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译林牛津 模块7 Unit 2复习

M7 Unit 2 Two life-saving medicines单元复习



1. n. 化学家;药剂师→n. 化学→chemical

2. adj. 有益的→n. 利益;益处/ v. 对……有益/ 受惠

3. vt. 拥有→n. 拥有;所有物

4. adj. 不正常的→adj. 正常的

5. vt.使惊讶→adj.惊讶的;惊愕的→astonishing

→n. 惊奇;惊愕

6. n. 适用,应用;申请→vi.申请/ vt.涂抹→applied

7. adj. 不能,无法→adj. 有能力的→n. 能力→disable →adj. 残疾的→disability

8. adj. 有效的;实际的→n. 效果;功效

9. n. 批准;赞成→v. 赞成;批准

10. n. 病;恶心→adj. 有病的;恶心的→sicken

11. vi. 流血→n. 血;血统→adj. 流血的

12. v. 鼓掌;称赞→n. 拍手喝彩;赞扬

13. adj. 合理的;懂得事理的→n. 原因

14. n. 排列,整理→v. 整理;安排

15. v. 肿胀;鼓起→过去式→过去分词

16. v. 联系;叙述→n. 关系;人际关系→adj. 相关

的;亲戚的→relative →relationship


1. 打开

2. 在自然界


4. 咀嚼……

5. 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦

6. 在某人身上测试

7. 在当代社会8. 被应用于……

9. 对……谨慎的10. 对……感到满意

11. 染上毒瘾12. 肿胀

13. 赞成,同意14. 逐渐消失

15. 随着…的运用16. 意识到……

17. 留意……18. 代替某人的位置

19. 发出,放出20. 把……和……联系起来

21. 采取措施做某事22. 阻止某人做某事

23. 治愈某人的……

24. 有做某事的可能性

25. 加快……的进程

26. 提出一些相当合理的观点



1. If you think there ______ huge quantities of oil for the use of drivers, you are wrong.

A. is

B. are

C. has

D. have

2. I ________ rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we wake up tomorrow morning, the sun will be shining.

A. speak ill of

B. am sick of

C. am tired with

D. am tired from

3. It’s pretty ______ of Peter to know what ha ppened at once. _______, he is only five years old.

A. sharp; After all

B. enthusiastic; In all

C. eager; After all

D. aware; Above all

4. When people cut down big trees, new trees should be planted. _____, they will have no trees to cut down in the future.

A. If not

B. If so

C. If no so

D. If don’t

5. ________ seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter college or


A. It

B. There

C. What

D. That

6. The kids are so naughty that they have totally _______.

A. worn out

B. been worn out

C. worn me out

D. wear out

7. Problems _____ people’s livelihood have been the focus of the government, especially since Premier Wen Jiabao included them in his government work report.

A. being related to

B. relating to

C. related with

D. related to

8. The Chinese government is willing to work with other countries to adopt more effective measures in order to realize the goals of gender __________, women's empowerment(自主)and building a harmonious world.

A. equality

B. quantity

C. quality

D. ability

9. —How was the school’s sports meet?

—We didn’t plan it like that but it _____ very well.

A. tried out

B. went out

C. worked out

D. carried out

10. The Internet will continue to grow at a high rate, ______ thousands of more opportunities

for all of us.

A. picking up

B. taking up

C. setting up

D. opening up

11. When you walk around or take any form of exercise, extra heat is produced inside your

body, so any activity of this kind, no matter how leisurely, will _______ keeping you warm.

A. subscribe to

B. submit to

C. contribute to

D. stick to

12. The written record of our conversation doesn’t ______ what was actually said. There are a lot

of mistakes.

A. correspond with

B. relate to

C. look into

D. compare with

13. It’s vital that we _______ to carry out our plans at once.

A. set out

B. is going to set out

C. will set out

D. shall set out

14. The teacher stressed again that the students should not any important details while

retelling the story.

A. bring out

B. let out

C. leave out

D. make out

15. It is astonishing that she ____ so rude to her mother.

A. was

B. should be

C. would be

D. be


1.War is a real____________ (可能性)unless the talks succeed.

2.His uncle is an excellent ____________ (内科医生).

3.There are many ____________ (畅销的)English books in that bookstore.

4. This medicine helps relieve your cold____________(症状).

5.His ____________ (每年的)income is considerable.

6.Yesterday we visited a museum of____________(当代的)art.

7.The water should be p____________before drinking.

8.Hatred is a dangerously p____________emotion.

9.It was a r____________to know that the children were safe.

10.She heard the phone ringing when she i____________ the key into the lock.

11.This river has a ____________(long)of 100 kilometers.

12.You can change the____________(arrange)as you wish.


1. Many companies suffered financial losses ________ bad management last year. .

2. I have not had much chance to ________ my new camera yet.

3. Science and technology plays a very important role _____________.

4. Our teacher asked us to ______ the time of reading each passage so that we could improve our reading ability.

5. The water in the local river became too polluted to drink and we were unable to _____ it.

6. –– Li Lin is very bright and studies hard as well.

––It’s ________ he always gets the first place in any examination.

7. Can you _____ me _____ to Mr. Brown’s office, please?

8. Let’s put our heads together and ________ a plan of action.

9. I could not find my keys so I spent the morning ________ the house for them.

10. She is so devoted to her work that she keeps ________ going to see her doctor.

11. John failed ________ at his daughter’s birthday party, greatly disappointing her.

12. The secretary informed me ________ this form, giving my name, age, address and work


13. Let’s ________ now and meet again at lunchtime.

14. I’ll tell you how to get to the place; you had better _____ it _____.

15. If you continue working like this, sooner or later, your dream will _______.

16. It’s an interesting old book but there are a lot of words I can’t ________.

17. ––Why is it so noisy in the corridor?

––I’m afraid something urgent ________.

18. The actor ______ the newspaper looking for his own photo.

19. The company was doing poorly until a new director ________ and changed the focus of

sales to developing countries.

20. He finds it hard ______ his thoughts _____ one thing for longer than five minutes.

M7 Unit 2 Two life-saving medicines单元复习




1. chemist n. 化学家;药剂师→chemistry n. 化学→chemical 化学的

2. beneficial adj. 有益的→benefit n. 利益;益处/ v. 对……有益/ 受惠

3. possess vt. 拥有→possession n. 拥有;所有物

4. abnormal adj. 不正常的→normal adj. 正常的

5.astonish vt.使惊讶→astonished adj.惊讶的;惊愕的→astonishing 令人惊讶的

→astonishment n. 惊奇;惊愕

6. application n. 适用,应用;申请→apply vi.申请/ vt.涂抹→applied 适用的

7. unable adj. 不能,无法→able adj. 有能力的→ability n. 能力→disable

使残疾→disabled adj. 残疾的→disability 无能;残疾

8. effective adj. 有效的;实际的→effect n. 效果;功效

9. approval n. 批准;赞成→approve v. 赞成;批准

10. sickness n. 病;恶心→sick adj. 有病的;恶心的→sicken 患病

11. bleed vi. 流血→blood n. 血;血统→bloody adj. 流血的

12. applaud v. 鼓掌;称赞→applause n. 拍手喝彩;赞扬

13. reasonable adj. 合理的;懂得事理的→reason n. 原因

14. arrangement n. 排列,整理→arrange v. 整理;安排

15. swell v. 肿胀;鼓起→swelled 过去式→swelled/ swollen 过去分词

16. relate v. 联系;叙述→relation n. 关系;人际关系→related adj. 相关

的;亲戚的→relative 相关的;相对的;亲戚→relationship 关系;亲戚关系


1. 打开open up

2. 在自然界in nature

3.以……的形式in the form of …

4. 咀嚼……chew on …

5. 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦wear sb. out

6. 在某人身上测试try out sth. on sb.

7. 在当代社会in contemporary society 8. 被应用于……be applied in

9. 对……谨慎的be cautious about 10. 对……感到满意be happy with

11. 染上毒瘾be addicted to drugs 12. 肿胀swell up

13. 赞成,同意subscribe to 14. 逐渐消失fade away

15. 随着…的运用with the application of 16. 意识到……be aware of …

17. 留意……look out for … 18. 代替某人的位置take one’s place

19. 发出,放出let out 20. 把……和……联系起来relate … to …

21. 采取措施做某事take measures to do sth.

22. 阻止某人做某事block sb. from doing sth.

23. 治愈某人的……cure sb of …

24. 有做某事的可能性have the potential to do sth.

25. 加快……的进程accelerate the process for/ of …

26. 提出一些相当合理的观点make some quite reasonable points



1. B 句意:如果你认为还有大量的石油供驾驶员使用,你就错了。huge quantities of oil

作主语,谓语部分用复数形式。本句是there be句型,故用are。

2. B 句意:我讨厌这雨和恶劣的天气。希望明天早上醒来时太阳照耀着。be sick of“对……厌倦”;speak ill of“说……的坏话”;be tired with/from“因……而疲倦”。

3. A 句意:彼得马上知道发生了什么,真是太聪明了。毕竟他只有五岁。sharp“聪明的;敏锐的”;be enthusiastic about“对……狂热的”;be eager for“对渴望的”;be aware of“意识到……”;after all“毕竟”;in all“全部,合计”;above all“最重要的”。

4. A 句意:当人们砍倒大树时,应该种植新树,不然的话,他们以后就没有树木可砍了。if not“如果不,不然”;if so“如果这样的话”。

5. B 句意:在中国对高中生来说,要想进入大专院校或大学好像有很强的竞争。句中的主语是a strong competition,所以用there be句型,表示存在的状况。

6. C 句意:这些孩子太淘气了,以致他们使我完全疲惫了。wear sb. out“使某人精疲力竭”。

7. D 句意:与人们生活有关的问题已成为政府工作的重点,尤其自从温家宝总理把它们纳入政府工作报告。relate to=be related to“与……有关”,作定语用时,应是relating或related to。

8. A 句意:中国政府愿意与其它国家一起合作,采取更有效的措施从而来实现性别平等,妇女自主和建立和谐世界的目标。equality“平等”;quantity“数量”;quality“质量”;ability “能力”。

9. C 句意:“学校运动会怎么样?”“我们事先并没有那样计划,但结果却很好。”work out “成功地发展”;try out“试用”;go out “出去,熄灭”;carry out“执行,贯彻”。

10. D 句意:英特网会继续高速发展,为我们开创成千上万个更多的机会。open up“拓展;发展”;pick up“拾起;学会;接收”;take up“占;开始做”;set up“建立,设立;开业”。

11. C 句意:当你四处走走或采用任何形式的锻炼,在你体内会产生额外的热量,因此不管多休闲,这种类型的任何活动都会使你保持暖和。contribute to“导致”;subscribe to“订阅”;submit to“服从,屈服”;stick to“坚持”。

12. A 句意:我们谈话的书面记录与实际谈的内容不符合,这上面有很多错误。correspond

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