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Parallel Hierarchical Radiosity On Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors

Parallel Hierarchical Radiosity On Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors
Parallel Hierarchical Radiosity On Cache-Coherent Multiprocessors

If no source interactions were subdivided:

For each source interaction:

Gather radiosity from source interaction.

If not a leaf interaction:

Push specular radiosity to each child.

Create a radiosity gathering task for each


Else (interaction is a leaf):

Set interaction's radiosity

Pull specular radiosity up the interaction tree.

Else (some source interactions were subdivided):

Record that the destination interaction needs to gather radiosity from its list of source interactions with uncalculated visibility.

If count of source interactions with uncalculated visibility

has already dropped to 0:

Create a radiosity gathering task for the destination interaction Visibility Task

For each child of the interaction that was just subdivided:

If child interaction's visibility has already been computed or a task

to compute its visibility has already been created.


Compute the source and destination patches' mutual visibility.

For each destination interaction waiting for this interaction to have

its visibility computed:

Decrement the destination interaction's count of source

interactions with uncomputed visibility.

If the count has dropped to 0:

Create a radiosity gathering task for the destination


Create a radiosity gathering task for the source interaction.


Initialize the Interactions

Create each patch's list of destination interactions and calculate the

the visibility of each destination interaction.

Create each destination interaction's list of source interactions.

Task to Refine a Destination Interaction

#Handle diffuse radiosity:

If interaction is diffuse and needs to be refined:

Subdivide the interaction.

Create a radiosity gathering task for the children.

If interaction is diffuse:

Gather radiosity from the source patch.

If this is the last destination interaction for the destination

patch to be refined this iteration:

If destination patch has been subdivided:

Push diffuse radiosity to its children.

For each of the destination patch's diffuse


If the interaction has children interactions in

which the destination patch was subdivided:

Create a radiosity gathering task for each


Else (destination patch is a leaf patch):

Set patch’s radiosity.

Pull radiosity up the patch quadtree.

#Handle specular radiosity:

For each of the destination interaction's source interactions whose visibility has been computed:

If this pair of interactions does not need to be refined:

Continue to the next source interaction.

Select a patch to be subdivided.

Subdivide the patch and interaction(s).

If interaction(s) have not been previously subdivided:

Create visibility task(s) for children.

If source interaction subdivided:

Add destination interaction to source child's list of interactions

waiting for the child’s visibility to be computed.

Add source child to destination interaction's list of source

interactions with uncalculated visibility.

Remove source interaction from destination interaction’s list of

source interactions.

If destination interaction subdivided:

Add source interaction to child destination interaction’s list of

source interactions with uncalculated visibility.

Remove source interaction from destination interaction’s list of

source interactions.

varying the relative sizes of the three shared pool segments could yield slight improvements in the performance of the specular-diffuse program. Allocating 60% of the shared lock pool to one segment (the one containing the lock that prevents two tasks from simultaneously refining an interaction) improves performances 2.5% compared to the control case where each of the three segments is given an equal allocation. Deadlocks were tedious to debug but the process would not be difficult to automate. A tool could assist in deadlock detection by attaching to all active processes and writing to a file both their stack traces and the lock ids of the locks they are blocked on. These data, along with trace information that shows which locks each process currently holds, can be used to determine a deadlock cycle. If the processes stored the lock ids of their currently held locks in a well known location, the deadlock cycle could be detected automatically.


The hierarchical method to compute the equilibrium distribution of specular and diffuse radiosity in a scene achieves good speedup on medium sized cache coherent parallel machines despite the irregular data accesses and dynamic nature of the algorithm. The program has sufficient parallelism and high enough degree of temporal locality that smart data placement in main memory, which would be very difficult, is not important. Because the decline in the lock wait percent time levels off quickly as the number of patches is increased, the speedup for larger scenes would not necessarily improve but should at least be no worse. The steady increase in the lock overhead as the number of processors is increased, and in particular the increase in lock wait time for the task queue lock, suggests that adding additional processors will gradually degrade the speedup attained unless the execution time per task is increased.REFERENCES

[1] Pat Hanrahan, David Salzman and Larry Aupperle, “A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm”, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1991. [2] Larry Aupperle and Pat Hanrahan,.”A Hierarchical Illumination Algorithm for Surfaces with Glossy Reflection,”Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1993.

[3] Jaswinder Pal Singh, Anoop Gupta, and Marc Levoy, “Parallel Visualization Algorithms: Performance and Architectural Implications”, IEEE Computer27(7):45-55, July 1994.

4] Thibault, W., Naylor, B., “Set operations on polyhedra, using binary space partitioning trees”, Computer Graphics 21(4).

[5] Daniel Lenoski, James Laudon, Kourosh Gharachorloo, Wolf-Dietrich Weber, Anoop Gupta, John Hennessy, Mark Horowitz, and Monica Lam, “The Stanford DASH Multiprocessor”,IEEE Computer 25(3):63-79, March 1992.

[[6] Margaret Martonosi, Anoop Gupta and Thomas Anderson, “Memspy: Analyzing Memory System Bottlenecks in Programs”,ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on the Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, June 1992. [7] Aaron J. Goldberg and John L. Hennessy,“Performance Debugging Shared Memory Multiprocessor Programs with MTOOL”, Proceedings of Supercomputing ’91, pp. 481-490, November 1991.

The “update vertex radiosity” lock could be eliminated by running the small task it is used in serially.


Several of the techniques used in the specular-diffuse program are of general interest to people writing parallel programs, particularly those that have similar complex synchronization requirements. In this section we discuss the debugging techniques we used, how we measured lock wait times, and the implementation of the task queues and the shared lock pool. We also propose a simple parallel programming tool that could have saved some time debugging deadlocks. The debugging relied heavily on trace statements and sanity checks. The items traced included each lock and unlock operation. The sanity checks were mostly to verify that a pointer that was about to be dereferenced did not have a null value. Null pointers were usually symptomatic of a critical region not having been protected by locks.

We attempted to measure the lock and memory overhead of the program using two parallel performance monitoring tools (Memspy [6] and Mtools [7]) on both real machines and simulators. However, the tools have not been exercised previously on a program of this complexity, and they either produced no output or output that was inconsistent and clearly spurious. This may have been because of the program’s large and complex memory requirements. We ended up using explicit timing calls in the source code to measure both lock waits and load imbalances. Timestamping every lock operation doubled the execution time of the program when using 90 patches and 32 CPUs, and it made the lock wait data unreliable. Consequently, we used statistical sampling on the most frequently used locks which reduced the overhead to 30%; the lock wait data was consistent across multiple runs and a range of reasonable sampling frequencies.

The lock wait data was instrumental in increasing the speedup of the program because it pinpointed what locks needed to have their critical regions tightened. For example, it was discovered that when a task was removed from the tail of a task queue, the entire queue was traversed while the lock was held so that the queue’s tail could be set to the second to last task in the queue. To fix this problem the task queue was converted from a singly linked list to a doubly linked list. This reduced the execution time by 25% for a 109 patch scene running on the SGI Challenge with 16 CPUs. Tightening the critical region around one highly contended lock (the one used to determine if all the preconditions for refining a task have been met) reduced the execution time by 5.1% on DASH using 90 patches and 32 CPUs. The lock was moved from outside an if-else clause to within the else block. In a few cases, closer examination showed that some uses of the busiest locks were not, in fact, necessary. The timestamps identified a load imbalance problem during the initialization of the destination interactions which we were able to correct, improving performance by 4.5%, and they also showed that the visibility and radiosity gathering tasks had no load balancing problem.

Our programming environment limits a program to using 4096 locks. The program, however, can require over a half million locks. Most of the locks are used by the data structures that represent the over 100,000 interactions, each of which contains five locks. A shared pool of locks was used to overcome the 4096 lock limitation. The shared pool contains 4000 locks and when a data structure is initialized it sets pointers to locks from the shared pool. Hence, each lock entry in the pool is used by many data structures. If a task tries to hold two locks at the same time and the two locks happened to use the same lock from the shared pool, then the program would deadlock. To prevent this, the shared lock pool is segmented, and any two locks that a task may hold concurrently must be allocated from different segments. When the specular-diffuse program refines a specular computation, it must lock both a source and a destination interaction concurrently. Since both locks are of the same type, they must reside in the same shared pool segment. To prevent deadlock in this case, each lock is assigned a number and the task always grabs the lock with the greater number first. We found that

Performance Measurements Array To measure the performance of the program, we primarily used a scene with 90 input patches, containing a desk with some shelves, some mirrors on the walls, and some light sources. The 90 input patches are dynamically subdivided into about 2700 patches. The program is quite memory intensive and this was the largest scene that would fit in the DASH machine’s 256 MB of physical memory (about 200 MB available to the application). Most of this was used by the data structures that represent each interaction and each patch-triple. With 90 initial patches there were about 100,000 interactions and 1,500,000 patch triples. Our measurements show that the overheads due to parallelism—particularly the most significant one, lock contention—decrease with larger scenes (see Figure 12b) since it is less likely that two tasks will simultaneously need to subdivide or schedule the same interaction. Hence, we are confident that parallel speedup will be at least as good for larger scenes.

For the refinement criteria and convergence tolerance we used, the specular+diffuse program’s sequential time with 90 patches is 1531.8 seconds. The variation of speedups with the number of

initial patches (up to 90) and CPUs is shown in

total radiosity is less than a specified tolerance value then the algorithm has converged, so it averages and normalizes the radiosity at the vertices and completes.

THE PARALLEL ALGORITHM The amount of work associated with a patch or interaction—or even how many there are—is impossible to predict and unfolds as the subdivision proceeds. We therefore have to manage parallelism dynamically using distributed task queues with task stealing. Efficient parallel implementation requires that the algorithm be decomposed into tasks that are small enough to achieve good load balance yet large enough to not cause too much task management overhead or communication. We rejected any design that required each iteration to be processed in phases, such as diffuse gathering, specular gathering, pushing radiosity, etc., where each phase would have to begin with a synchronization barrier. We also rejected using separate tasks to collect diffuse and specular radiosity because doing so would increase the chance that two tasks would simultaneously need to subdivide the same patch. Instead, our implementation uses one task to gather both diffuse and specular radiosity for each destination interaction. A task gathers specular radiosity from all the currently available source interactions of the destination interaction, but it gathers only the diffuse radiosity that is transmitted over the destination interaction (i.e. from intermediate to destination patch, see Figure 4). This destination interaction is only one spoke in the wheel of diffuse interactions centered at the destination patch. Since multiple tasks are therefore needed to compute a destination patch's diffuse radiosity, a counter is necessary to determine when all of the diffuse radiosity has been gathered for a destination patch. Updates to this counter must be mutually exclusive (protected by locks), as must the updates to the destination patch's radiosity and the updates to its list of source patches.

Besides the task that gathers specular and diffuse radiosity for a destination interaction, the only other type of task that runs while radiosity is being computed is the visibility computation task. This task computes the mutual visibility of a single pair of patches, and is created whenever a patch and hence interaction are subdivided (we experimented with making a task be a few visibility computations, but this did not affect performance much). It is possible for two tasks to be simultaneously subdividing the same interaction so locks are used to ensure that only one task performs the subdivision and only one task performs the associated visibility computation. Figure 10 shows a technique used to prevent two tasks from both performing the visibility computation for the same pair of source and destination patches.

Every process (processor) has its own task queue which initially contains tasks for a subset of the root destination interactions (for every N th root patch, each of the N processes is assigned all of the root destination interactions in which the root patch is the destination patch). Processes create tasks as they proceed, i.e. as interactions are subdivided, and put them in their own task queues, and task stealing is used for load balancing.

The development and testing of the programs was done on a Stanford DASH multiprocessor [5], a hardware cache-coherent distributed shared memory machine with 32 processors organized in 8 clusters. The performance of the program was also measured on a commercial SGI Challenge XL machine with 16 processors, 1 MB of two-way set associative cache per processor and 512 Mb of centralized memory connected by a shared bus.

PERFORMANCE AND ANALYSIS The speedup of the specular+diffuse program is 26.3 using 32 processors and 90 input patches. Of the four factors that can limit the speedup of a parallel program - the fraction of code that is executed serially, load balancing of tasks among processors, synchronization cost including contention, and data access cost including communication - almost all the loss in speedup can be attributed to synchronization overhead.

Figure 9 - The source patch and hence source interaction are subdivided

Figure 8 - The intermediate patch and hence both interactions are subdivided

Figure 7 - The destination patch and hence destination interaction are subdivided

Figure 10: Source patches with lists of waiting destination interactions. Both destinations D1 and D2 require

that Source 1 be subdivided creating four new source interactions. Each of the new source interactions has D1 and D2 added to its list of waiting destination interactions and D1’s and D2’s count of source interactions with uncalculated visibility increases by four. When source interaction S1a-Reflector has its visibility computed, it traverses the waiting interaction list (D1 and D2) and decrements the uncalculated visibilities by one. When this count reaches zero for D1 or D2, a radiosity gathering task is created for the destination interaction.

Waiting destination interactions D1 and D2

specular computation, the destination patch can again be visualized as the hub of a wheel with the destination interactions forming the spokes radiating to each intermediate patch (Figure 3). In addition, each intermediate patch itself is the hub of a wheel, with each source interaction forming a spoke between the intermediate patch and a source patch (Figure 4).

To help explain the radiosity algorithm we first provide some background on radiosity computations and patch refinement. The diffuse computation computes a form factor from the sizes and relative orientations of the two patches to determine what fraction of a source patch's radiosity might reach the destination patch. Other patches may occlude the two patches, so a visibility factor is computed to determine how much of the radiosity is blocked by intervening patches. To compute these visibility factors, the patches are placed in a binary space partition (BSP) tree [4] during initialization. Test rays are then fired from the source to the destination patch and the BSP tree is used to determine if a ray will be blocked along the way. The fraction of rays that reach the destination patch is used as the visibility factor, which is multiplied by the form factor and the source patch’s radiosity to compute the radiosity arriving at the destination patch. Because the diffuse computation uses approximations to compute the visibility factor and the distance between patches, an error term is estimated to see if one of the patches should be subdivided to make the computation more accurate. Patches that are large or close together are more likely to require refinement. If the error term exceeds a threshold, the larger of the two patches is selected for subdivision provided that it is not too small and that the patch pair has not already been subdivided for a specular computation. The patch is subdivided into four patches and the interaction between the source and destination patch is subdivided into four interactions (Figure 5), creating another level in both the patch and interaction quad-trees. If the diffuse computations are still not accurate enough the patches and interactions may be subdivided further (Figure 6). Thus, each patch in the original scene becomes the root of a patch quad-tree and each interaction between a pair of mutually visible root patches becomes the root of an interaction quad-tree.

The algorithm to compute specular radiosity proceeds as follows. For each destination interaction, specular radiosity is gathered from the wheel of source interactions centered at the intermediate patch (Figure 4). If the destination or intermediate patch is subdivided then the source patch or patches are added to the list of source patches for the new destination interactions (Figures 7 and 8). If the source patch is subdivided then the new source interactions are added to the destination interactions list of source interactions (Figure 9). However, the destination interaction cannot gather radiosity from its new source interactions until each one has had the visibility between its source and intermediate patches computed. Once a destination interaction has gathered specular radiosity from all its initial source interactions, it computes the visibilities of all its newly created source interactions and gathers radiosity from them, perhaps creating even more (subdivided) source interactions, and so on. Once the destination interaction has completed gathering specular radiosity from all its source interactions, it pushes its share of the destination patch’s specular radiosity down to its children if it has any; otherwise, one-fourth of its radiosity is pulled up to its parent's radiosity, which in turn is pulled up the tree until the root interaction is reached.

The algorithm to compute diffuse radiosity is similar at a high-level to the algorithm that computes specular radiosity except that patches replace interactions and radiosity is computed between two patches instead of among three. Each destination patch gathers diffuse radiosity from its source patches and then the diffuse radiosity is pushed down the patch quad-trees and pulled back up to the root of the quad-trees.

The current iteration of the algorithm completes when radiosity has been pulled up to the root of all the patch and interaction quad-trees. The algorithm then compares the total radiosity in the scene with the total radiosity at the end of the previous iteration. If the percentage change in the

Figure 1: A destination patch gathers diffuse radiosity from each of its source patches. A

Figure 3: Specular radiosity from one source patch S1 is reflected off of each intermediate patch (I1 to I4) to the destination patch.

Figure 4: A destination patch gathers specular radiosity from each of the source patches that reflects radiosity off a given intermediate patches. The destination patch also gathers diffuse radiosity

from the intermediate patch. This figure depicts the work done by each radiosity gathering

task in the specular+diffuse program, as we shall see.


The radiosity method for rendering scenes into images is a complex and computationally expensive application that can not be parallelized in a straightforward manner. Developing a parallel program for such an irregular application presented two challenges. First, a parallel algorithm that avoids some synchronization overhead pitfalls had to be designed, and second, lock wait data from the completed program had to be carefully analyzed to identify performance bottlenecks. By correcting these performance problems we were able to improve the speedup on a 32 CPU machine from about 20 to 26.3. In this paper we describe a parallel program for computing diffuse and specular radiosity, and present performance measurements of the program, including those used to improve its speedup. We also discuss some parallel programming issues of general interest.

Serial hierarchical algorithms for computing diffuse and specular radiosity were described in [1] and [2]. Performance results for a parallel hierarchical program that computes only the diffuse radiosity were presented as part of a study of several parallel visualization algorithms in the July 1994 issue of IEEE Computer [3]. The specular+diffuse program has markedly different characteristics from this diffuse-only program - it spends much less time computing visibility (6% vs. 90%) and must handle the three-way specular computation as well as the two-way diffuse computation.

In the next section we describe the sequential specular+diffuse algorithm. The third section describes the parallel algorithm. The fourth section presents performance results on the two cache coherent multiprocessors used. The fifth section comments on the parallel programming techniques we used in this complex program that are of general interest. The last section presents our conclusions.

We now turn to the combined specular and diffuse algorithm and its implementation.THE SEQUENTIAL SPECUAR+ DIFFUSE ALGORITHM

An object in a scene can disperse radiosity in two ways. Some of the radiosity that arrives at an object is dispersed evenly in all directions. This is called diffuse radiosity. Alternatively, when radiosity reaches a shiny surface such as a mirror or glass, it reflects off the surface similarly to the way a billiard ball bounces off the side of a billiards table. This is called specular radiosity. A single object can spread both types of radiosity. The total radiosity of a patch is the sum of the diffuse and specular radiosity that reaches it. The specular+diffuse algorithm computes radiosity one patch at a time and calculates the two types of radiosity separately. The diffuse radiosity of a patch is the sum of the diffuse radiosity transmitted to the patch from every other patch in the scene (Figure 1). A patch’s specular radiosity (Figure 2) is the sum of the specular radiosity transmitted from each source patch and reflected off each intermediate patch (Figure 3). Every original patch in the scene is considered as both a source of radiosity and as an intermediate reflector. Thus, a destination patch’s source patches for a diffuse computation are its intermediate patches for a specular computation (Figure 4). In a scene that initially contains k mutually visible patches, there will be k2 diffuse computations and k3 specular computations before considering the additional computations that result from patch subdivisions.

To unify the diffuse and specular components of the algorithm, we construct the following framework. Each pair of mutually visible patches in a scene forms an interaction in which radiosity is transmitted from the source patch to the destination patch. For the diffuse computations, the destination patch can be visualized as the hub of a wheel in which each spoke is an interaction with a source patch (Figure 1). The three patches involved in a specular radiosity computation form two interactions. The source and intermediate patch pair form a source interaction and the intermediate and destination patch pair form a destination interaction (Figure 2). For the

Parallel Hierarchical Radiosity On Cache-Coherent


Jim Richard Jaswinder Pal Singh

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Computer Science

Stanford University Princeton University

181 Weddell Drive, #5435 Olden Street

Sunnyvale, CA 94089Princeton, NJ 08544

jamesr@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/185528191.html, jps@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/185528191.html,

Phone: (408) 746-3411Phone: (609) 258-5329

Fax: (408) 746-7633Fax: (609) 258-1771


Computing radiosity is a computationally very expensive problem in computer graphics. Recent hierarchical methods have greatly speeded up the computation of first diffuse and now also specular radiosity. We present a parallel algorithm for computing both diffuse and specular radiosity together, and discuss the techniques we used to improve its performance. The algorithm is both irregular and highly unpredictable. Despite this, by carefully designing a parallel algorithm that minimizes synchronization and memory access overhead and by identifying and correcting several synchronization bottlenecks that we did not anticipate, we were able to obtain speedups of 26.3 on a 32-processor machine with distributed memory and 14.2 on a 16-processor machine with centralized memory. We demonstrate how lock wait data can be used to significantly improve the performance of complex, irregular parallel applications.

Keywords: radiosity, parallel, hierarchical, multiprocessors, performance, graph-ics, load balance, locality, synchronization.

There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. - Edith Wharton

There are two kinds of light - the glow that illuminates and the glare that obscures. - James Thurber

七年级数学下册 10.2平行线和它的画法(第9课时)学案 青岛版

§10.2平行线和它的画法第 9 课时 预习目标: 1、了解平面内两条直线平行的定义和表示方法。 2、会利用一副三角尺过一点画一直已知直线的平行线。 3、了解“经过直线外一点能且只能画一条直线与已知直线平行”的结论 预习重点:掌握平行线的定义和它的画法。 预习内容: 任务一、 阅读课本第28页,并完成以下问题: 1、在,叫做平行线。 2、你能回答课本导航中提出的问题吗? 任务二、 1、借助一幅三角尺,你能在下图中画出一条直线与直线AB平行吗? 试一试并与同学交流。 A B 2、借助一幅三角尺,你能在下图中经过直线AB外一点P画出一条直线与直线AB平行吗? 试一试并与同学交流。 .P A B 3、经过直线外一点,能。 预习诊断: 1、填空 (1)在同一平面内,的两条 直线叫平行线。 (2)如图,直线AB与直线CD平行,记作,读 作。 (3)经过,能且只能画一条直线与已知直线平行。 2、如图:过点P画三角形ABC三边的平行线。 课中实施: (一)展示交流。 (二)反思拓展。 1、观察右图:在立方体 A B ·P B C A D A C B

C D A . B , C , D , (1)你能找出一对互相平行的棱吗? (2)你能找出一对互相垂直的棱吗? (3)你能找出一对既不平行也不垂直的棱吗? 2、过角AOB 内一点P 画OA 、OB 的平行线。 (三) 系统总结。 限时作业: 1在同一平面内,两条不重合直线的位置关系可能是( )(2分) A 、平行和相交 B 、垂直或相交 C 、垂直和相交 D 、平行、相交或垂直 2、下列说法正确的是( )(2分) A 、经过一点有一条直线与已知直线平行 B 、经过一点有无数条直线与已知直线平行 C 、经过一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行 D 、经过直线外一点有且只有一条直线与已知直线平行 3、按要求作图:(每题3分,共6分) (1)过三角形ABC 的顶点C 画MN ∥AB (2)过三角形ABC 的边AB 的中点D ,画平行于AC 的直线,交BC 于点E ·P O B A


对油田公司全面深化改 革的几点建议 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

对油田公司全面深化改革的几点建议“凛冬降至”本轮油价低迷短期内很难结束,目前,石油行业发展面临的形势异常严峻,压力前所未有。我们必须切实增强危机意识、忧患意识和责任意识,冷静面对低油价带来的行业调整,充分利用自身优势,在低油价时代实现稳健发展。 企业要生存就要发展,要发展就要全面深化改革,通过改革以适应当前的严峻形势。纵观历史,按照党的十一届三中全会提出的改革方向,国有经过改革脱困、结构调整、技术改造、加强管理等一系列积极探索,国有经济呈现出较强的活力、控制力和影响力,在国民经济中占主导地位。如今,在严酷形势下的油田公司应通过全面深化改革摆脱当前的困境,顺利度过石油行业的“寒冬期”。我认为,改革主要应从以下几个方面着手: 一、以往的制度在实施的时候,多多少少存在一些重复、冗余的现象,很多机关、部门交叉的管理往往造成了管理周期延长,使部分方案得不到落实。施行简政放权,将权力逐级下放到基层单位,充分发挥基层的管理者作用,依靠基层干部员工开展好各项工作。机关、部门多从服务、监督、指导的角度工作。让改革渗透到到每隔工作细节、每个工作流程,这样的改革才能深入、这样的改革才能有效。 二、放弃一些大项目,减少或者暂缓高投入、高风险的勘探投资,将有限的资金用于企业基础设施的改造上来,立足于现有资

源,加大科技力量的投入,以降低原油生产成本为目标,实现企业亏损最小化。 三、保障一线员工的收入,严格实施按劳分配。纵观企业发展的历史无一不告诫我们,基层员工是企业基石。一线员工数量多,在创造价值方面,起着决定性的作用,而稳定是企业存在和发展的首要前提。企业是员工依托。企业兴、员工兴,企业衰则员工衰。我们广大油田公司员工应该始终把企业的命运与自己的命运紧密结合,作为公司,要保证一线员工的稳定和工作积极性,才能做到员工与企业同艰辛、共患难,才能实现双方的共同发展。 四、把成本管控作为最主要经营内容。生产企业的最终目标永远是实现效益最大化。在油价低迷的时期,我们更要把效益作为主题,紧紧围绕企业效益这个中心思想,大力开展单井生产成本核算工作,确定单井效益最大化的临界值,低产单井关井,保障潜力井的投资,以最少的成本投入实现最大的产出,确保企业效益。 五、放眼于未来,着手于现在,积极解决人力资源问题。发挥内部员工的巨大潜力,科学的推行劳务输出制度,积极拓展外部市场。在同行业中树立自身的形象。 从油气市场发展的历史看,油价波动是常态。从发展的角度看,当前虽然国际油价低迷,但油价反弹的可能性并非没有。如果我们能够在油价反弹之前深化改革,将公司的油气发展机制理顺,待他日油价上扬,届时国内强大的油气供应能力发挥作用了,公司


关于公司深化改革、创新转型、市场拓展、生产经营、 关爱员工等建议及意见 2014年以来,面对政治经济环境复杂多变,国内经济增速明显放缓和市场需求不旺、通信行业价格下降的严峻考验,公司领导团结带领广大员工,坚持稳健经营的战略思路,以优化结构为主线,以改革创新为动力,扎实推进安全生产,着力强 化内部管理,切实改善民生,在严峻复杂的经济形势下,保持 了企业平稳健康发展。 一、全面加强内部管控,化解经营风险能力明显增强。 2014年国内经济形势低迷,各行各业都面临着诸多困难。在经济严冬面前,在2015年建议压缩管理岗位和工勤人员, 严格控制各项非生产性支出,努力降低生产成本和管理成本,细化成本管理和成本考核,有力地促进各部门管理水平的提升。 二、充分发挥公司优势大力宣传 充分利用各种宣传媒体和途径,对企业发展所面临的形势 和全年各项工作重点进行了广泛深入地宣传,把全体员工的思想和行动都统一到推进企业改革发展的大局上来。特别在严峻复杂的经济形势面前,各部门员工客观讲形势、重点讲责任、关键讲措施,鼓舞广大员工敢于直面挑战,积极应对困难形势。 三、安全思想教育扎实有效,常抓不懈。公司各部门坚定不移地贯彻落实“安全第一、效益第二、生产第三”的原则和“以人为本、生命至上、安全第一”的理念,以强化员工安全

意识为根本,以规范员工安全行为为重点,以构建特色班组安全文化为核心,将安全思想教育渗透到员工日常行为和活动之中,实现了安全思想教育工作的科学化、规范化、实效化。 四、抓创新,求突破,人事制度改革逐步深化。大力推进人事制度改革,实行领导任期制、聘任制和公推直选方面进行探索和尝试。此外,各单部门“提效增能”为目标,在初级管理岗位竞聘和中层领导分流调整机制创新,减轻企业运营成本,也为优秀人才脱颖而出创造了有利条件。 五、和谐企业建设扎实推进 坚持知行合一,企业文化日臻完善。广泛开展“四德”(职业道德、社会公德、家庭美德、个人品德)教育活动,教育和引导广大员工增强爱岗敬业、诚实守信、乐于奉献的意识。优推典型人物先进事迹,促进员工思想升华,调动员工积极性。 强化载体创新,群团工作日益活跃。广泛营造了尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重创造的良好氛围。 六、要以良好精神状态推进企业健康发展。多年来,我们经历市场拓展低谷的考验,在体制机制创新和产业结构调整方面积累了大量成功经验,我们有能力、有办法应对各项困难和挑战;信心源自于员工队伍的过硬。在“创业、创新、创优”精神的指引和熏陶下,培养造就了一支精诚团结、能打硬仗、作风顽强的员工队伍,这是我们克服一切困难最根本的法宝。

C++ #pragma code_seg用法

#pragma code_seg 格式如: #pragma code_seg( [ [ { push | pop}, ] [ identifier, ] ] [ "segment-name" [, "segment-class" ] ) 该指令用来指定函数在.obj文件中存放的节,观察OBJ文件可以使用VC自带的dumpbin命令行程序,函数在.obj文件中默认的存放节为.text节,如果code_seg 没有带参数的话,则函数存放在.text节中。 push (可选参数)将一个记录放到内部编译器的堆栈中,可选参数可以为一个标识符或者节名 pop(可选参数)将一个记录从堆栈顶端弹出,该记录可以为一个标识符或者节名identifier(可选参数)当使用push指令时,为压入堆栈的记录指派的一个标识符,当该标识符被删除的时候和其相关的堆栈中的记录将被弹出堆栈 "segment-name" (可选参数)表示函数存放的节名 例如: //默认情况下,函数被存放在.text节中 void func1() {// stored in .text } //将函数存放在.my_data1节中 #pragma code_seg(".my_data1") void func2() {// stored in my_data1 } //r1为标识符,将函数放入.my_data2节中 #pragma code_seg(push, r1, ".my_data2") void func3() {// stored in my_data2 } int main() { } 例如 #pragma code_seg(“PAGE”) 作用是将此部分代码放入分页内存中运行。 #pragma code_seg() 将代码段设置为默认的代码段 #pragma code_seg("INIT") 加载到INIT内存区域中,成功加载后,可以退出内存


结合企业实际,你对当前深化企业改革的认识、想法或建议——锐意改革,积极进取 国有企业是中国经济的重要组成部分,长期以来,在促进经济增长、科技进步、增加就业等方面发挥着重要的作用。改革开放三十年来,随着市场经济体制的完善和竞争的日益激烈,国有企业面临的外部环境更加严峻,国有企业的发展问题也日益凸现,如何在新形势下求得生存与发展,成为今天国有企业亟待解决的问题。 通过组织学习股份公司《李长进董事长、戴和根总裁在股份公司经济活动分析暨全面深化改革动员会上的讲话》的内容和精神,电务公司积极查找主要矛盾和突出问题,努力发现企业存在的缺陷和问题,通过讨论认为电务公司在现代化企业制度建设和标准化管理方面还有些力不从心;在日益复杂的经济形式面前,公司的营销能力也面临着巨大考验;安全质量控制和企业风险控制方面依旧存在薄弱环节。存在的问题和不足都是阻碍企业做优做强的绊脚石,要想踢开这些绊脚石,实现企业持续快速发展,离不开改革。纵观企业企业二十多年的发展历程,改革始终伴随和推动着企业不断发展,历史和事实告诉我们,改革是企业发展的动力,

特别是当前的严峻形势下,改革是更是唯一出路,深化企业改革已经刻不容缓。 深化国有企业改革任重道远,改革的探索没有止境。深化企业改革,我认为应该做好以下几方面工作: 一、要明确经济体制改革的目标。确立正确的任务和目标是国有企业改革成功的必要条件,可以说,发展社会主义市场经济是国有企业改革的依据,是经济体制改革的目标所在。我们国有企业改革在进入第三阶段即建立现代企业制度、调整国有经济布局的阶段,才从单纯的扩权让利转变为制度创新,才有可能实现改革的目标。而提出建立现代企业制度和调整国有经济布局又都是以提出发展社会主义市场经济为前提的。 二、要明确市场经济条件下国有经济的功能、地位和作用。国有企业在社会主义计划经济体制中的功能和它在社会主义市场经济体制中的功能是不同的。在社会主义计划经济体制下,国有企业是完成国家计划的基层组织,因此它的经营内容和经营范围几乎是无所不包的。而在社会主义市场经济体制下,市场在社会资源配置中起基础作用,国有企业则是政府用以弥补市场缺陷、实现某些社会政策目标的手段。这就决定国有企业成功必须处理好国有经济在国民经济中的功能、地位和作用,也就要把国有经济原来在国民经济中


10.2平行线和它的画法导学案 【学习目标】 1. 了解平面内两条直线平行的定义和表示方法。 2. 结合生活实际,直观认识平行线,揭示平行线的本质特征,能用数学工具画平行线。 3. 了解“经过直线外一点能且只能画一条直线与已知直线平行”的结论。 4. 通过动手操作,培养学生做图能力。 【学习重点】平行线的定义,画法。 【学习难点】“经过直线外一点能且只能画一条直线与已知直线平行”的结论。 【课前预习学案】(时间:15分钟)等级 【检查落实措施】先由小组长收齐并进行批阅,然后由老师进行再次批阅,并化成A,B,C 三档,作为评价小组和个人的依据。 一、预习内容: 任务一: 阅读课本P28的内容找出平行线的定义和它的表示方法 对应练习: 1、在同一平面内,的两条直线叫平行线。 2、如右图,直线AB 与直线CD 平行,记作 读作 任务二: 1、阅读教材P29实验与探究。 2、按要求画图 请你用一副三角板画出已知直线的平行线 3、过直线AB 外一点P 画直线AB 的平行线, 总结用三角板画平行线的步骤 通过画图你发现过一点能画多少条直线与已知直线平行? 你发现的结论为。 三、预习反思:(要求:将预习过程中的知识简单归纳总结,标注出自己解决不了的题目,你还有什么疑问?) A B D C ·P A B

【课内探究学案】 一. 自主学习(千里之行,始于足下。相信自己,你能行!) 1.课前预习整理 2.完成下列题目 ①在同一个平面内,两条直线有哪几种位置关系? ②、下列语句中正确的是( ) A 、两条直线不相交就平行 B 、在同一平面内,两条直线没有公共点,这两条直线平行 C 、有公共端点的两条直线也是平行线 D 、直的铁路轨道线是不平行的 二.交流提升:(海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞) 观察下图的立方体,回答: (1)你能找出一对互相平行的棱吗? (2)你能找出一对相互垂直的棱吗? (3)你能找出一对既不相交也不垂直的棱吗? 三、有效训练 完成课本30页,第2、3题 四.巩固检测:(登泰山而小天下) 1、填空 (1)在同一平面内,的两条直线叫平行线。 (2)如图1,直线AB 与直线CD 平行,记作,读作。 (3)经过,能且只能画一条直线与已知直线平行。 2、如图2:(1)过点D 画DE ∥CB 交AB 于点E. (2)过点A 画AF ∥BC 交CD 的延长线于F. 3、如图3,过角AOB 内一点P 画OA 、OB 的平行线。 4、已知a ,b ,c 在同一平面内,a ∥b , a 与c 相交于一点p ,那么b 与c 也一定相交吗? 为什么? · P O A D C A B A B D

C++ #pragma预处理命令

#pragma预处理命令 #pragma可以说是C++中最复杂的预处理指令了,下面是最常用的几个#pragma 指令: #pragma comment(lib,"XXX.lib") 表示链接XXX.lib这个库,和在工程设置里写上XXX.lib的效果一样。 #pragma comment(linker,"/ENTRY:main_function") 表示指定链接器选项/ENTRY:main_function #pragma once 表示这个文件只被包含一次 #pragma warning(disable:4705) 表示屏蔽警告4705 C和C++程序的每次执行都支持其所在的主机或操作系统所具有的一些独特的特点。例如,有些程序需要精确控制数据存放的内存区域或控制某个函数接收的参数。#pragma为编译器提供了一种在不同机器和操作系统上编译以保持C和C++完全兼容的方法。#pragma是由机器和相关的操作系统定义的,通常对每个编译器来说是不同的。 如果编译器遇到不认识的pragma指令,将给出警告信息,然后继续编译。Microsoft C and C++ 的编译器可识别以下指令:alloc_text,auto_inline,bss_seg,check_stack,code_seg,comment,component,conform,const_seg,data_seg,deprecated,fenv_access,float_control,fp_contract,function,hdrstop,include_alias,init_seg,inline_depth,inline_recursion,intrinsic,make_public,managed,message,omp,once,optimize,pack,pointers_to_members,pop_macro,push_macro,region, endregion,runtime_checks,section,setlocale,strict_gs_check,unmanaged,vtordisp,warning。其中conform,init_seg, pointers_to_members,vtordisp仅被C++编译器支持。 以下是常用的pragma指令的详细解释。 1.#pragma once。保证所在文件只会被包含一次,它是基于磁盘文件的,而#ifndef 则是基于宏的。


纪委深化改革的成效、亮点及存在的问题和意见建 议 纪委深化改革的成效、亮点及存在的问题和意见建议 今年以来,X区纪委按照党中央的决策部署,进一步深化改革,立足“三转”,聚焦党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争这个中心任务,探索有效管用的方式方法,切实转变作风,坚持把纪律和规矩挺在法律前面,抓早抓小、动辄则咎,真正使纪检监察工作体现纪律特色,把纪律管到位、严到份,彰显从严治党要求。 一、深化改革的成效、亮点 厘清职责定位,把纪律规矩挺在前面。X区纪委进一步在全面从严治党中找准职责定位,回归党章要求,认真履行党章赋予的职责,认清“把纪律和规矩挺在前面”的本质内涵,创新工作方式方法,坚持用好纪律和规矩这把尺子。一是编印并发放《党纪处分条例》、《廉洁从政规定摘编》“口袋书”、《学思践悟汇编》等XXXX余本,全面唤醒全体党员的党章党规党纪意识,使守纪律讲规矩成为自觉;二是注重以案说纪,对XXX名新任、交流的干部进行集中廉政谈话,组织领导干部传阅《忏悔录》,到自治区廉政警示教育中心、X 监狱等警示教育基地接受教育,增强党纪党规震慑力;三是开通“X区廉政在线”微信公众平台,将党纪廉政知识传播

以“润物细无声”的方式融入到党员干部群众的生活之中,倡导良好社会新风。四是“咬耳朵扯袖子”强化节日纪律教育,开启正风肃纪“节点模式”。X区纪委在重大节假日前和中考、高考时段下发提醒通知,并发送廉政短信万余条,亮明纪律要求,为党员干部“提个醒”,防止犯错,周期性传递遵守纪律的信号,推动党员干部绷紧纪律这根弦。 创新监督方式,遏制腐败蔓延势头。X区纪委畅通信访监督举报渠道,充分运用互联网技术布下天罗地网,使那些无视纪律要求,不收手不收敛的党员干部无处遁形。一是建立“四风”问题“随手拍”平台,群众通过点击微信公众号上的投诉举报菜单,即可随时随地对身边的“四风”问题录音、拍照、录像,进行投诉举报,后台维护人员接到投诉后快查快办,严肃问责。平台建立以来已答复办理群众投诉举报XX件。二是建立公务车辆信息档案,联合交警部门,借助公安智能监控、智能交通系统科学监控,不定时对节假日期间我区各部门、单位公车管理使用情况进行有效监督。三是进一步促进社会监督,借助公众舆论平台,对作风问题严格问责问效问速,让作风得到转变,为群众切实解决问题,办好实事。今年以来,X区纪委开播“X政情民意直通车”电视问政节目三期,用电视问政栏目带出干部队伍求真务实、言出必践的良好作风。 强化执纪刚性,让法规制度落地生根。一是转变执纪观念,

#pragma data code ICCAVR的使用

#pragma data:code 在Keil中为了节省数据存储器的空间,通过“code”关键字来定义一个数组或字符串将被存储在程序存储器中: uchar code buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; uchar code string[]="Armoric" ; 而这类代码移值到ICCAVR上时是不能编译通过的。我们可以通过"const" 限定词来实现对存储器的分配: #pragma data:code const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; const unsigned char string[]="Armoric"; #pragma data:data 注意: 《1》使用ICCAVR6.31时,#pragma data :code ;#pragma data:data ; 这些语法时在"data:cod"、"data:data"字符串中间不能加空格,否则编译不能通过。 《2》const 在ICCAVR是一个扩展关键词,它与ANSIC标准有冲突,移值到其它的编译器使用时也需要修改相关的地方。 在ICCAVR中对数组和字符串的五种不同空间分配: const unsigned char buffer[]={0,1,2,3,4,5}; //buffer数组被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char string[]="Armoric" ; //stringp字符串被分配在程序存储区中 const unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区中,指向数据存储区中的字符类型数据 const unsigned char *const pt //指针变量pt被分配在程序存储区,指向程序存储区中的字符类型数据 unsigned char *pt //指针变量pt被分配在数据存储区中,指向数据存储区中的数据 请问#pragma data:code和#pragma data:data是什么意思? 前者表示:随后的数据将存贮在程序区,即FLASH区,此区只能存贮常量,比如表格之类。


对油田公司全面深化改革的几点建议“凛冬降至”本轮油价低迷短期内很难结束,目前,石油行业发展面临的形势异常严峻,压力前所未有。我们必须切实增强危机意识、忧患意识和责任意识,冷静面对低油价带来的行业调整,充分利用自身优势,在低油价时代实现稳健发展。 企业要生存就要发展,要发展就要全面深化改革,通过改革以适应当前的严峻形势。纵观历史,按照党的十一届三中全会提出的改革方向,国有经过改革脱困、结构调整、技术改造、加强管理等一系列积极探索,国有经济呈现出较强的活力、控制力和影响力,在国民经济中占主导地位。如今,在严酷形势下的油田公司应通过全面深化改革摆脱当前的困境,顺利度过石油行业的“寒冬期”。我认为,改革主要应从以下几个方面着手: 一、以往的制度在实施的时候,多多少少存在一些重复、冗余的现象,很多机关、部门交叉的管理往往造成了管理周期延长,使部分方案得不到落实。施行简政放权,将权力逐级下放到基层单位,充分发挥基层的管理者作用,依靠基层干部员工开展好各项工作。机关、部门多从服务、监督、指导的角度工作。让改革渗透到到每隔工作细节、每个工作流程,这样的改革才能深入、这样的改革才能有效。 二、放弃一些大项目,减少或者暂缓高投入、高风险的勘探投资,将有限的资金用于企业基础设施的改造上来,立足于现有资源,加大科技力量的投入,以降低原油生产成本为目标,实现企业亏损最小化。 三、保障一线员工的收入,严格实施按劳分配。纵观企业发展的历史无一不告诫我们,基层员工是企业基石。一线员工数量多,在创造价值方面,起着决定性的

作用,而稳定是企业存在和发展的首要前提。企业是员工依托。企业兴、员工兴,企业衰则员工衰。我们广大油田公司员工应该始终把企业的命运与自己的命运紧密结合,作为公司,要保证一线员工的稳定和工作积极性,才能做到员工与企业同艰辛、共患难,才能实现双方的共同发展。 四、把成本管控作为最主要经营内容。生产企业的最终目标永远是实现效益最大化。在油价低迷的时期,我们更要把效益作为主题,紧紧围绕企业效益这个中心思想,大力开展单井生产成本核算工作,确定单井效益最大化的临界值,低产单井关井,保障潜力井的投资,以最少的成本投入实现最大的产出,确保企业效益。 五、放眼于未来,着手于现在,积极解决人力资源问题。发挥内部员工的巨大潜力,科学的推行劳务输出制度,积极拓展外部市场。在同行业中树立自身的形象。 从油气市场发展的历史看,油价波动是常态。从发展的角度看,当前虽然国际油价低迷,但油价反弹的可能性并非没有。如果我们能够在油价反弹之前深化改革,将公司的油气发展机制理顺,待他日油价上扬,届时国内强大的油气供应能力发挥作用了,公司的经营业绩会有一个较大的提升,同时也会树立一个良好企业形象。


#pragma的用法 在所有的预处理指令中,#Pragma 指令可能是最复杂的了,它的作用是设定编译器的状态或者是指示编译器完成一些特定的动作。#pragma指令对每个编译器给出了一个方法,在保持与C和C++语言完全兼容的情况下,给出主机或操作系统专有的特征。依据定义, 编译指示是机器或操作系统专有的,且对于每个编译器都是不同的。 其格式一般为: #pragma para。其中para为参数,下面来看一些常用的参数。 1)message 参数 message参数是我最喜欢的一个参数,它能够在编译信息输出窗口中输出相应的信息,这对于源代码信息的控制是非常重要的。其使用方法为: #pragma message("消息文本") 当编译器遇到这条指令时就在编译输出窗口中将消息文本打印出来。 当我们在程序中定义了许多宏来控制源代码版本的时候,我们自己有可能都会忘记有 没有正确的设置这些宏, 此时我们可以用这条指令在编译的时候就进行检查。假设我们希望判断自己有没有在源代码的什么地方定义了_X86这个宏, 可以用下面的方法: #ifdef _X86 #pragma message("_X86 macro activated!") #endif 我们定义了_X86这个宏以后,应用程序在编译时就会在编译输出窗口里显示"_86 macro activated!"。 我们就不会因为不记得自己定义的一些特定的宏而抓耳挠腮了。 (2)另一个使用得比较多的pragma参数是code_seg 格式如: #pragma code_seg( ["section-name" [, "section-class"] ] ) 它能够设置程序中函数代码存放的代码段,当我们开发驱动程序的时候就会使用到 它。 (3)#pragma once (比较常用) 只要在头文件的最开始加入这条指令就能够保证头文件被编译一次,这条指令实际上 在VC6中就已经有了, 但是考虑到兼容性并没有太多的使用它。 (4)#pragma hdrstop 表示预编译头文件到此为止,后面的头文件不进行预编译。BCB可以预编译头文件以 加快链接的速度, 但如果所有头文件都进行预编译又可能占太多磁盘空间,所以使用这个选项排除一些头文

stm32中使用#pragma pack(非常有用的字节对齐用法说明)

#pragma pack(4) //按4字节对齐,但实际上由于结构体中单个成员的最大占用字节数为2字节,因此实际还是按2字节对齐 typedef struct { char buf[3];//buf[1]按1字节对齐,buf[2]按1字节对齐,由于buf[3]的下一成员word a是按两字节对齐,因此buf[3]按1字节对齐后,后面只需补一空字节 word a; //#pragma pack(4),取小值为2,按2字节对齐。 }kk; #pragma pack() //取消自定义字节对齐方式 对齐的原则是min(sizeof(word ),4)=2,因此是2字节对齐,而不是我们认为的4字节对齐。 这里有三点很重要: 1.每个成员分别按自己的方式对齐,并能最小化长度 2.复杂类型(如结构)的默认对齐方式是它最长的成员的对齐方式,这样在成员是复杂类型时,可以最小化长度 3.对齐后的结构体整体长度必须是成员中最大的对齐参数的整数倍,这样在处理数组时可以保证每一项都边界对齐 补充一下,对于数组,比如: char a[3];这种,它的对齐方式和分别写3个char是一样的.也就是说它还是按1个字节对齐. 如果写: typedef char Array3[3]; Array3这种类型的对齐方式还是按1个字节对齐,而不是按它的长度. 不论类型是什么,对齐的边界一定是1,2,4,8,16,32,64....中的一个. 声明: 整理自网络达人们的帖子,部分参照MSDN。 作用: 指定结构体、联合以及类成员的packing alignment; 语法: #pragma pack( [show] | [push | pop] [, identifier], n ) 说明: 1,pack提供数据声明级别的控制,对定义不起作用; 2,调用pack时不指定参数,n将被设成默认值; 3,一旦改变数据类型的alignment,直接效果就是占用memory的减少,但是performance会下降; 语法具体分析: 1,show:可选参数;显示当前packing aligment的字节数,以warning message的形式被显示; 2,push:可选参数;将当前指定的packing alignment数值进行压栈操作,这里的栈是the internal compiler stack,同时设置当前的packing alignment为n;如果n没有指定,则将当前的packing alignment数值压栈; 3,pop:可选参数;从internal compiler stack中删除最顶端的record;如果没有指定n,则当前栈顶record即为新的packing alignment 数值;如果指定了n,则n将成为新的packing aligment数值;如果指定了identifier,则internal compiler stack中的record都将被pop 直到identifier被找到,然后pop出identitier,同时设置packing alignment数值为当前栈顶的record;如果指定的identifier并不存在于internal compiler stack,则pop操作被忽略; 4,identifier:可选参数;当同push一起使用时,赋予当前被压入栈中的record一个名称;当同pop一起使用时,从internal compiler stack 中pop出所有的record直到identifier被pop出,如果identifier没有被找到,则忽略pop操作; 5,n:可选参数;指定packing的数值,以字节为单位;缺省数值是8,合法的数值分别是1、2、4、8、16。 重要规则: 1,复杂类型中各个成员按照它们被声明的顺序在内存中顺序存储,第一个成员的地址和整个类型的地址相同; 2,每个成员分别对齐,即每个成员按自己的方式对齐,并最小化长度;规则就是每个成员按其类型的对齐参数(通常是这个类型的大小)和指定对齐参数中较小的一个对齐; 3,结构体、联合体或者类的数据成员,第一个放在偏移为0的地方;以后每个数据成员的对齐,按照#pragma pack指定的数值和这个数据成员自身长度两个中比较小的那个进行;也就是说,当#pragma pack指定的值等于或者超过所有数据成员长度的时候,这个指定值的大小将不产生任何效果; 4,复杂类型(如结构体)整体的对齐是按照结构体中长度最大的数据成员和#pragma pack指定值之间较小的那个值进行;这样当数据成员为复杂类型(如结构体)时,可以最小化长度; 5,复杂类型(如结构体)整体长度的计算必须取所用过的所有对齐参数的整数倍,不够补空字节;也就是取所用过的所有对齐参数中最大的那个值的整数倍,因为对齐参数都是2的n次方;这样在处理数组时可以保证每一项都边界对齐; 对齐的算法:由于各个平台和编译器的不同,现以本人使用的gcc version 3.2.2编译器(32位x86平台)为例子,来讨论编译器对struct 数据结构中的各成员如何进行对齐的。 在相同的对齐方式下,结构体内部数据定义的顺序不同,结构体整体占据内存空间也不同,如下: 设结构体如下定义: struct A { int a; //a的自身对齐值为4,偏移地址为0x00~0x03,a的起始地址0x00满足0x00%4=0;


一、教与学目标: 1. 理解平行线定义,了解平行线的表示方法,经历从现实世界中抽象平行线 的过程,认识平行线的广泛应用。 2 .通过动手操作,掌握平行线的画法,培养学生做图能力及基本技能。 3. 了解:“经过直线外一点有切只有一条直线与已知直线平行”的结论 二、教学重难点及突破 1. 重点 平行线的概念及平行公理 2. 难点 平行线的概念和平行线的画法 3. 教学突破 平行线的概念是本节的一个重点也是难点,在教学时,展开表示两直线平行的事物图片,使学生对平行线有一个直观的感受,形成平行线的印象,出示实物模型“立方体”,通过直观感受概括出平行线的概念,然后,学生自主探究平行线的画法,教师利用课件演示平行线的画法,使学生掌握要领。 平行公理是几何中的重要公理,这个公理的得出,主要采取动手操作和启发指导相结合的方式,通过画平行线的活动,让学生体验平行公理。 三.. 教学准备 1.教师准备 课件,立方体模型,游戏棒,一副三角板,一张白纸。 2学生准备 一副三角板 四、教与学方法: 自主探究、合作交流。 五、教与学过程: (一)情境导入 数学来源于生活,而数学知识又用于生活。很多数学知识都是人们在日常生活中通过实物发现,观察,探索,研究和分析,等,总结出来的规律。现在我们也来观察一些实物,看能不能找到什么,(教师利用课件) (二)合作交流,探究新知: 1.问题导读: 观察课件中的图案:先观察比较,再小组交流。 得: 归纳:什么叫平行线?--不相交的两条直线叫做平行线? 2.再通过图片观察,合作交流 到底什么是平行线呢?需要具备什么条件呢? 这就是我们今天所要讲的内容:平行线和它的画法


深化内部治理体系改革 一、机构改革是深化内部治理体系改革的基础 学院各级各类机构是内部治理的载体,是深化改革的传送带,是各项工作顺利推进的通道。因此,深化内部治理体系改革首要任务是完善内部治理结构;要完善内部治理结构就必须优先推进机构改革。 学院共设置学院办公室(校友办公室、人力资源中心、招生办公室)、党群工作部、学生工作部(团委)、教学科研部、后勤保障部、财务部、资产管理部(实验设备管理中心)、采购与招标管理办公室、创新创业学院(继续教育中心)、国际交流与合作部(港澳台办公室)、教师发展中心(民办教育研究中心)、思政部以及八个教学系,其中行政管理部门共19个,教学系部共9个。从结构完整性方面看,相比同类本科院校,结构设置已基本齐全,但尚缺少高教研究中心、质量与评估办公室、发展规划处等机构。因此,对于机构改革本人有以下几点思考: (一)是否考虑成立高教研究中心(兼质量与评估办公室、发展规划处功能、将“民办教育研究中心”整合进来,也可以将学院科研管理工作纳入中心管理。主要负责本科教学质量监控、本科教学评估、高等教育教学研究项目管理等工作;推进高等教育理论研究,为学校的改革、建设与发展提供资讯;为进一步规范教学管理,建立常态化教学质量保障与监控机制。 (二)是否可以将人力资源中心从学院办公室独立出来,与“教师发展中心”进行整合,负责各类人员的选拔、聘用、管理、调配、聘任及考核,加强薪酬福利机制管理规划,建立有序的人才引进、开发、培养和退出机制。 二、完善管理体制机制及相应政策是深化内部治理体系改革的关键

院系二级管理是学院最核心的管理模式,要将二级管理落到实处,关键的是要明确系部或职能部门与上下左右的关系,清晰责权利,调动积极性,提高执行力。对于学院目前的管理体制机制,有以下几点思考: (一)学院规模日益增大,随着转型发展的深入,学院对核心部门的管理水平以及执行力的要求随之提高,在此背景下,核心部门的科级岗位必须充实,夯实基层管理机构,这样才能将各项工作指标逐级落实,为各部门的负责人松绑,调动基层人员的积极性。 (二)健全学院管理制度,细化管理章程,优化工作流程,加强过程管理。学院的转型是一个系统工程,必将通过推进各类项目和教学活动逐步实施;为确保所有工作落到实处,就必须将所有目标细分为若干个工作任务并将之下达到各职能部门,最终都依靠完善的管理制度、明晰的管理细则、科学的工作流程作为保障而达成目标。 基于以上思考,教学科研部将进一步从以下几个方面进行探索:第一,基于人少岗多的现实,教学科研部将部分岗位职责化整为零,按照业务关联度进行重新分配,平衡工作量,降低管理难度、提升效率。 第二,基于目前无法设置科级岗位的情况下,教学科研部将参考各高校教务处的做法并综合实际管理,设立若干科室,并尝试着各指定一人担任科长角色,培养其综合管理能力。 第三,要求各岗位不断完善教学管理制度,出台管理细则,明确管理流程,优化办事程序。


#pragma指令用法汇总和解析 一. message 参数。 message 它能够在编译信息输出窗 口中输出相应的信息,这对于源代码信息的控制是非常重要的。其使用方法为: #pragma message(“消息文本”) 当编译器遇到这条指令时就在编译输出窗口中将消息文本打印出来。 当我们在程序中定义了许多宏来控制源代码版本的时候,我们自己有可能都会忘记有没有正确的设置这些宏,此时我们可以用这条 指令在编译的时候就进行检查。假设我们希望判断自己有没有在源代码的什么地方定义了_X86这个宏可以用下面的方法 #ifdef _X86 #pragma message(“_X86 macro activated!”) #endif 当我们定义了_X86这个宏以后,应用程序在编译时就会在编译输出窗口里显示“_ X86 macro activated!”。我们就不会因为不记得自己定义的一些特定的宏而抓耳挠腮了 二. 另一个使用得比较多的#pragma参数是code_seg。格式如: #pragma code_seg( [ [ { push | pop}, ] [ identifier, ] ] [ "segment-name" [, "segment-class" ] ) 该指令用来指定函数在.obj文件中存放的节,观察OBJ文件可以使用VC自带的dumpbin命令行程序,函数在.obj文件中默认的存放节 为.text节 如果code_seg没有带参数的话,则函数存放在.text节中 push (可选参数) 将一个记录放到内部编译器的堆栈中,可选参数可以为一个标识符或者节名 pop(可选参数) 将一个记录从堆栈顶端弹出,该记录可以为一个标识符或者节名 identifier (可选参数) 当使用push指令时,为压入堆栈的记录指派的一个标识符,当该标识符被删除的时候和其相关的堆栈中的记录将被弹出堆栈 "segment-name" (可选参数) 表示函数存放的节名 例如: //默认情况下,函数被存放在.text节中 void func1() { // stored in .text } //将函数存放在.my_data1节中 #pragma code_seg(".my_data1") void func2() { // stored in my_data1 } //r1为标识符,将函数放入.my_data2节中 #pragma code_seg(push, r1, ".my_data2") void func3() { // stored in my_data2 } int main() { } 三. #pragma once (比较常用) 这是一个比较常用的指令,只要在头文件的最开始加入这条指令就能够保证头文件被编译一次 四. #pragma hdrstop表示预编译头文件到此为止,后面的头文件不进行预编译。


使用英特尔编译器进行自动向量化 作者:Yang Wang (Intel) 自动向量化是英特尔编译器提供的一个可以自动的使用SIMD指示的功能。在处理数据时,编译器自动选择MMX?, Intel? Streaming SIMD 扩展(Intel? SSE, SSE2, SSE3 和SSE4)等指令集,对数据进行并行的处理。使用编译器提供的自动向量化功能是提高程序性能的一个非常有效的手段。自动向量化在IA-32和Intel? 64的平台上均提供很好的支持。 英特尔编译器提供的自动向量化相关的编译选项如下所示。”/Q”开头的选项是针对Windows平台的,“-“开头的选项是针对Linux*和Mac平台的。 -x, /Qx 按照该选项指定的处理器类型生成相应的优化代码。比如-xSSE3, 该选项指定编译器生成Intel? SSE3指令的代码。又比如-xSSE3_ATOM, 该选项针对Intel? Atom? 处理器进行优化。 -ax, /Qax 如果指定该选项,在生成的单一目标文件中,不但会生成专门针对指定的处理器类型进行优化的代码,同时也生成通用的IA-32架构的代码。该选项主要是为了生成代码的兼容性考虑。 -vec, /Qvec 打开或者关闭编译器的向量化优化。默认情况下自动向量化是打开的。 -vec-report, /Qvec-report 该选项用户控制在编译过程中产生的向量化消息报告。 编译器提供的自动向量化优化默认情况下是打开的。在编译过程中我们可以使用-vec-report选项来打开向量化诊断消息报告。这样编译器可以告诉我们有哪些循环被向量化了,有哪些循环没有被向量化已经无法向量化的原因。 在编译程序的过程中,有时候我们会发现编译器报告说某个循环无法被向量化。很多时候无法向量化的原因都是因为循环中存在的变量依赖关系。有时候我们可以修改程序来消除这种依赖关系,有的时候我们可以使用编译器提供的一些编译指示来显示的告诉编译器如何处理这种依赖关系。即使在某个循环已经可以被自动向量化的时候,使用编译器提供的对向量化的语言支持和编译指示还可以提高编译器向量化的效率,提高程序执行的性能。 下面我们来详细解释一下编译器提供的编译指示以及这些指示对编译器编译的影响。 在Intel编译器中,我们提供下面这样一些对自动向量化的语言支持和编译指示。 __declspec(align(n)) 指导编译器将变量按照n字节对齐 __declspec(align(n,off)) 指导编译器将变量按照n字节再加上off字节的编译量进行对齐 restrict 消除别名分析中的二义性 __assume_aligned(a,n) 当编译器无法获取对齐信息时,假定数组a已经按照n字节对齐 #pragma ivdep 提示编译器忽略可能存在的向量依赖关系 #pragma vector {aligned|unaligned|always}


县发改局关于全面深化改革工作情况的总结 一、主要工作情况 (一)研究出台各级稳妥降低企业杠杆率实施意见,认真做好防控和化解地方政府债务风险工作。为加强政府性债务管理,防范债务风险,结全我县实际,配合县人民政府办公室出台了《关于印发XX县政府性债务风险应急处置预案的通知》,在明确了各自的任务分工的同时,对如何防范风险提出的具体的要求。 (二)大力推进政府和社会资本合作。认真做好ppp项目的谋划和推介工作,积极谋划了XX县一中迁建、燃气村村通、四馆一厅、国道105XX县绕城工程、污水处理综合治理、工业余热利用集中供热工程等项目34个,总投资226亿元,涉及城镇基础设施建设、环境保护治理、园林绿化旅游、公共服务设施、其他传统基础设施等五个领域。在XX州市2017年公共服务项目洽谈周活动中,我县“四馆一厅”、第一中学迁建等8个项目与相关企业签订洽谈意向书。 (三)落实行业协会商会与行政机关脱钩改革。根据省市通知要求,结全我县实际制订了《XX县关于行业协会商会与行政机关脱钩实施方案》,督导各协会商会完成与所属行政机关脱钩,截止9月底,我县19家协会商会全部已于行政机关完成脱钩。

(四)进一步完善大众创业万众创新引导机制。持续推动大众创业、万众创新,新建一批“双创”示范基地和专业化众创空间。加强对创新型中小微型企业支持,打造面向大众的“双创”全程服务体系等情况。我县利用京津创新资源,采用一区多园、依托中小企业创业园、包装机械园区孵化基地和XX众创基地为支撑平台,推动大众创业、万众创新。 二、存在的问题及下步举措 今年的我局的经济体制改革工作,虽然取得了一定成绩,但与省市县深化改革的要求相比,仍存在一些差距和不足:一是工作推进力度还不够有力,个别改革领域进展缓慢,甚至有的领域还处于起步阶段。二是深化经济体制改革的方法不多,改革内容比较空,不够深入。三是对深化改革工作重视不够,致使有些改革只浮在表面,没有什么实质进展。 下步,我局将在县全面深化改革小组的正确领导下,坚持问题导向,紧紧围绕全县发展稳定大局推进改革。一是按照责任分工,认真抓好落实。对我局全面深化改革所承接的项目内容,进一步加强调度和协调,督导牵头单位和责任单位按分工抓紧时间落实,确保各项任务能够按时保质的完成。二是针对各项改革任务,下步主要形成健全相关领域实名登记制实施方案、深化投融资体制改革的实施方案和促进全县民间投资的实施意见、加快县

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