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Test Three

(Chapter5-6 with answers)

I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose

the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets.

1.What President reportedly claimed that Uncle Tom’s Cabin started the Civil


A. Grant

B. McKinley

C. Lincoln

D. Buchanan

2.Emily Dickinson was sometimes curious about the feeling of speech of death

and in one of her poems she wrote about the______ of death,the title of the poem is I heard a Fly buzz when I died.

A. moment

B. suffering

C. happiness

D. meaning

3.The poetic style Whitman devised is now called ________, that is poetry

without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme.

A. sonnet

B. Ballard

C. epic

D. free verse

4.By using the technique of contrast in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Stowe describes two

opposite fates of the slave: one gained freedom by rebellious struggle; the other died due to his submission. Who they are?

A. Tom and Cassy

B. Eliza and Tom

C. John and Tom

D. Tom and Marie

5.More than five hundred poems that Dickinson wrote are about nature,in

which her general _____about the relationship between man and nature is well expressed.

A. scepticism

B. eulogy

C. happiness

D. denial

6.In his cluster of poems called Leaves of Grass, ________gave America its

first genuine epic poem.

A. Walt Whitman

B. Emily Dickson

C. Mrs. Stowe

D. Robert Frost

7.Which of the following is NOT a usual subject of poetic expression of Emily


A. War and peace

B. Love and marriage

C. Life and death

D. Religion

8.This is my letter to the World is a poem expressing Emily Dickinson's

_____about her communication with the outside world.

A. happiness

B. anger

C. anxiety

D. sorrow

9.The Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States refers to the

period from .to .

A. 1861---1914

B. 1863---1918

C. 1865---1914

D. 1865---1918

10.is not the representative writer in the Age of Realism in the literary

history of the United States.

A. Henry James

B. Emily Dickinson

C. William Dean Howells

D. Mark Twain

11.is not the work of Mark Twain.

A.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

B.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

C.Life on the Mississippi

D.The Mill on the Floss

12.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is against .

A. British colonists

B. slavery

C. chauvinism

D. monocracy

13.American Literature produced only one female poet during the 19th century.

This was .

A. Jane Austen

B. Watt Whitman

C. Emily Dickinson

D. Harriet Beecher Stowe

14.The novel ______ is not written by Henry James.

A. The Ambassadors

B. The Wings of the Dove

C. The Bostonians

D. The Mysterious Stranger

15.The Way of the Beaten: A Harp in the Wind is the title of one chapter in

Dreiser’s novel _________.

A. An American Tragedy

B. Sister Carrie

C. Dreiser Looks at Russia

D. Jannie Gerhardt

16.The main theme of ________ The Art of Fiction reveals his literary credo that

representation of life should be the main object of the Novel.

A. Henry James’s

B. Mark Twain’s

C. Theodore Dreiser

D. William Dean Howells’

17.Daisy Miller is written by .

A. Hawthorne

B. Twain

C. Melville

D. James

18.Theodore Dreiser belonged to the school of literary ______which emphasized

heredity and environment as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters that were presented in special and detailed circumstances.

A. naturalism

B. realism

C. determinism

D. humanism

19.Mark Twain wrote most of his literary works with a _______language.

A. grand

B. pompous

C. simple

D. vernacular

20.After The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, Twain gives a literary independence to

Tom's buddy Huck in a book called_____,and the book from which "all modern American literature comes."

A. Life on the Mississippi River

B. The Gilded Age

C. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

D. The Sun Also Rises

21.Winterbourne is used as a ______in Henry James's "Daisy Miller."

A. Protagonist

B. Narrator of the events

C. A character of central consciousness

D. Persona

22.The author of "The Portrait of a Lady" is best at_______.

A. probing into the unsearched secret part of human life

B. a truthful delineation of the motives, the impulses, the principles that shape

the lives of actual men and women

C. a dramatizing the collisions between two very different cultural systems on

an international scene

D. disclosing the social injustices and evils of a civilized society after the Civil


23.In the following writers,who is generally regarded as the forerunner of the

20th century "Stream-of-consciousness" novels and the founder of psychological realism______________.

A. Henry James

B. Mark Twain

C. Emily Dickenson

D. Theodore Dreiser

24.One of the most familiar themes in American naturalism is the theme of

human "______".

A. bestiality

B. goodness

C. compassion

D. greed

25.The Age of Realism is also what Mark Twain referred to as “”.

A. The Gilded Age

B. The Jazz Age

C. The Lost Age

D. The Golden Age

26.While Mark Twain and Howells seemed to have paid more attention to the

“life” of the Americans, ____ had apparently laid greater emphasis on the “inner world” of man.

A. Dreiser

B. Whitman

C. James

D. Fitzgerald

27.The works of ____ are characterized with local colors.

A. Whitman

B. Mark Twain

C. Dickson

D. James

28.is regarded as “as true father of our national literature”.

A. Mark Twain

B. Jefferson

C. Franklin

D. Hemingway

29.Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is famous for its characterization

of .

A. Tom Sawyer

B. Huck

C. Jim

D. a runaway slave

30.and the West Became Twain’s major theme.

A. Death

B. The Mississippi valley

C. Adventures

D. The South

31.In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain makes sharp contrasts

between .

A. life and death

B. adventures and terrors

C. wealth and poverty

D. nature and culture (or wilderness and


32.Henry James is famous for his novels of .

A. love theme

B. international theme

C. revolutionary theme

D. pastoral theme

33.____ realism is characterized by his psychological approach to his subject


A. Twain’s

B. Whitman’s

C. James’s

D. Steinbeck’s

34.In the following statements, _________ is not about the local colorism in

American literary realism.

A. Their writings are concerned with the life of a small, well-defined region

or province.

B. The characteristic setting is the isolated small town.

C. Their materials were extensive or wide-ranging and the topics were


D. Local colorists were consciously nostalgic historians of a vanishing way

of life, recorders of a present that faded before their eyes.

35.______, a novella about a young American girl who gets “killed” by the

winter in Rome, brought James international fame for the first time.

A. The American

B. Daisy Miller

C. The Europeans

D. The Portrait of a Lady

36.With the publication of , Henry James’s reputation was firmly

established on both sides of the Atlantic.

A. Daisy Miller

B. The Portrait of A Lady

C. The American

D. The Wings of the Dove

37.Emily Dickinson got inspiration from in her writing of poetry.

A. hymns

B. sonnets

C. free verse

D. heroic couplets

38.Mark Twain’s first novel ______--, written in collaboration with Charles D.

Warner and published in 1873, though not an artistic success, gives its name to the America of the post-Civil War period which it attempts to satirize.

A. The Gilded Age

B. The Age of Innocence

C. The Roughing Time

D. The Jazz Age

39.Stylistically, Henry James’ fiction is characterized by ________.

A.short, clear sentences

B.abundance of local images

C.ordinary American speech

D.highly refined language

40.The raft on which Huck and Jim float along the river in Mark Twain’s

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn may symbolize all the following except ________.

A.spiritual freedom

B.escape from different sorts of social oppression

C.mobility and instability

D. a small society where people of different colors can live like brothers

41.Twain had become national sensations after he reworked a tale he had heard in

the California gold fields. The story is ___.

A. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras Country

B.Tramp Abroad

C.The Gilded Age

D.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

42.Which is not true description of Mark Twain?

A. He is known as local colorist, who preferred social life through portraits

of the local characters of his regions.

B.He portrayed uniquely American subjects in a humorous, colloquial,

poetic language.

C.He wrote about the lower-class people.

D.He was an admirer of ancient European civilization.

43.____ is generally considered to be James masterpiece, which incarnates the

clash between the Old World and the New in the life journey of an American girl in a European cultural environment.

A. The Portrait of a Lady

B. Daisy Miller

C. An American

D. Sister Carrie

44.Which of the following descriptions is true of Whitman?

A.He often uses variations of meters, esp. iambic tetrameter.

B.He uses long lines.

C.He explores the inner life of he individual.

D.He uses intense metaphors and a lot of ellipsis.

45.In “Because I Could not Stop for Death”, the poet uses personification. Her

companion is _____.

A. traveler

B. horse

C. death

D. carriage

46.Which of the following works was not written by Henry James?

A. Daisy Miller

B. The Golden Bowl

C. The Beast in the Jungle

D. The Prince and Pauper

47.____ was an American psychologist famous for his theory of “stream of


A. Henry James

B. William James

C, Sigmund Freud D. William Faulkner

48.An American Tragedy is a masterpiece by .

A. Hemingway

B. Dreiser

C. Faulkner

D. Fitzgerald

49.The impact of on the American thought and the influence of the

19th century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to American naturalism.

A.Darwin’s evolutionary theory

B.Marxist theory



50.In 1859, Darwin published The Origin of Species, which exerted great

influence on American

A. Romanticism

B. Realism

C. Modernism

D. Naturalism

II. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Write a “T” for true and “F” for false.

1.Mrs. Stowe has never passed her own opinion to her novel directly. ( )

2.Closely related to Emily Dickinson's religious poetry are her poems concerning

Death and immortality. ( )

3.The chief and immediate cause of the Civil War was slavery. ( )

4.Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865 just after he was selected

president of United States the first time. ( )

5.The subject matters of Walt Whitman’s poetry are always beautiful rural scenery.

( )

6.The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as Naturalism in the

literary history of the United States. ( )

7.After the Civil War, disillusionment and frustration were widely felt. What had

been expected to be a “Golden Age” turned to be a “Gilden” one. ( )

8.Mark Twain’s later works unmistakably showed his change from an optimist

and humorist to an almost despairing determinster. ( )

9.The novel which was described by an American critic as “an outrage to

American girlhood” is Henry James’s Daisy Miller. ( )

10.American Naturalism, like realism, had come from Europe. ( )

11.“Local Colorism” is a unique v ariation of American literary romanticism.

( )

12.The Portrait of A Lady is one of the representative works of Henry James.

( )

13.20th Century American literature is also called the Age of Realism. ( )

14.In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck and Jim have their journey to freedom

on the Hudson River. ( )

15.Twain’s humor is only of witty remarks mocking at small things or of farcical

elements making people laugh. ( )

16.Most of Emily Dickinson’s poems were published posthumously.( )

17.Darwin’s impact of the idea “survival of the fittest” on Dreiser is great.( )

18.James in 1915 became a naturalized British citizen. ( )

19.Dreiser successfully used local color and historical settings to illustrate and

shed light on the contemporary society. ( )

20.Darwinism was a big influence over the writers of the modern period. ( ) III. For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary works from which it is taken

1.One eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distributed

generally over the Union, but localized in the southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was, somehow, the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insurgents would rend the Union, even

by war; while the government claimed no right to do more than to restrict the territorial enlargement of it.

2.I am satisfied - I see, dance, laugh, sing;

As the hugging and loving bed-fellow sleeps at my side through the night, and withdraws at the peep of the day with stealthy tread,

Leaving me baskets cover'd with white towels swelling the house with their plenty,

Shall I postpone my acceptation and realization and scream at my eyes,

That they turn from gazing after and down the road,

And forthwith cipher and show me to a cent,

Exactly the value of one and exactly the value of two, and which is ahead?

3.But who, sir, makes the trader? Who is most to blame? The enlightened,

cultivated, intelligent man, who supports the system of which the trader is the inevitable result, or the poor trader himself? Y ou make the public statement that calls for his trade, that debauches and depraves him, till he feels no shame in it; and in what are you better than he?

4.“Mas’r, if you was sick, or in trouble, or dying, and I could save ye, I’d give

ye my heart’s blood; and, if taking every drop of blood in this poor old body would save your precious soul, I’d give ’em freely, as the Lord gave his for me. Oh, Mas’r! don’t bring this great sin on your soul! It will hurt you more than’t will me! Do the worst you can, my troubles’ll be over soon; but, if ye don’t repent, yours won’t never end!”

5.Sitting alone, she was now an illustration of the devious ways by which one

who feels, rather than reasons, may be led in the pursuit of beauty. Though often disillusioned, she was still waiting for that halcyon day when she would be led forth among dreams become real. Ames had pointed out a farther step, but on and on beyond that, if accomplished, would lie others for her. It was forever to be the pursuit of that radiance of delight which tints the distant hilltops of the world.

6.From a Child I was fond of Reading, and all the little Money that came into

my Hands was ever laid out in Books. Pleas’d with a Pilgrim’s Progress, my first Collection was of John Bunyan’s Works, in separate little V olumes. In fact, the quality of this small ripe country seemed as sweet to her as the taste of an October pear; and her satisfaction was at the root of the good spirits which enabled her to take her cousin’s chaff and return it in kind. If her good-humour flagged at moments, it was not because she thought herself ill-used, but because she suddenly felt sorry for Ralph. It seemed to her that he was talking as a blind and had little heart in what he said.

7.As the eyes of half the regiment swept in one machinelike movement, there

was an instant’s picture of a horse in a great convulsive leap of a death wound and a rider leaning back with a crooked arm and spread fingers before his face.

On the ground was the crimson terror of an exploding shell, with fibers of flame that seemed like lances. A glittering bugle swung clear of the rider’s back as fell headlong the horse and the man. In the air was an odor as from a


8.Because I could not stop for Death——

He kindly stopped for me ——

The Carriage held but just Ourselves ——

And Immortality

9.Isabel thought this a better answer than she admitted; it was a tolerable

description of her own manner of judging, but it would not have sounded well fro her to say so. On the lips of a person less advanced in life and less enlightened by experience than Mrs. Touchett such a declaration would savour of immodesty, even of arrogance. She risked it nevertheless in talking with Ralph, with whom she talked a great deal and with whom her conversation was of a sort that gave a large licence to extravagance.

10.The next day the doctors were back; Tom had relapsed. The three weeks he

spent on his back this time seemed an entire age. When he got abroad at last he was hardly grateful that he had been spared, remembering how lonely was his estate, how companionless and forlorn he was. He drifted listlessly down the street and found Jim Hollis acting as judge in a juvenile court that was trying a cat for murder, in the presence of her victim, a bird.

Key to Chapters 5-6 练习答案

I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets.

1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. A

7. A

8. C

9. C 10. B

11. D 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. D 20. C

21. C 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. A 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. B

31. D 32. B 33. C 34. C 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. A 39. D 40. D

41. A 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. B 49. A 50. D

II. Read the following statements and decide whether they are true or false. Write a “T” for true and “F” for false.

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. F

7. T

8. T

9. T 10. T

11.F 12. T 13. F 14. F 15. F 16. F 17. T 18. T 19. F 20. F

III. For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary works from which it is taken.

1.Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865

2.Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself

3.Mrs. Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin

4.Mrs. Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin

5.Dreiser’s Sister Carrie

6.James’The Portrait of a Lady

7.Crane’s The Mystery of Heroism

8.Dickinson’s Because I could not stop for Death

9.James’The Portrait of a Lady

10.Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


美国文学选读第三版课后习题答案陶洁(部分) Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Questions 1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a


文学概论期末试题及答案 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题l分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的。请将其代码填在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.艾布拉姆斯指的?文学四要素?是 ( ) A.创作、文本、传播、阅读 B.作品、作家、宇宙、读者 C.思想、生活、技巧、知识 D.情节、结构、人物、事件 2.情景交融是意境创造的 ( ) A. 本质特征 B. 形象特征 C. 结构特征 D. 美感特征 3.?为艺术而艺术?是哪种文学观念的主要口号 ( ) A.独立说 B.再现说 C.体验说 D.表现说 4.能真正体现作家的艺术品格(也即创作个性)的语体是 ( ) A. 规范语体 B. 自由语体 C. 抒情语体 D. 叙事语体 5.?距离论?的提出者是 ( ) A.布洛 B.英加登 C.荣格 D.弗洛伊德 6.把语言具体区分为?语言结构?和?言语?的语言学家是 ( ) A.童庆炳 B.英加登 C.凯塞尔 D.索绪尔 7.在广义的文化概念中,最为活跃、最易变化的因素是 ( ) A.制度文化 B.精神文化 C.物质文化 D.全部文化 8.中国最早提出?意境?这一概念的是 ( ) A.王维 B.李白 C.司空图 D.王昌龄 9.哲理性是文学象征意象的 ( ) A.本质特征 B.表现手段 C.形象特征 D.审美特征 10.故事时间长度为零而叙述文本的时间大于零的一种时距是 ( ) A.省略 B.停顿 C.概略 D.减缓 11.从人物性格给人的不同审美感受把人物区分为?扁平?和?圆型’’的是 ( ) A.格雷马斯 B.康德 C.歌德 D.福斯特 12.形成文学风格的决定因素是 ( )


美国文学试题库 注:试题库内容仅作为学习参考使用,并不代表考试内容。任何一道题均可能变化为其它形式的试题。 1. Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author’s tone in writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more_____________. A. rational B. humorous C. optimistic D. pessimistic 2.The impact of Darwin’s evolutionary theory on the American thought and the influence of the nineteenth-century French literature on the American men of letters gave rise to yet another school of realism: American___________ . A. local colorism B. vernacularism C. modernism D. naturalism 3. ____________were idealists, believing the church should be restored to complete “purity” and dreaming that they would build the new land to an Eden on earth. A. Calvinists B. Puritans C. Romanticists D. Transcendentalists 4. All of the following are the features of Puritans EXCEPT _____. A. wanting to make pure their religious beliefs and practices


第一章 基本概括:1.文艺学:研究文学及其规律得学科。 2、文学活动:把文学理解为一种活动,由作品、作家、世界、读者等要素组成,就是人类得一种高级得特殊得精神活动、 3.文学理论:对文学得原理、文学得范畴与判断标准等问题得研究。 4。文学批评:以文学理论所阐明得基本原理概念、范畴与方法为指导,专门地去具体分析与评论一个个作家、作品、 5.文学史:就是一门以研究主流文学为对象得,清理并描述文学演变过程,探讨其发张规律得一门学科、 思考问题:1。试从学科归属、对象任务与学科品格三个角度,说明文学理论得性质 答:文学理论得学科归属:文学理论就是文艺学中得三个分支之一,与其她分支有密切得联系,它通过对文学问题得审视,侧重于研究文学中带有一般性普遍规律,它力图指导、制约其她分支得研究、从对象任务上瞧,文学活动作为人类得一种精神活动,它有一个历史发展过程,它就是随着时代得发展而发展得,显示出不同历史阶段得特征。它作为人类得一种特殊得精神活动,从总体上来研究文学活动区别于其她活动得特殊性质。社会生活就是一切种类得文学艺术得源泉、经过作家得艺术创造,成为文学文本、研究作品得构成因素与相互关系,文本一定要经过阅读、鉴赏、批评、从学科品格上瞧,具有实践性与自身独特得价值取向。 2.文学理论得几种基本形态?其划分得依据就是什么? 答:基本形态有:文学哲学,文学社会学,文学心理学,文学符号学,文学价值学,文学信息学,文学文化学。划分依据就是:文学创作——文学作品——文学接受与文学创造——艺术价值--文学消费 第二章 基本概念:1。马克思主义文学理论:就是马克思主义整体中得有机组成部分。就是马克思、恩格斯在批判地继承德国古典哲学、美学、文艺学得基础上创立得。 2.文学活动论:马克思主义首先把文学理解为人得一种活动,并建立了“文学活动论”。 3.文学反映论:把文学活动瞧成就是一种人得主体对于客体得认识与反映,文学就是对于生活得反映,就是一种艺术得反映。 4.艺术生产论:就是把物质生产与作为精神生产得艺术生产相比较,艺术生产就是指实际得艺术创作过程。 5.文学审美意识形态论:把文学艺术瞧成就是“审美意识形态”,意味着文学艺术就是社会意识形态得变体,它既具有意识形态得性质,又具有审美得性质,就是这两者得有机结合、 6.艺术交往论:把文学艺术理解为一种交往与对话。 思考问题:1.作为马克思文学理论得基石就是什么?试作简要说明。 答:文学活动论:马克思主义首先把文学理解为人得一种活动,并建立了“文学活动论”、文学艺术活动作为人得精神性得生活活动,也就是人得本质力量得对象化,人得本质力量得一部分通过文学艺术得创造与欣赏展现与外化出来。文学就是作为主体得人得能动得创造,它塑造人,就是一种“人学”、文学反映论:马克思主义从哲学得存在与意识得相互理论出发,把文学活动瞧成就是一种人得主体对于客体得认识与反映,文学就是对于生活得反映,就是一种艺术得反映、艺术生产论:人学作为人得活动之一,进入社会就成为一种艺术生产活动、因此,马克思随着时代发展把文学活动理解为“艺术生产”活动,“艺术生产”就是把物质生产与作为精神生产得艺术生产相比较,艺术生产就是指实际得艺术创作过程。


《文学概论》试题及答案 专业考试号姓名分数 一、填空题(每空2分,共20分) 1、马克思主义文学理论的创始人和奠基者是________________、________________。 2、生活真实只是艺术真实的___________,为艺术真实提供___________。 3、西方现代主义文学中所表现出来的异化思想,概括地说,主要表现在人与社会、______、___________和人与自然等四个方面。 4、西方现代小说发端于18世纪,___________小说是第一代;19世纪的___________小说是第二代。 5、创造诗歌意境的总的方法是___________,它可具体化为两条途径,即___________的方法和化情思为景物的方法。 二、选择题(1-3题为单项选择,4-6题为多项选择。请将答案序号填在括号内,错选、少选或多选均不得分。每小题3分,共18分) 1、文学区别于其他艺术的基本特点,就在于它运用( )塑造形象。 A、造型 B、表演 C、综合 D、语言 2、在关于艺术起源问题的探索中,明确提出并系统阐述“游戏说”的理论家是( ) A、爱德华·泰勒与弗雷译 B、席勒与斯宾塞 C、普列汉诺夫与毕歇尔 D、荣格与克罗齐

3、叙事性作品中情节的基本组成部分(或称情节的基本阶段)是( ) A、序幕、发展、高潮、结局 B、开端、发展、结局、尾声 C、序幕、高潮、结局、尾声 D、开端、发展、高潮、结局 4、自18世纪末叶至20世纪中期的西方文学史上,先后出现过如下几个文学思潮( ) A、古典主义 B、浪漫主义 C、现实主义 D、自然主义 E、现代主义 5、灵感的基本特点( ) A、不期而至,偶然突发 B、专注敏捷,亢奋紧张 C、超长独特,富于创造 D、突然消失,不可再得 E、超控自如,随意挥发 6、形象思维的基本特征是( ) A、直感性 B、理念性 C、蕴情性 D、想象性 E、审美性 三、名词解释(每小题3分,共15分) 1、典型: 2、创作灵感:


美国文学选读第三版课后习题答案洁(部分) Unit 1 Benjamin Franklin Questions 1.Why did Franklin write his Autobiography? Franklin says that because his son may wish to know about his life, he is taking his one week vacation in the English countryside to record his past. He also says that he has enjoyed his life and would like to repeat it 2.What made Franklin decide to leave the brother to whom he had been apprenticed? His brother was passionate, and had often beaten him. The aversion to arbitrary power that has stuck to him through his whole life .After a brush with the law, Franklin left his brother. 3.How did he arrive in Philadephia? First he set out in a boat for Amboy, the boat dropped him off about 50 miles from Burlington, the next day he reached Burlington on foot, in Burlington he found a boat which was going towards Philadelphia, he arrived there about eight


第九章{概念)1、现实型文学:也称为现实主义文学。是一种侧重以写实的方式再现客观现实的文学形态。它的基本特征是:再现性和逼真性。 2、理想型文学:一种侧重以直接抒情的方式表现主观理想的文学形态。它的基本特征是:表现性和虚幻性。 3、象征型文学:侧重以暗示的方式寄寓了审美意蕴的文学形态。它的基本特征是:暗示性和朦胧性。 4、诗:词语凝练、结构跳跃、富有节奏和韵律。高度集中地反映生活和抒发思想感情的文学体裁。 5、小说:通过完整的故事情节和具体的环境描写,以塑造人物为中心来反映社会生活的文体。 6、剧本:侧重以人物台词为手段,集中反映矛盾冲突的文学体裁。 7、散文:一种体裁广泛、结构灵活,注重抒写真实感受、境遇的文学体裁。广义的散文是既包括诗歌以外的一切文学作品,也包括一般科学著作、论文、应用文章。狭义的散文即文学意义上的散文,是指与诗歌、小说、剧本等并列的一种文学样式,包括抒情散文、叙事散文、杂文、游记等。文学散文是一种题材广泛,结构灵活,注重抒写真实感受、境遇的文学体裁。 8、报告文学:以真人真事基础上塑造艺术形象,及时反映现实生活的文学体裁。 (思考题)1、谈谈象征型文学与现实型文学、理想型文学的区别象征型文学是寄寓意蕴,以变形描写来拟人(物)的形象,是现代派文学,来表现哲理的。 现实型文学是再现生活重视细节描写,虚构而见不出虚构,表现现实主义反映生活本质的。 理想型文学是表现理想以夸张幻想来再造的虚构幻想的形象表现浪漫主义的反映理想。 或(现实型与理想型文学的意义就在其形象自身,而象征型文学突出文学形象的意义的超越性;现实型文学是通过对生活现象的直接描绘反映现实,理想型文学往往以直抒胸臆的方式表现情感态度。而象征型文学则偏以间接的方式去暗示客观规律和主观感受;象征型文学淡化具体时间与空间,突出了朦胧性。) 2、诗歌、小说、散文、剧本的基本特征 诗歌的基本特征是:1、(高度的概括);2强性大(强烈的抒情性) 3、音乐性(停顿、平仄和押韵) 小说的基本特征:1.深入细致的人物刻画 2、完整复杂的情节叙述 3、具体充分的环境描写 散文的基本特征:1、选材广泛,现实性很强 2、形式自由,手法多样 3、形聚,构思精湛(形散:选材五光十色,联想自由驰骋,手法多种多样,结构灵活多变;神聚:立意深远,一线串珠。)4、真人真事,事情实感。 剧本的基本特征:1、浓缩地反映现实生活,人物事件事件、地点高。2、尖锐紧张的戏剧冲突 3、人物台词要个性化口语并富有动作性。(个性化语言要符合人物的思想性格、身份地位教养;口语化既有意境又有潜台词;动作性:人物语言要传达内在的动作心理活动;引起更多的外部动作,推动情节的发展到新的层面。) 第十章{概念}1典型作为文学形象的高级形态之一。是文学言语系统中显


一、概念题(10 分,每小题2分) 1.文学:文学是显现在话语蕴藉中的审美意识形态。 2.艺术真实:是对生活真实进行概括和提炼而形成的正确反映了生活本质的形象图景,它以生活真实为源泉,又高于普通的实际生活。 3.文学性:是俄国形式主义理论的核心概念,认为文学研究的真正对象是作品的形式价值,也就是使一部作品成为文学作品的东西,即特异性。 4.叙述频率:是指本文话语与故事内容的重复关系。包括两个基本类型:事件的重复与话语的重复。前者是指某一类型的事件反复出现;后者是指对一个事件的反复叙述。 5.文学消费:在广义上是指人们用文学作品来满足自己的精神需求的过程,也即文学阅读或欣赏;在狭义上则是指近代以来在商品经济充分发展的条件下,人们把文学作品作为一种特殊商品而对它的购买、阅读以及传播行为,它是文学生产的最终完成。 二、填空题(20分,每小题1分) 1.作为马克思主义文学理论来源的三位哲人是(康德、黑格尔、费尔巴哈) 2艾布拉姆斯的文学四要素包括(世界、作家、作品、读者) 3.亚里士多德认为诗人摹仿的世界有三种(已有的事、或有的事、应有的事)。 4.英加登的文本五层面说是指(声音、意义、世界、观点、形而上学) 5.人类文学传播的三个阶段是(口头传播、文字传播、电子传播)。 6.二十世纪西方文论发展的两条路线是(科学主义、人文主义)。 7.王国维把文学意境分为(有我之境、无我之境)。 8.文艺学的三个分支是(文学理论、文学批评、文学史) 9.关于文艺起源的主要观点有摹仿说、巫术说、游戏说、劳动说。 10.文学批评的多种形态包括伦理批评、社会历史批评、审美批评、心理批评、语言批评。 11.故事行动序列的典型形式有首尾接续式、中间包含式、左右并联式。 12.抒情作品的三个结构要素是声音、画面、情感经验。 13.历史上的主要悲剧类型有命运悲剧、性格悲剧、观念悲剧、社会悲剧。


《美国文学》期末考试试卷(B卷) 1.Poor Richard’s Almanac ( ) 2.The House of the Seven Gables ( ) 3.“Raven”( ) 4.My Antonia ( ) 5.Babbitt ( ) 6.A Streetcar Named Desire ( ) 7.Maggie: A Girl of the Streets ( ) 8.A Farewell to Arms ( ) 9.The Call of the Wild ( ) 10.Long Day's Journey into Night ( ) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/153505125.html,mon Sense ( ) 12. “Rip Van Winkle”( ) 13. Walden( ) 14. The Song of Hiawatha( ) 15. Uncle Tom’s Cabin( ) 16.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn( ) 17.Sister Carrie( ) 18.The Waste Land( ) 19. A Farewell to Arms( ) 20.The Great Gatsby( ) 1.defined poetry as the rhythmical creation of beauty. 2.While working for the Virginia City Territorial Enterprise, Samuel Langhorne Clemens adopted the pseudonym , the way of a boatman taking soundings, and meaning two fathoms. 3.Ezra Pound initiated a campaign for , which emphasized the direct treatment of an object or situation. He also advocated the language of common speech, but always the exact word. 4.Fitzgerald summarized the experiences and attitudes of the 1920s decade in his masterpiece novel _________. 5.is the first American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature for his vigorous and graphic art of description and his ability to create, with wit and humor, new types of characters. 6.The first of American literature was not written by an American, but by ___________________, a British captain, who thus became the first American writer. 7._________________ has been considered the “Father of modern American Poetry.\


文学概论试题及答案(B卷) 一、概念题(10分,每小题2分) 1.文学: 2.艺术真实: 3.文学性: 4.叙述频率: 5.文学消费: 二、填空题(20分,每小题1分) 1.作为马克思主义文学理论来源的三位哲人是、、。 2艾布拉姆斯的文学四要素包括、、、。 ! 3.亚里士多德认为诗人摹仿的世界有三种_____ 、_____ 、____ 。4.英加登的文本五层面说是指____、____、____、_____、_____。5.人类文学传播的三个阶段是_______、_______、________。6.二十世纪西方文论发展的两条路线是_______、________。 7.王国维把文学意境分为、。 8.文艺学的三个分支是、、。 9.关于文艺起源的主要观点有、、、。 10.文学批评的多种形态包括、、、、。 11.故事行动序列的典型形式有_______、_______、________。12.抒情作品的三个结构要素是_______、_______、________。 、 13.历史上的主要悲剧类型有_____、_____、_____、______。14.文学期待视野的三个层次是_______、_______、_______。

15.发展社会主义文学的“二为”方向是_______、________。 16.常见的批评文体包括________、_______、_______、________。17.依据表演方式,戏剧可分为_______、_______、_______。 18.依据形式划分,诗歌可分为_______、_______、_______。 19.马克思主义的文艺批评标准是、。 20.文学接受发生的主体因素包括、、。 三、选择题(20分,每小题2分)(在正确的题号上打“√”) 1.现实主义的基本特征是: ) ①关注现实②细节真实③反映本质④排斥理想⑤反对虚构2.文学抒情在本质上属于: ①现实评价②自我表现③审美体验④情感宣泄⑤艺术形式3.作为文学最本质的特征是: ①文字的科学②文章的学问③文化的载体④语言的艺术⑤抒情的方式4.表现文学风格的具体话语情境包括: ①词语运用②体裁选择③结构安排④形象创造⑤社会状况5.艺术灵感的主要特征包括: ①突发性②直觉性③迷狂性④情感性⑤创造性 6.文学与社会科学的区别表现在: / ①反映对象②反映方式③作用特点④材料来源⑤思维形式7.依据作品内容,诗歌可分为: ①自由诗②抒情诗③格律诗④叙事诗⑤哲理诗 8.文学阅读活动对读者的要求是:


文学概论试题及答案(B卷) 一\概念题(10分,每小题2分) 1.文学: 2.艺术真实: 3.文学性: 4.叙述频率: 5.文学消费: 二、填空题(20分,每小题1分) 1.作为马克思主义文学理论来源的三位哲人是、、。 2艾布拉姆斯的文学四要素包括、、、。 3.亚里士多德认为诗人摹仿的世界有三种_____ 、_____ 、____ 。4.英加登的文本五层面说是指____、____、____、_____、_____。5.人类文学传播的三个阶段是_______、_______、________。6.二十世纪西方文论发展的两条路线是_______、________。7.王国维把文学意境分为、。 8.文艺学的三个分支是、、。 9.关于文艺起源的主要观点有、、、。 10.文学批评的多种形态包括、、、、。 11.故事行动序列的典型形式有_______、_______、________。12.抒情作品的三个结构要素是_______、_______、________。13.历史上的主要悲剧类型有_____、_____、_____、______。14.文学期待视野的三个层次是_______、_______、_______。

15.发展社会主义文学的“二为”方向是_______、________。 16.常见的批评文体包括________、_______、_______、________。17.依据表演方式,戏剧可分为_______、_______、_______。18.依据形式划分,诗歌可分为_______、_______、_______。19.马克思主义的文艺批评标准是、。 20.文学接受发生的主体因素包括、、。 三、选择题(20分,每小题2分)(在正确的题号上打“√”) 1.现实主义的基本特征是: ①关注现实②细节真实③反映本质④排斥理想⑤反对虚构 2.文学抒情在本质上属于: ①现实评价②自我表现③审美体验④情感宣泄⑤艺术形式 3.作为文学最本质的特征是: ①文字的科学②文章的学问③文化的载体④语言的艺术⑤抒情的方式4.表现文学风格的具体话语情境包括: ①词语运用②体裁选择③结构安排④形象创造⑤社会状况 5.艺术灵感的主要特征包括: ①突发性②直觉性③迷狂性④情感性⑤创造性 6.文学与社会科学的区别表现在: ①反映对象②反映方式③作用特点④材料来源⑤思维形式 7.依据作品内容,诗歌可分为: ①自由诗②抒情诗③格律诗④叙事诗⑤哲理诗 8.文学阅读活动对读者的要求是: ①期待视野②对话欲望③思想正确④情感丰富⑤见仁见智


美国文学选择题及答案 1. William Faulkner is the author of ______. a. Far From the Madding Crowd b. Sound and Fury c. For Whom the Bell Tolls d. Scarlet Letter 2. Robert Frost is a famous_______. a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. literary critic 3. The Old Man and the Sea is one of the great works by ________. a. Jack London b. Charles Dickens c. Samuel Coleridge d. Earnest Hemingway 4. _______refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality. a. Allegory b. Conflict c. Irony d. Flashback 5. The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is______. a. Nature b. Walden c. Experience d. Essays 6. Mark Twain shaped the world’s view of America and made a combination of _____and serious literature. a. American folk humor b. funny jokes c. English folklore d. American values 7. Who was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War? a. Fennimore Cooper. b. Nathaniel Hawthorn. c. Walt Whitman. d. Washington Irving. 8. I Have a Dream is addressed by _____. a. Abraham Lincoln b. John F. Kennedy c. Martin Luther King d. Ralph Waldo Emerson 9. Which of the following is NOT a poem by Emily Dickinson? a. This is my letter to the world b. I heard a Fly buzz—when I died c. This is just to say d. Because I could not stop for death 10. Eugene O’Neil is an American ______. a. novelist b. playwright c. poet d. essayist 11. The period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the _______in the literary history of the United States. a. Age of Realism b. Age of Classicalism c. Age of Romanticism d. Age of Renaissance 12. With “Collected Poems”, ______won the second Pulitzer Prize. a. Ezra Pond b. e. e. cummings c. Robert Frost d. William Cullen Bryant 13. Grass is a poem written by _______.


第一章 基本概括:1.文艺学:研究文学及其规律的学科。 2.文学活动:把文学理解为一种活动,由作品、作家、世界、读者等要素组成,是人类的一种高级的特殊的精神活动。 3.文学理论:对文学的原理、文学的范畴和判断标准等问题的研究。 4.文学批评:以文学理论所阐明的基本原理概念、范畴和方法为指导,专门地去具体分析和评论一个个作家、作品。 5.文学史:是一门以研究主流文学为对象的,清理并描述文学演变过程,探讨其发张规律的一门学科。 思考问题:1.试从学科归属、对象任务和学科品格三个角度,说明文学理论的性质 答:文学理论的学科归属:文学理论是文艺学中的三个分支之一,与其他分支有密切的联系,它通过对文学问题的审视,侧重于研究文学中带有一般性普遍规律,它力图指导、制约其他分支的研究。从对象任务上看,文学活动作为人类的一种精神活动,它有一个历史发展过程,它是随着时代的发展而发展的,显示出不同历史阶段的特征。它作为人类的一种特殊的精神活动,从总体上来研究文学活动区别于其他活动的特殊性质。社会生活是一切种类的文学艺术的源泉。经过作家的艺术创造,成为文学文本。研究作品的构成因素和相互关系,文本一定要经过阅读、鉴赏、批评。从学科品格上看,具有实践性和自身独特的价值取向。 2.文学理论的几种基本形态?其划分的依据是什么? 答:基本形态有:文学哲学,文学社会学,文学心理学,文学符号学,文学价值学,文学信息学,文学文化学。划分依据是:文学创作——文学作品——文学接受和文学创造——艺术价值——文学消费 第二章 基本概念:1.马克思主义文学理论:是马克思主义整体中的有机组成部分。是马克思、恩格斯在批判地继承德国古典哲学、美学、文艺学的基础上创立的。 2.文学活动论:马克思主义首先把文学理解为人的一种活动,并建立了“文学活动论”。3.文学反映论:把文学活动看成是一种人的主体对于客体的认识与反映,文学是对于生活的反映,是一种艺术的反映。 4.艺术生产论:是把物质生产与作为精神生产的艺术生产相比较,艺术生产是指实际的艺术创作过程。 5.文学审美意识形态论:把文学艺术看成是“审美意识形态”,意味着文学艺术是社会意识形态的变体,它既具有意识形态的性质,又具有审美的性质,是这两者的有机结合。 6.艺术交往论:把文学艺术理解为一种交往和对话。 思考问题:1.作为马克思文学理论的基石是什么?试作简要说明。 答:文学活动论:马克思主义首先把文学理解为人的一种活动,并建立了“文学活动论”。文学艺术活动作为人的精神性的生活活动,也是人的本质力量的对象化,人的本质力量的一部分通过文学艺术的创造和欣赏展现和外化出来。文学是作为主体的人的能动的创造,它塑造人,是一种“人学”。文学反映论:马克思主义从哲学的存在与意识的相互理论出发,把文学活动看成是一种人的主体对于客体的认识与反映,文学是对于生活的反映,是一种艺术的反映。艺术生产论:人学作为人的活动之一,进入社会就成为一种艺术生产活动。因此,马克思随着时代发展把文学活动理解为“艺术生产”活动,“艺术生产”是把物质生产与作为精神生产的艺术生产相比较,艺术生产是指实际的艺术创作过程。


第24单元索尔?贝娄 24.1复习笔记 I.Introduction to author(作者简介) 1.Life(生平) Saul Bellow was about the best-known writer of his generation.He was born into a Russian Jewish family in Canada,he grew up in Chicago.His first book, Dangling Man,was published in1944,and for over a half a century,he wrote a good number of novels,short stories and plays,and won a good number of awards. His career reached its exciting climax in1976when he was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the Nobel Prize for Literature. 索尔·贝娄(1915—2005)是当代美国最著名的小说家。他出生于加拿大一个俄国犹太移民家庭。他在芝加哥长大。他的第一部小说《摇来晃去的人》发表于1944年。在接下来的半个多世纪,他创作了大量的长篇小说、短篇小说和剧本,赢得了众多的奖项。1976年他的创作事业到达巅峰,他同时被授予普利策奖和诺贝尔文学奖。 2.His Themes(主题) Saul Bellow’s basic themes are essentially Three-fold:first,he views contemporary society as a threat to human life and human integrity.Then living in such an environment,people tend to become paranoid,high-strung,and impotent, and so lose their sanity.Finally,there is the quest motif,a quest for truth and values,


黄淮学院成人高等教育教育 ————学年第 ———— 学期 《文学概论》试卷(A卷) 一、一、多项选择题(选出两个以 上的正确答案填在括号内、每题1分, 共计20分) 1、文学创造中的艺术概括是从() A、一般出发 B、个别出发 C、以对特殊事物即有特征的事物的描述为途径 D、概念出发2、文学对社会的反映是() A、纯客观的反映 B、原生态的摹写 C、零度反映 D、有选择有改造的反映 E、反映外部世界,也反映作家的精神 3、文学作为审美意识形态,从目的上看,它是()A、功利性的 B、无功利的 C、既是无功利的,也是功利的 D、直接是无功利的 E、间接是有功利的 F、无功利性是功利的手段 4、徐悲鸿绘画中的马是() A、客观生活中的真实的马 B、生物学中的马 C、人的本质力量对象化的马 D、象征人类精神的马 E、具有深刻寓意的马

F、具有审美价值的马 5、对待文学遗产的错误态度是() A、全盘继承 B、全盘抛弃 C.、批判的继承 D、只能继承形式 E、吸收其精华,剔除其糟粕 6、文学作为社会的意识形态,与经济基础的关系是() A 、直接的 B、间接的 C、紧密的 D、有距离的 E 、无关的 7、文学作为话语是() A、社会性话语活动 B、单纯的个人话语活动 C、是社会的产物 D、审美意识形态 E、是对现实的反映F、具有阶级性话语的性质 8、世界文学与民族文学的关系是() A、世界文学排斥民族文学 B、形成了世界性就取消了民族性 C、既有区别又相联系 D、世界文学的形成以民族文学的发展为基础 E、世界文学的形成促进各民族文学的发展 9、文学创作是() A、私人化行为 B、社会活动 C、纯粹个人的事情 D、作家与社会的对话 10、艺术真实与生活真实相比,() A、生活真实更丰富、生动 B、艺术真实没有生活真实具体、典型和有感染力 C、艺术真实高于生活真实,超越生活真实 D、艺术真实比现实更理想、更美、更有感染力

文学概论 试题及答案

《文学概论》考试题(一) 一、填空题(每空1分共10分) 文学与科学、伦理学的区别:文学面向人们的情感世界,求美;科学面向人们的理性世界,求真;伦理学面向人们的道德世,求善。 刘勰把具体作品的风格归纳为“八体”:一曰典雅,二曰远奥,三曰精致,四曰显附,五曰繁缛,六曰壮丽,七曰新奇,八曰轻糜。二、解释下列名词(每词4分,共28分) ⑴人性:人性即人这一物种的本质特性。 人性是在特定的社会关系中由人的这个群体环境养成的。这一养成的过程实际上就是教育与文化的过程。通过这个过程,把“动物的人”转化为“思想的人,道德的人,组织的人,说话的人和计划的人”,人性于是而能日趋完善,并按照“物种尺度”和“内在需要的尺度”进行自由自觉的创造,既合规律性,又合目的性。 ⑵文学学:即文学理论、文学批评、文学发展史三门学科的总称。文学学是属于人文社会科学范畴的一门理论学科,其研究对象就是广泛多样的文学现象。或者有称之为文艺学(文学学与艺术学的合称)的。 ⑶蒙太奇:蒙太奇,原意为构成、装配。作为电影术语,蒙太奇就是影片镜头的剪辑与组合,又可叫做“镜头组接”。 ⑷灵感:是指人们在创造性的思维活动中因偶然机遇而茅塞顿开,思路贯通,创造获得意外成功的一种心理现象。 ⑸形象思维:是文学创造中认识和掌握世界、选取材料以及塑造形象等过程中一种具有整体性、情感性和创造性的思维活动和思维方式。

⑹主题:指作品描绘的全部生活现象即作品整个形象体系所显示的中心思想。 ⑺社会心理:社会心理学是一门对人的社会心理和社会行为规律进行系统研究的科学。 三、什么是典型化?它与个性化、概括化的关系怎样?(13分)典型化是指作家对生活的素材按照自己的审美感受和审美理想予以选择、集中、加工、创造,使之成为艺术形象和艺术典型的过程。它包括个性化和概括化这两个不可分割和同时进行的方面。 个性化和概括化同时进行,是典型化的基本原则,其中个性化是典型化的出发点,只有个性化,才能是典型人物以自己的思想、性格面貌呈现出来。 四、什么是陌生化?有人说“对于读者,每个典型都是一个熟识的陌生人”,试对典型化与陌生化的关系加以阐述。(13分)197页 陌生化,诗意作者或任务似乎都未见过此事物,不得不以陌生的眼光和如实地描写它以消解“套版反应”进而使读者产生新奇感的构思方式。 只有真实的典型形象,才能取信于读者和观众,收到理想的艺术效果。典型形象逼真的本身,就是构成文艺作品吸引读者和观众的一个重要条件。而文艺家要写出典型形象的高度真实性,就需要长期的生活积累,需要丰富的社会知识和生产知识,需要对生活的精密仔细、独具慧眼的观察和体验。 五、什么是悬念效果?试以《雷雨》剧情为例予以分析。(12)155


第九章 基本概念 1.现实型文学:是一种侧重以写实的方式再现客观现实的文学形态,基本特征是再现性和逼真性。 2.理想型文学:是一种侧重以直接抒情的方式表现主观理想的文学形态。它的基本特征是表现性和虚幻性。 3.象征型文学:是一种侧重以暗示的方式寄寓审美意蕴的文学形态。基本特征是暗示性和朦胧性。 4.诗:是一种语词凝练,结构跳跃,富有节奏和韵律,高度集中的反映生活和表达思想感情的文学体裁。 5.剧本:是一种侧重以人物台词为手段,集中反映矛盾冲突的文学体裁。 6.小说:是一种侧重刻画人物形象,叙述故事情节的文学样式。 7.散文:广义的散文既包括诗歌以外的一切文学作品,也包括一般科学著作、论文、应用文章。狭义的散文即文学意义上的散文,是指与诗歌、小说、剧本等并列的一种文学样式,包括抒情散文、叙事散文、杂文、游记等。文学散文是一种题材广泛,结构灵活,注重抒写真实感受、境遇的文学体裁。 8.报告文学:是一种在真人真事基础上塑造艺术形象,及时反映现实生活的文学体裁。 思考问题 1.现实型、理想型、象征型文学与现实主义、浪漫主义文学的关系:随着文学的不断发展,是理想型、现实型和象征型文学得以独立充分的发展,也出现了各种文学思潮与文学运动,浪漫主义、现实主义和象征主义文学也分别称为理想型、现实型和象征型文学的典型形态。 2.象征型文学与现实型、理想型文学的区别:现实型与理想型文学的意义就在其形象自身,而象征型文学突出文学形象的意义的超越性;现实型文学是通过对生活现象的直接描绘反映现实,理想型文学往往以直抒胸臆的方式表现情感态度。而象征型文学则偏以间接的方式去暗示客观规律和主观感受;象征型文学淡化具体时间与空间,突出了朦胧性。 3.试用文学类型理论分析当代文学作品:如鲁迅先生的作品多是现实型文学,因为那些作品是对客观现实及当时社会环境的冷静观察和理智分析,直接揭示了当时社会的矛盾,具备了现实型文学的两大特征,再现性和逼真性。是作者从现实生活出发,从生活中汲取创作材料,突出社会矛盾,描写生活中存在的人和事。 4.现代主义文学的类型特征是什么? 答:现代主义文学各流派在艺术技巧上有许多重要开拓,丰富了文学的艺术表现力,然而,现代主义文学往往有极端的个人主义、无政府主义、唯美主义和形式主义等倾向,同时又过分强调非理性、自我表现,散布着悲观、绝望、颓废的情绪和危机感。 5.从诗歌的基本特征看其抒情表现的艺术特长。 答:诗歌的基本特征是凝练性、跳跃性、节奏韵律性。是的凝练性体现在高度概括的艺术形象,激起精炼的文学语词,最集中地反映社会生活和表达思想感情。诗的跳跃性以断续表现连贯,以局部概括整体,给读者驰骋想象留下了开阔的领域。诗的节奏韵律性可以达到和谐整齐的感官审美效果,也可以促进情感的抒发和意境的创造。 6.比较散文与报告文学的真实性:散文写的是实人、实事、实物,重在抒写真实感受、境遇。散文必须写出作者对现实生活的真实的切身的感受,抒发真挚的情怀。真实的境遇与真实的感受,使散文艺术表现的核心,在描写真情实感的基础上,他运用剪裁、取舍、提炼

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