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口语考试不是百分制的,而是分成五项给分,Pronunciation, Grammar and Vocabulary, Discourse Management, Communication Skills, Global Achievement.每项按5分为满分计,其中前四项成绩由坐在旁边的考官给出,最后一项成绩由主考官给出。

其中的Discourse Management 一项,是我们考生同学的薄弱环节,按照中文的表述惯,我们很少使用连词类来表示上下句或句群之间的关系,但是英文在长篇表述的时候很在意连接词的应用,用连接词来表示承上启下,比如在第二部分的mini-presentation 中,很多同学开头的陈述就不清楚,没有清晰的思路,建议考生可以按照以下几种句式开头:

When doing ...., it is undoubtedly important that..... I have several reasons, first.....

When doing..... different people have different choices. Some people will say.... but

What I think is important is......

When doing..... the first thing that crosses my mind is ......

In order to .....some issues have to be considered, for example, ......

然后,要用清晰的first, second, in addition等表示顺序的词来请听者注意。


What is important when .....

Planning health and safety training for employees?

Selecting training contents

Staff involvement


When planning health and safety training for employees, selecting training contents is absolutely essential. Because first, if we don't choose the contents that are compatible with the production requirements, the training will be worthless. Second, if the contents we choose can not match the needs of staff working, they will have no idea about safety at the site. Therefore, we should also contemplate staff involvement, since they are the persons who work at the site on a daily basis, they can ensure what kind

of training they do need.




在任何一种语言学习过程中,imitation(模仿)都是最有效的方法之一,而跟读就是遵循模仿的原则来使用的方法。一般而言,跟读的方法主要有两种:第一种,一句一句地跟读,直到整篇文章读完;另一种就是跟着原声将整段或者整篇文章跟读下来。前者比较适合同学进行初期跟读练习,而后者,对整体文章的把握具有很好的效果,建议大家根据自己的情况选择适合自己的方式。在文章的选择方面,大家可以选择一些散文类,或者说,发音比较优美的文章,尽力去模仿native speaker的





听写基本上是公认的提高听力水平的最佳方法,这种通过手(写)、耳(听)的方法,对巩固所学的内容,非常见效。提高听力是需要时间的,也没有什么捷径可走,如果说有捷径的话,那也许该算是听写了。只要坚持每天听写一定时间的英语,听力水平是一定能提高的。推荐基础相对薄弱的同学可以听写新概念第二第三册,以及VOA的Special English,这些材料语速较慢,适合备考四级的同学。如果基础比较好,建议大家可以听Standard English,VOA或者BBC,播音





一句一句听,每听完一句就在本子上写下来,碰到不会写的,千万不要倒回去再听,就空在那儿,继续往下听写。这样听写4 遍,不停地补充本子上空白的地方,当听到第5遍的时候,可以停下来了。因为听写5遍之后,没有听写下来的,往往是一些没背过的陌生词,难词,或者连读、失爆、失音、浊化、击穿、弱读等语音上的问题。这是五步听写法的第二步。






中级 新编剑桥商务英语听力部分

精心整理 LISTENING SCRIPTS Module 1 1.1 Working from home (page 8) I=Interviewer M=Michela I OK,Michela.You work from home now.Can you tell me about a typical day? M R=Richard W=Woman M=Marek R Hello? W Hello,Richard.I ’d like to introduce you to Marek. R Oh,yes.Hello,Marek.How do you do?Nice to meet you at last. M Hello,Richard.Pleased to meet you too. W Oh,do you two know each other already? M Well,we ’ve spoken on the phone a few times. R But we ’ve never actually met.Anyway,take a seat.Would you both like a coffee? Conversation 2 A Would you like a coffee? B Oh,thanks.

A Milk? B Yes,please,and a sugar…thanks. A So have you enjoyed this morning? B Yes,it was very interesting.The first speaker was particularly good. A Is this your first time at one of these events? B Yes,it is.And you? A No,I’ve been coming for years.The company pays and if the location is good then I come.I remember the best year we had was in Monaco… Conversation 3 M=Marie W=Woman M May I join you? M You’ W That W this A That all Norway with for E=Examiner C=Candidate E And where do you live exactly? C I’m from a small town in northern Switzerland but at the moment I’m studying for a business degree so I live in Zurich. E What types of business are most successful in your town? C Err,well,I suppose that tourism is quite important to the area and there are many small farms so agriculture also.Zurich,where I study,is more famous of course for banking and financial services. E How is working life changing in your country? C Sorry,can you repeat the question,please? E Yes,how is working life changing in your country?



This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary 4, Listening Test I. Part One. Questions 1 to 8. For questions 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. Here is an example: Who is Emily going to write to? [pause] Man: Emily, that supplier we use has become very unreliable, and we've decided to look for another one. Woman: Seems a good idea.

Man: We don't need to inform our clients, but could you send a note round to all our departments when we've decided who to replace the supplier with? Woman: Yes, of course. [pause] The answer is A. Now we are ready to start. After you bare listened once, replay each recording. [pause] One: What is the quotation for one thousand brochures with colour photos? [pause] Man: How much can you quote for our brochure order?


首次剑桥商务英语机考听力时间由自己定考试用时电脑控制 本次考试中阅读、写作和听力三个模块采用机考,口试仍沿用传 统方式。 记者在考场发现,纸笔考试中监考老师大声提醒考生停止答题的 情形,在机考中不再出现,考试时间用完,系统自动退出答题界面, 考生答题随即中止。监考员白老师介绍说,试题在考前从网上下载后 复制到电脑上,考生输入用户名和密码进入答题界面,检查个人信息 准确无误后,点击“start test”按钮开始考试,系统随即开始记录 考试用时,电脑监控系统显示每位登陆考生的考试剩余时间,没有登 陆的考生自动视为缺考。每位考生开始考试的时间不完全相同,但是 考试用时都一致。 考生可自行播放听力录音 同一考场内考生带着耳机同听录音的场景,在BEC机考考场不再 出现。 虽然考生在监考老师提示下同时登陆考试界面,但考生检查个人 信息、观看答题指南用时并不完全相同,所以考生开始听录音答题的 时间也有差别。当有的考生点击“开始考试”按钮,听电脑播放录音时,旁边的考生可能还没看完“答题指南”。 听力题共分三部分,分别是填词题、配对题和选择题。填词题要 求考生根据录音,在句子中填写1—2个准确的单词。配对题要求考生 听完录音后,在所给的8个句子中,分别选出与5个问题相配的句子。选择题要求考生根据录音选出所给的8个问题的答案。答题之前,系 统会先播放“答题指南”,方便考生熟悉答题要求。 答题界面简单明了 很多考生反映,机考界面设计简单明了,操作方便。

在机考过程中,不用像纸笔考试一样“翻页”,只要移动卷滚条即可。界面工具条里会显示出本部分试题共几道题,考生可对题目总量了然于胸,便于整体把握答题进度。比如写作题共两部分,工具条显示出了“part 1”和“part 2”,考生点击数字“1”或“2”,就可进入相对应题目的界面。考生答完题后,如果想返回检查,点击工具条中的题目序号即可返回。 答题界面在设计上也尽量方便考生,机考的“答题指南”使考生对答题要求一目了然,部分题目还用上了动态演示。阅读题中,文章显示在答题界面左边,题目显示在右边。写作题中,题目要求显示在左边,右边供考生写作,考生可边读题边思考边作答。


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LISTENING SCRIPTS Module 1 1.1 Working from home (page 8) I=Interviewer M=Michela I OK,Michela.You work from home now.Can you tell me about a typical day? M Sure, I always get up around seven and the first thing I do is get the kids ready for school.I take them at eight thirty and thin I always start work at nine. I Do you ever have a day where you decide to have the morning off and start work later? M No,you can’t do that.It’s important with home-working to have a timetable and stick to it.If you end up watching TV or doing the cleaning then it isn’t for you.So I have lunch at twelve and finish work at two thirty to get the children. I Was that why you gave up your office job? M Yes,I wanted to spend more time with the children.It gives me more flexibility.Sometimes I need to work in the evening but usually it isn’t a problem. I So how long have you been doing this kind of work? M For about five years.I’ve been with the same company since I left school but with the Internet and technology it’s easy now to be at home. I So your employer doesn’t mind. M No.It means the company saves money on office space and as long as I get the work done,they’re happy.Sometimes I still fo into work to meet clients and so on.For example,I’m going in nearly every day this week because we have visitors from another company and I can’t really invite them over to my house.Besides,the gossip and the news with my colleagues.I miss that side of going into work every day. I Is there anything else you miss? M Ermm.No,not really.And I’ll tell you what I really don’t miss and that’s having to spend two hours commuting on the bus and train every day. . . 1.2 Starting a conversation (page 11) Conversation 1 R=Richard W=Woman M=Marek R Hello? W Hello,Richard.I’d like to introduce you to Marek. R Oh,yes.Hello,Marek.How do you do?Nice to meet you at last. M Hello,Richard.Pleased to meet you too. W Oh,do you two know each other already? M Well,we’ve spoken on the phone a few times. R But we’ve never actually met.Anyway,take a seat.Would you both like a coffee? Conversation 2 A Would you like a coffee? B Oh,thanks.


商务英语考试听力的常见短语汇总 BEC即剑桥商务英语证书考试,是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)设立的。很多人误认为BEC考试针对是那些学与商务有关的专业人员的,其实不然。因为无论你学的专业是什么,都要在某个特定的商务环境中运用,BEC考查的正是这种普遍存在的商务环境中应具备的通识与能力。剑桥大学考试委员会设立BEC考试的目的是在全球范围内建立一个测试商界雇员英语水平的统一标准,使BEC证书被跨国公司和非英语国家的大公司用作商务英语测试标准,以评估在真实商务环境下雇员的英语水平,使人力资源部门能准确评估雇员商务英语的运用技能。 因此,与我国的四、六级考试相比较,BEC考试更侧重对英语实际运用能力的考查。换句话说,BEC中的考查内容都是可以马上拿到实际工作中去的,不会出现所谓高分低能现象。 1. fill a prescription 按处方抓药 Would you please fill this prescription for me? 2. fill in for 代替; 同义:fill one s place(position.shoes); take the place of; take over Dave. can you fill in for me tonight at therestaurant? I d like to go out of town. 3.food for thought 令人思考的东西;同义:thought-provoking There is a lot food for thought in what he had tosay. 4.for nothing 免费 To pay to see that movie would be foolish. when you can see it on TV for nothing. 5.from top to bottom 从上到下 A: Maybe you lost your wallet in this room.


剑桥商务英语(BEC)听力和口语之备考技巧 BEC考试是剑桥商务英语证书考试,是由教育部考试中心和英国剑桥大学考试委员会合作举办的考试。该系列考试是一项语言水平考试,根据公务或商务工作的实际需要,对考生在一般工作环境下和商务活动中使用英语的能力从听、说、读、写4个方面进行全面考查,对成绩及格者提供由英国剑桥大学考试委员会颁发的标准统一的成绩证书。本文主要给大家商务英语听力、口语的学习及备考方法,希望对你们有用。 一、听力LISTENING Part 1(Questions 1-12) 第一部分大多情况下是电话对话。答题纸上分为3个部分,以表格、发票、日程安排、留言条等形式出现,每部分有4个空格,要求考生听录音填空(听两遍)。该部分的电话对话内容一般是:客户抱怨、道歉、询价、订座、订货、安排、计划等。 考生拿到试卷后应抓紧时间将题目看一遍,根据文字信息,揣测填充题中可能要填什么词。一般来说,这部分要填的内容是:公司名称、人名、号码(电话号码、定单号码等)、日期等,这一题主要是考考生的辨别词汇的能力。在听第一遍时,考生要尽可能的记下有关的名称、地点、号码等内容,听第二遍时检查所填内容,填上漏掉的内容。 Part 2(Questions 13-22) 该部分分为两个部分,一般为两段独白。考生必须抓紧时间弄懂供选择的单词的意思。这些单词一般是有关职业、身份的,如:“hotel manager, salesman, technician, travel agent, engineer, cook, tourist guide, money changer”等。另外,这部分单词也可以表示功能、行为等,如:“refusing, agreeing, making excuses, boring work, an uncomfortable office, low pay, to order a meal, to book a room ”等。所以,考生在听录音前,先快速阅读供选择的单词的意思,然后,在听录音时要特别抓住key words,辩明独白所要表白的主要意思,再作出选择。需要当心的是:有些单词听上去似乎是答案,但别忙着确定,一定要等听完该段独白的全部录音才能最后定答案。 Part 3(Questions 23-30) 该部分通常是两个人或更多人之间的对话,如:开会讨论、面试、一般业务会谈等;另外也可能不是对话,而是独白,如:业务报告、产品演示会的讲话,工作汇报等。考生做这一题时首先仍然是先快速阅读选择题,从而了解录音中对话或独白的背景、大意,以便听录音时有一个大致的方向。 考生听录音时要认真将主要内容抓住,决不能因为某一个问题没听懂就停下来,听录音的过程中可以针对每一个问题做些快速记录,记下录音中人的身份、讨论的问题,以及不同的观点;如果是独白,对独白的主题,涉及到的人或物等则要尽可能弄清楚。 二、口语SPEAKING BEC口语考试总时间约为12-16分钟(一组两个考生)。 Part 1 这部分是主考官与考生的对话,考官问的问题一般有:姓名、职业、所学专业,对所从事的工作或所学专业是否喜欢,为什么喜欢或不喜欢等等。另外,考官会就某一方面问考生,如有关就业就可能问:“What would your ideal job be? Do you think all companies ought

新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版听力 02

conversation one R: hello? W:hello Richard I'd like to introduce you to Marek. R:oh yes hello Marek how do you do? Nice to meet you at last. M:Hello Richard pleased to meet you too. W:Oh do you two know each other already? M:Well we've spoken on the phone a few times. R:But we've never actually met. Any way take a seat. would you both like a coffee? Conversation 2 A: would you like a coffee? B:Ohthanks. A:milk? B:yesplease and a sugar ....thanks. A: so have you enjoyed this morning? B:yesit was very interesting the first speaker was particularly good. A: is this your first time at one of events? B:yes it is and you? A:NoI've been coming for years the company pays and id the location is good then I come I remember the best year we had was in Monaco... Conversation three M: may i join you? W:sure. M:you're a colleague of Martion Obach aren't you? W:that's right he works in our Barcelona office how do you know him? M:we were both at Elcotil together. He left about a year before me. W:oh are you Mandy? M:Marie. W:Marie that's right Sorry I knew it began with an M. yes Martin said you were doing this course and that I should say hello Conversation 4 A:well this is nice, B:well it's quite simple but the food is very traditional and it's popular with locals. On Sundays I often bring the family here A:That's nice. How many children do you have? B:Two. Twins. A boy and a girl. They've just started school. A:Wow. Twins. B:And you? A:No not yet. And have you always lived in Lille? B:Yes most of my life . I worked in Paris for a while and in your country of course. But all my relatives are here. What about your family?


剑桥商务英语测试BEC听力备考 BEC的听力,是很多考生头痛的考项,在ESOL中心每年的统计报告中,中国考区的听力部分得分最低,究其原因,大致可分为以下几种: 1. BEC的听力以英音居多,占了整个音频的70%,这对当今美剧流行的校园学生族和学习BEC的白领们,是一个听觉冲击; 2. 听力的第二部分和第三部分,虽然给考生朗读两遍,但是由于涉及了明显的工作场景和商务管理技能,给同学在理解方面造成巨大障碍; 3. 听力中的同义解释很多,但是大部分都是同学们没有接触过的,解释的方式本身,就很商务,绕圈子,需要很强的理解能力和瞬间分析能力。 我们就同学觉得比较难的中级听力第二部分,给同学一些备考建议。真题选自人民邮电出版社 BEC真题第三辑Test One Listening Part II 首先,这道题目考生是可以有20秒钟以上的时间读题的,音频里本身给15秒,再加上朗读steps 的时间,超过20秒钟,考生要变被动为主动,快速跳读右边方框里的

选项,划出核心名词和动词。 然后在听原文的时候,适时地抓住听力原文中的目标词汇,这段听力原文如下: No matter what kind of business situation I’m in, it’s always important to know exactly who the individual is I’m communicating with. The worst mistake you can make is to fail to find out what drives them -- money, status or whatever. Once you’ve worked that out, you’ll be able to ensure you communicate what’s in it for them personally. This should essentially govern the way you respond to people, enabling you to stay in control of the situation and achieve the desired outcome. 能够对答案产生影响的结构:it is always important to......这样的结构后面一定跟随积极的信息,对后面信息的跟踪理解:什么很重要,确切了解与我沟通的每一个人,很重要;worst mistake表面看来是个负面信息,但是后面又跟了fail to ....what drives them, fail to 我们知道这是个暗含否定意义的动词,与前面的worst 结合在一起,产生肯定概念,可见这个管理者认为了解人的需求,发现员工工作的驱动力,在管理中是很重要的。因为这样可以使你掌控全局,实现既定目标。


美联英语提供:剑桥商务英语听力:关于剑桥商务英语听力材料 关于关于英语那些你不知道的事都在这里 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1b16615949.html,/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 有关剑桥商务英语听力的材料,看一看至少有帮助。下面是学习啦小编给大家整理的剑桥商务英语听力的相关知识,供大家参阅! 剑桥商务英语听力篇1 I'm afraid we really need to finish the project as soon as possible. If we don't keep to theschedule, the delay could lose us our external funding. Losing that could lead to variousproblems, including salaries not being paid on time. Don't forget as well that the budgetdepends on us finishing by the end of the summer. No, we need to keep to our original plansand keep that money coming in. As you can see, the figures speak for themselves—our model EXG surpassed all forecasts in itsfirst year. Because of our competitive pricing policy, it has been selling extremely well.However, we want to extend this trend and build on it. We now need to come up with acampaign to make sure we increase the number of models we sell abroad, not just on thedomestic market. Japan is our main target. 剑桥商务英语听力篇2 We're relying too heavily on past success, without thinking about where we go from here. Youcan't just reply on maintaining productivity. Prices of raw materials are rising, and ouroverheads are enormous—look at what we're spending on buildings alone. In this business,you have to run just to stay in the same place.


2019年剑桥商务英语BEC初级听力考试预测试题 Questions 1- 8 For Questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter ( A, B or C) for the correct answer. Example:Who is Emily going to write to? A the staff B the supplier C the clients The answer is A. After you have listened once, replay each recording. 1 What does Alison order? A Fish B Steak C Chicken 2 How will Oliver dispatch the order? 3 What is the message for Mr Carter? 4 What is Peter's job title? A Sales Executive B Marketing Manager C Managing Director 5 Where are they going to take the visitors? 6 What will be ordered? 7 Which electronic game do most people like? 8 What does the man think should be sold for developing new markets? PART TWO Questions 9-15 · Look a t the notes below. ·Some information is missing. You will hear an interview between Anna Marsh, who works for a business magazine, and Jim Davenport, who works in the publicity department of a company, Gold Express. For each question (9-15), fill.in the missing information in the numbered space using a word, numbers, or letters. After you have listened once, replay the recording. Look at the table below. Some information is missing. You will hear a telephone conversation. For each question (16-22), fill in the missing information in the numbered space using one or two words. After you have listened once, replay the recording.


剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3)听力试题(1) LISTENING PART ONE Questions 1 - 12 ·You will hear the General Manager of Artis Ltd. giving her staff instructions about the arrangements for a visit to the company by a group of international agents. · As you listen, for questions 1 - 12, complete the notes using up to three words or a number. · You will hear the recording twice. ARTIS LIMITED Arrival Briefing notes for visit of foreign agents 1 The agents will be brought to Artis┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄at 9 a.m. 2 The agents will need to be taken to the┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄by 9.30a.m. Rest of day 3 The first place for the agents to see is the ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ 4 The second place is the┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄department. 5 In the cafeteria, a video of the new┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄will be shown. 6 The last place they will visit will be the┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ Must remember 7 All staff must ┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄ 8 lt’s necessary to have two┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄available at all times. 9 Each agent must be given an┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄┄before the presentation.


剑桥商务英语高级(BEC3)听力试题(2) PART TWO Questions 13-22 ·You will hear five different people talking about a special training programme for their company. ·For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the person who is speaking from the list A-H. For ask Two, choose the opinion that each person expresses from the list A-H. · You will hear the recording twice. TASK ONE - PERSON ·For questions 13 - 17, match the extracts with the people, listed A - H. · For each extract, choose the person who is speaking. · Write one letter A - H next to the number of the extract. A the sales director B the managing director C a secretary D a new junior manager E the advertising manager F the finance director G the catering manager H the information technology manager 13______ 14______.. 15______.. 16______. 17______.. TWO - OPINION · For questions 18 - 22, match the extracts with what the people say, listed A - H.

新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版听力 03

Examed butter light. And where do you live exactly? I’m from a small town in North Switzerland. But at the moment I am studying for a business degree. So I live in . What type of business seems the most successful in your town? Well I suppose that tourism is quite important to the area and many small farms so agriculture also. Zurich where I study is more famous of course for banking and financial services. How is working life changing in your country? Sorry can you repeat the question please? Yes how is working life changing in your country? I think that more and more people are moving to the cities. Or they are community in everyday. In my opinion the biggest change has coming from technology. But then that's probably true everywhere not just in my country.


BEC中级听力全真试题及答案 BEC中级听力全真试题(附参考答案) UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE LOCAL EXAMINATIONS SYNDICATE Examinations in English as a Foreign Language BUSINESS ENGLISH CERTIFICATE Test of Listening PART ONE Questions 1-12 You will hear three telephone conversations or messages. Write one or two words or a number in the numbered spaces on the notes or forms below. You will hear each recording twice. * Conversation one (Questions 1-4) Look at note below. You will hear a man phoning company about an order. Lewis & Thorn Printers Telephone Message Message for: Mark HansonOliver Martin rang from (1)_____________________________________. He hasn't received the (2)__________________________________ he ordered for a (3) _____________________________ later this month .Wants to change the quantity to (4) _______________________________ --- to be ready tomorrow. Will fax details if needed. * Conversation Two (Question 5-8) Look at the notes below. You will hear a conversation between two friends about a job vacancy. Job with Alba as (5)________________________________________ Responsible for (6) ________________________________________ Must have knowledge of (7)__________________________________________________ Apply by (8)______________________________________ * Conversation Three (Questions 9-12) Look at the notes below. You will hear a telephone conversation about arranging a meeting. FINANCE MEETING Need to discuss (9)__________________________________________.Aim to produce new (10) ______________________________________________.Check that the Sales Co-ordinator and the (11)_______________________________ can come.Arrange for a (12)

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