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An Unforgettable Experience



c h o o l

G a r d e n O f E n g l i s h

An Unfo rg e tta b le Exp e rie nc e


When I w as v ery young,I lived in the city w ith my father and mother.T hey lo ved me very much.I felt that I was living in the honey so that I had never known there w ere a great number o f poor children living in the country side.

One summer,my parents took me to the country side to ex perience the life of villagers.I still remember that it w as v ery hot in July.They left me there by myself and asked an old g ranny to take care of me.It was the first time that I had lived witho ut my parents.How much I missed them!

Every day w as unforgettable.In the co untryside,ev erything w as very old and po or.There was no TV set o r f ridge.T he life there was very drab. Wo rst of all,there was no electric fan in the hot w eather.I co uldn B t bear it at all.I to ld the g ranny my feeling w ith tears in my eyes.T he granny smiled at me,to uching me o n the head,saying,“You are not a little child and y ou sho uld be a go od piece of steel.Yo u B ll learn a lo t o f things here that y ou don B t kno w at home.”T hat ev ening I slept w ith tears mo ist-ening clothes.

The next morning I got up very early.I had a quick breakfast and then I went to the field to help the farmers and experience their hard wo rk.It was very ho t and the sun baked the earth.T he farm-wo rk w as so hard that I did everything badly,w hich made me very sad.I w ent to a y,

river nearb thro wing sto nes into it no w and then.


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