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当前位置:文档库 › 大学之旅 台词 COLLEGE ROAD TRIP




-Ok, life lesson. A lot of people think the moment a parent lets go of their child is at the wedding. Not me. Think he’s crying because he’s giving away his daughter?

Uh-uh. It’s because she’s marrying this guy. Truth is, he said goodbye years ago, the day she left home. The trouble starts here. College application season. With over 4000 colleges in the US, I developed five reasons for choosing the perfect one for my little girl. Academics, distance from home, campus safety, distance from home, and last but not least, distance from home. Which led us to the best choice. Northwestern. Forty miles from our house. Safe, great education. I can get there in 28 minutes, clocked. Now, you can never start a plan too early. I’m James Porter, Police Chief. Husband, dad, and the best part of my plan? When Melanie finished high school, she’d be going to Northwestern.

-Oh! Oh! You’re in! You in!

-Counsel for the defense will now make her closing statement.

-Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, my client, Mr. Wolf, has been accused of horrible crimes. Destruction of property…..

-That’s my baby.

-I know that’s right.

-But he is innocent of both.

-Objection! Speculative.

-I’ll allow it. Proceed.

-The state has not presented a single shred of conclusive evidence. Yes, there is a house made of sticks, and one of straw, but they were both built to code. That being said, a huff and a puff is not enough! Let me hear you say it.

- A huff and a puff is not enough!


-To what?


-Mr. Foreman, have you reached a decision? We have, your honor. We find the defendant not guilty.


-Thank you.


-Thanks, Katie.

-My turn!

-Daddy’s girl! Uh-uh! Baby. Oh!

-Baby girl, you knocked it out of the park.

-Thank you.

-But you do know he was guilty, right?

-Dad, this is legal theory. You know. Everything’s not just black and white, there are shades of gray.

-Yeah, well, gray is just guilty with a good excuse.

-No, actually, it’s just…..

-Ok, ok, ok, ok….. You both have interesting points, but the trial is over. Now,

mama’s rule is we go home and celebrate.

-Yes. Ok, wait, I’ve got to get something out of my locker.

-Excuse me.

-Oh, my goodness!

-Miss Porter. Well done.

-Wow. Thank you, your honor.

-Your teacher mentioned you’re interested in my alma mater.

-Georgetown? Yes, sir. Although it doesn’t matter, because I’ve been wait-listed. -You know, an old classmate of mine works in Admissions at Georgetown. No guarantees, but I could give him a call…

-Oh, my goodness! Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

-I’ll take that as a “yes”. You’re obstructing my airway.

-They’re going to love my special sauce.

-Smells good, baby.

-Thank you. Thank you.

-Everything all right?

-Albert just beat me at chess. Again! Stop gloating, Albert! Nobody likes a sore winner. I need 13ccs of orange juice, please.

-13ccs coming right up, baby.

-Thank you, mother.

-He’s playing chess with a pig.

-He’s just going through a phase.

- A phase is when they want to be a cowboy. Trey’s got issues.

-Now hold up, now. Kids with high IQs, they got big imaginations.

-And someth ing about that pig. He keeps eyeballing me, like I’m cooking his cousin. -Pig ain’t eyeballing you.

-See, he’s doing it right now! Baby, look! He’s doing it.

-What? It’s all in your head, James.

-Little Houdini pig…

-Ain’t no Houdini nothing over there. Do what you gotta do.

-Wonderful, Emma!

-Really? Because I feel like a house.

-There’s our superstar.

-Hi, Mr. and Mrs. O’Mally.I’m so sorry I can’t join you tonight.

-Celebrating, I hope.

-Well. I’m just hanging out with a couple of mock-trial friends at the library. Total rager.


-That’s my baby. That’s my baby.

-And that’s my cue. I’ll be back by curfew! Promise!

-Ok, good night.

-She’s a pip.


-All clear?

-Not yet. Wait for the first wave.


-Second wave.


-Forward party!


-So, any parenting advice for us?

-What would you like to know?

-We want a daughter like Melanie. I mean, just tell us. I mean, not… not that I’m nervous. You know, it’s not that I’m nervous…..I’m not nervous. It just…. I’m sorry. -Relax. Raising a daughter is easy. Take me and Melanie. We got a solid relationship.

There’s nothing we can’t talk about.

-Are you kidding? I can’t tell that man anything! I say left, he says right. I say defense attorney, he says pre-paid excuse-maker. Uh! That man is so rigid!


-I’m flexible. As Melanie’s grown, I’ve grown with her.

-He still teats me like a kid!

-You clearly need to take your mind off things and come on our college tour this weekend! Saturday we’re staying at my sister’s sorority at the University of Pittsburgh.

-And we could even hit up Geo rgetown. It’s not that far.

-Oh, my goodness, you guys, I would love to! But I don’t think my dad will let me. -Lame!

-Hey, girls!

-Hey, Hunter!

-Hunter in the house!

-We don’t say that anymore.

-I’m bringing it back!


-So it might be emotional, and there might be tears, but that’s why they call it “tough love”. Now, once they’re potty-trained…

-Uh-uh, baby? I think we’ve had enough parenting talk for tonight, hmm?

-You’re absolutely right. Why tell them, when I could show them!

-Un-uh. No…


-Welcome to the Ja mes Porter School of Raising Kids. Our motto is, “Be there, take video.” Uh-uh! Which one? Lalalala….



-All right!

-My name is Melanie Porter, and I am six years old. Ta-da! That’s my baby. Yeah!


-Dad, I can’t move my legs! I can’t pedal!



-In the future, all video will be implanted in our brains. Perfect.

-Why do you keep eyeballing me?

-Seeing the O’Mallys tonight reminded me of when I was pregnant with Melanie.

Doesn’t seem that long ago.

-I can tell you one thing. I was not as uptight as him.

-You were my rock. Right until they wheeled me into that delivery room. Then you passed out.

-No, I did not pass out. I just didn’t get a nap that day.

-Well, it all worked out. We got great kids.

-That’s why I can sleep at night. Good n ight. All right.

-Good night, baby.

-Babe! The pig! Hey, baby! Look! Look!

-There’s nothing there. Go to sleep!

-That little Houdini…. He was just….

-Do what you gotta do!

-Dad! Mom!

-Hold on!

-Dad! Hurry up, please! Mom! Dad! Hurry!


-I can’t believe it!


-Melanie, what is it?

-Miss Porter, Judge Mahagian calling. The Georgetown admissions committee is interviewing a select few students from the wait-list. You’ll need to be in DC this Monday at 4:00. Congratulations, and have a lovely trip.


-Little bro, what are you so excited about?

-I’m going to turn your room into a science lab!

-For all of you who don’t know, we live near Chicago. Georgetown is in Washington, DC. That’s 700 miles away from home.

-Georgetown! Happy dance!

-Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! I said, “Whoa!”

-Oh, my goodness! You guys! No way. He said Monday. That’s in three days. You know what? We should drive there. We should make a trip of it.


-Trip? What trip?

-Oh, Monday!


-Baby, I got two open houses this weekend.


-Ok, no. But that’s ok. That’s ok. You know why? Because Katie and Nancy are taking their own little trip! Oh, my god. I could go with them. They can drop me off. It’s only a couple hours from DC.

-Perfect. Problem solved. I am so proud of you!

-Thank you, mommy, thank you!


-I’m going to Georgetown!


-Katie and Nancy.

-All right, bye! Girls, be safe!

-Georgetown! Georgetown!

-Come on, baby. Come on.

-Perfect? Problem solved? What happened to our big plan? We agreed on Northwestern. Did you even know she applied to Georgetown?

-I helped her fill out the application.

-What? Whose side are you on?

-Both of yours. And put down that bat.

-Look, you can’t be on both of our sides.

-Baby, Georgetown is a great school!

-We don’t know anyone there. How will she begin to take care of herself?

-Because you’re an amazing father, and you showed her right from wrong and you taught her how to think for herself and be strong. She’s ready for this because of you!

-Nice try, Michelle. But you and I both know it’s nothing nice out there.

-I know this is hard for you, but she is not a little girl anymore. Ok? You gotta relax. I’ll see you at dinner.

-I’ll show you relaxed.

-Are you sure you can’t go out Saturday night? My best friend from college is gonna be in town, and let me tell you this, the Wizard is the party master.

-Party master?

-Man, wasn’t college the best? Total freedom to do whatever you want.


-I had my parents convinced I was oceanography major for a whole year, just they’d pay for spring break in Mexico!


-Oh, man, when I think back t o half the stuff I did in college, there’s no way I’m letting my kid out of my sight when she goes off to college. Not a chance.

-Everything ok, Chief?

-I got everything under control.

-I’m taking tree days off.

-Sure hope he doesn’t do something crazy.

-We’re going on a road trip, a road trip, a road trip.

-You guys, I think we should start really early tomorrow, because I cannot believe we’re actually going.

-I can’t believe your dad’s actually allowing you to go.

-I’ve been working with him for 17 years, all rig ht? And he knows, you can be Chief at the station, but you have to be dad at home.

-That’s right. You tell him exactly that.

-Thank you very much. Oh!

-Surprise! Uh-uh! Road trip, road trip! Yeah!

-Oh, no.

-Mom, this is crazy. Have you seen the thing that we’re driving in? it’s gonna be like

a thousand-mile ride-along. No, no. my life is a thousand-mile ride-along. Why is he

doing this to me?

-Because he loves you and he wants to spend time with you.

-This is cruelty.

-What would make it less painful?

-You said she could stay at the sorority house?

-Her friends are gonna be with Katie’s sister at pitt. Baby, that’s right near your mama’s house, where you’re planning on staying tomorrow, anyway.

-Look, this is daddy-daughter time, Michelle. I got a lot planned for us. I shouldn’t have to share.

-Why are you taking this trip anyway, James?

-I told you. To support Melanie.

-Well, good. Because if this is one of your crazy schemes to keep her at home, that would be real bad, James.

-I got it all under control.

-Are you going to DC?


-I need you to take a message to the Secretary of Defense. It reads, “Dear Sir, I’ve created a species of superpigs to defend the country form our enemies.”

-You’re gonna have to get that to him yourself and you may want to housebreak your pig first.

-Already done.

-Welcome to Animal Kingdom. Gazelles are among nature’s most social and emotional creatures. They look after each other for any signs of danger. The gazelle family stays together for as long as they live. How father loves his little gazelle daughter.

-That’s what I’m talking about.

-If only humans could embrace this wildlife lesson.

-There’s a double Dutch bus coming down the street. Moving pretty fast so kind of shuffle your feet. Get on the bus and pay your fare and tell the driver that you’r e going to the double Dutch affair. Uh-uh. I love you, daddy!

-Where does the time go?

-Bye, daddy! Bye!

-Where’s trey?

-He left an hour ago for his science club. It’s an all-day field trip. I’ll pick him up after work.

-For Christmas, that boy gets a karate suit, and nothing else.

-Look, you be good now, okay?

-I’m gonna miss you.

-You, too, baby. Be safe.

-Baby, you call me, now, if you have any problems.

-I’ll be fine.

-I was talking to Melanie.

-Time to go, Mel-bear.

-They are gonna kill each other.

-Isn’t this excit ing?


-I put together a little road-trip kit. I call that “miles o’fun.” Now, we got travel bingo, travel Scrabble, travel dominoes. And for your musical enjoyment…

-“daddy\daughter groove machine”?

-Double Dutch bus. We used to sing it in the car all the time.

-Play it, play it, play it.

-The double Dutch bus coming down the street. And we’ve got to realize that you don’t know what to…uh-uh! I love this song.

-I don’t remember.

-Come on. This was our song.

-Sorry, I just don’t remember.

-Ok. That’s all right. We can just talk.

-Talk? About what?

-Fatter\daughter talks. We’re going to get deep, too.


-Real deep.

-I mean, like, deeper than deep. You know what I mean? Stuff that only we can get deep about. Uh-uh! Deep!

-Yeah. I just hope 700 miles gives us enough time.


-Oh, my goodness. Look where we are. Northwestern.

-Dad, what are you doing?

-Nothing. What?

-This is supposed to be the “Georgetown Express”.

-Mel, you have to see more than one college on a college road trip. What’s the harm?

-The harm is we have a lot of ground to cover and I’ve already seen Northwestern. -Not as a potential student. Come on. Flow with me. Flow with me, Mel. Flow with me.

-Uh-uh! Look at this place! Oh, look at the trees! The field! It’s like a four-star resort with some books and learning!

-Dad, just don’t embarrass me, ok?

-Go, cats! Number one! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!


-Oh, Mel! Cats, baby! Number one! Mel!

-And that’s how, in 1853, the university named the surrounding town “Evanston”, in honor of its founder, John Evans. He was a doctor and a builder and boring, boring,

boring. Questions?


-Are you sure?

-Yes. Please. Please.

-Go ahead.

-Hi. Doug Greenhut, BPT. Booster Parent in Training. We’re up here from Orlando on our big “college road trip”. Oh. This is Wendy, my daughter.

-Hi, I’m Wendy Greenhut. CST, College Student in Training.

-You have a question, Tinker Bell?

-Oh. I was just wondering, when is parents’ weekend?

-It’s early November.

-What? That’s three months after school starts.

-Any other riveting questions? Yes. Mr. School Spirit, with the foam finger.

-Disregard his sarcastic tone, James.

-How does Northwestern compare to other universities, like Georgetown, for example?

-Georgetown? We’re better than Georgetown.

-Excuse me. Hypothetically speaking, if your dad was an overprotective control freak and lived 40 miles away from Northwestern, then would you go to Georgetown?


-Who said that? Who said it?

-I knew this was a bad idea.

-I’m so sorry. Are you ok?

-I’m now.

-Hi, I’m Nick. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. No, I was just checking out the campus.

-How about a personal tour?

-Personal tour of what?

-Dad, this is Nick. Nick, this is my dad.

-I was just about to show Melanie around campus.

-I don’t have a problem with that.


-I trust you. Besides, something about this school feels safe. Meet me back at the student union when you’re done. You kids have fun. Can we see the rest of this beautiful school?



-You go, girl!

-James, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.

-Wow. I wish my dad was that cool.


-Shall we go?

-Lead the way.


-Wow, no, I’m serious.


-I can’t believe that was just the science library.

-I’m telling you, this campus, it’s like….

-I know. It’s amazing. I just kind of want to get away from the nest, you know? -Look, I hear you. But the way I look at it, you have your whole life to do that. I mean, my parents live less than an hour away and it’s awesome. I mean, I’ve got a place to cram for exams when I need privacy, free laundry, home-cooked meals whenever I want. Going to college close to home is where its at.

-You really sound like my dad.

-Well, the Chief’s a pretty smart guy.

-Hey, Nick, can you…. Can you get me lemonade?

-Don’t you go changing.

-Don’t you go changing!

-Chief’s a pretty smart guy…..

-Oh, it’s on. It’s on.

-So what do you do if you encounter an individual resisting arrest?

-Well, we have Tasers.

-No, forget a Taser.

-That’s not gonna subdue any real criminal.

-Dad! Dad!

-Looks like somebody’s having a good time.

-Not a good time, Daddy. A great time! It was awesome! It was off the chain!

-See. What have I been trying to tell you?

-Dad, I don’t know why I wasn’t listening. Let me tell you what happened, right. So we went to the library, but we went to a frat party.

-Frat party?

-Let me tell you what happened. I was like, “Nick, I don’t wanna go.”“No, I have to think about school.” But he’s like, “Come on. Let’s go”. I said, ”Ok, for sure.” So we went to the party. Yo, dad, crazy, man! Crazy! There was a Jell-O pool, and everybody was just diving in it. I was like, “I can’t take it!”Amazing!

Northwestern, this is where it’s at, right here.

-Where’s Nick?

-He was krumping and he broke out his back. You know, like…like that. It was crazy. -Melanie!

-I got your lemonade!

-Sip on that. Sip on that!

-Pardon me, ma’am. I didn’t see you there. See, I just transferred from Georgetown University, where I was stabbed in the eye at Georgetown!

-You’ve got to be kidding me.

-Stuart, she knows. It’s over.

-Everybody go on about your business. It’s done. Disperse.

-Hey, how do I get this cast off?

-I can’t believe you tried to trick me like that. I am a good girl. I listen to you and mom. I do well in school. What’s the worst thing I’ve done? Dance around with my friends at a party?

-Party? When did you go to a party?


-If that’s your mother, tell her we’re having a good time. All right?

-Ok. Hello?

-Oh, my gosh. The cutest guy just drove by us, and Katie was like…


-And he was like, “Ew”.

-And we were like, “whatever.”


-So how’s family bonding?

-Oh, it’s great. Yeah, we just left Northwestern, and my dad Tasered one of his own deputies.

-Uh-uh! Congratulations!

-Nancy says congratulations.

-Thank you, Nancy.

-He says thank you. No, he can’t hear what you said. I know. Uh-uh! I know! I know!

Uh-uh! I know!...... I know! I know! Oh, girl, my battery’s dying. Hold on.

-Thank you.

-Hello? Yes, I’m back. Where were we? I know!

-Are you serious? Construction? We’re off-schedule as it is. We’re never gonna be able to make it to Pitt in time. We’re gonna have to use the siren.

-Absolutely not. No one touches my siren.

-Dad, desperate times call for desperate measures.

-Mel, getting to a slumber party is not an emergency, ok? Now reach in my bag and hand me P-GPS.

-What’s P-GPS?

-Police Global Positioning System.

-Why don’t you just call it “Police GPS”?

-Because its name is P-GPS.

-Ok, dad. Here you go.

-There you go, P-GPS. Oh, P-GPS.

-P-GPS, route fastest time to I-23.

-Calculating distance to I-23.

-Thank you, P-GPS.

-Thank you!

-No. thank you.

-Thank you!

-No. thank you.

-Thank you!

-At the next intersection, turn right.

-P-GPS. Uh-uh!

-At the next intersection, turn right.

-At the next intersection, turn right.

-At the next intersection, turn right….

-Dad, I think P-GPS is broken, because my map says that we’re supposed to be going the other way.

-Are you gonna believe a piece of paper or a $40-million satellite? Bet Grandma’s right around the corner.

-Love what Grandma’s done with the place.

-Thank you!

-This is nothing. Don’t worry. I’ll have this fixed, and we’ll be back on the tiny dirt path in no time.

-Trey, what are you doing?

-Going to DC. You told me to take the note to the Secretary myself.

-Have you been hiding in here the whole time? You could have suffocated.

-I built an air ventilation system. I could have survived for weeks. I meant, “we”

could have survived.

-You’ll be lucky to survive into next week once your mother and I get through with you. No service. You just bought yourself a stay of execution, boy.

-Come on, Albert.

-Dad, what are we gonna do with him? I have the most important interview of my life, and I don’t want Einstein and Porky along for the ride.

-What do you want me to do, Mel? We’re in the middle of nowhere.

-We could leave him in the woods and a nice family of wolves will adopt him.

-Dad, dad!


-Thank you!

-Dad, what are you doing?

-I’m just gonna rock this thing over, and we’ll be on our way. I just need a little momentum. One! Two! Oh! Something popped. Something popped.

-Dad, do you need that man-girdle thing you wear?

-I thought that was mom’s.

-Now, what’s his problem?

-I think he hears something. What is it, Albert? Do you hear something? Is it trouble? Is it a fire? Is Jimmy stuck in the well? Jimmy! Albert says there’s a road up ahead.

-I think I see a road over there.

-Aha! Albert was right.

-See, Mel? Told you everything was gonna work out. This place looks nice.

-Oh, no pets allowed. Looks like Albert has a problem.

-But, dad, Albert’s a member of this family.

-Not by blood. Now, this is the only hotel for 30 miles. We don’t have a car, and I’m tired. Ok, do you have any ideas?

-I have a thought.

-I am dumping a lot of coin on this wedding and I was told that they’ll be throwing

rice at my little angel.

-Yeah, I know.


-Hi. How can I help? We’d like a couple of rooms for the evening.

-Ok. How many are in your party?

-Just me, my two kids and the baby.

-Oh! Somebody’s getting hungry.

-I just gave you a bottle.

-I know. You did.

-Didn’t I just give him a bottle?

-That is a hungry baby.

-Yes. He’s kind of a pig.

-Hey, James, baby. Trey is where?

-Congratulations on your dream home. I’ll fax you the paperwork. Put him on the phone!

-It’s for you.

-Could you take a message? Hello?

-You are in big trouble, mister. I hope you know how to build a time machine because you are not coming out of the house until the year 3000.

-I’ll draw up some plans with Albert, but I can’t promise anything.

-Trey! This is the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done. I’m sorry, mommy.

-I know you are, baby. Let me talk to your daddy. Love you.

-Hey, baby.

-So are all of you all right?

-Baby, we just had some trouble with the car.

-No more tricks, James. And feed my kids!

-You know, Sigmund Freud said the best way to understand women is by listening to them.

-Yeah, but did he say anything about understanding 10-year-olds? Because you and the pig is looping me. I’m confused.

-Albert, go start the bath. If you need us, we’ll be playing chess. Albert, that’s enough bubbles. Knight takes rook. Hmm. Interesting. Use your bishop as a decoy.


-What are you doing?

-Just fixing my air, about to get ready.

-Look, Mel, I know you must be upset about missing the sleepover. But for whatever it’s worth, I was totally coolwith it.

-Thanks dad.

-What are you doing?

-Making coffee.

-Caffeine is a drug. You don’t take drugs. End of story.

-Dad, why do you insist on treating me like a child?

-Because according to the law, you are one.

-How’s it going?

-Think you got enough stuff, Melanie? “Passion.” She better not….

-…with consistent showers through the next few days.

-Thanks, Nick, sounds like we have a rainy week ahead so don’t forget your umbrellas. And after the break, how coffee makes you smarter.

-Dad! Dad!

-What is it?

-Dad, it’s an emergency.

-Where’s the fire?

-There’s something wrong with Albert.

-What’s up with him?

-Just guessing, but he might have eaten all the coffee beans you threw away.

-Room service. I got cookies for the… oh,no!

-Trey, stay put. The pig’s gone crazy.

-Albert, get back here.

-Albert! Get the pig! Get the pig!

-Where’d he go? Where’d he go? Little Houdini pig. Oh! There he is!

-Looks like we got ourselves a wedding crasher.

-I’m on it.

-Settle down. Settle down. Thank you, thank you. At this time I’d like to make a toast to my little angel and my new son-in-law, Ted. Teddy, you had better take care of my little girl. Because she is an absolute.




-Excuse me?




-Get that pig.

-Get it! Get it! Get pig!

-What’s wrong with you guys?

-No, Albert, Albert!

-Ted! Don’t just lay there, get up and get him!

-Albert. Get back here!

-My Cinderella wedding is ruined!

-I’m sorry. But I didn’t want a pig. I told the wife, I said, ”Get a little…”

-So this is your pig?

-It’s my little boy’s pig. He wants… Albert! Get down, Albert!

-Get him!




-Rise and shine. Ah! We got to roll. Time to go. There’s a gas station 40 miles up the road. Got to get some food in you. Who’s up for pigs in a blanket?


-No, I’m not…ok, whatever. What a night. They’re gonna have one wild wedding video.

-At least we know when times are rough, the Porters know how to rally together.



-That’s right. The Porters will rally.

-I don’t believe it!

-Shiver me timbers. In the words of my favorite ride ever, “it’s a small world after all.”

-What are you guys doing here?

-Well, me and the little “cowgirl” just picking up a dozen donuts before we hit the “rodeo”.

-What about you?

-We just had a little trouble with the car.

-Well, new friend, your luck just changed.

-We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas. And happy New Year.

-I just love Christmas carols. Don’t you? Just give me a chorus of Joy to the World and I’m as mad as a hatter!

-They’re crazy.

-I know.

-So, JP, looking forward to the big day?

-What day is that?

-The day our precious little ones “Shuffle off to Buffalo.” I gotta tell you, this road trip has been the greatest experience for Wendy and I. I mean, there’s just so much to talk about.

-Yeah, it’s like we’re getting to know each other all over again.


-Getting to know you. Getting to know all about you.

-Getting to like you. Getting to hope you like me. I like you.

-I like you, too!

-It was an itsy-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka-dot bikini! That she wore for the first time today.

-So, Melanie, what other schools are you looking at?

-Actually, I have an interview at Georgetown.

-Wow! Georgetown! Great school! So what would you study?

-Pre-law. I want to get into the Cooper Program.

-The Cooper Program, no way! I always wanted to go to Japan.

-Japan? What about Japan?

-Sure, you study abroad at their sister school. Tokyo, right?


-Here you go.

-Look, doug. I really appreciate this, man.

-Can I help you out with gas money, anything?

-Gas money?


-We charge hugs in this family.


-One more for luck!

-Thank you.

-You mean…

-So long, farewell.

-Auf wiedersehen, adieu

-Adieu, adieu to you and you and you.

-See you!

-Bye! call shotgun!

-Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye.

-Au revoir!

-See you! Jinx!

-So… We missed the bus. But I did manage to get us a seat on a tour bus. At least there won’t be any singing.

-Sister Christian, oh, the time has come and you know that you’re the only one to say, ok.

-Yeah, this is much better.

-It’s just one semester. It’s not like I’m getting a Japanese citizenship.

-You want to go half way around the world, and I have to learn about it in a stranger’s car? I’m just disappointed. We used to be tight.

-I’m sorry, dad, it’s just that I…

-You don’t tell me about Georgetown. You don’t tell me about Japan. You didn’t even remember our special song. I feel like I don’t know anything about you anymore. -What are we gonna do about them?

-That was great. That was great. Let me just borrow the mic, sir, I’m next. No, let me just… Give me the mic, sir. Let go of the mic, sir.

-Hi, everyone. Hi. First, thank you so much for letting us on this bus. My family and I, we’re on a very special trip, and I’d kind of like to sing a song that my father and

I used to sing when I was a little girl.

-Ok, brother. I’m gonna need you to give me a little bass on this one, all right? Like this.

-(singing the special song)

-And you said you didn’t remember.

-Well, of course I remember, dad. It’s our song.

-Tell me about this Cooper Program.

-Oh, my goodness. It’s so exciting. Ok, so I’m just like all about it.

-You’re just going to make a left down Maples, three blocks and we’re there. Thank you.

-Dad, do you think that Grandma still knows we’re coming?

-Well, I didn’t call her. But it’s not like she’s going anywhere. Just remember, she’s

an old woman now. she’s not as light on her feet.

-Oh, yeah!

-It’s my son!

-Not the control freak!


-We’ve got to get out of here.

-No, not there!

-Oh! Come on. What’s on your mind? That won’t work.

-If you’re ever in Okinawa… goodbye!


-You know they’re gonna have that song in their head for the rest of their life. -Everybody needs a little Double Dutch in their life.

-That’s right, that’s right.

-Oh, wow. Here we are. Home sweet home. I just hope the surprise isn’t too much of a shock for her fragile heart.

-She is 63.

-One second!

-We’re here!

-My goodness!

-Hi, grandma.

-Not so rough, you’ll break her. Hey, mama. Good to see you.

-Is the coast clear? Hello? Yoo-hoo!

-Now, mama, I know you like the new security system.

-Un-uh. It’s lovely.

-Watch this. Check this out. Floodlights.

-Oh, my goodness.

-Pretty impressive, right?

-James, it looks like a football field!


-Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe it!

-Oh, my goodness! Hi!

-Oh, my gosh! No! what are you doing here?

-Yeah, what are you all doing here?

-After you couldn’t make it yesterday. We just decided to stay an extra night at my sister’s and surprise you. You can sleep over at my sister’s like we planned.

-This is amazing! Amazing! This is the bestest, isn’t it?

-Oh, yeah. Yeah. Totally.

-Thank you. Thank you guys! Okay, bye, you guys.

-You’re awesome! Come on, you guys, let’s go.

-Don’t forget, we got a 10:00 flight to DC in the morning.

-Dad, don’t worry. I’ll be home by 9:00. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

-Good night, James.

-You sure you don’t want to wait for me to finish this?

-I think I’ll survive the night.

-Albert and I are going to sleep.

-Good night, son.

-You still mad at me for coming on the trip?

-Son, no. no, I could never stay mad at you. You’re my little man.

-I love you, dad.

-I love you, too, son.

-Good night.

-Get some rest.

-The gazelle daughter remains at its father’s side, seeding protection and security, for if it veers off, it becomes vulnerable to a myriad of predators.

-What are you doing, gazelle? Stay with your daddy.

-Without the parent’s guidance, the offspring are at the mercy of the harsh and unforgiving animal universe. Let’s watch as the cheetah rips the little gazelle’s head clean off. Poor little gazelle, you should have stayed with your father.


-Who’s this?

-It’s Chris.

-Chris? What are you doing there?

-Duh, I live here.

-Where’s Melanie?

-I don’t know. I think she’s in the shower.

-Hey. Hey, bobbi. Can you check and see if Melanie’s in the shower?


-Can I help you?

-I need to see my daughter.

-Who’s your daughter?

-Melanie Porter.

-She’s not a student here, she’s just spending the night. It will only take a minute. -Who is she staying with?

-Katie’s sister.

-Katie’s sister?


-I’m gonna need a little more than that.

-Ma’am, it’s okay. I’m a police officer.

-Oh, thank goodness. Where’s your badge, officer?

-It’s back at my mom’s.

-Oh! You still live with your mom. That’s nice!

-Look, I know what this sounds like.

-Sounds like you’re not getting in my sorority.

-Bye-bye, now.

-Melanie! Melanie!

-Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.


-Fight! Fight!

-Mel! Don’t touch her! Mel! I’ve got you! Daddy’s coming, baby! Daddy’s coming.

-Oh, my goodness, you guys.

-Mel, should I get my hair highlighted?

-That could be pretty.

-Do you think I should get color contacts?

-That could be pretty.

-Think I should get sparkly lip gloss?

-That could be pretty.

-I an so glad we had this talk.

-Wow, you actually talked to your dad?

-I talked to him about everything, my whole plan. Major in political science, minor in American history and then to the Cooper Program for Japan.


-He was actually excited to hear about it. I think I might’ve misjudged him this whole time. It’s the first time I remember us having a real conversation. He listened to me. He treated me like an adult. I know he’s done a lot of crazy things in the past, but on the buss, it was different. He changed. I think he actually trusts me to be on my own and make my own decisions.


-No, no. I’m a father! Listen, calm down!

-I knew it.

-No, this… This ain’t what it looks…

-Where is he? Still no answer. We’re gonna miss our flight. You gotta line up the colors. Hello? Yes, this is she. What? He’s where? I cannot believe this.

-For the last time, I have to get m daughter to Georgetown.

-Right. Sure. Yeah. Come in.

-Hi, my name is Melanie Porter. I got a call about my father. Is he okay?

-The individual in custody was discovered this morning on campus sleeping underneath a girl’s bed at the Omega Psi Lambda house.

-Mel! My baby girl. You ain’t gonna believe what happened. I tried calling you, and some guy answered the phone and it was kind of…

-This man is not my father.

-Melanie Porter.

-Because my father would never cross the line like that. He would trust me to make smart choices. Excuse me, but I have a flight to catch.

-Mel! Don’t walk away from…

-Roger Wilco. Over and out. Free to go. Someone sprung you.


-Mama, what’s going on? And where’s Melanie and Trey?

-Trey’s taking Albert for a walk, and Melanie’s trying to catch the plane.

-And you let her go without me?

-Sit down, James.

-Melanie told me what happened at Northwestern.

-I can explain that.

-You didn’t want her to go to Georgetown, so you concocted some ridiculous plan. -I’m just trying to keep everybody safe.


-You took my home and you turned it into a high-security prison. You can’t even let her spend the night with some friends without creeping around like a cat burglar. -What do you expect me to do?

-How am I supposed to know she’s safe if she goes all the way to Washington?

-James, how do you think I felt when you left to join the army?

-I don’t know, mama.

-I was terrified! I worried about you all the time. I still do. But you had to follow your own path, and I had to let you leave the nest. I wanted you home every day you were gone, but I had to trust you. I had to trust that you could take care of yourself. And I had to believe in you. So why can’t you believe in her?

-I’ll see you back at home.

-Is mom gonna kill me?

-I got your back on this one. Just don’t let it happen again.

-Good luck.

-You’ll need this.

-Mama, I love you.

-I love you too, son.

-Bye, dad.

-Excuse me. The flight to DC, has it left yet?

-I’m sorry, sir. I’m afraid you’ve missed it.


-Hi. You missed the flight.

-I wouldn’t have if you hadn’t gotten yourself arrested.

-Mel, look. I was…

-Dad, listen. Georgetown is… It’s over. You know, you’re getting exactly what you wanted. Me, closer to home.

-Baby, that’s what I came here to tell you. I don’t want that anymore.

-What are you talking about?

-You know… Dads don’t know everything. We just try to do the best we can. Last night, when I came to the sorority house? I was trying to protect you. That’s what

I do. I protect people. Now, sometimes I go too far. In this case, I went way too



-No, baby, look. I love you. But I was so into what I wanted for you that I couldn’t see what you wanted.

-I want what every girl wants. I want a dad who loves me, who adores me. I want you to know that you raised a really good girl. I want you to trust me.

-Guess I still see you as that little six-year-old girl singing Double Dutch Bus.

-I’m not that little girl anymore, daddy. I’ve grown up.

-Reality is, you’ve shown me I can trust you. You have. Ok, I’ll make a deal with you.

No more my plan, only your plan. Now let’s get you to Georgetown.

-I don’t care if Bob’s here or not, we got to be in DC by 3:30.

-DC. Flow with me, Mel. Flow with me.

-Excuse me. Excuse me. Is the plane going to Washington?

-Yeah, but it’s for team members only.

-We got a police emergency. You have to let us on that plane.

-Are you guys divers?


-Big time. Huge divers.

-Since I was a baby.

-Well, climb on board.

-We did it.

-Yeah. We did it.

-Excuse me. I never heard of a diving team having their own plane.

-Be pretty hard to do our thing without one.

-I thought all you’d need is a swimming pool and a bouncy board.

-Wrong kind of diving team, man!

-Well, what sort of diving team are you?

-Rock and roll!

-Dad! Dad! It’s a sky diving team!

-You mean, we re not landing in DC?

-We are, but the plane’s not.

-But we got to get to Georgetown now!

-There’s only one way that’s gonna happen!

-Wow! USA!

-No! we can do this! Ok!


-We got to get to Georgetown!

-Ok, daddy!

-All right. One! Two! Three!

-Now that’s a great dad!

-Dad! Pull the cord!


-Pull the cord!

-Oh, yeah, the cord!

-Sorry about the wedding, Lou.

-Nice try, Phil. But you’re not going to psych me out. After I make this putt, you owe me $20000. Happy days are here again.

-Look out! Look out!

-That was weird.

-What happened?

-How do you get out of this?

-Sorry about that. You ok?



中央戏剧学院表演系招生考试表演练习小品试 题 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

(一)单人小品练习 1.综合部分 (1)讲一件使人发笑的事情。 (2)讲一件自己最难过的事情。 (3)讲一段不寻常的经历。 (4)打电话告诉对方一件极为愉快的事情。(5)打电话告诉对方一件十分悲痛的事情。(6)打一个不寻常的电话。 (7)一张电影票。 (8)一盘录音带。 (9)一封远方来信。 (10)一个邮包。 (11)一双手套。 (12)一张公安局的传票。 (13)从一张相片所引起的…… (14)从一条花头巾所引起的…… (15)从一双球鞋所引起的…… (16)避雨的时候……

(17)告别的时候…… (18)等人的时候…… (19)钓鱼。 (20)捉蛐蛐儿。 (21)扑蝴蝶。 (22)涉水过一条小河。(23)过独木桥。 (24)迟到了。 (25)家访遇到意外情况。(26)来访未遇。 (27)雪夜归来。 (28)又是一个两分。 (29)意外的发现。 (30)姑娘的心事。 (31)小伙子的心事。 (32)重要的东西不见了。(33)她(他)到底还是走了。(34)没想到他(她)变了。(35)该不该叫醒他(她)。

(36)这是谁干的! (37)原来是他! (38)再不能这样下去了。(39)错怪了他。 (40)哪来的一个双卡录音机(41)闯祸了。 (42)唉,真倒霉! (43)丢三落四。 (44)一心不可二用。 (45)当机立断。 (46)祸不单行。 (47)双喜临门。 (48)自作自受。 (49)将错就错。 (50)好事多磨。 2.侧重人物形象部分 (1)两个不同的服务员。(2)两个不同的外地出差人。(3)两个不同的打电话人。


怪兽大学台词 1 00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:06,000 -= CHD字幕组原创翻译 =- 2 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:09,000 字幕仅供翻译学习交流谢绝用于任何商业用途 3 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:12,000 翻译:Victor Wumo Maxchan 校对:dxch Victor 后期:dahongying 4 00:01:13,783 --> 00:01:15,326 - 我吓到你啦! - 不,你没有 - I scared you! - No, you didn't. 5 00:01:15,493 --> 00:01:17,369 好了!大家都把考察旅行规则记好 Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone. 6 00:01:17,536 --> 00:01:20,164

不许推搡,不许咬人,不许喷火! No pushing, no biting, and no fire breathing! 7 00:01:20,706 --> 00:01:22,291 刚才说到哪儿了? What did I just say? 8 00:01:22,541 --> 00:01:23,876 十八,十九… Eighteen, nineteen... 9 00:01:23,959 --> 00:01:26,170 好了,我们少了个同学是谁? Okay, we're missing one. Who are we missing? 10 00:01:27,838 --> 00:01:29,673 是大眼仔麦克 Mike Wazowski. 11 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:31,675 谢谢你,乔 Thanks, Joe. 12


怪兽大学经典台词 怪兽大学经典台词 1、你从小学四年级起初就嫉妒我长得帅。 You've been jealous of my good looks since the fourth. 2、“欢迎来上惊吓入门课程”“吓人根本不用学,放胆去吓就好啦!” “welcome toscare an introductory course on”“scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!” 3、如果你不吓人,那算哪门子怪兽? if you don't scary, that kind of monster? 4、我的特长是多长了个脚趾,但没带在身上。 how long is my specialty is a toe,but didn't bring in the body. 5、发自内心,你才能凶相毕露。 from the heart, you can be various. 6、自古以来,全世界的孩子都知道,怪物就躲在他们的柜子里。但他们不知道的是,这些怪物并不总是那么吓人。 Since ancient times, children all over the world know, monsters hiding in their cupboard. But they don't know is that thesemonsters are not always so scary. 7、我不能去上学,衣服还没穿嘛,他们必须先去上大学。 I can't go to school, the clothes haven't wear well, they have to go to college. 8、哈哈,很好笑,苏利文你看上去很棒,大眼仔如果你想恶作剧,就来一些有创意的。 Ha ha, very funny, you look great, Sullivan large seed, if you want to trick is to some creative. 9、我爱死大学了。 I love the university. 10、怪兽大学站!有下车的吗?


中央戏剧学院表演系台词课教案 台词基础课教案(一) 课程名称: 《台词基本功绪论》 授课班级: 表演系2006级本科班 课程类型: 理论课 授课时间: 45分钟(一节课) 课程名称: 台词基本功的基础理论讲解 教学目的: 1.向学生讲解台词学习的目的、意义;介绍台词课学习的具体流程,课程基本结构、内容、特点、教学要求等,使学生对即将开始的台词基础课学习有所了解,作到心中有数。 2.对即将开始的台词基本功训练进行基本的理论的讲解,为的是使学生能够更深入地理解台词基本功的训练特征,明确训练要求与目标,尽快地进入到艺术语言的学习状态当中。

授课内容 一、台词课的目的与任务 1. 台词在表演中的地位 2. 台词课的任务、性质、目的 3. 台词课的基本内容 1) 基本功 2) 基本手段与技巧 3) 剧本角色(人物)台词的体现创作 二、基本功 1、基本功的理解 2、为什么要练基本功 3、台词基本功训练的基本内容 1) 气 2) 声 3) 字 三、几个认识问题 一、基本功训练的物理基础 二、基本功训练的生理基础 1.人的言语系统的构成--大脑、神经、呼吸、发声、共鸣、咬字、听觉2.基本功训练的台词训练的实质 3.基本功的咬字训练与听觉特性

四、基本功训练的声学特征表现 话剧舞台语言的特性共振峰 参考书目: 《演员艺术语言基本技巧》 台词基础课教案(二) 课程名称: 《感受呼吸--舞台艺术语言的呼吸发声》 授课班级: 表演系2006级本科班 课程类型: 理论、实践课相结合 授课时间: 45分钟(一节课) 教学目的: 1、通过训练让学生聆听并感受自己的呼吸; 2、从理论上掌握胸腹式联合呼吸方法,并明确这种呼吸方法在舞台艺术语言的发声中所扮演的重要角色; 3、在实际训练中让学生对胸腹式联合呼吸法有初步感受。 教学安排:


疯狂动物城:政治正确的美丽新世界 作为迪士尼少有的春季档动画,《疯狂动物城》所展现出来的意识和状态完全不是一部动画电影该有的样子。In a GREAT way. 自2008年的《闪电狗》以来,有了皮克斯大只佬约翰·拉塞特的倾力执掌,新世代的迪士尼动画展现出非凡的进步与成就。2012年的《无敌破坏王》,2013年的《冰雪奇缘》,2014年的《超能陆战队》,无论是原创还是改编作品,都足以让任何喜爱动画的观众欢呼雀跃。在这一点上,隔壁的表现就显得非常的起伏不定(《森林战士》、《老雷斯的故事》),果然经验和认识才是比技术更为重要的精神内核。 在2016年的《疯狂动物城》里,迪士尼奉上了一座只有迪士尼才能想象出来的超级城市,一个有着《谋杀绿脚趾》或《性本恶》风格的、经典而惊艳的洛杉矶风格罪案故事,一段不大大咧咧地宣讲成人世界的肮脏和童话世界的美丽时光。 这是迪士尼动画中最为真诚的作品之一。 <图片1> 2016年的《疯狂动物城》是一部伟大的电影,几乎可以和08-10年的皮克斯作品(《机器人总动员》、《飞屋环游记》、《玩具总动员3》)旗鼓相当,在立意上甚至还要高出一星半点。在当下动物主题的动画电影日渐式微和难以出新之时(无穷无尽的《冰川时代》o(╯□╰)o),迪士尼好好地上了一门课:不仅仅是技术和美工上,而且是在剧情上。和光照娱乐的《爱宠大机密》与索尼的《愤怒的小鸟大电影》身上挥之不去的恶搞精神不同,《疯狂动物城》继承了迪士尼的优良血统——从导演到编剧到制片到音效不一而足——而在此之上又有全新气象。 《疯狂动物城》的剧本,可以算是《狮子王》以来最扎实的动画剧本。即使全部角色都是毛茸茸到萌出血的各式哺乳动物,依然能够轻而易举地让你忘记这些角色不是人(!)。在这部动画中,我们依稀可以见到《小蚁雄兵》、《怪兽大学》或多或少都曾讨论过的人生命题——理想与现实、努力=成功?——同时又因为极具时代精神的新元素而散发出一股清新之风。隐藏在“小镇少女进城实现梦想”的经典故事框架之下的,实际上是一个异常接地气和丰富的关于种族歧视和固有偏见的主题。 在一个前所未有的、宏大且细节丰富的乌托邦式世界中,我们能清楚地见到萌态可掬的动物们所代表的各色人等。农耕的兔子,车管局DMV的树懒(结结实实吐了个大槽),以及食肉动物和食草动物之间难以抹平的DNA鸿沟。即便生活在同一个“动物城Zootopia”,依然要遵循各种基本规则(fa),体型不同的动物们依然享有着不同尺寸的生活空间,像狐狸这样的投机主义者也依然会利用这种规则的漏洞去赚取利益,表面平和的城市里依然有着“毒品贩子”和挑拨离间的阴险小人,而食肉动物的捕猎本性也依然是食草动物心中的大患所在,仅仅因为一个个例甚至是一句话,就会激起不同阶层之间的盲目对抗,叫嚷着让对方滚出这片乐土。 眼熟吗?眼熟就对了。在这则现代寓言中,几乎可以毫不费力地找到人类社会的映射。 兔朱迪因为偏见而没人相信她能成为一名好警察;狐尼克因为偏见而没人相信他是个真诚的人(狐);狮市长因为偏见而异常担心自己无法被群众所信任……阶层的偏见,种族的偏见,职业的偏见,历史的偏见—— 陷入偏见很简单,而打破偏见,很难。 <图片2> 在《疯狂动物城》中,动画的设计者们不能再直白地点出了“各族人民大团结”的中心思想,用主人公从偏见的受害者到无意识的加害者的变化,意图在观众的心里埋下一颗真诚相对的种子。《疯狂动物城》巧妙而敏锐地结合了温柔和智慧,非常及时地在当下传播和呼唤更多的包容和平等。在我看来,这部电影真正闪光的地方就是在当下的社会环境中,能够大方地涉及到种族和宗教信仰的歧视,提出了一些很有趣的问题,无论是儿童还是成人观众都会在故事结束之后有所思索。考虑最近种族之间的紧张关系,尤其是美国以及欧洲的难民危机,这显然是一次非常有趣和大胆的观影体验。 虽然大量的台词对于不成熟的观众来说会有些稍嫌唠叨,但电影传递的信息非常明显:偏见和固有印象是极度危险的。面对这个伟光正到无法指摘的主题,《疯狂动物城》的主题曲应该是迈克尔·杰克逊的《Heal the World》。 因此,仅仅从主题上看,《疯狂动物城》就已经超越了一般动画的讨论范围,而完全应该当做主流的、有诉求的轻喜剧犯罪电影去认真对待。 迪士尼在本片中献出了最巧妙的建筑设计和动物形象,用一只兔子和一只狐狸来代表人类的梦想,野心,才能和缺陷,创造了完美的隐喻。在两个产生了优秀的化学反应的角色身边,在一座精心雕琢的疯狂动物城里(有着无数的惊人细节等待观众发现),上演了一出犯罪惊悚风格大戏。城市环境的设计参考了诸多流行和现代文化要素,试图为这个严肃的主题提供一个温和同时而又丰富多彩的舞台。 伴随着兔朱迪和狐尼克的鬼马双警之旅,观众不仅接触到他们的世界,也对我们周围的世界产生着反思。两位主人公的角色在电影中得到了很好的开发,有着合乎逻辑的表现和变化。当然,作为一部动画电影,大量的幽默空间是必不可少的。有很多非常有趣的双关语和画面表现影射了对各种动物的刻板印象,并且丝毫不显俗


中央戏剧学院研究生导师介绍——陈刚 (感谢凯程罗老师对本文的有益指导.) 中央戏剧学院教授,表演教研室主任,硕士研究生导师。本科毕业于中戏表演系,研究生毕业于中戏导演系,并由学院公派赴日本四季剧团研究音乐剧。担任导演创作的中国首部音乐剧电影《欢乐公主》2001年获童牛奖鼓励奖,2005年入选中宣部、中央文明办等7部委联合推出的百部爱国主义教育影片。担任导演创作的中国首部8集电视音乐剧《水果姑娘》由中央台八套黄金档隆重推出后,受到广泛好评。 曾经系统学习过中国戏曲(京剧、黄梅戏、汉剧、楚剧)、西方舞蹈(爵士舞、踢踏舞)。曾经在中国音乐学院歌剧系任教。 2003年“霍英东奖”获得者。 2004年导演作品小音乐剧《吉祥伞》获曹禺戏剧奖导演奖。 2005年参与完成的项目:音乐剧教学、研究及演出实践获首届文化部创新奖。 在全国各大报刊多次发表论文。 担任编导的作品: 音乐剧《想变成人的猫》(导演组成员) 中戏95音乐剧班与日本“四季”音乐剧团合作项目 音乐剧《西区故事》(导演组成员) 中戏95音乐剧班与日本“四季”音乐剧团合作项目 音乐剧《为你疯狂》片段(排演) 中央戏剧学院表演系本科音乐剧99班 音乐剧《美女与野兽》(大场面歌舞排演) 文化部国伦音乐剧团与日本“四季”音乐剧团合作项目 音乐剧小品《梦想剧场》(导演) 中央台“梦想剧场”栏目金奖晚会 《守株待兔》(导演、编舞)儿童节晚会 如何选择考研辅导班 考研过程中,大家肯定会选择辅导班,关于报辅导班的问题我有几个特别的建议,如何选择合适的辅导班,是有方法的。 方法1:了解这个机构历年考上的情况,有没有视频版的经验谈,考上多少人。这个得详细了解一下,这样就能大致判断出这个机构情况怎么样。例如凯程,2013年考入五道口金融学院29人,占五道口录取总人数50%,名单和经验谈都在网站有公布,是非常可信。 方法2:看资料,看看这个机构有没有配套的资料和课程,如果连讲义都拿不出来,说明他们没有开课经验。据我所知,凯程是有完整的配套体系的。 方法3:实地去考查,看看他们有没有正规的学校,有没有教学楼、食堂、宿舍、操场等设施。 方法4:和咨询老师详细沟通,看看是否专业。通过这样的几个策略,就基本能够搞定了。考研全程复习安排:


1、《朱丽小姐》斯特林堡(缺) 2、《野鸭》(缺) 3、《培尔·金特》H319.4:I533.3 Y547 4、《六个寻找作家的角色》(已看) 5、《女店主》哥尔多尼() 6、《伽利略传》() 7、《老妇还乡》I522.35 D373(已看) 8、《大胆妈妈和她的孩子们》() 9、《沉钟》霍普特曼著() 10、《阴谋与爱情》I516.34 X154.1 11、《青鸟》H319.4:I564.88 W269 12、《女仆》() 13、《秃头歌女》() 14、《西哈诺》罗斯丹 15、《罗朗萨丘》() 16、《费加罗的婚礼》J653.2(521) M896(已看) 17、《费德尔》() 18、《伪君子》I565.34 M850 19、《熙德》() 20、《等待戈多》施咸荣译() 21、《华伦夫人的职业》I561.35 X303 22、《名家埃纳斯特的重要性》王尔德() 23、《第十二夜》H319.4 I S071.1(看过) 24、《麦克白》(看过) 25、《李尔王》(看过) 26、《哈姆莱特》(看过) 27、《鸟》() 28、《美狄亚》() 29、《奥狄浦斯王》索福克勒斯著罗念生译() 30、《阿珈门农》埃斯库罗斯著罗念生译() 31、《大荒野》() 32、《洒满月光的荒原》() 33、《桑树坪纪事》() 34、《狗儿爷》() 35、《战斗里成长》()

36、《上海屋檐下》(看过) 37、《关汉卿》I234 T625() 38、《屈原》(看过) 39、《茶馆》(看过) 40、《北京人》(看过) 41、《雷雨》(看过) 42、《桃花扇》H319.4:I237.2 K765 43、《牡丹亭》H319.4:I237.1 T219 44、《长生殿》H319.4:I237.2 H409. 45、《西厢记》H319.4:I237.1 W341 46、《窦蛾冤》I207.37 G544,I247.5 Z253,I237.15 Z253,I247.4 G544 47、《饥饿海峡》I313.457 S684/5 48、《女人的一生》( ) 49、《夕鹤》[日]木下顺二() 50、《沙恭达罗》() 51、《推销员之死》(看过) 52、《欲望号街车》() 53、《榆树下的欲望》I207 A761 54、《打野鸭》() 55、《乐观的悲剧》() 56、《樱桃园》() 57、《万尼亚舅舅》(金山《一个角色的诞生》) 58、《大雷雨》[俄]奥斯特罗夫斯基() 59、《钦差大人》() 60、《底层》高尔基()


中央戏剧学院2002级表演系本科毕业生 2010-06-25 00:17:33| 分类:默认分类 | 标签: |字号大中小订阅 【择要】北影上戏中戏这三所令有数长女奼女向往的艺术摆篮,一曲以来就是亮星减工厂和玉人培养天, 赛车小游戏 。像小缓,赵薇, 拳皇小游戏大全 ,李炭炭等,昔时皆是一代校花, 全本网游小说 。往常先浪拉后浪,望瞅那些生出三学名校的才子,谁才是受之无愧的续好校花. 【注释】 北影05级的杨幂 85后复活代杨幂不到一二年间已成为青长年们的最恨,也天然成为影视界的骄子, 好看的都市言情小说 。 杨幂在己眼外不断便是母认的第一眼玉人,而正在她这一届也是了如指掌鹤立鸡群。 唐嫣(中戏02级) 外戏02级,唐嫣,另有一枚帅哥白章 搜寻外戏校花, 猛兽领主 ,一上子便满是一个鸣“唐嫣”的实字。中心戏剧教院2002级扮演解原科结业生, 好看的玄幻小说 ,为事先母认的“中戏校花”,她的好便像她宠爱的紫色或许用紫罗兰来形容:高尚优雅又充斥奥秘。 刘亦菲(北影02级) (02级的刘亦菲和江一燕是异班,望到在哪了吗?) 刘亦菲呈现尔后,使观寡对于中邦式“母从”抽象无了更为曲观清楚的了解。刘亦菲高尚、漠然的气量,华语片子圈有人堪比。 刘亦菲从前正在好邦,02年6月归到南京,7月便被北京片子教院扮演解破例登科。尔后接踵拍摄了电视剧《金粉世野》、《地龙八部》,败为世人熟悉的“仙人妹妹”, 校园小说 。 黄圣依(北影01级)

固然不断是话题和绯闻儿王,但您不得不供认黄圣依也是北影一枝花。 《工夫》除非照旧连续星爷的有厘尾中, 休闲小游戏 ,最使己易记的天然数黄圣依了, 占卜小游戏 ,她清爽气量一举驯服了观寡, 双人小游戏 ,一日败实。 韩雪(上戏01级) 近来不断正在望文娱不圈,那非一部,怎样道呢,韩雪的挨次宏大转型吧曩昔皆是花瓶啊,奸细狂花之类,此次一上回身为娱忘,很欣喜也很出彩实在道究竟,韩雪仍是下戏校花呢! 王珞丹(南影01级) “放相机不代里白艺范喽, 网页小游戏 ,自王珞丹开端” 和黄圣依异为生妹姊,王珞丹一起行来却归纳灭别无神韵的风度, 总结止来便是:人的芳华没有怕斗争, 仙人俗世生活录 ,人做人的杜推推, 魔王神官和勇者美少女 。 江一燕(北影02级) 和刘亦菲非异班同窗,名望下遥不迭刘亦菲是没有让现实, 动作小游戏 ,但气量下却不逊于她。 景苦(北影07级) 景苦,那位网络白己,北影07级先生,以她浑醇火汪汪的小眼睛迷正寡生, h小说 。 网络白得没有否整理,而时尚、活气,年青便是她最小的资源。 李思(上戏02级)


主试老师命题(单人小品)表演命题 一、感觉类命题: 1、炎夏在没有空调的房间里 2、冬雪时在未生火炉的房间里 3、干渴 4、受伤后 5、闻到一种味道 二、地点类命题: 1、在火车站候车 2、在电影院看电影 3、在急诊室看病 4、在照相馆拍照 5、在公园里赏花 三、规定情景类命题: 1、风雨之夜 2、校庆团聚 3、演出之前 4、妻子上夜班去了 5、奔赴前线 四、遇到障碍的动作类命题: 1、采集标本 2、生火做饭 3、急事过河 4、走错了门

5、发票丢了 6、失去联络 五、一般动作类命题: 1、护理病婴 2、雨夜出诊 3、野外遇蛇 4、夜半回家 5、妈妈生日 6、发现敌情 六、道具类命题: 1、手机 2、马灯 3、一束鲜花 4、红旗 双人对话式命题小品表演命题[出两句没有逻辑联系的话,要求考生在两句话中加入合理的情节,使这两句话在一个场合中出现,需要考生考虑两个人的身份,在什么具体地点,发生了什么事情] 1、A说:“是你?” B说:“是我” 2、A说:“我告诉你。” B说:“用不着了。” 3、A说:“对不起,我错怪你了。” B说:“谢谢你的夸奖。” 4、A说:“这事用不着你管。” B说:“别站着说话不腰疼。” 双人多条件综合式命题小品表演命题 1、晚上复习功课,明天要考试。弟弟睡着了。忽然发现一张复习提纲不见了,原来是弟弟叠了纸飞机。 2、送情报到某家,发现这家已经被敌人监视了。掩藏文件,巧布信号,安全脱险。 3、出远门回家,给奶奶嗲了很多礼物,后来发现奶奶已经病故。 4、麦田治虫,受药物轻度感染,终于想出办法,把治虫喷药工作做完了。

集体规定具体场景并指定故事大纲和人物小品表演命题 1、一家人争一张参加晚会的入场券。考生中有人扮演父亲,有人扮演母亲,有人扮演姐姐,有人扮演弟弟。 2、一件银行的抢劫案。考生中有人扮演劫匪,有人扮演银行职员,有人扮演储户,有人扮演保安人员。 鼎昊健远文化艺术培训学校,北京独家教委认证的艺考机构。 皇城根里的梦工厂,为您的梦想插上翅膀。


电影策划书 ---《怪兽大学》 四 叶 草 公 司 张规范 121600000

前言 一个怪兽,一个新生,一个梦想,一群怪兽,一个大学,在这里会有什么样的事情发生呢?想知道吗?那就来《怪兽大学》吧,看看大眼仔的传奇搞笑…… 目录 1、出品公司........................................................................................................ 2、制作简介 3、主创人员........................................................................................................ 4、剧中人物 5、投资预算........................................................................................................ 6、电影制作周期 7、电影发行渠道....................................................................................................... 8、前景分析 9、整体营销......................................................................................................... 10、剧本大纲 11、鸣谢........................................................................................... ............ 《怪兽大学》电影策划书 1、出品公司 迪士尼影业皮克斯动画制作室 2、制作简介 影片名称:中文名:《怪兽大学》外文名:Monsters University 影片类型:喜剧,奇幻,动画,冒险 制片地区:美国 影片长度:104分钟 影片拍摄地点:美国 上映时间: 国家/地区上映/发行日期国家/地区上映/发行日期 美国2013年6月8日澳大利亚2013年6月10日 智利2013年6月20日黎巴嫩2013年6月20日 新加坡2013年6月20日塞维亚共和国2013年6月20日 秘鲁2013年6月20日克罗地亚2013年6月20日 以色列2013年6月20日希腊2013年6月20日 中国2013年8月23日 对白语言:英语 拍摄《怪兽公司》续集的事情,从2005年就被提上了日程。但是迪士尼的CEO迈克尔·埃斯纳却并没有和皮克斯的CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯在拍摄事宜上达成一致,于是这部电影就一拖再拖。直到迪士尼更换了CEO,这部“续集”的工作才在2011年有所进展。而在经过了一份考量之后,皮克斯给这部电影安排了《赛车总动员》的编剧丹·斯坎隆来执导这部电影3、主创人员 导演:皮克斯皮克斯是一家动画工厂,已经获得七次奥斯卡最佳动画长片的荣誉。公司职能:制作电脑动画长篇、短篇以及一些商业电脑动画。核心人物:乔·拉恩夫特(Joe ranft)、史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)、约翰·拉塞特(John Lasseter)、埃德·卡特穆尔(Ed Catmull)皮克斯的动画色彩鲜艳,人物形象设计独特、性格丰满,皮克斯的工作人员,从故事选材、


2016中戏表演考研经验及导师介绍 凯程老师为大家第一时间提供2016中戏表演考研经验及导师介绍,为16年考研的学生做一个复习指导。 凯程老发现大多数考生在考研开始的时候什么都不懂,很迷茫,所以在和广大考上中戏表演的学生交流考研经验后决定分享跟大家,供大家参考。 考研是一个漫长的过程,要有适合自己的作息时间,适合的计划,适合的方法。外加勤奋,和搜集信息的能力。如果你不是聪明到看看书就能考高分或者是不用费劲就通过关系就成为研究生那么你就只能像选择努力这条道路,也就意味着自己将付出很多。也失去很多,是得到也很多。 考研分为初试和复试两个部分,凯程老师想强调的一点:无论初试还是复试,分数才是硬道理,充分准备才是真,任何的侥幸心理都是靠不住的。有很多考生在考研过程中坚持不下来,放弃备考甚至放弃考试的例子不在少数。 关于报考,很多考生都很关心这个问题。就表演系来说,中央戏剧学院表演系拥有雄厚的师资力量,既有理论修养深厚,在表演艺术实践、教学上具有丰富经验的教授和副教授,同时还拥有一批具有开拓精神的中青年骨干教师。每年报名的人很多,学校招的名额这几年呈现增加的趋势,这对于考中戏表演的学生是一个很好的机会,但机会只留给有准备的人,所以关于表情况最好是多向研招办咨询。 关于中戏表演专业课考试,“考什么”是所有人最密切关注的问题。考试科目有专业课一和专业课二。专业课一就是大综合,涵盖了戏剧戏曲学里表演理论与实践的所有范畴,包括戏剧戏曲影视三大领域,还涉及导演艺术戏剧文学舞台美术等等多个方面。针对大综合的复习,除了以戏剧大百科为主之外,凯程老师

建议看书是很重要的。专业课二是欣赏与评论,看完一部片子之后对你自己赞赏的某位演员的表演艺术特色加以评论和赏析,字数不低于一千五百字。要是说大综合的复习还需要死记硬背的话,那么专二需要的是平时的积累了。很多学生问我专二怎么答,有没有什么格式要求。大多数同学按照论文形式来答题的,但是从评卷老师的角度来说,老师们其实是希望不拘一格的。还有学生问过我都答些什么内容,凯程老师最开始的出发点就是发自内心,围绕主题看完片子之后你感受到了什么就写些什么,没有的不添加不夸大。 关于复习,从一开始就应该值得大家关注。很多学生对于打听考试信息很乐此不疲,却忽视了复习备考结果本末倒置。诚然,相关的考试信息是必备的,但复习备考的重要性不能被忽略。我必须承认,本科生的信息优势是事实,他们知道一些我们外校生不知道的信息。基于此,很多朋友变得惶恐不安,总想用办法取得一些信息或者资料,其实,对于考试来说,一切都是要看分数的,初试成绩不好怎么都不行。学校的录取原则,政治英语和专业课的复习要周全,毕竟考试要看总分和各科成绩。 最后,获得成功需要天时地利人和,想考上中戏不是易事也不是难事,要有多方面的准备。凯程老师相信:、只要你在考研的路上自信和坚持,一定取得成功。中央戏剧学院表演系拥有雄厚的师资力量,既有理论修养深厚,在表演艺术实践、教学上具有丰富经验的教授和副教授,同时还拥有一批具有开拓精神的中青年骨干教师。 建院五十多年来,表演系培养出了大批优秀表演艺术人才,有的已成为享誉国内外的表演艺术家,如:田华、于蓝、王铁成、严顺开、林连昆等。更有一大批活跃在舞台、银幕和荧屏上,为广大观众所喜爱的演员,如:陈宝国、赵奎娥、陈道


怪兽大学台词00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:06,000 -= CHD字幕组原创翻译=- 2 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:09,000 字幕仅供翻译学习交流谢绝用于任何商业用途 3 00:00:09,000 --> 00:00:12,000 翻译:Victor Wumo Maxchan 校对:dxch Victor 后期:dahongying 4 00:01:13,783 --> 00:01:15,326 - 我吓到你啦!- 不,你没有 - I scared you! - No, you didn't. 5 00:01:15,493 --> 00:01:17,369 好了!大家都把考察旅行规则记好Okay! Remember our field trip rules, everyone. 6 00:01:17,536 --> 00:01:20,164 不许推搡,不许咬人,不许喷火!No pushing, no biting, and no fire breathing! 7 00:01:20,706 --> 00:01:22,291 刚才说到哪儿了? What did I just say? 8 00:01:22,541 --> 00:01:23,876 十八,十九… Eighteen, nineteen... 9 00:01:23,959 --> 00:01:26,170 好了,我们少了个 同学是谁? Okay, we're missing one. Who are we missing? 10 00:01:27,838 --> 00:01:29,673 是大眼仔麦克 Mike Wazowski. 11 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:31,675 谢谢你,乔 Thanks, Joe. 12 00:01:31,759 --> 00:01:33,511 很幸运能完成你的 猜字游戏 Good luck finishing your crossword puzzle. 13 00:01:33,761 --> 00:01:36,680 - 对不起,迈克尔 我没看到你- 没 关系 - Sorry, Michael. I didn't see you. - That's okay. 14 00:01:36,847 --> 00:01:39,350 我在车上找到了一 枚硬币! When I was on the bus, I found a nickel! 15 00:01:39,683 --> 00:01:41,102 真希望身上能有个 兜 I wish I had pockets. 16 00:01:41,268 --> 00:01:44,230 好了,大家分组挑 一个队友吧 Okay, everyone, partner up. Get your field trip buddy. 17 00:01:45,481 --> 00:01:48,609 杰瑞米!你和我好 吗?好吧,不要紧 Jeremy! You and me? Okay, no biggie. 18 00:01:48,776 --> 00:01:50,900 海莉?不想?你和 克莱尔一组? Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire? 19 00:01:50,904 --> 00:01:52,738 好主意她是个好 伙伴 Great choice. She's a good egg. 20 00:01:52,905 --> 00:01:54,115 拉塞尔 Russell. 21 00:01:54,782 --> 00:01:56,617 麦克?大眼仔? Mike? Wazowski? 22 00:01:57,535 --> 00:01:58,702 我们一组好吗? We car-pool? 23 00:01:59,662 --> 00:02:01,580 我们是表亲啊 We're cousins. 24 00:02:01,664 --> 00:02:03,791


中央戏剧学院研究生导师介绍 (感谢凯程罗老师对本文的有益指导.) 麻淑云。中央戏剧学院表演系教授,硕士研究生导师。1990年硕士研究生毕业,获文学艺术硕士学位。 现任表演系表演教师,研究生教研室主任。中央戏剧学院学术评审专家。 专著:《戏苑掇卉》。 论文:《小剧场表演艺术论》,此论文在南京小剧场论文集中发表。 《“文学作品改编”是表演教学的重要阶段》,此论文在台湾表演教育教学研讨会上宣读并收入论文集。 《戏剧片段表演教学课题研究》,此论文在2005年国际表演教育教学研讨会上宣读并收入论文集。 翻译作品:《文那呀,从树上下来吧!》(话剧)97表演本科班毕业演出剧目 《饼干人》(话剧)2000中国儿艺表演本科班毕业演出剧目 《山打根八番妓馆》(话剧) 《绝命崖》(话剧) 《疯人院》(话剧) 《永远的予至子》(日本电影) 《婆媳大战》(日本电视连续剧) 导演创作: 《文那呀,从树上下来吧!》 《雷雨》 《皆大欢喜》 《车库》 1991––1992年以高级访问学者的资格,受国家教委派遣,赴日研究日本戏剧。 如何选择考研辅导班 考研过程中,大家肯定会选择辅导班,关于报辅导班的问题我有几个特别的建议,如何选择合适的辅导班,是有方法的。 方法1:了解这个机构历年考上的情况,有没有视频版的经验谈,考上多少人。这个得详细了解一下,这样就能大致判断出这个机构情况怎么样。例如凯程,2013年考入五道口金融学院29人,占五道口录取总人数50%,名单和经验谈都在网站有公布,是非常可信。 方法2:看资料,看看这个机构有没有配套的资料和课程,如果连讲义都拿不出来,说明他们没有开课经验。据我所知,凯程是有完整的配套体系的。 方法3:实地去考查,看看他们有没有正规的学校,有没有教学楼、食堂、宿舍、操场等设施。 方法4:和咨询老师详细沟通,看看是否专业。通过这样的几个策略,就基本能够搞定了。 考研全程复习安排: (1)起步阶段(第一轮复习)


怪兽大学经典句子英文 1、怪兽大学站!有下车的吗?Themonsteruniversitystation!Havetogetoff? 2、我要成为惊吓专员。Iwanttobescaredcommissioner. 3、“欢迎来上惊吓入门课程”“吓人根本不用学,放胆去吓就好啦!”“welcometoscareanintroductorycourseon”“scarywithoutlearning,itisgoodtoemboldenedtofrighten!” 4、你一点也不可怕,但是你无所畏惧。youarenotscaryatall,butyouarefearless. 5、自古以来,全世界的孩子都知道,怪物就躲在他们的柜子里。但他们不知道的是,这些怪物并不总是那么吓人。Sinceancienttimes,childrenallovertheworldknow,monstershidingintheircu pboard.Buttheydon'tknowisthatthesemonstersarenotalwayssoscary. 6、我的手和脸一样大。myfaceandhandsasbig. 7、发自内心,你才能凶相毕露。fromtheheart,youcanbevarious. 8、我这辈子都盼着这一天,我终于要成为惊吓专员了。Iarelookingforwardtothisday,inmylifeIfinallytobecomefrightenedcommiss 1 ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考

ioner. 9、我爱死大学了。Ilovetheuniversity. 10、如果你不吓人,那算哪门子怪兽?ifyoudon'tscary,thatkindofmonster? 11、哈哈,很好笑,苏利文你看上去很棒,大眼仔如果你想恶作剧,就来一些有创意的。Haha,veryfunny,youlookgreat,Sullivanlargeseed,ifyouwanttotrickistosom ecreative. 12、你从小学四年级起初就嫉妒我长得帅。You'vebeenjealousofmygoodlookssincethefourth. 13、我不能去上学,衣服还没穿嘛,他们必须先去上大学。Ican'tgotoschool,theclotheshaven'twearwell,theyhavetogotocollege. 14、我的特长是多长了个脚趾,但没带在身上。howlongismyspecialtyisatoe,butdidn'tbringinthebody. 15、真想按住那个万事通来擦地板。Reallywanttoholdtheknow-it-alltomopthefloor. 16、蜗牛:糟糕,我可不能开学第一天就迟到(努力奔跑,原地不动)。Thesnail:oh, I'mnotthefirstdayofschoolislate ————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2


北京电影学院表演系 90级:贾妮、黄磊、姜武、淳于珊珊(大专) 93级:刘琳、刘孜、徐静蕾、谢润 94级:蒋勤勤、金巧巧、陈紫函、刘红雨、刘栋、向能、富大龙、陈创(大专) 95级:左小青、孙莉、张佳楠 96级:赵薇、何琳、张恒、颜丹晨、许还幻、郑泽凡、陈坤、黄晓明、郭晓冬、刘牧、谢沅江 97级:崔奕、张棪琰、温峥嵘、李解、黄海波 98级:苗圃 99级:白庆琳、姚晨、孙逸飞、潘娟、黄小蕾、杨蕊(大专)、韩雪(大专)、韩晓(大专)、于波、刘冠翔、叶静、杜淳、凌潇肃、杨志刚 00级:董璇、关悦、韩雯雯(大专)、车晓(大专)、张默、周一围(大专) 01级:黄圣依、王珞丹、练束梅(大专)、梁静(大专)、李智楠、贾乃亮、戚迹 02级:刘亦菲、江一燕、周扬、熊乃瑾(大专)、吴健、张帅(大专)、黄渤(大专) 03级:杨雪 05级:杨幂 07级:郑爽 中央戏剧学院表演系 87级:陈小艺、江珊、徐帆、何冰、胡军、王斑 88级:陶红、夏力薪、郭涛 90级:陈建斌、王学兵、李亚鹏 92级:黄海冰 93级:朱媛媛、辛柏青 94级:小陶虹、龚蓓苾、李欣凌、高虎、段奕宏、印小天 95级:陈莹、夏雨、朱铁、孙红雷、吴军 96级:章子怡、胡静、袁泉、曾黎、梅婷、秦海璐、张彤、刘烨、牛青峰 97级:陈好、席与立、贾一平、吴樾 98级:刘芸、邓超 99级:李光洁 00级:汤唯、高露、牛萌萌、周韵(大专) 01级:曹艳、李艳冰、张歆艺、严琨 02级:王晶、沈佳妮 05级:李曼 上海戏剧学院表演系 93级:李冰冰、任泉、王亚楠、廖凡 94级:马伊俐、保剑锋 95级:薛佳凝、罗海琼、田海蓉、鲍蕾、高榕、王一楠、陆毅、赵阳、朱泳腾、佟悦96级:李钰、傅淼、郝蕾、沈傲君、姚芊羽、聂远 97级:严宽、沈晓海 98级:徐筠 99级:童蕾、徐路、吴晓敏


(一)单人小品练习 1.综合部分 (1)讲一件使人发笑的事情。 (2)讲一件自己最难过的事情。 (3)讲一段不寻常的经历。 (4)打电话告诉对方一件极为愉快的事情。(5)打电话告诉对方一件十分悲痛的事情。(6)打一个不寻常的电话。 (7)一张电影票。 (8)一盘录音带。 (9)一封远方来信。 (10)一个邮包。 (11)一双手套。 (12)一张公安局的传票。 (13)从一张相片所引起的…… (14)从一条花头巾所引起的…… (15)从一双球鞋所引起的…… (16)避雨的时候……

(17)告别的时候…… (18)等人的时候…… (19)钓鱼。 (20)捉蛐蛐儿。 (21)扑蝴蝶。 (22)涉水过一条小河。(23)过独木桥。 (24)迟到了。 (25)家访遇到意外情况。(26)来访未遇。 (27)雪夜归来。 (28)又是一个两分。 (29)意外的发现。 (30)姑娘的心事。 (31)小伙子的心事。 (32)重要的东西不见了。(33)她(他)到底还是走了。(34)没想到他(她)变了。(35)该不该叫醒他(她)。

(36)这是谁干的! (37)原来是他! (38)再不能这样下去了。(39)错怪了他。 (40)哪来的一个双卡录音机?(41)闯祸了。 (42)唉,真倒霉! (43)丢三落四。 (44)一心不可二用。 (45)当机立断。 (46)祸不单行。 (47)双喜临门。 (48)自作自受。 (49)将错就错。 (50)好事多磨。 2.侧重人物形象部分 (1)两个不同的服务员。(2)两个不同的外地出差人。(3)两个不同的打电话人。

(4)两个不同的传达室值班人。(5)两个不同的街道主任。 (6)两个不同的战士。 (7)两个不同的大学生。 (8)两个不同的农村青年。 (9)两个不同的下棋人。 (10)两个不同的运动员。 (11)两个不同的等退票的人。(12)两个不同的放鞭炮的女孩子。(13)两个不同的喝酒人。 (14)两个不同的年轻妈妈。(15)两个不同的患者。 (16)两个不同的护士。 (17)两个不同的钓鱼人。 (18)两个不同的售货员。 (19)两个不同的买西瓜者。(20)两个不同的卖羊肉串者。(21)两个不同的小保姆。 (22)两个不同的老农民。


北影中戏表演艺考命题小品经典真题 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

主试老师命题(单人小品)表演命题 一、感觉类命题: 1、炎夏在没有空调的房间里 2、冬雪时在未生火炉的房间里 3、干渴 4、受伤后 5、闻到一种味道 二、地点类命题: 1、在火车站候车 2、在电影院看电影 3、在急诊室看病 4、在照相馆拍照 5、在公园里赏花 三、规定情景类命题: 1、风雨之夜 2、校庆团聚 3、演出之前 4、妻子上夜班去了 5、奔赴前线 四、遇到障碍的动作类命题: 1、采集标本 2、生火做饭 3、急事过河

4、走错了门 5、发票丢了 6、失去联络 五、一般动作类命题: 1、护理病婴 2、雨夜出诊 3、野外遇蛇 4、夜半回家 5、妈妈生日 6、发现敌情 六、道具类命题: 1、手机 2、马灯 3、一束鲜花 4、红旗 双人对话式命题小品表演命题[出两句没有逻辑联系的话,要求考生在两句话中加入合理的情节,使这两句话在一个场合中出现,需要考生考虑两个人的身份,在什么具体地点,发生了什么事情] 1、A说:“是你” B说:“是我” 2、A说:“我告诉你。” B说:“用不着了。” 3、A说:“对不起,我错怪你了。” B说:“谢谢你的夸奖。” 4、A说:“这事用不着你管。” B说:“别站着说话不腰疼。” 双人多条件综合式命题小品表演命题

1、晚上复习功课,明天要考试。弟弟睡着了。忽然发现一张复习提纲不见了,原来是弟弟叠了纸飞机。 2、送情报到某家,发现这家已经被敌人监视了。掩藏文件,巧布信号,安全脱险。 3、出远门回家,给奶奶嗲了很多礼物,后来发现奶奶已经病故。 4、麦田治虫,受药物轻度感染,终于想出办法,把治虫喷药工作做完了。 集体规定具体场景并指定故事大纲和人物小品表演命题 1、一家人争一张参加晚会的入场券。考生中有人扮演父亲,有人扮演母亲,有人扮演姐姐,有人扮演弟弟。 2、一件银行的抢劫案。考生中有人扮演劫匪,有人扮演银行职员,有人扮演储户,有人扮演保安人员。 鼎昊健远文化艺术培训学校,北京独家教委认证的艺考机构。 皇城根里的梦工厂,为您的梦想插上翅膀。
