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1. 请给出下列英文词汇的尽可能多的中文译文。

Wife: 妻子;太太;夫人;内子;老婆;贱内;梓童;拙荆;娘子;老伴;爱人;媳妇


President: 总统;国家主席;会长;院长;银行行长;总经理;董事长;总裁;议长;厅长;市长;州长;首席官员;主管

Carry: 拿;提;搬;扛;抱;挑;运送;携带;佩戴;输送;传播;能记住;承载;承受;具有…特点;带到..地方;怀孕;怀有;导致;引起;支持;资助;维持;延长延伸;容纳;有..标签;新闻报道;运载工具;融资持股

2. 将下列词组译成中文。

Delicate skin 娇嫩细腻的皮肤

Delicate porcelain易碎的瓷器/精致的瓷器Delicate upbringing娇生惯养

Delicate health 纤弱的体质

Delicate stomach 脆弱的胃

Delicate vase 易碎的花瓶

Delicate diplomatic question 微妙/敏感的外交问题

Delicate difference 细微的差别

Delicate surgical operation 精细的外科手术Delicate ear for music 对音乐很有鉴赏力Delicate sense of smell灵敏的嗅觉Delicate touch 细巧的手艺Delicate food 精美的食物

开花be in flower

花领带colorful tie

绣花鞋embroidered shoes



花色design and color

3. 翻译下面的句子

1)Don't trust her comments on your new job; she is sort of a fox.


2)The old Blacksmith Jimmy is as good as gold.


3)As there is no cream, we'll have to content ourselves with black coffee.


4)There is no way to black out the news.


5)I hope that the circumstance will not lead you to reject the offered olive branch.



Last year at Christmas time my wife, three boys, and I were in France, on our way from Paris to Nice. For five wretched days everything had gone wrong. Our hotels were "tourist traps"; our rented car broke down; we were all restless and irritable in the crowded car. On Christmas Eve, when we checked into a dingy hotel in Nice, there was no Christmas spirit in our hearts.

It was raining and cold when we went out to eat. We found a drab little joint shoddily decorated for the holiday. It smelled greasy. Only five tables in the restaurant were occupied. There were two German couples, two French families, and an American sailor, by himself. In the corner a piano player listlessly played Christmas music.

I was too stubborn and too tired and miserable to leave. I looked around and noticed that the other customers were eating in stony silence. The only person who seemed happy was the American sailor. While eating, he was writing a letter, and a half-smile lighted his face.

--- From William J. Lederer "A Sailor's Christmas Gift"





