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Unit 02

IT职业英语教程 一级授课课件

Teacher’s Courseware

Level One EPTIP English Course for IT Professionals

Unit 2

Between Colleagues



Helping each other Listening&speaking

Indirect answers Technical telephone conversations Introduction to Windows Reading

Writing e-mails about help Writing


This unit will teach you to–

?Offer or ask for help;

?Respond to others’demands and gratitude(感谢);?Give indirect answers to general questions;

?Know about Windows;

?Write e-mails about help.

2.1 Helping each other (45 min)

A.Warm-up exercises热身练习

Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions:

1.Does Mark want Jenny to do him a favor?

2.Can Jenny do it?

2.1 Helping each other

A. Warm-up exercises 热身练习

Man : Jenny ? I was wondering if you could do me a favor . Woman :What’s that ,Mark ?

Man : Well, would you take notes for me at the strategy meeting this afternoon?

Woman: I am sorry, I’d like to ,but I can’t, Mark. I’ve got two meetings to attend this afternoon. Really sorry about that! Man: Doesn’t matter. Thanks anyway.


Listen to several other conversations between Michael and his colleagues, and find out the

secret to his magic.

A week has passed, and it seems that Michael is getting on quite

well with his colleagues…

C.Answering offers and requests


Speaker 1:May I help you with the workload?

Speaker 2:

Formal Thank you very much.I really need your kind help. —Accepting

Thanks for your help.

That’s very kind of you. But I think I can handle it by myself. —Refusing

But I really don’t need it right now.

Informal Thanks.That’s great. —Accepting

I really need your help.

That sounds good. But I don’t think so. —Refusing

But maybe next time.

C.Answering offers and requests


Speaker 1:Could you please help me with the presentation?

Speaker 2:

Formal With pleasure.What exactly do you need? —Accepting It’s my pleasure.What can I do to help?

I am very sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t. —Refusing I’d love to help,but I am really busy right now.

Informal That won’t be a problem.

Tell me what you need. —Accepting No problem.

Sorry, but I can’t. —Refusing Oh, I really don’t have the time.

D.Offering and asking for help提出和要求帮助

These exercises introduce possible ways of Offering help;

Asking for help;

Agreeing to help others;

Disagreeing to help others.

D.Offering and asking for help提出和要求帮助






E.What would they say?他们会怎么说?

1.What would they say to each other?

Ms. Wang

Amy –Ms. Wang’s colleague

?Ms. Wang is asking Amy for a favor.

?Amy decides to help Ms. Wang.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d17713728.html,plete the following conversation between Amy and Ms.Wang.

Amy is writing a project report for Ms.Wang,but she finds a form that she doesn’t understand.It’s her turn to ask Ms.Wang for help…

3.What would you say in the following situations?

For example,imagine a colleague asks you to do a small favor, and you are more than glad to offer help.What should you say to him/her?

You would probably say:

It’s my pleasure to help.Just tell me exactly what you need from me.

Now finish the situational conversations in the textbook.

2.2 Indirect answers (40 min)

A. Referring to a User Manual


Listen to the conversation to learn how Michael answers some questions indirectly.

B. Referring to an online FAQ


Listen to the conversation when Michael is directing a caller to an online FAQ.

C. Oral practice 口语练习

1.Replace the underlined words with the ones

in the sideboxes.

Role-play with your partner and vary the dialogues you’ve learned creatively…

2. Imagine that you work at MySQL Network. You are answering a phone call.

Play your role according to the clues given in the brackets…

D. Dictation 听写

Listen to another two telephone conversations between Michael and customers.

Fill in the blanks with the words you have heard, and learn how to forward a phone call…

D. Dictation 听写


General Computers Customer Service laptop computer operating system get help

local support center That sounds nice this great advice Can I help you? have some problems Do you mean that access

I got it




1. 2.

2.3 Introduction to Windows (40 min)

A. Introduction to Windows Windows简介

Read the passage about a family of operating systems for personal computers:Windows.

Michael has to get familiar with the English version of Windows XP.

Do you have the same need?


Please help me with Chinese. 请帮助我学习汉语。 2.实义动词的一般现在时。 实义动词表示动作或状态,在句中能单独作谓语。在一般现在时中,一般用 动词原形,但如果主语是第三人称单数,动词必须用第三人称单数形式。 e.g.I want to visit the Great Wall.我想游览长城。 He helps me study English.他帮助我学英语。 实义动词在一般现在时中用助动词do(第三人称单数用does)构成否定句、疑问句;其答语也用do(does)。 e.g.—Do you come from the U.S.A.?你来自美国吗? —Yes, I do.是的,我是。/No,I don’t.不,我不是。 —Does he live in England?他住在英国吗? —Yes, he does.是的,他是。 /No, he doesn’t.不,他不是。 What does she say in the letter?她在信里说了什么? Unit 3-topic2 基本句型 1、Kangkang,what does your mother do ? She is a teacher. 2、Maria shows a photo of her family to Kangkang. 3、Where does she work? She works in a hospital. 4、My father works on a farm. 5、She teaches English in a school. 6、She likes to play with Kitty. 1.名词所有格 名词所有格的形式有两种,凡表示有生命的名词(人和动物)通常加“’s”来构成所有格,作定语,放在被修饰的名词之前。 e.g. Kate’steacher凯特的老师,my teacher’s brother我老师的兄弟,Lily’s cat 莉莉的猫,a boy’s ball 一个男孩的球,the dog’s name这条狗的名字。 表示无生命事物的名词所有格时,则用由of引出的介词短语来构成,也作 定语。


1.简述制造业信息化的内涵? 答:制造业信息化是指将信息技术、现代管理技术和制造技术融为一体,并应用到企业产品生命周期(life-circle)全过程的各个环节,从而提高产品适应市场需求的快速应变能力和竞争能力的过程。换句话说,制造业信息化就是只利用信息化技术将产品生产的决策、设计、制造、管理与控制、销售等环节集成和一体化的过程,其目的是提高产品对市场需求的快速响应能力和竞争能力。 2.简述我国目前制造业信息化的特点和面临的问题? 答:特点:1)设计数字化、管理数字化、制造装备数字化、生产过程数字化和企业数字化; 面临的问题:1)劳动力生产率及工业增加率低,2)低水平生产能力严重过剩,高水平生产能力不足,3)技术创新能力十分薄弱,大部分技术及关键设备依赖进口,4)企业生产管理模式与体制改革还不能适应市场竞争的需求,5)装备制造业规模较小,产业缺乏活力; 3.名词解释。 DFX:design for X,是面向产品生命周期设计的缩写,X可以代表产品生命周期的某个环节。 CE:concurrent engineering,并行工程,是对产品设计集齐相关过程进行并行、一体化设计的一种系统化的工作模式,是一种只打新产品开发的哲理。 AM:agile manufacturing,敏捷制造,通过将高素质的员工、动态灵活的组织机构、企业内及企业间的灵活管理以及先进的制造技术进行全面集成,是企业对持续变化、不可预测的市场需求做出快速反应,从而获得长期、持续的经济效益。 VM:virtual manufacturing,虚拟制造,提供一个强有力的建模与仿真环境,是的产品的规划、设计、制造、装配等均可以在计算机上实现,且对设计生产过程的方方面面提供支持。 GM:green manufacturing,绿色制造,就是一个综合考虑环境影响和资源消耗的现代制造模式,其目标是使得产品从设计、制造、包装、运输、使用到报废处理的整个生命周期中,对环境的负面影响最小、资源利用率最高,并使企业经济效益和社会效益最高。 4.ERP定义和特点。 答:定义:ERP的定义可以从管理思想、软件产品和管理系统三个层面上来描述。1)ERP 是MRP和MRPⅡ软件的延伸,是以市场和客户需求为向导,要实现企业内部资源的优化配置为目的,在制造资源计划(MRPⅡ)基础上进一步发展而成的面向供应链(supply chain)的现代企业管理思想。2)ERP是以ERP管理思想为灵魂,以资源计划与控制为主线,以网络与信息技术为平台,综合应用了客户机/服务器体系、关系数据库结构、面向对象技术、图形用户界面等信息产业成果,实现了信息流、物料流、资金流、价值流和业务流的有机集成,实现了客户,市场、小手、计划、采购、生产、外泄、成本、财务和服务的集成和支持业务流重组的软件产品。3)ERP是整合了企业管理概念、业务流程、基础数据、人力物力、计算机硬件和软件为一体的企业资源管理系统。 特点:(1)ERP更加面向市场、面向经营、面向销售,能够对市场快速响应;它将供应链管理功能包含了进来,强调了供应商、制造商与分销商间的新的伙伴关系;并且支持企业后勤管理。(2) ERP更强调企业流程与工作流,通过工作流实现企业的人员、财务、制造与分销间的集成,支持企业过程重组。(3) ERP纳入了产品数据管理PDM功能,

人教版九年级英语全册Unit 3话题作文素材及范文

人教版九年级英语全册话题作文素材及范文 Unit3Could you please tell me where the restaurants are? 本单元介绍如何指路,也是写作要涉及的话题。 写作此类话题作文的常用表达有: (1)Let me tall you how to get there. (2)You can walk along... (3)Turn left/right to... (4)Go straight along... 【典型例题】 你有两张红旗剧院的戏剧票,想要邀请Rob和你一起去看。请你给他写封信,邀请他并告诉他具体该怎么到达红旗剧院。 【优秀作文】 Dear Rob, Are you free next Sunday?There will be a concert in Hongqi Theater.I have two tickets and I hope you can go with me.Now let me tall you how to get there. First,you can walk along Zhaowuda Road after you leave your home.Then turn left onto Third Street.Go straight along Third Street.When you get to Walking Street,turn right.Then go along the street until you see Hongqi Theater on your right. I will meet you at the gate of Hongqi Theater. Yours,Liu Ming 第1页(共1页)


College English Creative Reading 3 跨文化交际英语·阅读教程 3 Unit 1 Intellectual Property

Note on the Topic Learning Objectives 1. Gain a full understanding of the concept of intellectual property; 2. Explore the differing attitudes within different societies and among different people towards the concept of ownership of ideas and how freely other people should be able to use these ideas; 3. Consider various text structures and identify contrasting information within a text; 4. Discuss and create a short role-play on the theme of plagiarism. Before You Read 1.Watch the following video and discuss the following questions with a partner. 2.Discuss the following questions with a partner. 2.1 What is the video about? This video explains what intellectual property is and the reasons why


制造业是指对原材料(采掘业的产品和农产品)进行加工或再加工,以及对零部件装配的工业的总称。制造业一般有消费品制造业和资本品制造业、轻型制造业和重型制造业、民用制造业和军工制造业、传统制造业和现代制造业之分,其中装备制造业越来越重要。装备制造业是指资本品的制造业,是为国民经济和国防建设提供投资类产品的企业的总称。制造业和制造技术的形成,只有两百年的历史。18世纪后期,以蒸汽机和工具机发明为特征的产业革命,开始了以机器为主导地位的制造业新纪元,促成了制造企业雏形――工场式生产的出现。19世纪末、20世纪初,内燃机的发明引发了制造业的革命;由福特、斯隆开创了流水式、大批量生产模式,泰勒创立了科学管理理论,导致了制造技术的过细分工和制造系统的功能分解。第二次世界大战后,微电子技术、计算机技术、自动化技术得到了迅速发展,推动了制造技术向高质量生产和柔性生产的方向发展。从70年代开始,大量生产模式已不能适应新的市场特点,于是相继出现了计算机集成制造、丰田生产模式(精益生产)。也就是说,受市场多样化、个性化的牵引及商业竞争加剧的影响,制造技术进入了面向市场、柔性生产的新阶段,引发了生产模式和管理技术的革命。在90年代, 相继出现了智能制造、敏捷制造、下一代制造等新的制造理念。 在这样的背景下,传统制造技术与以计算机为核心的信息技术和现代管理技术相结合,形成了先进制造技术(AMT――Advanced Manufacturing Technology) 。 两百多年的历史充分揭示了市场牵引与技术推动两种力量对制造技术发展所起的作用。改革开放前,我们走独立自主自力更生的道路,取得了重大成就,提供了12000吨自由锻造水压机、以30000吨模锻水压机、辊宽2800毫米热轧和冷轧铝板轧机、辊宽700毫米二十辊极薄带钢轧机等为代表的9大成套设备以及锻轧火车车轮和轮箍成套设备、攀枝花钢铁公司成套设备、葛洲坝工程转浆式水轮发电机组等重大民用装备;以“两弹一星”、核动力潜艇、歼击机、主战坦克等为代表的众多武器装备。改革开放以来,通过引进、消化、吸收、创新等制造业的水平得到了新的提高,如在激光照排机、秦山300兆瓦核电站、300兆瓦和600兆瓦亚临火电发电机组、宝钢三期工程成套设备,500千伏输变电成套设备、石油加氢裂化和精制成套设备、大露天矿成套设备、大秦重载铁路设备、港口大型设备、北京正负电子对撞机、年产1~2千万

三年级下册英语素材- Unit 8 We're twins!知识点讲解-译林版

一、核心词汇3B Unit8 提优班班级姓名 Part A 突破课内重点 1.表人物的单词:girl; man; woman; boy;baby; twin 2.表家庭成员的单词:aunt;cousin;uncle 3.其他:we; we’re=we are; name 4.短语:my uncle; my aunt; that girl; my sister; my cousin 5.补充:grandpa=grandfather 爷爷、外公grandma=grandmother 奶奶、外婆father=dad 爸爸mother=mum 6.Robbie Roy 罗比·罗伊(男孩名)Nick 尼克(男孩名)Nancy 南希(女孩名)John 约翰(男孩名)very 很、非常 二、单个词汇 A.[tw?n] n.双胞胎之一 1.复数 2.十二 3.Twin Tower 4.这是我双胞胎姐姐。 5.他们是双胞胎。 B. [ɑ:nt] n. 阿姨; 舅妈; 1.复数 4.我的姑母 5.你的姑母 6.我们的姑母 7.他的阿姨是一位英语老师。 8.妈妈的妹妹是我的阿姨。 C.[g?:l] n.女孩 1.复数 2.对应词: 3.关联词:男人女人 4.可爱的姑娘 6.苏洋是一个女孩。 5.美丽的姑娘 7.在我的班上有十二名女生。 D.[wi] pron. 我们 1.单数 2.宾格 3.关联词:our 4.我们是朋友。 5.W e are in the same class. E.[?k?zn]n.堂[表]兄弟姊妹; 1.复数 2.关联词:兄;弟姐;妹 3.我的表弟 4.两个表妹 6.那个男孩是Mike 的表弟。 7.C ome and meet my cousin. 名字 2.形近词:游戏;same 3.pen name ; 4.My name is .... 5.你叫什么名字? 6.你她叫什么名字? 三、句型 A.询问某人是谁的句型 问单数:Who’s....?/ Who is ...? He’s/She’s +具体的人物 Who is the man/ the woman/ the boy/ the girl? (男人/女人/男孩/女孩是谁?) Who is this tall man/ that beautiful girl/ that little boy? (这个高个男人/那个漂亮女孩/那个小男孩是谁?) 问复数:Who are ...? They’re +人物 B.介绍人物关系的句型 He's/ She’s my... This is my... C.介绍自己姓名的句型 My name is... Hello, I am...... ※询问他人的姓名:What’s one’s (your/ his/ her) name? 或Who is/ are .. ? ※-Who’s that little boy? -His name’s Robbie Roy.


1.制造业信息化技术的作用与意义 答: 制造业信息化是制造企业信息化的简称。 制造业信息化是将信息技术、自动化技术、现代管理技术与制造技术相结合,改善制造企业的经营、管理、产品开发和生产等各个环节,提高生产效率、产品质量和企业的创新能力,降低消耗,带动产品设计方法和设计工具的创新、管理模式的创新、制造技术的创新,从而实现产品技术制造和企业管理的信息化、生产过程控制的智能化、制造装备的数控化,全面提升制造业的竞争力。 制造业信息化将信息技术、自动化技术、现代管理技术与制造技术相结合,可以改善制造企业的经营、管理、产品开发和生产等各个环节,提高生产效率、产品质量和企业的创新能力,降低消耗,带动产品设计方法和设计工具的创新、企业管理模式的创新、制造技术的创新以及企业间协作关系的创新,从而实现产品设计制造和企业管理的信息化、生产过程控制的智能化、制造装备的数控化以及咨询服务的网络化,全面提升我国制造业的竞争力。 2.产品生命周期主要分成哪几个阶段,其意义是什么?答:典型的产品生命周期一般可分为四个阶段,即介绍期(或引入期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。 1.介绍(投入期。新产品投入市场,便进入介绍期。此时,顾客对产品还不了解,只有少数追求新奇的顾客可能购买,销售 量很低。为了扩展销路,需要大量的促销费用,对产品进行宣传。在这一阶段,由于技术方面的原因,产品不能大批量生产,因而成本高,销售额增长缓慢,企业不但得不到利润,反而可能亏损。产品也有待进一步完善。 2.成长期。这时顾客对产品已经熟悉,大量的新顾客开始购买,市场逐步扩大。产品大批量生产,生产成本相对降低,企业的销售额迅速上升,利润也迅速增长。竞争者看到有利可图,将纷纷进入市场参与竞争,使同类产品供给量增加,价格随之下降,企业利润增长速度逐步减慢,最后达到生命周期利润的最高点。

制造业信息化工程建设实施方案(doc 11)

制造业信息化工程建设实施方案(doc 11)

新疆制造业信息化工程建设实施方案 二十一世纪是知识经济和信息经济时代。信息化已经成为经济发展的助推器,并越来越深刻地影响和改变着企业的经营、管理和销售模式。党的十五届五中全会指出:“信息化是当今世界经济和社会发展的大趋势,也是我国产业优化升级和实现工业化、现代化的关键环节”。制造业信息化是国民经济信息化的核心,同时也是企业加强和改善管理,适应市场和技术发展变化的重要举措。制造业信息化的推进,对促进企业经营管理的现代化,降低企业营销成本,加快产品的结构调整和升级换代,增强企业竞争力,树立企业良好形象,提高企业知名度,跟踪和超越先进技术水平等都具有十分重要的意义。 1. 新疆制造业信息化工程指导思想与目标 1.1指导思想与工作原则 新疆制造业信息化工程在国家制造业信息化工程的总体部署下,围绕自治区经济发展和制造业发展的战略目标,在“九五”CAD应用工程的基础上,在“抓应用,创环境,促发展,见效益”方针的指导下,以创造新形势下制造业信息化的发展环境为重点,总体规划,合理布局,突出重点,分布实施。坚持“国家引导,地方扶持,企业为主”和多元投入的工作原则,

为新疆制造业信息化示范工程实施提供政策、资金、技术和服务保障。 1.2新疆制造业信息化工程工作目标 新疆制造业信息化工程“十五”期间的总体目标是:针对我区制造业信息化发展需求,建设技术服务体系和应用示范体系,创建新疆制造业良好的信息化推广应用环境;深入广泛地开展制造业信息化技术的推广应用,推动制造业的技术进步和整体发展,支持制造业技术创新、管理创新、资源优化重组和产业结构调整,全面提高制造业综合竞争能力;实施过程中注重与我区支柱行业和特色产业的发展相结合,开展有地方特色的制造业信息化工作。通过新疆制造业信息化工程的实施,用信息技术改造传统制造业,促进我区地方经济跨越式发展,实现以信息化带动工业化。 新疆制造业信息化工程“十五”期间的具体目标是:遴选2~3个制造业基础比较好的县、市、区作为新疆制造业信息化示范地区,2~3个信息化基础条件比较好的行业作为新疆制造业信息化示范行业,支持130家企业实施制造业信息化示范工程,带动300家企业实施制造业信息化工程,示范工程中国产软件应用率达到50%以上,示范企业新产品贡献率平均达到30%,并取得显著的经济社会效益。促进3~4家从事制造业信息化软件研发的企业及技术服务公司的发展,培训30000人次各种层次的信息技术应用人才,逐步建立以软件服务和系统集成为主的新疆制造业信息化技术服务体系。 2. 新疆制造业信息化工程工作任务 新疆制造业信息化工程以建立应用示范体系和技术服务体系为核

三年级下册英语素材-Unit 5 How old are you_ 知识点讲解-译林版三起

3B Unit5 提优班 Part A 突破课内重点 一、核心词汇 1. 数词:one;two;three;four; five; six; seven; eight; nine; ten 2. 形容词:lovely; right; out; 短语:how old a nice cake a toy car 3. 祝贺别人生日快乐:Happy Birthday! 4. 表示许愿:Make a wish! 5. 肯定对方的说法:You’re right. 6. 否定别人的句型:You’re out. 7. 感叹句:What + a/an+ 形容词+名词+(主语+谓语)!多么... ...啊! 二、单个词汇 A. _______ [?p?pi] n.小狗 1.复数________ 2. 形近词:pupil______ popular________ 3.关联词:n____________ a beautiful puppy_________ a cute puppy_____________ 4.Look! This is my puppy. 5.Anna has a puppy. Can you find her puppy? 6.Do you have a puppy? Colour the pictures on page 67 and make a puppy. 7.Take your puppy to a puppy show. 8.Don’t eat the hot dog. B. _______ [?l?vli] adj.可爱的 1.近义词:cute______ 关联词:nice ; beautiful 2.美好的一天______________ 3.多么可爱啊!______________ 4.This is a lovely dog.________________ C._______ [ten] num. 1.关联词:twenty___ 2.近义词:钢笔______; 茶_______ 2.top ten 5.ten days 6. He is ten years old. 7.I see ten sweets. D._______ [na?n] num. 1.关联词:nineteen________; 2. 形近词:漂亮的__________;好的_______ 3. nine to five 4. It’s nine o’clock now. 5.She has nine dolls. E._______[e?t] num. 1.关联词:eighteen________; 2. 关联词:night_______; light________; right______ 3.eight orange oranges 4.eight red apples 5.I’m eight years old. Xiao Wang is twelve. He is one older than me. How old am I?___________

人教新课标英语选修7素材:Unit 3 Under the sea Grammar quiz(文本)

高中英语讲义Complete the sentences with the passive –ing form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Yesterday my mother couldn’t help ___________ (persuade) into buying some useless things in the store. 2. The plan needs ___________ (discuss) among the members of the commission before ______________ (carry out). 3. ________________ (not employ) by a well-known company doesn’t mean that you don’t have a bright future. 4. We are looking forward to _____________ (give) a chance to watch the opening ceremony. 5. ________________(praise) by the teacher, the little girl ran back home, happy and satisfied. Complete the passage with the passive –ing form. Fishing nets in the sea have become a serious problem. They may be many kilometres long with plastic balls to keep them _________ (float) on the water, and weights to hold them down on the seabed. Unfortunately, the plastic nets are impossible to see underwater. So the term to describe them is “a wall of death”. Their advantage is that they catch fish efficiently. However, they also cause danger to sea animals. First, not only target fish are caught in the net, but many other sea animals are found _________ (hang) there. Those not needed for __________ (market) are thrown away. Second, nets are in danger of __________ (cut) loose by fishermen. If a net becomes free-floating, it is moved by the tides all over the ocean. It behaves as a hidden danger, _________ (kill) all that are trapped in it. So many animals ___________ (catch) in driftnets make many think that it is necessary to have a worldwide ban on all driftnet fishing. 只要坚持梦想总能实现 1


制造业信息化的理解及其关键技术 、制造业面临的机遇与挑战 我国制造业在技术创新能力、管理体制与水平、市场响应和开拓能力等方面与发达国家相比仍有较大的差距,竞争态势日趋严峻 挑战与问题:不实现技术创新和跨越发展就没有出路、信息时代制造业新的工业革命 .信息技术促进了敏捷制造的发展,形成了以虚拟制造和动态联盟为特征的新型制造模式。 .网络技术促进了全球化制造的发展,引发了制造业的重新分工和资源的重新配置。 .计算机技术促进设计制造数字化,提高了产品创新能力,缩短了设计周期,降低了产品开发成本。 .电子商务技术促进了全球化采购销售,降低了采购与销售成本,提高了服务质量。 、制造业信息化的技术构成 .以为代表的单元技术 .以为代表的集成技术 .网络化应用技术 .电子商务 、信息化是一次深刻的社会革命。信息化不仅是一次技术革命,更是一次深刻的认识革命和社会革命。

、关键技术: .产品设计的信息化及应用技术 .基于的设计制造过程集成化技术 .企业管理信息化技术 .制造过程中的信息化技术 .应用集成技术 、机械制造业实施信息化 .利用信息技术实现物质和知识资源利用的最大化 .制造业信息化不是技术决策,而是企业生产经营过程重组的战略变革 .制造业信息化在深层次上是新的经营管理观念和企业家创新精神的体现 内涵:制造业信息化是用信息技术改造传统产业和实现信息化带动工业化的突破口。 作用:制造业信息将信息技术、自动化技术、现代管理技术与制造技术相结合,带动产品设计方法和工具的创新,企业管理模式的创新,企业间协作关系的创新,实现产品设计制造和企业管理的信息化,生产过程控制的智能化,制造装备的数控化,咨询服务的网络化,全面提升我国制造业的整体竞争力。

人教版高中英语选修7unit 1Living Well文本素材——Stephen Hawking新人教选修7

Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking was born on the 300th anniversary of Galileo's death. He has come to be thought of as the greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein. With similar interests -- discovering the deepest workings of the universe -- he has been able to communicate arcane matters not just to other physicists but to the general public. Hawking grew up outside London in an intellectual family. His father was a physician and specialist in tropical diseases; his mother was active in the Liberal Party. He was an awkward schoolboy, but knew from early on that he wanted to study science. He became increasingly skilled in mathematics and in 1958 he and some friends built a primitive computer that actually worked. In 1959 he won a scholarship to Oxford University, where his intellectual capabilities became more noticeable. In 1962 he got his degree with honors and went to Cambridge University to pursue a PhD in cosmology. There he became intrigued with black holes (first proposed by J. Robert Oppenheimer) and "space-time singularities," or events in which the laws of physics seem to break down. After receiving his PhD, he stayed at Cambridge, becoming known even in his 20s for his pioneering ideas and use of Einstein's formulas, as well as his questioning of older, established physicists. In 1968 he joined the staff of the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge and began to apply the laws of thermodynamics to black holes by means of very complicated mathematics. He published the very technical book, Large Scale Structure of Space-Time but soon afterwards made a startling discovery. It had always been thought that nothing could escape a black hole; Hawking suggested that under certain conditions, a black hole could emit subatomic particles. That is now know as Hawking Radiation. He continued working on the theory of the origin of the universe, and in doing so found ways to link relativity (gravity) with quantum mechanics (the inner workings of atoms). This contributed enormously to what physicists call Grand Unified Theory, a way of explaining, in one equation, all physical matter in the universe. At the remarkably young age of 32, he was named a fellow of the Royal Society. He received the Albert Einstein Award, the most prestigious in theoretical physics. And in 1979, he was appointed Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, the same post held by Sir Isaac Newton 300 years earlier. There he began to question the big bang theory, which by then most had

泛读教程参考答案 Unit1-10

CONTENTS Unit 1 University Student Life (1) Unit 2 Culture Shock (2) Unit 3 Movie (3) Unit 4 Food (4) Unit 5 Business (5) Unit 6. Sports (6) Unit 7 Shyness (7) Unit 8 Native People (8) Unit 9 Bible Stories (10) Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays (11)

Unit 1 University Student Life Word Pretest 1—8 DBBCDDAB Reading Comprehension 1—6 FTFTFFTF Vocabulary Building rationally in a way based on… established accepted… various different panic sudden fear consolidate strengthen assignment homework biological of living things flexible not fixed strenuous stressful… master overall recreation way of spending… estimate calcula te … routine regular, usual priority first concern relaxation rest 1. flexible 2. established 3. panic 4. Strenuous 5. priority 6. routine 7. Rationally 8. recreations Suffix 1. familiarize 2. visualize 3. merely 4. idealize 5. finalize 6. necessarily 7. physically 8. highly Close favorable, their, respected, professors, authority, role, expect, need, several, changes SECTION B 1—8 DCCBCBDD SECTION C 1—8 DABDCBCA



工厂管理如何实现信息化 项目背景: 中国正在成为全球制造业的中心,中国是制造业大国,但还不是强国。因此,国家确定了通过信息化带动工业化的国策,推动制造企业实施制造业信息化。 制造业信息化将信息技术、自动化技术、现代管理技术与制造技术相结合,可以改善制造企业的经营、管理、产品开发和生产等各个环节,提高生产效率、产品质量和企业的创新能力,降低消耗,带动产品设计方法和设计工具的创新、企业管理模式的创新、制造技术的创新以及企业间协作关系的创新,从而实现产品设计制造和企业管理的信息化、生产过程控制的智能化、制造装备的数控化以及咨询服务的网络化,全面提升我国制造业的竞争力。 项目内训: 1.怎样认识工厂 1.1.工厂的功能 1.1.1.接收订单 1.1. 2.安排计划 1.1.3.投入产出 1.1.4.产出成品 1.1.5.实现五保 1.1.6.创造价值 1.1.7.满足客户 1.1.8.回报员工 1.1.9.回报股东

1.1.10.回报社会1. 2.工厂的运行1.2.1.订单牵动1.2.2.计划指挥1.2. 3.设备正常1.2. 4.工艺完整1.2. 5.工具配套1.2. 6.材料保障1.2. 7.员工操作1.2. 8.部门配合1.2. 9.均衡生产1.2.10.协调平衡1.2.11.实现计划1.3.工厂的成本1.3.1.资产折旧1.3.2.水电费用1.3.3.车间经费1.3.4.材料费用1.3.5.价格影响1.3.6.人工费用1.3.7.废品损失1.3.8.停工损失

1.3.9.费用超支1.3.10.成本管控1.3.11.费用优化1.4.工厂的贡献1.4.1.产品定价1.4. 2.单位贡献1.4. 3.产能目标1. 4.4.盈利目标1.4. 5.实际排产1.4. 6.计划盈利1.4. 7.投入产出1.4. 8.实际贡献1.4. 9.费用超支1.4.10.最终盈利1.4.11.盈亏分析1.4.12.责任归属1.5.工厂的问题1.5.1.设备老化1.5.2.人才缺乏1.5.3.管理落后1.5.4.费用过重1.5.5.计划无方

英语泛读教程Unit Two

Unit Two French and English 1.cosmopolitan : someone free from local or national prejudices 2.caricature :a likeness or representation of anything so exaggerated or distorted as to appear ridiculous or comical 3.cynicism : contempt for and suspicion of human nature 4.gnat : extended to other small insects 5.chivalry : bravery and courtesy 6.deface : to obliterate 7.battery : a number of cannon or other offensive weapons with their equipment 8.pageant : display 9.blaze : a bursting out or active display 10.dwell on : to rest attention on 11.bulk : the greater part ;a mass 12.imitate : to copy or take as a model 13.obstinately : stubbornly 14.peculiarity : individuality 15.vice : a fault 16.obscenity : disgust ; indecency 17.avarice : eager desire for wealth ; covetousness 18.superficial : not deep 19.knave : a serving boy ; a dishonest or deceitful man , a rogue 20.indolence : laziness ; causing little or no pain 21.reap : to cut down as grain 22.pluck : to pull 23.snobbishness : the characteristic of a person who sets too much value on social standing , wishing to be associated with the upper class and their mores , and treating those viewed as inferior with condescension and contempt 24.repulsive : causing disgust 25.plagiarize : to steal from (the writings or ideas of another) 26.hospitality : (friendly welcome and) entertainment of guests 27.unconscious : not self-conscious ; unaware 28.base : low in place, value, estimation or principle 29.amiable : lovable; friendly; love-inspiring 30.mediaeval : of the Middle Ages https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d17713728.html,rgess : a bestowal or distribution of gifts; generosity, magnanimous spirit or manner 32.subtle : delicate, refined 33.elusive : deceptive 34.vicarious : not experience personally but imagined through the experience of others 35.plentitude : fullness; completeness; plenteousness 36.barricade : a temporary defensive barrier(to block a street)
