden adults contend with

because they will not be liable for acts that require an adult

capacity and judgment. Here, ? is a __-year-old child and

therefore is held to a standard of care expected of child with

similar age, intelligence, maturity, training, and experience.

1. May be heightened if these factors are high:

a. Child with heightened age, experience etc.

b.Physical Disability

1. General Rule OR Exception

a.Reasonably prudent person—General Rule

1)Which One and Why?

a)Reasonably prudent person—similar interests are

treated similarly. A person with ______ disability is

similar to a person with permanent disability because

_________. If we expect people with permanent

disability to exercise the same standard of care as a

reasonably prudent person, and a person with _______

disability is similar, then necessarily the person with

__________ disability is held to the same standard of

care as a reasonably prudent person. Here, ? has

____________ disability and is therefore held to the

standard of a reasonably prudent person in like


b)Exception to the rule. No liability without fault. Fault

requires the ability to anticipate consequences of one?s

action. People who are temporarily incapacitated

mentally have no ability to anticipate consequences, and

therefore cannot be at fault. Here, ? is temporarily

incapacitated and therefore is held to relaxed standard of

care. The mental condition must affect:

b.The ability to control conduct OR

c.Understanding and appreciation of the duty AND

d.Must not have notice or forewarning

c.Physical Disability

1.What standard and Why? ***ARGUMENTS***

a.General Rule—one who breaks the law should be liable for all

resulting injuries. Adopting this rule will further this value

because it will not preclude one?s liability for an injury on an

innocent party who had no control over the situation. Here,

__________ and is therefore held to the standard of a

reasonably prudent person.

b.Reasonably prudent blind person. People with physical

disabilities are similar to other people with the same disabilities

because their lifestyles require an enhancement of other senses

and activity to make up for those that they lack. Here, ? has

_________ disability and should therefore be held to the

standard of a reasonably prudent [disability] person.

3) Professionals

a.General Rule—Reasonably prudent [professional] in similar


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/039284746.html,parable to professional with the same learning skill and ability

as another similarly situated in the profession.


1.Requisite knowledge

a)Usually conceded

2.Best Judgment

a)Not a mere error of judgment BUT

b)LACK OF Discretion

1)Subjective good faith determination

2)Argument—SITS. Doctors = Lawyers

3.Exercise of Due Care

a)Mechanical determination

1)Example—failure to research claim

2)Failure to file before the statute of limitations has run.

3)Argument—SITS. Doctors = Lawyers

c.Physicians and medical facilities

a)Locality Rule

1)Argument—The court should encourage medical profession

the provide medical care for their community. The national

standard will discourage the hospital form caring for their

patients because they will not want to be liable. Here, ?

hospital/physician is ________ and should be held to the

local standard.

b)Similar Rule

1)Institutional Competence. The court is in a better position

to hear and decide facts of similar localities based on

demographics, ethnic compound, and socioeconomic issues

such as funds and expenses. Adopting this rule will further

this value because the legislature cannot provide an

accurate determination on a national basis. Here, ? is

___________ and should therefore be held to the standard

of a similar community.

c)National Standard—Admininstrability. Social Policy. The courts

should encourage high quality medical care. Adopting this rule

will further this value because the other standards, such as the

local rule and similar rule breed a sub-standard of medical care.

Here, ? is _______ and should therefore be held to the national


2. Looking through the Eyes of the Defendant

a.Was the Risk something the ? should have foreseen OR was conduct

reasonable or unreasonable

1)For liability, the probability and gravity of the injury must outweigh the

burden of adequate precautions—BALANCE




b.∏ argues LOWER




a.∏argues LOWER. Burden should be measured by what the ?

knew or should have known. The court should encourage

safety towards other individuals. Adopting this rule will further

this value because it will place liability on those who are in a

better position to know of the danger. Liability will encourage

people to change their behavior. Finally, this is a behavior that

people can change, and the above rule reflects this. Here, ?

______ and therefore should have known of the danger.

b.?argues HIGHER—The burden should be measured by whether

the ? should have known through reasonable inspection that

the danger exists. Social policy should encourage the free use

of one?s land. Holding ?s liable for failure to inspect every

aspect of their land would discourage the free use and

enjoyment of one?s land and would therefore contradict the

policy, and the above interpretation reflects this. Here, ?

__________ and is therefore held to the higher standard of

reasonable inspection.


a.FOR KNOWLEDGE, ARGUE: Moment of Discovery OR reasonable

effort to reduce the risk

1)∏: Look to the ??s conduct. ? must make a reasonable

effort to reduce or avoid the risk to trespassers because one

who breaks the law should be responsible for the resulting

injuries. Adopting this rule will further this value because

the party causing the injury is in a better position to protect

the innocent, injured party, and the above rule reflects this.

Here, ??s conduct was ___________ and therefore must

make reasonable effort to reduce or avoid the risk.

2)?: The moment of discovery means actual discovery or

knowledge because the law should discourage trespassing.

Adopting this interpretation will further this value because

the court will discourage trespassing and impose liability only

when the ? can actually anticipate an injury. Another

decision would encourage trespassing because the court will

condone trespassing by imposing a harsh duty on the ?.

Here, ? ___________ and therefore did/did not have actual

or constructive knowledge.

4.If Licensee:

a.Duty to warn if:

1)Hidden danger

2)Unknown to the licensee

3)And known to the owner

a)if known to the owner, look to the TIME that has passed


b)∏: Constructive Knowledge ARGUMENT.

c)?: The sole benefit is to the licensee because of purpose,

scope, and time. The law should not make business?

insurers of all their customers because there is no liability

without fault. Adopting this interpretation will further

this value because fault requires the ability to anticipate

injury, and business managers and owners cannot

anticipate injuries to every customer that enters the

establishment. Here, ∏…s purpose, scope, and ti me is

__________, ___________, _________, and therefore

should be treated as a licensee.

5.If Invitee:

a.Open to the public


1) Invitee has done business in the past

2)Is currently doing business

3)Will do business in the future

a)∏ argues that the ? knew or had reason to know the ∏

was a customer because the law should encourage safe

facilities for customers who are actually beneficial to the

owner. Adopting this rule will further this value because

the court will deter owners from having unsafe facilities

for their customers, the owners will change because of

liability, and the owners can take measures to safeguard

their premises. Here, ? ___________ and therefore

knew or should have known _____________.

6.If there is a great danger and the owner has warned the ∏:

a. A duty to warn is insufficient is some circumstances if

b.Unreasonable danger known to the ?

c.? Should reasonably anticipate that ∏ might still be injure


1)Actual or Constructive ARGUMENTS

2)Reasonable Inspection ARGUMENTS

7.What conduct could the ? take to reduce the Risk?


1)? would want to isolate the burden from probability and


2)∏ does not want to isolate, rather weigh against other



1.? argues low—unusual, extraordinary, and improbable because it

never happened before.

2.∏ argues high—likelihood of damage of appreciable weight and


a.weight = severity

b.moment = time


c)Gravity of the Injury


a.Total loss?

b.Minor loss?

c.Monetary loss?

Negligence Per Se

*Foreseeable ∏ (Common Law) = Class of Persons (Statutory Breach)*

*Foreseeable Risk (Common Law) = Class of Harm (Statutory Breach)*

I.Source of Duty

A.State Statute

B.City or County Ordinance



A.Violation of the Statute

1.∏ is in the class of persons that the statute is intended to protect

2.The harm is of a kind that the statute was intended to prevent

a.Look to:

1)plain language and definitions

2)Title, purpose, and Date

3)Amendments, Notes, and Comments


5)Is the statute silent on the issue?

a)Argument—if its left out, legislature did not intend to include it

b)Argument—if its left out, legislature left it to the court for interpretation

6)Case Law

B.If there is a violation

1.Rebuttable Presumption of Negligence

a.The rebuttal must be strong, credible, and unequivocal

b.Burden is on the party who violated the statute

1)Common practices

2)Common knowledge

3)Violation was reasonable

2.Evidence of Negligence

3.Negligence as a Matter of Law

4)Argument: Evidence of negligence as a standard is too discretionary and

yields unpredictable results. Negligence as a matter of law is too harsh of a

standard because the party?s case will automatically be dismissed, relevant

factors will be ignored, and the court would encourage unjust enrichment.

Violations of statutes are fact-specific and therefore a rebuttable presumption of

negligence should be the standard. The court is a better forum to decide this

issue because there are relevant facts that surface in the courtroom that the

legislature has no access to. Adopting this rule will further this value because

the court can hear evidence and choose whether the violation was reasonable as

opposed to a strict application of the law which may be unreasonable. Here…

Res Ipsa Loquitor

I.Res Ipsa Loquitor

A.When does it arise?

1.No statute

2.No knowledge of ??s conduct

a.No one knows who committed negligence

b.It is an alternative pleading in favor of the ∏


1.Injury would not ordinarily occur absent some negligence

a.Obvious to a lay person OR

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/039284746.html,ually some type of expert testimony

2.Injury was not due to any voluntary action of the ∏

3.Instrumentality must be in ??s exclusive control

4. If elements are met, burden shifts to ? to disprove negligence

a.Exclusive control

1)Sole Possession

a)Argument: Exclusive control should be defined as sole possession

because the court prefers a consistent and predictable standard for precedent.

Adopting this interpretation will further this value because it is easier to

decide if one person has sole possession as opposed to multiple persons, and

the above rule reflects this. Here, the instrumentality was in the sole

possession of ___________ and therefore has exclusive control.

b)Alternative: No liability without fault. Adopting this interpretation will further

this value because fault requires the ability to anticipate injury, and the court

might impose liability on an innocent party who did not have sole possession

of the instrumentality, and the above rule reflects this. Here, the

instrumentality was in sole possession of ___________ and therefore has

exclusive control.

2)Custody over instrumentalities

a)Argument: Exclusive Control should be defined as custody over the

instrumentalities because it is reasonable to expect that a person?s safety

does not lie in the hands of one individual, especially when dealing with multiple

parties. Adopting this rule will further this value because liability will be imposed

on everyone who is in control of the instrumentality that caused the injury, and

people can expect that their safety is ensured. Here, the instrumentality was in

possession by multiple ?s and therefore was in their exclusive control.

b)Alternative: The court should encourage people to tell the truth about an injury.

Adopting this rule will further this value because it will encourage the ?s to come

forward with the truth instead of keeping their mouth shut about the fucking

injury, and the above rule reflects this...



1.Was the ? a cause in fact of ∏?s injury

2.Did ??s conduct contribute sufficiently to ∏?s injury so a jury could conclude that ? is

a cause in fact of ∏?s injury



1)??s conduct is a cause in fact if the event would not have occurred

“but for the ??s negligence.

a)Take away ??s conduct—if injury would occur anyway there is

no liability



a)Unknown = injury THEN no substantial factor

b)Known + Unknown COMBINE to produce something greater and

= injury THAN substantial factor




a)If the two known causes COMBINE to produce the ∏?s SOLE

INJURY, than each tortfeasor is a substantial factor and splits

the cause of liability.

3)FAILURE TO DIAGNOSE or similar events (Usually Med-Mal)

a)If ??s conduct INCREASED the risk of harm AND

b)Contributed significantly to ∏?s injury (JURY QUESTION) THEN

c)??s conduct was a substantial factor

d)liability is limited to the amount the ? contributed to the injury


a)∏ must prove by a PREPONDERANCE OF THE EVIDENCE (50%)



1)POLICY—otherwise, the burden of proof would shift because

? would have to prove the cause, and this is to great a

burden to place on the ?.


a)?s must be ACTING IN CONCERT

1)Implicit agreement to act negligently

2)Between two parties

3)Whether or not they no each other

4)POLICY IN FAVOR—Reasonable expectations—if two parties

have an implicit agreement, there is a reasonable

expectation that they will perform the same act. If the act is

negligent, they have implicitly agreed to accept one

another?s responsibility.


1)??s conduct GREATLY MULTIPLIES the risk AND

2)Naturally leads to the occurrence




1.When negligent conduct creates a risk, setting off foreseeable consequences that

lead to the ∏?s injury, the conduct is deemed the proximate cause of the injury.


1)??s conduct naturally or ordinarily leads to the consequence

2)Injury is within the scope of risk created by the ??s conduct



3)Do not look to the exact sequence of events—any and all risk creating

acts leading to the injury is controlling

4)ARGUMENT--? is in a better position to avoid the consequence than

the innocent injured party is.


1)The consequences would still occur and directly flow in the events

2)Does not break the chain of liability

c.SUPERCEDING CAUSE breaks the chain of liability IF:

1)Independent Act AND

2)Different conduct creates a new risk AND

3)Injuries are so different from the injury that would result from ??s

conduct OR

4)Independent criminal act MAY break the chain of causation

because criminal conduct is not foreseeable to the ?

5)ARGUMENTS—There is no liability without fault. Fault requires the

ability to avoid consequences. Independent acts that create new risks

to the plaintiff and cause different injuries not foreseeable to a ? who,

although negligently, has created an entirely different risk. Here, ?

created X risk, _______ created Y risk, and therefore supercedes ??s

original negligent conduct, thus breaking the chain of liability.



1.Lump sum payment

2.Structured Settlements—usually for children

a. Incapacity

b.Protecting investments

c.Over a period of time: WHY?

1)Annuities—high interest = more money

2)Guaranteed income

3)Tax Free

d.Why not?

1)Less common for older ∏s

2)∏ Might not want to wait

3.Collateral Source Rule

a.Coll. Income is not calculated or known to the jury at trial to prevent prejudice or

leniency to the ?.

B. Economic Losses

1. Medical expenses

a. Reasonable

b. Expert testimony—anticipated costs

2.Lost Wages

3.Loss or Impairment of Future Earning Capacity

4.Damage Calculation: Present Value

5.Future Inflation

6.Federal Income Tax

C.Non-Economic Losses

1. Physical Pain and Suffering, Mental Anguish

2. Loss of Enjoyment of Life

a. Must be conscious of the loss

1)Arguments—Reasonable Expectations: a reward for damages should benefit the

injured party in the future. An injured party who is not conscious of the loss

cannot benefit from an award of damages.

2)Administrability—you are either conscious or unconscious

3)Unjust Enrichment

3. Per Diem

4. Reduced Life Expectancy

D.Punitive Damages: not in negligence unless ??s conduct is willful, wanton, or reckless.

E.Hypo in class—pregnant mother who became vegetable after routine c-section: loss of

household services, future medical care, permanent disability, public sector job, future


IV.Affirmative Defenses

A. Two Steps in Defense Analysis

1.? must prove ∏?s duty, breach, and causation

a.Duty and breach

1)∏?s standard of care

2)BAP v. Prob x Injury (∏?s own injury)

3)BAP = knowledge and steps to reduce risk

4)Prob = ∏?s conduct increasing the likeli hood of the injury



a)“But-for” won?t work because there is probably 2 causes

b)Substantial Factor Test

2)Proximate Cause

a)∏?s conduct → Foreseeable Cons. → Injury

b)∏?s conduct either intervening or superceding

c)Consequences must be within the scope of risk


2.Effect of Negligence

a.Contributory Negligence

1)No Recovery


a)Last Clear Chance Doctrine

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/039284746.html,parative Negligence

1)ARGUMENT—fairness and Administrability—easy standard to apply,

and its fair to both parties who are equally at fault.

2)Pure comparative approach

a)∏ can only recover the percentage he was not at fault

3)Modified comparative negligence

a)PA—50/50 Rule

i.If ∏?s negligence is greater than 50%, ∏ cannot recover

ii.∏ prefers this argument but requires more litigation

b)51/59 Rule

i.∏?s negligence must be less than 50% in order to


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/039284746.html,ually settle before trial because juries usually say

“you?re both equally negligent”

c.Assumption of Risk

1)Actual Knowledge of risk

2)Voluntary encounter

3)Appreciation of the magnitude of danger/risk

4)Waiver or consent, either express or implied can meet the AOR test V.Immunities

A. Complete Defense and Bar to Recovery—USE THIS AS A THRESHOLD QUESTION

B. Interspousal immunity

1. Abrogation

a. General—total abandonment of the immunity

b. Partial—limited to only special circumstances

c. Arguments

1)In favor of general abrogation—administrability

2)Against general, thus Partial abrogation—preserve the institution of


C. Parent-Child Tort Immunity

1. General Abrogation—Reasonable Parent Standard

a. Arguments—requires a heightened standard such as this because it fits

situations where parents are most likely negligent. The court should

encourage parents to exercise a heightened standard of care when dealing

with their children because children cannot easily protect themselves from

dangers. Heightening the standard will encourage parents to use higher care

for their children and encourage a change in their behavior as a result.

Therefore, the immunity should be abrogated.

2. Partial abrogation—car accidents, yes, negligent supervision, no

a. Conduct that is separate from parenting duties, no immunity should be had

b. Conduct integral to parenting duties, immunity should be had

c. Argument—it is reasonable to expect that a parent can be sued by anyone if

his or her negligent conduct causes an injury. A ?s child should not be

excluded from this category because a parent?s negligent conduct, not

integrally related to parenting duties, causes injury. Therefore, there should

be no immunity when a parent injures his or her child when acting

negligently outside the role of parenting.

D. Governmental Immunities

1. Municipal or Local Government—Most states say no immunity (PA—general

abrogation)—POLICY ARGUMENT: When the state causes injury to an individual, the

individual should be entitled to recover for injuries sustained because the innocent

injured party is not in a better position to protect itself from injury.

2. Partial Abrogation

a. Performing a discretionary act

1)Immunity applies

b. Performing a non-discretionary act

1) No Immunity

c. Example: Police complaint—judgment call = immunity; mistake = no


Products Liability

I.Injury by a defective product—Generally

A.Recovery for negligence—focus on the conduct of the ?

B.Recovery for strict liability—focuses on the product itself without regard to ??s conduct

C.Recovery for breach of warranty




2.product falls below expectations

D.402(a) has been adopted by the state supreme courts across the nation as the standard

for manufacturers

II.Sale of a product

A.Product and service hybrid

1.∏ argues PRODUCT

a.Consumer is seeking the product, not just the service

1)Example Kidney Donor Company—organ for profit: an entity that

profits from the product is in a better position to absorb the cost of

liability and spread it to its consumers. Imposing liability for

defective products in connection with services will assure the safe

implementation of products when the consumer is seeking the

product, and the company can and will change its behavior


2)? argues SERVICE

a)the essence of the transaction is the provision of service,

not the product itself.

b)Example Kidney donor company: company acts as a

middle-man for the selection of the kidney, not selling the

kidney itself. When the courts are dealing with a new

category under strict liability such as the product service

combination, the court should defer to the legislature to

make the determination and rule accordingly. Since the

legislature has not expressed whether a product service

combination is necessarily classified as a product for strict

liability purposes, the court should rule according to the

essence of the transaction. Thus, if the service depends

on the skill, judgment, and experience of the provider, the

hybrid does not fall within the scope of “product” for

liability purposes.

III.Defective Condition Unreasonably Dangerous

A.Manufacturing Defects

1.where the product is designed correctly, but the particular product that caused

the injury deviated from the intended design

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/039284746.html,parable to other products

b.expert testimony

2.∏ argues that the defect was present when it left the assembly line

a.expert testimony to show the building of the products

b.employee testimony to compare standard product to defective product

c.blueprints showing a good design

d.other owners

3.? argues that there was an alteration after leaving the assembly line

a.expert testimony

b.request all maintenance records since the product left the assembly line to

the date of injury

c.request a list of trucks that came of that line at the time of manufacturing

B.Design Defects


a.MFG—argues that mfgs should not be insurers of every product that is

placed on the market because the product might be dangerous, but highly

useful to the public. Imposing liability would deter production of useful


b.Consumer—mfg is in a better position to absorb the cost of liability and

spread the cost amongst the consumers of the product.

2.Consumer Expectation Analysis

a.Looking through the eyes of the reasonably prudent consumer

b.Did the product perform as the reasonably prudent consumer would


c.Was the product used in its intended manner

d.Did the defective product proximately cause the injury

e.Example—Nate?s bike hypo OR

3.Risk Utility Analysis

a.Argument: The risk utility analysis is a proper because the court can

balance seven factors to determine who should bear the cost of injury.

From the mfg.?s perspective, this analysis is fair because it reduces the

likelihood that mfgs. will become insurers for all their products on the line

and decreases absolute liability by placing the burden on the ∏ to prove

the defect. From the consumer?s perspective, this analysis promotes

fairness because a ∏ will be compensated for injuries resulting from a

defective product by an entity who is in a better position to reduce the

risk, spread the cost of injury, and prevent future defects.

b.Balancing utility of the product v. the risk to the consumer

1)Safety—probability x injury

2)Utility to public

3)Available substitute product

4)Inability to avoid injury when exercising care in use

5)Inability to eliminate risk without impairing utility and avoiding


6)Inability to anticipate the risk

7)Cost spreading

4.Timing and foreseeability

a.Defect at the time the product is placed on the market (MOST

JURISDICTIONS—foreseeability before or at the time of marketing) OR

b.at the time of trial (foreseeability after the fact)

5.State of the Art

a.∏: Mfg has a duty to use state of the art (MAXIMUM STANDARD)

1)existing level of technology expertise and scientific knowledge

relevant to a particular industry at the time of marketing

b.?: only a duty to use industry customs (MINIMUM STANDARD)

1)Normal or minimal standard pursuant to federal and state

standards—too costly so the mfg will merely comply with the


c.If ? is using the state of the art and cannot reduce risk, ? will claim

absolute immunity, however:

1)this is no absolute defense

2)? has the burden of proof because the product may still be


a)product is implementing the state of the art

b)coupled with other evidence

c)to justify placing the product on the market

C.Failure to Warn in Strict Products Liability

1.Actual Knowledge of the defect OR

2.Constructive Knowledge—KNOWABILITY of the defect in light of scientific

information available to the mfg


a.∏--MFG has superior access to scientific information as compared to the

user of the product that may have no access to scientific information. It

follows that the party in a better position to access information that would

decrease the risk of danger should be responsible for the cost of injury.

Since mfg are also in a better position to spread the cost of injury, mfg

should be liable for the knowability of a defect absent actual knowledge.

b.?--There is no liability without fault. Fault requires the awareness of the

risk so the party can avoid injury. If a party is unaware of the risk, that

the party cannot avoid the injury and should not bear the costs thereof.

D.Defective Warnings

1.Warnings should be:


b.succinct conveyance of the message

c.provide enough information of the obvious and immediate risks involved
