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Asphalt Mixtures-Applications, Theory and


1 . Applications

Asphalt materials find wide usage in the construction industry. The use of asphalt as a cementing agent in pavements is the most common of its applications, however, and the one that will be considered here.

Asphalt products are used to produce flexible pavements for highways and airports. The term “flexible” is used to distinguish these pavements from those made with Portland cement, which are classified as rigid pavements, that is, having beam strength. This distinction is important because it provides they key to the design approach which must be used for successful flexible pavement structures.

The flexible pavement classification may be further broken down into high and low types, the type usually depending on whether a solid or liquid asphalt product is used. The low types of pavement are made with the cutback, or emulsion, liquid products and are very widely used throughout this country. Descriptive terminology has been developed in various sections of the country to the extent that one pavement type may have several names. However, the general process followed in construction is similar for most low-type pavements and can be described as one in which the aggregate and the asphalt product are usually applied to the roadbed separately and there mixed or allowed to mix, forming the pavement.

The high type of asphalt pavements is made with asphalt cements of some selected penetration grade.

Fig. ?1 A modern asphalt concrete highway. Shoulder striping is used as a safely feature.

Fig. ?2 Asphalt concrete at the San Francisco International Airport.

They are used when high wheel loads and high volumes of traffic occur and are, therefore, often designed for a particular installation.

2 . Theory of asphalt concrete mix design

High types of flexible pavement are constructed by combining an asphalt cement, often in the penetration grade of 85 to 100, with aggregates that are usually divided into three groups, based on size. The three groups are coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and mineral filler. These will be discussed in detail in later chapter.

Each of the constituent parts mentioned has a particular function in the asphalt mixture, and mix proportioning or design is the process of ensuring that no function is neglected. Before these individual functions are examined, however, the criteria for pavement success and failure should be considered so that design objectives can be established.

A successful flexible pavement must have several particular properties. First, it must be stable, that is to resistant to permanent displacement under load. Deformation of an asphalt pavement can occur in three ways, two unsatisfactory and one desirable. Plastic deformation of a pavement failure and which is to be avoided if possible. Compressive deformation of the pavement results in a dimensional change in the pavement, and with this change come a loss of resiliency and usually a degree of roughness. This deformation is less serious than the one just described, but it, too, leads to pavement failure. The desirable type of deformation is an elastic one, which actually is beneficial to flexible pavements and is necessary to their long life.

The pavement should be durable and should offer protection to the subgrade. Asphalt cement is not impervious to the effects of weathering, and so the design must minimize weather susceptibility. A durable pavement that does not crack or ravel will probably also protect the roadbed. It must be remembered that flexible pavements transmit loads to the subgrade without significant bridging action, and so a dry firm base is absolutely essential.

Rapidly moving vehicles depend on the tire-pavement friction factor for control and safety. The texture of the pavement surfaces must be such that an adequate skid resistance is developed or unsafe conditions result. The design procedure should be used to select the asphalt material and aggregates combination which provides a skid resistant roadway.

Design procedures which yield paving mixtures embodying all these properties are not available. Sound pavements are constructed where materials and methods are selected by using time-tested tests and specifications and engineering judgments along with a so-called design method.

The final requirement for any pavement is one of economy. Economy, again, cannot be measured directly, since true economy only begins with construction cost and is not fully determinable until the full useful life of the pavement has been recorded. If, however, the requirements for a stable, durable, and safe pavement are met with a reasonable safety factor, then the best interests of economy have probably been served as well.

With these requirements in mind, the functions of the constituent parts can be examined with consideration give to how each part contributes to now-established objectives or requirements. The functions of the aggregates is to carry the load imposed on the pavement, and this is accomplished by frictional resistance and interlocking between the individual pieces of aggregates. The carrying capacity of the asphalt pavement is, then, related to the surface texture (particularly that of the fine aggregate) and the density, or “compactness,”, of the aggregates. Surface texture varies with different aggregates, and while a rough surface texture is desired, this may not be available in some localities. Dense mixtures are obtained by using aggregates that are either naturally or artificially “well graded”. This means that the fine aggregate serves to fill the voids in the coarser aggregates. In addition to affecting density and therefore strength characteristics, the grading also influences workability. When an excess of coarse aggregate is used, the mix becomes harsh and hard to work. When an excess of mineral filler is used, the mixes become gummy and difficult to manage.

The asphalt cement in the flexible pavement is used to bind the aggregate particles together and to waterproof the pavements. Obtaining the proper asphalt content is extremely important and bears a significant influence on all the items marking a successful pavement. A chief objective of all the design methods which have been developed is to arrive at the best asphalt content for a particular combination of aggregates.

3 . Mix design principles

Certain fundamental principles underlie the design procedures that have been developed. Before these procedures can be properly studied or applied, some consideration of these principles is necessary.

Asphalt pavements are composed of aggregates, asphalt cement, and voids. Considering the aggregate alone, all the space between particles is void space. The volume of aggregate voids depends on grading and can vary widely. When the asphalt cement is added, a portion of these aggregate voids is filled and a final air-void volume is retained. The retention of this air-void volume is very important to the

characteristics of the mixture. The term air-void volume is used, since these voids are weightless and are usually expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the compacted mixture.

An asphalt pavement carries the applied load by particle friction and interlock. If the particles are pushed apart for any reason , then the pavement stability is destroyed. This factor indicates that certainly no more asphalt should be added than the aggregate voids can readily hold. However ,asphalt cement is susceptible to volume change and the pavement is subject to further compaction under use. If the pavement has no air voids when placed, or if it loses them under traffic, then the expanding asphalt will overflow in a condition known as bleeding. The loss of asphalt cement through bleeding weakens the pavement and also reduces surface friction, making the roadway hazardous.

Fig. ?3 Cross section of an asphalt concrete pavement showing the aggregate framework

bound together by asphalt cement.

The need for a minimum air-void volume (usually 2 or 3 per cent ) has been established. In addition, a maximum air-void volume of 5 to 7 per cent should not be exceed. An excess of air voids promotes raveling of the pavement and also permits water to enter and speed up the deteriorating processes. Also, in the presence of excess air the asphalt cement hardens and ages with an accompanying loss of durability and resiliency.

The air-void volume of the mix is determined by the degree of compaction as well as by the asphalt content. For a given asphalt content, a lightly compacted mix

will have a large voids volume and a lower density and a greater strength will result. In the laboratory, the compaction is controlled by using a specified hammer and regulating the number of blows and the energy per blow. In the field, the compaction and the air voids are more difficult to control and tests must be made no specimens taken from the compacted pavement to cheek on the degree of compaction being obtained. Traffic further compact the pavement, and allowance must be made for this in the design. A systematic checking of the pavement over an extended period is needed to given factual information for a particular mix. A change in density of several per cent is not unusual, however.

Asphalt content has been discussed in connection with various facets of the ix design problem. It is a very important factor in the mix design and has a bearing an all the characteristics ld a successful pavement: stability, skid resistance, durability, and economy. As has been mentioned, the various design procedures are intended to provide a means for selecting the asphalt content . These tests will be considered in detail in a future chapter ,but the relationship between asphalt content and the measurable properties of stability, unit weight, and air voids will be discussed here.

Fig.4 Variations in stability, unit weight, and air-void content with asphalt cement content.

If the gradation and type of aggregate, the degree of compaction, and the type of asphalt cement are controlled, then the strength varies in a predictable manner. The strength will increase up to some optimum asphalt content and then decrease with further additions. The pattern of strength variation will be different when the other mix factors are changed, and so only a typical pattern can be predicted prior to actual


Unit weight varies in the same manner as strength when all other variable are controlled. It will reach some peak value at an asphalt content near that determined from the strength curve and then fall off with further additions.

As already mentioned, the air-void volume will vary with asphalt content. However, the manner of variation is different in that increased asphalt content will decrease air-void volume to some minimum value which is approached asymptotically. With still greater additions of asphalt material the particles of aggregate are only pushed apart and no change occurs in air-void volume.

In summary, certain principles involving aggregate gradation, air-void volume, asphalt content, and compaction mist be understood before proceeding to actual mix design. The proper design based on these principles will result in sound pavements. If these principles are overlooked, the pavement may fail by one or more of the recognized modes of failure: shoving, rutting, corrugating, becoming slick when the max is too …rich?; raveling, cracking, having low durability when the mix is too …lean?.

It should be again emphasized that the strength of flexible is, more accurately, a stability and does not indicate any ability to bridge weak points in the subgrade by beam strength. No asphalt mixture can be successful unless it rests on top of a properly designed and constructed base structure. This fact, that the surface is no better than the base, must be continually in the minds of those concerned with any aspect of flexible pavement work.

[1] International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 2014, Vol.7 (2), pp.83-92

[2] Neville Adam .Concrete Technology-An Essential Element of Structural Design[M].Concrete International,1998.

[3] Hewlett Peter C,et al. Lea,s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete[M]. 4thed.


[4] M Karasahin . Anisotropic Characteristics of Granular Material . Proceedings of the Fifith Inter-national Symposium on Unbound Aggregates in Roads,2000:139-142 .

[5]Sean Davit .Irish Experience in the Use of Unbound Aggregates in Roads

1970-2000 .Un-bound Aggregates in Roads Construction,2000.

[6]Moore W M,Milberger L J .Evaluation of the TTI Gyratory Compactor .Texas Transportation Institute Report No .99-3 .








图1 现代沥青混凝土公路路肩设置路标线具有安全地特点

图2 旧金山国际机场沥青混凝土跑道












3 、混合料配合比设计原则















中等分辨率制备分离的 快速色谱技术 W. Clark Still,* Michael K a h n , and Abhijit Mitra Departm(7nt o/ Chemistry, Columbia Uniuersity,1Veu York, Neu; York 10027 ReceiLied January 26, 1978 我们希望找到一种简单的吸附色谱技术用于有机化合物的常规净化。这种技术是适于传统的有机物大规模制备分离,该技术需使用长柱色谱法。尽管这种技术得到的效果非常好,但是其需要消耗大量的时间,并且由于频带拖尾经常出现低复原率。当分离的样本剂量大于1或者2g时,这些问题显得更加突出。近年来,几种制备系统已经进行了改进,能将分离时间减少到1-3h,并允许各成分的分辨率ΔR f≥(使用薄层色谱分析进行分析)。在这些方法中,在我们的实验室中,媒介压力色谱法1和短柱色谱法2是最成功的。最近,我们发现一种可以将分离速度大幅度提升的技术,可用于反应产物的常规提纯,我们将这种技术称为急骤色谱法。虽然这种技术的分辨率只是中等(ΔR f≥),而且构建这个系统花费非常低,并且能在10-15min内分离重量在的样本。4 急骤色谱法是以空气压力驱动的混合介质压力以及短柱色谱法为基础,专门针对快速分离,介质压力以及短柱色谱已经进行了优化。优化实验是在一组标准条件5下进行的,优化实验使用苯甲醇作为样本,放在一个20mm*5in.的硅胶柱60内,使用Tracor 970紫外检测器监测圆柱的输出。分辨率通过持续时间(r)和峰宽(w,w/2)的比率进行测定的(Figure 1),结果如图2-4所示,图2-4分别放映分辨率随着硅胶颗粒大小、洗脱液流速和样本大小的变化。



英文文献翻译 二〇年月日

科技文章摘译 Definition of a Management Information System There is no consensus of the definition of the term "management information system". Some writers prefer alternative terminology such as "information processing system", "information and decision system", "organizational information system", or simply "information system" to refer to the computer-based information processing system which supports the operations, management, and decision-making functions of an organization. This text uses “MIS” because it is descriptive and generally understood; it also frequently uses “information system” instead of “MIS” to refer to an organizational information system. A definition of a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization. The system utilizes computer hardware and software; manual procedures; models for analysis planning, control and decision making; and a database. The fact that it is an integrated system does not mean that it is a single, monolithic structure; rather, it means that the parts fit into an overall design. The elements of the definition are highlighted below. 1 Computer-based user-machine system Conceptually, management information can exist without computer, but it is the power of the computer which makes MIS feasible. The question is not whether computers should be used in management information system, but the extent to which information use should be computerized. The concept of a user-machine system implies that some tasks are best performed by humans, while others are best done by machine. The user of an MIS is any person responsible for entering input data, instructing the system, or utilizing the information output of the system. For many problems, the user and the computer form a combined system with results obtained through a set of interactions between the computer and the user. User-machine interaction is facilitated by operation in which the user’s input-output device (usually a visual display terminal) is connected to the computer. The computer can be a personal computer serving only one user or a large computer that


文献信息: 文献标题:Evolution of Fashion Design in the Era of High-Tech Culture (高科技文化时代服装设计的演变) 国外作者:Galina Mihaleva,C.Koh 文献出处:《International Scholarly and Scientific Research and Innovation》,2016,10(7):2447-2451 字数统计:英文2079单词,11462字符;中文3549汉字 外文文献: Evolution of Fashion Design in the Era of High-Tech Culture Abstract Fashion, like many other design fields, undergoes numerous evolutions throughout the ages. This paper aims to recognize and evaluate the significance of advance technology in fashion design and examine how it changes the role of modern fashion designers by modifying the creation process. It also touches on how modern culture is involved in such developments and how it affects fashion design in terms of conceptualizing and fabrication. By comparing case studies, existing fashion design examples and crafting method experimentations; we then spot patterns in which to predict the direction of future developments in the field. A breakdown on the elements of technology in fashion design helps us understand the driving force behind such a trend. The results from explorations in the paper have shown that there is an observed pattern of a distinct increase in interest and progress in the field of fashion technology, which leads to the birth of hybrid crafting methods. In conclusion, it is shown that as fashion technology continues to evolve, their role in clothing crafting becomes more prominent and grows far beyond the humble sewing machine. Keywords: Fashion design, functional aesthetics, smart textiles, 3D printing. INTRODUCTION It is common knowledge that the environment we live in greatly influences the

房地产信息管理系统的设计与实现 外文翻译

本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译 译文: ASP ASP介绍 你是否对静态HTML网页感到厌倦呢?你是否想要创建动态网页呢?你是否想 要你的网页能够数据库存储呢?如果你回答:“是”,ASP可能会帮你解决。在2002年5月,微软预计世界上的ASP开发者将超过80万。你可能会有一个疑问什么是ASP。不用着急,等你读完这些,你讲会知道ASP是什么,ASP如何工作以及它能为我们做 什么。你准备好了吗?让我们一起去了解ASP。 什么是ASP? ASP为动态服务器网页。微软在1996年12月推出动态服务器网页,版本是3.0。微软公司的正式定义为:“动态服务器网页是一个开放的、编辑自由的应用环境,你可以将HTML、脚本、可重用的元件来创建动态的以及强大的网络基础业务方案。动态服务器网页服务器端脚本,IIS能够以支持Jscript和VBScript。”(2)。换句话说,ASP是微软技术开发的,能使您可以通过脚本如VBScript Jscript的帮助创建动态网站。微软的网站服务器都支持ASP技术并且是免费的。如果你有Window NT4.0服务器安装,你可以下载IIS(互联网信息服务器)3.0或4.0。如果你正在使用的Windows2000,IIS 5.0是它的一个免费的组件。如果你是Windows95/98,你可以下载(个人网络服务器(PWS),这是比IIS小的一个版本,可以从Windows95/98CD中安装,你也可以从微软的网站上免费下载这些产品。 好了,您已经学会了什么是ASP技术,接下来,您将学习ASP文件。它和HTML文 件相同吗?让我们开始研究它吧。 什么是ASP文件? 一个ASP文件和一个HTML文件非常相似,它包含文本,HTML标签以及脚本,这些都在服务器中,广泛用在ASP网页上的脚本语言有2种,分别是VBScript和Jscript,VBScript与Visual Basic非常相似,而Jscript是微软JavaScript的版本。尽管如此,VBScript是ASP默认的脚本语言。另外,这两种脚本语言,只要你安装了ActiveX脚本引擎,你可以使用任意一个,例如PerlScript。 HTML文件和ASP文件的不同点是ASP文件有“.Asp”扩展名。此外,HTML标签和ASP代码的脚本分隔符也不同。一个脚本分隔符,标志着一个单位的开始和结束。HTML标签以小于号(<)开始(>)结束,而ASP以<%开始,%>结束,两者之间是服务端脚本。


外文文献原文+译文 原文 The study on the design of neuter clothing H ous e W Abstract Social and economic development, social thought, opening up and the progress of science and technology, men and women style presented the diversified pattern of neuter the fuzzy gender differences in style, from the beginning of non-mainstream des ign till n ow has develop ed i nt o on e of the mains t ream fas hi on d es ign style. Fashion brands have launched in recent years, the neutral flavor of fashion, neuter clothing market share of more and more, neutral fashion, with its broad group of sex leads the urban street fashion. Neutralization of free and open way of life style, gave people a comfortable and enjoyable. K ey words: Neut e r; Cl ot hing; Gender roles; Design 1 Introduction The beginning of the 20th century the rise of the feminist movement, make the neutral clothing as a kind of style into the line of sight of people. In the 90 s, the neutral clothing has used by each big brand clothing as one of the fashionable e lement s, s uc h a s dust coa t w i th a ne ut ral style, s ui ts, t-shirt s and j e ans have bec om e people like everyday clothes. Neuter clothing style is a simple, pure; reject all multifarious mincing, personalized style. As a special kind of clothing style, neuter clothing fashion has been intensified in the social life, so it is necessary for us to study the clothing neutralization phenomenon, to study its causes and the development of sociology. This article mainly from the sociological association as well as the relationship between men and women clothing and gender status in the society, which is based on analyzing the change of the study the social basis of the neutral clothing appear; Again from the social system, economic development, cultural trend and fashion designers to the influence of the neutral clothing style, etc., it is concluded that the neuter clothing phenomenon is the development of social consciousness, the sexual role transformation, the new clothing design trends are affecting the results.


New technique of the computer network Abstract The 21 century is an ages of the information economy, being the computer network technique of representative techniques this ages, will be at very fast speed develop soon in continuously creatively, and will go deep into the people's work, life and study. Therefore, control this technique and then seem to be more to deliver the importance. Now I mainly introduce the new technique of a few networks in actuality live of application. keywords Internet Network System Digital Certificates Grid Storage 1. Foreword Internet turns 36, still a work in progress Thirty-six years after computer scientists at UCLA linked two bulky computers using a 15-foot gray cable, testing a new way for exchanging data over networks, what would ultimately become the Internet remains a work in progress. University researchers are experimenting with ways to increase its capacity and speed. Programmers are trying to imbue Web pages with intelligence. And work is underway to re-engineer the network to reduce Spam (junk mail) and security troubles. All the while threats loom: Critics warn that commercial, legal and political pressures could hinder the types of innovations that made the Internet what it is today. Stephen Crocker and Vinton Cerf were among the graduate students who joined UCLA professor Len Klein rock in an engineering lab on Sept. 2, 1969, as bits of meaningless test data flowed silently between the two computers. By January, three other "nodes" joined the fledgling network.

企业人力资源管理系统分析与设计 外文翻译

Enterprise Human Resources Management System Design And Implementation Abstract: Human resource management system is the core content of modern enterprise management. With the rapid development of the computer information technology and unprecedented prevalence of electronic commerce mode,the competition between enterprises is turning from visible economic markets to the network. Developing the human resource management system supported by computer technology,network technology and information technology can not only improve the skill of human resource management and the efficiency of the enterprises but also make human resource management modern and decision sciencefic,Modern human resource management uses B/S mode to avoid C/S modes short coming of difficult in maintdning and reusing.According to the functional requirements of the actual project,this article specificly state the analysis of system,the general desigin of the system,the detail design of system and the practice of the system. The development of the system is the practice of MVC design ideas, maing using the Jsp+Servlet+JavaBean form of development.Jsp is the practice of MVC design ideas’view,in charge of receiving/responding the request of the customer.Servlet mainly responsible for the core business control of the whole system is the practice of the vontroller of MVC design idea to take charge of the statistics and rules of the whole system. In the practice of the system, somr open-source projrcts,such as the Ajax technique,JfreChart statements,fileupload technology,has been used. Using the modern human resource management theropy and analysising the actual situation, comparing the current situation of human resource management system, a huaman resource contents of management system basied on the Internet/Intranet has been designed. The main management,attendance management training more efficient statistics. Keywords:human resource management; B/S mode; Open-source projects; MVC mode. 摘要 人力资源管理系统是现代企业管理的核心内容。随着计算机信息技术的高速发展,电子商务模式的空前盛行,企业之间的竞争也从有形的经济市场转向了网络。开发以计算机技术、网络技术、信息技术支持的现代人力资源管理系统,既能提高企业人力资源管理的技术含量和企业的办事效率,也能使人力资源管理能够进入现代化、决策科学化的进程。现代人力资源管理系统采用了B/S模式,可以避免C/S模式的重用性差、维护难度高的缺点和


Change Of Chinese Clothing Traditional Clothing An outstanding characteristic of traditional Chinese clothing is not only an external expression of elegance, but also an internal symbolism. Each and every piece of traditional clothing communicates a vitality of its own. This combination of external form with internal symbolism is clearly exemplified in the pair of fighting pheasant feathers used in head wear originating in the battle wear of the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.). Two feathers of a ho bird (a type pheasant good at fighting) were inserted into the head wear of warriors of this period to symbolize a bold and warlike spirit. Archaeological findings of 18,000 year-old artifacts such as bone sewing needles and stone beads and shells with holes bored in them attest to the existence of ornamentation and of sewing extremely early in Chinese civilization. Variety and consistency in clothing were roughly established by the era of the Yellow Emperor and the Emperors Yao and Shun (about 4,500 years ago). Remains of woven silk and hemp articles and ancient ceramic figures further demonstrate the sophistication and refinement of clothing in the Shang Dynasty (16th to 11th century B.C.). The three main types of traditional Chinese clothing are the pien-fu, the ch'ang-p'ao, and the shen-i. The pien-fu is an ancient two-piece ceremonial costume of a tunic-like top extending to the knees and a skirt or trousers extending to the ankles. The ch'ang-p'ao is a one-piece garment extending from the shoulders all the way to the heels. The shen-i is a cross between the pien-fu and the ch'ang-p'ao; it consists of a tunic and a skirt or trousers like the pien-fu, but the tunic and the skirt are sewed together and essentially one piece like the chang-pao. Consequently, the shen-i was the most widely worn of the three types. Typical of these three types of clothing were wide and voluminous sleeves and a very loose fit. Tunic and trousers or tunic and skirt, utilized a very minimum number of stitches for the amount of cloth used. So because of their relatively plain design and structure, embroidered edgings, decorated bands, draped cloth or silks, patterns on the shoulders, and sashes were often added as ornamentation. These varied designs came to be one of the unique features of traditional Chinese dress. Darker colors were favored over lighter ones in traditional Chinese clothing, so the main color of ceremonial clothing tended to be dark while bright, elaborate tapestry designs accented. Lighter colored clothing was worn more frequently by the common people for everyday and around the house use. The Chinese associate certain colors with specific seasons: green represents spring, red symbolizes summer, white represents autumn, and


文献出处:A Dehghani. The application of digital printing in fashion design [J]. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2015, 16(2): 263-271. 原文 The application of digital printing in fashion design A Dehghani Abstract The appearance of digital printing for textiles printing provides a new train of thought, digital printing with the current textile fabric printing a variety of requirements of the market of printing technology, including high quality printing precision, high efficiency of printing on reaction time and the printing of the diverse demand, these advantages directly promoted the digital ink jet printing in the rapid development of textile fabric printing direction. In this paper, the design method of the digital printing design of different style and means of decoration and design method in the fabrics for summary, it is concluded that digital printing design cuttings in fabric printing, clothing apparel printing method and the application of the traditional fabric secondary design and decorative effect. Through the above research, digital printing and garment design and garment style between the relationships between the shapes, thereby further to bring into full play the advantages of


英文翻译 A comprehensive overview of substations Along with the economic development and the modern industry developments of quick rising, the design of the power supply system become more and more completely and system. Because the quickly increase electricity of factories, it also increases seriously to the dependable index of the economic condition, power supply in quantity. Therefore they need the higher and more perfect request to the power supply. Whether Design reasonable, not only affect directly the base investment and circulate the expenses with have the metal depletion in colour metal, but also will reflect the dependable in power supply and the safe in many facts. In a word, it is close with the economic performance and the safety of the people. The substation is an importance part of the electric power system, it is consisted of the electric appliances equipments and the Transmission and the Distribution. It obtains the electric power from the electric power system, through its function of transformation and assign, transport and safety. Then transport the power to every place with safe, dependable, and economical. As an important part of power’s transport and control, the transformer substation must change the mode of the traditional design and control, then can adapt to the modern electric power system, the development of modern industry and the of trend of the society life. Electric power industry is one of the foundations of national industry and national economic development to industry, it is a coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind power and other energy conversion into electrical energy of the secondary energy industry, it for the other departments of the national economy fast and stable development of the provision of adequate power, and its level of development is a reflection of the country's economic development an important indicator of the level. As the power in the industry and the importance of the national economy, electricity transmission and distribution of electric energy used in these areas is an indispensable component.。Therefore, power transmission and distribution is critical. Substation is to enable superior power plant power plants or power after adjustments to the lower load of books is an important part of power transmission. Operation of its functions, the capacity of a direct impact on the size of the lower load power, thereby affecting the industrial production and power consumption.Substation system if a link failure, the system will protect the part of action. May result in power outages and so on, to the production and living a great disadvantage. Therefore, the substation in the electric power system for the protection of electricity reliability,

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