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当前位置:文档库 › (浙江省选考)17年10月高考英语专题一高频词汇分类集训与语篇训练话题十二文娱与体育




1.award v.授予;奖励;判给;裁定


award sth.to sb.=award sb.sth.把某物颁发给某人2.belong vi.属于;为……的一员

belong to属于;是……的成员

a sense of belonging归属感

belongings n.所有物;财产

3.breath n.呼吸;气息

take/draw a deep breath深吸一口气

hold one’s breath屏住呼吸

out of breath上气不接下气

4.cheer v.欢呼;喝彩;鼓励

cheer up感到高兴;感到振奋

5.compare vt.比较;把……比作




compared to/with和……比起来

6.contain v.包含;容纳;控制;抑制

7.count vi.认为;算作;重要


count on/upon=depend/rely on/upon依赖,依靠count...as/to be...把……看作……

8.declare v.宣告;宣布;声明;表明

declare...to be...宣布……为……

declare war on...向……宣战

declare for/against表示赞成/反对

9.figure n.数字;身材;体型;人物


figure out弄懂;计算;想出,理解

10.judge n.裁判员;法官



judging from/by...根据……判断

11.pain n.痛苦;疼,痛

take pains to do sth.尽力/下苦功做某事12.perform v.表演;履行;执行

put on/give a performance表演

13.power n.能力;力量;权力;动力


come to/into power掌权;上台

in one’s power在某人的掌控中

beyond/out of power能力所不及

14.protect vt.保卫,防卫


under the protection of在……的保护下

15.relief n.减轻;解除;减轻痛苦的事物;宽慰in relief如释重负

relieve sb.of...将某人从……中解脱出来

16.spirit n.勇气;意志;心灵;精神;情绪;心情in high/low spirits 情绪高涨/低落

17.stick v.刺,戳;钉住;困住;坚持,遵守

stick out伸出;探出;继续

stick to坚持,信守

18.strength n.力气;体力;强项,优势

build up one’s strength增强体力


break down出故障;失败;垮掉;分解

break up粉碎;解散;放假;断绝关系

break out(战争、火灾等)爆发;突然开始

break through取得突破;克服

break into破门而入;突然开始


高考英语听力指导 1.听力的最佳状态是“无瑕疵听力”,即完全听清听懂每一句话,做对每一题。但是因为题目难度、 自身水平、做题时的专注度及解题心态策略等主客观原因,做不到无瑕疵听力也是正常。此时,理想的状态是听懂材料的语境大意,根据题干设问和选项特点抓住几个关键词,合理地整合信息与猜测,做对题目,以听力尽量不失分为目标。 2.解题步骤: (1)听力开始前认真审题(包括题干与选项),预判题目类型、话题和关注点,圈划关键词(如主语、宾语、时间/地点状语等); (2)选项文字很长信息量大,选项之间差别大时,尤其勾出题号提醒自己小心,最好审两遍题,做足准备;选项中含有专有名词,尤其关注,若是自己不熟的词,心里默念,以免在听力中出现时,无法及时反应; (4)专心听,不一心两用,平时训练耐心和注意力长度;防止走神,用笔圈划题目关键词甚至听写材料关键词,所谓眼到手到心到;上一题没听清时,采取及时放弃原则,给下一题留出审题时间; (5)做完对答案,看听力原文,划出错题信息源,总结错误原因(单词发音不熟,没听懂大意,没听出言外之意,不了解固定表达含义等),出声读原文,或有条件再听两遍做到无瑕疵听力,若有老师帮助积累常见表达,总结高频考察词更佳。 3.听力题型分类: 根据【题干特点】可分为:(1)细节题(5W+1H,包括数字计算题),(2)推断题(probable, what will sb do, what does sb mean等),(3)主旨大意题(mainly talk about)等; 根据【选项特点】可分为:(1)直接信息题(正确选项会直接听到关键词,可能会做同义改写),(2)信息匹配题(三个选项都会直接听到,重在匹配问题与答案)(3)推理归纳题(三个选项都不会直接听到,基于理解大意和抓准关键词,进行推断或归纳)。 4.正确选项特点在于同义改写,干扰项的命题套路包括:无中生有,真假混合,张冠李戴,曲解词 义等,同阅读理解干扰项套路类似。 听力场景关键词与常见表达 高考考试的对话内容场景基本上都是考生所熟悉的,有校园、生活、工作、各种社交场所。了解一些场景下的常见表达,抓住关键词对解题很有帮助。对这些常用词汇和短语不仅要知道其本身的意思,还要知道它们的同义改写表达,这是因为现在听力试题一般不会在选项中出现对话中的原词和词组。 1.restaurant餐馆 2.cafeteria 自助餐厅 3.buffet 自助餐 4.canteen 5.dining hall 食堂,餐厅 6.cafe咖啡屋 7.snack bar 小吃街、大排挡 8.waiter/waitress 男/女服务 生 9.order 点菜 10.serve 上菜 11.menu 菜单 12.bill 账单13.tip 小费 14.change 零钱 15.treat 请客 16.knife刀 17.fork叉; 18.chopsticks筷子 19.spoon勺子 20.plate碟子 21.tray 托盘 22.appetizer 开胃菜 23.dessert甜品 24.soup 汤 25.main course主菜 26.steak 牛排 27.cheese奶酪 28.sandwich 三明治 29.hamburger 汉堡包 30.French fries 炸薯条 31.spaghetti 意大利面 32.pasta 通心粉 33.pizza 披萨 34.bacon 培根 35.chicken鸡肉 36.beef牛肉 37.pork猪肉 38.drink饮料 39.dressing 调味酱 40.pepper胡椒 41.ketchup 番茄酱 42.delicious/yummy/tasty 可


高考英语专题训练:书面表达1 1.请阅读下面有个龋齿的相关信息: 【参考词汇】 龋齿病 tooth decay 纤维 fiber 2、.书面表达(满分25分) 据报道,我国学生近视率居世界第一。造成这一现象的原因是多方面的, 请你以 "Why are more and more children getting short-sighted?" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。 内容主要包括: 1. 造成学生近视的原因; 2. 如何保护视力? 注意: 1.词数120左右; 2.可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯; 3.短文的开头已经写好, 不计入总词数。 参考词汇: 近视率 rate of myopia Why are more and more children getting short-sighted? It is reported that the rate of myopia of Chinese students is ranked as the highest in the world ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________


浙江高考英语试题及答案2020 延伸阅读: 高考英语完形填空答题技巧 第一步:跳过空格,通读全文,把握大意。 第一遍读文章时不要做题,而是跳过空格,通读试题所给的要填空的短文,获得整体印象,做到弄清文脉、抓住主旨,较好地把握 短文大意。平时自己做题时,如果读一遍读不懂,那就读两遍,读 两遍还是读不懂,那就再读一遍。一定要记住“读不懂文章不要做题”,因为没有理解文章做了也是白做,既浪费时间又浪费精力, 还自欺欺人,危害不小。总之,一定要在理解短文意思的基础上才 能开始做题。 另外,读第一遍时要注意先读懂文章的首句和末句,因为这两句往往是没有被挖空的句子。它们往往是全文的关键句,是文章的 “窗口”和“指南”,可作为解题的突破口。通过读文章的首句一 般可判断文章的体裁、人物、时间、事件和事态等。文章的最后一 句或最后一段,往往是故事发展的结果,所陈述的事件的结论、启 示性的提示,或是对全篇文章的概括。因此,先读一读末句对理解 文章是很有帮助的。 第二步:结合选项,综合考虑,初选答案。 在理解全文意思的基础上,结合所给备选项再次细读全文。联系上、下文内容。注意从上、下文的语法结构和词语搭配及从选择项 中寻找解题的提示。以词、句的意义为先,再从分析句子结构人手,根据短文意思、语法规则、词语固定搭配等进行综合考虑,对备选 项逐一进行分析、比较和筛选,排除干扰项,初步选定答案。有把 握的先做,没有把握的“跳过”。 第三步:先易后难,瞻前顾后,各个击破。

对比较明显、自己最有把握的答案先做,一下子不能确定答案的,先跳过这一空格,继续往下做,最后回过头来再集中精力解决难点。这时可结合已确定答案的选项再读一遍短文,随着对短文理解的深入,自然就会降低试题的难度,提高选择的正确率。 值得一提的是,近年来的高考完形填空,已很少有纯粹的语法题材。完形填空主要考查考生根据不完整的上下文,推断出文段发展 走向的逻辑思维能力,其考查的重点不是语法和词法的知识。任何 一篇文章的句子结构和内容上不会孤立存在,句子与句子之间是有 很强的逻辑关系的。因此,必须借助上下文的一些暗示才能正确解题。 第四步:复读全文,逐空验证,弥补疏漏。 做完所有的空格后,把所选的答案补入空格中,把文章通读一遍,逐空认真复查,看所选定的答案是否使短文意思前后连贯、顺理成章,语法结构是否正确,是否符合习惯表达法,发现误选的答案或 有疑问的、不清楚的答案,再次推敲,作出修正。 猜你喜欢:


2015年高考模拟训练试题 高三英语(一) 本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分。考试用时120分钟。 第I卷(选择题共50分) 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Where will the woman most probably go? A.To the fourth floor. B.To the third floor. C.To the second floor.2.How does the man look? A.Very tired. B.Very well. C.Very excited. 3.Who has given up smoking? A.Jack. B.Frank. C.The woman. 4.What does the man plan to do first? A.To tour in a city. B.To see his brother. C.To go back home.5.What does the woman feel scared of? A.Attending an important party. B.Hosting an important party. C.Missing an important party. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.Where are the two speakers? A.In a hotel. B.In a theater. C.At home. 7.What does the man want to do?


2020年最新的关于高考英语听力试题应试技 巧和解题基本方法分享 高中英语听力测试部分在整套试题中占有重要地位。它要求 考生从头到尾按顺序往下听,在有限的时间内做出选择,没有 “回头看”的余地。 今天WTT给大家整理分享了就结合近几年的高考英语听力试 题介绍一些应试技巧和解题的基本方法。一起来学习一下吧。 一.听力应试技巧与策略 听前:略读 题目,切入话题,划出重点,预测内容(确定人物身份) 听中:捕捉信息,速记要点,有的放矢,去伪存真(短文独白,首末为主旨句,注意5W,1H) 听后:连贯记忆,前后联系,综合考虑,一锤定音。 二.快速记录能力 心记:这种能力对于解决听力第1节的问题非常适用。 笔记: 1)运用速记符号例如:↑up↓down←left- right=equal 2)发明并运用字母的缩写形式Ex expensive lg large eq earthquake

三.预测技巧 1.对话预测:在听取对话,尤其是Part1-5 Short Conversation时,考生可以按照下例wh-问题进行预测: 1)Who are the two speakers? 2)What is the possible Relationships between them? 3)When did they have the conversation? 4)Where did the conversation take place? 5)Why do they have the conversation? 6)What did they plan to do? 2.语篇预测:了解讲话者已提供和未提供的信息 1)What facts did the speaker offer? 2)What facts did the speaker fail to offer? 3.依靠开篇句预测:英语听力的第一句话通常会透露整篇的主题,所以考生要善于抓住听力材料的首句信息。 例如:Americans have a popular saying “Time is money。” 从这一句开篇句我们可以预测的信息范围: 1)这是一篇关于时间的话题。 2)涉及对象是美国人。 四.听力特点及高分应试策略 话题广泛:购物、就餐、打电话、问路、看病、邀请、询问时间、谈论天气、假日活动、买票等,其内容包含新闻报道、社


完形填空练习 【考点分析】主要考查语法知识、单词拼写能力和逻辑推理能力等,对基础相对薄弱的学生,尤其是英语语法基础相对薄弱的学生有一定的难度。 【复习策略】掌握句子的基本结构 首先,我们必须熟练掌握简单句的基本句型结构: (1)主语+谓语(+宾语+宾补) (2)主语+系动词+表语 其次,我们要充分了解充当各个句子成分的典型词类: (1)充当主语或宾语的典型词类是名词或代词。此外,还有动名词、不定式短语等。 (2)充当谓语的一定是动词。 (3)充当补语或表语的典型词类是形容词。 (4)在名词前作定语的典型词类是形容词或形容词性物主代词。 (5)作状语的典型词类是副词。 再次,我们还要掌握句子的扩展结构:两个或几个简单句之间若不用句号或分号,就必须要用连词,否则,句子的结构就不完整。连词主要有以下四类: (1)用and,but,or,while(而,却),when(就在这个时候)等构成并列句。用if,unless,before,after,until,although,though,as,since,because,so,so that 等构成含状语从句的复合句(这里要注意区分一下复杂句和复合句,复合句是包含在复杂句这个概念里面的,在下文的基础写作部分有提到)。 (3)用who,which,that,when,where,why等构成含定语从句的复合句。(这里要提醒考生的是往往不给任何提示的空就是填连词或关系词的,但也须结合句子

结构来分析。) (4)用that,if/whether(是否),wh-等构成含名词性从句的复合句。 【解题方法】用句子结构分析法巧解语法填空.分析句子的结构对解答语法填空题很有帮助。在解答语法填空题时,分析句子结构可以迅速确定所要填的词语的词类或大致方向,若再结合语境就可以很快得出具体的词语或词形,结合语境方面要特别注意短文的时态和上下文中的一些提示。 【经典例题】阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。 The Internet has become part of young people’s life. ____1____ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get _____2____ (use) information on the Internet ____3____ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students don’t use it _____4____ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites ____5____ shouldn’t look at. So bad things may happen ____6___ students spen d too much time on the Internet. _____7____ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _____8____ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful advice. Some students also make ____9____ on the Internet. But if you want

浙江省2018届高考英语二轮复习 完形填空提升练(二)记叙文

完形填空提升练(二) 记叙文 A (2017·江苏) For a long time Gabriel didn’t want to be involved in music at all.In his first years of high school,Gabriel would look pityingly at the music students, 1 across the campus with their heavy instrument cases, 2 at school for practice hours 3 anyone else had to be there.He swore to himself to 4 music,as he hated getting to school extra early. 5 ,one day,in the music class that was 6 of his school’s standard curriculum,he was playing idly(随意地) on the piano and found it 7 to pick out tunes.With a sinking feeling,he realized that he actually 8 doing it.He tried to hide his 9 pleasure from the music teacher,who had 10 over to listen.He might not have done this particularly well,11 the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good 12 and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 13 him.There he decided to give the cello(大提琴) a 14 .When he began practicing,he took it very 15 .But he quickly found that he loved playing this instrument,and was 16 to practicing it so that within a couple of months he was playing reasonably well. This 17 ,of course,that he arrived at school early in the morning,18 his heavy instrument case across the campus to the 19 looks of the non-musicians he had left 20 . 1.A.travelling B.marching C.pacing D.struggling 2.A.rising up https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0414308720.html,ing up C.driving up D.turning up 3.A.before B.after C.until D.since 4.A.betray B.accept C.avoid D.appreciate 5.A.Therefore B.However C.Thus D.Moreover 6.A.part B.nature C.basis D.spirit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0414308720.html,plicated B.safe C.confusing D.easy 8.A.missed B.disliked C.enjoyed D.denied


2020高考英语短文改错模拟训练10篇(有详解) No.01 I like riding my bike. Though it is not very new, but it is 1.___________ my best friend. I find very convenient to go anywhere with a 2.___________ bike. Ride gives me not only exercise but also pleasure. I 3.___________ use my bike mostly on summer when the weather is warm 4.___________ and dry. It can very unpleasant in winter when it is cold and 5.___________ rain is pouring down. It can also be very danger. Of course 6.___________ I will be very careful on my bike. In facts, accidents are not 7.___________ the only problem. One day I went to school and come back 8.___________ to find his front wheel was missing. It was a long walk to 9.___________ the repairer’s shop. Now I have two strong locks. 10.___________ 【答案与解析】 1. 去掉 but。汉语可说“虽然……但是……”,但英语习惯上不能相应地说though…but…。(注:不能去掉 though,因为这样还会涉及大小写的改动,而高考 短文改错每行只允许改动一处。) 2. find 后加 it。此 it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是其后的不定式。


高考英语听力话题分类高频词汇及表达汇总 (一)餐馆场景: May I take your order now 现在点菜吗 Keep the change! 不用找零钱了! (This is my treat! 我请客!) go Dutch (Let’s go fifty fifty. ) AA制 go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭 order 点菜 serve 上菜 change 零钱 menu 菜单 tip 小费 treat 请客 steak 牛排 sandwich 三明治 bacon 腌肉soup 汤doughnut 多纳圈 appetizer 开胃物 dessert甜品,hamburger 汉堡包 Coke 可乐 snack bar 小吃街;大排挡 dining hall ; coffee shop restaurant cafeteria canteen; buffet 自助餐 meal, bill, hamburger, dish, beer, soft drink, fully booked(客满) (二)邮局场景: stamp邮票,envelope信

封, package / parcel 包裹 overweight 超重extra postage 额外邮资express mail 快件 send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄/发信 airmail 航空信件 open an account 开一个账户 postman/mailman, delivery 邮递员 (三)图书馆场景: library card; borrow; lend; keep; renew; bookshel f; novel; science fiction科幻小说; magazine杂志; periodical期刊; reference book;资料书librarian 图书管理员 pay a fine 交罚款 Can I help you / What can I do for you (四)医院及健康场景: aspirin 阿司匹林 regular doctor 私人医生emergence department 急诊室 ICU (= intensive care unit)特护病房 treatment 治疗手段 medicine: pills / tablets药丸/药片 take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 heart attack 心脏病cold / flu 流感:


【英语】高考英语翻译专题训练答案 一、高中英语翻译 1.高中英语翻译题:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.我习惯睡前听点轻音乐。(accustomed) 2.将来过怎样的生活取决于你自己。(be up to) 3.没有什么比获准参加太空旅行项目更令人兴奋的了。(than) 4.家长嘱咐孩子别在河边嬉戏,以免遭遇不测。(for fear) 5.虽然现代社会物资丰富,给予消费者更多的选择,但也使不少人变成购物狂。(turn) 【答案】 1.I’m accustomed to listening to some light music before sleep. 2.It’s up to you what kind of life will lead in the future. 3.There is nothing more exciting than being allowed to take part in the space travel programme. 4.Parents ask their kids not to play by the river for fear that something terrible might happen. 5.While modern society, rich in material resources,has given consumers more choice, it turns many of them into crazy shoppers. 【解析】试题分析: 1.翻译这句话的时候,注意词组:be acc ustomed to doing“习惯于做……”。 2.这句话使用了句型:It’s up to you +从句,“做….由某人决定”。这里what kind of life will lead in the future.是主语从句,it是形式主语。 3.这句话使用了There be句型, nothing 后面是形容词做定语,因为是比较的含义用形容词的比较级more exciting,还有词组“被允许做”be allowed to ,以及词组“参加”:take part in 。 4.这句话使用了for fear that 引导目的状语从句,和词组“让某人不要做……”ask sb. not to do. 5.这句话使用了连词While 表示“尽管,虽然”。词组“富含”be rich in ,主句中使用了词组turn…. into …..“将…变成…”。 考点:考查翻译句子 2.高中英语翻译题:Directions:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.任何人都不可能轻而易举获得成功。(ease) ________________________ 2.遇到紧急情况一定要冷静,否则可能会造成严重后果。(or) ________________________ 3.我们只有学会尊重人际间的差异,才能避免误会,与他人建立和谐的关系。(Only) ________________________ 4.令教练欣慰的是,整个辩论队齐心协力,克服了遇到的各种困难,最终所有的努力都得


“完形填空+语法填空”组合练(二) (限时25分钟) Ⅰ.完形填空 My mom has been and will always be my biggest inspiration.She is a single parent of eight children, and I have no idea how she __1__.Throughout the years, my mom has overcome many hardships which could easily __2__ someone with little faith. Even __3__ doctors questioned if my little sister Jessica would live to see the age of 1, my mom never lost __4__.After countless visits to multiple doctors, my mom __5__ to bring her home and make the best of my sister’s life __6__ receiving the same results from different hospitals. Jessica’s numerous hospital visits definitely __7__ her, but my mom never showed signs of __8__.Her strength helped Jessica through every __9__ time.No matter how confused Jessica was, my mom always made her feel as if there was absolutely nothing to __10__, which enabled Jessica to live the life of a __11__ child.She attended a public school, went to parties to dance around excitedly.We actually __12__ that she was even sick. __13__, things began to take a turn for the worse.Around her 6th birthday, Jessica lost sight, which __14__ the loss of sensation in her left arm at the age of 5.However, that was it and doctors had no __15__.The whole family were heartbroken and __16__, at a point of no return.Once again, my mom found a way to __17__ us all.She made it her job to let us know that she had a strong support system.She decided to __18__ her job and attend to her every need.With my mom sleeping by her side every single night, I noticed their __19__ grow stronger than anything.Now Jessica is 20 years old and is enjoying her college life. My mom gets us to realize that no matter how __20__ our trials may appear, we have a support system.We are a family that will always be there for one another. 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位有着8个孩子的单亲妈妈的励志故事。 1.A.failed B.survived C.graduated D.developed 解析:选B 根据第一段内容可推知,作者的母亲作为一位有着8个孩子的单亲妈妈,能够把孩子们都拉扯大实在是令人难以想象。survive“从(困难)中挺过来”符合语境。 2.A.guide B.push C.refresh D.discourage 解析:选 D 根据空格后的“with little faith”可推知,那些困难很容易让缺乏信心的人灰心。discourage“使灰心”符合语境。 3.A.until B.when C.unless D.since


上海高考模拟练习卷1(2013.1.22) ——wkd 第Ⅰ卷 Ⅰ.听力(略)1~24题 Ⅱ.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A 25.()It was claimed that his daughter was engaged ______ a sound all-round player. A. to B. in C. about D. for 26.()The winning prize in the Wife-carrying World Championships is an amount of beer equal to ______ of the winner’s wife’s body weight. A. it B. this C. that D. those 27.()An Indian man has been described as the world’s ______ student, as he has failed his high school exams 38 times. A. bad B. worse C. worst D. worsened 28.()Restaurants, clothing stores and book stores ______ from providing free plastic shopping bags. A. have prohibited B. are prohibiting C. have been prohibited D. will prohibit 29.()Often listening to MP3 with a high-volume ______ lead to permanent hearing loss. A. must B. may C. should D. need 30.()It’s less likel y that an earthquake will happen in Shanghai, according to a report ______ the urban quake risks of 30 major cities. A. estimated B. to estimate C. being estimated D. estimating 31.()______ pandas’ diets usually consist mostly of bamboo, they can also eat meat and they sometimes catch insects and small birds. A. Much as B. On condition C. Providing that D. The moment 32.()Hotels in Beijing ______ a rising reservation rate in spite of a slight drop in the average room price last month. A. saw B. see C. was seeing D. had seen 33.()– What is it that made Obama happy? –______ the US President. A. To elect B. Electing C. Being elected D. Having elected 34.()Scientists are actively searching for living things and sending messages into space -just ______ living things do exist. A. even if B. as though C. as long as D. in case 35.()About 2/3 of the world population watched Beijing Olympic events, making the Games the most ______ in history. A. watching B. having watched C. watched D. to watch 36.()It’s reported ______ some 100,000 college graduates will be chosen to assume village officials across the country in 5 years. A. if B. because C. when D. that


高考英语听力十大话题词汇,助你听力考试事半功倍! 一、餐馆场景 order 点菜serve 上菜tip 小费change 零钱Keep the change! 不用找零钱了! treat 请客(This is my treat! 我请客!)go Dutch AA制(Let’s go fifty fifty. ) steak 牛排cheese奶酪sandwich 三明治bacon 培根(腌肉)soup 汤plain water 自来水(西餐中洗手用的)doughnut 多纳圈appetizer 开胃菜dessert甜品,水果(作为正餐的最后一道)go out for dinner / dinner out 出去吃饭snack bar 小吃街;大排挡hamburger 汉堡包 coke 可口可乐French fries 炸薯条dining hall大餐厅、食堂coffee shop 咖啡店; restaurant饭店、饭馆; cafeteria自助餐厅buffet 自助餐 二、邮局场景 stamp邮票envelope信封package / parcel 包裹overweight 超重extra postage 额外邮资send / post / deliver a letter / mail 寄/发信express mail 快件airmail 航空信件 surface mail 陆地邮寄open an account 开一个帐户 三、图书馆场景 library card 借书证borrow 借入lend 把…借给(借出去)bookshelf 书架novel(长篇)小说science fiction科幻小说magazine杂志periodical期刊reference book参考书; 工具书; librarian 图书管理员pay a fine 交罚款 四、医院及健康场景 aspirin 阿司匹林emergence department 急诊室ICU (= intensive care unit)特护病房treatment 治疗手段take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压 medicine: pills / tablets 药丸/药片heart attack 心脏病cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold headache 头痛stomach-ache 胃痛backache 背痛腰痛sore-throat 喉咙痛cough 咳嗽


最新高考英语动词专项练习 一、单项选择动词 1.Though Tom was physically challenged, he did not _______ himself to his fate. A.resist B.reserve C.resign D.rescue 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词辨析及固定搭配。动词resist反对,抵制;忍耐,抵抗;reserve预约;保留;储备;resign辞职;放弃;屈从;勉强接受;rescue救援;动词短语resign oneself to...听从,顺从;句意:尽管Tom生理有缺陷,但他没有顺从命运的安排。上下文之间为转折关系,根据句意可知C正确。 考点:考查动词辨析及固定搭配 2.When you’re done, throw it all away and _______ your new assignment. A.break into B.turn into C.dive into D.fit into 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。A. break into闯入;B. turn into变成;C. dive into钻研、投入;D. fit into符合、适应。句意:当你完成的时候,将它抛开,投入到你的新任务中去。根据句意可知此处表示“全心投入”,故C项正确。 3.Although the long sentence and difficult structures in this novel have been ______, it still keeps much of the charm and favor of the original. A.occupied B.polished C.simplified D.recited 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然这部小说的长句和难句结构被简化了,但仍然保留了原著的许多魅力和偏爱。A. occupied 占用 B. polished 修改 C. simplified简化 D. recited 背诵。根据句意可知,选C。 4.So ill was she that it seemed unlikely that she would ________. A.pull through B.pull together C.pull out D.pull in 【答案】A 【解析】

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