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4.育才选修7 Unit 2 2015.4.19

4.育才选修7 Unit 2 2015.4.19
4.育才选修7 Unit 2 2015.4.19

育才练习高二英语选修7 Unit 2 Robots


1.Although it is a science (小说),it is based on fact.

2.Liz earned a £1,000 (奖金)for being the best salesperson of the year.

3.I have a lot of (同情)for her; she has to bring up the children on her own.

4.All the dancers looked so (优雅的)as they moved slowly on the stage.

5.He walked in and saw her sitting on the floor,(堆积)books into a box.

6.“Actually,I’m leaving you,” she said, continuing to examine her (指甲).

7.It seems quite (荒谬的)to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting.

8.I’m sure he is dead but the (可怕的)thing is not knowing how it happened.

9.I had no idea that Mike had a(n)(暧昧关系)with Carolyn!

10.I (羡慕)her ability to talk to people she’s never met before.


1those cakes .They’re for the guests.

2.The Ferrari team wanted to their new car on the racetrack.

3.We Henry but got no reply.

4.and let me look at your back.

5.He couldn’t help us;he didn’t want to.

6.I the salt, and knocked over a bottle of wine.

7.I know he hasn’t finished the work, but ,he’s done his best.


1.I’m busy now.I’ll ring you in ten minutes.

2.Please ring me before coming.

3.Don’t ring ;I haven’t finished my story.

4.Please turn the sentence English.

5.I really expected him to turn on time.

6.I’m sure things will turn all right.

7.Hundreds of people have to be turned from the stadium.

8.The bus had to back up and turn .

9.We can turn him for help.


1.M:Hi,Mrs Brown, this is Bill Nelson, from Flat Rental Company. How’s your apartment working out for you?

W:Well, Mr Nelson. That’s 1.I would like to talk to you about. Would you mind 2.(talk) to the person upstairs and asking him to keep his music down at night?

M:Ohhh. Who? Me?

W:Yes. It thunders every night. And isn’t it your job to take care of these things?

M:I just collect the rent.3.,that man is a walking refrigerator.

W:And the air here smells! Is there 4.chemical factory nearby?

M:No. It’s the farm. See those horses, pigs and sheep nearby the river? So there’s 5.

I can do about that.

W:Well,what about that ...noise?

M:Oh,I guess that is from the guns. Soldiers 6.(do) their weekly drills.

W:Weekly? You 7.be kidding! Can’t anything be done about it?

M:Certainly. I’ve protested, and these activities should stop...within the next three to five years.

W:Hey, you never told me about these problems 8.I signed the rental agreement! Still expect me 9.(keep )to the agreement? Well, my 10. will see you soon.


I am very thankful you for inviting me to go and stay with you in Nanjing. I often heard that Nanjing is a beautiful city and that I have been longing to see you again so that I can get more help from you in my English study. And I am afraid I can’t come this coming summer vacations. My grandmother, who lives in the country, asked me again and again to go and spending the vacation together with her. He misses me so much that I have no choice but obey her. I wish I could go and saw you at the end of this year.



1.Although it is a science (小说),it is based on fact. 答案:fiction

2.Liz earned a £1,000 (奖金)for being the best salesperson of the year. 答案:bonus

3.I have a lot of (同情)for her;she has to bring up the children on her own. 答案:sympathy

4.All the dancers looked so (优雅的)as they moved slowly on the stage. 答案:elegant

5.He walked in and saw her sitting on the floor,(堆积)books into a box. 答案:piling

6.“Actually,I’m leaving you,”she said,continuing to examine her (指甲). 答案:fingernails

7.It seems quite (荒谬的)to expect anyone to drive for 3 hours just for a 20-minute meeting. 答案:absurd

8.I’m sure he is dead but the (可怕的)thing is not knowing how it happened. 答案:awful

9.I had no idea that Mike had a(n)(暧昧关系)with Carolyn!答案:affair

10.I (羡慕)her ability to talk to people she’s never met before.答案:envy


1those cakes .They’re for the guests.答案:Leave;alone

2.The Ferrari team wanted to their new car on the racetrack. 答案:test;out

3.We Henry but got no reply. 答案:rang up

4.and let me look at your back. 答案:Turn around

5.He couldn’t help us;he didn’t want to.答案:or rather

6.I the salt,and knocked over a bottle of wine. 答案:reached for

7.I know he hasn’t finished the work,but ,he’s done his best.答案:after all


1.I’m busy now.I’ll ring you in ten minutes. 答案:back

2.Please ring me before coming. 答案:up

3.Don’t ring ;I haven’t finished my story.答案:off

4.Please turn the sentence English. 答案:into

5.I really expected him to turn on time. 答案:up

6.I’m sure things will turn all right. 答案:out

7.Hundreds of people have to be turned from the stadium. 答案:away

8.The bus had to back up and turn . 答案:around

9.We can turn him for help. 答案:to


答案:1.what 2.talking 3.Besides 4.any 5.nothing 6.do7.must8when9.to keep https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d2980462.html,wyer


答案:第一句:you前加to 第二句:heard→hear 第二句:去掉第二个that

第三句:And→But 第三句:vacations→vacation 第四句:asked前加has

第四句:spending→spend 第五句:He→She 第五句:but后加to



教学流程 一、课堂导入 先出示方言,请学生说说能否看懂,再出示普通话。 某县推广普通话,大会上—— (1)县长讲完以后,主持人说:“咸菜请香肠酱瓜!” ——主持人说:“现在请乡长讲话!” (2)乡长说:“兔子们,虾米们,猪尾巴!不要酱瓜,咸菜太贵啦!” ——乡长说:“同志们,乡民们,注意吧!不要讲话,现在开会啦!” (3)乡长接着说:“不要酱瓜,我捡个狗屎给你们舔舔……” ——乡长说:“不要讲话,我讲个故事给你们听听……” (4)乡长说:“兔子们,今天的饭狗吃了,大家都是大王八!” ——乡长说:“同志们,今天的饭够吃了,大家都使大碗吧!” 从这个故事中我们可知,各地方言千奇百怪,因为方言误会,造成沟通有障碍,甚至闹出笑话,所以要有通用的语言,普通话也就应运而生。 二、普通话和方言 1、普通话 明确:普通话是“以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范”的现代汉民族共同语,这是在1955年的全国文字改革会议和现代汉语规范问题学术会议上确定的。 (1)为什么以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言?——北京近千年来一直是我国政治和文化的中心,所以以北京话为代表的北方方言在全国影响最大。

(2)普通话和各种方言是什么关系?——是弟兄姐妹的关系,但普通话又是一种权威语言,在我国受到法律保护的,连《宪法》都有规定。2001颁布《中华人民共和国国家通用语言文字法》。虽然普通话成为现代汉民族的共同语,但是,各地人们的日常生活还是保留自己原有的方言,有的地方甚至是“五里不同调,十里不同音”。 2、方言 (1)什么是方言?-----方言是指同一种语言在不同地域的分支,或者说是一种语言的地域变体。汉语就是一种有许多方言的语言。 (2)根据方言在语音、词汇、语法上的一些重要差异,现代汉语分成几大方言? 明确:即北方方言、吴方言、湘方言、赣方言、客家方言、粤方言、闽方言。 (北方方言:又叫官话方言,使用人口最多,分布地域最广,占汉语地区的四分之三,使用人口占百分之七十以上。客家方言:唯一不以地域而以人群命名的方言。) (3)请学生看方言地图,分别找出各个方言区。 我们每个人都有自己的家乡,当然也就有自己的方言。 3、陕西方言 (1)概述 陕西是中华民族古代文化的发祥地之一。相传汉字为“文字始祖”仓颉(jie)所创造。仓颉是陕西宝鸡人,出生于五帝时代,距今已有4000多年历史了。陕西方言得天独厚,博大精深,从这些方言中我们既可以窥视到古老的华夏文化的发展轨迹,又可领略到今天溢于言表的真情实感。由于陕西地理特点是东西狭、南北长,各地方言土语大不相同,甚至同一句话,因咬音轻重语速缓急不同而内容涵义不同。 陕西话属于中原官话,为其的一个分支,代表方言为西安方言。又分为关中话、陕北话和陕南话。 ①关中方言 关中方言东府话包括西安市、铜川市、咸阳市、渭南市、商洛市及下属商县—洛南—丹凤—山阳、陕北的宜川—黄龙—洛川—宜君—黄陵—富县、甘肃宁县。 关中方言西府话包括宝鸡市。 关中方言区乃炎帝故地,所以后来母系同为炎帝属的周语与夏语近似,又由于地理相近,沟通频繁,所以关中方言与河南方言同属中原官话。 ②陕南方言 陕南话大部属于巴蜀方言(西南官话)。陕南的方言非常有地域特色。陕南地处川、陕、鄂、豫交界之处。先民迁入来源甚广。加之历史上交通闭塞往来较少、行政权力鞭长莫及,居民活动范围地域狭窄,遂造成了今天的陕南方言。 杂,是陕南方言的首要特色。仅就安康地区而言,那里的地方话有接近四川口音的,有接近湖北口音的,甚至还有接近湖南口音的。有时一个村与周围邻村口音截然不同。 ③陕北方言 陕北话属于秦晋方言。受山西影响比较大,也加入了一些蒙语,至今保留了一些入声。(2)关中方言——中国最古老的语言 过去不曾知道,陕西农村人说的关中方言,是中国最古老的语言。还以为农民说的话,比较土气,生冷硬噌,难登大雅之堂。而实际上,在古代它是中国的官话,被称为雅言,《诗经》《唐诗》要用古代的官话,也就是现在的关中方言来读,才算是标准读音。伍永尚是一位研究陕西方言的专家。他举例说,只有用陕西话才能读通唐诗,读出韵味。 ★白居易著名的《卖炭翁》:“卖炭翁,伐薪烧炭南山中。满面尘灰烟火色,两鬓苍苍十指黑。”其中的“色”如果按普通话发“se”音,没法押韵,按陕西话发sěi音,才能和“黑”押韵。

高二英语选修7unit4 sharing reading教案

A Letter Home 知识目标 1. Make the students know about basic information of PNG. 2. Establish the consciousness of helping others 能力目标 1.Let the students talk about the information from the photos. 2. Develop the students’ reading ability. 情感目标 1. Arouse stud ents’ great interest in being a volunteer. 2. Develop student’ sense of cooperation learning. 教学重点: 1.Talk about Jo’s experience with the target language and useful expressions. 2.Get students to know the customs and lives of the poeple in Tombe’s village. 3.Get students to learn different reading skills. 教学难点: 1. Develop students’ reading ability. 2.Enable students to learn to talk about being a volunte. 教学过程: stepⅠ Greetings & Lead-in 1.Greet the students as usual. 2.A sketch played by students. StepⅡ Warming up 1. Ask students some questions and then make a definition of volunteer Have you ever helped your parents, or other relatives, or your friends? Have you ever helped people in your community or people outside your community? 2. Show some pictures and let the students speak out what the volunteers are doing. StepⅢ Pre-reading 1. Introduce Papua New Guinea (PNG) 2. Look at the photos from Jo and answer the following questions: 1) What was Jo’s job in PNG? 2) What kind of students ware in her class? Boys, girls, or both?


第三课神奇的汉字 【教学目标】 ⑴理解汉字的起源、造字方法和字体演变。 ⑵了解汉字简化和规范的原因及方法。 ⑶掌握汉字架构的方法和拆解的规则。 ⑷了解错别字存在的原因,学会如何消灭错别字。 【教学重难点】 ⑴了解错别字存在的原因,学会如何消灭错别字。 【教学过程】 第一节字之初,本为画——汉字的起源 【教学目标】 ⑴理解汉字的起源、造字方法和字体演变(重点) ⑵理解汉字的书写规则,鉴赏书法艺术作品。(难点) 【教学过程及步骤】 一、导入新课 中华五千年文明,有着太多让外国人仰慕的东西,包括四大发明、文字等等。印度前总理尼赫鲁曾对女儿说:“世界上有一个伟大的国家,她的每个字都是一首优美的诗,一幅美丽的画,你要好好 学习。”汉字是见证中国悠久历史的重要载体,今天让我们一起走进汉字的历史。 二、汉字历史 1.汉字的起源 关于汉字的起源,中国古代文献上有种种说法,如“结绳”、“八卦”、“图画”、“书契”等,古书上还普遍记载有黄帝史官仓颉造字的传说。《淮南子·本经训》:“昔者仓颉作书,而天雨粟,鬼夜哭。” 鲁迅曾对仓颉造字这一史实,作过精辟的论述,意即文字非一人独创,而是群众智慧的结晶。 2.汉字的造字方法(结合许慎《说文解字》中的阐述及例字甲骨文讲解) (1)象形:象形者,画成其物,随体诘诎。日、月是也。(文字描摹实物的形状)如:人、门、日、月、山、水、衣、目、耳、石、田、火、车、牛、马、鹿。 (2)指事:指事者,视而可识,察而见意。上、下是也。(文字由指示性的符号构成)如:木—本,添加的部分表示树根;木—末,添加部分表示树梢;刀—刃,刀口处。 (3)会意:会意者,比类合谊,以见指撝。武、信是也。(汇合两个或两个以上的字构成一个新字) 例如:“朝”字像日、月同现于草莽之中,表示太阳初升而月亮未落的早晨的情景。“莫”字是“暮”


高中语文选修——语言文字运用复习提纲 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

语言文字运用复习提纲1 句子成分分析 ?重点:六种句子成分的辨别 ?难点:定语和状语修饰成分的排序 ?知识点:能划分句子成分并能判别句子成分残缺和搭配不当的语病。一.句子六种成分 ?主语、谓语、宾语;——三种主要成分 ?定语、状语、补语;——三种附属成分 二.句子成分的标识符号 ?主语:“”划在主语下面 ?谓语:“——”划在谓语下面 ?宾语:“”划在宾语下面 ?定语:“()”用在定语前后 ?状语:“[ ]”用在状语前后 ?补语:“〈〉”用在补语前后 三.句子成分作用 ?主语——是谓语陈述的对象 ?谓语——是对主语加以陈述的 ?宾语——是动语支配、关涉的对象 ?定语——是名词性短语里中心语前面的修饰语 ?状语——是谓词性短语里中心语前面的修饰语 ?补语——是谓词性短语里中心语后面的补充语 四.句子成分示例 ?定语:美丽的校园(美丽)的校园

?状语:例1:安静地学习 [安静]地学习 ?例2:吾尝终日而思矣吾尝[终日]而思矣修饰关系 ?补语: ?1、去一趟去〈一趟〉 ?2、高兴得跳了起来高兴得〈跳了起来〉 ?3、这张报纸好极了这张报纸好〈极〉了 五、主谓宾 ?1、主语:就是谓语陈述的对象,主要由名词、代词充当,动词、形容词、数量词及其短语也可充当主语。如:发展是硬道理。 ?2、谓语:是陈述主语的,一般由动词和形容词充当,其他实词和短语也可以充当谓语。如:战士们英勇顽强。你是学生。 ?3、宾语:是动词中心词支配的对象,一般由名词和代词充当,其他实词和短语也可以充当宾语。如:大家喜欢游泳。他给我一本书(双宾语) ?4、定语:是名词中心语的修饰成份,名词、动词、形容词、数量词和短语充当定语。“的”是定语的标志。如:(浅浅的)月光流进了村子。 ?注意:定语后置。如:荷塘的四面长着许多树,(蓊蓊郁郁的)。 ?5、状语:是动词、形容词中心语的修饰成份。副词、形容词、表时间(处所)的名词和短语充当状语。“地”是状语的标志。如:汽车[在望不到边际的高原上]奔 驰。(介宾短语) ?6、补语:是对动词、形容词中心语起补充说明作用的成份。形容词、动词、代词、副词、数量词和短语可以充当补语。“得”是补语的标志。如:我的心事,绷得<像调紧的弦>。


Unit 4 Sharing 答题栏 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A Helen Keller was one of America's best-known women. She was admired for her courage and achievements although she couldn't see or hear. She was also known throughout the world for her self-sacrificing work to improve the condition of the blind, the deaf and the speechless. When she died on June 1, 1968, the newspaper Washington Post wrote:“Her life is truly one of the most remarkable phenomena of our time and her death just short of the age of 88 leaves the whole world poorer.” Helen Keller was born on June 27th, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. For the first 19 months of her life, she was a pretty and happy baby, normal in every way. Then a sudden illness destroyed her sight and her hearing. Because she could not hear sounds to imitate (模仿), she could not speak. Helen used to say that her real birthday was not June 27th, 1880, but March 3rd, 1887 — the day when Anne Sullivan entered her life. It was Anne Sullivan who taught Helen to spell certain words by a special system, Braille, and even to talk. Anne Sullivan could not teach Helen Keller to speak until some other important things had been learned. The little girl had to learn to control her actions and feelings. She had to learn that she could not always do what she wanted to do. She had always been able to get what she wanted by using force. The teacher had to change such habits without breaking the child's spirit. Miss Sullivan's battle began. Sometimes, there was real fighting between the wild child and the strong young teacher. At last, however, the battle was won by Miss Sullivan, who succeeded in showing Helen that she loved her and wanted to help her. The child and her teacher became friends. They continued to be friends until the teacher's death, fifty years later. The day on which Helen finally accepted Miss Sullivan as her friend and teacher was a great day in Helen's life. After that, the teacher could begin to teach the child language.


UNIT2 The First Period Reading Teaching goals教学目标 1. Target language目标语言 a.重点词汇和短语 fiction, cartoon, desire, satisfaction, absent, alarm, alarmed, smooth, embarrass, sympathy, elegant, pile, scan, fingernail, absurd, haircut, accompany, curtain, cushion, carpet, paint, awful , affair, firm, firmly, declare, victory, envy, marriage, test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone b.重点句型 1.She felt embarrassed and quickly told him to go. 2.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 3.By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. 2.Ability goals 能力目标 : Help students to learn about robots and science fiction. 3. Learning ability goals学能目标: Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-come based on things-on-hand. Teaching important points教学重点 Teach students to enjoy science fiction. Enable students to grasp what Tony did to help Claire and how her emotion developed during


选修7unit4重点词汇以及词组,词组辨析等基础知识 词汇学习

Part2.词组中英互译 1.for sure________________ 2. a newly built platform________________________- 3. stand upside down_______________ 4. dry out____________ 5.dry up_____________ 6.climb down the mountain______________ 7. a sewing machine_____________ 8. English dialect________________ 9.充当志愿者________________________ 10.收到来信________________________ 11.极渴望做________________________ 12.达到________________________ 13.调整以适应________________________ 14.前几天________________________ 15.偶遇________________________ 16.生火________________________ 17.参加________________________ 18.想起________________________ Part3.动词专练 1)Thanks for your letter, which took a fornight________________(arrive). 2)There’s no electricity or water and even no textbooks either! I’m still trying_______________(adapt) to these conditions. 3)When we arrived at the village, Tombe’s mother, Kiak, who ______________(pull) weeds in her garden, started crying “ieee, ieee”.



Ⅰ.单词拼写根据音标及词义写出英文单词。1.catalogue['k?t?l?ɡ] n.目录2.angle['??ɡl] n. 角;角度 3.concept['k?nsept] n. 观念;概念4.platform['pl?tf??m] n. 台;平台;讲台5.anniversary[??nI'v??s?rI] n. 周年纪念(日) 6.astronaut['?str?n??t] n. 宇航员 7.clinic['klInIk] n. 门诊部;小诊所8.privilege['prIv?lId?] n. 特权;特别优待9.textbook['tekstb?k] n. 教科书;课本10.purchase['p??t??s] vt.&n. 买;购买11.toast['t??st] vt. 烤(面包等) n. 烤面包(片) 12.relevant['rel?v?nt] adj. 有关的;切题的13.remote[rI'm??t] adj. 遥远的;偏僻的

14.weekly['wi?klI] adj. & adv. 每周(的) 15.otherwise['?e?waIz] conj. 否则;不然adv. 用别的方法 16.donate[d??'neIt] vt. 捐赠 Ⅱ.单词拓展写出下列单词及其派生词。1.mud n.泥;淤泥;泥浆muddy adj. 泥泞的;模糊的;混乱的2.participate vi. 参与;参加 participation n. 参与;参加 participant n. 参加者;参与者3.distribute vt. 分配;分发 distribution n. 分配;分发;分布状态distributor n. 发行人;经销商;分销商4.secure vt. 保护 adj. 安全的 security n. 安全;保护;保障 5.voluntary adj. 自愿的;无偿的volunteer n. 志愿者


英语选修7 Unit 4测试 班别: 座号:名字: 分数: 一. 单词短语测试.(30分) 1. You can a the colour on the TV by turning the button. 2. This type of university course is no longer r to today’s problem. 3. We fight against p in order to create a fairer society. 4. It is said that this company is in serious f difficulties now. 5. She actively p in the local politics. 6. I have some (购买物) to make in the town. 7. Pines have a wide (分布). 8. We have been asked not to say anything for (安全的)reason. 9. Mail comes to the (偏僻的) village once a week. 10. Shenzhou Ⅶmanned by three trained (宇航员)was launched successfully in China. 11. 我昨天收到了纽约的姐姐的来信。 I my sister in New York yesterday. 12. 她渴望出国。 She go abroad. 13. 她在抽屉里偶然发现一些旧照片。 She some old photos in a drawer. 14. 最近非洲许多河流都干涸了。 Many rivers in Africa recently. 15. 你的衣服要很长时间才能干透。 Your clothes will take ages . 二、完形填空(30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Jack was four years old, and his favorite game was cowboys and Indians. He had a cowboy suit and belt with two bows(弓箭), and spent most of his time 16 to be fighting Indians. One day his 17 took him in a train for the first time. Of course, he 18 his cowboy suit and carried his two bows. He had seen a 19 of an attack by Red Indians in the Wild West on TV at home, so his mother was not 20 when he began playing at cowboys and Indians in the train. But when he wanted to 21 the window wide so that he could 22 out of it, his mother thought this was too 23 , and allowed him to have it open only at the top, so that he could shoot(射击)out of it if he stood up, but could not 24 out. He was playing happily, hiding behind the 25 , suddenly stepping forward, 26 a “shot” out of the window and then quickly 27 back again, when he suddenly gave a cry, fell back onto the seat, and 28 there with his chin (下巴) resting on his chest and his arms 29 loosely beside him. Of course, his mother was 30 . She thought something from outside the train must have hit him as he stood at the window. She shook the child 31 , but he made no movement. His mother was now very worried 32 . She picked Jack up in her arms to go and find 33 ; but just then he lifted one of his arms with great 34 , pointed to his chest and said in a 35 whisper, “Pull the


人教版高二英语选修7 Unit 4 Sharing 全单元教案 Warming-up and Reading Teaching Goal: 1. Target language volunteer, hear from, be dying to, come across, relevant, stick out, doorway, adjust, platform, soft, softly, grill, dry out, dry up, privilege, arrangement 2. Ability goal Enable Ss to learn about PNG and Jo’s work in PNG as a volunteer teacher 3. Learning ability goal Help the Ss lean how to read between lines and find the positive and negative aspects of doing something Teaching methods: Discussion, skimming, scanning and task-based method Teaching Aid A recorder, a projector and PPT. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up Have you ever helped others? What did you do to help your parents or other relatives? Or your friends? Or people outside your community? I am sure you’ve a lot to say. OK, now et into gurops and finish the survey form on P28. Step 2 Pre-reading

选修7 Unit4 sharing 单词短语小测题

选修7 Unit4 sharing 单词短语小测题 Part1:单词拼写 1、I don’t want to p in the English party. 2、His nationality is not (有关)to whether he is a good teacher. 3、This kind of desk can be a to the height you need . 4、Only our teacher has the p to use the computer. 5、The doctors were o on the wounded solider . 6、You’d better give me my book , (否则) I’ll fail my test. Part2.词组中英互译 1.for sure________________ 2. make a difference to________________________- 3. in need_______________ 4. come across____________ 5.dry up_____________ 6.与…有关______________ 7. to be honest ____________ 8.make arrangements for ________________ 9.充当志愿者________________________ 10.收到来信________________________ 11.极渴望做________________________ 12.与某人分享某物________________________ 13.调整以适应________________________ 14.不久前的一天________________________ 15.挨饿________________________ 16.生火________________________ 17.参加________________________ 18.捐赠________________________ Part3. 完成句子 1.我每两个月就会收到我表哥的来信。 I my cousin every two months. 2.海上的空气改善了他的健康状况。 The sea air has his health. 3.如果你需要什么,尽管对我说。 If you are of anything , don’t hesitate to let me know. 4.这衣服经风一吹很快就会干的。 The clothes will soon in the wind. 5.今天早上我在牛津大街碰见一位老校友。 I an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning . 6.我极想知道发生了什么事情。 I am know what happened. Part 4 知识运用:串词成句—--作文 有一天,我收到我美国朋友的信。她说她不久前的一天,在街上偶遇了陈伟霆,所以她跟我分享这个消息。第二天,我告诉她,我极想当一名志愿者,去帮助那些有需要的人。后来,她参加了一个捐赠衣服的活动,让我也可以做一些安排去帮助那些挨饿的人。


Unit2 robot 第一部分语法 1.被动语态复习(一个不变,三个变)主动 时态不变He teach es English. 主语变宾语 主动变被动English is taught 宾语变主语by him.

被动 2.不定式的被动 (1)不定式的被动形式 等式相加:①一般式to be done to do +be done to be done ②完成式to have been done(表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前) Eg.The book is said to have been translated into several languages.

to do have done be done to have been done 2. 动词不定式的被动语态在句子中的作用 1) 做主语(常用it做形式主语) To be offered sympathy by a robot is ridiculous. 2) 做表语 The party is to be held next Saturday evening. 3) 做宾语 She didn’t like to be treated as a child.

4) 做宾语补足语 Tony expected the house to be completely transformed. 5)做定语 The English are proud of the Olympic Games to be held in London. 6)做状语 All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas. 翻译练习 1.据说这会议已经被取消了 The meeting is said to have been canceled. 2.这个学生似乎已经对政治失去了兴


选修7 Unit 4 Shari ng

作者: 日期:

Unit 4 Shari ng privilege arran geme nt toast don ate volu ntary purchase sew political 1. adj. 有关的;切题的 2. vi.& vt. 调整;(使)适合 3. vi. 参与;参加 4. con j .否则;不然 adv.用别的方法;其他方面 releva nt adjust participate otherwise 5. n. 特权;特别优待 6. n.安排;排列 7. vt.& n.烤(面包等);敬酒;烤面包 & vt. 捐赠 9. adj. 自愿的,无偿的 10. vt.& n. 买;购买 11. vi.(用针线)缝 I .重要单词聚焦 缝制; vt. (片);干杯 13 . vt. 分配,分发 14 . n. 分配;分发;分布状态 12. adj. 政治的;政党的

15.n.安全;保护,保障 vi.& vt. 工作;运转;操作 16. 17.n.门诊部;小诊所 distribute distributi on security operate clinic n.重点短语扫描 1. hear 接收……的信 2. the day 不久前的一天 3. dry (指河流、井等)干涸 4. to 适应 5. to be 诚实的说 6. Get 通过 7. set 建立;开张 & (be) to do 极想;渴望做某事 9. dry (使浸水等之物)完全变干;干透from other up adapt hon est through up dyi ng out 10. in 在困难中;在危急中 11. come 遇见 12. stick 伸出

英语选修7 unit4词汇英译汉及课文翻译

Module 7Unit 4 Sharing (词汇识记·英译汉) 教案序号:13-14 备课人:审核人:2016/3/24 1.airmail n. 2.fortnight n. 3.hear from 4.(be) dying to 5.roof n. 6.muddy adj. 7.textbook n. 8.concept n. 9.bucket n. 10.the other day 11.weekly adj. & adv. 12.relevant adj. 13.remote adj. 14.ridge n. 15.weed n. vt. & vi. 16.hut n. 17.rectangle n. 18.rectangular adj. 19.adjust vi. & vt. 20.platform n. 21.broom n. 22.tin n. 23.jar n. 24.sniff vt. & vi. 25.participate vi. 26.interpreter n. 27.grill n. vt. 28.dry out 29.leftover n. adj. 30.evil adj. n. 31.dry up 32.otherwise conj. adv. 33.privilege n. 34.paperwork n. 35.arrangement n. 36.toast vt. n. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d2980462.html,b n. 38.astronaut n. 39.angle n. 40.catalogue n. 41.donate vt. 42.voluntary adj. 43.in need 44.purchase vt. & n. 45.anniversary n. 46.seed n. 47.seedling n. 48.loan n. 49.sew vi. vt. 50.sewing machine 51.supplement n 52.ox n. 53.plough vi. 54.trunk n. 55.trunk library 56.tractor n. 57.click vi. & vt. n. 58.tailor n. vt. 59.economic adj. 60.political adj. 61.distribute vt. 62.distribution n. 63.financial adj. 64.security n. 65.operate vi. vt. 66.clinic n.


BOOK 7 Unit4 Sharing 重点词汇与短语:relevant adjust purchase participate donate voluntary otherwise dying to come across stick out in need dry out the other day 重点句型: It is/was+ adj./ n. +(for sb. )+to do… 重点词汇relevant 【原句回放】 Sometimes I wonder how relevant chemistry is to the kids, most of whom will be going back to their villages after year 8. (Page 29) 【点拨】 relevant:adj. connected with the subject or be connected with 有关的; 恰当的, 贴切的, 切题的 常用搭配:be relevant to 1)His nationality is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer. 他的国籍与是否是个好律师无关。 2)This type of university course is no longer relevant to today’s problem. 这种大学课程与目前问题不再有关联了。 【拓展】relevance 用作名词,也可以说relevancy;其反义词是ir relevant;adjust 【原句回放】The hut was dark inside, so it took time for our eyes to adjust. (Page 30)【点拨】 adjust vt. to change slightly to make suitable for a particular job or new conditions. 调整;调节;使适合;使适应; 相关短语:adjust oneself to sth./ doing sth. …使自己适应于…… 【拓展】 形容词:adjustable 名词:adjustment make an adjustment 做出调整。 purchase 【原句回放】 When you purchase an item, we’ll send you an attractive card for you to send to your special person. (Page 34) 【点拨】purchase vt. to buy or to gain sth at the cost of effort, suffering or sth else 购买; (以某种代价)换得;(经过努力)取得,赢得(常与with连用) 1)It will cost almost all the money for an old couple to purchase a house now. 现在一对老夫妻要买一幢房子要花掉几乎所有的钱。 2)They purchased life at the expense of honour. 他们用荣誉换取了生命。 【拓展】purchase作名词, 指“购买; 购得物”。 participate 【原句回放】I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language, even though I could not participate. (Page 30)

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