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Chapter 1 Patient-Physician Interaction Page 1


The patient-physician interaction proceeds through many phases of clinical reasoning and decision making.

proceed 进行、开展reasoning 推论、推理clinical reasoning 诊断

clinical decision 确定治疗方案making decision 做出决定


The interaction begins with an elucidation of complaints or concerns, followed by inquiries or evaluation to address these concerns in increasingly precise ways.

elucidation 说明、阐明inquire 询问、调查evaluation 评估、评价这种沟通开始于病人主诉或所关注问题的阐明,然后通过交流、评估不断精确地确定这些问题。

The process commonly requires a careful history or physical examination, ordering of diagnostic tests, integration of clinical findings with the test results, understanding of the risks and benefits of the possible courses of action, and careful consultation with the patient and family to develop future plans.

integration 综合consultation 磋商、会诊


Physicians increasingly can call on a growing literature of evidence-based medicine to guide the process so that benefit is maximized,while respecting individual variations among different patients

respecting 注意到、关系、说到evidence-based medicine 循证医学


The increasing availability of randomized trials to guide the approach to diagnosis and therap y should not be equated with “cookbook” medicine

availability可利用性,可得到randomize 随机的

cookbook 食谱,烹调书approach 接近


Evidence and the guidelines that are derived from it emphasize proven approaches for patients with specific characteristics.

Evidence 证据,迹象guideline指导方针emphasize 强调


Substantial clinical judgment is required to determine whether the evidence and guidelines apply to individual patients and to recognize the occasional.

substantial clinical 真实的,实在的individual 个体occasional 偶尔的,特殊的实际的临床判断需要确定这些临床表现和诊断依据标准是否能应用于普通病人的个体,并能找出例外。

Even more judgment is required in the many situations in which evidence is absent or inconclusive.

inconclusive 不确定性,非决定性


Evidence also must be tempered by patients’ preferences, although it is a physician’s responsibility to emphasize when presenting alternative options to the patient.

temper 脾气,调音preference 偏爱presenting 提出alternative 可选择的,二选一虽然医生喜欢提出选择性问题让病人回答,但病人肯定会根据自己的倾向调节临床症状。

The adherence of a patient to a specific regimen is likely to be enhanced if the patient also understands the rationale and evidence behind the recommended option.

adherence 坚持、固执regimen 养生法、食物疗法

enhance 提高、加强rationale 基本原理


To care for a patient as an individual, the physician must understand the patient as a person. care for 喜欢、照料


This fundamental precept of doctoring includes an understanding of the patient’s social situation, family issues,financial concerns, and preferences for different types of care and outcomes, ranging from maximum prolongation of life to the relief of pain and suffering.

precept 训戒doctoring 行医prolongation 延长


Even as physicians become increasingly aware of new discoveries, patients can obtain their own information from a variety of sources, some of which are of questionable reliability. questionable 可疑的、成问题的、不可靠的reliability 可靠、可信赖的


The increasing use of alternative and complementary therapies is an example of patients’ frequent dissatisfaction with prescribed medical therapy.

alternative 选择,替代complementary 补充的、相配的prescribe 规定、指定、开处方不断增加的替代疗法和辅助疗法的应用就是病人对常规疗法经常不满意的一个例子。

Physicians should keep an open mind regarding unproven options but must advise their patients carefully if such options may carry any degree of potential risks, including the risk that they may relied on to substitute for proven approaches

substitute 代替、代用rely on 依赖、信任


It is crucial for the physician to have an open dialogue with the patient and family regarding the full range of options that either may consider

crucial 严酷的、决定性的either 两者任一


The physician does not exist in a vacuum but rather as part of a complicated and extensive system of medical care and pubic health.

vacuum 真空extensive 广阔的、大量的


In premodern times and even today in some developing countries, basic hygiene, clean water, and adequate nutrition have been the most important ways to promote health and reduce disease. adequate 足够的、恰当的


In developed countries, the adoption of healthy lifestyles, including better diet and appropriate exercise, are cornorstones to reducing the epidemics of obesity, coronary disease, and diabetes.

adoption 采纳、采用epidemic 流行、传染


Public health interventions to provide immunizations and to reduce injuries and the use of tobacco, illicit drugs, and excess alcohol collectively can produce more health benefit than nearly any other imaginable health intervention.

illicit 非法的、违禁的collectively 全体地、共同地produce 生产、创造公共健康干预如进行疫苗接种、减少损伤、减少吸烟、减少吸毒、减少酗酒等措施共同产生的健康效果比几乎可想象的任何其它健康干预措施都要好得多。

Chapter 6Vital signs Page 15


A nurse or assistant often obtains the vital signs.


Traditionally the vital signs include pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and body temperature.


More recently, advocates of var ious causes have advocated for a “fifth vital sign”.

advocate 提倡、主张


The most cogent of these “new” vital signs is the patient’s quantitative assessment of pain. cogent 今人信服的,切实的,有力的


The pulse should be recorded as not just the rate but also the rhythm.


Physicians may prefer to initiate the examination by holding the patient’s hand while palpating the pulse.

initiate 开始,创始


This nonthreatening initial contact with the patient allows the physician to determine whether the patient has a regular or irregular rhythm.


When the blood pressure is abnormal, many physicians repeat the measurement.


The instrument error that contributes to the greatest variability is the cuff size of the sphygmomanometer.

variability 变化,易变性sphygmomanometer 血压计


Many adults require a large-size adult cuff; using a narrow cuff can alter systolic/diastolic blood pressure by -8 to +10/+2 to +8mmHg.

mmHg: millimeter of mercury

许多成人需用大号的成人袖套,如果使用窄袖套能够影响收缩压-8~10mmHg ,舒张压2~8mmHg。

The appearance of repetitive sounds (Korotkoff sounds, phase 1) constitutes the systolic pressure.

constitute 构成,设立,指定

重复脉搏音(Korotkoff 音,第1相)的出现定为收缩压。

After the cuff is inflated about the palpated pressure, the Korotkoff sounds muffle and disappear as pressure is released (phase 5).

inflate 充气、膨胀muffle 含糊不清


The level at which the sounds disappear is the diastolic pressure.


The American Heart Association recommends that each measure should be rounded upward to the nearest 2mmHg

be round up to the nearest whole number取最近的整数


The respiratory rate should be assessed at the same time the patient is observed to determine whether there is any respiratory discomfort (dyspnea).

dyspnea 呼吸困难


The subjective sensation of dyspnea is caused by an increased work of breathing. subjective 主观的


The examiner should decide whether patients have tachypnea (a rapid rate of breathing) or hypopnea (a slow or shallow rate of breathing).

tachypnea 呼吸急促hypopnea 呼吸减弱

检查者要确定病人是否存在呼吸急促(呼吸频率快)或呼吸减弱(呼吸频率慢或浅)Tachpnea is not always associated with hyperventilation, which is defined by increased alvealar ventilation resulting in a lower arterial carbon dioxide level.

hyperventilation 换气过度resulting in 导致、引起


In the evaluation of patients suspected of having pneumonia, examiners agree on the presence of tachypnea only 63% of the time.

agree on 对……取得一致意见


The body temperature of adults usually is measured with an oral electric thermometer.


These thermometers correlate well with the traditional mercury thermometer and are safer to use.

mercury 汞


Rectal thermometers reliably record temperatures 0.4℃higher than oral thermometers.


By comparison, newer tympanic thermometers may vary too much compared with oral thermometers (-1.2℃to +1.6℃versus the oral temperature) to be reliable among hospitalized patients.

tympanic 鼓膜的、鼓室的too much ……to be 太……以致于不


Chapter 8 Why Geriatric Patients Are Different Page 20


Older patients differ from young or middle-aged adults with the same disease in many ways, one of which is the frequent occurrence of comorbidities and of subclinical disease. comorbidities 并存病subclinical 亚临床的


As a function of the high prevalence of disease, comorbidity (or the co-occurrence of two or more diseases in the same individual) is also common.

prevalence 流行、普遍co-occurrence 同时发生


Of people age 65 and older, 50% have two or more chronic disease, and these diseases can confer additive risk of adverse outcomes, such as mortality.

confer 授予、给予additive 附加的、附属物


In some patients, cognitive impairment may mask the symptoms of important conditions. cognitive 认知的、认识的impairment 损害mask 口罩、假面具、掩饰在一些病人中,认知损害可以掩盖重要病情的症状。

Treatment for one disease may affect another adversely, as in the use of aspirin to prevent stroke in individuals with a history of peptic ulcer disease.

stroke 中风peptic ulcer 消化性溃疡


The risk for becoming disabled or dependent also increases with the number of diseases

disabled 残废的、有缺陷的dependent 依靠的、依赖的


Specific pairs of diseases can increase synergistically the risk of disability.

synergistic 协同的


Arthritis and heart disease coexist in 18% of older adults; although the odds of developing disability are increased by three-fold to four-fold with either disease alone, the risk of disability increases 14-fold if both are present.

arthritis 关节炎


A second way in which older adults differ from younger adults is the greater likelihood that their diseases present with nonspecific symptoms and signs.

likelihood 可能性


Pneumonia and stroke may present with nonspecific changes in mentation as the primary symptom.

pneumonia 肺炎mentation 精神作用、心理活动primary 初始的、首要的、主要的肺炎和中风时可出现非典型意识变化作为主要的症状。

Similarly, the frequency of silent myocardial infarction increases with increasing age, as does the proportion of patients who present with a change in mental status, dizziness, or weakness rather than typical chest pain.

silent 沉默的、静止的proportion 成比例的、相称的


As a result, the diagnostic evaluation of geriatric patients must consider a wider spectrum of diseases than generally would be considered in middle-aged adults.

spectrum 谱、光谱


A third condition that is found primarily in older adults is frailty, frailty is thought to be a wasting syndrome that presents with multiple symptoms and signs, including reduced muscle mass, weight loss, weakness, poor exercise tolerance, slowed motor performance, and low physical activity.

primarily 起初、首先、原来frailty 脆弱、虚弱、意志薄弱

tolerance 宽容、忍耐、耐受


Some estimates indicate that the full syndrome is found in 7% of community-dwelling people age 65 and older, and in 25%of community-dwelling people age 85 and older.

estimate 估计、评价、看法indicate 指出、表时、象征、适应征


Many institutionalized older adults also are frail.

institutionalized 使成公共团体、将……收容在公共设施里

frail 身体虚弱的、易损坏的、意志薄弱的


Frailty is a state of decreased reserve and increased vulnerability to all kinds of stress, from acute infection or injury to hospitalization, and may identify individuals who cannot tolerate invasive therapies.

reserve 保存、克制vulnerability 易受伤、易受责难


The syndrome of frailty is associated with high risk of falls, needs for hospitalization, disability, and mortality.

fall 跌倒、下降frail 身体虚弱的、易损坏的、意志薄弱的


There is early evidence that a core component of frailty is sarcopenia, or loss of muscle mass associated with aging, which occurs in 13 to 24% of persons age 65 to 70 and in 60% of persons age 80 and older.

component 成分、构成要素sarcopenia 肌减少(症)、与年龄相关的骨骼肌质量下降衰弱一个主要成分的早期表现是肌肉减少,或说随年龄增长的肌肉减少,它发生在13~24%的65~70岁的老人,60%的80岁以上的老人。

It is likely that dysregulation of multiple physiologic systems, including inflammation, hormonal status, and glucose metabolism, underlies the syndrome, with resulting decreased ability to maintain homeostasis in the face of stress.

dysregulation 失调homeostasis 内环境稳定


Subclinical disease (e.g., atherosclerosis), end-stage chronic disease (e.g., heart failure), or a combination of comorbid diseases may precipitate the syndrome.

atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化

亚临床疾病(如动脉粥样硬化), 晚期慢性疾病(如心力衰竭),或多种疾病并存可共同形成症状。

Evidence from randomized, controlled trials shows that resistance exercise, with or without nutritional supplements, and home-based physical therapy can increase lean body mass and strength in even the frailest older adults.


This evidence suggests that earlier stages of frailty may be remediable, although end-stage frailty likely presages death.

remediable 可挽回的presage 预兆、预示


Fourth, cognitive impairment increases in prominence as people age.

prominence 突出、显著


Cognitive impairment is a risk factor for a wide range of adverse outcomes, including falls, immobilization, dependency, institutionalization, and mortality.

immobilization 活动能力减少institutionalization 制度化、专门照料


Cognitive impairment complicates diagnosis and requires additional care giving to ensure safety.


Finally, a serious and common outcome of chronic diseases of aging is physical disability, defined as having difficulty or being dependent on others for the conduct of essential or personally meaningful activities of life, from basic self-care (e.g., bathing or toileting) to tasks required to live independently (e.g., shopping, preparing meals, or paying bills) to a full range of activities considered to be productive and/or personally meaningful.


Of older adults, 40% report difficulty with tasks requiring mobility, and difficulty with mobility predicts the future development of difficulty in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL; household management tasks) and activities of daily living (ADL; basic self-care tasks).


In persons age 65 and other, difficulty with IADL is reported by 20%, and difficulty with ADL is reported by 11%; for both, the prevalence increases with age.

prevalence 流行


People who have difficulty with tasks of IADL and ADL are at high risk of becoming dependent.


Of persons older than age 65, 5% reside in nursing homes, largely as a result of dependency in IADL and/or ADL secondary to severe disease.

reside 居住nursing home 疗养院


Generally, woman live more years with disability, whereas men who become similarly disabled are more likely to die at a younger age.


Although physical disability is primarily a result of chronic diseases and geriatric conditions, its onset and severity are modified by other factors, including treatments that control the underlying diseases, physical activity, nutrition, and smoking.

Primarily 首先、起初、主要、、根本onset 进攻、有力的开始、发作虽然身体能力不足是慢性疾病和年老状态的一个主要结果,它的发生和严重程度被其它因素影响着,包括基础疾病的治疗和控制、身体锻炼、营养和吸烟。

Many intervention trials indicate that disability can be prevented or its severity decreased; one trial showed improvements in functioning with resistance and aerobic exercise in older adults with osteoarthritis of the knee.

aerobic exercise 有氧运动osteoarthritis 骨关节炎


Chapter 13 Tissue Engineering Page 36


The loss or failure of an organ or tissue is devastating.

devastating 毁灭性的


Current treatment methods include transplantation of organs, surgical reconstruction, use of mechanical devices, or supplementation of metabolic products.

device 装置


However, the ultimate goal of transplantation should reside in the ability to restore living cells to maintain or even enhance existing tissue function.

reside 居住、属于、存在于


By developing replacement tissues that remain intact with bioactive properties after implantation, retaining physiologic functions as well as structure to the tissue or organ damaged by disease or trauma, tissue engineering could provide an alternative to transplantation and other forms of reconstruction.

remain 剩下、留下、保持、属于retain 保留、保持

intact 完整无缺的、未受损伤的property 特征、特性


Skin replacement products are the most advanced, with several tissue-engineering wound care materials currently on the market worldwide.


The potential impact of this field is endless, offering unique solutions to the medical field for tissue and organ replacement.

impact 撞击、冲击frail unique 唯一的、独特的


Tissue engineering may eventually be applied to the regeneration of diverse tissues such as the liver, small intestine, cardiovascular structures, nerve, and cartilage.

regeneration 再生、重建diverse 不同的、变化多的


Work on bioartificial liver devices has been under way for several years.

bioartificial liver 生物人工肝under way 进行中


The sources of cells required for tissue engineering are summarized by three categories, autologous cells (from the patient), allogeneic cells (from donor, but not immunologically identical), and xenogeneic cells (donor form a different species).

autologous 自体allogeneic 同种异体xenogeneic 异基因的、异种组织工程所需的细胞源被总结为三大类,自体细胞(来源于病人)、同种异体细胞(来源于供者,但不是免疫同源的)和异种细胞(不同物种的供者)。

each category may be further delineated in terms of stem cells (adult or embryonic) or “differentiated” cells obtained from tissue, where the cell population obtained from tissue dissociation comprises a mixture of cells at different maturation stages and includes rare stem and progenitor cells.

delineate 描绘differentiated 区别、区分dissociation 分裂、分离maturation 成熟rare 稀奇的progenitor祖先、起源


Recent discoveries have indicated that stem cells of one type can transdifferentiate to repair damaged tissue of another type (i.e., hematopoietic stem cells home to infarcted myocardium and repair the tissue).

transdifferentiate 转分化hematopoietic 造血的


Tissue engineering will remain an area of intense research.

intense 强烈的、热切的、激烈的


Advances in the areas of growth factors, stromal matrices, gene encapsulation, and gene delivery will all play a role.

stromal 间质的matrix 基质encapsulation 封闭、包装delivery 传递在这个热园中,已有进展的生长因子、间质其质、基因封闭、基因传递都将扮演一份角色

Chapter 20 Nonsurgical Infections in Surgical Patients Page 57


Postoperative patients are at increased risk for a variety of nonsurgical postoperative nosocomial infections.

nosocomial 医院的


The most common of these is urinary tract infection (UTI).


Any patient who has had an indwelling urinary catheter is at increased risk for a UTI. indwell 存在…之中、居住


Despite the benign course of most UTIs, the occurrence of one in a surgical patient is associated with a threefold increase in death occurring during hospitalization.

threefold 三倍的、三重的


The best prevention is to use urinary catheters sparingly and for specific indications and short durations and to employ strict closed –drainage techniques for those that are used.

sparingly 节俭的、保守的employ 使用、利用


Lower respiratory tract infections are the third most common cause of nosocomial infection in surgical patients (after SSIs and UTIs) and are the leading cause of death due to nosocomial infection.

SSIs 手术部位感染、局部感染


Diagnosis is usually relatively straightforward in a patient who is breathing spontaneously. straightforward 一直向前、简单的、明确的spontaneously 自然的、自发的、不由自主的对一个呼吸自然的病人,诊断通常相对容易。

However, a patient who is intubated and being ventilated because of adult respiratory distress syndrome presents an extremely difficult diagnostic problem.

intubate 以管插入……腔道


Patients with this syndrome commonly have abnormal chest radiographic findings, abnormal blood gas values, and elevated temperatures and white blood cell counts even in the absence of infection.

radiographic X线照相术的


Both false-positive and false-negative diagnosis of pneumonia is common.


New chest radiographic infiltrates with signs of infection constitute a good indication for bronchoalveolar lavage, a method being used to diagnose and identify bacteria causing ventilator-associated pneumonia, which has proven to minimize the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and possesses a higher specificity than previous methods.

infiltrate 透入、渗透constitute 构成、指定indiscriminate 不加区别的、任意的possess 拥有、撑握、具有specificity 明确性、具体性


As part of the work-up for fever in a surgical patient, central lines used for monitoring or treatment should always be considered.

work-up 诊断检查central 中央的、主要的、近的、便利的line 线路、方法作为外科病人发热诊断检查的一部分,用于监测或治疗的深部导管始终应用考虑。

Catheter-related sepsis is diagnosed when an organism is isolated from blood cultures and from a segment of the catheter in question, without any other source if septicemia and with clinical findings consistent with sepsis.

organism 生物、有机体、有机组织in question 在考虑中、讨论中


Infection of the catheter site is defined as presence of erythema, warmth, tenderness, and/or pus at the site of the catheter insertion.

erythema 红斑


Both require removal of the catheter, and if a new central line is needed, a new puncture is warranted.

puncture 穿刺warrant 保证、批准、证明


Furth treatment usually depends on the organism isolated.


Placement of lines should be done following standard aseptic and antiseptic technique including wide drapes and full gown and glove for the inserting physician.

drape 窗帘、幔gown 长礼服、手术衣


Still the best way to minimize these infections is to avoid placement of unnecessary lines and to remove them once the indication is not present anymore.

Still 然而、尽管如此


Routine change of central lines has not proven to reduce infection rates.


Occult and Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding Page 60

occult 神秘的、秘密的、隐蔽的obscure 黑暗的、模糊的、隐匿的


Occult bleeding is defined as the detection of asymptomatic blood loss from the gastrointestinal tract, generally by routine fecal occult blood testing (FOBT) or the presence of iron deficiency anemia.

fecal 排泄物、残渣


Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding is defined as bleeding of unknown origin that persists or recurs after a negative initial endoscopic evaluation of both the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts.

initial 开始的、最初的evaluation 评价


Both of these entities may be presentations of recurrent or chronic bleeding.

entity 实体、存在、本质presentation 提出、表现、存在


The initial approach to evidence of occult gastrointestinal blood loss should be endoscopic evaluation.


In the setting of an isolated positive FOBT, colonoscopy is indicated as the first test. colonoscopy 结肠镜


The yield of colonoscopy in these patients is approximately 2% for cancer and 30% for one of more colonic polyps.

yield 产出、结出、产生


The initial approach to a patient with iron deficiency anemia depends on the presence of symptoms referable to either the upper or lower gastrointestinal tract.

referable 可认为与...有关的、可参考的


Regardless of the findings on the initial upper or lower endoscopic examination, all patients should have both upper and lower endoscopy because the complementary endoscopic examination has a yield of 6% even if the first one was positive.

complementary 补充的、互补的positive 确定的、绝对的、真实的


For premenopausal women, a positive FOBT requires full evaluation, as does iron deficiency anemia.

premenopausal 绝经前的


Barium radiographs of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract have limited utility in the setting of occult bleeding because of their inability to biopsy or treat lesions that are identified. utility 实用、效用、通用


The evaluation of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding is often frustrating

frustrating 令人泄气的、令人沮丧的


Angiodysplasia is the most common cause in most recent series.

Angiodysplasia 血管发育畸形


Initial endoscopic examination should focus on any symptoms reported by the patient.

focus 聚焦、集中、明确


Potential causative agents, such as NSAIDs and aspirin, should be discontinued.

causative 成为原因的

NSAIDs 非甾体类抗炎镇痛药non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs


Disorders associated with bleeding, such as hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome), inflammatory bowel disease, or a bleeding diathesis should be considered.

telangiectasia 毛细血管扩张diathesis 素质


A repeat endoscopic evaluation may be appropriate, because approximately one third of cases reveal a cause of bleeding overlooked during the initial endoscopy.


When upper endoscopy and colonoscopy are both unrevealing, evaluation of the small bowel is indicated.


Radiographic evaluation of the small bowel is noninvasive but relatively insensitive, with a less than 6% yield from small bowel follow-through and a 10 to 21% yield from enteroclysis. insensitive 感觉迟钝的follow-through 持久的贯彻,持续enteroclysis 小肠造影小肠X线检查是非侵入性的,但相对不灵敏,小肠全片6%不到有发现,小肠造影10~21%有结果。

By comparison, the diagnostic yield of endoscopic enteroscopy of the small bowel in obscure gastrointestinal bleeding is 38 to 75%.

enteroscopy 肠镜检查


Traditional videoendoscopes can evaluate only the proximal small bowel (≤150cm), whereas longer scopes, which are passed though the entire small bowel and then withdrawn while visualizing the mucosa (sonde enteroscopy), are limited in their ability to visualize the entire mucosa and cannot be used to perform diagnostic or therapeutic maneuvers.

proximal 最接近的、近侧的visualize 使看得见,想像sonde 探空火箭传统的电视内窥镜能检查近端小肠(≤150cm),然而能通过整个小肠边退边看肠粘膜的更长内镜,也不能看到整个肠粘膜,都不能作为常规的诊断或治疗手段。

When endoscopic evaluation does not detect the cause of blood loss, radiographic procedures such as scintigraphy and angiography should be considered.

scintigraphy 闪烁显像


Provocative angiography using heparin or thrombolytic agents has been suggested by some authorities, but this approach has the potential risk of precipitating major bleeding.

Provocative 刺激的、挑拔的、气人的precipitating 使突然发生、促使


In the face of continued blood loss and no identified etiology, intraoperative endoscopy may provide simultaneous diagnosis and therapy.

simultaneous 同时发生的、同时存在的


During the procedure, the surgeon plicates the bowel over the endoscope.

plicate 有褶的;有皱襞的


As the scope is withdrawn, endoscopic findings can be identified for surgical resection or treatment.


The yield of this procedure exceeds 70%.


In some clinical situations, the site of bleelding cannot be identified, and the patient requires long-term transfusion therapy.

long-term 长期的transfusion 输血


A new device for visualizing the entire gastrointestinal mucosa consists of a small camera in an ingestable capsule that transmits images to receivers attached to the patient’s abdomen and

mapped to identify the location of the image.

ingestable 能咽下、能吸收camera 照相机、电视摄像机


The diagnostic yield of capsule enteroscopy is not yet clear, but this approach may potentially visualize segments of the small bowel that were previously inaccessible.

potentially 潜在的、可能的inaccessible 达不到的、难接近的


No therapeutic maneuvers are possible with the device.


Chapter 23 Diabetic Nephropathy Page 67


End-stage renal disease (ESRD) from diabetic nephropathy is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in patients with type 1 diabetes, affecting 30 to 35% of patients in the United States.

nephropathy 肾病


Although nephropathy is about one half as frequent in type 2 diabetics (partially due to a shortened life expectancy), type 2 diabetes still makes up the vast majority of diabetic patients seeking therapy for ESRD.

expectancy 期望、预期make up 补足、编造、组成


Overall, diabetes is the leading cause of ESRD in the United states, accounting for more than one third of cases.

overall 总体来说accounting for 说明、证明、对…负责


Details are less clear in patients with type 2 diabetes, but the natural history of diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetes is well described.


The period immediately following diagnosis is best characterized by glomerular hyperfiltration.

glomerular 肾小球的hyperfiltration 超过滤


During this time, there is renal hypertrophy, increased renal blood flow, increased glomerular volume, and an increased transglomerular pressure gradient, all contributing to a rise in GFR. hypertrophy 肥大gradient 坡度、梯度GFR glomerular filtration rate 肾小球滤过率


Importantly, these changes depend at least in part on hyperglycemia, as they are diminished

by intensive diabetes treatment.

hyperglycemia 高血糖intensive 加强的,密集的


Three to 5 years after diagnosis, early glomerular lesions appear, characterized by thickening of glomerular basement membranes, mesangial matrix expansion, and arteriolosclerosis. mesangial 肾小球系膜的matrix 母体、基础


Albumin excretion remains low during early glomerular changes; however, as pathologic changes mount, the glomeruli lise their functional integrity, resulting in glomerlar filtration defects and increased glomerular permeability.

Albumin 白蛋白mount 骑上、进行攻击integrity 完整、完善

defect 缺点、缺陷permeability 渗透性

Albumin excretion remains low during early glomerular changes; however, as pathologic changes mount, the glomeruli lose their functional integrity, resulting in glomerlar filtration defects and increased glomerular permeability.


Although results of routine tests of renal function (creatinine and urinalysis) still remain normal, microalbuminuria (30 to 300 mg/day) appears.


Systemic hypertension is also present at this time in more than 50% of cases.


After several years, most diabetic patients exhibit diffuse glomerulosclerosis, although a minority have pathognomonic Kimmelsteil-wilson nodular throughout lesions .

exhibit 展示、陈列diffuse 扩散、传播glomerulosclerosis 肾小球硬化症pathognomonic 特异病征性的


Although pathologic changes continue to mount throughout the disease, glomerulosclerosis extensive enough to cause ESRD develops in a minority of patients; in these cases, overt albuminuria (>300 mg/day) begins approximatedly 15 years after diagnosis.

overt 明显的、公然的


Soon after, following a variable period on the order of 3 to 5 years, the GFR begins a relentless decline (≥10 ml/min/year), which is eventually reflected by an increase in serum creatinine.

on the order of 属于…一类的、与…相似的relentless 残忍的、不留情面的之后,接着一个易变的时期,约需3~5年,肾小球滤过率开始极度下降(≥10毫升/天/年),最终以血清肌酐浓度增高表现出来。

The appearance of massive proteinuria and the nephrotic syndrome is common in this context and often heralds progression to ESRD.

nephrotic syndrome 肾病综合症context 环境、背境、上下文

herald 传令、预示、预报progression 进行、前进、进展


Once the serum creatinine rises (reflecting an approximately 50% decline in GFR), ESRD develops in most patients within 10 years.

potentially 潜在的、可能的inaccessible 达不到的、难接近的


This course is highly variable, houever, particularly in type 2 diabetics, who may exhibit moderate proteinuria for several years without a substantial deterioration of renal function.

deterioration 变化、退化、恶化


A simple but useful method of monitoring progression to renal failure is to plot the reciprocal of the seum creatinine as a function of time.

plot 小块地皮、地基、用图标出、阴谋reciprocal 相互的、倒数、互补一个简单而实用的肾功能衰竭进展的监测方法是用图表记录血清肌酐的倒数作为当时的肾功能。

This technique allows better assesssment of both therapeutic interventions and the time when renal replacement therapy will become necessary.

potentially 潜在的、可能的inaccessible 达不到的、难接近的


Chapter 26 Trauma in Pregnancy Page 78


Trauma is the leading nonobstetric cause of maternal mortality and occurs in as many as 7% of pregnancies.

maternal 母亲的、母性的mortality 死亡数、死亡率


The most common mechanisms of injury are from falls or from motor vehicle crashes. mechanism 机械、结构、机制

vehicle 运载工具、车辆


When compared to age-matched pregnant controls, pregnant women who sustained trauma had a higher incidence of spontaneous abortion, preterm labor , fetomaternal hemorrhage, abruptio placentae, and uterine rupture.

match 与……相配、使成对ssustain 遭受、承受


As the scope is withdrawn, endoscopic findings can be identified for surgical resection or treatment.

agree on 对……取得一致意见sphygmomanometer 血压计


The yield of this procedure exceeds 70%.


In some clinical situations, the site of bleelding cannot be identified, and the patient requires long-term transfusion therapy.

long-term 长期的transfusion 输血


Multiple studies have attempted to identify risk factors that predict morbidity and mortality in the pregnant trauma patient.

multiple 多种因素组成的、复合的、多样的predict 预计,预测


The maternal Injury Severity Score, mechanism of injury, and physical findings are unable to adequately predict adverse outcomes such as abruptio placentae and fetal loss.

adverse 相反的、不利的


Early involvement of an available obstetrician is important to evaluate both maternal and fetal well-being.

involvement 连累、缠绕available 可用的、可联系的well-being 康乐、安康、福利联系紧密的产科医生早期介入,检查评估母婴双方健康状况是非常重要的。

In the management of the pregnant trauma patient, the critical point is that resuscitation of the fetus is accomplished by resuscitation of the mother.

critical 紧要的、关键的


Therefore, the initial evaluation and treatment of the pregnant injured patient is identical to that of the nonpregnant injured patient.

identical 同一的、完全相同的


Rapid assessment of the maternal airway , breathing, and circulation and ensuring an adequate airway avoids maternal and fetal hypoxia.


In the later stages of pregnancy, as already described, uterine compression of the vena cava may result in hypotension from diminished venous return, so the pregnant trauma patient should be placed in left lateral decubitus position.

compression 压缩、挤压decubitus 卧姿、褥疮


If spinal cord injury is suspected, the patient may be secured to a backboard and then tilted to the left.

secure 安全的、有把握的backboard 靠背板、后部挡板tilt 使倾斜、使偏斜假如怀疑脊柱损伤,病人可先仰卧在硬板然后转向左侧。

The increased blood volume associated with pregnancy has important implications in the trauma patient.

implication 涉及、牵连


Signs of blood loss such as tachycardia and hypotension may be delayed until the patient loses nearly 30% of her blood volume.


As a result, the fetus may be experiencing hypoperfusion long before the mother manifests any signs.

perfusion 灌注


Early and rapid fluid resuscitation should be administered even in the pregnant patient who is normotensive.

administer 执行,实施normotensive 血压正常


Chapter 41 Diagnosis of Sudden Cardic Death(SCD) Page 118


SCD is death due to instantaneous, unanticipated circulatory collapse within 1 hour of initial symptoms and is often, but not always, due to a cardiac arrhythmia.

instantaneous 瞬间的、即刻的、即时的unanticipated 不曾预料到的心源性猝死是指出现初始症状1小时内的未能预料的循环衰竭死亡,并不少见,但不全是心律失常。

More than 70% of all sudden natural deaths have a cardiac cause, and 80% of these are attributable to coronary artery disease.

attributable 可归于┄的


In assessing prognosis and planning a treatment strategy, it is useful to classify SCD as either primary (without a clear trigger) or secondary.

strategy 策略、战略trigger 触发、引起


A primary episode has a 10 to 30% 1-year recurrence rate, whereas most secondary episodes are associated with recurrence rates of less than 2%.

episode 一段情节、插曲、有趣的事associated with 联合


Identifiable reversible precipitants of secondary ventricular fibrillation (VF) include transient ischemia possibly related to vasospasm;

identifiable 可确认的reversible 可逆的precipitant 仓促的、突然的transient 短暂的、瞬时的


hypokalemia resulting from diuretics; hyperkalimia secondary to renal failure, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, prostaglandin inhibitors,or potassium-sparing diuretics; hypokalemia 低钾血症angiotensin-converting enzyme血管紧张素转化酶prostaglandin 前列腺素sparing 节俭的、保守的


proarrhythmia secondary to antiarrhythmics, tricyclics, and antihistamines;

proarrhythmia 致心律失常作用tricyclic 三环的、三环分子

antihistamine 抗组织胺类


or substance abuse with drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines.

administer abuse 滥用、陋习amphetamine 安非他明、苯异丙胺或可卡因或安非他明类药物的滥用。


Therapy is directed toward removing or treating the acute precipitant.

removing 消除


SCD related to acute ischemia in the absence of prior MI often is associated with severe proximal occlusive disease, normal left ventricular function, normal signal-averaged ECG, and noninducibility [absence of ventricular tachycardia (VT) ]during electrophysiologic study.

MI myocardial infarction 心肌梗死average 平均inducibility 可诱导的缺乏心肌梗死前兆的急性缺血性心源性猝死常与严重的近端梗阻疾病有关,电生理研究时心室功能正常,心电图正常信号普通,无法诱异[缺乏室性心动过速(VT)] Most patients should undergo comprehensive evaluation of myocardial function and coronary anatomy.

undergo 经历、忍受comprehensive全面的、广泛的,能充分理解的大多数病人应该进行全面的心肌功能评价和冠状动脉解剖。

Echocardiography is useful for excluding hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and valvular heart disease;

echocardiography 超声心动图hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肥厚性心肌病超声心动图对肥厚性心肌病和瓣膜性心脏病在内的疾病很有用;

magnetic resonance imaging, for diagnosing arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia; magnetic resonance imaging 磁共振dysplasia 发育异常、结构异常磁共振对有心律失常性右室发育不良症的诊断很有用;

and myocardial biopsy, for identifying infiltrative diseases such as myocarditis, amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, and sarcoidosis.

infiltrative 渗透性的、浸润性的amyloidosis 淀粉样变

hemochromatosis 血色素沉着sarcoidosis 结节病


Coronary angiography shoule be performed to assess for the presence of coronary occlusive disease and to exclude coronary artery anomalies.


Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy provides complementary data for assessing ischemic burden.

myocardial perfusion scintigraphy 心肌灌注闪烁照相术


Left ventricular function can be assessed by contrast ventriculography, radionuclide ventriculography, or echocardiography.

ventriculography 心室造影术radionuclide ventriculography 放射性核素心室显像术通过对比心室造影、同位素心室造影或超声心动图可以评价左心室。

Evaluation of SCD survivors also includes Holter monitoring and/or electrophysiologic




第二单元 骨质疏松与骨骼的危险因素 骨质疏松可能几十年也没有任何症状。因为除非骨折,它不会引起任何症状。有些骨质疏松性骨折数年后才能诊断出来。因此,只有发生带来痛苦的骨折时,患者才能意识到自己的骨质疏松。而骨质疏松症状和骨折部位有关。 脊椎骨折可引起严重的带状疼痛,疼痛从后背扩散到身体的两侧。几年时间,反复的脊椎骨折可引起身高变矮,脊椎弯曲和后背下端长期疼痛。脊椎弯曲使得患者出现驼背现象,通常称为“罗锅”。 日常生活中发生的骨折叫做压迫性骨折。例如:有些骨质疏松患者走路或下台阶时,脚部会出现压迫性骨折。 跌倒时通常发生髋部骨折。如果患有骨质疏松,非常轻微的磕碰都能造成髋部骨折。由于骨骼的质量较差,即使行外科手术治疗,髋部骨折也很难治愈。 根据国际骨质疏松基金会今天在世界骨质疏松日公布的报告披露,如果吸烟,每天饮酒两杯以上,不锻炼身体或饮食不佳,晚年就会患骨质疏松。 国际骨质疏松基金会主席Daniel Navid在迪拜召开的记者招待会上说:“预计到2050年,因骨质疏松造成的髋部骨折发生率,男性将增至310%,女性将增至240%。骨质疏松导致的骨折通常意味着疼痛,功能丧失,严重病例会导致死亡。” “战胜骨折”报告作者及国际骨质疏松基金会成员Cyrus Cooper教授说:“世界范围内,骨质疏松发病率正以流行病的发病增长——50岁以上,有1/3的女性和1/5的男性患骨质疏松性骨折。但是,如果人们年轻时就认识到骨质疏松的危害并采取适当措施,将对晚年时期的骨骼健康有着巨大的积极影响。” 国际骨质疏松基金会敦促人们接受国际骨质疏松基金会一分钟骨质疏松危险因素检查。此外,采取对骨骼有益的生活方式,如营养饮食,定期锻炼,不吸烟,不酗酒,这些都会有助于形成健壮的骨骼,防止骨折。 危险因素主要分为两大类:可修正的和不可修正的危险因素。尽管我们无法控制危险因素,如年龄,性别,家族史,但还是有些能减轻其影响的办法。 可修正的危险因素 可修正的危险因素主要源于不健康的饮食或生活方式的选择,包括营养不良,身高体重比偏低,饮食失调,喝酒,吸烟和缺乏锻炼。这些危险因素大部分直接影响骨骼健康,导致骨密度降低。(BMD) 喝酒 欧洲,北美洲及澳大利亚的研究表明,无论男性还是女性,每天饮酒量超过两杯会就加大骨质疏松和髋关节骨折的危险。 吸烟 吸烟同样增加人的骨折危险。国际研究已经表明,吸烟使髋关节骨折的危险增加1.5倍。在瑞典进行的研究表明,18到20岁的男性吸烟者,其骨密度降低。这项研究结果尤其令人担忧。因为它表明,年轻人吸烟可以降低骨质峰值——而骨质在20岁到25岁形成——因此增加他得晚年患骨质疏松的危险。 身高体重比偏低 身高体重比(BMI)偏低是检测人瘦的尺度,也可以用来提示患骨质疏松的危险度。医生认为,BMI在20到25之间是理想值。19以下表明BMI太低,有患骨质疏松的危险。 营养不良、饮食钙摄取量低 营养不良与BMI低紧密相连,它能影响骨骼健康。当饮食中钙的摄取量不足时尤其如此。钙是骨矿物质的基本成分,对肌肉,神经和人体的其它细胞也是十分重要的。 维生素D缺乏 主要通过皮肤暴露在阳光下获得的维生素D十分重要,因为它帮助从肠中吸收的钙进入到血液中。通常,儿童和成人每天把面部、手和胳膊暴露在阳光下10到15分钟就足够了。 饮食失调 饮食失调,如神经性厌食、贪食,也能引起骨质疏松。这些情况都能大大降低钙摄取量,加速骨矿物质流失。 运动量不足 久坐的人比经常运动的人更容易发生髋关节骨折。例如:每天坐9个小时以上的女性,其髋关节骨折的机率比坐6个小时以下的女性高50%。 经常跌跤 90%的髋关节骨折都源于跌跤。视力障碍、丧失平衡、肌肉神经紊乱,痴呆、卧床及老年人中常见的服用安眠药


新编临床医学英语 第1期:病患的问题与诉求 Unit 1 Text A Internal Medicine and Today's Internist 第1单元文章A内科与内科医生 Questions/Pleas of the Patient 病患的问题与诉求 How can I find a good doctor?" 我如何找到一位良医? How can I find a good doctor whom I can afford?" 如何能够碰到一位价格亲民的医生? How can I find a good doctor who cares about me as a person? 〃 又如何能够遇见一位把我当成入”看待的医生? How can I find a good doctor who will take the time to listen and understand ?" 如何找到一位能够花时间倾听我的诉说,了解我的名医? People who need medical care ask these questions throughout the world every day. 每天,全球有许多病患都在询问这些问题。 They ask them because they face a health care system that is scientifically complex , organizationally overloaded, and generally not oriented to the patient as a person. 他们之所以问这些问题,是因为他们所面对的医疗保健体系技术深奥、机构臃肿,而且一般都没有意识到病人首先是 一个人”。 When an individual first becomes ill, regardless of the symptoms, he or she needs most someone who seems to say, 如果有人生了病,不管症状如何,他们最希望听到的是: "I am a good doctor ;I charge a reasonable amount for my services ;I care about you ,the patient and I will take the time to listen and understand ." 我是医生;我只收取亲民价格,我关心病患,我将倾听你的诉求,理解你。” A prominent teacher/ physician in a major medical center taught his students to listen to the patient and he will tell you what is wrong, and he will tell you what he needs". 主要医疗中心的知名学者/内科医生都会教授学生要学会倾听,病人会告诉你哪里不舒服,也将会告诉你他们的需求。 Having found a physician who answers so profoundly to their needs, some patients are extremely grateful but most are utterly overwhelmed. 有些内科医生完全满足了病患的需求,有些患者表现出了极大的感激之情,但是绝大部分都激动不已。 With the discovery of that relationship, the difference between a superb technician and a true physician really becomes evident to the patient. 有了这层关系之后,专业技师和内科医生的区别在病患面前展露无遗。 That physician /teacher was a scholarly gentleman with deep scientific insight and an active


All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人 Victory won't come to me unless I go to it. ( M. Moore ) 胜利是不会向我们走来的,我必须自己走向胜利。(穆尔) 2017高考我们必胜! 选修七课文译文 Unit1 (A篇)MARTY’S STORY马蒂的故事 Hi, my name is Marty Fielding and I guess you could say that I am "one in a million".你好。我叫马蒂·菲尔丁。我想你可能会说我是“百万人中才有一个”的那种人。In other words, there are not many people like me. 换句话说,世界上像我这样的人并不多见。You see, I have a muscle disease which makes me very weak, so I can't run or climb stairs as quickly as other people. 你瞧,我的肌肉有毛病,使我的身体非常虚弱,所以我不能像别人那样快跑快步爬楼梯。In addition, sometimes I am very clumsy and drop things or bump into furniture. 再说,有时候我还会笨手笨脚、不小心摔掉东西,或磕碰到家具上。Unfortunately, the doctors don't know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. 不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,学会了适应身体的残疾。My motto is: live one day at a time. 我的座右铭是:活好每一天。 Until I was ten years old I was the same as everyone else. 十岁以前,我跟其他人是一样的。 I used to climb trees, swim and play football. 我常常爬树、游泳、踢足球。In fact, I used to dream about playing professional football and possibly representing my country in the World Cup. 说实在的,我过去常常梦想我会成为职业球员,代表我们的国家参加世界杯足球赛。Then I started to get weaker and weaker, until I could only enjoy football from a bench at the stadium. 后来,我的身体开始变得越来越虚弱,以至于只能坐在体育场的长凳上欣赏足球了。In the end I went into hospital for medical tests. I stayed there for nearly three months. 最后我到医院去做了检查,几乎住了三个月的医院。I think I had at least a billion tests, including one in which they cut out a piece of muscle from my leg and looked at it under a microscope. 我想我至少做过十亿次检查,


第一单元 A 篇 预防保健与整体医疗 预防保健 预防保健指的是某种生活方式和医疗保健(例如疾病筛查)的实施,其目的在于延长健康的状态和避免某一特定常见病的发生(如心脏病,癌症,和由于谷蛋白和其他饮食敏感引起的免疫系统疾病)。我认为更多的精力和卫生保健资金应该用于预防疾病,这样一来治疗疾病所需资金会相应减少(由于疾病减少)。 这种方法同样适用于筛查某一特定疾病。这就是我用谷蛋白敏感性作一例子的理由。现在我们拥有技术在儿童的生长过缓之前,在不可逆的骨质疏松症发生之前,在其它自身免疫疾病产生之前,在淋巴瘤和其他癌症发生之前,应用科学技术在早期来测试其对谷蛋白的免疫反应。我认为对可测出的谷蛋白敏感和(或)肠功能异常不应该置之不理,我坚持对小肠的伤害情况应该饮食调节之前进行活组织检查。多年来病理学家已知道组织损害常伴有功能损伤。恰恰是功能损伤而不是组织损害应当引起重视。谷蛋白敏感进行饮食调节只是在人生中为了达到最佳健康而实施的保健措施的一个方面。其它更为重要的方面包括其它保健干预措施,比如避免吸烟、防止过量饮酒、不使用毒品,锻炼身体,健康营养摄入,以及良好口腔卫生。详情,请见下文“健康和营养十步曲”。 整体医疗 整体医疗观或整体医疗,虽然有时易混同于一种可供选择的医疗实践,但实际指的是人的全面整体健康的保持(包括生理,情感,心理和精神),而不仅仅指健康或身体系统的某个方面。例如,作为胃肠道疾病专家,人们通常只咨询胃肠类疾病的相关问题。仅关注肠道疾病的症状并进行药物治疗是典型的传统医疗法。但是,我更支持整体医疗方法。众所周知,情感因素、饮食因素、压力和体育活动(如过度运动)都会极大影响肠功能。为了取得胃肠疾病治疗或任何其它身体系统疾病治疗的最长期效的成功,以上所有这些方面都应重视。因此,对有症状或无症状的个人最好的医疗服务就是提供一种针对整个人(因而被称为“整体”)的评估和治疗的方法来保持其健康,而决非仅针对某一特定部位。 我的“健康和营养十步曲”就体现了我的整体医疗观。 “健康和营养十步曲” 摄入品种广泛富于营养,能量适当,益于吸收和健康的食品; 充足睡眠,遵循最适合你的有规律的生物钟(夜间睡眠至少8小时,日出前起床最佳); 每天进行体育锻炼,最好在户外阳光下; 每天用非药物减轻压力方式(尤其通过锻炼、沉思、祈祷,以有可能避免压力); 不吸烟,不饮酒,及其它可以改变情绪的物质; 采用各种方法保持口腔清洁(经常刷牙并用牙线清洁牙齿); 如果可能,尽量避免接触食物、水和空气中的毒素; 想办法玩,大笑、以愉快感恩积极的心态面对自己的人生; 帮助他人,已所不欲,勿施与人; 在生活中力求平静、安宁、谦逊、简朴与爱。


1.必修一MODULE 1 My First Day at Senior High升入高中的第一天 My name is Li Kang. I live in Shijiazhuang, a city not far from Beijing.我叫李康,住在离北京不远的石家庄市,它是河北省的首府。It is the capital city of Hebei Province. Today is my first day at Senior High school and I'm writing down my thoughts about it.今天是我升入高中的第一天,现在我就写写我这一天的感想。My new school is very good and I can see why. The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing.我的新学校非常好,理由如下,老师们很热情、很友好,而且教室很棒。Every room has a computer with a special screen, almost as big as a cinema screen. 每间教室部配备有一台电脑,电脑屏幕是像电影院屏幕大小差不多的特殊屏幕。The teachers write on the computer, and their words appear on the screen behind them.老师在电脑上写字,这些字就出现在老师身后的屏幕上。The screens also show photographs, text and information from websites. They're brilliant!屏幕也能显示照片、文本以及网站下载的信息。真是太棒了! The English class is really interesting.英语课很有趣。The teacher is a very enthusiastic woman called Ms Shen.老师是一位姓沈的非常热心的女士。We're using a new textbook and Ms Shen’s method of teaching is nothing like that of the teachers at my Junior High school.由于我们使用的是新课本,沈老师的教学方法跟初中老师完全不一样。She thinks that reading comprehension is important, but we speak a lot in class, too. 她认为阅读理解很重要,而我们在课堂上说得也很多。And we have fun. I don't think I will be bored in Ms Shen's class!我们过得很快乐。我认为上沈老师的课我是不会感到厌倦的! Today we introduced ourselves to each other. We did this in groups. 今天我们以小 组的形式互相作了自我介绍。Some students were embarrassed at first but everyone was very friendly and it was really nice.有些同学开始还有些难为情,不过大家都很友好,真是太好了。Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves.沈老师给了我们一些指导,然后我们自己活动。


美联英语提供:零基础英语:零基础到四级怎么学习 两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b15115976.html,/test/xiaobai.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 英语四级怎么学习?这个一直是很多人焦虑的问题,尤其是基础不好的人或者零基础的更是。对于任何一门考试,首先要做到的是了解考试其特点从而更好的去着手和应对。然后再做一份全面的备考计划是打好基础的第一步。英语四级复习备考可分为阶段分为三个阶段:基础阶段,强化阶段,以及冲刺阶段。 一、基础阶段 一般情况下,你为什么会觉得英语考试难?原因很简单,无非是单词看不懂,句子读不懂。像你这样子的就属于基础薄弱者,必须要夯实基础,这样子才能从根本上解决一部分问题。这一阶段主要就是教你如何为后期复习打好基础的。 首先我们必须得复习四六级词汇学习!以为我的基础较差,经过我的了解,大纲所考的英语词汇也就那么多,而且还是反复出现在英语真题中的,所以我觉得用真题来复习单词是最好的选择。 而逐句精解中对于阅读真题文章每一句话中的核心单词都有详细的注解,包括词性、词义、近反义词等等,在真题环境下记忆单词,效果真的很不一样,我只花费了一个月的时间就记住了大部分核心单词。然后就是语法的学习,只会背单词不懂语法是不能够准确的翻译阅读的。 长难句是句子图解,简单句也有语法讲解,只是以句子讲解的形式而已,但是仅仅如此就足够啦!我自己看不懂就参考着它进行学习了。逐渐的我发现,我竟然自己能读懂文章了,不但如此还可以自己分析句子的语法了。

二、强化阶段 上一阶段的学习只能让你读懂文章,而做题是要讲究技巧的,因此这一阶段主要以真题为主,完成近几年的所有真题的同时要学会分析错题原因,及时进行查漏补缺。你应该更加关注做题技巧和思路,及时进行反思和理解。重点练习自己的薄弱单项进行系统化的强化练习。1.听力:首先必须做到能够认识历年真题选项和原文中的所有单词。我想现阶段认识题目什么的应该都不是问题了,但是听力考试不只是认识题目,关键是要能听得懂。要想听懂就只能多听了,当然如果你不嫌弃麻烦的话可以一边听一边把翻译写下来。当时是把逐句精解赠送的MP3格式的听力题下载到了手机上,没事就听它,有时候我就把它写在纸上翻译下来,如果没记下的就多听几遍。慢慢的能听懂,但是我发现做题还有一定的问题,我就把逐句精解赠送的听力做题技巧的小册子拿来学习做题技巧。没想到,才学习了几个提醒就明显见效了。 2.写作:写作是主观性很强的题型,建议你找一些好的经典的模板背诵吧!逐句精解的真题答案部分就有给出参考模板,可以直接拿来学习,就不用再找其他的书了。此时的你已经掌握了高大上的单词和句式,作文基本上是可以随手拈来的了。没事多看看话题,了解更多的作文题型,作文基本上就不是问题。 3.翻译:翻译是要多加练习的,基础知识都已经得到夯实了,那么就不多说了,用逐句精解的翻译技巧学习一下翻译应该注意的问题吧!这两点掌握了之后翻译基本上也就不是问题了。 4.阅读:有了基础阶段对于词汇语法的补漏,强化阶段重点不再是读懂,而是做对。在做题过程中能明确各大题型和各大考点,拿到题干能快速判断该题属于哪一题型,通过课上笔记清楚各题型的解题方法,清楚各题型各自的正确与错误选项特征。之前学习词汇和语法是结合真题阅读来进行的。这对于做阅读是很有帮助的,做题技巧的话就用逐句精解赠送的阅读技巧小册子来学习吧!相信你会在最短的时间有很大的提升。


新编临床医学英语 第1期:病患得问题与诉求 Unit 1 Text A Internal Medicine and Today’sInternist 第1单元文章A 内科与内科医生 Questions/Pleas of thePatient 病患得问题与诉求 How can I find a good doctor?” 我如何找到一位良医? How canIfind a good doctor whom I can afford?" 如何能够碰到一位价格亲民得医生? How can I find a gooddoctor who cares about me as a person?〃 又如何能够遇见一位把我当成“人”瞧待得医生? How can I find a good doctorwho will take the time to listen and understand?" 如何找到一位能够花时间倾听我得诉说,了解我得名医? People who need medical care ask these questions throughout the world every day. 每天,全球有许多病患都在询问这些问题、 They ask them because theyface a health care system that is scientificallycomplex, organizationally overloaded, and generally not oriented to the patient as a person、 她们之所以问这些问题,就是因为她们所面对得医疗保健体系技术深奥、机构臃肿,而且一般都没有意识到病人首先就是一个“人"。 When an individual first bees ill, regardless of the symptoms, he or she needs mostsomeone who seems to say, 如果有人生了病,不管症状如何,她们最希望听到得就是: ”I am a gooddoctor;I charge areasonable amount for my services;I care about you,the patient and I will takethe timeto listenand understand、" “我就是医生;我只收取亲民价格,我关心病患,我将倾听您得诉求,理解您。” A prominent teacher/physician in a major medical center taught his students to list en to the patient and he will tell you what is wrong, and he will tell youwhat he needs”. 主要医疗中心得知名学者/内科医生都会教授学生要学会倾听,病人会告诉您哪里不舒服,也将会告诉您她们得需求、Having found a physician who answers so profoundly to their needs, some patients areextremely grateful but most are utterly overwhelmed、 有些内科医生完全满足了病患得需求,有些患者表现出了极大得感激之情,但就是绝大部分都激动不已。 With the discovery of that relationship, the difference between a superb technicia n and a true physician really bees evident to thepatient。 有了这层关系之后,专业技师与内科医生得区别在病患面前展露无遗。 Thatphysician/teacher was a scholarly gentleman with deep scientific insigh t and an activeand stimulating clinicaland research practice、 内科医生/教授都就是学术人才,她们对学科有着科学得深刻见解,并活跃在临床与研究领域中。


1.必修二Module 1 Zhou Kai (1) 周凯(1) When Zhou Kai’s mother saw him heading towards the front door without a jacket on, she eyed him anxiously. 周凯的妈妈看到他没有穿夹克衫就往前门走去时,她担心地盯着周凯,问道 “Zhou Kai, where are you going?” she asked. "周凯,上哪儿去呀?" “To the park. I’m going to play football,” said Zhou Kai"去公园踢球,"周凯说。 “But it’s raining! You’ll catch a bad cold,” said his mother. "下着雨呢!会得重感冒的,"妈妈说。 “No I won’t. I’ll be fine,” said Zhou Kai, as he opened the door. "不会的,没事,"周凯边说边开门。“Zhou Kai, you’ll get ill. You know you will. You can at least go and get your jacket.” "周凯,你会生病的,肯定会的。你至少可以去拿上你的夹克衫。 “OK, OK.” Zhou Kai went as he was told. "好吧,好吧,"周凯听话地带了件夹克,走了出去。 My mother has always made sure we eat very healthily, and fresh fruit and vegetables are a very important part of our diet. 我妈妈总是想方设法让我们吃得健康,新鲜水果和蔬菜是我们食谱中很重要的一部分。We live near the sea and we have fish about four times a week. 我们家靠近大海,一周吃四次鱼。We don't eat much fat or sugar.脂肪和糖分的摄取不是很多。A lot of my school friends eat sweets every day but I'm lucky because I don't have a sweet-tooth学校里很多同学每天都吃:甜食,我很幸运我不喜好甜食-- I'd rather eat a nice piece of fruit.我宁愿吃一块(一片)美味的水果。And I'm not too heavy, so I never have to diet, or anything like that. 我不是很胖,所以;我不必节食,也不必做其他类似的事情。 I'm quite healthy I very rarely get colds, although, unusually for me, I had a bad cold and a bit of a fever last week.我很健康。很少感冒。不过很少见的是上周得了重感冒还有点发烧。But that's because I was stupid enough to play football in the rain.但那是因为我真是够蠢的,居然在雨中踢足球。I don't often get things like flu either.我也不常染上流感。Last winter almost all my classmates got flu--- but I didn't.去年冬天全班同学儿乎都得了流感---我却幸免了。I think I don't get these things because I take a lot of exercise and am very fit. 我认为我不会得这些病,因为我经常锻炼,很健康。Two years ago I broke my arm playing football. The injury was quite painful and I couldn't move my arm for a month --- I hated that.两年前我在踢球时胳膊骨折了。伤口疼得厉害,胳膊一个月不能动,太讨厌了。 So as you can see from what I've said, I'm a normal kind of person.从我上面的话你可以看出,我是个普通的人。But there's one thing I really love--- I'm crazy about football. 不过有一件事我非常喜爱-----我对足球太着迷了。I'm captain of the class team at school and I'm also a member of the Senior High team.我是班上足球队的队长,也是高中球队的球员。Because of this, I make sure that I have a good diet, and as I've said, this isn't a problem because my mother feeds us so well.正因为如此,我确保自己的合理膳食,我早就说过,这没问题,妈妈照顾我们吃得真是太好了。 2.必修二Module 2 Article 1文章一 My name is Adam Rouse. I’m 19 years old and I used to be a drug addict. 我叫亚当?鲁斯,19岁。我曾经是


新编临床医学英语 欧阳家百(2021.03.07) 第1期:病患的问题与诉求 Unit 1 Text A Internal Medicine and Today's Internist 第1单元文章A 内科与内科医生 Questions/Pleas of the Patient 病患的问题与诉求 How can I find a good doctor?" 我如何找到一位良医? How can I find a good doctor whom I can afford?" 如何能够碰到一位价格亲民的医生? How can I find a good doctor who cares about me as a person?〃 又如何能够遇见一位把我当成“人”看待的医生? How can I find a good doctor who will take the time to listen and under stand?" 如何找到一位能够花时间倾听我的诉说,了解我的名医? People who need medical care ask these questions throughout the world every day. 每天,全球有许多病患都在询问这些问题。 They ask them because they face a health care system that is scientifical ly complex, organizationally overloaded, and generally not oriented to the patient as a person. 他们之所以问这些问题,是因为他们所面对的医疗保健体系技术深奥、机构臃肿,而且一般都没有意识到病人首先是一个“人”。When an individual first becomes ill, regardless of the symptoms, he or she needs most someone who seems to say, 如果有人生了病,不管症状如何,他们最希望听到的是: "I am a good doctor;I charge a reasonable amount for my services; I care about you,the patient and I will take the time to listen and understand." “我是医生;我只收取亲民价格,我关心病患,我将倾听你的诉求,理解你。” A prominent teacher/physician in a major medical center taught his st udents to listen to the


1.选修九Unit1 Breaking records-Reading打破记录 "THE ROAD IS ALWAYS AHEAD OF YOU"“路永在前方” Ashrita Furman is a sportsman who likes the challenge of breaking Guinness records. 阿什里塔·弗曼是一位热 衷挑战并想争创吉尼斯世界纪录的运动员。Over the last 25 years, he has broken approximately 93 Guinness records. 在过去的25年中,他大约已经打破了93项吉尼斯世界纪录。More than twenty of these he still holds, including the record for having the most records. 至今,他仍然是其中20多项纪录的保持者,还包括拥有最多的吉尼斯纪录这一项。But these records are not made in any conventional sport like swimming or soccer. Rather Ashrita attempts to break records in very imaginative events and in very interesting places. 但是这些纪录并不是像游泳或足球等一般运动项目那样创建的,而是阿什里塔试图在非常有趣的地点,在富有想象力的运动项目中打破的。 Recently, Ashrita achieved his dream of breaking a record in all seven continents, including hula hooping in Australia, pogo stick jumping under water in South America, and performing deep knee bends in a hot air balloon in North America. 最近,阿什里塔完成了他的梦想:在所有的七大洲中都破一项纪录,其中包括在澳洲玩呼啦圈,在南美洲的水下做弹簧单高跷游戏,在北美洲的热气球中做膝部深弯曲运动。While these activities might seem childish and cause laughter rather than respect, in reality they require an enormous amount of strength and fitness as well as determination. 虽然这些活动看起来孩子气且令人发笑而不是让人肃然起敬,但实际上,完成这些活动需要强大的力量、健康的体格和坚定的决心。 Think about the fine neck adjustments needed to keep a full bottle of milk on your head while you are walking. 想想吧,你一边走路一边还要把满满一瓶牛奶定在头上,你的脖子需要有多好的适应力。You can stop to rest or eat but the bottle has to stay on your head. 你可以停下来休息或者吃东西,但瓶子必须呆在你的头顶上。While Ashrita makes standing on top of a 75 cm Swiss ball look easy, it is not. 当阿什里塔站在高75公分的瑞 士气球上时,看起来虽然很轻松容易,其实不然。It takes a lot of concentration and a great sense of balance to


零基础学英语的步骤 零基础学英语的步骤第一步:掌握音标 音标是英语(课程)学习中最基本的要素,学好音标可以帮助你正确发音。很多初学者都不重视这个环节,以至于学了多年英语仍要回过头来重新学习音标,一些发音习惯已经根深蒂固了,纠正起来可要下一番功夫。不管你处于哪个学习阶段,要记住,音标不可丢!那么,音标如何学习?开始张口练习是关键! 首先,反复练习朗读音标,感受每个音标的发音特点和区别,尤其是元音;单个音标可以准确读出之后,接下来就是读单词,练习辅音元音结合后的发音;最后就是句子的练习了,找一些简单的日常对话来朗读。建议大家将自己的朗读录下来,回过头去听,找出读得不好的地方加强练习。音标——单词——句子,这是个循序渐进的过程,也是发音练习最基本的步骤。 第二步:养成英语思维习惯 相信大家对“中式英语”不陌生,很多人在说英语的时候直接按照脑子里的汉语意思逐字翻译出来,这就是由于缺乏英语思维习惯造成的。如何避免“中式英语”? 可以试试用英文写日记的方法,每天写几个句子,句式不一定要很复杂,能用符合英语的习惯表达出来就好。此外还要开口说,或许一开始你说出的甚至不是一个完整句子,但是不要放弃,坚持练习。

第三步:夯实基础 虽说英语口语中并不过分拘泥语法,但口语句子的组织并不是杂乱无章的,词也不能过于随心所欲,所以打好英语基础还是很必要的。良好的功底可以帮助你更正确地组织语句,丰富的词汇量可以使你的表达更灵活,口语常识和句子的累积可以让你说出更地道的英语。所以很多初学者在学完音标之后,都会选择学习一些教材打基础。新概念第一册就是不错的选择,它涵盖了比较基础的句式和日常对话,在学习知识的过程中可以积累常用的口语句子,夯实基础和学习口语两不误! 第四步:锻炼听力培养语感 在英语口语中,“听”是很重要的一部分。只有听懂对方说什么,才能给出正确回应。那么应该怎么听?初学阶段不用听太复杂、太难的材料,平常可以多听听英文歌,对照歌词唱一唱。此外还可以看英文电影和美剧,有资源的话尽量看双语字幕的,边看边学习,看看生活中一些话是怎么用英语表达的。电影、美剧和英文歌曲里有很多口语和俚语,可以帮助我们积累一些句子和常识。时间久了你就会慢慢能听懂一些简单的表达了! 最后:找对合适的老师 在初级阶段自学口语的确有相当的难度。所以如果你对自己的发音没有把握,或是抽不出时间来自己规划、自学,那么选择一个合适的老师、或是合适的课程也很重要。 最后,提醒大家千万不要因为才开始学英语而不敢于开口,要知道,那些口语说得顺顺溜溜的人,都是从最简单的开始,一点点练习过来的!告别哑巴英语,需要从一开始就抓起!


医学英文缩写一览表 aa.-of each[各] ?Ab.-antibody[抗体] ?abd.-abdomen[腹部] ?ABG-arterial blood gas[动脉血气] ?abn.-abnormal[异常] ?ABp-arterial blood pressure[动脉压] ?Abs.-absent[无] ?abstr.-abstract[摘要] ?a.c.-before meals[饭前] ?Ach.-actylcholine[乙酰胆碱] ?ACH.-adrenal cortical hormone[肾上腺皮质激素] ?ACT.-active coagulative time[活化凝血时间] ?ACTH.-adrenocorticotripic[促肾上腺皮质激素] ?ad.(add.)-adde[加] ?ad effect.-ad effectum [直到有效] ?ADH.-antidiuretic hormone[抗利尿激素] ?ad lib-at liesure[随意] ?adm.(admin)-adminstration[给药] ?ad us est.-for external use[外用] ?af.-atrial fibrillation[房颤] ?aF.-atrial flutter[房扑] ?A/G ratio.-albumin-globulin ratio[白-球蛋白比] ?AIDS.-acquired immune deficiency syndrome[爱滋病] ?al.-left ear[左耳] ?alb.-albumin[白蛋白] ?AM.-before noon[上午] ?amb.-ambulance[救护车] ?amp.(ampul)-ampoule[安瓿] ?ANA.-anesthesia[麻醉] ?anal.-analgesic[镇痛药] ?ap.-before dinner[饭前] ?appr.(approx.)-approximately [大约] ?AR.-aortic regurgitation[主闭] ?AS.-aortic stenosis[主狭] ?ASA.-aspirin[阿斯匹林]
