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当前位置:文档库 › 2014年安徽高二会考词汇专项复习试题(一)




例如:I have never doubted about her a ________. (能力)(填a bility)

1.He should be a_______ to report her to the police. (能够)

2.He gives up the idea of going a_______.(国外)

3.The airliner flew a_______ the clouds. (之上)

4.The committee demands that no member (should)be a_______.(缺席)

5.He speaks with a slight southern a_______. (口音)

6.Please a_______ my best wishes for your happiness and success. (接受)

7.People gathered at the scene of the a_______. (事故)

8.A_______ to the weather forecast, frost is expected tomorrow morning.(根据)

9.She knew not what to think, nor how to a_______ for it. (解释)

10.They are government officials, people a_______ them of corruption.(指责)

11.Even if we a_______ great success in our work, we should not be conceited. (获得)

12.You must have a goal, and you must constantly work towards the a_______of that goal. (达


13.It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this a _______ .(行动)

14.We should be an a _______ participator in the prevention of pollution. (积极)

15.It calls for a_______ deeds and not flowery language. (真实的)

16.They've placed an a _______ for someone to baby-sit the youngsters in the evening.(广告)

17.This is why you should always try and a _______ vegetables to your dinner. (加入)

18.What are the a_______ costs?. Every system requires an administrator. (管理)

19.On the contrary, I a_______ her intellectual honesty and courage. (欣赏)

20.I must also a______ that I have learned far more from my students than they have

learned from me. (承认)

21.If you see obstacles as opportunities rather than difficulties then you can turn them to your

a _______. (优势)

22.We regret for the loss you have suffered and a______ to compensate you by $500.( 同意)

23.I am here with the a _______ of doing as well as possible. (目的)

24.Because of the snow, the pilot had to land the plane at an a_______ in another city. (飞机场)

25.The twin sisters are so much a_______ that it is almost impossible to tell one from the other. (相


26.If you've never prayed with other people, start by praying a_______ when you're alone. (大声)

27.When the patient was taken to hospital, he had a_______ lost consciousness. (已经)

28.A_______ we caught ten golden monkeys. (一共)

29.York see the a_______ that picked up Janet and head to the nearest hospital. (救护车) So,

the problem is not my job or the a_______ of work, but rather how I handle it. ( 数量)

30.We should a_______ what they said and not just agree with everything. (分析)

31.My speech started with the situation a_______. (分析)

These magnificent a_______ buildings demonstrate the great intelligence of the laboring people. (古代)

参考答案able abroad above absent accent accept accident According Account accuse achieve achievement acre action active actor Actual ad/ advertisement add address administration admire Admit advantage advertise agree agreement aim、purpose Airline

airmail airport airspace alike alive allergic aloud Alphabet already Altogether ambulance amount analyse analysis Ancestor ancient


1.He relieved me from a (忧虑).

2.John is a (忧虑的) about his exam results.

3.I want to rent an a (公寓) with an air-condition.

4.He a (道歉) to his teammates for his mistake.

5.A strange light a (出现) in the northwest.

6.We shouldn’t judge a person only by his a (外貌).

7.Her a (申请) was turned down.

8.He phoned me and canceled the a (约会).

9.All contributions, however small, will be greatly a (感谢).

10.A new year is a (接近).

11.Our English teacher is a (将近) in her forties.

12.Ever since our a (争论), she didn’t speak to me.

13.He was lying in an a (扶手椅), watching TV.

14.Would you like to a (安排) for a personal interview?

15.The police sais seven people were a (逮捕) for murder.

16.He celebrated the a (到来) of the New Year with a party.

17.The warriors were armed with bows and a (箭).

18.We shouldn’t be a (羞愧的) to admit our mistakes.

19.My four year-old daughter was a (睡着的) on the sofa.

20.Climate and whether affect every a (方面) of our lives.

21.The sales manager is going to employ a new a (助手) to help him.

22.Research a (协会) are often linked to a particular industry.

23.Neil Armstrong is the first a (宇航员) to walk on the moon.

24.The young a (运动员) soon left the others far behind.

25.The a (气氛) in my office is quite free and easy.

26.The old man didn’t seem to a (认为…具有) any importance to the question.

27.The man a (攻击) him with a knife.

28.The prisoners a (试图) an escape, but failed.

29.If you want to pass your exam, you’d better change your a (态度).

30.What first a (吸引) me was her sense of humor.

31.An a (观众) of millions watched the wedding on TV.

32.He is the a (作者) of three books on art.

33.Modern trains have a (自动的) doors.

34.Will she be a (有空的) this afternoon.

35.I was just an a (普通的) student.

36.They built a wall to a (避免) soil being washed away.

37.I was still a (醒着的) when he came home.

38.It was surprising that he got the best actor a (奖).

39.Were you a (意识到) that something was wrong?

40.I feel a (难过的) about forgetting her birthday.

41.He came from a working-class b (背景).

42.The young man helped me when I was lifting my b (行李).

43.I found it difficult to keep my b (平衡) on the icy path.

44.The panda’s natural habitat is the b (竹子) forest.

45.We will have a b (烧烤) this weekend.

46.I picked up a few good b (便宜货) in the sale.

47.The dog suddenly started b (吠叫) at us.

48.She used her family’s history as a b (根据) for her novel.

49.Her only son was killed in the b (战役) last year.

50.I want to have a trip to the b (沙滩) this summer.

51.Lucy can’t b (忍受) having cats in the house.

52.He has decided to grow a b (络腮胡子).

53.While walking in the forest, you should watch out for b (野兽).

54.He b (打败) me at chess.

55.She had been a b (美人) in her day.

56.It was b (开始变得) more and more difficult to live on his salary.

57.She b (祈求) permission to leave.

58.Every citizen should have good b (行为,举止) in public.

59.There is a general b (看法,信念) that things will soon get better.

60.I don’t b (相信) you!

61.Who does this watch b (属于) to?

62.She wears a very nice b (腰带) around her waist.

63.She b (弯腰) forward to pick up the newspaper.

64.He couldn’t see the b (好处) of arguing any longer.

65.We have lots of things in common b (除…之外还) music.

66.The paper had fallen down b (在…中间) the desk and the wall.

67.His passing the exam was really b (超出) our expectation.


1.He paid his b_____ (账单) for the newspapers immediately.

2.B_________ (生物学) is about nurturing and growth.

3.Your b__________ is the place where you were born.(出生地)

4.Both sisters b____ their nails as children.(咬)

5.Our teacher lists of these words on the b________.(空格)

6.I do not b_______ them for trying to make some money.(责备)

7.She was wrapped in a white b______ with blue stripes.(靴子)

8.Some students today b________ (堵塞) a highway that cuts through the center of the city.

9.There was Greek b_______ (血统) in his veins.

10.S trong winds b_____ away most of the dust.(吹)

11.T here's no earthly reason for me to feel so b______ (沮丧的).

12.M s meng, 40, is a member of huawei's 13-member b_______ of directors (董事会).

13.I stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water to b______.(沸腾)

14.B_______ went off at two London train stations and caused many deaths. (商人)

15.B ritish officials have b_______ hotel rooms for the women and children.(预定)

16.H e was wearing riding pants, high b_______(长筒靴), and spurs.

17.N ot only are mothers not paid but also most of their b________ (乏味的) or difficult work is


18.A nswers can be found at the b_______ (末尾) of page 8.

19.Y our dog should have his own b_________ for food and water.(碗)

20.I even wondered if taking a b_________ class would help to build up my body.(基础的)

21.T hey were not the only ones to have b_________ (智慧) and ambition.

22.T he local b_______ (分行) of Bank of America is handling the accounts.

23.I bought one of the leading b_______, like Kappa.(品牌)

24.H e fell through the window, b_________ the glass.(打破)

25.I n china, a traditional b_______ includes congee (粥), buns (馒头), or


26.He took a deep b______, and began to climb the stairs. After one and a half hours, he

paused to b __________.(呼吸)

27.They're the b_______ and b___________ in the wedding ceremony.(新郎,新娘)

28.You'll be impressed with the b__________ (明艳)and the beauty of the colors.

29.The concert will be b_________ live on television and radio.(转播)

30.My papa's hair is like a b________ (扫帚), all up in the air.

31.Their leaves then dry up and turn b________.(回来)

32.Have you b________ your teeth before going to bed?(刷)

33.The robbers b_______(埋藏)the jewelry chest on the mountain.

34.The rabbit started from the b ________(灌木丛).

35.Many trains have been c________ (取消)and a limited service is operating on other lines.

36.America's National Cancer Institute reports that more than one million people in the United

States developed skin c_______(癌症) last year

37.Shenyang is the provincial c_______ (省会) of Liaoning.

38.They will c_________(执行) out this experimentation, regardless of what happen.

39.But do you have any c________ (现金) on you.

40.We advanced towards the c________ (城堡).

41.In this matter we must place the common c________ (事业) above all else.

42.If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped

you learn about trust and the importance of being c________ (谨慎的) when you open your heart.

43. A mouse started out as I went into the c________ (山洞), which startled me.

44.How do you c________ (庆祝) Independence Day?

45. A cup of rice which cost thirty c________ (分) a few weeks ago is now being sold for up to

one dollar.

46.The number at the bottom is the recommended water temperature in c________ (摄氏温


47.His view discords with the principles of the c________ (中央的) committee.

48.Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at the opening c________ (仪式).

49.She's absolutely c________ (确定的)she's going to make it in the world.

50.The dogs were c________ (拴住)to a fence.

51.Glyn Ford is c________ (主席) of the committee which produced the report.

52.But some critics said that it will be c________ (挑战的)to communicate these results to

people most at risk.


1. The area of sea between England and France is also known as the English C_____(海峡).

2. How many c_______(角色) are there in this play?

3. After he was ill, the company was left in the c_____ of his son.(管理)

4. My kids spend hours c______(闲聊) on the phone to their friends.

5. C______(检查) your work before handing it in.

6. He kissed her on both c______(脸颊).

7.Mary failed in the exam again. She needs c_____ up.(振作)

8.The employers all like c_______(兴高采烈的) and hard-working employees.

9.Just have a taste of the bread and c______(奶酪).

10.The government has banned the use of c_____(化学的) weapons.

11.The businessman wrote a c_______(支票) for $100,000.

12.The bullet hit him in the c______(胸膛).

13.What are the c________ (主要的) exports of your country?

14.This movie is not suitable for the young ____(孩子).

15.I have few memories of my early c_______(童年).

16.Never eat c_____(巧克力) before dinner.

17.Women are forced to make a c_______(选择) between family and career.

18.Christians go to c______ (教堂) on Sundays.

19.He sat down in the sofa and lit a c_____(香烟).

20.I used to go to the c____(电影院) to watch new movies every week.

21.She’s Italian by birth but is now an Australian c_______(公民).

22.The ancient Egyptians had advanced c______(文明).

23.After the wonderful performance, the audience cheered and c_____(鼓掌) their hands.

24.Charles Dickens wrote many c_____(经典的) novels.

25.How c________(聪明的) of you to work this problem out!

26.We have to take immediate measures to deal with the global c____(气候) change.

27.He is being treated at a private c_____(诊所).

28.Dolly, the c____(克隆的) sheep, was born on 5 July 1996.

29.The doors open and c_____ automatically.(关)

30.I need a piece of c ____(布).

31.He found it hard to afford the high cost of food and c_____(服装)

32.He is an active member of the school's stamp c_____(俱乐部).

33.The football c_______(教练) was criticized by the local paper.

34.The country is rich in oil and c _____(煤).

35.Every c____ has two sides.(硬币)

36.Put on your coat, or you may catch a c______.(感冒)

37.He used to c_____(收集) cards, but now he prefers stamps.

38.He passed the entrance examination of the c__________(大学).

39.Their wish has c______ true at last.(实现)

40.The hotel offers a high standard of c_____(舒适) and service.

41.Were it not for science, we could not live a c_____ (舒适的) live.

42.He made no c______(评论) on our proposal.

答案:Channel chapter(s) characters charge chatting cheaper cheating Check cheeks cheering cheerful cheese chemical chemist Chemistry cheque/check

chess chest chew chief children childhood chocolate choice choose chopsticks Christmas church cigar cigarette cinema circled circus citizen

cities civilization clapped classes classic claws clerk clever climate climbed

clinic cloned close cloth clothes clothing club coach coal coast

coat coffee coin cold collar collect college colours/colors comb

come comfort comfortable comments


1.She lost her son in the c__________. (人群)

2.It wasn't a real friendship, but a c__________ competition. ( 残酷的)

3.To begin with, moral values in America are like those in any c_______. (文化)

4.The poor people live at the e _______ of the city. (边缘)

5.The nurse attended the patient d_______. (每天)

6.We will pay for any d _______ which results within a year. ( 损伤)

7.I want to upload d_______ to the computer network storage from my office computer. (资料)

8.If want to be out of d_____ and you believe that you can do it, you will. (债务)

9.It's not right to make a d_______ without investigation and study. (决定 )

10.There has been a d_______ in traffic accidents. (减少)

11.To those who would tear this world down – we will d_______ you. (击败)

12.Our duty is to d_______ the country against its enemies. (保卫)

13.He managed his d_______ well.( 部门)

14.We can d_______ on the accuracy of the test. (依靠)

15.I like his d_______ for the new houses. (设计)

16.D_______ the old world and build a new one. (破坏)

17.The bridge broke down in last e _______. (地震)

18.Did you d_______ your life to serving others? (贡献)

19.She bought an English d_______ for me. ( 词典)

20.He had and unhealthy d _______ and he did no exercise. (饮食)

21.We d _______ from them on this point. (不同)

22.We can overcome any d_______, however great. (困难)

23.D_______ your tired feet into the water. (浸)

24.The plane is flying a contrary d_______. ( 方向)

25.The crowds gathered about the scene of the d_______. (灾)

The d _______ is quickly spreading in the world. (疾病 )

26.In spite of the fog the crew can d_______ the coastline fairly well. (识别出 )

27.Please do not d_______ us when we are working. (打扰)

28.If you d_______ 9 by 4, you have 1 left over. (划分)

29.There is no d_______ that the moon goes around the earth. (怀疑)

30.Can you direct me to the d_______? (闹市区 )

31.They had tried, but in vain, to d_______ him out. (拖 )

32.We heard the beat of the d_______. (鼓)

33.Rain turns d_______ into mud. (灰尘)

34.C_______ and religion limit the use of cremation in many places. (习俗)

35.The girl in the shop is always eager to please every c ______. (顾客)

36.You should give us d_______ for such large quantity.( 折扣 )

37.One day she made an important d _______. (发现)

答案:1.crowd 2.cruel 3. culture 4. Custom 5.customer 6.edge 7. daily 8. damage

9. data 10. debt 11. decision 12. decrease 13. defeat 14. defend 15. department

16. depend 17. design 18. Destroy 19. earthquake 20. devote 21. dictionary

22. diet 23. differ 24. difficulty 25. Dip 26. direction 27. disaster 28. discount

29. discovery 30. disease 31. distinguish 32. disturb33. divide 35. doubt 36. downtown

38. drag 39. drum 40. dust


1.The e name appears on the copyright page of the book. (编辑)

2.It is not easy to e teenagers. (教育)

3.That is the coming e revolution. (教育)

4.She studied history and philosophy, but she had little interest in e subject.(任何一个)

5.E vehicles inch closer to mainstream. (带电的)

6. E shortages promoted a profitable trade in power generators.(电)

7.Don 't post photographs that could e someone or yourself. (使尴尬)

8.The uk e made no comment. (大使)

9.This was not an e round. (紧急情况)

10.It also may e people to construct or distribute advertising. (雇佣)

11.E your team to speak freely. (鼓励)

12.Japanese wives treat their husbands with e and concern. (鼓励)

13.The e and wily Mr Rubalcaba is the more obvious choice. (精力充沛的)

14.She said that she was an e a year ago. (工程师)

15.Apple’s stores and personnel are still the model of e competence and professionalism. (热情的)

16.We see large corporations switching e IT systems to tablets. (整个的)

17.Unlike the general e exam in Japan , Tokyo exam includes written essays. (进入)

18.Inside the empty e is nothing. (信封)

19.How is today 's e changing your customers? (环境)

20.All people are created e . (平等的)

21.Cisco 's core products are routers and networking e . (设备)

22.The first to e have the best chance. (逃跑)

23.His company isn 't e well known. (特别地)

24.I wrote down this e and put it in my mind. (散文,随笔)

25.Africa is exporting beef to E . (欧洲)

26.Ganley said he'd seen no e (证据)of widespread fraud.

27.I don't remember the e (确切的)words.

28.He e (检查)her passport and stamped it.

29.The doctors gave numerous e (实例) of patients being expelled from the hospital.

30.She has become an e (优秀)student.

31.I wouldn't have accepted anything e (除…以外)a job in New York.

32.The two men e (交换)glances.

33.It is easy to find e (借口) for his indecisiveness.

34.All visitors to the e (展览会)must report to the main service desk.

35.However when mutual trust doesn't e (存在) between us. That means I can't give my heart to him anymore. I won't love him anymore.

36.He has also had managerial e (经验)on every level.

37.The astronauts are conducting a series of e (实验)to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.

38.They were clearing up when the second bomb e (爆炸).

39.She told the court she would give a full e (解释) of the prosecution's decision on Monday.

40.They expect the antibiotic products to be e (出口)to Southeast Asia and Africa.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1510518673.html,ughter is one of the most infectious e (表达) of emotion.

42.The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with e (极其)caution.

43.He talked of other cultures as if they were more f (熟悉) to him than his own.

44.It's not Zuckerberg's f . (错误)

45.So, in a sense, we want her to break the date because it gives us a f . (奇妙的) reality check.

46.The general opinion is in f of him. (支持)

47.A f floated down on the wind. (羽毛)

48.How much will your lawyer's f be? (费用)

49.A mother who just do not know how much milk to f your baby. (喂养)

50.We all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of f . (家伙)

51.A f polar bear waits for the sea ice to return to be able to hunt. (雌性的)

52.The wind carried the ball over the f . (篱笆)

53.How much do you think the painting will be expected to f at auction. (售的)

54.After a few days of f , he began to recover. (发烧)

55.The enemy at last began to throw down their arms and flee the f . (场地)

56.When he said that, he was as f as a tiger. (凶狠的)

57.People began to f bravely against the enemy. (斗争)

58.The small children did not know who f their stocking.(装满)

59.Sorry, I was just a bit absent-minded. Anyway, do I have to pay a f . (罚款)

60.A man has to be f and resolute no matter how much he loves a woman. (坚定不移的)

61.He stared at me with his f clenched. (拳头)

62.Without you by my life, I'm just a f without the heat. (火焰)

63.During wartime, the peaceful moments like this are nothing but a f in the pan. (闪光)

64.You know it is just a joke because our heart are part of our f . (肉)



2. educate



5. electric



8.embassy 9.emergency 10.employ 11.encourage 12.encouragement 13.energetic

14.engineer 15.enthusiastic 16.entire 17.entrance 18.envelope 19.environment

20.equal 21equipment 22.escape 23.especially 24.essay 25.Europe 26.evidence

27.exact 28.examined 29.examples 30.excellent 31.except 32.exchanged 33.excuse

34.exhibition 35.exist 36.expensive 37.experiments 38.exploded 39.Explanation

40.export 41.expressions 42.extra 43.familiar 44. fault 45. fantastic 46.favor

47.feather 48.fee 49.feed 50.fellow 51.female 52.fence 53.fetch 54.fever 55.field

56.fierce 57.fight 58.filled 59.Fine 60.firm 61.fist 62.flame 63.flash 64.flesh


考纲P44 页jaw---- lend 1. He is a j___________(新闻记者)。

2. It was a long j__________(旅程), but we eventually arrived.

3. He's too young to j___________(判断)which is better。

4 He only wants freedom, j _________(公平)and equality

5A baby k___________(袋鼠)is very

6 I've turned the k____________ (水壶) on for coffee

7 What I did was perfectly l______________(合法的)

8The class are interested in his l_____________(演讲)

9He wore a l____________(皮革的)jacket and dark trouser

10We don't know how the news l______________(泄露)

11Latin America lacked skilled l ____________(劳工)

12 Students are expected to master a second l___________(语言)

13 He k __________(敲门) before going in

14 k____________ (知识)is power

15 She always shows k__________(温柔)to children and animals.

16 The animal k______________(王国) has a new long distance race.


1.Mary finally passed the driving test to get a driving l_____________(执照).

2.I can't get the l______________(盖子) off this jar.

3.He couldn't l____________(抬起) the table and nor could I.

4.A smile l___________ up(使容光焕发) her face.

5.We l___________(限制) the expense to $20.

6.We l__________ up(排队) at the entrance to buy tickets.

7.The two accidents are closely l___________(联系) together.

8.Please l___________(列出) all the names of the students.

9.Of all the subjects I finally chose English L____________(文学) as my major.

10.The room was l____________(乱放,乱扔) with old newspapers.

11.A tank carries a l___________(负载,担子) of oil.

12.The l___________(当地的) government has devoted their efforts to rescuing the people in the flood-stricken areas.

13.He stayed alone on the l_____________(孤独的;荒凉的) island.

14.She is wearing a l____________(宽大的,宽松的) dress.

15.You can send the parcel by m______________(邮递,邮政).

16.There is a m______________(邮箱) in front of every house in this area.

17.The scientist made a m______________(重大的) discovery in Physics.

18.The m______________(大多数) is against the plan.

19.You will have to m______________(成功设法做..) without help.

20.Everyone should preserve the the civilization of m_____________(人类).

21.The troops m_______________(行进,进军) into the town.

22.He proposed m______________(婚姻) to her after many years of go-after.

23.She m________________(结婚) a rich man.

24.We are so surprised to learn that such a little boy m_ _____(精通) four foreign languages.

答案考纲P44 页jaw---- lend







7.legal 8.lecture 9 leather 10 leaked. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1510518673.html,bour 12language

13knocked 14Knowledge 15 kindness 16.kingdom









7.linked 8 List

9.literature 10.Littered 11.load 12.local 13.lonely 14.Loose 15.Mail 16.mailbox 17.Major 18.Majority 19.manage 20.Mankind 21. march 22.Marriage 23.Married 24. masters


P45 第一竖行

1. A warm house and good food are m___________ comforts. 物质的

2.M__________ you'll have better luck next time. 大概,也许

3.Please don't eat between m_______. 进餐

4.I don't understand the m_______ of that paragraph. 意思

It is all a m_______ to an end. 手段

5.We m_______ the distance. 测量

6.Why did the patient refuse to take the m________? 药

7.Mr. White isn't here; he's at a m_______. 会议

8.Several m__________ of the family got involved in the crime. 成员

9.She has a good m___________ for names. 记忆力

10.Let us see what is on the m__________ today. 菜单

11.Would you like to leave a m_________ for her? 口信,消息

12.Heat expands m________ . 金属

13.The gas m_______ reads 50. 计量

14.His book is totally without m_________ . 方法

15.He has won lots of m_________ in swimming. 奖牌

16.His m___________ papers were famous in the world. 医学的

17.Nobody can m_______ his car because it breaks down and is too old. 修理

18.Why do you m________ that? It’s too stupid. 提到,说起

19.. He showed m________ to the defeated enemy. 宽容,怜悯

20.In Kunming, you will meet the m________ climate .温和

21.He became a m when he was still young. 百万富翁

22..Do you m my smoking here? 介意

考纲P 45 页minibus--- nowadays

1.Only a m (少数的) of British households do not have a car.

2.She does a 20-m (分钟,片刻)workout every morning.

3.She m (误解,误会)what I said.

4.This is the most popular m (模型)in our whole range.

5.M (现代的)technology has opened our eyes to many things。

6.He made a name for himself in science, but he remained m .(谦虚的,谦逊的)

7.I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a m (片刻,时刻) ?

8.The teacher appointed a careful student as m of our class (班长)

9.M (道德上的)beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty.

10.t's just a m (蚊子)bite. There's nothing to worry about.

11.Henry was forced to leave his m (祖国) for political reasons

12.He fell behind when we were climbing the m . (山)

13.Walt Disney, the creator of Mickey M .

14.What do you get if you m (乘以)six by nine?

15. A local man was accused of the m .(谋杀)

16.Photography is strictly forbidden in the m .(博物馆)

17.There are many types of wild m .(蘑菇)

18.The heavy traffic crawled through the n (狭窄的) tunnel.

19.The President gave an address to the n (国家,民族)over the radio。

20.His n (国籍) isn't relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.

21.The giant panda is n (本土的)to China.

22.The panda's n (自然的,天然的) habitat is the bamboo forest

23.He plays golf n (几乎,差不多)every weekend.

24.He has made n (整洁的,干净的) paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool.

25.She found it n (必要的) to learn a foreign language .

26.She do not miss her n (项链)until she arrive home.

27.I am planning a 25th birthday party for my n .(侄子,外甥)

28.Consumers are very n (紧张的) about the future

29.The blackbird's n (鸟巢)contained four eggs (nest)

30.One radio n (网络) serves three states. (network)

答案P45 第一竖行 1. material 2.Mathematics 3.meals 4.meaning ; means 5..measured 6.medicine 7.meeting 8.members 9. memory 10menu 11.message 12. metal 13. meter 14.method 15.medals 16.medical 17. mend 18. mention 19. mercy 20mildest https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1510518673.html,lionaire 22. mind

考纲P 45 页minibus--- nowadays

1. minority






7.moment 8.monitor 9.moral 10.mosquito

11 motherland 12mountain1 13mouse

14multiply 15murder 16museum

17mushroom 18narrow 19nation 20nationality

21.native 22natural 23nearly 24neat 25necessary 26necklace

27nephew 28nervous 29nest 30network


The thief got away. He was n (无处)to be found.

The USA launched two n (原子核的)atom bombs in Japan in 1945.

In China, kids can be sent to n (幼儿园)by their parents at the age of 3.

Squirrels like eating n (坚果).

As a soldier, he must o (服从)the order of his office.

The o (目标)of this lesson is to teach students how to survive in diasters.

Students are o (观察)the experiment being conducted by the teacher carefully.

The toilet is o ,(占用)so you must wait for a moment.

There are seven o (海洋)in the word,including the Pacific.

Australia is part of O .(大洋洲)

The big company held out a job o (提供)to him after he graduated from Perking University. The teachers’ o (办公室)is on the third floor.

Steve Jobs is the former Chief Executive O (长官)(CEO) of Apple Inc.

The news is trustworthy,because it comes from an o (官方地)source.

The o (石油)of the car is running out,please o (加油)it in time.

The 2008 O (奥运匹克的)Games was held in Beijing.

O (洋葱)is a common vegetable,whose smell can make people weep.

The o (开始)ceremony of the 2008 Olympics was splendid.

The doctors o (动手术)on her the moment she was rushed to the hospital.

The specialist suggested that he should have an o (手术)right now.

The o (接线员)told the caller that the line was busy.

In my o (观点), what he has done is correct.

During adolescence,we often do something o (相反的)to our parents.

San Lan is o (乐观的)about her future,so she can live a happy life.

We should practise speaking everyday to improve our o (口语的)English.

He got up early in o (为了做某事)to catch the early bus.

O (平凡的)man can do extraordinary things.

The UN has many world o (组织)which can o (组织)different programs all over the world.

He says it is true, but we think o (否则,不同地).

We o (应该)to work hard to realize our dreams.

Though it is cold, the children are playing o .(户外)

She is an o (外向的)girl and likes to make friends with others.

We will have a spring o (郊游)next week.

Do not leave off your o (外套); it is cold.

He succeeded in o (克服)all the difficulties he faced.

He likes doing all of things on his o (自己). He is an independent person.

He set up this company,so he was the o (拥有者)of it.

Without o (氧气)in the air, all humans will die.

He p (踱步)up and down in the room as if thinking something serious.

The P (太平洋)Ocean is the biggest of all the oceans in the world.

I want to go to Shanghai, so I p (打包)my luggage.

The postman brought me a large p .(包裹)

Turn your books to p (页面)24.Today we are going to learn Unit 2.

No p (痛苦),no gains.

He passed away after a long and p (痛苦的)illness.

Xu Beihong is a famous p .(画家)He is good at (绘画)horses and almost all of his p (画作)are priceless.

His p___(苍白的)face suggested that he was ill.

The article is made up of seven p____(段落).

He asked her p___(原谅) for having cheated her.

P____(鹦鹉)are birds, of which some are kept as p___(宠物).

Bring your c___(同伴) and come to the p___(晚会).

She is looking for a p____(兼职的) job.

Doctors should be p____(有耐心的) with p____(病人).

A p_____(人行道)is a flat part at the side of a road for people to walk on.

Have you p____(付费) him the rent yet?

There are so many p____(桃子) and p ____ (梨子) trees in the yard.

Poor families spend about 80 to 90 p____(百分之…) of their income on food .

She is in p_____(完美的) condition.

This offer is available for a limited p____(时期).

The novel is written from p____(个人的) experience.

Please fill a car up with p_____(汽油).

This is the p_______(摄影师) who photographed my p______(照片).

Please write down these words and p_____(短语).

This experience has affected both her mental and p_____(身体的) health.

He is a p_____(医师) in the hospital.

She is a famous nuclear p_____(物理学家).

P_____(物理学) is her major subject in the college.

Help yourself to some apple p___(馅饼).

She lay against the p_____(枕头) and felt comfortable.

The accident was caused by p_____(飞行员) error.

There are lots of p_____(松树) needles on the ground.

We all like drinking p______(菠萝) juice after meals.

She is a computer p______(先驱) in this field.

There are hot and cold water p_____(管道) under the ground.










9.oceans 10.Oceania 11.offer 12.office 13.officer 14.official 15.oil;oil 16Olympic 17.onion 18.opening 19.operated 20.operation 21operator 22.opinion 23.opposite 24.optimistic 25.oral 26order 27.ordinary https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1510518673.html,anizations;organize 29.otherwise

30ought 31.outdoors 32.outgoing 33.outing 34.overcoat 35overcoming 36.own 37.owner 38.oxygen 39.paced 40Pacific 41.pack 42.package 43.page 44.pains

45.painful 46.painter ; painting ; paintings 47.pale 48. paragraph 49.forgive 50. Parrots, pets https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1510518673.html,panion , party 6.part-time 7.patient patience 8.pavement 9.paid 10peach pear 11.percent 12 perfect 13.period 14.personal 15.petrol 16. photographer photos 17. phrase 18. physical 19. physician 20. physicist 21. physics 22. pie 23. pillow 24. pilot 25. pine 26. pineapple 27. pioneer 74. pipeline


1.The old man was living a simple life and p (朴素地)dressed.

2.Importing companies were required by law to crush or recycle p (塑料的)bottles and cans.

3.Anita pushed her p (盘子)away; She had eaten virtually nothing.

4.The train was about to leave and I was not even on the p . (站台)

5.The volunteers p (扮演)an active part in the life of the community.

6.I’v got a p (愉悦的)little apartment.

7.I think he’s going to be p (快乐的)that we identified the real problems.

8.He mixed business and p (乐趣)in a perfect and dynamic way.

9.I don’t believe in long interview. Fifteen minutes is p . (足够的)

10.There's easily enough room for two adults and three children, p (加上)a dog in the boot.

11.He took his flashlight from his jacket p (口袋)and switched it on.

12.The following account will clearly illustrate this p (要点).

13.The p (政策)guarantees us against all loss.

14.Everyone around him was trying to be p (礼貌的), but you could tell they were all bored.

15.The government is facing another p (政治的)crisis.

16.Heavy industry p (污染)our rivers with noxious chemicals.

17.The fine was for the company's p (污染)of the air near its plants.

18.The reason our schools cannot afford better teachers is because people here are p . (贫穷的)

19.Chocolate sauce is always p (受欢迎的)with youngsters.

20.I bought a cup of coke and some p .(爆米花)

21.The p (人口)density of that country is 685 per square mile.

22.Our ship watered at the p____________. (港口)

23.She was a woman of high p (位置、地位)in the government.

24.We had to explore this p (可能性)very cautiously.

25.It is p (可能的)that there's an explanation for all this.

26.Soon they assigned him to a new p (岗位、职位).

27.How much is the p (邮资)of the package by air.

28.Type your street address and p . (邮政编码)

29.He brewed a p (壶)of tea for us.

30.I hope you live a life you're p (骄傲的)of.

31.P (倾倒)milk out of the bottle into the glass.

32.Put a small amount of the p (粉末)into a container and mix with water.

33.Fathers have the p (权力)to dominate children and young people.

34.Jack quickly established himself as a p (强有力的)member of the new company.

35.The booklet is very p (实用的)and handy of reference.

36.P (实践)is the sole criterion of truth.

37.Everybody spoke in p (称赞)of her devotion to the cause of education.

38.We'll go to the Great Wall, if you p (愿意).

39.We must p (预备)a room for our guest.

40.She bought a birthday p (礼物)for her mother.

41.The president was not p (出席的)at the meeting.

42.They divested the p (总统)of all his power.

43.She kicked at the door with her foot, and the p (压力)was enough to open it.

44.If you p (假装) to know what you don't know, you'll only make a fool of yourself.

45.These rules are intended to p (防止)accidents.

46.As you p (预览)the material, you get some idea of the content and how it is organized.

47.The content of p (初级的)education should be the same for everyone.

48.They bought a new machine to p (打印) the posters.

49.The officials set him free from p (监狱).

50.The committee is concerned about the large number of p (犯人)sharing cells.

51.hey sent their children to p (私立的)schools.

52.They coped with each other for the p (奖品).

53.That photograph p (可能地) won't enlarge well.

54. You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the p .过程





















99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119.








2、plastic 3 plate 4 platform 5play 6、pleasant7、pleased 8、pleasure9I plenty 10plus 11、pocket12point 1

3、policy 1

4、polite 1

5、political 1

6、pollutes 1

7、pollution 1

8、poor 19popular 20、popcorn21 population 22port23position 24possibility 25possible 26post 27postage 28postcode 2

9、pot 30、proud 31Pour 32powder 33、power 34、powerful 35、practical 36、Practice 37、praise 38、prefer 39、prepare 40、present 41 present 42、president 43、pressure44、pretend 45、prevent 46、preview 47、primary 48、print 49、prison 50、prisoners 51、private 52、prize 53、probably


1. process

2. produce

3. product

4. production

5. professor

6. profit

7. programme

8. progress

9. project 10.promise 11. pronounce 12. Pronunciation

13.proper 14.protect 15.protection 16.proud

17.prove 18.provide 19.province 20.pub

21.public 22.publish 23.push;pull 24.pump

25.punish 26.pupil 27.purple 28.purpose

29.purse 30.put 31.puzzle 32.quality

33.quantity 34.quarrel 35.quarter 36.queen

37.question 38.quick 39.quiet 40.quite

41.quiz 42.rabbit 43.race 44.radio

45.railway 46.rain 47.raincoat 48.rainy

49.raise 50.rapid 51.rat 52.rather

53.reached 54.reacted 55.read 56.ready

57.real 58.realize 59.reality 60.really

61.reason 62.reasonable 63.receipt 64.receive

65.receiver 66.recent 67.recite 68.recognize

69.records 70.recorder 71.recovering


We take all our bottles and newspaper to be r______(回收利用).

Has the situation changed after 3 years of r_____(改革).

You can store food and drink in the r_____(冰箱).

Sue r_____(认为,看作)the others with fear and jealousy.

Her breathing was slow and r______(有规律的).

We have a good working r______(关系)with the managers.

She may forget--she’s not very r______(可靠的).

To our great r______(安慰)the children all arrived home safely.

You can’t just r_____(依赖)on your parents lending you the money.

Would the audience please r_____(依然)seated.

Mr Wilson has lived on our street for as long as I can r______(记得).

R______(提醒)me what to do,and I haven’t used this machine for a ges.

Reference books may not be r______(移动,拿开)from the library.

Steven r______(重复)patiently that he was busy.

I’m r_____(接替)Sue on the team..

We aim to r______(报道)the news as fairly as possible.

I’m doing some r______(研究)for an article about student life.

No one has yet r______(回复)to our complaints.

It is your r______(责任,义务)to check that all doors and windows are locked. Could you r______(复述)what you said just now?

After r______(退休)from the army it took him a long time to adjust to the present life. We got lost, r_______(返回)home after midnight.

I’ll have to do some r_______(复习)before my exam.

A r______(奖赏)was offered for the return of the jewels.

New research has proved their theories r_______(正确的).

At that moment, the bell r_____(鸣响)for lunch.

House prices are likely to r_____(增长)towards the end of year.

We swam to a large rock in the middle of the r_______(河流).

Mandela played a leading r______(作用)in ending apartheid in South Africa.

Our r______(屋顶)used to leak whenever it rained.

They tied up the prisoner with r_______(绳子).

The children were asked to stand in a r_____(一行,一排).

You can’t come in if you’re not a member——it’s against the r_______(规则).

We r______(猛冲)home to find out what had happened to Julie.

Parents want play-areas that are s_____(安全的)for their children.

The captain s______(航行)his ship safely through the narrow passage.

Would you like some s______(沙拉)with your pasta?

He would not accept this office for such a small .(薪水)

The store discounted all computers for s (销售)

The dish is too (咸的).

Some people are very hard to s (满意).

He will of course yes to my proposal.

As the (谚语)goes the early bird catches the worm.

The price of this (围巾)is below ten dollars.

A new chapter in a novel is something like a new s (场)in a play.

Owing to various delays en route, we arrived two days behind (日程表).

She studies in a high s (情绪).

He is not so much a writer as a (学者).

He took a very (科学的)approach to management.

We bought some new (剪刀)yesterday.

The s covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.

The insurance company went to the hospital in s of the reason for his death. He is walking down the (海边).

Winter is the coldest s in a year.

Our goods are s to none in the world market.

The congressman denied that the report was being kept s .

If you shut your eyes you can't s .

Part of every crop is saved for (种子).

She lets her son s his own Christmas present.

I call his behaviour mean and s .

I'd like to buy your house if you are willing to s it.

I'm afraid I haven't got a very good s of directions, so I easily get lost.

Don't be so (敏感的)and I was not criticizing you.

We don't have a (单独的)dining room—the living area is all one.

Do not treat this (严肃的)matter as a joke.

We must s the people heart and soul.

We all complain about the poor s in the hotel coffee lounge.

I saw the sun (日落)down inch by inch in the courtyard.

They moved the local people and s (使......定居,)them in another place. The skirt is finished I'm now going to (缝纫)a pocket on.

Everybody can come to this school,without respect to class, race, or (性别). There are no trees or bushes to give (树荫).

The tree cast its (影子,阴影)on the wall.

When people meet,they s hands as a token of friendship.

That dish is too (浅)to serve soup in.

He had no sense of (羞耻)and never felt guilty. .

I s (分享)a bedroom with my sister.

The barber gave him a (刮,剃,修剪)and a haircut.


1.We change the s (床单)every week.

2.The soldier was s (枪击) to death.

3.Mr Smith is a s (店老板)who owns a bookshop.

4.I don't like to go s (购物) with others.

5.The ship stopped a little way off the s . (海岸)

6.The hospital here is s (缺少) of medicine.

7.In summer some people prefer to wear s (短裤)instead of trousers.

8.The teacher suggested that I s have my hair cut.

9.We walked in the street s to s . (肩并肩)


重庆市普通高中2017年12月学生学业水平考试 化 学 试 卷 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共100分。考试时间为90分钟。 2.答题前,考生务必将毕业学校、姓名、准考证号、考试科目等填写在答题卡及答题卷规定的位置上。 3.第Ⅰ卷(选择题)答在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)答在答题卷上,考试结束将答题卡和答题卷一并交回。 4.可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 O 16 Na 23 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共60分) 注意:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 一、选择题 (本题包括30个小题,共60分)每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 1.一定有化学变化发生的过程是 A .海水蒸馏 B .碘升华 C .电解水 D .水结冰 2.用NaCl 固体配制 mol/L NaCl 溶液时,不会用到的仪器是 A .圆底烧瓶 B .托盘天平 C .500mL 容量瓶 D .胶头滴管 3.在危险化学品的包装上印有警示性标志,浓硫酸应选用的标志是 A . B . C . D . 4.下列各组物质中,互为同素异形体的是 A .O 2和O 3 B .CO 和CO 2 C .正戍烷与异戍烷 D .Mg 24 12和Mg 26 12 5.当光束通过下列分散系时,能观察到丁达尔效应的是 A .蒸馏水 B .稀H 2SO 4 C .CusO 4溶液 D .Fe(OH)3胶体 6.下列物质,属于电解质的是 [机密]2017年 12月22日前

A.蔗糖 B.氯化钠 C.石墨 D.铜 7.与NaC1化学键类型相同的物质是 A.H2 B. HCI C. KCI D. CO2 8.下列过程吸收热量的是 A.汽油燃烧 B.氨液化 C.碳酸钙分解 D.浓硫酸稀释9.在空气中分别加热下列金属,有燃烧现象的是 A.黄金 B.铝箔 C.银 D.钠 10.下列物质属于碱性氧化物的是 A. Al2O3 B.CaO C. CO D. SO2 11.下列关于硫酸的叙述正确的是 A.浓硫酸具有吸水性 B.稀硫酸可用铁罐贮存 C.稀硫酸能使蔗糖脱水 D.SO2溶于水,可得到稀硫酸 12 选项仪器实验目的 A分液漏斗分离互不混溶的液体 B漏斗分离固体与液体 C天平称量一定质量的固体 D烧杯精确量取一定体积的液体 13.反应2SO2+O2?2SO3在密闭容器中进行。下列关于该反应的说法错误的是A.升高温度能加快反应速率 B.使用恰当的催化剂能加快反应速率C.增大O2的浓度能加快反应速率 D.SO2与O2能100%转化为SO3 14.可溶于浓硝酸的红色固体是 A.Cu B.Al C.Si D.S 15.N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的数值,下列对1mol O2的说法,不正确的是A.质量为32 g B.含氧原子数为N A C.分子数为N A D.在标准状况下,体积约为 16.右图是铜锌原电池示意图。当该原电池工作时,下列描述不正确的是A.锌片逐渐溶解 B.溶液逐渐变蓝 C.铜片上有气泡产生 D.电流计指针发生偏转 17.下列物质放在潮湿的空气中,因发生氧化还原反应而变质的是A. Na2O B. NaOH C. Na2O2 D. Na2CO3 18.下列变化属于取代反应的是

北京市通州区2014-2015学年高二春季会考考前练习化学试题 Word版含答案

2015年通州区春季普通高中会考模拟 化 学 试 卷 可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 N-14 O-16 Na-23 S-32 C1-35.5 Ba-137 第一部分 选择题(共50分) 在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一个.. 选项符合题意。(每小题2分,共50分) 1.下列选用的相关仪器符合实验要求的是 A B C D 2.下列物质中不属于... 合金的是 A .硬铝 B .黄铜 C .钢铁 D .水银 3.下列化学用语表示正确的是 A .氯化钠的电子式为:Na B .甲烷的比例模型为: C .乙烷的结构式为:CH 3-CH 3 D .水的电子式为:H +[ ]H + 4.下列物质中,只含有离子键的是 A .Cl 2 B .H 2O C .NaOH D .KCl 5.下列物质中,不.属于..电解质的是 A .蔗糖 B .NaCl C .NaOH D .H 2SO 4 6.对下列物质进行的分类正确的是 A .纯碱、烧碱均属于碱 B .CuSO 4?5H 2O 属于纯净物 C .凡能电离出H +的化合物均属于酸 D .盐类物质一定含有金属阳离子 7的是 A B C D 分离水和乙酸乙酯 存放浓硝酸 准确量取9.52 mL 水 配250mL 1mol/L NaCl 溶液

8.下列说法中不正确 ...的是 A.水在人体中作为反应的介质B.水能调节人体的温度 C.水在人体内是一种很好的溶剂D.水不能经过食物代谢产生 9.下列说法中不正确 ...的是 A.CO燃烧是放热反应B.H2SO4与NaOH反应是放热反应C.CaO与H2O反应是吸热反应D.CaCO3受热分解是吸热反应10.下列实验操作中,正确的是 A.在容量瓶中直接溶解氢氧化钠固体 B.向试管中滴加试剂时,将滴管下端紧靠试管内壁 C.用托盘天平称量药品时,左盘放药品,右盘放砝码 D.使用试纸检验溶液的性质时,将试纸浸入溶液中 11.下列有关FeCl3溶液和Fe(OH) 3胶体说法正确的是 A.都能透过滤纸B.都呈红褐色 C.分散质粒子直径相同D.都具有丁达尔效应 12.下列气体中不.能.用.浓硫酸干燥的是 A.H2B.CO2C.NH3D.SO2 13.萃取碘水中的碘,可用的萃取剂是(①四氯化碳②汽油③酒精)A.只有①B.①和②C.①和③D.①②③ 14.下列有关物质用途的叙述不正确 ...的是 A.二氧化硫可用于食品增白 B.氨可用作制冷剂 C.铁红(Fe2O3)常用作红色油漆和涂料 D.硅是太阳能电池的常用材料 15.下列叙述中正确的是 A.O、Na、S元素的原子半径依次增大 B.KOH、Mg(OH) 2、Ca(OH) 2的碱性依次增强 C.H3PO4、H 2SO4、HClO4的酸性依次增强 D.F2、Cl2、Br2、I2的氧化性依次增强 16.阿伏加德罗常数用N A表示,下列说法正确的是 A.28 g氮气含有的原子数为N A B.1 mol OH-含有的电子数为10N A C.标况下22.4 L 水中含有的水分子数为N A D.0.1 mol的NaCl中含离子数为0.1N A 17.下列关于化学反应速率的说法错误的是 A.化学反应速率是用于衡量化学反应进行快慢的物理量


高中英语会考单词拼写必背部分 一、一个星期七天 1. Monday 2. Tuesday 3. Wednesday 4. Thursday 5. Friday 6. Saturday 7. Sunday 二、一年十二个月 1. January 2. February 3. March 4. April 5. May 6. June 7. July 8. August 9. September 10. October 11. November 12. December 三、一年四季1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. Winter 四、容易拼写错的数字 1. eighth第八 2. ninth第九 3. forty四十 4. twelfth第十二 5. Twentieth第二十 五、亲属称呼 1. daughter (女儿) 六、-ed或-ing要双写最后一个字母 1. regret (regretted, regretting) 后悔 2. control (controlled, controlling) 控制 3. admit (admitted, admitting) 承认 4. occur (occurred, occurring) 出现 5. prefer (preferred, preferring) 宁愿 6. refer (referred, referring) 提到 7. forget (forgetting ) 忘记 8. permit (permitted, permitting)允许 9. equip (equipped, equipping) 装备 七、注意形容词变名词时的拼写变化 1. long—length 长度 2. wide—width 宽度 3. high—height 高度 4. strong—strength力量 八、个别名词的复数拼写 1. German (Germans) 德国人 2. gulf (gulfs) 海湾 3. handkerchief (handkerchiefs) 手帕 4. hero (英雄),potato (土豆),tomato (西红柿) 等有生命的以-o结尾的名词变复数时要加-es。 5. roof (roofs) 房顶 6. stomach 胃 (其复数是stomachs而不是加es) 九、注意动词变名词时的拼写变化 1. succeed—success成功 2. pronounce—pronunciation 发音 3. explain—explanation解释 4. decide—decision 决定 5. enter—entrance进入 6. permit—permission 允许 7. refuse—refusal 拒绝 8. consider—consideration 考虑 9. discover—discovery 发现 10. bury—burial 埋葬 11. conclude—conclusion 得出结论 12. arrive —arrival 到达 13. weigh—weight 重量 十、注意形容词变副词时的拼写变化 1. beautiful—beautifully 美丽的 2. possible—possibly 可能的 3. practical—practically 实际的 4. particular—particularly 特别的 5. successful—successfully 成功的 高中会考英语单词表 A 1. a (an): 一(个,件----) an hour / a university 2. ability: n. 能力 have the ability to do sth. 3. able: adj. 有能力的 be able to 4. about: 关于;在周围;大约 what about/ how about (用于提建议) 5. above: prep. 在---- 上面; adv. 在上面 above all尤其是; as I stated above-----(as I said earlier---) 6. abroad: adv. 到/在国外 go abroad; at home and abroad (在国内外) 7. absent: 缺席的 8. accent: 口音 9. accept: 接受 receive 收到 accept one’s plan/suggestion/advice; 10. accident: 事故,意外事故 have a car/traffic accident; by accident 11. according: 按照;根据 We are paid according to how much work we do. 12. account: 帐目;理由 on account of 因为;由于 account for 解释,因为 13. ache: n. 疼痛 vi. 疼 have a backache/ headache/ stomachache 14.achieve: v.t. achievement (C) achieve full equality 取得完全平等 15. across: prep.& adv. 横过;穿过,在对面 flying across the Atlantic; from across the river c.f through 16. act: v.行动;扮演 n. 法令,条例 17. action: n. 行动 take action to do sth 采取行动做某事 18. active: adj. 积极的;主动的 be active in (doing ) sth; active volcano 活火山 19. activity: n. 活动 out-of-class activities


2017高二化学会考复习资料整理知识点总结 篇一:高二化学会考知识点汇总2017 高二化学会考知识点汇总(必记)1. 氯气(Cl2)的性质:黄绿色有刺激性气味的有毒气体,易液化,密度比空气大。泄露时人往高处跑,吸收多余的氯气用NaOH溶液吸收。Cl2 +2OH氯气(Cl2)的用途:自来水消毒,制取漂白液[ Cl2 +2OH 分是————4.焰色反应:含有钠元素的物质火焰显黄色,含K 元素物质火焰显紫色(透过蓝色钴玻璃)颜色反应:蛋白质遇到浓硝酸显黄色显色反应:Fe3+遇到KSCN溶液显示红色5. 6.共价键、离子键:非金属元素之间形成共价键,金属和非金属之间形成离子键只要含有离子键(不管是否含共价键),该化合物就是离子化合物。只含共价键的化合物是共价化合物。7.电子式的书写原则:非金属原子(H除外)周围都有4对“:”(8个“·”);H原子周围有1对“:”(2个“·”)离子化合物:有正负号和中括号阳离子的电子式只写离子符号即可,如钠离子的电子式:Na+, 阴离子的电子式有[ ],中括号外面要标上负电荷数,且非金属周围还要有4对“:”(即8个“·”)如氯离子的电子式:8.钝化现象:常温下,铝或者铁遇到浓硫酸或者浓硝酸会发生钝化现象(即不再发生反应)9.达到化学平衡状态的标志:①正反应速率=逆反应速率≠0 ②各组分物质的量浓度都不变10.依

据金属活动性顺序表记忆金属冶炼方法:K、Ca、Na、Mg、Al—电解法Zn、Fe、Sn、Pb、Cu—热还原法Hg、Ag—热分解法Pt、Au—自然界以单质形式存在11.原电池:两个电极中较活泼的金属做负极,负氧正还,失电子(负、氧、失),电子从负极(锌)流向正极(铜),负极是锌发生反应,正极是氢离子发生反应。12.非污染气体:干燥清洁空气中的原有成分(氮气N2、氧气O2、二氧化碳CO2、稀有气体)13.能水解的物质:二糖(蔗糖、麦芽糖),多糖(淀粉、纤维素),油脂,蛋白质二糖(蔗糖、麦芽糖)→水解生成单糖多糖(淀粉、纤维素)→水解生成葡萄糖油脂→水解生成高级脂肪酸和甘油(油脂碱性条件下水解可以制肥皂,有的还可以发生氢化= Cl ————+ClO ———— +H2O = Cl+ClO+H2O]有效成NaClO ],制取漂白粉[ 2Cl2 +2Ca(OH )2= CaCl2+Ca(ClO)2+2H2O,有效成分是Ca(ClO)2 ] 氨气(NH3)的性质:无色有刺激性气味的气体,密度比空气小,如果泄露人往低处跑,易液化,液氨可以做制冷剂。氨气极易溶于水可以做喷泉实验,其水溶液呈碱性。氨气(NH3)的实验室制法:Ca(OH)2+2NH4Cl CaCl2+2 NH3↑+2H2O NO: 无色气体,难溶于水,不能用排空气法收集(原因:NO极易和空气中的O2反应生成NO2。2NO+ O2=2NO2)。NO2:红棕色气体,造成光化学烟雾、酸雨。SO2:漂白性(可以使品红溶液褪色)但漂白不彻底,把褪色的品


高二会考英语重点知识点精选归纳五篇 很多考生英语总是打不了高分,做了很多题,背了很多单词还是没有提高,那英语如何快速提高呢? 高二英语会考知识点1 Worried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. Well-known for their expertise, his parents’company ….. Confused by the new surroundings, I was hit by the lack of fresh air. Exhausted, I slid into the bed and fell fast asleep. 过去分词作状语:过去分词作状语时,说明动作发生的背景或情况,其等同于一个状语从句。vt 过去分词作状语时与主句主语构成被动关系,表示被动和完成,vi 过去分词表示状态或动作的完成。 Heated , water changes into steam . The professor came in, followed by a group of young people . 1 作原因状语,等于as / since / because 引导从句 Moved by what she said ,we couldn’t help crying . = ( As we are moved by what she said … 2 作时间状语,等于when 引导时间从句,如果分词表示的动作与谓语的动作同时发生,可在分词前加when/ while / until 等使时间意义更明确。


高二英语会考词汇表 R Race 1 n. 种族,民族 Race 2 v. (速度)竞赛,比赛n. 赛跑,竞赛racial a. 种族的 radio n. 无线电,收音机 rag n. 破布,抹布 rail n. 铁路 railway n. 铁路;铁道 rain n. 雨,雨水vi. 下雨 raincoat n. 雨衣 rainfall n. 一场雨;降雨量 rainy a. 下雨的;多雨的 raise vt. 使升高;饲养 rapid a. 快的,迅速的 rare a. 罕见的,稀有的 rat n. 老鼠 rather ad. 相当,宁可 ray n. 光辉,光线 reach v. 到达,伸手(脚等)够到 read (read, read) v. 读;朗读 reading n. 阅读;朗读 ready a. 准备好的 real a. 真实的,确实的 reality n. 现实 realise (美realize) vt. 认识到,实现really ad. 真正地;到底;确实 reason vi. 评理;劝说n. 理由,原因reasonable a. 合乎情理的 receive v. 收到,得到 recent a. 近来的,最近的 recognise (美recognize) vt. 认出 record n. 记录;唱片 record holder 记录保持者 record v. 录制,记录 recorder n. 录音机 recover vi. 痊愈;恢复 recycle vt. 回收;再循环 red n. 红色a.红色的 reduce vt. 减少,缩减 refer vi. 谈到,提到,涉及,有关refusal n. 拒绝 refuse vi. 拒绝,不愿 regard v. 把……看作 regards n. 问候,致意 regret n.& vt. 可惜,遗憾;痛惜;哀悼regular a. 规则的,经常 regulation n. 规则,规章 relate vi. 有关;涉及 relation n. 关系;亲属 relationship n. 关系 relative n. 亲属,亲戚 remain vt. 余下,留下vi. 保持,仍是remember v. 记得,想起 remind vt. 提醒,使记起 remove vt. 移动,拿走,脱掉(衣服等)repair n.& vt. 修理;修补 repairs n. 修理工作 repeat vt. 重说,重做 reply n. 回答,答复 report n.& v. 报道,报告 reporter n. 记者,新闻通讯员 republic n. 共和国 request n. 请求,要求的事物 require vt. 需求;要求 requirement n. 需要;要求;必要的条件 research n. 研究,调查 respect vt.& n. 尊敬,尊重 rest n. 休息;剩余的部分,其余的人(物)vi. 休息,歇息 restaurant n. 饭馆, 饭店 result n. 结果,效果 retell vt. 重讲,重复,复述 retire v. 退休 return v. 归还兀? review vt. 重新调查;回顾;复习n. 复查;复习;评论 revision n. 复习,温习 revolution n. 革命,变革 rice n. 稻米;米饭 rich a. 富裕的,有钱的 ride (rode, ridden) v. 骑(马、自行车);乘车n. 乘车旅行 right n. 权利a. 对,正确的ad. 正确地,恰恰,完全地a.右,右边的 right handed a. 惯用右手的 right wing n. 右翼 ring 1 (rang, rung) v. (钟、铃等)响;打电话n. 电话,铃声ring 2 n. 环形物(如环、圈、戒指等) ring road n. 环形公路 ripe a. 成熟的,熟的 ripen v. 成熟 rise (rose, risen) vi. 上升,上涨 river n. 江;河;水道;巨流 road n. 路,道路 rock 1 n. 岩石,大石头rock 2 vt. 摇,摇晃 role n. 角色 roll v. 滚动, 打滚n. 面包圈,小圆面包;卷状物 roof n. 屋顶,顶部 root n. 根,根源,起源 rope n. 绳,索 rose n. 玫瑰花 rot vi. 烂;腐败 rough a. 粗糙的,粗略的 round ad. 转过来prep. 环绕一周,围着a.圆的;球形的row 1 n. (一)排,(一)行row 2 v. 划船 rubber n. 橡胶;合成橡胶 rubbish n. 垃圾;废物 rude a. 无理的, 粗鲁的 ruin vt. (使)毁坏;(使)毁灭n. (复) 废墟;遗迹rule n. 规则,规定vt. 统治;支配 ruler n. 统治者;直尺


2010年化学学业水平测试知识点总结 一:物质的分类及转化 有机化合物 混合物( 物质化合物“ 纯净物Y '无机化合物 非金属 单质 金属 四种基本反应类型:化合反应分解反应置换反应复分解反应 四种基本反应类型与氧化还原反应的关系 置换反应一定是氧化还原反应 复分解反应一定不是氧化还原反应 化合反应分解反应可能是是氧化还原反应 二:氧化还原反应 本质:电子的转移(得失或者偏移)特征:化合价的改变(判断氧化还原反应的依据)3、氧化还原反应概念 升(化合价)---失(电子)---氧(氧化反应)------还(还原剂) 降(化合价)---得(电子)---还(氧化反应)------ 氧(还原剂) 双线桥 失去2e- -1 0 0 |- -1—- 2 KBr + Cl 2====Br2+2KCI 得到2e- 三:物质的量 定义:表示一定数目微粒的集合体符号n单位摩尔 阿伏加德罗常数:0.012kgC-12中所含有的碳原子数。用NA表示。约为6.02x1023

微粒与物质的量 N n=— NA 质量与物质的量 公式:门=巴 M 物质的体积决定:①微粒的数目②微粒的大小③微粒间的距离 体积与物质的量 公式:n=、- Vm 标准状况下,1mol 任何气体的体积都约为 22.41 公式:CB=乎 四:物质的分散系 胶体 胶体的本质特征 电解质:在水溶液中或者熔化状态下能导电的化合物 大多数的盐 弱电解质:在水溶液中能部分电离的电解质 弱碱 公式: 微粒的数目一定 固体液体主要决定②微粒的大小 气体主要决定③微粒间的距离 阿伏加德罗定律:同温同压下, 相同体积的任何气体都含有相同的分子数 物质的量浓度:单位体积溶液中所含溶质 B 的物质的量。 符号 CB 单位:mol/l 物质的量浓度的配制 配制前要检查容量瓶是否漏水 步骤:1.计算m=c x v x M 2.称量3. 溶解4。转移 (洗涤 2---3洗涤液转入容量瓶) 5.定容 6。摇匀 装瓶贴签 浊液 分散质大小 <10 -9 10 -9 -7 ?10 >10 -7 丁达儿现象:光亮的通路 区分溶液与胶体 非电解质:在水溶液中和熔化状态下能导电的化合物 蔗糖 酒精SO 2 CO 2 NH 3等 强电解质:在水溶液中能全部电离的电解质 一强酸 HCl 2 SQ HNO 3 NaOH KOH Ba (OH 2


重庆市普通高中2017 年12 月学生学业水平考试 化学试卷 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共100 分。考试时间为90 分钟。 2. 答题前,考生务必将毕业学校、姓名、准考证号、考试科目等填写在答题卡及答题 卷规定的位置上。 3. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题)答在答题卡上,第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)答在答题卷上,考试结束将答题卡 和答题卷一并交回。 4. 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 O 16 Na 23 第Ⅰ卷选择题(共60 分) 注意:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。不能答在试卷上。 一、选择题(本题包括30 个小题,共60 分)每小题只有一个选项符合题意。 1. 一定有化学变化发生的过程是 A.海水蒸馏B.碘升华C.电解水D.水结冰 2.用NaCl 固体配制500mL0.50 mol/L NaCl 溶液时,不会用到的仪器是 A .圆底烧瓶 B .托盘天平C.500mL 容量瓶 D .胶头滴管 3.在危险化学品的包装上印有警示性标志,浓硫酸应选用的标志是 A. B .C.D. 4. 下列各组物质中,互为同素异形体的是 24 26 A.O2 和O3 B .CO 和CO 2C.正戍烷与异戍烷D.12Mg 5. 当光束通过下列分散系时,能观察到丁达尔效应的是 A.蒸馏水B.稀H2 SO4 C.C usO4 溶液D.Fe(OH) 3 胶体 6. 下列物质,属于电解质的是 A.蔗糖B.氯化钠C.石墨 D .铜 7.与NaC1 化学键类型相同的物质是 A.H2 B.HCI C.KCI D.CO 2和 12 Mg


东城区2018年高中春季会考考前综合练习 高二化学 考生须知1.考生要认真填写考场号和座位序号。 2.本试卷共8页,分为两个部分。第一部分为选择题,25个小题(共50分); 第二部分为非选择题,分为必答题和选答题两道大题(共50分)。 3.试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。 4.考试结束后,考生应将试卷和答题卡放在桌面上,待监考员收回。 可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 N 14 O 16 S 32 第一部分选择题(共50分) 在下列各题的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题意。(每小题2分,共50分) 1.刚刚过去的春节期间,一个名叫“福(氟)禄(氯)双全(醛)”的物质(结构简式如图)在化学人的朋友圈中“火”了起来。该物质属于 A. 单质 B. 无机物 C. 有机物 D. 氧化物 2.化学与生活密切相关,下列生活中常见物质的俗名与化学式相对应的是 A. 苏打—NaHCO3 B. 酒精—CH3OH C. 铁红—FeO D. 生石灰—CaO 3.下列物质属于非电解质的是 A.蔗糖溶液B.乙醇C.氯化钠D.铜 4.下列变化属于化学变化的是 A. 拨云见日 B. 剪纸成花 C. 酿谷成酒 D. 磨豆成浆 5.用一束光通过淀粉液时,产生丁达尔现象,说明淀粉液属于

A. 溶液 B. 胶体 C. 悬浊液 D. 乳浊液6.下列元素中,金属性最强的是 A.锂B.钠C.镁D.铝

7.在汽车尾气处理装置中发生如下反应:4CO +2NO 2=====催化剂 4CO 2+N 2。下列有关该反应的说法正确的是 A. 该反应能减少汽车尾气对环境的污染 B. CO 是氧化剂 C. NO 2发生氧化反应 D. NO 2失去电子 8.下列物质属于共价化合物的是 A. CO 2 B. NaCl C. N 2 D. NH 4Cl 9.下列有关物质性质或用途的叙述正确的是 A .常温下,运输浓硫酸、浓硝酸时可用铝制或铁制槽车 B .用氯化钡溶液可区别SO 42-和CO 32-离子 C .CO 、NO 、 NO 2都是大气污染气体,在空气中都能稳定存在 D .二氧化硅是一种酸性氧化物,它不跟任何酸发生反应 10.反应3 H 2+N 2 2 NH 3在密闭容器中进行。下列关于该反应的说法不正确... 的是 A .升高温度能加快反应速率 B. 使用恰当的催化剂能加快反应速率 C .增大N 2的浓度能加快反应速率 D .平衡时各组分含量之比一定等于3:1:2 11.某原电池结构如右图所示,下列有关该原电池的说法正确的是 A .碳棒为负极 B .锌棒发生还原反应 C .该装置实现电能转化为化学能 D .锌棒质量减轻 12.下列有关Cl 2性质的说法不正确... 的是 A. 是无色无味的气体 B. 不能使干燥的有色布条褪色 C. 与石灰乳反应可制得漂白粉 D. 每个分子中有1个共用电子对 13.2016年朝鲜进行氢弹试验,引起国际社会的极大关注。下列关于31H 的说法正确的是


A able (adj.) 能够;有能力的aboard (adv.) 在船(飞机,火车,公共汽车)上 above (prep.) 在……上面(adv.) 在上面 (adj.) 上面的 abroad (adv.) 到(在)国外absence (n.) 缺席 absent (adj.) 缺席;不在absolutely (adv.) 绝对地;完全地 academic (adj.) 学术的 accent (n.) 口音 accept (v.) 承认;接受;答应account (n.) 叙述;描写;报道ache (vi. & n.) 痛;疼痛achievement (n.) 成就;功业;伟绩 across (prep. & adv.) 穿过;在另一边;在对面 act (v.) 表演;扮演角色 active (adj.) 积极的;主动的actor (n.) 演员 actress (n.) 女演员 adapt (vi.) 使适应;使适合 add (v.) 加; 增加 addict (n.) 对(药物等)上瘾的人;瘾君子 address (n.) 住处;通讯处 admit (vt.) 承认 advantage (n.) 优势;长处adventure (v.) 冒险 advertise (vt.) 为……做广告 advice (n.) 忠告;劝告;建议advise (v.) 忠告;劝告;建议adviser (n.) 顾问 affair (n.) 事;事情 affect (vt.) 影响;对……有坏影响 afford (vt.) 买得起;有能力支付 afraid (adj.) 害怕;担心 be afraid of 害怕 Africa (n.) 非洲 after all 毕竟;终究 again and again 再三地;反复地 once again 再一次 against (prep.) 反对;不同意; 对着;逆 at the age of 在……岁时agent (n.) 代理人;经纪人 agricultural (adj.) 农业的 agriculture (n.) 农业,农学 ahead (adv.) 向前;在前 airport (n.) 航空港;飞机场 alive (adj.) 活着的 allow (v.) 允许 almost (adv.) 几乎;近于 alone (adj.) 单独的 along (prep.) 沿着;顺着 (adv.) 向前;和……一起;一同 aloud (adv.) 大声地 although (conj.) 虽然 altogether (adv.) 总共 always (adv.) 总是;永远 amazed (adj.) 吃惊的;惊讶的 amazing (adj.) 令人吃惊的; 令人惊讶的 amusing (adj.) 有趣的;可笑 的 ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老 的 anger (n.) 怒;愤怒 angry (adj.) 生气的;愤怒的 animal (n.) 动物 ankle (n.) 脚踝 announce (v.) 宣布 announcement (n.) 通告;通知 anxious (adj.) 忧虑的;焦急 的 anybody / anyone (pron.) 任 何人 anyhow (adv.) 不管怎样 anything (pron.) 什么事(物); 任何事(物) anywhere (adv.) 任何地方 apartment (n.) (美)公寓;单 元住宅 apologize (vi.) 道歉;罪 apology (n.) 道歉;歉意 appear (v.) 出现;显得;好像 applause (n.) 掌声 apply (v.) 申请 appreciate (vt.) 感激 approach (vt.) 接近 argue (vi.) 争论 argument (n.) 争论;辩论;议 论 arrange (v.) 安排;布置 arrest (vt.) 逮捕;拘留 arrive (v.) 到达;来到 arrival (n.) 到达 arrow (n.) (弓)箭 artist (n.) 艺术家 ash (n.) 灰 ashamed (adj.) 惭愧 asleep (adj.) 睡着的 aspect (n.) 方面 assistant (n.) 助手;助理 astonished (adj.) 吃惊的;惊 愕的 astronaut (n.) 宇航员 astronomer (n.) 天文学家 athlete (n.) 运动员 atmosphere (n.) 大气;大气层 attack (vt.) 袭击;攻击 attempt (n.) 努力;尝试 attend (v.) 看护;出席,参加 attitude (n.) 态度 attractive (adj.) 有吸引力 的;吸引人的 audience (n.) 听众 autumn (n.) 秋季 available (adj.) 可获得的 average (adj.) 平均的;普通 的 (n.) 平均数 avoid (v.) 避免 awake (v.) (awoke, awoke) 唤醒;使醒;醒 away (adv.) 离开;远离 be away from 远离…… go / run away 走 / 跑开 awful (adj.) 可怕的;吓人的 B background (n.) 背景 bamboo (n.) 竹子 ban (vt.) 禁止 barber (n.) 理发师 bark (n. & v.) 树皮;犬吠 base (n.) 根据地;基地;(棒球) 垒 baseball (n.) 棒球 basin (n.) 水盆 basket (n.) 篮子 bat (n.) 蝙蝠; 球拍;球棒 battery (n.) 电瓶;电池 battle (n.) 战斗;战役 beach (n.) 海滨;海滩 beard (n.) 胡须 beast (n.) 野兽;牲畜 beat (v.) (beat, beaten) 敲 打;(脉,心脏)跳动;打胜;打赢 beg (v.) 恳求;乞讨 behave (v.) 守规矩;行为 belief (n.) 信念;信条 believe (v.) 相信;认为 belong (v.) 属于 belong to 属于;是……的成员 below (prep.) 在……下面 bench (n.) 长凳;工作台 bend (n.) 弯曲处;弯道 (vt.) 弯下腰 bent (adj.) 弯的 blame (n. & v.) 责备;责怪 blank (n. & adj.) 空格,空白 (处);空的 bleed (vi.) 出血,流血 blind (adj.) 瞎的 blood (n.) 血 boil (v.) 沸腾;水(开);使(水 或其他液体)沸腾;用开水煮 boot (n.) 长统靴;皮靴 bored (adj.) 厌烦的;厌倦的 border (n.) 边境;国界 borrow (v.) (向别人)借;借用 bother (vt.) 打扰;烦扰;麻烦 bottle (n.) 瓶子 bottom (n.) 底部;底 bow (vi.) 鞠躬 bowl (n.) 碗 brain (n.) 脑(子) branch (n.) 枝条;支流;部门 brand (n.) 商标;牌子 brave (adj.) 勇敢的 break (v.) (broke, broken) 打破;折断;打碎 brick (n.) 砖 bridge (n.) 桥 brief (adj.) 简短的;简洁的; (口语)极好的 bright (adj.) 明亮的;聪明的 brilliant (adj.) 聪颖的;才 华横溢的 bring (v.) (brought, brought) 带来;拿来 broad (adj.) 宽的;广阔的 broadcast (n.) 广播节目 (vt.) 广播 broom (n.) 扫帚 burn (v.) (burnt, burnt) 燃 烧 bury (vt.) 埋葬 bush (n.) 灌木 button (n.) 纽扣;按钮 (v.) 扣住;系扣 C cabbage (n.) 卷心菜;洋白菜 café (n.) 咖啡馆;餐馆 cage (n.) 笼;鸟笼 页脚


高中化学会考知识点汇总 ~ 高中化学会考知识点总结(必修1、2) 1、化合价(常见元素的化合价): 碱金属元素、Ag、H:+1 F:—1 Ca、Mg、Ba、Zn:+2 Cl:—1,+1,+5,+7 Cu:+1,+2 O:—2 Fe:+2,+3 S:—2,+4,+6 Al:+3 P:—3,+3,+5 Mn:+2,+4,+6,+7 N:—3,+2,+4,+5 2、氧化还原反应 定义:有电子转移(或者化合价升降)的反应 本质:电子转移(包括电子的得失和偏移) 特征:化合价的升降 氧化剂(具有氧化性)——得电子——化合价下降——被还原——还原产物 还原剂(具有还原性)——失电子——化合价上升——被氧化——氧化产物 口诀:得——降——(被)还原——氧化剂失——升——(被)氧化——还原剂 四种基本反应类型和氧化还原反应关系: file:///C:/DOCUME~1/morning/LOCALS~1/Temp/ksohtml/wpsE8.tmp.png 3、金属活动性顺序表 file:///C:/DOCUME~1/morning/LOCALS~1/Temp/ksohtml/wpsE9.tmp.png K Ca Na Mg Al Zn Fe Sn Pb (H) Cu Hg Ag Pt Au 还原性逐渐减弱 4、离子反应 定义:有离子参加的反应 电解质:在水溶液中或熔融状态下能导电的化合物 非电解质:在水溶液中和熔融状态下都不能导电的化合物

离子方程式的书写: 第一步:写。写出化学方程式 第二步:拆。易溶于水、易电离的物质拆成离子形式;难溶(如CaCO3、BaCO3、BaSO4、AgCl、AgBr、AgI、Mg(OH)2、Al(OH)3、Fe(OH)2、Fe(OH)3、Cu(OH)2等),难电离(H2CO3、H2S、CH3COOH、HClO、H2SO3、NH3·H2O、H2O等),气体(CO2、SO2、NH3、Cl2、O2、H2等),氧化物(Na2O、MgO、Al2O3等)不拆 第三步:删。删去前后都有的离子 第四步:查。检查前后原子个数,电荷是否守恒 离子共存问题判断: ⑵ 是否产生沉淀(如:Ba2+和SO42-,Fe2+和OH-); ⑵是否生成弱电解质(如:NH4+和OH-,H+和CH3COO-) ⑶是否生成气体(如:H+和CO32-,H+和SO32-) ⑷是否发生氧化还原反应(如:H+、NO3-和Fe2+/I-,Fe3+和I-) 5、放热反应和吸热反应 化学反应一定伴随着能量变化。 放热反应:反应物总能量大于生成物总能量的反应 常见的放热反应:燃烧,酸碱中和,活泼金属与酸发生的置换反应 吸热反应:反应物总能量小于生成物总能量的反应 常见的吸热反应:Ba(OH)2·8H2O和NH4Cl的反应,灼热的碳和二氧化碳的反应C、CO、H2还原CuO 6、各物理量之间的转化公式和推论 ⑴微粒数目和物质的量:n==N / N A,N==nN A ⑵物质的量和质量:n==m / M,m==nM ⑶对于气体,有如下重要公式 a、气体摩尔体积和物质的量:n==V / V m,V==nV m 标准状况下:V m=22.4L/mol b、阿伏加德罗定律:同温同压下V(A) / V(B) == n(A) / n(B) == N(A) / N(B) ⑷物质的量浓度与物质的量关系 (对于溶液)物质的量浓度与物质的量C==n / V,n==CV 7、配置一定物质的量浓度的溶液 ①计算:固体的质量或稀溶液的体积 ②称量:天平称量固体,量筒或滴定管量取液体(准确量取)


2019-2020年高中基础会考化学试卷含答案 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。全卷共6页,满分100分,考试时间为60分钟。答卷前,考生务必在试卷和答题卡指定位置填写本人的姓名和准考证,在答题卡上粘贴条形码。 2.选择题的答案,必须使用2B铅笔将所选项方框涂黑。如果修改答案,应使用橡皮檫将错选项方框涂点擦干净,并将改选项的方框涂黑。 3.非选择题的答题,使用黑色签字笔在答题卡上题号指定的区域书写答案,在题号指定答题区域以外以及草稿纸、试卷上书写的答案无效。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷选择题(48分) 本卷有16小题,每小题3分,共48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个符合题意。1.青蒿素(C15H22O5)在药物中的应用,拯救了数十万的疟病病人。因为研究青蒿素取得巨大成就而成为我国首位获得诺贝尔奖的女科学家是 A.屠呦呦B.侯德榜C.张青莲D.徐光宪 2.当光束通过下列分散系时,能观察到丁达尔效应的是 A.硫酸溶液B.蔗糖溶液C.硅酸溶胶D.硫酸铜溶液3.右图为用CCl4萃取溴水中Br2的分液装置,其中没有 ..用到的仪器是 A.烧杯 B.铁架台 C.容量瓶 D.分液漏斗 4.某气体样品的质量是56g,物质的量是2mol,该气体的摩尔质量是 A.56g B.56g/mol C.28g D.28g/mol 5.水-电解质平衡是身体健康的重要保证。下列物质属于电解质的是 A.铁B.氮气C.氯化钠D.蔗糖 6.下列关于物质用途的说法错误的是 A.氨气可用于制造氮肥B.浓硫酸可用于干燥氨气 C.氯气可用于制漂白粉D.食醋可用于除水壶中的水垢 7.下列事例与氧化还原反应无关的是 A.有氧运动B.燃料燃烧C.植物光合作用D.石膏水点豆腐8.下列化学方程式中,不能用离子方程式SO42- + Ba2+ = BaSO4↓表示的是 A.H2SO4 + Ba(OH)2 = BaSO4↓+2H2O B.H2SO4 +BaCl2 = BaSO4↓+2HCl C.Na2SO4 + Ba(OH)2 = BaSO4↓+2NaOH D.Na2SO4 + BaCl2 = BaSO4↓+2NaCl 光
