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新视野英语课本教案第二册unit1 unit2 unit6 unit7 unit8 第三册unit1 unit2 unit5

新视野英语课本教案第二册unit1 unit2 unit6 unit7 unit8 第三册unit1 unit2 unit5 Unit 1(Book T wo)

Section A Time-Conscious Americans (4 periods)

I. Language points

1.to stand still停滞不前

The room stands idle.

Stand firm –don‘t let them tell you what to do.

Translate: 在人生的竞赛中,如果你总是安于现状、停滞不前,你永远也不会成为胜者。Key: In the race of human life, you will never win any place if you are always satisfied with what you are and stand still.

2.to move ahead前进,向前


Key: As long as you keep on moving ahead and strive to bring forth new ideas, you will reach the top of the winner‘s platform.

3.to fall behind落后,落伍

fall behind in science

fall behind one‘s competitors

I‘ve fallen behind with my correspondence.


Key: The leader‘s opinion had fallen behi nd.

4.to be slaves to…受······支配

a slave to drink

a slave to money


Key: A man of strong will feels in control of his own life while a man of weak will feels himself to be a slave to his fate.

5.Translate: W e budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. ——我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩减时间、对时间的使用作出解释;我们还要因付出时间而收取费用。(In this sentence, time is used metaphorically as something of real value.)

budget: plan carefully how much of sth will be needed

She has made so many commitments that she has to budget her time very carefully. 她答应下来的事太多,因而不得不精心安排自己的时间。

By the time he learned to budget his resources, it was too late.他学会理财时已经太迟了。

The government has budgeted for two bridges in t he city.

kill time: make time pass quickly by finding sth to do

W e killed time by playing cards.

He drove to the club to kill a couple of hours.

account for: explain the cause of sth; make up a particular amount or part of sth

Every day the manager has to account to the chairman for how he spends the company‘s money. Mismanagement was believed to account for the failure of the company.

The Han people, the majority ethnic group in China, account for more than 90 percent of the population.

charge: ask sb for an amount of money for a service

How much do you charge for washing a car?

W e charge $200 a night for a single room.

6.to have a rather acute sense of深深感到······


Key:Having gone through many years of hardship in the same boat, the old couple have a rather acute sense of the true value of love in their life.

7.under pressure

:适当的压力能够调动人的积极性,而压力太大会使人受挫,甚至失败。Under proper pressure, people are highly motivated; but, under excessive pressure, people feel frustrated and even end up in failure.

8.to seek attention寻求注意力,引起注意

这家公司独特的宣传和推广活动使它最终在交易会上出尽了风头。The unique publicity and promotion eventually helped the company seek more than enough attention from the public at the trade fair.

9.to race through匆匆忙忙地做

The child raced through his homework in order to watch the football match on TV. Translate:时间不够了,这些学生只好匆匆忙忙地做完卷子上剩下的题目。

Key: As the time is running out, these students have to race through the rest of the questions on the test paper.

10.the pace of life

As long as we make unceasing efforts to learn new things and move ahead, we will keep up with the pace of the times. 只要不断学习新东西,勇于进取,我们就能跟上时代的步伐。11.to get back to恢复,返回

The move to return grain for green has got this area back to its former beauty.退耕还林使这个地区又恢复了昔日的秀美

12.within the time allowed在允许的时间内

任何行为超出了法律所允许的范围,必将受到法律的制裁。Any act that goes beyond the limits legally allowed is bound to receive the punishment from the law.

13.to take sth. personally认为某事是针对某人的

Y ou mustn‘t take her negative comments of your plan personally. 你不应该把她对你计划的批评当作对你个人的攻击。

当老板进行泛泛的批评时,不要对号入座。When the boss makes general and negative comments, don‘t take it personally.

14.beyond a certain appropriate point不得当地,不得体地

爱有助于孩子健康成长,但溺爱会宠坏,甚至毁了孩子。Love adds health to the growth of children, but the love beyond a certain appropriate point will make them spoiled or even ruined. 15.(Para4) Many new arrivals in the States will miss the opening exchanges of a business call——许多刚到美国的人会怀念诸如商务拜访等场合开始时的寒喧。

opening: adj. first; beginning

They returned to take part in the season‘s opening game.他们回来参加本赛季首场比赛.

Three hundred people swarmed at the front d oor for the store‘s grand opening. (n.)有300人聚集在商店前门庆祝商店的盛大开业。

He inquired at the front desk about openings in the marketing department. 他在接待处询问营销部空缺职位的情况。

16.(Para 4) They will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a convention in their own country——他们也会怀念那种喝着茶或咖啡招待客人的礼节性交往, 这也许是他们自己国家的一种习俗。

to go with伴随,配合

Rights always go with obligations. 权力总是伴随着义务。

幸福未必总与金钱相伴,而常常与积极的人生观相伴。Happiness doesn‘t always go with money. More often than not, it goes hand in hand with a positive outlook on life.


男子在正式场合穿西装是一种惯例。It is a convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.

17.(Para 4) Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such a relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner,…一般来说,美国人是不会在如此轻松的环境里通过长时间的闲聊来评估他们的客人,更不用说带他们出去吃饭, ······Sb. does not do sth.; much less does sb. do sth. else. 某人不会做/没有做某事,更不用说做其他的事。

People in this area never associate the handsome young man with any wrong deed; much less do they believe he is the very murderer.这里的人们从来都没有把这个英俊的小伙子与任何错误的行迹联系在一起,更不会相信他就是凶手。

这个老人几乎不能行走,更不用说跑了。The old man can hardly walk, much less run.

Do Ex VIII on Page 11

in such relaxed surroundings在如此轻松的环境里

在如此舒适的环境里,这些无家可归的孩子才真正享受到了家庭生活的温暖。In such a cozy environment, these homeless children really enjoyed the warmth of family life.

18.to develop a sense of trust增进信任······

军校生活的熏陶,使我增强了责任感和国防意识。Nurtured in the military college life, I have developed my sense of responsibility and my awareness of national defense.

19.(Para 5) to work hard at the task of doing sth.千方百计地做·······

The director is working hard at increasing returns for investors. 那位主管努力让投资者获得更大的回报。

在危难时刻,这些共产党员千方百计地帮助灾民摆脱困境。At the critical moment, these Communists worked hard at the task of helping the victims out of the trouble.

20.to produce / make a steady flow of制定/做出一系列的

在这次大会上,中央政府做出了一系列关系国计民生的重大决策。At this conference, the central government made a steady flow of significant decisions concerning the national economy and people‘s livelihood.

21.(Para 5) we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer — especially given our traffic-filled streets. 我们通过发传真、打电话或发电子邮件与他人迅速地进行交流, 而不是通过直接接触。虽然面对面接触令人愉快,但却要化更多的时间, 尤其是在马路上交通拥挤时。

Sb. does sth. through / by / with… rather than through / by / with…, which, though…,… —especially given… 某人通过······做某事,而不是通过······虽然后者······, 但却······,尤其


Translate:a. The secret to a permanent friendship is to treat each other with heart and soul rather than through a false display of affection, which, though effective from time to time, stands no chance to last —especially given people‘s growing awareness of honesty. 永恒友谊的秘诀是真心实意而不是虚情假意地相待。虽然后者有时奏效,但决不可能长久,尤其是人们的诚信意识增强时。

Translate:b. 中国人民与其他民族增进关系的原则是和平共处而不是强权政治。虽然后者如今很盛行,但必将会以失败而告终,尤其是在全世界都渴望种族平等时。The Chinese people enrich their relationship with other peoples on the principle of peaceful co-existence rather than on the basis of power politics, which, though very popular at present, is bound to fall through in time —especially given the whole world‘s strong desire for racial equality.

given: taking sth into account

Given their inexperience, they‘ve done a good job.考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们已经做得不错了。

Given her interest in children, teaching should be the right career for her. 从她对孩子的兴趣来看,教书应该是适合她的职业。

Given that the time is limited, they have done a good job.

22.(Para 5) save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings——因此我们把大多数个人间的拜访放在下班以后的时间里或周末的社交聚会上进行。

save… for…: keep… for future use

Don‘t spend all your money now; save some for another day.

23.(Para 6)To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact, requiring face-to-face conversation. 就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。在有些国家里,没有当面接触就做不成大生意, 需要面对面的交谈。

To sb., sth. has little / no relation to sth. else; whereas / while, to sb. else, nothing can be done without sth. else.就某人而言,某事与另一事很少/完全没有关系;然而对于另一人,没有另一事什么事都做不成。

Translate:a.对于美国人而言,缺乏面对面的接触和生意的成败无关; 但对中国人而言,没有经常性的边吃边面谈什么生意都做不成。To the American people, lack of personal contact has no relation to the success or failure in their business; whereas, to the Chinese people, no business can be conducted without frequent face-to-face chats over meals.

Translate:b.在清官看来,工作没个人油水与其尽职尽责没多大关系;而在贪官看来,没有丰厚的个人利益回报任何工作都做不成To the honest official, no personal returns from his work have little relation to his total commitment to his duty; while, to the corrupt official, no piece of work can be done without fat gains in personal interests.

to have little or no relation to与······关系不大或没有关系

与其说浪漫的生活与人的经济状况有关,倒不如说与人的性格有关。Romantic life has not so much relation to one‘s financial condition as to one‘s personality.

24.(Para 8) Translate: Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect. 如果不是花一定

的时间来处理某件事的话,则这件事就好像是无足轻重,不值得给予适当的重视。Unless…, it seems in one‘s eyes (to one‘s mind) as if… 如果不是······,则某人就觉得好像是······Translate:a.按照当今的惯例,如果我们的客人当中没有人在饭桌上喝醉,就好像我们对他们不够热情。By the custom of the times, unless some of our guests get drunk at table, it seems to our minds as if we are not warm-hearted enough towards them.

Translate:b.对某些学生而言,要不是必须通过英语考试,他们就觉得英语没有用。As far as some students are concerned, unless they are forced to pass English tests, it seems in their eyes as if English is useless, not worthy of their further efforts.

25.(Para 8) Assignments are, consequently, given added weight by the passage of time. 因此,用的时间长会增加所做事情的重要性。

Sth. is given added / more weight / care / concern. 某事更应受到重视/ 关注。(往往不正确) Translate:a.与道德发展相比,通常孩子的学业更应受到家长的重视。Compared with their moral development, children‘s a cademic achievements are generally given more weight by the parents.

Translate:b.诚然,环境保护决不应忽视,但经济发展常常更应关注。No doubt, environmental protection should never be ignored, but economic development is often given added concern.

to give added weight to sth. 更加重视······

随着全球环境的恶化,许多国家越来越重视对自然的保护。With the global environment worsening, many countries are giving increasing weight to the protection of nature.

the passage of time时间的流逝或消失

岁月的流逝也无法抹去故乡在他心中的烙印。The mark his hometown left upon his mind does not fade away with the passage of time.

26.to take sth. as a sign of把······看作一种标志

She took the failure as the start for the c oming success.

一些年青人把吸烟看作是成熟和具有男人气概的标志,但吸烟实际上是个潜在杀手。Some teenagers take smoking as a sign of being mature and manly, but actually smoking is a potential killer.

27.to pour capital, energy and attention into…向······投入资金、精力和注意力

她把自己全部的爱和精力都倾注到对这群山村孩子们的教育上。She poured all her love and energy into the education of these mountainous children.

II. T opic discussion (Group discussion, 25 mintes)

Ss discuss ―the cultural differences between China and America‖in group. Then each group recommends one representative to give oral presentation. In this activity, the teacher has to take the initiative by giving some prepared exmaples.

Eg. China America

1. Sprng Festival is the biggest one. Christmas is the biggest festival.

2. Talk business in leisurely surroundings, Talk business directly and very quickly. beginning with small talk.

3. Ladies first.

4. The color of red siginfies happiness, Red means danger, emergency and prosperity and fortune. anger.

5. Dragon is the symbol of Emperor with power. Dragon is the symbol of evil and

W e are pround of being descendants of dragon. ugliness

6. …………

The end of the second 2 periods

Section B (2 periods)

1. Section B Culture Shock

1.1Lead-in question: What is Culture Shock? (3 minutes)

Ss contribute their ideas of ―Culture Shock‖. Teacher give the definition in the dictionary, that is, confusion and disorientation caused by contact with a civilization other than on e‘s own.

1.2T ext structure (Pair work, 27 minutes)

Give Ss Handout 3. Ss are required to supply the missing information with partners within 17 minutes. Then the class work together.

T ext Structure (Handout 3):Understand the text by supplying the missing information in the chart.

1.3Language points (10 minutes)

1) Compare phrases

familiar to: If sth is ~ to you, it‘s well-known to you or you often experience/encounter it. Eg. He talked of other cultures as if they were ~ him than his own.

familiar with: If you are ~ sth, you have a good knowledge of it or you know it in detail. Eg. Laura not only speaks Chinese well, but also is ~ Chinese history.

*每位学生都应该熟悉学校的规章制度。(Every student has to be familiar with the school regulation.)

*住在并不熟悉该国文化的国家里,你会经历文化冲突。(Living in a country whose culture is not familiar to you, you will experience culture shock.)

2) Key words and expressions: adjust/adapt to, cope with, go through. Ss make up sentences orally and the teacher explains.

1.4T opic discussion (Class work, 20 minutes)

If you were about to study abroad (or you were studying abroad now), what preparation would you make to overcome Culture Shock?

Eg. 1) Before going abroad, get some knowledge about the country I would go to by reading some books, watching films, surfing Internet etc.

2) Improve the language proficiency;

1)Make friends with foreigners;

2)Take a positive attitude towards difficulties encountered;

3)Be patient and compromise;

4)Develop comprehension;

Unit 2 (Book T wo)

Section A Learning the Olympic Standard for Love


1.What message does the logo for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games convey?

[For reference] The logo is designed in the form of Chinese Seal, officially entitled "Dancing Beijing". A single Chinese character ―京‖ is inscribed, in a fancy style, on a traditional red Chinese seal. The words "Beijing 2008" are written with a Chinese brush below it.

The figure in the logo resembles a runner or dancer and the Chinese character "京" which means


The image carries the message that today's China is not only a nation with a long and glorious history, but also one full of modern dynamics.

2.the mascot of Beijing Olympics: 北京欢迎你

3.The Olympic Motto: swifter, higher, stronger, which means every athlete should try to run faster, jump higher, and throw further. They do their best to win medals.

4.the slogan for Beijing Olympic Games: One world, one dream

5.What do the five Olympic rings stand for?

The meaning of five ring flag of the Olympic Games:

In June, 1979, Olympic Committee declared the meaning of Olympic flag and the five rings. This vast white flag of the middle ring composed of five patterns is in accordance with the modern Olympic Games founder Baron Pierre de Coubertin of the recommendations and ideas produced. In his opinion, the six colors included all the colors of the national flags of the world, obviously an international symbol, which symbolizes the unity of the five continents, and stresses that all athletes should be participating in a fair and frank spirit and gather together to promote the development of the Olympic movement.

Now blue is on behalf of the European sky blue, yellow behalf of the Asian, black Africa, Australia, grass green, red behalf of the Americas), and the white background means fair and frank spirit. 五环象征五大洲的团结以及全世界运动员以公正、坦率的比赛和友好的精神在奥运会上相见。

6.What are the Olympic spirits?

[For reference] The Olympic Games offer a way for man to surpass himself, and the essence of the Games lies in such spirits as follows: 1) The Olympic motto is ―Faster, Higher, and Stronger‖. 2) The Olympic Games help promote a better and more peaceful world. 3) The purpose of the Olympic Games is not the triumph but the struggle; not to have conquered but to have reached higher. 4) The Olympic Games have highest regard for mutual understanding, friendship, unity, and fair competition.5) Subject to the stress and strain of tough competition, the athletes grow in strength, endurance, and discipline. 6) The relay of the Olympic torch is to help the seeds of peace and friendship take root, grow, bloom and bear fruit in more peoples. 7) The Olympic Five Rings represent the close unity of the five continents of the world. 8) The basic for Olympic spirits is self-confidence and self-esteem.

II.Pre-reading Activities

1.Listen and discuss:Listen to the speech from the Opening of Atlanta Olympic Games by Williams Porter Billy Payne and then discuss the topics as follows (enclosed are the tape script ).

T apescript: Tonight, as we together stand on the threshold(开端) of the greatest peace time event in modern history, the centennial (百年)celebration of the Olympic Games, as we bear witness to the largest gatherings of nations ever, as we applaud the greatest assembly of athletic talents the world has ever known, let us rejoice, and let us resolve that these Olympic Games can reflect a hope for a brighter future, a better world. Hope inspired and brought to life by these athletes as they live out their Olympic dreams.

Look into their faces, what do you see? I see a montage(蒙太奇(表示一连串思想或时间的经过而迅速闪过的连串片段的镜头); 镜头[集锦]剪辑)of all the world‘s cultures, beautifully distinct, yet now entwined in a quilt of solidarity and friendship. I see you, anxiously awaiting and anticipating the glorious moments of the next 16 days, surely to inspire us all with their heroic

achievements, which stretch the limits of human performance. For 100 years, others have seen these special moments of magnificence, and for a fleeting moment in time, have seen in it a symbolism; the possibility of a more peaceful and tolerant world.

Others have experienced the compelling power of a world temporarily united in a celebration of all that we share in common. But inevitably, as we have returned home after the Olympic flame has been extinguished, so too have our concepts of what is possible in this world been forgotten. Look again into the faces of these athletes, promise them that you will never forget what you feel and see tonight. Look into their faces, and you‘ll see the possibilities. For if we believe, there is nothing we cannot achieve; and if we dream, all things are possible. Thank you.

①What do the Olympic spirits mean to us?

Just as being ―higher, faster and stronger‖ stands for the essence of the Olympic spirits, so do the Olympic spirits mean the courage of mankind moving towards its higher ideals without cease. They also convey a message of fair competition and better cooperation, which are indispensable for a world of harmony and progress. With regard to fair competition, for example, our rival in business is like our adversary rather than enemy in the Games. His strategies for success give us nothing but strength, his will to win arouses our respect for him, and his fighting spirit ennobles our struggle. Although our aim is to defeat him, our success does not follow that we will humiliate him; instead, we will honor him for the rare chance of our making progress. If our world, like the Olympic Games, is nurtured in such spirits, the community of nations will unite and thrive in peace.

②What benefit can we get from the Olympic Games?

W e can benefit a lot from the Olympic Games. First of all, we should have our compass in life, just as an athlete has a higher goal to reach. In other words, we need to pursue our chosen path to be what we are now not yet. But above all, we should learn from the spirit of the athletes who never give up trying. As proved in the Games, a champion is usually more vested with ideals of the Olympic spirit than the aim to win a gold medal. There have always been some excellent athletes who can win great honors for their motherlands. But their fame is not simply built on how many gold medals they have won but on their unyielding will as the essence of Olympic spirits. It is their great personality that touches people throughout the world, since they have displayed not only unique skills in sports but a persistent personality that shines with the Olympic spirit.

2.Background information:

Salt Lake City is the state capital and most populous city in the US state of Utah. The city occupies the north end of the Salt Lake V alley at an elevation of 4,327 feet (1,320 m). The valley is surrounded by mountains that rise up to 6,500 feet (1,980 m) above the valley floor. Named after the nearby Great Salt Lake — in fact, the original name was "Great Salt Lake City"— the city is sepa rated from the lake‘s shore by marshes and mud flats. Residents are known as "Salt Lakers". Founded in 1847 by a group of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) (末世圣徒,摩门教教徒) led by Brigham Y oung, Salt Lake City is among the region‘s oldest cities and is the location of the headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Mining and railroads initially brought economic growth, and the city became kn own as the ―Crossroads of the W est‖. The city has developed a strong tourism industry and was host to the 2002 Winter Olympics.

III. T ext Structure Analysis

Level II An analysis of the whole text structure

The passage is a first-person narration about the writer's training experiences for Olympic Games with an ex-Soviet coach, through which the writer learned the Olympic standard for love. The whole passage can be roughly divided into four parts.

Part I (Paras. 1-4): Introduction to the ex-Soviet coach:

Nikolai was not as intimidating as I had imagined, but I was so nervous in his presence. (Paras. 1-2) Nikolai's high expectations: He encouraged me to get ready for 2002 in Salt Lake City though I this would mean many hard training sessions. But he was sure that I would improve. (Paras. 3-4) Part II. Olympic standard of love(Paras. 5-19)

Encouragement: (Paras. 5-9)

General statement: (Para. 5) Countless training sessions full of pain and more than a few tears were accompanied by encouragement and amusing stories.

Supporting details:

Encouragement from Nikolai's own experience: His friends went to the movies and out to dance, and went out with girls while he practiced all the time, which accounted for his 11 success. Nikolai's own stories: He was 26 years old before he ever kissed a girl whom he married later! (Paras. 6-8)

Conclusions: (Para. 9) Nikolai knew love. His consistent good humor, quiet gratitude, perceptivity, and sincerity set an Olympic standard for love.

Nikolai never babied me: (Paras. 10-11)

Once I had a massive headache and felt quite like I was going to die. Nikolai was indifferent to my pain. He ordered me to continue skiing.

Nikolai did not care about minor things: (Paras. 12-13)

Nikolai was strict about training while with small things he did not take much notice of my complaints or outbursts. He saved his passion for skiing.

Persistence and patience: (Paras. 14-19)

When coaching, Nikolai would persist in practice a billion times to achieve perfection. Nikolai's patience and my hard work earned me a fourth-place national ranking heading into the pre-Olympic season, but then I missed the cut for the 2002 Olympics.

Part III. A transitional paragraph(Para. 20)

Missing the Olympic Team the previous year had made me pause and reflect on what I had gained, especially from the quiet, indissoluble bond with the short man Nikolai.

Part IV. Conclusion of the whole passage(Para. 21)

Nikolai taught me to understand the Olympic standard for love: to have the courage, heart, disci-pline to persist, and to have gratitude in advance for a century of life on earth. I should remind myself every day that there must be love, love, love despite the challenges at hand.

IV. Detailed Study of the T ext

1.(Para. 1)Nikolai Petrovich Anikin was not half as intimidating as I had imagined he would be.: I had expected that Nikolai Petrovich Anikin would be a quite frightening person, but actually he was not at all.他一点也不像我想象的那么吓人。

not half as good/ interesting/ bad etc. (as): much less good, less interesting ect than someone or sth else远不如……好/有趣/糟糕等

The movie wasn‘t half as entertaining as the book.这部电影远不如原书好看。

She can‘t love you half as much as I do.她不可能像我这么爱你。


not half bad: an expression meaning good, used especially when you are rather surprised sth is good(出乎意料地)相当好

Actually the party wasn‘t half bad.实际上,这个聚会棒极了。

intimidating: making you feel worried and less confident令人紧张不安的

Some people find interview situations very intimidating.有些人认为面试的环境令人紧张不安。

I was shy, and felt intimidated by the older students.我很腼腆,看见年纪比我大的学生就胆怯。

Translate: 使新生感到惊讶的是,大学生活一点也不像他们所想象的那样轻松和浪漫。To the freshmen‘s surprise, college life was not half as relaxing or romantic as they had imagined it would be.

2.(Para. 1)No, this surely was not the ex-Soviet coach my father had shipped me out to meet.: It was really unbelievable that Nikolai, the ex-Soviet coach my father had sent me a long way to meet, was like this.他不可能是我父亲特地送我来见的那位前苏联教练。

Pay attention that "ex-" is sometimes used to form compound word with the meaning of "former and still living".

ex-wife 前妻

ex-president 前总统

"Ex" can also be used informally to refer to someone's former wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend. For example

Linda said she met her ex at the dance.琳达说她在舞会上遇到了她的前夫/前男友。

ship sb out/off to:send sb somewhere by ship将某人送往

As soon as the doctor saw her, he shipped her straight off to the hospital.医生给她检查以后,立即把她送往医院。

I was in Heidelberg at the time, about to be shipped out to Vietnam.我当时在海德堡,即将被送往越南。

3.(Para. 2) But Nikolai he was, Petrovich and all.: But anyway, he was Nikolai Petrovich Anikin and nobody else.可他的确是尼科莱, 而且是尼科莱?彼得罗维奇?安尼金本人。

and all: a) an expression meaning as well, used to emphasize what you have just said而且,也(表示强调); b) the whole thing; including everything or everybody mentioned

And you can take that smell coat out of here and all! 你最好把那件气味难闻的大衣拿走。 ―Look, it‘s snowing!‖―Oh, it is and all!‖“看,下雪了!”“啊,还真下了!”

They ate the whole fish; bone, tail, head , and all. 他们把整条鱼都吃掉了,骨头、鱼尾、鱼头等统统吃掉了。

4.(Para. 2)I was so nervous in his presence.

in sb.'s presence/in the presence of sb.: in the same place as someone else

I could think of little to say in the presence of so many people.

I asked you not to smoke in my presence.

有无数热情的球迷在场,整个球队异常精神焕发,异常神勇。In the presence of countless passionate fans, the whole team appeared more than vigorous and brave.

5.(Para. 4)"Y es, why not?" he replied to the shocked look on my face. : "Why is it not possible (for you to participate in the Olympics in Salt Lake City in 2002)?" He said this in response to the very surprised expression on my face.

6.(Para. 4)I was a promising amateur skier, but by no means the top skier in the country.: Though it seemed that I might be successful someday as an amateur skier, I was not at all the best skier in the country.

promising: a. showing signs of being successful in the future

Clever and hard-working, the boy must have a promising future. 这男孩既聪明又勤奋,他一定大有前途。

Intelligent and promising, students at this famous university are quite proud of themselves.这所著名大学里的学生聪明有为,很为自己感到骄傲。

by no means: (used to emphasize a negative statement) not at all

W e are by no means satisfied with their reply.

智者绝不会错失展示才华的良机。By no means will the wise miss the good chance to display their talents.

Notice that when "by no means" is used at the beginning of a sentence, an inversion structure should be used. For example:

By no means can teaching in school be separated from practice.

By no means will our friendship be affected.

7.(Para. 4)―Of course, there will be many hard training sessions, and you will cry, but you will improve.‖―当然,你需要进行很多艰苦的训练,你会哭鼻子,但你一定会进步的。‖There will be sth. hard and …, but sb. will do sth. succes sfully. 将来会······, 而且······,但某人能······。


在你朝着目标攀登过程中会遇到更多的挫折,而且你甚至会有挫败感,但你最终一定能到达成功的顶峰。There will be more setbacks during your climb upward the goal, and you will even have a sense of frustration, but you will reach the final peak of success in time.

8.(Para. 5) T o be sure, there were countless training sessions full of pain and more than a few tears, but in the five years that followed I could always count on being encouraged by Nikolai‘s amusing stories and sense of humor.的确,后来我经历了无数痛苦的训练,还为此流了不少眼泪。但在后来的五年里,我总能从尼克莱讲的有趣故事和他的幽默感中得到鼓励。

T o be sure, there are hard sessions…, and …, but ...的确,某人要经历······时期,而且······,但······。


的确,生活中总有不顺心的时候,而且你也会情绪低落,但只要你不放弃一切都有转机。To be sure, there are always sessions amiss with your mind in life, and you are in low spirits then, but everything will turn for the better as long as you hang on.

count on: rely on; depend on

I had thought I could count on the support of my family; but 1 was wrong.

I always count on my father to cheer me up whenever I feel unhappy.

中国人要始终不忘自力更生,奋发图强. The Chinese should never forget to count on their own efforts and work hard for the prosperity of the country.

9.(Para. 6)I am practice, practice, practice in the stadium.: I practice all the time in the stadium. Note that Nikolai was not a native speaker of English, he couldn't speak standard English. So in the text we could see now and then he used bad grammar. Here is just one example.

10.(Para. 6)And by the next year, I had cut 1-1/2 minutes off my time in the 15-kilometer race! : And by the next year, I had reduced my time by one and a half minutes in the 15-kilometer race!

11.(Para. 9)Romantic and otherwise, Nikolai knew love.: No matter Nikolai was romantic or not, he understood what love was.不管他是不是懂得浪漫,尼克莱知道什么是爱。

Adj. /Adv. and / or otherwise, sb. does sth. 无论/不管······, 某人仍做某事。


W e welcome any comments from viewers, favorable or otherwise.观众的意见,无论是褒是贬,我们都欢迎。

不论得志与否,人贵在自知之明。It is wise of one, successful or otherwise, to know the limitations of one‘s own.

不管他是不是故意的,他讲了一些不得体的话,引起了公愤。Intentionally and otherwise, he has said something tactless, which has aroused public anger.

12.(Para. 9)His consistent good humor, quiet gratitude, perceptivity, and sincerity set an Olympic standard for love that I continue to reach for, even though my skiing days are over.: He was always humorous, thankful, perceptive and sincere, which set for me a standard for love, even after I stopped skiing, as high as those standards set for athletes at the Olympics.他以一贯的幽默、默默的感恩、敏锐的感觉和真诚的态度为爱设立了奥林匹克般的标准。

to set a standard for…为······确立标准

在当今激烈竞争时代,多数公司为员工招聘制定了越来越高的标准。In the current time of fierce competition, most companies set higher and higher standards for staff recruitment.

13.(Para. 10)Still, he never babied me. : However, he never spoiled me. (He was always very strict with me in training.)

14.(Para. 10)One February day I had a massive headache and felt quite fatigued.: One February day, I had a serious headache and felt exhausted.

massive: a. large in size, quantity, or extent

People got angry at the evidence of massive cheating in business.大量商业欺诈的证据使人们愤怒了。

I had a massive argument with Vicky yesterday 我昨天同维基进行了一场十分激烈的辩论。fatigue: vt. make someone feel tired

My new job really fatigued me during the first two months.

It took us a whole week to rest after the fatiguing travel.

n. [U] great tiredness

He decided to quit his job because of fatigue.

15.(Para. 10)I came upon him in a clearing, and after approximately 15 minutes of striding into the cold breeze over the white powder to catch him...: I met him in an open area where there was no trees or bushes. After skiing into the cold, light wind for about 15 minutes, I caught up with him... (Note that the coach was much faster in skiing, so it took the writer 15minutes to catch up with him.)我在一片空地上遇见了他,在寒风中的雪地里划了大概十五分钟。

come upon: meet someone or find something by chance

I came upon an old friend on the street.

He came upon a book he had always wanted to have.

在抗震中,人们忽然发现了一条真理:大灾有大爱。In their combat with the earthquake, people came upon a truth that, just as great disaster occurred, so arose great love.

16.fuss v./n. to trouble or worry over trifles; to be excessively careful; to object; complain.

Don‘t fuss over the children so much. 不要太宠爱小孩。

I‘m going to make a fuss about the service in this restaurant. 我将不得不对这家餐馆的服务进行投诉。

17.(Para. 11)... indifferent to my pain.: ... showing little care about my pain.

indifferen t: a. (to) not interested in; not caring

The star always seems indifferent to public opinions.

Uncle John is a strong-minded adventurer, always indifferent to hardships and dangers.

作为一个富有爱心的人,他对别人的疾苦从不漠不关心。As a man rich with love, he is never indifferent to others‘ sufferings.

18.(Para. 12)On other matters, though, I was rebellious.: On other matters, however, I didn't do what he said.在滑雪板上,我照他说的去做。但在其他事情上我会反抗他。

On the matter of …, sb. does sth.. On the matter of …, though, sb. does sth. else.. 在······事上,某人这样做。但在······事上,某人那样做。


有些人小事聪明,大事糊涂。On matters of little importance, some people are clever. On matters of great importance, though, they are confused.

19.(Para. 12)Once, he packed 10 of us into a Finnish bachelor's tiny home for a low-budget ski camp. : Once, he arranged for 10 of us to stay in a Finnish bachelor's small home for a low-cost ski camp.

pack into: if people or things are packed into a place, so many of them are put in there that the place becomes very full

Approximately 250 students were packed into the classroom and I found it hard to breathe. 20.(Para. 12)We awoke the first morning to find Nikolai making breakfast and then made quick work with our spoons while sitting on makeshift chairs around a tiny card table. : The first morning we woke up and found Nikolai making breakfast. W e had our breakfast quickly with spoons while sitting on something we could use as chairs around a very small card table. makeshift: a. used at the time because there is nothing better

W e sat on makeshift chairs — empty boxes.我们用空箱子当板凳凑合坐着。

shift: v. change position or direction; move from one place to another

Students shifted in their seats impatiently during the lecture, apparently bored.

n. [C] a change in position or direction; an act or result of shifting

After the incident, his shift in attitude toward his wife was really obvious.

21.(Para. 12)When we were finished, Nikolai stacked the sticky bowls in front of my sole female teammate and me, asserting, "Now, girls do dishes!" : When breakfast was over, Nikolai piled up the oily, dirty bowls in front of the only other female on the team and me, and said forcefully: "Now, girls wash the dishes!"

assert: vt. 1) state or declare forcefully; 2) make a claim to

He asserted his ideas clearly at the board of directors.他在董事会上清楚地说出了自己的想法。

He asserted that the girl had stolen his wallet.他坚持说那个女孩偷了她的钱包。

People in that nation began to assert their right to govern themselves. 那个国家的人民开始要求自治权。

22.(Para. 13)I threw my napkin on the floor and swore at him...: Being angry, I threw my napkin down onto the floor and shouted rudely at him.

swear: v.1) (at) curse; 2) promise formally

The woman swore at the waiter after he spilt coffee onto her skirt.服务员把咖啡溅到那个女人的裙子上,她狠狠地骂了他。

Lisa asked her husband to stop swearing in front of the kids.丽莎要丈夫不要在孩子面前说脏话。

I swear that I would never let the secret out. 我发誓永远不会泄露这个秘密。

The young man swore on his honor that he would be loyal to his wife forever. 年轻人以自己的名誉发誓他会永远忠实于他的妻子。

23.(Para. 13)"Ask the damn boys! This is unfair." : "I don't think it's right to ask only the girls to wash the dishes. I believe boys should do it as well."

The word "damn" is used to show that you are angry or annoyed with someone or something.

I can't get this damn button undone.

Damn can also be used to emphasize how good /bad sth is

W e‘ve been so damn busy all day; I‘m shattered.我们一整天忙死了,我要累垮了。

It‘s damn cold in here.这儿真冷。

24.(Para. 13)He never asked this of me again, nor did he take much notice of my outburst: He never asked me to wash dishes again, nor did he seem upset by my anger.他没再让我去洗碗,也没对我的大发脾气显得太在意。

面对未来,我们既不要盲目乐观, 也不要过分悲观。In the face of future, we should not show a blind optimism, nor should we show an undue pessimism.

25.(Para. 13)He saved his passion for skiing. : He didn't show strong feelings except in skiing.他只在滑雪时才显露出强烈的情感。

save sth for sth: keep or store sth for

He saved his strength for the end of the race. 他保存体力在赛跑的最后关头冲刺。

他似乎对周围的事物麻木不仁,但实际上,是他对自己的追求太痴情了。He seems indifferent to the world around, but in effect he saves too much passion for his pursuits.

26.(Para. 14)When coaching, he would sing out his instructions keeping rhythm with our stride... : While training us, he would give his instructions in a loud and clear voice keeping rhythm with our movement...训练的时候,他会随着我们迈步的节奏大声发出指令。

sing out: shout or sing some words clearly and loudly大声喊

"See you this summer!" Jimmy sang out as the train began to move.

Having passed the final exams, students felt relaxed and sang out their plans for the holiday.大声讨论着假期计划

keep rhythmn with与······保持节奏同步

要避免未来冲击,就要通过更新知识来与时代保持节奏同步。To avoid the future shock, one must keep rhythm with the t imes by renewing one‘s knowledge.

27.(Para. 17)"But is it fast enough?" I'd persist.

persist: v. (in, with) continue firmly (and perhaps unreasonably) in spite of opposition or warning If you persist in being late for work, you will be fired. 如果你老是上班迟到,你就会被开除的。

The teacher persisted in working regardless of his illness. 老师带病坚持工作。

vi. continue to exist

W e hope the good weather will persist for at least one week.我们希望好天气至少能持续一周。

I wonder how long the problems will persist.我想知道这些问题多久才能得到解决。

28.(Para. 18)"Billion times you make motion —then be perfect," reminding me in an I've-told-you-a-billion-times tone, "Y ou must be patient." : "Y ou must be patient and make the movement (i.e., bring your knee down faster) many times before it'll be perfect." His tone suggested that he was annoyed, for he had told me this many times in the past.

Typically, if we talk about a billion of or billions of people or things, we mean that there is a very large number of them but you do not know or do not want to say exactly how many.

Also note that here "I've-told-you-a-billion-times" is a compound adjective formed from an attributive clause. More examples:

a never-to-be-forgotten film

a not-so-strong football team

29.(Para. 20)Missing the Olympic T eam the previous year had made me pause and reflect on what I had gained — not the least of which was a quiet, indissoluble bond with a short man in a tropical shirt. : Missing the Olympic Team the previous year forced me to stop and make time to think about what I had gained —one important gain was the close and lasting relationship with my coach, Nikolai.怀念起前一年的奥林匹克队,我一时沉默,回想起自己曾经获得过的一切——很重要的一点就是我和这个个子不高的男人之间形成了并不张扬但又牢不可摧的纽带。

reflect on: think deeply about; consider carefully

The manager demanded time to reflect upon what to do next.

I have often reflected upon the new vistas that reading opened to me.

在生活或工作中无论需要做什么决定,我们最好三思而后行。Whatever decision needs making in life or in work, it is advisable for us to reflect on it before making it.

not (the) least: very important

Trade has been bad, not least because of increased costs.生意一直不好,相当重要的原因是价格上涨。

the least of sth: used for emphasizing that a particular problem is smaller or less important than other problems

I‘ll go to pay for the ticket, but that‘s the least of my worries.

Money is the least of my problems right now.

indissoluble: a. impossible to destroy

I always feel myself blessed for the indissoluble friendship between us.我经常为我们之间牢不可破的友谊而深感幸运。

30.(Para. 21)He taught me to be thankful in advance for a century of life on earth, and to remind myself every day that despite the challenges at hand, "Now must be love, love, love." :

He taught me to be thankful for the life I will live in this world, and to remind myself every day that, though I were facing all kinds of challenges, I must love well.他教会我为了能在这个世界上生活一辈子而预先心存感激,并且每天提醒自己:“现在即使面临许多挑战,在心里必须有的是爱、爱、爱。”

Section B

The Standard for Olympic Excellence

I. Reading Skills: Finding Out Word Meanings

In this unit we will review the reading skill we learned in Unit 1, Book 1 —finding out word meanings. Many times we can figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word from clues provided by context and our common sense as well. The context clues that might be helpful for us to recognize the meaning of a new word include: definition, examples, synonyms, antonyms, word stems and affixes.

Here we can pick out some examples from T ext A and elsewhere to explain how this reading skill is used in practice.

Example 1:

Context clue: W e can often figure out an unfamiliar word if we know the prefix or suffix attached to the root word.

Example: Ask the damn boys! This is unfair. (Para. 13)

Explanation: W e can find out the meaning of the new word unfair, because we know that this adjective is formed by adding the prefix un- to the adjective fair.

Example 2:

Context clue: Sentences before or after a sentence containing a difficult word sometimes explain the meaning of the word.

Example: One February day I had a massive headache and felt quite fatigued... I fussed, "Oh, Nikolai, I feel like I am going to die." (Para. 10)

Explanation: The sentence followed the word fatigued helps us find out its meaning: "tired out" or "exhausted".

Example 3:

Context clue: Sometimes we can use our own experiences, or our knowledge about a certain topic to find out the meaning of an unfamiliar word.

Example: Indonesians have traditionally favored large families, and their major religion, Islam, frowns on birth control.

Explanation: According to our knowledge about Islam (and what is said in the first part of the sentence), we know that frown on most probably means "does not approve of.

Example 4:

Context clue: Context sometimes gives examples to illustrate a difficult word rather than define it.

W e can use the examples to figure out the meaning of the word.

Example: Ghana's population has been growing by 3.2 percent a year. This explosive growth has led to the removal of forests in much of the country, and excessive use of existing farmland. Explanation: The first sentence says, "Ghana's population has been growing by 3.2 percent a year." This example clearly explains that explosive growth in the second sentence means "rapid growth".

II. Background Information

1. Carl Lewis, the greatest and most famous athlete of the last century, won 9 Olympic gold medals in four different events (100m, 200m, long jump and 4 x 100m relay).

Carl Lewis was born on 1st July 1961 in Birmingham, Alabama. Since his first years of life he could breathe the soft and clean air of sport: His father used to train athletes at universities and his mother was 6th at 80m hurdles in the Pan-American games of 1951. He saw the Olympic Games of 1968 on TV and admired Bob Beamon. He was so impressed that after Beamon's jump of 8.90m, he went out with a friend to take the length of a limousine(大型豪华轿车) in order to realize how far Bob flied! But for the moment, Carl was so thin that the doctor suggested making him do sports. His education, beyond studies, embraced a lot of fields. He learned to play musical instruments, to dance, to sing and applied himself to a large variety of sports: football, soccer, diving and obviously, track and field.

Amazingly, his father was a friend of Jesse Owens and so Carl grew up under the legend of this man, who won four gold medals in the Olympic Games of Berlin in 1936. Carl began with long jump and after a competition, at the age of 10, he was awarded by Owens himself. At the age of 13 he jumped 5.51m and when he was 17, 7.85m. Trainers pointed him out as a young promise. In fact, in 1979 he was allowed to join the national team and to take part in the Pan-American games in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He placed third with 8.13m on his last jump. Meanwhile, he spent part of his time training for the 100m and in 1979 he ran this in 10.67 seconds. For more information on his later career, visit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/079676467.html,.

2.Ben Johnson was born in Falmouth, Jamaica on 30 December, 1961. He emigrated to Canada in 1976. Ben made his debut at a major international tournament in the 100m at the 1983 W orld Championships, where he was eliminated in the semi-finals. The following year, Ben Johnson reached the final of the 100m at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, finishing third behind Carl Lewis. With the Canadian 4 x 100m relay team, he won a second bronze medal. At the 1987 W orld Championships, in Rome, Johnson gained instant world fame when he beat Lewis for the title, setting a new world record of 9.83 seconds as well. Johnson and Lewis were also the favorites for the 1988 Olympic title. In the final, Johnson beat Lewis, clocking a new world record of 9.79 seconds. A few days later, however, Johnson's urine samples were found to contain steroids, and he was disqualified for doping.

(Visit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/079676467.html,/home.php for more information.)

III. Detailed Study of the T ext

1.(Para. 1)The Olympics remains the most pure example of competition for the sake of competition itself.: The Olympics is still the event where athletes compete with each other just be-cause they enjoy doing so, not for any other purposes.奥林匹克运动会依然是一个为竞争而竞争的最纯粹的例子。

for the sake of:

1) for the purpose of

Never do wrong for the sake of money.绝不要为金钱而干坏事。

For the sake of safety, don't violate the traffic rules.

2) for the good or advantage of

They put up a series of advertisements for the sake of the whole society.为了整个社会的利益他们刊登了一系列的公益广告。

Y our parents do all this just for your sake.

Something that is done or obtained for its own sake is done or obtained because someone wants to do it or have it, and not for any other reason. W e can also say, for example, art for art's sake (为了艺术而艺术), make money for money's sake(为了钱而赚钱).

2.(Para. 1)Athletes sacrifice their careers and bodies risking injury, defeat and complete failure to compete for nothing more than honor for their country and themselves.: To compete for the honor of their nation and themselves (and for nothing else), the athletes give up their careers, taking the risks of getting injured, being defeated, and suffering from complete failure. 运动员们在事业和身体上做出牺牲,冒着受伤、挫折和彻底失败的危险,仅仅为了国家和自身的荣誉而竞争。

Compete for nothing more than —See ―demand nothing less than‖ (Line 21)

sacrifice: vt. give up something, especially for a good purpose or belief

I would never sacrifice my family life for my career. 为了事业牺牲家庭生活

The young man sacrificed his own life to save a child from the river.

there‘s nothing better/ worse/ more exciting than: used for emphasizing how good/ bad/ exciting

There‘s nothing more exciting than seeing your name in print.看见你的名字出现上报了真是非常激动。

There‘s nothing worse than not being able to sleep at night.

3.(Para. 1)T o achieve such honor, one must both perform at his or her event's highest level and act as a role model on the world's biggest stage.: T o win honor for their nations and themselves at the Olympics, athletes must perform at their best, and be a role model for others to follow.发挥模范作用

act as: do the job of; have the role or function of (暂时性的)代理(某人工作)

My brother speaks French — he will act as my interpreter.他将充当翻译

act as a child of eight 扮演一个八岁的小孩

act like a child表现得像个小孩

A "role model" is someone whose behavior is considered to be a good example for other people to follow.

4.(Para. 1)And so, while it must be admitted that performance-enhancing drugs are exploited to offer advantage to some Olympic athletes, those who do so never receive the only true reward the Olympics has to offer: honor.: Although it is true that some athletes use drugs to help them perform better, they never achieve honor in the real sense, which is the only true reward the Olympics can give them.

exploit: vt. use something fully so as to get benefit from it

They are trying to exploit the situation to their advantage.他们试图利用局势,使其对自身有利。

The company exploited its workers with long hours and low pay.

5.(Para. 1)And, they never experience the glory of winning through the virtues of hard work and determination.: And, they are never able to enjoy the great honor of winning that comes from their hard work and a strong desire to succeed.而且他们从未体验过通过刻苦训练与决心这些美德(长处)而获胜所带来的荣誉。

virtue: n. [C] a good quality in character or behavior

Honesty is considered a virtue.

The judge, a man of virtue, has a very good reputation in this area.法官是个品德高尚的人,在这个地区享有很好的声誉。

determination: n. [U] the strong will to do something

Bill is a man of determination.

The athlete showed his great determination and won the first prize as we expected.

6.(Para. 2)The greatest track and field Olympian of all time, Carl Lewis, exemplified the Olympic spirit.: Carl Lewis, the greatest track and field athlete in the Olympic history, acted as a

role model for showing the Olympic spirit.迄今为止,卡尔?刘易斯是奥运会田径项目最伟大的


exemplify: to be a very typical example of

7.(Para. 2)With speed, consistency, integrity and above all desire, Lewis defied not only the stopwatch but also the march of time.: With his speed, consistent performance, honesty and most importantly with his desire, it seemed that for Lewis the stopwatch no longer existed and time stopped.凭着速度、稳定的发挥、诚实,尤其是获胜的渴望,刘易斯的表现非秒表所能计算的,甚至使时间也停滞不前。

above all: most importantly

He is strong, brave, and above all honest.

I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable, and above all in a quiet neighborhood. defy: vt.1) happen in a way that is different from what usually happens or what you expect

The buildings leaned crazily, defying the law of gravity.

2) disobey;

He defied his parents‘ wishes and married Agnes.他违抗父母意愿,和阿格尼斯结了婚。

If you defy the law, you may find yourself in prison.

defy description/analysis/imagination/ understanding etc.: to be so extreme or unusual that it is impossible to describe/ analyze/ imagine/ believe/ understand ect无法描述/分析/想象/理解等

The beauty of the scene defies description.这里的风景优美无法用语言描述。

The problem defied solution. (could not be solved)

defy sb to do sth: call on sb to do sth that one believes he cannot or will not do激某人做某事(即相信他做不到或不愿做)

My friends defied me to propose to that pretty girl.朋友们激我去向那个漂亮女孩求婚。

I defy you to think of one way in which he has helped the others.我倒要看看你能否想出他为别人做过的一件好事。

8.(Para. 2)He demanded nothing less than the best from himself and achieved the best, not with drugs, but with unmatched discipline and commitment to training.: What he wanted was the best results that he could possibly achieve, and he would not accept anything less. Ultimately, he achieved these results not because he used drugs, but because he was strict with himself and he devoted himself to training.

demanded nothing less than: See Note 2

nothing short of/ less than: used for emphasizing how great or extreme sth is

Her victory was nothing less than remarkable.

The state of our health service is nothing short of scandal.丑闻非常多

His behavior was nothing short of rudeness.他的举止非常不礼貌。

9.(Para. 3)Surprisingly, young Carl Lewis was encouraged to pursue music lessons rather than track by his parents.: To our surprise, when Carl Lewis was young, his parents encouraged him to take music lessons instead of doing athletics.

pursue: vt.

1) continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time

I plan to go abroad and pursue my studies after graduation. 我计划毕业以后出国深造。

She pursued her acting career with great determination.她意志坚定地追求她的表演事业。2) chase someone or something in order to catch them

Pursued by the police, the escaped prisoner couldn't rest for a moment.因为被警察追捕,逃犯无法得到片刻的休息。

pursuit (n)

I‘m always amazed at the things people do in pursuit of love.我总是为人们在追求爱情时所做的事情感到惊讶。

10.(Para. 3)But, he would not hear of it, and stuck a strip of tape on the ground to mark the distance for the world record and began jumping toward it with singular determination.: He refused to take music lessons as his parents suggested. Instead, he marked out the distance for the world record of long jump with a piece of tape and began jumping toward it with a strong will. not hear of it: refuse to accept a suggestion or offer

He suggested they move from the city to the country, but his wife wouldn't hear of it.……可他妻子对此不予理会。

I had been telling my father I would work as a reporter after graduation, but he wouldn't hear of it.……可他从来都不愿意听。

singular: a. of unusual quality; extraordinary非凡的

He fell in love with a woman of singular beauty the moment they met each other.他对那位美貌超群的女子一见钟情。

The boy impressed everyone deeply with his singular memory. 男孩非凡的记忆给大家留下深刻的印象。

11.(Para. 3)Carl set his mind on track and that was it.: Carl decided to take up track as his career and never changed his mind.卡尔决心联系田径,后来始终没有改变。

set one's mind on sth.: be determined to do something or obtain something

Once I set my mind on something, I will achieve it by all means.

Lisa set her mind on ballet and she went to classes everyday after work,

12.(Para. 3)He said he wanted to be the best, period.她说她想成为最好的,就这些。

In the US, people say "period" after stating a fact or opinion when they want to emphasize that they are definite about something and do not want to discuss further. Here it means that Carl Lewis always wanted to be the best and nothing else.

Crisis in W estern civilization has come to mean danger, period.在西方文明中,危机的意思是危险,仅此而已。

I could have helped them, and I didn't. Period.

13.(Para. 3)His years of practice and quiet self-confidence set the stage for a phenomenal Olympic track and field career.: He prepared for his unusually successful Olympic track and

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