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人文知识选择题 之英国教育


1. In Britain, children between the ages of _______ to _______ must receive the compulsory education.

A. 5, 15

B. 6, 15

C. 5, 16

D. 6, 16

2. The selection tests taken at the age of 11 is known as _______.

A. eleven-plus

B. A-level

C. O-level


3. The pupils who had got the highest marks in the “eleven-plus” examination would go to _______ school.

A. grammar

B. technical

C. secondary modern

D. senior high

4. Public schools of British secondary education are funded by _______.

A. the state

B. the charity

C. the private

D. the community

5.Which of the following is NOT a famous public secondary school for boys?

A. Eton.

B. Harrow.

C. Westminster.

D. Roedean.

6.There are about _______ universities, including the Open University in Britain.

A. 70

B. 80

C. 90

D. 100

7.Of the following universities, which one is the oldest in the U.K.?

A. University of Oxford

B. University of Cambridge

C. University of Manchester

D. University of Edinburgh

8. The universities of St. Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh are called the four _______ universities.

A. Irish

B. Welsh

C. Scottish

D. English

9. The _______ University offers courses through one of BBC’s television channels and by radio.

A. Open

B. Free

C. National

D. Community

10. Titles for a ?rst degree in universities are Bachelor of _______ and Bachelor of _______.

A. Arts, Science

B. Arts, Technology

C. Philosophy, Arts

D. Philosophy, Science


1. C

英国教育体系中的义务教育阶段是5岁~ 16岁,5岁是每一位学生在学校学习的最低年限。而在北爱尔兰,儿童从4岁开始就进入义务教育年龄了。

2. A


3. A

在eleven-plus考试中成绩最好的孩子会进入grammar school(文法学校),其次是进入secondary modern school(普通学校),另外还有一部分会进入技校。

4. C

英国的中等教育学校主要包括state school和public school两种,前者属于国家资助的公立学校,后者虽名为公学,实为私立学校。

5. D

英国著名的男子公学包括Eton(伊顿)、Harrow(哈罗)、Westminster(威斯敏斯特)和Winchester (温彻斯特),Roedean是一所著名的女子公学。

6. C


7. A

牛津大学(University of Oxford )位于英国牛津市,是英语世界中最古老的大学。牛津大学建校于1167年,至今已有将近9个世纪的历史。剑桥大学(University of Cambridge )成立于1209年,最早是由一批为躲避殴斗而从牛津大学逃离出来的老师建立的。

8. C


9. A


10. A

大学学位分为Bachelor of Arts(文学学士),Bachelor of Science(理学学士);Master of Arts (文学硕士),Master of Science(理学硕士);Doctor of Philosophy(哲学博士)。


1. _______ generates about two thirds of the Gross Domestic Product in Britain.

A. Textile Industry

B. Tourism

C. Auto-making Industry

D. Service Industry

2. Under Margaret Thatcher Britain experienced _______.

A. economic recession

B. economic expansion

C. economic decline

D. economic depression

3. Rolls-Royce is world famous for _______.

A. machine tools

B. household appliances

C. luxury automobiles

D. high-quality knives and hand tools

4. The area between _______ and _______ is now often referred to as the “Silicon Glen”.

A. London, South Wales

B. the Oxford, the Cambridge

C. London, the Cambridge

D. Glasgow, Edinburgh

5. Which area is called the Garden of England and is famous for beautiful blossoms in spring?

A. The county of Kent in southeastern England.

B. The county of East Sussex in southern England.

C. The county of West Sussex in southern England.

D. The county of Essex in eastern England.

6. Britain once imported chie? y _______ and exported mostly _______.

A. manufactured products, raw materials

B. foods, minerals

C. raw materials, manufactured products

D. minerals, foods

7. Britain’s leading customers and suppliers are France, Germany and _______.

A. Japan

B. Belgium

C. the Netherlands

D. the United States

8. Britain is a member of the European Union, which was previously called _______ and _______.

A. the World Trade Center, the Common Market

B. the Common Market, the European Economic Community

C. the European Community, the European Economic Community

D. the Common Market, the OPEC

9. The European Union (EU) is an organization of 15 _______ that promotes cooperation among

its members.

A. European countries

B. developed countries

C. Western European countries

D. Southern European countries

10. Headquarters of the European Union are in _______.

A. Paris, France

B. London, Britain

C. Berlin, Germany

D. Brussels, Belgium

11. Today, the City of London is the business center of London where _______ are located.

A. big supermarkets

B. theatres and cinemas

C. large ? nancial organizations

D. restaurants and cafes

12. What is Lloyd’s?

A. It is a famous bank.

B. It is a big department store.

C. It is a famous insurance company.

D. It is a large hotel.

13. The term “British Disease”is now often used to characterize Britain’s economic _______.

A. in? ation

B. over-booming situation

C. decline

D. expansion

14. Which of the following is NOT a chief crop in Britain?

A. Wheat.

B. Barley.

C. Oats.

D. Rice.

15. British agriculture is highly mechanized, with _______ of the population managing

_______ of the land area.

A. 10%, 70%

B. 5%, 60%

C. 3%, 70%

D. 4%, 6%


1. D英国的服务业(service trade ),特别是银行、保险和商务服务,占国内生产总值的最大比例,为三分之二。

2. B撒切尔政府在英国推行的政策包括私有化、去监管化、减税、取消汇率管制、打击工会力量以及颂扬财富创造而非财富再分配。所以在这些政策之下,英国经济发展迅速。

3. C1906年劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)在英国宣布正式成立,主营奢华轿车,是汽车王国雍荣高贵的唯一标志。无论劳斯莱斯的款式如何老旧,造价多么高昂,至今仍然没有挑战者。

4. D英国的“硅谷”(Silicon Glen )指的是英国苏格兰高科技区,位于英国苏格兰中部地区,包括格拉斯哥、爱丁堡、史特灵、利维斯顿、邓迪等地。

5. A肯特郡(The county of Kent )被人们亲切地称为“英格兰的花园” ,这里的英国乡村风光——鲜花绽放的果园、雄伟的城堡和美丽的花园赋予它独特而不可抗拒的魅力。

6. C英国曾经被称为“世界工厂”。

7. D英国主要的贸易伙伴是法国、德国和美国。

8. B英国于1973年加入共同市场(the Common Market ),后来共同市场于1976年更名为欧共体(the European Economic Community ),又于1993年更名为欧盟(the European Union )。

9. C欧盟是西欧国家共同建立和参与的地区性国际组织,用于促进欧洲地区各成员国的合作与发展。


11.C圣保罗大教堂东侧,有一块被称为“一平方英里”(Square Mile)的地方,这里聚集着数以百计的银行及其他金融机构,被看作是华尔街在伦敦的翻版,HSBC(汇丰银行),Barclays(巴克莱银行),Citibank(花旗银行)等金融机构在这里扎堆儿,因其金融机构密集,所以又称“金融城”。

12.C Lloyd’s指的是英国劳埃德保险社。总部在伦敦,是伦敦著名的金融机构之一。

13.C “英国病”指的是经济衰退。




1. Which of the following is wrong about the official title of the present British monarch Elizabeth II?

A. Head of the commonwealth.

B. Head of the Catholic Church.

C. Head of the executive, the legislature and the judiciary.

D. Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her other realms and territories.

2. All British of? cial documents bear the initials _______.

A. OHMS which stands for On Her Majesty’s Service

B. OPMS which stands for On Prime Minister’s Service

C. OGS which stands for On God’s Service

D. OCS which stands for On the Cabinet’s Service

3. In Britain, a general election takes place at least every _______ years.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

D. 6

4. The supreme law-making authority in Britain is _______.

A. Parliament

B. Cabinet

C. Supreme Court

D. Queen

5. To its full sense, the British parliament consists of _______.

A. the House of the Lords and the House of Commons

B. the House and the Senate

C. the Queen and the House of Lords

D. the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons

6. The real and central power of the British parliament lies in the hand of _______.

A. the House of the Lords

B. the House of the Commons

C. the Sovereign

D. two houses together

7. The real power of the House of Lords lies in _______.

A. helping to pass money bills

B. delaying bills

C. discussing bills

D. being Supreme Court

8. The executive power of the British government is in the hands of _______.

A. the Prime Minister

B. the House of Lords and the House of Commons

C. the Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister

D. the Queen

9. The two major parties governing the country by turns in Britain are _______.

A. the Labor Party and the Conservative Party

B. the Labor party and the Liberty Party

C. the Liberty Party and the Conservative Party

D. the Democratic Party and the Liberty Party

10. Prime Minister is not _______.

A. appointed by the queen

B. the minister for the civil service

C. a member of the House of Commons

D. elected every four years

11. People between the ages of _______ and 70 (65 in Scotland) whose names appear on the electoral register, with certain exceptions, are liable for jury service and their names

are chosen at random.

A. 18

B. 19

C. 20

D. 21

12. Youth Courts try most cases involving people under _______.

A. 17

B. 18

C. 19

D. 20

13. No. 10 Downing Street is _______.

A. the of? ce of British navy

B. seat of English parliament

C. of? cial residence of the king or queen

D. of? cial residence of the prime minister

14. The metropolitan police force of London is under the direct control of _______.

A. the Prime Minister

B. the Defense Minister

C. the Home Secretary

D. the Queen

15. The president of the lords in Britain is called _______.

A. Lord Chancellor

B. Speaker

C. Prime minister

D. Chairman


1. B

英国的君主伊丽莎白二世的全称是“Elizabeth the second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her other realms and territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith”,意思为“上帝天佑,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国以及其他领土和领地的女王,英联邦元首,国教的保护者伊丽莎白二世”,英国的国教是英格兰教会(the Church of England),不是天主教会。

2. A虽然君主只是国家的象征,并没有实权,但是为了继承传统,表达对君主的敬意以及体现其国家首领的地位,英国所有的官方文件上都印有“OHMS”的字样,表示On Her Maj’esty s Service。

3. C英国的大选每5年一次。

4. A英国政府实行行政、立法和司法三权分立,议会是最高立法机关。

5. D英国国会是英国本土和海外领土的最高立法机关,英国国会的首领为英国君主(the Sovereign ),还包括上议院(the House of Lords )和下议院(the House of Commons )。

6. B虽然君主(the Sovereign )是国会的首领,但是没有实权,只是一个象征性的代表。上议院(the House of Lords )议员大多沿袭世袭制传统,所以许多权力受到禁止或者限制。因此,国会的核心实权掌握在下议院(the House of Commons )手中。

7. D上议院也叫贵族院,是由神职贵族和世俗贵族组成的,多为世袭的成员。它的主要作用是用议员的丰富经验帮助立法。换言之,无选举权的上议院是修正议院,它补充而非反对由选举产生的下议院。上议院的真正权力不体现在立法上,而体现在司法上,因为上议院是英国的最高法院。

8. C英国政府的行政权力集中在以首相为首的内阁。首相由国会提名,女王任命;各内阁大臣由首相提名,女王任命。

9. A英国有很多政党,但是有两个主要的政党,即the Labor Party(工党)和the Conservative Party (保守党)。



11. A英国的每个司法法庭都设有一个12人的陪审团,陪审团由平民组成,由法院在所有的适龄(18岁~70岁)合法选民中随机抽取,每个适龄合法选民都有参与司法陪审的义务。

12. B青少年法庭主要受理18岁以下的青少年犯罪案件。

13. D Downing Street(唐宁街)位于伦敦中部,唐宁街10号是英国首相的官邸,唐宁街11号是英国财政大臣的官邸,因此唐宁街常被作为英国政府的代名词。

14. C整个英国的警力都由内政大臣(the Home Secretary )掌控;其中,伦敦的警力直接由内政大臣调动。

15. A英国大法官(Lord Chancellor )在重大国务官员中排名第二,负责主持上议院的会议。


1. In history, Romans occupied Britain for about _______ years.

A. 700

B. 600

C. 500

D. 400

2. Which of the following tribes ? rst came to Britain?

A. Anglos.

B. Saxons.

C. Jutes.

D. Celts.

3. The three great Germanic tribes: the Anglos, the _______ and the Jutes, which invaded Britain, form the basis of the modern British people.

A. Saxons

B. Scots

C. Welsh

D. Essex

4. William won the Battle of Hastings. Later, on _______, he was crowned King of England.

A. Easter Day

B. St. Andrew’s Day

C. Christmas Day

D. Boxing Day

5. William, Duke of Normandy, is now known as _______.

A. William the Confessor

B. William Lion-Heart

C. the father of the British navy

D. William the Conqueror

6. Because of the _______ in 1066, a lot of French words entered into the English vocabulary.

A. Norman Conquest

B. Crusades

C. Invasion of the Vikings

D. Wars of the Roses

7. The Wars of Roses are fought between _______.

A. France and Britain

B. England and Scotland

C. England and Wales

D. two branches of the English royal family

8. During the reign of _______, England was separated from the Roman Empire religiously.

A. Henry VII

B. Henry VIII

C. Elizabeth I

D. James II

9. The legend of the Knights of the Round Table is always associated with _______.

A. Alfred the Great

B. King Arthur

C. William the Conqueror

D. King Harold

10. The Great Charter (Magna Charter) was signed by _______ in 1215.

A. King Henry II

B. King John

C. King William

D. King Richard

11. _______ of 1215 was regarded as the basis of the modern English constitution.

A. Enclosure Acts

B. The Act of Union

C. Magna Charter

D. People’s Charter

12. During the 14th century, an epidemic named _______ spread over Europe and caused millions of deaths.

A. Black Death

B. Malaria

C. Rift Valley Fever

D. Scarlet Fever

13. The Black Death, which ravaged England in the 14th century, carried off _______.

A. 3/4 of the population

B. 1/4 of the population

C. 1/5 of the population

D. 1/2 of the population

14. Britain was once a (n) _______ country for a short period of time in its history under the lead of Oliver Cromwell.

A. Democratic

B. Commonwealth

C. Republic

D. United

15. The defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navy took place during _______.

A. The Civil Wars

B. The Victorian Age

C. The Elizabeth Age

D. The Glorious Revolution

16. Mary I is remembered less by her official title than the nickname “Bloody Mary”because ______.

A. she was a devout catholic and had a lot of Protestants burnt to death

B. she launched a series of wars

C. she showed no mercy to Catholics

D. she killed all her brothers and sisters in order to get the throne

17. Which of the following does NOT belong to the historical in? uence of the Bill of Rights?

A. It marks the replacement of the autocratic monarchy with a constitutional monarchy.

B. It marks the end of medieval period — the period of feudalism.

C. It marks the beginning of the modern period — the period of capitalism.

D. It marks the beginning of the English Renaissance.

18. _______ was the founder of the Plantagenet Dynasty and ruled England for 35 years.

A. Henry I

B. King Stephen

C. Henry II

D. Count of Anjou

19. During the reign of _______, Wales was brought under English rule.

A. Henry III

B. Edward I

C. Edward II

D. Edward III

20. _______ became the ? rst prince to hold the title of Prince of Wales, which continues to be borne by the eldest son of the reigning monarch.

A. Richard I

B. Henry III

C. Edward II

D. Edward III

21. The chief demand of the peasants during the Peasant Uprising of 1381 was _______.

A. the abolition of villeinage

B. the punishment of the King’s ministers

C. the increase of wages

D. the reform of the church

22. The name of Wars of the Roses was, in fact, coined by the great 19th century novelist _______.

A. Charles Dickens

B. George Elliot

C. Sir Walter Scott

D. Charlotte Bronte

23. _______ declared himself Supreme Head of the Church of England in 1535.

A. Henry VIII

B. Henry IV

C. Henry VII

D. Edward III

24. Mary died childless and her half-sister _______ came to the throne in 1558.

A. Ann

B. Victoria

C. Elizabeth

D. Catherine

25. In _______, a small group of Puritans sailed from Plymouth in the May? ower, and found New Plymouth in America, Britain’s ? rst settlement in the New World.

A. 1614

B. 1615

C. 1620

D. 1621

26. The Great Civil War, as it became known, was fought between _______.

A. Royolists and Parliamentarians

B. the House of Lancaster and the House of York

C. king and church

D. England and Scotland

27. From 1649 to 1658 England was called a commonwealth, ruled by Oliver Cromwell as _______.

A. President

B. Lord Protector

C. Lieutenant general

D. Commander of the new model army

28. The longest reign in British history was the monarch of _______, which lasted from 1837 to 1901.

A. Queen Elizabeth I

B. Queen Victoria

C. Queen Mary I

D. Henry VIII

29. An empire “on which the sun never sets” is a nickname of the Britain during the reign of _______.

A. Queen Elizabeth I

B. Queen Victoria

C. Queen Mary I

D. Henry VIII

30. The Whigs and the Tories originated from the Glorious Revolution became _______ in the mid-19th century.

A. the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party

B. the Labor Party and the Conservative Party

C. the Liberal Party and the Republican Party

D. the Labor Party and the Republican Party

31. Land Enclosure was a disaster for the _______ evicted from their land by the enclosures.

A. landlords

B. tenants

C. farmers

D. wage laborers

32. In Ireland and Scottish Highlands land enclosure led to mass emigration, particularly to _______.

A. Africa

B. Eastern Europe

C. Asia

D. the New World

33. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before _______.

A. 1918

B. 1920

C. 1928

D. 1945

34. The Labor Party had its origins in the _______, which was formed in January, 1893.

A. Independent Labor Party

B. Grand National Consolidated Trade Union

C. Amalgamated Society of Engineers

D. Trade Union Congress

35. As a result of the First World War, the _______ was established in 1920.

A. League of Nations

B. British Commonwealth

C. British East India Company

D. United Nations

36. The British Empire ended in _______.

A. the 1920s

B. the 1930s

C. the 1940s

D. the 1950s

37. The Blitz radically changed the face of London for the ? rst time since ____nearly 3 centuries earlier.

A. the Black Death

B. the Great Fire

C. the Civil War

D. the Great Plague

38. The joint communiqué issued by the US and British 1941 is _______.

A. the Teheran Declaration

B. the Atlantic Charter

C. the Potsdam Treaty

D. the Washington Declaration

39. In the 1960s Pop music underwent a revolution when the Beatles became world famous and turned their hometown of _______ into a place of pilgrimage.

A. Manchester

B. Blackpool

C. Liverpool

D. Shef? eld

40. Britain’s ?rst woman prime minister was _______.

A. Catherine

B. Elizabeth

C. Anne Boleyn

D. Margaret Thatcher

1. D



自公元前3000年起,伊比利亚人居住在不列颠岛上。公元前6世纪起,Celts开始侵犯并定居于不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛。在5世纪中叶,Jutes ,Saxons 和Anglos 赶走了Celts ,占领了英国。

3. A

公元450年,来自欧洲大陆的三个日耳曼族群(the Anglos, Saxons and Jutes )入侵并占领不列颠岛,赶走Celts ,命名这片土地为the land of angles ,他们的语言就是angles language ,后来发展成为今天的English 。

4. C

1066年10月14 日,威廉在黑斯廷斯战役(Battle of Hastings )中打败了哈罗德国王(King Harold )。在不久之后的圣诞节,William被加冕为英格兰国王,俗称征服者威廉(William the Conqueror )。





7. D


8. B


9. B

亚瑟王(King Arthur )是6世纪的英格兰国王,他和他的圆桌骑士的传奇经常被搬上银幕。圆桌后来也被人们借用以示平等;Alfred the Great (阿尔弗莱德大帝)是8世纪时打败丹麦入侵者,收拢seven kingdoms (七国),第一次统一英格兰的国王;William the Conqueror (征服者威廉)与King Harold (哈罗德)是诺曼底征服时对立双方的头领,William the Conqueror 打败King Harold ,于1066年被加冕为英格兰国王,法式的封建君主制度在英国得以完全建立。

10. B

英国的《大宪章》是12 15年亨利二世国王的儿子King John在贵族和教士们的压力下签署的重要政治法律文件,该宪章的主要内容是保护贵族权力、限制王权,因此被认为是维护公民权利不受王权侵犯的重要文件。

11. C

Magna Charter,(1215年《大宪章》),其重大影响在于支持了与专制政府相对的个人权利,被后人看成是现代英国宪法的基础;The Act of Union (《联合法案》),是1707年统一英格兰和苏格兰的法案,标志着不列颠王国形成;Enclosure Acts是18世纪议会通过的《圈地法案》,这为资产阶级的发展准备了劳动力,实现了必要的资本积累;People’s Charter (1838年《人民宪章》),是宪章运动的纲领,宪章运动是19世纪中期的一场政治和社会运动,是世界上第一场大规模的工人运动,为工人阶级和普通人争取选举权,宪章中的要求后来基本都得以实现。

12. A 14世纪中期,一场鼠疫(也名Black Death ,黑死病,由老鼠身上的跳蚤传播)在欧洲蔓

延,400万欧洲人口,有150万染病死亡,各国遭受巨大劳动力损失,劳动力的缺乏导致许多贵族从农耕业转向畜牧业,加上后来的农民起义,直接导致了中世纪农奴制的没落。Malaria是疟疾;Rift Valley Fever是裂谷热;Scarlet Fever是猩红热。

13. D 黑死病是人类历史上最严重的瘟疫之一,起源于亚洲西南部,约在十四世纪四十年代蔓延到欧洲。这场瘟疫造成全世界7500万人死亡,其中2500万为欧洲人。据估计,中世纪欧洲约有三分之一的人死于黑死病,英国有一半的人死于黑死病。

14. C 詹姆斯一世和查尔斯一世过于专权,引起议会不满,1642年,克伦威尔领导议会推翻了君主,于1653年建立了共和制政体,但共和国非常短命,只延续了7年,1660年便遭到解体,君主王朝复辟。

15. C 在16世纪以前,西班牙一直是海上霸王,其无敌舰队(Armada )所向披靡,无往不胜。伊丽莎白一世统治时期,英国社会方方面面繁荣昌盛,军事力量也得到了增强,因为它是一个岛国,无需分散精力操练陆军,所以海军力量增长得十分迅速。在一次战斗中,英国海军在Sir Francis Drake 的带领下打败了有着不败神话的西班牙无敌舰队,从此奠定了英国的海上霸主地位。

16. A 玛丽亚一世是一名狂热的天主教徒,在位期间,她将所有的非天主教徒都定义为异教徒并进行残酷迫害,其中尤以新教徒居多。因此,无数新教徒都被活活烧死,场面血腥至极。所以,后人都称她为“血腥玛丽亚”。

17. D the Bill of Rights (《权利法案》)是光荣革命(The Glorious Revolution )后议会为了避免出现詹姆斯一世和查尔斯一世时的君主专政统治,制定的一系列限制君主权力的法律条文,总称为《权利法案》。《权利法案》标志着君主专政的结束和君主立宪制的开始,同时也标志着英国封建制度的灭亡和资本主义阶段的开始。English Renaissance是伊丽莎白时期的英国文艺复兴运动,时间不重叠,也非《权利法案》的意义。

18. C 亨利二世于1154年从斯帝芬国王(King Stephen )那里继得王位,开启了金雀花王朝,此名来源于他的父亲安茹伯爵(Count of Anj ou ),安茹伯爵喜欢将金雀花戴在帽子上作装饰。

19. B 1284年,爱德华一世颁布the Statute of Wales (《威尔士法》),将威尔士收到英格兰旗下,并任命他新出生的儿子爱德华二世为威尔士亲王,这个传统被一直保持至今。

20. C 同上。

21. A 1381年,Wat Tyler (瓦特?泰勒)和Jack Straw (杰克?斯特劳)领导农民起义并占据了伦敦,他们要求国王废除隶农制,削减地租并准许农民自由进入各种市场和集市(abolition of villeinage, reduction of rent, free access to all fairs and markets )。

22. C 玫瑰战争(Wars of the Roses )指英国兰卡斯特王朝(House of Lancaster )和约克王朝(House of York )的支持者之间为了英格兰王位的断续内战。玫瑰战争不是当时所用的名字,是19世纪英国文坛大师Sir Walter Scott (瓦尔特?司各特爵士)第一次使用“玫瑰战争”这个名字,它来源于两个皇族所选的家徽,兰卡斯特的红玫瑰和约克的白玫瑰。

23. A 亨利八世混乱的私生活引起了罗马教会的强烈不满,尤其是当他要求教皇批准离婚后,双方之间的冲突更加激烈。1535年,亨利八世不堪忍受教皇的限制,宣布英国脱离罗马教会,认定英格兰


24. C 伊丽莎白一世(Elizabeth I ),于1558年11月17 日至1603年3月24 日任英格兰王国和爱尔兰女王,是都铎王朝的第五位也是最后一位君主。她终身未嫁,因此被称为“童贞女王”。她即位时不但成功地保持了英格兰的统一,而且在经过近半个世纪的统治后,使英格兰成为欧洲最强大的国家之一。英格兰文化也在此期间达到了一个顶峰,涌现出了诸如莎士比亚、弗朗西斯?培根这样的著名人物。英国在北美的殖民地亦在此期间开始确立。这段时期在英国历史上被称为“伊丽莎白时期”,亦称为“黄金时代”。

25. C 1620年,201名清教徒乘坐“五月花”号船从英国的Plymouth(普利茅斯)出发,前往美洲新大陆,并且在新大陆建立了第一个殖民地New Plymouth(新普利茅斯),这一批人成为后来美国人真正意义上的祖先。

26. A 内战是Royolists (保皇派)和Parliamentarians(议会派)之间的战争。

27. B 1649至1658年间,英格兰成立共和国,克伦威尔成为英格兰共和国的护国公。克伦威尔是国会议员,内战爆发后,他率兵打败了保皇党军队,处死了查理一世。1653年,他解散国会,自称护国公,成为英格兰共和国的首脑。

28. B Queen Victoria(维多利亚女王)是英国历史上在位时间最长的君主,一方面源于英国世界第一的强大经济和军事地位,一方面也源于维多利亚女王本身非常虔诚和保守的生活方式。维多利亚时期,英国繁荣稳定,全民氛围积极乐观向上,是英国历史上最鼎盛的时期。

29. B如上题所述Queen Victorian Age(维多利亚时期)是英国历史上最鼎盛的时期。后半期还见证了疯狂的殖民扩张和帝国主义的发展,由于强大的经济和军事实力,英国的殖民地遍布全球,因此,英国也被称为“日不落帝国”。

30. A辉格党和托利党源于光荣革命。辉格党后来发展成为自由党,托利党后来发展成为保守党。

31. B在农奴制解体过程中,英国新兴的资产阶级和新贵族通过暴力把佃农从土地上赶走,强占佃农份地及公有地,剥夺佃农的土地使用权和所有权,限制或取消原有的共同耕地权和畜牧权,把强占的土地圈占起来,变成私有的大牧场、大农场,用以养羊。这就是英国历史上有名的“羊吃人”的“圈地运动”(Land Enclosure )。圈地运动直接导致农民与土地分离,这些失去土地的佃农成为圈地运动最大的受害者,他们没有了赖以谋生的土地,流离失所,一部分人移民到新大陆寻求机遇,一部分人则成为资本家血汗工厂的廉价劳动力。

32. D同上。

33. A英国女性选举权是经过两个步骤才得以完全实现的:在1918年,30岁以上女性获得选举权;到1928年女性才最终获得同男子同等的选举权。

34. A 1893年成立的独立工党(Independent Labor Party )因为其党派主张过于理想化和个人主义,不可能成为多数党;1900年,更名为劳工代表委员会(Labor Representation Committee ),致力于在议会上为劳工阶级争取利益;1906年,再次更名成为劳工党(Labor Party ),后来因为参与战时联合政府,逐渐成为第一反对党和轮流执政党。

35. A 第一次世界大战后,在《凡尔赛和约》中,成立了第一个世界性的国际组织国家联盟(the league of nations ),宗旨是减少武器数量,平息国际纠纷及维持民众的生活水平,但是国际联盟并没能阻止二战的爆发,在二战结束后被联合国取代。

36. C 二战之后,1947年印度宣布独立,1948年缅甸宣布独立,1949年纽芬兰加入加拿大自治领。英国的全部海外殖民地几乎自治或独立。曾经殖民地遍布全球的大英帝国彻底瓦解。

37. B 伦敦大火(Great Fire of London ),发生于1666年9月2日至5 日,是英国伦敦历史上最严重的一次火灾,其中有许多建筑物被烧毁,包括圣保罗大教堂。大火使得伦敦面目全非,所幸逃生时间充足,全城只有5人遇难。德国人的闪电袭击(The Blitz)也和大火一样,彻底改变了伦敦的面貌。

38. B 大西洋宪章是美国总统富兰克林?罗斯福和英国首相丘吉尔在1941年共同起草的联合宣言。虽然美国当时并未参战,但宣言里已经包含了解决战后国际问题的方针,并体现了罗斯福总统的四大自由原则,即the four freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear(言论自由,宗教信仰自由,免于匮乏的自由,免于恐惧的自由)。

39. C 利物浦是闻名世界、令无数流行乐迷倾倒的甲壳虫乐队(the Beatles )的故乡。乐队的四人-保罗?麦卡特尼、乔治?哈里森、林格?斯塔尔、约翰?列农都出生、成长在这里,他们演唱过无数脍炙人口的单曲,给现代流行音乐留下了宝贵的财富。

40. D Thatcher(撒切尔)是英国保守党政治家和首相,也是欧洲历史上第一位女首相,并连任三届,在她辞职时成为英国历史上任期最长的首相。


1. Which of the following is not a political division on the island of Great Britain?

A. England

B. Scotland.

C. Northern Ireland.

D. Wales.

2. Which of the following is not one of the 3 largest cities of the U.K.?

A. London.

B. Edinburgh

C Glasgow. D. Birmingham.

3. Mt. Ben Nevis, the highest mountain of the U.K, stands in _______.

A. Scottish Highlands

B. Wales

C. England

D. Northern Ireland

4. The second longest but most important river of the U.K. is _______.

A. Severn River

B. Rein River

C. Thames River

D. Colorado River

5. Cardiff is the capital of _______.

A. England

B. Scotland

C. Wales

D. Northern Ireland

6. Manchester is nicknamed as _______ of the world.

A. Cottonopolis

B. Iron City

C. Ghost City

D. Automobile City

7. ______, though not the highest peak, was the “backbone of England”.

A. The Pennine Chain

B. The Ben Nevis

C. The Rocky Mountains

D. The Alps

8. The United Kingdom does not share border with any other country EXCEPT _______.

A. France

B. The Republic of Ireland

C. Germany

D. Iceland

9. The “land of song” refers to _______.

A. Ireland

B. Wales

C. Scotland

D. England

10. The largest freshwater lake is _______ in Northern Ireland.

A. Loch Lomond

B. Loch Neagh

C. Windermere

D. Ullswater

11. The two large islands that make up the British Isles are _______.

A. Scotland and Ireland

B. Britain and Scotland

C. Great Britain and Northern Ireland

D. Great Britain and Ireland

12. The United Kingdom is located in _______.

A. northern Europe

B. western Europe

C. northwestern Europe

D. southeastern Europe

13. The British Empire was replaced by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of

Nations in _______.

A. 1921

B. 1931

C. 1945

D. 1950

14. The Commonwealth of Nations is an association of independent countries _______.

A. that were once colonies of Britain

B. that have a large number of British immigrants

C. that have close relations with Britain

D. that have fought on the side of Britain in the two world wars

15. The English Channel separates the island of Great Britain from _______.

A. Denmark

B. Belgium

C. France

D. the Netherlands

16. Scotland occupies the _______ third of the island of Great Britain in the British Isles.

A. Southern

B. northern

C. Eastern

D. western

17. Britain’s longest rivers are _______.

A. the Severn and the Clyde

B. the Thames and the Clyde

C. the Clyde and the Humber

D. the Severn and the Thames

18. Britain’s climate is in? uenced by _______, a warm ocean current that passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them.

A. the North Atlantic Drift

B. the Brazil Current

C. the Labrador Current

D. the Falkland Current

19. England’s biggest naval base is _______.

A. Dover

B. London

C. Plymouth

D. Portsmouth

20. The _______ of London is famous as centers for drama and music and is also a commercial


A. City of London

B. Greater London

C. West end

D. East end

1. C

大不列颠岛上共有三个政治分区,分别为England(位于南部,面积最大、人口最稠密),Scotland (位于北部,拥有三大自然区:北部高地、中部低地和南部丘陵)和Wales(位于西部)。Ireland 是大不列颠岛之外的另一个岛屿,包含英国的Northern Ireland和the Republic of Ireland。

2.B 伦敦(London )是英国第一大城市及第一大港,欧洲最大的都会区之一兼世界三大金融中心之一。人口751.24万,面积1,577.3平方公里,是世界十大都市之一。伯明翰(Birmingham )是英国的第二大城市,面积266平方公里,人口103万,是英国的煤铁主要产地。格拉斯哥是英国第三大城市。

3.A 本内维斯山(Ben Nevis )是不列颠群岛最高的山峰。它位于英国苏格兰西部的格兰扁山脉,毗邻高地的小镇威廉堡(Fort William )。有时人们也称呼本内维斯山为本(Ben) 。

4.C 泰晤士河,英国第二大河流,也是最重要的水路,又是英国的母亲河。它发源于英格兰西南部的科茨沃尔德山,从源头到伦敦桥长259公里,伦敦桥至诺尔岛长77公里,全长340公里,通航里程为309公里。

5.C 加的夫(Cardiff ),英国威尔士地区首府,英国第十六大城市,威尔士最大城市,人口约319,700,面积190平方公里。英国西南部的重要港口和工业、服务业中心。

6.A 曼彻斯特是棉纺织工业的发祥地。两百多年前,在这里诞生了世界上最早的近代棉纺织大工业,揭开了工业革命的序幕。曼彻斯特也随着棉纺工业的出现成为新一代大工业城市的先驱,因此被称作“棉都”。

7. A Ben Nevis是英国最高峰。The Pennine Chain (奔宁山脉)是英国的脊梁。

8. B 英国是欧洲岛国,其英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士国土不与任何其他国家接壤,北爱尔兰是爱尔兰岛的一部分,与爱尔兰共和国接壤。

9. B 威尔士素有歌曲之乡的美名,造就出许许多多的音乐人才和优良的音乐传统。每年威尔士都会举行国际音乐和诗歌艺术节,吸引着来自全世界各地的诗人和艺人。

10. B 内伊湖(Loch Neagh ),北爱尔兰湖泊。长29公里,平均宽24公里,面积396平方公里,大部分只有12公尺深,为不列颠群岛最大的湖泊,同时它还是欧洲


11. D 不列颠群岛由两座大的岛屿和无数小岛组成。两座大岛分别是大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛(Great Britain and Ireland )。英国由不列颠岛(包括英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士)以及爱尔兰岛东北部的北爱尔兰和周围5500个小岛(海外领地)组成。

12.C 英国本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。

13.B 不列颠在大约一百年前曾统治着世界上四分之一的人口和土地,其殖民地遍布全球各大洲。二战之后,随着不列颠国力衰退,各殖民地纷纷独立,不列颠帝国(the British Empire )在1931年起被英联邦所取代。


英联邦(Commonwealth of Nations )是一个以英国为主导的国家联合体,由54个主权国家(含属地)所组成,成员大多为前大英帝国的殖民地或附属国。该组织元首为英国女王伊丽莎白二世,同时身兼英联邦王国内的16 国的国家元首。基于其历史渊源,人们常常以“British Commonwealth ”称之,以与世界上的其他联邦区分开来。


英吉利海峡(English Channel ),是分隔英国与欧洲大陆的法国并连接大西洋与北海的海峡。海峡长560公里(350英里),宽240公里(150英里),最狭窄处又称多佛尔海峡,仅宽34公里(2 1英里)。

16.B 苏格兰(Scotland) ,位于大不列颠岛北部,北、西临大西洋,东濒北海,南为英格兰和爱尔兰海。南北长44 1公里,东西宽248公里。面积77,169平方公里,约占大不列颠岛面积的三分之一。

17.D 塞文河(Severn River )是英国最长的河流,河长338公里,发源于威尔士中部河道呈半圆形,流经英格兰中西部,注入布里斯托海峡。泰晤士河(Thames River )是国的第二大河,也是英国最重要的河流,全长336公里。

18.A 英国处于欧洲西部,大西洋东岸,为典型的温带海洋性气候。成因:一方面


19.D 普茨茅斯(Portsmouth)是英格兰南部城市,临英吉利海峡,与怀特岛对望,于1194年取得自治权,是英国最大的海军基地。



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