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Affricates 破擦音

Affricates are sounds produced by blocking off the breadth-stream between the tongue and gum ridge, for a stop and a fricative. The term means a “blend”: consisting of a stop and a fricative.

/t?/ /d?/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/

/t?/ /d?/

Raise the tongue-tip to touch the back part of the alveolar. The air passage in the mouth is completely blocked.

/tr/, /dr/: Then the center of the tongue is hollowed in readiness for [r].

/ts/ /dz/: When the tongue is removed from thealveolar, the air passes between the blade of the tongue and

alveolar and a fricative /s/or /z/ is heard. /tr/, /dr/, /ts/ and /dz/

英语发音练习 爆破音

英式语调感官技能集训 Speaking in a gorgeous accent will give you a huge advantage ! 失去爆破 6个爆破音有3对/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/ 失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在某些情况下,只须做出发音的准备,但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面的音。 (1)“爆破音+爆破音”型 6个爆破音中的任意2个相临时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破,即由相关的发音器官做好这个发音的姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面的爆破音。 The girl in the re(d) coat was on a bla(ck) bike jus(t) now. The bi(g) bus from the fa(c) tory is full of people. Wha(t) time does he get up every morning? This is an ol(d) pi(c)ture of a bi(g) car. The ol(d) do(c)tor has a ca(t), too. We’re going to work on a farm nex(t) Tuesday. What would you like, ho(t) tea or bla(ck) coffee? It’s a very col(d) day, but it’s a goo(d) day. You can put i(t) down in the bi(g) garden. I bought a chea(p) book, but it’s a goo(d) book. (2)“爆破音+摩擦音”型 如果前面是爆破音,其后紧跟着某些摩擦音(如/f/,/v/,/s/,/z/等),那么前面那个爆破音仅有十分轻微的爆破,而后面那个摩擦音则要完全爆破。 I met a goo(d) friend of mine yesterday. They didn’(t) stop the concert after the accident. But I don’(t) think it’s a goo(d) theatre. Please wri(te) them down here in the form. The secon(d) student is Davi(d) Smith. They pu(t) their hands behin(d) their backs.


英语语音训练-爆破音 什么是“爆破音”? 爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音有6个,即 /p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/。但在某些情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,(也就是说,做好要发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来),这样的发音过程叫作"不完全爆破"。 1. 失去爆破 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面的爆破音不发生爆破。方法:对于前一个爆破音,只作发音的姿势,刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这种现象叫做失去爆破。 爆破音 + 爆破音→失去爆破 (爆破音6个:/p, b, t, d, k, g/) 例如/p, b, t, d, k, g/这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要失去爆破了。[例词例句] what time /`w?t taim/ goodbye /,gud`bai/ bedtime /`bedtaim/ big kite /`big `kait/ He has a ba(d) col(d) today. You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. Gla(d) to meet you. 2. 不完全爆破 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个摩擦音、破擦音、鼻辅音或舌边音时,前面的爆破音只作部分爆破。方法:对于前一个爆破音,作好发音的姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。第一个爆破音发出的声音是非常轻微的,有时甚至听不出来。这种现象叫做不完全爆破。 【1】爆破音 + 摩擦音或破擦音→不完全爆破 (摩擦音10个:/f, v, ?, e, s, z,∫, ?, r, h/) (破擦音6个:/ts, dz, tr, dr, t ∫, d?/) 例如/t t∫, td?, d t∫, dd?, p t∫, pd?, g t∫, gd?/等,这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要不完全爆破了。 [例词例句] picture /`pik t∫? / big jug /`big `d?Λ? / good child /`gud ` t∫aild/ that joke /`e?t `d??uk/Have you rea(d) the book abou(t) tha(t) child。 The thir(d) chair is broken. 【2】爆破音 + 鼻辅音或舌边音→不完全爆破 (鼻辅音3个:/m, n, ?/) (舌边音1个:/l, =/) [例词例句] good morning /`gud `m?:ni?/ big nation /`big `nei∫?n/ mad man /`m?d `m?n/ correct note /k ?`rekt `n?ut/Goo(d) morning, sir. Goo(d) night. They are very frien(d)ly to us.


当一个爆破音跟另一个爆破音相遇时往往失去爆破,这主要是因为两个辅音治安的间隔太小,这种现象在语音学上称为“失去爆破”或“特殊爆破”。爆破音和爆破音或其他的辅音相邻,第一个爆破音只形成阻碍,但不发生爆破,称作不完全爆破。说话时,前一个单词的爆破音只保持发音部位(音不法出来)的同时,即向下一个单词起音的辅音过渡,不完全爆破得以实现。不完全爆破产生的元音大体上是由于省力原则造成的。不完全爆破时英语语音学习中的重点,也是一个难点;掌握不好不完全爆破,就不可能讲地道的英语。下面列举不完全爆破的几条主要规则: 单词中的爆破音读音技巧两个爆破音相邻,第一个爆破音只形成阻碍,但失去爆破,少停顿一下,快速向第二个完全爆破的爆破音划去;若爹热爆破音在此尾则必须轻化。例如: 爆破音+爆破音 kept 保持 Blackboard 黑 板 Notebook 笔记本 Goodbye 再见 My father kept working till midnight. 我的父亲一直工作到深夜。 Please write the answer on the blackboard.请把答案写在黑板上。 Write the answer in your notebook. 请把答案写在笔记本

上。 I'd like to say goodbye to everyone. 我要向诸位告别了。鼻腔爆破爆破音和鼻辅音[m]与[n]相邻,爆破音形成阻碍,发生不完全爆破,在词末必须通过鼻腔爆破。如:爆破音/t, d/后面紧跟着的是鼻辅音[m]与[n]时这种辅音组合在语音学里就叫做鼻腔爆破,换而言之,既发爆破音/t, d/时受后面鼻辅音[m]与[n]的影响爆破部位有所改变,须由口腔爆破改为鼻腔爆破。例如, button[ `bʌtn]、garden[`gɑːdn]、中的[tn]、[dn]就得采取上述方法发音,说的通俗一点也就是/t, d/的发音由原爆破音改道从鼻子里带出来,也就是由鼻腔爆破发出来,因此在发音时鼻子里(不是口腔)会有一种冲气和痒痒的感觉。 爆破音+鼻辅音 just moment 一会儿 Good night 晚安 He often comes home at midnight. 他总是半夜12点才回家。 He has always been a good neighbor. 他一向是个好邻居。 Her goodness was apparent to everyone.她的友善对每个人都是显而易见的。


绕口令爆破音摩擦音破 擦音 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)

英语绕口令练习具体类型音标爆破音p b t d k g 双唇音p,b Peter Piper picked a peck(配克,量词) of pickle(泡菜)prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate. Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks. 齿龈音t,d Too many teenagers tend to waste their time watching television. Dick's daughter Dianna doesn't like dancing. 软腭音k,g Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook, if a good cook could cook good cookies. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! 摩擦音 Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fiece fishes. Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. An English fisherman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish.

发音基本规则 连读 爆破音

英语连读发音规则 一,连读 1、相邻词辅元连音take a look at it . I’ll be back in half an hour Will it take a lot of time to go to town on foot? 2、元元连音Don’t worry about it. I am sorry about the accident. We all agree with the plan. 3、加音连读+ j 两词相连,前词以长i或短i:结尾,后词亦以长i或短i:开始,前词后 加j Please copy it. You can see it. say it again. + r 两词连读当前词以e 结尾,后以e开始,则前音后加r idea of it. The vase is made of china and glass. The room has an area of 12 square meters. 4、当前音尾为U/u:时,产生轻加音w 与后词的元音词首连读。 Don’t do it. Go easy. It’s too easy. The bird flew in the sky. 二、失去爆破:当一爆破音与另一爆破音或其它辅音相遇时,前一爆破音只保持发音部位的 同时即向下一个单词起音的辅音过渡。 1、爆破音加爆破音b/p t/d k/g She took good care of the children. Big boy. sharp pencil what time September Ask Bob to sit behind me. goodbye. blackboard. suitcase football 2、t/d +鼻音m/n Good morning. Good news start now. I don’t know. Mid-night. admit 3、t/d + 舌连音/l/ at last .good luck I’d like to . straight line. friendly a bit louder . 4、爆破音+ 破擦音ch zh


英语绕口令练习具体类型音标爆破音p b t d k g 双唇音p,b Peter Piper picked a peck(配克,量词) of pickle(泡菜)prepared by his parents and put them in a big paper plate. Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks. 齿龈音t,d Too many teenagers tend to waste their time watching television. Dick's daughter Dianna doesn't like dancing. 软腭音k,g Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook, if a good cook could cook good cookies. A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose! 摩擦音 Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fiece fishes. Elizabeth's birthday is on the third Thursday of this month. Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure. An English fisherman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish. The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when


/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/是6个爆破音 1. /p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/这6个爆破音中的任何两个音素相邻时,前者发不完全爆破音,后者则要完全地。彻底地进行爆破。如: 1) He has a ba(d) col(d) today. 2) You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. Gla(d) to meet you. 2.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在[θ][e] /tr/的前面时不完全爆破。如: 1) Have you rea(d) the book abou(t) tha(t) child。 2) The thir(d) chair is broken. 3.爆破音/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/在/m/, /n/, /l/, /s/的前面时不完全爆破。如: 1) Goo(d) morning, sir. 2) Goo(d) night. 3) They are very frien(d)ly to us. 元音单元音前元音[i:] [i] [e] [?] 中元音[?] [?:] [?] 后元音[u:] [u] [?:] [?] [a:] 双元音开合双元音[ei] [ai] [?i] [?u] [au] 集中双元音[i?] [ε?] [u?] 辅音爆破音清辅音[p] [t] [k] 浊辅音[b] [d] [g] 摩擦音清辅音[f] [s] [?] [θ][h] 浊辅音[v] [z] [?] [e] 破擦音清辅音[t?] [tr] [ts] 浊辅音[d?] [dr] [dz] 鼻音(浊辅音)[m] [n] [?] 舌则音(浊辅音)[l] [r] 半元音(浊辅音)[w] [j]


英语语音训练-爆破音 什么是“爆破音” 爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音有6个,即 /p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/。但在某些情况下,发爆破音时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍做停顿,(也就是说,做好要发出这个爆破音的准备,但不要发出音来),这样的发音过程叫作"不完全爆破"。 1. 失去爆破 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面的爆破音不发生爆破。方法:对于前一个爆破音,只作发音的姿势,刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这种现象叫做失去爆破。 爆破音+ 爆破音→失去爆破 (爆破音6个:/p, b, t, d, k, g/) 例如/p, b, t, d, k, g/这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要失去爆破了。[例词例句] what time /`w?t taim/ goodbye /,gud`bai/ bedtime /`bedtaim/ big kite /`big `kait/ He has a ba(d) col(d) today. You shoul(d) ta(k)e care of the children. Gla(d) to meet you. 2. 不完全爆破 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个摩擦音、破擦音、鼻辅音或舌边音时,前面的爆破音只作部分爆破。方法:对于前一个爆破音,作好发音的姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。第一个爆破音发出的声音是非常轻微的,有时甚至听不出来。这种现象叫做不完全爆破。 【1】爆破音+ 摩擦音或破擦音→不完全爆破 (摩擦音10个:/f, v, ?, e, s, z,∫, ?, r, h/) (破擦音6个:/ts, dz, tr, dr, t ∫, d?/) 例如/t t∫, td?, d t∫, dd?, p t∫, pd?, g t∫, gd?/等,这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要不完全爆破了。


【1】失去爆破 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面的爆破音不发生爆破。方法是:对于前一个爆破音,只作发音的姿势,刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这种现象叫做失去爆破。 爆破音+ 爆破音→失去爆破 (爆破音6个:/p, b, t, d, k, g/) 例如/p, b, t, d, k, g/这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要失去爆破了。例如:what time /`w?t taim/ goodbye /,gud`bai/ bedtime /`bedtaim/ big kite /`big `kait/ 【2】不完全爆破 当一个爆破音后面紧跟着一个摩擦音、破擦音、鼻辅音或舌边音时,前面的爆破音只作部分爆破。方法是:对于前一个爆破音,作好发音的姿势,刚发出时,立即过渡到第二个摩擦音或破擦音上去。第一个爆破音发出的声音是非常轻微的,有时甚至听不出来。这种现象叫做不完全爆破。 a.爆破音+ 摩擦音或破擦音→不完全爆破 (摩擦音10个:/f, v, ?, e, s, z, ∫, ?, r, h/) (破擦音6个:/ts, dz, tr, dr, t ∫, d?/) 例如/t t∫, td?, d t∫, dd?, p t∫, pd?, g t∫, gd?/等。这样的组合出现时,前面的爆破音就需要不完全爆破了。 例如: picture /`pik t∫ ? / big jug /`big `d?Λ ? / good child /`gud ` t∫aild/ that joke /`e?t `d??uk/ b.爆破音+ 鼻辅音或舌边音→不完全爆破 (鼻辅音3个:/m, n, ?/) (舌边音1个:/l, =/) 例如: good morning /`gud `m?:ni?/ big nation /`big `nei∫?n/ mad man /`m?d `m?n/ correct note /k ?`rekt `n?ut/ 也就是说,6个爆破音/p, b, t, d, k, g/跟所有辅音(26个)相连,都会失去爆破。 2个半元音/j/ /w/ 20个元音 失去爆破和不完全爆破现象可以出现在同一单词中,如notebook /`n?utbuk/,也可以出现在两个单词之间,如good morning /`gud `m?:ni?/。 在作语音分析时,我们往往在失去爆破和不完全爆破音的下面画上一小道线,例如 a big man, a good child, take care of your sister等。 第一组:
