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2019. 05本试卷满分共120分考试时间100分钟出卷人:高三英语备课组全体


1. 答题前,考生务必先将答题卡上的学校、年级、班级、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹签字笔填写清楚,并认真核对条形码上的准考证号、姓名,在答题卡的“条形码粘贴区”贴好条形码。

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阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。

Letters as a way of communication have long given way to phone calls and WeChat messages. But a TV

show, LettersAlive, is helping bring this old way to keep in touch back 1 the present.

LettersAlive took2 (it) idea from a UK program, LettersLive, released in 2013. Both 3 (show) feature famous actors and actresses, but there 4 (be) no eye-catching visual effects or any regular showbiz(娱乐圈) activities. Instead, it’s just a live event 5 remarkable letters selected from a wide time span and a diverse range of subjects are read. There is, for example, a passionate letter from Huang Yongyu to playwright Cao Yu 30 years ago to criticize his lack of 6 (create).

Every letter is like a small piece of history. By hearing them being read, it’s as if we are being sent back in time 7 (experience) a moment that we would otherwise never have had the chance to.

Compared to8 (publish) texts, letters also 9 (natural) come with a personal touch. As well as celebrating the pain, joy, wisdom and humor, LettersAlive 10 (commit) to promoting Chinese literature since first run.



One day, I drove into a service station to get some gas. It was a beautiful day and I was feeling

11 . As I paid for the gas, the attendant said, “How do you feel?” That seemed like a 12 question, but I felt fine and told him so. “You don't look 13 .” he replied and continued to tell me my skin appeared 14 .

By the time I left, I was a little 15 . About a block away, I 16 to the side of the road to look at my face 17 the mirror. Was everything all right? Had I picked up 18 rare disease? By the time I got home, I was beginning to feel a slight 19 somewhere in my body.

The next time I went into that gas station, I 20 what had happened: The place had recently been painted a bright yellow, and the light reflecting off the walls made everyone inside 21 as though they were sick! That was the truth. 22 , I let that short conversation change my attitude for an entire day. His 23 observation affected the way I felt and acted.

This experience made me think a lot. It is the same with life, in which attitude 24 . The way we look at life determines how we feel and how we 25 . If we expect something to turn out

26 , it probably will. But the 27 also works in reverse. If we expect good things to happen, they 28 do. An optimistic attitude, I believe, is not a luxury but a(an) 29 . So after that, I chose to highlight the 30 throughout the rest of my life.

11. A. great B. excited C. sick D. uncomfortable

12. A. considerate B. thoughtful C. strange D. funny

13. A. happy B. comfortable C. satisfied D. well

14. A. grey B. yellow C. black D. red

15. A. angry B. uneasy C. painful D. unbelievable

16. A. pulled over B. pulled in C. pulled out D. pulled through

17. A. on B. at C. over D. in

18. A. certain B. some C. several D. anxiety

19. A. comfort B. relief C. pain D. anxiety

20. A. picked out B. put out C. turned out D. figured out

21. A. feel B. behave C. look D. see

22. A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Otherwise

23. A. kind B. helpful C. rude D. negative

24. A. matters B. affects C. decides D. speaks

25. A. work B. perform C. learn D. believe

26. A. smoothly B. badly C. well D. positively

27. A. principle B. saying C. meaning D. sentence

28. A. usually B. certainly C. definitely D. seldom

29. A. imagination B. tool C. necessity D. alternative

30. A. important B. useful C. positive D. special





Unbelievable Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

◆Horses are picky eaters

Horses have an even better sense of smell than humans do. When horses raise their noses and open their nostrils (鼻孔) , their nervous system allows them to sense smells we can’t sense. This might explain why they refuse dirty water and carefully move around meadows, eating only the tastiest grasses, experts say.

◆Whale says thanks

In 2011, a whale expert spotted a humpback whale trapped in a fishing net and spent an hour freeing it. Afterward, in an hour-long display of thanks, the whale swam near their boat and leaped into the air about 40 times.

◆Pandas like to be naughty

Is there anything more lovely than a baby panda, except maybe a human baby? In fact, baby pandas sometimes behave like human babies. They sleep in the same positions and value their thumbs. Pandas are shy by nature for its shy behaviors such as covering its face with a paw of ducking its head when confronted by a stranger.

◆A cat honors its owner

Paper towels, and a plastic cup are just a few of the gifts that Toldo, a devoted three-year-old gray-and-white cat, has placed on his former owner Iozzelli Renzo’s grave every day since the man died in September 2011. Renzo adopted Toldo from a shelter when the cat was three months old, and the two formed an inseparable bond. After Renzo passed away, Toldo followed the coffin to the cemetery, and now "stands guard" at the grave for hours at a time.

31. What can horses do to pick delicious grasses?

A. Feel them.

B. Taste them.

C. Smell them.

D. Observe them.

32. What do the whale and the cat have in common according to the passage?

A. They are clever.

B. They have a grateful heart.

C. They are active and lovely.

D. They have a good sense of smell.

33. Which of the following acts like a human baby according to the passage?

A. The whale.

B. The cat.

C. The horse.

D. The panda.


Paris is the city of dreams. If you plan to head to Paris for a study period, then perhaps a little reality check is in order. But my experience was a romantic one.

I paved my path to Paris through an exchange program. On arrival in Paris, I was constantly reminded of the official processes I had to complete — forms to be filled in, meetings to attend, the list seemed


Then the real work began. Once classes were underway, I found myself volunteering to do oral presentations and assignments first, rather than last. This method proved to be very helpful.

Once I had finished class for the week, I had an ever-increasing list of museums to visit, neighborhoods to explore, and cafés to sit in. Read books about Paris. Talk to locals and other foreigners living there. But the one thing that reading a book or talking to someone cannot do is to provide you with the experience of wandering Paris on foot. The people watching, the sounds of the city, the colors as the seasons change, they all add to the ecstasy that I experience in Paris as an exchange student.

After spending five months wandering through the charming neighborhoods, I fell in love with the atmosphere that came out from every open door, and with every spoken word. There is something comforting about walking to the market each Sunday to enjoy the beautiful display of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. There is warmth in saying bonjour to the passers-by.

On my last day in Paris, I confidently said, “Bonjour Monsieur,” as I passed the little store down the street. I guess the best part about going on exchange in Paris is falling in love with the city in your own way. And I know mine is unique and special to me, my own little pieces of Paris.

34. What does the underlined word "ecstasy" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Courage.

B. Imagination.


D. Reputation.

35. What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. An exchange student’s life.

B. Charming neighborhoods.

C. An exchange program.

D. A traveling experience.

36. Beyond reading books, which experience would the author treasure most?

A. Enjoying coffee in his spare time.

B. Greeting people in French in the street.

C. Buying vegetables in the market.

D. Hanging around in Paris.

37. According to the passage, what left the author the deepest impression?

A. The friendly people he met in Paris.

B. The special culture he experienced in the city.

C. The academic achievement he made in his study.

D. The presentations and assignments he did in class.


A walk through the galleries of Quebec's Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (MMFA) places individuals face-to-face with some 43,000 artworks ranging from Chinese ceramics (陶瓷制品) to Inuit sculpture.

While the visiting is an incredible cultural experience, a group of local physicians will soon be able to prescribe(开处方) museum visits as treatment for some illnesses.

"We know that art contributes to neural(神经的) activity," said MMFA director Nathalie Bondil. "What we see is that being in contact with art can really help your well-being."

Hélène Boyer, vice president of a Montreal-based medical association, explains that museum visits have been shown to increase levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter (神经传导物质) known as the "happy chemical" which helps to lift mood.

According to Boyer, the small increase in hormones(荷尔蒙)associated with enjoying an afternoon of art is similar to that offered by exercise, making museum prescriptions ideal for the elderly experiencing pain that prevents them from regularly joining in physical activity.

The museum visits are designed to improve traditional methods. As Bondil notes, spending time in a peaceful environment can provide a welcome distraction. "What is most important is this experience can help them escape from their own pain," she says. "When you enter the museum, you escape from the speed of our daily life."

"I am convinced that in the 21st century, culture will be what physical activity was for health in the 20th century," said Bondil. "Some people would do well to recall that just in the 19th century, sports were

believed to do harm to the body. Just as doctors now prescribe exercise, they will be able to prescribe a visit to the MMFA."

38. What does Hélène Boyer think of museum visits?

A. They can cheer people up.

B. They can reduce physical activity.

C. They can slow down our life pace.

D. They can increase levels of art appreciation.

39. How do museum visits affect people?

A. Stop them concentrating on pain.

B. Stop them focusing on traditional methods.

C. Encourage them not to be absent-minded.

D. Encourage them to slow their steps while walking.

40. What does the last paragraph suggest?

A. Physical activities were popular in the 19th century.

B. Sports are considered to be harmful to the body.

C. Ideas of treating illnesses are changing over time.

D. Doctors prescribe museum visits regularly now.

41. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Museum visits are ideal for the elderly.

B. Happy chemical helps to lift mood.

C. Peaceful environment helps escape pain.

D. Cultural activities will promote health.


On the banks of Tanzania’s Lake Eyasi lives the world’s last hunter-gatherer tribe (部落) —the Hadza. They don’t grow food, raise animals or build houses. Instead they live a life unchanged for more

than ten thousand years.

Their world is one of complete freedom — something modern society can barely imagine and is unlikely to ever experience, let alone have the skills to stay alive. Text messages and phone calls don’t exist. Nor do cars and electricity. No jobs, timetables, and social structures. No laws, taxes and unbelievably, no money —the closest thing to currency (交易) is the trade for a pair of shorts with a neighboring tribe.

We spent our time with the Hadza hunting baboons (狒狒), a daily activity for the men. Their land is packed with sharp bushes, poisonous snakes and man-eating lions. But a successful hunting trip is the difference between eating or going hungry.

The Hadza diet consists mainly of honey, fruit and meat. Men often hunt in pairs to shoot animals with bows and arrows. The Hadza show us how to track animals, from baboons to snakes to lions. They are hugely skilled with their handmade bows and arrows — we have a go and barely get the arrow to go three feet in front of us.

The language of the Hadza is believed to be the oldest still-spoken language known to man. The Hadza don’t have conflict, and have no memory of starvation. Their population never reaches numbers that cannot be supported through hunting or gathering. They never get from their land more than they need.

Unlike modern-day office workers, the Hadza enjoy an extraordinary amount of free time. Their “work” — hunting for food — takes up around five hours of their day. They’ve been in such a state of peaceful existence for thousands of years.

42. We can learn from the text that the Hadza_______.

A. lead a very simple life

B. live on traditional agriculture

C. have their own system of currency

D. show a lot of interest in new technology

43. Which of the following can describe the Hadza’s environment?

A. Stressful.

B. Comfortable.

C. Exciting.

D. Dangerous.

44. The relationship between the Hadza and nature_______.

A. is going wrong

B. is full of conflict

C. is in perfect harmony

D. is changing all the time

45. Why does the author come to visit the Hadza?

A. To study their native language.

B. To get to know their way of life.

C. To learn survival skills from them.

D. To persuade them to protect animals.



A Few Active Listening Guidelines

Listening is arguably the most important element of interpersonal communication. Our ability to listen well impacts the quality of all of our relationships, and not just at home with our family and friends—it can also affect our relationships and interactions on the job, as well as the effectiveness and quality of our work.

46 Instead, it is a skill that must be cultivated and practiced. Active listening means the difference between simply hearing, and listening with the intent to truly understand. It is a subtle but important distinction.

1. Give focused attention.

Try to minimize external (外部的) distractions. Turn down the noise, and put down or step away from what you’re doing if possible. 47 Don’t watch the clock,fidget (坐立不安)or go over your to-do list for later.

2. 48

Direct eye contact shows your attention and intention to listen. This doesn’t mean stare, though. Be reasonable, but try not to let your eyes wander to whatever is going on around you.

3. Reflect back.

Restate, but don’t repeat word for word. Paraphrase what you think the other part is saying with responses such as: “What I’m hearing is…” or “Let me see if I’m following you... ” 49

4. Respond appropriately.

Be open and honest in your responses. Share your thoughts, insights and feelings in a clear, but respectful and considerate manner even if you disagree.

Active listening is a model for good communication. 50 It takes practice to develop active listening skills, and it’s a habit that has to be reinforced(加强). Remind yourself that the goal of conversation is not merely to trade words, but to truly understand what the other party is saying and to be understood in turn.

A. Maintain eye contact.

B. Instead, focus on what is being said.

C. You do not have to agree on everything.

D. Also, set aside other internal thinking and dialogue.

E. Listening is not something that comes naturally or easily for most of us.

F. Reflecting what you’ve heard signals that you’re attempting to understand fully.

G. Remember that listening is not just to gather information and share ideas, but also to gain perspective and understanding.



假设你是李华,你们社区将举办“中国民间音乐节”。请你给在北京学习的英国朋友Jim 写封电子邮件,邀请他来参加此次活动。内容包括:

1. 活动的时间、地点;

2. 活动的内容;

3. 邀请的理由。

注意: 1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


中国民间音乐节Chinese Folk Music Festival

Dear Jim,

______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________Yo


Li Hua




提示词:“红五月”歌咏比赛theRed in May Chorus Contest





61. to 62. its 63. shows 64. are 65.where

66 creativity 67.to experience 68.published 69 naturally 70. is committed


41-45 ACDBB 46-50 ADBCD 51-55 CADAB 56-60 BAACC



31. C 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. A 40. C 41.D 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. B


46. E 47. D 48. A 49. F 50. G




























三、One possible version:

Dear Jim,

I’m writing to invite you to attend the Chinese Folk Music Festival in our community next weekend.

At the festival, there will be various performances, such as the performances of folk musical instruments, folk songs, folk operas, folk dances and so on. Besides, several lectures will be given by professional artists and teachers on different aspects of Chinese folk music. Since you have always been interested in Chinese folk music, I think this is a great chance for you to be exposed to the rich music atmosphere.

So what do you think of the Music Festival? If you’d like to come, feel free to contact me.


Li Hua



































四、One possible version:

Last week, our class took part in the Red in May Chorus Contest, which definitely brought us a great sense of fulfillment.

The other day, a poster on campus about the contest very much attracted our attention. We were very excited about that and decided to participate in it.

Immediately, we searched the Internet for a proper song to sing, and finally decided on Defending Yellow River.

From then on, every day, we had many rehearsals under the direction of our teacher. Although we were busier and more tired than usual, we still treasured such happy moments together.

Last Friday, the final competition took place as planned in the school auditorium. Wearing choir robes, we sang passionately, which garnered us hearty applause from the audience. Not surprisingly, we got the first place.

When interviewed by the school TV station after the awards ceremony, we expressed our excitement and pride, not only for our excellent achievement, but also for our great motherland.


北京清华大学附属中学数学三角形填空选择专题练习(解析版) 一、八年级数学三角形填空题(难) 1.直角三角形中,一个锐角等于另一个锐角的2倍,则较小的锐角是_______. 【答案】30° 【解析】 【分析】 设较小的锐角是x,然后根据直角三角形两锐角互余列出方程求解即可. 【详解】 设较小的锐角是x,则另一个锐角是2x, 由题意得,x+2x=90°, 解得x=30°, 即此三角形中最小的角是30°. 故答案为:30°. 【点睛】 本题考查了直角三角形的性质,熟练掌握该知识点是本题解题的关键. 2.已知a、b、c为△ABC的三边,化简:|a+b﹣c|-|a﹣b﹣c|+|a﹣b+c|=______.-- 【答案】3a b c 【解析】 【分析】 根据三角形的三边关系判断绝对值内式子的正负,然后利用绝对值的性质去掉绝对值,再去括号合并同类项即可. 【详解】 解:∵a、b、c为△ABC的三边, ∴a+b>c,a-b<c,a+c>b, ∴a+b-c>0,a-b-c<0,a-b+c>0, ∴|a+b-c|-|a-b-c|+|a-b+c| =(a+b-c)+(a-b- c)+(a-b+c) =a+b-c+a-b- c+a-b+c =3a-b-c. 故答案为:3a-b-c. 【点睛】 本题主要考查了三角形的三边关系定理和利用绝对值的性质进行化简,利用三角形的三边关系得出绝对值内式子的正负是解决此题的关键. 3.等腰三角形一边长是10cm,一边长是6cm,则它的周长是_____cm或_____cm. 【答案】22cm,26cm 【解析】 【分析】

题目给出等腰三角形有两条边长为10cm和6cm,而没有明确腰、底分别是多少,所以要进行讨论,还要应用三角形的三边关系验证能否组成三角形. 【详解】 (1)当腰是6cm时,周长=6+6+10=22cm; (2)当腰长为10cm时,周长=10+10+6=26cm, 所以其周长是22cm或26cm. 故答案为:22,26. 【点睛】 本题考查了等腰三角形的性质和三角形的三边关系;已知没有明确腰和底边的题目一定要想到两种情况,分类进行讨论,还应验证各种情况是否能构成三角形进行解答,这点非常重要,也是解题的关键. 4.若(a﹣4)2+|b﹣9|=0,则以a、b为边长的等腰三角形的周长为_______. 【答案】22 【解析】 【分析】 先根据非负数的性质列式求出a、b再根据等腰三角形和三角形三边关系分情况讨论求解即可. 【详解】 解:根据题意得,a-4=0,b-9=0, 解得a=4,b=9, ①若a=4是腰长,则底边为9,三角形的三边分别为4、4、9,不能组成三角形, ②若b=9是腰长,则底边为4,三角形的三边分别为9、9、4,能组成三角形,周长 =9+9+4=22. 【点睛】 本题主要考查了等腰三角形的性质,非负数的性质,以及三角形的三边关系,解决本题的关键是要熟练掌握非负数的非负性质和三角形三边关系. 5.如果一个n边形的内角和等于它的外角和的3倍,则n=______. 【答案】8 【解析】 【分析】 根据多边形内角和公式180°(n-2)和外角和为360°可得方程180(n-2)=360×3,再解方程即可. 【详解】 解:由题意得:180(n-2)=360×3, 解得:n=8, 故答案为:8. 【点睛】


2019年北京市清华附中高考数学一模试卷(文科) 题号一二三总分 得分 一、选择题(本大题共8小题,共40.0分) 1.若集合M={-1,0,1,2},N={y|y=2x+1,x∈M},则集合M∩N等于() A. {-1,1} B. {1,2} C. {-1,1,3,5} D. {-1,0,1,2} 2.为弘扬中华传统文化,某校组织高一年级学生到古都西安游学.在某景区,由于时间关系,每 个班只能在甲、乙、丙三个景点中选择一个游览.高一(1)班的27名同学决定投票来选定游览的景点,约定每人只能选择一个景点,得票数高于其它景点的入选.据了解,在甲、乙两个景点中有18人会选择甲,在乙、丙两个景点中有18人会选择乙.那么关于这轮投票结果,下列说法正确的是() ①该班选择去甲景点游览; ②乙景点的得票数可能会超过9; ③丙景点的得票数不会比甲景点高; ④三个景点的得票数可能会相等. A. ①② B. ①③ C. ②④ D. ③④ 3.已知平面向量,,均为非零向量,则“(?)=()”是“向量,同向”的() A. 充分而不必要条件 B. 必要而不充分条件 C. 充分必要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 4.若x,y满足,则y-x的最大值为() A. -2 B. -1 C. 2 D. 4 5.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗线画出的是某多面体的三视图,则该多面体的表面积 为() A. 8 B. 2 C. 2 D. 2 6.已知F为抛物线C:y2=4x的焦点,过点F的直线l交抛物线C于A,B两点,若|AB|=8,则线 段AB的中点M到直线x+1=0的距离为() A. 2 B. 4 C. 8 D. 16


第一章 半导体基础知识 自测题 一、(1)√ (2)× (3)√ (4)× (5)√ (6)× 二、(1)A (2)C (3)C (4)B (5)A C 三、U O1≈1.3V U O2=0 U O3≈-1.3V U O4≈2V U O5≈2.3V U O6≈-2V 四、U O1=6V U O2=5V 五、根据P CM =200mW 可得:U CE =40V 时I C =5mA ,U CE =30V 时I C ≈6.67mA ,U CE =20V 时I C =10mA ,U CE =10V 时I C =20mA ,将改点连接成曲线,即为临界过损耗线。图略。 六、1、 V 2V mA 6.2 A μ26V C C CC CE B C b BE BB B =-====-= R I U I I R U I β U O =U CE =2V 。 2、临界饱和时U CES =U BE =0.7V ,所以 Ω ≈-= == =-= k 4.45V μA 6.28mA 86.2V B BE BB b C B c CES CC C I U R I I R U I β 七、T 1:恒流区;T 2:夹断区;T 3:可变电阻区。 习题 1.1(1)A C (2)A (3)C (4)A 1.2不能。因为二极管的正向电流与其端电压成指数关系,当端电压为1.3V 时管子会因电流过大而烧坏。 1.3 u i 和u o 的波形如图所示。 t t u u O O i o /V /V 1010

1.4 u i 和u o 的波形如图所示。 1.5 u o 1.6 I D =(V -U D )/R = 2.6mA ,r D ≈U T /I D =10Ω,I d =U i /r D ≈1mA 。 1.7 (1)两只稳压管串联时可得1.4V 、6.7V 、8.7V 和14V 等四种稳压值。 (2)两只稳压管并联时可得0.7V 和6V 等两种稳压值。 1.8 I ZM =P ZM /U Z =25mA ,R =U Z /I DZ =0.24~1.2k Ω。 1.9 (1)当U I =10V 时,若U O =U Z =6V ,则稳压管的电流为4mA ,小于其最小稳定电流,所以稳压管未击穿。故 V 33.3I L L O ≈?+= U R R R U 当U I =15V 时,由于上述同样的原因,U O =5V 。 当U I =35V 时,U O =U Z =5V 。 (2)=-=R U U I )(Z I D Z 29mA >I ZM =25mA ,稳压管将因功耗过大而损坏。 1.10 (1)S 闭合。 (2)。,Ω=-=Ω≈-=700)V (233)V (Dm in D m ax Dm ax D m in I U R I U R t t


清华附中高三2019年12月月考试卷数学 一、选择题(共8小题;共40分) 1.已知集合{}1,0,1A =-,2 {1}B x x =< ,则A B =U ( ) A. {}1,1- B. {}1,0,1- C. {} 11x x -≤≤ D. {} 1x x ≤ 2.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项的和为n S ,且1352S =,则489a a a ++=( ) A. 8 B. 12 C. 16 D. 20 3.若12 2log log 2a b +=,则有( ) A. 2a b = B. 2b a = C. 4a b = D. 4b a = 4.一个棱长为2的正方体被一个平面截去一部分后,剩余几何体的三视图如图所示,则截去的几何体是( ) A. 三棱锥 B. 三棱柱 C. 四棱锥 D. 四棱柱 5.已知直线0x y m -+=与圆O :2 2 1x y +=相交于A ,B 两点,若OAB ?为正三角形,则实数m 的值为( ) A. 2 B. 2 - 6.“1a =-”是“函数()2ln 1x f x a x ?? =+ ?+?? 为奇函数”( ) A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充分必要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件

7.函数()log a x x f x x = (01a <<)的图象大致形状是( ) A. B. C. D. 8.某学校运动会的立定跳远和30秒跳绳两个单项比赛分成预赛和决赛两个阶段,如表下为10名学生的预赛成绩,其中有三个数据模糊. 在这10名学生中,进入立定跳远决赛的有8人,同时进入立定跳远决赛和30秒跳绳决赛的有6人,则( ) A. 2号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 B. 5号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 C. 8号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 D. 9号学生进入30秒跳绳决赛 二、填空题(共6小题;共30分) 9.直线y x = 被圆22 (2)4x y -+=截得的弦长为________. 10.函数f (x )=sin 22x 的最小正周期是__________. 11.在△ABC 中,23A π∠= ,,则b c =_________. 12.已知正方体1111ABCD A B C D -的棱长为M 是棱BC 的中点,点P 在底面ABCD 内,点Q 在线段11A C 上,若1PM =,则PQ 长度的最小值为_____. 13.如图,在等边三角形ABC 中,2AB =,点N 为AC 的中点,点M 是边CB (包括端点)上的一个动

推荐-清华附中2018-2018高三下数学(理)统练2答案 精品

清华附中2018-2018高三下数学(理)统练2答案 1-5 C D D D A 6-8 A D D 9、四 10、-2 11、 2 12 、 4 3 13、3 1 4 833 15、解:(1) 令???-==???=-=??? ? ??-=+?-=+=1001143cos 21 ),(2 2y x y x y x y x y x 或则π, )1,0()0,1(-=-=∴或 2分 (2) )1,0(0),0,1(-=∴=?= 3分 ))3 2cos(,(cos )1)23( cos 2,(cos 2x x x x -=--=+π π 4分 2 ) 234cos(122cos 1)32(cos cos ||222x x x x -+++=-+=+π π 6分 )]23cos(2[cos 211)]234cos( 2[cos 211x x x x --+=-++=π π )32cos(211]2sin 232cos 212[cos 211π++=--+=x x x x 8分 35323320ππππ<+


2019清华附中将台路校区高19级高一数学第一学期期中考试 满分150分 考试时长120分钟 一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分. 1.若集合{|12}A x x =-<<,{2B =-,0,1,2},则A B =B A .? B .{0,1} C .{0,1,2} D .{2-,0,1,2} 2.已知函数2()f x x =,{1x ∈-,0,1},则函数的值域为 C A .{1-,0,1} B .[0,1] C .{0,1} D .[0,)+∞ 3.已知命题 :“ , ”,则命题 的否定为C A . , B . , C . , D . , 4.在区间(0,)+∞上是减函数的是C A .31y x =+ B .231y x =+ C .2y x = D .2y x x =+ 5.已知条件:1p x >,条件:2q x …,则p 是q 的 A A .必要不充分条件 B .充分不必要条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 6.若0a >,0b >,2ab =,则2a b +的最小值为 A A . 4 B . C . D .6 7.定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足2()2(0)f x x x x =-… ,则函数()f x 的零点个数为 D A .0 B .1 C .2 D .3 8.某企业的生产总值连续两年持续增加,第一年的增长率为p ,第二年的增长率为q ,则这两年该企业生产总值的年平均增长率为B A . 2q p + B .21)1)(1(-++q p C .pq D .1)1)(1(-++q p

二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分. 9.集合{1,2,3}的非空子集共有个. 10.不等式|2|3x -<的解集是 . 11.已知函数2()31f x x x =+-,则(2)f -=;若()9f α=,则α的值为. 12.若1x 和2x 分别是一元二次方程22530x x +-=的两根.则12||x x -= . 13.定义在R 上的奇函数()f x 满足:当0x …,()2f x x =-,则(3)f -= . 14.某学习小组由学生和教师组成,人员构成同时满足以下三个条件: (ⅰ)男学生人数多于女学生人数; (ⅱ)女学生人数多于教师人数; (ⅲ)教师人数的两倍多于男学生人数. ① 若教师人数为4,则女学生人数的最大值为; ② 该小组人数的最小值为. 三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分. 15(本小题13分)已知2{3,22,1}A a a a =+++,若5A ∈,求a 所有可能的值. 16(本小题共13分)已知函数21,1(),1121,1x f x x x x x <-??=-≤≤??->? (Ⅰ)画出函数()y f x =的图象; (Ⅱ)若1()4 f x ≥,求x 的取值范围; (Ⅲ)直接写出()y f x =的值域. 17.(本小题共14分)已知集合{|13}A x x =<<,集合{|21}B x m x m =<<-. (Ⅰ)当1m =-时,求A B ; (Ⅱ)若A B ?,求实数m 的取值范围; (Ⅲ)若A B =?,求实数m 的取值范围.


北京市清华大学附属中学2019年中考数学调研卷 数学试题 一、选择题 1.计算(+1)2 019·(-1)2 018的结果是() A+1B-1 C D.1 2.阅读材料:设关于x的一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0)的两个根为x1,x2,则两个根与方程系数之间有如下关系:x1+x2=-,x1·x2=已知x1,x2是方程x2+6x+3=0的两个实数根,则的值为 A.4 B.6 C.8 D.10 3.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,二次函数y=ax2+bx+c的图象如图所示,下列说法正确的是() A.abc<0,b2-4ac>0 B.abc>0,b2-4ac>0 C.abc<0,b2-4ac<0 D.abc>0,b2-4ac<0 4.如图,四边形ABCD是边长为 4 cm的正方形,动点P在正方形ABCD的边上沿着A→B→C→D的路径以1 cm/s的速度运动,在这个运动过程中△APD的面积S(单位:cm2)随时间t(单位:s)的变化关系用图象表示,正确的是(DDD) 5.如图所示,在△ABC中,AB=AC,过AC上一点作DE⊥AC,EF⊥BC,若∠BDE=140°,则∠DEF=()

A.55° B.60° C.65° D.70° 6.如图,水平地面上有一面积为30π cm2的扇形AOB,半径OA=6 cm,且OA与地面垂直.在没有滑动的情况下,将扇形向右滚动至OB与地面垂直为止,则点O移动的距离为() A.π cm B.2π cm C.5π cm D.10π cm 7.在同一时刻的阳光下,小明的影子比小强的影子长,则在同一路灯下() A.小明的影子比小强的影子长 B.小明的影子比小强的影子短 C.小明的影子和小强的影子一样长 D.无法判断谁的影子长 8.如图,将两张长为5,宽为1的矩形纸条交叉,让两个矩形对角线交点重合,且使重叠部分成为一个菱形.当两张纸条垂直时,菱形周长的最小值是4,把一个矩形绕两个矩形重合的对角线交点旋转一定角度,在旋转过程中,得出所有重叠部分为菱形的四边形中,周长的最大值是() A.8 B.10 C.10.4 D.12 9.如图,小明随意向水平放置的大正方形内部区域抛一个小球,则小球停在小正方形内部(阴影)区域的概率为() A. B. C. D. 10.现定义一种变换:对于一个由有限个数组成的序列S0,将其中的每个数换成该数在S0中出现的次数,可得到一个新序列S1.例如序列S0:(4,2,3,4,2),通过变换可生成新序列S1:(2,2,1,2,2).若S0可以为任意序列,则下面的序列可作为S1的是() A.(1,2,1,2,2) B.(2,2,2,3,3) C.(1,1,2,2,3) D.(1,2,1,1,2) 二、填空题 11.若--=x-4+6-x=2,则x的取值范围为4≤x≤6.


…………装…………○……校:___________姓名:___________班级:_…………装…………○……绝密★启用前 北京市海淀区清华大学附属中学2018-2019学年七年级下学 期期末数学试题 试卷副标题 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 第I 卷(选择题) 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 一、单选题 1.用三角板作△ABC 的边BC 上的高,下列三角板的摆放位置正确的是( ) A . B . C . D . 2.下列各项调查中合理的是( ) A .对“您觉得该不该在公共场所禁烟”作民意调查,将要调查的问题放到访问量很大的网站上,这样大部分上网的人就可以看到调查问题并及时反馈 B .为了了解全校同学喜欢课程情况,对某班男同学进行抽样调查 C .“长征﹣3B 火箭”发射前,采用抽样调查的方式检查其各零部件的合格情况 D .采用抽样调查的方式了解国内外观众对电影《流浪地球》的观影感受 3.如图,x 的值是( )

…………订………………○……※订※※线※※内※※答※※题※…………订………………○…… A .80 B .90 C .100 D .110 4.方程x ﹣y =﹣2与下面方程中的一个组成的二元一次方程组的解为2 4x y =??=? ,那么这 个方程可以是( ) A .3x ﹣4y =16 B .2(x +y )=6x C . 1 4 x +y =0 D . 4 x ﹣y =0 5.图中的小正方形边长都相等,若△MNP ≌△MEQ ,则点Q 可能是图中的( ) A .点A B .点B C .点C D .点D 6.把一些书分给几名同学,若每人分11本,则有剩余,若( ),依题意,设有x 名同学,可列不等式7(x +4)>11x . A .每人分7本,则剩余4本 B .每人分7本,则剩余的书可多分给4个人 C .每人分4本,则剩余7本 D .其中一个人分7本,则其他同学每人可分4本 7.关于,x y 的二元一次方程组24 20 x my x y +=??-=?有正整数解,则满足条件的整数m 的值有 ( )个 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 8.为了了解2019年北京市乘坐地铁的每个人的月均花费情况,相关部门随机调查了1000人乘坐地铁的月均花费(单位:元),绘制了如下频数分布直方图,根据图中信息,下面三个推断中,合理的是( )


清华附中2019-2020学年度上学期期中考试 高一数学试卷 本试卷分为基础卷和附加卷,共150分;考试时间为1 20分钟. 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分.请把答案填入表格) C(M∪N)等于 ( ) 1.已知集合U={a,b,c,d,e},M={a,b,c},N={b,c,d},则 U (A){e} (B){a,b,c} (c){a,d,e} (D)φ 2.已知集合M={x|-4≤x≤7),N={x|x2-x-6>O},则M∩N= ( ) (A){x|-4≤x<-2,或33} (D){x|x<-2,或x≥3} 3.如果命题“p且q”与命题“p或q”都是假命题,那么 ( ) (A)命题“非p”与命题“非q”的真值不同 (B)命题“非p”与命题“非q”中至多有一个是真命题 (C)命题“p”与命题“非q”的真值相同 (D)命题“非p且非q”是真命题 4.如果(x,y)在映射f下的象是(x+y,x-y),那么(1,2)在映射f下的原象是 ( ) (A)(3,-1)(B)(C)(D)(-1,3) 5.函数的定义域为 (A)(-2,1)∪(1-2) (B)[-2,1)∪(1,2) (C)(-∞,-2)∪(2,+∞) (D)(-∞,-2]∪[2,+∞) 6.函数y=x2-4x+3,X∈[0,3)的值域为 ( ) (A)[-1,2] (B)(0,3] (C)[-1,+∞) (D)[-1,3] 7.已知函数,则f(4)的值为 ( ) (A) (B) (C) (D)2 8.已知函数y=x2+2(a-1)x+2在(-∞,4)上是减函数,则a的取值范围是 ( ) (A)[3,+∞) (B)(-∞,3] (C)[-3,+∞) (D)(-∞,-3] 9.函数,(1≤x≤2)的反函数是 ( ) 10.己知函数是R上的减函数,则a的取值范围是( ) (A)(0,1) (B) (C) (D)


一、初一数学一元一次方程解答题压轴题精选(难) 1.如图,动点A从原点出发向数轴负方向运动,同时,动点B也从原点出发向数轴正方向运动,运动到3秒钟时,两点相距15个单位长度.已知动点A、B的运动速度比之是3∶2(速度单位:1个单位长度/秒). (1)求两个动点运动的速度; (2)A、B两点运动到3秒时停止运动,请在数轴上标出此时A、B两点的位置; (3)若A、B两点分别从(2)中标出的位置再次同时开始在数轴上运动,运动的速度不变,运动的方向不限,问:运动到几秒钟时,A、B两点之间相距4个单位长度? 【答案】(1)解:设点B的速度为2x个单位长度/秒,则点A的速度为3x个单位长度/秒, 根据题意得:3×(2x+3x)=15, 解得:x=1, ∴3x=3,2x=2, 答:动点A的运动速度为3个单位长度/秒,动点B的运动速度为2个单位长度/秒; (2)解:3×3=9,2×3=6, ∴运动到3秒钟时,点A表示的数为﹣9,点B表示的数为6; (3)解:设运动的时间为t秒, 当A、B两点向数轴正方向运动时,有|3t﹣2t﹣15|=4, 解得:t1=11,t2=19; 当A、B两点相向而行时,有|15﹣3t﹣2t|=4, 解得:t3= 或t4= , 答:经过、、11或19秒,A、B两点之间相距4个单位长度. 【解析】【分析】(1)根据已知:动点A、B的运动速度比之是3∶2,因此设点B的速度为2x个单位长度/秒,则点A的速度为3x个单位长度/秒,根据两点相距15,列方程,求解即可。 (2)根据两点的运动速度,就快求出A、B两点运动到3秒时停止运动,就可得出它们的位置。

(3)设运动的时间为t秒,分两种情况:当A、B两点向数轴正方向运动时;当A、B两点相向而行时,分别根据A、B两点之间相距4个单位长度,列方程求出t的值。 2.如图,已知数轴上点A表示的数为8,B是数轴上位于点A左侧一点,且AB=20, (1)写出数轴上点B表示的数________; (2)|5-3|表示5与3之差的绝对值,实际上也可理解为5与3两数在数轴上所对的两点之间的距离.如|x-3|的几何意义是数轴上表示有理数3的点与表示有理数x的点之间的距离.试探索: ①:若|x-8|=2,则x =________.②:|x+12|+|x-8|的最小值为________. (3)动点P从O点出发,以每秒5个单位长度的速度沿数轴向右匀速运动,设运动时间为t(t>0)秒.当t=________,A,P两点之间的距离为2; (4)动点P,Q分别从O,B两点,同时出发,点P以每秒5个单位长度沿数轴向右匀速运动,Q点以P点速度的两倍,沿数轴向右匀速运动,设运动时间为t(t>0)秒.当t=________,P,Q之间的距离为4. 【答案】(1)﹣12 (2)6或10;0 (3)1.2或2 (4)3.2或1.6 【解析】【解答】(1)数轴上B表示的数为8-20=﹣12; (2)①因为互为相反数的两个数绝对值相同,所以由│x-8│=2可得x-8=2或﹣(x-8)=2,解得x=6或10; ②因为绝对值最小的数是0,所以│x+12│+│x-8│的最小值是0; (3)根据│A点在数轴上的位置-t秒后P点在数轴上的位置│=A、P两点间的距离列式得│8-5t│=2,因为互为相反数的两个数绝对值相同,所以8-5t=2或﹣(8-5t)=2,解得t=1.2或2; (4)根据t秒后Q点在数轴上的位置-t秒后P点在数轴上的位置│=t秒后P,Q的距离列式得│﹣12+10t-5t│=4,因为互为相反数的两个数绝对值相同,所以﹣12+10t-5t=4或﹣(﹣12+10t-5t)=4,解得t=3.2或1.6. 【分析】(1)抓住已知条件:B是数轴上位于点A左侧一点,且AB=20,且点A表示的数是8,就可求出OB的长,从而可得出点B表示的数。 (2)①根据|x-8|=2,可得出x-8=±2,解方程即可求出x的值;根据因为绝对值最小的数是0,因此可得出│x+12│+│x-8│的最小值是0。 (3)根据A,P两点之间的距离为2,可列出方程│8-5t│=2,再解方程求出t的值。(4)根据t秒后Q点在数轴上的位置-t秒后P点在数轴上的位置│=t秒后P,Q的距离,可得出方程│﹣12+10t-5t│=4,再利用绝对值等于4的是为±4,可列出﹣12+10t-


2020年北京市清华附中高考数学三模试卷(一) 一、选择题(本大题共8小题,共40.0分) 1.若集合,则实数a的值为() A. B. 2 C. D. 1 2.已知数据x1,x2,x3,…,x n是某市n(n≥3,n∈N*)个普通职工的年收入,设这n 个数据的中位数为x,平均数为y,标准差为z,如果再加上世界首富的年收入x n+1,则这(n+1)个数据中,下列说法正确的是() A. 年收入平均数可能不变,中位数可能不变,标准差可能不变 B. 年收入平均数大大增大,中位数可能不变,标准差变大 C. 年收入平均数大大增大,中位数可能不变,标准差也不变 D. 年收入平均数大大增大,中位数一定变大,标准差可能不变 3.若椭圆的两个焦点与短轴的一个端点构成一个正三角形,则该椭圆的离心率为 () A. B. C. D. 4.已知函数f(x)=,则不等式f(x)≤1的解集为() A. (-∞,2] B. (-∞,0]∪(1,2] C. [0,2] D. (-∞,0]∪[1,2] 5.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗线画出的是某几 何体的三视图,则该几何体的体积为() A. B. C. D. 6.在数列{a n}中,已知a1=1,且对于任意的m,n∈N*,都有a m+n=a m+a n+mn,则数列 {a n}的通项公式为() A. a n=n B. a n=n+1 C. a n= D. a 7.若椭圆和双曲线的共同焦点为F1,F2,P是两曲线的一个交点, 则|PF1|?|PF2|的值为() A. B. 84 C. 3 D. 21 8.如图①,一块黄铜板上插着三根宝石针,在其中一根针上从下到上穿好由大到小的 若干金片.若按照下面的法则移动这些金片:每次只能移动一片金片;每次移动的金片必须套在某根针上;大片不能叠在小片上面.设移完n片金片总共需要的次数为a n,可推得a1=1,a n+1=2a n+1.如图②是求移动次数在1000次以上的最小片数的程序框图模型,则输出的结果是()


2018北京市清华附中高一(上)期末 数 学 2018.1 一、选择题(每小题5分,共40分) 1. 下列各角中,与50°的角终边相同的角是( ) A. 40° B. 140° C. -130° D. -310° 2. 设向量) ,(20=a ,),(13=b ,则a ,b 的夹角等于( ) A. 3π B. 6π C. 32π D. 6 5π 3. 角α的终边过点)(3-,4P ,则)2 sin(απ+的值为( ) A. 54- B. 54 C. 53- D. 5 3 4. 要得到函数)3 2cos(π-=x y 的图像,只需将x y 2cos =的图像( ) A. 向右平移6π个单位长度 B. 向左平移6 π个单位长度 C. 向右平移3π个单位长度 D. 向左平移3π个单位长度 5. 已知非零向量与 =2 1=,则ABC ?为( ) A. 三边均不相等的三角形 B. 直角三角形 C. 等腰非等边三角形 D. 等边三角形 6. 同时具有性质“①最小正周期是π;②图像关于直线3π- =x 对称;③在??????ππ326,上是增函数”的一个函数是( ) A. )32sin(π- =x y B. )62cos(π+=x y C. )62sin(π +=x y D. )3 22cos(π+=x y 7. 定义在R 上的偶函数()x f 满足()()x f x f =+2,且在[]21, 上是减函数,若α,β是锐角三角形的两个内角,则( ) A. ()αsin f >()βcos f B. ()αsin f <()βcos f C. ()αsin f >()βsin f D. ()αcos f <()βcos f 8. 若定义[]20182018,-上的函数()x f 满足:对于任意1x ,[]2018,20182-∈x 有()()()20172121-+=+x f x f x x f ,且x >0时,有()x f >2017,()x f 的最大值、最小值分别为M ,N ,则N M +的值为( ) A. 0 B. 2018 C. 4034 D. 4036 二、填空题(每小题5分,共30分)

北京市清华附中2019-2020学年高一上学期期末数学试卷 (有解析)

北京市清华附中2019-2020学年高一上学期期末数学试卷 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共40.0分) 1.已知集合A={0,1,2},则() A. 0∈A B. 1?A C. 2=A D. 3∈A 2.下列函数中,在定义域内是减函数的是() A. f(x)=?1 x B. f(x)=√x C. f(x)=1 2x D. f(x)=tanx 3.已知角α的终边上一点P(3,m),且cosα=3 5 ,则m=() A. 4 B. ?4 C. ±4 D. ±5 4.设a=log1 3π,b=log 3 π,c=log4π,则() A. a


第1章 电路理论及分析方法习题(共9题) (注:英文习题采用美国电路符号) 1.1(直流电源功率)图1.1所示电路,求各电流源的端电压和功率,并判断出哪个电流源输出功率,哪个电流源吸收功率。已知:I S1=1 A, I S2=3A, R 1=5Ω, R 2=10Ω。 (答案:U S1= -10V , U S2=40V , P S1=10W, P S2= -120W ) 1.2 图1.2所示电路,求8Ω电阻两端的电压U R 和恒流源的端电压U S 各是多少。 (答案: U R = -32V ,U S = -40V ) 1.3 图1.3所示电路,求2A 恒流源的功率。(答案: P = -24W ) 1.4 (仿真习题)用仿真的方法求图1.4所示电路中的I 1 和I 2 。 (答案:I 1=0.5A 、I 2=2A ) 说明:1、要求自己下载Multisim 仿真软件,可以是Multisim2001、V7~V10等版本 中的任一种。 2、自学第10章 Multisim 电路仿真有关内容。 3、仿真题作业要求有仿真电路图和仿真的数据结果,图和数据结果可以打印 也可以手写。 图1.1 习题1.1的图 R I S2 U S1 图1.4 习题1.4的图 18V 图1.2 习题1.2的图 20 V + - U R 图1.3 习题1.3的图 8 V

1.5 (电源模型的等效互换法)Use source transformations to find the voltage U across the 2mA current source for the circuit shown in Figure 1.5. (Answer: U = 1.8 V) 1.6 (戴维宁定理)Using Thevenin’s theorem, find the current I through the 2V voltage source for the circuit shown in Figure 1.6.(Answer : I=5A ) 1.7 (戴维宁定理,结点电位法)图1.7所示电路,已知 R 1=1k Ω, R 2=2k Ω, R 3=6k Ω, R 4=2k Ω, R 5=4k Ω,。用戴维宁定理和结点电位法两种方法求电流I 3。(答案:-0.5mA ) 1.8 (解题方法任选)如图1.8所示电路,当恒流源I S 为何值时,它两端的电压U S =0。(答案:-1.5A ) 1.9 (仿真习题) 图1.9所示电路,用仿真方法求电流I ,用直流工作点分析法求A 、B 、C 三个结点电位(答案:I = 2.6 A , V A = 7.8 V ,V B = 2.8 V ,V C = 10 V ) 2V Ω Ω Figure 1.6 图1.7 习题1.7的图 +12V R 图1.8 习题1.8的图 - U Figure 1.5 图1.9 习题1.9的图 12 V Ω


期中数学试卷 题号一二三四总分 得分 一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共32.0分) 1.在下面的四个有理数中,最小的是() A. -1 B. 0 C. 1 D. -2 2.2018年10月23日,世界上最长的跨海大桥--港珠澳大桥正式开通,这座大桥集跨 海大桥、人工岛、海底隧道于一身,全长约55000米,其中55000用科学记数法可表示为() A. 5.5×103 B. 55×103 C. 5.5×104 D. 0.55×105 3.下列结果为负数的是() A. -32 B. (-3)2 C. |-3| D. -(-3) 4.下列等式变形不一定正确的是() A. 若x=y,则x-5=y-5 B. 若x=y,则ax=ay C. 若x=y,则3-2x=3-2y D. 若x=y,则 5.下列计算正确的是() A. a+a=a2 B. 6x3-5x2=x C. 3x2+2x3=5x5 D. 3ab2-4b2a=-ab2 6.某商店举行促销活动,其促销的方式为“消费超过100元时,所购买的商品按原价 打八折后,再减少20元”.若某商品的原价为x元(x>100),则购买该商品实际付款的金额(单位:元)是() A. 80%x-20 B. 80%(x-20) C. 20%x-20 D. 20%(x-20) 7.小蓉在某月的日历上提出了如图所示的四个数a、b、c、d,则这 四个数的和可能是() A. 24 B. 27 C. 28 D. 30 8.在数轴上表示有理数a,b,c的点如图所示.若ac<0,b+a<0,则一定成立的是 () A. |a|>|b| B. |b|<|c| C. b+c<0 D. abc<0 9.如图,有四个大小相同的小长方形和两个大小相同的大长方形按如图位置摆放,按 照图中所示尺寸,则小长方形的长与宽的差是()


P D A 清华附中高一新生分班考试数学试卷 (满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 题号 一 二 三 总分 得分 一、选择题(每题5分,共40分) 1.化简=-2 a a ( ) A .a B .a - C .a D .2 a 2.分式1 ||2 2---x x x 的值为0,则x 的值为 ( ) A .21或- B .2 C .1- D .2- 3.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,E 、F 分别是AB 、AD 的中点。若EF =2,BC =5,CD =3, 则tan C 等于 ( ) A . 43 B .35 C .34 D .4 5 4.如图,P A 、PB 是⊙O 切线,A 、B 为切点,AC 是直径,∠P = 40°,则∠BAC =( ) A .0 40 B .0 80 C .0 20 D .0 10 5.在两个袋内,分别装着写有1、2、3、4四个数字的4张卡片,今从每个袋中各任取一张卡片,则所取两卡片上数字之积为偶数的概率是 ( ) A . 21 B .165 C .167 D .4 3 6.如图,矩形纸片ABCD 中,已知AD =8,折叠纸片使AB 边与对角线AC 重合,点B 落在点F 处,折痕为AE ,且EF =3,则AB 的长为 ( ) A . 6 B .4 C .5 D . 3 7.如图,正方形ABCD 的边长为4,P 为正方形边上一动点,运动 (4题图) O C B A P (6题图) B C F E (3题图)

D C B A 路线是A →D → C →B →A ,设P 点经过的路程为x ,以点A 、P 、 D 为顶点的三角形的面积是 y .则下列图象能大致反映y 与x 的函数关系的是 ( ) 8.若直角坐标系内两点P 、Q 满足条件①P 、Q 都在函数y 的图象上②P 、Q 关于原点对称,则称点对(P ,Q )是函数y 的一个“友好点对”(点对(P ,Q )与(Q ,P )看作同一个“友 好点对”)。已知函数??? ??>≤++=0210 1422x x x x x y ,,,则函数y 的“友好点对”有( )个 A .0 B.1 C. 2 D.3 注意:请将选择题的答案填入表格中。 二、填空题(每题5分,共50分) 9 .已知a 、b 是一元二次方程2210x x --=的两个实数根,则代数式()()2a b a b ab -+-+ 的值等于 10.有一个六个面分别标上数字1、2、3、4、5、6的正方体,甲、乙、丙三位同学从不同的角度观察的结果如图所示.如果记2的对面的数字为m ,3的对面的数字为n ,则方程1x m n +=的解x 满足1+<


清华附中2020届高三第二学期第三次统练数学试题 一、选择题(共10小题;共40分) 1.复数的() 12z i i =--为虚数单位在复平面内对应的点位于( ) A. 第一象限 B. 第二象限 C. 第三象限 D. 第四象限 2.设{|210}S x x =+>,{|350}T x x =-<,则S T ?( ) A. ? B. 1{|}2 x x <- C. 5{|}3 x x > D. 15{|}23 x x - << 3.祖暅原理:“幂势既同,则积不容异”.意思是说:两个同高的几何体,如在等高处的截面积恒相等,则体积相等.设A 、B 为两个同高的几何体,:p A 、B 的体积不相等,:q A 、B 在等高处的截面积不恒相等.根据祖暅原理可知,p 是q 的( ) A. 充分不必要条件 B. 必要不充分条件 C. 充要条件 D. 既不充分也不必要条件 4.下列图形中,不是三棱柱展开图的是( ) A. B. C. D. 5.已知抛物线2 4x y =上一点A 的纵坐标为4,则点A 到抛物线焦点的距离为( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 6.函数()()2 13f x ax a x =---在区间[)1,-+∞上是增函数,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A. 1,3 ??-∞ ?? ? B. (],0-∞ C. 10,3 ?? ?? ? D. 10,3 ?????? 7.若直线y =kx +1与圆x 2+y 2=1相交于P 、Q 两点,且∠POQ =120°(其中O 为坐标原点),则k 的值为( ) A. 3 B. 2 C. 3 3 D. 228.函数()sin()(0)4 f x A x π ωω=+ >的图象与x 轴交点的横坐标构成一个公差为3 π的等差数列,要得到函 数()cos g x A x ω=的图象,只需将()f x 的图象( ) A. 向左平移 12 π 个单位 B. 向右平移 4 π 个单位

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