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Unit 2 History

Unit 4 Economy

Unit 8 Popular Science

Unit 9 Law

Unit 10 Speeches

其中Unit 4、Unit 8、Unit 10尤为重要。


P1 第一段最后一句,第二段短语:average height, gleaming eyes, in his middle twenties。第四段第一句。

P2 短语:Chinese Communist Party,第二小段重点掌握,最后一段的第一句,短语:full members

P6 “译学点滴”中,第三段的第一句。

P7 第一段的第一句,第三段的前三句。

P10 第一段的一、二句,第二段的第一句、倒数第二句。最后一段。

P15 第一段的最后一句。第二段的倒数第二句,短语:monkey-like imitation. 第三段第四句:“Tha t was because … the pieces.”

P16 最后一句

P17 第一段倒数第二句话引号里面的内容。第二段第二句话,第四段短语:“另一个地方” 。第二句的冒号后面的内容“长得好看……看起来倒还顺眼些。”,和最后一句。

P21 译学点滴中第二段:





P22 “我为乘客服务”整篇都要看。

P30 第一段全部要看。第二段“multi-pur pose machine”,第三段

“in the air”。

P31 第一段的第一句和最后一句。第二段第四行、第五行。最后一段短语“arteries of communication”,和最后一句。

P35 译学点滴的第一句话。

P37 第一段短语:“a long train of changes” 第二句、第三句。第二段短语:“ cottage industry”,和最后一句。最后一段的第一句。

P40 第一段最后一句。

P44 译学点滴第二段。

P45 倒数第三段的倒数第二句:“所谓翻译,是翻译意思,而不是翻译词句。” 最后一段。

P46 第一段整段。第三段:“In 1840, … for nearly 10 years.”

P47 短语:“the Morrill Land-Grant College Act”, “ industrial colleges”, “appropriated funds”, “granted funds”, “were at work”.

P49 第一、二句。倒数第四句:“五四运动……彻底的文化革命。”

P50 倒数第二句:“五四运动……北伐战争。”

P56 倒数第三段最后一句。倒数第一、二段。

短语:北洋军阀政府:the Northern Warlord government

P57 提示:5, 6, 9, 10, 12

P66 第二段:第一句,倒数第二句。倒数第二段最后一句“About six years ago …the shoreline.”

P71 译学点滴第三段、第四段的第一句。

P72 第三段:“冰心在《北京晚报》发表过一篇文章:…漫谈赏花和玩猫?。”

P73 “Journey Up the Nile” 的第一段要重点把握。

P74 第二段的第一句、倒数第一句。

P75 第一句:“As the flood … the Mediterranean.”

P76 第一段短语:“it enjoys a Mediterranean climate”,第二段的第一句。

P77 最后一段的倒数第二句:“The Adelaide Festival … in Australia.”

P80 “Adelaide”中第一句重点把握,以及最后三句:“Belts of Parklands line … with ornamental gardens.”

P81 第一段的第一句。第二段短语:“jets of water”, “ aluminium sculptures” “draws its water” ,以及最后一句。

P83 短语“The Imperial Palace”,第一段最后一句,第二段第一句。

P84 最后一段重点把握。

P85 提示:13—20。

P87 “北海公园”第一段的第二句。第三段的短语:“燕京八景之一”、“五龙亭”、“九龙壁”。

P88 提示:1—5。

P96 第一段的第一句。第三段:“In 1977 … the world?s tenth largest

exporter. ”

P97 第一段的最后一句。第四段整段,其中尤其注意“exploded”, “two way

trade” “was more than twice as high”。倒数第二段的第一句,短语“ foreign exchange”。

P101 “翻译理论简介” 中第二、三、四段,第五段的第一句。

P102 最上面三行。

P103 第一段短语:“bilateral trade”, “the order of”, “sound

foundation”, “commercial and financial ties”, 句子:”China?s imports from … just over $ 21 billion.” 第二段短语:“joint venture” “offshore oil exploration” 第三段第一句。最后一段全部看。

P104 第二段短语:“food production”, “industrial production”, “light industrial”, 最后一句。

P105 第二段。倒数第二段短语:“outward investor”,和最后一句。最后一段短语“net income”

P106 第二段的第一句。“China in the World Economy”全篇看,其中的短语“the international community” ,重点句子:最后一行。

P107 短语:“the stock of foreign investment”

P112 “翻译理论简介”第三段的第二句。第四段的第一句。

P113 第二段第一句。

P114 “The Challenges of Reform” 全篇掌握。

P115 “brought this home”, “zero-sum game”, “finite stock” “donor and recipient”, “multilateral disciplines”

P117 第一段的第一句。第二段最后一句。第三段:“即使考虑到……有条件实现的。”第四段第三句:“中国政府……工矿废弃地的复垦”。

P124 提示:4、5、7、9—11。

P133 第一段。第二段全段,其中第一句重点把握。第三段:“Every child raised … not so sure anymore.”

P134 第二段全段。第三段倒数第一、二句:“Habits form, … the rains come.”

P139 “翻译理论简介”第四段的第一句。

P140 最后一段。P141 第一段第一句。第四句:“Somehow our path … Los Angeles River.” “Many children … and daring.”, “the far bank”, “He jumped into … on his young face.” 最后一段第三句:“The greatest … in need”。

P142 第一段倒数第二句:“I could see … as he was.”,第二段短语:“ feelings of guilt”, “as a matter of course”,第三段:“That little kid was lucky to get out.”。

P144 第一段第三句:“Although both my … to be over eighty.”, “My maternal grandmother, … higher ed ucation.”

P145 第一段最后一句。第三段第二句、第四句:“One?s thoughts … to be done.” “It is easy … more keen.”。最后一段第一句。

P146 最后一句:“Animals become … find this difficult”。

P150 “翻译理论简介”第一段。

P153 第一段第一句。最后一段第三句:“Y oung men who … and ignoble.”

P154 “An individual human … their individual being.”

P156 第一段最后一句。第二段最后一句。第三段最后一句。第四段:“如同旧梦重温… …英国朋友。”

P157 “因为住处……罗浮宫里。”,和最后一句。

P161 倒数第二段。

P162 “旧梦重温”的第一句。

P163 第二段全段。最后一段的最后一句。提示:1、3.

P176 “翻译理论简介”第一句。

P177 第二段:傅雷翻译的作品。第四段的第一句。

P185 最后一段的第一句。

P188 第三段:“他长得漂漂亮亮……喜欢争吵。”

P190 “翻译理论简介”第三段。第五段“1982年……所处的时代”

P194 第一段。最后一段的第一句。

P196 第一段,其中尤其要注意人物肖像描写。最后一段倒数第二句。

P197 第一段倒数第六行:“judging by her downcast eyes and silence”

P200 “翻译理论简介”第一句。

P214 第二段的第一句。第三段:“I always found in myself a dread of west and a love of east.”

P221 第一段的第二句。第二段的第一句、倒数第二句。

P222 重点把握:“The land cracked … dry twigs.”

P224 第三段的第一句。

P225 最后一段的最后一句。

P230 “The Sound of Music” 第三段全段。

P232 第一段第一句。第二段第二句。第三段第二句。第四段第四句。

P233 最后一句:可我从头到脚淋成了落汤鸡了。

P245 例7.一整段的翻译

P252 第一段第一句。“A few other … as the whale.” 第二段第一句。

P253 重点掌握“To it we owe the…the possibility of flying.” “Two metal surfaces … must be lubricated.”

P259 “Oil”全篇把握。

P260 第一段:“The statement that … the oceans of today.” 重点把握“The rocks in which oil is found are of marine origin too.”,最后一句。第二段短语:“crude oil” 最后一段第二句。

P261 第一句。短语:”boiling point”、倒数第三句。

P263 第一段第一、二句。第二段短语:“right to know” 第三段第一句。第三段第一句,“All have this in common; …these organisms belong.”

P264 第二段第二句。第三段全段。

P272 从第二段开始到完全部看。

P274 第一段:“Dr. Knipling was ready for a full-scale test of his theory.” 第二段短语“egg masses” 第三段第一句,短语“prearranged flight patterns”

P275 最后一段是重点,要全部看。

P277 第一段:第一句,短语“淡水资源总量”,以及最后两句。第二段“中国还对广阔的……资源条件比较优越。”短语“人工养殖”。

P281 “翻译理论选读”的第一句。第二段的第二句、第三句。第三段的第一句。

P283 第二段最后一句:“所谓…环境?……交际参与者”

P284 “中国海洋事业的发展”全篇作为重点来看。


P298 Lesson 25 比较重要。第一段是重点,尤其注意第一句。短语"enforcement power", "environmental statues" 第二段第二句、第三句。注意短语:"court action" "rank ... with", "court of appeals", "Federal Power Commission", "grant a license"

P299 最后一段的最后一句很重要。

P305 第一段短语:"strip mining", "noise pollution", "offshore oil drilling", "waste disposal", "aerosol cans", "nonreturnable beverage containers" 注意句子:"In fact, ... which we all depend."的翻译。

第二段短语:"enacting legislation", "Clean Air Act", "Clean Air Act Amendment", "state legislation", "bills", "hearings", "private lobbies"

"labor unions", "trade-offs","immediate future", "take into account"

P308 短语:"the Contracting States", "copyright protection" "international systems"

P309 短语"copyright proprietors" "cinematographic works" "Article II"的第3款要求全部翻译。

P312 “翻译理论选读”的前三行,有可能考选择题。

P313 第一段"Director-General", :signatory States"

P314 ARTICLE IX 的第一行短语:"come into force" ARTICLE X 的第1.2. 款都要求翻译。

P316 短语“中华人民共和国”,“国际经济合作和技术交流”,“平等互利的原则”。“第二条”的第二段要求会翻译。“第三条”中的“合营各方”,“主管部门”“工商行政管理主管部门”

P317 “第四条”的短语“有限责任公司”“注册资本”。“第五条”的第一句要求翻译,其中注意“工业产权”的翻译。“第六条”的短语:董事会、企业发展规划、生产经营活动方案、收支预算、利润分配、劳动工资计划。“第七条”短语:毛利润、所得税、储备基金、职工奖励及福利基金、企业发展基金、净利润、注册资本。P318 “第八条”短语:外汇帐户、外汇管理条例。“第九条”的第二段。

P328 “第十一条”:外籍职工、个人所得税。“第十三条”:不可抗力。“第十四条”:仲裁。“第十五条”:全国人民代表大会。

P341 第一段:distinguished guests. 第二段的短语:"on behalf of" "incomparable hospitaliy" 以及最后一句的翻译。第三段短语:"gracious and eloquent remarks", "at this very moment"

P342 第二行:"common ground", 最后一段要求全部翻译,其中注意短语:"in the spirit of", "at the outset", "common interests"。

P344 第四行“words cannot be treated in isolation" 是谁说的?

P344 第四行“words cannot be treated in isolation" 是谁说的?

P346 第一段、第四段、第五段。

P348 第一段的最后一句。第二段的第一句的翻译,其中短语"joined hands to", "Sino-American relationship" "the forging of firm Sino-American ties"

P349 短语:"international affairs" "scientific exchange" "national security policies"

P351 “翻译理论选读”中,“我的回答是:要…信?,...气势和精神。”可能考选择题。

P353 第一行:"strategic relation"。第二段短语:"non-governmental sectors" 最后一句话的全部翻译。最后一段的短语:"the area of public health" 第二句全部翻译。

P354 第二段的最后一句:先有哈佛...地位。第三段的第二句。第五段的第一句。

P355 从第二段开始到全文结束,即:从“一是团结统一的传统...最快最好的历史时期”。


Lesson 1

1. fellow countrymen 同胞

2. average height 中等身材

3. gleaming eyes 闪光的眼睛

4. in his middle twenties 二十多岁

5. to be seated 招呼坐下

6. stand squarely 端端正正地站着

7. more than ten years his junior 比他年轻十几岁

8. revolutionary road 革命道路

9. Chinese communist Party 中国共产党

10. full member 正式成员

11. membership 党籍

12. keep a secret 保密

Lesson 2

1. immeasurable contrast 迥然不同

2. to and fro 走来走去

3. upturn face 仰着脸

4. sweet spring 芬芳的春天

5. anger and bitterness 又气愤又苦恼

6. dense fog 大雾

7. tense and anxious 紧张而焦急

8. 五一的下午 on the afternoon of May 1st

9. 无言的呼唤 wordless cry

10. 探测绳sounding-line

Lesson 3

1. 各种流派的different schools

2. 前两天a few days ago

3. 受限制be restricted/be subjected to

4. 传统观念 traditional thinking

5. 不合理的制度irrational system

6. 最高境界 the highest state

7. 浓妆艳抹heavy make up

8. 主人公 chief character/principal character

9. 花言巧语flowery language

10. 社会进步和人性发展social progress and human development Lesson 4

1. 工业革命Industrial Revolution

2. 多功能的机器mul t i-purpose machine

3. 出于自愿和兴趣 on one’s own account, out of interest

4. 新兴城市 the rising town

5. 大胆的举止in a bolder manner

6. 实干家practical man

7. 交通动脉arteries of communication

8. in the air 传说中,酝酿中

9. source of power 能源

10. outstanding feature 突出特点

Lesson 5

1. 极西地带far west

2. 山区mountainous regions

3. 永久定居permanent settlement

4. 为…打下基础lay foundations for

5. 专门从事devote exclusively to

6. 合法手续legal title

7. establish communi t ies 建立村镇

8. stock-raising 养殖畜牧业

9. open public domain 开放的公共地带

10. regular event 常事

11. high plains 高原

12. criss-crossed 纵横交错

Lesson 6

1. 新民主主义new democracy

2. 五四运动 the May 4th Movement

3. 辛亥革命 the R evolution of 1911

4. 革命知识分子revolutionary intellectuals

5. 帝国主义imperialist

6. 无产阶级proletariat

7. 在…的号召下at the call of

8. 小资产阶级知识分子petty-bourgeois intellectuals

9. 统一战线的革命运动 the revolutionary movement of a uni t ed front

10. 平民文学literature for the common people

11. 北伐战争 the Northern Expedition

12. 右翼 the rightwing

Lesson 7

1. life-giving 赋予生命

2. everlastingly 无穷无尽的

3. the Nile Delta 尼罗河三角洲

4. freshly harvested 刚割的

5. Mediterranean 地中海

6. the Pyramids 金字塔

7. negative effects 不良的后果

8. a ghost town 鬼城;被遗弃的荒芜的城镇

9. brightly painted 颜色鲜艳的

10. member of a team 队员

11. 河流入海口 the mouth of the river

12. 水坝发电power generated by the dam

Lesson 8

1. Mt. Lofty Ranges 洛夫蒂岭山

2. average annual rainfall 平均年降雨量

3. surveyor general 测量总监

4. business district 商业区

5. residential section 住宅区

6. municipal government 自治政府

7. lord mayoralty 市长的职位

8. mineral deposit 矿藏

9. marketing centre 贸易中心

10. automobile components 汽车部件

11. 地中海型气候Medi t erranean climate

12. 文艺节Festival of Arts

Lesson 9

1. Palace Museum 故宫博物院

2. walled courtyard 带围墙的院子

3. watchtower 更楼

4. complete group o f ancient buildings 完整的古代建筑群

5. ravages of time 时间的摧残

6. ancient Chinese architecture古代中国建筑

7. historical sites 历史遗址

8. cobbled roadway 鹅卵石路

9. Golden Water Bridge 金水桥

10. typical masterpiece 具有代表意义的杰作

Lesson 10

1. global economy 全球性的经济

2. sovereign nation 主权国家

3. mutual prosperity 共同繁荣

4. sum total 总数,总额

5. foreign investment 外国投资

6. per capita GNP 人均国民生产总值

7. 沿海地区coastal areas

8. 平均率average rate

9. 电力生产 electrical production

10. 双边贸易 two way trade

11. 外汇foreign exchange

12. 生活水平standard of living

Lesson 11

1. marine insurance 海事保险

2. flows of capi t al资本流动

3. foreign exchange dealing 外汇交易

4. outward investor 对外投资者

5. Pacific region 太平洋地区

6. the right climate for 良好的环境

7. vast size and resources 地大物博

8. to take a real interest in sth. 密切关注某事

9. coastal city 沿海城市

10. international community 国际社会

11. entrepreneurial spirit 进取精神

12. 对外开放政策 the policy of opening to the outside world

13. 世界投资体系 world investment system

14. 经济改革economic reforms

Lesson 12

1. 基本方针basic principle

2. 自给自足self-sufficiency

3. 客观有利因素favorable objective factors

4. 生产条件production condition

5. 耕地 cultivated land

6. 中、低产田medium-and-low-yield land

7. 灌溉面积irrigated areas

8. 宜农荒地arable land

9. 复种指数mul t iple crop index

10. 水利工程 water-control projects

11. 单位面积产量 the yield per unit area

12. 粮食总产量目标 total grain output target

Lesson 13

1. agonizing flashback 痛苦的回忆

2. come and go 霎时即去

3. property damage 财产损失

4. monotonous 单调的,枯燥的

5. flash-flooding 暴雨成灾

6. to imprint on one’s mind 印在某人的脑海里

7. scare tactic 吓唬人的办法

8. power of nature 大自然的力量

9. river bed 河床

10. to give sth. much thought 仔细想某事

11. 无情的relentless

12. 雨季rainy season

Lesson 14

1. maternal grandfather 外祖父

2. the flower of one’s youth 风华正茂

3. popular science 科普读物

4. undue absorption in the past 过分地怀念过去

5. sucking vigor 汲取力量

6. live one’s own life 独立生活

7. the founder of Girton College 戈登学院的创办人

8. clinging to youth 与年轻人呆在一起

9. 过去的好时光 the good old days

10. 高等教育higher education

Lesson 15

1. 旧梦重温going through old dreams

2. 儿童出版社Children press

3. 散文集 collection of essays

4. 丝绸之路 the Silk Road

5. 历史古迹 the historic sites

6. 大英博物馆 the British Museum

7. 简单的早餐simple breakfast

8. 花坛flower bad

9. 斗兽场arena

10. 教皇Pope

Lesson 16

1. market-day 赶集的日子

2.Sir John约翰爵士

3.the renowned knight 著名的武士

4.county history郡志

5. lineal representative of the ancient family 古老世家的嫡派子孙

Lesson 17

1. drug store 杂货店

2. meticulously dressed 精心打扮,穿着讲究,一点不马虎

3. tentative and uncertain manner 试探和踌躇的举止

4.sb.’s face suddenly brighten 某人的脸上突然露出喜色

Lesson 18

1. 初冬 early winter

2. 做中间人的;做中人的 the go-between

3. 月白色的pale green

4. 祥林嫂Xianglin’s wife

5. 试工期 trial period

6. 严厉的婆婆strict mother-in-law

7. 打柴cut wood

8. 熬夜 to sit up

9. 福礼sacrificial meat

10.不惜力气not sparing oneself

Lesson 19

1. a narrow swale 狭长的洼地

2. the birth and death of the day 每一天的诞生和死亡

3. the range of mountain 山脉

4. mind and twist 蜿蜒

5. a kind of invitation 殷勤邀请

6. a beloved mother 亲爱的母亲

7. dread of畏惧

8. canyon峡谷

9. sand bank 沙案

10. part-time river 季节性河流

Lesson 20

1. a far cry from 完全不同

2. self-assurance 自信

3. sober-faced 沉静的;镇静的

4. odd-shaped 怪样子的

5. well-mannered silence 规规矩矩,一声不响

6. sailor suit 水手服

7. the ice was broken 打破了僵局

8. in unison 齐声;一致

9. stare at sb. 凝视某人

10. all of a sudden 突然

11. resonant voice 洪亮的声音

1. 拉家带口 be saddled wi t h big family

2. 拉排字车pull a hand cart

3. 腊月二十三the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month

4. 前台front stage

5. 小买卖人a peddler

6. 养家 to support the family

7. 喊嗓子to practice singing

8. 零工odd jobs

9. 排队queue up

10. 落汤鸡a drowned rat

11. it rains cats and dogs 瓢泼大雨

12. no show, no pay 不响锣,不给钱

Lesson 22

1. mineral oil 矿物油

2. onboard ship 在船上

3. on shore 在岸上

4. at chemist’s 在药店

5. internal combustion engine 内燃机

6. carriage drawn by the horse 马车

7. be superior to 优于;好于

8. in this respect 在这方面

9. a thin file of oil 薄薄的一层油

10. oil-burning lamp 油灯

Lesson 23

1. superhighway 高速公路

2. applied entomology 应用昆虫学

3. living organisms 生物体

4. an insect-free world 无昆虫的世界

5. now and again 有时

6. right to know 知情权

7. science of biotic controls 生物控制学

8. turn one’s back on 拒绝;冷眼相看

9. entomologist 昆虫学家

10. geneticist 遗传学家

1. 自然资源natural resources

2. 人均per capita

3. 淡水资源freshwater resources

4. 长期的long-term

5. 国民经济national economy

6. 战略任务strategic task

7. 大陆架continental shelves

8. 专属经济区遣 exclusive economic zones

9. 海洋生物sea creature

10. 低纬度low latitude

11. 沉积盆地sedimentation basin

12. 海洋旅游业marine tourism

Lesson 25

1. environmental law 环保法

2. noise pollution 噪声污染

3. public concerns 公众关注

4. industrial pollutions 工业污染

5. federal law 联邦法

6. vaguely worded 措辞含糊

7. court of appeals 上诉法院

8. to grant a license 颁发许可证

9. natural beauty 自然美

10. Federal power Commission 联邦电力委员会

Lesson 26

1. The Contracting States 成员国;缔约国

2. copyright 版权

3. universal convention 世界公约

4. international understanding 国际间的了解

5. domestic legislation 国内立法

6. as follows如下

7. unpublished works 未出版的作品

8. works of the human mind 人类精神产品

Lesson 27

1. 中外合资经营企业Chinese -Foreign Equity Joint Venture

2. 经济合作 economic cooperation

3. 技术交流 technological exchange

4. 平等互利的原则 principle of equality and mutual benefit

5. 公共利益public interest

6. 有限责任公司a limited liability company

7. 注册资本. Registered capital

8. 工业产权industrial property rights

9. 先进技术advanced technology

10. 董事会board of directors

11. 总会计师treasurer

12. 审计师audi t or

13. 储备基金reserve fund

14. 外汇账户foreign exchange account

Lesson 28

1. toast 祝酒词

2. common ground 共同点

3. differences 分歧

4. magnificent dinner 盛大晚宴

5.Compromise 妥协;让步

6.Welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会

7.Telecommunicate 电讯

8.Prime minister 总理

Lesson 29

1. full diplomatic relations 正式外交关系

2. the Long March 长征

3. the policies of reform and opening to the outside world 改革和对外开放政策

4. Sino-American relationship 中美关系

5. historically significant experiment 具有历史意义的尝试

6. developing country 发展中国家

7.Developed country 发达国家

8.International affairs 国际事务

9.Scientific exchange 科学交流

10.National security policy 国家安全政策

Lesson 30

1. 金秋时节golden fall

2. 学术交流academic exchange

3. 加强合作 to promote cooperation

4. 历史文化传统 historical and cultural tradi t ions

5. 深刻的影响a profound impact

6. 生化方式way of life

7. 民族团结 ethnic harmony; ethnic solidarity

8. 区域自治regional autonomy

9. 民族精神national spirit

10. 周边环境neighboring environment

11. 和平共处peaceful coexistence

12.互相尊重mutual respect

13.平等互利equality and mutual benefit


15.振兴中华rejuvenation of China

Notes for Interpretation Lesson on Nov. 30,2005


1)民以食为天People take food as their first need.


Y our verbal ability means your ability to use language. Y our verbal ability is among the most important skills that you should possess throughout your life because people form opinions of you just on the basis of how you speak and how you write. So understanding how to use words effectively will pave your way to success.


Now we will start to count down the remaining days,hours,minutes and seconds until the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games.


Five figures were chosen to be the mascots of 2008 Olympic Games.


The CPC and the democratic parties co-exist with each other on a long-term basis,supervise each other,treat each other with all sincerity,and share weal and woe.


Joe and Mary are a couple who share weal and woe.


(注意西方语言的逻辑性logical sense)

The CPC is a party in power,the democratic party cooperate with the CPC and participate in the ruling of the country.

(执政党a party in power)


In our efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government,it is essential not just to address the symptoms but more importantly to tackle the root causes. In this regard,education lays the foundation,law serves as the guarantee and supervision holds the key.


We must fight corruption unswervingly,persistently and without any tolerance or mercy.


忠贞不渝的爱情unswerving love


We must steadily make the decision making process more scientific and more democratic.


A sentence is a word or a group of words that makes a complete sense. We translate the sense the sentence makes not the sentence itself.


Our world is diverse and colorful,all civilizations and social systems should try to find common ground and shelve differences and learn from each others? strong points to make up for their deficiencies.


The key for finding and selecting high-level cadres is to adopt the method of nominating candidates from bottom up and top down in a fully democratic way.



It is a money-coming job to ……..

从下而上from bottom up

从上而下from top down


He failed in the multi-candidate election。

多功能厅multi-functioned room


The CPC central committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the General Secretary is fully capable of coping with complex situations.

上有政策下有对策People can always find a way to cope with the government policies.

主语the subjective part



The Three Represents are the foundation for building the party,the cornerstone for exercising the state power and the source of our strength。

月亮代表我的心the moon light represents my heart


The CPC must always represent the requirements of the development trend of China?s advanced productive forces; the orientation of China?s advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.


1)President Bush has attended a special ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery near Washington in honor of the V eterans Day. In his speech Tuesday Mr. Bush thanked American troops served in Iraq and Afghanistan; he said that the democracies will succeed in both countries. V eterans Day honors the men and women who have served in the American military. Democratic lawmaker criticized Bush Administrations who are not doing enough for the Americans who have served in the US Armed Forces (government and military). Senator minority leader Tom called for better health care for nation?s former soldiers; he also criticized Bush administration?s decision to close seven veteran hospitals.

布什总统出席了在华盛顿附近的阿林顿国家公墓举办的退伍军人节特别仪式。在周二的演讲中布什感谢服役在伊朗和阿富汗美国部队,他说民主在这两个国家都已成功。退伍军人节是为了感激那些曾经在美国军队中服役的人们。民主党国会议员批评布什政府对那些在美国政府和军队中服役的美国人民做的不够好。参议院少数党领袖托尼呼吁给退伍军人更好的健康关注,他也批评布什政府关掉七所退伍军人医院的决定。清明节Chinese Hallowmas day

煎饼果子 a piece of Chinese hamburger

国务院state council

天津政府Tianjin municipal government



布什政府Bush administration



2)This is the voice of America beaming to Southeast Asia and mainland of China, the following is a piece of news about a Chinese girl?s death. Hulu, a very promising Chinese girl student got killed on a night seven days ago in Houston Texas University. The local newspaper says 23 year-old Chinese girl was on her way home from her part-time job post when an unknown killer shot at her head with bullet. The place where she was killed is only 20 meters away from her apartment. The local police says it will not be long for the killer to be put into punishment. Hulu?s parents will fly to Houston in a few days, they are now living in Chengdu, the chief town of Sichuan, a province in Southwest China.


我是小狗痴迷者我是小狗gong partisan

母校Alma Mater

你必须首先学会生存然后才能生活Y ou must first know how to live and then know how to live.

Notes for Interpretation Lesson on Dec.7th,2005



Recitation is always of the first importance in language learning.


We must implement the system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation and the leadership of the CPC,otherwise China would fall apart like a heap of loose sand.


The moonlight tells all my love for you.


China is in the transition from its planned economy to a socialist market economy,many of its current systems are yet to be improved,and there are vestiges of feudalist ideas that have existed for thousands of years,all these have given corruption a hot bed to breed and spread and have made it more difficult for us to fight corruption.

温室greenhouse 温床hotbed


We must introduce a competitive mechanism into the official selection and appointment system,the best way is to implement multi-candidate election.


We must abolish the system of lifetime tenure for leading cadres and set up a new system of cooperation and succession between older and younger cadres so as to make our officials younger,more educated and more professional.


Gone are the days when a diploma determines your life-time fate.


The university is a diploma workshop


The basic theory,line and program of our Party at the primary stage of socialism are all based on reform and opening-up,which is our fixed policy that will guide our work for at least one hundred years.


We must overcome the state of lethargy and seeking no progress and we must also withstand money worship,hedonism,ultra-egoism and other decadent ideas.

11)他很懒散He is in the sate of lethargy.

12)I am not good,nor am I better,I am the best,I am the best of the best.

13)生当为仁杰,死亦为鬼雄Live for excellence and die in glory。


The Party?s work style bears on the image of the Party,the tr end of people?s support and the survival of the Party. 15)这关系到我们能否活着It bears on our survival.

这关系到我们的生活水平It bears our living standard

我们在那次地震中幸存We survived the great earthquake or flood or the war


We must work hard to get a true picture of the questionable property.


People who make illegal collection of funds,neglect duties,abuse the power in their hands,and embezzle,divert,squander public funds and those who take advantage of their posts and official business activities to accept valuable gifts must be put into punishment without mercy.


We must take a comprehensive approach to seek a temporary solution and a permanent cure and combine the rule by law with the rule by virtue so as to enable every Party official to withstand the test of reform,opening-up and being in power as well as the test of power,money and badger games.

19)God makes a very good balance of everything

引桥bridge approach


Girl spy played a badger game with John,John failed into her trick.

21)必须对每个党员干部进行三讲教育(讲学习,讲政治,讲正气),提高他们得自律意识和道德准则。We must give every party member an education on the importance of studying,rising political awareness and ensuring sincerity and honesty so as to enhance his sense of self-discipline and his standard of moral conduct 22) 他是个憨厚的男生He is sincere and honest


Red Cross officials from North Korea朝鲜and South Korea韩国have exchanged proposals on how to speed transport of emergency food aid to North Korea. But talks began in China?s capital on Saturday, and they are to continue Monday. South Korea has said it also will propose that the food be sent across neutral border area between north and South Korea. In the past food aid had been transported by ship or through China on train.

Notes for Interpretation Lesson on Dec.11th,2005




Money and power have made John turned illegal step by step leading his family in great trouble.



My curiosity urged me to open the bottle but saw nothing in it (there is nothing inside)





Great changes have taken place in China since 1949.


1949 witnessed great changes in China.


That gloomy afternoon saw me taking my routine way to school.



China experienced great changes in 1949.



1、作为一名翻译我要眼观六路耳听八方。As an interpreter I should have sharp eyes and keen ears.



We must be bold enough to punish those well-connected persons in the name of law when they have proved illegal.


Corruption as a social and historical phenomenon has existed in many societies both in the past and at present. No country in today?s world can claim that it has completely eliminated corruption, the difference only lies in the degree of seriousness of corruption. China is in the transition from its planned economy to a socialist market economy,many of its current systems are yet to be improved,and there are vestiges of feudalist ideas that have existed for thousands of years,all these has given corruption a hot bed to breed and spread and has made it more difficult for us to fight corruption. We have always believed to combat corruption and build a clean government is an important guarantee for the smooth reform, opening-up and modernization drive.

4、安全第一Put smoothness before all else

Smoothness first


Our attitude towards corruption is as follows:we must fight corruption unswervingly,persistently and without any tolerance or mercy. In our efforts to combat corruption and build a clean government,it is essential not just to address the symptoms but more importantly to tackle the root causes. In this regard,education lays the foundation,law serves as the guarantee and supervision holds the key. We must get rid of the soil that breeds corruption through deepening reform.


Our attitude towards study is as follows:


Democratic election and media supervision help to check corruption,we have made a lot of efforts in these areas and achieved positive results. The CPC cadres and government officials of various levels and deputies of the People?s Congress at all levels are all elected. Democratic elections require cadres to be honest and just and stay away from corruption. The conditions of China have decided that our election system is not exactly the same as that in western countries, nor is it necessary to be exactly the same. Media supervision is an important part of the supervision by the people. The media in China has played an important role in supervising the government officials. Many newspapers, TV stations, radio stations and other media organizations have special columns for anti-corruption, media organization have already exposed a lot of problems that we are going to address seriously. 英译汉部分:

Former president Joe Bush is planning to parachute jump from airplane near the Southwest city of Y uma, Arizona. 美国前总统打算在亚利桑那州西南部叫尤马的地方跳伞。Army parachute experts will jump with 72 years old Mr. Bush on Tuesday. Army spokesman said Mr. Bush made a promise to himself after his naval airplane was shot down during WWII. His promise was to someday make another parachute jump that was not an emergency escape. 国务院发言人spokesman of the sate department of PRC

起风了明天准是好天Here comes the wind,which promises a fine day to follow

好的英语水平将带给你美好的将来Y our high level English promises you a bright future.



This morning I am here to share some ideas about alliances with you so that you can be better cooperated with your western partners. With your permission I will take off my jacket as we wont begin working with jacket. Ok, a quick word about me and then go on to the substance of my presentation.

I have been engaged in HR and financial management for many years. When I first was invested to come to Tianjin I am not sure what I will see or meet in Tianjin……

Alliance, it looks like a long word in English. In past days, business was quite easy, you know who?s your friends and who?s your rival, but nowadays your competitors can eventually become your friends, so that there leaves the definition what an alliance is. There is a long definition but we will try to make it clear and short.

V ery importantly they are agree to share with each other HR, finance and management so that both of their competitiveness have been improved.

70% of alliances are between companies and suppliers.

14% of alliances are between old companies and new-entranced companies.

If 71% of alliances are between people who have been competitive, you think what that means to management.

It means your attitude and the whole mind of your people need to change.

Just signing a paper without changing the attitude doesn?t work.

So alliance need to be prepared very carefully and managed very carefully.

I will write down some terrifying or very frightening statistics so that you may remember them.

60-80% of alliance failed to achieve their objectives.

In developing alliance strategy 3 things need to be taken into account.

Y ou have to identify a right partner, identify the value against the risk.

It seems to me many audiences are from the company.

It is important to develop your company?s strategy.

Before you develop your general strategy, you have to look at what?s going on outside.

What does he see outside? It sees at least 4 driving forces.

It sees the market pulling your company in one direction.

It sees the technology pushing your company in one direction.

How is technology changing the way you think better for your future?

How are your competitors doing? Because their actions will affect the way you are doing.

Last but not least, you have…….

So when you look outside to see what?s happening outside there and outside world, you say, “Hi, look, something is coming, technology is coming. Hi dear, the customers are forcing me to do something. The customers are asking for something new!”

What is technology asking me to do??? 科技要我做什么反响?(注意词的添加,加词不加意思)

What is customer asking me to do???? 客户要我采取什么行动?

What is the impact on my strategy, on my structure, on my process, on my people??科技的更新对我的策略,我的组织结构,我的生产调度,我的人士管理都有什么影响???

How to satisfy the demand of the customer?

How am I going to keep my competitor away from me?

How to make my company internationally competitive?

First make my company competitive at home and then make it competitive abroad.

Two actions are needed:

First you must have excellent marketing intelligence 市场信息

Next you need to take a photograph of your organization as what it is today in terms of its capabilities and its resources.对公司现状有确实的了解。

Unless you know your strength and weaknesses you can?t develop your strategy.

After your plant seeds under ground you will have to work on the earth.

Y ou will have a clear view of why you are undertaking an alliance.

There are my ways of growing the business, organic growth, growth without alliance.

Let?s think of growing company organically, life is so much easy when you grow something organically. If I grow my company by myself without partner I don?t need to worry about anyone else?s ideas and actions, I need not worry about somebody will want to control my company, I know money will go to my company and my account.

I also know I will go very very slowly towards my objectives unless I have very very good products.

Time is money in business, I want to go quickly towards my objectives, I want lots of money, I am greedy.

So I may stop my competitor who wants my business.

In terms of time, alliances often develop business much more quickly than organic growth.

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