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The Carton King of Japan

Television cartoons are big business in Japan, where around 40 new animated TV series are produced every week. One of the country’s most popular animators, Hayao Miyazaki, has produced some of the great classics of Japanese TV animation. Nevertheless,he finds television too restrictive, and prefers to make full-length animated movies.

Though he is not well-known outside Asia, Hayao Miyazaki is a household name in his homeland. His amazing drawing skills, entertaining plots, and well-rounded characters have made timeless masterpieces out of films such as “Princess Mononoke” and “My Neighbor Totoro.” He is widely respected by Japanese of all ages, and has won the admiration of animators and filmmakers around the world.

Hayao Miyazaki was born in Tokyo in 1941. His

family owned a factory that built airplanes, and he fell in love with planes and flying at an early age. Anyone familiar with his films has seen the often breathtaking flying scenes that are his personal trademark.

Miyazaki’s career as an animator began in 1963 when he joined Toei Animation to work on a TV series called “Wolf Boy Ken.” While there, he fell in love with a fellow animator, Akemi Ota, who later became his wife.

At Toei, he also teamed up with Isao Takahata, beginning a partnership that would last many years and lead to some of the great success stories of Japanese animated film. Miyazaki and Takahata changed studios several times and worked on a number of successful TV series in the 60s and 70s. Both men were, however, more interested in the challenge of producing feature-length animated movies.

In 1984, Miyazaki released a film based on his own manga series, “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind.” It was a huge success, enabling Miyazaki and Takahata to set up their own company, Studio Ghibli. They were finally free to concentrate on doing what they liked best: making high-quality animated feature films.

Studio Ghibli got its name from an Italian word meaning “a hot wind that blows through the Sahara Desert.” It was used by Italian pilots during World War II in reference to their planes, and Miyazaki, who loves both flying and Italy, felt the name captured the spirit of his work.

Since it opened in 1985, Studio Ghibli has gone from strength to strength. “Princess Mononoke”is the second-biggest box-office hit in Japanese movie history, and “My Neighbor Totoro,” as well as attracting huge audiences, was successful in another way. Sales of stuffed toys based on its odd central character helped the studio build a

sound financial base.

Throughout his career, Miyazaki has traveled widely in search of inspiration. Now, he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others. Skilled animators at the Disney Corporation,with whom Ghibli recently set up a partnership, have acknowledged their debt to Hayao Miyazaki. He has, without a doubt, earned his place in the animators’ hall of fame.













190801 斯皮尔伯格:从“问题少年”到“头号玩家”

斯皮尔伯格:从“问题少年”到“头号玩家” · 毛西 今日导读 在美国,曾有经济学家追踪了一批报考名校的学生20 年后的发展情况,发现很多没有被名校录取的人,在后来的生活中过得和当年被录取的人一样好。一个人未来成功与否,与他是否出身名校可能并没有太大关系。许多被名校拒之门外的人依然在事业上取得了傲人的成绩,好莱坞大导演斯皮尔伯格就是其中之一。今天的文章就以斯皮尔伯格为例,为我们解开了那些没能读上名校的人成功的秘诀。让我们和毛西老师一起到文章里看个究竟吧! 带着问题听讲解 形容词choosy 应该怎样理解? 文章中的dyslexia 是一种什么样的疾病? 文章中的“斯皮尔伯格效应”指的是什么? 新闻正文 The education of Steven Spielberg was more off script than you might expect 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格的教育履历可能比你想象的还离经叛道 Two talented scholars, Stacy Berg Dale of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Princeton economist Alan Krueger, used Spielberg's name two decades ago to describe a surprising aspect of their research on selective college attendance. They found that students admitted to choosy colleges but who attended less selective schools were doing as well financially 20 years later as were students who attended the selective institutions. 二十多年前,两位有才华的学者——安德鲁·W·梅隆基金会的史黛西·伯格·戴尔和普林斯顿大学的经济


侏罗纪世界英文介绍 Twenty-two years ago, US director Steven Spielberg brought dinosaurs back from extinction in the groundbreaking film “Jurassic Park”. Now the park has officially reopened as a fully functioning resort in long-awaited new installment “Jurassic World”, giving audiences a chance to relive the magic of the dinosaur island. 22年前,美国导演史蒂文?斯皮尔伯格一部《侏罗纪公园》让灭绝已久的恐龙在银幕上重获生命。今天,在期待已久的大片《侏罗纪世界》中,“侏罗纪公园”重新开张, 变成了功能完善的恐龙胜地。而观众们也终于有机会再体验一回魔幻的恐龙岛。 This time the island has been transformed into a Disney-like theme park where dinosaurs are the biggest attraction. After 10 years in operation, the park is lacking in new thrills for visitors, so the park’s owners decide to create a hybrid dinosaur to reignite interest. When this new dinosaur breaks loose, the island is plunged into chaos. 这一次,恐龙岛变成了如同迪士尼一样的主题公园,恐龙是其最大的卖点。但是,运 营10年之后,恐龙主题公园渐渐失去新意,公园的拥有者们为了让其重拾吸引力,决定人工创造杂交恐龙。而当新的(杂交)恐龙逃脱人们的控制,整个恐龙岛陷入恐慌…… The new entry pays tribute to the original “Jurassic Park” series in many ways. It’s not difficult for Jurassic fans to find the allusions: the gate of the resort, for example, looks exactly like the one in the 1993 movie, and the statue of Jurassic Park’s creator John Hammond from the first two entries of the series is present. 《侏罗纪世界》对《侏罗纪公园1》的致敬随处可见。对“侏罗纪公园”的粉丝而言,其中的影射更是显而易见:比如公园的大门,几乎就是93年《侏罗纪公园》中的翻版;其中还竖起了前两部中公园创始人约翰?哈蒙德博士的塑像。 Last month blockbuster “Avengers: Age of Ultron” also included many twists related to its previous films and other Marvel superh eroes. But in “Jurassic Park” these details are just Easter eggs. They don’t keep newcomers from understanding the storyline and enjoying this exhilarating film. 相比上个月同样处处致敬上一部影片、满满漫威英雄梗的《复仇者联盟2》,《侏罗 纪公园》(的致敬)更像是细节上的小彩蛋,丝毫不会让没有看过前作的观众一头雾水,每个人都能享受到这部电影令人兴奋之处。 The original “Jurassic Park” set the bar high, and the first two sequels failed to live up to fans’ expectations. They updated the park’s technology, darkened the storyline and made the monsters much meaner, but nothing more.


斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格 生平(experience) Steven spielberg was born in Cincinnation on December 18, 1946, his father is a computer expert, his mother is a well versed(通晓的,有造诣的) classical musician . Spielberg like adventure and fantasy when he was a child. On his 12 years old birthday, his father gave him a pocket camera, which made him more fascinated to a movie. 斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格1946年12月18日诞生于俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市,其父是个电子计算机专家,其母是位颇有造诣的古典乐演奏家。斯皮尔伯格自小便喜欢冒险与幻想。12岁生日那天,其父送给了他一架袖珍摄影机,这使他对拍电影更为着迷。 He enrolled in bachelor of film art During the university, for some reason until he became famous did he obtain relevant degree in 2002. While spielberg do some part-time job as a film-editor during study, and finailly into a formal director. 大学期间它修读的是电影制作艺术学士,由于某种原因一直到成名多年后,于2002年才取得相关学位。而修读期间斯皮尔伯格由剪辑做起一路转为正式导演。 Early directing (前期执导) In his 40 years of film career, spielberg has hit a variety of themes and types. Spielberg gave priority to science-fiction and adventure films , its sometimes focus on children, regarded as typical modern Blockbuster(大成本)of production of Hollywood. 在四十年的电影生涯中,斯皮尔伯格曾触及多种主题与类型。斯皮尔伯格早期以拍摄科幻小说与冒险电影为主,其有时聚焦于儿童,被视为现代好莱坞大成本(Blockbuster)电影制作的典型。 Late directing(执导后期) Spielberg's later work began to extend to the holocaust(大屠杀), slavery, war and terrorism, etc, "schindler's list", "saving private Ryan" was the Prominent 斯皮尔伯格后来的作品则开始将触角延伸至犹太人大屠杀、奴隶制度、战争与恐怖主义等题材,比较突出的有《辛德勒的名单》、《拯救大兵瑞恩》。 Recently(近年)


经典英文电影 肖申克的救赎***** 一个真正被错判杀妻的银行家关在狱中19年后逃亡的故事,影片所表现着沉默的力量和自由的可贵,同时对人的本性和社会的意识作了思考。即使是在达到目的的过程中,我们也必须对生活充满了热爱和不屈,帮助别人也就在救赎自己。一部值得看多遍的电影。 阿甘正传*** 一个低能儿的带点传奇的人生故事,该片告诉我们在人的内心里,就有一股不竭的对完美的追求的动力。 教父The Godfather 1972年8.9 科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交椅应属众望所归。虽然评论界一致对《教父》系列的第2集推崇有佳,但大多数影迷似乎还是对《教父》情有独钟,这可能与马龙·白兰度极具个人魅力的表演有关,直到今天他那种含糊沙哑的声音与神秘莫测的表情都依然叫人着迷。 .《辛德勒的名单》Schindler's List 1993年8.8 斯皮尔伯格在《大白鲨》、《夺宝奇兵》、《外星人》、《紫色》四次与奥斯卡失之交臂后,终于在辛德勒和无数犹太难民的帮助下捧得金像。 费城故事汤·汉克斯主演,奥斯卡奖,丹?华盛顿也是主演,那时他没现在这么有名。被经常提起的法律电影,一个同性恋律师控告其事务所的“劳动争议”案件。信息丰富。好电影啊,犹记被告方女律师在一次短陈述中连用八个“fact”的排比句,生动非常,尽现律师功力。 当幸福来敲门***** 一个丈夫,在困难时刻妻子离去;一个父亲,在任何时刻都能为儿子带来教育和快乐。一个黑人成功的故事,影片的大致构思可以说是很普通的,但是在细节方面因为演员本身高超的演技和表现父子之间的亲切关怀,能给人持久的震撼。 《勇敢的心》Braveheart 1995年8.1随着梅尔·吉布森大呼一声"Freedom",他不但征服了奥斯卡的评委,也征服了十之八九的影迷。 美丽心灵***** 影片以诺贝尔经济学奖得主纳什的真实生活


Hello,everyone.Today I’d like to introduce Hayao Miyazaki and his cartoons to you. Let’s look at some posters.Have you ever seen or listened these movies?Monster Princess,My Neighbor Totoro,Castle in the Sky,Kiki's Delivery Service,Spirited Away,Howl's moving castle.Well,All those movies are created by Hayao Miyazaki,who is a Japanese manga artist and prominent film director and animator of many popular anime feature films.He is a legend(传奇) of Japanese animation industry. I will introduce it in the following parts,The Introduction of Hayao Miyazaki,Some Representative films,Some sceneries in the films and The main ideas expressed in the films. The first part is the Introduction of Hayao Miyazaki.He is born in Tokyo in January 5th,1941.and his family owned a factory that built airplanes.fell in love with planes and flying at the early age.If you are familiar with his films,you must have seen the often breathtaking flying scenes that are his personal trademark. At that time,Television cartoons are big business in Japan, where around 40 new animated TV series are produced every week.Having produced some of Japanese TV animations, Miyazaki found that television was too restrictive,and prefered to make full-length animated movies. These are his experiences in animation.he joined toei animation in April 1963 and worked as an animator.In 1984,”Nausicaa of the Valley of the wind”was released,which was a

'Songwriter and Showman' U2 official website

To mark the 70th birthday of his friend Mick Jagger, Bono spoke to the journalist Martin Scholz for Germany's Welt am Sonntag. 为庆祝好友米克-贾格尔(Mick Jagger)70岁生日,波诺(Bono)应德国《周日世界报》(Welt am Sonntag)之邀接受了该报记者马丁-舒尔茨(Martin Scholz)的采访。 The pair had a wide-ranging conversation ranging from how Bono got to know Mick to the continuing influence of The Rolling Stones and Martin kindly agreed to translate the interview into English for https://www.wendangku.net/doc/212619849.html,. 两人进行了广泛的交流,谈到了波诺和米克的相识,滚石乐队经久不衰的影响力等话题。应U2官网之邀,马丁欣然同意将本次采访译成英文。 Die Welt:Bono, is it true, that, as a young man, you once fell asleep while attending your first Rolling Stones concert? 《世界报》:波诺,你年轻时第一次去看滚石的演唱会,观看途中睡着了,有这事吗? Bono:That's true. That was in Madison Square Garden in New York. But it didn't have anything to do with the performance of the Stones. It had to do with the fact that on that day I had just arrived in New York from the other side of the world. And during the concert the jetlag just brought me to my knees, I was so tired. 波诺:有。那是在纽约麦迪逊广场花园。不过那与滚石的表演一点关系也没有。那天我刚从世界的另一边到达纽约。演唱会途中,因为时差还没倒过来,我感觉双膝无力,累得不行。Die Welt:A Stones concert in general isn't associated with silence, you have to be pretty exhausted to fall asleep with all that noise surrounding you. 《世界报》:滚石的演唱会一般不跟安静沾边,周围这么闹,只有很累了才睡得着。Bono:Even if this may sound peculiar to you, I can easily fall asleep when the music is really loud. I once dozed off during a Sonic Youth gig: that didn't have anything to do with their music either, but with my exhaustion on that evening. As far as the Stones concert in Madison Square Garden is concerned, I remember clearly that I found it very exciting when I saw them for the first time live. I thought to myself: "Okay, Bill Wyman is the mother, Charlie Watts is the father. And then there are these three unruly kids, Mick, Keith and Ron, running around the stage." 波诺:音乐声很吵的时候我也可以轻易就入睡了,你听起来可能会觉得奇怪。我曾经就在音速青年(Sonic Youth)的一场演出上睡着了:那次也跟他们的音乐没有关系,而是跟我那天晚上实在太累了有关。至于滚石在纽约麦迪逊广场花园的那场演唱会,我清楚地记得我第一次看他们的现场,很是兴奋。我心想:“哦,终于搞清楚了,比尔·怀曼(Bill Wyman )就像妈妈,查理·沃兹(Charlie Watts)就像爸爸。三个任性顽皮的孩子,米克,基斯,罗恩在台上到处跑。” Die Welt:When did you and Mick Jagger meet for the first time? 《世界报》:你和米克-贾格尔第一次见面是什么时候?


拯救大兵瑞恩英文影评 The soldiers assigned to find Pvt. Ryan and bring himhome can do the math for themselves. The Army Chief of Staff has ordered them on the mission for propaganda purposes: Ryan's return will boost morale on the homefront, and put a human face on the carnage at Omaha Beach. His mother, who has already lost three sons in the war, will not have to add another telegram to her collection. But the eight men on the mission also have parents--and besides, they've been trained to kill Germans, not to risk their lives for publicity stunts. ``This Ryan better be worth it,'' one of the men grumbles In Hollywood mythology, great battles wheel and turn on the actions of individual heroes. In Steven Spielberg's ``Saving Private Ryan,'' thousands of terrified and seasick men, most of them new to combat, are thrown into the face of withering German fire. The landing on Omaha Beach was not about saving Pvt. Ryan. It was about saving your skin. The movie's opening sequence is as graphic as any war footage I've ever seen. In fierce dread and energy it's on a par with Oliver Stone's ``Platoon,'' and in scope surpasses it--because in the bloody early stages the landing forces and the enemy never meet eye to eye, but are simply faceless masses of men who have been ordered to shoot at one another until one side is destroyed. Spielberg's camera makes no sense of the action. That is the purpose of his style. For the individual soldier on the beach, the landing was a chaos of noise, mud, blood, vomit and death. The scene is filled with countless unrelated pieces of time, as when a soldier has his arm blown off. He staggers, confused, standing exposed to further fire, not sure what to do next, and then he bends over and picks up his arm, as if he will need it later. This landing sequence is necessary to establish the distance between those who give the order that Pvt. Ryan be saved, and those who are ordered to do the saving. For Capt. Miller (Tom Hanks) and his men, the landing at Omaha has been a crucible of fire. For Army Chief George C. Marshall (Harve Presnell) in his Washington office, war seems more remote and statesmanlike; he treasures a letter Abraham Lincoln wrote consoling Mrs. Bixby of Boston, about her sons who died in the Civil War. His advisors question the wisdom and indeed the possibility of a mission to save Ryan, but he barks, ``If the boy's alive we are gonna send somebody to find him--and we are gonna get him the hell out of there.'' That sets up the second act of the film, in which Miller and his men penetrate into French terrain still actively disputed by the Germans, while harboring mutinous thoughts about the wisdom of the mission. All of Miller's men have served with him before--except for Cpl. Upham (Jeremy Davies), the translator, who speaks excellent German and French but has never fired a rifle in anger


英文电影简介 1、国王的演讲 《国王的演讲》(The King's Speech)是一部由汤姆·霍珀指导,科林·费斯、杰弗里·拉什主演的英国电影。影片于第35届多伦多电影节获得了最高荣誉观众选择大奖。获2011年第83届奥斯卡提名名单上,《国王的演讲》获得12项提名,并最终拿到最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角、最佳原创剧本四项大奖。科林·费斯凭借本片获得金球奖最佳戏剧片男主角。影片还获得金球奖、美国制片人公会、导演公会和影视演员公会奖等多项提名和奖项。 剧情:1936年英王乔治五世逝世,本该继位的爱德华八世不爱江山爱美人,选择了退位。王位留给了艾伯特王子,也就是后来的乔治六世。当时的乔治六世不但不想做国王,还有着严重的口吃。为了改掉这个毛病,他找来了语言治疗师罗格. 国王成功了。播音室门开了,大家为国王鼓掌。国王再次面向罗格:“谢谢你,罗格,我的朋友。国王携妻子和一双女儿走到阳台上,向民众致意。国王得到了臣民们热烈的拥戴。” 从此以后,每次演说,罗格都陪伴在国王身边。乔治六世的演讲极大地鼓舞了人民抗击希特勒的斗志。1944年乔治六世授予罗格皇家维多利亚勋章。国王和罗格在余生的岁月中始终保持好朋友的关系 2、卢旺达饭店 《卢旺达饭店》(Hotel Rwanda)是一部由英国、南非、加拿大和意大利四国于2004年共同拍摄的电影。此片是第77届奥斯卡提名影片,一部会让我们灵魂受到强烈震颤的电影,电影成功得做到了不忘记历史的目的。该片取材于发生在1994年的卢旺达大屠杀,以此为背景由真人真事所改编,讲述了一位卢旺达胡图族饭店经理保罗·路斯沙巴吉那(Paul Rusesabagina)在种族仇杀中设法挽救1268位图西族及胡图族难民的故事。 电影剧情 1962年,卢旺达宣布独立后,胡图族与图西族两部族之间矛盾重重,多次发生冲突,战事持续不断。 1994年4月6日,一架载着卢旺达胡图族总统朱韦纳尔·哈比亚利马纳和布隆迪总统西普里安·恩塔里亚米拉的座机在卢旺达首都基加利上空被火箭击落,两国元首同时罹难。4月7日,空难在卢旺达国内引发了胡图族与图西族两族的互相猜疑,从而爆发了一场规模空前的武装冲突和种族大屠杀,令世界震惊的人间惨剧拉开了帷幕。被胡图族种族主义者控制的广播电台也为大屠杀的行为煽风助阵,他们叫嚣着“让一切的郁积都爆发出来吧。在这样一个时刻,鲜血将滚滚而出”,失控的人群在媒体的号召下四处搜寻和杀死图西族人,空气中弥漫着血腥的味道。 当一个国家陷入了疯狂,世界也闭上了双眼时,有一个名叫保罗·卢斯赛伯吉纳的饭店经理却敞开了温暖的怀抱,他经营着当地一家云集着欧洲游客和军界政要的米勒·科林斯饭店,八面玲珑地运用着一切关系尽心地呵护着饭店的顾客们。保罗是胡图族人,而他的妻子塔莎娜(苏菲·奥康尼多饰)却是图西族的,对他而言,在动荡的时局中,保护他的图西族的亲戚与朋友成为了一生中面临的最大使命与挑战。联合国维和部队的无所作为和与世界媒体的隔绝使得保罗夫妇二人和在饭店中避难的1268名当地居民更加坚定了活下去的信心与勇气,“我们一定让全世界都无地自容地去采取应有的行动”。事态越来越严重,百日之内竟有约100万人死于非命,但米勒·科林斯饭店却成为了嗜血荒漠中的一片生命绿洲 3、心灵捕手 《心灵捕手》是一部由格斯·范·桑特于1997年导演的电影,取景地点是马萨诸塞州的波士顿。影片讲述了一个名叫威尔·杭汀 (Will Hunting)的麻省理工学院的清洁工的故事。威尔在数学方面有着过人天赋,却是个叛逆的问题少年,在教授辛·马奎尔和朋友查克的帮


1、《教父》The Godfather 1972年8.9 科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交椅应属众望所归。虽然评论界一致对《教父》系列的第2集推崇有佳,但大多数影迷似乎还是对《教父》情有独钟,这可能与马龙·白兰度极具个人魅力的表演有关,直到今天他那种含糊沙哑的声音与神秘莫测的表情都依然叫人着迷。 2、《肖申克的救赎》The Shawshank Redemption 1994年8.9 这部被称为《刺激1995》的影片在中国影迷间也有极好的口碑,可见电影超越国界的神奇之处。 3、《辛德勒的名单》Schindler's List 1993年8.8 斯皮尔伯格在《大白鲨》、《夺宝奇兵》、《外星人》、《紫色》四次与奥斯卡失之交臂后,终于在辛德勒和无数犹太难民的帮助下捧得金像。 4、《公民凯恩》Citizen Kane 1941年8.8 无需多言的电影里程碑,神童奥逊·威尔斯可一不可再的惊世之作。 5、《卡萨布兰卡》Casablanca 1942年8.7 永远的《北非谍影》,永远的英格丽·褒曼 6、《教父续集》The Godfather: Part II 1974年8.7 教父续集》中科里昂尼家族兴起的历史与麦克血腥的奋斗形成了完美的对仗,这种平行蒙太奇的运用深得评论界的赏识,此片的成功也巩固了艾尔·帕西诺和罗伯特·德尼罗两位意裔影帝的地位。 7、《七武士》Shichinin no samurai 1954年8.7 这可能不是大师黑泽明最出色的作品,但确实是他最好看的作品,它对世界电影的影响早已不是一个简单的东方武侠故事。 8、《星球大战》Star Wars 1977年8.7 对每个出生于50到70年代的美国人而言,他们几乎都喜欢被人被称作"Star Wars Generation"(《星球大战》的一代),星战系列应该是拥有影迷人数最多的系列电影了,还记得99年推出《星战前传》时掀起的狂潮么? 9、《美国美人》American Beauty 1999年8.6 这部电影能入选到TOP10有点叫人惊讶,美国特有的中产阶级影片。 10、《飞跃疯人院》One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 1975年8.6 米洛斯·福尔曼和杰克·尼克尔森两人共同的颠峰,一堂影视表演的必修课。 11、《奇爱博士》r.Strangelove 1964年8.6 库布里克讽刺冷战的黑色幽默经典,"未来三部曲"的首部,对一个没有那段历史经历的中国观众而言,此片未必会得到这样的高分。 12、《卧虎藏龙》Wo hu zang long 2000年8.6 李安真的拍了部了不起的电影。 13、《后窗》Rear Window 1954年8.6 希区柯克的经典,詹姆斯·斯图尔特和格蕾丝·凯莉的搭配就如同现今布拉德·彼特和朱丽娅·罗伯茨合作一样抢眼。 14、《夺宝奇兵》Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981年8.6 在英国《完全电影》(Total Film)杂志评选的最伟大的50个银幕英雄(又是个TOP一族)中,哈里森·福特饰演的印第安纳·琼斯雄居榜首,斯皮尔伯格还是拍这样的东西比较划算。

英语故事-Steven Spielberg (2)

英语故事 Steven Spielberg (2) 为何斯皮尔伯格能成为叱咤风云的银幕大师? Steven Spielberg (2)One key to Spielberg’s success is his urge for cost control. With all its effects, The Lost World cost about $75 million, peanuts compared with Speed 2: Cruise Control, heading for $140million, and The Titanic, sailing past the $200 million mark. During an Amistad pre production conference, Spielberg flummoxed Katzenberg and DreamWorks film exec Walter Parkes by demanding that the already relatively frugal $56 million budget be cut an additional $20 million. “I saw The English Patient,” he said. “I know we can do this for less.”Because of weather troubles during the New England location shooting, Spielberg didn’t save quite as much as he wanted. But, as Katzenberg says, “The budget has a three in front of it.” As he prepares a shot on the Amistad set, Spielberg muses,


Hello,everyone.Today I’ll introduce a very famous movie star to u.First,let me show u a very short video. Ok.And if u know him,u can put ur hands up. A;Hiddleston was born in Westminster, London.His family has 5 members ,and he has two sisters. He attended the Dragon School preparatory school[6] in Oxford, and by the time he was 13, he boarded at Eton College. During this time, his parents were going through a divorce(离婚). He stated, "I think I started acting because I found being away at school while my parents were divorcing really distressing." Tom continued on to Pembroke['pembruk] College at the University of Cambridge, where he earned a double first in Classics. He proceeded to study acting at the Royal Academy [?'k?d?mi](ca重读) of Dramatic [dr?'m?t?k] Art, from which he graduated in 2005.[11] He is known for playing the character of Loki in the Marvel Studios f ilms Thor, The Avengers, and Thor: The Dark World. He has also appea red in Steven Spielberg(斯皮尔伯格)’s First World War film War Hors e, The Deep Blue Sea, Woody Allen’s romantic comedy Midnight in Pari s, and the romantic vampire film Only Lovers Left Alive. And so on. By the way there is something I have to mention. Tom speaks 7 languages. British English French Spanish Italian Greek German Russian What a talented man right? As far as i am aware, he basically ['bes?kli] can do everything he wants. Indeed [?n'did] he teaches me a lot. I have to say Tom Hiddleston changed me completely. His modesty ['m?d?st?](谦逊) and kindness suddenly make me feel like "how small i am!" Yes it's true that


英文简历之瘦身有道-英文简历模板-第一范文网 一份好的简历之精髓就在吸引力这三个字上。你的简历必须有足够的attractive(魅力),吸引hr给你面试机会。说到魅力,也许你的脑袋里立刻闪现出许多女人味十足的面孔。好简历的魅力也是一样:凹凸有致、魔鬼身材自然引人注目。 好简历之瘦身有道 现在的求职场面确实有点像海选,于是就有人硬是把简历变成了几十页的宣传专刊,还要加上写真照,甚至出现了光盘简历。 如果你没有李清照的文笔或者斯皮尔伯格的导演才华,厚厚的简历只会让阅读者头大,迅速把你扔进人才库,面试的机会及其渺茫。明智的做法是交出言简意赅的简历,把全面展示自己的欲望留在面试中。 其实一份好的简历不过由个人资料、教育经历、工作/实践经历和自我评价或职业目标四部分组成。把相关信息表述清楚,从应聘工作出发让你的简历更有针对性。在用人单位的要求与你的优势之间,选择一个最佳卖点,再用一句精炼的话表达出来。教育和实践经历尽量挑选意义重大同时与应聘行业关联性强的加入简历中。 所以,打造苗条简历的原则即是:没有废话,只有关键词。你可以用一些简短的说明替代长段落,从而达到简捷的效果。若你的信息能有效地在一页简历中表现出来,就请不要用第二页。简历的上限是两页,除非你是一位科研工作者,才有必要在简历中为你的著作和研究成果列一个清单。 想知道简历是否瘦身成功,不妨从以下几点进行检验:

1.素材有效 问问自己:各类素材想说明什么能力/品质,与定位符合吗?素材难以归纳,则为无效素材,白白占用简历空间。素材归纳与定位不一致,则是画蛇添足。素材过于大众化,未加入个人特色,简历缺乏亮点。 tips:将素材和定位词结合,围绕定位词组织语言。 2.亮点突出 找5个同学或朋友阅读你的简历,问他们对简历中什么印象最深刻。如果大家什么都没记住,或者每个人记住的内容完全不一致,则说明简历没有亮点或特色不突出。 tips:自认为有亮点就一定要体现在简历上,亮点可用粗体显示,给人留下更深印象。 清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰,记住这句话你的简历自然不会臃肿。 好简历之曲线丰满 回答下面一个问题:简历要吸引谁?a)hr工作人员,b)hr部门领导,c)公司高层。这个问题其实很简单,答案是d他们所有人! hr工作人员关注简历的规范性;hr部门领导关注简历所体现的知识、能力结构和价值观;公司高层则注意简历亮点,大领导拿到手里的简历都是百里挑一,只有那些有亮点的才能被高层钦点面试。 正所谓众口难调,如果只在意简历的篇幅,而使有效信息得不到体现,那瘦身无疑会造成营养不良。所以我们要在简历中将更有价值和吸引力的信息进行突出,以吸引更多人的眼球。 数字是最直观的表现形式,所以尽量可能用数字来表明你的成绩和经


斯皮尔伯格在哈佛毕业典礼演讲稿(中 英文对照) Thank you, thank you, President Faust, and Paul Choi, thank you so much. 非常感谢Faust校长、Paul Choi校长谢谢你们。 It's an honor and a thrill to address this group of distinguished alumni and supportive friends and kvelling parents. We've all gathered to share in the joy of this day, so please join me in congratulating Harvard's Class of XX. 非常荣幸能被邀请成为哈佛XX年毕业典礼的演讲嘉宾,在众位优秀的毕业生、热情的朋友和诸位家长前做演讲。今天让我们一起,祝贺XX届哈佛毕业生顺利毕业。 I can remember my own college graduation, which is easy, since it was only 14 years ago. How many of you took 37 years to graduate? Because, like most of you, I began college in my teens, but sophomore year, I was offered my dream job at Universal Studios, so I dropped out. I told my parents if my movie career didn't go well, I'd re-enroll. 我记得我自己的大学毕业典礼,这不难,因为就是14年以前的事情。你们当中的多少人花了37年才毕业?因为就

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