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当前位置:文档库 › 第四单元天天练





()1.Is he in the kitchen? A They are tomatoes. ( )2.What are these? B Yes, they are tomatoes. ( )3. Are these apples? C They are yellow.

( )4. What colour are they? D No, she is in the study. ( )5. Are they tomatoes? E No, they are pears. 二,选择正确的答案

()1. Are these apples? _______

A Yes, they isn’t

B Yes, they are

C No, they isn’t ( )2. Where ___they? They’re in the kitchen.

A are

B am

C be

( )3.My friends like ____?

A carrot

B carrots

C the a carrot

( )4. Are these your_____?

A book

B English book

C pencil

( )____ your father? He’s in the kitchen.

A What’s

B Where’s

C Wh o’s


1.Are they at home?(肯定回答)_____, they are.



()1. Thank you very much. A let’s go.

( )2. Try some tomatoes. B Thank you.

( )3. Let go to school. C Yes, please.

( )4. Can I help you? D Y ou’re welcome.


()1. Where are _____ English books?

A your

B you


( )2. Are these tomatoes? No, they’re___.

A potatoes

B potatos

C carrot

( )3. _____ . The green beans are so big.

A Look

B look at

C look for

( )4. Do you like _____?

A tomatoes

B tomatos

C tomatos

( )5. Are ____ carrots? A this B those C it

( )6. They ____ apples and pears.

A are

B is

C be

( )7. You have _____ animals on your farm.

A a lot

B a lot of

C a lots of

( )8. Are they ducks? No _____ aren’t.

A he

B they B I


( )1. What are these? They are _____.

A dog

B hens

C horses

( )2.How many ____ do you have?

A horse

B horses

C sheeps

( )3.What are these?_____ hens.

A They

B They’re

C it’s

( )4.What are _____? They are carrrots.

A those

B it

C that

( )5. I’d like some ____ for dinner.

A tomato

B tomatoes

C tomatoes

( )6.Look. There are so many animals on the ____.

A school

B farm

C shop


How many those ducks about aren’t

1._____ horses do you have on your farm.

2.What ____ tomatoes? Do you like them.

3.What are ______? Are they potatoes?

4.They_____ at school today, they’re in the park.

5.I like ____. They’re interesting.


1.green those beans are



1,a blue hen _______ 2.on the farm ____

3.a lot of horses_________

4. Those cats_______

5.a lot of animals________

6.a big farm____________ 二.我会连词成句

1.are these what


2.aren’t they no


3.these are horses


4animals we a lot of have


()1. Look ___ the tomatoes. They are big and red.

A at

B out

C for

( )2.I like ____.

A animals

B animal

C hen

( )3. How ____ horses do you have ?

A much

B many

C any

( )4. ____ they ducks、

A are

B Are




( ) 1.A.playground B.classroom C.library

( ) 2.A.first B.second C.one

( ) 3.A.that B.this C.he

( ) 4.A.at B.on C.where

( ) 5.water B.classroom C.teachers’ office 二 .读一读连一连

art room 音乐教室

computer room 美术教室

music room 紧邻

next to 踢足球

play football 计算机教室


200×20= 900÷30= 200-76= 16×60= 280÷40= 34÷7= 7×6÷2= 50×30= 26×90= 23×10= 302×89≈901×88≈ 24÷6×4= 716÷40= 460÷8≈9315212≈( )万 二、用竖式计算并验算。 225×14= 1014÷26= 286×54= 608÷32= 三、怎样算简便就怎样算。 125×178×8 7312-1388-1612 28×34+966×28 405×9+405 四、解决问题 "1.九九家电城上午售出海尔洗衣机4台,下午售出同样的洗衣机7台,卖这种洗衣机上午比下午少收货款3150元。 (1)平均每台洗衣机售价多少元? (2)上午、下午卖这种洗衣机各收入多少元? " 2.学校买来30套桌椅,桌子的单价是45元,椅子的单价是18元,学校买桌椅花了多少元?

700×20= 2400÷30= 300-96= 29×20= 540÷60= 48÷5= 4×12÷2= 62×60= 15×10= 13×50= 202×59≈301×28≈ 35÷7×9= 674÷20= 220÷8≈61046729≈( )万 二、用竖式计算并验算。 225×15= 840÷24= 287×66= 561÷33= 三、怎样算简便就怎样算。 125×187×4 4879-1821-1179 43×48+952×43 530×999+530 四、解决问题 1.王叔叔从家去县城拉化肥,去时每小时行45千米,用了4小时,回来时多用了2小时,返回时平均每小时行多少千米? 2.水果店李大伯带2000元钱去批发市场买苹果,买了25箱,还剩150元。每箱苹果的批发价是多少元?


一、乘法 ①624×17 = ②15×914= ③422×74= ④460×704 = ⑤509×650= 二、除法 ①8900÷27= ②6090÷35= ③7223÷36= ④5009÷25= ⑤4156÷23= 三、四则运算 ①(15+509)×50 ②12505÷(25+36)④89×99+89 ③178+265+22+35 ⑤263+58+737+42

①24×607= ②103×80= ③445×32= ④980×68= ⑤506×23= 二、除法 ①8034÷78= ②52932÷66= ③3776÷13= ④1521÷23= ⑤17260÷85= 三、四则运算 ①100-24×3 ②80+(146-46×3)③4800-(52+203×10)④45×25+75×45 ⑤2500÷8×4

①230×52= ②80×450= ③304×56= ④98×123= ⑤102×38= 二、除法 ①906÷32= ②2500÷63= ③5003÷33= ④4020÷25= ⑤1008÷12= 三、四则运算 ①72-44+85 ②3200÷25÷4③99×125×8 ④125×64 ⑤235-28-72

①55×102= ②45×67= ③98×405= ④29×800= ⑤203×450= 二、除法 ①345÷56= ②2000÷67= ③9080÷28= ④1002÷40= ⑤3020÷81= 三、四则运算 ①258-16+342 ②52×15-5×52 ③5865-(32+865) ④32×15+(326+809)⑤987÷3×65


四年级下天天练第1组姓名() 递等式(能巧算的要巧算) 83×102-83×2 444×15+222×70 (124-85) ×12÷26 7000÷8÷125 3774÷37×(65+35)123×18-123×3+85×123 1235-(780+235)98×199 列式计算 1、1812加上2048除以4的商所得的和除以4,商是多少 2、1500减去100除1400的商,差是多少 四年级天天练第2组 递等式(能巧算的要巧算) 85+14×(14+208÷26)58×98 (23+23)×24-597 75×27+19×25 45+180÷30-6 98×102-98×2 630-(188+12×2)775-167+225-233 应用题 新华书店有故事书484本,是科技书的4倍,连环画的本数比科技书的2倍多20本,连环画有多少本 装订小组装订一批图书,原计划每天装订240册,15天可以完成,实际每天多装订60册,实际用多少天完成任务 四年级天天练第3组 竖式计算 4500×560=805×207=9074-7829= 递等式计算(能巧算的要巧算) 125×16×8 7750-75×56 2012-1260÷(61-49) 8372-1680-3372 应用题 妈妈买了14个苹果,买的芒果比苹果的2倍少6个,妈妈买了几个芒果 有152只乒乓球需要装盒,如果每盒最多装15只,那么最少需要多少个盒子才能把这些乒乓球装完 四年级天天练第4组 递等式(能巧算的要巧算) 5356-4500-356 450÷[(393-388)×(6+4)] 105-5×(4992÷48-86) 84×25 476+249+324-49 (25×125)×(26×32) 386+137+114+63 (1408-45×24)÷40 列式计算 1、2337除以21加上36的和,商是多少 2、28加上172乘88的积,再减去78,结果是多少


四年级上册计算练习 10月30日 一、竖式计算 135×85= 408×36= 80×312= | 87×210= 138×69= 82×403= 二、脱式计算 ? 345+23×135 457- 418÷3 10月31日 一、竖式计算 234×46= 613×48= 91×127= 、 54×243= 243×28= 36×406= . 二、脱式计算

345+231×15 657- 321÷3 ( 11月1日 一、竖式计算 126×89= 203×32= 310×25= ! 568×39= 307×46= 54×312= 二、脱式计算 225+234-319 457- (239-198) ` 11月2日 一、竖式计算 223×25= 226×58= 32×312= : 67×119= 188×37= 22×154= 、 二、脱式计算

345+231×9 657+249÷3 - 11月3日 一、竖式计算 135×85= 408×36= 80×312= } 87×210= 138×69= 82×403= . 二、脱式计算 119+45×78 234-165+289 11月6日 一、竖式计算 ( 126×89= 418×35= 91×312= 67×217= 154×37= 66×509=

@ 二、脱式计算 345+231-119 657- 321-112 《 11月7日 一、竖式计算 245×85= 561×36= 56×312= — 87×370= 138×50= 82×334= ? 二、脱式计算 119+451-78 ( 234-165)÷7 \ 11月8日 一、竖式计算 129×89= 425×66= 81×312=


(第一天) 一、口算题 1)200×30=2)42×4=3)63×7=4)230×20-46= 5)130×3=6)60×50=7)36×20=8)490÷70+58= 9)150÷3=10)260×2= 二、笔算题(列算式) 三、应用题 1、同学们去秋游,每套车票和门票49元,一共需要102套。5000元买票够吗? 2、如果每个箱子装24袋牛奶,135箱能装多少袋牛奶?一个奶站有500袋牛奶,用20个箱子够装吗?

一、口算题 1)75×26=2)21×40-49=3)35×20=4)15×80= 5)300×6=6)15×8+97=7)23×30=8)51÷3= 9)250÷50=10)210÷30-69= 二、笔算题(列竖式) 三、应用题 1、学校计划购买20套电脑桌椅,每套电脑桌椅990元,学校准备了20000元,够不够用? 2、中美饭店想买12张桌子和136把椅子,已知每张桌子156元,每把椅子48元,他准备8000元钱够不够?

一、口算题 1)60÷60=2)80÷5=3)240÷80=4)100÷50-46= 5)1200÷20=6)270÷90=7)50÷10=8)360÷40×8= 9)500÷50=10)280÷70= 二、笔算题(列竖式) 三、应用题 1、实验小学同学们和山区的小朋友们“手拉手”,给山区小学捐书360套,每套20本。如果每人只读一本书,这些书可以满足7000人同时阅读吗? 2、一种观赏蔬菜袖珍南瓜买5盆送一盆。王阿姨一次买5盆,每盆便宜多少元?30元/盆

一、口算题 1)34×2=2)15×50+52= 3)21×30=4)15×63=5)120÷60=6)25×4-34= 7)14×50=8)480÷80=9)30×60=10)180÷60×6= 二、计算题(列竖式) 三、应用题 1、一棵树苗16元,买3棵送1棵。一次买3棵,每棵便宜多少钱? 2、洗发水每瓶15元,商场开展促销活动,买4瓶送1瓶。一次买4瓶,每瓶便宜多少元?


7、300×30= 50×50= 20×6= 70×3= 60×50=40×20=260×10= 10×80= 10×20= 30+60=80÷80= 300÷50=150÷30= 60÷10= 100÷20=900÷90= 800÷80= 240÷60= 2700÷90= 5000÷50=76×54= 27×93= 66×84= 653×14= 356×78= 879÷33= 627÷26= 89÷53= 62÷31= 97÷29= 8、57×40= 65×74= 89×56= 123×88= 523×26= 626÷12= 632÷21= 321÷13= 96÷4= 289+337= 10×30= 60×20= 240÷80= 22×30= 40×40= 20×30=80÷8= 210÷70= 80×60= 640÷80= 40×20= 60×70=10×70= 300÷50= 600÷60= 11×40=450÷50=50×60=6×800=360÷60=

9、60×300=400÷80= 10×8= 50×20=50×80= 10×80= 50÷50= 100×50=150÷50= 720÷90 = 100×800= 70÷70= 10×30= 20×20= 10×60=10×90= 200÷50= 10×50= 270÷30= 900÷90 = 33×22= 54×46= 5×67 869×35= 777×20= 541÷67= 835÷44= 561÷19= 96÷24= 92÷46= 10、300×30= 70×50= 200×60= 10×30= 20×50= 40×20= 30×2= 50×80= 90×20= 40×60=600÷60= 3000÷50=15÷3= 100÷10= 60÷20=900÷90= 800÷80= 600÷60= 900÷90= 50÷50= 49×34= 82×97= 16×11= 213×12= 365×32= 55÷11= 569÷35= 852÷27= 84÷14= 76÷23=


四年级下册英语1-3 单元天天练-写句子-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

英语天天练 班级________姓名__________ 3月13日星期一 根据上下文提示,补全对话。 1.___________________________________(图书馆)The library is on the first floor. 2. _____________________________________ (教师办公室) It’s next to the gym. 3. _____________________________________ (美术室) It’s on the second floor. 3月14日星期二 根据上下文提示,补全对话。 1.___________________________________(电脑室) No, it isn’t. It’s the art room. 2. _____________________________________ (音乐室) Yes, we do. 3. _____________________________________ (操场) Yes, it is the playground. 3月15日星期三 1._____________________________ 2.It’s 6 o’clock. 2

3.It’s 6:25.It’s time__________________________.(起床) 4.It’s 9 o’clock. It’s time ______________________.(英语课) 3月16日星期四 1.________________________________________ It’s 5 o’clock. 2.It’s 7:10.It’s time _________________________.(早餐) 3.It’s7:30. It’s time ______________________.(去上学) 3月17日星期五 1.__________________ _________ It’s 12 o’clock. 2.It’s 2 o’clock. It’s time _______________________.(音乐课) 3.It’s 4:30. It’s time _________________________. (回家) 周末综合小练 根据图片提示完成对话练习 1.A:Is this the art room? 2. B: No,________________________. (音乐室) 3.A: Where’s the computer room? 4. B: It’s __________________________. (电脑室在一楼)5.Is that the art room? No,____________________________. (电脑室) 3


Book 4 Unit 5 Theme Parks . There are v arious kinds of theme parks, with a different park for almost everything: food, culture, science, c artoons, movies or history. . Some parks are famous for having the biggest or longest r oller coasters, others for showing the famous sights and sounds of a culture. . Whichever and whatever you like, there is a theme park for you! . It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true, whether traveling through space, visiting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. 8. As you wander around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. 9. Of course Disneyland also has many exciting rides, from giant swinging ships to terrifying free-fall drops. 10. With all these attractions, no wonder tourism is increasing w herever there is a Disneyland. 12. Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA, is one of the most unique theme parks in the world. Dollywood shows and celebrates America's traditional southeastern culture. Although Dollywood has rides, the park's main a ttraction is its culture. People come from all over America to see carpenters and other craftsmen make wood, glass and iron objects in the old-fashioned way. Visit the candy shop to try the same kind of candy that American southerners made 150 years ago, or take a ride on the only steam- engine train still working in the southeast USA. preserve. You can even see beautiful bald eagles in the world's largest bald eagle And for those who like rides, Dollywood has one of the best old wooden roller coasters, Thunderhead. It is world-famous for having the most length in the smallest space. Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about America's historical southeastern culture! If you want to experience the ancient days and great deeds o f English knights and ladies, princes and queens, then England's Camelot Park is the place for you.


小学四年级数学应用题天天练 1. 把一根木头锯成5段要8分钟,锯成10段要几分钟? 2. 一辆汽车的速度是80千米/时,2小时可行多少千米? 3. 9.2加上8.4与1.6的差,所得的和除以4,商是多少? 4. 13.7与22.3的和除以12,得出的商再乘9,积是多少? 5. 人骑自行车1小时行16千米,3小时可以行多少千米? 6. 李2李骑自行车的速度是225米/分,10分钟可行多少米? 7. 特快列车1小时约行160千米,3小时可以行多少千米? 8. 100千克稻谷可碾米75千克,1千克稻谷可碾米多少千克? 9. 两个因数的积是8319,一个因数是47,另一个因数是多少? 10. 一根钢管长9米,用去了3.6米,剩下的比用去的长多少米? 11. 小华步行4千米680米,用了1时18分,平均每分行多少米? 12. 一个计算器24元,李老师要买4个。他带了100元,钱够吗 13. 每棵树苗16元,买3棵送1棵。一次买3棵,每棵便宜多少钱? 14. 共有576名学生,每18人组成一个环保小组,可以组成多少组? 15. 一袋米吃去32.18千克,还有17.82千克,这袋米原有多少千克? 16. 一个长方形的面积是60平方米,长是10米,它的周长是多少米? 17. 一双布鞋7.8元,一双球鞋9.5元,一双球鞋比一双布鞋贵多少元? 18. 一个等腰三角形周长1米,腰长是0.4米,这个三角形底边长多少米?

19. 一个长方形长21厘米,是宽的3倍,求这个长方形的周长和面积各是多少? 20. 一个长方形的长是0.54米,比宽多8厘米,这个长方形的周长是多少米? 21. 一台推土机3小时可铺路600米,如果每小时多铺20米,8小时能铺多少米? 22. 十月是学校环保月,共收集了930节废电池,平均每天收集废电池多少节? 23. 一个旅馆有25个两人房间,45个三人房间。这个旅馆一共可以住多少人? 24. 学校运来大米850千克,运了3车,还剩100千克。平均每车运多少千克? 25. 体育老师买4个排球,每个39元,3个篮球每个56元,一共用去多少元? 26. 飞机5小时可以飞行2000千米,照这样的速度,7小时可以飞行多少千米? 27. 5辆汽车7天可以节约汽油35千克,平均每辆汽车每天节约汽油多少千克? 28. 3台织布机4小时织布336米,照这样计算,1台织布机8小时织布多少米? 29. 学校礼堂每排有26个座位,四年级共有140人,可以坐满几排?还剩几人? 30. 小林家的果园今年收了310千克梨,收的苹果是梨的19倍,大约收了多少 31. 一打字员每分钟打150个字,要打一份30000字的书稿需要几小时几分钟? 32. 一本书,小华看了45页,没看的比看了的3倍少8页,这本书共有多少页?

四年级上册 口算天天练 一天一套 .

1000÷2=17×5=20×420= 8700÷300=88÷8=120×600= 50×11=36×2=910-190=560÷80=34+48=54-21+78= 14×2=24×30=61-54+81= 12×8=180+55=32×6= 4200÷30=530+280=1900÷20= 15+54-13=35×10=37+45= 100÷4=65÷13=98÷14= 320-90=4×15=6×15= 96÷8=72÷2=56÷2= 20×420=42×20=84+46-25= 200×48=180×500=300×330= 140×7=580-490=2400÷200=7600÷200=18+16=12+65-12= 4×14=13×7=46×2= 30÷6=63÷9=300÷6= 24÷6=3500÷70=330÷30= 21+98-52=35×4=5400÷90= 83-45=410-7052-21= 70÷10=300÷6=450÷90=

104×5=55÷5=23×20= 280+270=320÷8=76+25-28= 84+21-65=60×15=36÷4= 16×50=84÷21=440÷4= 3600÷400=5600÷700=560÷80= 100÷4=65÷13=98÷14= 78÷6=52÷4=76÷2= 70÷14=72÷18=60÷15= 42+87-42=135×20=42-22= 60×500=94÷2=90+240= 76÷2=20×35=66÷7= 390+140=9×500=12×50= 24+94-28=330×3=5×1280= 480÷60=120÷3=560÷70= 75÷15=70×70=58+85-16= 15×4=729÷3=4000÷40= 7600÷400=473+427=73+45-32= 420-90=3500÷7=40÷20= 200÷50=70÷5=27+45= 140×7=580-490=2400÷200=123×4=32÷4=40×12=


四年级下册英语天天练 A 1、( )uncle sun ( ) grape name ( ) about playground ( ) not welcome ( ) English long 2、Let (我) have a look. 3、We like PE. Like PE? No, . 4、翻译: 什么科目 5、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。 Welcome to my school. There are 30 classrooms in my school. Look, this is a big playground. In this building(楼), you can see the gym, the library and the art room are on the first floor. There are many story-books and picture books in the library. You can read books in it. My classroom is on t he second floor. It?s big and clean. I like it. ()1、There are classrooms in my school. A、thirty B、thirteen ()2、The playground is . A、small B、big ()3、The library is on the floor. A、first B、second ()4、My classroom is A、clean B、small ()5、I my school. A、don?t like B、like B 1、( )table skate ( )food good ()down window ()books lessons ()pity swim 2、阅读理解,从AB两个句子中,选择合适的选项,将其编号写在题前括号里。 Hello, my name is Amy. I get up at six forty. I have breakfast at 7:10. And then I go to school. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. I have lunch in the canteen at sc hool. I go home at four fifty. I have dinner at seven o?clock. I go to bed at nine thirty. ()1、I get up at .A、6:40 B、6:30 ()2、I have at 7:10 A、lunch B、breakfast ()3、I have classes all day.(全天;一整天) A、four B、six ()4、I have lunch . A、at school B、at home ()5、I go to bed at . A、seven o?clock B、nine thirty C


一周四年级数学“天天练”班姓名成绩 仔细审题,认真检查,相信你行! 1、207003读作( ),是一个( )位数,7在 ( )位上,表示( )个( )。 2、10个十万是( ),10个一百万是( ), 一亿里有10个(),30个一千万是( ). 3、5083420是由5个()、8个()、3个()、4个 ()和2个()组成的。 4、356700 读作:( ) 800300 读作:( ) 2016038 读作:( ) 6008070 读作:( ) 5、在整数数位顺序表上,从右起第五位是()位,第九位是 ()位。

6、在3中,从最高位起,第一个“3”表示(),中间的 “3”表示(),第三个“3”表示()。 7、把数与正确的读法连起来。 一千五百万 一千零五十万 一千零五万 一千万五千 一千万零五百 一周四年级数学“天天练”班姓名成绩 仔细审题,认真检查,相信你行! 1.按我国计数习惯,每______个数位分为一级,万级的数位有____ __、___ _ _、____ _ _ 、_____ _。 2.读作___ ___,是一个______位数,最高位是位,7在______位上,表示______个______。 3.0 读作: 00 读作:

01读作: 五百万零九百写作: 七千四百万零二十三写作: 三亿五千万写作: 五千三百六十万写作: 六亿零四十八万八千五百写作: 4.用8、0、6、9、3、1组成一个最大的六位数是,最 小的六位 数是。 5.由3个亿、2个百万和9个十组成的数写作__ ____,读作__ ___。 6. 在7070606、7606706、6070760和6707060中,读出所有零的数是___ __,只读一个零的数是___ ___和___ ___,一个零不读的 数____ __,其中____ __最大,__ ____最小。 7.最大的七位数是,最小的八位数

人教版高中英语必修四第五单元阅读课教学设计Unit 5 Theme

Unit 5 Theme parks
Period 2 reading
长春市实验中学高一年级外语组 新授课
主备人: 授课教师
Help the students to achieve a clear idea about theme parks.

Help the students use scanning and skimming methods to
improve their reading skills and speed up their reading.

Enable the students to talk about theme parks. Fast reading to get the main idea of the passage. Group work to make the students involved in class actively.

Most of the students may have experienced visiting parks
in their this unit may serve as an extension of what they have 情感态度价值观目标
the study of this period the students are sure to learn more
about theme parks.
Help the students to gain a good understanding of the reading passage and use
重点 efficient reading methods to improve their reading ability.
教学 难点
How to enable the students to talk about theme parks freely.
Central topics of this unit is "theme park". By learning, students will understand 教材 the differences and similarities of theme parks and parks, as well as the development 分析 of the theme park. Let students know theme parks are more than entertainment, because
they bring and all sorts of knowledge and new exciting experiences.
Students in Grade 2 are expected to understand a passage independently and be able
分析 to use some reading scan to get the general idea of the text, skim to understand the


700×30= 800÷40= 800-7= 22×20= 60÷20= 20÷8= 5×16÷2= 85×70= 13×70= 30×90= 902×79≈601×38≈ 20÷5×4= 175÷20= 790÷8≈47129705≈( )万 二、用竖式计算并验算。 221×17= 864÷24= 285×23= 585÷39= 三、怎样算简便就怎样算。 125×11×80 5041-1138-1862 96×20+80×96 886×9+886 四、解决问题 1.一盒钢笔10支,每支8元,24盒钢笔装一箱。一箱钢笔多少元? 2.小明看一本故事书,如果每天看36页,25天看完,如果每天看45页,需几天看完呢?

600×70= 1400÷20= 400-8= 17×60= 100÷20= 66÷5= 6×10÷2= 97×60= 16×20= 15×30= 502×69≈101×68≈ 12÷6×2= 827÷30= 670÷78≈63580205≈( )万 二、用竖式计算并验算。 227×12= 736÷23= 288×69= 589÷31= 三、怎样算简便就怎样算。 250×175×8 8686-1879-1121 27×66+34×27 886×9+886 四、解决问题 1.一辆汽车从建湖到南京,行驶了5小时,以同样的速度从南京到上海用了4小时。建湖到南京的公路长340千米,南京到上海的公路长多少千米? 2.自行车3小时行45千米,汽车4小时行216千米。汽车平均每小时比自行车平均每小时多行多少千米?

900×80= 1400÷70= 100-56= 16×70= 640÷80= 56÷6= 3×8÷2= 28×60= 19×80= 14×20= 502×69≈101×58≈ 40÷5×9= 369÷20= 210÷8≈41611645≈( )万 二、用竖式计算并验算。 228×17= 768÷24= 286×84= 456÷38= 三、怎样算简便就怎样算。 25×103×8 4625-1144-1856 68×56+944×68 548×99+548 四、解决问题 1.某车间原加工2400个零件需8小时,技改后在同样的时间里可加工同种零件5600个,技改后每小时可比技改前多加工零件多少个(用两种方法解) 2.自行车3小时行45千米,汽车4小时行216千米。汽车平均每小时比自行车平均每小时多行多少千米?


小学四年级数学下册口算天天练,可打印! 138-89=5400÷54=200×34=550-450=18000÷600=2700÷30=45×14=89÷100=0.82+0.08=18万+24万=73×1=0.63×10=17÷1000=80×25= 1.25×100= 4÷10=100÷25=41×100=0.12×10=7.59÷100= 0.56+0.4=356-98=612÷6= 1.5×100=0.125×100= 1-0.93= 2.3+3.6=7.3+2.7=1-0.35= 5.6+2.3+0.7= 5.6+99=154-73-27=90-0.9=8800÷400=600÷30= 150+70=12×80=840÷40=8÷100=0.28+0.12= 125×8=7.5-3.4= 3.6÷10=5×17×2=24×0÷12= 1000×25=7.6÷10=65.8÷100=300÷15=345+298= 7.06×100=14×60=0.9-0.3=91.05÷1000=0.05×1000= 2.5×10=5400÷600=0.5+0.4=0.35+0.43= 2.8-1.2= 0.81-0.19=9.7-7=0.51÷17=1000×0.8= 3.06+0.2= 7.8+2.2=1-0.37=8×125=7-6.28=5÷1000= 310×5×2=4×(25+50)=99×23=8.2-0.01=50×4= 32.8+19=0.67+1.24=0.08÷100= 4.5+1.5=231—99= 240÷30=10×0.5=65×25×4=32+268= 2.4+0.6= 1.82-0.63=24-19+24+19= 5.5-3.2=9100÷70=1-0.63= 1-0.2=300-84-16= 3.7+ 2.5= 1.3-0.7=7×99+7= 7.5-2.8=4×(36-25)= 4.3+1.5=2-1.1= 3.5×60= 120÷6÷2=11.3-8.6=0.59+0.22= 3.12+5.2=102×5=


四年级英语阅读理解天天练 阅读下面对话,判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 My name is Tom. I’m a student. My school is not very big , but very beautiful. Look, t his is my classroom. It’s very bright. There is a computer on the teacher’s desk. There are 46 students in my class. 22 girls and 24 boys . My school has two libraries. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. There’s a big playground in the school . I like to play football there . I like my school very much. 1. Tom’s school is very big and beautiful. ( ) 2. Tom’s classroom is very bright. ( ) 3. There’s a computer in the classroom. ( ) 4.There are twenty-four girls in Tom’s class. ( ) 5. The big library is for the teachers. ( ) 6. Tom can play football. ( ) 7. Tom likes his school. ( ) 阅读短文, 选择正确答案. Nancy : Who’s that man with a big mouth and two small eyes? Yang Ling: He’s my uncle and he’s a doctor. Nancy: My father is a doctor, too. What’s your aunt’s job? Yang Ling: She’s a bus driver. What about your mother? Nancy: She’s an English teacher. ( )1. Who can write and read English? A. Nancy’s father. B. Nancy’s mother C. Yang Ling’s father. D. Yang Li ng’s mother. ( )2. Who has two small eyes? A. Yang Ling’s father. B. Yang Ling’s mother C. Yang Ling’s uncle . D. Yang Ling’s aunt. ( )3.Who can drive a bus? A. Nancy’s father. B. Nancy’s mother C. Yang Ling’s uncle . D. Yan g Ling’s aunt ( )4.Nancy’s father is a _________ ,too. A. teacher B. doctor C. waiter D. cook 阅读下面的短文,判断句子,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 1. Look at that boy. His name is Liu Bing. He’s a Chinese boy. He is in the kitchen. He li kes apples. Su Yang is at home too. She is in the study. She likes drawing. Is Gao Shan at home? No, he is in the park. He is thirsty. He wants to drink some juice. Miss Li is i n the office. She is reading. ()1.Liu Bing is in the kitchen . ()2.Liu Bing likes eating pears. ()3.Su Yang isn’t in the study . ()4.Gao Shan is thirsty and he wants to drink. ()5.Miss Li is drawing


小学四年级上数学应用题天天练12 1. 100块湿砖重450千克, 每块砖吹干后减轻850克, 100块湿砖在吹干后重多少千克? 2. 一台自动包装机用20秒包装135块糖, 照这样计算, 这个机器1小时能包装多少块糖? 3. 一根钢管长9米,用去了3.6米,剩下的比用去的长多少米? 4. 某造纸厂七月份造纸1.56吨,八月份造纸1.68吨,九月份造纸数比七、八月份的和少0.74吨,九月份造纸多少吨? 5. 工厂食堂上半年烧煤30吨,下半年比上半年节约了2.45吨,下半年烧煤多少吨? 6. 一双布鞋 7.8元,一双球鞋9.5元,一双球鞋比一双布鞋贵多少元? 7. 有两个粮仓,第一个粮仓里有粮食56.5吨,比第二个粮仓少9吨,两个粮仓共有粮食多少吨? 8. 甲乙两队合铺一条长94.6千米的公路,甲队铺了32.5千米,乙队铺了29.5千米,还剩多少千米没有铺? 9.一个等腰三角形周长1米,腰长是0.4米,这个三角形底边长多少米?

10.一台磨面机每小时磨面800千克,照这样计算,6台磨面机5小时能磨面粉多少千克?(用两种方法解答) 11.一堆煤共800吨,用5辆卡车,16次可以运完,平均每辆卡车每次运几吨?12.一辆汽车6小时行了300千米,一列火车6小时行了600千米,火车比汽车每小时多行多少千米? 13.向阳小学气象小组一周中,测得每天的最高气温分别为:31、31、34、32、33、30、33度.这一周最高平均气温是多少度? 14.小华步行4千米680米,用了1时18分,平均每分行多少米? 15.一辆自重3吨的卡车,车上装有7000千克木料,要通过一座限重11吨的桥.算一算,卡车能否通过这座桥? 16.28行播种机的宽度是4米.用拖拉机牵引,每小时行5千米,可以播种多少公顷土地? 17.甲、乙两堆货物共重8000千克,已知甲堆货物的重量是乙堆货物的4倍.求甲、乙两堆货物各重多少千克? 18.一列火车上午6小时行了366千米,下午4小时行了276千米.下午比上午平均每小时多行多少千米?

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