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说明:本试卷满分120分,考试时间100分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。第一部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



What will you think of when it comes to “Hong Kong” and “great swimming”? Shopping sure, but swimming pool? Turns out, along with all its other attractions, Hong Kong is loaded with wonderful pools.

The Ritz-Carlton

The pool at the Ritz-Carlton is breathtaking, thanks to the view, the altitude and, of course, the swim. On the 118th floor at 484 meters above the street in the tallest building in Hong Kong, it's the world's highest swimming pool. The ceiling and walls are made up of 144 LED screens displaying coral reefs and other natural scenes.

W Hotel Hong Kong

If you have only one nice swimsuit, save it for the W Hotel Hong Kong. Only people living in this hotel can enjoy this wonderful pool, which is Hong Kong's highest rooftop pool. The hotel's signature WET deck is famous for stylish and occasionally wild poolside parties in summer. WET also features a good cocktail bar and a Jacuzzi.

Hotel Indigo

One of Hong Kong's unique experiences is swimming in Hotel Indigo's glass bottom pool. The pool protrudes from the hotel, allowing people below to see swimmers and the swimmers to do laps while checking out the traffic below. The pool is smaller compared to other local grand hotels and only available to the hotel guests.

Four Seasons Hotel

The Four Seasons Hotel gorgeous infinity pool overlooks Victoria Harbor. Even

cooler, the hotel pipes in underwater music, making the swim much more wonderful, or annoying, depending on your taste in music. The pool is open only to hotel guests.

1. At which hotel can a tourist still enjoy swimming if he/she lives in none of the hotels mentioned above?

A. The Ritz-Carlton.

B. W Hotel Hong Kong.

C. Hotel Indigo.

D. Four Seasons Hotel.

2. What do we know about swimmers in Hotel Indigo?

A. They can be seen by people below.

B. They can check out the hotel.

C. They can guide the traffic below.

D. They can be asked to do laps.

3. Where does this text probably come from?

A. A research paper.

B. An official announcement.

C. A tourist brochure.

D. A fashion magazine.


Have you ever imagined traveling to a foreign country without having to worry about the headache of communicating in a different language?

In a recent Wall Street Journal article, technology policy expert Alec Ross argued that, within a decade or so, we’ll be able to communicate with one another via small earpieces with built - in microphones. That’s because technological progress is extremely rapid. It’s only a matter of time. Indeed, some parents firmly hold the idea that this technology is approaching and they’re wondering if their kids should even learn a second language.

It’s true that an increase in the quantity and accuracy of the data loaded into computers will make them cleverer at translating “No es bueno dormir mucho” as “It’s not good to sleep too much.” Replacing a word with its equivalent (同义词) in the target langu age is actually the “easy part” of a translator’s job. But even this seems to be a discouraging task for computers.

It’s so difficult for computers because translation doesn’t--or shouldn’t--involve simply translating words, sentences or paragraphs. Rather, it’s about translating meaning. And in order to infer meaning from a specific expression, humans have to interpret a mass of information at the same time.

Think about all the related clues that go into understanding an expression:volume,gesture, situation, and even your culture. All are likely to convey as much meaning as the words you use.

Therefore, we should be very skeptical of a machine that is unable to interpret the world around us. If people from different cultures can offend each other without realizing it, how can we expect a machine to do better? Unless engineers actually find a way to breathe a soul into a computer, undoubtedly when it comes to conveying and interpreting meaning using a natural language, a machine will never fully take our place.

4. What view does the author hold about translation?

A. Proper translation can be tough for humans.

B. Slight differences matter little in translation.

C. Some machines will interpret our world properly.

D. Cultures deserve more attention than words used.

5. What is the best title for the text?

A. An Expert’s Precise Prediction

B. The Complexity of Translation

C. Who Will Be a Better Translator

D. Will Language Barrier Actually Disappear?

6. What is the author’s attitude to the modem technology?

A. Unclear

B. Objective

C. Optimistic

D. Negative.

7. In which column can you read the article in a newspaper?

A. Language Learning.

B. Comments on hot issues.

C. Science Development.

D. Translation tips.


The World Health Organization report compared the “obesity-related behaviors” for youngsters across 42 nations. And it reveals UK kids are among the laziest.

Among teenage girls, the Scots topped the league table for most screen time, with 80 per cent spending at least two hours a day on computers. Wales came fourth with 76 per cent, and England seventh with 75 per cent. Girls in Armenia and Albania

were least likely to spend hours idling online.

Screen time figures for boys were even higher. Wales was second in the European “couch potato” league, with 85 per cent glued to their screens for at least two hours. Scotland was third with 84 per cent, and England 15th with 77 per cent. Boys in Switzerland and Portugal were least likely to dedicate two hours a day to sitting in front of a computer.

Lead researcher Dr. Jo Inchley, from the University of St Andrews, said social media was impacting on kids' health. She said,“We know there are risks, such as cyber bullying and impact on mental health. Also, there are longer-term impacts on physical health from being sedentary. One of the main challenges is that this kind of activity (social media and computer use) is so much part of young people's lives these days.” She said more needs to be done to get kids moving throughout the day.

Dr. Steven Mann, research director for UK Active said the findings were “alarming”. He said, “Modern life has changed, but when teens are s pending hours having fun with Facebook, Instagram and videogames, they simply aren't getting the exercise that they need. These alarming inactivity figures show that playtime is over before it has started for too many children, putting them at far greater risk of future conditions like heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes.”

Tam Fry, from the National Obesity Forum, warned Brit teens are now“slaves to hand-held devices”. And the WHO warns four in five fat teens will continue to struggle with their weight throughout life. The report also shows less than half of UK youngsters consume fruit or veg daily.

8. What do we know about the“obesity-related behaviors”for youngsters across 42 nations?

A. UK kids didn't exercise enough.

B. Girls spent more time on computers than boys.

C. Girls in Wales ranked the first in terms of screen time.

D. Only Swiss boys are among the laziest.

9. What does the underlined word “sedentary” in Paragraph 4 mean?

A. Cyber bullying.

B. Computer using.

C. Exercising.

D. Sitting or little activity.

10. What is the main reason for obesity for UK teens?

A. Less fruit or veg consuming.

B. Too much use of electronic devices.

C. Too much playtime.

D. Lack of physical education.

11. Why are these screen time figures alarming?

A. UK kids will be beaten.

B. All UK kids will suffer from overweight.

C. Risk of certain diseases will increase.

D. More hand-held devices need to be produced.


In June 2014, two leading media in America reported that three-year-old Victoria Wilcher, who suffered facial scarring, was kicked out of a KFC because she was a frightening customer. Later, KFC announced that no evidence had been found to support the story. This phenomenon is largely a product of the increasing pressure in newsrooms that care more about traffic figures.

Brooke Binkowski, an editor, says that she has seen a shift towards less responsibility i n newsrooms. “Clickbait is king, so newsrooms will uncritically print something unreal. Not all newsrooms are like this, but a lot of them are.”

Asked what the driving factor was, a journalist said, “You’ve a strict editor and you’ve to meet your targets. And some young journalists are inexperienced and will not do those checks. So much news reported online happens online. There is no need to get out and knock on someone’s door. You just sit at your desk and do it.”

Another journalist says, “More clicks equ al more money. At my former employer in particular, the pressure was due to the limited resources. That made the environment quite horrible to work in.”

In a Feb. 2015 report for Digital Journalism, Craig Silverman wrote, “Today the bar for what is worth giving attention to seems to be much lower. Within minutes or hours, a badly sourced report can be changed into a story that is repeated by dozens of news websites, resulting in tens of thousands of shares. The rumor becomes true for readers simply by virtue of its ubiquity.”

And, despite the direction that some newsrooms seem to be heading in, a critical eye is becoming more, not less important, according to the New York Times’ public editor, Margaret Sullivan. “Reporters and editors have to be more careful than ever before. It’s extremely important to question and to prove before publication.” Yet those working in newsrooms talk of doubtful stories being tolerated. In the words of some senior editors, “a click is a click, regardless of the advantage of a story”. And, “if the story does turn out to be false, it’s simply a chance for another bite at the cherry.”

12. According to Brooke Binkowski, newsrooms produce false news because _________.

A. clicks count a lot

B. resources are limited

C. budgets are tight

D. journalists lack experience

13. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 probably mean?

A. Lies can’t sell without something related to the truth.

B. Rumors are like a flame blown by the wind.

C. Most people are easy to cheat by the false news online.

D. A lie will end up as truth, if repeated often enough.

14. What’s Margaret Sullivan’s attitude towards false news online?

A. Negative.

B. Supportive.

C. Skeptical.

D. Neutral.

15. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Spread of false stories.

B. Causes of online false news.

C. Duties of journalists.

D. Relative laws needed to regulate the online news.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


At what age does a child became an adult? 16 Here are a few examples.

First, in some North American Indian culture, a boy became a man around the age of 13. At that time, he would go into the woods alone, without food or water, for


2017年甘肃省兰州市中考数学试卷 一、选择题(共15小题,每小题4分,满分60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的。) 1.(4分)已知2x=3y(y≠0),则下面结论成立的是() A.=B.=C.=D.= 2.(4分)如图所示,该几何体的左视图是() A. B.C.D. 3.(4分)如图,一个斜坡长130m,坡顶离水平地面的距离为50m,那么这个斜坡与水平地面夹角的正切值等于() A.B.C.D. 4.(4分)如图,在⊙O中,AB=BC,点D在⊙O上,∠CDB=25°,则∠AOB=() A.45°B.50°C.55°D.60° 5.(4分)下表是一组二次函数y=x2+3x﹣5的自变量x与函数值y的对应值:x1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 y﹣1﹣0.490.040.59 1.16 那么方程x2+3x﹣5=0的一个近似根是() A.1 B.1.1 C.1.2 D.1.3 6.(4分)如果一元二次方程2x2+3x+m=0有两个相等的实数根,那么是实数m的取值为()

A.m>B.m C.m=D.m= 7.(4分)一个不透明的盒子里有n个除颜色外其他完全相同的小球,其中有9个黄球.每次摸球前先将盒子里的球摇匀,任意摸出一个球记下颜色后再放回盒子,通过大量重复摸球实验后发现,摸到黄球的频率稳定在30%,那么估计盒子中小球的个数n为() A.20 B.24 C.28 D.30 8.(4分)如图,矩形ABCD的对角线AC与BD相交于点O,∠ADB=30°,AB=4,则OC=() A.5 B.4 C.3.5 D.3 9.(4分)抛物线y=3x2﹣3向右平移3个单位长度,得到新抛物线的表达式为()A.y=3(x﹣3)2﹣3 B.y=3x2C.y=3(x+3)2﹣3 D.y=3x2﹣6 10.(4分)王叔叔从市场上买了一块长80cm,宽70cm的矩形铁皮,准备制作一个工具箱.如图,他将矩形铁皮的四个角各剪掉一个边长xcm的正方形后,剩余的部分刚好能围成一个底面积为3000cm2的无盖长方形工具箱,根据题意列方程为() A.(80﹣x)(70﹣x)=3000 B.80×70﹣4x2=3000 C.(80﹣2x)(70﹣2x)=3000 D.80×70﹣4x2﹣(70+80)x=3000 11.(4分)如图,反比例函数y=(k<0)与一次函数y=x+4的图象交于A、B两点的横坐标分别为﹣3,﹣1.则关于x的不等式<x+4(x<0)的解集为() A.x<﹣3 B.﹣3<x<﹣1 C.﹣1<x<0 D.x<﹣3或﹣1<x<0


绝密★启用前 2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标全国I卷) 英语 (考试时间:120分钟试卷满分:150分) 注意事项: 1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 答案是C。 1.what will James do tomorrow ? A.Watch a TV program. B.Give a talk. C.Write a report. 2.What can we say about the woman? A.She's generour. B.She's curious. C.She's helpful. 3.When does the traif leave?https://www.wendangku.net/doc/151550228.html, A.At 6:30. B.At8:30. C.At 10:30. 4.How does the wonar sRwr?m A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike 5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A.Classmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6.What does the woman regret? A.Giving up her research. B.Dropping out of college. C.Changiny her major.


静安区高三年级英语期中(二模)测试卷(2018.5) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. By the seaside. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket. D. At home. 2. A. Driving the private car costs little. B. Taking subway requires a special pass. C. It’s more convenient to carry canned fish by pri vate cars. D. It’s uncomfortable to take the subway. 3. A. A phone company clerk. B. A mechanic. C. A travel agent. D. A marriage consultant. 4. A. The woman should go out to work. B. The woman should take charge of the cleaning herself. C. Maids are not very trustworthy these days. D. He contributes a lot to the family economy. 5. A. He is not clever enough for the math club. B. He doesn’t have enough enthusiasm to explore math. C. He lacks former experiences in math study. D. He will be sooner or later admitted into the math club. 6. A. 2. B. 3. C. 5. D. 7. 7. A. The woman was mistaken about where she lost her ipad. B. The woman’s ipad might be kept well in the library. C. There’s a very slight chance of finding back her ipad. D. Her ipad is for public use so she might as well buy a new one. 8. A. As a science fiction fan, she has already seen the film. B. She will go to deal with a dental problem then. C. She will go for a business appointment then. D. She is not very happy to go to see a film with the man. 9. A. Her personal feeling quite contrasts with the research finding. B. Reading books is teenagers’ favourite activity. C. All the researches are offering misleading information. D. Mobile phones have taken none of teenagers’ leisure time. 10. A. Previous customers have bought up the ovens on sale. B. Many other goods on sale are still available. C. The man can buy the oven through other channels. D. The oven is now sold at regular price. Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages


甘肃省兰州市2018届高三一诊 文综地理试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在答题卡上。 2. 回答第Ⅰ卷时,选出每小题的答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在试卷上无效。 3. 回答第Ⅱ卷时,将答案填写在答题卡上,写在试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷 本卷共35小题。每小题4分,共140分。在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 城市人口密度指生活在城市范围内的单位面积人口数。图1为某城市在四个不同阶段人口密度变化图。读图完成1-3题。 1. 按城市化发展过程,图中四个阶段的排序正确的是 A. 甲一乙一丙一丁 B. 丁一甲一乙一丙 C. 丙一丁一甲一乙 D. 乙一丙一丁一甲 2. 甲阶段中距市中心10Km处,最有可能分布的城市功能区是 A. 商业区 B. 行政区 C. 住宅区 D. 工业区 3. 导致城市中心区人口密度变化的原因是 A. 逆城市化现象的出现 B. 商业活动的不断集聚 C. 工业企业的大量外迁 D. 收入差距逐渐拉大

图2示意德国著名运动用品制造商近50年生产线转移路径。据此,完成4-5题。 4. 据图判断 A. 阶段I为追求先进生产技术 B. 阶段Ⅱ为树立品牌形象 C. 阶段Ⅲ为更广阔的消费市场 D. 阶段Ⅳ为不断降低生产成本 5. 该企业生产线“回家”的说法,正确的是 A. 为扭转经营不善的局面 B. 将加速自动化技术的应用 C. 为大幅增加国内就业机会 D. 将实现全球标准化生产 2016年5月加拿大艾伯塔省发生灾难性森林大火,造成约10万居民撤离。图3示意加拿大局部地区气温年较差空间分布。据此完成6-8题。 6. 对森林火灾面积及变化范围的监测应采用 A. 大数据技术 B. GPS技术 C. GIS技术 D. RS技术 7. 对图中①②③三地气温年较差的说法正确的是 A. ①地气温年较差最小是由于沿岸寒流流经 B. ②地气温年较差小于③地是由于距海较近 C. ③地气温年较差最大是由于受不同性质气流影响 D. ①地气温年较差小于②地是由于海拔较低 8. 此次森林火灾将导致灾区


同学们,大家好! 这份考前辅导材料先从一则故事入手,让我们先来走进它: 1968年,在墨西哥奥运会的百米赛道上,美国选手吉?海因斯撞线后,转过身子看运动场上 的记分牌。当指示灯打出9.95秒的字样后,海因斯摊开双手自言自语地说了一句话。这一 情景通过电视网络,全世界至少有好几亿人看到,可是由于当时他身边没有话筒,因此海因 斯到底说了句什么话,谁都不知道。但人们清楚地知道这是人类历史上首次有人在百米赛道 上突破10秒大关。 1984年,洛杉矶奥运会前夕,一位叫戴维?帕尔的记者在办公室回放墨西哥奥运会的资 料片,当再次看到海因斯回头、摊手、自言自语的镜头时,他想他一定说了一句不同凡响的 话。但这一新闻点,竟被当时400多名在现场的记者给漏掉了,这实在是个天大的遗憾。于 是他决定去采访海因斯,问他当时到底咕哝了句什么话。当被问起16年前的事时,海因斯想了想笑着说:“当时难道没人听见吗?我说,上帝啊,那扇门原来是虚掩着的!” 谜底揭开之后,戴维?帕尔接着对海因斯进行了采访。针对那句话,海因斯说:“自美国运动员欧文斯于1936年5月25日在柏林奥运会上创下10.03秒的百米赛世界纪录之后,以詹姆斯?格拉森医生为代表团的医学界断言,人类的肌肉纤维所承载的运动极限不会超过 每秒10米,的确,这一纪录保持了32年,这一说法在田径场上非常流行,我也以为这是真的,但是,我想我的最高水平该跑出10.01秒的成绩。于是,每天我以自己最快的速度跑50公里。因为我知道,百米冠军不是在百米赛道上练出来的。当我在墨西哥奥运会上看到自己 9.95秒的纪录之后,我惊呆了,原来10秒这个门不是紧锁着的,它虚掩着,就像终点那根 横着的绳子。” “百米冠军不是在百米赛道上练出来的。”,“每天我以自己最快的速度跑50公里。”同学们,就是这每天的坚持成就了海因斯在最后的赛道上突破了自己的“10秒大关”,推开了虚掩着的成功之门,成就了自己,创造了历史。 高考不也如此?看似枯燥、单调、甚至令人心烦的一份一份小练、一题一题讲解、一遍 一遍重复,回想起来不正是铺就了我们通向虚掩着的那扇门吗? 越是接近终点,越要屏气凝神、步履坚定、成竹在胸。因为我们知道,翻过了这份“考 前辅导材料”,“2018年高考卷”的尊容就在那扇虚掩着的门背后。 去吧,去轻轻地推开它! 高三英语组全体老师预祝莘莘学子梦想成真! 2018届高考英语考前辅导 应试总方法:“一看二序三速四查”。 一看:充分利用考前5分钟,认真阅卷,同时调节紧张的心理。阅卷时要注意,答题要求、 题量、总页码及正反面的试题。不要迫不急待答题。“磨刀不误砍柴工”。 二序:遵循先易后难的原则,不要违反规律。 三速:在规定的120分钟内完成全部试题需要一定的速度。以下为各项题目建议时间分配:(学生可根据自己的实际作适当调整) 听力单项、完形阅读理解任务型书面表达涂卡、整理 20分钟25分钟35分钟13分钟25分钟2分钟(建议做好一大题 就涂好一大题) 四查:在完成全部试题后要认真检查: 1. 试题是否全部完成(包括正、反面)。不要轻易改答案(尤其是阅读理解),除非恍然大悟。 2. 答题卡是否全部涂规范、正确,考号、姓名、科目等是否正确无误。 3. 对漏做、疑难的题目进行强攻。


普陀区2017学年第二学期高三英语质量调研 参考答案 I. Listening Section A 1-5 B C A B C 6-10 D C B D D Section B 11-13 C A D 14-16 B B D 17-20 A D B A II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A 21. on 22. to serve 23. that 24. involved 25. what 26. had become 27. where 28. them 29. but 30. have been found Section B 31-35 E J K B A D I G H C III. Reading Comprehension Section A 41-45 CDABD 46-50 ABDAC 51-55 CBABC Section B 56-59 C D B B 60-62 CA C 63-66 C B C D Section C 67-70 D A F B IV. Summary Writing For Reference: A study shows if a person has a good short-term memory he is likely to feel bored quickly. Assuming memories of past experience may influence the different rates at which some people feel fed up, two researchers conducted a test, relating students’ memory capacity to their performance, and got the result. The findings may apply to marketing, self-controlling and educating. (60)


甘肃省兰州市城关区2019-2020学年六年级上学期数学期末试卷 一、计算(共4题;共40分) 1.直接写出得数. 35=56? 30.8=4? 25=3 ÷ 2×30%= 11=210÷ 77=128÷ 26=9 ? 5.2÷1%= 2.把下面各比化成最简单的整数比. (1)48:36 (2)0.75:3 (3)21 34: 3.计算下面各题,能简算的要简算. ① 1 1 +332÷ ② 4 5 14-713? ③ 5 4 60()615?- ④ 4 3 3.7 2.334?+÷ ⑤ 13 9 8 (1)851717÷-- 4.解方程 (1)2 15x += (2)2 107x x -= (3)1 10.92x +()= 二、填空.(共10题;共10分) 5.0.5的倒数是________; 7 10:________=2. 6.在横线上填上“>”、“<”或“=”. 5769?________56 103 118÷________10 11 111312?________1111 121212?? 7.10个3 2相加的和是________,________的3 8是12.

8. 7 10 ÷4表示把 7 10 平均分成________份,求其中的________份是多少,也就是 7 10 的() () ________是多 少,所以 7 10 ÷4 = 7 10 × () () ________. 9.如图有________条对称轴,如果圆的半径是2cm,那么每个圆的周长是________cm,长方形的周长是________cm. 10.圆心角为90°,半径为6米的扇形,它的面积是________平方米. 11.学校体操队有男生30人、女生20人,男生人数占体操队总人数的________%,男生人数比女生人数多________%. 12.加工一批零件,张师傅单独加工5天能完成,王师傅单独加工8天能完成,如果两位师傅合作加工,________天能够完成. 13.一套运动服由一件上衣和一条裤子组成.上衣的单价是x元,裤子的单价是上衣单价的3 5 .“ 3 5 x”表 示________,“(1+3 5 )x”表示________. 14.如图,第10个图形有________个黑色小正方形和________个白色小正方形.如果用n表示每个图形中黑色小正方形的个数,用含有n的式子表示白色小正方形的个数是________. 三、选择题(共7题;共13分) 15.货车3小时行135千米,客车2小时行120千米.货车和客车的速度比是() A. 3:2 B. 1:45 C. 1:60 D. 3:4 16.一个比的比值是 3 16 ,如果它的前项乘4,要使比值不变,后项应该() A. 加4 B. 减4 C. 乘4 D. 除以4 17.一本书已经看了________,还剩________没看。火车提速到原来的________,截止2018年,甘肃省小学龄儿童入学率为________。 A、47% B、0.36% C、120% D、99.76% E、53% 18.下列各图中,()的答案是3 5 m. A. B. C. D. 19.如图,两只蚂蚁分别选择甲、乙两条线路从A地爬向B地.下面说法正确的是()


甘肃省兰州市高一上学期月考地理试卷(12月份) 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 一、选择题 (共23题;共76分) 1. (2分)下列物质或现象属于天体的是() A . 流星体 B . 流星现象 C . 陨铁 D . 地球上待发射的宇宙飞船 2. (2分)有关天体系统的叙述,正确的是() A . 最高一级的天体系统是星系 B . 天体系统的层次是:地月系—太阳系—银河系—河外星系 C . 太阳位于银河系的中心 D . 形成天体系统的基本条件是相互吸引和相互绕转 3. (4分) (2018高二上·哈尔滨期末) 我国有很多以别离和思乡为主题的古诗。读图回答下列各题。 (1)“别路云初起,离亭叶正稀。所嗟人异雁,不作一行飞。”(送兄)图中所描绘景色季节大致在() A . 都灵冬运会期间 B . 三江平原商品粮基地收获忙时期

C . 尼罗河正处于一年水位最高时期 D . 江南地区烟雨蒙蒙时期 (2)请你根据图中的信息推测,船只所停靠的位置大致在河流的() A . 东岸 B . 西岸 C . 南岸 D . 北岸 4. (2分)(2020·红桥模拟) 第24届冬季奥林匹克运动会计划于2022年2月4日-20日在北京和河北张家口市举办,届时下图中城市说法正确的是() A . 北京下大雪的几率比一月同期多 B . 莫斯科正值降水多的季节 C . 白昼时间最长的是新加坡 D . 先进入新一天的是里约热内卢 5. (2分) 2013年6月11日,我国成功发射了第五艘航天载人飞船——神州十号。这次航天飞行的亮点之一是女航天员王亚平为地面的青少年进行我国首次太空授课,开辟了我国太空教育的新篇章。太空授课北京时间6月20日10时04分至10时55分,王亚平展示了微重力条件下的特殊物理现象,加深青少年对液体表面张力的作用、对质量、重量以及牛顿定律等基本物理概念的理解。神州十号发射至太空授课期间,地球的公转速度变化特点是() A . 越来越快


惠州市2018届高三第一次模拟考试 英语 2018.4. 注意事项:1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。答卷前,考生必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号和座位号填写在答题卡上。因考试不考 听力,第I卷从第二部分的“阅读理解”开始,试题序号从“21”开始。 2.回答第I卷时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答题标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。写在本试卷 上无效。 3. 回答第II卷时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。 4. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第I卷 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A From American Express, wedding guests will,on average,spend $673 on each wedding they attend this year. It includes airfare ($225), hotel ($170), dining out ($116) and dressing up ($95) and the gift. If you have weddings to attend this year, here are some tips for you to avoid breaking the bank. 1. Book flights in advance The moment you decide to attend a wedding is the time to check flight prices at the best time. Plane fares are higher in the summer, especially in July and August. Booking in advance will save you money, as will watch for sales on lower-cost carriers like JetBlue and Frontier. You can check Google Flights for a calendar of prices showing the cheapest days to fly from apps like Hopper to get real-time alerts when a fare is at its lowest price point. 2. Don't blow your budget on the gift If you've got the money, an expensive gift is lovely. But there's no need to take out loans to prove your love for the happy couple. Skip an expensive necklace by giving (an appropriate amount of) cash instead. To save on the gift, consider making one: A photo album or scrapbook of memories with the bride and groom shows how much you care. You could also share the gift with other guest(s) or even make gifts with DIY ideas by yourself to save money. 3. Use old dresses and suits You don't always have to be on a new dress for a wedding. While men have the option of repeating their suits, women are more likely to spend money on new clothes for the special occasion. But before you take out your wallet, consider reinventing something already in your


2017学年第二学期高三英语教学质量检测试卷 (满分140分,考试时间120分钟) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions:In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. He is angry. B. He is exhausted. C. He is hungry. D. He is disappointed. 2. A. Go over his lessons. B. Attend the party. C. Eat out with friends. D. Take the final exam. 3. A. She is most likely to be arrested. B. She has forgotten to call the police. C. She may have lost her driving license. D. She is lying to the police officer. 4. A. Bill broke his promise. B. Mum will probably reward Bill. C. Bill failed in the test. D. Mum is worried about Bill’s work. 5. A. Make a recovery plan. B. Go back to work. C. Drop out of school. D. Quit her present job. 6. A. She gave him a lift home again. B. She offered him an extra room. C. She treated him well at her home. D. She spared much time for him. 7. A. She doesn’t have time to find a new flat. B. She has not paid enough rent in advance. C. She is unlikely to give up the nice flat. D. She wants to decorate the flat during the holiday. 8. A. Extreme sports. B. Travel insurance. C. Bungee jumping. D. Diving safety. 9. A. Sh e likes Phillips’ singing very much. B. She appreciates other kinds of musicals. C. She enjoys the changes of his musicals. D. She admires other singers more than Phillips. 10. A. American students are too talkative in class. B. It is hard to learn a lot in an American school. C. One can join in schooling in different ways. D. Active participation is greatly encouraged. Section B Directions:In Section B, you will hear several longer conversation(s) and short passage(s), and you will be asked several questions on each of the conversation(s) and the passage(s). The conversation(s) and the passage(s) will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.


2019-2020学年甘肃省兰州市城关区三年级(上)期末数学试卷 一、计算。 1. 直接写得数。 2. 列竖式计算。(第①②题要求验算。) 3. 估一估。 83×6≈ 308×8≈ 197+212≈ 603?94≈ 二、填空. 1分30秒=________秒 6吨=________千克 4分米+6分米=________厘米 9千米?5000米=________千米 在横线上填上合适的单位。 做眼保健操约用5________;硬币厚约2________;刘翔110米跨栏的时间大约是13________;一辆卡车载重量约6________;三年级李阳同学的身高是115________,体重约25________. 在横线上填上“>”“<”或“=”. 1________3 5 8900千克________9吨 10厘米________1分米 钟面上,时针从12走到3,时间经过了________小时,也就是________分钟;分针从12走到3,时间经过了________分,秒针转了________圈。 4 5 读作 ________ ,十二分之七写作________. 学校为每位同学编制了学号,设定末尾用1表示男生,用2表示女生。王晴是2016年入学的5班16号同学,她是女生,学号是201605162.那么,王博是2015年入学的2班3号同学,他是男生,他的学号应该是 ________. 如图所示是一个被切割了的长方形,它的周长是________厘米。 学校操场的直跑道长100米,那么,1千米相当于________个这样的直跑道的长度。 图中铅笔长________厘米________亳米,合________毫米。 爸爸陪琳琳看电影,现在是9:30(如图),电影已经开始了15分钟,电影是(________:________)开始放映的,11:30结束,这部电影的放映时长是________分钟。 三、把正确答案的序号填在括号里。 有10个△,5个●,△的个数是●的________倍,如果要使△是●的5倍,应该再画________个△. A、5? B、15? C、2? D、25 乐乐收集了四个身份证号码,但他把其中的一个号码抄错了,错误的是() A.62××××201007053471 B.62××××197601232562 C.62××××197405192783 D.62××××201113057228 用90厘米长的铁丝围一个边长是16厘米的正方形,还剩多少厘米铁丝?列式()


兰州市情简介 概况 兰州是甘肃省的省会,处在东经102°30ˊ-104°30ˊ、北纬35°5ˊ-38°之间,位于中国陆域版图的几何中心,在大西北处于“座中四连”的独特位臵。市区南北群山对峙,东西黄河穿城而过,蜿蜒百余里。城市依山傍水而建,层峦叠嶂,既体现了大西北的雄浑壮阔,又展现了江南的清奇秀丽。 兰州现辖城关、七里河、西固、安宁、红古五区和永登、榆中、皋兰三县,全市总面积 1.31万平方公里,其中市区面积1631.6平方公里。 兰州属中温带大陆性气候,冬无严寒、夏无酷暑,气候温和,市区海拔平均高度1520米,年均气温11.2℃,年均降水量327mm,全年日照时数平均2446小时,无霜期180天以上,是比较理想的居住和投资创业之地。 全市户籍总人口322.28万人,其中市区人口210万人,居住着汉、回、藏、东乡、裕固、撒拉等38个民族。 兰州西汉时设立县治,取“金城汤池”之意而称金城。隋初改臵兰州总管府,清康熙时隶属甘肃行省,省会由陇西迁至兰州。1941年正式设市,1949年8月26日兰州解放。 全市2008年国内生产总值846.28亿元,比上年增长11.5%。

全市完成大口径财政收入152.44亿元,增长19.05%;一般预算收入50.86亿元,增长25.44%。全社会固定资产投资431.98亿元,增长20.46%。社会消费品零售总额395.04亿元,增长17.03%。经济结构逐步优化升级,工业占生产总值的比重达到47.06%,非公有制经济所占比重提高到33.99%。 资源 兰州及其邻近地区藴藏着丰富的矿产资源,境内已探明各种矿床156处,主要有黑色金属、有色金属、贵金属、稀土和能源矿产等9大类、35个矿种,临近兰州的白银、金昌是我国镍、铅、锌、稀土和铂族贵金属的重要产地。 兰州位于黄河上游水能富集区,河川径流地表水资源总量384亿立方米,地下水总量9.6亿立方米。以兰州为中心的黄河上游干流段可建25座大中型水电站,总装机容量可达1500万千瓦,现已建成的刘家峡、八盘峡、盐锅峡、柴家峡、大峡、小峡水电站与邻近地区的其它水电站构成我国最大的水力发电中心之一。 兰州是闻名全国的“瓜果城”。兰州百合,瓣大肉厚,香甜可口,是高级滋补营养品;兰州的玫瑰花,花大色艳,玫瑰油产量占全国的80%;兰州的黑瓜子,板大形正,被称为“兰州大板”,畅销海内外;兰州的白兰瓜、黄河蜜,清香溢口,实乃瓜中上品,民间素有“赏景下杭州、品瓜上兰州”的赞誉。


北京市东城区2018届高三统测(二模)英语试题 2018.5 英语 本试卷共120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑。 1.—It’s lucky of you to get your new job! —A friend told me about it, so I _________ and got it. A. apply B. have applied C.applied D. was applying 2. I can clearly remember the first time I met Ms. Lee, _________it’s over 10 years ago. A. unless B. since C. after D. although 3. They will fly to London, ______ they plan to stay for two or three weeks. A. which B. that C. when D. where 4. Dogs have a far wider hearing range than humans, _________ them able to detect sounds far above a human’s hearing limit. A. making B. made C. having made D. to be made 5. —When do you want to visit Mr. Smith with me? —Whenever you _________ time. A. have B. will have C. have had D. had 6. Considered poisonous for many years in Europe, tomatoes _________for decoration only. A. grow B. are grown C. grew D. were grown 7. The snowstorm has lasted for several days _________ it is freezing cold now. A. for B. and C. but D. or 8. In A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking wrote _________non-technical terms about the origin and development of the universe. A. from B. by C. in D. with 9. It is almost impossible for planes _________ in such a heavy fog. A. take off B. to take off C. to have taken off D. having taken off 10. According to the Public Library’s regulations, each reader _________borrow at most five books at a time. A. should B. must C. may D. would 11. The book covers the knowledge I wish I ______ five years ago. A. knew B. had known C. would know D. would have known 12. The new theme park, ______ last year, has received 27 million visitors so far. A. open B. opened C. being opened D. to open 13. It is generally believed _________ modern technology and mass media are helping to break traditional cultural boundaries. A. that B. if C. why D. how 14. Jim started to play the guitar at the age of 12 when his uncle gave _________ to him as a present. A. this B. one C. it D. that 15. The ability to make and use tools is one of the most basic characteristics of _________ it means to be human. A. whether B. how C. what D. when 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5分,共30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Kate Meyer and Adam Jankowski had just returned to the U.S. after honeymooning in Africa and were waiting out a 10-hour connecting time at Washington-Dulles before they changed the plane to their home in South Carolina. It had been a dream 16 . Along with their memories, they also brought back a

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