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Lesson 1 At the greengrocer’s

celery芹菜cherry樱桃(复数cherries) greens青菜nice and sweet又甜又好吃the greengrocer’s水果蔬菜店expensive昂贵的carrot胡萝卜tomato西红柿(复数tomatoes) onion洋葱10、cucumber黄瓜eggplant茄子want 想要

①我们现在在果蔬店。We are at the greengrocer’s now.②我要去果蔬店。I’m going to the greengrocer’s .③你想要什么?What do you want?(I want some greens.)④它们太贵了,但是它们又甜又好吃They’re expensive,but they’re nice and sweet.⑤我想要一些青菜,我不喜欢茄子。I want some greens,I don’t like eggplant. ⑥What about you?你呢?⑦you’re right.你说的对

lesson 2 I’m hungry

beef牛肉soup汤coke可乐chocolate巧克力beer啤酒chicken鸡肉,小鸡wonderful太好了,太棒了hungry 饿的delicious美味的thirsty渴的drinks饮料,喝的full饱的dwarf矮子,侏儒Snow White 白雪公主back 返回ready准备好的any任何的,一点,一些great很好地,令人满意地pear梨bear熊

①这是谁的家?Who’s home is this?②桌子上有许多食物。There is a lot of food on the table.③我现在饿了。I’m hungry now.④我不喜欢牛肉,但是我喜欢鸡肉。I don’t like beef, but I like chichen.⑤我想要一些饮料。I want some drinks.⑥这是可乐。Here is coke.⑦我饱了。I’m full.⑧我们的晚饭呢?Where is our dinner? ⑨晚饭准备好了。Dinner is ready.⑩你想吃什么?what do you want to eat??这儿有牛肉吗?Is there any beef?(Yes,there is. No,there isn’t.)lesson 3 what’s for breakfast?

sausage香肠hot dog热狗milk牛奶juice果汁bread面包restaurant饭店,餐馆breakfast早饭lunch午饭supper 晚饭dinner晚餐,正餐dessert饭后甜点guess猜想,估计

①come and have a look过来看一看②sorry,I don’t know 对不起,我不知道③let’s go to the restaurant我们去餐厅④妈妈,早饭吃什么?Mum,what’s for breakfast?⑤我们吃牛奶、鸡蛋和面包.We have milk ,eggs and bread.⑥我们去海边看海。We go to the sea to see the sea.⑦I like hot dog and juice for my supper. 晚饭我喜欢吃热狗喝果汁。⑧That’s great!太好了!

lesson 4 help yourselves,please!

grape葡萄date枣fish鱼rice米饭help yourselves请随便用favourite特别喜爱的fruit水果color颜色grandma 奶奶grandpa爷爷aunt阿姨uncle叔叔pineapple菠萝them他们(they的宾格)

①你最喜欢的水果是什么?What’s your favourite fruit? ②我最喜欢的水果是菠萝。My favorite fruit is pineapple.

③你喜欢葡萄吗?④Do you like grapes?⑤请随便用。help yourselves!⑥鱼肉是我最喜欢的食物。Fish is my favourite food.⑦请随便喝点可乐。help yourself to some coke.⑧汤姆晚饭想要吃米饭。Tom wants rice for his dinner. lesson 5 Let’s go to McDonald’s

hamburger汉堡包French fries薯条(chips薯条,薯片)strawberry ice cream草莓冰淇淋apple pie苹果派coffee 咖啡tea茶waiter侍者,服务员(女服务员waitress)dear亲爱的else别的,其他的McDonald’s麦当劳快餐店①我能为你做些什么?What can I do for you? ②我想要一个汉堡包和一个苹果派。I’d like a hamburger and an apple pie. ③what else?还要别的吗?④Is that all?就这些吗?⑤How much?(Forty yuan)多少钱?(how much is your bike?你的自行车多少钱?)⑥here you are/ Here they are./Here is it 给你

lesson 6 What food do you like ?

dumpling饺子vegetable蔬菜noodles面条fried chicken炸鸡north北south南west西east东America 美国(American美国人)England英国(Englishman/englishwoman英国人) Japan日本(Japanese日本人)China 中国(Chnese中国人) shaanxi陕西shanxi山西butter黄油,奶油flour面粉beat击打bake烘烤never从不,绝不oven烤箱

①你来自于哪里?Where are you from?=Where do you come from?

②我来自于中国北方。I’m from the north of China.=I come from the north of China.③你喜欢什么食物?what food do you like?④他来自于哪里?Wher does he come from? ⑤他喜欢什么食物?What food does he like?⑥他喜欢牛肉。He likes beef.

lesson 7 In the restaurant

pork猪肉meat肉,肉类(食用兽肉,不包括鱼鸟之类的肉)salad沙拉menu菜单certainly当然more 更多的dollars美元

①我可以看一下菜单吗?May I have the men? (certainly,here you are.)②我们吃一些肉好吗?Shall we have some meat?③让我们吃一些猪肉和鸡肉吧。Let’s have some pork and chicken.④我们今天有猪肉但是没有鸡肉。We have pork but no chicken today.⑤我可以吃一个冰激凌吗?May I have an ice cream?(sure/certainly,here you are.)⑥我能再吃一些水果吗?May I have some more fruit?⑦不,你不能。你只能吃一个。No,you can’t.you can eat one.

lesson 8 What do you need?


①多丰盛的一顿饭啊!What a big meal!(What a…)②让我们开始我们的野餐吧。Let’s have our picnic.③请递给他番茄酱和一个勺子。Pass him the ketchup and a spoon.④你需要什么?What do you need?⑤你可以在牛奶里加点糖。You can have some sugar in the milk. ⑥汤姆想要吃牛肉,他需要什么?Tom wants to eat beef, What does he need?

⑦Don’t forget…不要忘记…

lesson 9 T he doctor’s advice

worried担心的thin and weak瘦弱的the doctor’s 医生的sweets糖果,甜食hot热的,辣的healthy健康的Mrs夫人,太太Miss小姐Mr.先生advice建议only只,仅仅one kind of一种…peach桃子every 每,每一的every day每天 a lot of许多的much许多(与不可数名词连用)many许多(与可数名词连用)

go to bed 上床睡觉or或者

①妈妈和儿子去看医生。The mother and the son went to the doctor’s.

②医生给了他们一些好建议。The doctor’s gave them some good advice.

③这是医生的建议。Here’s the doctor’s advice.④他不能喝太多饮料。He can’t have to much drink. ⑤他不能仅仅只吃一种食物。He can’t eat only one kind of food.⑥他应该每天喝牛奶。He can drink milk every day.

lesson 10 Would you like to fly a kite with me?

parents父母亲,双亲drawer抽屉string绳子find发现,找到go outside去户外Saturday星期六early早,早的with和,跟do the housework做家务ask问,邀请join us/them 加入我们/他们first首先,第一volleyball排球row划gently轻轻地stream小溪merrily快乐的life生活dream梦想

①天气晴朗有风。It’s sunny and windy②汤姆不必去上学。Tom doesn’t need to go to school.③他想和他的父母亲一起出去玩。He wants to go outside to play with his parents.④我可以在哪儿找到一根细绳?Where can I find a string?

⑤它在抽屉里。It’s in the drawer.⑥我很乐意,但是我必须首先做家务。I’d ike to, but I must do the housework first.

⑦你愿意和我一起去放风筝吗?Would you like to fly a kite with me?⑧那是一个好主意。That’s a good idea!⑨我们可以帮你做家务。We can help you do the housework.

lesson 11 What’s your habby?

do some reading 读书,阅读album集邮册,相册collect stamp集邮do sports做运动play computer games 玩电脑游戏usually通常,经常after在…以后hobby业余爱好sometimes有时go shopping购物drawing 画画free time业余时间,空闲时间enjoy享受…的乐趣,喜欢fun有趣的事,乐趣it’s fun…做…是有趣的beautiful漂亮的picture图片photo照片could能,能够have a look看一看of course当然not at all一点也不 a lovely dog一只可爱的小狗also也club俱乐部stay保持,停留grow生长,增加

①你在放学后通常干什么?What do you usually do after school? ②阅读是我的爱好,但有时我喜欢和我的妈妈一起去购物。那你呢?Reading is my hobby,but sometimes I like going shopping with my mother.③我喜欢在我的业余时间里画画,集邮也是我的爱好。I like drawing in my free time, and collecting stamps is my hoby. ④欣赏邮票上的漂亮图片很有趣。It’s fun to enjoy the beautiful pictures on the stamps.⑤我可以看一下你的集邮册吗?Could I have a look at your albums?⑥他觉得做运动很有趣,也对他的健康有益。He thinks it is fun to do sports, and it is also good for his health.

lesson 12 A sports meeting

a sports meeting 运动会meeting集会win赢,获胜neck and neck齐头并进the marathon马拉松赛跑players运动员relay race接力赛begin开始(过去式begun)have/hasbegun已经开始come on!加油!luck

运气run with the ball带球try to get the ball努力的抢球try试图,试keep goal守门pass the ball传球kick

a goal射门high高(low)fast快的(slow)touch触摸hard困难的,努力的

①接力赛已经开始了。The relay race has begun.②哪个班将会赢?Which class will win?③我不这样认为。我认为我们班将会赢。I don’t think so ,I’m sure we will win.④你在哪个班?What class are you in ?⑤我们和一班齐头并进。We are neck and neck with class 1. ⑥祝你们班好运!Good luck to your class!⑦他踢得很好,他真是一个好的足球运动员。He plays very well.He is realy a good football player.⑧你正在进行哪项运动?What sport are you in ? lesson 13 How often do you go hiking?

go skateboarding 玩滑板go bike riding骑自行车hike远足skate滑冰ski 滑雪always 总是sometimes 有时often经常never从不walk 步行player 运动员team队between 在…之间match比赛tomorrow 明天wonderful太好了,太棒了certainly 当然once 一次season季节month月份luck 幸运,运气lucky 幸运的must必须idea主意how often 多久一次go hiking去远足would like to do sth 想要干某事I’d love to. 我愿意once a season 一个季节一次I’ve no idea.我不知道。Not very often . 不很经常ride one’s bike 骑自行车 a basketball player一个篮球运动员be good at sth / be good at doing sth 擅长干某事in our school basketball team 在我们学校篮球队this afternoon 今天下午watch the match 观看比赛Class Two 二班

你愿意和我们一起去吗?Would you like to go with us? ②你多久进行一次远足?How often do you go hiking?③你非常幸运。You’re very lucky.④我们明天去必须带什么?What must we take with us tomorrow?⑤我不知道(我没有主意)。I have no idea.你是一个篮球运动员吗?Are you a basketball player?⑥我不是非常擅长于打篮球。I’m not good at basketball.⑦我加入了我们学校的篮球队。I’m in our school basketball team.⑧今天下午在我们班和2班之间有一场篮球比赛。This afternoon there is a basketball match between our class and Class Two.⑨我可以观看你们的比赛吗?May I watch your match?

lesson 14 Have a good habit!

read in bed在床上看书talk in the library在图书馆说话make a noise制造噪音keep quiet保持安静should应该shouldn’t不应该eye眼睛stop停止bad坏的,不好的habit习惯carefully认真的,仔细的on time按时,准时brush刷forever永远

①你正在做什么?What are you doing?②你不应该躺在床上读书。那样对你的眼睛有害。You shouldn’t read in bed, It’s bad for your eyes.③如果你累了,停止读书。If you’re tired ,stop reading.④妈妈,我想在躺在床上读书。Mum, I want read in bed.⑤坐在桌旁读书,你应该养成一个好习惯。Read at the table and you should have a good habit.⑥我们不应该上学迟到。We shouldn’t be late for school.



Aa/ei/ cake蛋糕name名字late迟的tape磁带date 日期,年代snake 蛇save、same、face、game、bake

Ee /i:/ me我he他she她we我们sea大海see看bee蜜蜂tree树read读jeep吉普车please请tea 茶

Ii /ai/ bike自行车kite风筝mike迈克like喜欢nice 美好的,愉快的ice冰nine九knife小刀white白色

Oo /au/nose鼻子home家those那些(that的复数)hole洞coke可乐rose玫瑰

Uu /ju:/、/u:/

/ju:/Pupil小学生student学生excuse借口,道歉(excuse me打扰您一下)use使用music音乐duty值日/u:/blue蓝色ruler直尺


复数:cherry:cherries yourself:yourselves grape:grapes hobby:hobbies knife: knives game: games

同义词:want would like come from :be from usually:often too much:too many any :some

否定形式:like :don’t like can:can’t


完整形式I’d: I would let’s:let us here’s:here is doesn’t:does not .we’re:we are I’ve:I have shouldn’t:should not can not:can’t

they(宾格):them we(宾格):us I(宾格):me my(反身代词):myself

反义词:thin:fat weak:strong early:late outside:inside hot:cold

过去式:go:went give:gave begin:begun answer;question

形容词worry:worried health:healthy luck:lucky sun:sunny wind:windy

ing形式:read:reading run:running

Japan:对应词):Japanese England(对应国家语言):English Chinese (对应国家) :China


1. What do you want ? (改为同义句) What would you like ?

2. Pass me the sugar .(改为同义句) Pass the sugar to me .

3.She’d like a cup of tea .(改为一般疑问句) Would she like a cup of tea ?

4.I need some salt .(就画线部分提问) What do you need ?

5.I want some bananas and strawbeeries .(对划线部分提问) What do you want ?

6.They like cucumbers and celery ?(改为否定句) They don’t like cucumbers or celery .

7.He wants some carrots and tomatoes .(改为同义句) He would like some carrots and tamatoes .

8.We are at the greengrocer’s now .(用be going to 改写) We are going to the greengrocer’s now .

9.What can I do for you ? (写出同义句) Can I help you ?


范文一:我的一日三餐Three meals a day

My favourite fruit is banana . And my favourite food is rice . I like eggs and milk for my breakfast . I have noodles for my lunch . I want an apple and some bread for my supper . What’s your favourite fruit ? What’s your favourite food ? 我最喜欢的水果是香蕉。我最喜欢的食物是米饭。早餐我喜欢鸡蛋和牛奶。我午餐吃面条。我想要一个苹果和一些面包作为晚饭。你最喜欢的水果是什么?你最喜欢的食物是什么?

范文二:我的爱好My Hobbies

I like playing basketball . Playing basketball is my hobby . I often play basketball after school . I like listening to music , too . And listening to music is also my hobby . I often listen to music after school . 我喜欢打篮球。打篮球是我的爱好。我经常在放学后打篮球。我也喜欢听音乐。听音乐也是我的爱好。放学后我经常听音乐。

范文三:My favourite food

My favourite food is dumplings . I often eat dumplings for my lunch . My favourite fruit is apple . I always eat an apple after lunch . Sometimes I want rice for my lunch , too . Today is Sunday . I want a cup of milk and an egg for my breakfast . What’s for lunch ? I don’t know . I will ask my mother .我最喜欢的食物是饺子。午饭我经常吃饺子。我最喜欢的水果是苹果。午餐时我总吃一个苹果。有时我午餐也喜欢吃米饭。今天是星期日,我想要一杯牛奶和一个鸡蛋作为早饭。我们午餐吃些什么呢?我不知道。我会问我妈妈。

范文四:My good friends

I have a good friend. Her name is Ann. Her Chinese name is Wang Xiaolan. She is from England. She is in Beijing now. She is in Yuying Primary School. She is in Class Four, Grade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and yellow hair. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a good girl!



Unit1 Our New House 第一课时 教学目标:学习“四会”单词:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room. 教学重点:能听懂、会写、会读、会说house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room。 教学难点:通过学习,能够用英语表达住所名称。 教学环节: 学习目标 (一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, 并用所学单词和句型表达住所名称(二)学习There be句型。 自主学习 (一)温故知新 复习有关日常活动的词汇:wathc TV, go to bed, have lunch, 同桌进行 简单句型问答。 (二)阅读方法 对照课本,边看边练习拼写描述住所的单词。 (三)互助释疑 同桌间一边指着住所图片,一边读出单词,交流不会读的单词。

(四)探究出招 同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 展示交流 (一)小组展示 小组内练习用英语描述住所 (二)班级展示 指名小组上讲台做游戏,用英语描述住所。 点拨升华 (一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。 (二)学生开火车读单词。 (三)用句子There be …描述住所。 课堂作业 作业当堂清 1.单词拼写 h se 房子 b dr m 卧室 b throom 卫生间 d ing room 餐厅l ing room 客厅k tch 厨房 2.单词连线 house 卧室 bedroom 餐厅


1、()What’s______breakfast? Array A of B for C for 2、()Tom wants to ____beef. A eat B eats C to eat 3、()The doctor gave them some good_______. A advices B advice C advise 4、()I’m not good at _______basketball. A play B to play C playing 5、()David_______rides his bike to school. He always walks. A never B sometimes C often 6、()_______do you go hiking? Not very often. A How many B How C How often 7、()The relay race has _________ A begin B began C begun 8、()Mike tries______the ball. A get B to get C getting 9、()______Sunday afternoon he goes swimming. A On B In C At 10、()─What sport are you ______? ─The relay race. A in B on C at 11、()________is my hobby. A read B reading C To read 12、( ) Pass_______the ketchup and a spoon. A he B him C she 13 、( )You can’t have_______sweets. A much B many C a lot 14 、( )Today is_______and windy. A sun B suny C sunny


新陕旅版小学英语四年级上册单词复习 护士厨师农民医生工人司 机警察想要是男人父 亲母亲姐姐,妹妹哥哥,弟弟 农场猪马奶牛绵羊鸭子母 鸡真正地许多任何就……而言早 餐午餐米饭面条汤 饺子肉鸡肉我们好的,极好的很,非 常阿姨欢迎晚餐准备好的很少 牛奶香蕉面包煎饼蛋糕葡 萄橘子茶糖果蔬菜梨子果 汁什么时候课程,班级起床上课吃 中餐玩玩游戏看,观看看电 视床上床睡觉在早的晚的,迟的 我们的图书馆花园科学美术擅 长绘画不,没有星期天星期一星期 二星期三星期四星期五星期六周,星 期一天,白天今天画,绘画图片,图 画绘画玩球跑游泳跳 舞跳,蹦绳子跳绳篮球打篮 球唱,唱歌歌唱歌在……以后课 后一起,共同好,可以每个的,每一的经 常 1 A: What is your father ? B:My father is a worker、 2、A:What do they have on the farm? B:They have pigs ducks……many animals、 3 A: What is for breakfast ? B:I have milk for breakfast 、 4 A: When do you have classes? B:I have classes at eight in the morning、 5 A:What’s in your school? B:There is a big playground in our school、 6 A: What day is today ? B: It’s Tuesday、

7A:What subjects do you have this morning?B:We have Math,Chinese,PE and English、 8A:What do they like to do after class? B:They like to play basketball、


Lesson 1 What time is it? 第一课时 一、教学目标(Teaching aims) 1.复习1~15、20。学习25、30、40、45、50的表示法。 2.初步掌握如何询问时间,如何表达时间及句型“现在是干某事的时间了”。 3.“四会”词句:eight o’clock,twelve thirty, four forty , five fifteen What time is it ? It’s…It’s time for… 二、教学重、难点(Key points and difficult points) 1. 学生会用What time is it问时间,并会用It’s seven o’clock. It’s twelve thirty 等表示不同的时间。 2. 学会用It’s time for…表示现在是该干什么的时候了。 三、教学用具(Preparations) 1.教具:录音机(带)、几种不同时间的卡通画面、几张数字卡片。 2.学具:几张白纸、水彩笔。 四、教学过程(Teaching process) (一)复习导入 1.Listen and sing a song:“Ten Little Indian Boys”.通过这首歌曲复习数字1~10。唱时,老师可以边唱边用手比划这10个数字,学生跟着做。 2.老师通过跺脚、拍手让学生听次数的方法,分别说出所听到的数。这样既复习了数词,又提高了学生学习的积极性。 以20引出21,22,23…,再以20引出30,40,50,60…。让学生通过构词法:-teen构成“十几”,-ty构词“几十”。说“几十几”由“十位数+连词符号+个位数”构成。了解一百以内的基数词,重点学会25,30,40,45,50几个数词。


Unit 1 new..............................新的house...........................房子study............................书房bedroom......................卧室kitchen........................厨房bathroom....................浴室;卫生间room............................房间 living room...................客厅 dining room.................餐厅beautiful......................美丽的;漂亮的for.................................为;给clean.............................干净的;清洁的Unit 2 cook.............................做饭read.............................读;阅读write............................写;写作sleep.............................睡觉eat................................吃listen.............................听stand.............................站;站立sit..................................坐baby..............................婴儿 how about....................怎么样? Unit 3 snow.............................雪;下雪rain...............................雨;下雨cloud.............................云wind..............................风sky.................................天空raincoat.........................雨衣glasses...........................眼镜dear...............................亲爱的please............................请take................................拿;取 take out.........................拿出;取出 put on............................穿上;戴上them.....它们;他们;她们(宾格形式)Unit 4 fly....................................飞;放飞 fly a kite...........................放风筝football...........................足球 play football....................踢足球exercise...........................运动;练习 do exercise......................做运动film..................................电影 see a film.........................看电影wash...............................洗 do some washing............洗衣服climb...............................爬mountain........................山;山脉. climb the mountain.........爬山homework.......................作业 do one’s homework..........做作业weekend.........................周末sometimes.....................有时;间或with................................同;和...一起Unit 5 park................................公园cinema...........................电影院shop...............................商店bookstore......................书店hospital..........................医院 bus stop.........................公 共汽车站


Unit 1 May I Speak to Kitty?重点知识 (一)单词: speak to与...交流mobile phone手机phone call电话Internet互联网;网络go on the Internet上网send送;发送send a message发短信read an e-book读电子书e-mail电子邮件send an e-mail发电子邮件out外面的;在外的take a message留言think about考虑 (二)词组与句子: 1、What do you think is the most useful?你认为什么是最重要的? 2、May I speak to...?我可以和谁通话吗? 3、Sorry,Kitty is out.抱歉,kitty出去了。be out外出。 Can I take a message?我可以捎个口信吗? 4、This is...我是... This is...speaking 5、Could you please ask Kitty to call me?你能让kitty给我打个电话吗? 6、ask sb to do sth让某人做某事。 7、I’ll tell her when she comes back.她回来的时候我将告诉她。 8、Is that Liu Zhaoyang?你是刘朝阳吗? 9、Who is that?你说谁? 10、Where did you go this morning?今天早上你干什么了? I1、I went shopping with my mom.和我的妈妈购物了。 12、She bought me a mobile phone.她给我买了一部手机。


陕旅版英语四年级下册全册教案设计 2021-1-27

Unit1 Our New House 第一课时 教学目标: 学习“四会”单词:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room. 教学重点: 能听懂、会写、会读、会说house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room。 教学难点: 通过学习,能够用英语表达住所名称。 教学环节: ●学习目标(2分钟) (一)出示学习目标:学习“四会”单词:house, study, bedroom, kitchen, living room, dining room, 并用所学单词和句型表达住所名称。 (二)学习There be句型。 ●自主学习(15分钟) (一)温故知新 复习有关日常活动的词汇:watch TV, go to bed, have lunch, 同桌进行简单句型问答。 (二)阅读方法

对照课本,边看边练习拼写描述住所的单词。 (三)互助释疑 同桌间一边指着住所图片,一边读出单词,交流不会读的单词。 (四)探究出招 同桌间练习书写,可以互相检查拼写。 ●展示交流(10分钟) (一)小组展示 小组内练习用英语描述住所。 (二)班级展示 指名小组上讲台做游戏,用英语描述住所。 ●点拨升华(8分钟) (一)教师放录音,学生跟读,纠正读音。 (二)学生开火车读单词。 (三)用句子There be ...描述住所。 ●课堂作业(5分钟) 作业当堂清 1.单词拼写 h __ __ se 房子b__ dr __ __ m 卧室b__ throom 卫生间d__ __ing room 餐厅l__ __ing room 客厅k__ tch__ __ 厨房2.单词连线 house 卧室


Unit1 How Are You Feelin g Now? 单词: 1.feel感觉;感到 2.happy高兴的,快乐的 3、 sad悲伤的;难过的, 4、tried疲劳的 5、angry生气的, 愤怒的 6、go out to play出去玩 7、snowman雪人 8、make a snowman.堆雪人 9、why为什么 10、because因为 11、drink喝 12、make使,让 15、so因此;所以 16、tell告诉 短语: 1、good idea 好主意 2、why not?为什么不? 3.drink some water喝点水 4、on time 按时 5、come on加油,来吧 6、a little一点;少许 句子: 1.--How are you feeling now?你现在感觉怎么样? I am feeling情绪形容词我感觉.... 2.You look sad.你看起来悲伤。 She/He looks sad。她/他看起来很悲伤。 3.Because it is snowing again.因为又在下雨呢。 4.I can’t go out to pla y.我不能出去玩。 5.We can make a snowman.我们可以堆雪人。 6.Sit down and drink some water.坐下,喝点水。 7.Why is she/he angry?她/他为什么生气? --Because....因为... 8.Colin is late again. This makes her very angry. Colin又迟到了,那使她非常生气。 9.So Miss White is telling him to come to s chool on time and not to be late again。 因此怀特女士正在告诉他要按时到校,不要迟到。 语法: 1.sth makes sb+情绪形容词某事让某人..... Unit 2 Spring is Coming! 单词: 1、spring,春天 2、summer夏天 3、autumn秋天 4、 winter冬天 5、season季节 6、plant trees植树 7、 ride a bike骑自行车 8.Tree Planting Day植树节 9、interesting有趣的 10、March 3月 11、April四月 12、May五月 13、warm 暖和的 14、hot热的 15、go swimming去游泳 16、cool凉爽的 17、rich富有的;丰富的 18、cold寒冷的 19、in spring 在春天 重点句型: 1.What do you do in季节?在...你经常干什么? I often fly kites with m y friends. Sometimes we climb the mountains.我经常和朋友放风筝,有时我们爬山。 2.Which is your favorite season?那一个是你最喜爱的季节? My favorite season is...我最喜欢的季节是.... 3.Spring is coming! 春天到了! 4.How happy we are! 我们多么高兴啊! 5.I plant trees with my parents every year on Tree Planting Day. 每年 植树节我和父母一块去植 树。 6.There are four seasons in a year.一年有四个季 节。 7.It’s warm and trees are green.天气很暖和,树 也是绿的。 8.Summer is hot,but we c an go swimming and eat i ce-creams.夏天是炎热的,但是我 们可以游泳和吃冰激凌。 9.Autumn is cool but rich,We have many fruits in this season.秋 天是凉爽的。在这个季节里 我们有许多水果。 10.Winter is cold. Sometimes it snows.We can make snowmen. So we feel happy too! 冬天很冷,有时下雪。我们 可以堆雪人,因此我也感到 高兴。 重点知识: 1、How引导的感叹句结构: How +形容词+句子主语+ 谓语动词+! How happy we are!我们 真开心啊 2、in+季节:在....季 in spring 在春天 3、in+月份:在.....月 in March 在三月 4、on+日期 : 在.....天 on Tree Planting Day 在植树节 5.play with ...和....玩 play with Li Shan 和李 珊玩 6、plant trees with....: 和.....一起植树 plant trees with my moth er 和我妈妈一起植树 7、go+v-ing :去.... go swimming:去游泳 Unit3 Spring Begins from March. 单词: 1、January一月 2、February二月 3、March三月 4、April四月 5、May五月 6、June六月 7、July七月 8、 August八月 9、September九月 10、October十月 11、November十一月 12、December 十二月 13、which那一个 14、become变成;变得 15、better更好 16、Christmas Day圣诞节 17、New Year新年 18、each每;每个 19、month月份 20、first第一 21、second第二 22、third第三 23、fourth第四 24、fifth第五 25、sixth第六 26、seventh第七 27、eighth第八 28、ninth第九 29、eleventh第十一 30、twelfth 第十二 短语: 1、from...to..从...到.. 2、begin from 从...开始 3、like...better 更喜 欢.... 4.like ...best 最欢.... 5、together with sb(宾格) 与某人在一起 句子: 1.How many months are there in a year?一年有几 个月? 2.How many months are there in a season?一季有 几个月? 3.Which months are in spring? 哪些月份在春天? 4.---Which is your favor ite season/month ? 哪一 个是你最喜欢的季节/月 份? ---My favorite season/ month is ...我最喜爱的季 节/月份是... 5.Autumn begins from September here.这儿秋天 从九月开始。 6.It is cool and the mountains become very be autiful.天气很凉爽,山变 得非常漂亮。 7.The trees becom e red and yellow.树变成了红色 和黄色。 8.I like winter better. 我更喜欢冬天。 9.Summer is from June to August。夏天从六月到八 月。 10.We can have much good time together with our family and friends. 我们和家人朋友在一起玩得 开心。 11.We have Christmas on December 25th and New Year on January 1st。 我们12月25日有圣诞节,1 月1日有元旦。 12.Each season has three months.每个季节有 三个月。 13.New Year is in the first month of the year. 新年是一年当中的第一个 月。 14.When is the Children’s Day?.儿童节在 什么时候? Children’s Day is on .....儿童节在.... 语法: 1、the first 第一 2、the second 第二序 数词前要加the 3、Each +(名词单数)+ h as .....each后跟名词单, 谓语动词用单三。 3、spring-- March三月、 April四月、May五月 4、summer--June六月、 July七月、 August八月 5、autumn--September九 月、October十月、 November十一月 6、winter---December 十 二月、January一月、 February二月 7、年、月、季节前面用in, 节日和具体日期前用on。 Unit4 He lives in a village 单词: 1、village村庄;乡村 2、bird小鸟 3、snake蛇 4.potato,土豆(potatoes) 5.tomato(tomatoes)西红柿 6.river河流 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1113167099.html,ke湖泊 8、kind种类 9、around到处;围绕 10、sound听起来 11、by从...旁边 12、grow种植;生长 13、other其他的;别的 14、wild野生的 15、even甚至 16.happily愉快地;快乐地 短语: 1、get to 到达、抵达 2、live in 居住 3、far from 远 4.many kinds of 各种各样 5、runs by 流过 6、wild animals 野生动物 7.year after year年复一年 句子: 1.Where do you live? I live in ...你住在那 里?我住在... 2.Where does he/she live?He/She lives in .. 他/她住在那里?他/她 住在... 2.Xi‘an is really a beautiful city,西安真的 是一座美丽的城市。 4.Do you live in the city? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. 你住在城市吗?是的。/ 不,不是。 5. Is your village big? Yes,it is. /No, it isn’t. 你的村庄大吗? 6.In April and May, there are many kinds of flowers around. 在四月和五月,到处都是各 种各样的花。 7.It sounds very nice.听 起来不错。 8.A river runs by一条河 流穿过。 9.His parents work on a farm.他的父母亲在农场 上工作。 10.In spring,they grow tomatoe s,potatoe s and other vegetables. 在春天 他们种西红柿、土豆和其他 的蔬菜。 11.The trees are homes for birds and some wild animals. 树是鸟和一些野生动物的 家。 12.They live happily together year after year. 他们年复一年的快乐生活在 一起。 Unit5 What is the weather like today? 单词: 1、weather天气 2.weather report天气预报 3、sunny晴朗的 4、windy有风的 5、cloudy多云的 6、rainy下雨的 7、snowy下雪的 8、moon月亮 9、star星星 10、see you再见 11、fine好的;晴朗的 12、say说 13、will将;愿意 14、umbrella 雨伞 短语: 1、take...with...: 某人戴上某物 2、in the sky:在空中 3、You’d better:你最好 句子: 1.What`s the weather like in(地点) today? How is the weather in (地点)today? 在...是什 么天气? It’s+(天气形容词)in+ (地点):在....是....天。 2.It`s not cloudy. 不是 有云的。 2.I can see the moon and stars in the sky.在空中 能看见月亮和星星。 4.It’s snowing now.现在 正在下雨。 5.Take your umbrella with you.带上你的伞。 6.The weather report 7.says it will be windy and cool Tomorrow.天气预 报报道明天有风而且凉爽。 7.You’d better wear your coat.你最好穿上你的 外套。 语法: 一般将来时:表示即将要发 生的事情或动作。 结构: 1、主语+will+动词原形 2、主语+be(am、is、are) going to +动词原形 3、一般疑问句:Will+主语+ 动词原形 4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词 +will+主语+动词原形 口诀: (1)、will口诀 一般将来时,将要发生事, 谓语不一般,will后加动 原。 要变疑问句,will置主语 前。否定句,也不难,will 后把not添。 (2)、be going to口诀: Be going to表打算,准备, 计划将要做某事。使用它, 要注意,疑问形式be 提前。 否定句,更简单,not放在 be后边。to之后,动原形, be的形式看人称。 5、You’d better+动词原形 表示你最好做某事you’d 原型you had better do sth 表示“建议或命令对方最好 做某事” 4、名词:rain、snow、sun、 cloud、wind 形容词:rainy、snowy、 sunny、cloudy、windy 5、世界上独一无二的东西 前要用定冠词the,如:the moon 月亮 the sun 太阳、 the earth地球。 6、祈使句否定形式: Don’t+动词原形 Unit6 My Holiday 单词: 1、holiday假日;假期 2、next下一个 3、travel旅行 4.enjoy the visit 享受旅行 5、place of interest名胜 6、the Palace Museum 故宫博物院 7、the Great Wall长城 8、May Day五一国际劳动节 9、large大的;巨大的 10、all所有的;全部 11、Wonderful 精彩的;极好的 12、slow慢的;慢地 13、the West Lake.西湖 14、fast 快 词组: 1、on the holiday 在度假 2、many places of interest 许多名胜 3、this summer 今年夏天 4、travel to 去...旅行 5.why not 为什么不..呢? 6、beautiful places 漂亮的地方 7、along the way 沿途、沿路 8、have a good time 9、祝你旅途愉快 句子: 1.--Where will you go (将来时间)? ....你将去 哪里? --I will go to(地点) 我将要去.... 2.How will you go?你将怎 么去? By\On foot... 乘..../步行 3.--What will you do (将来时间)? ...你将干什 么? --I will +动词原形... 我将.... 4.--Will your parents go with you? 你的父母将和 你一起去吗? --Yes, they will.\No, they won`t.是的,他们去/ 不,他们不去 5.May Day is coming.五一 将要到了。 6.--What is the(某物) like?....怎么样? --It’s....它.... 7.You can visit many places of interest this summer。 今年夏天你可以参观很 多名胜。 8.All the houses are red and yellow。所有的房子都


四年级上册单词 1、nurse护士 cook厨师 farmer 农民 doctor医生 worker工人 driver司机 policeman警察 want想;要 be是 man男人 2、 farm农场 pig猪 horse马 cow奶牛sheep绵羊 duck鸭子 hen母鸡 really真正地many许多;多的 any任何 3、for就……而言 breakfast早餐 lunch中餐rice米饭 noodles面条 soup汤 dumplings饺子meat肉;肉类 chicken鸡肉 we我们 great好的,极好的 very很,非常 aunt阿姨 welcome欢迎dinner晚餐 ready准备好的 very little 很少 4、when什么时候 class课程,班级 get up起床 have a class上课 have lunch吃中餐 play 玩play games玩游戏 watch看,观看 watch TV 看电视 bed床 go to bed上床睡觉 at在(时间的某一点) early早的 late晚的,迟的 5、our我们的 library图书馆 garden花园

playground操场 toilet洗手间 computer电脑office办公室 teachers’office教师办公室 gate大门,门口 school gate 学校大门 of course当然,一定 6、subject科目 Math数学 PE体育 Music音乐 Chinese语文 English英语 Science科学 Art美术let 使,让 be good at擅长 drawing 绘画 not不,没有 7、Tuesday星期二 Sunday星期日 Monday星期 一 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday 星期五 Saturday星期六 week周,星期 day一天,白天 today今天 draw画,绘画 picture 图片,图画 draw pictures 绘画 8、play ball 玩球 run跑 swim游泳 dance 跳舞 jump跳,蹦 rope绳子,绳索 jump rope 跳绳 basketball篮球 play basketball打篮球sing唱,歌唱 song歌曲 sing songs唱歌 after在……以后 after class 课下,下课后


格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改! Lesson 1 Xi’an is a beautiful city. 本课谈论的是旅游方面的话题,对话内容侧重于旅游前的准备活动。通过学习使学生乐于并能主动和别人用英语谈论旅游的话题。学生要掌握一些和旅游活动相关的句子和短语,例如Where are you going?\ Who will take you there?\Are you

ready for your trip?\ Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses; The Bell Tower; the Great Wall; the Weat Lake. 3.理解会用一般将来时态的两种表达法:I’m going to …\ I will… 4. 会说会用常用语:take a picture of…\ be ready for \ ticket. Why are you ticket, too. B: Where are you going? A: I’m going to go to Sichuan.

B: Who will take you there? A: My brother. Where are you going? B: Beijing. I’ll visit my grandparents. 教师利用CAI课件上的景点图片或是照片讲解本课重点词汇和句型。 1)景点词汇教授。 教师播放CAI让学生感知图片,然后出示各个景点照片一一教授。教师用简单

的句型描述一个景点,让学生们猜猜那是什么。 e.g It’s very famous and great. It’s in Xi’an. It’s about the Qin Dynasty. 从而引出秦始皇兵马俑,教师教授英文单词----- Qin Shihuang’s Terra-cotta Warriors And Horses. The Bell Tower 钟楼


四年级英语下册知识点汇总 Unit 1 Our new house . 一、词汇 1、whose 谁的,who(所有格)whose 。 2、where 在哪儿,where(同义词)wear(穿,戴)。 3、watch 看(动词),watch(第三人称单数)watch es。也可当名词,意为:手表(名词),watch(复数)watch es。 4、study 书房(名词),还可当动词,意为:学习(动词)。eg:He often stud ies in his study。 5、big 大,big(反义词)small 。X k B 1 . c o m 6、too 也,太,too(同音词)two 。 7、clean 干净的(形容词),还可以当动词,意为:打扫,整理。eg:clean the room 打扫房间 二、短语 1、whose home 谁的家 2、welcome to 欢迎来到…… 3、small but clean 小但是干净 4、hide and seek 捉迷藏 5、look out 注意 6、big and beautiful 既大又漂亮 7、under the bed 在床下 8、living room 客厅 9、dining room 餐厅 三、句型 1、What’s in your new house ? 2、There are two bedrooms. 3、Where do you watch TV ? 4、Our livingroom is not very big,but it’s beautifu . Unit 2 I’m cooking in the kitchen . 一、词汇 1、run (现在分词) running 2、swim (现在分词) swimming 3、sit (现在分词) sitting 4、make (现在分词) making 5、have (现在分词) having 6、write (现在分词) writing 7、dance (现在分词) dancing 8、cook 做饭(动词),也可当名词讲,意为:厨师。 9、darling 亲爱的(名词),darling(同意词)dear 。 10、people 人,人们,people(复数形式)people 。X k B 1 . c o m 二、短语 1、in the study 在书房里 2、read a book/read books 看书 3、listen to music 听音乐 4、every day 每天 5、draw pictures/draw a picture画画 6、make a plane 造飞机 7、how about=what about ……怎么样 三、句型 1、What are you doing ? 2、I’m cooking in the kitchen。 3、What are the girls doing ? 4、They are singing songs . Unit 3 Is it snowing ? 一、词汇 1、need 需要(动词)。 2、rain 雨(名词),下雨(动词)。raincoat 雨衣。 3、snow 雪(名词),下雪(动词)。 4、cloud 云(名词),cloud(复数)clouds 。 5、cold 冷,cold(反义词)hot (热). 6、put on 穿上,后跟名词,与代词连用时,代词要放在put与on的中间。 eg:Please put on your coat .(后跟名词)


陕旅版五年级英语(下册)总复习 提纲 单位:青山镇中心小学作者:汪志全 第一单元***第一单元 一、新单词 感觉______ 现在分词_______ 高兴、开心_____ ______ 悲伤、难过______ ______ 劳累的、疲倦的_____ ______ 生气的、愤怒的_____ ______ 出去玩____ _____ _____ _____ 雪人__________ 堆雪人_____ _____ ______ 为什么_______ 因为________ 加油;来吧_____ ______ 少许______ ______ 使、让_______ 因此________ 告诉________ 二、重点短语。 1.feel happy 2.feel sad 3.feel tired 4.feel angry 5.go out to play 6.make a snowman 三、名词变复数。 make a snowman---make a snowmen fly a kite---fly kites 四、根据给出的例子,完成下面试题. For example:(例) A: How are you feeling now?

B: I am feeling happy. A:How are you feeling now? B:I am feeling bad. A: How are you feeling now?. B:I am feeling very hot. A:How____ _____ ______ _____?(你现在感觉怎么样?)B:I _____ _____ ______.(我感觉冷) A:_____ _____ _____ _____ ____?(你现在感觉怎么样?) B: I am feeling ______.(生气) A:How is she feeling now? B:She is feeling ______.(害怕) A:____ ____ ____ _____ _____?(她现在感觉怎么样?) B:She is feeling _____.(伤心、难过) 五、重点句型集锦。(英汉互译) 1.你现在感觉怎么样? 2.我很开心。 3.你看起来伤心。 4.因为天正在下雪。 5.我不能出去玩。 6.加油。 7.我们可以堆雪人。 8.真是一个好主意。 9.你现在感觉怎样?你开心吗? 10.你很累吗? 11.是的,有点。 12.Sit down and drink some water.

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