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DOI :10.16662/j .cnki .l 674-0742.2017.13.169

临床护理 ------------

2017 NO.13

China &Foreign Medical Treatment








组,每组44例,对照组患者行常规护理模式,研究组患者行综合护理干预措施,对比分析两组患者的护理满意度与 SAS 及SDS 评分。结果两组患者治疗前SAS 与SDS 评分比较差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。治疗后,研究组护理满意 度(93.18%)显著髙于对照组(75.00%),研究组SAS 评分(41.08±6.03)分,SDS 评分(43.15±7.69)分;对照组SAS 评分 (51.29±5.94)分,SDS 评分(51.29±7.38)分;研究组SAS 与SDS 评分明显小于对照组,两组差异有统计学意义。结论 综合护理干预应用在慢性肾功能衰竭中,效果明显,能够有效提髙患者的生活质量,改善患者的焦虑与抑郁情绪,值 得临床应用。

[关键词]综合护理干预;慢性肾功能衰竭;焦虑;抑郁[中图分类号]R47 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1674-0742(2017)05(a )-0169-03

Effect of Nursing Intervention on Anxiety and Depression in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure

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Reproductive Medicine , Affiliated Hospital of Binzhou Medical College , Binzhou , Shandong Province , 256600 China

[Abstract] Objective To study the effect of comprehensive nursing intervention on anxiety and depression in patients with chronic renal failure . Methods Convenient selection eighteen patients admitted to our hospital from August 2015 to Decem -

ber 2016 were selected a s the study subjects . According to the different nursing methods , they were divided into study group and control group , 44 cases in each group , control group Patients were treated with routine nursing model , and the study group w as treated with comprehensive nursing interventions to compare the nursing satisfaction and SAS and S D S scores of the two groups .Results Two groups of patients before treatment of SAS and S D S score is no difference , statistical signifi -cance (P > 0.05). After treatment , the team of nursing satisfaction (93.18%) is significantly higher than control group

(75.00%), the team SAS score (41.08±6.03) points , S D S score (43.15±7.69) points ; Control group SAS score (51.29±5.94) points , SD S score (51.29±7.38) points ; Team of SAS and S D S score significantly less than the control group , two groups of difference to be markedly , statistical significance . Conclusion Comprehensive nursing intervention in chronic renal failure , the effect is obvious , can effectively improve the quality of life of patients , improve patient anxiety and depression , worthy of clinical application .

[Key words] Comprehensive nursing intervention ; Chronic renal failure ; Anxiety ; Depression 慢性肾功能衰竭是一种慢性疾病,该病症是由多 种因素造成的,临床表现为体内水、电解质紊乱,会造 成患者的生活能力下降等一系列情况,还会影响患者 的心理健康,甚至出现如抑郁、焦虑等不良情绪'因 此,临床中应该加强对其的护理措施,以此改善患者的 不良情绪[2],该文对该院2015年8月一2016年12月期 间所收治的88例慢性肾功能衰竭患者分别实施常规 护理措施和综合护理干预措施的效果进行对比及探 [作者简介]袁赛赛(1989-),女,山东聊城人,本科,护师,研究 方向:肾内科护理。




1.1 一般资料

方便该院所收治的88例患者作为该研究对象,按 照护理方法的不同,将其分为研究组(n =44)和对照组 (n =44),所有患者及家属均已知晓该研究,且已经签订 知情同意书。研究组患者中男28例,女16例;最大年 龄68岁,最小年龄36岁,中位年龄(42.56±2.19)岁;15 例慢性肾盂炎,11例糖尿病肾病,4例狼疮肾炎,14例 高血压肾病;大专及大专以上学历19例,高中学历13

China &Foreign Medical Treatment 中外医疗

