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2017届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 7 The Sea课时练(3)北师大版必修3

2017届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 7 The Sea课时练(3)北师大版必修3
2017届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 7 The Sea课时练(3)北师大版必修3

课时练(三) 第Ⅱ卷强化增分练(练规范)



(2016·江西九校第二次联考)Would you like to explore (勘探) the oceans? Do you want to find __1__ life than we imagine there? For Jacques Cousteau, the answer was “yes”. His career was a lifelong d ream, and he is __2__ (probable) the most famous ocean scientist in recent times.

Cousteau was born in France in 1910. Even __3__ a child, he loved water. Cousteau was bright, __4__ he got bored with school and began to cause trouble. His parents sent him to a strict boarding school. There, Cousteau finally __5__ (challenge). He studied hard and did well in all his courses. In 1933, he served as a general officer in the French Navy. He also began to explore the life under the water. He worked __6__ a breathing machine to stay under water longer. It was finished in 1943.

In 1948, Cousteau became a captain, and he had new duties. Even so, he continued to explore the oceans. Two years later, he became the president of the French Oceanographic Campaigns. He also bought a ship __7__ (help) with his dives. But he __8__ (need) a way to get money for his trips. To do that, he produced many films and published a number of books. His films include The Silent World(1956) and World Without Sun (1996). One of his books is The Living Sea (1963).

In 1974, he founded the Cousteau Society, __9__ function was to further oceanic research and encourage people to help protect the oceans and the life within them.

Cousteau won many honors for his work, __10__ (include) the Presidential Medal of Freedom and membership in the French Academy in 1989.


1.more more ... than ...“比起……更……”。

2.probably 他可能是近代最著名的海洋科学家。此处应用副词作状语。

3.as 甚至当他还是个孩子的时候,他就爱上了水。as表示“在某一年龄段时”。

4.but 根据语境可知,前后句是转折关系,应用but。

5.was challenged 在那里,他最终受到了激励。由全文的时态可知,应用一般过去时;Cousteau是被激励,故应用被动语态。

6.on work on sth.“努力改善(或完成)某事”。

7.to help 他还买了一艘船来帮助他潜水。此处应用动词不定式表示目的。

8.needed 为了航行,他需要一种赚钱的途径。由前面的“bought”可知,应用一般


9.whose whose引导定语从句,且在从句中作定语,修饰“function”。

10.including Cousteau赢得了很多荣誉,包括(including)总统自由勋章和1989年获得的法国学术会员身份。


(2016·山东省日照市校际联合检测)I used to feel I was the sun in my family. But while my cousin was born, everyone pays more attention to her. So I disliked her and couldn't get along well with her. As time went on, I realized what ridiculous I had been at that time. I tried to find a proper time to apologize. When my cousin's family came to my home a few day ago, I took my cousin to play outside. In the way to the playground, I had bought many snacks for her. Then we began chat. When we talked about their childhood, suddenly, I said “sorry” gently. She was silently, so I thought that she hadn't heard me clearly. But after while she said: “Don't say that. In my memory, you are always friendly.”

答案:第二句:while→when; pays→paid



第七句:In→On; 去掉had

第八句:chat→to chat 或 chatting



第十一句:while 前加 a










Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm glad to know you're going to hold a summer camp from July 1st to 7th during the vacation. __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I'm looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua 参考范文:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I'm glad to know you're going to hold a summer camp from July 1st to 7th during the vacation.I have a great interest in it. There're so many wonderful activities, such as experiencing cooking culture, visi ting world-famous universities, attending foreign classes, learning family gardening, visiting places of interest and so on, which I think are all very useful to us high school students.

After my careful consideration, I've decided to apply to learn family gardening.

I want to learn how to grow flowers and plants well. We have a garden, where my parents grow various vegetables, flowers and plants. With the knowledge I learn, I hope I can help them with some work in the garden and manage it better.

Thanks for reading my application. I hope I'll have a chance to take part in the activity.

I'm looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


人教新目标英语七年级上册 【课题】Unit7 sectionA 1a—1c (第一课时) 【学习目标】 1.掌握本节课的九个单词和一个短语。 much, sock, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar ,how much 2.询问价格How much is/are……?以及其回答It’s/They’re…. 【重点、难点】 掌握表示衣物的单词以及怎样询问衣物的价格 自主互助学习 1. Can you read and write these words and phrase?你会读和写出这些单词和短语吗?短袜_________ T恤衫________ 短裤___________毛衣________裤子_________ 鞋 ____ 裙子__________美元_________许多________(购物时)…多少钱?__________________ 2.小组互相检查单词读写情况 3. 小组练习读单词,并分小组展示。 4.看图完成1a的相关内容 认真观察1a的图画,将单词与图中物品搭配,小组讨论并核对答案。 5.完成课本1c的学习任务 (1)T:How much is this T-shirt?(这件T恤衫多少钱?) It’s seven dollars. (七美元) How much are these socks? (这些短袜多少钱?) They’re two dollars. (两美元) (2)Ask 2 students read the conversation in 1c.让两个学生读1c的对话。 (3) Make their own conversations and show them. 6. 听录音,在1a的图片中圈出所听到的物品。 课堂练习 ㈠选词填空。 1.H ow much _______(are∕is )the chicken? 2.How much __________(are∕is )the _______(short∕shorts)? 3.These red ________(shoe∕shoes)are thirty(三十)dollars. 4.How much are the apples? _________(it∕they)are eight yuan. ㈡单项选择。 ( )1. ---______ are the shoes? --They are 20 dollars. A. When B.How much C. How many D.What ( )2.--- How much _______? ---_______20 yuan. A. are the apples, It’s B. is the T-shirt, They’re C.are the shoes, They’re D.are the T-shirt, It’s ( )3. ---______ are your sports shoes? ---They are 30 dollars. A.How much B.What color C.How many D.Where ㈢翻译下列句子。


Unit7 What’s the highest mountain in the world? 【课标要求】: 本部分内容主要围绕地理知识展开,集中呈现大数字读法和表示度量结构,并进一步拓展了比较级最高级用法。 【学习目标】: 1.学生观看地理Qomolangma,the Sahara,the Caspian Sea,the Nile的相关视频,从而讨论出重点知识“地理之最”相关数据。 2.听1b材料。呈现句型,描述最高级,比较级结构 3.通过观看我国。人口,历史,河流等话题内容,获取大数字练习及及相关文化信息。 4.听2b文章,用比较级,最高级描述明长城相关信息。 【评价任务】: 1.完成课前准备问题(检测学习目标1)。 2.完成探究一(检测学习目标1)。 3.完成探究二(检测学习目标2)。 4.完成探究三(检测学习目标3)。 5.完成探究四(检测学习目标4)。 【学法建议】: 1.教材分析:Facts about the world,and talk about geography and nature。 2.重难点分析:本节课的重点是形容词,副词的比较级,最高级表达。难点是较大数字的读数和书写 3.学习路,径:本节课先呈现地理之最,然后听力,操练大数字表达。2a2d听说教学。2a实际操练给句子排序。2b选数字,并相对应的选择数字。2d基于本单元所学进行语言输出。 4.自我评价及作业指导:检测及作业中的A组部分为合格标准,必做题,B组部分为提高标准。可选择性完成。 【学习过程】: 课前准备(指向学习目标1) 1.What can we learn in a geography class?(此部分为顺利完成本节课,所学要的前置知识) 2.Do you know What is the highest mountain in the world ?(此部分为顺利完成本节课,所学要的前置知识) 课中学习问题探究一:讨论出重点知识“地理之最”相关数据(指向学习目标1) 5.问题探究二:听1b材料。呈现句型,描述最高级,比较级结构(指向学习目标2) 1、形容词最高级的构成:the +最高级+其他 2.、形容词最高级的特殊用法 (1)比较级+ than any other +名词单数+其他 the other +名词复数+其他 表示“比其他任何一个\所有……都……” (2)“one of + the + 形容词的最高级+ 复数 名词”,意为“最……之一” (3)“the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+in…”表示“是……中的第几……” (4)短暂性(短语)动词与延续性(短语)动词和与表示状态的短语之间的转化 问题探究三:话题内容讨论,获取大数字练习及及相关文化信息(指向学习目标3)


Unit 7 Poems 第一课时 【学习目标】 1. Vocabulary(词汇) Master the words in Unit7. 2. Practice(练习) Do the exercise about the words . 【自主学习】 1.单词:会认读并默写下列单词 诗歌________ 普通的_________ 情感___________ 命令___________ 建议__________ 大声地__________ 组,群_________ 同意____________ 不同意__________ 押韵词__________ 完整的__________ 井___________ 淋浴__________ 建筑工地__________ 狭窄的_________ 高度____________ 超人__________ 卖者_____________ 微笑__________ 迅速移动__________ 人群__________ 2.短语:英汉互译,并背下。 一点也不__________________ 为…担忧______________________ 报摊______________________ 冲出去________________________ 一群______________________ a large group of _________________ try to…___________________ get out ______________________ think about__________________ go through ___________________

英语人教版九年级全册unit7 第一课时 教案

Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 教学目标: 1语言目标:理解并正确运用本单元的重点词汇 2 技能目标:熟练运用“should (not) be allowed to do”谈论应该被允许和不应该 被允许做某事; 熟练运用“be (not) allowed to do”谈论被允许和不被允许做某事; 熟练运用“I agree / disagree.”或“ I don’t agree.”表达自己的观点。 3 情感目标:通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规 范自己的言行,养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等,并能认真遵守; 明白父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性 4文化意识目标: 了解中外审美观的差异,形成自己的审美观,展示个性; 了解中西方关于青少年的不同文明准则。 教学重点: 重点语法:被动语态 重点词汇:smoke, pierce, license, safety, earring, cry, field, hug, lift, awful, teen, regret, poem, bedroom , community, chance, manage, society, unit, educate, professional, enter, support talk about, keep away from, make one’s own decision, get in the way of 重点句型: I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I agree./ I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work at night? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 教学难点:含情态动词should的被动语态结构“should be allowed to” 课时划分: Period One: Section A 1 (1a-2d)


Unit 7 It’s raining 第一课时Section A(1a-2c) 【教师寄语】Nothing seek, nothing find. 无所求则无所获 【Free talk】How many s easons are there in our hometown? A nd what is the weather like in our hometown? 【Learning tasks】 1.掌握询问天气的句型:How’s the weather?及答语。 2.运用所学语音项目How’s the weather? It’s sunny. 等内容与他人交流有关天气的信息。 【Importance and difficulties】 表天气的名词如何变成形容词及其应用。 【学习过程】 一、超前预习 Ⅰ. 预习section A(1a-2c),写出下列单词。 1 雨水 2 天气 3 多风的 4 下雪 5 多云的 6 晴朗的 Ⅱ. 译出下列短语 1 正在 2 很平常 3 打篮球 4 忙 5 看电视 6想要与某人交流 7对某人说,, 8玩电脑游戏 Ⅲ. 根据生活实际回答问题,课堂上老师会问你们这些问题。 1.A: 北京的天气怎么样啊?B: 是晴天。 . 2.A: 莫斯科的天气怎么样啊?B:是刮风天 . 3.A: 多伦多的天气怎么样啊?B: 是雨天 IV. 找出你的疑惑: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


Unit7Abusyday第一课时教学设计Teaching design for the first class of Unit7 ab usyday

Unit7Abusyday第一课时教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,英语作为在许多国际组织或者会议上都是必需语言,几乎所有学校 选择英语作为其主要或唯一的外语必修课。英语教学涉及多种专业理论知识,包括语言学、第二语言习得、词汇学、句法学、文体学、语料库理论、认知心理学等内容。本教案根据 英语课程标准的要求和针对教学对象是小学生群体的特点,将教学诸要素有序安排,确定 合适的教学方案的设想和计划、并以启迪发展学生智力为根本目的。便于学习和使用,本 文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 unit7 a busy day 第一课时 教材类型:所属学科:英语>>5b(五下) 教案内容: 一、教学内容: 5b unit7a部分 read and say 二、教学目标: 1.能正确理解、掌握a部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。 2.能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语。 3初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词night, half, past, a face, ready, on duty, quick, a game, a quarter, really 三、教学重、难点: 能正确理解、掌握a部分会话。 四、课前准备: 1.准备录音机和磁带。 2.准备投影片(早上、中午和晚上三个场景)。

3.准备本课会话中出现的有关词汇的图片。 4.课前在黑板上写好课题。 五、教学过程: a sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲do some exercise with me b free talk. 师生交流 t: good morning, boys and girls. ss: good morning. t: glad to see you. ss: glad to see you, too. t: let’s play a game, ok? ss: ok! c revision.复习 1.组织学生做“听词组、做动作”和“做动作、说词组”游戏,复习动词词组get up, have breakfast, watch tv, do homework等。 2.在熟练掌握这些动词词组后,教师演示wash my face和brush my teeth这两个词组,让学生学习。 d presentation and drill新授和操练 1.教师利用教具钟以what’s the time? it’s….句型引导学生学习含有past和to的表示时间的词组。 t: (教师事先将钟拨到6:30)what’s the time?


2020-2021学年七年级英语电子导学案 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 单元总览 类别课程标准要求掌握的项目 单元话题Talk about preferences:in this unit, students learn to talk about preferences and make planes 重点单词 1.news(n.) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0717171433.html,cational(adj.) 3.plan(v.&n.) 4.hope(v.&n.) 5.discussion(n.) 6.stand(v.) 7.happen(v.) 8.expect(v.) 9.joke(n.) 10.meaningless(adj.) 11.action(n.) 12.cartoon(n.) 13.culture(n.) 14.famous(adj.) 15.appear(v.) 16.become(v.) 17.rich(adj.) 18.successful(adj.) 19.might(model v.) 20.main(adj.) 21.reason(n.) 22.film(n.) 23.unlucky(adj.) 24.lose(v.) 25.ready(adj.) 26.army(n.) 27.may(model v.) 重点词组 1.find out 2.action movies 3.be ready to 4.dress up 5.take sb.’s place 6.do a good job 7.talk show 8.soap opera 9.sports show 10.game show 11.talent show 12.plan to do sth. 13.expect to do sth. 14.have a discussion about 15.become rich and famous 重点句式 1.—Do you want to watch the news? —Yes,I do./No,I don’t. 2.—What do you think of talk shows? —I don’t mind them./ I can’t stand them!/I love watching them! 3.What do you plan to watch tonight? 4.What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? 5.—Why do you like watching the news? —Because I hope to find out what’s going on around the world. 单元语法动词不定式作宾语的用法 课时分解


七年级上册英语Unit7第一课时教学设计 一、设计思路 本节课教授的词汇主要是服饰类的,课型属于听说课。所以在课前先营造一种轻松的学习氛围,教唱一首英语歌曲,让学生尽快地融入进课堂,期间还有pair work,groupwork,把学生分成两两小组或四人小组,互相对话。这样的活动要进行两次,可以提供给学生充分的时间进行交流。 二、教材分析 本节课是第七单元的第一课时,学生在前一单元初步学习完有关食物的英语知识之后,进一步地在本单元学习有关服饰的知识。而本课时是第一课时,所授的知识点应该浅显易懂,不应该太难。本课时围绕着几个关于服饰的词汇和两个询问价钱的句型展开。 三、教学目标 (一)教学知识点 (1) New words:T-shirt,sweater,bag,hat,skirt,socks,shorts,pants,shoes, (2) Questions and answers:How much is/are…?It’s/They are…dollars. (二)能力训练要求 (1)通过师生对话,生生对话等一系列活动,提高学生实际运用英语的能力。 (2)体会合作学习所带来的快乐。

(三)情感与价值观要求 通过学生互相帮助,互相学习,体验集体荣誉感和成就感,发展合作精神。 四、教学重点和难点 重点: (1)学会重点词汇的发音,单复数形式的掌握。 (2) 学会询问价钱的英语句型及其回答。 难点: (1)表示大小,颜色的形容词同时出现在名词前时,该如何摆放。 (2)听力2a前,如何充分铺垫,以便于学生跟上录音速度。 五、教学策略与手段 (1)师生对话,生生对话。 (2)充分运用现代教育技术手段。 六、教学过程 (一)、课前热身:教唱英语歌曲color song Who is wearing yellow today? yellow today, yellow today Who is wearing yellow today? yellow today. Who is wearing red today? red today, red today Who is wearing red today? red today Who is wearing green today? green today, green today Who is wearing green today? green today Who is wearing blue today? blue today, blue today


八年级英语unit7第一课时的说课稿 八年级英语unit 7 第一课时的说课稿 说课稿 一、说教材 (一)教材分析 本单元出自人民教育出版社义务教育课程标准试验教科书八年级下册,第七单元在本册中处于教学的后期位置,但具有重要作用,重点在于培养学生英语交际能力,并结合生活中常用的话题,给人们的日常行为提出一定的建议,做出礼貌的道歉行为展开基本语言内容的教学,与第八单元的内容具有一定的联系。本单元采用任务型教学模式,融汇话题,交际功能和语言结构 wuld yu ind ding sth? 进而形成一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。学生比较容易接受,本节课的内容是Setin A(1a--1) 部分,本课是单元以uld yu ind turning dwn the usi? 为主题,本节内容具有词汇量 较小,强调综合运用,贴近生活实际等特点。另外我把Setin A部分听力进行整改,因为本部分主要是让学生掌握wuld yu ind ding sth? 句型及运用。通过本节学习,可提高学生综 合运用能力,学生将学会用英表达请求,表示歉意。在获取基础知识,发展基本能力的同时进一步强化学生学以致言,学以致用的英语学习观和合作精神。

(二)教学目标 依据并结合新课程标准提出的基础教育阶段英语课程 的总体目标和具体要求,以及学生的具体情况,我将本课教 学目标设计如下: 1、知识目标: 掌握重要词汇:ind, turn dwn, nt at all, rigth away 等 掌握句型 : (1)----wuld yu ind turning dwn the usi? ---N, nt at all. (2)---uld yu ind nt playing baseball here? ---Srry , I ' ll g and play in the park. 等 2、能力目标: 能运用所学句式提出礼貌请求以及礼貌的向他人道歉。 3、情感态度目标: 让学生学会用礼貌性的英语请求及表示歉意,学会更好 的与他人沟通。 (三)教学重难点 1、掌握重点单词和一些短语:turn dwn right away nt at all


Unit 7 How much are these pants? 第一课时(P42) 一、学习目标 1. 词汇 socks_________ T-shirt__________ shorts_________ sweater__________ bag__________ hat__________ pants__________ shoes__________ skirt__________ how much__________ dollar________ 2. 问价格 —________ ________ is this T-shirt? —It’s seven dollars. 二、预习准备 1、这是他的夹克衫 (1)翻译:___________________ (2)改成一般疑问句:____________________ 2. 这些是他们的帽子. (1)翻译:____________________ (2)改成一般疑问句:_____________________ 3. A: Is this her dictionary? B: No, _______ _______. A: Are these your bags? B: Yes, _______ are. 4. 翻译: 一个橘子:________________ 两把钥匙:________________ 三床被子:________________ 五个铅笔刀:_________________ 六本字典:___________________ 七个橡皮擦:___________________ 八个书包:___________________ 九个家庭:____________________ 5. 听写 one____________ two____________ three___________ four___________ five_________ six____________ seven_________ eight___________ nine___________ zero___________ 三、课堂学习 1、Leading in A: How much is your math book? B: It’s ________ yuan. 2、看图理解 (1)A: Where are people? B: They are in a ________. (2)A: What is the boy in yellow shirt(穿黄色衬衣的) doing? B: He is buying a ________. A: What color is the T-shirt? B: It’s ________. (3)A: What is the girl with long hair(留着长发 的)doing? B: She is buying a pair of(一双) ________. A: What color are the socks? B: They are _______. 3. 翻译: How much:_________ dollar:__________ T-shirt__________ socks____________ A: How much is this T-shirt?_______________ B: It’s seven dollars._____________________ A: How much are these socks?_____________ B: They’re two dollars.___________________ 4. 1a Match and read the words(配对并朗读) 5. 1b. Listen and circle 给自己评分:A B C 6. Make new conversations according to the picture. (group show小组展示) 7. Grammar (1)How much _____ (be)this _______(T-shirt)? (2)How much _____ (be)these_____ (T-shirt)? (3)文科爱好者P27:一1;二、1三1 7. 背诵: (1)P41-1a配图对话 (2)P41-词汇 8. 五分钟测试: 9. homework 抄写:P41-1a词汇;配图对话 背诵:P41-1a词汇;配图对话 家长签字:_________ 组长:____________ 第二课时(P42) 一、学习目标 1、词汇 big__________ small____________ short________ long_____________ 二、预习准备 1、翻译: 1)这是他的绿色T桖衫。_________________

unit7 It's raining! 导学案

七年级英语学科导学案 编写人:初审人:审核人:使用时间: 第一课时Unit7 It's raining! Section A (1a-1c) 班级:______ 姓名:__________ 【使用说明及学法指导】 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 【学习目标】 一、知识目标:掌握询问天气的句型:How’s the weather?及答语。 二、能力目标:运用所学目标语言How’s the weather? It’s sunny. 等内容与他人交流有关 天气的信息。 三、情感目标:Save for a rainy day. 未雨绸缪。 重难点:1.掌握询问天气的句型:How’s the weather?及答语。 2.运用所学语音项目How’s the weather? It’s sunny. 等内容与他人交流有关天 气的信息。 【预习案】 一.已学知识回顾 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Look! She ______________ (sit) on the chair. 2.It’s 6 o’clock. My mother ______________ (make) soup. 3.Her father _________________ (not read) a book now. 4.Listen! Jim _____________ (sing) in the next room. 5.Bob _____(make) dinner every Saturday.. 二.预习指导 1. 根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容; 2. 根据音标拼读新单词并牢记; 3. 自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。 三.自我检测 翻译 1. 正在下雨_______ 2. 正在下雪___________ 3. 多云的__________ 4. 晴朗的____________ 5. 刮风的________ 6. 天气_________ 7.下雨;雨/下雪;雪____________ 8. Boston _____________9. Moscow ___________ 10. Toronto____________ 四.知识点拨 1.英语中有许多名词可以加-y这样的后缀变成形容词,如: wind-windy, snow-snowy, sun-sunny。你知道它们怎么变吗?cloud- __________,rain-________. 2.rain的用法: 既可作名词又可作动词。作名词时,“下大雨”可以说The rain is heavy.或It’s heavy rain. 作动词时,“下大雨”可以说It is raining heavily. 此外,也可加后缀-y变成形容词,表达“下雨”可说It’s rainy. 3.⑴询问天气的两个句型:

小学三年级英语:3A Unit 7 教学方案(第一课时)

新修订小学阶段原创精品配套教材 3A Unit 7 教学方案(第一课时)教材定制 / 提高课堂效率 /内容可修改 3A Unit 7 teaching plan (first lesson) 教师:风老师 风顺第二小学 编订:FoonShion教育

3A Unit 7 教学方案(第一课时) 第一部分简要提示 一、年级:3年级二、单元:unit7 三、课题:it’s nice 四、课型:新授课 五、教学内容:单元part a 六、教学目标: 1.掌握单词、词组a shirt,a blouse, his shirt,my new blouse, her jacket. 2.能听懂、会说、会懂日常交际用语look at his shirt. it’s smart. look at my new blouse. it’s pretty. look, this is her jacket.oh, it’s nice! look ,that’s my sweater. how nice! 七、重点难点:初步了解掌握句型:look at…. look, this is… look, that’s… it’s smart. it’s pretty. how nice! it’s nice. 第二部分教学过程 第一步:(教第一、二两张图) ((一开始就播放音乐colour song课件,教师手拿颜色

板) t: 刚才那首歌好听吗?hello! i’m miss jiang . nice to meet you. look at miss jiang .look at me! i’m wearing yellow today. is it nice? 蒋老师今天穿着黄色的衣服,漂亮吗? t: miss jiang has a sweater, it’s yellow too.(按课件)look at my sweater, my sweater,我的毛衣(ppt) , (拿起卡片),请看老师口形,listen to me 听我读,a sweater(升降读) read after me.请同学们跟我读a sweater (3遍) let’s chant. 我们来念个儿歌,listen to me first,先听我读(按课件,老师看着ppt读),请跟我读,同学们你们会读了吗? 同法学jacket, blouse, (ppt) t: is it a blouse? no, it’s a shirt. read after me, a shirt (升降调)it’s booby’s shirt. it’s his shirt. his ,his , his shirt, let’s chant, shirt, shirt, his shirt, look at his shirt. t: shirt 与blouse 不同,shirt是指男式衬衫,blouse女式衬衫,同学们,你们分清楚了吗? look, whose blouse ?谁的衬衫?it’s nancy’s blouse ,it’s her blouse. (讲完按ppt ) her, her, her blouse, look at her blouse. 先听我读look at her blouse.请跟我读look at her blouse.


Unit 7 Will people have robots? 第一课时(Section A 1a-2c) 1. 学习目标: 1).知识目标:Will robot everything paper fewer 2).技能目标:运用一般将来时态,will+动词原形。 学习重点:学习一般将来时态。. 学习难点:一般将来时态will+动词原形 2. Learning Process学习过程 Step I目标导学航,自主学习(课前完成) 读一读,记一记单词,默读并理解对话,根据中文写出单词或短语。 单词 1.纸;纸张 2.污染;污染物 3.将来;未来 (二)短语 1. 一百年后 2. 在家 3. 在他们的家里 4. 在电脑上 5. 免费的 6. 将有...... 7. 活到......岁8. “......以后” 9. 更少使用地铁10拥挤 Step Ⅱ合作探究,展示提升 Task 1:用do homework, watch TV, listen to music, surf the Internet等词组问答明天的活动: ---Will you…tomorrow?--- Yes, I will. --- No, I won’t. I will… Task 2:朗读并理解1a的6个句子,然后两人一组对学,一人读,一人听,并用以下句型谈论自己的看法: I think people will… But I don’t think people will… 然后小组汇报自己的看法: I agree people… But I don’t agree people will… Task 3:完成1b, 1c。 Task 4:朗读并理解2a的5个句子,并预测选择。 Task 5:听力,完成2a, 2b及2c。 Task 6: 质疑互究: 1.语法---一般将来时 1)will + 动词原形e.g. Books will be on computers. 2)定句要在will 后面加not, 也可用will 后面加not,或者缩略式won’t, 3)一般疑问句将will 提至句首。 ★表示计划、打算要做的事情用be going to, 而不用will. will 没有人称和数的变化,“be go ing to”, be随主语有am, is, are 的变换,going to 后接动词原形。 4)There will be …/There be going to be …某地将有某物


四年级英语学科教案 第7单元课题:What’s the matter? 第1课时总第个教案教学内容:Unit7 What’s the matter?第一课时(Story time) 二次备课教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 通过整体阅读等方式理解并掌握Story time中对话的内容。 2. 在对话学习中,会听、说、读单词tired, ill, thirsty。 3. 会初步运用句型What’s the matter? Come and have…Can I have…? I want to…Are you…? 进行对话。 能力目标: 1. 培养学生良好的预习习惯。 2. 通过小组合作学习,培养学生的合作互助的能力。 情感目标: 1. 1. 能够在对话的学习过程中体会到爸妈对孩子的爱,从而也能关心自己爸妈。 2. 让学生在学习活动中学会关心同学、帮助朋友。 教学重点: 1. 通过整体阅读等方式理解并掌握story time中对话的内容。 2. 会初步运用句型What’s the matter? Come and have…Can I have…? I want to…Are you…? 进行对话。 3. 通过小组合作学习,培养学生的合作互助的能力。 教学难点:1. 会初步运用句型What’s the matter? Come and have… Can I have…? I want to… Are you…? 进行对话。 教学准备: 教师准备:PPT课件、句型条、学习单等。 学生准备: 教学过程: Step1 Preparation 1、Greetings. 2、It’s me. T:Boys and girls, do you want to know something about me? Do you have any questions to ask me? S: ... T: My English name is Sarah. I like swimming and fishing. And I like watching cartoons. Do you like watching cartoons? Let’s watch a cartoon, OK?(播放卡通片) Step2 Presentation and practice


Unit3 How do you go to school?导学案 SectionA1a-2e 【学习目标】 一、学习下列单词和短语: train, bus, subway, take the subway, ride, bike, ride a bike 二、掌握和运用下列句型: 1.How do you get to school? 2. How does Mary get to school? 3.How long does it take..... ? 4.How far is it from.....to........? 三、学会使用60-100的数字。 【学习重点】 1) how /how far /how long 引导的特殊疑问句. 2) 乘坐交通工具的表示方法. 3)It takes / sb some time to do sth . 【学习难点】 —How do you get to school? —I take the …/ride …/ walk… —How does Mary get to school? —She takes the subway. —How long does it take? —It takes forty minutes. —How far is it from… to… —It's… kilometers. 一.创境激趣 Enjoy a video about means of transportation 二.自主学习 (一)、请根据中文意思写出下列单词。 1. 火车_____________ 2.公共汽车_____________ 3.地铁_____________ 4. 自行车_____________ 5.骑,旅程_____________ 6.分钟_____________ (二)、请认真阅读课本P13-14,找出以下短语。 1.坐火车_____________ 2.坐公交车_____________ 3.坐地铁_________ 4.骑自行车___________ 5.步行__ __________ 6.艺术俱乐部__________ (三)、请认真阅读课本P13-14,完成下列句子。


人教版八年级英语(下) Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 第一课时Section A (1a------1c)导学案 班级------- 姓名------- 编者贾录怀单位阳平一中 【学习目标】 1. 学习并记忆P52词汇not at all turn down yard right away 。 2. 提出建议/ 请求和应答。 3.会根据情境进行口语对话。 【学习目标】 1. 学习并记忆P52词汇not at all turn down yard right away 。 2. 提出建议/ 请求和应答。 【重点,难点】提出建议/ 请求和应答 《一》课堂前置 【自主学习】1. 自学本课P52词汇,并熟记。 2. 自学课本P52,完成以下内容。 1)给出所给词的现在分词形式。 (1)turn — (2)play — (3)move — (4)play — (5) clean — 2)翻译下列词组 (1) turn down ___________ (2) turn up______________ (3) turn off______________ (4) turn on________________ (5) clean the yard __________ (6) not at all (7)right away 3. 朗读对话,理解对话 《二》小组交流 1. 看图,把活动和图片match,完成1a, 组内检查。 2. 完成听力1b。 3. 朗读1c对话,根据1a图片,小组内两人一组,交叉对话,对每一个人的活动做问答,展示对话。 《三》分享表达 提出建议/ 请求和应答 《四》拓展提升 1. Wound you mind ___________( turn ) down the music ? 2. Would you mind ______________ (not play) basketball here ? 3. Would you mind ______________ (move ) your bike ?
