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Abstract GridICE Requirements, Architecture and Experience of a Monitoring Tool for Grid Sy

Abstract GridICE Requirements, Architecture and Experience of a Monitoring Tool for Grid Sy
Abstract GridICE Requirements, Architecture and Experience of a Monitoring Tool for Grid Sy

GridICE:Requirements,Architecture and Experience

of a Monitoring Tool for Grid Systems




N.De Bortoli,G.Tortone,INFN,Napoli,Italy


Monitoring a Grid system is an essential activity for the support of operations and management of a Grid system. It must deal with the dynamics,diversity and geographical distribution of the resources available to virtual organiza-tions,and the various levels of abstraction for modeling them.This paper presents the requirements and architec-ture of GridICE,a monitoring service for Grid systems. The experience in the context of production services is also described.


Grid computing is concerned with the virtualization,in-tegration and management of services and resources in a distributed,heterogeneous environment that supports col-lections of users and resources across traditional adminis-trative and organizational domains.

One aspect of particular importance is Grid monitoring, that is the activity of measuring signi?cant Grid resource-related parameters in order to analyze usage,behavior and performance of a Grid system.This activity can also help in the detection of fault situations,contract violations and user-de?ned events.

In[4],two main types of monitoring are identi?ed:in-frastructure monitoring and application monitoring.The former aims at collecting information about Grid resources and possibly maintain the history of observations in order to perform retrospective analysis.The latter aims at en-abling to observe a particular execution of an application; the collected data can be useful for application develop-ment support or to visualize the behavior when running in a machine with no login right access as it is in Grid sys-tems.

In this paper,we focus on the?rst category of moni-toring systems,that is infrastructure monitoring.Firstly, we de?ne terms and concepts relevant to our work.Then, a number of requirements are identi?ed while exploring three real-life scenarios.After that,GridICE is presented as a monitoring service architecture satisfying these requi-rements.Particular attention has been paid to the different categories of consumers of monitoring information.Aggre-gation dimensions such as the Grid operators,Virtual Orga-nization(VO)managers and site administrators have been considered in the design of the proposed system.Next,?Contact author:sergio.andreozzi@cnaf.infn.it

?on leave from NIPNE-HH,Romania

?also af?liated to INFN-LNL,Legnaro,Italy implementation details and experience results are reported. Finally,conclusions are presented together with directions for future work.


In this section,we provide the de?nition of terms and concepts that are related to the monitoring activity.In the context of Grid systems,the most referenced document is [20].A later document provided extensions to the de?ned concepts together with a taxonomy of Grid monitoring sys-tems[22].It is worth to consider also the organization of concepts in other disciplines like the Sensor Web Enable-ment(SWE)activity[5].

In the context of Grid monitoring,we propose the fol-lowing terms.An‘entity’is any networked and useful resources having a considerable lifetime(e.g.processors, memories,disk capacity,etc.).An‘attribute’is a charac-teristic of an entity.A‘measurement’is an instance of a procedure to assign numbers or other symbols to pheno-mena in such a way that relationships of the numbers or symbols re?ect relationships of the attributes of the pheno-mena being observed.A measurement frequently involves an instrument or sensor,moreover it effectively binds a va-lue to a time,location,and to the instrument or procedure used[5].A‘measurement value’is an estimate of a va-lue describing a natural phenomenon,which is characteri-zed by its observable and may include other properties such as quality measures.A‘measurement unit’is a particular quantity,de?ned and adopted by convention,with which other quantities of the same kind are compared in order to express their magnitude relative to that quantity.A‘sensor’is a process monitoring an entity and generating observa-tions.Sensors can be categorized in‘active sensors’(they interact directly with the entity which attribute)and‘pas-sive sensors’(they perform the measurement without inter-acting with the entity,e.g.,by reading log?les).They can be also categorized in‘intrusive sensors’(they can sensiti-vely affect the performance of the entity being monitored during the measurement process)or‘non-intrusive sensors’(run of the sensor does not affect the target entity).

In the monitoring activity of distributes systems,we can identify four main phases[22]:(1)generation,that is sen-sors enquiring entities and encoding the measurement va-lues according to a schema;(2)distribution,that is trans-mission of the measurement values from the source to any interested parties;(3)presentation,that is the processing and abstraction of the received measurement values in or-der to enable the consumer to draw conclusions about the

operation of the monitored system;(4)processing,that is ?ltering or aggregation of the measurement values accor-ding to some prede?ned criteria;this can be performed du-ring the whole monitoring activity.


There are different categories of users that can be inter-ested in monitoring information of a Grid system.In this work,we mainly focus on Grid operators,Virtual Orga-nization managers and site administrators.An analysis of their requirements shows that there are similarities among them so that they can bene?t from an integrated tool offe-ring different views targeted at their speci?c needs.

A?rst common aspect to the different users is the set of measurements to be performed.Typically,there is a wide number of base measurements that are of interest for all parties,while a small number is speci?c to them.What makes the difference is the aggregation criteria required to present the monitoring information.This aspect is in-trinsic to the multidimensional nature of monitoring data. Example of aggregation dimensions identi?ed in GridICE are:the physical dimension referring to geographical loca-tion of resources,the Virtual Organization(VO)dimension, the time dimension and the resource identi?er dimension. As an example,considering the entity’host’and the measurement’number of started processes in down state’, the Grid operator can be interested in accessing the sum of the measurement values for all the core machines(e.g., workload manager,computing element,storage element) in the whole infrastructure,while the Virtual Organization manager can be interested in the sum of the measurement values for all the core machines that are authorized to the VO members.Finally,the site administrator can be interes-ted in accessing the sum of the measurement values for all machines part of its site.

Another aspect that is common to all the consumers is being able to start from summary views and to drill down to details.This feature can enable to verify the composi-tion of virtual pools starting from the aggregated view and focusing on the resource provided by each site.Another advantage is the ability to sketch the sources of problems.

A deeper analysis on the speci?c needs for each cate-gory of users was given in[1].We summarize the set of identi?ed requirements as follows:a Grid monitoring ser-vice should be able to(1)dynamically partition resources and service usage using three criteria:site ownership,ope-rations domain,and virtual organization accessibility;(2) collect data in order to enable retrospective analysis;(3) deal with a large volume of data by carefully introducing reduction mechanisms;(4)collect both?ne-grained and coarse-grained monitoring data;(5)help to detect fault si-tuations and possibly prevent them;(6)provide general vi-sualization and analysis functionalities;(7)rely on a com-mon information model of the Grid resources;(8)adopt interfaces and protocols that are standard within the Grid community;(9)integrate with local monitoring systems,

Figure1:Components deployed in each administrative site when available;and(10)track which machines are running the VO applications,the status and behavior of each ma-chine,and the behavior of the software.


Following the taxonomy of Grid monitoring tools des-cribed in[22],GridICE can be considered as a second le-vel monitoring system with a centralized republisher.This category of systems is characterized by the following com-ponents:(1)sensors performing the measurement process;

(2)producers offering the measurements values by means of a program interface;(3)republisher consuming infor-mation from publishers and reorganizing them for being offered through a potentially different program interface;

(4)consumers reading the monitoring information.These four logical components must be appropriately designed and integrated with other functionalities needed to deal with the dynamics,geographically-distribution and multi-institutional nature of a Grid system.

In Figure1,we can see the logical components that are deployed in an administrative site.For each‘monitored entity’,a set of‘sensors’must be con?gured and instal-led.In our context,sensors are programs that perform observations to compute a certain measurement value ac-cording to a prede?ned measurement schema[16].The schema de?ned in GridICE is an extension of the GLUE Schema[2]where new classes and attributes have been de-?ned for a more complete host-level characterization,Grid jobs related attributes and summary info for batch systems (e.g.,number of total slots,number of worker nodes that are down).

A‘local producer’component takes care of exposing the results of the measurement process performed by the sen-sors.In each site,a‘site collector’performs the aggrega-tion of the site monitoring data in a‘site persistent storage’that can act as a temporary cache or long-term repository for the monitoring data of the whole site.At this stage, the measurement values can be processed and transformed in order to offer new measurements by means of the‘site publisher’.

In Figure2,we can see the republisher component.This is complex and performs several tasks.First of all,by means of a‘discovery’process,new sources of monitoring data are detected and a‘scheduler’component is con?gu-red in order to schedule‘consumer’processes that read the data from the‘site producers’and store them into the‘per-sistent storage’.The discovery process is necessary due





Data Aggregation and Abstraction

Persistent Storage




Figure2:Central republisher architecture

to the dynamic and distributed nature of a Grid.It inter-acts with the Grid Information Service(GIS)to perform its task.The monitoring data inserted into the persistent storage can be processed with data reduction?lters in or-der to limit the grown of the storage.The‘data aggre-gation and abstraction’component enables to perform ag-gregation and?ltering over monitored data concerning the whole Grid system.Finally,there is a number of‘produ-cer’components provided in different?avors,to deal with the diversity of?nal consumers(humans or applications), the delivery pattern(push or pull).Both the‘chart’and the ‘HTML’producers are pull-based and transform the mo-nitoring data in charts or HTML pages respectively.They are meant to be consumed by humans by means of browser programs.Also the‘Noti?cation’is meant for humans even though a push-based delivery pattern is envisioned using publish/subscribe mechanism[3].The‘XML’producer is a pull-based mechanism to offer the monitoring informa-tion to external applications.

In summary,as regards the distribution of monitoring data,the GridICE architecture can be considered a2-level hierarchical model:the intra-site level is within the domain of an administrative site and aims at collecting the monito-ring data at a single logical repository;the inter-site level is across sites and enables the Grid-wide access to the site re-pository.The former is typically performed by a fabric mo-nitoring service,while the latter is performed via the Grid Information Service.In this sense,the two levels are totally decoupled and different fabric monitoring services can be adapted to publish monitoring data to GridICE,thought the proposed default solution is the CERN Lemon tool[14].


The implementation status of GridICE is mature since it is included in production Grid systems since2003(i.e., LCG[15]).The initial design and implementation started in the European DataTAG project[10],while redesign for better usability,stability and reliability has been carried out during the EGEE project[7].

Considering the metering and?rst level of distribution components(see Figure1),we have to discern among the GLUE Schema based measures and the extensions.Consi-dering the former,sensors and producer were already avai-lable in the target Grid middleware(LCG).They consist of information providers containing the metering part and the transformation into the LDIF format[21],suitable for the adopted Grid Information Service(Globus Toolkit MDS 2.x[11]).Considering the latter,the adoption of the Le-mon fabric monitoring tool provides the framework for lo-cal transportation(local producer,local consumer,local persistent storage).By means of a transformation adapter, data stored in the local repository are translated into LDIF format and injected in the GIS.

The second level of distribution is performed by adop-ting the Grid Information Service(GIS).The monitoring data aggregated at the site collector are transformed in or-der to be published by means the GIS.This choice im-plies the decoupling of the intra-site technology dependen-cies from the inter-site,thus enabling the republisher com-ponent to be independent from the internal site changes. The current Grid Information Service in the target produc-tion Grid is the Globus MDS2.x,that is an LDAP-based technology.In the recent evolution of Grid middleware, the de-facto standard GIS is been replaced with different proposals,thus breaking a uniform interface.This poses new requirements to the republisher component,that is new adapters must be developed to deal with different interfaces and protocols for accessing monitoring data.

In the republisher component,the‘discovery’is a set of programs developed to detect and identify new sources of information.The‘consumer’is a program that can be in-voked for each source of information identi?ed during the discovery process.For each invocation,the published data is queried by means of the LDAP protocol and query lan-guage,the content is compared with the result of previous observations and data reduction mechanisms are applied. Finally,the data is inserted in the persistent storage.The ‘scheduler’is based on Nagios[17]and enables to distri-bute and balance the workload due to the huge number of periodical invocations of consumers over the whole set of identi?ed resources.The‘persistent storage’is implemen-ted by means of the PostgreSQL[19],an open source,free, platform independent and data-intensive database manage-ment system.The‘data aggregation and abstraction’de-couples from the speci?c persistent storage and enables to protect it by means of caching functionality.By means of PHP(PHP Hypertext Processor)[18],the data is extracted from the persistent storage,processed to create the neces-sary abstraction for the?nal consumer and encoded in an XML document.The uppermost layer is a set of four dif-ferent publishers:the‘chart’presents the extracted data in a graphical form by means of JpGraph[13],the‘HTML’transforms the XML-based data into the HyperText Mar-kup Language(HTML)by using an XSLT transformation, the‘XML’enables to access the monitoring data in a for-mat suitable for further processing and,?nally,the‘noti-?cation’offers a publish/subscribe mechanism for event-based push delivery(at the moment,only the e-mail format is supported)[3].


The deployment activity covers the whole EGEE Grid with several server instances supporting the work of dif-ferent Grid sub-domains(e.g.,whole EGEE Grid domain, ROC domain,national domain).The republisher com-ponent for the whole EGEE Grid is currently monitoring around200Grid sites working in24?7.Other Grid pro-jects have adopted GridICE for monitoring their resources (e.g.,EUMedGrid[9],EUChinaGRID[8],EELA[6]).

As regards the user experience,GridICE has proven to be useful to different users in different ways.For instance, Grid operators have summary views for aspects such as in-formation sources status and host status.They also rely on the noti?cation capability to drive their attention to emer-ging problems.Site administrators appreciate the job moni-toring capability showing the status and computing activity of the jobs accepted in the managed resources.VO ma-nagers use GridICE to verify the available resources and their status before to start the submission of a huge num-ber of jobs.Finally,GridICE has been positively adopted in dissemination activities where it was used to provide a bird-eye view of a Grid system,but also to drill down to single resources.


Grid monitoring is a complex activity that involves both the infrastructure and user space.In this paper,we have fo-cused on the?rst aspect by describing the requirements,ar-chitectural choices and implementation details of GridICE, a monitoring tool developed speci?cally for Grid systems. This tool deals with the multidimensional nature of moni-toring data and presents abstractions for three main catego-ries of users:Grid operators,site administrators and Virtual Organization managers.

While GridICE has reached a good maturity level in the EGEE project,many challenges are still open in the dyna-mic area of Grid systems.The short term plan is:to extend the discovery and second-level consumer to deal with the existence of different Grid Information Services technolo-gies;to integrate the monitoring activity with site mana-gement information such is the planned downtime;extend the set of sensors in order to monitor the workload mana-gement service and the data transfer activities across Grid sites.

Long term plan envisions a major redesign of GridICE taking into account new capabilities available in the open source software arena like datawarehousing-related fea-tures for modern database management systems,role-based access model to monitoring data and adoption of recent evolution of Web interface design such is the Asynchro-nous JavaScript and XML(AJAX).


This research was partially funded by the European Union under contract number INFSO508833.


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