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008 - 政治:完全公开化Vs 有选择的隐瞒-同167

043 - 道德原则:政治Vs 道德

082 - 审查制度:艺术品、历史陈列-同224

097 - 政治Vs 生活

108 - 电子政务、公开透明化-度的把握、标准

123 - 人的政治倾向:外在Vs 内在;表面Vs 本质;细节Vs 关键-同208

167 - 道德;政治-相对的诚实-涉及到评价、判断原则、标准-同8

169 - 政治Vs 道德-跟167,8有联系

195 - 政治目标:理想Vs 务实

224 - 政府、审查制度:判断标准-同82

a. 自我原则、判断Vs 大众意愿

045 - 政府事务、官员:自身判断、原则Vs 大众意愿-同160,79

079 - 政治:自己判断Vs 人们意愿;专家Vs 大众-同45,160

160 - 领导:坚持自身原则Vs 听从大众意愿-内在Vs 外在-同145,45,79 202 - 政治:自我原则Vs 大众意愿-同195,45, 79, 160

b. 环保

083 - 环保:原则、度的把握

121 - 环保:度的把握;矛盾:当前发展Vs 长远考虑

149 - 环保Vs 旅游

242 - 环保:度的把握; 当前发展Vs 长远考虑

Issue 8

"It is often necessary, even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public."

I agree with the speaker that it is sometimes necessary, and even desirable, for political leaders to withhold information from the public. A contrary view would reveal a naivety about the inherent nature of public politics, and about the sorts of compromises on the part of well-intentioned political leaders necessary in order to further the public's ultimate interests. Nevertheless, we must not allow our political leaders undue freedom to withhold information, otherwise, we risk sanctioning demagoguery and undermining the philosophical underpinnings of any democratic society.

One reason for my fundamental agreement with the speaker is that in order to gain the opportunity for effective public leadership, a would-be leader must first gain and maintain political power. In the game of politics, complete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naivety, neither of which earns a politician respect among his or her opponents, and which those opponents will use to every advantage to defeat the

politician. In my observation some measure of pandering to the electorate is necessary to gain and maintain political leadership. For example, were all politicians to fully disclose every personal foible, character flaw, and detail concerning personal life, few honest politicians would ever by elected. While this view might seem cynical, personal scandals have in fact proven the undoing of many a political career; thus I think this view is realistic.

Another reason why I essentially agree with the speaker is that fully disclosing to the public certain types of information would threaten public safety and perhaps even national security. For example, if the President were to disclose the government's strategies for thwarting specific plans of an international terrorist or a drug trafficker, those strategies would surely fail, and the public's health and safety would be compromised as a result. Withholding information might also be necessary to avoid public panic. While such cases are rare, they do occur occasionally. For example, during the first few hours of the new millennium the U.S. Pentagon's missile defense system experienced a Y2K-related malfunction. This fact was withheld from the public until later in the day, once the problem had been solved; and legitimately so, since immediate disclosure would have served no useful purpose and might even have resulted in mass hysteria.

Having recognized that withholding information from the public is often necessary to serve the interests of that public, legitimate political leadership nevertheless requires forthrightness with the citizenry as to the leader's motives and agenda. History informs us that would-be leaders who lack such forthrightness are the same ones who seize and maintain power either by brute force or by demagoguery--that is, by deceiving and manipulating the citizenry. Paragons such as Genghis Khan and Hitler, respectively, come immediately to mind. Any democratic society should of course abhor demagoguery, which operates against the democratic principle of government by the people. Consider also less egregious examples, such as President Nixon's withholding of information about his active role in the Watergate cover-up. His behavior demonstrated a concern for self-interest above the broader interests of the

democratic system that granted his political authority in the first place.

In sum, the game of politics calls for a certain amount of disingenuousness and lack of forthrightness that we might otherwise characterize as dishonesty. And such behavior is a necessary means to the final objective of effective political leadership. Nevertheless, in any democracy a leader who relies chiefly on deception and secrecy to preserve that leadership, to advance a private agenda, or to conceal selfish motives, betrays the democracy-and ends up forfeiting the political game.

Issue 43

"To be an effective leader, a public official must maintain the highest ethical and moral standards."

Whether successful leadership requires that a leader follow high ethical and moral standards is a complex issue--one that is fraught with the problems of defining ethics, morality, and successful leadership in the first place. In addressing the issue it is helpful to consider in turn three distinct forms of leadership: business, political, and social-spiritual.

In the business realm, successful leadership is generally defined as that which achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firm's shareholders or other owners. Moreover, the prevailing view in Western corporate culture is that by maximizing profits a business leader fulfills his or her highest moral or ethical obligation. Many disagree, however, that these two obligations are the same. Some detractors claim, for example, that business leaders have a duty to do no intentional harm to their customers or to the society in which they operate--for example, by providing safe products and by implementing(实施) pollution control measures. Other detractors go further--to impose on business leaders an affirmative obligation to protect consumers, preserve the natural environment, promote education, and otherwise take steps to help alleviate society's problems. Whether our most successful business leaders are the ones who embrace these additional obligations depends, of course, on one's own

definition of business success. In my observation, as business leaders become subject to closer scrutiny by the media and by social activists, business leaders will maximize profits in the long term only by taking reasonable steps to minimize the social and environmental harm their businesses cause. This observation also accords with my personal view of a business leader's ethical and moral obligation.

In the political realm the issue is no less complex. Definitions of successful political leadership and of ethical or moral leadership are tied up in the means a leader uses to wield his or her power and to obtain that power in the first place. One useful approach is to draw a distinction between personal morality and public morality. In my observation personal morality is unrelated to effective political leadership. Modern politics is replete with examples of what most people would consider personal ethical failings: the marital indiscretions of President Kennedy, for instance. Yet few would disagree that these personal moral choices adversely affected his ability to lead. In contrast, public morality and successful leadership are more closely connected. Consider the many leaders, such as Stalin and Hitler, whom most people would agree were egregious violators of public morality. Ultimately such leaders forfeit their leadership as a result of the immoral means by which they obtained or wielded their power. Or consider less egregious examples such as President Nixon, whose contempt for the very legal system that afforded him his leadership led to his forfeiture of it. It seems that in the short term unethical public behavior might serve a political leader's interest in preserving his or her power; yet in the long term such behavior invariably results in that leader's down-fall, that is, in failure.

One must also consider a third type of leadership: social-spiritual. Consider notable figures such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King, whom few would disagree were eminently successful in leading others to practice the high ethical and moral standards which they advocated. However, I would be hard-pressed to name one successful social or spiritual leader whose leadership was predicated on the advocacy of patently unethical or immoral behavior. The reason for this is simple: high standards for one's own public morality are prerequisites for successful social-spiritual


In sum, history informs us that effective political and social-spiritual leadership requires adherence to high standards of public morality. However, when it comes to business leadership the relationship is less clear; successful business leaders must strike a balance between achieving profit maximization and fulfilling their broader obligation to the society, which comes with the burden of such leadership.

Issue 108

"In many countries it is now possible to turn on the television and view government at work. Watching these proceedings can help people understand the issues that affect their lives. The more kinds of government proceedings---trials, debates, meetings, etc. ---that are televised, the more society will benefit."

I strongly agree that the more government proceedings--debates, meeting, and so forth---that are televised, the more society will benefit overall. Nevertheless, undue emphasis on this means of informing a constituency has the potential for harm--which any society must take care not to allow.

Access to government proceedings via television carries several significant benefits.

The main benefit lies in two useful archival functions of videotaped proceedings. First, videotapes are valuable supplements to conventional means of record keeping. Although written transcripts and audio tapes might provide an accurate record of what is said, only video tapes can convey the body language and other visual clues that help us understand what people say, whether they are being disingenuous, sarcastic, or sincere. Secondly, videotape archives provide a useful catalogue for documentary journalists.

Televised proceedings also provide three other useful functions. First, for shut-ins and people who live in remote regions, it might be impracticable, or even impossible, to view government proceedings in person. Secondly, with satellite television systems it

is possible to witness the governments of other cities, states, and even nations at work. This sort of exposure provides the viewer a valuable sense of perspective, an appreciation for other forms of government, and so forth. Thirdly, in high schools and universities, television proceedings can be useful curriculum supplements for students of government, public policy, law, and even public speaking.

Nevertheless, televising more and more government proceedings carries certain risks that should not be ignored. Watching televised government proceedings is inherently a rather passive experience. The viewer cannot voice his or her opinions, objections, or otherwise contribute to what is being viewed. Watching televised proceedings as a substitute for active participation in the political process can, on a mass scale, undermine the democratic process by way of its chilling effect on participation. Undue emphasis on tele government poses the risk that government proceedings will become mere displays, or shows, for the public, intended as public relations ploys and so-called "photo opportunities,'' while the true business of government is moved behind closed doors.

In sum, readier access to the day-day business of a government can only serve to inform and educate. Although undue reliance on televised proceedings for information can quell active involvement and serve as a censor for people being televised, I think these are risks worth taking in the interest of disclosure.

Issue 121

"At various times in the geological past, many species have become extinct as a result of natural, rather than human, processes. Thus, there is no justification for society to make extraordinary efforts, especially at a great cost in money and jobs, to save endangered species."

What are the limits of our duty to save endangered species from extinction? The statement raises a variety of issues about morality, conscience, self-preservation, and economics. On balance, however, I fundamentally agree with the notion that humans

need not make "extraordinary" efforts--at the expense of money and jobs--to ensure the preservation of any endangered species.

As I see it, there are three fundamental arguments for imposing on ourselves at least some responsibility to preserve endangered species. The first has to do with culpability. According to this argument, to the extent that endangerment is the result of anthropogenic events such as dear-cutting of forests or polluting of lakes and streams, we humans have a duty to take affirmative measures to protect the species whose survival we've placed in jeopardy. The second argument has to do with capability. This argument disregards the extent to which we humans might have contributed to the endangerment of a species. Instead, the argument goes, if we are aware of the danger, know what steps are needed to prevent extinction, and can take those steps, then we are morally obligated to help prevent extinction. This argument would place a very high affirmative duty on humans to protect endangered species. The third argument is an appeal to self-preservation. The animal kingdom is an intricate matrix of interdependent relationships, in which each species depends on many others for its survival. Severing certain relationships, such as that between a predator and its natural prey, can set into motion a series of extinctions that ultimately might endanger our own survival as a species. While this claim might sound far-fetched to some, environmental experts assure us that in the long run it is very real possibility.

On the other hand are two compelling arguments against placing a duty on humans to protect endangered species. The first is essentially the Darwinian argument that extinction results from the inexorable process of so-called “natural selection” in which stronger species survive while weaker ones do not. Moreover, we humans are not exempt from the process. Accordingly, if we see fit to eradicate other species in order to facilitate our survival, then so be it. We are only behaving as animal must, Darwin would no doubt assert. The second argument, and the one that I find most compelling, is an appeal to logic over emotion. It is a scientific fact that thousands of animal species become extinct every year. Many such extinctions are due to natural forces, while others are due to anthropogenic factors. In any event, it is far beyond our ability

to save them all. By what standard, then, should we decide which species are worth saving and which ones are not? In my observation, we tend to favor animals with human-like physical characteristics and behaviors. This preference is understandable; after all, dolphins are far more endearing than bugs. But there is no logical justification for such a standard. Accordingly, what makes more sense is to decide based on our own economic self-interest. In other words, the more money and jobs it would cost to save a certain species, the lower priority we should place on doing do.

In sum, the issue of endangered-species protection is a complex one, requiring subjective judgments about moral duty and the comparative value of various life forms. Thus, there are no easy or certain answers. Yet it is for this very reason I agree that economic self-interest should take precedence over vague notions about moral duty when it comes to saving endangered species. In the final analysis, at a point when it becomes critical for our own survival as a species to save certain others, then we humans will do so if we are fit - in accordance with Darwin’s observed process of natural selection.

Issue 160

"The most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easily influenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little."

Whether effective leadership requires that a leader consistently follow his or her principles and objectives is a complex issue--one that is tied up in the problem of defining effective leadership in the first place. In addressing the issue it is helpful to consider, in turn, three distinct forms of leadership: business, political, and social-spiritual.

In the business realm, effective leadership is generally defined, at least in our corporate culture, as that which achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firm's shareholders or other owners. Many disagree, however, that profit is the appropriate

measure of a business leader's effectiveness. Some detractors claim, for example, that a truly effective business leader must also fulfill additional duties--for example, to do no intentional harm to their customers or to the society in which they operate. Other detractors go further--to impose on business leaders an affirmative obligation to yield to popular will, by protecting consumers, preserving the natural environment, promoting education, and otherwise taking steps to help alleviate society's problems.

Whether our most effective business leaders are the ones who remain consistently committed to maximizing profits or the ones who appease the general populace by contributing to popular social causes depends, of course, on one's own definition of business success. In my observation, as business leaders become subject to closer scrutiny by the media and by social activists, business leaders will maximize profits in the long term only by taking reasonable steps to minimize the social and environmental harm their businesses cause. Thus the two definitions merge, and the statement at issue is ultimately correct.

In the political realm the issue is no less complex. Definitions of effective political leadership are tied up in the means a leader uses to wield his or her power and to obtain that power in the first place. Consider history's most infamous tyrants and despots--such as Genghis Khaan, Stalin, Mao, and Hider. No historian would disagree that these individuals were remarkably effective leaders, and that each one remained consistently committed to his tyrannical objectives and Machiavellian principles. Ironically, it was stubborn commitment to objectives that ultimately defeated all except Khan. Thus in the short term stubborn adherence to one's objectives might serve a political leader's interest in preserving his or her power; yet in the long term such behavior invariably results in that leader's downfall if the principles are not in accord with those of the leader's would-be followers.

Finally, consider social-spiritual leadership. Few would disagree that through their ability to inspire others and lift the human spirit Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King were eminently effective in leading others to effect social change through civil

disobedience. It seems to me that this brand of leadership, in order to be effective, inherently requires that the leader remain steadfastly committed to principle. Why? It is commitment to principle that is the basis for this brand of leadership in the first place. For example, had Gandhi advocated civil disobedience yet been persuaded by dose advisors that an occasional violent protest might be effective in gaining India's independence from Britain, no doubt the result would have been immediate forfeiture of that leadership. In short, social-spiritual leaders must not be hypocrites; otherwise, they will lose all credibility and effectiveness.

In sum, strict adherence to principles and objectives is a prerequisite for effective social-spiritual leadership--both in the short and long term. In contrast, political leadership wanes in the long term unless the leader ultimately yields to the will of the followers. Finally, when it comes to business, leaders must strike a balance between the objective of profit maximization--the traditional measure of effectiveness--and yielding to certain broader obligations that society is now imposing on them.

Issue 167

"It is impossible for an effective political leader to tell the truth all the time. Complete honesty is not a useful virtue for a politician."

Is complete honesty a useful virtue in politics? The speaker contends that it is not, for the reason that political leaders must sometimes lie to be effective. In order to evaluate this contention it is necessary to examine the nature of politics, and to distinguish between short-term and long-term effectiveness.

On the one hand are three compelling arguments that a political leader must sometimes be less than truthful in order to be effective in that leadership. The first argument lies in the fact that politics is a game played among politicians--and that to succeed in the game one must use the tools that are part-and-parcel of it. Complete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naivete, neither of which will earn a politician respect among his or her opponents, and which those opponents will use to

every advantage against the honest politician.

Secondly, it is crucial to distinguish between misrepresentations of fact in other words, lies--and mere political rhetoric. The rhetoric of a successful politician eschews rigorous factual inquiry and indisputable fact while appealing to emotions, ideals, and subjective interpretation and characterizations. Consider, for example, a hypothetical candidate for political office who attacks the incumbent opponent by pointing out only certain portions of that opponent's legislative voting record. The candidate might use a vote against a bill eliminating certain incentives for local businesses as "dear evidence" that the opponent is "anti-business," "bad for the economy," or "out of touch with what voters want." None of these allegations are outright lies; they are simply the rhetorical cant of the effective politician.

Thirdly, politics is a business born not only of idealism but also of pragmatism; after all, in order to be effective a politician must gain and hold onto political power, which means winning elections. In my observation some degree of pandering to the electorate and to those who might lend financial support in reelection efforts is necessary to maintain that position. Modern politics is replete with candidates who refused to pander, thereby mining their own chance to exercise effective leadership.

Although in the short term being less-than-truthful with the public might serve a political leader's interest in preserving power, would-be political leaders who lack requisite integrity ultimately forfeit their leadership. Consider Richard Nixon, whose leadership seemed born not of ideology but of personal ambition, which bred contempt of the very people who sanctioned his leadership in the first place; the ultimate result was his forfeiture of that leadership. In contrast, Ronald Reagan was a highly effective leader largely because he honestly, and deeply, believed in the core principles that he espoused and advocated during his presidency--and his constituency sensed that genuineness and responded favorably to it. Moreover, certain types of sociopolitical leadership inherently require the utmost integrity and honesty. Consider notable figures such as Gandhi and King, both of whom were

eminently effective in leading others to practice the high ethical and moral standards which they themselves advocated. The reason for this is simple: A high standard for one's own personal integrity is a prerequisite for effective moral leadership.

To sum up, I concede that the game of politics calls for a certain measure of posturing and disingenuousness. Yet, at the end of the game, without a countervailing measure of integrity, political game-playing will serve to diminish a political leader's effectiveness perhaps to the point where the politician forfeits the game.

Issue 169

"Those who treat politics and morality as though they were separate realms fail to understand either the one or the other."

Should politics and morality be treated as though they are mutually exclusive? I strongly agree with the speaker that any person claiming so fails to understand either the one or the other. An overly narrow definition of morality might require complete forthrightness and candidness in dealings with others. However, the morality of public politics embraces far broader concerns involving the welfare of society, and recognizes compromise as a necessary, and legitimate, means of addressing those concerns.

It is wrong-headed to equate moral behavior in politics with the simple notions of honesty and putting the other fellow's needs ahead of one's own----or other ways which we typically measure the morality of an individual's private behavior. Public politics is a game played among professional politicians--and to succeed in the game one must use the tools that are part-and-parcel of it. Complete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naivete, neither of which will earn a politician respect among his or her opponents, and which opponents will use to every advantage against the honest politician. Moreover, the rhetoric of a successful politician eschews rigorous factually inquiry and indisputable fact while appealing to emotions, ideals, and subjective interpretation and characterizations. For example, the politician who claims his

opponent is "anti-business," "bad for the economy," or "out of touch with what voters want" is not necessarily behaving immorally. We must understand that this sort of rhetoric is part-and-parcel of public politics, and thus kept in perspective does not harm the society--as long as it does not escalate to outright lying.

Those who disagree with the statement also fail to understand that in order to gain the opportunity for moral leadership politicians must engage in certain compromises along the way. Politics is a business born not only of idealism but also of pragmatism insofar as in order to be effective a politician must gain and hold onto political power. In my observation, some degree of pandering to the electorate and to those who might lend financial support for reelection efforts is necessary to maintain that position. Modern politics is replete with candidates who refused to pander, thereby mining their own chance to exercise effective leadership.

Finally, those who claim that effective politicians need not concern themselves with morality fail to appreciate that successful political leadership, if it is to endure, ultimately requires a certain measure of public morality--that is, serving the society with its best interests as the leader's overriding concern. Consider the many leaders, such as Stalin and Hitler, whom most people would agree were egregious violators of public morality. Ultimately such leaders forfeit their leadership as a result of the immoral means by which they obtain or wield their power. Or consider less egregious examples such as President Nixon, whose contempt for the very legal system that afforded him his leadership led to his forfeiture of that leadership. It seems to me that in the short term amoral or immoral public behavior might serve a political leader's interest in preserving power; yet in the long term such behavior invariably results in that leader's downfall.

In sum, I fundamentally agree with the statement. It recognizes that the "game" of politics calls for a certain amount of disingenuousness that we might associate with dubious private morality. And it recognizes that such behavior is a necessary means to the final objective of moral political leadership. Besides, at the end of the political

game any politician failing to exercise moral leadership ultimately forfeits the game.


039 - 认识大学教育的作用、意义:正规大学教育Vs 自学

051 - 教育方式:个性化Vs 标准化

053 - 教育经费支付:国家Vs 学生;教育Vs 经济

055 - 教育:高分Vs 真正能力培养-同100

100 - 教育机制、环境:分数Vs 能力培养- 同55

102 - 教育作用、效果:传统、既有理念-修正、持续、发展

128 - 矛盾:目的Vs 实际效果-教育的目标、实际

130 - 教育的意义:孩子的社会化

132 - 学科的交叉化、边缘化、相互影响

134 - 外表形式Vs 内核本质;机智圆滑vs.真诚坚定

214 - 局部Vs 整体;度的把握

222 - 教育:明确的目标、方向指导Vs 无目标、无计划

228 - 教育:处理方法、态度-积极行为Vs 消极行为

230 - 自由意志:主动Vs 被动;教育应起的作用:引导-234

232 - 教育目的、手段、方式:理论Vs 实际;教育与社会的接轨

a. 质疑

052 - 学术、工作态度、方式:被动Vs 主动;质疑Vs 接受

153 - 学习方法:主动Vs 被动-同52

213 - 教育:质疑、挑战、创新Vs 折中、容让、合作

b. 教育参与者

032 - 师资:如何留在人才,保证优秀师资;一致Vs 差异

050 - 师资素质的提高:理论Vs 实际、实践

154 - 教育者:父母、学校、社会-合作

223 - 正确认识学校所起的作用:主观能动Vs 客观环境;个人Vs 整体

c. 课程设置、全面教育、就业考虑-教育目的、目标

005-教育:标准化Vs 个性化

034 - 长期Vs 短期;务实Vs 理想;全面发展、素质教育Vs 功利学习

067 - 理论Vs 实践:全面教育、素质教育

078 - 教育的作用:共同的人性Vs 各类冲突、纷争

080 - 全面教育:科学学习的必要性

090 - 务实、功利Vs 理想;短期Vs 长期:学科选择-找工作

094 - 全面发展;务实Vs 理想;长期Vs 短期:学科的选择、专才Vs 通才

098 - 过去Vs 现在;功利、务实Vs 长远;现象Vs 本质:艺术课程的选择

106 - 道德素养的重要性:全面教育-必要性;课程选择/安排

158 - 度的把握;全面发展、素质教育:艺术Vs 主科

191 - 教育:全面平衡发展-兴趣Vs 职业技能;务实Vs 理想;当前Vs 长远201 - 教育目的;务实、功利Vs 理想;短期Vs 长期;

Issue 5

"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."

The speaker would prefer a national curriculum for all children up until college instead of allowing schools in different regions the freedom to decide on their own curricula. I

agree insofar as some common core curriculum would serve useful purposes for any nation. At the same time, however, individual states and communities should have some freedom to augment any such curriculum as they see fit; otherwise, a nation's educational system might defeat its own purposes in the long term.

A national core curriculum would be beneficial to a nation in a number of respects. First of all, by providing all children with fundamental skills and knowledge, a common core curriculum would help ensure that our children grow up to become reasonably informed, productive members of society. In addition, a common core curriculum would provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricula and select course materials for freshmen that are neither below nor above their level of educational experience. Finally, a core curriculum would ensure that all schoolchildren are taught core values upon which any democratic society depends to thrive, and even survive--values such as tolerance of others with different viewpoints, and respect for others.

However, a common curriculum that is also an exclusive one would pose certain problems, which might outweigh the benefits, noted above.

First of all, on what basis would certain course work be included or excluded, and who would be the final decision-maker? In all likelihood these decisions would be in the hands of federal legislators and regulators, who are likely to have their own quirky notions of what should and should not be taught to children--notions that may or may not reflect those of most communities, schools, or parents. Besides, government officials are notoriously susceptible to influence--peddling by lobbyists who do not have the best interests of society's children in mind.

Secondly, an official, federally sanctioned curriculum would facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma which because of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. I can easily foresee the banning of certain text books, programs, and websites which provide information and perspectives that the government might wish to suppress--as

some sort of threat to its authority and power. Although this scenario might seem far-fetched, these sorts of concerns are being raised already at the state level.

Thirdly, the inflexible nature of a uniform national curriculum would preclude the inclusion of programs, courses, and materials that are primarily of regional or local significance. For example, California requires children at certain grade levels to learn about the history of particular ethnic groups who make up the state's diverse population. A national curriculum might not allow for this feature, and California's youngsters would be worse off as a result of their ignorance about the traditions, values, and cultural contributions of all the people whose citizenship they share.

Finally, it seems to me that imposing a uniform national curriculum would serve to undermine the authority of parents over their own children, to even a greater extent than uniform state laws currently do. Admittedly, laws requiring parents to ensure that their children receive an education that meets certain minimum standards are well justified, for the reasons mentioned earlier. However, when such standards are imposed by the state rather than at the community level, parents are left with far less power to participate meaningfully in the decision-making process. This problem would only be exacerbated were these decisions left exclusively to federal regulators.

In the final analysis, homogenization of elementary and secondary education would amount to a double-edged sword. While it would serve as an insurance policy against a future populated with illiterates and ignoramuses, at the same time it might serve to obliterate cultural diversity and tradition. The optimal federal approach, in my view, is a balanced one that imposes a basic curriculum yet leaves the rest up to each state--or better yet, to each community.

Issue 50

"In order to improve the quality of instruction at the college and university level, all faculty should be required to spend time working outside the academic world in professions relevant to the courses they teach."

Whether college faculty should also work outside academia, in professional work related to their academic fields, depends primarily on the specific academic area. With respect to fields in which outside work is appropriate, I strongly agree with the statement; students and faculty all stand to gain in a variety of respects when a professor complements academic duties with real-world experience.

As a threshold matter, the statement requires qualification in two respects. First, in certain academic areas there is no profession to speak of outside academia. This is especially true in the humanities; after all, what work outside academia is there for professors of literature or philosophy? Secondly, the statement fails to consider that in certain other academic areas a professor's academic duties typically involve practical work of the sort that occurs outside academia. This is especially true in the fine and performing arts, where faculty actively engage in the craft by demonstrating techniques and styles for their students.

Aside from these two qualifications, I strongly agree that it is worthwhile for college faculty to work outside academia in professional positions related to their field. There are three dear benefits of doing so.

First, in my experience as a student, faculty who are actively engaged in their fields come to class with fresh insights and a contagious excitement about the subject at hand. Moreover, they bring to their students practical, real-world examples of the principles and theories discussed in textbooks, thereby sparking interest, and even motivating some students to pursue the field as a career.

Secondly, by keeping abreast of the changing demands of work as a professional, professors can help students who are serious about pursuing a career in that field to make more informed career decisions. The professor with field experience is better able to impart useful, up-to-date information about what work in the field entails, and even about the current job market. After all, college career-planning staff are neither equipped nor sufficiently experienced to provide such specific advice to students.

A third benefit has to do with faculty research and publication in their areas of specialty. Experience in the field can help a professor ferret out cutting-edge and controversial issues--which might be appropriate subjects for research and publication. Moreover, practical experience can boost a professor's credibility as an expert in the field. For example, each year a certain sociology professor at my college combined teaching with undercover work investigating various cults. Not only did the students benefit from the many interesting stories this professor had to tell about his experiences, the professor's publications about cults catapulted him to international prominence as an expert on the subject, and justifiably so.

In sum, aside from certain academic areas in which outside work is either unavailable or unnecessary, students and faculty alike stand everything to gain when faculty enrich their careers by interspersing field work with academic work.

Issue 94

"Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated."

I fundamentally agree with the proposition that students must take courses outside their major field of study to become "truly educated." A contrary position would reflect a too narrow view of higher education and its proper objectives. Nevertheless, I would caution that extending the proposition too far might risk undermining those objectives.

The primary reason why I agree with the proposition is that "true" education amounts to far more than gaining the knowledge and ability to excel in one's major course of study and in one's professional career. True education also facilitates an understanding of one-self, and tolerance and respect for the viewpoints of others. Courses in psychology, sociology, and anthropology all serve these ends. "True" education also provides insight and perspective regarding one's place in society and in the physical and metaphysical worlds. Courses in political science, philosophy,

theology, and even sciences such as astronomy and physics can help a student gain this insight and perspective. Finally, no student can be truly educated without having gained an aesthetic appreciation of the world around us--through course work in literature, the fine arts, and the performing arts.

Becoming truly educated also requires sufficient mastery of one academic area to permit a student to contribute meaningfully to society later in life. Yet, mastery of any specific area requires some knowledge about a variety of others. For example, a political-science student can fully understand that field only by understanding the various psychological, sociological, and historical forces that shape political ideology. An anthropologist cannot excel without understanding the social and political events that shape cultures, and without some knowledge of chemistry and geology for performing field work. Even computer engineering is intrinsically tied to other fields, even non-technical ones such as business, communications, and media.

Nevertheless, the call for a broad educational experience as the path to becoming truly educated comes with one important caveat. A student who merely dabbles in a hodgepodge of academic offerings, without special emphasis on any one, becomes a dilettante lacking enough knowledge or experience in any single area to come away with anything valuable to offer. Thus in the pursuit of true education students must be careful not to overextend themselves----or risk defeating an important objective of education.

In the final analysis, to become truly educated one must strike a proper balance in one's educational pursuits. Certainly, students should strive to excel in the specific requirements of their major course of study. However, they should complement those efforts by pursuing course work in a variety of other areas as well. By earnestly pursuing a broad education one gains the capacity not only to succeed in a career, but also to find purpose and meaning in that career as well as to understand and appreciate the world and its peoples. To gain these capacities is to become "truly educated."

Issue 98

"Colleges and universities should offer more courses on popular music, film, advertising, and television because contemporary culture has much greater relevance for students than do arts and literature of the past."

The speaker asserts that the curriculum of colleges and universities should emphasize popular culture--music, media, literature, and so forth rather than literature and art of the past, for the reason that the former is more relevant to students. I strongly disagree. Although courses in popular culture do play a legitimate role in higher education, formal study of the present culture at the expense of studying past cultures can undermine the function of higher education, and ultimately provide a disservice to students and to society.

Admittedly, course work in popular culture is legitimate and valuable for three reasons. First, popular culture is a mirror of society's impulses and values. Thus, any serious student of the social sciences, as well as students of media and communications, should take seriously the literature and art of the present. Secondly, in every age and culture some worthwhile art and literature emerges from the mediocrity. Few would disagree, for example, that the great modem-jazz pioneers such as Charlie Parker and Thelonius Monk, and more recently Lennon and McCarmey, and Stevie Wonder, have made just as lasting a contribution to music as some of the great classical musicians of previous centuries. Thirdly, knowledge of popular films, music, and art enables a person to find common ground to relate to other people. This leads to better communication between different subcultures.

Nevertheless, emphasizing the study of popular culture at the expense of studying classical art and literature can carry harmful consequences for students, as well as for society. Without the benefit of historical perspective gained through the earnest study of the art and literature of the past, it is impossible to fully understand, appreciate, and critique literature and art of the present. Moreover, by approaching popular culture without any yardstick for quality it is impossible to distinguish mediocre art from


G R E-i s s u e例子总结-标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

我在准备issue过程中用到的查到的一些词及词组,我发现在引用例子的时候很多时候是知道用中文怎么说却常常被一个词的英文说法而难住了,所以我就一个个都查了出来,可能不能满足大家所有的要求,也希望对大家有点帮助吧,祝大家杀G成功: 1)The flight of Apollo 11; lunar landing mission ,阿波罗11号的登月计划 另外,Apollo 13号的登月很惊险,大家可能都知道吧?看过电影“阿波罗13”的人都知道这段历史吧?不知道的兄弟姐妹上百度搜一下就知道啦!,还有,“挑战者号” Challenger;哥伦比亚号 Columbia 2)杨氏双缝实验(大学物理讲过的,呵呵):Young’ double-slit experiment,严格来说,这个实验是用classical theory cannot explain,这里面涉及到 quantum theory,即量子理论,我不是学物理的,但是据我查的资料上说,其实人类对量子理论并没有完全地明白,也没法用它解释一切,这个观点我觉得可能用来说明人类的认识过程是由不知到知的认识过程,要用发展的眼光来看问题。3)火星登月计划:Mars Exploration Rover Mission which costs $425 million every year for the assembly, test and launch process which is just the same amount as it costs to the film Titanic and Pearl Harbor,哇,够狠,老美有钱!另外,moon rover是月球车的意思,同理Mars rover. 4)Manhattan Project,曼哈顿计划,就是当年Einstein 和 Oppenheimer(奥本海默,这小子狠,被称为原子弹之父,一定要记住,这小子在听说美国在对Hiroshima,即日本广岛投原子弹之后,曾感叹自己当初不应该研制原子弹which给人类带来了灾难,科技与人性的题目能用到) 5)多利Dolly,不用说了,我想顺着这只名羊提一提关于基因工程( genetic engineering),转基因技术:transgenics,人体胚胎:human embryo,DNA分子双螺旋结构:the double-helix structure of DNA,还有两个牛人,就是发现DNA分子双螺旋结构的沃森和克里克,Waston and Crick 6)二战纳粹德国在活人上做实验,用大量的犹太妇女人活体实验为的是研制避孕药(oral contraceptive) 7)关于丑闻:Bill Clinton’s sexual scandal with Monica Lewinsky;Nixon’s Watergate scandal;兴奋剂:stimulant;猥亵(针对那个把自己黑皮染白的那个小子的):v. molest; n. molestation; Kobe Bryant Rape case; 8)垃圾邮件:不要再说junk mail啦,老土!有个更native的词:spam,记住哟! 9)环境问题: 氟利昂:freon,臭氧层:ozonosphere/ ozone layer,臭氧空洞:ozone hole;赤潮:red tide 10)关于美国总统: 刺杀总统;岂今为止,美国一共有四位总统被刺杀,第一位是Abraham Lincoln,最后一位是John F. Kennedy,还有许多刺杀未遂的,比如刺杀Roosevelt,Truman等等,这可以被用来例子表明领导者不可能让每一个人都满意. 另外,罗斯福是个残疾人,大家知道吧?脊髓灰质炎导致坐在轮椅上,不过他并不是小时候得的病,挺奇怪,小儿麻痹并不是像我们想象的那样只能小时候得谈到杜鲁门,我得多说一句,当年美国的曼哈顿计划是罗斯福批的,知道美国要研究原子弹的人并不多,甚至许多后来参加研制的科学家都不知道自己在


小学学校安全工作总结5篇 导读:本文是关于小学学校安全工作总结5篇,希望能帮助到您! 小学学校安全工作总结 在过去的一学期我觉得很多事情做的不错,尽管也有有待提高的地方,下边是我的详细的总结: 一、开学工作顺利进行 1、按时开学,准时上课,做到了快、齐、好,无一学生流失。9月1日开学的第一天,学校举行了庄严而隆重的开学典礼——升旗仪式。进一步增强学生和家长的紧迫感,从而杜绝了往年开学拖拖拉拉的不良现象。 2、教师工作作风得到加强,精神面貌焕然一新。开学安排课程时,年轻老师抢着带课,改变了过去多带一节课就提条件。从9月3日做早操起,全体老师都能站在班级队列前、后,督促学生做操。改变了过去总是站在一堆说笑。 由于宣传到位,准备充分,安排合理,措施得力,2019年秋季开学工作进行有条不紊,取得圆满成功。得到教育局检查领导的充分肯定,并在中心校开学工作检查中名列前茅。 二、管理创新,初见成效 (一)加强政治和业务学习,领导作风过硬 1、一学期来学校多次组织全体教师集体学习了《xxxx大报告》、《中小学教师职业道德规范》、《教师法》、《未成年人保护法》、《中华人民共和国义务教育法》、《信访条例》、《中华人民共和国集会游行示威法》,《湖北省德育年会2019年学术会》等内容。并要求全体教师在学习的同时要从理论

联系实际,写出自己的心得体会,使每一个老师都能自觉地遵守国家的法律法规,真正做到为人师表,爱岗敬业。 2、每周日晚上为行政例会时间,总结上周工作,安排下周工作。这种作法得到了县领导的好评。 3、充分听取教师的意见,改进工作。经常与老师交流谈心,了解老师心声。 (二)安全工作,警钟长鸣 1、安全工作是学校各项工作的重中之重,一学期来,我们紧紧树立“以人为本,安全第一,预防为主”的思想观念,对98年以来的部分存在安全隐患的电路进行了全面整改,对学校原可以在门顶翻越的旧铁门进行重新更换。由于对学校一系列的安全隐患及时采取了措施,半年来学校没有发生一起安全责任事故。 2、2019年秋季开学时学校成立了安全管理领导小组,制订了安全工作方案,制订了安全隐患应急预案,落实了安全责任制;并把安全工作落实到具体的班级,各班主任与政教处都签订了安全责任状。从而增强了他们的安全意识,加重了他们安全责任;同时学校定在每周五第六节课为全校安全课,对全校学生进行安全知识教育,真正把学校的安全工作做到了人人抓、天天抓、时时抓。 3、由于学校地处集镇,特殊的地理位置和环境使来学校偷盗、敲诈勒索、欺侮学生等侵害学校的师生人身安全的事件,原来时有发生。本学期来,在阚华东校长、张立主任的得力措施和全校班主任齐抓共管下,基本杜绝了此类事情的发生。 4、学校创建了门卫室,制定了门卫工作职责。本学期门卫工作人员认真履行职责,纠正了过去接送学生家长在校园逗留的不良现象,制止了闲


工作总结前言范文 标准格式范例 年终总结报告,是组织或个人对过去一年发生的情况或问题进行概括和分析后撰写的文书。常见年终总结报告格式一般包括标题、引言、正文、结尾四部分: 1、标题 年终总结的标题有单行标题和双行标题两种。典型的标题由对象名称、时限、主题、文种四部分组成。 2、引言 引言,也叫前言或开头。引言一般都很简单,主要目的是引出正文。有时甚至可以不要引言。 3、正文 总结正文占全文三分之二以上的篇幅。典型的年终总结正文有以下几个部分: (1)一年中主要工作基本情况 这部分要求全面、简要的说明过去一年中所做的各项工作,可以分项逐条表述。但不能“记流水账”,应该着眼于大事,并要清楚反映出工作的开展过程。 (2)取得的成绩 这部分要对应基本情况,有重点的概括介绍工作中取得的主要成绩或经验。这部分充分体现总结的评价性,主观评价与客观真实的材料结合起来。

(3)存在的问题 总结工作中的问题与总结成绩一样,也应有重点、有主次。一般而言,成绩总是主流,但提到成绩与问题时,仍应本着实事求是的原则,具体问题具体分析,一是一,二是二。 (4)今后的打算 总结和回顾过去的工作,是为了把下一段的工作做的更好。总结中谈到今后的打算时,既要与常规工作、中心工作和长远计划相结合,又要与本阶段存在的问题相对应。但总结毕竟不是计划,在谈今后打算时宜粗不宜细,宜简不宜繁,宜大不宜小。 一,工作总结的意义及作用 工作总结是对一定时期内的工作加以总结,分析和研究,肯定成绩,找出问题,得出经验教训,摸索事物的发展规律,用于指导下一阶段工作的一种书面文体.它所要解决和回答的中心问题,不是某一时期要做什么,如何去做,做到什么程度的问题,而是对某种工作实施结果的总鉴定和总结论,是对以往工作实践的一种理性认识. 工作总结是做好各项工作的重要环节.通过它,可以全面地,系统地了解以往的工作情况,可以正确认识以往工作中的优缺点;可以明确下一步工作的方向,少走弯路,少犯错误,提高工作效益. 工作总结还是认识世界的重要手段,是由感性认识上升到理性认识的必经之路.通过工作总结,使零星的,肤浅的,表面的感性认识上升到全面的,系统的,本质的理性认识上来,寻找出工作和事物发展的规律,从而掌握并运用这些规律.XXX同志曾指出:领导者的责任,就


小学安全工作总结 一、完善制度,落实责任我校结合实际,制定并完善了针对性和操作性比较强的用电安全、消除安全、传染病防治、值班、门卫管理、危险物品管理、食堂食品卫生安全管理、集会和大型活动安全管理、安全隐患整改、安全经费保障、安全报告等制度,还制定了火灾事故、群体性事件和突发事件、被盗案件、食品中毒事件、防讯排洪、地方病防治、学生突发急病、校园周边治安等方面的应急处理预案,并将相应的安全制度的执行责任一一落实到学校校长、教导主任和全体教职工,形成了人人有责任、人人有担子的安全管理体系。 为了使全体教师树立“人人都是安全工作者”的思想,主动把学校安全工作与各自的实际工作结合起来,增强“安全第一,预防为主”意识,在思想上建立起一道安全防护线,安良小学在与全体教职工签订《安全工作目标责任书》的同时,制定了安全工作责任追究制定,明确了各类人员的安全责任,特别突出执行安全责任的奖惩措施,做到了制度建立、责任明晰、奖惩分明,保证了学校安全管理无一真空、无一漏洞。 二、加强检查,排除隐患 本学期,我校针对学校安全事故的薄弱环节,突出加强

了学校安全防范,始终如一地坚持定期和不定期的安全排查、防范制度,以确保万无一失。 一是开学前一周,学校安全工作领导小组开展校园安全大检查。在检查中,一一列出检查项目和明细,明确检查范围、重点,对学校校舍、教学设备、消防设施、学校食堂等逐一进行全面检查,确认无安全隐患,并经相关检查人员签字后,方可在开学时投入使用。对检查出的安全隐患,学校立即组织整改,以确保开学时正常使用。 二是加强常规性的安全检查。学校对重点安全部位,强化警钟长鸣意识,做到了时时检查、处处留心,严加防范。学校建立并严格执行了“班级安全工作周检制度”、“食堂食品卫生安全日查制度”、“各班学生每天晨检观察制度”,并详细记载检查情况。对检查中发现的问题或安全隐患,学校立即采取措施,切实整改。 三是学校严格遵守食品卫生法规。学校食堂从业人员持证上岗,定期进行体检,统一着装。食堂的米、油、盐、肉、蔬菜等都是定点采购,严格验收、保管。对食物、蔬菜等的清洗、烹饪、售卖等,学校有严格的操作规程、措施和记录,有专门人员进行监督检查,进货渠道合法,坚决不买“三无”产品和过期变质食品。 四是学校建立“安全月查报告制度”。为了强化安全工作督查与整改,学校安全工作领导小组坚持每月底对校园安


( 工作总结 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 2020年个人工作总结结尾范例End example of personal work summary in 2020

2020年个人工作总结结尾范例 大家都知道,做事要有头有尾,写工作总结也是一个道理,知道了工作总结开头怎么写,还要知道工作总结结尾怎么写。以下从几篇优秀的工作总结范文中提练出个人工作总结结尾模板,希望大家能从中领略到如何写好工作总结结尾。 范例一: 充分发挥政协的独特优势,切实做好各项联谊工作。加强联谊交往,增强人民政协的凝聚力,要充分发挥人民政协作为最广泛的爱国统一战线组织的作用,求同存异,把不同党派、不同阶层、不同民族、不同信仰的人在爱国主义和社会主义的旗帜下团结起来,团结一切可以团结的力量,在实现祖国统一和振兴中华的大目标下凝聚起来,努力增进全县人民的大团结、大联合。进一步加强海内

外联谊,多渠道、多形式地做好对外联系工作。广交新朋友,不忘老朋友,为不断扩大我县最广泛的爱国统一战线作贡献。充分发挥政协的特点和优势,不断开辟、拓宽对外开放的新渠道、新领域,为我县经济发展和社会进步做出新成绩。 范例二: 我们三位老师也经过了从生疏到磨合再到心领神会的转变过程,大家鼎力配合、和谐相处,从孩子们身上,我们也学到了很多,他们稚嫩的心灵,他们活跃的思维,他们调皮的表情,曾经有过多少次的感动、惊喜与微笑,就像“猜猜我有多爱你”那样,我们竭尽全力爱孩子们,孩子们同样用的进步来回报,为你们开心、为你们骄傲、为你们喝彩,为我们美好的幼儿园生活加油!在接下来的工作中,我们会做好09年上半年工作总结及计划,争取将工作做到更好。 范例三: 近半年的工作中,我通过实践学到了许多房地产的相关知识,通过不断的学习逐步提高了自己的业务水平。但是作为新人,我深


小学安全工作总结范文5篇 小学安全工作总结 (一) 学校安全工作事关我们千家万户的幸福,是维护社会稳定,推进学校素质教育顺利实施的重要因素安全工作是关系到人民生命财产的大事。学校是培养二十一世纪人才的摇篮,学生是祖国的未来、民族的希望。学校安全工作直接关系着学生的安危、家庭的幸福、社会的稳定。因此,做好学校安全工作,创造一个安全的学习环境是十分重要的,我校认真贯彻市教育局和镇教委落实的各项安全要求,将创建平安和谐校园工作列为学校的头等大事,与学校德育工作紧密结合,坚持以防为主,积极开展各类安全知识培训、教育活动,落实各项防卫措施,制定了重大安全事故应急预案、消防应急预案、防震逃生预案、消防卫生事故应急预案、防火防灾减灾应急预案、食品中毒应急预案等,使创安工作得到全面、深入、有效地开展。全校师生的法制观念、道路交通安全意识、消防意识等其它安全意识显著增强,现将一年来的工作总结如下: 一、领导重视,措施有力。 为进一步做好安全教育工作,切实加强对安全教育工作的领导,学校把安全工作列入重要议事日程,成立了校长为组长的安全工作领导小组和食品卫生工作领导小组,学校领导、班主任、教师都具有很强的安全意识。还根据学校安全工作的具体形势,把涉及师生安全的各项内容进行认真分解落实到人,做到每一项工作都有对应的专(兼)管人员、主管领导和分管校长,防止了工作上的相互推诿。从而形成了学校校长直接抓,分管组长具体抓,教导主任具体分工负责组织实施,全校教职员工齐心协力共抓安全的良好局面。

二、各项安全制度,实施扎实到位。 1、建立安全保卫工作领导责任制和责任追究制。与安全保卫人员、德育处、各室负责人员、后勤人员、班主任等签订相关安全责任合同,将安全保卫工作列入教师期末考核内容中,严格执行责任追究制度。凡发生重、特大安全责任事故和影响恶劣的安全责任事故,或在各级工作检查中,受到批评的,对有关责任人员作如下处理:根据具体情况,分别给予不参加优秀班集体评选、不参与优秀班主任评选、同时还要承担经济责任。情节和后果严重的,将由有关部门追究法律责任。 2、签订责任书。学校对班主任及任课教师明确各自的岗位职责并签订“安全责任书”。学校在学期初与学生家长明确学生安全责任意识,明确了家长应做的工作和应负的责任。将安全教育工作作为对教职员工考核的重要内容,实行一票否决制度。贯彻“谁主管,谁负责”的原则,做到职责明确,责任到人。 3、不断完善学校安全保卫工作规章制度。建立学校安全保卫工作的各项规章制度,并根据安全保卫工作形势的发展,不断完善充实。建立健全定期检查和日常防范相结合的安全管理制度,以及学生管理、门卫值班、巡逻值班、防火防灾、食品卫生管理、防火安全管理、安全用电、体育器材检查、健康体检等规章制度。教师在校外开展的社会实践活动要坚持就近、徒步原则。对涉及学校安全保卫的各项工作,都要做到有章可循,违章必究,不留盲点,不出漏洞。 4、建立学校安全意外事故处置预案制度。学校建立以校长为组长的重特大安全事故应急处理领导小组,制定了重特大安全事故应急处理预案。为了及时快捷地开展工作,学校成立了现场指挥组、协调联络组、后勤保障组、事故调查组、抢救组等临时性机构。并对可能发生的重特大火灾事故、重特大食物中毒事故、


篇一:销售工作总结开头结尾范文 销售工作总结开头、结尾范文 销售工作总结开头 在繁忙的工作中不知不觉又迎来了新的一年,回顾这一年的工作历程,作为******企业的每一名员工,我们深深感到*****企业之蓬勃发展的热气,*****人之拼搏的精神。 ****是******销售部门的一名普通员工,刚到房产时,该同志对房地产方面的知识不是很精通,对于新环境、新事物比较陌生。在公司领导的帮助下,****很快了解到公司的性质及其房地产市场。作为销售部中的一员,该同志深深觉到自己身肩重任。作为企业的门面,企业的窗口,自己的一言一行也同时代表了一个企业的形象。所以更要提高自身的素质,高标准的要求自己。在高素质的基础上更要加强自己的专业知识和专业技能。此外,还要广泛了解整个房地产市场的动态,走在市场的前沿。经过这段时间的磨练,****同志已成为一名合格的销售人员,并且努力做好自己的本职工作。 房地产市场的起伏动荡,公司于****年与****公司进行合资,共同完成销售工作。在这段时间,****同志积极配合****公司的员工,以销售为目的,在公司领导的指导下,完成经营价格的制定,在春节前策划完成了广告宣传,为**月份的销售高潮奠定了基础。最后以****个月完成合同额****万元的好成绩而告终。经过这次企业的洗礼,****同志从中得到了不少专业知识,使自己各方面都所有提高。 200*年下旬公司与******公司合作,这又是公司的一次重大变革和质的飞跃。在此期间主要是针对房屋的销售。经过之前销售部对房屋执行内部认购等手段的铺垫制造出**火爆场面。在销售部,**同志担任销售内业及会计两种职务。面对工作量的增加以及销售工作的系统化和正规化,工作显得繁重和其中。在开盘之际,该同志基本上每天都要加班加点完成工作。经过一个多月时间的熟悉和了解,****同志立刻进入角色并且娴熟的完成了自己的本职工作。由于房款数额巨大,在收款的过程中该同志做到谨慎认真,现已收取了上千万的房款,每一笔帐目都相得益彰,无一差错。此外在此销售过程中每月的工作总结和每周例会,该同志不断总结自己的工作经验,及时找出弊端并及早改善。销售部在短短的三个月的时间将二期房屋全部清盘,而且一期余房也一并售罄,这其中与****同志和其他销售部成员的努力是分不开的。 200*年这一年是有意义的、有价值的、有收获的。公司在每一名员工的努力下,在新的一年中将会有新的突破,新的气象,能够在日益激烈的市场竞争中,占有一席之地。主要写一下工作内容,取得的成绩,以及不足,最后提出合理化的建议或者新的努力方向。。。。。。 转载:总结,就是把一个时间段的情况进行一次全面系统的总检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,分析成绩、不足、经验等。总结是应用写作的一种,是对已经做过的工作进行理性的思考。总结与计划是相辅相成的,要以计划为依据,制定计划总是在个人总结经验的基础上进行的。 总结的基本要求 1.总结必须有情况的概述和叙述,有的比较简单,有的比较详细。这部分内容主要是对工作的主客观条件、有利和不利条件以及工作的环境和基础等进行分析。 2.成绩和缺点。这是总结的中心。总结的目的就是要肯定成绩,找出缺点。成绩有哪些,有多大,表现在哪些方面,是怎样取得的;缺点有多少,表现在哪些方面,是什么性质的,怎样产生的,都应讲清楚。 3.经验和教训。做过一件事,总会有经验和教训。为便于今后的工作,须对以往工作的经验和教训进行分析、研究、概括、集中,并上升到理论的高度来认识。 今后的打算。根据今后的工作任务和要求,吸取前一时期工作的经验和教训,明确努力方向,提出改进措施等


中心小学安全工作总结 校园安全工作事关千家万户的幸福,是维护社会稳定,推进学校教育教学顺利发展的重要因素。本学期,安全工作在全体师生的共同努力下,坚持预防为主、防治结合、加强教育、群防群治的原则,通过安全教育,增强学生的安全意识和自我防护能力;通过齐抓共管,营造全校教职员工关心和支持学校安全工作的局面,从而切实保障师生安全和财产不受损失,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序。 一、领导重视措施有力 为进一步做好安全教育工作,切实加强对安全教育工作的领导,学校把安全工作列入重要议事日程,定期召开安全工作会议。建立了以校长为组长的学校安全工作领导小组,层层签订安全工作责任书。学校政教处、少先队、综治室具体分工负责组织实施。 二、制度保证措施到位 1、建立安全工作责任制和责任追究制。由校长室负责,将安全工作列入各有关处室和班主任的目标考核内容,并进行严格考核,严格执行责任追究制度,对造成重大安全事故的,要严肃追究有关科室及直接责任人的责任。 2、签订责任书。学校与中层、班主任和后勤人员层层签订责任书,明确各自的职责。学校还与学生家长签订了安全责任书,

明确了家长应做的工作和应负的责任。将安全教育工作作为对教职员工考核的重要内容,实行一票否决制度。贯彻“谁主管,谁负责”的原则,做到职责明确,责任到人。 3、不断完善学校安全工作规章制度。建立学校安全工作的各项规章制度,并根据安全工作形势的发展,不断完善充实。建立健全定期检查和日常防范相结合的安全管理制度,免费范文建立了学生管理、门卫值班、巡逻值班、防火防灾、食品卫生管理、防火安全管理、体育器材检查、健康体检等规章制度。严禁学生私自结伴去山、塘、水库玩耍和游泳,严禁学生参加商业性庆典活动,严禁组织学生从事不符合国家有关规定的危险性工作,严禁教师个人利用假期(日)私自带学生外出,在校外开展的社会实践活动要坚持就近、徒步原则。健全班级安全工作考核细则,对涉及学校安全的各项工作,都要做到有章可循,违章必究,不留盲点,不出漏洞。 4、建立学校安全意外事故处置预案制度。制订了“安全隐患排查治理方案”、“防雷减灾应急预案”、“防汛防台抢险救灾应急预案”等。 三、齐抓共管群防群治 学校安全教育工作是一项社会性的系统工程,需要社会、学校、家庭的密切配合。我们积极与公安、卫生、综合治理等部门通力合作,做好学校安全工作,学校组织开展一系列道德、法制教育活动,取得了良好的教育效果。如:学校与交警部门联合开


谈issue中例子的问题 在robinii关于例子问题的一些建议的启发下,我对于例子的各种问题深入的思考了一番,总结出来一些东西献给大家。 1.例子的必要性&重要性 在谈如何选择和应用例子之前应该先明确的问题就是为什么要在issue中使用例子,为什么说例子对于issue十分重要。只有考虑清楚了这个前提,大家才会对例子的问题给予足够的重视,也才会有兴趣继续看我后面的内容。 1.1ETS的要求 经常可以看到有的同学发贴要求评分,其实,要想知道自己的文章属于多少分数的范围,只要看看ETS对于AW的评分标准就可以了。而我相信,仔细研究了评分标准这个最有指导性的文献的同学并不多,这也就是很多再三强调的问题反复出现,重要问题得不到重视的原因。如果大家仔细看过评分标准就会发现,issue从6分到2分的标准中几乎第一条都是对于例子的要求,如下: SCORE 6 Develops a position on the issue with insightful reasons and /or persuasive examples SCORE 5 Develops a position on the issue with well-chosen reasons and/or examples SCORE 4 Develops a position on the issue with relevant reasons and/or examples SCORE 3 Is weak in the use of relevant reasons or examples SCORE 2 Provides few, if any, relevant reasons or examples 可以看出对于例子的使用是issue评分的一个重要标准,而从出现的位置(第一条)来看,甚至我们可以说它是首要的评分标准。不只是举出例子就可以,还要看你例子是否使用得好,是否是insightful,是否是well-chosen。最官方的红头文件尚且对这个问题如此重视,我们怎能不仔细的考虑考虑呢。所以,例子重要的第一个依据就是――ETS官方评分标准。 ***有些同学可能对于这些标准中的”and/or”心存疑惑,可能会有“人家说or不就是可以不用


中小学安全工作总结(一) 2011年学校安全 工作总结 学校安全工作事关千家万户的幸福,是维护社会稳定,推进学校素质教育顺利实施的重要因素。 我校认真贯彻中心校要求落实的各项安全要求,将创建平安校园工作列为学校的头等大事,与学校德育工作紧密结合,坚持以防为主,积极开展各类安全知识培训、教育活动,落实各项防卫措施,使创安工作得到全面、深入、有效地开展。全校师生的法制观念、道路交通安全意识、消防意识等其它安全意识显著增强。现将一年来的工作总结如下 一、领导高度重视,制定有力措施。 为进一步做好安全教育工作,切实加强对安全教育工作的领导,学校把安全工作列入重要议事日程,成立了以杜根民校长为组长;杨志军为副组长的安全工作领导小组和食品卫生工作领导小组,学校领导、班主任、教师都具有很强的安

全意识。还根据学校安全工作的具体形势,把涉及师生安全的各块内容进行认真分解落实到人,做到每一项工作都有对应的专(兼)管人员、主管领导和分管校长,防止了工作上的相互推诿。从而形成了学校苏校长直接抓,分管罗主任具体抓,各班主任具体分工负责组织实施,全校教职员工齐心协力共抓安全的良好局面。 二、安全制度保证,实施扎实到位。 1、建立安全保卫工作领导责任制和责任追究制。与保安人员签订相关安全责任合同,将安全保卫工作列入考核内容中,严格执行责任追究制度。凡发生重、特大安全责任事故和影响恶劣的安全责任事故,或在各级工作检查中,受到批评的,对有关责任人员作如下处理根据具体情况,分别给予党纪、政纪处分。同时还要承担经济责任。情节和后果严重的,将由有关部门追究法律责任。 2、签订责任书。学校对班主任及任课教师明确各自的岗位职责。学校在学期初与学生家长明确学生安全责任意识,明确了家长应做的工作和应负的责任。将安全教育工作作为对教职员工考核的重要内容,实行一票否决制度。贯彻“谁主管,谁负责”的原则,做到职责明确,责任到人。 3、不断完善学校安全保卫工作规章制度。建立学校安全保卫工作 的各项规章制度,并根据安全保卫工作形势的发展,不断完善充实。建立健


工作总结结尾 工作总结结尾 结尾一般是总结的最后一部分,对全文进行归纳,总结.或突出成绩;或写今后的打算和努力的方向;或指出工作中的缺点和存在的咨询题. 【范例一】 近半年的工作中,我通过实践学到了许多房地产的相关知识,通过不断的学习逐步提高了自己的业务水平。然而作为新人,我深深明白,自己经验依旧相对欠缺的,需要不断的学习和磨练。因此,在新的一年里,我希望通过到销售第一线的不断学习和实践,做好个人工作打算,在现场不断增加自己的经验和见识,争取使自己的业务水平提到一个更高的高度,为公司多做贡献。 【范例二】 总之,这一年以来,我们有得也有失,有苦也有甜,然而不论欢笑或泪水,都将会是我们每个人在爱心社弥足宝贵的珍藏。相信爱心社的改日会更好 【范例三】 20xx年是不平凡的一年,通过全体职员的共同努力,公司各项工作取得了全面胜利,各项经营指标均创历史新高。在面对成绩欢欣鼓舞的同时,我们也清醒地看到我们在营销工作及售后服务工作中的诸多不足,尤其在市场开拓的创新上,精品服务的理念上,还大有潜力可挖。同时还要提高我们对市场变化的快速反应能力。为此,面对20xx年,公司领导团体,一定会充分发挥团队合作精神,群策群力,紧紧围绕服务治理那个主旨,将品牌营销、服务营销和文化营销三者紧密结合,确保公司20xx年公司各项工作的顺利完成。 【范例四】 一年的工作差不多结束了,在马上迎来的一年中,我们会不断的努力的,这是一直无法拒绝的咨询题,这是一直以来我们在年终时候的总结。每一年都有自己的进步,每一年都会有自己的成长相信大伙儿在来年中一定会取得最圆满的成功的 【范例五】 在20xx年的工作中,我会尽我的全力来参加工作的,如何讲现在还年轻,需要更好的奋斗,在年轻的时候多拼一拼,这才是一生中最好的奋斗时刻,过了那个年龄就是想拼也没有精力和能力了,我会趁着我年轻的时候努力拼搏的,打拼出属于自己的一片蔚蓝的天空 【范例六】 大夫的天职就是治病,这些差不多工作我这么多年来一直在进步,尽管质变依旧没有发生,只是相信量变积存到一定程度,我就会迎来自己的质变和升华。我在不断的提升我的思


小学安全工作总结范文 一、为了使全体教师树立“人人都是安全工作者”的思想,主动把学校安全工作与各自的实际工作结合起来,增强“安全第一,预防为主”意识,在思想上建立起一道安全防护线,吉利小学在与全体教职工签订《安全工作目标责任书》的同时,制定了安全工作责任追究制定,明确了各类人员的安全责任,特别突出执行安全责任的奖惩措施,做到了制度建立、责任明晰、奖惩分明,保证了学校安全管理无一真空、无一漏洞。 二、加强检查,排除隐患 我校针对学校安全事故的薄弱环节,突出加强了学校安全防范,始终如一地坚持定期和不定期的安全排查、防范制度,以确保万无一失。 1 开学前一周,学校安全工作领导小组开展校园安全大检查。在检查中,一一列出检查项目和明细,明确检查范围、重点,对学校校舍、教学设备、消防设施等逐一进行全面检查,确认无安全隐患,并经相关检查人员签字后,方可在开学时投入使用。对检查出的安全隐患,学校立即组织整改,以确保开学时正常使用。 2 加强常规性的安全检查。学校对重点安全部位,强化警钟长鸣意识,做到了时时检查、处处留心,严加防范。学校建立并严格执行了“班级安全工作周检制度”、“各班学生每天晨检观察制度”,并详细记载检查情况。对检查中发现的问题或安全隐患,学校立即采取措施,切实整改。

3 学校建立“安全月查报告制度”。为了强化安全工作督查与整改,学校安全工作领导小组坚持每月底对校园安全进行了全面、认真、细致的检查,检查范围包括制度落实情况、各安全责任人执行情况和安全隐患排查等方面,检查后及时向上级部门上报了学校安全工作情况。 三、安全教育,常抓不懈 在狠抓安全管理的同时,我校将安全教育作为中心任务,注重学生安全意识的提高和良好安全行为的养成,从根本上防止人为安全事故发生。 1 通过周一升旗仪式“国旗下讲话”和每日课间操后的全校集会、黑板报、校园宣传橱窗,各年级各班利用朝会、班队活动、每日“放学前一分钟安全教育”等,对学生进行新《小学守则》、《小学生日常行为规范》、《“十个”道德好习惯》、《预防未成年人犯罪法》等安全知识教育外,还开展了形式多样的安全教育活动,如“安全知识竞赛”、“吉利小学饮水饮食卫生《告学生书》”(1-6年级学生)、“自办安全手抄小报展评”(4-6年级学生)、聘请法制副校长为师生“以案说法”(1-6年级学生)、“珍惜生命,关爱社会”征文(3-6年级学生)、观看安全教育图片展等多种形式,提高学生的安全意识。 2 加强家校联系,共同做好学生的安全教育与管理。我校除了要求教师上门家访外,还印发了“关于交通安全教育《告家长书》”、“防溺水、防雷电《告家长书》”、“关于假期加强孩子的安全教育《告家长书》”、“关于假期孩子的教育和管理《告家长书》”,还召开了学生家长会,


Issue题目难点(是非论证的文章) 1审题先熟悉题库中文意思 2内容不考内容背景,考逻辑分析能力 3语言标准书面语 三类难题:哲学类道德伦理文化文学只能放掉一类题目不用准备新G取消二选一该考为30分钟 按主题分类:纵向比较分类题库 1防止跑题 2★合并类似题目(新G改革要求1更加具体的细节深度>广度>范度2不能雷同)两道题的论点相似其论据论证过程可以相互使用 简易评分要求0-3分:审题和结构3-4.5分:论证过程Reasoning 4.5-6分:语言 多看6分文章不要模仿6分以下的文章 中心观点不能完全赞成或完全反对要从正反两方面论证 审题四步走 1中心观点在题目中寻找关键词主体词—确定主题(名词句子的主干)确定中心观点 限定词(adj adv 定语从句状语从句)用于确定论证角度(少数抽象题目没有限定词)2中心观点的分支观点现在将来问题有是非两个方面开头结尾是中心观点段中间4段(T+ T- F+ F-)3?分支观点的理由找限定词写issue 不要走向极端,要看整体框架 4 论据evidence 每一个分支观点理由------→分支论据归纳演绎方式观点论据比1:3---1:4---1:5 带到生活场景中去-----看题库本身 弊端:1斟词酌句浪费时间Issue看整体不看局部 Issue入门要求:先用基本单词练习关键是思路(下托福高频词表)先写再修改一气呵成不要写写停停 2临时找思路边想边写把能准备的尽量全准备 3临时发挥应用分类提纲事先准备 Step2先整理分类提纲-----整理单个提纲

Step3如何写分类提纲:先找主体词限定词---再归纳p11 是非两方面 分支观点理由—-限定词 论据善于归纳eg. 技术进步的3大种例子1交通2通讯交流(交流与人类的关系)3自动化 如何展开分析:演绎要展开包装---学术化 ★Issue的写作核心:具体问题具体分析的是非论证★ Step4 综上400-600字文章--→20-30个长句复杂句 Issue 作文的结构 开头段2-3句话提出中心句------结尾段2-3句话得出结尾句 中间展开部分1 TTF 大正小负2TFF大负小正3TF 平衡结构正文第一段都是先写正的先继承再批判(先扬后抑) 6-7句话写每段的主题句---过渡句(并列递进转折) 模板:1逻辑性的目标(迎合软件评分表准)2 写作习惯 模板包括:1 结构固定2 1 开头段的中心句1位置要求---每一个位置用什么句型做什么用End focus开头段末句中心观点 错误一:用问句结束开头(而要有明确的回答) 错误二:做报告式的开头The issue that lies in two points 2用何种句型写中心句:1 正反论证结构或有倾向的(TTF 大正小负TFF大负小正)用让步语气 2 平衡结构也可用平衡让步结果前后同等重要 The issue that calls for balance in which there are both A and B(现在将来感性理性正负两观点均可蓝色部分不可雷同同时使用) 2 开头段的写法╳B+P 背景+立场层层铺垫---铺垫型的罗嗦开头讲义P38 ╳E+P 例子+立场讲义P42


小学上学期安全工作总结 篇一:XX年小学安全工作总结 XX年杨家畈小学安全工作总结 我校始终把安全工作列为学校的头等大事,与学校德育工作紧密结合,坚持以预防为主,积极开展各类安全教育活动,落实各项防范措施,使安全工作得到全面、深入、有效地开展。现将一学期来的工作总结如下: 一、组织健全,职责明确。 为进一步做好安全教育工作,切实加强对安全教育工作的领导,学校把安全工作列入了重要议事日程,成立了学校安全工作领导小组,学校教师都具有很强的安全意识。我们还根据学校安全工作的具体形势,把涉及师生安全的各块内容进行认真分解落实到人,做到每一项工作都有对应的专管人员,防止了工作上的相互推诿。从而形成了学校校长直接抓,分管人员具体抓,各班主任具体分工负责组织实施,全校教职员工齐心协力共抓安全的良好局面。 二、制度保证,实施到位。 1、强化安全工作措施,把学校安全工作抓实抓牢。不断完善学校安全保卫工作规章制度。建立学校安全保卫工作的各项规章制度,加强对外来人员的管理,认真做好外访登记,严防闲散人员进入校园。做好上课期间师生外出登记工

作,以免有人员在上课期间走失或出意外。确保校园治安安全,维护正常教学秩序。 2、值日教师提前半小时到岗,进行课前、课间、午间巡视,及时把偶发事件消灭在萌芽状态。 3、课课点名制度:每堂课的任课教师必须做好学生的出席点名工作,发现问题及时与家长联系。 4、签订责任书、告家长书制度:学校对班主任及任课教师明确各自的岗位职责。学校在学期初与学生家长明确学生安全责任意识,明确了家长应做的工作和应负的责任。贯彻“谁主管,谁负责”的原则,做到职责明确,责任到人。长假前与家长签订告家长书。 5、加强检查,及时整改。定期对校园设施安全进行排查,对存在的隐患及时反映,及时整改。 6、加强交通安全宣传和管理。对骑车学生集中进行安全教育,严禁学生骑“三无”(无刹车、无铃、无牌照)自行车上学,严禁学生骑车载人,校内无学生骑车现象。 7、严禁教师个人私自带学生外出,学校所开展的各种活动严格坚持大型活动上报审批制度。 8、加强学校食品卫生等各项制度建设,重视学校食品安全工作。每月对学校卫生安全进行一次检查,积极配合卫生、工商等部门加强管理,力争把食品隐患消灭在萌芽状态,


个人月度工作总结结尾怎么写 范例一 总结上个月的工作,按照联社会计委派工作的具体要求,较好地履行了岗位职责,强化了内部管理规范工作,使全社的会计出纳工作得到了进一步加强,会计出纳工作质量得到了有效提高。但也存在不少问题。主要表现在:一是岗位职责发挥的不够好,以身作则,率先垂范的意识还不够强,存有办事效率不高、工作措施不到位等现象。二是在贯彻落实制度执行上不够认真,监督管理跟不上,存在抓制度落实的力度不够。三是会计出纳人员的整体业务素质未能从根本得到提高,学业务、练技术积极性未能真正充分发挥起来。针对以上问题,本人在下步工作中将认真加以改进和完善,按照联社领导和社领导的要求及委派会计主管的职权范围,严格履行岗位职责,扎实工作,努力完成联社及社领导交办的各项工作任务。

以上个人工作述职,如有不妥当之处,恳请领导给予批评,并加以监督。 范例二 总之,教育工作,是一份常做常新、永无止境的工作。一份春华,一份秋实,在教书育人的道路上我付出的是辛勤的汗水和真挚的泪水,但同时我也收获了充实与快乐。在以后的工作中我将一如既往用心去教诲我的学生,相信今日含苞欲放的花蕾,明日一定能盛开绚丽的花朵。希望在以后的工作中能发扬优点,克服不足,总结经验教训,使教学工作更上一层楼。 范例三 在新的一个月里除原本的工作职责内的事情之外,将完成以下工作: 。。。。。。

随着公司不断扩大,规范,完善,可以预料们的工作将更加繁重,要求也将更高,需掌握的知识需更广,为此,将更加勤奋学习,提高自身各项素质和技能,适应公司发展要求。 以上是上个月度的个人工作总结,请监督! 作总结的内容总结主要包括以下四个方面的主要内容: 1.基本情况 这是对自身情况和形势背景的简略介绍。自身情况包括单位名称、工作性质、基本建制、人员数量、主要工作任务等;形势背景包括国内外形势、有关政策、指导思想等。


最新小学安全用电工作总结范文 篇1:小学安全用电工作总结 在上级主管部门的正确领导下,认真贯彻落实上级防雷防电工作指示精神,不断改进和完善工作方法,提高安全防范能力,将事故隐患减少到最低指数,最大可能的提供安全保障,确保学校发展不受影响。 一、高度重视,积极做好防雷安全的宣传工作 我们主要从以下方面落实这项工作。 1、成立防雷防电安全领导小组,统一领导、协调和组织学校开展防雷安全教育工作。通过会议进行防雷安全宣传。学校坚持召开防雷安全工作例会,分析问题讨论措施布置工作。对包括学校防雷安全在内的安全问题作了详尽的分析,并提出了许多需要注意的问题。 2、组织防雷防电安全知识教育活动。学校组织专门的防雷知识讲座,开办专栏,加深学生的印象。学生掌握了基本的防雷安全知识,增强了防雷安全意识。学校还对全体教职工和学生进行防雷自救的培训,并进行实际演练,使全体教职工掌握到了防雷自救的正确方法和技巧,全面提高了广大师生防雷安全意识和防溺水、防雷雨实际能力,从而进一步推动了学校防雷教育工作。 3、在全校师生员工之中进行了一次系统全面的防雷安全检查。对学校各重要部位设施进行了全面的检查。

4、教师坚持宣传防雷防电知识,加强学生的安全教育。 二、推进防雷安全责任制,充分落实管理责任与具体措施 1、确定重点部位,明确重点部位负责人。 2、加大检查力度。 3、游泳必须有家长陪伴。 4、假期学生远离沟渠湖泊等深水水源。 三、制定防雷安全紧急预案 安全责任重于泰山,消防防雷安全无小事,为了使学生有效避雷避汛,举行避雷和溺水自救救助演练,为了使学生隐患能够在第一时间得到有效控制,并保证学生能够处危不乱,科学避险,减少盲目、慌乱、互伤和自伤事故的发生,学校组织防雷防溺水安全演练。 四、警钟常鸣,把工作做细做实 为避免各种不安全因素的发生,每天放学前一分钟,任课老师必须进行一次安全教育,规定学生不准下水洗澡,不准到沟渠湖泊边玩耍。学校值日教师每天巡视校园内有否安全隐患,把一切不安全因素消灭在萌芽状态之中。 由于认识明确、措施到位,一年来,我校从未发生过溺水安全方面的意外事故。安全高于一切,防雷防电工作任重道远,不是一劳永逸的事情。我们在加强日常工作管理和阶段情况总结的同时,树立了防患于未然的安全意识。每名教师都能关心防雷防电安全,在全校教职员工的共同努力下,中心小学防雷防电安全工作会做得更好。


作文废话魔版及例子集 Issue 模版 The issue of whether... is a complex and controversial one. One the one hand, many people may feel that..; on the other hand, others may think that… However, in the final analysis, I conclude that …. In the following discussion, I wou ld like to present evidences favouring the former one and refuting the latter one/to support my point of view. --- In the first place, the most important reason for my view is that 。For example/History has it that 例子There is no better example than this to illustrate the strength /weakness of 某方. --- In addition, there is another reason for me to choose this statement/consider this statement to be wrong. The reason is not far to seek:原因2。For instance, 例子2。 --- Of course, it may be true that自己观点对立方的某些长处in some conditions . However, this alone does not constitute a sufficient support to 对立方的观点。,When the advantage and disadvantage of X and Y are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is obvious. Given the reasons discussed above, which sometimes intertwine to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that XXX 例子集 Success Bill Gates When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started the engine of Microsoft. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s No.1 University. However, with size comes power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft becomes the biggest software company in the world and Bill Gates becomes the richest man in the world. We can learn from the experience of the great inventor Thomas Alva Edison that sometimes a series of apparent failures is really a precursor to success. The voluminous personal papers of Edison reveal that his inventions typically did not spring to life in a flash of inspiration but evolved slowly from previous woks. Mother Teresa Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name "Saint of the Gutters." The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She founded an order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India dedicated to serving

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