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Invariant Polynomial Functions on k qudits

Invariant Polynomial Functions on k qudits
Invariant Polynomial Functions on k qudits

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Invariant Polynomial Functions on k qudits Jean-Luc Brylinski ??Ranee Brylinski ?February 1,2008Abstract We study the polynomial functions on tensor states in (C n )?k which are in-variant under SU (n )k .We describe the space of invariant polynomials in terms of symmetric group representations.For k even,the smallest degree for invariant polynomials is n and in degree n we ?nd a natural generalization of the deter-minant.For n,d ?xed,we describe the asymptotic behavior of the dimension of the space of invariants as k →∞.We study in detail the space of homogeneous degree 4invariant polynomial functions on (C 2)?k .1Introduction In quantum mechanics,a combination of states in Hilbert spaces H 1,..,H k leads to a state in the tensor product Hilbert space H 1?···?H k .Such a state will be called here a tensor state.In this paper we take H 1=···=H k =C n where n >1.Then a tensor state is a joint state of k qudits.It would be very interesting to classify tensor states in (C n )?k up to the action of the product U (n )k of unitary groups of local symmetries.A natural approach to this is to study the algebra of invariant polynomials.This approach was developed by Rains [R],by Grassl,R¨o tteler and Beth [G-R-B1][G-R-B2],by Linden and Popescu [L-P]and by Co?man,Kundu and Wootters [C-K-W].These

authors study the ring of invariant polynomials in the components of a tensor state in

(C n )?k and in their complex-conjugates.For k qubits,explicit descriptions of invariants are given in [G-R-B1],[G-R-B2],[L-P]and in [C-K-W].

In this paper the symmetry group we consider is the product G =SU (n )k of special unitary groups;one thinks of G as the special group of local symmetries.We study the G -invariant polynomial functions Q on the tensor states in (C n )?k (we discuss in §2how this is relevant to the description of the G -orbits).We consider polynomials in the entries of a tensor state,in other words,holomorphic polynomials.

Let R n,k,d be the space of homogeneous degree d polynomial functions on tensor states in(C n)?k.Let R G n,k,d be the space of G-invariants in R n,k,d.See§2for more discussion.We reduce the problem of computing R G n,k,d to a problem in the invariant theory of the symmetric group S d(Proposition2.1).In particular,R G n,k,d is non-zero only if d is a multiple of n.So the“?rst”case is d=n;we examine this in§3.We?nd that if k is odd then R G n,k,n=0while if k is even then R G n,k,n is1-dimensional.In the latter case we write down(§3)explicitly the corresponding invariant polynomial P n,k in R n,k,n;we?nd P n,k is a natural generalization of the determinant of a square matrix.

For?xed n,d the direct sum⊕k R n,k,d is an associative algebra.We study the asymptotic behavior of dim R G n,k,d as k→∞in§4.In§5,we specialize to the case of k-qubits,i.e.n=2.We compute the dimension of the space R G2,k,4of degree4 invariants as well as the dimension of the space of invariants in R G2,k,4under the natural action of S k.We show that⊕k R S k

points in Z.The G C-invariant functions separate the closed orbits;they take the same values on Y and on Z.The set of closed orbits of G C in(C n)?k has the structure of an a?ne complex algebraic variety with R G n,k as its algebra of regular functions.Thus a complete description of R G n,k would lead to a precise knowledge of the closed G C-orbits.

Our approach is thus somewhat di?erent from that of[R][G-R-B1][G-R-B2][L-P] [C-K-W]who study the invariant functions on(C n)?k which are polynomials in the

x p

1···p k and in their complex conjugates;these can also be described as the invariant

polynomial functions on(C n)?k⊕

3The generalized determinant function

Given n and k,we want to?nd the smallest positive value of d such that R G n,k,d=0. By Proposition2.1,the?rst candidate is d=n.

Corollary3.1.R G

n,k,n =0i?k is even.In that case,R G n,k,n is one-dimensional and

consists of the multiples of the function P n,k given by

P n,k(u)= σ2,···,σk∈S n?(σ2)···?(σk) n h=1u hhσ2···hσk(3.1)

where hσ



Proof.By Proposition2.1,we need to compute(E?k

π)S d.For d=n,π=[1n]and so Eπ

is the sign representation of S n.Then(E?kπ)is one-dimensional and carries the trivial representation if k is even,or the sign representation if k is odd.

Now for k even,we can easily compute a non-zero function P=P n,k in R n,k,n. For Sπ(C n)is the top exterior power∧n C n.Thus P is a non-zero element of the one-dimensional subspace(∧n C n)?k of((C n)?n)?k.The tensor components of P are then given by P i

11···i nk


n! σ1,···,σk∈S n?(σ1)···?(σk) n h=1u hσ1···hσk(3.2)

where hσ


=σi(h).The expression is very redundant,as each term appears n!times. We remedy this by restricting the?rst permutationσ1to be1.This gives(3.1).

P n,k is a generalized determinant;P n,k is invariant under the S k-action.For k=2, (3.1)reduces to the usual formula for the matrix determinant.

Recall that the rank s of a tensor state u in(C n)?k is the smallest integer s such that u can be written as u=v1+v2+···+v s,where the v i are decomposable tensor states v i=w i1?w i2?···?w ik.There is a relation between the rank and the vanishing of P n,k as follows:

Corollary3.2.If the tensor state u in(C n)?k has rank less than n,then P n,k(u)=0.

It is easy to?nd a tensor state u of rank n such that P n,k(u)is non-zero.For instance,P n,k(u)=1if u has all components zero except u1···1=···=u n···n=1.For k=2,P n,k(u)=0implies u has rank less than n.For bigger(even)k,this is false,if n is large enough.This happens essentially because the rank of u can be very large(at least n k

induces a(G×S d)-invariant map V?k?V?l→V?(k+l)where V=(C n)?d.The induced multiplication on the spaces of(G×S d)-invariants gives the product on⊕k R G n,k,d, where we use the identi?cation in(2.2).This multiplication corresponds,under the isomorphism of Proposition2.1,to the product map E?kπ?E?lπ→E?(k+l)

π.This structure is very useful.For instance,if d=n,then P n,k?P n,l=1


(4.1) whereπ=[r n]as in Proposition2.1.Our formula for p is immediate from the hook formula for the dimension of an irreducible symmetric group representation.

Proposition4.1.Assume d=rn with r≥2.Then dim R G

n,k,d ~c

p k

d! σ∈S dχ(σ)k whereχ:S d→Z is the character of Eπ.Ifσacts trivially on Eπ,thenχ(σ)=p.Ifσacts non-trivially,

we claim|χ(σ)|1and n>1),we have d=4,n=2andπ=[2,2].Our claim is clear here since S4acts on Eπthrough the re?ection representation of S3on C2.

Therefore we have s=c p k



The?rst few values of dim R G2,k,4,starting at k=1,are0,1,1,3,5,11,21,43.For k=2and k=3the unique(up to scalar)invariants are,respectively,the squared determinant P22,2and the Cayley hyperdeterminant H2,3(see[G-K-Z]).We note that the hyperdeterminant is very closely related to the relative tangle of3entangled qubits discussd in[C-K-W].

It would be useful to study R G2,k,4as a representation of S k,where S k acts by permuting the k qubits.The S k-invariants in R G2,k,4are the(S k

×G)-invariant polynomials are very signi?cant as they separate the closed orbits of the extended symmetry group S k

×G-invariants in R2,k,4is M k=



2,k,4is the polynomial algebra C[P2



Proof.We have isomorphisms R S k



identi?es with S(E)S3. Now S(E)S3is the algebra of S3-invariant polynomial functions on traceless3×3 diagonal matrices,and so is a polynomial algebra on the functions A→T r(A2)and A→T r(A3).These invariants correspond(up to scaling)to P22,2and H2,3.The formula for the dimension follows easily.

For instance,we have:M1=0,M k=1for2≤k≤5,and M6=2.We remark that by replacing S(E)S3by∧(E)S3,it is easy to prove that the sign representation of S k does not occur in(E?k)S4for any k≥2.

We can determine the S k-representation on R G2,k,4for small k by explicit trace com-putations.For k=2and k=3we have the trivial1-dimensional representation.For k=4,we?nd R G2,4,4is the direct sum E[4]⊕E[2,2].The trivial representation E[4]of S4 is spanned by P22,4,while the2-dimensional representation E=E[2,2]is spanned by the determinants?(ijkl)introduced in[B].Here(ijkl)is a permutation of(1234).Given a tensor state u∈(C2)?4,we can view it as an element v of C4?C4,where the?rst (resp.second)C4is the tensor product of the i-th and j-th copies of C2(resp.of the k-th and l-th copies).Then?(ijkl)(u)is the determinant of v.As shown in[B],the ?(ijkl)span the representation E of S4.The signi?cance of the?(ijkl)is that their vanishing describes the closure of the set of tensor states in(C2)?4of rank≤3.For k=5the representation R G2,5,4of S5is E[5]⊕E[2,1,1,1].


[B]J-L.Brylinski,Algebraic measures of entanglement,quant-ph0008031

[C-K-W]V.Co?man,J.Kundu and W.K.Wootters,Distributed Entanglement, preprint quant-ph/9907047

[G-K-Z]I.M.Gelfand,M.Kapranov and A.Zelevinsky,Discriminants,Resultants and Multidimensional Determinants,Birkh¨a user(1991)

[G-R-B1]M.Grassl,M.R¨o tteler and T.Beth,Computing Local Invariants of Quantum-Bit Systems,Phys.Review A58no.3(1998),1833-1839;also on the Arxiv as quant-ph/9712040

[G-R-B2]M.Grassl,M.R¨o tteler and T.Beth,Description of Multi-Particle Entangle-ment through Polynomial Invariants,Talk of M Grassl at the Isaac Newton Insti-tute for Mathematical Sciences in July1999,available on the web as https://www.wendangku.net/doc/194604613.html,a.de/home/grassl/publications.html

[L-P]N.Linden and S.Popescu,On Multi-Particle Entanglement,Forts.der Physik46 (1998),no.4-5,567-578,also on the Arxiv as quant-ph/9711016

[R] E.Rains,Polynomial Invariants of Quantum Codes,EEE Trans.on Information Th.46no.1(2000),54-59


图文详解Windows平台上NCL的安装 NCL在Linux下的安装非常容易,只需下载适当版本的文件,设置好环境变量即可使用。 NCL在Windows下的安装则要麻烦一些,需要先安装一个虚拟Linux环境(Cygwin/X)。 以下内容详细介绍NCL在Windows平台上的安装过程,希望仅具备Windows基本操作技能的用户也能轻松安装NCL。 一、NCL简介 二、准备工作 三、安装Cygwin/X 四、熟悉Cygwin/X环境 五、安装NCL 六、运行NCL范例 七、语法高亮显示(此部分供有兴趣的用户参考) 八、.hluresfile文件(此部分供有兴趣的用户参考) 九、FAQ 十、获取帮助 一、NCL简介 NCL(NCAR Command Language)是由NCAR的“Computational & Information Systems Laboratory”开发的。 NCL是一种编程语言,专门用于分析和可视化数据。主要用于以下三个领域: 文件输入/输出(File input and output): 资料处理(Data processing): 图形显示(Graphical display):可生出出版级别的黑白、灰度或彩色图。 从5.0起,NCL和NCAR Graphics已经打包在一起发行。2009年3月4日,NCL发布了最新的5.1.0版,该版本更新了地图投影,修正了一些bug,增加了更多的函数及资源。下图为新增的含中国省界的地图(见图1-1)。

二、准备工作 2.1 安装环境 安装环境为WinXP Professional SP3,并做如下假定: 计算机名:TEAM 用户名:Grissom 安装目录:D:\download 用户在实际安装中,请根据自己系统的信息替换本教程中的计算机名和用户名。 特别说明:用户名中不能出现空格,否则会在使用中出现一些问题。 2.2 下载Cygwin/X Cygwin/X=Cygwin+X。通俗地说,Cygwin/X可以在Windows平台上实现命令行+图形的Linux模拟环境。 Cygwin/X的下载与安装非常灵活,用户可根据自己的需求定制。为便于大家的安装,我已下载了安装NCL所需的软件包,包括编译器、编辑器、X Server等,用户可直接从以下地址下载,并解压至D:\download\install 目录下。 Cygwin下载:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/194604613.html,/xglm/2009/2/wnx45afnq7.htm 以下关于Cygwin和Cygwin/X的详细介绍供参考:


气象项目NCL开发环境配置手册 1建立和测试源码安装ncl所需要的编译环境 1.1安装ncl所需要的编译器 源码编译安装ncl需要C编译器和Fortran编译器。C编译器使用gcc即可。安装ncl5.2.1版本时,最好使用gfortran或g95作为Fortran编译器,而不要使用g77。 1.2为外部软件配置环境变量 例如设置C编译器环境变量,export CC=gcc;设置Fortran编译器,export FC=gfortran。 2下载安装非可选外部软件 注:安装时最好把所有的外部软件都安装到同一根目录下,这样做便于以后告诉ncl编译系统所有的外部软件的安装位置。本文假设所有的外部软件都安装在/usr/local目录下。官网上说如果源码编译安装ncl,则下面的几款软件都是必须安装的: ●JPEG 支持jpeg图形的软件,我下载的jpeg源码安装文件是jpegsrc.v8c.tar.gz。一旦有了源码,执行以下命令进行安装: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make all install 如果jpeg版本是v6的,则还要额外执行以下命令: make install-lib make install-headers ●zlib 如果想要支持png图形,或者支持grib2数据,则需要下载安装此软件。我下载的zlib源码安装文件是zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz。一旦有了源码,执行以下命令进行安装: ./configure - -prefix=/usr/local make all install ●NetCDF 支持NetCDF数据格式读取的软件包。(如果不需要NetCDF数据读取的话,应该可以 不用安装) - 1-


Chapter 1: Overview Introduction The Advanced Research WRF (ARW) modeling system has been in development for the past few years. The current release is Version 3, available since April 2008. The ARW is designed to be a flexible, state-of-the-art atmospheric simulation system that is portable and efficient on available parallel computing platforms. The ARW is suitable for use in a broad range of applications across scales ranging from meters to thousands of kilometers, including: ?Idealized simulations (e.g. LES, convection, baroclinic waves) ?Parameterization research ?Data assimilation research ?Forecast research ?Real-time NWP ?Coupled-model applications ?Teaching 简介 Advanced Research WRF (ARW)模式系统在过去的数年中得到了发展。最近公布了第三版,从2008年4月开始可供使用。ARW是灵活的,最先进的大气模拟系统,它易移植,并且有效的应用于各种操作系统。ARW适用于从米到成千上万公里尺度的各种天气系统的模拟,它的功能包括: ?理想化模拟(如,LES,对流,斜压波) ?参数化研究 ?数据同化研究 ?预报研究 ?实时数值天气预报 ?耦合模式应用 ?教学 The Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division of NCAR is currently maintaining and supporting a subset of the overall WRF code (Version 3) that includes: ?WRF Software Framework (WSF) ?Advanced Research WRF (ARW) dynamic solver, including one-way, two-way nesting and moving nest. ?The WRF Preprocessing System (WPS) ?WRF Variational Data Assimilation (WRF-Var) system which currently supports 3DVAR capability ?Numerous physics packages contributed by WRF partners and the research community ?Several graphics programs and conversion programs for other graphics tools And these are the subjects of this document. The WRF modeling system software is in the public domain and is freely available for community use.


叉车电瓶和充电器使用规程 一、电瓶: 当叉车配备了其它种类的电瓶及/或充电器时,遵从其制造商的指导。 (一)远离火种(爆炸性气体) 绝对禁止火焰接近电瓶。电瓶内部会产生爆炸性气体;吸烟、火焰及火花,均会引起电瓶爆炸。 (二)小心触电 严禁引起短路,电瓶带有高电压和能量。当处理电瓶时,要戴护目镜、穿胶鞋和戴橡皮手套。 (三)正确接触 严禁将电瓶的正、负极调乱,否则可导致火花、燃烧及/或爆炸。 (四)远离工具 严禁让工具接近电瓶两极,以免引起火花或短路。 (五)勿过量放电 严禁让叉车的电量耗至叉车不能移动时,才进行充电。(会引致电池寿命缩短)当电瓶负荷显示器显示无电时,请立刻进行充电。 (六)保持清洁 保持电瓶上表面干净。严禁使用干布擦电瓶表面,以免引起静电。清洁电瓶要戴护目镜、穿胶鞋和戴橡皮手套。当清洁电瓶后,才能进行充电。 (七)穿着安全服 为了个人安全,需配戴护目镜、穿胶鞋和戴橡皮手套。 (八)小心电瓶电解液。 电瓶电解液含有硫酸,严禁让皮肤接触电瓶电解液。 (九)急救 电瓶电解液含有硫酸,若与之接触可能造成烧伤。发生意外时,请立即进行急救并请医生治理。 ①溅到皮肤上:用水冲洗10-15分钟 ②溅到眼睛上:用水冲洗10-15分钟 ③误咽:喝大量的水和牛奶 ④溅到衣服上:立即脱下衣服 如不遵守以上各点,可造成严重的伤亡事故。 (十)拧紧电瓶通风盖 拧紧电瓶通风盖,以防泄漏电解液。 (十一)清洗 严禁在叉车上清洗电瓶,以免损坏叉车。 (十二)不正常的电瓶 如电瓶发生下列情况,与和资格的服务机构或电瓶生产商联系。 ①电瓶发臭 ②电解液变浊 ③电解液减少速度过快 ④电解液温度过高 (十三)严禁拆解电瓶 不得让电解液耗尽、拆卸或自行维修电瓶。


WRF-Chem安装及使用说明手册 V1.0 编写者:王彬 2015年6月

目录 1. 引言 (3) 1.1 编写目的 (3) 1.2 背景 (3) 1.3 参考资料 (4) 2. 安装过程 (4) 2.1 设定环境变量 (4) 2.2 WRFV3安装 (5) 2.3 WPS与WRFDA的安装 (6) 3. 使用过程 (6) 3.1 WPS数据准备说明 (7) 3.2 气象初始场的准备说明 (8) 3.3 化学数据前处理程序的使用说明 (8) 3.4 化学数据转化程序的使用说明 (9) 附录1 (prep_chem_sources.inp) (14) 附录2(ncl程序) (18) 附录3(convert.f90) (19)

1. 引言 1.1 编写目的 本手册为指导WRF-Chem数值模拟的用户,方便轻松掌握WRF-Chem数值模式的安装及使用而编写。希望该手册在大家使用和学习过程中起到引导和帮助的作用。 1.2 背景 WRF-Chem模式是由国家大气研究中心(NCAR)等机构联合开发的新一代大气预报模式,真正实现了气象模式与化学传输模式在时空上的耦合。它不仅能够模拟污染气体和气溶胶的排放、传输以及混合过程,还可用于分析空气质量、云与化学之间的相互作用等。研究表明,WRF-Chem对气象场以及污染物的模拟表现出值得信赖的能力。 WRF-Chem在原有WRF模式的基础上耦合了化学反应过程,它通过在WRF 的辐射方案中引入气溶胶光学厚度、单次散射反照率和不对称因子表现气溶胶的直接辐射效应。此外,还增加了云滴数浓度的计算,这会改变原有WRF辐射方案中云粒子有效半径的计算方式,从而影响云的反照率,体现气溶胶的Twomey 效应。另一方面,Liu et al.提出了以云滴数浓度为阈值的新的云水向雨水自动转换参数化方案,取代了原有的Kessler方案,体现气溶胶的Albrecht效应。


小型机UNIX系统操作指南 一、 UNIX基本指令 1、Ls –l/-a/-R 列目录 2、Cd 更改目录 3、ps –ef |grep ora_ 看进程 4、kill -9 pid 杀进程 5、more filename 按屏看文本 6、cat filename 看文本 7、strings filename 看文本 8、df 看文件系统 9、du –k 看空间 10、rm 删文件 11、rm –r dir 删目录 12、find . –name filename 查找文件 13、cp *.* /aaa 拷贝文件 14、mv 移动文件 15、tail –f file1 看文件尾,可临控文件变化 16、makedir 建目录 17、id 看用户 18、mount /cdrom 19、>file1 20、set –o vi 可保存历史命令 21、su – user 切换用户 22、passwd 改密码 23、man 查帮助 24、ifconfig 看网卡状态 25、date 看时间

26、chmod 改权限 27、chown 改组/用户 28、vi 编辑器,常用的操作 二、 AIX (一)、文件系统 1、VG、PV、LV、LP、PP的概念及关系 2、基本文件系统 root(/) :home用户、usr软件、tmp临时、var控制管理文件(二)、常用指令 1、lsdev –C 看设备 2、info 相关书籍 3、lslpp –l 安装的软件 4、clstat 监控群集状态 5、errpt –a|more 错误日志 6、errclear 0 删除错误日志 7、df –k 看文件系统空间 8、ps –aux 列出当前进程 9、lspv –o 看激活的VG 10、smitty mkgroup\group\rmgroup 对组操作 hacmp 对群集操作 user\mkuser\rmuser 对用户操作 chinet 改IP tcpip 网络配置 11、varyonvg sharedvg 挂VG varyoffvg sharedvgb 卸VG 12、diag 故障诊断 13、cfgmgr –v 重新配置硬件 14、netstat –in 看网卡信息 15、lsvg –p 看VG (二)、系统开、关机


用NCL处理卫星数据(一个简单的教程) 2010年03月19日星期五15:13 这个教程主要介绍如何用NCL读取卫星数据,如何将数据存储为二进制格式,如何作图。 本教程所用的数据:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/194604613.html,/file/f19ba404fc 这个数据是AMSR-E的L2A产品,更多信息请查阅相关文档。 在开始这个教程前,请确认已经安装好了NCL。 1. 运行NCL 和GrADS类似,NCL也可以运行在交互式环境中,即输入一条命令执行一条命令。 交互式环境使用: 在命令行下输入 $ ncl 退出请输入命令 ncl 0> exit 交互式环境不方便重复操作,一旦退出程序就需要全部重新来过,所以推荐编写NCL脚本。一个NCL脚本主要包括以下几个部分: load 外部函数 begin ;命令和操作 end load用来载入外部函数。 文件操作、数据操作、数据可视化等代码都放在load 语句之后。 半角分号“;”后的内容是注释,NCL只有行注释功能。 begin 和end 可有可无,但如果出现了begin,就必须有end 与之对应。 NCL脚本扩展名为.ncl。比如有一NCL脚本文件为script.ncl,运行时可以用下面的方法:$ ncl < script.ncl 或$ ncl script.ncl

下面来写一个简单的NCL脚本。打开vi之类的编辑软件,将下面的内容复制进去,然后保存到卫星数据文件所 ;******************************************************** ; Load NCL scripts load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/skewt_func.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/wind_rose.ncl" ; load语句载入了NCL常用的几个外部程序,建议以后自己写脚本时也保留这6行的内容。 ;******************************************************** begin fi = addfile("./AMSR_E_L2A.hdf","r") print(fi) end 运行这个脚本 $ ncl test.ncl > log 2. 熟悉数据 打开log文件 从第11行相关信息可以知道该文件为HDFEOS_V2.5 第663行开始可以得知该卫星数据的生成时间等信息 第957行开始是卫星数据的维度信息(dimensions) 第983行起是变量信息(variables) 这些对文件内容进行描述的信息被称作元数据(metadata),元数据对于数据的存储和发布很重要。它记录了数据以及数据集开发的历史等。 3. 读取数据 下面以89V的数据为例 89V的元数据为: short89_0V_Res_1_TB__4 ( DataTrack_lo_Low_Res_Swath, DataXTrack_lo_Low_Res_Swath ) SCALE_FACTOR : 0.01 OFFSET : 327.68 UNIT : Kelvin hdf_name : 89.0V_Res.1_TB hdf_group : Low_Res_Swath/Data Fields hdf_group_id : 4
