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4D Design and Simulation Technologies and Process Design Patterns

4D Design and Simulation Technologies and Process Design Patterns
4D Design and Simulation Technologies and Process Design Patterns


ISSN 1007-0214 29/67 pp179-184

Volume13,Number S1,October2008

4D Design and Simulation Technologies and Process Design Patterns to Support Lean Construction Methods

Manfred Breit, Manfred Vogel, Fritz H?ubi**, Fabian M?rki, Micheal Raps i4Ds, University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland, Steinackerstrasse 5, CH-5210 Windisch, Switzerland Abstract: The objective of this ongoing joint research program is to determine how 3D/4D modeling, simula-

tion and visualization of Products (buildings), Organizations and Processes (POP) can support lean con-

struction. Initial findings suggest that Process Design Pattern may have the potential to intuitively support

ICT based lean construction. We initiated a “Process Archeology” in order to reveal the requirements for

tools that can support the planning, simulation and control of lean construction methods. First findings show

that existing tools provide only limited support and therefore, we started to develop new methodologies and

technologies to overcome these shortcomings. Through the introduction of Process Design Patterns, we in-

tent to establish process thinking in the interdisciplinary POP design. Optimized construction processes may

be synthesized with semi-automatic methods by applying Process Design Patterns on building structures.

By providing process templates that integrate problem solution and expert knowledge, Process Design Pat-

terns may have the potential to ensure high quality process models.

Key words:4D design; process and organization modeling and simulation; process design patterns;

lean construction methods


Under the title “Process Archeology” a multi-disciplinary team reconstructs and recreates the over-all building processes to study the disciplinary and col-laboration requirements, derive possible process pat-terns, and create alternative lean construction processes. The technology as well as the generated processes are repeatedly discussed, reflected and evaluated with former project managers and stakeholders. The work so far initiated a new methodology for the ICT sup-ported lean construction which we named Process De-sign Patterns. Process Design Patterns are a formal de-scription of successful solutions to problems. 1 Process Archaeology

1.1 Case study and approach

We chose a recently finished four storey residential concrete building for the case study. The aim is to re-construct and recreate the overall building processes with a multi-disciplinary team of two architects, a structural engineer, a construction foreman, three proc-ess managers and a computer scientist. The work is based on 2D architectural drawings and detailed con-struction plans, continuous series of photographs which document the building processes over time, process log books, meeting minutes and work reports. The team creates the necessary 3D-, 4D- and process and organization models with commercial available modeling tools. This approach uses the proposed inte-grated process in Ref. [1] for the efficient use of



** To whom correspondence should be addressed.

E-mail: fritz.haeubi@fhnw.ch

Tsinghua Science and Technology , October 2008, 13(S1): 179-184

180 3D/4D models to support the knowledge communica-tion and generation needed during constructability re-views. We used Archicad from Graphisoft and Revit from Autodesk for 3D modeling, Common Point Pro-ject 4D from Common Point Inc and Navisworks from Autodesk for 4D modeling and SimVision from ePM for the process and organization modeling and simula-tion. It is planned to reiterate the 4D- modeling process with recently emerged 4D- software such as the Virtual Construction Software Suite from Vico Software and C3D Framework and Visual Controls from Consoli-dated Contractors Technologies [2]. These applications use advanced modeling technologies and deploy exist-ing data of 3D building models and other sources, such as quantities, cost and performance information to far greater extent. Figure 1 shows a perspector view of the workflow [3]


Fig. 1 Workflow to generate a 4D model

The objectives of our case study are the following: First, determine the necessary level of detail and the granularity of the planning processes. Second, under-stand the inter-disciplinary planning process from the different disciplinary views and objectives. Thirdly, derive and categorize possible Process Design Patterns of recurring tasks. And finally, how to apply lean con-struction principles like continuous flow, tact phases and pull-principle to construction processes and how this can be integrated in a process optimization tool. Building appropriate 3D and 4D POP models serves as first feedback to the constructability of the tasks and the phases. At the same time, benefits and restrictions of the used software applications as well as the neces-sary workflow will be studied. Special attention is paid to the usability, e.g. where does the current deployment of applications differ from “natural” planning proc-esses. The generated (leaner) processes and model

simulations and predictions are compared with the ac-tual carried out processes and discussed by and with former project managers and stakeholders, who built the project.

1.2 Initial findings

x To support design and process decisions, the 3D models need to have a sufficient level of detail to support the granularity of the building processes. As the planning process typically is gaining more precision and granularity through the transforma-tion from rough to detailed design, this require-ment will bring in new challenges to the practice. x Even object oriented 3D CAD applications often lack the necessary process-oriented perspective, i.e. they are designed primarily for producing plans not buildings. Nonetheless, it is already pos-sible to set up walls consisting of different com-ponents like structural wall and outer thermal in-sulation. However, the interoperability with plan-ning software is not ensured because outside of the 3D CAD application such a component is treated as a single geometric object.

x The current work-flow of unintegrated 3D/4D modeling software typically needs information ex- and import. We used the IFCs [4] model infor-mation exchange. We observed a multitude of conversion errors reaching from 3D geometry misrepresentation to partial and complete infor-mation loss. The “fine” tuning of the ex- and im-port filters is currently an art and strains the pa-tience of the user. Without extra support from the software providers these try and error attempts of-ten cannot be finished successfully. It was neces-sary to write additional small applications (filters) to correct information exchange errors (see Fig.1). x The handling of different design alternatives in a project with currently available software tools lead to a multitude of unrelated data which will quickly become unmanageable. The strict se-quence of 3D/4D information exchange procedure often distracts user from their intended tasks e.g. the creation of a new design variant might be in-terrupted by an omitted exchange step or an im-port of the wrong model. Linking POP informa-tion in 4D models still includes too much recur-ring manual user interactions. Although the

Manfred Breit et al?4D Design and Simulation Technologies and Process Design Patterns to Support (181)

greater part of this work can be automated with object and process queries and link propagation the given 3D object hierarchy, missing attribute information or simply inconsistent naming con-

ventions require manual user intervention.

x Currently available 3D and 4D software do not support the rapid modeling of design alternatives

in all three POP dimensions. The modeling proc-

ess is time consuming and intuitive tools which support creative design processes are missing.

x The latter two points lead to the requirement of a

model server which can handle different model representations for building elements (e.g. for Virtual Environments) as well as a branching mechanism for design variants and their revisions

over time. The integration of multiple product models has been addressed in Refs. [3] and [5] as


2 Process Design Patterns

2.1 Definition of process design patterns

One of the goals in the project described above is to improve the design of construction processes by aug-menting measurability and reliability. We approached this by using patterns for process analyses and process design and by applying advanced optimization meth-ods for process optimization.

The idea to use patterns as formal descriptions of generic solutions to classes of commonly reoccurring problems was first introduced by the architect Christo-pher Alexander[6] and has been adapted for various other disciplines[7-10]. A pattern records the design de-cisions taken by many builders in many places over many years to resolve a particular problem. Patterns may be collected together into a pattern language that addresses a particular domain[6].

While the pattern language idea so far had limited impact in the building industry, it has had a profound influence on software engineering[7-9]. In software en-gineering, a design pattern is a general repeatable solu-tion to a commonly occurring problem in software de-sign. A design pattern is not a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Object-oriented design pat-terns typically show relationships and interactions between classes or objects, without specifying the final application classes or objects that are involved.

In construction and process planning, we use Proc-ess Design Patterns to formally describe actions or events leading the construction or process from one de-fined stage to the next. Preliminary studies, performed in a Swiss construction company in 2006 proved that even complex business processes could be described by a very limited set of process elements[10]. In con-trary to the company’s expectations, most daily opera-tions are performed in more or less equivalent steps, using the same sets of resources.

This triggered the idea to use the pattern approach for describing business processes. Typically, such pat-terns are implemented on homogeneous tasks, perfor-med by specific taskforces using a given set of resour-ces, e.g. machines. Thus the scope of change caused by a certain pattern varies with the level of detail in the planning process. The concept of pattern based process design is therefore not limited to a certain stage or scale in the overall planning process.

Figure 2 shows a possible generic Process Design Pattern (PDP) applicable to most construction proc-esses. Derived from the single generic top level pattern we recognized seven second level patterns as shown in Fig. 3: ground preparation, forming elements by pour-ing, forming elements by assembling small unified components, assembling site or project specific prefab-ricated elements, assembling adjustable standardized elements or mechanical components, surface treatment and setting into operation.

Fig. 2 Generic process design pattern

The goal of this step in our project is to create a comprehensive system for the description and defini-tion of construction processes, where the level of detail

Tsinghua Science and Technology , October 2008, 13(S1): 179-184


Fig. 3 Types of second level Process Design Patterns, examples for the definition of third level patterns and one example of a combined fourth level pattern

in the description can be consistently varied up- and downwards according the questions related to the ac-tual planning phase.

2.2 Lean construction approach

Lean Management is a set of methods successfully ap-plied in many industries for augmenting process effi-ciency. Since the overall productivity in the construc-tion industry is rather poor [11], lean methods are being introduced under the name of lean construction. One of the key success factors in lean construction is the de-tailed planning and control of onsite activities and lo-gistic processes. The goal is to eliminate re-work, pro-vide continuous work flow and minimize mistakes. 2.3 Synthesizing processes by the use of patterns Patterns define the rules for describing the transition process from one given building state to the next. The overall process evolves in two steps from the process elements defined by the building structure and the ap-plication of patterns.

The first step produces a number of distinct process elements or sub processes, generated by applying PDPs on the building structure. The PDPs determine the type and order of actions or tasks to be performed and the Building Information Model (BIM) defines the quantities, shape and restrictions for these actions. Given building structures do not necessarily lead to single process elements. A concrete structure e.g. may

be erected from prefabricated elements or by casting on site. In such cases, the application of PDPs on BIMs creates process elements in two or more variations mu-tually excluding each other. For the purpose of synthe-sizing a construction process, the process elements or sub-processes generated from the BIM are further de-composed into phases, i.e. elementary work units which can be performed in one single step.

The overall process setup finally emerges from the integration of the sub processes. Here again, the BIM defines the overall quantities and constraints for the process design and the patterns define the rules for the possible combination of sub processes. Phases or ele-mentary work units described above provide the met-rics for process evaluation. Using very basic process elements for gathering metrics has the advantage that this information may easily be gathered from the analysis of existing processes or from industry bench-marks.

The final design of the resulting overall process is done by advanced optimization techniques [12,13] in three steps. First the necessary performance indicators for the process optimization are defined in the behavior section of the underlying POP-Model.

Then the process elements gathered from the build-ing structure are brought into a primary sequence, based on geometric constraints from the BIM. This preliminary process candidate does not have to be cor-rect in the terms of feasibility.

In a final step, optimized processes candidates are

Manfred Breit et al ?4D Design and Simulation Technologies and Process Design Patterns to Support (183)

generated by using genetic algorithms [12,13]. This final step takes process constraints like resource usage or process behaviors into consideration. This simulation technique allows producing and evaluating many dif-ferent instances of the target process by variation and recombination of sub processes.

Figure 4 shows the basic proposed algorithm used for

synthesizing construction processes from given build-ing structures by the use of Process Design Patterns.

2.4 Exemplary step from building components to

building process models To decide whether a PDP can be assigned to building components depends on the properties of these compo-nents. Such properties can be the type of the building component, its material, its location in the structure, its structural properties, etc.

The PDP provides the criteria which define whether it can be assigned to a specific building component. Based on these properties, the PDP assignment algo-rithm builds a Property Breakdown Structure (PBS) of the components. This PBS specifies those building

components to which the PDP can be assigned.

Fig. 4 From an architectural 3D model to a lean construction processes

It is possible to define several PDPs which can be used to do the same sub-process. An example might be in place assembling and installation versus pre-fabrication installation. Consequently, one needs to de-cide which PDP should be used in order to perform the sub-process.

Similarly, if a subgroup of geometric components assigned to a specific Process Design Pattern need a special treatment, a more specialized Process Design Pattern overwrites a more general PDP (see Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Specialized Process Design Patterns can overwrite more general Process Design Patterns

Assigning Process Design Patterns to each building

component separately enables a very detailed process

planning. At the same time, it is also possible to plan a

project on a higher level. This can be done by composing building components which have the same PDP assigned into groups. A possibility of such a grouping could be a group of building components which are of the same type and are potentially

Tsinghua Science and Technology, October 2008, 13(S1): 179-184 184

performable in one process step.

3 Conclusions

The aim of the presented research is to determine how pattern based process design may successfully support lean construction methods. Therefore, we initiated a “Process Archeology” in order to reveal the require-ments for tools that can support lean construction. First findings show that existing tools provide only limited support. To overcome these shortcomings, we started to develop new methodologies and technologies. Through the introduction of Process Design Patterns, we propose a methodology to synthesize optimized construction processes from architectural models. By providing process templates that integrate problem so-lution and expert knowledge, Process Design Patterns may have the potential to generate construction proc-esses meeting defined optimization criteria based on relevant performance indicators. We are convinced that the proposed approach can be deployed widely in the AEC industry and that the findings of the case study have a more general character: e.g. industrial facility projects often have reocurring processes with pattern characteristics. Actually, we successfully applied the Process Design Patterns to the construction of new prototypes of waiting room facilities for the Swiss Railway Corporation.


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情景问答 1.这台电脑是Tom的。价格是3,600元。 2.我的家乡有个美丽的公园。我经常看到很多孩子在里面放风筝。 3.我在南京工作。坐飞机到北京需两个小时。 4.刘伟太瘦了。医生建议他多吃点,以保持健康。 5.我在听天气预报。明天有雪。 6.今早海伦把英语字典忘在了家里。遇到不认识的单词只好问老师。 7.王奶奶病了。她打电话向警察求助。 8.你们学校将于6月6日举行运动会。你将参加跳高比赛。 9.机场已经投入使用五年了。政府正在努力保护周边的坏境。 10.我来自中国。中国有13亿人口。 11.我的父亲是老师。他教书20年了。 12.我喜欢学习生物。因为研究各种各样的生物很有趣。 13.林鹏昨晚去西安看了一场足球赛。其结果让他感到很伤心。 14.汤姆的生日即将到来。他爸爸将给他买个篮球作为生日礼物。

15.琳达在杭州度假。她喜欢划船。 16.轮到我打扫房间了。我要先去擦窗户。 17.韩梅过去上班经常挤公交。如今她可以骑自行车上班了,这让她感觉很高兴。 18.今早贝蒂上学迟到了。因为她的自行车半路上坏了。 19.上周末,艾伦去爬山。回来的路上碰见了他的朋友亨利。 20.去年圣诞节,米莉和朋友们举办了一场晚会。他们玩的很开心。 21.西蒙打算在暑假里去乡下看望爷爷和奶奶。他们在乡下养着一匹马,西蒙很喜欢骑马。 22.你最喜欢数学这门学科。是因为你觉得它能使你聪明。 23.希望刚出生时,只有一百克重。看起来像只小白鼠。 24.王女士经常在工作之余上网购物。她认为这样可以为她节省很多时间。 25.由于父母工作忙,小明经常一个人上下学。上周他在回家的路上被一辆小汽车撞了。 26.教师节快到了。李萍为王老师精心制作了一张卡片,上面写着“老师,我爱你”。


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2017 中考英语人机对话模拟试题(1) 一、交际问答:根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 1. What time do you go to school in the morning? 2. Do you have breakfast every morning? 3. What do you usually have for breakfast? 4. Do you often eat junk food? 5. How do you keep healthy? 三、话题表达:Do you like sports?Why or why not? Yes,I like sports very much.First,I think playing sports is fun.And it gives people the chance to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playing sports.Second,it is good for my health.What ' s more,I think playing sports is a goo to relax my mind.After a long day of schoolwork,I always feel tired.But after I play basketball with my friends,I feel relaxed. 2017 中考英语人机对话模拟试题(2)一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 1. Where are you going to take your vacation? 2. Could you please answer the telephone? 3. What kind of sports do you like? 4. How many people are there in your family? 5. Which subject do you like best? 三、话题表达: Do you like English?Why or why not?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I do .First,I think English is very interesting.I like my English teacher.She is very friendly to us.And her classes are lively and interesting.Second,English is a very useful subject.If I learn it well,I can travel all over the world,and I can make friends from other countries.So I like English very much.


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作学习心得体会 杨保政 作为一名小学数学年教师,我对教学媒体和资源总是充满了兴趣。在上课的时候,我更喜欢利用多媒体,来引导学生学习新知识。但有的时候上课的效果却不尽如人意。这次能参加全员培训中我学到制作演示文稿的时候,清新的ppt 演示,实用的制作技巧,让我眼前一亮,制作攻略更是让我热血沸腾,我终于认识到了我以前为什么很用心的制作PPT,但是效果却不好的原因了,那就是没有人会对着密密麻麻的知识点感兴趣的,不由得想到了初中时候的自己,和他们不是一样的吗? 在本次培训中制作演示文档的部分,我对它进行了简单的总结: 攻略一:少即是多:每页一个主题;巧用备注栏;字少图大;提炼关键词句。呆板无趣的知识点会让学生们昏昏欲睡,如果将知识点精炼再加上图片会提升学生学习的兴趣,而且也减轻了学生的负担,让他们在快乐中获取知识。甚至在PPT中我可以恰当使用高桥法,醒目的字眼跃然眼帘,再不用老师来反复强调这是重点啊重点啊! 攻略二::换位思考:文字不小于24号;及时回顾总结;文字和背景反差鲜明;从学生的角度来思考一堂课的教授方

法,没有那么多过目不忘的学生,怎么讲课才能使学生印象深刻呢?看来我要在这方面多下功夫了。 攻略三:逻辑清晰:顺序播放;逻辑主线简明;格式一致;思想要点图表化。 攻略四:形象表达:适当运用全图型PPT;图表图形化;精心设计封面和目录;用声音烘托气氛。一幅好图胜过一千句话,无关的美景干扰主题;过多的插图分散注意;过于复杂的画面增加认知负荷;插图与背景混杂 攻略五:动静结合:控制长度;加快速度;明确目的;聚焦内容 在本次学习中,有一句话令我印象深刻,一堂课是否精彩,关键是教师而不是工具!是啊,无论ppt做得多么华丽,内容是多么深刻。但是一堂课的精彩与否,还是得靠教师来把握,路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索!


2018年江苏省初中人机对话模拟试题(3) 听力测试部分 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ()1. What will the boy probably live his mother? ()2. What do we know about the man? ()3. What is the man doing? ()4. What isthewoman? ()5.How long did it take the woman to finish the charity walk?

A.One hour. B.Eight hours. C.Nine hours ( )6.How does the boy feel about the next maths exam? A. Worried. B.Stressed. C.Confident. ( )7.Who is good at math? A.Bob. B.Allan. C.Judy. ( )8. How many people will probably attend the meeting? A.5. B.15. C.25 ( )9.What does John mean? A.He'd like to go to the cinema. B. He doesn't want to see the film. C.He will be busy this weekend. ( )10. How is the weather in May in Tom's hometown? A.It's rainy. B.It's nice. C.It's cold. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ()11. What is the special box used for? A.For people to throw waste things in. B.For small children to throw rubbish in. C. For people to throw waste batteries(废电池)in. ()12. How many waste batteries can be collected in Beijing each year? A.50 tons. B.500 tons. C.5,000 tons. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。


2018年江苏省初中人机对话模拟试题(2) 听力测试部分 第一部分听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 ()1. Which season does the woman like best? ()2. Which is the woman's uncle? ()3. What animals are they going to see next? ()4. What time may they finish the work?

()5.What is Jane probably doing now? A.She is singing. B.She is reading comics. C.She is doing housework. ()6. Which month is it now? A. June. B. May. C.April. ()7.Where are they speaking? A.In the classroom. B.In the library. C.At home. ()8.What is Millie's hobby? A. Dancing. B. Singing. C. Reading. ()9. How much do the notebooks cost? A.6 yuan. B.16 yuan. C.60 yuan. ()l0. What is the woman going to do tomorrow? A.Meet friends. B.Stay at home. C.Plant trees. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题(计10分,每小题1分) 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。在听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 ( )11. What is the woman doing? A.She is reading a book.


多媒体演示文稿的设计 与制作学习心得体会 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.

多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作 学习心得体会 通过这次培训学习,使我进一步地掌握了制作和应用ppt等网络教学的知识和技能,增长了见识,理论水平、操作水平也有所提高。基本上掌握多媒体教学演示文稿的制作方法,主要有以下几个方面内容: (一)创建多媒体教学演示文稿; (二)编辑幻灯片; (三)编辑超级链接; (四)播放并调试幻灯片; (五)使用动画效果; 对我们教师来说,PowerPoint课件是最早接触的。利用PowerPoint可以创建出非常漂亮的幻灯片文稿,这些幻灯片中既可以有文字,还可以包含图画、表格、统计图表、组织结构图,甚至可以有声音、乐曲和动画效果,还可以为这些幻灯片设计出统一或不同的背景。利用PowerPoint可通过各种形式放映幻灯片,既可以在完全没有人工干预的情况下自动放映,也可以由使用者手工控制播放,可以令每张幻灯片从不同的角度,以不同的方式切入到屏幕上,使得放映效果生动有趣。这次网络研修,主要学习了Powerpoint基础操作、基本编辑;音、视频处理;演示文稿中动画的设置,设置不同的背景,艺术字与自选图形等。通过学习我对制作课件有了新的认识,制作课件既要讲究精美又要讲究实用。不同的制作软件具有不同的特点,在制作课件时,应根据需要选择合适的制作软件。制作课件是一个艰苦的创作过程,优秀的课件应融教育性、科学性、艺术

性、技术性于一体,这样才能最大限度地发挥学习者的潜能,强化教学效果,提高教学质量。 在这一次的学习中,我通过对每个章节的仔细学习,才知道平时经常用的ppt有如此强大的教学课件制作功能,可以说我之前所掌握的只是ppt课件制作功能的冰山一角。 在现代教育教学中多媒本技术在教育教学上的运用越来越多,多媒体以它更直观、更灵活、更易让学生理解的特点,使它成为许多教师教学方法的首选。而之前我只是对ppt课件的制作有一点认识,通过教师深入浅出的讲解和鲜活的实例,让我对ppt课件有了更深的认识,在今后的课件制作方面,我会把所学的制作技能运用其中,制作出更加实用、高效的教学课件。 通过学习,使我更加深刻地了解了多媒体课件制作的方法及技巧,认识到多媒体课件制作为教师专业化的成长提供了一个平台,同时也让我明确了本次学习的目标、内容、使自己由传统化教师向现代化教师发展。 张三


2018人机对话听力模拟测试题(教师用) 1.Where are they talking? W: Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you? M: I’d like to borrow a book on computer. P28 2. What are they talking about? W: When a house is on fire, what should we do? M: You should call firefighters for help. P28 3. What did the doctor ask Lily to eat? M: Hi, Lily! Are you feeling better these days? W: Well, yes. The doctor made me eat more vegetables. P28 4. How much did the watch cost? W: Did the watch cost you much? M:Not too much. It is worth 50 dollars. I bought it for a half. P31 5. How old is Susan? A.14 B.12 C.16 M: How old are you, Betty? W: I’m fourteen. P31 6. How long did the woman call her parents? A.For 8 minutes. B. For 6 minutes. C. For 9 minutes. M: Did you call your parents? W: Yes. It cost me one yuan. M: Oh, It’s very cheap. W: Yes, I spent 40 fen on the first three minutes, then 10 fen more on each minute. P31 7. Which season does the man like best? A.Summer B. Autumn C. Spring W: Which do you like, summer, autumn or winter? M: I don’t like summer. I like autumn better than winter. P31 8. What’s Eric going to do after supper? A.See a film. B. Have a meeting. C. Get ready for his talk. W: Shall we go to the cinema after supper? M: I’d love to. But I’ll give a talk on the environment at the meeting tomorrow. P31 9. Where does the dialogue probably happen? A.In a clothes shop. B. In a restaurant. C. In a tea house. W: Would you like something to drink before you order your meal? M: Just a glass of water. P26 10. What can we learn from the dialogue? A.Jimmy usually helps with the housework. B.The parents feel strange about Jimmy’s change. C.Jimmy tries to be a good boy when he wants something. M: Our son Jimmy is so different today. He has cleaned his room, washed his dirty clothes and finished his homework. He even helped me water the garden. W: Don’t get surprised. There must be something he really wants from us.


第5章演示文稿设计与制作 第1节认识演示文稿第1课时(共2课时) 一、教学目标: 1、知识与技能: (1)掌握“ wps演示”的启动和退出方法 (2)了解“ wps演示”窗口的组成和使用 (3)初步掌握“ wps ”基本操作 2、过程与方法:通过观看、欣赏“ WPS演示”范例作品,激发学习兴趣,结合任务认识“WPS 演示”的窗口,掌握标题幻灯片的制作方法,在实践过程中达成技能的形成。 3、情感态度与价值观:知道“ WPS演示”是一种展示、汇报工具软件,知道能用“WPS 演示”制作一些作品来展示自己的风采、想法等,感受信息技术的魅力和价值。 二、教学重点: 知道演示文稿的编辑 三、教学难点: 演示文稿的编辑 四、教学方法: 任务探究,体验学习,实验学习 五、教学过程: (一)情境导入 同学们,大家好!今天老师带了件礼品给大家,想看看吗?看完后请你说一说看到了什 么?听到了什么? 师向学生展示介绍学校的演示文稿。 刚才老师向大家展示的作品是一个演示文稿,它可以将文字、图片、视频和音乐等素材 整合起来。演示文稿在我们的生活中用处可大啦,如产品介绍、自我介绍、辅助教学等。制 作这样的作品,需要专业的软件,你知道有哪些软件可以制作演示文稿呢?今天向大家介绍一款专门用于制作演示文稿的软件一一“WPS演示”。 今天这节课我们就一起来认识“ WPS演示”软件。(板书:第5章第1节认识演示文稿)(二)、新授 自主学习: 1、一个完整的演示文稿一般由___________________________________________________ 构成。 2、演示文稿中包含的素材一般有_________________________________________________ 等。 3、演示文稿的设计包括__________________________ 。 合作探究: 1、任务一:新建演示文稿 学生自学,打开“ wps演示”窗口,新建一个“ wps演示”文档。 2、任务二:新建“封面标题页” 下面我们来新建第一页幻灯片。 单击右侧的“版式”按键,打开“幻灯片版式”任务空格,在“母版版式”中选择“空 白” 3、任务三:插入字标题 插入“中国元素”艺术字 4、任务四:插入背景图片 插入“中国元素背景 1 ”并设置“叠放次序”为“置于底层”


Test 1 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟朗读短文一遍。请看下面的短文: Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time. 第二节情景反应 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时我正在专心看书。看到我学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了我。 1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分) At 9 o’clock. 2. What was I doing then? (2分) I was reading a book. 3. Was Mother happy when she saw me? (2分) Yes. 4. Why did Mother praise me? (2分) Because I study hard. 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1.爸爸太胖了,不得不每天锻炼一下身体; 2.上午他花30分钟的时间骑单车去图书馆; 3.下午,他散步一个小时; 4.爸爸看上去比以前瘦多了。 My father is so heavy that he has to do sports every day. In the morning, he spends half an hour riding a bike to the library. In the afternoon, he takes a walk for an hour. Now, my father is much thinner than before. And he thinks it’s important to keep health. Test 2 第一节短文朗读(计6分) Choose your favorite fruit. Use fruit in season and make sure it is fresh. Use fruit of different colors and try to make your fruit salad look as nice as it tastes. For example, mixing red apples, purple grapes and yellow bananas together will make the salad look very colorful. Prepare the fruit salad just before you are going to eat it. Some of the fruit


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作 ——基于网络环境下任务驱动教学单元教学案例设计 山西省运城市康杰中学赵红冰 【课时安排】8课时 【年级】高一年级 【学习目标】 ◆知识与技能: ①掌握多媒体演示文稿中幻灯片的基本制作方法。 ②熟练掌握幻灯片的自定义动画、幻灯片切换、放映方式等设置。 ③掌握多种媒体的插入方法与超级链接设置。 ④能够对幻灯片进行打包并解包放映。 ⑤能够利用多种途径搜集表现主题所需要的多媒体素材,并能进行筛选规类。 ⑥能利用网络教学软件提交作业。 ◆过程与方法: ①通过作品的制作过程提高学生综合处理多种媒体技术的能力。 ②通过幻灯片版面的整体布局和设计以及背景、色彩的搭配提高学生的艺术表现力和审美能力。 ③通过创建超级链接培养学生对作品的控制能力和交互能力。 ◆情感态度与价值观: ①图文声像并茂,激发学生学习兴趣。 ②友好的交互环境,调动学生积极参与。 ③丰富的信息资源,扩大学生知识面。 ④超文本结构组织信息,提供多种学习路径。 【学习重点】 确定主题并围绕主题搜集、筛选、分类整理素材。 幻灯片版面的设计与布局。 【学习难点】 色彩的搭配与风格的统一、独特。 【学习平台】 基于互联网的多媒体网络教室. 【学习方法】 基于“任务驱动教学方法”下的自主、协作、探究、创新的学习方法。 一、任务设计 (一)、任务描述: 学习完PowerPoint办公软件,我们已了解了这是一个集多种媒体的演示性文稿,通过多媒体的组合可以对主题的表达更形象、生动、丰富多彩。请同学们利用已掌握的制作演示文稿的多种技术来表达一个主题,制作出图文并茂、形象生动的电子演示文稿。 (二)、任务要求: 1、主题要求 自由命题:主题鲜明、内容健康,富有个性。 可参考以下方向: 宣传科普知识或环保知识;介绍本地区旅游资源;介绍本校风貌;介绍本班情况;


2017中考英语人机对话模拟试题(1) 一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 time do you go to school in the morning? you have breakfast every morning? do you usually have for breakfast? you often eat junk food? do you keep healthy? 三、话题表达:Do you like sports?Why or why not? Yes,I like sports very ,I think playing sports is it gives people the chance to make new have made some good friends when playing ,it is good for my ’s more,I think playing sports is a good way to relax my a long day of schoolwork,I always feel after I play basketball with my friends,I feel relaxed. 2017中考英语人机对话模拟试题(2) 一、交际问答: 根据所听到的句子,说出相应的答语。 are you going to take your vacation? you please answer the telephone? kind of sports do you like? many people are there in your family? subject do you like best? 三、话题表达: Do you like English?Why or why not?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I do .First,I think English is very like my English is very friendly to her classes are lively and ,English is a very useful I learn it well,I can travel all over the world,and I can make friends from other I like English very much.


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作学习心得体会通过这次培训学习,使我进一步地掌握了制作和应用ppt等网络教学的知识和技能,增长了见识,理论水平、操作水平也有所提高。基本上掌握多媒体教学演示文稿的制作方法,这次培训学习心得体会如下: 一、知识点: 这次培训学习主要有以下几个方面内容: (一)创建演示文稿 (二)插入多媒体资源 (三)多媒体资源搭配 (四)播放和调试文稿 二、内容呈现: 1.创建课件页 (1)新建文稿 启动PowerPoint,在"新建演示文稿"对话框中选择"空演示文稿"。 (2)选择版式 默认的是“标题幻灯片”。课根据自己的需要进行选择; (3)输入文本 选择"插入"菜单中"文本框"中"文本框"命令后,在编辑区拖动鼠标,绘出文本框,然后输入相应文字或者粘贴上你所需要的文字。 (4)格式化文本 与其它字处理软件(如WORD)相似 (5)调整文本位置 通过调整文本框的位置来调整文本的位置。先选中要调整的文本框,使其边框上出现8个控制点,然后根据需要拖动控制点,文本框随之改变大小。当鼠标指针放在文本框边上的任何不是控制点的位置时,鼠标指针附带十字箭头,这时拖动鼠标可调整文本框的位置。 通过调整文本框的位置来调整文本的位置。先选中要调整的文本框,使其边框上出现8个控制点,然后根据需要拖动控制点,文本框随之改变大小。当鼠标指针放在文本框边上的任何不是控制点的位置时,鼠标指针附带十字 箭头,这时拖动鼠标可调整文本框的位置。

2、编排与修改 2.1 插入图片 (1)选择"插入"-"图片",选取合适的图片,然后单击"插入"按钮。 2.2 选取模板 单击"格式"菜单中的"幻灯片设计…"命令,选择合适的模板,也可在幻灯片上单击右键,通过快捷菜单选择"幻灯片…"命令。 2.3 应用背景 如果不想对课件页添加模板,而只是希望有一个背景颜色或者是图片,可以单击"格式"菜单中的"背景"命令,在"背景"对话框中,打开下拉列表框,或单击"其他颜色…"选择合适的颜色,也可以选择"填充效果" 2.4影片、声音 执行“文件——插入——影片和声音”选择文件中的影片或者文件中的声音进行操作,为了防止课件到拷贝其他电脑无法获取文件,可将声音或影片文件与幻灯片文件放在同一文件夹下 三、学以致用: 1、PowerPoint中有多种创建演示文稿的方法,对于一个初学者想要快速制作一个演示文稿可以根据内容提示向导创建演示文稿。“内容提示向导”是创建演示文稿最快捷的一种方式,在“内容提示向导”的引导下,不仅能帮助使用者完成演示文稿相关格式的设置,而且还帮助使用者输入演示文稿的主要内容。 2、在多媒体演示文稿的页面中插入有关的文本、图片等多媒体资源需以下几个步骤:选择要插入的多媒体资源;调整插入对象的位置和大小; 3、(1)配色方案:配色方案就是由多媒体演示文稿软件预先设计的能够应用于幻灯片中的背景、文本和标题等对象的一套均衡搭配的颜色。通过配色方案,使多媒体演示文稿色彩绚丽,多呈现的内容更加生动,进行配色时需完成以下几个步骤:选择配色方案;应用配色方案;(2)利用版式搭配多媒体资源:版式是PowerPoint2003软件中的一种常规排版的格式,通过幻灯片版式的应用可以对文字、图片等等更加合理简洁完成布局,通常PowerPoint2003中已经内置文字版式、内容版式等版式类型供使用者使用,利用版式可以轻松完成幻灯片制作和运用。运用版式搭配多媒体资源需要以下几个步骤:选择版式;应用版式;(3)、图形组合:图形组合是PowerPoint软件中的一种图形处理功能,可以将多个独


2017年中考口语模拟试题 Test 1 第一节短文朗读(计6分) 你将有60秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的短文,并作朗读准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请在90秒钟内朗读短文一遍。 请看下面的短文: Our class will have a day out on Tuesday. This is the plan for the day. We will meet at 8:30 a. m. at the school gate and then take the bus to the Window of the World. We will visit the museum in the afternoon. At 3:00 p. m. we will be back to school. Everyone needs to bring lunch and some money to buy tickets. Please obey the rules in the park and museum. Finally, mind your time, you are supposed to arrive in time. 第二节情景反应(共4小题,计8分) 你将有20秒钟的时间阅读屏幕上的情景提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的内容,按照提问顺序用英语回答问题,每道题的作答时间为15秒钟。 请看下面的情景提示: 昨天晚上九点钟妈妈下班回来了,当时你正在专心看书。看到你学习认真,妈妈感到很开心,表扬了你。 1. When did Mother get home last night? (2分) 2. What were you doing then? (2分) 3. Was Mother happy when she saw you? (2分) 4. Why did Mother praise you? (2分) 第三节口头表达(计6分) 你将有2分钟的时间阅读屏幕上的要点提示,并作答题准备。在听到“开始录音”的信号后,请根据提示的要点,用5句以上的英语句子在2分钟内进行表述。 请看下面的要点提示: 1.爸爸太胖了,不得不每天锻炼一下身体; 2.上午他花30分钟的时间骑单车去图书馆; 3.下午,他散步一个小时; 4.爸爸看上去比以前健康多了。


多媒体演示文稿的设计与制作 学习心得体会 最近参加了Powerpoint2010培训,学到了很多的ppt制作相关理论和ppt课件制作技巧,真是受益匪浅。对我们教师来说,PowerPoint课件是最早接触的。利用PowerPoint 可以创建出非常漂亮的幻灯片文稿,这些幻灯片中既可以有文字,还可以包含图画、表格、统计图表、组织结构图,甚至可以有声音、乐曲和动画效果,还可以为这些幻灯片设计出统一或不同的背景。 利用PowerPoint可通过各种形式放映幻灯片,既可以在完全没有人工干预的情况下自动放映,也可以由使用者手工控制播放,可以令每张幻灯片从不同的角度,以不同的方式切入到屏幕上,使得放映效果生动有趣。这次培训,主要学习了在Powerpoint基础操作、基本编辑、音、视频处理、演示文稿中动画的设置,设置不同的背景,艺术字与自选图形,表格等。通过培训我对制作课件有了新的认识,制作课件既要讲究精美又要讲究实用。不同的制作软件具有不同的特点,在制作课件时,应根据需要选择合适的制作软件。制作课件是一个艰苦的创作过程,优秀的课件应融教育性、科学性、艺术性、技术性于一体,这样才能最大限度地发挥学习者的潜能,强化教学效果,提高教学质量。在这一次的学习中,我通过对每个章节的仔细学习,才知道平时经常用的

ppt有如此强大的教学课件制作功能,可以说我之前所掌握的只是ppt课件制作功能的冰山一角。现代教育教育多媒本技术在教育教学上的运用越来越多,多媒体以它更直观、更灵活、更易让学生理解的特点,使它成为许多教师教学方法的首选。而之前我只是对ppt课件的制作有一点认识,通过教师深入浅出的讲解和鲜活的实例,让我对ppt课件有了更深的认识,在今后的课件制作方面,我会把所学的制作技能运用其中,制作出更加实用、高效的教学课件。 通过学习,使我更加深刻地了解了多媒体课件制作的方法及技巧,认识到多媒体课件制作为教师专业化的成长提供了一个平台,同时也让我明确了本次学习的目标、内容、使自己由传统化教师向现代化教师发展。


中考英语人机对话模拟试题(一) 一、听问句,说答语 1.How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school by bus./By bus. 2.What’s the date today? It’s June 15th. 3.How often do you watch TV?Four times a week./Once a week. 4.What’s your favorite color?Blue. 5.When were you born?I was born in 1998. 二.朗读课文 The Smiths are at the airport.They’re saying goodbye to their son Mark and his family.Mark and his family are going to live in Beijing.They’re going to stay with his wife’s relatives.Mark will work in the family’s restaurant.Alice,his wife,will take any job she can find.The children will begin school in September. The Smiths are both happy and sad.They’re happy because they know their son and his family will have a good life in their new home.However,they’re sad because they a re going to be lonely.Their house will be quiet and empty,they’ll have to spend holidays by themselves,and they won’t see their grandchildren grow up. Some day the Smiths will visit Beijing,or perhaps they’ll even move there.But until then,they’re going to miss their family very much.As you can imagine,it’s very difficult for them to say goodbye. 三、话题表达 Do you like sports?Why (or why not)?(Give at least two reasons.) Yes,I like sports very much.I think playing sports is fun.And it gives people the opportunity to make new friends.I have made some good friends when playing sports.It is good for my health,too.Besides that,I think playing sports is a good way to relax my mind.After a long way of schoolwork,I always feel tired.But after I play basketball or tennis with my friends.I feel easy and comfortable.

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