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Music culture has a long history in China.It can be said that music was created when there produced sounds. Chinese classical music is more with its unique charm, and even now many pieces of popular music will absorb the ancient music elements, such as Jay Chou's blue and white porcelain(青花瓷).

The moment when the classical music streaming out of the room,what you can feel is the mountains, flowing water, wind, and the winter snow, is the lingering(缠绵)on for life. That feeling can not be described clearly , and that's what the unique beauty of Chinese classical music is.

01 高山流水(古筝、古琴)lofty mountains and flowing water

02 广陵散(古琴)Guangling San

03 平沙落雁(古琴)Flat sand falling wild goose

04 梅花三弄(古琴)Three Stanzas of Plum-blossoms

05 阳春白雪(琵琶)The Spring Snow

01 高山流水(古筝、古琴)lofty mountains and flowing water

During the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476B.C.).there was a man whose name was Yu Boya俞伯牙.Yu boya was a famous music master at that time, having a good command of the temperament['temp(?)r?m(?)nt]气质and superb[su?'p??b]华丽的skills in playing the musical instrument.Once,he was boating for sight-seeing.The moon was bright and a cool breeze was blowing gently['d?entl?].With myriads['m?r??d]无数of thoughts welling up in his mind,he began to play the musical instrument.The melodious[m?'lod??s] 悠扬的music became more and more beautiful when a man on the bank shouted "bravo![brɑ?'v??]好极了"Hearing the shouting,Boya came out of the boat,and saw a woodcutter ['w?dk?t?]樵夫standing on the bank.He knew that this man was keenly['ki:nli]敏锐地appreciative [?'pri???t?v] of his talents['t?l?nts],because he understood his music.He immediately invited the woodcutter to his boat and ,full of zest[zest] 强烈的兴趣,he played the musical instrument for him.When Boya played a piece of music eulogizing ['ju?l?d?a?z]颂扬the high mountains,the woodcutter said,"wonderful!The melody is as magnificent[m?g'n?f?s(?)nt]壮丽的and dignified['d?gn?fa?d]庄严的as Mount Tai which reaches to the sky!"When he played a piece of music depicting[d?'p?kt]描述the turbulent ['t??bj?l(?)nt]湍流的waves,the woodcutter said,"Wonderful!The melody is as vast and mighty

['ma?t?]强有力的as the great rivers!"Boya was excited,and siad,"Bosom['b?z(?)m]知心的friend!You are really my bosom friend!"That woodcutter was Zhong Ziqi钟子期.Since then,they had been very good friends.

This story appears in The Works of Lie Zi列子.From this story,people have derived[d?'ra?v]衍生的the set phrase[fre?z]"high mountain and running water" to refer to understanding and appreciative friends.This set phrase is also used to refer to melodious music。

02 广陵散(古琴)Guangling San

“guang ling san” also known as "guang ling zhi xi", is a large instrumental music works in ancient China,by reason of Against the dictatorship [d?k'te?t???p],Ji kang was killed by SiMa family,Before the execution[,eks?'kju??(?)n]执行he was easy to compose this tune to consign[k?n'sa?n]寄托.According to "神奇秘谱" recorded, this original tune is folk music Which is populared In Guangling area at the End of the Han Dynasty ,It was ever played by Guqin古琴,Guzheng古筝,Sheng笙instruments and so on, but now it can only played by Guqin古琴.

“广陵散”Today has become a classic, people to understand this piece of music have a more layer of meaning, It contains a kind of mood.whith is powerful and resentment[r?'zentm(?)nt]愤恨.

03 平沙落雁(古琴)Flat sand falling wild goose

Wild Geese[ɡi?s] on the Sandbank is a piece of lyre[la??]七弦竖琴music with smooth and melodious[m?'l??d??s]悦耳的tunes. Its melody['mel?d?]旋律depicts[d?'p?kt]描述the scene of wild geese's hovering['h?v?]盘旋in the distant horizon before alighting[?'la?t]下来on the sandbank.

The whole piece is the same as ink墨水and wash painting,Insipid[?n's?p?d]清淡的and effectively有力地describe the beautiful autumn scenery['si?n(?)r?] of nature,It showes the clear river, the white clouds in the endless sky, the wild geese flying in the sky and sing. the song is full of vitality[va?'t?l?t?] 活力,bright and clear ,Make us feel quiet.

04 梅花三弄(古琴)Three Stanzas of Plum-blossoms

With plum[pl?m] blossoms['bl?s(?)m] as it s theme[θi?m], the music sings of persons with high moral['m?r(?)l]道德的integrity[?n'tegr?t?] 完整through depiction [d?'p?k?n]描写of the undaunted[?n'd??nt?d]无畏的and indomitable[?n'd?m?t?b(?)l]不屈不挠的character of plum blossoms that burst [b??st]爆发into bloom in defiance [d?'fa??ns]蔑视of the ferocious[f?'r????s]残忍的cold frost[fr?st]结霜, chilling['t??l??]寒冷的gales [ge?l]大风and drifting['dr?ft??]漂流snowflakes['sn?ufleiks]雪花.

05 阳春白雪(琵琶)The Spring Snow

Listed as one of ten best ancient Chinese music pieces[pi?s], "White Snow in Early Spring" is said to be composed by Shi Kuang, a musician of the Jin State晋国, or by Liu Juanzi刘娟子, a musician of the Qi State齐国in the Spring and Autumn Period. The music portrays[p??'tre?]描绘a vivid['v?v?d]生动的scene of early spring, when everything bursts[b??st] into life after the long cold winter passes through.

Finally,what I want to say is Chinese classical music is a mirror of Chinese traditional culture.It reflects both the history of the Chinese national projection screen, the Chinese national unique emotional world and humanistic [,hj?m?n'?st?k] spirit. So, traditional phonology[f?'n?l?d??](音韵学)can not be abandoned and it's our duty to develop it.


外汇foreign exchange 法定贬值devaluation 外币foreign currency 法定升值revaluation 汇率rate of exchange 浮动汇率floating rate 国际收支balance of payments 硬通货hard currency 直接标价direct quotation 软通货soft currency 间接标价indirect quotation 金平价gold standard 买入汇率buying rate 通货膨胀inflation 卖出汇率selling rate 固定汇率fixed rate 金本位制度gold standard 黄金输送点gold points 铸币平价mint par 纸币制度paper money system 国际货币基金international monetary fund 黄金外汇储备gold and foreign exchange reserve 汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuation gold content含金量 adjustable peg可调整的钉住(汇率)appreciation升值 at par平价 balance of payments贸易支付差额 bank note rate现钞汇率 banker's check银行支票 basic rate基本汇率 bear market熊市 bid 买价 bid rate 出价汇率 bid/ask spread买入卖出差价 bill of exchange汇票 Bretton Woods Accord of 19441944年布雷顿森林协定broker经纪人 bull market牛市 buying rate 买入汇率 call rate同业拆借利率 cash market现金市场 closing rate收盘汇率 commercial rate商业汇价,贸易汇率convertible currency可兑换货币correspondent bank代理银行,同业银行cross exchange通过第三国汇付的汇兑cross rate套算汇率


英文商标名称地翻译与策略 1.前言 商标是商品地标志,是商品经济发展地产物,是商品生产者或经营者为使自己生产销售地商品区别于其他商品而使用地一种显著标志.它是商品显著特征地浓缩,是商品文化地核心部分.在国际市场上,商标常被企业家和消费者视为简化了地企业名称.商标一出现就成为企业地象征,是生产者和消费者直接对话地桥梁,是企业参与国际竞争地有力武器.中国地对外开放正在进一步深化,随之而来地国外企业在华地经济活动也在增加.这极大地丰富着中国人民地经济生活,并因此而衍生出了诸多对于国人而言全新地经济及商业活动.大量地国产商品正在出口到世界各地,而国外地商品也已蜂拥至国内市场.合法地商品都有一个自己地商标.因此,随着中外产品地交流,商品商标地翻译问题不可避免地出现了. 2.英文商标翻译地策略 2.1.音译 商标翻译过程中,音译是一种不可忽视地手段,具有极强地普遍性.音译是指在不背离“汉语语言规范和不引起错误联想或误解地条件下,按照原商标名称地发音,找到与之语音相近地汉语字词进行翻译.其优点是简单易行,译文有异国情调,可使产品具有一定吸引力.音译又分为:纯音译﹑谐音译和省音译. 2.1.1. 纯音译 纯音译即根据英文地读音逐字地用相近发音地汉字进行匹配地翻译.主要适用于专有名词,如:人名商标和地名商标.这种翻译法是商标在译为中文

时,因无法找到相应地汉语表达而不得不采用地翻译方法.人名商标 有些商标是姓氏构成地,如:Hoover(胡佛)真空吸尘器,是源于生产商William Henry Hoover地姓氏;Rael-Brook(雷尔-布鲁克)男装,是源于公司创始人H.Rael-Brook地姓氏.有些商标是人地全名,如:Walt Disney(沃尔特·迪斯尼)制片公司,是根据公司创始人Walt Disney地姓名而定;Pierre Cardin(皮尔·卡丹)时装,是根据该时装地制造者Pierre Cardin地姓名而定;“benz”品牌最早含义是卡尔本茨地姓,根据译音,在中国翻译成“奔驰”.地名商标 Santana(桑塔纳)轿车,San Tana原是美国加利福尼亚洲一座山谷地名称;Nokia(诺基亚)手机是根据芬兰北部一座名为Nokia地小镇命名地. 2.1.2谐音译 这种译法是以音为引子,经常是在纯音译地基础上改动个别字眼,这些字眼与原商标读音谐音,改动后地音译商标又结合产品特征.例如:为纪念航空公司创始人Willian Edward Boeing 人们以其姓氏确定地商标Boeing,译作“博音”,但作为商标,译者改用谐音“波音”,这就可以使人们对这类超音速飞机产生无尽地遐想. 2.1.3省音译 省音译是根据中国人地审美习惯,双音节和三音节地商标更能令人过目不忘,有些英文商标单词较长音节较多,如果逐字翻译,读起来拗口且不便记忆,可采用省音译来简化. 2.2意译


英语口语常用语句集锦 Enough talk! 少废话! Let's fight! 动手吧! We should hang out. 我们该一起出去玩。 Agreed! 同意! There's only one thing that matters. 只有一件事情是重要的! Get up! 起床! You'll be late for work. 你上班要迟到啦! What? 什么? What are you doing up there? 你在那上面干什么呢? Nothing! 没事! Let's go! 我们走吧。 Coming! 我来了! Careful! 小心点! Happy day! 真是个好日子! You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. 你不知道我等这一刻已经等了多久了。 This is a sign. 这是个预兆。 You will fulfill your destiny. 你将承担你的使命。 That was just a dream. 那只是个梦而已。 So why didn't you? 那你为什么没有呢?

We all have our place in this world. 在这世界上,我们每个人都有自己的归属。 Well done! 干得不错! If you were trying to disappoint me. 如果你们想让我失望。 He wants to see you. 他想见你。 Is something wrong? 有什么问题? Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend?为什么必须得出事了我才会想见见老朋友? I didn't say that. 我可没这么说。 You were saying? 你想说? I've had a vision. 我有个预感。 That is impossible! 那是不可能的! Nothing is impossible. 没有什么是不可能的。 We have to do someting. 我们必须做点什么。 The answer becomes clear. 答案变得清晰起来。 It is time. 是时候了。 I don't know. 我不知道。 Where are you going? 你要去哪儿? I was kind of thinking maybe I... 我其实想也许我... Almost there. 就快到了。 Open the door! 开门啊! Let me in! 让我进去!


外汇常用术语 a account 帐目所有交易的记录。 account balance 帐户结余含义同"结余"。 agent 代理受雇于他人(委托人)并代表其作为的个人。 aggregate demand 总需求政府开支、个人消费支出以及企业费用的总和。 all or none 整批委托一种限价定单,要求代理商在特定的价格下,要么执行全部定单,要么不执行定单。 appreciation 增值当物价应市场需求抬升时,一种货币即被称作增值,资产价值因而增加。 arbitrage 套汇利用不同市场的对冲价格,通过买入或卖出信用工具,同时在相应市场中买入相同金额但方向相反的头寸,以便从细微价格差额中获利。 ask size 卖价数量以卖出价出售的股票数量。 ask rate 卖出价被售金融工具的最低价格(与在买出/卖入差价中同义)。 asset allocation 资产分配投资实务,将资金在不同的市场(外汇、股票、债券、商品、房地产)间分配,以达到分散风险管理的目的,并且/或者实现与投资者或投资管理者展望一致的预期收益。 attorneyinfact 代理人由于持有委任状,因而可代表他人进行商业交易并执行文件的人。 b back office 事务部门与金融交易结算相关的部门和程序(即:书面确认和交易结算,帐目管理)。 balance 结余帐户中的金额。 balance of payments 国际收支指一国承认的,在一定时期内对外交易的记录,包括商品、服务和资本流动。 base currency 基础通货投资者或者发行商用以计帐的通货。其它货币均比照其进行报价的通货。在外汇市场中,美元通常被认为是用作报价的"基础"通货,意即:报价表达式为1美元的1个单位每(报价货币对中的)另一种货币。 basis 基差即期价格与远期价格的差额。


英汉商标名称翻译 摘要:商标名称的英汉翻译是当今翻译界最为关注的话题之一。随着经济全球化得发展,各国已不再是独立经营,独立生产,商品销往国外进行优势互补称谓大势所趋。因此在商品名称翻译就成了最重要的部分。商标名称的翻译既要符合输出语的原语特色,又要满足输入语的语言风格。影响商标名称翻译的因素及翻译的方法显得尤为重要。 关键词:商标,英汉翻译,影响因素及方法。 近十几年来,世界经济一直处于变革的边缘阶段。变化了的经济形势产生了新的经济理论以及新的经济遵循理念。在新的经济理念的前提下,各国政府对根据自己的世界经济状况对当地经济进行了调整。这些调整时包括多方面的,例如:货币兑换,商品价格,以及商品进出口等等。经济危机又一次将全世界的货币贬值,面对经济形势,美国强列要求中国将货币增值。面对严峻的国内外的压力,中国政府以及中国各大企业应该怎样保护自身利益不受损坏呢?那么企业又该如何让自己在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地呢?一个有价值的品牌是一个必不可少的因素。因此品牌名称和商标的翻译就显得尤为重要。商标对于商品来说就像脸面与人的关系。商标名称的好坏直接影响着消费者对商品的购买情况。商标的价值也被看做是一种附加价值,就是指超越商品本身所提供的基本价值。换句话说,商标的价值大部分在于它给消费者提供的诚信价值,名称意识价值,超高的质量价值,强强商标联合价值,以及其他如:专利等价值。好的商标名称不仅能够让产品经久不衰,更能为商家赢得丰厚利润。不言而喻,盈利才是商家最终目标。而商标名称则是让商家达到盈利目的的首要环节。 商标就是产品的门面。在商标的英汉翻译过程中,有一些因素都在被潜移默化的遵循着。例如文化,风俗,语言、意识形态、政府规定等等。接下来我们就来了解一下


标志词巧解语法和改错 标志词 1. 逗号 在语法填空中,逗号隔开一个词;如果有提示词 , 提示词是 adj ,则填这个词的副词形式,大多加 ly ;如果提示词是 v, 则填写它的非谓语形式。 如果无提示词,则优先考虑 however ,therefore, 其次考虑 moreover ,otherwise 。 例: Luckily (luck), he escaped from the fire. Unfortunately (unfortunate) , he fell off the bike. He earned a lot of money , however, he was addicted in the drug. 标志词 2. one of one of 之后若有形容词,一定要用最高级形式;若之后出现名词,则用复数形式;若既有名词又有形容词,则先填最高级,再填复数名词,最高级之前要加 the 例: The house is one of the cheapest (cheap) houses in the area. 标志词 3. when 与 while( 时间状语从句) when 之后一般要用过去式, while 之后一般要用过去进行时。 例: When I got home, my mother was cooking dinner. While my mother was cooking dinner, I entered the kitchen. 标志词 4. by 语法填空里,空格之后有“by” ” ,则空格里考虑填“be + 动词的过去分词”, 但是如果前面已经有了谓语动词,则空格里直接用“ 过去


英语口语句子——拒绝 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不 应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face!我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了! 英语口语句子——赞美 1. you look great today.(你今天看上去很棒。)【每天都可以用!】


外贸常用英语词汇 1.商品品质数量包装价格 品质条件 品质quality 规格specifications 等级grade 标准standard 样品sample 色彩样品colour sample 款式样品pattern sample 原样original sample 复样duplicate sample 对等样品countersample 参考样品reference sample 封样sealed sample 代表性样品representative sample 商品目录catalogue 宣传小册pamphlet 说明书description 公差tolerance 货号article No. 花色(搭配)assortment 增减5% plus or minus 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality 数量条件 个数pcs 长度length 面积area 体积volume 容积capacity 净重net weight 毛重gross weight 皮重tare 毛作净gross for net 溢短装条款more or less clause 重量weight 装运重量shipping weight 卸货重量landed weight 理论重量theoretical weight 公吨metric ton 长吨long ton 短吨short ton 公斤kilogram, kilo, kg 磅pound, lb 盎司ounce, oz 件piece 双pair 打dozen 令ream 套set l 立方米cubic meter 升litre 加仑gallon 蒲式耳bushel 公制metric system 英制british system 美制 包装方法 起泡包装blister packing 中性包装neutral packing 吸塑包装skin packing 挂式包装hanging packing 引某人注目catch sb's eye 唛头mark 无牌的包装unlabelled packing 散装in bulk 散装in loose packing 裸装nude packing 整批包装bulk pack 零售包装consumer pack 大包装large packing 小包装inner packing, external packing, end packing ,压缩包装shrunk packaging 喷泡沫包装foam-spary packaging 礼品包装gift-wrap 袋bag, sack 麻袋jute bag 塑料袋polythelene bag, plastic bag 尼龙绳网袋polythelene net 拉链袋zippered bag 箱case, chest 盒box 木箱wooden case 纸箱carton 集装箱container 板条箱rate 纤维板箱fibre board case 小包packet 包bale 捆bundle 罐头tin , can 篮,篓,筐basket 竹篓bamboo basket 瓶bottle 小木桶wooden keg 大桶hogshead 铁桶iron drum 铁桶cylinder


一般现在时标志词: every day, evry Sunday, often, always, usually, sometimes , on Sundays, on weekdays等等。 一般过去时标志词: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/year/night/month..., in 1989, just now, at the age of , one day, ago, long ago, once upon a time,(从前,很久 以前)then(那时), on that day(在那天), 一般将来时标志词: soon, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow(后天),this evening/afternoon/year before long(不久以后),next year/month/week/summer,in the future, some day(将来的 某一天) ,in two weeks/days/years 现在进行时标志词: now. Look. Listen. these days ,at that time. at that moment. this time ,yesterday evening 过去进行时标志词: at that time. at that moment. this time yesterday evening等;或者与when, while, as引导 的过去时间状语连用。 现在完成时标志词: already(用于肯定句), yet(用于否定,疑问句), just, before, recently, still, lately, never, ever, never, twice, on several occasion, in the past few days/weeks/months/years, (up to)these few days/weeks/months/years, this morning/week/month/year, just, up to present, so far, up to now, till now, since+时间 过去完成时标志词: by, by the time (of), by the end of + 过去时间; when. before. after…….+过去时间; up till then (直到时); up until last night(直 到昨晚)等; already, just, ever, yet 等。 过去将来时标志词: the following month (week…), the next time/ Friday/ term/ month


英语口语50句 1. According to…依照/根据……. According to the newspaper, it's a great movie. 根据报纸说,这是一部很棒的电影. 2. Am I allowed to…我可以……吗 Am I allowed to introduce our new manager Mr. Anderson to all of you 请允许我介绍我们的新经理安德森先生给大家,好吗 3. As matter of fact,…实际上……,……. As matter of fact,I don't agree with you. 实际上,我不大同意你的看法. 4.As far as I'm concerned/…就我而言,……. As far as I'm concerned, | think we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren. 就我而言,我认为我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题. 5.As far as I know,...据我所知,……. As far as l know,he is not coming,but l may be wrong. 据我所知,他不打算来,但我或许会弄错. 6.As I just mentioned...正如我刚才提到过的,……. As I just mentioned, nobody should drop out of school unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime. And even then they should reconsider. 正如我刚才提到过的,任何人都不应该辍学,除非他们相信他们面临着一生中难得的机会,尽管那样,他们还需反复思量. 7. As I see it,…在我看来,……. As I see it, he is not the right person for this position. 在我看来,他不是这个职位的合适人选. 8. As is known to us all, ... 众所周知,…… As is known to us all, Hong Kong is one of the financial centers of Asia. 众所周知,香港是亚洲金融中心之一. 9. As long as...只要…. As long as we work together, we can make the impossible possible. 只要我们一起努力,我们就能把不可能变为可能. 10.But for...若不是因为……./如果没有……. But for your generous help, we couldn't have finished the work so soon. 如果没有你的鼎力相助,我们不可能这么快完成工作的. 11.Can you believe (that)... 你相信……吗 Can you believe (that) this excellent song was composed by a high school student 你相信这首美妙的歌曲是出自一个高中生之手吗 12.Can you imagine... 你能想像……吗 Can you imagine how she lived through all these difficulties 你能想像她是怎么捱过种种困难的吗 13.Could you please explain... 你能解释一下……吗 Could you please explain why you didn't come to the meeting yesterday 你能解释一下为什么昨天没来开会吗 14.Can't we... 难道我们不能……吗 Can't we just live in today, without the worries of tomorrow or the regrets of the past 难道我们不能活在当下,不为将来担忧,不为过去叹息吗[绝对六星级] 15. Could you do me a favor and... 能否请你帮我一个忙… Could you do me a favor and give this present to Hilary for her birthday 能否请你帮我一个忙,把这份生日礼物交给希拉里


外汇中英文对照词汇大全 套利交易(Arbitrage) 一种交易策略,通常指某种实物资产或金融资产在同一市场或不同市场拥有两个价格的情况下,在同一时间以较低的价格买进,较高的价格卖出,从而获取无风险的收益。 卖方报价(Ask Price) 卖方对某种产品能够接受的卖出价格。 最好价位交易(At Best) 以最低价格买进和最高价格卖出的指令。 自设价格止损单(At the Price Stop-loss Order) 不管市场的情况,在要求价位必须执行的止损单。 Aussie 澳元货币的另一名称。 余额(Balance) 余额是指所在账户中拥有的资本。余额一般不会根据在仓位的盈利或亏损而变化,直到仓位关闭,盈利或者亏损实质化。

基准利率(Bank Rate) 中央银行向其国内的银行系统借贷的利率。 柱状图(Bar Chart) 金融图标中的一种,由四个突出点组成,最高和最低价格组成垂直状,开盘价显示为垂直线左边的一条短横线,而收盘价为垂直线右边的一条短横线。 基准货币(Base Currency) 汇率报价中作为基础的货币。例如,欧元兑美元表示一欧元兑多少美元,所以其基准货币为欧元。 基差(Basis) 现货价格和期货价格之间的差异。 基点(Basis Point) 一个百分点的百分之一(0.0001)。通常用来衡量利率的变化。 基差交易(Basis Trading) 交易员在现汇和期货市场中开立相反的仓位从而在基差的有利浮动中获利的一种交易策略。 看空(Bearish) 认为价格将下跌的市场观点。 熊市(Bear Market) 在普遍行情不好的情况下交易产品价格下跌的市场(与牛市相对)。 买方报价(Bid Price)


Useful Phrases 一、商务英语常见商标翻译 ? 1. word mark 文字商标 ? 2. figurative mark 图形商标 ? 3. associated mark 组合商标 ? 4. certification mark 保证商标 ? 5. collective mark 集体商标 ? 6. well-known mark 驰名商标 ?7. famous mark 著名商标 ?8. similar mark 近似商标 ?9. defensive mark 防御商标 ?10. service mark 服务标记 ?11. certificate mark 证明商标 ?12. visual mark 视觉商标 ?13. sound mark 声音商标 ?14. taste mark 味觉商标 ?15. single color mark 单色商 ?16. registered mark 注册商标 ?17. collective marks 集体商标 ?18. collective membership mark 集体成员商标?19. collective service mark 集体服务商标 ?20. collective trademark 集体商品商标

—?二、商标法词汇 ? 1. marks consisting of multiple words 多词商标 ? 2. aesthetic functionality 美学功能 ? 3. alternative designs 可替代设计 ? 4. ancillary services 辅助性服务 ? 5. application for use of trademark基于使用商标申请注册 ? 6. asserted trademark 申请商标 ?7. assignee of registrant 注册商标受让人 ?8. commercial impression 商业印象 ?9. companion application 姊妹申请 ?10. concurrent registration 并存注册 ?11. concurrent use 并存使用 ?12. duplicate registration 注册相同商标 ?13. foreign equivalents 外语对应词 ?14. parody marks 滑稽模仿商标 ?15. pending application 未决申请 ?16. period of use 使用的期限 ?17. phonetic equivalent 同音词 ?18. reference mark 引证商标 ?19. trademark operation 商标部 ?20. trade name 字号 ?21. trade mark registration certificate商标注册证


11. Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____ but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____ Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____ but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____ are happened at my company, and she often 6. _____ writes to me about her work. We talk on phone 7. _____ once a week. Sometime I call her on her 8. _____ car phone, or we send e-mail to each other. 9. _____ We’re really luck. There are so many ways 10. ____ we can keep in touch with each other. 【答案解析】 1. all改为both。指Mary和作者两个人。 2. when改为and或while。因为两个分句没有主从关系。而是并列关系,或者有对比或对照的含义。 3. look改为see。因为此句意为“两个人不能经常见面(see)”。


英语听力的十大类标志词 1.级标志词 形容词、副词级、most / chief / primary / main / leading / …… 2.级标志词 only / unique / prefer / every / one / of all / perfect / …… 3.因果项标志词 cause / lead to / contribute to / thanks to / owing to / question / answer / why / reason / 其他形式的问句/ …… 4.转则项关键词 despite / in spite of / instead / while / from ~ to ~ / although ~ (yet)~ / not only ~ but also ~ / …… 5.序数项标志词 所有的序数词(first , second)/ another / the other / next / last / in addition / on the other hand / …… 6.时间项标志词 when / how / today / as / before / after / since / then / until / …… 7.解释项标志词 or / namely / in other words / that is / that is to say / …… 8.目的项标志词

to / for / …… 9.总结项标志词 all in all / in brief / to conclude / at last / in summary / in short / …… 10.强调项标志词 副词:especially / particularly / almost / always / usually / …… 动词:show / remember / note / notice / say / pronounce / ……


出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping 外汇倾销exchange dumping 优惠关税special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone 对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade 普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT

价格条件 价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价price 码头费wharfage 总值total value 卸货费landing charges 金额amount 关税customs duty 净价net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税port dues 回佣return commission . 装运港port of shipment

折扣discount, allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price 目的港port of destination 零售价retail price 进口许口证import licence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证export licence 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International)Market price 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight 交货条件


动词时态标志词 1.一般现在时 (1) always, usually, often, sometimes (2) every day, every morning, every Saturday, every time (3) in the morning, on Saturdays (4) once a week, three times a day, twice a year 2.一般过去时 (1) yesterday, the day before yesterday, yesterday morning (evening, afternoon) (2) last time, last Friday, last term, last month (3) 一段时间+ago (4) just now = a moment ago (5)in 1989 (6)at the age of 5, one day, long long ago, once upon a time (7) in the past 3.现在进行时 (1)now. nowadays (2)these days at present (3)Look. Listen. 4.过去进行时 (1)at that time.at that moment.this time yesterday evening (2)以when引导的谓语动词是一般过去时的时间状语 5.一般将来时 (1) tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, tomorrow morning (evening, afternoon) (2) next time, next Friday, next term, next month (3) in+一段时间 in + 一段时间 ' s + time (4) soon = right away = at once (5) by the end of + 将来时间 6.过去将来时 (1)the next time Friday term month (2)the following month (week…),


中文:请别客气。 英文口语2、Easy come, easy go. 中文:来得容易,去得快。 英文口语3、I'll give you a hand. 中文:我来帮助你。 英文口语4、Do you often work out? 中文:你经常锻炼身体吗? 英文口语5、I have nothing to do with it. 中文:那与我无关。 英文口语6、Don't give up. 中文:别放弃。 英文口语7、For here or to go? 中文:在这儿吃还是带走? 英文口语8、I'm not feeling well. 中文:我感觉不舒服。 英文口语9、I appreciate your invitation. 中文:感谢你的邀请。 英文口语10、Are you married? 中文:你结婚了吗? 英文口语11、How can I get in touch with you? 中文:我怎样能跟你联络上? 英文口语12、Please don't blame yourself. 中文:请不要责怪你自己。 英文口语13、I bet you can. 中文:我确信你能做到。 英文口语14、Thank you for everything. 中文:感谢你做的一切。 英文口语15、Let me see. 中文:让我想一想。 英文口语16、Let me get back to you. 中文:我过一会儿打给你吧。 英文口语17、I really regret it. 中文:我真的非常后悔。 英文口语18、Catch me later. 中文:过会儿再来找我。 英文口语19、Thank you all the same. 中文:不管怎样还是要谢谢你。


外汇中英文对照词汇大全 Arbitrage)套利交易(一种交易策略,通常指某种实物资产或金融资产在同 一市场或不同市场拥有两个价格的情况下,在同一时间以较低的价格买进,较高的价格卖出,从而获取无风险的收益。 卖方报价(Ask Price) 卖方对某种产品能够接受的卖出价格。 最好价位交易(At Best) 以最低价格买进和最高价格卖出的指令。 自设价格止损单(At the Price Stop-loss Order) 不管市场的情况,在要求价位必须执行的止损单。 Aussie 澳元货币的另一名称。

余额(Balance) 余额是指所在账户中拥有的资本。余额一般不会根据在仓位的盈利或亏损而变化,直到仓位关闭,盈利或者亏损实质化。 基准利率(Bank Rate) 中央银行向其国内的银行系统借贷的利率。 柱状图(Bar Chart) 金融图标中的一种,由四个突出点组成,最高和最低价格组成垂直状,开盘价显示为垂直线左边的一条短横线,而收盘价为垂直线右边的一条短横线。 基准货币(Base Currency) 汇率报价中作为基础的货币。例如,欧元兑美元表示一欧元兑多少美元,所以其基准货币为欧元。 基差(Basis) 现货价格和期货价格之间的差异。 基点(Basis Point) 一个百分点的百分之一(0.0001)。通常用来衡量利率的变化。 基差交易(Basis Trading) 交易员在现汇和期货市场中开立相反的仓位从而在基差的有利浮动中获利的一种交易策略。 )Bearish看空(. 认为价格将下跌的市场观点。 熊市(Bear Market) 在普遍行情不好的情况下交易产品价格下跌的市场(与牛市相对)。 买方报价(Bid Price) 买方对某种产品能够接受的买入价格。 收支平衡点(Break Even Point ) 在交易中既没有损失也没有获利的点。 看多(Bullish) 认为价格将上涨的市场观点。 牛市(Bull Market)
