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1.My cousin can’t play _________piano,but he can play _________baseball very well.A.the;/B./;the C.the;the D./;/

2.一_________did he stay in hospital?

—About two months.

A.When B.How long C.How often D.How much

3.Wait for me! I have _________to tell you.

A.important something B.important anything

C.something important D.anything important

4.一Is the ruler _________?

一No.it isn’t.It belongs to _______.

A.yours;his B.him;her C.hers;me D.his;mine

5.My mother works hard _______the daytime and does lots of housework _______night.A.in;at B.at;in C.on;at D.in;on

6.The games are very interesting.So the children _______.

A.keep their eye open B.keep their eyes open

C.keep their eyes opens D.keep open their eyes

7.Suzy has a good memory,and she can _______many things.

A.remember B.organize C.believe D.understand

8.Uncle Johnson knows little Japanese,_______ he can’t understand the instructions on the body of the machine.

A.so B.but C.or D.and

9.It’s rude to _____________________.

A.give a seat to someone on the bus B.help the elderly to cross the road

C.make much noise in a hospital D.say hello to each other

10.一Isn’t the book interesting.9

—______________.I don’t want to read it again.

A.Yes,it isn’t B.Yes,it is C.No,it is D.No,it isn’t

11.All the people are looking forward __________l00 years old.

A.to live to B.to living up to C.1iving to D.to live up to

12.I ________go to bed ___________my father came back.

A.won’t;until B.didn’t;until

C.will;until D./:when

13._______good news! We have never heard ________wonderful news.

A.What a;such a B.How;so C.What;such D.How:so a

14.Our friend serves you drink you don’t like.You drink it,but then she offers you more.You say,___________________

A.“It was very nice.but I've had enough.Thank you.”

B.“Yes,would you mind if I only had a little?”

C.“No way.What was that?”

D.“You drink it.OK?”

15.Mr Green ________speak a little Chinese,but he can’t speak any Japanese.A.can B.may C.must D.need




It was almost 10:00 p.m.when Mia Jimson left her office to go home.It was ___1__.She started her car and she drove down the dark road which led(通往)to her house in the country.She ___2___the radio and sang songs while she was driving.The heater(暖气机)wasn’t working,and singing helped to keep her ___3____.

The land was all white.Then Mia went across a small ___4___ over a river.It was covered with ice and the car went out of control(失去控制).Mia hit her head on the steering wheel and lost consciousness(知觉).

When she came to herself,her head was bleeding(流血),and she was shaking from the cold.She didn’t know ____5__ she was.Mia opened the car door and looked around.She was under the bridge,and her car was sitting on the frozen river! She felt very ___6___.She knew the ___7___ wouldn’t hold her car for very long.She tried to walk up the hill several times,___8___ she kept falling in the snow.Mia tried another time.She fell again,but this time she couldn't get up.She knew that __9____could see her car under the bridge.She was lying in the snow,and she couldn't move.Mia closed her eyes and waited to die.

Then she __10____a voice.Mia opened her eyes.There was an 0ld man standing over her.She stood up and walked up with the help of the old man.“That’s my truck,”said the 0ld man.“Get in and I’ll take you home.”

1.A.raining B.cool C.snowing D.1ate

2.A.turned on B.turned over C.turned off D.turned down 3.A.happy B.exciting C.warm D.1ively

4.A.bridge B.village C.town D.farm

5.A.how B.what C.why D.where

6.A.angry B.comfortable C.surprised D.afraid

7.A.water B.snow C.river D.ice

8.A.but B.and C.or D.then

9.A.someone B.anyone C.everyone D.no one

10.A.heard B.1istened to C.saw D.looked at


A teacher was asking a student a lot of questions,but the student couldn’t answer any of them.The teacher decided to ask him ___11____questions so that he could get a few right.“Who was Beethoven(贝多芬)?”she asked.

The student ___12____ for some time and then answered.“A king.”

“__13__ .He was a German musician.”The teacher said.She was getting a little __14__ now,__15__ she was trying not to show it.

Then she asked.“Who was the first president of the United States?”

The student thought for a long time,but he didn’t say __16__.Then the teacher got very angry and _17_ ,“George Washington!”The student _18__ and began to walk to the door.“Come back!”the teacher said,“I__19___ you go.”

“Oh,I am _20_ ,”the student said.“I thought you called the next student.”11.A.very hard B.very easy C.more difficult D.difficult

l2.A.l istened B.thinks C.thought D.guessed

13.A.No B.Yes C.All right D.Maybe

14.A.happy B.glad C.young D.angry

15.A.so B.but C.or D.and

16.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

l7.A.smiled B.spoke C.shouted D.talked

18.A.get in B.gets up C.got off D.got up 19.A.doesn’t let B.didn’t let C.can’t let D.will not let 20.A.sorry B.sad C.happy D.glad




Mike and Dick work in the same office.They don’t like the cold weather.And one day they decided to take their holiday in Australia.Their plane arrived in Sydney at nine in the morning.They had a good rest in a hotel.The next morning they rented a car in the city and began their trip.A few hours later the sun was shining in the sky and there were no shade trees beside the road.It was so hot that they could hardly go on driving.They had to stop to look around.Mike found a river was about half a kilometer away from them.They were both very happy and drove the car quickly.Soon they got to the river.Before they jumped into the river,Dick saw a boy playing under a big tree.He asked the boy,“Are there any sharks in the river?”

“No.”answered the boy,“There aren’t any.”

So they began to swim in the water.After a while,Dick felt something hit against his leg.He told Mike about it.They were very afraid and stopped swimming.Dick asked the boy loudly,“Is it sure that there are not any sharks in the fiver?”“Yes.sir.There are a lot of crocodiles in the water.The sharks have all swum away.”

1.The story happened when it was ______in the two men’s country.

A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

2.The two young men went t0 Australia t0

A.swim in the river B.study to drive

C.make a travel D.find some work

3.Mike and Dick couldn't drive any further because_________.

A.the sun was shining in the sky

B.there were no shade trees beside the road

C.the weather was very hot

D.they were too tired

4.Dick became afraid because________.

A.he saw a shark in the water

B.he thought it might be a shark that hit his 1eg

C.he saw the boy laughing at them under the big tree

D.he had been told there were some sharks in the river

5.Having heard the boy,the two young men may begin to __________.

A.catch the crocodiles in the water B.1ook for the crocodiles there

C.run to beat the Australian boy D.come out of the river at once


(Letter A)

Dear Rose,

I like you programmes very much.I’m now writing to ask you something about American social customs(风俗)in their dinner party.I am very happy and have decided to go,but I am a little worried about it,too.The social customs in my country are very different from there,so I’m afraid of making mistakes..

Should I bring a present, such as sweets or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late? At the dinner table,how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know I’m thankful for their kindness?

Wang Fang (Letter B)

Dear Wang Fang,

It’s a good idea to bring a small present when you go to a dinner party.Flowers are always nice,or you may bring a bottle of wine if you know that your friends drink it.You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late.Don’t get there early.If you're going to be more than fifteen minutes late,you should call and tell them.

Try to be free at the dinner table.If you don’t know about choosing the right fork or knife,just watch the other people,and follow them.If you still have no idea of what to do,ask the person next to you.

If you like the food,say to.Of course,you’11 thank them for the meal and for their kindness.It’s also a good idea to send a thank-you card the day after.

Rose 6.Wang Fang wants to____________.

A.make friends with Rose B.know some social customs for a dinner party

C.make her friends happy D.give her friends a surprise

7.Rose is possibly__________.

A.a good housewife B.a TV hostess(主持人)

C.a member of the dinner party D.a friend of Wang Fang’s

8.If you're asked to a dinner party but not sure about what to bring as a present,it is good to bring_________.

A.some fruits B.a bottle of wine

C.some flowers D.a knife and fork

9.Which of the following is not proper(合适)for joining in a dinner party?

A.Get there fifteen minutes earlier.B.Make yourself at home.

C.Follow others to use forks and knives.D.Thank your friends for the meal.10.From the letters we’ve learned that it’s very _______to know something about Americans social customs.

A.difficult B.friendly C.enjoyable D.helpful


11.How many days will Wang Mei’s holiday last?


12.At what time does Wang Mei have to be at the airport for her flight from Beijing?

A.8:00 a.m.B.9:30 a.m.C.10:00 a.m.D.11:00 a.m.13.Wang Mei will leave Sydney by air.What’s the flight number?

A.Air China Flight QF 333.B.Qantas Airline Ltd Flight QF 444.

C.Air China Flight CA 111.D.Qantas Airline Ltd Flight QF 333.

14.Where will Wang Mei be on May 14?

A.In a hotel in Perth.B.On her return to Sydney.

C.On a flight to Singapore.D.On a trip to Monkey Mia.

15.In which country will Wang Mei stay before she returns to Beijing?

A.Perth.B.Sydney.C.Singapore.D.Monkey Mia.


One day all old man wanted to go to London to see his s01q.He was very excited,so he got to Pearly and arrived at the small station at nine o’clock in the morning.Because this was his first time to London.he didn’t know the train time.He felt very worried and just at that moment,he saw a little girl running to him.He stopped her and asked her what time the train would arrive and when the train would leave.

The girl looked at the mail and said,“tu:tu:tu:tu:tu:tu:”,just like firing a gun(射

击).Then she ran away.The old man was much surprised and got angry.

So the old marl wanted to know why the girl made fun of(嬉戏)him.He sat in a chair and thought and thought.At last,he smiled,saying to himself,“Ah,what a clever girl! She told me the train time…Ah,aha,what a naughty(顽皮)girl!”

16.The old man was very excited that morning because he _________.

A.got to Pearly B.would go to London

C.would see his son D.both B and C

17.When the old man was at the station,he stopped ________.

A.ask a girt when the train would arrive

B.asking the girl when the train would leave

C.asking a boy when the train would arrive

D.to ask a girl the train time

18.The old marl began to smile because _______.

A.the girl made a fun of him

B.the girl was nice

C.the girl’s voice was too beautiful

D.the girl told him the train time in an unusual way

l9.At last the old man knew that the train would_______.

A.arrive at 2:00

B.arrive at 2:00 and leave at 12:00

C.1eave at 2:02

D.arrive at l:58 and leave at 2:02

20.The best title(标题)for this story would be“______”.

A.The First Trip to London B.An Interesting Answer

C.A Foolish Girl D.An Interesting Trip


1.The________(九)lesson is very interesting.

2.The _______(地球)travels around the sun.

3.He is very clever.He can solve many problems_________(容易地).

4.It’s very interesting to _______(收集)stamps.

5.Don’t _______(吓唬)the little girl.She is very shy.

6.We should do some morning _______(锻炼).

7.Walk ______(径直)on and you’11 find the shop.

8.Beijing is in the ______ (北方)of China.It’s the capital of our country-

9._______ (突然)a man ran into the police station and shouted,“Help! Help!”

10.We should be ________ (勤勉的)students and work hard at all our lessons.




_________________________________________________________________________ 3.你至少一星期给你的狗洗一次澡。

_________________________________________________________________________ 4.昨天我在回家的路上,我遇见了我的英语老师。

_______________________________________________________________________ 5.这部电影不如那部电影有趣。









一、1~5 A B A C B 6~10 A B B C B 1l~15 B A C D D

二、1~5 A B C C A 6~10 B A A C D 11~15 B B A A A

三、1~5 C A C A D 6~10 D D A D A 11~15 B C A D B 16~20 A C D B A

四、1~5 D C C B D 6~10 B B C A D 11~15 B A D D C 16~20 D D D D B

五、1.ninth 2.earth 3.Easily 4.Collect 5.frighten 6.exercises 7.straight 8.north 9.Suddenly 10.hard—working

六、1.Do you know the weight of an elephant at birth?

2.We will go walking instead of swimming.

3.You should give your dog a bath at least once a week.

4.0n the way home,I met my English teacher yesterday.

5.This film is less interesting than that one.


Monkeys like climbing trees best.Most of monkeys live in the hills.Usually monkeys 1ike eating nuts,fruit.They are no danger for people.There are allkinds of monkeys in the world.There are many monkeys in China.too.The monkeys look like men,and they are very clever.There is a famous monkey called Sun Wukong.He was born in Huaguo Hill.He is welcome best.Children all like to watch it.



一. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)

1. The students should _______ the teacher carefully.

A. to listen

B. listen to

C. to listen to

2. Sheep are linked ______the grass ______they eat grass.

A. with, why

B. to, because

C. to, so

3. —I don’t feel very well.

—You’d better ______a doctor at once.

A. watch

B. look at

C. see

4. Pandas are ______trouble, the people all ______the world should help them.

A. in, of

B. in, over

C. at, in

5. Eating breakfast makes you _______.

A. health

B. healthy

C. healthily

6. I enjoy ______ after dinner.

A. reading

B. to read

C. read

7. She is looking forward to ________.

A. seeing the film

B. play with us

C. to have a rest

8. I _______my homework at 7:00 last night.

A. is doing

B. was doing

C. did

9. He likes playing computer games instead of _______TV.

A. watch

B. watches

C. watching

10. Sports are good _______ our bodies.

A. to

B. at

C. for

11. —What’s _______ with you? —I have a toothache.

A. matter

B. wrong

C. trouble

12. —______ Tom and Tim _______ the room? —Yes, they are.

A. Are, cleaning

B. Do, clean

C. Did, clean

13. Tonny is small _______strong.

A. and

B. but

C. or

14. I think you ought to _______ more fruits.

A. eating

B. eat

C. eats

15. Which word’s stress(重音) is different?

A. instead

B. regular

C. relaxed

二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

Food is important(重要的).Everyone needs to 16 well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our mind also needs a kind of food. This kind of food is 17 .We begin to get knowledge when we are very young. Small children are 18 in everything around them. They learn 19 while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to 20 books. When they find something new, they love to ask question and 21 to find out the answer.

What is the best 22 to get knowledge(知识).If we learn by ourselves, we will get the 23 knowledge. If we always get answers from others and do not ask 24 ,we 25 learn well.

16. A. sleep B. read C. eat

17. A. exercise B. knowledge C. meat

18. A. interested B. bored C. weak

19. A. everything B. something C. nothing

20. A. write B. eat C. read

21. A. try B. have C. think

22. A. place B. school C. way

23. A. little B. much C. most

24. A. what B. which C. why

25. A. always B. never C. often

三. 阅读理解(每小题1分,共25分)

Ⅰ. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。

There’re many mice(老鼠)in the house. The man of the house gets a cat. The cat eats many mice. Then the oldest mouse says, “All the mice must come to my room and we will think what we can do about this cat.” All the mice come. Many mice speak, but no one knows what to do. At last a young mouse stands up and says,“We must put a bell(铃铛)on the cat. Then when the cat comes near, we can hear the bell and run away and hide(藏).So the cat will not catch any more mice.”Then the old mouse asks,“Who will put the bell on the cat?”No mouse can answer.

26. The cat kills _______.

A. a lot of young mice

B. a lot of old mice

C. many young and old mice

27. The oldest mouse asks all the mice ________.

A. to come to the house

B. to go to the room

C. to come to his room

28. All the mice comes, but _______.

A. all of them speak

B. no one knows what to do

C. they know how to do

29. _______ will put the bell on the cat.

A. None

B. Someone

C. The old

30. The passage tells us ________.

A. to do things is easy

B. to say things is hard

C. to say things is easier than to do them

A. Maths

B. English

C. Chinese

32. We don’t have English lesson on _______.

A. Monday

B. Tuesday

C. Thursday

33. We have class meeting on ________.

A. Tuesday

B. Wednesday

C. Friday

34. We have _______P.E. lessons in a week.

A. one

B. two

C. three

35. We have _______ subjects.

A. six

B. seven

C. five

Ⅲ. 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写A,错误的写B。

It’s a fine Saturday morning. There are many children near the river. Th ey are students of No.4 Middle School. They are students of Grade One. There are two teachers with them. All of the students are Young Pioneers(少先队员).They are having their Young Pioneer’s Day.

They are planting trees and flowers. They are working hard. Good work, Young Pioneers!

36. It’s a fine Sunday morning.

37. Some workers are helping them plant trees.

38. Today is Young Pioneer’s Day.

39. There are two teachers with them.

40. They are playing with water.


A plant makes its own food in its leaves(叶子).Air comes to the leaves through(通过) very small holes. The green coloring in the leaves uses the water and air to make the food for the plant. It also needs sunshine because a plant can make food only when the sun is shining(照耀).

Animals and people can not live without(没有) green plants. They both eat plants. People and some animals also eat the meat of some animals and these animals eat plants.

41. A plant makes its food in ________.

A. the sun

B. the air

C. its leaves

42. What things can make the food for a plant?

A. Sunshine, water, air and the root.

B. Water, air, meat.

C. Air, sunshine, water and green coloring.

43. A plant has very small holes in its leaves _______.

A. for water to come in

B. for sunshine to come in

C. for air to come in

44. A plant can make its food when it is ________.

A. sunny

B. rainy

C. cloudy

45. From the text we know people can’t get ________.

A. food without animals

B. plants without animals

C. food without plants

V. 根据图画内容,选择正确答案。

46. Last year, the father let his son stand near the tree to see ______ his son was.

A. how tall

B. how old

C. how heavy

47. The father knocked a nail(钉子) into the tree as(作为) a _______.

A. picture

B. symbol

C. name

48. A year later, they came to the tree again to see _______.

A. how tall the tree is

B. how tall the father is

C. how tall the son is

49. They found the nail is _______ than the son.

A. shorter

B. older

C. taller

50. We know the tree grows than the son_____.

A. faster

B. more slowly

C. heavier

四. 任务型阅读(每小题1分,共10分)

Mike: Garage 1 are good in 2 ways. People can buy good things at low 3 .Garage sales can save a lot of waste. They are good for the environment.

Liu Chang: I believe you’re 4 . 5 a garage sale is a good idea.







There was a soccer game last month. Mike played on Zhang Wei’s team. The game started, Mike got the ball and ran with it, but Susan blocked the ball and then she ran with it.

A. 根据单词释意,在短文中找到与之相配的单词。

1. g_______ match

2. b_______ stop

B. 写出划线部分的同义句。

Mike played on the ________ _________Zhang Wei.

C. 根据短文内容回答问题。

Which team did Mike play on?


五. 交际运用(每小题1分,共10分)

Ⅰ. 根据对话情景,将正确答案的序号填在空格内。

Tom: Hi! Lin Tao, 1

Lin Tao: I’m good.

Tom: 2

Lin Tao: Pleased to meet you, Mary.

Mary: 3

Tom and Mary: We’re going to the departm ent store now.

Lin Tao: OK, Mary. 4

Mary: Me, too.


A: 1 is for lunch today?

B: Why 2 we eat hamburgers?

A: We 3 them yesterday. What 4 of food do you like?

B: I like hamburgers, pizza and French-fries.

A: I think you 5 to eat more vegetables.

B: Maybe you are right.






六. 综合填空(每小题1分,共15分)

1. Please be ________ when you cross the street.

2. I’ll _______my best to study English well.

3. —I can’t do it. —Don’t ________.You can do it.

4. Worms help the flowers. They make the _______ rich.

5. —What’s the _______ with you? —I have a cold.

6. Plants give _______ to the animals.

7. We always come to the class on ________.

8. My parents’ paren ts are my ________.

9. Water _______into ice at 0℃.

10. We can’t do two things at _______ time.

11. Father is sleeping. Please turn ___ the radio.

12. What did the girl forget_____?

13. They don’t know they are _____ danger.

14. I don’t have a headache_____ .

15. We should use both ___of paper for saving.

七. 作文(15分)任选一题作答

A. 根据图画所提供的语境,写出意思连贯,符合逻辑的句子,50词以上,题目自拟。

B. 根据英文提示写一篇以How to stay healthy为题的短文,字数不少于50个词。

eat right right amount energy breakfast exercise regular


一. 单项选择

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. A

8. B

9. C 10. C 11. B 12. A

13. B 14. B 15. B

二. 完形填空

16. C 17. B 18. A 19. A 20. C

21. A 22. C 23. C 24. C 25. B

三. 阅读理解

26. C 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. C 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. B 41. C 42. C 43. C 44. A 45. C 46. A 47. B 48. C 49. C

50. A

四. 任务型阅读


1. sales

2. many

3. prices

4. right

5. Having

II. A. 根据单词释意,在短文中找到与之相配的单词

1. game


B. 写出划线部分的同义句。team of

C. 根据短文内容回答问题。

Mike played on Zhang Wei’s team.

五. 交际运用


1. B

2. G

3. D

4. E

5. C


1. What

2. don’t

3. ate/had

4. kind

5. ought

六. 综合填空

1. careful

2. try

3. worry

4. soil

5. matter

6. energy

7. time

8. grandparents

9. turns 10. one

11. off/down 12. about 13. in 14. anymore 15. sides

七. 略


七年级下期末测评 一、选择题:(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.若m >-1,则下列各式中错误的... 是( ) A .6m >-6 B .-5m <-5 C .m+1>0 D .1-m <2 2.下列各式中,正确的是( ) ±4 B. =-4 3.已知a >b >0,那么下列不等式组中无解.. 的是( ) A .?? ?->b x a x C .???-<>b x a x D .???<->b x a x 4.一辆汽车在公路上行驶,两次拐弯后,仍在原来的方向上平行行驶,那么两个拐弯的角度可能为 ( ) (A) 先右转50°,后右转40° (B) 先右转50°,后左转40° (C) 先右转50°,后左转130° (D) 先右转50°,后左转50° 5.解为1 2x y =?? =?的方程组是( ) A.135x y x y -=??+=? B.135x y x y -=-??+=-? C.331x y x y -=??-=? D.2335x y x y -=-??+=? 6.如图,在△ABC 中,∠ABC=500,∠ACB=800,BP 平分∠ABC ,CP 平分∠ACB ,则∠BPC 的大小是( ) A .1000 B .1100 C .1150 D .1200 P B A (1) (2) (3) 7.四条线段的长分别为3,4,5,7,则它们首尾相连可以组成不同的三角形的个数是( ) A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 8.在各个内角都相等的多边形中,一个外角等于一个内角的 1 2 ,则这个多边形的边数是( ) A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 9.如图,△A 1B 1C 1是由△ABC 沿BC 方向平移了BC 长度的一半得到的,若△ABC 的面积为20 cm 2,则四边形A 1DCC 1的面积为( ) A .10 cm 2 B .12 c m 2 C .15 cm 2 D .17 cm 2 10.课间操时,小华、小军、小刚的位置如图1,小华对小刚说,如果我的位置用(?0,0)表示,小军的位置用(2,1)表示,那么你的位置可以表示成( ) A.(5,4) B.(4,5) C.(3,4) D.(4,3) C 1 A 1


七年级下数学 综合练习题 一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共24分) 1.已知点P (m +3,m +1)在x 轴上,则P 点的坐标为( ) A .(0,2) B .(2,0) C .(4,0) D .(0,-4) 2.在下图中,∠1,∠2是对顶角的图形是( ) 3.为了了解某校初二年级400名学生的体重情况,从中抽取50名学生的体重进行统计分析,这 个问题中,总体是指( ) A .400 B .被抽取的50名学生 C .400名学生的体重 D .被抽取50名学生的体重 4.以方程组2 34 x y x y +=?? -=?的解为坐标的点(,)x y 在平面直角坐标系中的位置是( ) A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 5.下列各式中,正确的... 是( ) A.25=±5 B. 4=- 2 1 D.=6.不等式组211420x x ->??-? , ≤的解集在数轴上表示为( ) 7.在 22 7 , 3.1415926中,无理数的个数是( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 七年级数学试卷 第1页 (共8页) 8.有2元和5元两种纸币共21张,并且总钱数为72元.设2元纸币x 张,5元纸币y 张,根据题意列方程组为( ) A .21, 5272. x y x y +=?? +=? B .21, 2572. x y x y +=?? +=? C .2521,72.x y x y +=??+=? D .5221, 72.x y x y +=??+=? 二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分) 9.请写出一个在第三象限内且到两坐标轴的距离都相等的点的坐标 . 10.已知样本容量是40,在样本的频数分布直方图中,各个小长方形的高之比为3:2:4:1,则第 二小组的频数为 ,第四小组的频数为 .11.如果163+x 的立方根是4,则42+x 的算术平方根是 . 12.不等式4x -6≥7x -12的正整数解为 . 13.若一个二元一次方程的解为2 1x y =??=-? ,则这个方程可以是________________(写出一个即可). 14. 如果二元一次方程组?? ?=+=-0432y x y x 的解是???==b y a x ,那么a+b= . 15.如图,已知AB ∥CD ,直线EF 分别交AB 、CD 于E 、F ,ED 平分∠BEF ,若∠1=72°, 则∠2= °. 16.如图所示,在10×20(m 2)的长方形草地内修建宽为2m 的道路,则草地的面积为_________m 2 . 七年级数学试卷 第2页 (共8页) A 21 2 1B 2 1D 21 C (第15题) (第16题)


2016-2017学年七年级(下)期末数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的) 1.平面直角坐标中,点M(0,﹣3)在() A.第二象限B.第四象限C.x轴上D.y轴上 2.下列计算错误的是() A.=3 B.=﹣4 C.=3 D.=﹣2 3.已知a、b,a>b,则下列结论不正确的是() A.a+3>b+3 B.a﹣3>b﹣3 C.3a>3b D.﹣3a>﹣3b 4.下面说法正确的是() A.25的平方根是5 B.(﹣3)2的平方根是﹣3 C.0.16的算术平方根是±0.4 D.的算术平方根是 5.如图,下面说法错误的是() A.∠1与∠C是内错角 B.∠2与∠C是同位角 C.∠1与∠3是对顶角 D.∠1与∠2是邻补角 6.下列调査中,适合用全面调查方式的是() A.了解某校七年级(1)班学生期中数学考试的成绩 B.了解一批签字笔的使用寿命 C.了解市场上酸奶的质量情况

D.了解某条河流的水质情况 7.x是不大于5的正数,则下列表示正确的是() A.0<x<5 B.0<x≤5 C.0≤x≤5 D.x≤5 8.比较下列各组数的大小,正确的是() A.>5 B.<2 C.>﹣2 D.+1> 9.下列命题中,真命题是() A.两个锐角之和为钝角B.相等的两个角是对顶角 C.同位角相等 D.钝角大于它的补角 10.如图,直线AB、CD相交于点O,OD平分∠BOF,OE⊥CD于O,若∠EOF=α,下列说法①∠AOC=α﹣90°;②∠EOB=180°﹣α;③∠AOF=360°﹣2α,其中正确的是() A.①②B.①③C.②③D.①②③ 二、填空题(本大题共6小题.每小题3分.共18分) 11.如图,直线AB、CD相交于点O,若∠1=150°,则∠2= °. 12.不等式组的解集是.


七年级下英语期末试卷 听力部分 一.听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共25分) 第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。 1. How does Mike’s father usually go to work? A B C. 2. What can Linda do? . A. B. C. 3. What is the boy doing now? A. B. C. 4.Which is Bob’s favorite animal? . . A. B. C. 5. When did the train leave? A. B . C. 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6~7题。 6. Where is the hospital? A .Across from the park. B. Behind the library. C. Between the park and the library. 7. Which bus does the woman take to get to the hospital? A. No.8 bus. B. No.18 bus. C. No.80 bus.

听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8~10题。 8. Who are the two speakers? A. A teacher and a student. B. A mother and a son. C. Two students. 9. Is it the first time for Tony to be late for school? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. We don’t know. 10. Why was Tony late? A. Because he had too much homework to do last night. B. Because he watched an exciting football match. C. Because his mother didn’t call him to get up. 第三节:听独白,完成信息记录表。 11. A. Park B. Zoo C. School 12. A. Thursday B. Saturday C. Sunday 13. A. football B. tennis C. basketball 14. A. Swimming B. Walking C. Talking 15. A. grandfather B. brother C. father 笔试部分 二.完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Mrs. Green 16 to work every day. She usually parks(停车) her car in the street 17 her office. One day after work, she got into her car and started driving 18 . Suddenly, she 19 a black car following her. The 20 was a big man. When she turned left, the black car turned left. When she turned right, the black car turned right. When she stopped 21 the traffic lights, the black car stopped 22 . She was 23 , so she drove quickly to the 24 . She was 25 to see that the black car also stopped behind her car. She jumped out of her car quickly and ran to a policeman. She asked for 26 and told him everything. The policeman quickly ran to the black car. Just then the driver in the black car came out and 27 the policeman, “I want 28 back this purse(钱包) to her. I think she 29 it on the street.” Mrs. Green’s face turned red. She thanked 30 man and the policeman. 16. A. drove B. drives C.is driving D. drive


听力综合测试卷一(期中)I. 听对话,选答案,每组对话读一遍(5分) ()1. A. Monkeys. B. Pandas. C. Lions. ()2. A. Playing baseball. B. Playing soccer. C. Playing basketball. ()3. A. 7:15. B. 7:30. C. 7:25. ()4. A. By bus. B. By train. C. By bike. ()5. A. In the hallways. B. In the classroom. C. In the dining hall. Ⅱ. 听对话或独白回答问题,每组对话或独白读两遍(10分) 听第一段对话,完成第6至7小题。 ()6. What club does Alice want to join? A. An art club. B. A sports club. C. A swimming club. ()7. What can Alice do well? A. Play the piano. B. Play the guitar. C. Play the drums. 听第二段对话,完成第8至10小题。 ()8. Where is Susan? A. At home. B. In the bookshop. C. In the supermarket. ()9. What time is the birthday party? A. At 6:15 p.m. B. At 4:15 p.m. C. At 6:50 p.m. ()10. Who will come to the party? A. Only Susan. B. Susan and her sister. C. David and Susan. 听一段独白,完成第11至15小题。 ()11. John is a(n) ________. A. young man B. young woman C. old man ()12. When does he get up every day? A. Very late. B. At about eight. C. Very early. ()13. How does he go to his office? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. ()14. Where does he have lunch? A. At home. B. In the office. C. In a restaurant. ()15. Who does he often go to the park with on Saturdays? A. His son Jack. B. His wife. C. His friend Jack. Ⅵ. 听短文,完成表格,短文读两遍(5分) Date 56. ___ _____ 11th Time for breakfast 57.____ ____ Class at 9:00 58.___ _____ Favorite subject 59._____ ___ Favorite animals 60.____ ____


七年级数学期末试卷综合测试卷(word 含答案) 一、选择题 1.将一个无盖正方体形状的盒子的表面沿某些棱剪开,展开后不能得到的平面图形是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.下列图形中1∠和2∠互为余角的是( ) A . B . C . D . 3.若关于x 的一元一次方程mx =6的解为x =-2,则m 的值为( ) A .-3 B .3 C . 13 D . 16 4.截止到今年6月初,东海县共拥有镇村公交线路28条,投入镇村公交42辆,每天发班236班次,日行程5286公里,方便了98. 46万农村人口的出行.数据“98. 46万”可以用科学记数法表示为() A .498.4610? B .49.84610? C .59.84610? D .60.984610? 5.1 2 -的倒数是( ) A . B . C .12 - D . 12 6.下列运算正确的是( ) A .225a 3a 2-= B .2242x 3x 5x += C .3a 2b 5ab += D .7ab 6ba ab -= 7.如图,将正方体的平面展开图重新折成正方体后,“会”字对面的字是( ) A .秦 B .淮 C .源 D .头 8.如图,若AB ,CD 相交于点O ,过点O 作OE CD ⊥,则下列结论不正确的是 A .1∠与2∠互为余角 B .3∠与2∠互为余角 C .3∠与AO D ∠互为补角 D .EOD ∠与BOC ∠是对顶角

9.我国明代珠算家程大位的名著《直指算法统宗》里有一道著名算题:”一百馒头一百僧,大僧三个更无争,小僧三人分一个,大小和尚各几丁?”意思是:有100个和尚分100个馒头,如果大和尚1人分3个,小和尚3人分1个,正好分完,试问大、小和尚各多少人?设大和尚有x 人,依题意列方程得( ) A .()31003 x x +-=100 B .10033x x -+ =100 C . ()31001003 x x --= D .10031003 x x -- = 10.如图所示的几何体的左视图是( ) A . B . C . D . 11.数轴上标出若干个点,每相邻两点相距一个单位长度,点A 、B ,C ,D 分别表示整数a ,b ,c ,d ,且a +b +c +d =6,则点D 表示的数为( ) A .﹣2 B .0 C .3 D .5 12.若关于x 的一元一次方程mx =6的解为x =-2,则m 的值为( ) A .-3 B .3 C . 13 D . 16 13.2020的相反数是( ) A .2020 B .﹣2020 C . 1 2020 D .﹣ 1 2020 14.如图1是//AD BC 的一张纸条,按图1→图2→图3,把这一纸条先沿EF 折叠并压平,再沿BF 折叠并压平,若图3中24CFE ∠=?,则图2中AEF ∠的度数为( ) A .120? B .108? C .112? D .114? 15.未来三年,国家将投入8 500亿元用于缓解群众“看病难,看病贵”问题.将8 500亿元用科学记数法表示为( ) A .0.85×104亿元 B .8.5×103亿元 C .8.5×104亿元 D .85×102亿元


2019-2020学年度第二学期期末测试 人教版七年级数学试题 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一、精心选一选(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分,每小题给出的4个选项中只有一个符合题意,) 1.9的平方根是( ) A. ﹣3 B. ±3 C. 3 D. ± 1 3 2.下列调查方式,不适合使用全面调查的是( ) A. 旅客上飞机前的安检 B. 航天飞机升空前的安检 C. 了解全班学生的体重 D. 了解咸宁市中学生每天使用手机的时间 3.如图所示,点E 在AC 的延长线上,下列条件中不能判断BD ∥AE 的是( ) A. ∠1=∠2 B. ∠D+∠ACD =180° C. ∠D =∠DCE D. ∠3=∠4 4.若a >b ,那么下列各式中正确的是( ) A. a ﹣1<b ﹣1 B. ﹣a >﹣b C. ﹣2a <﹣2b D. 2a <2 b 5.若a 2=9,3b =﹣2,则a+b =( ) A. ﹣5 B. ﹣11 C. ﹣5或﹣11 D. ±5或±11 6.如图所示,实数a 、b 在数轴上的位置化简222()a b a b -+-的结果是( ) A. ﹣2a B. ﹣2b C. 0 D. 2a ﹣2b 7.如图,点A ,B 为定点,直线l ∥AB ,P 是直线l 上一动点,对于下列结论,其中不会随点P 的移动而变化的是( ) ①线段AB 的长②△PAB 的周长③△PAB 的面积④∠APB 的度数

A. ①③ B. ①④ C. ②③ D. ②④ 8.如图,长方形BCDE的各边分别平行于x轴与y轴,物体甲和物体乙由点A(2,0)同时出发,沿长方形BCDE的边作环绕运动物体甲按逆时针方向以1个单位/秒匀速运动,物体乙按顺时针方向以2个单位/秒匀速运动,则两个物体运动后的第2019次相遇地点的坐标是() A. (1,﹣1) B. (2,0) C. (﹣1,1) D. (﹣1,﹣1) 二、细心填一填(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,满分24分.) 9.若P(4,﹣3),则点P到x轴的距离是_____. 10.关于x的不等式ax>b的解集是x<b a .写出一组满足条件的a,b的值:a=_____,b=_____. 11.如图是轰炸机机群的一个飞行队形,如果最后两架轰炸机的平面坐标分别为A(﹣2,1)和B(﹣2,﹣3),那么第一架轰炸机C的平面坐标是_____. 12.如果|x﹣2y+1|+|x+y﹣5|=0,那么xy=_____. 13.某种水果的进价为4.5元/千克,销售中估计有10%的正常损耗,商家为了避免亏本,售价至少应定为_____元/千克. 14.关于x的不等式x﹣k≤0的正整数解是1、2、3,那么k的取值范围是_____. 15.如图,小章利用一张左、右两边已经破损的长方形纸片ABCD做折纸游戏,他将纸片沿EF折叠后,D、C两点分别落在'D、'C的位置,并利用量角器量得66 EFB ∠=?,则' AED ∠等于__________度.


七年级下期末模拟数学试题(一) 一、选择题(每小题2分,共计16分) 1.36的算术平方根是 ( A ) 6和-6. ( B) 6.(C)-6.(D . 2.以下四个标志中,是轴对称图形的是 (A)(B)(C)(D) 3.已知 2, 1 x y = ? ? = ? 是二元一次方程3 kx y -=的一个解,那么k的值是 (A)1.(B)-1.(C)2.(D)-2. 4.一个一元一次不等式组的解集在数轴上表示如图所示,则此不等式组的解集是(A)x>3.(B)x≥3.(C)x>1.(D)x≥1. 5.下列几种形状的瓷砖中,只用一种不能 ..够铺满地面的是 (A)正六边形.(B)正五边形.(C)正方形.(D)正三角形.6.下列长度的各组线段能组成三角形的是 (A)3cm、8cm、5cm.(B)12cm、5cm、6cm. (C)5cm、5cm、10cm.(D).15cm、10cm、7cm. 7.如图,将△ABC绕点A旋转后得到△ADE,则旋转方式是 ( A)顺时针旋转90°.( B)逆时针旋转90°.(C)顺时针旋转45°.(D)逆时针旋转45°.8.如图,△ABC与△C B A' ' '关于直线MN对称,P为MN上任一点,下列结论中错误的是 ( A )△P A A'是等腰三角形.( B )MN垂直平分A A'. (C)△ABC与△C B A' ' '面积相等.(D)直线AB、B A'的交点不一定在MN上. (第4题) 4 3 2 -1 1 (第7题) N M P A B C C' B' A' (第8题)

二、填空题(每小题3分,共计18分) 9.8的立方根是 10.不等式32>x 的最小整数解是 . 11.一个正八边形的每个外角等于 度. 12.△ABC 中,∠A ∶∠B ∶∠C =1∶2∶3,则△ABC 是 三角形. 13.等腰三角形的两边长为3和6,则这个三角形的周长为 . 14.如图,在三角形纸片ABC 中,AB =10,BC =7,AC =6,沿过点B 的直线折叠这个三角 形,使顶点C 落在AB 边上的点E 处,折痕为BD ,则△AED 的周长等于 . 三、计算题 15. (8分)解方程(组): (1) 1323=-x (2) 22321x y x y =??+=? ① ② 16.(10分) 解下列不等式(组),并把它们的解集在数轴上表示出来: (1)3315+≤-x x (2)412(2)6x x +<+≥-?? ?①② 17.(5分)将下列各数按从小到大的顺序排列,并用“<”号连接起来: 6.1,0,2 ,5,22-- π (第14题) C E B A D


七年级数学综合测试题 一、选择题(每小题 4 分,共 40 分) 1.2 的相反数和绝对值分别是( ) A.2 ,2 B.-2, 2 C. -2, -2 D.2 , -2 2.如果 a 和 2b 互为相反数,且 b ≠0,那么的 a 的倒数是( ) A. 1 1 2 D. 2b 2b B. C. 2b b 3.计算 1 22 1 62 的值是( ) 5 5 32 A.0 B. C. 4 D. - 4 5 5 5 、 b 两数在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简代数式 a b a 1 b 2 的结果 4.已知 a 是( ) A. 1 B.2b+3 C.2a-3 D.-1 5.已知有一整式与 (2x 2 5x 2) 的和为(2x 2 5x 4) ,则此整式为( ) A. 2 B.6 C.10x+6 D. 4x 2 10x 2 6.下列四个说法中,正确的是( ) A .相等的角是对顶角 B .平移不改变图形的形状和大小,但改变直线的方向 C .两条直线被第三条直线所截,内错角相等 D .两直线相交形成的四个角相等,则这两条直线互相垂直 7.同一平面内的四条直线若满足 a ⊥ b , b ⊥ c , c ⊥ d ,则下列式子成立的是( ) A . a ∥ d B . b ⊥ d C . a ⊥ d D . b ∥ c 8.下列式子是因式分解的是( ) 2 1 B . x 2 ﹣ x=x x 1 C . x 2 x =x x 1 D . x 2 x=x x 1x A . x (x ﹣ 1) =x ﹣ ( + ) + ( + ) ﹣ ( + )( ﹣ 1) 9.如果 x 2 +kx+25 是一个完全平方式,那么 k 的值是( ) A . 5 B .± 5 C . 10 D .± 10 10.已知∠ A ,∠ B 互余,∠ A 比∠ B 大 30 度.设∠ A ,∠ B 的度数分别为 x °、 y °,下列方 程组中符合题意的是 ( )


人教版数学七年级下学期 期末测试卷 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一、选择题(请将每题正确的选项填在下面的表格中,每小题3分,共36分) 1.(3分)对于图中标记的各角,下列条件能够推理得到a∥b的是() A.∠1=∠2B.∠2=∠4C.∠3=∠4D.∠1+∠4=180° 2.(3分)有以下说法:其中正确的说法有() (1)开方开不尽的数是无理数; (2)无理数是无限循环小数 (3)无理数包括正无理数和负无理数; (4)无理数都可以用数轴上的点来表示; (5)循环小数都是有理数 A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 3.(3分)将点A先向下平移3个单位,再向右平移2个单位后得B(﹣2,5),则A点坐标为()A.(﹣4,11)B.(﹣2,6)C.(﹣4,8)D.(﹣6,8) 4.(3分)若(3x﹣y+5)2+|2x﹣y+3|=0,则x+y的值为() A.2B.﹣3C.﹣1D.3 5.(3分)二元一次方程3x﹣2y=1的不超过10的正整数解共有()组.A.1B.2C.3D.4 6.(3分)如果点M(3a﹣9,1+a)是第二象限的点,则a的取值范围在数轴上表示正确的是()A. B. C. D.

7.(3分)如果不等式的解集是x<2,那么m的取值范围是()A.m=2B.m>2C.m<2D.m≥2 8.(3分)下列说法正确的是() A.二元一次方程只有一个解 B.二元一次方程组有无数个解 C.二元一次方程组的解必是它所含的二元一次方程的解 D.三元一次方程组一定由三个三元一次方程组成 9.(3分)若关于x的一元一次不等式组恰有3个整数解,那么a的取值范围是()A.﹣2<a<1B.﹣3<a≤﹣2C.﹣3≤a<﹣2D.﹣3<a<﹣2 10.(3分)为了了解一批产品的质量,从中抽取300个产品进行检验,在这个问题中,被抽取的300个产品叫做() A.总体B.个体 C.总体的一个样本D.普查方式 11.(3分)下列调查中,适宜采用全面调查(普查)方式的是() A.对一批圆珠笔使用寿命的调查 B.对全国九年级学生身高现状的调查 C.对某品牌烟花爆竹燃放安全的调查 D.对一枚用于发射卫星的运载火箭各零部件的检查 12.(3分)在平面直角坐标系中,对于平面内任一点(m,n),规定以下两种变换: ①f(m,n)=(m,﹣n),如f(2,1)=(2,﹣1); ②g(m,n)=(﹣m,﹣n),如g(2,1)=(﹣2,﹣1). 按照以上变换有:f[g(3,4)]=f(﹣3,﹣4)=(﹣3,4),那么g[f(﹣3,2)]等于()A.(3,2)B.(3,﹣2)C.(﹣3,2)D.(﹣3,﹣2) 二、填空题:(每小题3分,共30分)将答案直接填在题中横线上 13.(3分)如图,把三角板的直角顶点放在直尺的一边上,若∠1=30°,则∠2=.


春蕾教育培训中心 七年级英语下册期末测试卷 时间:100分钟总分:120分 I. 单项选择。(20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 1. —Where _____ Jim study? —He _____ in No.1 middle school. A. is...studies B. do...study C. does, studies D. does, studying ( ) 2. What does your father do? __________? A. He works on a farm B. He is working now C. He works in a hospital D. He is a writer. ( )3. The Chinese people _____ hard working. I like _____. A. is...it B. is...him C. are...they D. are...them ( ) 4.He wants _____ at the pool. But now he _____ his homework. A. to swim…is doing B. swimming…is doing C. to swim…does D. swimming…doing ( ) 5. —_____ did you go _____ vacation? —We went to the countryside. A. What...for B. When...on C. Where...on D. Why...at ( ) 6. — Did you have much fun _____ in the lake? — Yes, I did. It made me very _____. A. boat...happy B. boating...unhappy C. to boat...unhappy D. boating...happy ( ) 7. There _______ no milk and no vegetable in the fridge(冰箱). A. is B. are C. am D. have ( )8. Tom often funny stories. A. talks B. tells C. says D. speaks ( ) 9. . —How is the weather in your city?—It’s snowing and it’s very _______. A. hot B. warm C. cold D. cool ( )10.If you are hungry, you can buy some food in the _______. A. library B.post office C. bank D. supermarket ( )11. Is there ___ orange juice in the bottle? Yes, there is___. A. Any…any B. some…any C. any…some D. some…some ( )12 10. Elephants are very cute, _______ many people like them. A. but B. and C. so D. or ( )13.It was sunny and we ________ all morning. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play ( ) 14.. 一Is this _____ iphone4? 一No,_____ is black. A.your, my B.yourself, mine C.your, mine D.yours, my ( )15.—What does her daughter look like? —She is . A. a student B. singing C. good-looking D. out ( )16.He _______ to buy that sweater. He _______ the color of it. A. would like; like B. likes; would like C. would like; likes D. like; likes ( ) 17. — Would you like a pizza with mushrooms? —_____ A. No, thanks. B. Yes ,I would. C. No, please. D. No, I don’t. ( )18. —Can you buy a computer for me?—. A. Sure B. You’re welcome C. Here you are D. Yes, I do ( )19.Lucy with her mother _______ shopping now. A. is go B. are going C. is going D. are go ( )20.It’s 8:00 now. You must do your homework, and stop ________ computer games. A. to play B. to playing C. playing D. play II. 完形填空(共20分。每小题2分) 阅读下面的短文。掌握其大意。然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中。选择最佳选项。 My dad was a fisherman,and he loved the sea. He had a boat,but it was ___21___to make a living on the sea. He worked hard and stayed out ___22___he caught enough(足够的)fish for the family. When the weather was ___23___, my father didn’t work,and he drove me to school. Before he left,he would give me a big kiss(亲吻)on the face ___24___tell me to be a good boy. It was so embarrassing(尴尬的)for me. I remembered(记住)the day. I was 12 years old. I thought I was too old for a good-bye kiss. We got to school and came to a stop. He had his usual big smile and started to kiss ___25___ before he left, but I put my hand up and said,“No,dad. ”It was the ___26___time that I talked to him in that way. and he felt very surprised(惊讶的). I said,“Dad,I’m too old for a good-bye kiss. I’m too old for any kind of kiss. ”My dad looked at me ___27___a long time, and his eyes were filled with tears. I never saw him ___28___. “You are right,”he said,“You are a big boy…a ___29___. I won’t kiss you any more.” It wasn’t long after that when my dad went to the sea and never came back. I was so sad that I wanted one more ___30___from my father. ( )21. A. easy B. hard C. careful D. careless ( )22. A. if B. when C. until D. after ( )23. A. bad B. fine C. cold D. hot ( )24. A. but B. so C. or D. and ( )25. A. you B. me C. him D. her ( )26. A. one B. next C. first D. last ( )27. A. for B. in C. of D. on ( )28. A. smile B. cry C. say D. move ( )29. A. boy B. child C. man D. baby ( )30. A. time B. look C. thing D. kiss Ⅲ. 阅读理解。(30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A. Students learn their lessons in class. Teachers teach them in class. Students sit in the classroom listening to the teacher. This is a way of learning. Is this the only way for students


七年级语文下册综合测试题 一、积累运用(共27分) (一)积累(共14分)1、阅读下面文字,把文中拼音所表示的汉字依次写在文下方格内(任选..4字) 。(2分) 月光是gé了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑bó的黑影;弯弯的杨柳的稀shū的倩影,却又像是画在荷叶上。塘中的月色并 不均匀;但光与影有着和xié的旋律,如梵婀玲上zòu 着的名曲。 选自《荷塘月色》 2、古诗文默写。(8分) (1)了却君王天下事, __。(2)妇姑荷箪食, 。 (3) ,烟波江上使人愁。(4) ,带月荷锄归。 (5)《木兰诗》用了不少对偶句,请默写出其中的一组: __________, 。 (6)《使至塞上》中描写塞外开阔雄浑景象的诗句是: , 。 3、名著阅读。(4分) 读完名著《西游记》,同学们一致认为,完成西天取经的任务,他们师徒四人缺了谁都不成。请仿照对唐僧和沙和尚的评价,将对孙悟空和猪八戒的评价补充完整。 唐僧,虽然软弱无能手无缚鸡之力,但他品行端正有坚定的信念; 孙悟空,虽然 ,但他 ; 猪八戒,虽然 ,但他 ; 沙和尚,虽然没有什么大本事,但他任劳任怨甘心当好后勤。 (二)运用(共9分) 4、仔细阅读下面语句,揣摩它的内容和写法,把空缺部分补充完整。(2分) 一棵树的目标,也许是雕成栋梁建筑大厦,也许是化作白纸传递知识, _________, _________________……我们不是树,我们不可能明白树的心思。 5、下列句子都有1处语病,请仔细阅读后,用规定的符号(不必全使用)在句中加以修改。(4分) (1) 经过投票,同学们基本上全票通过小明当选我班的班长。 (2) 通过妈妈的开导,使我完全明白了爸爸的用心良苦。 (3) 到网上阅读并搜索你喜欢的一部名著或一个作家的资料,把它们 保存下来。 (4) 这本书的作者以他高度的艺术手法描绘了栩栩如生的人物形象和 生动场面。 6、目前我国野生动物的生存情况非常严峻,保护野生动物刻不容缓。请选定一种急需保护的野生动物,并提一条可行性建议。(3分) 野生动物: 标语(或建议): (三)综合性学习(共4分) 7. 随着时代的发展,许多词语被赋予了新的内涵。如媒体常常提及的“绿色╳ ╳”中,“绿色”不单指一种颜色,而成为健康、安全、节能、


七年级数学抽测试题 和顺一中 卢倩文 一、选择题(每题3分) 1、小明骑自行车上学,开始以正常速度匀速行驶,但行至中途自行车出了故障,只好停下来修车,车修好后,因怕耽误上课,他比修车前加快了骑车速度继续匀速行驶,下面是行驶路程S (米)关于时间t (分)的函数图象,那么符合这个同学行驶情况的图象大致是图中的( ) 2、纳米技术是21世纪的新兴技术,纳米是一个长度单位,1纳米等于1米的10亿分之一,关系式是1纳米=10-n 米,N 是( ) A 、10 B 、9 C 、8 D 、-10 3、.如下图,下列条件中,不能判断直线l 1∥l 2的是( ) A 、∠1=∠3 B 、∠2=∠3 C 、∠4=∠5 D 、∠2+∠4=180° 4、下面各语句中,正确的是( ) A 、两条直线被第三条直线所截,同位角相等 B 、垂直于同一条直线的两条直线平行 C 、若a ∥b ,c ∥d ,则a ∥d D 、同旁内角互补,两直线平行 5、一个盒子里有20个球,其中有18个红球,2个黑球,每个球除颜色外都相同,从中任意取出3个球,则下列结论中,正确的是( ) A 、所取出的3个球中,至少有一个是黑球 B 、所取出的3个球中,至少有2个黑球 C 、所取出的3个球中,至少有1个是红球 D 、所取出的3个球中,至少有2个是红球 6、钥匙藏在9块瓷砖的某一块下面,每块瓷砖除图案外, 其它都相同,则钥匙藏在白色瓷砖下面的概率是( ) A 、1/9 B 、1/6 C 、 2/3 D 、1/3 7、明明从广州给远在上海的爷爷打电话,电话费随着时间的变化而变化,在这个过程中,因变量是( ) A .明明 B.电话费 C. 时间 D.爷爷 8、对于四舍五入得到的近似数4.8×105 ,下列说法正确的是( ) A 、有2个有效数字,精确到万位 B 、有2个有效数字,精确到个位 C 、有6个有效数字,精确到万位 D 、有6个有效数字,精确到个位 9、以下各组数据为长度的三条线段,能组成三角形的是( ). A .1,2,3 B .1,4,3 C .5,9,5 D .2,7,3

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