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第一章language and linguistics

1.名词解释:language(语言):is a scientific system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.

2.a system of sounds and a system of meanings.

3.名词解释 :arbitrariness(任意性):is the result of the need to express and code a wide range of meanings.

4.判断题:(1) the primary medium of language is sound.

(2) Chidren learn to speak before they learn to read and write.

(3) Writing is based on speech.

(4) People use spoken language more often than writing .


(1)physiological function生理功能

(2) phatic function 寒暄功能

(3)recording function记录功能

(4) identifying function识别功能

(5) reasoning function推理功能

(6)communicating function交流功能

(7)pleasure function娱乐功能

6.the origin of language语言的起源


(2) Evolution进化论


(1)According to Crystal克里斯多(1987) ,there are at least 29 languages families in the world.

(2)the Indo-European is the largest family .It covers most of europe and north india,predominates in north and south america,and australasia .The Sino-Tibetan family includes Chinese and its numerous dialects, Burmese缅甸的, and some southeast asian language.

8.名词解释:linguistics:(语言学)is the science of language and thus is usually defined as the systematic study of language or , a discipline学科 that describes all aspects of language and formulate theories as to how language works.


langue:(1)The abstract抽象 system;(2)A collective 集的体body of knowledge;(3) A kind of一种 common reference manual参考指南;(4)Acquired by all menbers of a community of speakers.

parole:(1)The particular actualities现状 of individual utterance;(2) The contingent偶然发生的 executive执行者 side if things;(3) The relatively superficial表面的 behavioral reflexes反应 of knowledge;(5)The use of language in utterances.

10.判断题:(1)lingustics is descriptive描述性 ,not prescriptive规定性。

(2) lingusts regard the spoken language as primary,not the written.








第二章:phonetics语音学 and phonology音系学

1.名词解释:phonetics(语音学):is the scientific study of speech and is concerned with defining定义 and classifying分类 speech sound. Speech is a purposeful 有目的的human active.

2.manner of articulation发音方式 有5种

(1)plosives爆破音6个 and nasal stops鼻塞音3个


nasal stops: m ,n ,y

(2)fricatives:摩擦音8个——f\v,s\z,_ ——




which is the study of the human linguistic system that determines how sentences are put together out of words.


the segmentation of the sentence up into its immediate constituents by using binary cutting until its ultimate constituents are obtained is an important approach to the realization of the nature of language,callde immediate constituent analysis(IC Analysis).

3.in 1957 ,the american linguist Chomsky proposed the transformational-generative grammar.



is traditionally defined as the study of meaning in language.

2.Leech's (里奇) seven types of meaning

(1).conceptual meaning概念意义

(2).associative meaning联系意义
i. connotative meaning内涵意义
ii. social meaning社会意义
iii. affective meaning情感意义
iv. reflected meaning反应意义
v. collocative meaning搭配意义

(3).thematic meaning主题意义

3.semantic field 语义场

refers to the organization of related lexemes into a system which shows their relationship to one another.

(1).synonymy近义关系 and antonymy反义关系

(2). antonymy有:

i. complementary antonymy互补性
a. qualitative adjectives定义性的形容词

ii.gradable antonymy 过度的

iii. relational opposites 关系方面

4.meronymy部分整体关系 and hyponymy 上下意义关系
co-meronymy 同部分整体词 and co-hyponymy 同下义词

5.polysemy一词多义 and homonymy同音异义

第六章:pragmatics语用学 and text analysis 篇章分析

1.名解:speech act theory言语行为理论:thus an action perforned by the use of an utterance to communicate is called a speech act.

2.british philosopher Austin奥斯汀 in 1962.

3.简答题:cooperative principle合作原则: according to the cooperative principle, the participants in a conversation normally communicate in a maximally efficient, rational and cooperative way. they should speak sincerely,relevantly and clearly, while providing sufficient information.

(1)tha maxim of quality质量准则
try to make your contribution one that is true, especially :(i)do not say what you believe to be false.
(ii) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.

(2)the maxim of quantity数量准则
(i) make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange
(ii) do not make your contribution more informative than is required.

(3)the maxim of relevance关系准则
make your contribution relevant.

(4)the maxim of manner方式准则
be perspicuous ,and specifically:(i)avoid obscurity of expression
(ii)avoid ambiguity
(iii)be brief
(iv)be orderly

4.Grice格赖斯 in 1967提出合作原则

(1)in order to explain why in many cases people express themselves implicitly and indirectly by flouting the four

maxim of the coooperative principle, Brown布朗 and Levinson莱文生(1978) advanced the Face Theory面子理论.

(2)Leech 里奇(1983:132) develops the face theory further and formulates the politeness principle.

第七章:language and social culture语言和社会文化

1.名解:Dialect(方言):refers to any regional,social or ethnic variety of a language.

2.判断题:(1)a regional dialect refers to the language variety used in a geographical region. when people are separated from each other geographically,dialectal diversity develops.

(2)the term social dialect is use to describe difference in speech associated with various social groups or classes.

(3)standard dialect refers to a special variety of language that has no connection whit a particular region or social class.

3.名词解释:Register(语域):refers to the functional variety of language that is defined according to its use in context.

第八章:language acquisition and thought



1.first language acquisition is also called mother tongue acquisition . Acquisition takes place in the speech community where one's first language or second language. It is often natural,without much focus on form. The learning of english by speakers of other languages in the United states is an example of second language acquisition.

Foreign language learning usually takes place in the speech community where one's first language is spoken . It is a conscious process through formal school-like setting and requires time for processing,for example, the learning of english in china.

名词解释:2.second language acquisition(第二语言习得):refer to the process of acquiring or learning an additional language after the learner has acquired his or her mother tongue.

判断:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d8397312.html,nguage transfer(语言迁移):is the phenomenon that the learners apply their first language konwledge subconsciously in learning a second language.

langugage transfer can be clssified as positive transfer and negative transfer.

negative transfer is no more than the term interference, in which L1 interferes with L2 learning where differences exist between first language and second language.

4. language processing语言学习的过程:is a join product of linguistic principles and psychological mechanisms.

permanent memory永久记忆

working memory工作记忆

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