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当前位置:文档库 › Altium教程ARM7 LCD 3A软件设计0223

Altium教程ARM7 LCD 3A软件设计0223

AudioCodec_1KHz 1A 软件设计0223

第一部分 原理图 1.1 PortsSplitter.SchDoc







-- SubModule MAX1104_CTRL.Vhd

-- Created 14/11/2003 2:31:41 PM

-- Author JR (MR)


library IEEE;

use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ;

entity MAX1104_CTRL is port


CLK : in std_logic;

RESET : in std_logic;

-- Parallel Interface

DATAIN : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- parallel data in

DATAOUT : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- parallel data out

CS : in std_logic; -- Active High Chip Select

RD : in std_logic; -- Active High Read

WR : in std_logic; -- Active High Write

A0 : in std_logic; -- Function Select 0 = data, 1 = control BUSY : out std_logic; -- Active High Busy Signal

-- SPI Interface

SPI_DOUT : out std_logic;

SPI_SCLK : out std_logic;

SPI_nCS : out std_logic;

SPI_DIN : in std_logic;


SPI_STATE : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) -- For testing only );

end MAX1104_CTRL;



architecture structure of MAX1104_CTRL is

-- Processor state

subtype STATE_TYPE is std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);

signal State : STATE_TYPE;

signal Next_State : STATE_TYPE;

signal Return1 : STATE_TYPE; --Return address for subroutine signal Return2 : STATE_TYPE;

constant READY : STATE_TYPE := "0000";

constant WRITE_DATA : STATE_TYPE := "0001";

constant DELAY : STATE_TYPE := "0010";

constant WRITE_SPI : STATE_TYPE := "0011";

constant WRITE_SPI_END : STATE_TYPE := "0100";

constant WRITE_SPI_DONE : STATE_TYPE := "0101";

constant READ_DATA : STATE_TYPE := "0110";

constant SPI_DELAY : STATE_TYPE := "0111";

constant SPI_sendReceive : STATE_TYPE := "1000";

constant SPI_sendBit_out : STATE_TYPE := "1001";

constant SPI_sendBit_in : STATE_TYPE := "1010";

constant AWAKE : STATE_TYPE := "1011";

signal countReg : integer range 0 to 7; -- Bit send/receive counter

signal spiReg : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- Bit in/out shift register

signal ctrlReg : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- Bit in/out shift register

--// SPI Control Register Structure

--// Bit 0 - Busy Flag (Read Only) 1 = Busy

--// Bit 1 - SPI CS 1 = Enable SPI device ( 0 to SPI hardware SPI_nCS) --// Bit [7..2] - SPI Clock Divisor 0 .. 63

signal outReg : std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- output register

signal SCLK_buffer : std_logic; -- Internal MEM_ClK signal;

signal DOUT_buffer : std_logic; -- Internal DATA signal;

--subtype SCALER_TYPE is integer range 0 to 63;

--signal SPI_Scaler : SCALER_TYPE; -- for generating SPI clock rate

signal SPI_Scaler : integer range 0 to 63 ;

--constant SPI_Rate : SCALER_TYPE := 0; -- need to work out correct values

--signal counter : SCALER_TYPE; -- General purpose counter (timeouts, delays etc) signal counter : integer range 0 to 63 ;

--constant PRE_SPI_DELAY : SCALER_TYPE := 0; -- need to work out correct values

--constant POST_SPI_DELAY : SCALER_TYPE := 0;


-- Concurrent

DATAOUT <= outReg;

SPI_SCLK <= SCLK_buffer;

SPI_DOUT <= DOUT_buffer;

SPI_nCS <= not ctrlReg(1);

BUSY <= ctrlReg(0);

SPI_STATE <= State;

-- Main SPI controller FSM

FSM: process (State,WR,RD,CS,A0,CLK)


if (CLK'event and CLK='0') then

if ((RD='1') and (CS='1')) then

if (A0 = '0') then

outReg <= spiReg;


outReg <= ctrlReg;

end if;

end if;

case State is

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main program --


when READY=>

SCLK_buffer <= '0';

DOUT_buffer <= '0';

spiReg <= "00000000";

ctrlReg <= "00000000"; -- initial value runs SPI at maximum rate

outReg <= "00000000";

Next_State <= AWAKE;

when AWAKE=> -- waiting for a Write Signal from the host

ctrlReg(0) <= '0'; -- Clear the BUSY Flag

if (WR = '1') then-- we've got an input from host

if (CS = '1') then-- device selected

Next_State <= READ_DATA;

end if;

end if;

when READ_DATA=>

if (WR = '0') then-- we've got an input from host

if (CS = '1') then-- device selected

ctrlReg(0) <= '1'; -- Raise the BUSY Flag

Next_State <= DELAY;

if (A0 = '0') then-- and it's data for the MAX1104 Codec DAC

spiReg <= DATAIN;

--counter <= SCALER_TYPE(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)); -- Wait this long before serial data is sent

counter <= CONV_INTEGER(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)) ;

Return1 <= WRITE_SPI;


ctrlReg(7 downto 1) <= DATAIN(7 downto 1); -- it is ctrl data

--counter <= SCALER_TYPE(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)); -- Wait this long before serial data is sent

counter <= CONV_INTEGER(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)) ;

Return1 <= AWAKE;

end if;

end if;

end if;

when WRITE_SPI => -- time to send the SPI data and clock, and receive as well Return1 <= WRITE_SPI_DONE;

Next_State <= SPI_sendReceive;

when WRITE_SPI_DONE => -- execute end delay

--counter <= SCALER_TYPE(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)); -- Wait this long before serial data is sent counter <= CONV_INTEGER(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)) ;

Return1 <= WRITE_SPI_END;

Next_State <= DELAY;

when WRITE_SPI_END => -- terminate busy signal and go back to awake

ctrlReg(0) <= '0'; -- clear Busy Flag

Next_State <= AWAKE;


-- Subroutine: DELAY --

-- Only Called from above states --


when DELAY =>

if (counter=0) then

Next_State <= Return1;


counter <= counter-1;

end if;


-- Subroutine: SPI_SendReceive (spiReg) : spiReg --


when SPI_sendReceive => -- Entry point for next byte

CountReg <= 0;

DOUT_buffer <= spiReg(7);

--SPI_Scaler <= SCALER_TYPE(ctrlReg(7 downto 2));

SPI_Scaler <= CONV_INTEGER(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)) ;

Return2 <= SPI_sendBit_out;

Next_State <= SPI_DELAY;

when SPI_sendBit_out =>

spiReg <= spiReg(6 downto 0) & SPI_DIN; -- Read last input

SCLK_buffer <= '1';

CountReg <= CountReg-1;

--SPI_Scaler <= SCALER_TYPE(ctrlReg(7 downto 2));

SPI_Scaler <= CONV_INTEGER(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)) ;

Return2 <= SPI_sendBit_in;

Next_State <= SPI_DELAY;

when SPI_sendBit_in =>

DOUT_buffer <= spiReg(7); -- Write next output

SCLK_buffer <= '0';

if (countReg=0) then

Next_State <= Return1; -- Exit Subroutine


--SPI_Scaler <= SCALER_TYPE(ctrlReg(7 downto 2));

SPI_Scaler <= CONV_INTEGER(ctrlReg(7 downto 2)) ;

Return2 <= SPI_sendBit_out;

Next_State <= SPI_DELAY;

end if;

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Subroutine: SPI_DELAY --

-- only called from SPI States --

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- when SPI_DELAY =>

if (SPI_Scaler = 0) then

Next_State <= Return2;


SPI_Scaler <= SPI_Scaler-1;

end if;

when OTHERS =>

Next_State <= READY;

end case;

end if;

end process;

clock_reset: process (RESET,CLK)


if RESET = '1' then

State <= READY;


if (CLK'event and CLK='1') then

State <= Next_State;

end if;

end if;

end process;

end structure;


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