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Module 6 Animal in Danger

Teaching Design

Period 1: Reading—Saving the Antelopes


●To learn about animals in danger

●To learn to read with strategies


▇Warming up by learning about China’s Nationally Protected Animals

Hello, class. Look at the picture. What is it?

It is the giant panda. It is one of China’s

Nationally Protected Animals. Do you know

any of the other Nationally Protected

Animals? Here they are in Chinese.








Most of these animals are in danger, or endangered. To know more about their fate, let’s go to page 51 first to read about one of them, the Siberian tiger.

▇Before you read

We shall read the introduction on page 51. But let’s go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.

▇While you read

While reading the introduction please try to cut/ the sentences into thought groups, blacken the predicates, underline the useful expressions and darken the connectives.

▇After you read

Copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book and make your own sentences with them.

▇Before you read

We shall go to page 52 to read the text Saving the Antelope. But first please go over the word list for this module, paying attention to the pronunciation of the word, the relationship between its pronunciation and its spelling.

▇While you read

While reading the text try to cut/ the sentences into thought groups, blacken the predicates, underline the useful expressions and darken the connectives.

▇After you read

Now that you read the article please go on to copy all the useful expressions into your Expression Book and make your own sentences with them.

■Reading again to transfer information

Now you are to read the text once again to complete the table below.

■Close down by discussing causes of endangerment

There are many reasons why a particular species may become endangered. Below are several factors leading to endangerment:

*Habitat Destruction (动物家园被毁)

*Introduction of Exotic Species (外来动物侵入)


*More Factors (更多其它原因)(Disease, pollution, and limited distribution are more factors that threaten various plant and animal species. )

Period 2: Grammar—Review of attributive clauses Goals

●To review attributive clau ses


▇ Reviewing attributive clauses or adjective Clauses

Today we shall review the uses of attributive clauses. Here is a brief review of adjective clauses and relative pronouns.

★An adjective clause is used to describe a noun:

The car, which was red, belonged to Y oung-Hee.

★A relative pronoun is usually used to introduce an adjective clause:

Y oung-Hee, who is a Korean student, lives in Victoria.

★The main relative pronouns are:

Who: used for humans in subject position::

Hans, who is an architect, lives in Berlin.

★Whom: used for humans in object position::

Marike, whom Hans knows well, is an interior decorator.

★Which: used for things and animals in subject or object position::

Marike has a dog which follows her everywhere.

★That: used for humans, animals and things, in subject or object position (but see below):: Marike is decorating a house that Hans designed.

★There are two main kinds of adjective clause:

*Non-defining clauses: give extra information about the noun, but they are not essential:

The desk in the corner, which is covered in books, is mine.

(We don't need this information in order to understand the sentence. "The desk in the corner is mine" is a good sentence on its own -- we still know which desk is referred to. Note that non-defining clauses are usually separated by commas, and that is not usually used in this kind of context.)

*Defining clauses: give essential information about the noun:

The package that arrived this morning is on the desk.

■Underlining all the adjective clauses.

There are many adjective clauses in the following paragraphs. Read them and underline all the adjective clauses.

■Writing sentences with adjective clauses

There are sentences about some things and some persons. Read them and write a sentence using an adjective clause.

1. Bill wrote a letter to Karen. He told her that he had found a new girlfriend and didn't love Karen

anymore. →The letter that Bill wrote made Karen feel sad.

2. Some of the students did very well on the test. The teacher let these students go home early so that she could talk to the other students. → The students who did very well on the test went home early.

3. At the swimming competition, one boy came in second. His father was extremely happy because his son did so well.→ The man whose son came in third place was very disappointed.

4. Mrs. Grady listened to the speaker at the neighborhood meeting about a plot of empty land. The speaker supported building a shopping mall on the empty land. Mrs. Grady didn't agree with him at all. → Mrs. Grady didn't agree with the speaker that supported building a shopping mall.

5. Maria bought a new car. It is very comfortable and gets more than 30 miles per gallon of gas. She is very happy with her new car and its good gas mileage.→ The car Maria bought has good gas mileage.

6. ABC Company recently bought Smith Corporation. Many of the Smith Corporation employees are v ery worried because their jobs are in danger.→The employees who work for Smith Corporation are very worried. →The employees whose jobs are in danger are very worried.

7. Peter bought a new computer graphics program. It has a lot of wonderful features and is very easy to use. →The computer graphics program that Peter bought is easy to use.

8. When Teresa was growing up in Mapleton, she used to climb trees in a wood near her house. She recently went back to her hometown, and she was very sad to see that new houses were built where the wood used to be. →She was sad to see that the place where she used to climb trees was not longer there.

9. Michael loves to read. He often uses the Internet to buy books. He can find almost any book he wants, and most books have a 40% discount.→ Michael gets a 40% discount on the books that he uses the Internet to buy.

10. Robert lives in a neighborhood with lots of children. One of his neighbors has several children. They run around and ride their bikes, but they are careful not to damage Robert's flowers or lawn.→Robert always complains to the neighbor whose children step on his flowers and ride bikes on his lawn.

■Producing sentences with an adjective clause

To end the period you are to produce form the text Saving the Antelopes as many sentences with

an adjective clause as possible.

①I still remember the day when Jiesang Suonandajie found what he was looking for --- a group

of poachers who were killing the endangered antelope.

②In the battle which followed Jiesang was shot and killed.

③When his frozen body was found hours later, he was still holding the gun that his father gave


④He had given his life to save the Tibetan antelope which is endangered.

⑤It happened at the beginning of the twentieth century when there were millions of antelopes

on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.

⑥The reason why the number of the antelope has fallen to about 50,000 is simple: the wool of

the Tibetan antelope is the most expensive in

the world.

⑦It is an animal which has to survive at high


⑧They left only the babies, whose wool is not

worth so much.

⑨The animals are skinned on the spot where

they are killed.

In the 1990s the Chinese government began to take an active part in protecting the antelopes in the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, a huge national park on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, which is the main habitat of the antelopes.

■Closing down by reading and matching

To end this period let’s go to page 55. Read the four short paragraphs and match them with the photos.

Period 3: FUNCTION—Expressing concern


●To learn to give reasons in English


▇ Learning to express concern

Here are sentences expressing concern. Read them and make a study of their structure. Make similar sentences of your own if possible.

1.It’s really upsetting.

2.I t’s difficult to believe.

3.They frighten everybody.

4.I am very worried.

5.I am concerned about the future.

6.I’m very worried about the elephant.

7.Don’t interfere in what doesn’t concern


8.The loss was a tragedy for all concerned

(= all those affected by it).

9.Where our children’s education is

concerned, no compromise is acceptable.

10.The individuals concerned have some

explaining to do.

11.To whom it may concern ... (= used for

example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb’s character and ability)

12.Everyone who was directly concerned in

(= had some responsibility for) the incident has now resigned.

13.Please pay attention because this

information concerns all of you. 14.The story concerns the prince’s efforts to

rescue Pamina.

15.The book is primarily concerned with

Soviet-American relations during the Cold War.

16.This chapter concerns itself with the

historical background.

17.One major difference between these

computers concerns the way in which they store information.

18.What concerns me is our lack of

preparation for the change.

19.It concerns me that you no longer seem to

care.—see also concerned

20.He didn’t concern himself with the


21.She was concerned to write about

situations that everybody could identify with.

22.There is growing concern about violence

on television.

23.She hasn’t been seen for four days and

there is concern for her safety.

24.The report expressed concern over

continuing high unemployment.

25.There is widespread concern that new

houses will be built on protected land. 26.Stress at work is a matter of concern to

staff and management.

27.The President’s health was giving serious

cause for concern.

28.Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any

queries or concerns about this work.

29.In the meeting, voters raised concerns

about health care.—compare unconcern 30.I appreciate everyone’s concern and help

at this difficult time.

31.What are your main concerns as a writer?

32.The government’s primary concern is to

reduce crime. 33.This matter is their concern.

34.How much money I make is none of your


35.It’s an upsetting experience.

36.She finds the divorce too upsetting to talk


37.Don’t look so worried!

38.I’m not worried about her—she can take

care of herself.

39.Doctors are worried about the possible

spread of the disease.

40.We’re not too worried by these results.

41.The police are worried that the man may

be armed.

42.Where have you been? I’ve been worried

sick (= extremely worried).

43.I was worried you wouldn’t come.

44.Try not to get worried.

45.She gave me a worried look.

46.Y ou had me worried for a moment—I

thought you were going to resign!

■Expressing concern over endangered animals

■Learn to use set phrases

Set phrases are both useful and important for speaking English.

1. It’s my fault. / I'm to blame.

2. It’s very kind of you to say so.

3. I think she's doing very well

4. I feel ashamed of myself.

5. Y ou must be proud of it.

6. Don’t worry about it.

7. Y ou’re to o modest.

8. I wouldn't say that.

9. Why should I?

10. Serve you right!

11. There’s something in what you say.

12.Which do you prefer [like better], A or B?

13.It can't be helped. / I can't help it.

14.I have quite the opposite view.

15.That may be so [true], but. . . .

16.I think . . . is far superior [much better].

17.Tell me why [your reasons].

18.Can't you do something / anything?

19.What's your opinion (of that)?

20.(Do you want) Anything else?

21.I'm totally against it.

22.Such as? / Like what? / For example?

23.So what?

24.Nobody will ever persuade me into doing [to do] such a thing.

25.What you say is very interesting.

26.No, that's a joke.

27.What's the use of doing so?

28.That [It] depends (on circumstances).

29.That means nothing.

30.But anyway, . . .

31.Do you really mean that?

32.No, you're mistaken [wrong] there.

33.This may come as a surprise to you, but. . . .

34.Incidentally, . . . / By the way, . . .

35.That's because. . . .

36.I wondered when you were going to ask me that.

37.That's the worst of all.

38.Would you like another helping?

39.Not likely! / Not really!

40.I'm always ready to help you.

41.What an extraordinary idea!

42.What do you mean by that? / What does that mean?slowly, please?

43.And what's more, . . .

44.For me, this is number one.

45.What do you like about it?

46.I'm not quite with you there.

47.Well, yes, I suppose you're right.

48.Let me think for a moment.

49.Well [Now], let me see. . . .

50.Y es, I've heard of it somewhere.

Period 4: Reading and writing


●To learn to read and write about animals


▇ Reading fast facts about animals

I am sure all of you are fond of animals. But how much do you know about them? Here are some interesting facts about them. Read them in pairs.

■Writing a description of animals

by their paler fur and dark brown, rather than black, stripes. Since it is estimated that 85% of a

protecting these and other prey


“享受过程”作文评讲学案 【作文要求】 引论方式: 1. 2. 3. 4. 论证要求: 密度: 广度: 深度: 打造结尾: 1. 2. 3. 4. 【片段修改】 指出下列片段的问题,并加以修改: 一 如果一个人十分享受干某件事的过程,那么他一定会全心全意投入进去,长此以往,一定会在那个领域有着自己的成就。 问题: 修改: 二 享受过程可以使人心态平和。 第21届冬奥会上,中国女子冰壶队在面对强大的加拿大队时,意外地赢得了比赛。赛后,队长王冰玉在接受媒体采访时说:“我们没想赢加拿大队,只是把这当着一次向强队学习的机会,认真地打好每一球,一点都不紧张。” 比赛中,患得患失,就会有巨大的心理压力,水平再高也许难以发挥。而只注重比赛的过程,不想比赛的结果,就会有平和的心态,往往能超水平发挥。中国队获胜原因是多方面因的,但中国队珍惜学习的机会,享受比赛中的打出的每一个冰壶,从而轻松快乐的去比赛,这应该是获胜的关键! 问题: 修改:

三 享受过程才能看淡得失,获得快乐。 居里夫人在炼镭的过程中,从没计较最后会得到什么,她享受这发明创造的过程,所以才会把自己的诺贝尔奖章送给女儿当玩具。陶渊明是这样,所以,才会有“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的情怀。李白也是这样,所以,才会有“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”的洒脱。是啊,生活中有得也有失,既然这样,又何必太在意呢?为了那未知的结果而无法释怀,只会让自己苦不堪言。 问题: 修改: 【精彩片段】 1.过程之藤蔓也许比成功之花更美丽!(经典语句王芬) 2.若结果是一切的终点,则世间万物都会归没于虚无。(经典语句程豫然) 3.中国著名球员孙继海曾说过:“比赛的过程比结果更重要。”的确,无论是参加比赛的选手还是观看比赛的观众都会有这样的感受。如果只是一味的追求比赛结果而忽略了比赛过程,那么胜负、输赢、得失都会变得索然无味。不仅仅比赛,无论做什么事,我们都要学会去享受其中的过程,只有这样,我们才能获得快乐。(引言式开头邓琦) 4.火柴不会因熄灭而哭泣,因为它曾经燃烧过;雄鹰不会因折翼而沮丧,因为它曾经飞翔过;花朵不会因枯萎而伤感,因为它曾经绽放过〃〃〃〃〃〃我们更不应该为了失败而气馁,因为生命的价值往往在于过程,而不在于结果。所以,享受过程才能领悟生命的意义。(比兴式开头孙晨瑶) 5.哈罗德.品特小时候极爱读书写作,他日日夜夜无时无刻不在享受着读书写作的过程,在读书写作中他感到无比快乐。2005年,从没想过要得奖的他却获得了诺贝尔文学奖。 品特的成功也许是他写作上过人的天赋,但不可否认,他享受读书写作的过程是他成功的主要原因之一。是享受过程给了他快乐,快乐又让他投入其中,如痴如醉,所以他的成功并不偶然。是啊,结果固然重要,过程不管怎样曲折最终也会指向结果,但我要说,不必太在意未知的结果,享受过程才是最重要的。(叙例式开头杨克臻) 6.但是,纵观时代,还有多少人在追求过程、享受过程呢?太多的运动员为了奖牌而服下兴奋剂;太多的学生为了重点学校而去上根本不愿不上的补习班;太多的挂名作家为了提升知名度而不惜去抄袭别人的作品……人们啊,不要为了结果苦不堪言,不择手段,只要去享受过程,你会发现,结果往往比预想的要好得多。(联系实际胡子璇)

高二英语外研版选修六教学案:Module 6 Section 2 含答案(精修版)

外研版英语精品资料(精修版) Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.I'd like to book a room in your hotel, in which I can overlook (俯视) the sea from the window. 2.The camp lasted (持续) for only a week, but some teachers noticed great changes in their students after the activity. 3.Japan used to occupy (占领) Taiwan for as long as 50 years. 4.The brave soldier dived into the water and rescued (营救) the drowning boy, which made us very moved. 5.I returned to the village many times, and eventually (最终) I gained their trust. 6.The wounded (受伤的) soldier should be sent to the hospital in no time. 7.A group of soldiers led by their commander (指挥官) were advancing towards the front. 8.Because of the icy road, he had to abandon (抛弃) his car and walk home. Ⅱ.拓展词汇 1.invade v.入侵,侵略→invasion n.侵入,侵略 2.abandon v.放弃,抛弃→abandoned adj.自甘堕落的,被抛弃的,无约束的 3.operation n.行动;操作;经营;手术→operate v.操作;运转;做手术 4.survivor n.幸存者→survive vi.幸存,比……活得长→survival n.幸存,生存5.occupy v.占领→occupation n.职业→occupational adj.职业的 6.commander n.指挥官→command v. & n.命令,指挥 7.deep adj.深的→deeply adv.深深地,深刻地→depth n.深度 8. shocked adj.感到震惊的;惊愕的→shock v.使震惊n.震惊,惊愕

写作 说明的顺序 导学案

写作说明的顺序 【目标导航】 1.能够理解合理安排说明顺序的含义及作用。 2.说明事物时能根据说明的目的和对象合理安排说明顺序。 3.语言表达讲究分寸,用语准确,并力求多样化。 【课时安排】 2课时。 【课时分配】 建议第一课时进行作文指导与写作,第二课时进行批改、评讲、修改。 一、你有自己特别熟悉、喜欢的小天地吧?比如,你自己的房间,你在教室里的座位,校园里的某个角落……以《我的小天地》为题,写一个片段,向别人介绍它。不少于200字。 二、智能手机、平板电脑、电视机顶盒、无线路由器……我们生活中的科技新产品层出不穷。选择一种产品,写一篇文章,介绍它的功能和使用方法。不少于600字。 三、你生活在城市还是农村?这几年来,你觉得周围的环境有哪些变化?原因是什么?以“我周围的环境”为话题,写一篇事理说明文,题目自拟。不少于600字。 【新课导入】 在我们的日常生活中,顺序很重要。先做什么?后做什么?如果安排得当,往往能取得事半功倍的效果。同样,在写作中,当我们要把一个事物的外观、结构、布局写清楚,要把一件事情的来龙去脉写得详细又不累赘,或者是要说明事物的制作过程时,我们必须要考虑的一点就是如何合理地安排说明的顺序。

【写作要求】 1.确定说明对象后,先考虑写哪些内容,再选择合适的说明顺序,注意准确使用方位词。 2.介绍产品时可以设想一个特定的受众,尽量用他能够理解的话语进行说明,也可采用问答的形式组织全文。 3.写事理说明文,要明确说明对象,写出它的变化。查资料,说明变化的原因。并注意安排好说明的顺序。 【技法点拨】 合理的说明顺序是指能充分表现事物或事理本身特征的顺序。在说明文中确立说明顺序很重要,或用时间顺序,或用空间顺序,或用逻辑顺序,还可以以一种顺序为主,兼用其他顺序。 1.说明顺序的分类说明文的顺序主要有以下三种: (1)空间顺序:即按事物空间结构的顺序来说明。像介绍一座建筑、一处园林、一片山水等。 (2)时间顺序:指按照事理发展过程的先后来介绍某一事物的说明顺序。如果要介绍事物的发展情况,比如印刷术的发明与演进、汽车技术的发展、计算机的历史等,就适合采用时间顺序,介绍其发展过程中的几个重要历史节点,显示事物发展的阶段性。有时候,为了说明事物的制作过程,或者撰写实验报告,我们也常常按照步骤或程序的先后顺序来写,呈现出“过程”来,这是一种特殊的时间顺序。 (3)逻辑顺序:按照事物或事理的内部联系及人们认识事物的过程来安排说明顺序。或由个别到一般,或由具体到抽象,或由主要到次要,或由现象到本质,或由原因到结果,分别做出说明。这种说明顺序一般运用于事理说明文中。 2.安排说明顺序的方法在正确地选择了合理的说明顺序以后,还要学会恰当地使用标志性的词语。 以空间为序的说明语段,要运用表示方位的词语,如“东”“西”“南”“北”“里”“外”“左”“右”等。 以时间为序的说明语段,过程明晰,线索清楚,纵向排列明确有序。一般要运用表示时间或先后的标志性的词语。

B8 Module6完整教学案

B8 Module6 (第一课时) Introduction and Reading and V ocabulary(1) The basic rule of physical and mental health is to keep smiling ----养身之道,喜笑颜开 main words and phrases 1.acquaintance 相识,熟人(可数);认识,相识(不可数) 【归纳拓展】 make one’s acquaintance = make the acquaintance of sb. 结识某人(短暂动词) have acquaintance with…对…了解 drop / cut one’s acquaintance 绝交 of one’s acquaintance 所认识的;所了解的 on first acquaintance 初次相见时 Mr Smith is an acquaintance of mine. I made her acquaintance through his introduction. 经由她的介绍我认识了他 The guide has some acquaintance with Italian. 导游懂一点意大利语 No one else of my acquaintance was as rich or successful. 我所认识的人中没有一个如此富有或者成功 2.bar (用铁条或木条)封,堵;阻挡,拦住;禁止,阻止(bar sb. from doing)All the doors and windows were barred. 所有的门窗都加上了铁条 We found our way barred by rocks, so we had to remove them one by one. The players are barred from drinking alcohol the night before a match. 运动员参赛前夜不得喝酒 3. part from …与某人分手part with …放弃某物 4. expansion n. 扩张,扩展,扩充,扩大,膨胀 The book is an expansion of a series of lectures given last year. There are plans for the expansion of our school building. 【归纳拓展】expand v. to become greater in size, number or importance; 扩展,发展业务A child’s vocabulary can be expanded through reading.孩子的词汇量可以通过阅读加以扩大The new system expanded the role of the family doctors. 新体制扩大了家庭医生的作用Metals expand when heated. 金属受热膨胀 There are no plans to expand the local airport. 目前尚无扩建地方机场的方案 We’ve expanded the business y opening two more stores. 我们增开了两家商店已增加业务比较:extend v. 延伸(也有“扩张”意) We extended the subway to the suburbs. 我们已经把地铁延伸到郊区了 They had to extended the meeting another 20 minutes. 5.tolerant adj. 忍受的,容忍的,宽容的 【归纳拓展】tolerate v. 人手,容忍tolerate sth. / doing sth. 常用于表示“容忍,忍受”的动词和短语有:bear / stand / tolerate / put up with等


英语八下外研版module6全模块练习导学案 Module6Entertainment练习导学案 【一】学习目标: 1.知识与技能:能够掌握本模块关于娱乐的词汇;能够熟悉直截了当引语和间接引语的转换规那么(1);能听懂有关娱乐话题的广播节目,猎取对话中的要紧信息和细节;能谈论影视娱乐节目,发表看法,谈自己的喜好;能够读电影简介及评论;明白文章的主旨大意,提高理解文章结构的技能;能运用间接引语转述别人说的话。 2.情感态度:了解不同国家的影视文化,发表对影视的兴趣。【二】重点及难点:直截了当引语和间接引语〔1〕 【三】学习过程: Unit1ShesaidChinawasaveryexcitingplace. 一〕自主学习 A.Watchthevideoofthetext. B.Learnthenewwords. C.ListenandreadthedialogueinActivity3. 二〕听力训练 A.Listenandwritenotes. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/108206521.html,ethewordsintheboxtohelpyou.Listenandcheck. C.Listenandrepeat. 三〕合作学习 A.ListenandreadthedialogueinActivity3. B.Answerthequestions.Listenandcheck. C.WritedownwhatSallysaidintheinterviewwithChenHuan. ShesaidthatshewasstudyingChinese. 1._________________________ Shesaidthatshemissedherparentsbutshehadsomeclosefriendshere. 2._________________________ AndshesaidChinawasaveryexcitingplace.Butshedidn'tliketheword “foreigner”. 3._________________________ 四〕知识点学习A.重要短语: 1.________发生 2._________醒来 3.______谈论 4.________想念某人 5.___________交朋友 6.________拉小提琴 7._______担心 8.______________照顾_______________ B.among,between的区别 between使两者之间among是三者或以上 Amongallthepeople,heisthebest.在所有人内它是最好的。Thereisashopbetweenmyhouseandmyschool.在我家和我的学校之间有一个商店。 C.takeplace,happen的区别 1).takeplace表示“发生、进行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种缘故或事先的安排,例如: Greatchangeshavetakenplaceinourhometownduringthepasttenyears. TheOlympicGamesof2017willtakeplaceinBeijing. (2).happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如: Whathappenedtoyou?(一般不说:Whatdidyouhappen?) Ihappenedtoseehimonmywayhome.


语文教学:高中议论文写作学案 高中议论文写作学案 教学目的: 1、认识分解论点的使用要求。 2、探讨分解论点的方法。 3、学会在写作中运用。 教学过程: 一、认识使用分论点的三个要求: 1、扣得住例一:以《读书乐》为题列了如下的论述提纲: (1)读书是每一个人都可以享有的权利; (2)读书要有明确的目的、良好的阅读方法; (3)读书可以使人掌握足够的本领,服务社会。 2、分得开例二:(1)读书可以增长知识,充实头脑,一乐; (2)读书是一种高雅的精神活动,二乐; (3)读书可以提高素养,陶冶情操,三乐。 3、排得顺例三:(1)读书乐在它是个人成长的必需; (2)读书乐在它是人类进步的阶梯; (3)读书乐在它是民族繁荣的保证。 二、分解论点的步骤与方法 A、并列式分解 1、类——是什么,分解是什么可以从两个方面入手,一是就其内涵而言. 如话题自嘲可以按如下这样分解: 自嘲,是机敏的退让; 自嘲,是面对缺点的勇敢; 自嘲,是生存的智慧.如话题勇敢可以按如下这样分解: 练习1:勇敢:a勇敢是。 b 勇敢是。 c 勇敢是。 二是就其外延而述.如2006年辽宁话题肩膀可扩展为三个分论点: 肩膀装载着幸福,肩膀是亲情的牵挂; 肩膀承载着快乐,肩膀是友情的寄托; 肩膀搭载着甜蜜,肩膀是爱情的相守. 2、因——为什么,并列分解为什么,这是因果关系的分解,是在提出中心论点后,从不同的侧面来阐释.如以《贫困也是一笔财富》为题进行作文,题目已经表明了中心论点,那么分论点可以这样设计: 贫困可催有志者奋发图强,改变命运,穷则思变; 贫困可以培养人的意志和毅力;贫困能增长人的能力,人的许多能力是在困境中锻炼出来的. 练习2:答案是丰富多彩的: ,因此答案是丰富多彩的。 ,因此答案是丰富多彩的。 ,因此答案是丰富多彩的。 3,并列分解怎么样,这是从解决问题的途径来进行分解,如话题人生的加减法可以提出:


Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural world Step1. Self-learning 一、根据下列句子的意思及所给单词的首字母或所给的汉语注释,在横线上写出各单词的正确形式。 1、You are easy to be ______________ (攻击) when you are in red in the forest. 2、The man claimed to be able to tell my f______________ by looking at my hands. 3、When moving to Europe together, the children ___________ (适应) to the changes quickly. 4 To some foreigners who have never been to China, China is a m ________ country. 5、His answer ________________ (暗示) that I could leave. 6、My suggestion is to try to remain c_______________ before he interviewer. 7、There are probably lots of strange c________________ in that lake. 8、These animals d_______________ mysteriously millions of years ago. 9、Without protection, some animals will be d_____________ in the near future. 10、He managed to cross the b_______________ into Germany. 11、Lily is an honest girl, so it is u _______________ that she told lies to her teacher. 12、The buildings c________________ an area of 4 square kilometers. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子. 1.Many species of animals are in danger of ________________ (灭绝). 2.The team's success was largely ________________(由于) her efforts. 3.There was nothing to ________________ (帮助弄清楚) the connection between the two men. As we are familiar with each other, let's _____________________ (开门见山). Step2.Introduction (新课学习) Learn the words and match them with the definitions.( Activity 2 , P51) Finish ex. 7&8 on P99. Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural world 第二、三课时(Reading)班级_______ 姓名___________ 座号_______ 评价________ 学习目标:(1)通过阅读文章的起始段猜测文章的出处。(2)把握文章的主要信息。 重难点:(1)根据上下文正确理解生词的含义。(2)掌握并识记重点句型。 Learning steps: Step 1.fast-reading (快速阅读下列文章,把不懂的词汇划出,并查阅) (Kangkang’s father ,Dr.Li, gave a talk about health to the students of our school. Here is pare of his t alk.) You need to have healthy eating habits. Breakfast gives you enough energy for the morning. So don’t go to school without it. Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but fast food, like potato chips, will make you fat and unhealthy. So eat the right food to keep you healthy. Playing sports can also help you keep fit. But sometimes it may cause accidents, so stay safe when you are playing sports. It’s necessary to learn about first aid. Then you can help yourselves or others if an accident happen s. Happiness is important for your health. It is the best medicine. When you are ill, try to be happy and you’ll feel better. On the other hand, you may feel sick if you are always unhappy. So , be happy to be healthy. You must avoid smoking and drinking. Many students think it’s cool to smoke and drink. But they don’t know smoking and drinking can cause many illnesses. You should say no to smoking and drinking. Step2. Read the passage and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Playi ng sports can’t help you keep fit..( ) It’s a healthy eating habit to go to school without breakfast.( ) Happiness is important for your health. ( ) Many students think it’s bad to smoke and drink. ( )


Book Four Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World Period 1 Introduction & Vocabulary 一、学习目标 1、通过自主阅读本模块教材,能够熟练读出和正确默写教材中的新词汇。 二、使用要求 1、书写要认真规范; 2、教师讲解时,务必用红色笔修正答案。 三、学习内容:Introduction & Vocabulary 四、学习过程 Step 1 同学们,在本模块中,你要掌握这些单词和短语,请自主阅读教材P51-60,然后把它们找出来。 (一)Words:汉互译 【名词】 1、怪物__________ 2、脚印;足迹__________ 3、动物;生物__________ 4、爪__________ 5、指甲________ 6、杂志;学报;期刊____________ 7、(珍奇动物的)目击__________ 8、海豹________ 9、表面;水面__________10、(动物头上的)角________11、毁坏_____ 12、皇帝________13、长袍__________14、名誉;名声________15、边境;国界________ 16、身份;特性___________17、神话故事___________18、运气;命运;财富_________ 【动词】 1、攻击;袭击__________ 2、存在___________ 3、声称___________ 4、潜水__________ 5、占地(多大面积)___________ 6、适应;适合___________ 7、不见;消失__________ 8、进化;演变__________ 9、象征;暗示____________ 【形容词】 1、多毛的__________ 2、吓人的____________ 3、灰色的__________ 4、锋利的_________ 5、神秘的__________ 6、怀疑的___________ 7、不可能的________ 8、火山的_________ 9、绝种的__________10、凶猛的__________11、大方的_______12、变化莫测的______ 13、正面的____________ (二)Phrases:英译汉 1、die out________________________ 2、throw light on________________________ 3、come straight to the point______________ 4、due to_______________________ 5、attack sb with sth_______________ 6、be attacked with a disease__________ 7、make an attack on/upon___________ 8、a heart attack______________________ 9、come into existence______________ 10、a struggle for existence___________ 11、calm down ____________________12、sb. is unlikely to…__________________ 13、It is unlikely that…_____________ 14、be likely to...__________________


小学信息技术优秀教案 图文混排 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

图文混排 ——制作小板报 广州市番禺区市桥南阳里小学黄醒球 一、教学内容: 小学信息技术(广东教育出版社)第二册第一章计算机文字处理第六节。 二、教学内容分析: 本课内容是制作小板报的一部分。在这之前已经学过小板报的准备、设置规格、规划,刊头设计和输入文本,学习图文混排能够使小板报主题突出,版面鲜艳,充满生气,活泼感人,是本章节的重点内容;这是首次学习图文混排处理,是以后进一步学习演示文稿,网页等图文混排的技能基础;同时,学好本课内容有利于以后的生活、学习和工作。 本课重点:掌握设置图片的环绕方式和剪裁图片。 本课难点:综合应用图文混排的知识,制作图文并茂的电子小报。 三、教学对象分析: 教学对象是小学四年级学生,他们已经学习信息技术差不多两年,具有电脑基本的操作技能。经过本学期的学习,他们也已经熟识金山文字的操作界面及文字排版的技能,初步了解了金山文字操作规律。本课之前,学生已经学习过制作了一个纯文本的小报,渴望能够将单一的小报进行润色、丰富。电脑技术是一种技能的操作,鉴于有相当一部分学生家中没有电脑,缺少练习,因此操作水平有一定差距,教学过程中注重分层教学,发挥小组合作,加强互教互学。 四、教学目标: 1、知识与技能: 1)能够根据版面需要对图片设置适合的环绕方式。 2)能够将图片剪裁成椭圆形、多边形等,丰富小报版面。 2、过程与方法: 感受在老师的指导下学习一个知识的全过程,从而培养学生自主探究的自学能力;懂得在遇到问题的时候通过查书、课件等手段解决问题的方法。 3、情感态度与价值观:


写作:如何写好一个人 【教学目标】 1、懂得写人必须抓住人的特点,通过多种方法描写人物的个性特征,展现人物的生动形象,表达人物的独特魅力。 2 、注重对人物的语言、动作、心理、外貌等方面详细描写来突出人物形象。 3 、写作过程中要对所写人物倾注情感交流,做客观、中肯地评价。 【教学重点】 1、引导学友归纳整理人物描写的一些基本方法和技巧并加以运用; 2、引导学友学习通过互相评点习作,从而树立学习信心,增强学习兴趣。 【教学难点】抓住人物特点,运用适当的描写方法进行人物描写。 【教学准备】1、指导学友回忆整理11月4日以来与师长相处的主要事件。 2、学习17课《洗脸》中刻画人物的写法,以“我的同学________”为题,写一篇200字短文。 第一课时 一、明确写作要求和写作步骤 一)、写作要求: 1、写人,要抓住人物的特点来写。可从外貌、动作、语言等方面来写。 2、写人和写事是密不可分的,要写人,就要把人放到事情当中来写,通过写事来展现人物的特点。 3、写人的方式多种多样,有正面记叙、侧面记叙、概括记叙、具体记叙,以事写人(一事写一人、多事写一人、一事写多人、多事写多人),以情述人,等等。 二)、写作步骤: 1、写人要写了解的熟悉的人,要尽可能掌握丰富的材料,如果材料不足,就要进一步搜集。 2、写人要抓住人物的特点来写。通常可以从外貌,动作,语言等方面来抓住人物的特点。 3、写人和记事密不可分。要把人放到事中去写,通过写事来展现人物的特点。 二、结合上次习作,讲解写作知识与技巧 一)、点评学友上次习作 优点:1、大部分学生都能写了人物的外貌、动作、语言、神态等多方面内容; 例句:1)、王老师人很好,对我们更好。王老师有一头短短的头发,小小的眼睛,你们别看他眼睛小,可他什么都看的很清楚。他的右眼下角有一颗痣,不是很大也不是很小。以往每天早上都穿着一身警服,站在校门口微笑着迎接我们的到来。 2)、师长长着一双又小又明亮的眼睛,有点像杜海涛那种。大大的鼻子,不大不小的嘴巴,镶嵌在那张圆圆的脸上。 3)、俗话说得好:眼睛小,视力好。果不其然,王老师一来就看见一个人说话,立马给我们班一个下马威,让我证实了这句话。俗话还说:嘴巴大,声音小。果然,老师声音小的我都有点听不清楚了。 2、基本上能通过事件展现人物个性,主要是用做游戏来体现“新”奇之处,少数人用上课的流程、方式和管理方法的新颖来体现教师“新”。 例句:1)、老师让我们大胆的提出好的意见。老师还会强调不要一团乱糟糟的说,可以站起来说。老师还要我们称他为“师长”,他称我们班的人叫“学友”。这个名字让我们大吃一惊,不过我们会慢慢习惯的,这位王老师真是新奇之极,让人难忘。 2)、别看师长眼睛小,其实的眼睛很尖,一下就会看出我们讲小话或做小动作。有一次,师长拿着一本语文书走进了教室,走到讲台,读着课文时,他背后有一个学友和后面的学友讲小话,我以为师长不会发现,我就拿起东西吃。师长突然说了一句:“要讲小话的下课讲,


Films and TV Programes 第一课时词汇 重点单词测试 海报 充满刺激的电影 喜剧 优美的 ,优雅的 跳跃 ,飞跃 角色 ,人物 争论 有趣的 ,令人愉快的 有时 ,偶尔 剑 女演员 女的,女性 的 男的,男性的 杰作 未婚夫 屋顶 使感兴趣 勇敢的 感人的 部分,,节 广告 频道 背景 电视 戏剧 情节 航员,水手 轨道 评论 创作 建立 政治家 在船上 1 She is regarded as a successful 高一同步学案 必修 2 Module 6 2. It ' s no use _争_辩( )with him. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,鲨鱼 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,照片 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 单词拼写练习 .(演员 )

(角色)can make great actors. 4.1 n the film the two lovers must not (主演)in the film of Crouching Tiger, Hidden dragon. 7. Our visits to the threat made the holiday more (放松)yourself when you study hard. .one ' s surprise 人惊讶的是。。。 4. bel ong place 发生 on eself in words 用语言表达自己 第二课时课文理解 True or false 1. It tells the story of two people who love each other. ( 2. Crouch ing Tiger, Hidde n Drago n is a master piece films.( 3 Now wuxia films are well received on ly in Chi na.( ) 4 Chow Yun-Fat p layed won derfully in the film and the part Li Mubai in terests the audie nee most. ( ) 3. Great (表达)in words. 5. His (杰作)is famous in China. 6. Zhang Ziyi (有趣的). 8. We should help our (邻居)when necessary. 9. Lear n to 10. His refusal was worded in such a (优雅)way that we could not be offended. 三:重点短语 1. come 出版,出现 2. fall in love sb.爱上某人 3. 属于 5. in love with sb.和某人在相爱中 6. 7. every 口 and 不时地 8. .surprise 吃惊地 9. care 关心,顾虑,在乎 10. play a 扮演角色 11. 12. with sb. about sth. 和某人争吵 13. from time time 有时,不时 14. a mistake 犯错误



《图文混排教学》教学设计 新疆石河子第四中学:郭丽华制作

测试上课时的重点知识 发现什么了?说说看!!! 学生:分析预测:“文本框中的文字没写完”,学生:“文章写 完了,文本框中没有完全显示”。 教师:以鼓励、表扬的态度评价学生的回答。 教师:通过《多媒体网络教室》展示:多媒体课件1完成后 的标准。然后问:老师想看看:谁专心!!!谁找到了 解决问题的方法。 学生:一边看书,一边自主、自觉摸索、探究操作。 教师:巡视、启发、指导、示范操作,解决学生遇到的坎。 教师:发现有学生举手表示解决了问题。教师提问甲:如何 解决的? 学生:“再创建一个文本框”,“创建文本框链接”……。教师 确定四个或更多的优秀生。 教师:谁来当小老师,到教师机上演示? 学生:边演示边叙述。文本框排版时,文本框的内容不能全 部显示出来,这时需要再创建一个文本框,将没有显 示的文字显示在新创建的文本框中。创建文本框超连 接,文本框中的文字多了,鼠标指向文本框上,鼠标 光标发生变化,“一个溢出水的杯子”呈现在你面前。 移动鼠标,指向空文本框时,鼠标光标又发生变化, “一个倒水的杯子”呈现在你面前。 教师:大屏幕展示 创建“文本框”超连接: 1、建立文本框:“菜单兰”中“插入”项“文 本框” 2、创建文本框链接关键步骤:选中文本框 右键单击边框单击“创建文本框链接” 如图所示: 一只显示在大屏幕上直至 本课时知识技能出现。 从学生身旁的老师和老师 的作品入手布置上课的情景, 又有《多媒体网络教室》控制 学生的思维紧跟老师的思路。 让学生的情感和目标都触手可 及,似乎跳起来就能摘到苹 果。


1.求助信 求助信是当个人遇到一些自己无法解决的问题或困难时向别人请求帮助的一种书信,一般分为三部分内容: 开头:向对方问好(熟人)或介绍自己的身份(陌生人),表明写信目的,请求帮助。 主体:要清晰陈述请求帮助的具体内容,内容要多多拓展,详细说明自己的情况。 结尾:希望自己能得到帮助,表达感谢,盼望回信。 *典型事例 假定你叫李华,想毕业后去美国的大学学习。你在网上了解到了Prof. Green,给他写一封e-mail,表示对他的研究领域及课题感兴趣,并请他指导如何选择他所在大学的专业(major)。注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 邮件的开头与结尾已为你写好。 词句文升华 ★词汇再现 1)去美国深造___________________________ 2)在上网时___________________________ 3)给某人提供信息___________________________ 4)研究领域和课题___________________________ ★句式表达 1)我想在毕业之后去美国深造。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2)我在上网时找到了一些有用信息。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 3)我对你的研究领域和课题很感兴趣。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 4)我想知道你是否愿意给我提供一些帮助。 _______________________________________________________________________________ ★妙笔成篇 Dear Prof. Green, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Lihua *仿写练习 假如你叫李华,在光明中学读书,在学习英语的过程中你遇到一些问题,如单词背诵困难语法理解有障碍,课上听不懂等,想得到老师的帮助。现在你给外教老师Caroline写一封求助信。 注意:1. 词数100~120; 2. 可适当增加细节。 Dear Caroline, _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua

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