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ISPE-Good Engineering Practice良好的工程质量管理规范GEP(95Pages)

ISPE-Good Engineering Practice良好的工程质量管理规范GEP(95Pages)
ISPE-Good Engineering Practice良好的工程质量管理规范GEP(95Pages)

ISPE Good Practice Guide


Good Engineering Practice




This ISPE Good Practice Guide: Good Engineering Practice (GEP) aims to provide both a definition and explanation of the term "Good Engineering Practice." The Guide covers the complete life cycle of engineering, from concept to retirement, and describes the fundamental elements of GEP as they should exist in pharmaceutical and related industries.


It brings together a wealth of information on GEP and provides tools to allow benchmarking of current company practices against what is considered industry good practice

它汇集了GEP丰富的信息并且提供了现代的、被认为是行业的良好做法工具。The Guide includes attachments which provide industry examples, currently in use, of GEP and auditing methods, together with checklists that may be of use to the reader.




The ISPE Good Practice Guide (GPG): Good Engineering Practice (GEP) was produced by a Task Team led by Chris Derrett {Schering-Plough Corp., USA) and Mark Foss (Boehringer Ingelheim Ltd., United Kingdom). The members of the task team contributed and reviewed new material.

Technical Documents Process and Technology Subcommittee Chairperson

Jan EC Gustafsson Novo NordiskA/S Denmark

The ISPE GPG: GEP Task Team would like to thank ISPE for technical writing and editing support by Gail Evans (ISPE Technical Documents Writer/Editor) and Sion Wyn (ISPE Technical Consultant).

Table of Contents


1 Introduction 7

1.1 Overview 概述

1.2 Purpose 目的

1.3 Scope and Benefit Objectives 范围和效益目标8

1.4 Key Concepts 关键概念

1.5 Structure of the Guide 结构的指南

2 Breadth and Coverage of GEP 11 GEP的广度和范围

3 Good Engineering Practice 良好的工程实践13

3.1 Core Concepts 核心内容

3.3 Project Engineering 项目工程15

3.3 Common Practices 常见的实践方法

3.4 Operations and Maintenance 操作和维护32

4 Appendix 1 - Explanation of Example Engineering Management Process 39 附录1 -解释示范工程管理过程

5Appendix 2 - Glossary and Acronyms 41

附录2 -词汇和缩略语

5.1 Glossary 词汇表

6 Acronyms and Abbreviations


7 Appendix 3 – References 45


8 Attachments 47


Table of Attachments/附件目录

Introduction to the Attachments /附件介绍47 Attachment A Principles of Good Engineering Practices 51 附件A GEP遵循的原则

Attachment B Project Quality Planning 59 附件B 工程质量策划

Attachment C Project User Requirements Specification (URS) 71 附件C 工程用户需求说明书

Attachment D Project Risk Analysis 77 附件D 工程风险分析

Attachment E Cost Management and Reporting 83 附件E 成本管理报告

Attachment F Site Development Plan 89 附件F 工厂发展计划

Attachment G Project Execution Plan 103 附件G 项目执行计划

Attachment H Project Change Control 105 附件F 项目变更控制

Attachment I System User Requirements Specification (URS) 113 附件I 系统用户需求说明书

Attachment J Design Review 121 附件J 设计评审

Attachment K Maintenance Test Certification 131 附件K 维护测试认证

Attachment L Facility Commissioning 137 附件L 设备调试

Attachment M Project GMP Assessment 145 附件M 工厂GMP评估

Attachment N Setting System Boundaries 153

附件N 设置系统边界

Attachment O Commissioning Plan 157

附件O 调试计划

Attachment P Commissioning Plan Compressed Air Supply 165

附件P 压缩空气供应调试计划

Attachment Q PM Completion Checklist 181

附件Q 项目管理业务完成清单

Attachment R Audit Template 183

附件R 审计模板

Attachment S Supplier Quality Questionnaire 187


1 Introduction/引言

This ISPE Good Practice Guide aims to provide a definition and explanation of the term "Good Engineering Practice" (GEP). It describes the fundamental elements of GEP as they should exist in pharmaceutical and related industries. It should be noted that the concepts are fundamental and applicable in many industries. 此指南:旨在推动对GEP规定的概念和原则的共同理解及解释术语“良好的工程实践”。以及介绍的基本要素


1.1 Overview/概述

In the context of pharmaceutical engineering and GxP guidance, GEP is frequently referred to in documents as a prerequisite to compliance activity and may be loosely defined. GEP is often used to describe an engineering management system that is expected in a regulated company, but which is not mandated by GxP regulations. For example, effective project progress monitoring and control is not a regulatory issue, but is necessary for the efficient operation of a company, and is part of GEP.


This Guide considers the entire range of pharmaceutical engineering activity and identifies key attributes of GEP within it, including how GEP relates to, and interfaces with GxP. The scope of GEP covers the complete life cycle of engineering from concept to retirement. GEP provides a foundation required across the pharmaceutical industry upon which other areas, such as GxP, build.

本指南考虑了整个范围的制药工程活动和确定GEP的关键属性,包括了如何将GEP关联起来以及和GxP 之间的影响。GEP的范围覆盖了从概念设计到竣工的整个项目周期。GEP还提供了一个制药行业的基础需


Figure 1.1: Positioning of GEP In relation to GxP

图1.1 GEP与GxP的相对位置

The aspects of GEP discussed in this Guide are intended to describe the minimum requirements for GEP in engineering activities


Figure 1.2: How this GPG relates to other ISPE Technical Documents


ISPE 指导文件

The efficient running of a business, demands working practices which will deliver optimum value for a given scope of work. This guide is by its nature generic and specific requirements will need to be selected and adapted.


1.2 Purpose/目的

This document was developed through the collaboration of representative professionals from various sectors and geographic regions of the pharmaceutical industry with the intention of determining a common understanding of the concept and principles of GEP.


This document identifies practices which exemplify how GEP concepts may be applied in the pharmaceutical industry.


1.3 Scope and Benefit Objectives/范围和效益目标

The scope of this Guide is limited to the healthcare industry but considers all aspects of engineering. The motives for aspiring to practice "good engineering" are wider than the need to comply with GxP regulatory expectations and encompass productivity and business related drivers.


The adoption of GEP should lead to a balance of expenditure and activity in relation to benefits. Benefit is most likely gained when finite resources are focused on identified higher risk aspects.


1.4 Key Concepts/关键概念

The typical aspects of a GEP program may be categorized into three subsections:


·project engineering/项目工程

·common practices/公共实践规范

·operation and maintenance/操作与维护

Project Engineering: The activities associated with implementing new or significantly changed equipment or facilities; typically associated with allocation of capital funding and additional resources.


Common Practices: Those practices with relevance to both project engineering and normal operation and maintenance

Operation and Maintenance: The activities required to sustain equipment and facilities in a satisfactory condition and use them for production purposes.

Common to these three key concepts are the further key concepts of "risk management," "cost management," and "organization and control:"

·Risk management: the systematic application of quality management policies, procedures, and practices to the tasks of assessing, controlling, communicating, and reviewing risk (see ICH 09, Reference 1, Appendix 3}. Risk management is at the core of most GEP activity.

·Cost management should ensure that the cost impact of any activity is understood, assessed, and managed, in order to return best value for the regulated company. Value is measured as a balance between cost, quality, and progress.

·Organization and control: organizational structure should ensure maximum efficiency and that the overhead to output ratio is acceptable. Control mechanisms within an organization should monitor the performance and progress of assigned activities. A clear structure of organization and control Is required to respond effectively to the changing demands of the business.

Key terms


An organization or individual internal or external to the user associated with the supply and/or support of products or services at any phase throughout a systems life cycle.


The pharmaceutical customer or user organization contracting a supplier to provide a product. In the context of this document it is, therefore, not intended to apply only to individuals who use the system, and is synonymous with customer.

1.5 Structure of the Guide

The structure of the Guide divides GEP activity into project engineering, common practices and operation and maintenance. Each section of this Guide is prefaced with the definition of the key concept. Within each of these sections, practices and sub-practices are identified and described to provide illustrative examples of GEP.

2 Breadth and Coverage of GEP

Figure 2.1 illustrates the breadth and coverage of Good Engineering Practices in the disciplines of Project Engineering (blue), Operations and Maintenance (green), and practices that are common between the two (teal). Core Concepts which permeate all aspects of Good Engineering Practices also are indicated. Figure 2.1: Breadth and Coverage of Good Engineering Practices

3 Good Engineering Practice

3.1 Core Concepts

3.1.1 Risk Management

Risk management is at the core of most GEP activity such that there is a balanced evaluation of risks against benefits. Where practicable efforts should be made to design out or minimize identified risks to an acceptable level.

Sub-Practice 1: Identify

A regulated company should identify significant risks which may threaten its activities. Sub-Practice 2: Evaluate

Risks should be assessed using appropriate methods to determine if they are long or short term. The threat level should be evaluated, considering likelihood, severity of consequences, and probability of detection. It

should be understood that risk is an integral component of all activity and it is necessary to accept a certain level of risk in order to function. Risk assessments should be performed by appropriately skilled personnel.

Sub-Practice 3: Document

Some level of documentation is always appropriate to capture the thought processes and the logic involved for communications and future reference. The significance of the risk to the business and purpose should define the level of documentation involved. Wherever possible established assessment and documentation processes be should be used.

Sub-Practice 4: Mitigation Strategy

Risk management should include back up strategies, contingency planning, and risk mitigation. Examples of risk and mitigation include:

back up of key computer systems and data

stand-by power generation

redundant capacity for steam, air, and gases

run and stand-by pumps

insurance for unmitigated risks

safety/shutdown systems

3.1.2 Cost Management

Cost management is a key aspect of good engineering practice ensuring the cost impact of any activity is understood, assessed, and managed In order to return good value. Value is measured as a balance between cost, quality, and progress.

A regulated company should have an established system for obtaining an initial cost estimate for a given scope of work in order to evaluate its viability. Throughout the course of the activity the estimate should be updated and expenditure tracked to predict final cost and ensure continuing viability.

Sub-Practice 2: Planning

The appropriate technical and engineering departments should work with the financial and contract departments to develop models determining contract strategy, factoring in net present value, monetary cost, Return on Investment (ROI), and cost of acceleration. The relationship between schedule and cost should be understood and optimized for best ROI.

Sub-Practice 3: Return on Investment

The relationship between the costs of an activity and the ROI should be understood and used to provide a rationale for proceeding during each stage of development.

Sub-Practice 4: Front End Loading

Committing more resources in the planning and design stage of a project may improve design coordination and definition, and, therefore, help minimize the risk of cost and schedule overrun. It may, however, seem to slow down progress during the early stages of a project.

Sub-Practice 5: Payback Policy

ROI should be subject to rules determining acceptable payback periods compatible with a regulated company's investment and long term business strategies.

Sub-Practice 6: Cost of Ownership

The full cost of ownership, including operating costs, decommissioning and disposal costs should be considered in investment decisions.

Sub-Practice 7: Cost Control

Cost estimates should be finalized at design approval. Controls should be established to ensure that all proposed changes to an approved design are assessed for cost and schedule impact in a timely manner before they are approved.

3.1.3 Organization and Control

A clear structure of organization and control is required to respond effectively to the changing demands of the business.

Sub-Practice 1: Clear Structure

Reporting relationships and responsibilities within a regulated company should be clearly understood and documented. The use of matrix management for a particular activity may redefine or amend the relationships, so should be used only when clear reporting lines are defined.

Sub-Practice 2: Review

Regulated companies should periodically review their organizational structure to ensure maximum efficiency and to ensure that the overhead to output ratio is acceptable when compared to similar regulated companies.

Sub-Practice 3: Monitor

Control mechanisms within a regulated company should monitor the performance and progress of assigned activities.

3.2 Project Engineering

3.2.1 Project Infrastructure

The regulated company should organize its project engineering activities according to defined procedures and processes.

Sub-Practice 1: Defined Organization

For each project, regulated companies should have defined project groups with clear decision making responsibilities and financial authority. Key stakeholders should be identified, and should have ownership, accountability, and responsibility for a project and its outcome.

Sub-Practice 2: Defined Procedures

Regulated companies should have defined procedures to cover the anticipated range of projects, including appropriate governance procedures, either on a general basis or for an individual project. These procedures should include the project group structure, reporting structure, and include a documentation strategy, describing:

retention and storage criteria

? planning, progress, and cost reporting

change control (appropriate to each stage and activity)

design reviews

quality control

For an example of GEP guidance and project quality planning guidance refer to Attachments A and B. Sub-Practice 3: Assessment

Regulated companies should ensure that project objectives, (e,g., process, product, and equipment) are defined during the early stages of a project, and that subsequent methods and procedures are established for the application of risk and impact assessments to identify and mitigate identified risks to a project's objectives,

Sub-Practice 4: Scalability

Regulated companies should ensure that project groups, procedures, and responsibilities for a project are appropriate for the size and type of project activities and the impact of the project on GxP regulated systems.

Sub-Practice 5: Appropriate Staff

Regulated companies should ensure that project personnel are suitably trained, resourced, and supported in accordance with the number, size, and type of project activities and technical requirements.

3.2.2 Project Organization

The management of projects within a regulated company should be an organized, defined activity, driven by the need to achieve cost and quality effective improvement.

Sub-Practice 1: Project Identification

Regulated companies should have systems for recurring review of current and future requirements against current capabilities and available technologies. This information should be used to Identify the need and justification for change.

Sub-Practice 2: Project Definition

Regulated companies should have mechanisms for the review of proposed changes and a method of defining the scope of work (e.g.. User Requirements Specification (URS)).

For an example of a high level project URS refer to Attachment C.

Sub-Practice 3: Project Approach

Regulated companies should ensure that appropriate methods, such as risk assessments and impact assessments, are used to establish the optimum approach to a project. The approach adopted should consider the full life cycle and associated risks, e.g., the lowest initial cost option may not be optimal due to higher operational costs or other significant risk factors.

In an extended project, such decisions should be re-evaluated based upon a pre-determined schedule. Sub-Practice 4; Project Implementation

Regulated companies should have methods to determine the most appropriate approach for implementation of the project with both a budget and a schedule.

Sub-Practice 5: Project Management Resources

Regulated companies should ensure that projects have access to adequate resources including for example, appropriate personnel, communications, funding, offices and systems.

3.2.3 Value Analysis

A regulated company should have defined methods of rational decision making regarding the implementation of projects based upon their ability to yield value.

Sub-Practice 1: ROI and Risk Analysis

Regulated companies should assess the ROI and consider any potential risks and benefits in determining the viability and manner of execution of the project. The need for timely execution and the risks associated with failure should be clearly understood by stakeholders.

For an example of project risk analysis guidance refer to Attachment D. Sub-Practice 2: Supplier Selection Regulated companies should ensure that appropriate methods are established to assess and select suppliers based on defined project acceptance criteria, including: quality costs

experience technical support scope of work schedule

Sub-Practice 3: Cost Control

Regulated companies should be capable of estimating the anticipated costs of projects, reviewing and controlling them during project implementation on an ongoing basis.

For an example of project management guidance refer to Attachment E.

Sub-Practice 4: Value Engineering

Regulated companies should have systems for reviewing proposed solutions against the defined project requirements to ensure that adequate quality is delivered at optimum cost. The total life cycle cost of any proposed solution should be considered in this review.

3.2.4 Planning and Monitoring

A regulated company should have a long term business strategy, which may include formal

site/organization plans, There should be a formal method of developing a project plan to achieve the defined objectives, reviewing them against the organization strategies/plans with a means of monitoring project progress against the project plan.

Sub-Practice 1: Long Term Strategy

Regulated companies should have long term business strategies, which may include formal site master plans. These should be reviewed and revised as required to ensure that they reflect the commercial and political environment.

For an example of a strategic plan refer to Attachment F.

Sub-Practice 2: Project Planning

Regulated companies should have systems for developing project plans, which define: time lines activities

methodologies dependencies resource requirements

For an example of a project execution plan refer to Attachment G.

Sub-Practice 3: Project Quality Planning

Regulated companies should ensure project quality plans are available and appropriate for the proposed project, and managed in accordance wWU an agreed project schedule. The project quality plan should define acceptable quality standards and how they will be achieved and assessed, e.g., include review stages, approval, and quality management of suppliers.

For an example of project quality guidance refer to Attachment B. The project quality plan should cover: , change control process and implementation

the application of the risk management strategy (how to manage risks and when to perform assessments) document checking, review, and approval before issuing at pre-defined stages (e.g., concept, approved for design, and approved for construction)

?document numbering and version control equipment and instrument identification design and progress reviews

?document distribution and control Sub-Practice 4: Monitoring

Regulated companies should have systems for identifying the most appropriate means of monitoring progress against the project plan (ongoing costs, work progress, activities completed) and for predicting final cost and completion date. This information should be regularly communicated to the key stakeholders (e.g., users, senior management, and finance departments).

Sub-Practice 5: Change Management

Regulated companies should have systems for recognizing the need for change within project activities.

A change management system should have a method for timely reviewing of change options and determining the most appropriate course of action. The change management system should revise and amend the scope, schedule, and budget to reflect the selected outcome. The change and its potential impact should be communicated to the key stakeholders (e.g., users, quality department, project cost control, and senior management). The change management system, and associated review and approval

method, should be adapted to the project stage and regulatory impact, allowing effective and rapid change control.

For an example of project change control guidance refer to Attachment H.

3.2.5 Design

The regulated company should have a structured design process to achieve the optimum value in relation to the project size and scope.

Sub-Practice 1: User Requirements

Regulated companies should have established methods for developing and reviewing a formal User Requirements Specification (URS), capturing both the fundamental aspects and scope of the users' requirements. Users should be involved as much as possible in this process. As a minimum, users should be required to review and approve these requirements. Requirements should be objectively stated such that they can be verified during testing and commissioning. Alignment with objectives of any company strategy or master plan should be confirmed.

Requirements should be focused on product and process requirements and as far as possible leave engineering aspects open for subsequent definition,

URSs vary immensely in their scope and complexity; examples and approaches for equipment may be seen at the JETT Web site hosted by ISPE (see Reference 6, Appendix 3),

For examples of a high level project URS and a more detailed system URS refer to Attachments C and I. Sub-Practice 2: Design Development

User requirements should be written In measurable terms and should be used as the basis for developing project specifications and drawings. Users and designers should determine appropriate iterative design stages, with increasing project definition, at which a project can be reviewed. This process should enable increasingly accurate cost and schedule estimates and maintain quality.

The stages at which the project design should be reviewed will vary according to type, scale, and risk. Each stage, typically, will require a further contractual commitment by the owner or his agent.

Stages typically will include:

Initiation (definition of project goals and initial project URSs)

Justification (confirmation of the business case with definition of acceptable project cost)

GxP impact/risk assessment (understanding how much additional effort Is necessary to verify formally the system)

Design Acceptance

Execution (design development through to the stage of Issued for Construction (IFC) drawings and specifications)

For an example of a design review template refer to Attachment J. Sub-Practice 3: Design Deliverables The structure and level of detail in the design deliverables will be determined by the chosen contract strategy, acceptable degree of risk, and the size and make-up of the project support team.

For each stage of a project, specific design deliverables will vary according to the project, and may include:

? concept drawings: sections; layouts material flow, personnel flow and process flow

intermediate stage: development of Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), preliminary equipment specs, outline architectural drawings

final stage: detail drawings specifications and purchase orders

specific local documentation deliverables for compliance with regulations (e.g., health and safety (EHS) regulations, pressure regulations) and obtaining approvals

3.2.6 Design Reviews

The regulated company should have a formal system for reviewing the design against objectives to ensure that adequate quality is delivered at optimum cost.

Sub-Practice 1: Design Quality Control

Users should agree with designers a system for quality control of drawings, specifications, and calculations, typically defined in a project quality plan.

Sub-Practice 2: Design Review Stages

The design should be reviewed at pre-defined stages and appropriately documented during development targeted to address specific issues such as:

does the design meet the defined user requirements

? concept review to consider basis of design and Its suitability for:

delivery of expectations

site location

available materials

local technology levels

local skills

code compliance considering applicable local, international regulatory and corporate codes risk management and safety review, including:

materials of construction

Highly Protected Risk (HPR) design strategies

fire and explosion risks

natural hazards

security ergonomic review environmental review energy efficiency and costs of ownership

value engineering to ensure capability against cost targets progress monitoring review against schedule ? constructability review {e.g., services coordination, shipping routes, contract strategy) ability to be maintained (e.g., access and space, material handling)

review for ability to be commissioned (e.g., flushing points, adjustment and measuring accessibility)

Sub-Practice 3: Design Review Mechanism

Regulated companies should define methods of reviewing the project design according to type, scale, and risk, using suitably skilled people, including users, to challenge the design and ensure that specified requirements are delivered.

The methods should identify all relevant codes, regulations, technical norms, and standards that may require compliance, and formally confirm applicability and conformance.

Regulated companies should ensure that the review includes all factors likely to be significant at a given review stage.

For an example of a design review template refer to Attachment J. Sub-Practice 4: Design Review Outcome

Regulated companies should have appropriate methods for recording and disseminating the results of design reviews, and managing any consequent changes.

The results should confirm the continuing suitability of the design.

3.2.7 Construction

The regulated company should have an appropriate means of selecting and managing the method of construction.

Sub-Practice 1: Management Systems

Regulated companies should have established methods of reviewing the options for the construction contract strategy suitable to its type, scale, and risk.

Management systems should consider local custom and practice and address: conformance to the design drawings and specifications (quality control) reporting of progress and issues management of items constructed offsite

the interface between the supplier's quality management system and the organization's Internal Quality Management System (OMS), e.g., the applicafion of project change control versus site change control " site physical access to plant and management of personnel, while working on the organization's facility, (including site visits to clarify design needs)

housekeeping and safety

generation and approval of method statements

generation of appropriate documentation and records, e.g., system build records ■ punch listing and definition of completion handover for commissioning management of subcontractors

?contractor training Sub-Practice 2: Quality Standards

Regulated companies should ensure adequate means of defining and achieving quality standards. Quality management systems should include:

risk assessments

review and approval of samples

?means of defining quality standards, e.g., construction of example rooms management of materials, and equipment delivered to site

construction quality control - maintaining cleanliness of ductwork, pipework, inter stage inspections/project hold points

construction quality tests

documentation standards and delivery of construction records Sub-Practice 3: Construction Execution

Off-site and site practices should be developed based upon a pragmatic assessment of relevant local practices to deliver project objectives.

3.2.8 Non-GxP Regulation Compliance

The regulated company should have a mechanism for identifying and ensuring compliance with all relevant statutory and regulatory requirements to achieve compliant construction.

Sub-Practice 1: Non-GxP Statutory and Regulatory Requirements Compliance

Project procedures should ensure responsibility is assigned for formal identification and enforcement of relevant non-GxP statutory and regulatory codes and regulations (or obtaining variances and waivers). This may apply to site based construction practices, construction tests and records, as well as the specification of equipment {e.g., pressure regulations, electrical codes, and CE marking).

Sub-Practice 2: Construction Permitting

Requirements for various permits required to construct, occupy, and approve designs should be determined and responsibilities clearly assigned to obtain the appropriate permits.

Sub-Practice 3: Construction Records

The specific local regulatory requirements for formal records should be defined, and responsibility for creating, updating, and filing the records required be clearly assigned.

For an example of a document certifying electrical completion refer to Attachment K.

3.2.9 Commissioning and Quaiification

The regulated company should have a system to ensure satisfactory commissioning and

qualification/verification for projects. For an example of facility commissioning guidance refer to Attachment L.

Sub-Practice 1: System Definition

Regulated companies should have established methods for defining systems and sub systems to be used in commissioning and qualification. These should be logical sub-divisions and wherever possible divide systems into GxP and non-GxP to reduce the GxP qualification effort.

For an example of strategies for defining system boundaries effectively refer to Attachment N, Sub-Practice 2: System Risk Assessment

Regulated companies should have established methods for risk assessment of systems and determining the level of risk to product quality and patient safety.

Sub-Practice 3: Commissioning

Regulated companies should have systems to ensure that effective commissioning is performed and appropriately documented, particularly where it relates to high risk systems. Commissioning should be referenced to user requirements and testing should verify that the requirements have been met. The commissioning team should have a means of procuring consumables, managing maintenance and calibration requirements, and maintaining operational logs during the startup to handover period.

For examples of commissioning plans refer to Attachments O and P. Sub-Practice 4:


Regulated companies should have a method of risk assessment to ensure that an appropriate degree of qualification is carried out based on identified Critical Quality Attributes (CQAs) and Critical Process Parameters (CPPs).

3.2.10 Handover

The regulated company should have a defined system for handover of the completed project to the user. Sub-Practice 1: Documentation Requirements

Handover to the user should include documentation which confirms function, capability that will adequately facilitate future support, e.g.:

? construction drawings and 'as built' records

commissioning reports, initial operating and maintenance records

spare parts and operating and maintenance manuals/procedures

data for entry into relevant maintenance/calibration systems

appropriate training and associated documentation

qualification/verification packages

The project should be finalized and adequate records issued (to provide a record of the 'as built' status) of the system.

Sub-Practice 2: Standard Operating and Other Procedures


告诉自己要坚强的说说 导读:1、生活应拥有的七情:豪迈的激情,洒脱的豪情,开朗的表情,执着的心情,阳光的热情,爽朗的神情,快乐的心情。人,因为有了七情而变得自信,人,因为有了自信而变得美丽灿烂! 2、愿上帝赐我一个平静的心,去接纳我所不能改变的事情;赐我无限勇气,去改变那有可能改变的东西;并且赐我智慧,去辨别这两者的差异。 3、不要哭泣,那是懦弱的表现;不要愤怒,那是无能的表现;不要退缩,那是恐惧的表现;不要痛心,那是内心不够宽阔;只需一个理由告诉自己,这一切,每个人的成长都会经历。 4、有时放弃是因为苦,有时放弃是看不到未来,现在回想,好像更多时候放弃是因为从未被人肯定。没有人肯定自己时,会觉得苦,觉得没有未来,但只要自己信自己多一点,就一定会熬到被人看到和肯定的那一天。 5、我们不要因为得到而欣喜若狂,也不要因为失去而痛苦不堪。我们是活给自己看的,不必沉浸在他人的语言中,蜷缩于世外的阴影下。你若裹足不前,有人偷着笑;你若挣开束缚,前方春暖花开。那些真正的美丽,并不是青春的容颜,是你绽放的心灵。 6、遥望梦想前方,伸手触及希望。不畏雨雪风霜,何惧世事无常。在奋斗的路上,锁定目标不张望,奔向勇敢者的天堂。人生之路,说长也不长,在挫折的磨砺中,渐渐成长。责任担在肩膀,前程闪耀

光芒。 7、凡事往好处想,会发现随处充满阳光;遇事多多思考,不要判断草率寥寥;难事莫放心头,心情坦荡才能一片大好。 8、别人怎么看你,和你毫无关系。你要怎么活,也和别人毫无关系。有些事,有些人,时间长了,你会烦,会痛,会厌,会累,会神伤,会心碎。随缘的人,总能在逆境中,找寻到前行的方向,保持坦然愉快的心情。在所有的困难面前,如果你是能够在众人都放弃时再多坚持一秒,那么,最后的胜利也就一定是属于你的。 9、默默人生几多愁,放开胸怀冷春秋,烦恼不过爱恨情仇,纠结不过羁绊担忧,勇敢和无奈放手,果断向未来招手,再苦再难扶起身子往前走,再累再苦欢歌人生永不休。 10、人生就是一出戏,怎么演都是练好滴,导演就是咱自己,想怎么演都是可以滴,节拍快慢是咱可以拿捏滴,不要以为自己有问题,不努力是不行滴,遇到坎坷莫消极,需要耐心对待滴。 11、渴望知识,渴望自由,渴望交流,渴望朋友。困难险阻不可怕,我要坚持一一打趴,让他们都害怕,让自己变得强大! 12、人生的经验是一步步走出来的,人生的酸甜是一口口尝出来的,人生的收获是一次次总结出来的;人的一生最可以后悔的事是没有做过什么,生活中即使失败了,尝试过了,还有什么可以遗憾的呢? 13、平凡是荒原,孕育着崛起,只要你鹤岗开拓;平凡是泥土,孕育着收获,只要你肯耕耘;平凡是细流,孕育着深邃,只要你肯积


我要坚强的说说,鼓励自己坚强的说说 导读:1、你不勇敢,没人替你坚强! 2、如果你足够强大,没人能使你委屈。 3、即使遍体鳞伤,我也要笑的漂亮。 4、没让你死的,真的会让你更坚强。 5、坚强的人,欺硬怕软;懦弱的人,欺软怕硬。 6、藏好你的软弱,苦难要来了。 7、我不想因为现实把头低下。 8、泪,自己尝。痛,自己扛。未来,自己去闯。 9、如果你足够强大,没人可使你委屈。 10、人生没有过不去的痛苦,时间是最好的良药。 11、一直都很酷,受了委屈也不哭。 12、失败了,就再站起来,继续前行。 13、容忍并不是太软弱是深情的坚强。 14、猛虎总独行,废物才成群。 15、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚强。 16、但凡不能杀死我的,最终都会使我更强大。 17、有些笑容是背后咬紧牙关的灵魂。 18、我不会半途而废,因为我的路不可能只走一半。 19、容不得懦弱只能坚强。 20、反正就只是遇到了糟糕的一天又不是糟糕的一生。

21、经过火的洗礼,泥巴也会有坚强的体魄。 22、你不能哭只能笑已经没人给你拥抱和依靠。 23、我生来坚强只要没死就依旧笑的猖狂。 24、不要畏惧未来你要相信自己。 25、事要自己扛,苦了又何妨。 26、从哪里跌倒就从哪里爬起来,爬起来再哭。 27、在逆风的方向,飞出倔强的坚强。 28、不要只因一次挫败就迷失了最初想抵达的远方。 29、摆正姿态收起你毫无价值的无病呻吟。 30、带着装腔作势的坚强,一个人走的坦坦荡荡。 31、愿你更加强大,然后终于有天,可以笑着讲述那些曾让你哭的瞬间。 32、做个勇敢的人,学着去承受命运给的每一个耳光。 33、眼中闪烁的泪光,也将化作永不妥协的坚强。 34、不可以疲倦,也不能够认输。 35、对自己好一点,别委屈,别哭泣。 36、离开是为了带最好的自己回来。 37、扶我起来的人,我永远都不会让你倒下。 38、在我的能力之内,努力生活。 39、记住你是女孩得为自己漂亮的活着。 40、若流泪,便要学会坚强;若流汗,便要变得更强。


浅谈正负形在海报设计中的应用——以《孕育》海报为例 1 选题背景 海报设计是视觉传达设计的表现形式之一,通过画面的构成在第一时间内吸引人们的目光。海报的发展距今已有100多年的历史,目前主要分为公益海报和商业海报。图形创意在公益海报中的表现尤为常见,正负形海报是其中的一种,给人们带来了不一样的视觉感受。正负形是图形的边线共用,图底反转。平面正负形是一种艺术图案,它可以给人以幻觉,使人产生两种感觉,这就是平面正负形的魅力。正形与负形是靠彼此界定的,同时又相互作用。一般的意义上,正形是积极向前的,而负形则是消极后退的,形成正负形的因素有很多,它依赖于对图形的具体表现与欣赏心理习惯。在2016年世界日暨全国海洋宣传日活动期间,以创意海洋为主题,用正负形的手法创作《孕育》海报告诫人们保护海洋的重要性,为我国未来的海洋文化发展做出贡献。 2 正负形在海报设计中的应用现状分析 当下国内学者及设计师对图形创意中正负形这一艺术表现手法,在海报设计中应用的优势进行探析越来越多。北京交通大学硕士胡艳霞写了《福田繁雄海报的视错觉图形表现语言探析》,在论文中就福田繁雄海报中视错觉图形表现语言的运用这一章中描述了正负图形的运用与表现,平面设计中的正负图形是由原来的图底关系转变而来。解析了1915年的代表作品鲁宾之杯,是图底视错觉表现语言的经典之作。鲁道夫阿恩海姆认为:图形与基底之间的关系,就是指一个封闭的式样与另一个和它同质的非封闭的背景之间的关系。对福田繁雄的早期海报设计进行解析。山西师范大学硕士牛彦然写了《视错觉在平面设计中的应用与研究》,在论文中各类视错觉在平面设计中的应用这一章中描述正负形同构,写了正负形的含义,对福田繁雄1975 年为日本京王百货设计的海报和《UCC 咖啡馆》海报进行说明,得出正负形共生正是利用了人们视觉心理上的不确定性,观众是通过转变视觉中心所看到的不同形态,具有动感。由于正负形是正形和负形共同使用同一条外轮廓线,最大限度将画面利用,其结构非常简洁紧凑,会被广泛地应用在平面设计中。山东艺术学院艺术实践与创作处王立章写了《论图形创意在招贴设计中的应用研究》,在论文中得出了正负形在招贴中的应用,赋予了招贴一种情绪,一种无形的巨大能量,使招贴常常富有深层寓意,达到一语双关,深化了平面招贴中图形和招贴的主题之间产生的共鸣。湖南工业大学包装设计艺术学院王婷婷写了《正负形在海报中的优势探析》,在论文中提出我们欣赏过海报在宣传过程中的有效应用和正负形这种幽默的表现形式,正负形和海报相结合更是设计师不竭的源泉,这样的设计作品,表现力极强。同时正负形在标志设计、产品设计、服装设计等各个设计领域有一定的影响。通过这些论文的例子总结正负形让海报设计充满视觉冲击力和艺术张力,可以让更多人了解并喜欢正负形海报。 3 研究正负形海报设计的意义 第一,研究过程中选择了总结多篇论文对正负形在海报设计中运用的观点,来论证研究和创作正负形海报有相当大的现实意义。 第二,对鲁宾《阴阳花瓶》、德雷维斯《安托尼和克雷欧佩特拉》、福田繁雄《京王百货宣传海报》进行全新的说明,为后续的正负形海报创作提供一些参考和论证。


告诉自己要坚强的说说伤感坚强的说说 不是每一次努力都会有收获,但是,每一次收获都必须努力,这是一个不公平的不可逆转的命题。下面是分享的伤感坚强的说说。供大家参考! 伤感坚强的说说 1. 时光就像一只口袋,一路走来,不停地往里面加东西,也不停地将里面的东西拿出来,然后某一天,你会蓦然发现,原来口袋里应该有的珍藏早就不见了,更多的是看似重要,实则无用的东西。丢弃于心不忍,存放需要空间,于是口袋变得大而无当,并且东西越多,越觉得空无一物。 2. 有人告诉你“牺牲你个人的自由去争取国家的自由”可是我要告诉你“为个人争自由就是为国家争自由,争取个人的人格就是为社会争人格。真正自由平等的国家不是一群奴才建立起来的。” 3. 圣经上无比精准的说:爱是恒久忍耐因为爱,你可以忍耐它许多无情的地方,这才叫爱情。 4. 没有一个男人天性是纯良的,这不是残酷的真相,这只是自然的现实而已,对男人怀抱美好幻想的姑娘,那就真的只是幻想而已。 5. “当你终于因为现实比梦境更美而无法入睡时,你恋爱了。”

6. 寂寞是一种对别人的饥渴。你想念着别人,你对你自己来说还不够你是空虚的。因此每个人都想在群众中,然后在自己周围编织各种人际关系,只是为了欺骗自己、忘记自己是寂寞的,但是寂寞会一再的冒出来,没有一种人际关系能够隐藏它。 7. 月亮升起,照在我的门口,我希望月光女神能满足我的愿望,我想要一双人类的手。我想用双手把我的爱人紧紧地拥在怀中,哪怕只有一次。如果我从来没有品尝过温暖的感觉,也许我不会这样寒冷;如果我从没有感受过爱情的甜美,我也许就不会这样地痛苦。 8. 总会让街头某个相似背影,惹得忍不住伤心 9. 为什麽没人理解我、我也想要人疼,想要人爱。 10. 我的语言过于苍白、心却因为你的每一句话而心疼。 11. 等,多么神圣的字眼可又有几个人能做到呢 12. 俊美的侧脸、窃取了某人的心。 13. 兄弟一路走好!下辈子做一个好人吧!别再过这种生活了。 14. 什么时候你可以去习惯我的习惯 15. 原来谁都不会懂莪心中的痛,再怎么难受的也只有莪一个人。 16. 哼你爱的歌会痛看你的信会痛连沉默也痛遗憾是会呼吸的痛 17. 最初追我的人是你怎么最后舍不得的居然是我


福田繁雄教授 1932年生于日本,1951 毕业于岩手县立福冈高等学校,1956年毕业于东京国家艺术大学,1967 IBM画廊个展(纽约),1997 日本通产省设计功劳奖--紫绶勋章,1998 东京艺术大学美术馆评委,现任日本平面设计协会主席、国际平面设计联盟(AGI)会员、美国耶鲁大学、中国四川大学、东京艺术大学客座教授、日本图形创造协会主席、国际广告研究设计中心名誉主任,2009年1月11日晚上10:30时于东京因脑溢血过世。 福田繁雄: 国际著名设计大师 国际平面设计师联盟AGI会员 日本大师创造协会主席 国际图形设计协会会员 设计艺术研究中心名誉主任 1932 生于日本东京 1951 毕业于岩手县立福冈高等学校 1956 年毕业于东京国家艺术大学 1967 IBM画廊个展(纽约) 1982年应耶鲁大学之邀担任客座讲师 1997 日本通产省设计功劳奖--紫绶勋章 1998 东京艺术大学美术馆评委 2004年10月应四川大学之邀担任客座教授 2006第7届金蜜蜂国际平面设计双年展国际评委

福田繁雄被誉为“五位一体的视觉创意大师”,即:多才多艺的全能设计人、变幻莫测的视觉魔术师、推陈出新的方法实践家、热情机智的人道关怀者、幽默灵巧的老顽童。 福田繁雄教授是世界三大平面设计师之一(福田繁雄教授与岗特兰堡(德)、切瓦斯特(美)并称“世界三大平面设计师"),他的设计理念及设计作品享誉 世界,对二十世纪后半叶的设计界产生了深远的影响,在现行的每一平面 设计教材中几乎都能发现他的作品。福田繁雄的设计作品在美国、欧洲及 日本等地广为展出,荣获多种褒奖,其中包括华沙国际招贴画双年展金奖、 第九届日本艺术节奖、21届奥运会国际纪念币设计竞赛一等奖、美国国际 招贴画展览奖等。多次获国际性大奖,包括: 1972年华沙国际海报展金奖; 1976 年教育部新人艺术促进奖; 1985年莫斯科国际海报展金奖; 1995 年联合国教科文组织的海报展大奖; 1995年赫尔辛基国际海报展大奖等。 2005年台湾国际海报设计大奖 他创作的大量招贴画使他饮誉全世界,成了国际上最引人注目、


工程制图第八章8-6看零 件图 -标准化文件发布号:(9456-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

§8-6 看零件图 看零件图就是根据零件图的各视图,分析和想象该零件的结构形状,弄清全部尺寸及各项技术要求等,根据零件的作用及相关工艺知识,对零件进行结构分析。看组合体视图的方法,是看零件图的重要基础。下面以图8-44为例说明看零件图的方法步骤。 图8-44 缸体零件图 一、概括了解 图8-44所示是液压油缸的缸体,从标题栏中可以知道零件的名称、材料、重量、件数和图样的比例等。即零件名称为缸体,材料为HT200,它用来安装活塞、缸盖和活塞杆等零件,它属于箱体类零件。 二、看视图,想象结构形状

1.分析表达方案:(1)找出主视图;(2)分析有多少个视图、剖视、断面等,同时找出它们的名称、相互位置和投影关系;(3)有剖视、断面的地方要找到剖切面的位置;(4)有局部视图、斜视图的地方,必须找到投射部位的字母和表示投射方向的箭头;(5)有无局部放大图及简化画法等。 2.想象零件的结构形状:想象顺序如下:(1)先看大致轮廓,并按线框将视图分解为几个部分;(2)对每一部分的外部结构进行分析,逐个看懂;(3)对每一部分的内部结构进行分析,逐个看懂;(4)对于局部难懂的部分还要进行线面分析,搞清投影关系,想象出其结构形状;(5)综合分析,得出零件的整体结构和形状。 缸体零件图采用了三个基本视图,主视图是过前后对称面剖切的全剖视图,主要表达缸体内腔结构形状;俯视图采用视图主要表达缸体零件外形结构;左视图采用A —A 半剖视图和局部剖视图,它们表达了圆柱形缸体与底板连接情况,连接缸盖螺孔的分布和底板上的沉头孔。 分析三个视图可知:该零件主要由两大部分构成:1)安装底板,俯视图表达了底板形状和四个沉头孔、两个圆锥销孔的分布情况,以及两个螺孔所在凸台的形状。2)侧垂圆柱(即缸体),缸体外部是阶梯圆柱,左端大,右端小,左右两端的上方均有一马蹄形凸台,缸体内腔的右端是空刀部分,φ8的凸台起到限定活塞工作位置的作用,上部左右两个螺孔是连接油管用的螺孔,左视图表达了圆柱形缸体与底板的连接情况,连接缸盖螺孔的分布和底板上的沉头孔。 三、分析尺寸 尺寸分析可按下列顺序进行:(1)根据零件的结构特点,了解基准及尺寸标注形式;(2)根据形体和结构分析,了解定形尺寸和定位尺寸;(3)确定零件的总体尺寸。 缸体长度方向的主要尺寸基准是左端面,从基准出发标注定位尺寸80、15,定形尺寸95、30等,并以辅助基准标注了缸体底板上的定位尺寸10、20、40,定形尺寸60、R10。宽度方向主要尺寸基准是缸体前后对称面的中心线,并注出底板上的定位尺寸72和定形尺寸92、50。高度方向的尺寸基准是缸体底面,并注出 定位尺寸40,定形尺寸5、12、75。以φ35039.00 +-的轴线为辅助基准标注径向尺寸φ55、φ52、φ40等。


自己要坚强走下去的心情说说 对于坚强我们都有自己想要阐述的话语。 今天在这里整理了一些关于自己要坚强的说说,欢迎大家阅读。 自己要坚强的说说【经典篇】一、不准不快乐,不管发生什么事,都不许哭,要坚强!二、那种明明有事想要流泪想要依靠却还要说我没事我很坚强的感觉真是受够了三、我是人,我没有那么坚强,我是人,我会哭,不要把我想的坚不可摧,请对我好一点四、我不可怜,我过得坚强如从前五、今晚快本有十一人的EXO,虽然是曾今没播的,但是,行星妹子坚强我不哭六、我没那么坚强,不堪一击好不好。 七、我好佩服它们三个的坚强Tom 灰太狼光头强。 八、当思念一个人的时候,突然就从坚强的巨人变成了懦弱的小孩九、有谁能告诉我,要有多坚强才能恋恋不忘......十、一遍遍告诉自己要坚强眼泪却不听话十一、除了我们自己以外,没有人能贬低我们。 如果我们坚强,就没有什么不良影响能够打败我们十二、分手后,我不会整天哭哭啼啼我会变得更加坚强。 我要让你知道我离开你会活的更好!十三、其实我只是一个女孩子,没有那么坚强,我爱哭,但是我很真实,不会伪装自己有多好,卖萌。 十四、我用我仅剩的坚强去爱一个时光轻易夺走的爱人。 十五、已经坚强到可以接受任何人的离开,十六、我不是一个坚强的人,但是我知道,有些时候,除了坚强,别无选择十七、回忆的终究是过去,我怎能靠着回忆活下去。

十八、你的父母正在为你打拼,这就是你今天需要坚强的理由。 .十九、勇气不是感觉不到恐惧而是感觉到恐惧也继续做下去。 二十、走自己的路,看自己的风景,这才是人生。 二十一、是不是看清后就变得看轻。 再也不那般执恋你。 再也不要爱你了。 真的。 放你走吧。 二十二、可是生活已经是另一番模样,我希望永远学不会坚强。 二十三、这个夏天,长发及腰忙着勒死别人,西瓜忙着和天爱,良人也物是人非,鱼忙着溺入海,姑娘忙着各坚强.二十四、我什么时候可以像灰太狼一样坚强! 我什么时候可以像红太狼一样彪悍!二十五、我是人,我脆弱,我不坚强; 我禁不起来来回回的辜负,扛不住反反复复的背叛。 二十六、. 我不是一个坚强的人,但是我知道,有些时候,除了坚强,别无选择二十七、回忆的终究是过去,我怎能靠着回忆活下去。 二十八、你的父母正在为你打拼,这就是你今天需要坚强的理由。 .二十九、勇气不是感觉不到恐惧而是感觉到恐惧也继续做下去。 三十、走自己的路,看自己的风景,这才是人生。 三十一、是不是看清后就变得看轻。 再也不那般执恋你。


日本视觉设计大师福田繁雄海报作品探析 张红颖吴卫<湖南工业大学包装设计艺术学院,湖南株洲 412008) 摘要:福田繁雄是日本当代视觉设计大师。他是将异质同构的设计理念,以视觉符号的形式呈现在其海报作品中的先驱。他善于运用图底转换、矛盾空间等错视原理,以单纯简洁的元素,诙谐幽默的形式,创造出富有哲理性思维的视觉世界。 关键词:福田繁雄;海报;异质同构;图底转换;矛盾空间 1、福田繁雄简介 福田繁雄<1932-)是日本当代视觉设计大师,他的设计理念及其设计作品所取得的成就,对当代平面设计界都产生了深远的影 响。福田于1932年生于日本东京,1951年<19岁)毕业于岩手县立福冈高等学校;1956年<24岁)于东京国家艺术大学设计系毕 业后,福田开始在其创作的作品中显示出独特的个性和观念,并借此开创出多种创作发展的方向和表现手法,成为当时较有名气 的设计新秀。1967年<35岁)即在美国纽约IBM画廊首次举办个人展,随后其作品在欧洲、美国及日本等地广为展出,并获得多 项大奖。1982年<50岁)他应美国耶鲁大学的邀请,担任客座讲师。同时,福田还是日本平面设计师协会


100句坚强、自我励志的说说句子合集 当你开展的事业从事的行动穷途末路大势已去的时候,与其在那里苦苦挣扎,碍于面子硬撑,倒不如微笑着面对,告诉自己,我这次失败了,重新开始吧!下次我会吸取教训,不让自己犯同样的错误的。这样的你已经是走在成功的路上了。 1.一个人除非自己有信心,否则无法带给别人信心。 2.如果不想做点事情,就不要想到达这个世界上的任何地方。 3.平凡的脚步也可以走完伟大的行程。 4.没有什么事情有象热忱这般具有传染性,它能感动顽石,它是真诚的精髓。 5.不要害怕遭遇风险。只有通过冒险,我们才能学会如何变得勇敢。 6.道路坎坷事不期,疾风劲草练男儿。 7.你可以用爱得到全世界,你也可以用恨失去全世界。 8.再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 9.一个人几乎可以在任何他怀有无限热忱的事情上成功。 10.获致幸福的不二法门是珍视你所拥有的,遗忘你所没有的。 11.不要问别人为你做了什么,而要问你为别人做了什么。 12.没有热忱,世间便无进步。 13.金钱损失了还能挽回,一旦失去信誉就很难挽回。 14.人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还

是选择躲避。 15.山不辞土,故能成其高;海不辞水,故能成其深! 16.成功与不成功之间有时距离很短——只要后者再向前几步。 17.在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。 18.能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。 19.这一秒不放弃,下一秒就有希望!坚持下去才可能成功! 20.那些尝试去做某事却失败的人,比那些什么也不尝试做却成功的人不知要好上多少。 21.你一天的爱心可能带来别人一生的感谢。 22.与你内心最贴近的东西,切莫等闲视之。要像坚守生命一样守住它们。因为一旦你丢失了它们,生活就会变得毫无意义。 23.如果你还可以努力可以付出,就不要轻言停止和放弃。在你停止努力的那一刻之前,一切都还没有什么真正的结果。 24.空想会想出很多绝妙的主意,但却办不成任何事情。 25.上游,是勇士劈风破浪的终点;下游,是懦夫一帆风顺的归宿。 26.你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。 27.没有风浪,便没有勇敢的弄潮儿;没有荆棘,也没有不屈的开拓者。 28.流过泪的眼睛更明亮,滴过血的心灵更坚强! 29.莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。 30.相信就是强大,怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰就是力量。


这几天一直忙到做老大的海报,一度陷入自己挖的坑里,和S交流了一下午。也有了些眉目。还不错,希望我能做好!下面我找了点日本著名平面设计师福田繁雄的作品分析,其实一些简单的东西都可以做得很有意思的。 大家看看也不错喔~ 福田繁雄海报作品分析 德国当代国际著名视觉设计大师霍尔戈·马蒂斯(Holger Matthies)教授曾经这样说: "一幅好的招贴,应该是靠图形语言说话而不是靠文字注解"。[2]福田的海报语言简洁、幽默、巧妙并深刻,常以简练的线和面构成,具有强烈的视觉张力,充分显示了他对图形语言的驾驭能力。福田把异质同构、视错觉等理念,以视觉符号的形式重现在其海报作品上,并将这些原理以客观和风趣的形式呈现,使简洁的图形成为信息传递的媒介,由此其设计作品兼具了艺术性与精神性的内涵。 福田作品突显魅力的法宝,是对错视原理的精到掌握和应用。他善于运用图底关系、矛盾空间等错视原理,使其作品大放光彩。正如福田自己所说的:"我的作品,无论是平面的、还是立体作品的创作核心,都是围绕着以视觉感官的问题为前提来进行思考。"[3]因此,他不断地对视错觉进行探求,将不可能的空间与事物进行巧妙的组合达到视觉上的新知,将合理的与不合理的共同营造出奇异的视觉世界,在看似荒谬的视觉形象中透出一种理性的秩序感和连续性。以下,笔者将以福田的海报为载体对其创作方式和理念进行分析。

图1 图2

图2)1945年的胜利,1975年 2.1异质同构原理的运用 福田是将异质同构的设计理念,以视觉符号的形式呈现在其海报作品中的先驱。在福田许多的海报作品中,可以看到他对该设计原理的巧妙运用。置换是其运用异质同构设计理念的一种表现形式,是指选择一个常规、简洁的图形为基本形态,保持其骨骼不变,再根据创意,置换新的元素,组成新形。这种表现手法,虽然物与形之间结构不变,但逻辑上的张冠李戴却使图形产生了更深远的意义。[4]其要点是借助一个基本形态,在保持基本形原来主要特征的前提下置换新的元素以完成再创造。 在其设计作品中,他所运用的置换元素不仅仅是对图形形态的简单更换,而是对置换元素进行反复推敲,始终保持着整体风格的一致性(见图3和图4),达到其设计意图。图3是其著名的作品《贝多芬第九交响曲》海报系列(1985年-2001年)。在这一系列作品中,福田以贝多芬头像作为基本形态,对人物的发部进行元素的置换。从一定距离观察这些作品,可以辨识出海报中的人物形象。但当我们仔细观察人物的发部时,它又是由不同的图形元素组成。在这里,音符、鸟、马等并不相关的图形元素,都被福田运用到他的这一系列海报中,这些元素丰富了同一主题海报的内涵,同时充满趣味性,更体现出设计者丰富的想象力。 又如,福田繁雄《F》海报系列(图4),主画面为福田名字的首字母"F",对该字母进行变化。该系列又不同于"贝多芬"系列中以发部轮廓为基本形态,在其轮廓内部根据主题内容进行图形元素的置换,而是以"F"为基本型,作者对其以往在众多平面作品中惯用的图形符号或表现方式进行的重现。如矛盾空间、图底反转等错视原理和手法的运用,坐着的女孩和奔跑着的动物形象的运用等。使其作品打上福田的符号,成为其异质同构中的又一代表性作品。 图3 (图3)《贝多芬第九交响曲》海报系列(部分作品),1985-2001年


给自己坚强的说说,鼓励自己要坚强的说说 导读:1、心若向阳,何惧悲伤。 2、你不勇敢,没人替你坚强! 3、要学会自己咽下所有失望,才会走的更远更长。 4、感谢上天让我孤单,忍受灵魂的磨难。 5、我们享受孤单,承受责任把一切看淡。 6、做一个勇敢的人学着去承受命运给你的每一个耳光。 7、不要随便哭泣,因为就算哭泣也挽留不住什么。 8、成长就是将你的哭声调成静音模式。 9、一个人要吃饱饭才有力气坚强。 10、谁不是一边受伤,一边学会坚强。我们的坚强都是被生活逼出来的。 11、我们还年轻,长长的人生可以受一点风浪。 12、当你决定不再在乎的时候,生活就好起来了。 13、你该做一个不动声色的大人了。 14、再多的伤害我也不在乎,擦干眼泪告诉自己不准哭。 15、真正的强者,不是流泪的人,而是含泪奔跑的人。 16、我并不快乐,但我可以笑着生活。 17、事要自己扛,苦了又何妨。 18、姑娘你要做自己的英雄。 19、还是要勇敢,用微笑付之所有的伤。

20、愿你所受的苦难都变成礼物。 21、愿我们微笑面对生活,狠狠坚强。 22、失败了,就再站起来,继续前行。 23、不要被回忆拖住了脚步。 24、容不得懦弱只能坚强。 25、我在拼,哪怕偏体鳞伤,纵然也要坚持下去。 26、有些笑容是背后咬紧牙关的灵魂。 27、当有负面情绪的时候,不要说。管好自己的嘴,有时候做哑巴,是一种境界。 28、你可以哭但不能输。 29、如果你够独立,谁都可以失去。 30、眼淚留給昨天,悲傷留給從前。 31、世界上总有看不惯你的人,好好做自己就行。 32、如果你足够强大,没人可使你委屈。 33、不要畏惧未来你要相信自己。 34、如果我不坚强,那就等着别人来嘲笑。 35、无论结果怎样,都要感谢经历。 36、在逆风的方向,飞出倔强的坚强。 37、成长不就是踩着玻璃渣一点一点的走吗。 38、我总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。 39、生活给予的羁绊与悲伤,让我变得坚强。


1、福田繁雄简介 福田繁雄(1932-)是日本当代视觉设计大师,他的设计理念及其设计作品所取得的成就,对当代平面设计界都产生了深远的影响。福田于1932年生于日本东京,1951年(19岁)毕业于岩手县立福冈高等学校;1956年(24岁)于东京国家艺术大学设计系毕业后,福田开始在其创作的作品中显示出独特的个性和观念,并借此开创出多种创作发展的方向和表现手法,成为当时较有名气的设计新秀。1967年(35岁)即在美国纽约IBM画廊首次举办个人展,随后其作品在欧洲、美国及日本等地广为展出,并获得多项大奖。1982年(50岁)他应美国耶鲁大学的邀请,担任客座讲师。同时,福田还是日本平面设计师协会(JAGDA)副会长、国际平面设计师联盟(TADC)委员、国际平面设计师联盟(GAI)会员、英国皇家艺术协会(RDI)会员。 福田是继龟仓雄策、早川良雄等日本平面设计大师之后的第二代平面设计师。无论是在日本,还是在欧洲、美国等地,他都被视为一名设计天才。福田繁雄与岗特·兰堡(Gunter Rambow)、西摩·切瓦斯特(Seymour Chwast)并称为当代"世界三大平面设计师"。 他在高中时曾想成为一名漫画家,但由于当时艺术学校里没有漫画专业,最终将其幽默和天赋投入到设计领域,由此其设计作品具有浓厚的幽默性特点。例如他1975年设计的"1945年的胜利"(图2)这张海报,就采用类似漫画的表现形式,创造出一种简洁、诙谐的图形语言,描绘一颗子弹反向飞回枪管的形象,讽刺发动战争者自食其果,含义深刻。这张纪念二战结束30周年的海报设计,获得了国际平面设计大奖。其设计作品中的这种幽默、风趣,均能带给观 者一种视觉愉悦。 福田的创作范围相当广泛,除了书籍装帧设计、海报、月历、插图、标志设计等之外,也涉及工艺品、雕塑艺术、玩具、建筑壁画、景观造型等各种专业领域。他所涉及的设计领域,均能将其创作灵感发挥到极至,给人一种印象深刻的视觉美感与艺术表现力,流露其独特的创作魅力。他的大量的"福田式"的海报作品更为世人所熟知,现在的平面设计书籍中几乎都会出现他的作 品。 2.关于这篇文章 此文标题夸张了点,因为我想找到一个好心人把福田繁雄的所有作品做一个打包下载,那是最好的了.今天在网上找了半天都没找着这样的人,我决定把以前自己收集的发出来,这些珍贵的海报是我用数码相机在书店里拍的,记得那天下雨,早上出去,在书店呆了一整天,等周出书店也是万家灯火了,第二天用软件裁边,刹是辛苦,又弄了一天,放早博客里一直是私人收藏,别人都看不到的,也许是因为我的自私,也许是因为我觉得太珍贵,现在拿出来分享,我想这是目前网络上收集这位大师的作品最全的一篇文章,至少我这么认为,喜欢的朋友请顶一下. 3.福田繁雄海报与招贴

【写给自己坚强的说说】 写给自己坚强的句子

【写给自己坚强的说说】写给自己坚强的句子 每天告诉自己一次:我真的很不错。想知道更多这种精选空间说说吗?今天小编在这里分享一些写给自己坚强的说说,希望大家喜欢。 写给自己坚强的说说【精选篇】 1.要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 2.努力地工作,就像不苛求回报一样;真诚地去爱,就像从来没有受过伤害一样;投入地跳舞,就像没有人在一旁看着你一样。这样的生活,肯定可以给你带来快乐。 3.活着一天,就是有福气,就该珍惜。当我哭泣我没有鞋子穿的时辰,我发觉有人却没有脚。 4.妈妈说过没有人值得你为他哭,唯一值得你为他哭的那个人,永远都不会让你为他哭。 5.一个人的生死并非命中注定,一个人的富贵取决于钱的多少。 6.钱多的人处在别人前面,钱少的人则只能居于别人之后。 7.处在前面的人就能够成为强者,而处在后面的人则只能作为弱者。 8.不管追求什么目标,都应坚持不懈。 9.从今以后,我要懂得,生命的每一都在接受类似的考验。如果坚持不懈,不断尝试,勇往向前,我就会成功。 10.人生就像一场舞会,教会你舞步的人未必会陪你到散场。

写给自己坚强的说说【经典篇】 1.不要抱怨上天的不公,也不要抱怨命运的坎坷,真正勇敢的人,敢于直面惨淡的人生。只有敢于接受真相,不和过去的任何事情较劲,才有精力去改变自己不尽如人意的命运。 2.你可以爱一个人爱到不要命,但是绝不能爱一个人爱到不要脸。 3.人之所以会烦恼,是因为记忆问题。我们时常记住了应该忘掉的事情,而忘掉了应该记住的事情。 4.人总会遇到挫折,总会有低潮,会有不被人理解的时候,会有不尽人意的时候,会有低声下气的时候。这些时候,恰恰是人生最关键的时候。在这样的时刻,我们需要耐心等待,满怀信心地去期待,相信,生活不会放弃你,命运不会抛弃你。如果你耐不住寂寞,就看不到繁华。 5.生命本是一泓清泉,只有挑战自我的人才能品味出其中的甘洌;生命本是一部史书,只有挑战自我的人才能体味出其中的浩荡;生命就像一首优美的歌曲,只有挑战自我的人才能谱写出优美的旋律。 6.人生是一段旅程,在旅行中遇到的每一个人,每一件事与每一个美丽景色,都有可能成为一生中难忘的风景。一路走来,我们无法猜测将是迎接什么样的风景,没有预兆目的地在哪,可是前进的脚步却始终不能停下,因为时间不允许我们在任何地方停留,只有在前进中不断学会选择,学会体会,学会欣赏。 7.关心自己的灵魂,从来不早,也不会晚。 8.千金何足惜,一士固难求。 9.才智之民多则国强,才智之士少则国弱。故今天之教,宜先开其智。 10.我们必定要努力把年富力强的人民赶紧的培植起,使他们个个读书明理、并愿为国鞠躬尽瘁。


福田繁雄 2009-03-29 09:13 Shigeo Fukuda 福田繁雄(1932-)是日本当代视觉设计大师,他的设计理念及其设计作品所取得的成就,对当代平面设计界都产生了深远的影响。福田于1932年生于日本东京,1951年(19岁)毕业于岩手县立福冈高等学校;1956年(24岁)于东京国家艺术大学设计系毕业后,福田开始在其创作的作品中显示出独特的个性和观念,并借此开创出多种创作发展的方向和表现手法,成为当时较有名气的设计新秀。1967年(35岁)即在美国纽约IBM画廊首次举办个人展,随后其作品在欧洲、美国及日本等地广为展出,并获得多项大奖。1982年(50岁)他应美国耶鲁大学的邀请,担任客座讲师。同时,福田还是日本平面设计师协会(JAGDA)副会长、国际平面设计师联盟(TADC)委员、国际平面设计师联盟(GAI)会员、英国皇家艺术协会(RDI)会员。 福田是继龟仓雄策、早川良雄等日本平面设计大师之后的第二代平面设计师。无论是在日本,还是在欧洲、美国等地,他都被视为一名设计天才。福田繁雄与岗特·兰堡(Gunter Rambow)、西摩·切瓦斯特(Seymour Chwast)并称为当代"世界三大平面设计师"。[1] 他在高中时曾想成为一名漫画家,但由于当时艺术学校里没有漫画专业,最终将其幽默和天赋投入到设计领域,由此其设计作品具有浓厚的幽默性特点。例如他1975年设计的"1945年的胜利"(图2)这张海报,就采用类似漫画的表现形式,创造出一种简洁、诙谐的图形语言,描绘一颗子弹反向飞回枪管的形象,讽刺发动战争者自食其果,含义深刻。这张纪念二战结束30周年的海报设计,获得了国际平面设计大奖。其设计作品中的这种幽默、风趣,均能带给观者一种视觉愉悦。 福田的创作范围相当广泛,除了书籍装帧设计、海报、月历、插图、标志设计等之外,也涉及工艺品、雕塑艺术、玩具、建筑壁画、景观造型等各种专业领域。他所涉及的设计领域,均能将其创作灵感发挥到极至,给人一种印象深刻的视觉美感与艺术表现力,流露其独特的创作魅力。他的大量的"福田式"的海报作品更为世人所熟知,现在的平面设计书籍中几乎都会出现他的作品。


鼓励自己坚强的心情说说短句 1:只做第一个我,不做第二个谁。 2:你不勇敢,没人替你坚强! 3:学会宽容,要有一颗宽容的爱心! 4:心有多大,舞台就有多大。 5:我走得很慢,但我从不后退! 6:我们可以失望,但不能盲目。 7:独立,永远。不管,感情还是金钱。 8:从哪里跌倒就从哪里爬起来,爬起来再哭。9:不是每句对不起都能换句没关系。 10:乌云的背后是阳光,阳光的背后是彩虹。11:把热爱的事情做到极致,便成了价值。 12:我迟早会穿着帆布鞋踏入我理想学校的大门13:炫丽的彩虹,永远都在雨过天晴后。 14:现在决定未来,知识改变命运。 15:不小了,该成熟了;不早了,该奋斗了。16:不怕万人阻挡在前方,只怕自己先行投降17:我偌卜勇敢,誰替我堅強 18:偏偏那么喜欢的不是我的 19:待人处事善良一些一定不会错的 20:我想你想的手都酸了

21:如果你够硬我们就有故事 22:这世界我只愿与你相爱. 23:你和我说好的未来。 24:志在山顶的人,不会贪念山腰的风景 25:风很清澈,从头到脚都快乐。 26:天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。 27:微笑拥抱每一天,做像向日葵般温暖的女子。 28:如果心胸不似海,又怎能有海一样的事业。 29:真正的强者,不是流泪的人,而是含泪奔跑的人。 30:一切痛苦能够毁灭人,然而受苦的人也能把痛苦消灭! 31:别小看任何人,越不起眼的人。往往会做些让人想不到的事。 32:没有一种不通过蔑视忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 33:当世界给草籽重压时,它总会用自己的方法破土而出。 34:给自己设定阶段性的目标,努力完成,拥有自己的小骄傲35:世上除了生死,都是小事。从今天开始,每天微笑吧。 36:年轻就是这样,有错过有遗憾,最后才会学着珍惜。 37:拿得起放得下的人并不薄情哪有人的心会像是石头做的 38:我们什么都没有,唯一的本钱就是青春。梦想让我与众不同,奋斗让我改变命运! 39:按照自己的意志去做,不要听那些闲言碎语,你就一定会成功 40:要记住!情况越严重,越困难,就越需要坚定积极果敢,而越无为就越有害。


励志坚强的说说致自己,坚强励志心语 导读:1、我不会半途而废,因为我的路不可能只走一半。 2、尽管时间把疼痛磨成棱角你别皱眉这样不漂亮。 3、自己选择的路就算风景不美也不能后退。 4、告诉自己,凡是不能杀死你的,最终都会让你更强。 5、一个人又怎样,哪有强者不孤独。 6、能自己扛就别声张。 7、有梦想,无畏失败。 8、我的字典里,安于现状的释义是等死。 9、亲爱的姑娘记得要笑。 10、愿我们微笑面对生活,狠狠坚强。 11、对自己好一点,别委屈,别哭泣。 12、我们还年轻,长长的人生可以受一点风浪。 13、姑娘,一个人,没啥,拼的就是坚强。 14、社会不同情弱者,强者没有感情和眼泪。 15、从哪里摔倒就从哪里站起来,这只是为了不让坚强瞧不起你! 16、做个勇敢的人,学着去承受命运给的每一个耳光。 17、痛苦消散得比你想象的要快。 18、无人站你前面为你挡枪口,就自己做英雄。 19、你的无情,成就了我的坚强。 20、人就活一次,酸甜苦辣咱得笑着。

21、没有人能替你承受痛苦,也没有人能拿走你的坚强。 22、猛虎总独行,废物才成群。 23、如果没人为你挡枪口就自己做英雄。 24、不管生活多煎熬都要眉眼带笑。 25、再狼狈和不堪,背也挺直。 26、人生难得起起落落,还是要坚强的生活。 27、别找理由遗弃自己的梦想。 28、没有什么大不了,只不过摔一跤。 29、你知道我会有多难过,所以还微笑着要我加油。 30、剩下的路你好好走,别辜负了所有期望。 31、别为了男人哭,那样对不起你的父母。 32、最好的报复就是你依旧很好的生活着而不是让他们看到你的狼狈。 33、没有谁能永远陪你走下去,所以亲爱的自己要努力让自己坚强。 34、没人扶你的时候,自己站直,路还长,背影要美。 35、没死就别说自己是废物。 36、人生有太多不如意,可是生活,还是要继续。 37、无论你今天要面对什么,既然走到了这一步,就坚持下去,给自己一些肯定,你比自己想象中要坚强。 38、命运可以剥夺人的财富,却无法剥夺人的勇气。


浅谈正负形在海报设计中的应用论文 海报设计是视觉传达设计的表现形式之一,通过画面的构成在 第一时间内吸引人们的目光。海报的发展距今已有100多年的历史,目前主要分为公益海报和商业海报。图形创意在公益海报中的表现尤为常见,正负形海报是其中的一种,给人们带来了不一样的视觉感受。正负形是图形的边线共用,图底反转。平面正负形是一种艺术图案,它可以给人以幻觉,使人产生两种感觉,这就是平面正负形的魅力。正形与负形是靠彼此界定的,同时又相互作用。一般的意义上,正形是积极向前的,而负形则是消极后退的,形成正负形的因素有很多,它依赖于对图形的具体表现与欣赏心理习惯。在xx年“世界日暨全 国海洋宣传日”活动期间,以“创意海洋”为主题,用正负形的手法创作《孕育》海报告诫人们保护海洋的重要性,为我国未来的海洋文化发展做出贡献。 当下国内学者及设计师对图形创意中正负形这一艺术表现手法,在海报设计中应用的优势进行探析越来越多。北京交通大学硕士胡艳霞写了《福田繁雄海报的视错觉图形表现语言探析》,在论文中就福田繁雄海报中视错觉图形表现语言的运用这一章中描述了正负图形 的运用与表现,平面设计中的正负图形是由原来的图底关系转变而来。解析了1915年的代表作品“鲁宾之杯”,是图底视错觉表现语言的 经典之作。鲁道夫·阿恩海姆认为:“图形与基底之间的关系,就是指一个封闭的式样与另一个和它同质的非封闭的背景之间的关系。”

对福田繁雄的早期海报设计进行解析。山西师范大学硕士牛彦然写了《视错觉在平面设计中的应用与研究》,在论文中各类视错觉在平面设计中的应用这一章中描述正负形同构,写了正负形的含义,对福田繁雄1975 年为日本京王百货设计的海报和《UCC 咖啡馆》海报进行说明,得出正负形共生正是利用了人们视觉心理上的不确定性,观众是通过转变视觉中心所看到的不同形态,具有动感。由于正负形是正形和负形共同使用同一条外轮廓线,最大限度将画面利用,其结构非常简洁紧凑,会被广泛地应用在平面设计中。山东艺术学院艺术实践与创作处王立章写了《论图形创意在招贴设计中的应用研究》,在论文中得出了正负形在招贴中的应用,赋予了招贴一种情绪,一种无形的巨大能量,使招贴常常富有深层寓意,达到一语双关,深化了平面招贴中图形和招贴的主题之间产生的共鸣。湖南工业大学包装设计艺术学院王婷婷写了《正负形在海报中的优势探析》,在论文中提出我们欣赏过海报在宣传过程中的有效应用和正负形这种幽默的表现形式,正负形和海报相结合更是设计师不竭的源泉,这样的设计作品,表现力极强。同时正负形在标志设计、产品设计、服装设计等各个设计领域有一定的影响。通过这些论文的例子总结正负形让海报设计充满视觉冲击力和艺术张力,可以让更多人了解并喜欢正负形海报。 第一,研究过程中选择了总结多篇论文对正负形在海报设计中运用的观点,来论证研究和创作正负形海报有相当大的现实意义。
