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Passage 1

Dear Mr. Expert,

I grew up in an unhappy home. I always promised myself that I’d get out as soon as possible.

Now, at the age of 20, I have a good job and a nice house, and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.

Here’s the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like mine – so much so that they make mine theirs.

It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it for granted (认为理所当然) that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone and stay out forever.

I enjoyed having my friends here sometimes –it takes the place feel comfortable and warm – but this is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so I’m feeling upset now. But why can’t I ask my friends to respect my privacy?


Dear Joan,

If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were old, you probably have trouble letting others know your needs now.

And if you’ve gathered your friends around to rebuild a happy family atmosphere, you may fear that saying so will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with –or destroy the nice atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s OK to put your own needs first from time to time.

Be clear about the message you want to send. For example, “I really love your company but I also need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”


1.We can learn from the first letter that Joan ______.

A.lives away from her parents

B. take pride in her friends

C. knows Mr. Expert quite well

D. hates her parents very much

2. We can infer from the first letter ______.

A. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy

B. Joan’s friends visit her more than she can expect

C. Joan doesn’t like the parties at all

D. Joan dislikes the boyfriends her friends bring over

3. The second letter suggests that Mr. Expert ______.

A. is worried about Joan’s problem

B. warns Joan on how to refuse people

C. advises Joan on how to refuse people

D. encourages Joan to be brave enough 可用素材

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Passage 2

Early Love Is Not Always the Best

“You can’t fall in love with any boy until you’re 20,” my mother told me when I was 12.

When I was told about this “rule”, I thought that I couldn’t live a happy life. I argued and argued for this freedom but my parents never gave in. I didn’t understand it. The answer came as I got older.

When I was 14, I found out having a boyfriend was stupid. You couldn’t go anywhere, do anything, and at that age, the only thing you talked about was …nothing. You never really got to know a person.

Now, as a 16-year-old, I realize why my parents did what they did. It was to protect me and to help me realize who I was before another person could come into my world. During this time, I was able to observe people around me and see their relationships.

During this time, I made friends with some boys and treated them as my own brothers. I built my self-confidence, and found out their qualities.

I have learned how to communicate with different boys in different ways. I now have enough self-confidence to talk to any boy without ever thinking “what’s he going to think about me if I say or do …?” I do not have any pressure of trying to make a “good impression” and make a boy “like me”. It’s so much easier. I feel I can go up to any boy with the attitude of “I am who I am.”

If my parents hadn’t given me their “rule”, I would never have known what a positive effect it would have had on my life and how I am as a person.

I thank and love my parents for their “rule” and letting me realize who I was before I had a chance to worry about someone else.

1.Why did the writer argue with her parents about their rule?

A.Because they didn’t like the boy she had fallen in love with.

B.Because they didn’t know what a real happy life was.

C.Because she didn’t know why they made such a strict rule.

D.Because she knew how to get along well with boys.

2.Why Mother told the writer not to fall in love with any boy until she was 20?

A.Because that was a rule.

B.Because the writer was a student then.

C.Because the writer was too young to protect herself then.

D.Because the writer couldn’t go anywhere if she had a boyfriend.

3.The sentence “I feel I can go up to any boy with the attitude of ‘I am who I

am’” (Para. 6), suggests that ______.

A.she has enough self-confidence

B. she is not a shy girl

C. she thinks boys are easy to get along with

D. boys are afraid of her

4.Now the writer has become such a girl who _______.

A.knows herself better and has enough self-confidence

B.treats any boy as her own brothers

C.loves her parents

D.know how to fall in love with a boy




Passage 3

I’m 26, and have just completed my degree, but haven’t yet got a job. Nobody in my family is university-educated and all were against me going.

When I was at university, my sister, brother and father always said I was lazy and did nothing all day, but when I returned to live at home in my third year, my parents became more supportive, although my siblings remained angry.

My sister has two small children. I love them both, but she often brings them round unannounced and expects me to have them all day, rather than the two hours I originally agreed to. I feel I can’t do with both children at once and I don’t think I should have to be “on call” whenever requir ed.

If I refuse to drop everything, my sister gets very angry and raves (咆哮) at me. Once she even told my eldest nephew that I hate him, which upset and confused him.

Some of my friends have suggested my siblings are jealous that I went to university. This could be true of my brother, as he was always thought of as being very intelligent. My sister was outgoing, so she might dislike her loss of freedom since becoming a mother. Or could they be annoyed wit h me because I’m the youngest?

Whatever the reason, I don’t know what to do. I’m very calm and I’ve tried talking to them both, but my brother calls me a bitch (讨厌的女人) and pushes me around. Both siblings think that I’m the only one with the problem and should

sort myself out, but I don’t want to be a hous ewife/mother to my brother or an unpaid nanny (保姆) to my nephews.

I don’t expect them to u nderstand how hard university is or how difficult it is for graduates to find a job, but I’m sick of being shouted at for wanting my own life.

1. The root cause that the sister and brother are not supportive to the writer is that ____.

A.she hasn’t got a job yet

B.she is very lazy

C.they envy her very much

D.the writer’s parents become more supportive

2.The underlined word “siblings” (in Para. 2) most probably means _____.

A. the brother and sister

B. all the family members

C. the two nephews

D. the parents

3.From the passage we can infer that _____.

A.the writer is the only college graduate in the family

B.the mother is angry at the writer’s staying at home

C.the writer is the youngest in the family

D.her sister doesn’t live with the parents

4.Faced with the conflict with her brother and sister, _____.

A. the writer feels upset

B. the writer never minds

C. the writer has decided to live by herself

D. the writer is seriously ill

5.Which statement is TRUE about the author according to the passage?

A. The writer doesn’t like to be pushed around by others.

B. The writer knows how to deal with the problem.

C. The writer has to turn to her parents for help.

D. The writer prepares for her future education.


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Passage 4

As you grow up your relationship with your parents starts to change. You’re growing into a young man or woman and your parents are also growing older.

They still care for you but are probably having as much difficulty as you are in keeping your relationship.

You are no longer fully dependent on them and you want to become even more independent.

They are still taking good care of you and are trying to use their experience to guide you.

As a result there is often conflict. What you all do with this conflict is really important.

Your parents will always be your parents, so work hard to communicate and be prepared to exchange your view, and hopefully they’ll do the same.

Here are a few tips to keep a good relationship with the people who love you most in the world.

1.Be respectful when discussing any areas of disagreement.

2.Be willing to listen to your parents’ view.

3.Stay calm.

4.Don’t complain.

5.Only talk about the problem that you are having – don’t get off the topic.

6.Work at the problem together, think about what you all want in common

and work out together how you can get there.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/104525827.html,e a problem-solving model like this one:

1)Decide together exactly what the problem is.

2)Brainstorm the possible ways to solve the problem –be open and


3)Think out the results of each possible way.

4)Choose one idea and do it.

5)Did it work? If so, congratulate yourself and each other. If not, go back

to step 2 and try another idea.

Try out the above ideas but if the conflict still can’t be solve, see if someone can help you out face to face. It may be your school teachers, or your uncles and your aunts. They will give you a hand.


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A. 将下列句子译成英语

1. 不知道为什么,和他们在一起,我总是觉得不开心。

_______________________________________________________________ 2. 我为有这样好的父母而感到自豪。

_______________________________________________________________ 3. 你应该经常和那位朋友面对面地谈谈。

_______________________________________________________________ 4. 我的苦恼在于我考试总是不及格。

_______________________________________________________________ 5. 我们不能因为自己心烦就和父母争吵。

_______________________________________________________________ 6. 和老师交换意见是解决问题的方法之一。

_______________________________________________________________ 7. 你能给我一些关于与朋友重建良好关系的忠告吗?


8. 即使父母做错了,我也希望你能谅解他们。

_______________________________________________________________ 9. 我希望你能采纳我的建议。

_______________________________________________________________ 10. 我写此信的目的是想告诉你幸福家庭意味着什么。


B. 阅读下面的短文,并调整它们的顺序,将其成为一篇逻辑通顺的短文。

1. I have no idea what to do next. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Could you give me some advice?

2. I am studying in Toronto University in Canada. Now I have a problem, which always troubles me.

3. Tom, who is one of my roommates, never pays attention to sanitation (卫生), leaving his things out of place. As he likes music, he often plays music loudly while others are having a rest. What’s worse, he often brings some of his friends to our room to drink, talking and laughing so loudly that we can’t have a good rest. Besides, what you can’t imagine is that e is always using other s’daily things without permission.



1. 词汇

forgive 原谅rebuild 重新建立

open-minded 心胸开阔的inner beauty 内在美

heart-to-heart talk 坦诚的谈话remove the misunderstanding 消除误会lose one’s temper 发脾气feelings and thoughts 感受和思想

severe phenomenon 严重的现象talk back 顶嘴

quarrel / argue with 与…争吵result from the pressure 源于压力discuss with 与…讨论employment pressure 就业压力traditional virtue 传统美德sole the problem 解决问题

exchange the view 交换观点the stress of entering higher school 升学压力2. 句型

My trouble lies in / comes from the fact that …我的烦恼在于…

We are upset about …我们对…感到烦恼。



温馨提示:1. 短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。

要求:1. 100词左右

2. 短文应包括所有要点,可适当发挥;

3. 语句通顺、意思连贯。


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初中英语阅读教学与写作教学的有效结合 “读书破万卷,下笔如有神”这一句俗语对阅读和写作之间的关系做了一个很好的诠释。阅读越多,其所累积的写作素材也就越多,写作起来也就更为顺畅。因此,在对这两个知识点进行教学时,最好的教学方法就是将这二者联系起来,进行结合教学。 一、阅读与写作的关系 人们对阅读和写作关系的研究可以追溯至上个世纪六七十年代,很多语言专家就对其做了大量的理论实证研究,并认为阅读和写作这两项技能是通过一定的具体语言而產生互动的,进而实现了作者和读者这二者间的各种信息传递。外语的习得首先必须要借助大量的有趣的、并且能够被理解的目的语。以英语为例,如果没有参与大量的阅读活动,那么就不可能具备较强的阅读能力,就更不可能把阅读材料里隐含的文化和语言知识,以及篇章结构等输入到自己的“资料库”中,也就更无从谈及将其内化为自己的东西,写出语意较为连贯、内容较为翔实、结构较为完整并且还符合英语这一语言规范的作文出来。 图1 如上图1所示,阅读与写作的关系其实可以用信息输入和输出的关系表达出来,由上图可见,阅读是学生进行信息

输入的载体,学生经过讨论和归纳对这些信息进行加工,不断将其内化,写作则作为学生信息输出的一种手段而存在。 二、初中英语中将阅读教学联盟和写作教学相结合的具体实践 课前活动 课前活动的最主要目的就是累积词汇,做到厚积薄发。在课前活动中,教师可以采用情境创设和课前预测的方式进行。 首先,情境创设。情境创设的主要目的是将新词汇呈现出来。初中英语教师在进行阅读教学时,首先要做的就是要将学生引入到一个特定的语言情景中去,因为只有入境了才能生趣,才能够激发学生的求知欲望,才能将学生的阅读动机引发出来。例如,在对《英语Go for it》中unit6的Section B-3a中的阅读文章进行教学时,教师可以用图片将自己孩子的爱好展示给学生看,并在这些图片中引入新的词汇。比如want to be a collector、want to be a collector等等,待学生都了解完之后,再转入指文章“Ellen’s hobby”的教学当中。 其次,课前预测。课前预测的目的是要激活新词汇,在阅读教学开始之前,教师可以先让学生对课文中的插图进行观察,然后再分析文章的标题,以此来对课文内容进行预测,这能够在一定程度上激发学生的阅读欲望。因为学生的这一预测过程类似破案一样,先是发现线索,然后是阅读文本,


关于读书和英语学习方法的初中英语作文16篇 How to Improve Your English Reading To improve your English reading, you should, first of all, choose something you feel important or interesting to read. Don’t try to read everything. You should begin with those written in simple En glish. Don’t read those which prove difficult for you at the very beginning. While reading,don’t read too slowly or look up every new word you meet with. After reading a passage and having its main idea in mind, you may turn back and read it again. This time you read it slowly and look up some new words if necessary. Keep on reading in this way and you’ll surely make progress little by little. Knowledge or Experience Directions: You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay no less than 150 words on the following topic. 1.some emphasize book knowledge 2.others stress practical experience 3.which one is more important? Give your reasons to illustrate your opinion. 范文: Which is more important in life, knowledge from the books


B Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But don't worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people. Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one in Sichuan in 2008. Thousands of people died in it. So it's important to know what to do when one hits. Here are some tips on how to stay safe in an earthquake. 1. If you are indoors during an earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you. 2. If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be away from trees, signs, buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you. 3. If you are in a shop and far from the door, don't try to run outside and rush for exits (出口). Everyone will be doing that and you'll find it hard getting out. Don't get into a lift during an earthquake. Just hide under some strong cover near you. 4. When an earthquake has ended, be careful because aftershocks may still happen. These are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure it's safe to get up. 5. If you are at home and you smell gas (煤气), open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous. 51. Most earthquakes are too _______ to hurt people. A. strong B. weak C. dangerous 52. If you are outdoors, it would be safe to _______. A. go to a playground B. stay under a tree C. stand by the window 53. If you're in a shop and far from the door, you'd better _______. A. rush to the door right away B. run after the people quickly C. hide yourself under a cover near you 54. The best title of this passage is "_______". A. How dangerous the earthquake is B. How to be safe during an earthquake C. Don't be afraid of the earthquake 55. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Most earthquakes are very dangerous, so we must be very careful every day. B. You'd better keep away from those things that may fall on you wherever you are. C. If you smell gas at home, try to hide under a desk and don't run outside quickly. C Raising pets is a popular online game among teenagers. “More than 20 of my classmates have adopted(领养) pets online.” Said Wang Hui from Beijing. If you go to some websites, you can adopt virtual(虚拟的) pets like penguins(企鹅), chickens, dogs and elephants. You can feed, wash, talk to and play with your pet. Dai Yingshuang of Shanghai said, “It’s great fun and I have also learned how to take care of others.” She usually asks her uncle to take care of her pet while she is at school. If you don’t feed and care for the pet, it will become unhappy and unhealthy. So raising an online pet means spending a lot of time online. This makes many parents worried. They fear it will have a bad influence on the children’s studies. Wang Zha otong from Anhui has raised a pengu in since last year. She said, “My parents know about the penguin and think it’s okay.” If the students can kee p the balance between studying and playing, it’s not bad for them to “raise” pets online. 56.Over ______ students in Wang Hui’s class have adopted pets online. A.10 B.20 C.half 57.What does Dai Yingshuang think of raising pets online? A.It’s great fun. B.It wastes time. C.It’s not interesting. 58.Which of the following is Not Right according to the passage? A.Raising an online pet doesn’t mean spending lots of time online.


考前必背 书面表达 第1篇(2017西宁15分) 讲文明,懂礼貌 今年是西宁市创建全国文明城市的攻坚之年,我市中小学正在开展以“提升文明素养,做文明礼仪的倡导者”为主题的英语作文比赛。请写一篇80词左右的短文(文中不得出现真实校名和姓名;首句已给出,不计入总词数)。要求包括以下要点; 1. 说话有礼貌; 2. 不横穿马路; 3. 不乱扔垃圾; 4. 不采摘花草; 5. 不在公共场所大声喧哗。 Be A Student With Good Manners Nowadays we are trying our best to make Xining become a civilized city. As students, we must know what we should do and what we shouldn’t do. 【写作点拨】本篇习作以西宁市中小学生开展“提升文明素养,做文明礼仪的倡导者”英语作文比赛引出话题,围绕“做一个讲文明懂礼貌的学生”这一主题展开,根据要点提示明确写作内容:1.说话有礼貌、不横穿马路、不乱扔垃圾、不采摘花草、不在公共场所大声喧哗; 2. 根据已给出的开头可知文章以第一人称为主,时态用一般现在时,注意情态动词和祈使句的正确使用; 3. 字数为80词左右,首句已给出且不计入总词数。 【高分范文】 Be A Student With Good Manners Nowadays we are trying our best to make Xining become a civilized city. As students, we must know what we should do and what we shouldn’t do. I think we should take an active part in this activity. First, we are supposed to speak politely. We can say “Thank you.”, “Excuse me, …?”, or “Could you please…?” as often as possible. Then, we should cross the road when the traffic light is green. Third, please don’t step on the grass or pick flowers. Do remember no matter where we go, be sure not to throw litter everywhere. What’s more, we shouldn’t speak loudly in public. It’s our duty to do what we can to make our city more beautiful. I believe if everyone makes


2020初三英语阅读理解及答案 下面有一篇文章,希望同学们用10分钟将此题做完,然后对照讲解找到准确的答案。 Passage 1 If you look at the sky one night and see something moving and shining that you have never seen before, it might be a comet (彗星). A comet sometimes looks like a star. Like a planet, a comet has no light of its own. It shines from the sunlight it reflects (反射). Like the earth, a comet goes round the sun, but on a much longer path (轨道) than the earth travels. If a comet isn’t a sta r, what is it then? Some scientists think that a large part of a comet is water frozen into pieces of ice and mixed with iron and rock dust and perhaps a few big pieces of rock. When sunshine melts (融化) the ice in the comet, great clouds of gas go trailing after it. These clouds, together with the dust, form a long tail. Many people perhaps have seen a comet. However no one knows how many comets there are. There may be millions of comets, but only a few come close enough for us to see. An Englishman named Edmund Halley, who lived from 1656 to 1742, found out a lot about the paths that comets take through the sky. Some comets move out of our sight and never come back. Others keep coming back at regular times. A big comet that keeps coming back was named after Halley because


初三英语阅读理解(10篇) (一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of


I In the early 1990s,the word” Internet” was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类) Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There


初三英语作文题及范文10篇 Passage 1 假如你刚从英国回来,你的英语老师要求你在课上谈谈中英两国学生的一些差异,请根据 80-100。参考词汇:清理clean up;零花钱pocket money Hello, everyone! I’m glad to be here to talk about some differences between the English students and the Chinese students. In England, students usually take the school bus or ride bikes to school. After school, they often clean up the garden and look after the pets. What’s more, they have to make pocket money by working in their free time. However, in China, students often go to school in their parents’cars. They spend most of their time on study after school and hardly do chores at home. Also, parents provide the pocket money for their children. Different countries have different cultures. I think we should study hard, but we should practice living skills at the same time. Passage 2 注意:1.文章必须包括所给要点,可适当增加细节;2语句通顺,书写规范 Hello, everyone! I’m important for us students to find some time to exercise. So we should exercise in our free time. However, I found that now many students seem to study all day. They think taking exercise is a waste of time. And some students think they ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


初中英语阅读理解10篇 1 Ali,who was working a long way from home wanted to send a letter to his wife,but he could neither read nor write, and he had to work all day,so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late atnight .At last he found the house of a letter writer whose name was Nasreddin. Nasreddin was already in bed."It is late,"he said. "What do you want?" "I want you to write a letter to my wife , "said Ali , Nasreddin wasnot pleased. He thought for a few seconds and then said, "Has theletter got to go far?" "What does that matter?" answered Ali."Well, my writing is so strange that only I can read it, and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your wife, it will cost you a lot of money." Ali went away quickly. Multiple choice ( ) 1. Ali wanted to____to his wife. A.get something B.have a letter written C.bring a flower D. say good-bye ( ) 2. At last he found the house of_____. A.a writer B.a seller C.an old man D.a letter-writer ( ) 3.When Ali told what he wanted to do Nasreddin was______. A.not pleased B.pleased C.excited D.angry ( ) 4.Nasreddin said that his writing was_____. A.easy for anyone to read B.strange for anyone to read C. too strange for anyone to write D.difficult for anyone to read ( ) 5. This story tells us______. A.not to ask anybody for help B.not to trouble others at night C.not to ask for help without money D.not to trust others 2 An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon hehad nothing left.Of course ,when that happened, all his friends lefthim.When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles."My money has finished and my friends have gone,"said the young man. "What will happen to me now?""Don't worry , young man,"answered Nasreddin."Everything will soon be all right again.Wait ,and you will soon feel much happier." The young man was very glad."Am I going to get rich again then? " heasked Nasreddin."No, I didn't mean that," said the old man."I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends." Multiple choice ( )1.An old man died and left his son_______. A.nothing B.some gold C. much money D.only a house ( ) 2. When the son was________, he went to see Nasreddin. A.short of money B.quite poor and sick C.in trouble D. quite poor and alone ( ) 3.The young man was very glad because Nasreddin said that________. A.he would become rich again B. he would soon feel much happier C.he would become clever D. he would have more friends


初中英语阅读、写作校本课程开发实施方案 宁阳二十中英语组 为了进一步贯彻国务院《关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》以及教育部《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》,落实课程资源三级开发管理的政策,切实做好基础教育课程实验工作,全面推进素质教育,我校决定开发校本课程,以优化我校宏观课程结构。 一、课程开发组主要成员 晓慧福英周翠玲齐美 二、开发背景 校本课程是近几年伴随素质教育的推行而出现的一种新型课程,是改变教学观念、改革课程、改造课堂教学模式、改进教学方法和改善教学容的重要举措。英语校本课程是以英语知识为载体,以激发学生学习兴趣,学生特长为目的。以学生为活动主体,使学生热爱英语学科,并形成良好的英语素质的一门课程。英语课程必须根据学生身心发展和英语学习的特点,关注学生的个体差异和不同的学习需求,爱护学生的好奇心,求知欲,充分激发学生的主动意识和进取精神,倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式。校本课程的开展无疑给英语教学注入新鲜的血液,并在英语教学改革中,为学生创建了一个五彩滨纷的英语学习平台。培养学生的英语口、笔头交际能力是整个初中阶段英语教学的目的之一。其中“读、写”属于较高层次的信息系统,是语言运用和输出的重要途径,能比较客观地反映学生多方面的语言运用能力,诸如快速理解文字意思,书面语言表达能力和思维组织能力等。阅读、写作教学也是初中英语教学的重要组成部分,它应该贯穿在整个英语教学的全过程,始终伴随着对话,课文及词汇,语法等语言知识的教学而展开。但是,由于受应试教育影响和中考指挥棒的左右,教师大多往往把阅读、写作教学看作是应付考试的一种应急手段,放在次要的位置;加上阅读、写作训练费时费力,又收效甚微,因此教师对英语阅读、写作教学的指导积极性不高,在这方面的研究也相对滞后。英语阅读、写作一直以来是初中英语教学


初中英语阅读与写作教学 (大名县束馆中学河北大名 056900) 【摘要】本文从阅读,写作,阅读与写作相结合三个方面阐述了如何进行初中英语阅读、写作的教学。 【关键词】英语;阅读;写作;教学 目前,初中英语的阅读教学不容乐观,主要存在着教师教学方法单一,学生阅读速度慢,解题弱的现象。对于英语写作往往被师生忽视,有一部分学生在考试中完全放弃写作题。在初中阶段的英语教学中,大部分教师对于阅读与写作往往采取分开教学,效果不理想。本人在教学实践中摸索出:“以阅读带动写作,以写作强化阅读”的教学方法,两者相辅相成、相互促进,取得了不错效果。 1. 改进初中英语阅读教学我积极倡导进行任务型阅读,就是以具体的任务为学习的动力或动机,从而在引导学生在完成阅读任务的过程中来发展学生的阅读理解能力与语言的应用能力。依据初中学生在认知与能力发展的“渐进性”规律以及教材的编写规律,灵活整合运用阅读文章,把初中英语阅读指导分为“了解性阅读、理解性阅读、致用性阅读”三个层次。 (1)了解性泛读。能大致明确课文的内容是英语阅读的最初要求,了解性泛读就是进行整体粗读,领略课文内

容大意。在这个阶段的阅读过程中,教师所设计的任务问题可以紧紧围绕以下方面展开:本文所涉及人物、地点。课文中介绍了人物的哪些行为、态度、思想或哪些地点的文化、经济、风土人情?本文描写了什么事件?发生事件的原因、地点、经过、结果是什么?………如果学生在泛读过程中能较好地完成上面几方面的工作,那么就说明学生基本了解了课文的内容大意,也就基本上达到了泛读的目标要求。 (2)理解性熟读。正确的理解全文内容、弄清文章结构、把握文章主题是英语课文阅读教学的基本目标,理解性熟读,就是通过多遍的阅读来理解文章内容。所谓熟读,它包含层意思:一是指能流利读通全文;二是能正确的理解全文内容、弄清文章结构,三是能把握文章的中心思想。 (3)致用性精读。所谓致用,就是指通过英语范文阅读后在口头表达或书面时能较好地应用文中的词汇、语言或语句;精读就是指精确理解词汇、语法、习惯表达和英文思维模式。应该说,这是英语阅读教学的最高要求,也是英语阅读教学的难点。在理解词汇含义方面,由于一个英语单词往往有多种含义,因此教师要注意指导学生从文句的背景或从全文的内容意思来推测或揣摩。对语法的学习,关键要指导学生观察重点语法现象在文章中的应用,注意明确蕴含语法词组或短语中各单词的位置顺序,养成这种习惯,久而久之,学生就能较好地领悟英语的习惯性表达以及英文思维


最新初三英语阅读题 of MarsAlthough nicknamed “Brother from Mars”, Chinese singer Hua Chenyu held his first concert on Earth、 On Sept6 and7, the24-year-old had two concerts in Beijing, making him one of the few singers to hold a concert without an official album、Hua was the winner of Hunan TV’s Super Boy singing competition last year、 His talent stands out but he is called a “weirdo (怪咖)”、During the competition, he sang his own strange song with “Martian” words no one understood、 He also danced like a zombie (僵尸) then suddenly burst into tears while singing、 He is so different that fans call him a “Martian”、Hua explained that he is most relaxed with music、“I think nothing when I’m singing、I’d try to blend myself into the music as if I have become part of it、”Few p eople know it, but Hua said he has autism (孤独症)、 It is music that has led him out of loneliness、 When Hua was younger, his parents got divorced (离婚)、 The boy was often left alone at home and scared by darkness、 He would put his toys in bed and create stories to forget


初三英语作文阅读素材 作为一名初三学生要多利用时间做一些作文素材的积累,而不是在抱怨英语作文成绩得不到提高。下面是整理的一些关于初三英语作文阅读素材的相关资料。供你参考。 初三英语作文阅读素材 1 家乡的大气污染 About The Air Pollution In My Hometown In my hometown, the air is polluted seriously. However, in recent years, the pollution gets from bad to worse, because of the increasing number of private cars. Especially during the rush hours, too many private vehicles move slowly on narrow roads, emitting a large amount of waste gas. Moreover, the poisonous gas sent by the nearby factories is also one of the main causes of pollution. Therefore, its demanded that immediate and effective measures must be taken to restrict private cars and public transportation must be developed to the largest extent. Besides, we should use renewable and clean energy recourses. 在我的家乡,空气污染十分严重。然而,近几年内,由于私家车数目的增多,空气污染变得更加糟糕。特别是在交通高峰期里,有太多的私家车在狭窄的道路上慢慢的移


初三英语阅读理解20篇 (一) Little Tom down the street calls our dog "The keep dog".Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say" Seep", it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things hoem for us to keep! I'll tell you about some of them. Zip's first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn't know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. "What do you think it is?" "It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry." "Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!" I said."We should take it back." "We can't ".said my sistter. "Maybe little Tom is right," Mary said. "Maybe Zip is a keep dog!" 1.The writer and Mary didn't know______. A.what Zip's first present was B.how Zip carried its first present home C.who owned Zip's first present D.what Zip's first present was made of 2.Tom calls Zip "the keep dog"because ______. A.the dog likes keeping things B.the dog likes playing with shoes C.he doesn't know the dog's name D.he can't pronounce the word "sheep"well 3.What made the shoe strange was ______. A.its colour B.its smell C.its size D.that it was a silk one

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