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Unit5 Quick Fix Society

精读Unit5 Quick Fix Society p114

advocate/ ??dv?ke?t/ v [Tn, Tf, Tg, Tsg] speak publicly in favour of (sth); recommend; support 拥护; 提倡; 支持: I advocate a policy of gradual reform. 我拥护逐步改革的政策. * Do you advocate banning cars in the city centre?n

~ (of sth) person who supports or speaks in favour of a cause, policy, etc (对一事业

﹑方针﹑政策等的)支持者, 拥护者, 鼓吹者, 提倡者: a lifelong advocate of disarmament为裁军奋斗终生的人.

person who pleads on behalf of another, esp a lawyer who presents a client's case in a

lawcourt 律师. Cf 参看barrister, solicitor.

(idm 习语) devil's advocate => devil.

antique/ ?n?ti?k;/ adj / n

(a) belonging to the distant past 古时的. (b) existing since old times 自古就有的.

valuable because of age and rarity (因古老和稀少而)珍贵的. =>Usage at old用法见


n object, eg a piece of furniture or a work of art, that is old and valuable, esp one that is of interest to collectors 文物; 古董; 古玩: [attrib 作定语] an antique shop, ie one that sells antiques 古玩店.

bicentennial/ ?ba?sen?ten??l / adj happening once in two hundred years; marking a bicentenary 二百年一次的; 二百周年纪念的: a bicentennial


> bicentennial n = bicentenary.

brief1/ bri?f/ adj (-er, -est)

(a) lasting only a short time; short 时间短暂的; 简短的: a brief conver-sation,

discussion, meeting, visit, delay 短暂的谈话﹑讨论﹑会议﹑访问﹑耽搁* Mozart's life was brief. 莫扎特的一生是短暂的. (b) (of speech or writing) using few words; concise (指说话或写作)简短的; 简洁的: a brief account, report, description, etc of the accident 对事故简短的叙述﹑报道﹑描述* Please be brief, ie say what you want to say quickly. 请简断截说.

(of clothes) short; scanty (指衣着)短的, 刚刚够大的: a brief bikini短小的比基尼游


(idm 习语) in brief in a few words 简言之: In brief, your work is bad. 总之, 你做得不


> briefly adv

1 for a short time 短暂地: He paused briefly before continuing. 他停了片刻又继续进行.

2 in a few words 简单地说: Briefly, you're fired! 一句话, 你被解雇了!


(a) summary of the facts of a legal case prepared for a barrister (为讼务律师准备的)

案情摘要. (b) case given to a barrister (给讼务律师承办的)案件: Will you accept this brief?你接受这个案件吗?

instructions and information relating to a particular situation, job, or task (对某情况﹑

工作或任务的)指示和资料: stick to one's brief, ie only do what one is required to do 照章办事(仅做分内的事)* It's not part of my brief to train new employees. 训练新雇员不是我工作范围以内的事.

(idm 习语) hold no brief for (sb/sth) not wish to support or be in favour of (sb/sth)

不支持, 不赞成(某人[某事物]): I hold no brief for those who say that violence can be justified. 我不赞成人们说有时使用暴力是合乎情理的.


1 [Tn, Tnt] give a brief2(1a) to (sb) 将案件委托(某人): The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it. 公司已将案件委托给最好的律师进行辩护.

2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (on sth) give sb detailed information or instructions in advance (about sth) 事先给某人详细介绍或指示(某事物): The Prime Minister was fully briefed before the meeting. 首相在会议前已掌握了详尽资料.

debrief. briefing n[C, U] detailed instructions and information given at a meeting (esp before a military operation) (会议上作的)详细指示和介绍; (尤指军事行动前的)会议部署: receive (a) thorough briefing 听取详细指示* [attrib 作定语] a briefing session任务布置会.

civil/ ?s?vl/ adj

of or relating to the citizens of a country 公民的; 民间的; 国内的: civil disorder, eg

rioting 民间的动乱* civil strife, eg fighting between different political or religious groups within a country 内乱.

of or relating to ordinary citizens rather than the armed forces or the Church 普通公民

的(非军队的或教会的); 文职的; 文官的: civil government文官政府.

polite and helpful 礼貌的; 助人的; 文明的: How very civil of you! 你多麽彬彬有礼呀!

involving civil law rather than criminal law 民法的(非刑法的): civil cases 民事案件*

a civil court民事诉讼法庭. Cf 参看criminal 2 (crime).

> civility / s??v?l?t??/ n [C, U] (fml 文) (act of) politeness 礼貌; 客气: You should show more civility to your host. 你是客人, 应该对主人有礼貌.

civilly / ?s?v?l?; ˋs?vl?/ adv politely 有礼貌地.

civil de`fence民防.

,civil diso`bedience refusal to obey certain laws, pay taxes, etc, as a peaceful means of (esp political) protest (人民针对政府的)非暴力反抗: a campaign of civil disobedience非暴力反抗运动.

,civil engi`neering土木工程. ,civil engi`neer 土木工程师.

,civil `law民法.

,civil `liberty 公民自由.

`civil list (Brit) 王室年俸.

,civil `marriage 公证结婚(未经宗教仪式但为法律承认的婚姻).

,civil `rights公民权. ,civil `rights movement民权运动.

,civil `servant(政府中的)公务员, 文职人员, 文官.

the ,Civil `Service (a)(政府中的)文职部门, 行政机关: She works in the Civil Service, eg in the Home Office. 她在政府行政机关中工作(如在内政部). (b) [Gp] all the people employed in these (政府文职部门中的)全体公务员: The Civil Service is/are threatening to strike. 政府行政部门的全体公务员威胁要举行罢工.

,civil `war内战: the Spanish Civil War 西班牙内战

convenience/ k?n?vi?n??ns; / n

[U] quality of being convenient or suitable; freedom from trouble or difficulty 方便; 便

利; 适宜; 省事: a library planned for the users' convenience 旨在方便读者的图书馆[C] (a) arrangement, appliance or device that is useful, helpful or suitable 有用﹑有益

或适宜的安排﹑用具或设施: It was a great convenience to have the doctor living near us. 有医生住在我们附近真是太方便了. (b) (Brit euph婉) lavatory for the use of the general public (公共)厕所: There is a public convenience on the corner of the street. 在街道的拐角处有公共厕所.

(idm 习语) at one's con`venience when and where it suits one 在方便的时候及在适

宜的地方: With a caravan, you can stop at your own convenience; you're not dependent on hotels. 开着一辆大篷车, 可以随意停下来, 不用住旅馆. at your earliest

con`venience => early. a flag of convenience => flag1.

# con`venience food food (eg in a tin, packet, etc) that needs very litttle preparation after being bought 方便食品.

defer1/ d??f??(r); / v (-rr-) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tg] ~ sth (to sth) delay sth until a later time; postpone sth 使(某事)延期; 推迟: deferred payment, ie made in instalments after purchase 分期付款* defer one's departure to a later date 推迟行期* defer making a decision暂缓决定. > deferment, deferral / d??f??r?l; d?ˋf??l/ ns [U, C].

# de,ferred `shares shares (share1 3) on which dividends are paid only after they have been paid on all other shares 延期付息股份.

同词同音异意v (-rr-) [Ipr] ~ to sb/sth give way to sb or sb's wishes, judgement, etc, usu out of respect 服从某人的意愿﹑判断等; (通常为)遵从: On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技术问题上, 我遵从专家的意见. * I defer to your greater experience in such things. 在这些问题上, 我尊重你丰富的经验.

deference/ ?def?r?ns; / n [U]

giving way to the views, wishes, etc of others, usu out of respect; respect 遵从; 服从;

顺从; 尊敬; 尊重; 敬重: treat one's elders with due deference 以应有的尊敬对待较自己年长的人* show deference to a judge表示对裁判的尊重.

(idm 习语) in deference to sb/sth out of respect for sb/sth 出於对某人[某事物]的尊

重: In deference to our host I decided not to challenge his controversial remarks. 我出於

对主人的尊敬, 不对他那易引起争论的话表示异议.

> deferential / ?def??ren?l; / adj showing deference 顺从的; 恭顺的. deferentially /adv.

digest1/ ?da?d?est; / n short condensed account; summary 摘要; 概要: a digest of the week's news一周新闻摘要.

/ d??d?est, -/ v

(a) [Tn] change (food) in the stomach and bowels so that it can be used by the body 消

化(食物): Fish is easy to digest when you're ill. 生病时吃鱼容易消化. (b) [I] (of food) be changed in this way (指食物)被消化: It takes hours for a meal to digest. 一顿饭要几小时才能消化掉.

[Tn] take (information) in mentally; fully understand 吸收(信息); 完全理解; 彻底领

会: Have you digested the report yet? 这个报告你吃透了吗?

> digestible / d??d?est?bl, -/ adj that can be digested 可消化的; 可吸收的. digestibility/dI?d?est??b?l?t?/n [U]./ v

feature/ ?fi?t??(r); / n

(a) [C] one of the named parts of the face (eg nose, mouth, eyes) which together form

its appearance 面部的一部分(如鼻﹑口﹑眼): His eyes are his most striking feature. 他面部最突出的部分是那双眼睛.. (b) features [pl] face viewed as a whole 面貌; 容貌: a woman of handsome, striking, delicate, etc features相貌漂亮﹑动人﹑秀气等的女子.

[C] distinctive characteristic; aspect 特徵; 特色; 特点: an interesting feature of city life

城市生活的一个有趣特点* memorable features of the Scottish landscape 苏格兰景色中令人难忘的特徵* Many examples and extra grammatical information are among the special features of this dictionary. 本词典别具特色, 诸如例证多及新增语法要点等. [C] (a) ~ (on sb/sth) (in newspapers, television, etc) special or prominent article or

programme (about sb/sth) (报纸﹑电视等中)(关於某人[某事物]的)特写或专题节目: This magazine will be running a special feature on education next week. 这一杂志下周要发表一篇关於教育的专题文章. (b) full-length film(电影的)正片, 故事片: the main feature following the cartoon 动画片之後的正片* [attrib 作定语] a feature film故事片.

v [Tn] give a prominent part to (sb/sth) 给(某人[某事物])以显着地位; 由(某人[某物])

主演: a film that features a new French actress由法国新女星主演的电影. 2 [Ipr] ~ in sth have an important or prominent part in sth 在某事物中起重要作用或扮演主要角色: Does a new job feature in your future plans? 新的工作在你的未来计画中十分重要吗? featureless adj without distinct features (feature 2); uninteresting 无特色的; 无趣味的.

gratify/ ?gr?t?fa?; / v (pt, pp -fied) (fml 文)

[Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] give pleasure or satisfaction to (sb) 使(某人)高兴

或满意: I was most gratified at/by/with the outcome of the meeting. 我对会议的结果感到极其满意.

[Tn] give (sb) what is desired; indulge 满足(某人)所欲; 纵容: gratify a person's whims 满足一人的奇想* To gratify my curiosity, do tell me what it is. 为满足我的好奇心, 你一定得告诉我那是什麽.

gratification / ?gr?t?f??ke??n; ? / n (fml 文)

1 [U] gratifying or being gratified; state of being pleased or satisfied 喜悦; 满意; 满足: the gratification of knowing one's plans have succeeded 得知计画实现後的喜悦* sexual gratification性满足.

2 [C] thing that gives one pleasure or satisfaction 令人高兴或满意的事物: one of the few gratifications of an otherwise boring job枯燥的工作中少有的一项乐趣.

gratifying adj ~ (to do sth/that...) (fml 文) pleasing; satisfying 令人高兴的; 令人满意的: It is gratifying to see one's efforts rewarded. 看到自己的努力有所收获是令人高兴的. gratifyingly adv.

ignore/ ?g?n??(r) / v [Tn]

take no notice of (sb/sth) 忽视(某人[某事物]): You've been ignoring me. 你一直不


deliberately refuse to greet or acknowledge (sb) 对(某人)故意不打招呼﹑不予承认

或不予理睬: I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely! 我向她打招呼, 可她根本不理我!

ignorance/ ??gn?r?ns; / n [U] ~ (of sth) lack of knowledge or information (about

sth) (对某事物)无知: We are in complete ignorance of your plans. 我们对你的计画一无所知. * If he did wrong it was only through ignorance. 要是他做错了, 那也只是出於无知.

infect/ ?n?fekt; ?nˋf?kt/ v [esp passive 尤用於被动语态: Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (with

sth) 1 cause sb/sth to have a disease; contaminate sb/sth 使某人[某物]传染﹑感染; 污染某人[某事物]: The laboratory animals had been infected with the bacteria. 实验室的动物都已受到这种细菌的感染.

(fig derog 比喻, 贬) fill (sb's mind) with undesirable ideas 用坏思想感染(某人的思想):

a mind infected with racial prejudice受到种族偏见影响的头脑.

(fig approv 比喻, 褒) fill (sb's mind or spirit) with happy and positive ideas or feelings

用快乐的﹑好的思想感情感染(某人的心灵): Her cheerful spirits and bubbling laughter infected the whole class. 她那快乐的情绪和爽朗的笑声感染了全班.

infected adj.受感染的; 受污染的

The wound from the dog bite had become infected.

infectious/ ?n?fek??s; / adj

(of a disease) caused by bacteria, etc that are passed on from one person to another

(指疾病)传染的, 感染的: Flu is highly infectious. 流感的传染性很强.

[usu pred 通常作表语] (of a person) in danger of infecting others (with a disease) (指

人)能传染他人(疾病): While you have this rash you are still infectious. 身上还有这种疹子, 就仍然有传染性.

(fig approv 比喻, 褒) quickly influencing others; likely to spread to others 有感染力的;

易传播给他人的: infectious enthusiasm 有感染力的热情* an infectious laugh有感染作用的笑声. > infectiously adv: laugh infectiously笑得富有感染力. infectiousness n [U]. Cf 参看contagious.

infection/ ?n?fek?n; / n

[U] ~ (with sth) (a) becoming ill through contact with bacteria, etc 传染; 感染; 侵染:

be exposed to infection 处於受感染范围(b) (fig derog 比喻, 贬) filling the mind with undesirableideas 头脑中充斥着坏思想: the infection of young people with dangerous ideologies危险的思想意识对年轻人的影响.

[C] disease caused by a micro-organism 传染病: spread/pass on an infection 传播[传

染]某种病* People catch all kinds of infections in the winter. 冬天人们易患多种传染病. Cf 参看contagion.

linger/ ?l??g?(r); / v [I, Ipr, Ip]

stay for a long time; be unwilling to leave 逗留; 徘徊: She lingered after the concert,

hoping to meet the star. 音乐会後她徘徊不去, 希望能一见明星.

be slow; dawdle 动作迟缓; 磨蹭; 拖沓: There's no time to linger it'll soon be dark. 没

时间拖延了--天快黑了. * linger (long) over one's meal慢腾腾吃饭.

remain in existence althoughbecoming weaker 苟延残喘; 奄奄一息: Though

desperately ill he could linger on (ie not die) for months. 他虽病入膏肓, 却尚能苟延数月. > lingerer n逗留者; 徘徊者.

lingering adj [esp attrib 尤作定语] (a) long; protracted 逗留的; 拖延的: a lingering illness 缠绵的疾病(b) remaining 继续存在的: a few lingering doubts 萦绕脑际的几点疑问lingeringly adv.

outlet/ ?autlet; / n

~ (for sth) way out (for water, steam, etc) (水蒸汽等的)出口, 出路, 排放孔: an

outlet for water 排水孔* [attrib 作定语] an outlet valve排气阀.

~ (for sth) (fig 比喻) means of releasing (energy, strong feelings, etc) (精力﹑强烈

情感等的)发泄的出路: Children need an outlet for their energy. 儿童的精力需要发泄出来. (commerce商) shop, etc that sells goods made by a particular company 经销店: This

cosmetics firm has 34 outlets in Britain. 这家化妆品公司在英国有34个经销店. overnight/??uv??na?t / adv / ??uv?na?t; ˋov?ˋna?t/ adj [attrib 作定语] during or for the night 在晚上; 在夜里: stay overnight at a friend's house, ie sleep there

for the night 在朋友家过夜.

(infml 口) suddenly or very quickly 突然; 很快: She became a celebrity overnight. 她


1 during or for the night 晚上的; 夜里的: an overnight journey 夜间旅行

2 (infml 口) suddenly; very quickly 突然的; 很快的: an overnight success突然间的成功.

pastoral/ ?pɑ?st?r?l; US ˋp?st?r?l/ adj

relatingto or portraying country life, the countryside or shepherds, esp in an idealized

way 乡村生活的, 田园风光的, 牧人的, 田园式的(尤指理想化描述的): a pastoral scene, poem, painting 田园风光﹑诗﹑画

(of land) used for pasture; grassy (指土地)供放牧的, 长满草的.

of or relating to a clergyman or his work (esp the spiritual guidance he gives to his

congregation) 牧师的, 牧师工作的(尤指对会众心灵上的指引): pastoral care, duties, responsibilities, etc牧师对会众的关顾﹑职责﹑责任等.


1 pastoral(1) poem, picture, etc 田园诗﹑画等.

2 (also pastoral `letter) letter from a clergyman 教牧书信, (尤指)主教教书(牧师或主教给会众或神职人员的公开信); 牧函.

refresh/ r??fre?; r?ˋfr??/ v [Tn]

give new strength or vigour to (sb/sth); restore or revive 给(某人[某事物])新的力量

或活力; 使恢复; 使振作: refresh oneself with a cup of tea/a hot bath 喝杯茶[洗个热水澡]以提神* She felt refreshed after her sleep. 她睡了一觉就精神了.

(idm 习语) refresh one's/sb's memory (about sb/sth) remind oneself/sb of facts

by referring to notes, etc (藉助笔记等)使自己[某人]想起: Just refresh my memory: were you born in York? 请再告诉我一次: 你是在约克郡出生的吧?

refreshing adj

1 giving new strength or vigour; restoring or reviving 给人以新的力量或活力的; 提神的; 使人重新振作的: a refreshing bath, sleep, cup of tea 使人恢复精力的一个澡﹑一觉﹑一杯茶* This breeze is very refreshing. 这微风使人心旷神怡.

2 (fig 比喻) welcome and interesting because unusual or novel (因少见或新奇)令人欣喜闻, 使人耳目一新的: a refreshing sense of humour 别具一格的幽默感

refreshingly adv: refreshingly honest, original, different极其老实的﹑新颖的﹑不同的. re`fresher course进修课程(如为教师等设的业务知识更新课).

revitalize, revitalise1/ ri??va?t?la?z; / v [Tn] put new life into (sth); regenerate 使(某事物)恢复生机; 使新生; 使再兴: revitalize industry, the economy, education, etc 振兴工业﹑经济﹑教育等revitalization, -isation / ri??va?t?la??ze??n; / n [U].

subtle/ ?s?tl; / adj (-r, -st) (esp approv 尤作褒义)

not easy to detect or describe; fine; delicate 难以察觉或描述的; 细微的; 精细的: a

subtle charm, flavour, style 难以形容的魅力﹑滋味﹑式样* subtle humour 巧妙的幽默* paint in subtle shades of pink粉红色度略微不同的颜料.

organized in a clever and complex way; ingenious; cunning 巧安排的; 巧妙的; 狡诈的:

a subtle argument, design, strategy 巧妙的议论﹑设计﹑策略* a subtle analysis of the


able to see and describe fine and delicate differences; sensitive 敏锐的; 感觉灵敏的: a

subtle observer, critic, analyst, etc 细心的观察者﹑评论者﹑分析者等* She has a very subtle mind. 她头脑灵敏.

> subtlety / ?s?tlt?; ˋs?tlt?/ n

1 [U] quality of being subtle 细微; 精细; 巧妙; 灵巧; 诡诈; 敏锐.

2 [C] subtle distinction, etc 细微的差别等.

subtly / ?s?tl?; ˋs?tl?/ adv.

superficial/ ?su?p??f??l; / adj

of or on the surface only 表面的; 在表面上的: a superficial wound 表皮的损伤

apparent when looked at quickly or carelessly, but perhaps not real 表面的(乍看起来

的, 未必真实): a superficial similarity表面上的相似.

(a) not thorough or profound 肤浅的; 浅薄的: a superficial book, mind 立论肤浅的书

﹑浅薄无知的头脑(b) (derog 贬) having no depth of character, feeling or commitment (性格﹑感情或承诺方面)缺乏深度的, 停留在表面的: You're too superficial to appreciate great literature like this. 你没有钻劲, 无法欣赏这类文学巨着. > superficiality

/su?p??f?????l?t?; / n [U]. superficially / -??l?/ adv: only superficially alike仅仅表面上相


urge/ ??d?; ?d?/ v / n

[Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.t] drive forcibly or hurry (a horse, etc) in a certain direction 驱赶, 驱

策(马等): urge a pony into a canter, up a slope 驱策小马慢跑﹑上斜坡* She urged her mare to jump the fence. 她策马跳过障碍物.

[Tn, Tf, Tg, Tsg, Cn.t] try earnestly or persistently to persuade (sb) 诚恳地或持续地催

促(某人). * He urged that we should go/urged (our) going/urged us to go. 他催我们走. [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) recommend sth strongly with reasoning or

entreaty 竭力推荐或力陈某事物: We urged caution. 我们特别提出要小心谨慎. * Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible. 机动车协会劝告开车的人暂时不要使用公路.

(phr v) urge sb on encourage or stimulate sb to do sth 鼓励或激励某人做某事* Urged

on by his colleagues, he stood for election. 他受到同事的鼓励而参加竞选. * The need to find a solution urged him on. 亟须找出解决方法, 这是鞭策他的动力.

> urge n strong desire or impulse 强烈的慾望或冲动: sexual urges 性慾冲动* get, have, feel, give in to a sudden urge to travel心血来潮去旅行.

contract1/ ?k?ntr?kt; ˋkɑntr?kt/ n

~ (with sb) (for sth/to do sth) legally binding agreement, usu in writing 合同; 契约:

You shouldn't enter into/make a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully. 你应该先仔细研究合同的条款, 然後再签订.房子的买方和卖方办妥法律手续即可交换契约. * [attrib 作定语] the contract price, date, etc, 合同价格﹑日期等* a contract worker合


(idm 习语) be under contract (to sb) have made a contract to work (for sb) 立约(为

某人)工作: a pop group that is under contract to one of the big record companies与一家大唱片公司签有合约的流行音乐乐队. put sth out to `contract invite people to make a contract to do work, supply (goods, etc) 请人承包工作﹑供货等事: We haven't the resources to do the work ourselves, so we'll put it out to contract. 我们自己无法做这项工作, 所以要承包出去.

> contractual / k?n?trkt?u?l; k?nˋtr?kt???l/ adj of or contained in a contract 合同的; 契

约性的: contractual liability, obligations, etc合同责任﹑义务等.

# ,contract `bridge定约桥牌.

contract2/ k?n?tr?kt; k?nˋtr?kt/ v

(a) [Ipr, It] ~ with sb for sth make (a legal agreement) with sb for a purpose 与某人

签订(合同或契约): Having contracted (with them) to do the repairs, we cannot withdraw now. 我们(与他们)订有维修合约, 现在不能撤消. (b) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sb) (fml 文) enter into or undertake sth formally 正式缔结或确定(某事物): She had contracted a most unsuitable marriage. 她订下的婚约极不匹配.

[Tn] (a) catch or develop (an illness) 感染(疾病): contract measles, a cold, etc患

麻疹﹑感冒等. (b) (fml 文) acquire (sth) 招致(某事物): contract debts, bad habits负债﹑染上恶习.

(phr v) contract `out (of sth) (Brit)退出或不参加某合约: You can contract out (of the

pension scheme) if you wish. 你愿意的话, 可以退出(这个养老金计划). contract sth out (to sb)把工作包出去(让别人做).

> contractor n person or firm that does jobs (esp construction) under contract 订约者; (尤指建筑工程的)承包人, 承包商: a building contractor 承建商* a firm of defence contractors军火承包商

contract3/ k?n?tr?kt; k?nˋtr?kt/ v

[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (to sth) 1 make or become smaller or shorter (使)缩小, 缩短, 缩约: Metals contract as they get cooler. 金属遇冷则收缩. * (fig比喻) Our business has contracted a lot recently. 我们的生意近来大为减少了.

(cause sth to) become tighter or narrower; constrict (使某物)紧缩或收缩; 缩: contract

a muscle 收缩肌肉* The tunnel contracts to a narrow passageway as you go deeper. 再往里走, 坑道缩小成了一条窄窄的通道参看expand.

> contractible adj that can be contracted 可收缩的; 有收缩性的.

contractile / k?n?tr?kta?l / adj (fml 文) 可收缩的; 有收缩力的; 有收缩性的: contractile tissue可缩组织.

contraction / k?n?tr?k?n; k?nˋtr?k??n/ n

1 [U] contracting or being contracted 缩小; 缩短; 紧缩; 收缩: the contraction of a muscle 肌肉的收缩.

2 [C] (medical医)(分娩时阵发性的)子宫收缩.

3 [C] 词的缩约形式; 缩约词: `Can't' is a contraction of `cannot'. can't是cannot的缩约形式.

condense/ k?n?dens; k?nˋd?ns/ v

[I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (into/to sth) (a) (cause sth to) become thicker or more

concentrated (使某物)变稠或变浓; 浓缩: Soup condenses when boiled汤煮过後就浓了(失去大量的水分). * condensed milk, soup, etc炼乳﹑浓缩汤等. (b) (cause sth to) change from gas or vapour to a liquid (使某物)由气体或蒸气变成液体; 凝结: Steam condenses/is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface. 蒸气接触冷的表面而凝结成水珠. =>Usage at water1用法见water1.

[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (into sth) put sth into fewer words 简缩; 摘要; 简述: condense a

long report into a brief summary将长篇报告简缩为摘要.

compress1/ k?m?pres; k?mˋpr?s/ v

~ sth (into sth) 1 press sth together; force sth into a small(er) space 压紧; 将某物压进(较)小的空间; 挤压; 压缩: compressed air, ie at higher than atmospheric pressure 压缩空气

express (ideas, etc) in a shorter form; condense 使(意见等)简短, 精简, 浓缩:

compress an argument into just a few sentences 将论点概括成几句话

compression / k?m?pre?n; k?mˋpr???n/ n [U]

1压缩: the compression of gas气体的压缩.


compressor / k?m?pres?(r); k?mˋpr?s?/ n 压缩机; 压气机.


/ ?k?mpres; / n(用以止血﹑退烧等的)敷布, 压布: a cold/hot compress冷[热]敷布.

defer1/ d??f??(r); d?ˋf?/ v (-rr-)

~ sth (to sth) delay sth until a later time; postpone sth 使(某事)延期; 推迟: deferred payment, ie made in instalments after purchase 分期付款> deferment, deferral /

d??f??r?l; d?ˋf??l/ ns [U, C].

# de,ferred `shares 延期付息股份.

defer2/ d??f??(r); d?ˋf?/ v (-rr-)

[Ipr] ~ to sb/sth give way to sb or sb's wishes, judgement, etc, usu out of respect 服从某人的意愿﹑判断等; (通常为)遵从: On technical matters, I defer to the experts. 在技术问题上, 我遵从专家的意见.

postpone/ p??sp?un; posˋpon/ v

[Tn, Tn.pr, Tg] ~ sth (to sth) arrange sth at a later time; defer sth 使某事物延期; 推

迟某事物: The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather. 比赛因天气不好而延期到下星期六进行

(idm 习语) postpone the evil `hour/`day缓做一终须做的厌恶事.

> postponement n (a) [U] act of postponing or delaying 延期; 推迟: Rain caused the postponement of several race-meetings. 几次赛马大会因雨延期. (b) [C] instance of this 延期的事: After many difficulties and postponements, the ship was ready for launching. 该船几经周折拖宕後, 已准备下水.

delay/ d??le?; d?ˋle/ v

[I, In/pr, Tn] (cause sb to) be slow or late 使(某人)慢或迟到; 耽搁; 延误: Don't delay!

Book your holiday today! 别拖延! 今天就定下你休假的日子!

[Tn, Tg] put (sth) off until later; postpone 推迟(某事); 延期: We must delay our journey until the weather improves. 我们必须把旅行推迟, 等天气好转再说.

delay n

1 [U] delaying or being delayed 耽搁; 延误; 推迟; 延期: We must leave without delay. 我们必须立即离开.

2 [C] amount of time for which sb/sth is delayed 被耽搁或推迟的时间: There was a delay (of two hours) before the plane took off. 飞机起飞推迟了(两个小时).

# de,layed-`action adj [usu attrib 通常作定语在隔一段时间後进行的: a de,layed-action `fuse, `bomb, `camera延时熔断器﹑

guarantee1/ ?g?r?n?ti?; ?ɡ?r?nˋti/ n

(a) ~ (against sth) promise (usu in writing) that certain conditions agreed to in a

transaction will be fulfilled (交易的)保证, 保证书: The watch comes with a year's guarantee, ie a promise to repair it free for a year after purchase. 这手表保修一年. (b) ~ (of sth/that...) promise given by one person to another that he will be responsible for seeing that sth is done (eg payment of a debt by another person) 担保, 保证(如另一人偿还债务): give a guarantee of (one's/sb's) good behaviour对(自己的[某人的])良好品行给予保证. (c) document, property, etc offered as security for carrying out the conditions in a guarantee (作为保证物的)契据﹑财产等; 抵押品: `What guarantee can you offer?' `I can offer my house as a guarantee.'‘你用什麽做抵押?’‘我可以拿房子抵押.’ person who promises to be responsible for seeing that sth is done 保证人; 担保人: Are

you willing to be a guarantee of your friend's good behaviour, ie undertake to make sure that he behaves himself properly? 你愿担保你朋友品行良好吗?

~ (of sth/that...) (infml 口) 担保(某事可能发生)的事物: Blue skies are not a

guarantee of continuing fine weather. 蔚蓝的天空不一定担保天气持续晴朗. guarantee2/ ?g?r?n?ti?; ?ɡ?r?nˋti/ v

通常用於被动语态~ sth (to sb))(向某人)担保某事物; 保证: We cannot guarantee the

punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather. 我们不能保证火车在雾天正点到达.

[Tn, Tf, Tt] undertake to be legally responsible for (sth/doing sth) 承诺对(某事[做某

事])负法律责任; 保证; 担保: guarantee sb's debts/the payment of sb's debts 为某人的债务作保[担保某人偿还债务

[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (against sth)承担(所购物品)的修理费: a clock guaranteed for one

year against mechanical failure or faulty workmanship对机械故障或制造缺陷有一年保修的钟.

[Tn] make (an event) likely to happen 使(事情)很可能发生: His turning up will

guarantee the success of the meeting. 他一出席, 会议便成功在望.

(idm 习语) be guaranteed to do sth (infml ironic 口,反语) be certain to do sth 必定

做某事; 准做某事: It's guaranteed to rain when you want to go out. 你想出门, 天准下雨. slide1/ sla?d; sla?d/ n

[sing] act of sliding 滑; 滑行: have a slide on the ice在冰上滑行.

[C] smooth stretch of ice, hard snow, etc used esp by children on sledges (冰﹑压实


[C] smooth slope, track or chute down which goods can slide or on which children can

play at sliding (运送货物用的)滑坡﹑滑道或滑槽; (儿童游戏用的)滑梯.

[C] (a)幻灯片(有框的透明软片). (b) (formerly) such a picture on a glass plate (旧


[C] microscope (显微镜的)载片.


[C] (in compounds 用以构成复合词) sudden fall of a mass of earth, mud, etc (土﹑泥

等的)突然崩落: a `landslide * a `mudslide.

[C] = hair-slide (hair).

slide2/ sla?d; sla?d/ v (pt, pp slid / sl?d; sl?d/)

[I, Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.a] (cause sth to) move smoothly along an even, polished or

slippery surface (使某物)滑动: I was sliding (about) helplessly (on the ice). 我(在冰上)身不由己地滑起来了.

[Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (cause sth to) move quietly or so as not to be noticed (使某物)悄悄地或偷偷地移动: The thief slid out (of the door) while no one was looking. 小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去

[I] (eg of prices) fall gradually (如指价格)逐渐降低: House values may begin to slide.


(idm 习语) let sth `slide (infml 口)放任某事; 听其自然: She got depressed and

began to let things slide. 她情绪低落, 一切都听之任之.

(phr v) slide into sth (no passive 不用於被动语态)慢慢进入(某状态, 通常指坏的):

slide into bad habits, debt 逐渐染上了坏习惯﹑背上了债slide over sth避免深入涉及(某问题等): She discussed sales, but slid over the problem of how to increase production. 她谈论了销售情况, 却对增加生产的问题一带而过.

# `slide-rule n滑尺; 计算尺.

,sliding `door滑门; 拉门.

,sliding `scale滑动费率, 滑动折算制(相关的两项目相应增减制

glide/ gla?d; ɡla?d/ v [I, Ipr, Ip]

move along smoothly and continuously 滑行; 滑动; 滑翔: So graceful was the ballerina

that she just seemed to glide. 那芭蕾舞女演员翩跹起舞, 宛如滑翔.

fly without engine power (either in a glider or in an aeroplane with engine failure) (滑翔机或飞机发动机有故障时)滑行, 滑翔: The pilot managed to glide down to a safe landing. 驾驶员设法使飞机滑行下降安全着陆.

> glide n (a)滑行; 滑动; 滑翔: the graceful glide of a skater滑冰者优美的滑行动作. (b) [C the tongue from one position to another 音渡; 过渡音: a palatal glide颚音的音渡. glider / ?gla?d?(r); ˋɡla?d?/ n滑翔机.

gliding n [U] sport of flying in gliders 滑翔运动.

slip1/ sl?p; sl?p/ n

[C usu sing通常作单数] act of slipping; false step 滑动; 滑倒; 失足: One slip and you

could fall off the cliff. 脚下一滑就可能从悬崖上跌下去.

[C] minor error caused by carelessness or lack of attention 小错误; 小疏忽: make a slip

失误* There were a few trivial slips in the translation. 译文中有几个小错误.

[C] (a) loose sleeveless garment worn under a dress; petticoat (有肩带的)衬裙. (b) =

gym-slip (gym).

[C] = pillowcase (pillow).

[C] thin or small piece of paper 纸条: a salary slip, ie giving details of earnings, tax paid,

etc 薪金单(列有收入﹑税款等细节)* write a phone number on a slip of paper把电话号码写在纸条上.

slip2 / sl?p; sl?p/ v (-pp-)

(a) [I, Ipr, Ip] ~ (over) (onsth) (of a person, an animal, a car, etc) slide accidentally;

lose one's balance and fall or nearly fall in this way (指人﹑动物﹑汽车等)意外滑动, 失去平衡跌倒或险些跌倒: The climber's foot slipped, and she fell. 那个攀登的女子脚下一滑就摔倒了.

(a) [Ipr, Ip] go somewhere quietly or quickly, eg in order not to be noticed, or without

being noticed 悄悄或匆匆到某处(如以免受注意或无人注意到): The thief slipped out (by the back door). 那个贼偷偷(从後门)溜出去了. (b) ~ sth (to sb)将某物放在某处(常指悄悄地或偷偷地): slip an envelope into one's pocket 把信封悄悄塞进口袋~ from/out of/through sth; ~ out/through 滑落; 滑脱; 逃走: The fish slipped

out of my hand. 鱼从我手中滑走了.

[Ipr, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ into/out of sth; ~ sth over/round sth; ~ sth on/off穿上[脱

去](大衣﹑鞋等)(尤指迅速且容易地): slip into/out of a dress 一下子穿上[脱下]连衣裙

(a~ sth (from/off sth) detach or release sth 放开, 释放(某物): slip a dog from its

leash 松开皮带把狗放开(b)逃离(某处); 逃脱; 挣脱: The ship slipped its moorings. 那船漂离了系船处.

slippage/ ?sl?p?d?; ˋsl?p?d?/ n [U] 1(价值﹑价格等的)降低, 下降. 2(对计画或指标的)

延误: production delays due to slippage因未能执行规定计画而造成的生产延误.

# `slip-case n ((通常指用硬厚纸板做的)书套.`slip-cover n家具套.`slip-knot n 1滑结(可沿绳滑动改变松紧者). 2活结(拉绳的一端可解开者).`slip-on n, adj [attrib 作定语](服装或鞋)便於穿上或脱下的(不用系扣等的).`slip-over n, adj(服装)套头的.,slipped `disc突出的椎间盘.`slip-road n (US `access road) (连接高速公路的)岔道. `slip-stream n 1滑流(移动物体的後向气流, 如赛车的). 2尾流(飞机发动机的後向气流).slip-up n (infml 口) mistake 错误; 疏忽; 失误: Leaving his name off the list was a bad slip-up. 名单上没有他的名字是个严重的疏忽.

`slipway [C] (also the slips [pl]) n船台(造船或修船用的).

stance/ stɑ?ns; st?ns/ n (usu sing 通常作单数)

person's position or way of standing 站立姿势(尤指板球﹑高尔夫球等运动中准备击

球的); 姿势.

~ (on sth)(对某事物的)姿态, 态度; 观点; 立场: He maintains a rigidly right-wing

political stance. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场.

rack1/ r?k; r?k/ n

((放东西或挂东西用的)架子: a `plate-rack 盘碟架

(公共汽车﹑火车﹑飞机等座位上方放置轻便行李﹑衣物等的)行李架: a


齿条; 齿板; 齿轨: a `steering rack, eg on a cable car 转向齿条(如缆车上的)

`rack-railway (also esp US cog-railway) 齿轨铁道(设有带齿的中轨, 与列车带齿的车轮啮合, 将列车送上陡坡).

rack2/ r?k; r?k/ n

(usu 通常作the rack)(旧时)拉肢拷问台(一种刑具): put sb on the rack对某人施


(idm 习语) on the `rack(肉体或精神上)受极大折磨.

>rack v

1 [Tn] torture (sb) on the rack 以拉肢之刑拷问或折磨(某人).

2(指疾病﹑疼痛﹑苦恼等)使(某人)极为痛苦: racked with pain, fever, etc 因疼痛﹑发烧等而痛.

3 (idm 习语) rack one's `brain(s) try very hard to think of sth or recall sth 苦思某事; 努力回忆某事: We racked our brains for an answer. 我们为寻找答案而绞尽脑汁.

rack-rent n [C, U] unfairly high rent 过高的租金.

rack3/ r?k; r?k/ n (idm 习语) go to ,rack and `ruin 因忽视而致毁坏﹑混乱或瓦解: The old empty house soon went to rack and ruin. 这所旧的空房子很快就毁坏了.

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