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Earth is where we all live. It is our home in the solar system. There is no other place for us to live.

Earth isn’t just any planet. It’s a very special place. It’s special because we depend on it for many things. Because of its importance, we need to take care of it.

We depend on the earth, for its air, its water, and many of its natural resources. Natural resources, such as coal and oil, give us energy. Other natural resources we depend on include forests and soil. Forests provide clean air and wood for building houses. Soil is needed to grow plants and keep them healthy. We need to take care of these resources and not waste them.

The Earth is a large, rotating sphere about 4.5 billion years old. The equator, which divides the earth into two hemispheres, is about 40,000 kilometers long. The earth’s diameter is 12,756 km (twelve thousand seven hundred and fifty six kilometers). Its radius is half that, or 6378 km (six thousand three hundred and seventy eight kilometers). The radius is the dista nce from earth’s center to its surface. Most of the earth’s surface is covered by water. The rest of earth’s surface is land.

Just above the earth’s surface is the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a layer of gases about 500 kilometers thick. These gases include oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. This mixture of gases is the air that we breathe. As we move above the earth’s surface, the air gets thinner. At high altitudes, the air is too thin to breathe. At the edge of the atmosphere is space. There is no air at all in space.

Most of the E arth’s water is in the oceans. The two largest oceans are the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Unfortunately, we can’t drink ocean water. This is because ocean water has too much salt. Fortunately, there is also water in lakes and rivers. This water isn’t salty, so we can drink it. Only about 2 percent of the world’s water is fresh water. Without f resh drinking water, we can’t live.A person can’t live for more than a few

days without water.

Rivers are important. Most rivers begin in mountains and end in the oceans. The water flows from high ground to low ground. At first, rivers are small, and the y’re called streams. As water enters from other streams, a river grows.

Some rivers become very large and long. The longest river in the world is the Nile River in Africa. It’s almost 6,500 km long (six thousand five hundred kilometers long). As for water volume, the Amazon is the largest river. The volume of water flowing through it per second is more than in any other river.

Another use of rivers is for energy. The energy of falling water is used to produce electricity. This use of water supplies over 20 percent of the world’s electricity. Rivers are also important for agriculture. Without water, farmers cannot grow food. And of course, rivers can be used for transportation. River boats are used to carry things to inland cities or lakes

V ocabulary

1. This man goes to running five days a week if the weather is good. On the weekends he runs 10 kilometers unless the weather is bad.

2. This woman really enjoys reading, especially works of fiction. She has read hundreds of books.

3. This young couple enjoys watching old movies such as Titanic. They both cried when it sank and many people went down with the ship.

4. These young boys enjoy playing sports on the weekend. Sometimes they play basketball and sometimes they play football.

5. This young man eats too many sweets so he is overweight. He needs to eat fewer sweets and exercise more.

1. Here are six of the earth’s seven continents.

2. Asia is the largest continent both in land and in population. Asia covers thirty percent (30%) of the E arth’s land area.

3. Africa is the second largest continent. Of all the continents, Africa has the youngest population.

4. Europe is to the west of Asia and is the second smallest continent. Europe is the birth place of classical music. S ome of world’s greatest music and art come from Europe.

5. North and South America are bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean and on the east by the Atlantic Ocean. The first human beings to live in the Americas came from Asia more than 15,000 years ago.

6. Australia is the world’s smallest continent and the world’s largest island. Australia is surrounded by the Indian and Pacific Oceans.


1. B1: Hey, look at that.

B2: look at what?

B1: Look out the window. Do you see the young lady in the red dress?

B2: yeah, I see her. Wow, she’s beautiful and hot. Look at the way she walks.

B1: yes, now look behind her. Look at the car that’s following her.

B2: I’d rather look at the young lady. W hat’s so special about the car?

B1: look at the driver, do you see one?

B2: no, I don’t. There isn’t anybody driving the car.

B1: Right. It’s one of those new driverless cars.

B2: maybe it’s the woman’s car. I t’s following her.

B1: I don’t know. Maybe you’re right.

B2: now that’s a smart car. Maybe I’ll go outside and follow her too.

B1: hey! Get back to work.

2. M: thank you for calling our customer support. Please listen to the following menu to help us direct your call. Please say or press one to pay your bill. Please say or press two to upgrade your service plan. Please say or press three to report a technical problem. Please say or press four if you want to hear these choices again.

C: I don’t want any of these choices.

M: you may also go to our website for help.

C: I went to your website, but it didn’t help. I wa nt to speak to a human being.

M: your business is very important to us. Please say or press five, or hang up to end this call.

C:none of these. I want a human being. I want to cancel my service.

M:please waitwhile we connect you to a service representative.

C: finally, this is what I call customer service.

M: to assist our representative, please say your first and last name.

C: Tom Smith.

M: we heard Tom Smith. If this is correct? Say or press one. If this is not correct, say or press two.

C: one

M: thank you. For security purposes, what was your father’s middle name?

C: he didn’t have a middle name.

M: thank you. A customer service representative will be with you shortly. I’m sorry, but our offices are closed. Please call back during business hours. Our business offices are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m until 6:00 p.m. Thank you for calling.



怎样说一口流利的英语 在现实生活中,不少英语学习者发现在交际过程中有时不能很好表达自己的思想或理解别人的情感,会说出闹不少笑话的chinglish (中国式英语)。怎样才能避免这种情况呢?以下几点供你参考。一、要了解西方国家的文化和风土人情强调了解中西文化差异,及其不同表达方式,才能使交际有效。如:Jack is a green hand at doing this work. (杰克做这种工作没有经验)这里"green hand"意思是"生手"、"没有经验",而不是"绿色的手"之意。England是个岛国,船是重要交通工具,为保养船只,常用与海水一样的绿色油漆来漆船。一个不熟练的油漆工,工作时常会双手粘满油漆。了解了这一背景,"green hand"之意就不喻自明。 又如:Smith can do nothing in the company because he is just a small potato there. (史密斯在这家公司起不了什么作用,因为他在那里是个小人物)"a small potato"是"小人物"之意,而非"小土豆"的意思。只有了解西方文化,才会理解这种修辞的意义。二、要学会在适当语言环境中使用适当的语言语言环境在很大程度上制约着用词。要注意在不同的语言环境中使用适合上下文的词,使思想连贯、内容完整。如:在西方,医生看到病人常问?quot;How do you feel" "What's wrong"看到病人脸色不好,会说:"You look pale."或问:"Do you sleep well"而不说:"How are you"(你好吗?)那是西方人见面时相互寒暄的用法,并不是真的询问别人的身体状况。 1


怎样能把英语说的很流利? 2009-08-28 17:26 转自QQ问问 2008-07-21 21:13 六级你都过了你还怕什么啊? 首先我保证如果你按我的方法做,我保证你根本不用一年,只要半年甚至更少的时间就可以说一口流利的英语,而且语音语调都非常准确。看到什么字都认识,和外国人交流不成问题!不行我就给你200分,外加附加分,你看怎么样? 终于遇到和我一样苦恼的人了,我在百度知道里搜寻过千条方法万条方法,真的,一点用不管,我倒不是说他们的方法不好用,只是因为我没有那个毅力,可是我为了一份工作必须要在短期内学会流利的口语,终于被我找到这条捷径,所以我现在从这里走出来了!现在告诉你我的方法!有一点是肯定的,我肯定不能够为你安排你的时间,因为每个人的时间都是不固定的,一旦安排上就进了计划行事,那就非得累死,我的时间就定的很松只要完成了我自己定的一天的任务就行了,而且如果完不成我也不会太责怪自己,明天多学一些就可以,时间是死的,可是人却是活的,这样学才有乐趣。我的方法可能比较详细,比较长,无论你采纳与否,只要领会就好。 1、我21岁,可能比你大。中专毕业就去上班了,后来感觉到东西太少,就又报了一所私立大学学习英语专业,可是我没上过高中只有初中的英语水平,中专读的是会计,所以学起来非常吃力! 2、后来,经过一系列我发现,在学校学,根本就没有多大用处,还要花许多的学费和生活费,报成人高考或者电大等等你就不用想了,根本就没效率,因为就是学的十分用功的学生,你学的不过是固定的课本,而语言则是要运用到实际生活中的。 3、我浪费了3年,3年在学校啊,学校设施齐全什么都有,老师上课也将就,可是你想啊,老师一个人对着那么多的同学啊,还有外教也是不可能跟每个同学说上话的。 4、但是说学一门语言肯定还要努力的,只是要用巧方法,我很懒从来不想勤奋,就用懒人用的,学校我办了实习,就可以不用上课了。具体学习安排我是这样的:之前的准备:一个电子辞典,一个复读机。新概念全套书和磁带也好光碟也好,最好是都有,如果有条件再加一个MP3。 (1)首先是攻克词汇难关,没有字根本就说不了话,背单词表我就脑袋痛。你去网上下一个“毕克所著的10天20000”单词,有的是都是免费的,把它打印在纸上,这个记单词的方法是不是单个的背生词表背字典的那种,而是把单词融会在句子中,几千个句子记住20000单词。特别好记而简单。这些句子特别生动有趣。(他说的十天似乎比较短,不可能的事,你用分段记忆法,比如说你打印了30页,我是把在WORD里把字缩到6号字打了22页,你就每天看一页,也可以两天看一页的句子,先查生词,再读顺,一定要读顺读通,然后试着背和互译,第二天再复习第一天的句子,以此类推,直到你随便读到哪个单词就知道意思就

英语流利说 一周计划

Hey,are you free later today? I think so. Why do you ask? I want to go to dinner with you later. I have to study, but afterwards I can go with you. Soundsgreat. See you later. Hey, want to go to the library to study with me later? Yeah,sure,I need help studying for this test. I'll be glad to help you,meet me therein an hour. I need toget some dinner,then I canmeet you. What are you doing tomorrow? I have basketballpracticein the morning,afterwards,I'm free. Would you like to go to concertwith me,I have an extra ticket. Wow,I'd love to go with you. Awesome! See you soon. Hey are you busy tomorrow,I want to go to the mall. I'm sorry,I'm busy tomorrow. Oh,what are you doing? Every Wednesday,I go to the gym with a friend,and then we get dinner. Sounds like fun. We'll go to the mallsome other time.


手机充话费adding credit to your phone Key words : 1.credit 话费 add credit 充话费I want to add credit on my phone./ I need more credit on my phone. 我需要充话费 run out of credit话费用没了I ‘ve run out of my credit on my phone. 我手机没话费了。 2.data流量, eg: 手机没流量了/我手机流量用完了I’ve run out of date. How much data do I need?我需要买多少流量? data plan 流量套餐What kind of data plan is right for me? 我该买哪种流量套餐? data plan usage流量套餐使用 How to check my data plan usage on my phone?我怎样查询流量套餐使用情况? 3.eat up the data 吃话费drain the phone credit扣话费 4.run out of ...用完了run out of airtime/minute通话时长用完了。Run out of data /credit. ?We’re running out of time.我们快没时间了。 ?You ran out on me .当初是你抛弃我的。 5.MB megabyte 兆字节I run out of 500MB of data today.我今天用了500兆流量 GB gigabyte亿兆 data cap流量上限I have a 2GB data cap.我有2G的流量上限的套餐 6.monthly plan包月套餐

英语流利说(企业定制版) Level3-Unit1

Unit 1-1 Listening 起床晚,外边吃早餐 Kathy usually gets up at 6:30 but this morning she didn’t hear her alarm. As a result, she overslept. She didn’t get up until 7:00, 30 minutes later than usual. As a result, she didn’t have time to cook breakfast for her children. Today Kathy and her kids left home early. They usually leave home at 7:30, but today they left home at 7:15. They left early because they had to buy breakfast on their way to school. It usually takes 45 minutes to drive her kids to school, but today it took longer. It took longer because they stopped for breakfast along the way. It took 15 minutes for them to have breakfast. They ate at a little coffee shop along the side of the road. After eating breakfast, they got back into their car. On most days, the traffic isn’t too bad in the morning. But this morning it was much worse than usual. The cars were moving very slowly. As a result, it took them longer than usual to get to school. One of her children got to school on time, but the other two were late. They were late because their schools are farther away. They were both about 10 minutes late to school.

(懂你英语)英语流利说 Level3 Unit1 Part3(完整版)

Level3.Unit1 Part3 作者:Ding Ming Buying a New Car 1 Paul is a very successful businessman. He owns several restaurants. All of them are doing well. In fact, they are very profitable. To be profitable means that their income is more than their expenses. As a result, he is making a lot of money. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paul wants to buy a new car. He is trying to decide which car to buy. He has plenty of money. As a result, he isn't worried about the cost. He can afford an expensive car. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the other hand, he doesn't want to waste money. He wants a car he can rely on. It has to be safe and reliable, especially in cold winter weather. If a car breaks down in bad weather, it can be very dangerous. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


美国老师就如何说流利英语给出5条建议 5 Speaking Rules you need to know! 1. Don't study grammar不要学习语法 This rule might sound strange to many ESL students, but it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English, then you should try to learn English without studying the grammar. Studying grammar will only slow you down and confuse you.(学习语法将影响第二外语的习得速度)You will think about the rules when creating sentences instead of naturally saying a sentence like a native. Remember that only a small fraction of English speakers know more than 20% of all the grammar rules. Many ESL students know more grammar than native speakers. I can confidently say this with experience. I am a native English speaker, majored in English Literature, and have been teaching English for more than 10 years. However, many of my students know more details about English grammar than I do. I can easily look up the definition and apply it, but I don't know it off the top of my head.

英语流利说懂你英语 Level2 unit1

懂你英语 Level2 Unit 1 Part 1 The Jackson Family This is the Jackson family. It's a family of four. Bill and Halen are the parents. They have two children. Both of their children are girls. Lisa is the oldest of the girls. She's 12 years old. Angela is the youngest. She's 9. They also have a dog. Its name is Jumper. Its name is Jumper because he likes to jump. Jumper can jump rope. Their Neighborhood The Jackson family lives in Shanghai. They live in a large apartment building. Their apartment building has many apartments. Their apartment is on the 5th floor. They usually take the elevator to the 5th floor. Sometimes the elevator doesn't work. Then they take the stairs. There are many trees outside their apartment building. There is also a small pond. Inside the pond are fish and frogs. Lisa and Angela like to feed the fish. There is also a family of ducks. There are two adult ducks and five baby ducks. Lisa and Angela like to watch the ducks. The baby ducks are getting bigger each day. Vocabulary Nature & Animals A tall tree. This tree is tall and green. A river.


说一口流利英语的密码 作者:David Cao 既然是密码那答案应该是很简单。我认为这个密码就是坚持每天学英语,说英语。 那就会有很多人要提出质疑了。有必要吗?David 你自己做得到吗?或者作为成人我每天要忙于应酬老板,领导,客户,家人,孩子。怎么可能有时间和精力来天天学习呢。我的愚见是:办法自己想,如果做不到,或者根本没有这个决心,你基本可以放弃学英语了。 当然我今天可不只是来恐吓大家的,所以下面我要和大家来解读一下这个密码。 我自己的话,不知大家是否愿意相信,我从初中开始学英语,一直学到英语专业本科。我也没能做到每天都在学英语,呵呵。 但是我每天都在说英语。(大部分时间是和自己在说)。自己和自己说?有点变态。但这却是唯一的办法。而且非常有效。当然我也不会容忍自己超过两天不学英语。当然我基本能做到每天都学习。但为什么我还要强调是必须每天学英语呢!看似没必要了。道理很简单,如果你的目标不是每天都学,那你就会出现连续一周都不学,一个月不学。最可怕的是很多人不知道自己是从什么时候开始没有学习了。这样的案例太多太多了。如果是断断续续的学,就算你学了5年,你仍然不会取得实质性的进步。虽然感觉学了不少东西。比如这5年你学了5000个新单词。但5年的时间也足够让你忘记5000自己以前会的单词(如果你不经常使用它们)。而这5000个新单词你又能真正掌

握多少呢。所以你感觉自己进步了,其实是在退步。更可怕的是这种退步你是意识不到的。只有在你某天需要把英语派上用场的时候才有所察觉。 但如何能做到每天学习,每天说呢?如何强迫自己去学习呢?首先你要非常明确说一口流利的英语会不会对你的职业和生活带来很大的帮助。如果你对这个问题哪怕有一丝的犹豫的话。那你是不可能坚持学习的。这个问题我也谈一下自己的愚见:英语是一个工具。好比是家里的一个手电筒。没有它完全没有问题。你可能永远都用不到它。但一旦停电,而且你要急需找到你的手机打个电话时,它的作用是无法估量的。 如果你有些许认同的话,那你就要坚定自己学习英语的信念。不断的说服自己必须要每天学习英语。说服你的潜意识。我最近看了一本叫做潜意识的力量这本书。很多问题豁然开朗。人的很多行为都是靠潜意识来支配的。但每一个潜意识都是经过很长时间才能培养出来的。一旦形成了这种潜意思,就是形成了习惯。而习惯是很难改变的。潜意识和主观意识差别很大。潜意识的存在是我们的主观意识所意识不到的。但它却能在瞬间发挥作用。而且在面对每件类似的事情,它都会做出同样的反应。直接影响到你的判断和行为。如果你经常偷懒,那你就会不断的懒下去,最后只能放弃。如何培养每天学习英语的潜意识呢?根据我看过的一些心理学的书,有几个办法非常有效。第一,你要告诉所有认识的人,你在学习英语,你喜欢学习英语,学习英语非常重要,你很快就能说一口流利的英语了。然后在每天你快睡

佛山英语培训机构 教你说一口流利英语

奥巴马2013年10月5日演讲译文Good morning. Earlier this week, the Republican House of Representatives chose to shut down a government they don’t like over a health care law they don’t like.And I’ve talked a lot about the real-world consequences of this shutdown in recent days –the services disrupted; the benefits delayed; the public servants kicked off the job without pay. 早上好。本周早些时候,众议院的共和党议员们因为他们不喜欢的医保法案选择了关闭他们不喜欢的政府。我已经不厌其烦地讲了很多近几天关闭政府对现实世界的影响—很多服务中断了;福利推迟了;公务员被迫无薪休假了。 But today, I want to let the Americans dealing with those real-world consequences have their say. And these are just a few of the many heartbreaking letters I’ve gotten from them in the past couple weeks – including more than 30,000 over the past few days. 但是今天,我想让应对这些现实世界影响的美国人表达他们的心声。这里有我从过去的几周的来信—包括近几天里的超过30,000封来信中选出的令人痛心疾首几封来信。 Kelly Mumper lives in rural Alabama. She works in early education, and has three children of her own in the Marines. Here’s what she wrote to me on Wednesday. ―Our Head Start agency…was forced to stop providing services on October 1st for over 770 children, and 175 staff were furloughed. I am extremely concerned for the welfare of these children. There are parents who work and who attend school. Where are they leaving their children…is it a safe environment…are [they] getting the food that they receive at their Head Start program?‖


英语流利说懂你英语 L e v e l 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

懂你英语L e v e l4U n i t3P a r t1 it 3-1 listening时间花费 Look at these 2 pie graphs. They show how these 2 people spend their days, not including weekends. The one on the top shows how Emma divides up her days. She is a designer who works for a company. As Emma’s graph shows, the biggest portion部分 of her day is spent working. She works an average of 8 hours a day, which is one third of her day. She gets an average of 6 hours to sleep which is 25% of her day. That’s less sleep than Martin gets. According to his graph, he gets an average of 7 hours to sleep which is about 29% of his day. On the other hand, Martine who is engineer, works more hours than Emma does. Martine average 9 hours a day at work co mpare to Emma’s 8. That’s 37.5% compare to 33%. Other factors shown in the graph included time for meals and commuting to work. Other activities include getting dress and doing household chores such as doing laundry and paying bills. As you can see, for Martin, commuting is taking a large amount of his time. If he could reduce his commute time, he will have more time for other things. And it isn’t just the time. When the traffic is really heavy his commute is stressful. It will be great if he can work from home one or two days a week. He life will be more enjoyable. And we look at Emma’s graph, we see she probably needs more sl eep. Perhaps, she should spend a bit less time socializing with her friends. On the other hand, socializing with her friend is something she really values. As for putting on makeup, she isn’t willing to change that. For her, exercising, socializing and staying beautiful help her deal with the stressful work. In conclusion, Emma and Martin both wish there were more hours in a day. This next graph shows how various factors compare important to 1350 jobs applicants. Applicants were between 20 to 25 years ago. They were asked to list which factors were most important for a good job. As the graph shows, money was the most important factor for 25% of the applicants. However, other factors are also important. The second most important factor was the work environment. In other words, for many, money is everything. People want to like where they work. In fact, if we combine working environment and co-workers, the total is 35%. This is well above the 25% for salary and benefits.


英语流利说是什么 英语流利说,不是说英语说得很流利,他是最近比较火的一个软件,每日会推送地道的美语对话,里面还有好玩上瘾的对话闯关游戏,来自硅谷的时时语音评分技术,让人在玩游戏的时候就把英语说出来了。看搜狗上的资料显示这个软件还有系统的内容编排,就是每天会给使用者发送英语对话学习,只要每天跟着学习开口讲就会提高英语口语。个性化口语私教,这里说的私教不是真的老师,这是一个评分的技术,有一个发音的标准,然后根据你的发音给你打分。全新的产品体验就是有游戏,把英语口语加入到游戏中,通过玩游戏,不断升级挑战也是在学习英语口语,除此之外还有别的很多体验。但是我不得不说,这个只适用于平时休闲的时候娱乐一下,如果真的想要提高英语口语,总不能玩玩游戏就可以了吧,虽然现在非常提倡寓教于乐,但是光靠一个软件就学好英语了就练好口语了,所有的英语培训机构就要全部关门了,那些老师不就全部失业了吗?最关键的是,这些是你想到才会去玩的东西,效果真的会好吗,我觉得它只是有辅助的作用吧,比如无聊的时候确实可以拿来玩玩。真的想要提高英语口语的还是有老师督促你比较好。 如果你不想像平时上课那样很严肃死气沉沉的课堂,也懒得出门,或者觉得中国的英语老师发音也不准确,你也可以去网上找外教学习。现在有很多这样的教育机构,为想学习英语的人提供外教,不管是英语的哪个方面,什么用途的英语,都是可以找到适合的课程的。举个例子,ABC360,他们有针对成年人和学生开课,各种类型的英语课程,而且对学员进行英语等级的分类,然后为他们准备何时的教材,采用因材施教的方式。而且他们的上课方式是外教一对一视频,既安全又方便。收费也是很平民化的,一节课最低7.2,如果不满意他们全程退款。 我觉得要想学习英语口语的最好还是有老师带着你,在课余可以使用“流利说”娱乐巩固一下。


我是一个普通单位,职工,工作并不很理想,想再上一层难如登天。曾经也想就这样安稳度日算了,可是内心空虚,整个人都很浮躁,觉得生活没有意义。偶然之间结识流利说,虽然英语对我的工作和生活并没有实质上的帮助,但是我通过学习英语,获得了巨大的成就感,我愿意坚持学习,哪怕就为将来出国旅游不用报团,哪怕就为将来能给孩子纠正英语,我觉得学习英语我是快乐的。 我从小就是一个很有“想法”的人,一旦我是这么认为的,很难改变我的想法。如果我认为一种方法不对或不够好,我就不愿去尝试,认为是浪费了时间。这种想法有时是好的,在工作上会更注重效率,但是也有很大弊端,比如上学时我认为英语就不该这样学,什么语法,什么单词,我们学中国话的时候是这样学的吗?因为这样的想法,逆反心态特别严重,导致我从来没有认真背过单词,更别说背课文和课外阅读了。但是我高考时候英语是116分,让我觉得我可能在这一块有天赋,学习英语的种子一直埋着。 2017年5月下旬左右,我无计划的怀孕了,这简直就是晴天霹雳,我自己都活得没有意义,我的孩子怎么能过精彩的人生?每天都在想怎么办,根本不想要这个孩子,心情低落到极点。6月10多号,偶然间看到了流利说的广告,认真看了之后觉得和自己的想法竟然是一致的,一瞬间像打了鸡血,好像找到了方向,哪怕只为孩子而学英语呢,怎么也比这样消极着过日子呀!马上下载体验了3天,果断购买套餐,学习1个多月后进行了续费。中间没有一天停止,想着就当胎教吧。结果可能因为前期准备和心情的缘故,7月就流产了。工作辞了养身体,每天无所事事更是发奋学习,另外健身、居家生活方面都更加用心了。今天过完年开始找工作,刚面试了几家,发现又怀孕了……这下肯定没人要我了,那我继续充实自己呗。我想等生完孩子能工作的时候(至少4年时间),我可以找一份英语相关的工作;我的孩子可以在英语上比普通家庭的孩子强,我希望我能为ta赚够“本钱”。 说了这么多,都是我个人的情况,下面我想说一下我发这些课文文本的用意。 流利说是注重听和说的发音方面,我个人认为在说的组织语言方面和写的锻炼比较少。17年6月12日看到广告下载后的测验结果是3级,发音average,流利度poor,在9月22日测试时,结果为发音excellent,流利度为poor.,已达到4级水平。为什么会这样呢?因为流利说所使用的方法就是让我们去听,然后复述,除了习题之外几乎没有文本。好在测试结果比较准确,去学习对应的课程,虽然可能有些吃力,但听个十次八次你总能知道它在说什么,也基本可以复述出来了。于是乎发音在不断的听和复述中得到锻炼,但是复述靠的是瞬时记忆,我的这项能力还不错,所以每节课都能顺利且较高分数的过关,可是课文里到底说了什么?哪些语句是怎么个结构?这个句子是什么时态?过了两天我大部分都不记得了。等我返回来再复习,又是一遍就说对了…… 所以我把每一篇课文都听写出来,一方面检查自己的单词拼写,一方面我准备大量背诵,目前我把leave3的unit1写完了,有4000多个字,按照这样的标准,leave3一共差不多是12000字,等到每一篇的每一句话都滚瓜烂熟,我还能不会说英语吗? 以上是我在流利说方面的想法和计划,当然另外我偶尔还会写篇小作文什么的,但是没有人给我批改,也不知对错;还读一些英文原著,也有一些推荐。如果觉得适合你,让我们来一起加油吧,我的V是170727023

2017年网络流利语 用英语怎么说

2017年网络流利语用英语怎么说 2017渐行渐远,2018年正迈着小碎步姗姗而来,这又到了总结一年网络流行语的时候了,下面无所不能的瑞思小编,就大开脑洞为大家一一盘点2017年网络流行语,以及这些网络流行语用英语怎么说,才更高端大气上档次,低调奢华有内涵。 打call 我们经常听到为某某人打call,但“打call”可不是“打电话”(make a phone call)如何正确用英语表达这个意思呢? 首先,我们要先明确“打call”表达的含义——“为……举起荧光棒”或者“为……挥动荧光棒”。“荧光棒”的英文说法是:glow stick。 为……举起荧光棒:to put one’s glow stick up for somebody 假新闻fake news 这个词火起来主要是特朗普当选总统期间。他当选总统后还常说媒体的报道是“假新闻”。在一次采访中,他还表示是自己创造了这个词。It's been derided by the American president and accused of influencing elections.But 'fake news' is today valid news after being named Collins dictionary's Word of the Year 2017. “假新闻”曾受到美国总统特朗普的嘲讽,还被指责影响了总统大选。但如今“假新闻”也“正当”了,被评为《柯林斯词典》2017年度词汇。

小拳拳捶你胸口。 翻译成英语,正确的画风简直是要干架的节奏,跟原来矫情无比的画风差别很大。来感受一下: ①Come here, you bastard, and let me punch you in the face! 你个杂碎给我滚过来!老娘要一拳揍你脸上去! ②I guess it's time for me to lay waste to that pathetic loser skull of yours. 看来是时候把你那个没用的脑袋敲碎了! 扎心了,老铁。 My heart's broken, old fellow. P.S. 老铁为啥是老铁? 吃瓜群众 吃瓜群众的N种译法 不能直白地翻译成“melon-eating masses/people”。 根据不同的语境可以翻译成,netizens,internet users,weibo users,onlookers或者Spectator。 暖男 caring/considerate guy 暖男的特色通常是温柔体贴、顾家、懂得照顾女性,总之是带给人温


来开口说流利英语 不要只向课本和老师学习,你可以向所有说英语的人学习。接下来,小编给大家 准备了来开口说流利英语,欢迎大家参考与借鉴。 来开口说流利英语 1.Accept That English Is a Weird Language 接受英语就是一门奇怪的语言(这种奇特的设定)吧! 英语语法有规律可循,但是有时不按常理出牌。比如,“read”(reed) 和“read”(red) 是同一个单词,但是他们的发音却不同,因为他们的时态不同。再比如,“mouse”的 复数形式是“mice”,但是“house”的复数形式却是“houses”。 不幸地是,英语中特殊的例子和有规律可循的语法一样多。如果你能发现某个规律,那么说出地道的英语就比较容易。但是英语有时候就是没有理由的,唯有努力记 住这些特殊的例子,你才能顺畅地学下去。 2.Dive into the Deep End 寻根究底地去学习,学透了,持之以恒 每个星期花一个小时学习,你的英语水平是不会得到任何提升的。最好的方法是 每天至少花上几分钟去练习。全身心地投入到学习英语中,尽可能地去听、去读,尝 试着去说那些对你来说比较难的语言点。如果你迫切地想拥有一口流利的英语,那么 你需要每天都这样认真练习。 3.Stop Being a Student 抛弃自己是学习者的观念 正确的态度是决定学习英语效果的关键。不要认为自己仅仅是一个外语学习者, 而要将自己想象成英语母语者。刚刚开始的时候可能有点困难,但这会建立你的自信,使你能运用你已有的知识更加顺畅地表达。 这也就要求你必须得学会思考。如果你想说“apple”这个单词,可能你首先想到的 是你自己的母语,然后你会想这个词用英语要怎么正确的表达。但是这样的方法效果 其实不那么好,你应该尝试着在你的脑海里形成苹果的图像,然后再想想“apple”这个 单词。当你做到不纯粹靠翻译对话来记忆的时候,你就能开始自如地用英语进行对话了。 4.Remember the Answer Is in the Question


如何流利的与老外说英语 有些人在于老外交流英语时不是很流利,以致无法与老外进行沟通,那么,怎样才能克服这种问题呢?下面小编为你支招,让你流利的与老外说英语。 第一招,看 挑战指数5 看什么? 2+2——表情、动作+眼睛、嘴唇 一、看表情、动作。这样做第一是帮助大家更容易而准确地判断对方所要表达的意思,第二是有助于大家模仿说英文的情态,让你更好、更快、更强地融入英文状态。 二、看眼睛、嘴唇。看眼睛是出于对别人的尊重,这是英语文化的交流习惯,专注地直视对方的眼睛,表明你在认真地倾听和咀嚼对方的话语。而间或看对方的嘴唇,能一定程度上有助于你捕捉对方的话语。当然,要注意这两者的适度交换,看对方眼睛的时间应该稍多于看对方嘴唇的时间。 第二招:听 挑战指数:7 1+1——内容+ 语音 口语对话一般情况下都是比较简单的句型,表达意思直接而明白。所以,听出对方的意思是交流的第一步,也是最有挑战的招数之一。在此过程中,除了要注意学习对方使用的表达法之外,还可以关注对方的语音,尤其是当对方的语音是你想要模仿的那种的时候(这里单指没有怪异口音的美音、英音)。在关注对方语音的时候,可以从发音(单音、连读、缩读)、语气、语调和节奏几个方面入手,尽量让自己浸泡其中,达到潜移默化的作用。 第三招:记

挑战指数:8 在这里主要指的是对方谈话时的遣词造句,以及谈话所涉及的内容领域,即可以为你提供的背景知识。说到遣词造句,我个人认为,主要的精力还是应该放在“词汇”的准确运用和“表达法”的多样化上面。“达意”是最重要的第一步,接下来就是怎样让自己的话语更“准确”和“地道”了。至于“谈话所涉及的内容领域”则是帮助你扩展知识面,增加“谈资”的一条重要途径。 第四招:答 挑战指数:9 听懂后要能回应对方,恐怕是对中国同学最大的挑战。出这一招的时候,大家可千万别天马行空,不着边际。应该就事论事,做到观点鲜明、思路清晰、论述得当、有理有节。这个招数的使用有点儿象“攒电脑”——根据自己的经济实力和购买需求,将不同的部件组合到一起。用在“答”这个招数上就是:最大限度地运用自己有限的“口力词汇”(即张嘴能说得出的表达法)传情达意。 第五招:问 挑战指数:9 1+1——不明白时的问+ 求知时的问 我并不担心中国同学为了“求知”而发问的能力,即使是在口语交流时,起码他们通常都能灵活运用“5w+1h”(即who, what, where, when, why + how)的六个疑问词。我反而很担心看上去更容易的“不明白时的问”。因为,中国同学似乎潜意识里有种心理障碍,就是不好意思当面表示没有听清对方的话语,或是不明白对方说的是什么意思。其实,口语交流当中,这一点是很重要的。因为它能保证双向交流的准确性,以免对方以为你什么都明白,而实际上,你可能听得一头雾水。哦,差点儿忘了说,“求知时的问”还有一个重要的功用,就是让谈话更加顺畅和有趣,因为你在求知时的提问,一边都表示出你对谈话的兴趣,这样,交流才可以彻底地达到双向互动的。(当然,如果你不愿意和对方讲话,他硬是厚着脸皮跟你讲话,你就可以考虑不“求知”了,这样才能让谈话尽快结束)https://www.wendangku.net/doc/186252455.html,

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