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unit 6 script

C laudia: What?

T ara: Co n fess! Yo u're always too busy to go shopping! You didn't have any yogurt. You were h ungry. It was late!

You waited until everyone went to bed and then you slowly entered the.kitchen,you made sure no one was

there,then you carefully took this spoon and - very quietly - opened the refrigerator door and ate Sun-

hee's yogurt!

C l audia: Uokingly) No! No! I t's not true!

M ike: (enters apartment using key) Hey,everyone! (to Tara while taking spoon and walking towards fridge) Thanks. Nice hat! (to all while eating yogurt) What's up?

Track 2-5-0L-IO

Li sten to the story summary. Fill in the blanks with what you hea r.

Tara asks everyone to help her solve a "crime." She thinks that i t's very likely one of the friends stole Sun-hee's

yogurt because they all have a key to the apartment. While Tara is showing everyone the "weapon"一a clean,dry spoon - Roberto says that he has an alibi and didn't do it. Tara says she knows he didn't do it and that Claudia did it! Claudia is saying that it isn't true,when Mike suddenly walks in,goes to the refrigerator,takes out some yogurt,and eats it! Finally everyone knows who the "thief' really is.

Unit 6,Lesson A

Track 2-6-1

A.Li sten to Manolo and Galina talking about how they learn vocabulary. Then complete the sentence. Circle the correct


Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina,le t's get some lunch before our next class.

Okay. Wow,that English test was difficult!

I know.

For me,the hard part is the vocabulary. I just can't remember it al l. Well,there are things you can do-...

Track 2-6-2

B.Li sten to the rest of the conversation. Manolo gives Galina some study tips. Look at the pictures. Check the things

Manolo does.

Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina: Manolo: Galina: Galina,let's get some lunch before our next class.

Okay. Wow,that English test was difficult!

I know.

For me,the hard part is the vocabulary. I just can't remember it al l.

Well,there are th i ngs you can do ...


Yeah. One thing I do is label things in English.

What do you mean?

For example,I write the word chair on a small piece of pape r. Then I put the paper on a chair in my ho u se.

Hmmm ... Good idea.

And here's another idea: When I learn a word,I also learn related words.

For example?

Well,when I learned the word film,I made a note of a similar word ...


T eac h e r's Manual唱


M anolo: Exactly! Then I added related words like actor and movie star,and verbs like rent and see. Here's another idea ...

Track 2-6-3

B.Li sten to the conversation. What are Mia and justin looking for? Where are they?

M ia: Come on,justin. Le t's go. The concert starts in an hou r.

j ustin: O K,I'm coming.

M ia: Do you have the tickets?

j ustin: Yes,they're here in my jacket. Oh,wait a minute.

M ia: Wha t's wrong?

j ustin: I can't find the tickets. They're not in my pocket.

M ia: Oh on! Where are they? Are they in the desk?

j ustin: I don't think so.

M ia: Try to remembe r. Maybe they're in your backpack.

j ustin: Wait…I found them. They were in my other jacket. Let's go.

Track 2-6-4

D.Memory game. Look again at the picture in lA. Study it for ten seconds. Then turn back to this page. Work with a

partne r. Ask and answer questions,and see who remembers more. Use the expressions of di仔erent degrees of certainty.

A: Is there a man wearing a checked jacket at the party?

B:I'm not sure.

A: Are there eight women in the picture?

B: I think so.

Track 2-6-5

B. Talk about your "dream house" with your partne r. You may follow the sample dialogue.

A: What did your house look like?

B: My house was light blue. The house was not big,but it had a lot of windows. I like light.

A: Hmmm... your house had a lot of windows. Maybe you are an outgoing and friendly person.

A: What did your living room look like?

B: My living room was spacious. There were sofas,a table,a big screen TV,and a stereo. I like to entertain my friends in the living room.

A: Hmmm... you like to entertain your friends. This shows your feelings about other people.

Track 2-6-6

E. Think of a strange dream you had. Tell your partner about it. Then switch roles.

When I was a small kid I had a dream that I grew up overnight and fell in love with my favorite film star Zhou Runfa.

When I was young I had a terrible dream. I don't remember all the details,but a gigantic dinosaur was chasing me. I was scared. I screamed,and then I woke up.

Track 2-6-0L-I

A.Li sten to three people describing their dreams. Number the pictures as you listen.

唱68 Teache内Manual

Conversatio n 1

W oman: Morning,Simon. Wow,you look tired.

M an: Oh,I didn't sleep very well last night. I had a weird dream. I was in a classroo m at sc h ool,but I d i d n't h ave

a ny clothes on! No one looked at me,but I was really embarrassed.

Conversation 2

W oman: jesse,jesse! Wake up! You're having a nightmare.

Male child: Oh,what a terrible dream! I dreamed I was on a dark stree t. Suddenly,there was a large dog behind me. It ran toward me,but I couldn't move.

W oman: Don't worry,jesse. It was only a dream. Go back to sleep.

C onversation 3

M an 1: Morning Tim.

M an 2: Morning. Hey,I had an am a zing dream last ni g ht. I was on a beautiful boat. The s u n was warm and the ocean was really blue. I jumped into the water,and I began to swim with the fis h. The t h ing is,I can't

swim! But in the dream,I could. It was pretty coo l.

Track 2-6-0L-2

B.Li sten again. What was strange about each person's dream? Complete the sentences.

Track 2毡-OL-3

A. You will hear a strange dream about a house. Then complete the sentence by circl i ng t he cor r ect a n swers.

I had an amazing dream last night. I was standing outside of a strange big house. The house was painted pink,a

v e ry rare c olor for a house. It had a lot of big windows,either round or rectangula r. The house h ad large square pillars

and twisted columns. I was thinking there must be a big living room,several bedrooms. a kitche n. and a g u est room i n

such a big house. I was wondering whose house this was when I suddenly heard a voice from somewhere: "My Lord,

welcome h o me." Wow,this was my dream house!

I went inside and walked into my living room. It wa s spacious. There were sofas,a table,a b i g-screen lV,and a

stereo system. It was pretty coo l. All my best friends were there,too. But somehow they didn't speak,didn't smile,and

didn't ev e n move. And then suddenly they all disappeared. I was scared. What a terrible d ream!

I then w e nt to the kitchen. It was also spacious. There were all kinds of kitchen equipment,incl u di n g a gas stove,a refrigerator,and an oven. There were also m a ny el e ctric a ppliances,such as a microwave oven,an electric mi x er,and a

fo od pro c esso r. I liked the food processor the most,which made life much easie r. There was also a di n ing tab l e in the

middle of th e room. The wh o le family wa s sitting around the tab l e,wait i ng fo r the meal to be served. B u t the fridge

wa s empty,and the gas stove didn't work. And there was no electricity at a ll for the microwave oven and the food

processo r. The hungry kids started to cry. I was in despai r. And then suddenly I woke up.

Track 2毡-O L-4

B.Li sten again. Then circle True or False for each sentence. I f a sentence is false,make it true.

Track 2毡-O L-5

A. Y o u will he ar a pas s age about sleep and dreams. Then fill in t h e b l anks about the five stages of sleep.


T e a c h e r's Ma nu a l唱


Sleep and dreams

Scientists know that the brain is very active when a person is sleeping. There are five stages,or parts,of sleep. Stage 1 statts a仕er you fall asleep. If there is a noise or a bright light,you wake up very easily. In Stage 2,your brain waves are velγslow. In Stage 3 and Stage 4,you are in deep sleep. I t's very diffi Cll lt to wake up then. Your body rests and grows during these stages. Stage 5 is when you dream. Your eyes move a lot,and your brain waves are fast. This stage of sleep is very important for your memory. A仕er Stage 5,you wake up a little,and then Stage 1 starts again. We go through the白ve stages of sleep four or five times every night,so we have many dreams in one night.

How much sleep do you need? The answer depends on your age. Babies should sleep fi仕een to sixteen hours evelγ day. Children and teenagers need nine or ten hours of sleep,but older people only need six to eight hours. If you sleep for only four hours one night,you may just feel tired the next day. But many nights of bad sleep can be bad for your health. People who don't get enough sleep get sick more 0仕en. And sleep is very important for learning. I t's one reason why students should go to bed early!

Track 2-6-0L-6

B.Li sten again. Then answer questions.

Track 2-6-0L-7

A. You will listen to a passage about the meaning of dreams. Then complete each sentence by circling the correct answe r. The meaning of dreams

For centuries,people have asked: Why do we dream? What do our dreams mean? Today,science doesn't have definite answers to these questions,but we do know some things about dreams. First,we all dream,。仕en four to five times a night. Second,we don't usually remember most of our dreams. And finally,when we dream,our brains are very active.

Thousands of years ago,people began to study dreams. In many cultures,people believe d. dreams were messages from spirits or gods. Later,the ancient Greeks and Romans had a new idea: Dreams come from a person's mind. Doctors studied dreams to help sick or worried people.

In the past,some cultures used dreams to predict the future. They thought dreams could help a person choose a husband or wife,guess a baby's birthday,or start a business. In some places,this practice is st ilI common.

Today,scientists think dreams are about our thoughts and feelings. Our minds send us messages about our lives. Unfortunately,many messages are 0仕en strange or confusing. People wake up and think: What did that dream mean?

So,how can you understand the messages in your dreams? Think about the events in the dream. What do they say about your life? For example,one common dream is about flying. Sometimes this dream means you feel free or want freedom. Other times it means you feel afraid. What do your dreams tell you about your life?

Track 2翩6-0L-8

B.Li sten again. Then circle True or False for each sentence.

Unit 6,Lesson,B

Global Vi ewpoints

How's your memory?

A gnes: I have a very good memory when it comes to faces and images and drawings and things like that. I don't

remember numbers very wel l. I even forget my ATM code sometimes.

A lyssa: I can usually remember people's names when they tell me. However I can't remember numbers very well. I

need to write down the telephone numbers when people tell them to me.

D aniel: I have a good memory for numbers especially phone numbers. I usually only need to hear it once. I have a

bad memory for foreign languages.

G ian: I have a bad memory for names so I t可to use a characteristic to remind me. Such as Becky is blonde一

Becky blonde. Tom is tall - Tom tal l.

D an: Usually I have a good memory but sometimes I have problems remembering names. Sometimes I have to say

to people "Hey Bro. Hey Sis."

Strange dreams

D ave: When I was a small kid I had a dream that I swam to Europe and bought cheese and I swam back home. The

cheese tasted great.

M ali n da: Last night I had a nightmare that I was lost in the forest and I forgot where I was and when I woke up I was very afraid and I ran out of my room.

A lyssa: Last night I had a dream about a friend who's living very far away from me. W h en I woke up I felt sad

because I miss he r.

Woo Sung: A仕er I saw丁urassic Park"I had a dream that dinosaurs were chasing me and it was really scary.

D an: I had a strange dream where a bird ate me. It was really weird.

City Living

Robe r to's strange dream

Claudia: Roberto: Cl audia: Roberto: Claudia: Roberto: Claudia: Roberto:

Claudia: Roberto: Claudia: Roberto:

Claudia: Roberto: Claudia: Roberto: Claudia: Robe r to Cl audia: Roberto: Claudia: Roberto: Claudia: Hi!


What's the matter?

I had a really strange dream last night.

Really? Do you remember it?

I think so ... maybe ... I don't know. .But it was really weird.

Come on! Try.

Weill remember ... in my dream it was daytime,and I was in my pajamas ... and I saw a man in the street. I stopped and asked him where to buy a ticket.

A ticket? A ticket for what?

I don't know!

And then what happened?

I'm no t-sure…but I remember that I began talking to him,and I really enjoyed it. We laughed a lot. He

reminded me of someone ...

Yeah,and then?

... and then he hugged me! And it was Mike!

No! Really? Do you remember anything else?

No,but something else happened.I'm sure of it.


I got it! We tall也d some more ... and then ... he shook my hand ... and then ... he began to dance ... like this!

Oh,like a ballet dancer?

Yeah. And then ... . I woke up.

This is so scary .. .

Why? What are those?

They were a surprise. I got us two tickets to a show tonight ... the New York City Ballet.

Te a che内Manua l唱


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