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考后:考研翻译硕士真题及答案 考研试题及答案栏目将在2017年12月23日考后第一时间陆续公布2018年考研翻译硕士真题及答案。【CTRL+D收藏】 考生可点击进入考研网提别为大家制作的《2018年考研真题及答案专题》查看各科2018考研真题及答案信息。 最后,祝广大考生在2018年研究生考试中取得好成绩! 准考证 打印时间 2018年考研下载打印准考证时间:2017年12月14日至12月25日,考生可凭网报用户名和密码登录“研招网”下载打印《准考证》。《准考证》使用A4幅面白纸打印,正反两面在使用期间不得涂改。考生凭下载打印的《准考证》及居民身份证参加考试。请考生务必妥善保管个人网报用户名、密码及《准考证》、居民身份证等证件,避免泄露丢失造成损失。 点击进入:2018考研准考证下载打印入口 【提醒:】 考生凭网报用户名和密码登录中国研究生招生信息网下载打印《准考证》(24小时开通)。《准考证》正反面不得有任何涂改! 1、《准考证》由考生使用A4幅面白纸在规定时间内(2017年12月14日至12月25日)上网自行下载打印。《准考证》正反两面在使用期间不得涂改。 2、考生凭《准考证》及居民身份证按规定时间进入考场,对号入座。入座后将上述证件放在桌面左上角,以便检查。 3、考试地点由报考点指定,考生应在考试前一天到考试地点了解考场有关注意事项。 考研时间

2018年考研初试时间为:2017年12月23日至12月24日(每天上午8:30-11:30,下午14:00-17:00)。超过3小时的考试科目在12月25日进行(起始时间8:30,截止时间由招生单位确定,不超过14:30)。 考试时间以北.京时间为准。不在规定日期举行的硕士研究生招生考试,国家一律不予承认。 考试科目 第三十二条硕士研究生招生初试一般设置四个单元考试科目,即思想政治理论、外国语、业务课一和业务课二,满分分别为100分、100分、150分、150分。 第三十三条教育学、历史学、医学门类初试设置三个单元考试科目,即思想政治理论、外国语、专业基础综合,满分分别为100分、100分、300分。 体育、应用心理、文物与博物馆、药学、中药学、临床医学、口腔医学、中医、公共卫生、护理等专业学位硕士初试设置三个单元考试科目,即思想政治理论、外国语、专业基础综合,满分分别为100分、100分、300分。 会计、图书情报、工商管理、公共管理、旅游管理、工程管理和审计等专业学位硕士初试设置两个单元考试科目,即外国语、管理类联考综合能力,满分分别为100分、200分。 金融、应用统计、税务、国际商务、保险、资产评估等专业学位硕士初试第三单元业务课一设置经济类综合能力考试科目,供试点学校选考,满分为150分。 第三十四条硕士研究生招生考试的全国统考科目为思想政治理论、英语一、英语二、俄语、日语、数学一、数学二、数学三、教育学专业基础综合、心理学专业基础综合、历史学基础、临床医学综合能力(中医)、临床医学综合能力(西医);全国联考科目为数学(农)、化学(农)、植物生理学与生物化学、动物生理学与生物化学、计算机学科专业基础综合、管理类联考综合能力、法硕联考专业基础(非法学)、法硕联考综合(非法学)、法硕联考专业基础(法学)、法硕联考综合(法学)。其


翻译硕士英语 Part one; multiple choice 1-5 CCABD 6-10 AACAD 11-15 BCDCD 16-20 CAACB Part two: reading and comprehension 21-25 BCDCA 26-30 DDCBC 31-35 BDCAD https://www.wendangku.net/doc/155246521.html, and fashion magazines 37. Developing eating disorders 38. impossibly proportioned 39. 3 years 40. make money Part three: essay University Education is Essential to One's success It is not an uncommon phenomenon that many people become successful without a formal college education, some typical examples of which are Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft; Li Jiacheng, a Hong Kong billionaire and Hua Luogeng, a world-class mathematician. This leads some people to believe that a person can achieve great success without a formal education and that the qualifications a successful person needs cannot be acquired through the study in university or other institutions of similar nature. It cannot be denied that there do exist such examples in every country; however, I can hardly share the above point of view for several reasons In the first place, a college or university is a specialized institution of higher learning where people can receive systematic and scientific training in a certain field, which paves the way for their future career. With the advent of the era of knowledge-based economy, a man without a sound academic background can hardly accomplish anything. Only in universities and other institutions of higher learning can he/she master the professional knowledge and relevant skills essential to his/her career. Secondly, it is wise to learn at another man's cost. We can benifit much from the invaluable experience and knowledge handed down from our ancestors and draw a lesson from the failure of our predecessors so as to avoid detour. Thirdly, when in university, one also has to learn to communicate and cooperate with teachers and fellow students, during which one cultivates friendship and acquires the interpersonal skills, both of which are conductive to one's future career and success. University is said to be a miniature society. Last of all, there are innumerable successful people who attribute their achievements to a formal university education. It is no wonder that so many parents spare no efforts to send their children to colleges and universities.


苏州大学会计硕士复试科目_内容 苏州大学会计硕士MPACC复试及录取工作的时间安排 1、3月18日12时前各招生单位上报《2016年硕士研究生各专业复试情况统计表》、《2016年硕士研究生各专业复试具体安排表》、《2016年硕士研究生拟复试名单汇总表》以及本学院(部)具体复试实施细则和复试小组名单。 2、3月19日前各基层招生单位在本单位网站上公布复试名单(包括考生初试成绩);复试细则和方案;复试报到、面试的具体安排。并以电话的形式通知每位考生复试及报到时间、地点,确保每位考生复试时准时到场。 3、3月21日----26日期间,各基层研究生招生单位完成报到、验证、专业课笔试、同等学力加试、综合面试等工作,具体地点和时间由各基层研究生招生单位安排。 4、3月27日17时前各基层招生单位将《2016年硕士研究生录取情况汇总表》报研究生招生办公室,不得延误;《2016年硕士研究生复试情况记录表》留各招生单位备查。 5、4月1日左右公布拟录取考生名单。4月5日为申诉日期。 苏州大学复试 1、政治理论、会计综合(笔试) 2、综合(面试) 参考书目

政治理论(笔试)《社会主义市场经济理论》夏永祥等编,《三个代表重要思想学习纲要》中共中央宣传部理论局 会计综合(笔试)参照全国会计硕士专业学位研究生入学考试的复试阶段专业课指导性大纲内容 苏州大学参考书目 复试成绩低于210分,不予录取。 同等学力加试科目成绩低于60分,不予录取。 拟录取为非定向的考生,要提供人事档案及政审意见;拟录取为定向的考生,所在单位要提供政审意见,并签定定向培养协议书。 苏州大学复试计分 会计硕士复试成绩(350分)=政治理论笔试(50分)+会计综合(100分)+外语听力、口语、专业外语测试(100分)+综合素质面试(100分)


2017年郑州大学考研指导【郑州大学】 基础英语:一、选择题,词义辨析10道,10分, 二、15题,30分,三篇阅读,今年的阅读比去年长的多,但是总体不难,可能比专四稍微难些。 三、完型,20小题,10分。 四、15分,汉译英,关于政治的,一般难度。 五、15分,英译汉,关于语言学的,术语较多。 六、作文,20分。关于大学生到底是参加社团活动好还是只学习好,说明你的看法与原因。250字。 翻译基础: 一、英译中,10题,每题5分,经济,网络,科学方面的特别多,感觉不简单,尤其是科学。 二、一篇中译英,讲的是能不能从黑洞里获取能量的问题,讲了霍金的一些量子物理学理论。 三、中译英,总6段话,关于中华民族文明的。 大概内容有,中华民族文明五千年,是世界文明里重要部分。近代以来,什么中华民族到了最危险的时候,仁忍志士奋起反抗但次次失败。中共成立后,领导人民英勇抗争最终胜利。然后有一段建设中华文明,屹立世界文明之林。各民族和睦相处,团结,中华民族怎样怎样……有一段是中国人民想要更怎样更怎样更怎样(更高收入,更好社保,更美环境等等一大堆,积累的词条能用上咯)最后一段是我们的责任要怎样,展望未来。 这篇虽然长,但总体难度还行吧,比去年的利与义简单一些。主要还是要多关注政治方面的报道文章,才能更好把握。 百科:

一、选择题,这次出的中国文学方面的蛮多,印象里大概得有四五题那样吧,中国地理,世界历史,世界文化,音乐,美术,政治,经济,科学,中国法律,外国国家概况,翻译理论等都会涉及一两题。 1、下面哪句不是出自论语? 2、给了句诗歌,问描绘的是哪个地方?答案有苏州,扬州,常州,杭州 3、下面哪个不是苏轼的作品,有题西林壁,时钟山记,还有个什么记,还有个送友人什么的忘记了。 4、给出了几个作品,请排列出版时间顺序,有《说文解字》《本草纲目》,还有两个忘记了 5、《洛神赋图》是誰的作品?顾恺之 6、南水北调中线水源地?丹江口水库 7、有个戏剧忘记名字了,是谁的作品?答案里茅盾,郭沫若,巴金,老舍。 8、钢琴诗人是谁?肖邦 9、西方哲学先哲第一人是誰?苏格拉底 10、古希腊物质匮乏,但是什么丰富?选项里,文化,精神,文化与精神 11、爱因斯坦,相对论 12、大概意思说诗歌是文学的很高境界,这评论出自誰,选项里雪莱,海涅, 13、中国法律面前人人平等,是指?十八岁以上?拥有中国国籍?中国公民?还是中国境内人?14经济金融上什么什么系统性的哪个……投资风险,市场风险,等。 15、经济上的一段话,说明什么 16、给了一段话,美国州政府权利怎样,地方政府权利什么的,体现了什么?选项里有分权,民主。 17、以下哪个不是加拿大特点?选项有钾资源,不成文宪法,总理由议会提名,女王任命,任期五年,还有个什么忘了


外企常见12道英文面试题 外企各大类型题考察意图烂熟于心,英文面试易如反掌。以下举例说明: 1、Tell me about yourself这是面试官惯用的开场白。千万不要长篇大论背诵简历。你可以在这时将最突出的优点概括性地总结,并引导面试官向你早已准备好的方面发问。 -- I studied computer in 1999-2003. After that I joined ... and worked as a ... .I am fluent at oral english... 2、What types of prospective job tasks do you enjoy the most?Which prospective job tasks do you least care to do?主要考察应聘者会否对工作中的很多地方感到厌倦;另外还考察你对自己的喜好是否诚实,你是否了解这份工作的基本职责;你是否认识到任何职业都会包含一些枯燥无味的日常工作。 3、What is your greatest weakness?不要把那些明显是优点的品行当成缺点说,这种落入俗套的方式早已被面试官厌倦。可以说一些对于你应聘这个职位没有影响的缺点,对于那些在面试中已经表现出的明显弱点,你可以利用这个问题加以弥补,显示你早已意识到,并且正在改进,已经取得了较大进展。 4、What do you plan to be doing five years from now?主要考察你的职业目标是否符合公司的要求;这份职业是否是你达到目的的合理选择;你是否有继续发展的热情;你的野心是否和这份职业的要求相契合;你的发展潜力有多大。如果你应聘大企业,千万不要提你想创业,如果应聘小企业,这倒是个合理的回答。 5、What college subjects did you like best and least? Why?这个




一、翻译硕士英语(211) 1.选择题(20*1') 考单词为主,后面有几道语法。单词以专八词汇为主,少量的gre词汇。 2.阅读(20*1') 四篇阅读,个人觉得很简单,文章很短,只有一面的长度吧,用专八阅读练习足够了。 3.改错(10*1') 比专八改错简单、前几年考的是修辞和英美文化常识、或古希腊神话典故。 4.作文(50分,500字) 谈谈你对happiness的定义。 二、英语翻译基础(357)

1.英译汉(75分) 该部分选取的是卢梭的《爱弥儿》(Emile, or On Education)部分文章,主要选自《爱弥儿》第三卷第一节。全文1000多字,共11段,但题目只要求翻译划线部分,总计翻译872字,共6段。完整原文如下: The whole course of man's life up to adolescence is a period of weakness; yet there comes a time during these early years when the child's strength overtakes the demands upon it, when the growing creature, though absolutely weak, is relatively strong. His needs are not fully developed and his present strength is more than enough for them. He would be a very feeble man, but he is a strong child. What is the cause of man's weakness? It is to be found in the disproportion between his strength and his desires. It is our passions that make us weak, for our natural strength is not enough for their satisfaction. To limit our desires comes to the same thing, therefore, as to increase our strength. When we can do more than we want, we have strength enough and to spare, we are really strong. This is the third stage of childhood, the stage with which I am about to deal. I still speak of childhood for want of a better word; for our scholar is approaching adolescence, though he has not yet reached the age of puberty. About twelve or thirteen the child's strength increases far more rapidly than his needs. The strongest and fiercest of the passions is still unknown, his physical development is still imperfect and seems to await the call of the will. He is scarcely aware of extremes of heat and cold and braves them with impunity. He needs no coat, his blood is warm; no spices, hunger is his sauce, no food comes amiss at this age; if he is sleepy he stretches himself on the ground and goes to sleep; he finds all he needs within his reach; he is not tormented by any imaginary wants; he cares nothing what others think; his desires are not beyond his grasp; not only is he self-sufficing, but for the first and last time in his life he has more strength than he needs. I know beforehand what you will say. You will not assert that the child has more needs than I attribute to him, but you will deny his strength. You forget that I am speaking of my own pupil, not of those puppets who walk with difficulty from one room to another, who toil indoors and carry bundles of paper. Manly strength, you say, appears only with manhood; the vital spirits, distilled in their proper vessels and spreading through the whole body, can alone make the muscles firm, sensitive, tense, and springy, can alone cause real strength. This is the philosophy of the study;


广州大学会计硕士复试科目_内容 广州大学于1983年获硕士学位授予权,2006年获博士学位授予权,学校研究生教育学科门类比较齐全。近年来,广州大学研究生教育秉持“教学立校,科研兴校,人才强校,服务荣校”的办学理念,在各方的大力支持下,以“跳起来摘桃子”的精神,实现了快速发展,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,呈现了良好的发展势头。 勤思教育是专业的会计硕士专业辅导机构,能够帮助同学抓住考试重点,轻轻松松考上会计硕士! 一、广州大学会计硕士MPACC复试科目 1.英语 2.会计专业综合(同等学力加考:基础会计、财务会计) 二、广州大学会计硕士MPACC复试权重及内容 (1)复试权重 专业课笔试权重为40%,考试方式采取闭卷,卷面满分为100分,考试时长一般为2小时,按实际成绩加权计入复试总成绩. 1.专业课笔试重点考察考生对专业理论、专业技能及相关知识的掌握是否扎实,是否具备本专业硕士研究生入学的基本要求。 2.课程与教学论专业的英语教育研究方向,复试考生在笔试时还须进行所选考语种的听力测试,听力得分计入专业课成绩,具体评分标准由外国语学院自行确定。

3.同等学力考生,在复试时必须加试《广州大学2016年攻读硕士学位研究生招生专业目录》上所报考专业的两门本科主干课程,时间为每科三小时,各科满分为100分。(注:同等学力加试成绩不计入最终的总成绩) (2)复试内容 面试内容 ①综合素质及能力考核内容、评分标准由各学院复试小组自行确定。 ②外语口试、听力测试按照《广州大学硕士研究生入学考试外语(非外语专业)外语口试、听力测试实施办法》的有关规定执行。 面试方式 ①面试试题由复试小组在考生复试前拟定,每道试题的阅读量不宜过大。 ②复试小组对参加复试的考生要逐个、单独地进行综合素质及能力面试。 ③面试时,考生从预先准备好的多个试题中随机抽取(已经抽取过的试题不可重复使用),由面试教师根据所抽取的试题提问,考生当场回答。考生同时也必须认真回答面试教师的其他提问。面试情况要有专人负责记录。


英文编辑第一轮笔试 Reading Comprehension In the early 20th century, few things were more appealing than the promise of scientific knowledge. In a world struggling with rapid industrialization, science and technology seemed to offer solutions to almost every problem. Newly created state colleges and universities devoted themselves almost entirely to scientific, technological, and engineering fields. Many Americans came to believe that scientific certainty could not only solve scientific problems, but also reform politics, government, and business. Two world wars and a Great Depression rocked the confidence of many people that scientific expertise alone could create a prosperous and ordered world. After World War Ⅱ, the academic world turned with new enthusiasm to humanistic studies, which seemed to many scholars the best way to ensure the survival of democracy. American scholars fanned out across much of the world—with support from the Ford Foundation, the Fulbright program, etc.—to promote the teaching of literature and the arts in an effort to make the case for democratic freedoms. In the America of our own time, the great educational challenge has become an effort to strengthen the teaching of what is now known as the STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and math). There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines. India, China, Japan, and other regions seem to be seizing technological leadership. At the same time, perhaps inevitably, the humanities—while still popular in elite colleges and universities—have experienced a significant decline. Humanistic disciplines are seriously underfunded, not just by the government and the foundations but by academic institutions themselves. Humanists are usually among the lowest-paid faculty members at most institutions and are often lightly regarded because they do not generate grant income and because they provide no obvious credentials (资质) for most nonacademic careers. Undoubtedly American education should train more scientists and engineers. Much of the concern among politicians about the state of American universities today is focused on the absence of “real world” education—which means preparation for professional and scientific careers. But the idea that institutions or their students must decide between humanities and science is false. Our society could not survive without scientific and technological knowledge. But we would be equally impoverished (贫困的) without humanistic knowledge as well. Science and technology teach us what we can do. Humanistic thinking helps us understand what we should do. It is almost impossible to imagine our society without thinking of the extraordinary achievements of scientists and engineers in building our complicated world. But try to imagine our world as well without the remarkable works that have defined our culture and values. We have always needed, and we still need, both. 1. In the early 20th century Americans believed science and technology could _______. [A] solve virtually all existing problems [C] help raise people’s living standards [B] quicken the pace of industrialization [D] promote the nation’s social progress 2. Why did many American scholars become enthusiastic about humanistic studies after World WarⅡ? [A] They wanted to improve their own status within the current education system. [B] They believed the stability of a society depended heavily on humanistic studies.


英语翻译硕士MTI模拟试题及答案解析(6) (1/30)Vocabulary 第1题 The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is ______ an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience. A.everything except B.anything but C.no less than D.nothing more than 下一题 (2/30)Vocabulary 第2题 We did hold a meeting yesterday, but you ______, so we did not inform you. A.did not need attending B.needn′t have attended C.did not need to attend D.needn′t attend 上一题下一题 (3/30)Vocabulary 第3题 The fact that the management is trying to reach agreement ______ five separate unions has led to long negotiations. A.over B.upon C.in D.with 上一题下一题 (4/30)Vocabulary 第4题 If you don′t eat enough fruit and vegetables, you may suffer from a vitamin ______. A.shortage B.insufficiency C.deficiency D.defect 上一题下一题 (5/30)Vocabulary 第5题 The story is about a kindly, generous, cheerful ______ who loves and is loved by everyone. A.misanthrope B.wanderer C.entertainer D.hater 上一题下一题 (6/30)Vocabulary


湖南师范大学硕士研究生入学考试复试科目考试大纲 考试科目名称:会计学综合 一、考试形式与试卷结构 1)考试时间: 本试卷考试时间为180分钟。 2)答题方式:闭卷、笔试 3)试卷内容结构 会计学学术型考生,考试内容为会计学综合,其中中级财务会计50%,财务管理30%,审计20%。 会计学专硕考生,考试内容为:会计学综合80%(其中,中级财务会计50%,财务管理30%,审计20%);政治理论20% 4)题型结构 会计学综合:问答题,共计40%;综合分析题,其中会计学学术型60%,专硕40%。 政治理论:论述题或材料分析题共计20% 二、考试内容与考试要求 (一)中级财务会计考试内容与考试要求 考试目标: 1、系统考察学生对中级财务会计中基本概念、基本理论和会计核算方法的了解程度。 2、考察学生运用所学知识对会计事项进行会计核算和处理的能力。 3、近三年会计研究热点。 考试内容: (一)总论 1、财务会计及其特点 2、会计的基本假设和会计确认、计量的基础 3、财务会计确认、计量的基本原则 4、财务报告要素 (二)货币资金 1、现金 2、银行存款

3、其他货币资金 (三)存货 1、存货及其分类 2、存货的初始计量 3、存货发出的计价 4、计划成本法与存货估价法 5、存货的期末计量 6、存货清查 (四)金融资产 1、金融资产及其分类 2、交易性金融资产 3、持有至到期投资 4、贷款和应收款项 5、可供出售的金融资产 6、金融资产减值 (五)长期股权投资 1、长期股权投资的初始计量 2、长期股权投资的后续计量 3、长期股权投资核算方法的转换 4、长期股权投资的处置 (六)固定资产 1、固定资产的确认和初始计量 2、固定资产的确认与初始计量 3、固定资产后续计量 4、固定资产处置 (七)无形资产 1、无形资产概述 2、无形资产的初始计量 3、内部研究开发费用的确认与计量 4、无形资产的后续计量


2014年江西师范大学外国语学院211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解 I. Vocabulary: (1×1, 10 points) Direction: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. —Why, this is nothing but common vegetable soup! — _____, madam. This is our soup of the day. A. Let me see B. So it is C. Don’t mention it D. Neither do I 【答案】B 【解析】根据“哎呀,这只是普通的蔬菜汤!”这句话来判断,顾客是在抱怨,而答语是服务员对顾客的话做了“确认”回答,“确实如此,这就是我们今天的汤”。 2. The couple _____ their old house and sold it for a vast profit. A. did for B. did in C. did with D. did up 【答案】D 【解析】句意:这对夫妇修理了旧房子,然后卖了高价。do up刷新;修缮。do for适合。do in 欺骗;搞垮。 3. —Mother, you promised to take me out. —Well. _____ A. So I did! B. So did I. C. So I do! D. So do I. 【答案】A 【解析】第一个人抱怨妈妈说话不算数,第二句话用了一个语气词well表明她承认自己曾经许诺过这事。“so+主语+助动词”表示说话人认同对方的看法。 4. Rumors are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations into _____ ones. A. turbulent B. tragic C. vulnerable D. suspicious 【答案】A 【解析】句意:谣言无处不在,散布恐惧,损毁名誉,把平静的局势弄得十分动荡。根据“turn...into”可知,空白处单词应该与calm意思相反。turbulent混乱的。vulnerable易受攻击的。suspicious可疑的。 5. The student said there were a few points in the essay he _____ impossible to comprehend. A. has found B. was finding C. had found D. would find 【答案】C 【解析】句意:这个学生说,他发现这篇文章里有几点很难理解。这句话中“发现”这个动作发生在“said”之前,因此应该用过去完成时。 6. Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _____ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction. A. no more B. not more C. even more D. much more 【答案】B 【解析】句意:人口过剩对人类构成了可怕的威胁。然而这可能不仅是对人类的威胁,更是对于环境的破坏。用于比较两件事物时,no more ...than表示对两者都否定,意为“同……一样不”。而not more...than指两者虽都具有某种特征,但程度不同,意为“不如”“不及”。 7. The decline of _____ and good manners may be worrying people more than crime, according to Gentility Recalled, edited by Digby Anderson, which laments the breakdown of traditional codes that once regulated social conduct. A. politeness B. civilization C. civility D. greeting 【答案】C

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