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绝密★启用前试卷类型:A 湛江市2011年普通高考测试(二)












I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)



One fine afternoon I was walking along Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks. I turned into the first sock shop that caught my eye, and a boy clerk who could not have been more than seventeen years old_____1_____. “What can I do for you, sir?”“I wish to buy a pair of socks.”His eyes glowed. There was a note of____2____ in his voice. “Did you know that you had come into the ____3_____place in the world to buy socks?” I had not been aware of that, as my entrance had been_____4____. “Come with me,” said the boy, happily.

I followed him to the back of the shop, and he began to take down from the shelves box after box, _____5____their contents for my pleasure.

“Hold on, lad, I am going to buy only one pair!”“I know that,” said he, “but I want you to see how _____6______beautiful these are. Aren’t they wonderful?”There was on his face an _____7_____of serious and holy happiness, as if he were____8______ to me the mysteries of his religion. I became far more interested in him than in the____9_____. I looked at him in amazement. “My friend,” said I, “if you can keep this up, if this is not merely the enthusiasm that comes from curiosity, from having a new job, if you can keep up this enthusiasm and excitement day after day, in ten years you will own every sock in the United States.”

My amazement at his pride and _____10_____in salesmanship will be easily _____11_____by all who read this article. In our daily life, we often come across bad service in some shops. For example, in many shops the customer has to wait for someone to ___12_____him. And when finally some clerk does notice you, you are made to feel as if you were ____13_____ him.

I have observed this depressing ____14______in the lives of so many people in so many occupations that I have come to the conclusion that the surest road to failure is to do things _____15______.

1. A. turned away B. walked around C. came forward D. rushed out

2. A. cold B. anger C. hatred D. passion

3. A. finest B. cheapest C. dearest D. worst

4. A. careful B. accidental C. considerate D. preplanned

5. A. displaying B. selling C. purchasing D. hiding

6. A. commonly B. awfully C. averagely D. marvelously

7. A. doubt B. expression C. hesitation D. pain

8. A. sticking B. joking C. cheating D. revealing

9. A. socks B. prices C. stories D. shops

10. A. boredom B. joy C. coldness D. unwillingness

11. A. misled B. ignored C. forgotten D. understood

12. A. pay for B. wait upon C. quarrel with D. apologize to

13. A. interrupting B. helping C. praising D. supporting

14. A. improvement B. rise C. progress D. decline

15. A. sincerely B. patiently C. mechanically D. honestly



It was dreadfully cold, it was snowing fast, and almost dark; the evening----the last evening of the old year was drawing in. In the cold and darkness, there went along the street a poor little girl, bareheaded and with naked feet. When she left her home she had slippers____16____. ___17______, they were much too large for ____18_____feet---slippers that her mother had used till then and the poor little girl lost them in running across the street _____19____when two carriages were passing by _____20_____(terrible) fast. When she looked for them, one was not to be found, and a boy seized the other and ran away with ___21_____, saying he would use it as a cradle for his mouse.

So the little girl went on with her bare feet _____22_____were red and blue with cold. In an old apron that she wore ____23______(be) bundles of matches, and she carried a bundle also in her hand. No one had brought so much as a bunch all the long day, and no one had given her even ___24_____ penny.

Poor little girl! ______25____ (tremble) with cold and hunger, she crept along, a perfect picture of misery.





Many people think of dirt as being, well, dirty! Parents often tell their children not to play in dirt or to get it on their clothes. And there are good reasons to

be wary ─ soil often contains bacteria, parasites and pollutants that can make people sick. With so many risks, it is no surprise that many people find geophagy ─ literally the eating of earth or soil ─ unappetizing.

Yet, geophagy is actually a relatively common practice in many parts of the world. Since people tend to be very selective about which soils they eat, the practice has also created a thriving industry. In Nigeria, the village of Uzalla annually processes over 500 tons of its prized soil for sale and consumption in markets hundreds of kilometers away. Geophagy also has a long history in the U.S., where some eat clay and ship packages of it to relatives far from home. Soil is also sold as a nutritional supplement, similar to vitamins, in some parts of Asia.

The fact that the eating of soil is also widespread in the animal kingdom suggests that geophagy may even be a natural process.

Some soils are surprisingly rich in minerals and nutrients such as iron and copper. People can often get more of these nutrients from geophagy than from taking vitamin supplements. This may be why geophagists often claim to like the "sour taste" of dirt and to have cravings for it. It may also explain why geophagy is often most common among pregnant women and nursing mothers.

In some cases, soil can make dangerous foods safe to consume. People have long known that certain poisonous wild acorns and potatoes become edible when mixed with soil.

Sometimes, soil is even taken as medicine! Many stomach medications contain the clay Kaolin because it absorbs bacteria and toxins that cause diarrhea.

Unfortunately, geophagy is also practiced to avoid hunger pains when other food is scarce. In poor countries, food can become so expensive that people substitute soil for flour or rice. This is a serious social problem because even mineral-rich soils can't provide a balanced diet.

Eating dirt may not be key to a healthy diet, but sometimes it may not be so bad after all.

26. What does the underlined word “wary” mean in Paragraph 1?

A. ignorable

B. cautious

C. indifferent

D. relieved

27. In the 2nd paragraph, many examples about eating soils are listed to demonstrate that ________.

A. soils are definitely good for our health

B. soils are popular with people throughout the world

C. soils eating is a relatively common practice in many parts of the world

D. soils are so nutritional that it can take the place of other food

28. It can be known that _______________.

A. all the soils are richer in minerals than vitamin supplements

B. some pregnant women and nursing mothers prefer soil-eating for its tastes

C. soil has a magic power to absorb the poison in all the dangerous foods

D. even in some rich countries people like to take soil as the main food

29. What’s the author’s attitude towards eating soil?

A. Critical

B. Appreciative

C. Neutral

D. Supportive

30. What is the purpose of the passage?

A. To encourage people to eat soils.

B. To introduce the importance of soil.

C. To clarify the misunderstanding about soil-eating.

D. To compare the nutrition of soil with that of other food.


In today's world of cell phones, mini laptops and MP3 players, most people have at least one time-telling tool with them. Since these devices are so common, is time running out for the 500-year-old watch? According to some consumers, yes. New Jersey teenager Charlie Wollman says a watch is "an extra piece of equipment with no necessary function." Many young adults agree ─ and use their cell phones to tell time. Louis Galie, a senior vice president at Timex, said that fewer young people wear watches today than five years ago. As a result, some people claim that the watch industry is at a crossroads.

However, watchmakers optimistically say that watches regain popularity when consumers reach their 20s and 30s. By then, they are willing to spend money on a quality timepiece that doesn't just keep good time. Fifty years ago, watchmakers boasted about their products' accuracy. But in recent years, the watch industry has transformed itself into an accessory business. And for many today, the image a watch communicates has become more important than the time it tells.

"Complications" ─features that go beyond simple timekeeping ─are an important part of a watch's image. Today's watches offer a host of features that suit almost any personality. These features include altitude trackers, compasses, lunar calendars, USB drives, and even devices that measure the effectiveness of golf swings!

Creativity is also a key element in today's watches. For example, Japanese watchmaker Tokyoflash makes watches that don't even look like watches. The company's popular Shinshoku model uses different color lights to tell the time. It looks more like a futuristic bracelet than a watch. Another Japanese watchmaker, EleeNo, makes a "handless" watch. Using a ring of circles to keep time, this watch makes an excellent conversation piece.

Whether a watch communicates fashion sense, creative flair or a love of sports, consumers want their timepieces to stand out. Nowadays, everyone has the same kind of gadget in their bags, so people want to make a statement with what's on their wrists. Will this interest in wrist fashion last? Only time will tell!

31. Why aren’t watches popular with young people as before?

A. Because watches cannot keep good time as cellphones, mini laptops and MP3 players.

B. Because watches are featured by the disadvantages of simple function

C. Because watches are too expensive to afford.

D. Because watches don’t have beautiful appearance as other modern time telling tools.

32. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Watching-making is facing a survival crisis challenge.

B. Watching-making is faced with the developing opportunity.

C. Watching-making becomes the sun rising industry.

D. Watching-making has a specific development target.

33. It can be implied that ____________________.

A. people will gradually lose interest in watches as they grow older

B. watchmakers hardly change the development strategy for watches

C. today’s watches are better than those in the past in quality

D. customers used to be more concerned with the quality of a watch than with its image.

34. The following qualities can make a watch popular EXCEPT _________.

A. multifunction

B. accuracy

C. nice design

D. low price

35. What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Watches and Teenagers

B. The History of Watches

C. The Accuracy of Watches

D. Watches Tell More Than Time


For the employee, being placed in a position that is comfortable and meets expectations will make the job less stressful and allow a more positive outlook toward responsibilities.

It beats the alternative, as going to a job that you are unhappy with could lead to tireness, burn out, depression and stress. This affects more than just your 9-to-5 routine – it can hurt your family relationships, weaken friendships, and even make you turn to addictive and destructive behaviors like alcohol or drugs.

The US Department of Labor suggests that jobseekers prepare for an employment search by understanding themselves and being honest about what they want and expect. Make a list of things you like to do, examine your history and evaluate the jobs and classes you enjoyed the most and why, look over your resume and see what duties your past jobs included, and be honest about what is appealing to you about the particular position you are considering.

"I do believe that understanding yourself and your personality type preferences can make all the difference when it comes to finding a career that you love," says Roberts, a career management coach with CareerMasters in Maine.

The Labor Department offers several simplified recommendations created for high school students: If you are good at math, then look toward occupations like statistician, engineer, surveyor or actuary (保险精算师). If you love to read or write, consider becoming a librarian, desktop publisher, writer or administrative assistant. Music and arts lovers should look into acting, visual arts, music or design work. Student who enjoyed social studies can become politicians, urban planners, historians or human resource assistants.

Other considerations that might be significant: Do you enjoy helping people, working with your hands, fixing things, or interacting with nature? Is it your preference to work alone or in a group?

Employees who are unhappy with their current positions, don’t like their work environment, feel underappreciated, or believe there is no room for advancement, owe it to themselves to consider whether changing careers is a viable alternative. "Regardless of how my clients come to me, we always step back and look at where they are and how they got there," Roberts explains. "Looking back and analyzing their

current situation and the career path they have followed is essential to making good career decisions in the future."

Personality Plays a Big Role in Job Satisfaction

36. According to the second paragraph, “the alternative” most probably refers to ___________.

A. encourage the employee by means of promotion

B. giving the employee chances for further studies

C. placing the employee in an unhappy position

D. criticizing the employee without reason

37. What do we know about Roberts?

A. He has got a master’s degree in career management.

B. He works for the US Department of Labour.

C. He helps jobseekers with practical guidance.

D. He has earned a good name for his outstanding work.

38. The Labour Department suggests that, when high school students are looking for

a job, they should first ____________.

A. prepare an impressive resume

B. examine their past occupations

C. have some working experience

D. consider their own preference

39. As it is mentioned in the passage, when one is unhappy with his current position, he had better ___________.

A. consult a career manage coach

B. think over the possibility of changing career

C. switch to a more promising job immediately

D. look back on the past career path

40. The passage is mostly probably intended for ______________.

A. jobseekers

B. employers

C. recent graduates

D. tired employers


Three key facts about rising sea levels need to be pointed out to the world's politicians and planners: sea-level rise is now unavoidable, it will happen faster than most of us thought, and it will go on for a very long time.

Even if greenhouse gas emissions(排放) stopped tomorrow, the oceans will continue to become larger as they get warm. The climate scientists estimate that sea-level rise may be in the range of 1 to 2 meters by 2100, with a small risk of an even greater rise.

For many islands and low-lying regions, even small rises will cause disasters. Most countries, however, will only lose a tiny percentage of their land, even with a very big rise. The problem is what has been built on that land: New York, Sydney and Tokyo, to mention just a few cities. Unless something can be done, great areas of urban network will disappear under the waves. It will take a great engineering effort to protect these cities— an effort that may be beyond economies that have been brought to their knees.

None of this means we should fear, and stop trying to forbid emissions. But together with these efforts, we need to start acting now to lessen the impact of future sea-level rise. That means we must stop building in danger zones.

Billions of dollars are being spent on constructing homes, offices and roads in

vulnerable (脆弱的) coastal areas. For instance, the skyscrapers of Shanghai are being built on land that is mere 4 meters above sea level on average, and which is sinking under the weight of the buildings and as water is drawn from the rocks beneath them.

In cities that have been around for hundreds of years, this sort of development may be understandable. But planning for new coastal developments is to go against reality. If we want to build a lasting heritage for our children, we should do so on the plentiful land that is in no danger from the sea. It is one of the easiest ways to slow down climate change, and we should be acting on it now.

41. What is the major cause of the rising sea levels?

A. Greenhouse gas emission.

B. Overdevelopment.

C. Governments’indecision.

D. Climate changes.

42. New York, Sydney, and Tokyo are mentioned to illustrate the idea that__________.

A. world economy will collapse when sea levels rise

B. modern cities are usually built along coastline

C. the coastline is important for developed countries

D. most countries will suffer when sea levels rise

43. The effort to protect coastal cities may be beyond economies because___________.

A. economic development has been speeding up climate change

B. too much money has been spent on fighting climate change

C. climate change has got economies under its control

D. people have lost confidence in their economies

44. What is mentioned as the result of building many skyscrapers in Shanghai?

A. The sea level on average is sinking

B. The land beneath is sinking

C. Water is drawn from the rocks beneath

D. Buildings become dangerous

45. The passage mainly tells us ________________.

A. the necessity to reduce the losses brought to coastal cities by the rising sea levels

B. the serious effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the inlands

C. the impossibility of controlling greenhouse gas emission

D. the unavoidability of sinking coastal areas




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46.The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron --- by Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind --- As the title suggests the authors cover the rise of the American electricity company to become one of the 10 richest companies in the world and its spectacular fall into dishonour and bankruptcy. A perfect guide on what not to do in business.

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48.Ready Made--- How to Make (Almost) Everything --- by Shoshanna Berger and Grace Hawthorne --- beautifully written with great factual information. The theme behind this book is re-use, re-claim, re-cycle and there are many detailed easy-to-do projects for the reader to try such as making a photo frame from a book cover or

a pot for your plants from plastic shopping bags.

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a journey through the history and different aspects of the English language , one that is both informative and hugely entertaining. As with most of Bryson's books, fun comes before facts and readers will be left with a smile on their faces. 50. Into Thin Air --- by John Krakauer --- is a riveting first-hand account of a disastrous race to the top of Mount Everest. In March 1996, Outside magazine sent veteran journalist and experienced climber John Krakauer to join the team led by the famous Everest guide Ro

b Hall. Despite the expertise of Hall and the other leaders, by the end of the race eight people were dead.





同意60% 有利于资源回收,并有利于学生养成良好的垃圾分类习惯。

不同意30% 麻烦,习惯很难改。

无所谓10% 此事与我无关。




1. 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;

2. 不要逐句翻译,可适当添加细节使文章内容完整连贯。





There were two high mountains, and on the very top of each mountain stood a castle. Down in the valley a dog was running. It sniffed along the ground as if, to stay its hunger, it were searching for mice or partridge. Suddenly, from one of the castles the trumpet(喇叭) sounded announcing that dinner was ready. At once the dog started running up the mountain to get a little, too. But just as it had come halfway, the trumpeter stopped blowing, and the trumpet from the other castle began. Then the dog thought, “They will have finished eating here before I come, but over there they will have just begun.” And so down it went and ran up the other mountain. But now the trumpet at the first castle started blowing again, whereas the other had stopped. Once more the dog ran down one mountain and up the other, and he kept on in this way until both trumpets were at last silent and the meal would be at an end no matter to which place the dog came.

This fable is teaching us the same lesson as the old English saying, “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.” In fact, in most cases, we are not satisfied with what we have, which might result in the consequence of getting nothing.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 然后以约120个词谈谈“The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence”,内容包括:





1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




I 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)


1—5CDABA 6—10DBDAB 11—15 DBADC


16.on 17.However 18.her 19.when 20. terribly 21. it

22. that/ which 23.were 24.a/one 25. Trembling



26—30BCBCC 31—35BADDD 36—40CCDBA 41—45DDCBA


46—50 FCDBE



One possible version:

Recently the students’ union conducted a survey on whether recycling dustbins should be set at school.

Opinions are divided about this act. More than half of the students, 60% are completely for this act, as it is not only beneficial to recycling of resources, but also can help students develop their good habit of garbage classification. However, surprisingly, 30% of the students hold the opposite opinion that it is troublesome and resist to changing their old habits, and the rest care little about it for they think it is none of their business.

Personally, I’m in favour of this act, because I believe it’s important to raise people’s awareness of garbage classification, from which we will get great benefits for the future.


According to the fable, the dog failed to have dinner since it changed its mind frequently. The fable conveys the message that we should cherish what we have.

The biggest weakness of human nature is that they don’t know how to treasure what has been achieved. This is exactly the reason why we always think that “ the grass is greener on the other side of the fence” and also the explanation to most of the regrets in life.

The fatal shortcoming is reflected in our childhood. A kid may easily get fond of other kids’ toys and began to treat his own ones like rubbish. As grown-ups, sometimes we suddenly realize what we have its precious, but the satisfaction will not last for long. We forgot about it the next day, and begin our greedy, endless hunt again for what we haven’t got yet.

Maybe it’s hard to change human nature. So the only thing we can do is to remind ourselves to be grateful again and again, and learn lessons from bitter regrets time after time.


八年级英语第一学期第1单元同步练习题班级_______________ 姓名________________ 座号______________ 一.词汇. A. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。 1.He writes to his father t__________a month. 2. Everyone likes to surf on the I__________. 3.Hamburger is a kind of j_________ food. I never eat hamburgers. 4.Do you find the d__________between the twins? 5.It's very important to have a good eating h____________. 6.The weather here is so cold, I can h______ stand it. 7.Eating a lot of vegetables is good for our h______. B. 用所给单词的正确形式填空: 8. Eat _____________(health), or you’ll get ill. 9.Bill goes to the movies ___________(one) a week. 10.It’s bad for students ______________(play) too much computer. 11.There is no _____________(different) between the two pictures. 12. My sister is kind of fat, and she must eat _________(little) meat. 13.What do you usually do on weekends? I often do some_____(read). 14.Good food and exercise help me _______ (study) better. 15.What’s your favorite exercise?--- ________ (swim). 二.单项选择。 16.Is your bike broken? Let__________you. A. me to help B. I help C. me help D. I to help 17.Although they feel tired,__________they still go on working. A. and B. but C. / D. so 18.The woman can't__________his son in the park. A. read B. watch C. look D. find 19.Li Lei works in England. He comes to China__________. A. three time a year B. three times a year C. three times year D. three time year 20.His grandmother is well because she often __________. A. exercises B. smokes C. sleeps D. sings 21.-__________do they play football? -Every day. A. How soon B. How much C. How many D. How often 22.His mother wants him__________at home today. A. stays B. stayed C. to stay D. staying 23.Here__________the results__________the student activity survey. A. is; with B. are; of C. is; of D. are; with 24.__________homework, we do their homework on Sunday. A. As for B. As to C. As of D. As from

新概念英语第一册 1-50课测试题

新概念1A测试题 Name :_____________ Class:_____________ 听力部分(共20分) 一.选出你所听到的词。(每小题1分,共5分) 1.( ) A.pen B.pencil C.watch D.house 2.( )A.umbrella B.ticket C.engineer D.hairdresser 3.( )A.col d B.whose C.col our D.passport 4.( )A.open B.swim C.plate D.bedroom 5.( )A.und er B.in C.on D.over 二.选出你所听到的句子。(每小题2分,共10分) 1. ()A.How are you ? B.How do you do ? C.How old are you ? D.How is Tony ? 2. ( )A.Is this your shirt? B.Is this my shirt? C.Is this his shirt? D.Is this her shirt ? 3. ( )A.Are you a teacher? B. Are you a nurse? C. Are you a driver? D.Are you a key-operater? 4. ( )A.Open the wind ow . B.Turn on the TV. C.Clean the blackboard. D.Make the bed . 5. ( )A.I can put my cl othes on . B.I can make the tea . C.I can paint this bookcase . D.I can see a bird . 三.听录音模仿语音,语调。(共5分) 笔试部分(80分)


Key to Pre-unit Test 3 Key structures 1.He read the book and returned it to the library. A 2.The boy climbed the tree and picked some apples. 3.I opened the door and he came into the hall. 4.He looked for his pen but (he) could not find it. 5.She called to him but he didn't answer her. 6.Everyone was out so I left a message. 7.He plays both soccer and rugby. 8.Both children and adults enjoy holidays. 9.He must be either very clever or very foolish. 10.Neither George nor Dave plays football. 11.George plays neither soccer nor rugby. 12.He neither knows nor cares. 13.He not only forgot to take his umbrella but he forgot to take his briefcase as well. you not know...know...believe...forget...looked...Are B a believe...are joking...do trying...believed...think...do you live...do not know b put...cooked...smelt...told...sang...began...felt...put...crept not refused...wanted...did has begun...was...flew...has https://www.wendangku.net/doc/261778404.html,nded...has just c take...was to https://www.wendangku.net/doc/261778404.html,ed to https://www.wendangku.net/doc/261778404.html,ed to d was telling/https://www.wendangku.net/doc/261778404.html,ed make...had...employed...smiled...remembered...was still smiling...opened...came...wanted e 1.We are going to leave at 6 o'clock. 2.I am going to pay these bills tomorrow.\ 3.Are you going to write to him? 4.She is not going to look for a new job. 5.When are you going to buy a new car? f will be held...will be visiting...will be building...will also be building...will be held...will be called...will have completed...will have finished g found...had run...had spent...took...saw...burst...said...had never run be now being sent...to asked...was wanted...was told...had been picked up...is h was found...was stolen i 1.He said (that) he was very tired. 2.She asked if I was tired. 3.Tom asked if Jack would abroad. ever been 5.Mary asked if I'd Jack arrive tomorrow. 4.Tom asked when would arrive. 6.Jane asked why I hadn't written to her. j 1.he's 2.don't hurry 3.you'd enjoy 4.were k 1.to see 2.ironing 3.to leave 4.arguing/to argue 5.seeing 6.waiting 7.working 8.going C a1.mustn't2.needn't3.needn't4.mustn't this sea in the out.3.I before going had a swim a look b1.Have a at this.2.He had wash morning.4.She is having a rest. 4.was able to 3.could 2.was able to c1.Could DThe Wayle...a small river...the park...the Wayle...the river bank...Some children...games...the


六年级英语单元测试卷(Unit4) Class_________ Name_________ N._____ ark________ 听力部分 一、Listen and circle. (听录音,将符合录音内容的图片序号画上圈) 10% 1. A B 2. A B 3. A B 4. A B 5. A B 二、Listen and tick or cross. (听录音,判断下列图片是否与录音内容相符,如相符,在括号内打√,不相符的打Χ) 10% 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 三、Listen and fill in the missing words. (听录音,填入所缺单词,每空一词) 10% 1. hat __________ he like? He ___________ singing. 2. hat’s your ____________? I like ________________ stamps. 3. _____________ she teach English? No, she _______________. She ________________ us math. 4. I have a pen _____________. He _____________ ____________ the violin. 四、Listen and choose the best answer. (听对话,并回答所提的问题) 10% ( ) 1. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she isn’t. ( ) 2. A. He likes drawing. B. Her hobby is swimming. C. He is a doctor. ( ) 3. A. I like diving. B. No, he doe sn’t. C. He likes diving.


第一单元测试 (总分100分,用时60分钟)Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 1.It ______sunny today,but it ______ cloudy yesterday. A.is;is B.was;was C.is;was D.was;is 2.I ______ at school now,but I ______ at home an hour ago. A.am;am B.was;was C.am;were D.am;was 3.—______ there any students in the classroom? —No,there aren't.But there ______ some half an hour ago. A.Are;were B.Were;are C.Are;are D.Were;were 4.—Where ______ you last night? —I ______ at home. A.are;am B.am;am C.were;was D.were;were 5.—______ Nancy at home last weekend? —No,she ______.She was in the library with her friends. A.Is;isn't B.Was;wasn't C.Did;didn't D.Was;isn't 6.—______ did you ______ for dinner? —Sichuan food. A.What;have B.When;had C.Why;have D.How;have 7.This movie is kind of boring.I don't really ______ it. A.see B.look C.enjoy D.want 8.I didn't go to the beach ______ vacation.I stayed ______ home. A.for;in B.on;at C.on;in D.in;at 9.—Could you give me ______ money? —Sorry.I don't have ______ with me. A.some;any B.little;some


新概念英语第一册(1-144课)期末测试试卷 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf 5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife 8.postman 9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family 13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby 17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato 21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left? 3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies. 4. Will you have ______ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening,___ students hold ____ party. ___ are dancing, ____ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ________ cigarettes, please. ______ kind will do. 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard? (in, on, by, with) 2. She is taking the children out _______ a walk. (in, on, for, by) 3. You can choose the best one ________ them. (in, on, among, by) 4. Jack broke the chocolate _______ several pieces. (in, on, with, into) 5. There are two bridges ______ the river. ( in, on, with, into) 6. There is a slogan(标语) _______ the wall. (on, in, over, above) 7. He sits ________ his desk all day _______his head _______ his hands. He is deep in thought. (on, in, at, with) 8. _______ the help _______ the teachers, the students have made great progress _______their study. (on, in, of, with) 9. He will be back _______ a minute. ( on, in, for, by) 10. The teacher is standing _______ the class. (on, before, to, in) 11.Our train arrived_____Shanghai_____6:30______a foggy November day .(on, in, at, by) 四用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Tom ______ (be) ill last week, he ______ (be) much better now. 2. Jimmy and his sister _______ (be) here several days ago. They ________ (leave) for Beijing yesterday. 3. He ___________ (have ) a bath when the telephone ________(ring). 4. While I __________ (cook ) the dinner, he ___________(read) the paper. 5. He arrived just as I _____________ (answer) the phone.


六年级英语上册单元测试卷 姓名___________ 得分: ____________ 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1. A. horse B. house C. hospital ()2. A. shoe store B. bookstore C. bus stop ()3. A. west B. east C. left ()4. A. north B. south C. mouth ()5. A. take B. make C. lake 二、听录音,选出你所听到的短语或句子。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1. A. by bus B. by train C. by subway ()2. A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight ()3. A. How can I get to the hospital? B. How can I get to school? C. How can I get to the bookstore? ()4. A. It’s near the post office. B. It’s next to the post office. C. It’s east of the post office. ()5. A. Is there a cinema near here? B. Is there a library near here? C. Is there a museum near here? 三、听音,给下面的对话补充单词。(10分) Amy: Excuse me. Where is ______________. Wu: It's____________of the______________. Amy: And then? Wu: Turn_________at the__________, then go straight.It's on the left. Amy: Thank you ? 二、找出一个不同类的词(8分) ( )1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D. by a car ( )2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go ( )3. A. Canada B. England C. the USA D. Chinese ( )4. A. library B. school C. bookstore D. Subway ( )5.A.minute B.north C.south 三单选(20分)


八年级上册英语第一单元测试题 班级姓名得分 一,单项选择。(30分) ( ) 1, --- Where she on vacation? --- She visited her uncle. A, did, go B, does, go C, does, went D, did , went ( ) 2, --- When you the car? --- Last August. A, do, buy B, did, bought C, did, buy D, do bought ( ) 3, --- How was your weekend, Mingming? --- A, I don’t like it B, Yes, it’s OK. C, It was great! D, Well ( ) 4, --- Do you have to say for yourself? --- No, I have to say. A,something,anythingB,anything,nothingC,everything.Nothing D,No,some ( ) 5, --- Would you like to eat? ---- Thanks, please. A, something B, anything C, nothing D,everything ( ) 6, Paul and I tennis yesterday. He did better than I. A, were played B, played C, are playing D,play ( ) 7,--- What did Mr. Smith do before he came to China? --- He in a car factory. A, worked B, works C, is working D, working ( ) 8, He went into his room and to work. A, starts B, started C, startted D,start ( ) 9, My grandma enjoys in the countryside. A, lives B, to live C, living D,lived ( ) 10, The new kind of ring is expensive. I don’t have money. A, too much, much too B, much too, too much C, much too, too many D,too much ,too much ( ) 11 --,- Don’t forget your homework, John?, --- OK, I’ll do it right now. A, doing B, to do C, do D, does ( ) 12, are good friends. A, You and I B, I with you C, I and you D,You and me ( ) 13, --- Jack, could you help me when the plane will take off(起飞) on the Internet? --- I’m sorry, my computer doesn’t work. A, get out B, look out C, find out D,find ( ) 14, There is food in the fridge. I want to buy some in the supermarket. A, a little B, little C. few D,a few


v.原谅 pron.我(宾格) ad.是的 v.be动词现在时第三人称单数pron.这 pron.你的,你们的 n.(女用)手提包 int.原谅,请再说一遍pron.它 vt.感谢 非常地 n.钢笔 n.铅笔 n.书 n.手表 n.上衣,外衣 n.连衣裙 n.裙子 n.衬衣 n.小汽车 n.房子 n.伞 int.请 ad.这里 我的 n.票 n.号码 num. 五 a.对不起的 n.先生 n.衣帽存放处 v.适于 n.学校 n.老师 n.儿子 n.女儿 先生 a.好 n.早晨 小姐 a.新的 n.学生 a.& n.法国人 a.& n.德国人 a.美好的v.遇见 a.& n.日本人 a.& n.中国人 ad.也 n.(产品的)牌号 a.英国的 a.美国的 pron.我 v.be动词现在时第一人称单数 v.be动词现在时复数 n.名字 a.& pron.什么 n.国籍 n.工作 n.电脑键盘 n.操作人员 n.工程师 n.警察 n.女警察 出租汽车司机 空中小姐 n.邮递员 n.护士 n.机械师 n.理发师 n.家庭妇女 n.送牛奶的人 int.喂(表示问候) int.喂,嗨 ad.怎样 ad.今天 a.身体好 a.美好的 int.谢谢 int.再见 v.见 a.胖的 n.女人 a.瘦的 a.高的 a.矮的 a.脏的 a.干净的;v.清洗 a.热的 a.冷的 a.老的 a.年轻的 a.忙的 a.懒的 pron.谁的 a.蓝色的 ad.大概 a.白色的 v.抓住 n.父亲 n.母亲 n.女衬衫 n.姐,妹 n.领带;联系,关系;vt.扎,束紧 n.兄,弟 pron. 他的 pron.她的 n.颜色 a.绿色 v.来 ad.楼上 a.时髦的,巧妙的 n.帽子 a.相同的 a.可爱的,秀丽的 n.箱子 n.地毯 n.狗 n.海关 n.官员 n.女孩,姑娘 a.& n.丹麦人 n.朋友 a.& n.挪威人 n.护照 a.棕色的 n.旅游者 pron.这些 a.红色的 a.灰色的 a.黄色的 a.黑色的 a.橘黄色的;n.橙 n.雇员 a.勤奋的


新概念英语第二册49--64课综合水平测试题 Name________________ Score_____________ 一、选择填空。(25%) 1、—When do you usually _______every morning —At 6:30 and then have breakfast . A.get up B. get on C. get together D. get along 2、—Have you ever been to Nanjing —Yes . I _______there last summer . A. go B. went C. have been D. will go 3、—______your classroom_______ every day —Yes. It is. A.Was ,cleaned B. Will , be cleaned C. Is ,cleaned D. Has ,been cleaned 4. —Must I finish________ the book in this week —No, you needn’t. be read read read 5. —Have you decided _______for you holiday —To Dr. Sun’s Mausoleum. to go to go to go to go 6.—Which of the twins will succeed —The one _______works harder, I think. D. whose 7. —You went to the cinema last night, didn’t. you —________ . I was at home. , I do , I don’t , I didn’t , I did. 8. —Is______ here —No, jack has asked for leave. 9. —Tom is taller than Tim but not so tall as Bob. Which of them is _______ —Bob, of course. tallest 10.—He bought ________English book not Chinese one. , a ,a ,an ,a 11.— _________useful information it is for me! a an 12.—Grandma ________a bad cold since last Saturday. got taken had caught 13.—________Andrew________ his Japanese textbook yet —No, he’s it now. , found; finding , found; looking for , looked for; finding , looked for; looking for 14.—We have lived here for________ . years and a half and a half a years years and half one and one half year 15.—You took a lot of photos in Nanjing, didn’t you —Yes, but they haven’t ________yet. up out back around 16.The number of visitors has increased. The number has _____ A. grown B. grown up D. grown old has____ an evil reputation. C. profited D. Earned Hubble is ______the earth's atmosphere. A. below B. over C. within D. outside robot-arm will hold the telescope _______the astronauts to repair it. A. for that C. so long as returned the following day. She returned the day ____. A. other C. after D. Else could have been more annoying. It was ______annoying thing that could have


人教版初二英语下学期第一单元测试题(含答案) 人教版初二英语下学期第一单元测试题 一(根据汉语提示及句意,写出单词或词组(10分) 1. Today I’m very busy, but she is ___________(空闲的). 2. They are studying for a _______________(化学考试). 3. I got his ____________(邀请) but I can’t go. 4. I have ___________(太多的) homework to do. 5. Mr King sometimes goes to the _________(音乐会). 6. He _________(必须) stay in bed today because he hurt. his leg. 7. I am going to have my piano lesson _______(后天). 8. Would you like to ___________(打网球) with us? 9. Next week my friend is _______(拜访) my home. 10. On Sunday I’m going fishing with my uncle _________(全天). 二(单项选择题(15分) 1. -Can you come to play soccer with me? ----______. A. I can B. That’s all right C. Sure. I’d love to D. No 2. He can go with you, but I ________. A. am not B. c an’t C. don’t D. not 3. What are you doing ______ Monday morning? A. on B. at C. in D. to 4. Thanks for _______ me to the party. A. ask B. asking C. asks D. to ask


新概念英语第一册综合测试题 一、根据要求变换: 1、I(宾格 __________ 2、dish(复数 __________ 3、sit(现在分词 __________ 5、tall(反义词 __________ 6、young(反义词 __________ 7、white(反义词 __________ 8、she(物主代词 __________ 9、desk(同义词 __________ 10、housewife(复数__________ 11、children(单数 __________12、swim(现在分词 __________13、up(反义词__________ 14、is not(缩略式 _________ 15、left(反义词 __________ 二、按要求改写下面的句子:) 1. There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句) ___________________________________ 2. There is a knife in the box.(改为复句) ___________________________________________ 3. There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问) ___________________________________ 4 .The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________ 5. Mr. Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句) _______________________________________ 三、用a 、some. 或any 填空:(每题1分,共5分)


新概念英语第二册课测 试题 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

N e w C o n c e p t E n g l i s h B o o kⅡ1-9 一、单项选择 1、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many 2、He until it stopped raining. B. didn't wait C. leave 3、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend —— A .It’s none of your business! me! C .Take it easy. yourself. 4、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 5. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 6. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on off man could not bear could not it. calls at every house in the everyone. at out at detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds.


小学六年级英语毕业测模拟试题 1 一、找出划线部分发音不同的词,把它的编号填入题前的括号里。 ()1.A.world B.forty C.T shirt ( ) 2.A.hundred B.younger C. bought ( ) 3.A.coldest B.longest C.hottest ( ) 4.A.bigger B.find C.win ( ) 5.A.eighty B.cheapest C.great ( ) 6.A.planet B.send C.ever ( ) 7.A.twice B.animal C.tissue ( ) 8.A.than B.three C.furthest ( ) 9.A.heavy B.ninety C.try ( )10.A.treasure https://www.wendangku.net/doc/261778404.html,ually D.trousers 二、判断每组划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的在括号里打“√”,不同的打“×”。 ()1.great idea ( )2.short store ( ) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/261778404.html,ually us ( )4.love young ( ) 5.planet never ( )6.treasure best ( )7.turtle taller ( )8.faster after ( )9.fifty picture ( )10.try twice ( )11.bought found ( )12.animal always 三、判断每组单词划线部分的发音:A.一种 B.两种 C. 三种()1.A.word B.shorter C. favorite ( ) 2.A.picture B.cheaper C. school ( ) 3.A. about B.young C. bought ( ) 4.A.much B.museum C.hundred ( )5.A.piece B.magic C.insect ( )6.A.once B.shop C.often ( )7.A.great B.idea C.treasure ( )8.A.faster B.taxi C.animal ( )9.A.moon B.good C.notebook

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