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【名师一号】粤教版语文双基限时练必修二 第三单元散文10]

【名师一号】粤教版语文双基限时练必修二 第三单元散文10]
【名师一号】粤教版语文双基限时练必修二 第三单元散文10]




.....一项是() A.捞.取/牢.固谪.居/启迪.









答案 D







答案 C











答案 B














答案 C







解析A项,“文坛”与“领域”重复。C项,语序不当。将“一种”调至“在修身”前。D项,误用介词。将“对”改为“给”,答案 B












答案 C

















(选自《文学随笔精品大展》,上海文化出版社,有删改) 8.作者主要写了彩蝶树哪几方面的内容?彩蝶树是怎样的一种


































高二数学 双基限时练3

双基限时练(三) 1.设f ′(x 0)=0,则曲线y =f (x )在点(x 0,f (x 0))处的切线( ) A .不存在 B .与x 轴垂直 C .与x 轴平行 D .与x 轴平行或重合 答案 D 2.一木块沿某一斜面自由下滑,测得下滑的水平距离s 与时间t 之间的函数关系为s =18t 2,则当t =2时,此木块在水平方向的瞬时速 度为( ) A. 2 B. 1 C.12 D .14 解析 s ′=lim Δt →0 Δs Δt =lim Δt →0 18(t +Δt )2-18t 2Δt =lim Δt →0 14tΔt +18(Δt )2Δt =lim Δt →0 (14t +18Δt )=14t . ∴当t =2时,s ′=12. 答案 C 3.若曲线y =h (x )在点P (a ,h (a ))处切线方程为2x +y +1=0,则 ( ) A .h ′(a )<0 B .h ′(a )>0 C .h ′(a )=0 D .h ′(a )的符号不定 解析 由2x +y +1=0,得h ′(a )=-2<0. ∴h ′(a )<0. 答案 A

4.曲线y =9x 在点(3,3)处的切线方程的倾斜角α等于( ) A .45° B .60° C .135° D .120° 解析 k =y ′=lim Δx →0 Δy Δx =lim Δx →0 9x +Δx -9x Δx =lim Δx →0 -9x (x +Δx )=-9x 2. ∴当x =3时,tan α=-1.∴α=135°. 答案 C 5.在曲线y =x 2 上切线倾斜角为π4的点是( ) A .(0,0) B .(2,4) C .(14,116) D .(12,14) 解析 y ′=lim Δx →0 Δy Δx =lim Δx →0 (x +Δx )2-x 2Δx =lim Δx →0 2xΔx +(Δx )2Δx =lim Δx →0 (2x +Δx )=2x . 令2x =tan π4=1,∴x =12,y =14. 故所求的点是(12,14). 答案 D 6.已知曲线y =2x 2上一点A (2,8),则过点A 的切线的斜率为________. 解析 k =f ′(2)=lim Δx →0 2(2+Δx )2-2×22Δx


双基限时练(二十六) 1.已知下列四个等式: ①sin(α+β)=sin αcos β+cos αsin β; ②cos(α+β)=cos αcos β-sin αsin β; ③cos ? ?? ??π2+α=-sin α; ④tan(α-β)=tan α-tan β1+tan αtan β . 其中恒成立的等式有( ) A .2个 B .3个 C .4个 D .5个 解析 ①,②,③对任意角α,β恒成立,④中的α,β还要使正 切函数有意义. 答案 B 2.1-tan15°1+tan15° 的值为( ) A. 3 B.33 C .1 D .- 3 解析 原式=tan45°-tan15°1+tan45°tan15° =tan(45°-15°)=tan30°=33. 答案 B 3.设tan(α+β)=25,tan ? ????β-π4=14,则tan ? ?? ??α+π4等于( ) A.1328 B.1322 C.322 D.16 3.已知α,β为锐角,cos α=45,tan(α-β)=-13,则tan β的值为 ( )

A.13 B.139 C.1315 D.59 答案 B 4.已知tan α+tan β=2,tan(α+β)=4,则tan αtan β等于( ) A .2 B .1 C.12 D .4 解析 因为tan(α+β)=tan α+tan β 1-tan αtan β=21-tan αtan β =4,所以tan αtan β=12. 答案 C 5.若0<α<π2,0<β<π2,且tan α=17,tan β=34,则α+β等于( ) A.π6 B.π4 C.π3 D.3π4 解析 由已知可求得tan(α+β)=1. 又0<α+β<π,∴α+β=π4. 答案 B 6.已知tan α和tan ? ????π4-α是方程ax 2+bx +c =0的两个根,则a ,b ,c 的关系是( ) A .b =a +c B .2b =a +c C .c =b +a D .c =ab 解析 由韦达定理可知tan α+tan ? ????π4-α=-b a 且tan αtan ? ?? ??π4-a =


人教版英语精品资料 双基限时练(一)Unit 1Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1.Any ________ (组织) that received money from the US government had to treat blacks equally. 答案organization 2.How long will the ________ (接通;连接) of the telephone take? 答案connection 3.Their ________ (举止) towards me shows that they don't like me. 答案behaviour 4.I was ________ (鼓舞) to work harder than ever before by what my teacher had said. 答案inspired 5.I doubt if it is ________ (值得) for you to read that book. 答案worthwhile 6.She ________ (支持) her husband on the money she earns from teaching. 答案supports 7.An eye ________ (专家) checked her eyes carefully and advised her not to use her eyes too much. 答案specialist 8.Jane spent many years ________ (观察) and recording their daily activities. 答案observing


双基限时练(十)Module 4Section ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1. The country ____________ (景色) was so attractive that they were reluctant to leave. 答案scene 2. Her style of painting has been ____________ (模仿) by other artists. 答案imitated 3. She refuses to face ____________ (现实). 答案reality 4. We have no ____________ (当代的) account of the battle. 答案contemporary 5. We had a ____________ (令人愉快的) time by the seashore last Sunday. 答案delightful 6. This book aims to cover all ____________(方面) of city life. 答案aspects 7.There are many ________ (稀有) animals in the zoo. 答案unusual 8.The school has ________ (采用) a new teaching method. 答案adopted 9.It's ________ (传统的) to eat turkey (火鸡) at the Thanksgiving Day. 答案traditional 10.We are living a ________ (多彩的) life. 答案colourful


双基限时练(一)Unit 1Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1.He traveled around the country ________ (搜集) facts about folk songs. 答案gathering 2.Do you know when India gained ________ (独立) from Britain? 答案independence 3.I really ________ (钦佩) the way she brings up those kids on her own. 答案admire 4.It's difficult to get used to another country's ________ (风俗).答案customs 5.It is my ________ (信仰) that we will find a cure for cancer sooner or later. 答案belief 6.Many English words have Latin ________ (起源). 答案origins 7.These two countries had three ________ (宗教上的) wars in twenty years. 答案religious 8.People in this town ________ (挨饿); several buildings were bombed and crime soared (剧增) because you have to steal to eat. 答案starved 9.Medals were ________ (授予) to the best speakers on the debating team.

高中英语 双基限时练3 新人教版必修1

双基限时练(三) Unit 1 Part Ⅲ Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.________(少年) in some schools are driven to work hard at their lessons. 答案Teenagers 2.That's ________ (确切地) what I wanted. 答案exactly 3.We are ________ (感激的) to your help. 答案grateful 4.In the past, we used to ________ (交换) letters. 答案swap 5.I heard a(n) ________ (条) of news over the radio. 答案item Ⅱ.选词填空 get along/on well with, join sb. in, get/be tired of, fall in love with 答案getting along/on well with 2.I'll live in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year and ________ it. 答案fell in love with 3.Would you like to ________ playing football? 答案join us in 4.The st udents ________ being asked so many questions at a time. 答案get/are tired of Ⅲ.完成句子 1.I soon ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ the problem. 不久,我就发现难以解决这个问题。 答案found it difficult to settle 2.I am glad to hear that you ________ ________ ________ an operation. 很高兴,听说你手术已康复。 答案have recovered from 3.We ________ ________ ________ her when we were doi ng shopping in the mall. 我们在商场购物时碰巧遇见了她。 答案happened to meet 4.You must understand that it is no pleasure ________ ________ ________ ________. 你必须理解,遭受这样的痛苦是件不愉快的事情。 答案sufferi ng from such pain 5.It was in New Zealand ________ ________ ________ ________ for the first time. 我是在新西兰第一次遇见他的。


双基限时练(四)Unit 2Part ⅠⅠ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The boy shows great ________ (curious) about animals. 答案curiosity 2.The shopping mall is full of ________ (customer) every day. 答案customers 3.They love ________ (roast) meat in the open air. 答案roasting 4.A ________ (balance) diet is necessary for good health. 答案balanced 5.You must know your own strengths and ________ (weak). 答案weaknesses 6.After the tiring trip, his ________ (strong) gave out. 答案strength 7.He is a liar. That is, he is always telling ________ (lie). 答案lies 8.The ________ (host) made her guests comfortable. 答案hostess 9.I don't know how he managed to get away with ________ (steal) the bike. 答案stealing 10.— What do you think of the boy's painting? — I've never seen a person with a ________ (good) sense of art. 答案better 11.You should understand the traffic rule by now. Y ou've had it ________ (explain) often enough. 答案explained Ⅱ.用适当的介词、副词填空 1.Y ou should eat a healthy diet and exercise more to get yourself

【名师一号】高中英语 Learning to learn双基限时练

【名师一号】2014-2015学年高中英语 Learning to learn双 基限时练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.After three years of studying English in America, Mary can speak the language ________ (流利地). 答案fluently 2.The Roman Empire ________ (存在) for several centuries. 答案existed 3.There are 1.3 ________ (十亿) people in China. 答案billion 4.My job lacks ________ (多样性); I'm doing the same thing all the time. 答案variety 5.We all ________ (鞠躬) to the Queen as she came out. 答案bowed 6.Her parents gave her so much money that she's got no ________ (动力) to get a job. 答案motivation 7.Although he had failed many times, he refused to admit ________ (击败).答案defeat 8.A high ________ (百分比) of the female staff are part-time workers. 答案percentage 9.When we are on holiday in Greece, we live like the ________ (本地人).答案natives 10.Even a small success gives you a sense of ________ (成就). 答案achievement Ⅱ.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1.Success lies in hard work. The ________ (hard) you work, the ________ (great) progress you will make. 答案与解析harder; greater 考查了the+比较级...the+比较级结构,意为“越……越……”。 2.A group of ________ (policeman) on horseback attracted a lot of ________ (passer-by). 答案与解析policemen;passers-by 考查了policewoman和passer-by的复数。


双基限时练(十四) 1.数列{2n }的前n 项和S n 等于( ) A .2n -1 B .2n -2 C .2n +1-1 D .2n +1-2 解析 S n =2(2n -1) 2-1=2n +1-2. 答案 D 2.已知等比数列的公比为2,且前5项和为1,那么前10项和等于( ) A .31 B .33 C .35 D .37 解析 a 1+a 2+a 3+a 4+a 5=1. a 6+a 7+a 8+a 9+a 10 =q 5(a 1+a 2+a 3+a 4+a 5) =q 5=25=32. ∴S 10=1+32=33. 答案 B 3.等比数列{a n }的各项都是正数,若a 1=81,a 5=16,则它的前5项和是( ) A .179 B .211 C .248 D .275 解析 ∵a 5=a 1q 4,∴16=81·q 4.

又a n >0,∴q =2 3. ∴S 5=a 1(1-q 5)1-q = 81×???? ??1-? ????2351-23 =211. 答案 B 4.在等比数列{a n }中,已知a 1=3,a n =96,S n =189,则n 的值为( ) A .4 B .5 C .6 D .7 解析 由a n =a 1q n -1,得96=3q n -1. ∴q n -1=32=25.取n =6,q =2, 这时S 6=3(26-1) 2-1=189.适合题意. 答案 C 5.等比数列{a n }中,T n 表示前n 项的积,若T 5=1,则( ) A .a 1=1 B .a 3=1 C .a 4=1 D .a 5=1 解析 由等比数列的性质,知 T 5=a 1·a 2·a 3·a 4·a 5=1,∴a 3=1. 答案 B 6.已知公比为q (q ≠1)的等比数列{a n }的前n 项和为S n ,则数列{1 a n }的前n 项和为( )


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** 双基限时练(十六)语篇提分练Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Here's something to think about next time you ask your teacher for help: trying hard to do schoolwork on your own can help you learn. According to a recent study, the more you try while you are learning new information, the better you can remember it later. This might surprise you. When teachers are presenting new information, they often give students lots of help. But a new study shows this may not be the best way to support learning. “Don't be too quick to get help when learning something new,”education expert Manu Kapur said. “Try to work on it yourself even if it means trying different ways.” Kapur came up with the idea that trying hard can lead to better learning. Then he tested it out on students in Singapore. He divided students into two groups. In the first group, students were asked to solve math problems with the teacher's help. In the second group, students were asked to solve the same problems by helping one another, instead of getting help from the teacher. With the teacher's help, students in the first group were able to find the correct answers. Students in the second group did not solve the problems correctly. But they did come up with a lot of good ideas. The students were then tested on what they had learned. The group without any help from a teacher scored much higher than the group who had help. Kapur said working to find the answers helped students understand the process (过程), not just the solution. Kapur's advice for kids is to put a lot of effort (努力) into learning something new rather than going to your teacher for help.


双基限时练(三)Unit 1Part ⅢⅠ.单词拼写 1.________(少年) in some schools are driven to work hard at their lessons. 答案Teenagers 2.That's ________ (确切地) what I wanted. 答案exactly 3.We are ________ (感激的) for your help. 答案grateful 4.In the past, we used to ________ (交换) letters. 答案swap 5.I heard an ________ (条) of news over the radio. 答案item Ⅱ.翻译句子 1.在老师的帮助下,她的法语学得很好。(get along) _______________________________________________________ 答案With the help of the teacher, her French gets along well. 2.请和我们一起打篮球吧。(join) _______________________________________________________ 答案Please join us in playing basketball. 3.我遵从了他的建议。(follow) _______________________________________________________ 答案I followed his advice. 4.我不擅长与人交流。(communicate) _______________________________________________________


高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 双基限时练(一)Unit 1Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1.He sent me a ________ (系列) of stamps as my birthday gift. 答案series 2.She didn't pass the exam, so she looked very ________(心烦意乱). 答案upset 3.I wouldn't go to London with the mere ________ (目的) of buying a new tie. 答案purpose 4.He ________(不理睬) all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette. 答案ignored 5.The street lights go on at ________(傍晚). 答案dusk 6.The sudden________(雷声)frightened the little girl a lot. 答案thunder 7.The snow is very ________(疏松) and there is a lot of air in it. 答案loose 8.It is a beautiful day today. We'd better take some exercise ________(在户外). 答案outdoors 9.It was ten in the morning but the ________(窗帘) were still


人教版英语精品资料 双基限时练(十一)Unit 4Part ⅡⅠ.单词拼写 1.It was Newton who found the law of ________ (万有引力). 答案gravity 2.Her favorite subject is ________ (生物学). 答案biology 3.They wanted to move to a warmer ________ (气候). 答案climate 4.I like to listen to her ________ (温和的) voice. 答案gentle Ⅱ.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1.She was always gentle ________ the children in the kindergarten, never hitting nor scolding them. 答案与解析with句意:她对幼儿园的孩子总是很温和,从来不打不骂。be gentle with sb.“对某人温和(柔)的”。 2.Make sure the curtains you choose can block ________ the strong sunshine that might come in your room. 答案与解析out句意:确保你选的窗帘能阻隔强烈的阳光进入你的房间。block out此处意为“挡住(光线)”,符合句意。 3.The motorcycle crashed ________ the fence. 答案与解析into句意:摩托车猛地撞在围栏上。crash into“撞上……”,为固定搭配。 4.________ he said at the meeting made all of us present feel worried.

2021年高中英语 双基限时练1 新人教版必修1

Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.He sent me a ________ (系列) of stamps as my birthday gift. 答案series 2.She didn't pass the exam, so she looked very ________(心烦意乱).答案upset 3.I wouldn't go to London with the mere ________ (目的) of buying a new tie. 答案purpose 4.He ________(不理睬) all the “No Smoking” signs and lit up a cigarette. 答案ignored 5.The street lights go on at ________(傍晚). 答案dusk 6.The sudden________(雷声)frightened the little girl a lot. 答案thunder 7.The snow is very ________(疏松) and there is a lot of air in it. 答案loose 8.It is a beautiful day today. We'd better take some exercise

________(在户外). 答案outdoors 9.It was ten in the morning but the ________(窗帘) were still drawn. 答案curtains 10.He advertised for a ________ (搭档) to co-operate with on the project. 答案partner Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The ________ (dust) road looks dirty. 答案dusty 2.Although they are twins, they look ________ (entire) different. 答案entirely 3.It's the second time that I ________ (be) in Beijing. 答案have been 4.A series of TV play ________ (be) on CCTV Channel 1 these days. 答案is 5.While ________ (walk) on the street, she saw a young girl dancing in public. 答案walking

高中英语 Living Abroad 双基限时练

【名师一号】2014-2015学年高中英语 Living Abroad 双基限 时练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It's the ________ (习俗) of giving presents at Christmas in the western countries. 答案custom 2.The company ________ (进行) a survey to find out local reaction to the new theater. 答案conducted 3.The government spokesman is very ________ (谨慎的) about expressing his opinion in public. 答案cautious 4.He ________ (盯着) at the boy, trying to remember whose son he was. 答案stared 5.There are differences between ________ (口头的) and written English. 答案spoken 6.Many editors prefer stories about people, places and events that their readers are ________ (熟悉的) with. 答案familiar 7.When I was ill, I completely lost my ________ (胃口) and wanted to eat nothing. 答案appetite 8.There are two people ________ (受伤) in the car accident. 答案injured 9.We waited for the ________ (到来) of our guests. 答案arrival 10.He ________ (低语) to me that Michael Jackson was murdered. 答案whispered Ⅱ.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1.Our country is similar ________ yours in that they both have several time zones. 答案与解析to 句意:我们的国家和你们的国家相似,因为二者都跨好几个时区。 2.He is a ________ (caution) investor (投资商) who studies the market before buying.


人教版英语精品资料(精修版) 双基限时练(十)Unit 4Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1.The tiger is very dangerous; you'd better not ________ (接近) it. 答案approach 2.You planned to return by plane but there is no ________ (航班) passing your hometown. 答案flight(s) 3.The Great Wall was built as a ________ (防御) against enemy. 答案defence 4.In China everyone aged 18 is regarded as an ________ (成年人). 答案adult 5.Tom played a ________ (主要的) part in the improvement of teaching. 答案major 6.The competition attracted over 500 competitors ________ (代表)8 different countries. 答案representing 7.We live in the same ________ (宿舍). 答案dormitory 8.The boy looked ________ (好奇地) at me from time to time. 答案curiously 9.I wanted very much to join the student ________ (团体). 答案association


双基限时练(二十一) 1.已知a =(-3,4),b =(5,2),则a ·b =( )A .23 B .7C .-23 D .-7 解析 a ·b =-3×5+4×2=-7,故选D.答案 D 2.已知向量a =(1,-1),b =(2,x ).若a·b =1,则x =( )A .-1 B .- 12C. D .1 12 解析 由a =(1,-1),b =(2,x )可得a·b =2-x =1,故x =1.答案 D 3.若非零向量a ,b ,满足|a |=|b |,(2a +b )·b =0,则a 与b 的夹角为( ) A .30° B .60° C .120° D .150° 答案 C 4.已知A ,B ,C 是坐标平面上的三点,其坐标分别为A (1,2),B (4,1),C (0,-1),则△ABC 的形状为( ) A .直角三角形 B .等腰三角形 C .等腰直角三角形 D .以上均不正确解析 =(3,-1),=(-1,-3),=(-4,-2), AB → AC → BC → ∴||= ,||= ,||=. AB → 10AC → 10BC → 20

∴||=||,且||2+||2=||2 =20. AB → AC → AB → AC → BC → ∴△ABC 为等腰直角三角形,应选C.答案 C 5.已知a =(0,1),b =(3,x ),向量a 与b 的夹角为,则x 3π 3 的值为( ) A .±3 B .±3 C .±9 D .3 解析 cos ==, π3a ·b |a |·|b |x 27+x 2∴2x =,且x >0,∴3x 2=27,∴x =3.27+x 2答案 D 6.已知向量a =(1,2),b =(2,-3),若向量c 满足(c +a )∥b ,c ⊥(a +b ),则c =( ) A. B.(79,73)(-73,- 79 )C. D.(73,79 ) (-79,- 73 ) 解析 不妨设c =(m ,n ),则a +c =(1+m,2+n ),a +b =(3,-1), 对于(c +a )∥b ,则有-3(1+m )=2(2+n ).又c ⊥(a +b ),则有3m -n =0,∴m =-,n =-. 797 3答案 D 7.已知向量a =(3,1),b =(1,3),c =(k,2),若(a -c )⊥b ,则k


2020年精编人教版英语资料 双基限时练(七)Unit 3Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写 1.I'm getting along well with my workmates and I'm ________ (满足的) with my job. 答案content 2.He was praised for his ________ (杰出的;突出的) contribution in the task. 答案outstanding 3.John, ________ (克服) the difficulty! Don't give up! 答案overcome 4.Children are often told to ________ (嚼) their meat up well. 答案chew 5.It ________ (使惊诧) me that the little boy should be able to speak five languages. 答案astonished 6.Chaplin was often seen in his films wearing a pair of ________ (穿旧的) shoes. 答案worn-out 7.My family ________ (款待) him as an honored guest. 答案entertained 8.________ (不幸地), my computer system broke down again. 答案Unfortunately 9.By the end of February schools have been opened ________ (遍及) the country.


双基限时练(十一)Unit 4Part ⅡⅠ.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1.Their fur________(use)to make sweaters. 答案is being used 2.The wool________(take) from under their stomachs. 答案is being taken 3.A lot of forests________(destroy),and we are becoming endangered. 答案are being destroyed 4.Much attention________(pay) to the environment around us. 答案is being paid 5.What should you do while your car________(repair)? 答案is being repaired Ⅱ.把下面的句子变成被动语态 1.The students are cleaning the classroom. _______________________________________________________ 答案The classroom is being cleaned by the students. 2.Their aunts are taking care of them. _______________________________________________________ 答案They are being taken care of by their aunts. 3.One of the best students is writing the report. _______________________________________________________ 答案The report is being written by one of the best students. 4.They are carrying out an interesting experiment. _______________________________________________________ 答案An interesting experiment is being carried out (by them).

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